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So The Coronavirus Is Escalating In Europe

animeman666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Is the virus airborne?

Too many lies online. However, this does not appear to be airborne. If it was fully airborne, woe to every nation that had as little as one victim. Everyone would get infected in a whim if it was airborne.

I think its "Airborne" capacity is around 6 feet if a person sneezes on someone. And that because of droplets.
Lunar Dance 666 said:

If people have started looting hospitals that situation is not good at all. Too much panic = more problems.
Aquarius said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Since the virus also spreads in the eyes should we wear goggles?

To be absolutely honest if this goes into a full 100% pandemic mode, to the point one needs to wear googles outside, then we are talking about a whole new level where googles won't really be of any help.

If the world goes down that road then there is no return from that. The enemy knows this. Even if the virus was only a flu, a globally spread pandemic is a fucked up situation. Only from chaos and mad people outside, the situation will become totally Clown world.

There are eye protection glasses that cost around 5 bucks. These are just normal glasses people wear in labs. These could THEORETICALLY protect to a little extent. Googles that are air sealed may help, but the issue is, if the problem becomes so widespread that one needs to wear googles, the issue won't be manageable anymore.

For example a lot of people have like biohazard suites, but one will need to take the suit out to pee at some point. And the suit itself may have sneezes all over it. So someone has to have a professional machine for disinfection and follow strict protocol. Even if strict protocol is followed, the smallest mistake can make one come down with it.

So IMO, masks, probably gloves and strong immune system, plus aura, plus good diet, is the best thing one can reasonably do. And then self quarantine or home restriction if the issue becomes too widespread. And the regular keep distance from people and so forth.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:

If people have started looting hospitals that situation is not good at all. Too much panic = more problems.

Yes. All the disinfectant is gone from the stores, along with disposable gloves. Im lucky my hands are so small that the household gloves in my size were left lol. I decided to buy a couple of those they're hard to come by as is anyway, so I prefer to buy em in bulk rather than spending hours trying to find a store that has em in my size every month or so..

Anyway, they are panicking exactly BECAUSE there has been literally NOTHING done with it. They're even shutting hospitals down because of the virus (an employee that came down with it).

The local doctors (not sure what to call em) have been refusing to test people for corona.

Even someone with severe respitory complaints has had to call repeatedly and ask over and over again to just get tested.

In the hospital there were some on the IC that came down with pneumonia in an unrelated way. They were not tested.
We are just 'starting' to officially count but there is a serious shortage for masks.

For the work that Im doing, I come in contact with elderly people. I was told that we are not going to be given any measures against the disease aside from that if you end up at a place and someone is unwell that we have to call the local doctor and the locations carecoordinator.. and that they'll be placed in quarantaine.. but itd mean that we have been exposed to this.
And all they tell you to do is not shake hands and clean the doorknobs more often or the things that get touched often and to wash your hands with soap and dry them on a paper towel.
thats literally the entire protocol.

Also update on the numbers.. its 2 AM now so I don't know the count from tomorrow (when this post will be approved) but right now its on 38. It doubled since 2 days ago.

Honestly Im not feeling great. I do not have a fever but my dad thinks he has a cold but hes caughing so much and now my throat doesn't feel great either.
I guess I'll have to wait..
Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:

If people have started looting hospitals that situation is not good at all. Too much panic = more problems.

Yes. All the disinfectant is gone from the stores, along with disposable gloves. Im lucky my hands are so small that the household gloves in my size were left lol. I decided to buy a couple of those they're hard to come by as is anyway, so I prefer to buy em in bulk rather than spending hours trying to find a store that has em in my size every month or so..

Anyway, they are panicking exactly BECAUSE there has been literally NOTHING done with it. They're even shutting hospitals down because of the virus (an employee that came down with it).

The local doctors (not sure what to call em) have been refusing to test people for corona.

Even someone with severe respitory complaints has had to call repeatedly and ask over and over again to just get tested.

In the hospital there were some on the IC that came down with pneumonia in an unrelated way. They were not tested.
We are just 'starting' to officially count but there is a serious shortage for masks.

For the work that Im doing, I come in contact with elderly people. I was told that we are not going to be given any measures against the disease aside from that if you end up at a place and someone is unwell that we have to call the local doctor and the locations carecoordinator.. and that they'll be placed in quarantaine.. but itd mean that we have been exposed to this.
And all they tell you to do is not shake hands and clean the doorknobs more often or the things that get touched often and to wash your hands with soap and dry them on a paper towel.
thats literally the entire protocol.

