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So The Coronavirus Is Escalating In Europe

Gerecht Ror said:
Stormblood said:
luis said:
They are waiting that it spread just like they did in Italy. If in Italy would have done things faster we would have not been in this situation.

We would be in an even worse situation.

I don't think so. You may dislike being limited, but stopping the masses from having frequent social contacts is the only short-term measure to contain this problem.
Without aiming at polemics and extremely long posts, in a few words, what would have you done?
In my opinion if they did this from the very start, we would have been safe from the virus to spread and have much less infected. Economically we would have been in the same situation because this economy does not work and the Jews alway try to fuck us up but at least the virus would have not spread and we would have been safe. Definitely we would have not been in a worse situation. These are not decisions a government like we have now could have take.
Apprentice said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Your schools are already closed? Ours are STILL open after nearing 1000 confirmed infections.
If you have symptoms but did not come in 'contact' with a 'confirmed corona case' you are not allowed or getting to be tested.
What are they waiting in the Nederland? Even bigger numbers? Obviously the enemy really wants it to spread as widely as possible.

Over here, they closed the schools on Friday together with kindergartens.

The government will be closing our border on Tuesday. Also they are contemplating whether to ban all alcohol from stores. Gasoline (95) is still at €1.299 / liter despite the market price drop.

Also there was news similar to your situation in that they will not test or hospitalize anyone with 'minor symptoms'.
Stay safe!

Stormblood said:
luis said:

Guys.. Look at this map - LOOK AT THE MAP:
There is about no place left that is NOT infected. (Unless you're looking up north) My living place has escaped it thus far but there are 2 cases now here too.

Update on the cases:
14/3 - 959 - 12 dead (= +155)
15/3 - 1135 - 20 dead (= +176)
16/3 - 1413 cases - 24 dead ( = +278)

Koningsdag is cancelled because of corona (27 april - kings'day; literally translated; is a national holiday. people can sell stuff they own on that day in a free market setting. There are loads of games, fun music, everyone dresses in orange, red white and blue (national colors). )

Also.. I have not even seen one soul wear a MOUTHCAP out. Stores are still open but schools are closed. Except for personell in the healthcare sector with kids, that can't keep em at home.
How ignorant AND STUPID the majority are..
Meanwhile in Rome, walking dead:
Pope Francis reportedly went on a “walking pilgrimage” in Rome, Italy on Sunday.

According to the Catholic News Agency (CNA), the 83-year-old pontiff “prayed for an end to the coronavirus pandemic during a surprise visit to the Basilica of St. Mary Major and a cross that traversed Rome during a 16th century plague.”
Gerecht Ror said:
Stormblood said:
luis said:
They are waiting that it spread just like they did in Italy. If in Italy would have done things faster we would have not been in this situation.

We would be in an even worse situation.

I don't think so. You may dislike being limited, but stopping the masses from having frequent social contacts is the only short-term measure to contain this problem.
Without aiming at polemics and extremely long posts, in a few words, what would have you done?

Limitations done in a more sensible manner, using a wider point of view that takes into account health (not by uneducated definition but by expert definition), living necessities and everything that needs to be considered, which our commie, self-elected government certainly did not. I doubt they even considered any health expert, before deciding the terms of the quarantine, and I also doubt they considered how people whose activities have been closed would afford to pay for their livelihood with no gaining options.


luis said:
In my opinion if they did this from the very start, we would have been safe from the virus to spread and have much less infected. Economically we would have been in the same situation because this economy does not work and the Jews alway try to fuck us up but at least the virus would have not spread and we would have been safe. Definitely we would have not been in a worse situation. These are not decisions a government like we have now could have take.

You're not considering the government is, of course, being paid to spread the virus. We'll never be safe. If anything, they would've done something to spread it in open workplaces. But what am I supposed to expect from one of the many who fails to see the full, deeper picture on several occasions?
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Also.. I have not even seen one soul wear a MOUTHCAP out. Stores are still open but schools are closed. Except for personell in the healthcare sector with kids, that can't keep em at home.
How ignorant AND STUPID the majority are..
Actually I gave you misinformation before: the kindergartens are still open because the parents have to work.
I took a 150 km round trip today through 2 towns. I saw one mask. Streets are basically empty with the exception of some people jogging and occasional young mother walking with her child.
Grocery stores have less-than-normal number of visitors and some people have worried, even frightened look if they get close to you. Some customers were buying vodka in bulk but it was already in the news today that the government will not ban alcohol sales.

