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So The Coronavirus Is Escalating In Europe

Wotanwarrior said:
No! even if there was no curfew, I would also go out as little as possible to avoid catching it, what I meant is that the (((governments))) are using this to increasingly eliminate people's rights and freedoms.

I meant the same. Obviously avoiding spreading the virus is basic common sense now, I am out of home the less possible. The problem is, how the population has been subdued with psychological violence, to prepare them for further enslavement after the virus will be put under control (if ever).
Wotanwarrior said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Wotanwarrior said:
Exactly the same, people have been brainwashed with "stay at home" and most of them look like total NPCs.

So you'd freely walk the street cough on people and spread it even though you know its quite deadly?!

Shut the f up and use common sense!

No! even if there was no curfew, I would also go out as little as possible to avoid catching it, what I meant is that the (((governments))) are using this to increasingly eliminate people's rights and freedoms.

Ooohhh then I misread/misunderstood xp my bad.

Here they are not trying to do that yet but the amount of confirmed infected are increasing by the day and a lot are still not tested either.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Thanks everyone for the updates, and everyone stay strong.

Dear Hoodedcobra, if they put the phone under control should we protect ourselves more to surf the internet? can they do something to those who frequent the site and the forum? I'm not very practical. in your opinion what consequences will the phone control have for those who are in the forum and read itajos? maybe it's just paranoia, but I'm very worried. tap water tastes a lot of chlorine. sorry for the bad english. Italy
soulfortruth said:
(...) what consequences will the phone control have for those who are in the forum and read itajos? (...)

I need to say, by my point of view, we are under control since years, including phone calls and computers on random basis by the enemy, unofficiallu. However you still have the right to read US based websites like forum, JoS, etc. until you respect the law in your personal life.
This caught my attention. Two reporters took an interview from Dr Cheng and published an article in online j-media in my country. It was online for a whole 15 minutes. So the reporters posted the article on faecesbook but it got purged. It may just be a distraction or is the enemy really trying to suppress something important.

Dr. Cheng, who is a US board-certified specialist in anti-aging medicine, adds:

“Vitamin C is very promising for prevention, and especially important to treat dying patients when there is no better treatment. Over 2,000 people have died of the COVID-19 outbreak and yet I have not seen or heard large dose intravenous vitamin C being used in any of the cases. The current sole focus on vaccine and specific antiviral drugs for epidemics is misplaced.”

He adds that:

“Early and sufficiently large doses of intravenous vitamin C are critical. Vitamin C is not only a prototypical antioxidant, but also involved in virus killing and prevention of viral replication. The significance of large dose intravenous vitamin C is not just at antiviral level. It is acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) that kills most people from coronaviral pandemics (SARS, MERS and now NCP). ARDS is a common final pathway leading to death.

“We therefore call for a worldwide discussion and debate on this topic.”

News of vitamin C research for COVID-19 is being actively suppressed

Anyone saying that vitamin therapy can stop coronavirus is already being labeled as “promoting false information” and promulgating “fake news.” Even the sharing of verifiable news, and direct quotes from credentialed medical professionals, is being restricted or blocked on social media.

Indeed, the World Health Organization (WHO) has, literally, met with Google and Facebook and other media giants to stop the spread of what they declare to be wrong information.

Physician-directed, hospital-based administration of intravenous vitamin C has been marginalized or discredited. Scientific debate over COVID-19 appears not to be allowed.

Ironically, Facebook, blocking any significant users’ sharing of the news of approved vitamin therapy research, is itself blocked in China by the Chinese government. As for the internet, yes, China has it. And yes, it is censored. But, significantly, the Chinese government has not blocked this real news on how intravenous vitamin C will save lives in the COVID-19 epidemic.

Medical orthodoxy obsessively focuses on searching for a vaccine and/or drug for coronavirus COVID-19. While they are looking for what would be fabulously profitable approaches, we have with vitamin C an existing, plausible, clinically demonstrated method to treat what coronavirus patients die from: severe acute respiratory syndrome, or pneumonia.

See also:

In addition to that, in my country, if you have official virus symptoms, you can't just go and get yourself tested. Many people have tried and failed. They won't test you, they won't hospitalize you. So people with real respiratory distress stay at home, sick, without medical help. At the same time, those official positive cases are now monitored via phone tracking (probably) and by police units. Go figure.