Also update on the numbers.. its 2 AM now so I don't know the count from tomorrow (when this post will be approved) but right now its on 38. It doubled since 2 days ago.

Honestly Im not feeling great. I do not have a fever but my dad thinks he has a cold but hes caughing so much and now my throat doesn't feel great either.
I guess I'll have to wait..

If there is Vitamin C and Echinachea in a supplement store, it can help and it is to help.

Normal gloves such as cooking gloves, or gloves for washing dishes, can also be used and they will work just fine.

If the Netherlands cannot support the beginning of the virus amd there is already as much chaos, Sister you have to take care of yourself and your family.

Disinfectant if there is none can be made by mixing Ethyl Alcohol and water. Vodka and other bevereges can be used as a last end resort.

My advice is to not make any assumptions about having the virus. Do your aura loyally and daily without fail.
Buongiorno a tutti voi fratelli,io sono italiana,abito in Liguria, una regione che confina con
la "zona rossa"da dove non si può ne entrare ne uscire; posso confermare che sono stati presi provvedimenti molto forti in tutta italia:
scuole,uffici,palestre etc,sono chiuse per ora fino al 15 marzo,sono vietate riunioni ,meeting,
bisogna mantenere distanza di 1,5\2 metri da ogni persona,niente baci abbracci o strette di mano.
I maledetti comunisti (Matteo Renzi &co)invece si lamentano che non era necessario chiudere le scuole e intanto grazie a loro continua lo sbarco di immigrati!!!!
Mascherine e disinfettanti esauriti,disponiamo di un numero limitato di tamponi per COVID-19,
se si sta male non possiamo andare dal dottore,non sui puo portare neanche i nostri bambini dal
pediatra,bisogna chiamare un call center e armarsi di pazienza aspettare che ti rispondano visto che la gente nel panico intasa i centralini per le emergienze.
Ringrazio JOS per tutti i consigli dati mi stanno aiutando ad andare avanti.
continuerò ad aggiornavi sull'evolversi della situazione!
This news came up today, but suddently disappeared and can be found in English only :


there is a document prepared by the experts who support the Presidency of the Council (...) the worst scenario of the crisis is elaborated: a peak of infections that leads to the need for 100 thousand beds between intensive and sub-intensive care. Today there are about 5,000 in public health across the country. By combining those (not many) available in private structures and equipping them in the military structures (which they have) in the shortest possible time, that availability could perhaps be doubled
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
If people have started looting hospitals that situation is not good at all. Too much panic = more problems.

Yes. All the disinfectant is gone from the stores, along with disposable gloves. Im lucky my hands are so small that the household gloves in my size were left lol. I decided to buy a couple of those they're hard to come by as is anyway, so I prefer to buy em in bulk rather than spending hours trying to find a store that has em in my size every month or so..


If there is Vitamin C and Echinachea in a supplement store, it can help and it is to help.

Normal gloves such as cooking gloves, or gloves for washing dishes, can also be used and they will work just fine.

If the Netherlands cannot support the beginning of the virus amd there is already as much chaos, Sister you have to take care of yourself and your family.

Disinfectant if there is none can be made by mixing Ethyl Alcohol and water. Vodka and other bevereges can be used as a last end resort.

My advice is to not make any assumptions about having the virus. Do your aura loyally and daily without fail.

Yes. Update: 82 cases of coronavirus in NL (yesterday was 36, it more than multiplied, the ones that they -double- tested positive, at least..)

I do have vit C laying around actually..

Also here's a picture of the current spread (still on 38 cases as I post it)5:


I did buy some desinfectant a month ago. So its not like I don't have any but it'd be better to have a bit more, just in case.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Aquarius said:
Since the virus also spreads in the eyes should we wear goggles?
Watch this from 6:05 to 7:30. That is how to stay safe. :lol:

Don't try to do it this way https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uft0HXjC0AY  
It doesn't work.
The coronavirus is officially on the news headlines first person invected kazulu natal in South Africa. a 38 year old man and family whet to Italy and returned invected. This is totally krap it's been here for a while. People in South Africa should have been preparing already. Only thing the president is saying there is no need for panic this Jewish doll.
Italy. What I have seen: a person with all symptoms except respiratory problems not visited for 4 days neither by doctors nor by the number provided by the region. Now this person says he's better (for information: does "healed person" become infected?). Other than I have seen : family doctor does not wash his hands in the restaurant.
I am heavily attacked psichically, I do my best. Don't give up!
nera78 said:
Buongiorno a tutti voi fratelli,io sono italiana,