I don't know yet how am I going to survive financially with my family business. Time will tell.
One of the main problems I have seen is that many people go out on the street without masks, if everyone wore mask would reduce the number of contagions.
Stormblood said:
Gerecht Ror said:
Stormblood said:
We would be in an even worse situation.

I don't think so. You may dislike being limited, but stopping the masses from having frequent social contacts is the only short-term measure to contain this problem.
Without aiming at polemics and extremely long posts, in a few words, what would have you done?

Limitations done in a more sensible manner, using a wider point of view that takes into account health (not by uneducated definition but by expert definition), living necessities and everything that needs to be considered, which our commie, self-elected government certainly did not. I doubt they even considered any health expert, before deciding the terms of the quarantine, and I also doubt they considered how people whose activities have been closed would afford to pay for their livelihood with no gaining options.


luis said:
In my opinion if they did this from the very start, we would have been safe from the virus to spread and have much less infected. Economically we would have been in the same situation because this economy does not work and the Jews alway try to fuck us up but at least the virus would have not spread and we would have been safe. Definitely we would have not been in a worse situation. These are not decisions a government like we have now could have take.

You're not considering the government is, of course, being paid to spread the virus. We'll never be safe. If anything, they would've done something to spread it in open workplaces. But what am I supposed to expect from one of the many who fails to see the full, deeper picture on several occasions?
Yes you are right but if there was another government (a good/decent one) then doing things as soon everything started would have been the best thing. With this government not really because they do not care about the Italians.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Salary Slave said:
Despite a lockdown, the French yellow vests simply took to the streets en masse. The only way to show that this is one big hoax. The biggest show you ever watched.


So the people went out in the streets despite of the virus existing and how does that invalidate the potential existence of a virus and make it a hoax?

Does people protesting somewhere in Africa invalidate Ebola's existence?

It appears to be more clear, that exactly because of these events, the enemy fiddled around with a bio-weapon and attempts to lock in people in the first place. These events are coming worldwide and the enemy will experience problems.

France is under a state of social collapse, but that does not invalidate the virus or what is being attempted out of it. Indeed, the jews would gladly try to bring it all crashing down into a full and real pandemic, as it was proven, by how they allowed the spread, to disable the public before phenomena such as in France become prominent everywhere.

Only after it was too late and they allowed monkeys in by the droves in Europe, and caused a collapse, they thought it was time to "Quarantine" to pretend that this is going to help anyone. The virus was already widespread and out in many European countries.

The enemy causes what they refer to as an accident, that of mild bio-weapon, trying to quell the rage of the people, Hong Kong, France etc. Nothing strange or fancy here, only things to be expected. The virus does not necessarily to be a hoax. Most people in this crowd are not 70 year old people with Diabetes, so they aren't going to need inhalers to be around.

I read your post. The word Hoax must be Planned. Sorry for that.
Dean Ray Koontz book already warned us about this WUHAN outbreak in his book The eyes of Darkness. Coincidence exists, but so much coincidence?


The city, the year, the lung sickness all descibed in the book. It will dissapear as quickly as it arrived and it will come back 10 years later. Well UN agenda 2030. . .
The book was written under a psuedoniem in 1981 and the virus called than Gorki-400. In 1989 they changed the name of the city from Gorki to Wuhan.
The only reason this virus does not have a 100% dead rate as written in the book is that they were unable to manufacture it. And they dropped what they had.
There are other books that describe this as well, but not as detailed as Dean's book.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Britain's Johnson is trying to apply this measure of "Herd Immunity". If this shit also mutates, the "Herd Immunity" tactic is not going to work, and shit will hit the fan even harder.