I guess it takes a while longer before the joos miraculously discover a vaccine (for a virus that is ever-mutating, LOL) and governments will spend millions buying it.
Gerecht Ror said:
soulfortruth said:
I need to say, by my point of view, we are under control since years, including phone calls and computers on random basis by the enemy, unofficiallu. However you still have the right to read US based websites like forum, JoS, etc. until you respect the law in your personal life.

you are absolutely right, saying this you made me remember that about two years ago I had a lot of pdf files saved in the phone, overnight they were all gone. instead for those who do activism, what do you think about the same questions?
ps. I don't want to go off topic .....
soulfortruth said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Thanks everyone for the updates, and everyone stay strong.

Dear Hoodedcobra, if they put the phone under control should we protect ourselves more to surf the internet? can they do something to those who frequent the site and the forum? I'm not very practical. in your opinion what consequences will the phone control have for those who are in the forum and read itajos? maybe it's just paranoia, but I'm very worried. tap water tastes a lot of chlorine. sorry for the bad english. Italy

Doesn't work like that. It's an app without root privileges, aka it's sandboxed. You shouldn't use your phone for sensitive stuff anyway - especially android phones. Get a computer with linux.
For the water taste, just call a plumber LOL
Gerecht Ror said:
I need to say, by my point of view, we are under control since years, including phone calls and computers on random basis by the enemy, unofficiallu. However you still have the right to read US based websites like forum, JoS, etc. until you respect the law in your personal life.
Yes but not the way you think, it's fairly easy to not get spied upon, just don't use your phone to store or visit anything related to JoS, Satanism or National Socialism. This stuff you only do with a linux computer, with full disk encryption and TOR + VPN. If you're under surveillance they'll eventually see you stopped having such interests and give up
Anyone seen the videos of ordinary Americans filming their Hospitals and finding them empty and the media reportiing about the same Hospitals as a War Zone?


Google uses location data to show which places are complying with stay-at-home orders — and which aren’t


Problem, reaction, solution.

(((They))) created Covid, the masses react and a solution is proposed.
Freedom and rights violated.

The Privacy Guarantor Antonello Soro In Italy:
“Yes to tracking contacts but with a (((temporary decree)))”.


My personal judgment is that they are trying loosely to introduce chips into every human worthy of that name.
Salary Slave said:
Username is a bad mindset. Unless you enjoy feeling like a slave. Reaffirming that situation and feeling and making it stronger. You would be happier to make a new account with a more positive mindset.
Question: Should I move this information into its own topic, or is to keep adding it here fine?

Numbers (Date - total - dead - new cases):
27/3 - 8603 - 546 dead (= +1172)
28/3 - 9762 - 639 dead (= +1159)
29/3 - 10.866 - 771 dead (= +1104)
30/3 - 11.750 - 864 dead (= +884)
31/3 - 12.595 - 1039 dead (= +845)
01/4 - 13.614 - 1173 dead (= +1019)
02/4 - 14.697 - 1339 dead (= +1083)
03/4 - 15.723 - 1487 dead (= +1026)
04/4 - 16.627 - 1651 dead (= +904)