Ciao, in questa sezione del forum si scrive in Inglese, oppure puoi scrivere nella sezione in Italiano.
I'm monitoring situation on worldometers. Info where information about new cases of corona in all infected countries is being updated every few hours but offcourse those numbers that for sure have a small seed of truth within cannot be fully trusted.
That's why I'm very happy that here Sisters and Brothers from around the world can speak up about the situation in their countries. As a free thinking, not believing blindly in lies told to the masses by jew controlled media people we can share our points of view on the situation what can allow Us to prepare better for this what's probably incoming, and if it is incoming some of Us can have better point of view and enough time to warn rest of Our family of incoming breakdown before We are going to be cut off from internet, and what's probably is going to happen next rest of media, all phone communication, then electricity. With proper communication between Sisters and Brothers from around the world some of Us can have a few minutes more to, for example fill bath with water just before water supply will be shot down. Intermediate bath can contain probably around 100l (I'm shooting). That would be up to 40 days for one person ( not working too hard, in good health condition and in not too hot climate). I don't want to scare anybody, and really hope that this epidemy will be contained, but I'm a logic thinking person, and this what I see doesn't look good. Numbers of cases in rich European countries like Germany, France and Italy are raising rapidly from hour to hour. Offcourse these data cannot be fully trusted, that's why I'm asking my Sisters and Brothers to share some information about situation in Their region. I'm a 33 year old Arayan boy from Poland. From more than a year I live in Stockholm with my finnish girl. Local media say at the moment about 94 cases. Sweden is a quite rich country with good health care. Most of its citizens is living in few big cities, rest are spread across countryside what grants them safety. There's no panic at the moment, people aren't walking in masks or anything. I'll be glad to share more information with my Sisters and Brothers about local news on corona from my region and I'm courious how situation looks where You live. Let Us share as much information about situation while We still can. Satan protects
Willmaker said:

Marcus86 said:

I promise you all will be fine as a whole, just like you were during Ebola, SARS, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, West Nile Virus, Mad Cow Disease, etc etc etc and just like you will be fine during the NEXT mass panic.

I see a lot of freaking out over Trump “not preparing,” people not “readying themselves” etc etc. He has some faults. But besides limiting travel into the country, keeping the panicking masses calm, and working with health officials to develop an antiviral or vaccine as these become (although many here have said they aren’t going to use these), what would you have him do? As Lunardance mentioned, this is a virus. And as with the common cold, it has no cure. A previously uninflected person has zero immune system against this as it is completely new on its own. There is no major “preparation” that can be done minus having decent food and water stores and washing your hands, sleeping well and so forth - common sense things. It’s just a fact.

All panic is achieving is DRYING UP stores of foods, masks, and causing excessive economic hardship. Many are buying MORE than they or their family need, leaving little for others or the elderly or disabled who may not be getting to the stores til later than most. Think about that.

Also, do you really think a 2-4% mortality rate, of mainly elderly and otherwise sick people is going to SHUT DOWN the telecommunications, electrical power grid/structure, utilities and internet ... and banking and etc etc as was suggested? Perhaps with mass panic, this could happen. People locking themselves in their houses even when virus free for months on end... or some crazies refusing to ever come out again, major riots of anger towards government for “not preparing enough”... these could cause some issues, you are right. And logically thinking, many folks are actually making MONEY off this panic, investing in stocks at their low points and, as I am typing this I see on a TV, the more greedy are RESELLING FACEMASKS to scared people who can’t find them at stores anymore because people raided the stores in droves.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t be ready, or keeping yourselves in the loop of things, but I can’t help but see many of you don’t know what to think and are just going along with the people who are freaking out... like the “comedians” on YT who start screaming in public and the entire store trampled each other trying to get out of the building... breathe, just... breathe.
FlameFocus said:
Willmaker said:

Marcus86 said:

Reasonable questions don't have to constitute panic. Small countries have every reason to be worried of possible government incompetence. The least panic should be in countries like in the US, but this is inverse. Actually, many European countries have not entered a full panic mode at all. Because people tend to panic less. Which appears paradoxical from a viewpoint of state control.