In a online frequencies healing group rifle technology (won´t site source) one longtime advancened member did tell :

"There are currently 28 different strains which require 28 different frequencies to treat the corona virus"
(probably risings number, see youtube video here https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=36528) ,

I guess if you have one of them its rather not bad, but if you have multiple corona strains the illnes becomes deadlier. That´s probably the source of the second more deadly offical strain, just multiple corona stains spreading at the same time.

One person who does work in the health sector told me with influenca it was the same, different strains, the more someone had the more bad.

It was an answer on the question how do they know the frequencies? he told them with the weight / densitiy they can calculate with formulas the reasonably accurate frequency.
Norway too is in a lockdown. FHI (basically WHO) claimed they had a full blown plan and prepared beyond all measures if the coronavirus would enter the bords. I laughed my ass off, as I knew as the monkeys they are...this was total bullshit.

Norway doesn't have any control over the situation, they never have, never been prepared either. It is a joke beyond beliefs. Their actions came too late. The damage has already been done, amd Norway is bound to their knees.

The future will get worse. Way worse.

This was an easy prediction, i've known for years a pandemic would occur, and it has. Analyzing global catastrophies are quite easy. And it is extremely easy to predict the political psychology.
I think that Italy's measures are a shame, if this is not communism tell me what it is? I don't want to underestimate the virus I am respecting the law, even before these restrictions I took every preaching. I washed my hands so often that they literally bleed me, only now that I'm locked in the house do I wash them less often and they are recovering.

Italy has made a huge self-damage image, saying it had more cases than it had.
I don't know how lethal this virus really is, personally I don't want to find out.
However, if we know that some cases are asymptomatic, and we know that some people with fever have not received the swab, it is clear that the total number of infected is much higher than what they say.
So the percentage of deaths also changes.
20000 infected a thousand deaths very high rate.
But what if considering the carriers it reaches 20 million or 40 or 60 of infected and a thousand deaths?

I don't know but these measures are too drastic in my opinion.
moreover, this maneuver will definitely sink the Italian economy.
this video https://youtu.be/jcRp9cltKr8
Of Giorgia meloni leader of <FRATELLI D' ITALIA> explains among other things how the words of the lagarde were intentional to allow speculation on our country.
I know the video is in Italian I will make a separate post in which I will translate the main points of the video.
I don't understand how people don't get pissed about this forced quarantine.
And to think that they are the same people who say 《When Mussolini was there, there was a curfew ...》
SS66610888 said:
I think that Italy's measures are a shame,

I do think we should focus on global situations and discuss our local separately. However as Italy is a couple of weeks ahead other Countries in terms of infection, some patterns may help others to prevent.
Strict measures were unfortunately the only choice. Shame is how they are used by jewed "government" to impose laws. As Italians do not respect rules, they know it and play with that to push communism.
Here we can see how the enemy is pushing forward their agenda to enforce microchips later on:


The examples of Israel and Korea, although different, have not escaped Matteo Renzi, who commented so in his enews: "They are investing in technology by tracing the infected with mobile phones. It's the right way, even for us."
SS66610888 said:
I think that Italy's measures are a shame, if this is not communism tell me what it is? I don't want to underestimate the virus I am respecting the law, even before these restrictions I took every preaching. I washed my hands so often that they literally bleed me, only now that I'm locked in the house do I wash them less often and they are recovering.

Italy has made a huge self-damage image, saying it had more cases than it had.
I don't know how lethal this virus really is, personally I don't want to find out.
However, if we know that some cases are asymptomatic, and we know that some people with fever have not received the swab, it is clear that the total number of infected is much higher than what they say.
So the percentage of deaths also changes.
20000 infected a thousand deaths very high rate.
But what if considering the carriers it reaches 20 million or 40 or 60 of infected and a thousand deaths?

I don't know but these measures are too drastic in my opinion.
moreover, this maneuver will definitely sink the Italian economy.
this video https://youtu.be/jcRp9cltKr8
Of Giorgia meloni leader of <FRATELLI D' ITALIA> explains among other things how the words of the lagarde were intentional to allow speculation on our country.
I know the video is in Italian I will make a separate post in which I will translate the main points of the video.
I don't understand how people don't get pissed about this forced quarantine.
And to think that they are the same people who say 《When Mussolini was there, there was a curfew ...》

You don't need to overdo this.