Update on the news 4-4-2020:
- NL on lockdown till 28 April. https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152714/mp-live-wederom-belangrijke-persco-mark-rutte/
- Urk still calls people to come to the church to pray for coronapatients https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152740/thank-god/
- 2 April over 1 million officially confirmed corona cases https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152765/wereldwijd-1-miljoen-bevestigde-besmettingen/
-Loads of Death in Equador https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152748/ecuador-harder-naar-de-corona-ratten-dan-wuhan/
- Most people on the IC with corona are obese https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152702/dikke-vrouw-over-golf-dikke-coronapatienten-op-ic-riekt-naar-dikke-mensen-in-het-hoekje-zetten/
- Messages that say 'Mouthcaps do help in preventing the spread of the disease':
RIVM-studie-2008 https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152771/rivm-studie-uit-2008-mondkapjes-voor-general-population-helpen-wel-tegen-verspreiding/
(its mandatory to wearh a mouthcap in Austrian supermarkets)
American RIVM recommends everybody to wear mouthcaps https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152783/amerikaans-rivm-cdc-draait-raadt-iedereen-mondkapjes-aan-om-verspreiding-te-voorkomen/
Some link in a comment https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18612429
Why do WHO & Co announce that mouthcaps do not help? - look at the twitter comment. "Eric Weinstein" https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152667/waarom-verkondigen-de-who-co-dat-mondkapjes-niet-helpen/
- European emergency funds (37 milliard) is being irrationately disperced.
1. Klopt het dat u akkoord gegaan met deze zin in de slotverklaring van de Europese Raad van 26 maart jl: “Met het Commissievoorstel voor een investeringsinitiatief coronavirusrespons zal 37 miljard EUR aan investeringen in het kader van het cohesiebeleid worden vrijgemaakt om de gevolgen van de crisis aan te pakken. Met de voorgestelde wijziging van het Solidariteitsfonds van de EU kan dat fonds ook worden gebruikt voor noodsituaties op het gebied van de volksgezondheid, zoals de uitbraak van COVID-19. Wij zien ernaar uit dat deze voorstellen spoedig worden aangenomen. ” en dat deze begroting ondertussen is goedgekeurd door de regeringsleiders?
2. Klopt het dat de 37 miljard Euro, een zeer aanzienlijk bedrag, als volgt verdeeld wordt tussen de landen (selecte):
Polen: 7,4 miljard
Hongarije: 5,6
miljard Italië: 2,3 miljard
Nederland: 0,03

3.Kunt u aangeven waarom de grootste sommen geld naar Polen en Hongarije gaan, die volgens de statistieken nauwelijks getroffen zijn door de Coronacrisis, terwijl het zwaar getroffen Italië veel minder krijgt en Nederland nagenoeg niets?
Je moet niet alleen als Italië en Spanje zijnde het lef maar hebben om het te eisen, je zou je als Nederlandse politieke partijen nog veel dieper moeten schamen om in middenin een coronacrisis waarin de maatschappelijke pijlers van onze verzorgingsstaat als zorg, onderwijs en veiligheid (die al decennialang lijden onder privatisering, bezuinigingen, decentralisatie en groeiende personeelstekorten) de boel krakend en kreunend overeind houden, te pleiten voor het overboeken van spaar- en pensioengeld naar andere landen. Europese samenwerking is mooi spul hoor, maar eigen sociale instituties eerst - zeker in tijden van nood.
Translation: "You not only have to dare to demand it in Italy and Spain, you, as political factions should be ashamed even more when in the midst of a coronacrisis in which the societal pillars of our welfare state as healthcare, education and security (which have been suffering underneath privatizing, cuts, decentralisation and growing shortages of personell for decades) which have been creaking and groaning whilst keeping everything in the air, to plead for overbooking of savings- and retirementmoney to other countries. European cooperation is nice stuff, but the own social institutions first - especially in times of emergency."

And yes I had to use a dictionary for some words of the above if people were wondering.

- Nimitz-class carrier of USS Theodore Roosevelt has 200 infected sailors; captian sounds emergency bell A ship has 6000 sailors, and he's asking for quarantine places on the shore so that the people that do not have to be infected are not on such a high risk. https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152713/nimitz-class-carrier-uss-theodore-roosevelt-200-besmette-matrozen-kapitein-luidt-noodklok/
-Schiphol: Images of a frozen economy Schiphol is the best known dutch airport (location: Amsterdam) https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152774/mood/
Foia, Freedom of infomation act is suspended in Italy.

State can silence the mouth of citizens in full communist dictatorial regime; with the excuse of fake news, (((they))) reserve the right to decide which news are credible and which others are not.

...while Italy in an emergency wonders whether it is right or not to give part of privacy in the name of health protection, the Public Administration closes the gates to transparency for citizens. An article in the Cura Italia decree provides for this: responses to generalized civic and civic access requests (the so-called Foia, Freedom of infomation act, ed.) which are not of an "indifferent and urgent" nature are suspended until May 31 for entities taxpayers and until April 15th for everyone else.
If up to some time ago every citizen could therefore ask to consult the documents of the public administration and was entitled to receive them or to receive a reasoned refusal (to be able to appeal) within 30 days, due to the emergency this right was suspended.