What this virus may not achieve by a mortality rate, the Jew will make certain it achieves from the panic people rate. They have made people scared and largely misinformed them, only for clickbait.

And this is what may cause the major issues and the sink.

Satanists need to be as much as reasonably prepared, and this doesn't have to be in panic, just awareness of what the panic of others may cause. Others panic because they are misinformed but here everyone is 100% informed if they have followed the topics and the Mega-thread.

We cannot hope out of the larger mass to be calm, especially with the jews on top of it shouting and preparing the grounds for mass panic, mass ignorance, and making disproportionate and deceitful claims.

Therefore, we have to be informed and prepared in ourselves.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-Sensible points-

Indeed. What you are saying I can get behind. Our family here are better able to handle these things than the general populace, and be trusted to make wise decisions that aren’t a detriment to others in the long run. Admittedly, perhaps I didn’t consider this in my initial post. On the other hand, I also care for my fellows, don’t want to see them fearing for their lives unnecessarily . A lot of this may just stem from people not knowing enough about the virus and needing to rely on different sources with varying information and questionable levels of integrity. Though I do also hope it doesn’t come to this, the only good thing about this possibly becoming more widespread like the flu is yearly, is people will have a first hand knowledge of the virus and what to expect, without any guessing or wondering what reports to observe for accurate information.

I did speak from a U.S. standpoint, what you say about panic levels of different countries makes sense. As others have mentioned, the next few weeks will be interesting, that’s for sure. Also curious how the virus will react to extreme summer heat, if it is still around by then.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FlameFocus said:
Willmaker said:

Marcus86 said:

Reasonable questions don't have to constitute panic. Small countries have every reason to be worried of possible government incompetence. The least panic should be in countries like in the US, but this is inverse. Actually, many European countries have not entered a full panic mode at all. Because people tend to panic less. Which appears paradoxical from a viewpoint of state control.

What this virus may not achieve by a mortality rate, the Jew will make certain it achieves from the panic people rate. They have made people scared and largely misinformed them, only for clickbait.

And this is what may cause the major issues and the sink.

Satanists need to be as much as reasonably prepared, and this doesn't have to be in panic, just awareness of what the panic of others may cause. Others panic because they are misinformed but here everyone is 100% informed if they have followed the topics and the Mega-thread.

We cannot hope out of the larger mass to be calm, especially with the jews on top of it shouting and preparing the grounds for mass panic, mass ignorance, and making disproportionate and deceitful claims.

Therefore, we have to be informed and prepared in ourselves.
I mean it is fact though that the US has less hospital space, way less quarantine rooms, and less face mask/hazmat suits than China does. And we're already near capacity from this being flu season. We barely test anyone, New York has tested 35 people in total as of today, which is absolutely pathetic and laughable, whereas South Korea tests around 10,000 people a day and they're still losing control of the situation. I just can't agree with you that the US will be well off in this.
FlameFocus said:
Willmaker said:

Marcus86 said:

I promise you all will be fine as a whole, just like you were during Ebola, SARS, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, West Nile Virus, Mad Cow Disease, etc etc etc and just like you will be fine during the NEXT mass panic.

I see a lot of freaking out over Trump “not preparing,” people not “readying themselves” etc etc. He has some faults. But besides limiting travel into the country, keeping the panicking masses calm, and working with health officials to develop an antiviral or vaccine as these become (although many here have said they aren’t going to use these), what would you have him do? As Lunardance mentioned, this is a virus. And as with the common cold, it has no cure. A previously uninflected person has zero immune system against this as it is completely new on its own. There is no major “preparation” that can be done minus having decent food and water stores and washing your hands, sleeping well and so forth - common sense things. It’s just a fact.

All panic is achieving is DRYING UP stores of foods, masks, and causing excessive economic hardship. Many are buying MORE than they or their family need, leaving little for others or the elderly or disabled who may not be getting to the stores til later than most. Think about that.