Washing your hands thoroughly, but gently for 30 seconds are very effective. All dirt and harmful microorgansisms will be washed away by this.

This should be done whenever you've been outside somewhere, keep with anti-bacteria gel. Use it regularly. Try not to touch anything, if you have..use gloves! Also remember to clean your house thoroughly and keep it a clean and safe environment for you. It is a good thing to moisturize your hands from time to time as they will dry out from excessive hand-hygiene.

I hope you are fine and stay safe! My thoughts are with all SS!

Take care :)
SS66610888 said:
I think that Italy's measures are a shame, if this is not communism tell me what it is? I don't want to underestimate the virus I am respecting the law, even before these restrictions I took every preaching. I washed my hands so often that they literally bleed me, only now that I'm locked in the house do I wash them less often and they are recovering.

My unsolicited advise is to also be careful what you wash them with. Common soaps and body washes are laced with chemicals that should never be used on human skin. I made a post with all the detrimental products that should never be in hygiene products and cosmetics products. It's in the SS Health forum and also in the general forums.

Stormblood said:
Gerecht Ror said:
Stormblood said:
We would be in an even worse situation.

I don't think so. You may dislike being limited, but stopping the masses from having frequent social contacts is the only short-term measure to contain this problem.
Without aiming at polemics and extremely long posts, in a few words, what would have you done?

Limitations done in a more sensible manner, using a wider point of view that takes into account health (not by uneducated definition but by expert definition), living necessities and everything that needs to be considered, which our commie, self-elected government certainly did not. I doubt they even considered any health expert, before deciding the terms of the quarantine, and I also doubt they considered how people whose activities have been closed would afford to pay for their livelihood with no gaining options.

I would also remove bank-saving funds and the likes, in order to reroute the funds to help people with their living expenses, especially those whose workplace is closed. After all, those money originally belong to us are given to the government through taxes. Let's not forget how Monti used 4 billions to save Monte dei Paschi di Siena, and how more recently 20 billion were used again for the same bank and other banks. Also, the 4 billions for immigration emergencies can be pulled together with 12.6 billions also used for immigrants.
HotCoil said:
Gerecht Ror said:
- Local governments are starting to think at curfew to force people at home. Possibly applicate next week (my feeling)

Sounds like communism

Next step, infact :


The Army arrives (...)
In Naples and Campania there will be the contribution of the Armed Forces in the controls for compliance with the ordinances that have the aim of containing the contagion from Covid-19
Gerecht Ror said:
HotCoil said:
Gerecht Ror said:
- Local governments are starting to think at curfew to force people at home. Possibly applicate next week (my feeling)

Sounds like communism

Next step, infact :


The Army arrives (...)
In Naples and Campania there will be the contribution of the Armed Forces in the controls for compliance with the ordinances that have the aim of containing the contagion from Covid-19

Must be an expansion of Operation Safe Roads.
27-2: 1
28-2: 2
29-2: 7
1-3: 10
2-3: 18
3-3: 24
4-3: 38
5-3: 82
6-3: 128
7-3: 188
8-3: 264
9-3: 321

Update on the cases:
14/3 - 959 - 12 dead (= +155)
15/3 - 1135 - 20 dead (= +176)
16/3 - 1413 cases - 24 dead ( = +278)

Corona Virus NL Number updates:
17/3 - 1705 cases - 43 dead (= +292)
18/3 - 2051 - 58 Dead (= +346)
19/3 - 2460 - 76 dead (= +409)
20/3 - 2994 - 106 dead (= +534)