All while Facebook announces a pilot project together with Agcom, against disinformation on Coronavirus that travels via Whatsapp: it will be called Facta and will be headed by the team of buffalo analysts with whom Facebook has already been working for two years. Users will be able to send to Facta, again via Whatsapp, the messages that arrive "so that the fact-checker can verify their accuracy" reads a note. Then Facta will publish the results on its website, thus creating "a database of facts and myths about Covid-19"

Salary Slave said:
Anyone seen the videos of ordinary Americans filming their Hospitals and finding them empty and the media reportiing about the same Hospitals as a War Zone?


I did. This only reveals that all of the hype is largely overplayed only to crash the economies, leave people unemployed, and in general, guide the whole thing south to just cause massive social damage.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
(...) This only reveals that all of the hype is largely overplayed only to crash the economies, leave people unemployed, and in general, guide the whole thing south to just cause massive social damage.

Here, the same pattern.
Number of infected people was diminished, you can sense lower number of ambulances running up & down. Now, numbers are officially "not so lower" so lockdown is extended.
I see jews play with politicians taking decisions, by manipulating numbers instead of people in a direct way, to lead them to disastrous decisions.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...crash economies...other things...

So lets say these things happen more so than before. For example not just "crashing the economy" but also unemployment already Mageson666 mentioned since about last year or late '18. The unemployment is worse than the market crash of the '20s. On top of that there is another article here mentioning how Trump DID in fact create MANY jobs, think it was Mageson666 once again, unfortunately the 200-300K or so jobs creation like 240K-260K were out of the league of unemployed people. So O.T.J.(On the job training), education(schooling), and eventually being hired.

But at HP.Cobra knowing what is occurring. What "IF" the market crash, what will occur? Are people gonna panic or what? How does the situation play out US and World-wide?

Also back before F-RTR in July '18, we did at certain points RTR/RNTR of different kinds particularly the JFCT ritual(Financial RNTR). I remember like a week or two into the Shema RTR the Dow Jones dropped 665.75(666). So our rituals have been the cause of many of these crashes whether they be artificially made by predictive programming i.e. 1s and 0s and or our ritual. Just as we pull the battle rope so does the enemy.

But is that what we want? Is that what the rituals do?

Not to criticize on our part but what exactly is the outcome of the future when everything normalizes(IF it even normalizes)?

What exactly does the future hold for the World?(If you don't mind explaining in your knowledge on the subject)
Pirate11 said:
Yes but not the way you think, it's fairly easy to not get spied upon, just don't use your phone to store or visit anything related to JoS, Satanism or National Socialism. This stuff you only do with a linux computer, with full disk encryption and TOR + VPN. If you're under surveillance they'll eventually see you stopped having such interests and give up

That's fine, I did not mean to go without any protection or thinking, expecially for active warfare online.
I meant, we should not panick and throw in the trash all electronics as "the enemy spies us", JoS sites are there to be read. I noticed the enemy used this way to dissuade fellow new Satanists at the beginning, leading them to think they can be jailed because they opened a JoS page. Not yet the case, luckily enough.
Pirate11 said:
soulfortruth said:
Doesn't work like that. It's an app without root privileges, aka it's sandboxed. You shouldn't use your phone for sensitive stuff anyway - especially android phones. Get a computer with linux.
For the water taste, just call a plumber LOL
Gerecht Ror said:
I need to say, by my point of view, we are under control since years, including phone calls and computers on random basis by the enemy, unofficiallu. However you still have the right to read US based websites like forum, JoS, etc. until you respect the law in your personal life.
Yes but not the way you think, it's fairly easy to not get spied upon, just don't use your phone to store or visit anything related to JoS, Satanism or National Socialism. This stuff you only do with a linux computer, with full disk encryption and TOR + VPN. If you're under surveillance they'll eventually see you stopped having such interests and give up

thank you very much. can I ask you for advice? since the expense of a computer is high, I would like to inquire, I am inexperienced in this field. I found a computer that seems to me to indicate the characteristics you are talking about. star labs system, I went to the official website and says so:


what do you think about it?
what is the correspondence between linux and ubuntu? no longer encrypt a Windows? TOR + VPN cannot be installed later?
I'm sorry for all these questions, I tried to find out but unfortunately I don't understand much. I would be grateful if you could give me some advice. I'd like to be sure before I buy. obviously if you can and thank you in all cases! See you soon!
There we go, RTR wins!
Provided this "decree" is really respected, the enemy government is forced to do what the Nationalist party did and advised for months :