Also, do you really think a 2-4% mortality rate, of mainly elderly and otherwise sick people is going to SHUT DOWN the telecommunications, electrical power grid/structure, utilities and internet ... and banking and etc etc as was suggested? Perhaps with mass panic, this could happen. People locking themselves in their houses even when virus free for months on end... or some crazies refusing to ever come out again, major riots of anger towards government for “not preparing enough”... these could cause some issues, you are right. And logically thinking, many folks are actually making MONEY off this panic, investing in stocks at their low points and, as I am typing this I see on a TV, the more greedy are RESELLING FACEMASKS to scared people who can’t find them at stores anymore because people raided the stores in droves.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t be ready, or keeping yourselves in the loop of things, but I can’t help but see many of you don’t know what to think and are just going along with the people who are freaking out... like the “comedians” on YT who start screaming in public and the entire store trampled each other trying to get out of the building... breathe, just... breathe.

I don't understand why do You think that I'm panicking or making others panic. I'm calm like wagon filled with meditating Tibetan monks. All I wanted to say is that with media controlled by jews it would be wise to share information about this case with Our Sisters and Brothers around the world because We can take such information seriously and it can give us some extra time to prepare ourselves if things will go really bad...
Willmaker said:
The coronavirus is officially on the news headlines first person invected kazulu natal in South Africa. a 38 year old man and family whet to Italy and returned invected. This is totally krap it's been here for a while. People in South Africa should have been preparing already. Only thing the president is saying there is no need for panic this Jewish doll.

Greetings fellow South African, it is a fresh breeze to see one of my kin here.

It is not the virus itself I fear, but the chaos, the looting and burning when the hype takes hold after the first few deaths. And deaths there will be. Stay safe, drink whiskey and honey.
Apparently it was a Pakistani that caused the Coronavirus in Italy.

Enrichment has it's benefits!

Coronavirus Patient Zero in Italy Was Pakistani Migrant Who Refused to Self-Isolate


The man believed to be coronavirus patient zero in Italy is a Pakistani migrant refused to self-isolate after testing positive for the virus and continued to deliver food.

Health authorities asked the man to quarantine himself at his home in the Pavia area for two weeks, but he ignored the request and continued to work at a Chinese restaurant.

He then compounded the risk of spreading the virus by making home deliveries of Chinese food.

Authorities were alerted to the situation and the military intervened to return the man to his home.

“The Carabinieri have been busy reconstructing all the movements of the young man, in order to identify as many people as possible with whom he came into contact. In the meantime, the military has closed the Chinese restaurant,” reports Free West Media.

The migrant now faces up to 3 months in jail for failing to self-isolate under article 650 of the Italian penal code.

Italy has recorded a total of more than 3,000 cases of the coronavirus and 148 people have died. The country was the primary source of the virus spreading to numerous other European countries.
The town of Haro in La Rioja, is the first city in Spain in Quarantine


Coronavirus, last minute: Civil Guard deploys in Haro to secure quarantine
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Apparently it was a Pakistani that caused the Coronavirus in Italy.

Enrichment has it's benefits!

Coronavirus Patient Zero in Italy Was Pakistani Migrant Who Refused to Self-Isolate


The man believed to be coronavirus patient zero in Italy is a Pakistani migrant refused to self-isolate after testing positive for the virus and continued to deliver food.

Health authorities asked the man to quarantine himself at his home in the Pavia area for two weeks, but he ignored the request and continued to work at a Chinese restaurant.

He then compounded the risk of spreading the virus by making home deliveries of Chinese food.

Authorities were alerted to the situation and the military intervened to return the man to his home.

“The Carabinieri have been busy reconstructing all the movements of the young man, in order to identify as many people as possible with whom he came into contact. In the meantime, the military has closed the Chinese restaurant,” reports Free West Media.

The migrant now faces up to 3 months in jail for failing to self-isolate under article 650 of the Italian penal code.

Italy has recorded a total of more than 3,000 cases of the coronavirus and 148 people have died. The country was the primary source of the virus spreading to numerous other European countries.
HP i do not think this news is true, i can't find anything in Italy news about it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Apparently it was a Pakistani that caused the Coronavirus in Italy.

Enrichment has it's benefits!

Coronavirus Patient Zero in Italy Was Pakistani Migrant Who Refused to Self-Isolate


The man believed to be coronavirus patient zero in Italy is a Pakistani migrant refused to self-isolate after testing positive for the virus and continued to deliver food.

Health authorities asked the man to quarantine himself at his home in the Pavia area for two weeks, but he ignored the request and continued to work at a Chinese restaurant.

He then compounded the risk of spreading the virus by making home deliveries of Chinese food.

Authorities were alerted to the situation and the military intervened to return the man to his home.