Update on NL in general:
Inmates are set up to make mouthcaps. One prison is already infected with Corona.
Our health minister quit his job. Said he was 'overworked'.
Healthcare sector is suffering under shortage of mouthcaps. Even if ones are ordered and shipped, if France offers more when they're underway to NL they're shipped to France instead.
A lot of public activities are suspended, mostly only till 31st of March.
Supermarkets (Jumbo & Albert Heijn) are only open for 70+ during the early morning hours. (7-8AM for AH and 8-9AM for Jumbo). A lot of elderly people are still living on their own instead of in an old folks home because a lot have been shut down and the ones that are open only take in those that are suffering from severe dementia and the like (This is old news, only an addition to the information). Today all visits to those old folk's homes are prohibited. Elderly are told to not leave their house. To not have any guests over. To only go outside when it is absolutely necessary.
Measurements to stop the spread: Keep 1,5m away from everyone. Only come alone or with one other person to the store. Don't come in groups.
In an attempt to make the healthcare personell 'immune' or less infected against corona they're giving out TBC vaccins. Tuberculose is a severe disease that affects the respitory system.
About 25% of all infected persons are healthcare personell.
The king of NL went on ski holiday in Austria..
A fine of 200 euro may be possible for people whom just go to Germany only to fill up their car with gas..

New numbers arrive at or after 14:00, not 13:00 like I said in my last message on this.

More updates when I check the news a bit more..
If your country is in "emergency mode" STOCK UP FOOD NOW!!!

So from what I hear from what I hear from doctors in general the coronavirus is far less dangerous than the mainstream media makes it out to be, it's generally a bad form of a flu. It's only dangerous for people at high risk for flu's complications, such as people of old age, and people who have chronic and severe illnesses. The statistics prove this, 99% of the people that the media counts as "dead of the coronavirus" have had besides coronavirus, other major diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, ischemic heart diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, and other major chronic illnesses. And for most of them it is not even known if the coronavirus was the main cause of death.


Also, the main reason why deaths from coronavirus are so high in Italy is the lack of proper protective equipment in hospitals, and that due to the panic and hysteria created by the media, everyone rushed to the hospitals, instead of self-healing at home, and thus they spread the disease to those in the highest risk - people with chronic illnesses, low immune system, and people of old age.... This is why the UK government (and probably other countries as well) advised people to not go to hospital, but to self-heal at home (as they would do with a flu) and to call the emergency number only if they cannot cope with their symptoms at home, or they are getting worse or their symptoms are not improving after 7 days.

So if the Coronavirus is not that dangerous, why you should stock up food?

Because most countries, with a few exceptions, are taking measures against the coronavirus that may or may not kill the coronavirus, but will definitely raze the economy to the ground!

In Eastern Europe, most countries have gypsies. In Western Europe most countries have rapefugees. And it was difficult to contain the rapefugee and Gypsy criminality even when things were "normal". Imagine what is going to happen when these people, plus drug addicts and criminals, are left with no money, and nothing to eat. And they are planning to keep the emergency mode for 2 or 3 months!

Protect yourself and be safe!
Lunar Dance 666 said:
they're giving out TBC vaccins. Tuberculose is a severe disease that affects the respitory system.
About 25% of all infected persons are healthcare personell.

Sounds similar pattern to Italy, except for this.
Vaccines may put immune system under workload, so I am not sure this is a good "idea", most likely it's a test on people.
Gerecht Ror said:
Updates from Italy :
- Schools are now closed in all the country
- Military hospitals are being used to relief civil hospitals in affected areas
- Quarantined off-limits zones most likely will be soon extended
- Situation is now quiet in the street, but we most likely have far more than reported 2.500 cases

What is the situation you have now my friend?
thelord said:
What is the situation you have now my friend?

- Barely total shutdown of non-relevant factories and all shops except food/pharma
- Cannot walk out more than 200 mt. from your house except documented ungencies
- Must shop food nearby in queues
- Police patrols checking your docs if you are caught in the street

In general, population has been set in "sleep" mode, as towns are desert. Morale is zero, and people with low morale are not prone to react easily.

Resentment against jewed "government" seems slowly arising.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
More updates when I check the news a bit more..

What is happening in your country?
How is citiziens morale level?

I am afraid this situation will push down people to keep control.
Is there anyone from Spain?
Gerecht Ror said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
More updates when I check the news a bit more..

What is happening in your country?
How is citiziens morale level?

I am afraid this situation will push down people to keep control.