Italy closes ports

In a decree signed by Lamorgese, De Micheli, Di Maio and Speranza the government declares that they are not "safe place" to welcome migrants due to the health emergency
soulfortruth said:
Pirate11 said:
soulfortruth said:
Doesn't work like that. It's an app without root privileges, aka it's sandboxed. You shouldn't use your phone for sensitive stuff anyway - especially android phones. Get a computer with linux.
For the water taste, just call a plumber LOL

Yes but not the way you think, it's fairly easy to not get spied upon, just don't use your phone to store or visit anything related to JoS, Satanism or National Socialism. This stuff you only do with a linux computer, with full disk encryption and TOR + VPN. If you're under surveillance they'll eventually see you stopped having such interests and give up

thank you very much. can I ask you for advice? since the expense of a computer is high, I would like to inquire, I am inexperienced in this field. I found a computer that seems to me to indicate the characteristics you are talking about. star labs system, I went to the official website and says so:


what do you think about it?
what is the correspondence between linux and ubuntu? no longer encrypt a Windows? TOR + VPN cannot be installed later?
I'm sorry for all these questions, I tried to find out but unfortunately I don't understand much. I would be grateful if you could give me some advice. I'd like to be sure before I buy. obviously if you can and thank you in all cases! See you soon!

So basically Linux is the "core" of operating systems called Gnu/Linux distributions. Ubuntu is one of them, as well as Debian, Fedora and a ton others. For beginners, usually Ubuntu or Linux Mint are adviced. You can buy any computer you like, a cheap second hand computer would be great too, you can remove Windows and install any linux distribution you like on it, there's plenty of tutorials online, it's easy if you follow them. There is no need for special hardware :) If you do not know how to install linux on a computer, and can't follow online tutorials, you can always ask a local computer shop, they usually do that for ~20 bucks
Pirate11 said:
soulfortruth said:

So basically Linux is the "core" of operating systems called Gnu/Linux distributions. Ubuntu is one of them, as well as Debian, Fedora and a ton others. For beginners, usually Ubuntu or Linux Mint are adviced. You can buy any computer you like, a cheap second hand computer would be great too, you can remove Windows and install any linux distribution you like on it, there's plenty of tutorials online, it's easy if you follow them. There is no need for special hardware :) If you do not know how to install linux on a computer, and can't follow online tutorials, you can always ask a local computer shop, they usually do that for ~20 bucks

thank you very much for your advice! I will try to put them into practice as soon as I organize myself, so it should be clearer! I hope to succeed! I send you a greeting!

Ave Satana!
The Corona Virus is playing big goal in which many countries have been seem to fail and news and TVs are also do not giving right news and always giving fearing to people. So It is our duties to keep silence and do that save our lives

(((They))) want to unexpectedly declare how many deaths of Covid19 there are to then impose further restrictive measures and finally vaccination.


Covid 19, autopsies should not be done. Order of the Ministry of Health

As the reader will remember, the turning point in the fight against Coronavirus came not long ago, when some hospital doctor out of the choir took the trouble to autopsy the corpses of patients who died during the pandemic. Thanks to these autopsies it was thus possible to discover that the first effect of Covid 19 is CID , Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation . That is, the formation of lumps in the blood and thrombosis. Only later and in cases resistant to antithrombosis treatment did double interstitial pneumonia arrive.

But why haven't autopsies been done in Italy since the beginning? Why were the corpses immediately sent to cremations thus depriving the experts of fundamental cognitive elements? As Affaritaliani.it discovered and can document, autopsies were not done because this was 'arranged' and communicated from above. Even by the Ministry of Health.

But our health authorities have followed the path of China, where autopsies have made very few.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