“The Carabinieri have been busy reconstructing all the movements of the young man, in order to identify as many people as possible with whom he came into contact. In the meantime, the military has closed the Chinese restaurant,” reports Free West Media.

The migrant now faces up to 3 months in jail for failing to self-isolate under article 650 of the Italian penal code.

Italy has recorded a total of more than 3,000 cases of the coronavirus and 148 people have died. The country was the primary source of the virus spreading to numerous other European countries.

In Italy the most recent news states that patient zero is a German citizen; but it is not a certainty, they are only hypotheses.
Officially, patient zero has not yet been found and disclosed.
Little was said about the Pakistani, he was too only an hypothesis and then the German case was evaluated.


HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Apparently it was a Pakistani that caused the Coronavirus in Italy.

Enrichment has it's benefits!

Coronavirus Patient Zero in Italy Was Pakistani Migrant Who Refused to Self-Isolate


Immigrants = guests

Guests abusing their hosts deserve punishment. Especially if the abuse causes death, the punishment should be worse than death.

Not this 3 months in jail kind of joke.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Immigrants = guests

Guests abusing their hosts deserve punishment. Especially if the abuse causes death, the punishment should be worse than death.

Not this 3 months in jail kind of joke.
How are things in the Nederland? Still 'Don't worry, just a flu'?

Over here, a family came back from a nice vacation in Bergamo, Italy with a sick kid and the kid got sent to school. It was confirmed that the child has the virus and now the whole school is closed for 2 weeks. According to news, mother of the child sounded like an absent-minded goy.

Stock markets went south today, it seems. Also automotive fuel prices are going down. People are starting to prepare, buying up stuff. The situation is getting pretty interesting...
News are already evident. Italy can be resumed as follows :

- All population is now sealed, like China did (cannot travel except for work in some cases, cannot touch others must keepy +1 meter distance)
- More than 20 prisons revolted against police, some people dead some escaped
- Economy is heavily going down
- Most flights in/out have been cancelled

In the street :
- Buses and trains are desert
- Malls closed on weekends, people are crowding parks and public walks
- Deliveries from online shops are delayed for excess demand
- Disinfectants and masks are a rarity and expensive
- Food seems ok
- jewed government seems panicking, they spread advertisements everywhere, even trucks with speakers inviting people to stay at home
As usual, the Italian government is incapable of dealing with the situation. No wonder when it's made only of people experienced only in finance, economics, demagogy and couch potato-ism, instead of selecting people who have a strong general culture. Now all sports facilities are closed, as if that would make much difference for the contamination. If anything, it also raises the risk in the long-term, because many people will lose the health benefits coming from physical activities, ending up with a worse immune system and thus easier to infect at the supermarket and the workplace. But isn't that what they actually want: spread the contamination, while pretending they want to avoid more infections (in the eyes of superficial and ignorant people) and pretending to take superficial decisions (in the eyes of annoyed people who realise these measures are just harassment of healthy people but don't know the full picture)? Since yesterday, there are also talks of putting military patrols down the roads to ensure people stays at home. These provisions affect the entire country, even the areas with low rates of contagion. Social medias are naturally full with both sides of the debate: endless support to the government (with "slut-shaming" for the other side) and endless opposition of people who think they are immortal (with of course shaming for the other side too).

Let's not also forget how there is (rightfully) discrimination of treatment in hospitals:
• people without previous pathologies have priority over people with prior pathology;
• younger people have priority over older people.

But of course those with previous pathologies (in most of the case self-inflicted because of their immaturity, i.e. smokers, drunktards, drugtards and McDonaldsers) complain against those who have usually enjoyed better health (because of more mature decisions, usually), especially if the latter disregard the ridicul near-ban on physical activity, calling out their alleged (and non-existent) irresponsibility.

If anything, I want to see stricted measures against smokers, alcoholics and junkies. At the very least, measures ON PAR with other European places where you can't smoke in public places, even if open. If not, stricter measures of making tobacco and e-cigs illegal. That's because smokers have crappy lungs and are more likely to die of coronaBeerus than other people. Of course, I don't see this ever happening with the kikes in power. If anything, they'll become even more lax "against" these should-be rejects and keep taking ineffective measures to contain the virus. Thankfully, there is a brighter side to this: the virus might rid us of more smokers, drugtards, drunktards and people who spend too much of their money on McDonald's and related poor-quality food, which would count as a national cleansing. Now, if only this virus could take it to the next level and target more immature, superficial and hypocritical people, of which there is an increasing overabundance, it would make us all a favour.
Apprentice said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Immigrants = guests

Guests abusing their hosts deserve punishment. Especially if the abuse causes death, the punishment should be worse than death.