I typed a bunch up then I went to sleep (was really tired) Ill update when I have a bit more time. Tomorrow perhaps or tuesday.
I think the testing capacity is lower in the weekends, since it seems to be having a dip again.
Also numbers are not accurate. a lot of testing is simply not done.
The outbreak of the Corona virus in Italy is due to the political correctness of the administrators (mayors) and the stupidity and naivety of the left-wing man / woman and SJW's.
The mayor has shown that you should not treat the Chinese people badly and give them a big hugs.
On 2 Februari 2020. he released this video:


Followed by a propaganda video at 5 Februari 2020 featuring a Chinese man is showing that he is not a Virus.
And people come to hug him en masse.


I don't know if that info has been posted yet because of the Corona virus I now have more work than ever!
I thought, let me share this with you!
Mayors in Italy who want to use flamethrowers against their own people because they do not follow the Quarantine measures.

Salary Slave said:
Mayors in Italy who want to use flamethrowers against their own people because they do not follow the Quarantine measures.

Mate he was joking lmao
Given the current conditions and the relative management costs of the pandemic (opening of new health facilities, new oxygen and ventilation machines) if our leaders, were wise, at least not idiots, they would have use the tampon for all and controlled the population (a tampon costs 90 €). We would have saved money and human lives.
Gerecht Ror said:
Is there anyone from Spain?

In Spain we are exactly in the same situation as in Italy, all closed except supermarkets and pharmacies, industries and factories closed and stoped all production, citizens' movements have been totally restricted.
Aquarius said:
Salary Slave said:
Mayors in Italy who want to use flamethrowers against their own people because they do not follow the Quarantine measures.

Mate he was joking lmao
That is Dailymail fault for not understanding that is a joke. He always say funny things like that but obviously it's not for real.
Wotanwarrior said:
Gerecht Ror said:
Is there anyone from Spain?

In Spain we are exactly in the same situation as in Italy, all closed except supermarkets and pharmacies, industries and factories closed and stoped all production, citizens' movements have been totally restricted.

Did you see the same morale-bashing technique they used here? I am afraid it may be used in other countries.

If you walk in the streets you feel like a bandit, Energies are like this now. It seems North Korea, if you walk close to your partner police stops you to check if you are married or so.

They injected in the mass mind so heavily the "stay at home" mantra (through excessive TV, music and radio hammering) that people are mostly passive zombies with zero reaction capacity and roads are desert.

Even knowing jewish techniques, I am very surprised how quickly they have been able to subdue population. Scary!
luis said:
Aquarius said:
Salary Slave said:
Mayors in Italy who want to use flamethrowers against their own people because they do not follow the Quarantine measures.

Mate he was joking lmao
That is Dailymail fault for not understanding that is a joke. He always say funny things like that but obviously it's not for real.
That shit hole of a website covers half of the screen (visited using tor browser, latest version) with ads. Then it has ads on the sidebar and at the end of the article as well, lol. That's how they gain money: Using stupid titles and pretending to be serious on what they report. This way they get visualizations and clicks, the more people see their page filled with ads, the more they get payed.
That's the reason I always use ad blockers on both my smartphone and computer's browser, I don't want these jews to get a cent for polluting the internet with shitty articles. I feel like suggesting everyone here to do the same if you feel like me
Additional news (20-3-20):
Flower farmers in greenhouses are emptied out entirely.
Watch the video. All these flowers are thrown away because they cannot be sold abroad and they aren't getting sold in our country.
There is an app or website on which you can say 'I am coughing' 'I have fever' 'I think I have corona' for unofficial counting of people that are infected.
=> coronahelpers.nl
Coronahumor the dutch way. Using diseases as swear words is typical dutch. Now they make 'fun' of the virus by changing the lyrics of well known dutch songs to fit with the (symptoms of) the virus.
Click if you want. There are no subs and its all dutch. - https://www.nporadio2.nl/gemist/video/12852/cabaret-extra-reclameblok
Parody of Bohemian Rhapsody - https://twitter.com/danajaybein/status/1240307541491494912
(Yes I clicked on the links that were linked on Geenstijl. =>
Minister Bruins (minister of public health) collapses during #coronadebat (Top thingy is video for those who want to watch) https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152466/minister-bruins-stort-in-tijdens-coronadebat/
Minister Bruno Bruins steps down (19 March) https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152493/bruno-bruins-afgetreden/
Hospital in Uden cannot process people that come to the Emergency Room of the hospital This hospital has been struck the most by Sars-ncov-19
ITALY: Shocking videos Italian Emergency Aid https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152506/heftige-beelden-italiaanse-intensive-care/
Contains video with Italian Army trucks that are said to be stransporting bodies since cemetaries can not handle it anymore.
Vaccins: Trials are being done on healthy people in the USA. Results will be in in a couple of month. Germany has their laboratoria working around the clock for a vaccin. They hope to have it ready in the Autumn.
Erasmus MC and the UU have found the anti-body for the current pandemy which crossreacted with various coronavirusses.
KU Leuven (Belgium) says to have vaccin ready in 18 months.
North-Korea made a vaccin with an extract of ginseng and earthy elements (im not sure if this is a joke, it probably is, since it says to also cure MERS, ebola, aids and cancer....)