Not this 3 months in jail kind of joke.
How are things in the Nederland? Still 'Don't worry, just a flu'?

Over here, a family came back from a nice vacation in Bergamo, Italy with a sick kid and the kid got sent to school. It was confirmed that the child has the virus and now the whole school is closed for 2 weeks. According to news, mother of the child sounded like an absent-minded goy.

Stock markets went south today, it seems. Also automotive fuel prices are going down. People are starting to prepare, buying up stuff. The situation is getting pretty interesting...

Exactly. Lol look at this map:

They put: Netherlands
Confirmed 321
Deaths: 4
Recovered 317
Active: 0

You can clearly see who filled this in. Wtf. Ill make a printscreen of this.


27-2: 1
28-2: 2
29-2: 7
1-3: 10
2-3: 18
3-3: 24
4-3: 38
5-3: 82
6-3: 128
7-3: 188
8-3: 264
9-3: 321
Source here: https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152286/corona-320-besmettingen-56-gevallen-erbij/
Today at 1 pm we'll get new numbers. They only update once a day.

As for the people that are sick.
There is no quarantaine for people that came from italy.
The kids are send home though for 14 days it seems, but I heard someone say that the parents are complaining because they have to work and they can't look after the kids when they're at home.
Also that some kids do not have school for 2 weeks at all because a teacher went on holiday and he's saying home for 14 days because it'd be irresponsible to potentially cause the entire class to be sick.

Also you can't blame the child for the responsibility of the parent. Especially if they're not able to properly think for themselves yet, which is basicly at least up till age 10-12.

And yes they still just treat it like the flu. Do not shake hands. Wash your hands often. Cough and sneeze into your elbow. If you can work from home.
Oh and clean the doorhandles more often (my work protocol).
Use disposable tissues. Dry your hands on paper towel ... But not everyone has that laying around ya know.
All Italy is sealed now...I'm not worried about the Virus I'm worried about the economy...this Leftist government is doing on purpouse. We need to do more Final Rtr so it can all backfire on them. The good news is that all the church in Italy are closed until next month, i know that they can pray from home but i think this is going to give us a little boost.
In Germany, even though politicians mentioned not to go in places where a lot of people gather, teachers, professors and kindergarten teachers are given projects and activities such as going to political events and parks.

Even though some politicians say 50% of the truth, the real actions of trying to spread the virus as much as possible is happening in the shadows, everyone should stay woke and think twice before doing something someone in a higher position than you tells you to do.

I've had people trying to make me think it's nothing serious and that I should ignore everything so badly that it's too obvious now.
In Italy in recent news broadcast on television there is a tendency to link Italy to China because of the entire red zone and how China has contained the infection.
They do not offer an articulate and sensible speech regarding the Chinese form of government, the violence perpetrated on the streets and missing persons and the media and internet that are controlled or still talking about their fucking retard government.
They are pushing the idea into the mass minds of the Italians that (((oy vey goym))) is ok a country like China, you should admire them and be like them.
luis said:
All Italy is sealed now...I'm not worried about the Virus I'm worried about the economy...this Leftist government is doing on purpouse. We need to do more Final Rtr so it can all backfire on them. The good news is that all the church in Italy are closed until next month, i know that they can pray from home but i think this is going to give us a little boost.

It will, have faith, we do more RTR's and this will definitely backfire. In the last two days it was Purim so drawbacks were expected.

Now, it's our turn.

Italy has the worst government for the occasion. If they fail, it will be only more reasons to beg on their knees for Salvini, which they will in the future.

Yes, closed churches will definitely help. If this also gets on the Vatican, they are doomed. And most probably it will get there and infect the whole place.
Baolan666 said:
In Germany, even though politicians mentioned not to go in places where a lot of people gather, teachers, professors and kindergarten teachers are given projects and activities such as going to political events and parks.

Even though some politicians say 50% of the truth, the real actions of trying to spread the virus as much as possible is happening in the shadows, everyone should stay woke and think twice before doing something someone in a higher position than you tells you to do.

I've had people trying to make me think it's nothing serious and that I should ignore everything so badly that it's too obvious now.

They honestly all behave as if they want the world to be infected at all costs. Like, this wasn't a problem with the virus itself, but the bad management will definitely see to that things are fucked up entirely. Then, the real damage will be at bay.
Stormblood said:

Bad news: Italy is going through a very hard patch now.

Good news: The leftists are permanently revealing themselves of being totally dumb and incapable.

Between the two, I think we have a win more than we have a loss. Also, Italy is a trillion size economy, and if they screw shit up, Italy will never see a leftist government for a very long time. The Salvini types will also get a lot of power through rage and vengeance, and so will the people.

Plus, the exponential costs will disallow more fake rapefugee ass kissing.

It is clear the leftist wussies are in total panic and they have no clue WTF to do. The problem is that this is causing a lot of fear and panic to the people.

We are winning the longterm battles in Italy, but the short term battles are going to be hard for Italy.
Gerecht Ror said:
News are already evident. Italy can be resumed as follows :

- All population is now sealed, like China did (cannot travel except for work in some cases, cannot touch others must keepy +1 meter distance)
- More than 20 prisons revolted against police, some people dead some escaped
- Economy is heavily going down
- Most flights in/out have been cancelled

In the street :
- Buses and trains are desert
- Malls closed on weekends, people are crowding parks and public walks
- Deliveries from online shops are delayed for excess demand
- Disinfectants and masks are a rarity and expensive
- Food seems ok
- jewed government seems panicking, they spread advertisements everywhere, even trucks with speakers inviting people to stay at home

Brother I wish you luck and make sure you have food which is the most important commodity now. If you find problems with disinfectants, opt in for dirt cheap alcohol mixed with water and make a hand wash out of this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gerecht Ror said:
News are already evident. Italy can be resumed as follows :

- All population is now sealed, like China did (cannot travel except for work in some cases, cannot touch others must keepy +1 meter distance)
- More than 20 prisons revolted against police, some people dead some escaped
- Economy is heavily going down
- Most flights in/out have been cancelled

In the street :
- Buses and trains are desert
- Malls closed on weekends, people are crowding parks and public walks
- Deliveries from online shops are delayed for excess demand
- Disinfectants and masks are a rarity and expensive
- Food seems ok
- jewed government seems panicking, they spread advertisements everywhere, even trucks with speakers inviting people to stay at home

Brother I wish you luck and make sure you have food which is the most important commodity now. If you find problems with disinfectants, opt in for dirt cheap alcohol mixed with water and make a hand wash out of this.

Thing is with hand sanitizers the alcohol percentage needs to be 60% or more (to be effective).. You can't exactly buy that in a drink. If you buy vodka (over 10 eur prob to 15 eur the most the simple one a bottle a 750 ml - vodka is about 40% alcohol) this probably would not even be enough unless you apply it royally.

Also the thing.. wash your hands thorough with soap from 20 to 40 s. In between the fingers, under the nails (occasionally, does not seem to be very mandatory)
Thing is. With all the added washing of your hands, alcohol too, they are ripping your hands off of the oils and fats, and it dries out your skin.
I'd suggest applying handcream, but then also clean the outside of the cream bottle or w/e it is before each use. Ofc don't apply handcream when you're about to eat or you could get it in your food which may not be desireable.
Also only every apply said creams (or oils, you can apply just a simple oil, like olive oil, coconut oil, etc) when you have clean/freshly washed hands.
If you have essential oils, they can be added. You can look a couple up online.. Some have antiviral properties (one I came across is called Ravensara / Ravinthsara or something along these lines, I can only think there are others too), which may be interesting, and something you might like to add.
Do not apply essential oils onto your skin directly, always use a carrier.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gerecht Ror said:

Brother I wish you luck and make sure you have food which is the most important commodity now. If you find problems with disinfectants, opt in for dirt cheap alcohol mixed with water and make a hand wash out of this.

Thanks, I am safe and prepared, but many people are no so this will soon turn out to chaos.
Last news : Salvini and Lega are asking for 15 days total shutdown of all activities (factories and shops) except food/pharmacy in most infected areas. (((Government))) is loosing time due to incapacity, yesterday due to "missing data" they claimed +350 infections vs. +1300 of previous day. This created a fake "quiet" feeling, so bad news are yet to come.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