Turks tried to pass borders by throwing molotov cocktails.
Then later they tried using a pantservehicle to pull a Greek fence down.
Link contains videos about the situation.
This is a video on the page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=su8uboFQfWs
And in this video this woman says that Erdogan is sending his own people (jihadists) and not just Syrians, to start a war within Greece. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6wqa9fulv0 (after 3:50)
21/3 - 3631 - 136 dead (= +637)
22/3 - 4204 - 179 dead (= +573)
23/3 - 4749 - 213 dead (= +545)
24/3 - 5560 - 276 dead (= +811)
25/3 - 6412 - 356 dead (= +852)
26/3 - 7431 - 434 dead (= +1019)

Update on the situation 26-03-2020

ALL FINALS ARE SCRAPPED Students are not going to take their exams, but instead will need to have enough points on schooltests to pass. https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152577/alle-eindexamens-gesgrapt/
Samenscholingsverbod (= ban on gatherings) till 1st of June - High fines of 400 eur
IF a family member has a fever, the entire family of that household has to stay home. Healthcarepersonnel excluded (since 24/3)
North NL is going to test extensively on coronavirus. "It is not true that you are not contagious until you show symptoms. Secondly, children are contagious even though they do not get sick themselves." "We do not have a capacity problem to test. Even though we might be short on some materials but you fix that. "https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152546/noord-nederland-gaat-rogue-zorgmedewerkers-en-familie-worden-massaal-getest-op-corona/
Personnel in public transit threatened and abused because of corona People get on the bus through the exit gate, and do not check in. After a comment on that, the drivers are threatened and coughed on. https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152599/ov-personeel-amsterdam-herhaaldelijk-bedreigd-en-mishandeld-wegens-corona-maatregelen/
Pharmacy company Roche blocks tests on corona Delivers only 30% of what NL asked for because the worldwide demand is too high. Also it doesn't want to give up its recipe so that the materials required can be produced elsewhere. https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152612/farmaceut-roche-blokkeert-testen-op-corona/

Not so much related news:
- Putin and Rutte visit a hospital https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152588/rutte-en-poetin-bezoeken-een-ziekenhuis/
- China, Cuba and Russia send help to aid Italy. European solidarity does NOT excist.
- Cartoonartist Albert Uderzo (Asterix & Obelisk) dead. Age 92.
- Watercanon on wheels Turkish people hose down Greek camp.
- Bears in Spain and Foxes in NL Animals show themselves in the streets where they normally wouldn't go. https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152563/natuur-neemt-over-beren-in-spanje-vossen-in-nl/
- WEIRD TYPES IN EXPENSIVE CARS WITH YOUNG DRIVERS OFFER GIANT AMOUNTS OF MONEY FOR CHLOROQUINE PILLS AGAINST CORONA https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152554/politiebescherming-medicijnboer-opvallend-jonge-bestuurders-in-dure-auto-s-willen-medicijn/
- Angela Merkel in Corona Quaraintine A doctor who gave her a vaccin has been infected with corona. https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152545/angela-merkel-in-corona-quarantaine/

There is a thing or two that I am not sure what to say about, one including Albania and the EU.
Take care all and stay safe!
Thanks everyone for the updates, and everyone stay strong.
Gerecht Ror said:
Wotanwarrior said:
Gerecht Ror said:
Is there anyone from Spain?

In Spain we are exactly in the same situation as in Italy, all closed except supermarkets and pharmacies, industries and factories closed and stoped all production, citizens' movements have been totally restricted.

Did you see the same morale-bashing technique they used here? I am afraid it may be used in other countries.

If you walk in the streets you feel like a bandit, Energies are like this now. It seems North Korea, if you walk close to your partner police stops you to check if you are married or so.

They injected in the mass mind so heavily the "stay at home" mantra (through excessive TV, music and radio hammering) that people are mostly passive zombies with zero reaction capacity and roads are desert.

Even knowing jewish techniques, I am very surprised how quickly they have been able to subdue population. Scary!

Exactly the same, people have been brainwashed with "stay at home" and most of them look like total NPCs.
Wotanwarrior said:
Gerecht Ror said:
Wotanwarrior said:
In Spain we are exactly in the same situation as in Italy, all closed except supermarkets and pharmacies, industries and factories closed and stoped all production, citizens' movements have been totally restricted.

Did you see the same morale-bashing technique they used here? I am afraid it may be used in other countries.

If you walk in the streets you feel like a bandit, Energies are like this now. It seems North Korea, if you walk close to your partner police stops you to check if you are married or so.

They injected in the mass mind so heavily the "stay at home" mantra (through excessive TV, music and radio hammering) that people are mostly passive zombies with zero reaction capacity and roads are desert.

Even knowing jewish techniques, I am very surprised how quickly they have been able to subdue population. Scary!

Exactly the same, people have been brainwashed with "stay at home" and most of them look like total NPCs.

So you'd freely walk the street cough on people and spread it even though you know its quite deadly?!

Shut the f up and use common sense!
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Wotanwarrior said:
Gerecht Ror said:
Did you see the same morale-bashing technique they used here? I am afraid it may be used in other countries.

If you walk in the streets you feel like a bandit, Energies are like this now. It seems North Korea, if you walk close to your partner police stops you to check if you are married or so.

They injected in the mass mind so heavily the "stay at home" mantra (through excessive TV, music and radio hammering) that people are mostly passive zombies with zero reaction capacity and roads are desert.

Even knowing jewish techniques, I am very surprised how quickly they have been able to subdue population. Scary!

Exactly the same, people have been brainwashed with "stay at home" and most of them look like total NPCs.

So you'd freely walk the street cough on people and spread it even though you know its quite deadly?!

Shut the f up and use common sense!

No! even if there was no curfew, I would also go out as little as possible to avoid catching it, what I meant is that the (((governments))) are using this to increasingly eliminate people's rights and freedoms.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Wotanwarrior said:
Gerecht Ror said:
Did you see the same morale-bashing technique they used here? I am afraid it may be used in other countries.

If you walk in the streets you feel like a bandit, Energies are like this now. It seems North Korea, if you walk close to your partner police stops you to check if you are married or so.

They injected in the mass mind so heavily the "stay at home" mantra (through excessive TV, music and radio hammering) that people are mostly passive zombies with zero reaction capacity and roads are desert.

Even knowing jewish techniques, I am very surprised how quickly they have been able to subdue population. Scary!

Exactly the same, people have been brainwashed with "stay at home" and most of them look like total NPCs.

So you'd freely walk the street cough on people and spread it even though you know its quite deadly?!

Shut the f up and use common sense!

Common sense is that people shouldn't rot away all day inside their houses. This severely affects their health too. A certain amount of time under the direct light of the Sun is necessary daily for health (production of vitamin D and so on). Sedentary life also destroys undermines the structural balance of a human's body, negatively affecting all biomechanical components.

Coughing and sneezing is not something everyone is affect with, so let's not extremise.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
