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So The Coronavirus Is Escalating In Europe

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Ok Satanic Family now let's pay focus a little so that we understand the situation is escalating and no, it's not being under control, still. I'll explain the points on the post to review some matters for clearer understanding.

For those who haven't, please do inform yourself and take precautions by having knowledge. Most people don't have a clue WTF is going on. You do, you have an advantage, you are safer if you know.


In the first message I posted on this Coronavirus thing is that it's not as much worrisome in regards to the death toll as the "major problem" of it [ I wrote many weeks ago about the death toll of the flu killing 167 people daily in the United States ] and how the Coronavirus was overplayed here. Now, people got wind of this, but this but they are months late.

Meanwhile they underplayed this and allowed this to escalate as if it were a joke, but this has already surpassed by far other situations like SARS or MERS, or H1N1 / Swine Flu and other things that were made a huge craze of while having only 2000 or 5000 infected people. This Coronavirus is on the hundreds of thousands recognized cases and unofficial cases probably millions. China has been lying for reasons already explained, and they have been fostering and ignoring this even since November. Most of this bullshit could have been prevented, even as early as beginning of February. Now we are nearing to the point where this won't really be preventable anymore, estimates say by April.

The good news is that the mortality rate is very low. So it's not like one should be concerned of dying or something from this. Remember also, nutrition advice etc, spiritual advice, aura of protection, keeping your energies high - many advantages one has compared to the average joe.

However if this goes full pandemic mode, this will kill worldwide many millions of people. Still, the regular flu is a big killer as it is, so don't think that's only "That" virus. In that sense, regular precautions are regular and common, ie, washing hands, personal hygiene etc.

Now even in this size, this doesn't mean life stops or the world has stopped turning. Everything will proceed as usual in life, and this will highly depend on what is the relation between State, health sector, citizens etc. The Judenpresse isn't helping as on one hand it spreads false panic and on the other hand it spreads false news of underplaying the situation dangerously. In short, the actual extent is not even understood.

This has been spreading in Europe and rest reassured the spread will continue and intensify, this is the beginning. Many models both scientific and more SHTF types, are all agreeing on one thing, that this isn't nearing or close to the end. If you live in a remote area, you may be lucky, but at the same time, the phenomenon is escalated towards many directions so the effects will be felt. If one lives in a big town, taking a mask or a few provisions [as explained in other topics] is a good idea.

Let me tell you when the first hits happen in a place, it just goes from there. All it takes is a few hits in a country and then restrictive quarantine policies happen. These can restrict freedom of movement, freedom to go outside your own house, or other more radical measures such as food shops closing, or incidents like razing of super markets by afraid citizens.

As you can see there is a mix between state created problems and panic created problems. These do not have to do with the virus, but rather the communication. And Mercury is retrograde to add to this. Being prepared means one is calmer and in control of both. And that is easy to do.

In some cases like Italy, the "Patient Zero" was hunted by the authorities so they could find who that person was, people were literally had logs checked, privacy hijacked, and brought in on what one would call a strange interrogation phase. The police closed down towns, and within a few days, stores emptied and people couldn't get anything. As for the escalating situation in Italy, Italian SS can inform us more indepth, because one cannot know solely by the news.

Yesterday I have received e-mails from some brothers and sisters in proximity or in coronavirus affected areas, some were at the epicenter. Do your aura of protection, keep your aura clean, do not in anyway panic, and above all keep prepared and keep the precautions of keeping healthy. All of this has been posted here.

This is not a joke. In one of the incidents, stores were closed down, and cities were suddenly desertified and they looked as if they were Zombie towns. This may sound incomprehensible now, but this is how things go when there is forced quarantine. In an example I know personally, even going out in the street during "Curfew" hours, or moving out of town [as for example because stores are empty], this can land you in prison. Specific major events, or schools, or places of assembly such as universities, may be actually closed down by force.

And the above happens within "Normal" control measures. In some places one reaction is also to close places that produce food such as restaurants. If stuff goes badly, there may be imposition for some of these to close for a week or so. It all depends on how far this goes and how regional and the government of a respective country reacts.

Bear in mind now that Italy is one of the strongest countries in Europe, so they have the funds and the provisions, so even with a stupid leftist government, the situation will be better than let's say smaller countries.

Many countries are not however on the level so what remains here for those living in irresponsible or underdeveloped countries? You have to take personal care of yourself and your own family. Do not wait for the state to do that, as these situations do overload the state, and mostly big countries can respond to them, and even in that case, the state may act in a botched manner.

So here is the bad news and the good news. The good news is that the mortality rate for the virus is super low and that at the current state of affairs, it's not likely a thing where if one contacts it they die. That is, provided they are generally healthy and below 80 years old, or in some endangered category. If you are on this category, wear mask and take all the provisions.

Most of the ramifications here will be the following:

1. High contagion rate [many people can get infected at once and also get re-infected] and therefore, people can't go to work, people may remain disabled from working for as much as two to three weeks etc. All of this fucks up the economy. Many people can't afford 1 month without work without being going straight into debt. This has major drawbacks in the economy.
2. Problems with tourism, which affect the worldwide economy.
3. China's production fucking up, which is now estimated to be by official estimates from half to one trillion dollars in damage. And the situation is not done yet.
4. People of high risk such as cancer patients, or people who are elderly, are high risk groups. For those having children, make sure to take provisions for your little ones.

Whomever says they know certainly how the above will be dealt with or that there will be zero problems is either misinformed or they have no clue about the reality of the above. We don't have to be like the ignorant idiots, but don't be unprepared either.

Do not give a fuck what other people are doing. Many people are so idiotic as to wait to the last moment, then do chaotic and aggressive shit which will be more difficult to handle than the virus. The virus itself as stated is a smaller problem than the propaganda, the chaos, and the reactions of panic by people.

We have informed everyone. If most people have taken at least a few measures,even if one is unfortunate [we are from all over the world here] and this thing breaks in a place, then one will be reasonably prepared, way more than the average, and therefore most likely safe. Many people don't have a clue what to do or how to act, everyone here does have a clue. This puts you at an advantage.

The majority of people will not be prepared at all, and yes, these things happened in Italy, people started razing into super markets, to the point people couldn't even buy water. There was chaos that was not reported.

The good news is that if you are prepared and have read the posts, and have, as things look now, about two weeks to three weeks minimum of food supply [which is nothing major financially and CAN be achieved, you don't need to eat lobster in such a situation, just to eat and be alright] and take precautions, everything will probably be alright through a quarantine process.

Another thing I wanted to point out is that masks, I checked like 5 days ago, and one mask costed 3 bucks. These are the masks that do 95% block which in the US are called N95 masks and N99 masks for the 99% protection rate. Then I rechecked yesterday and the masks did cost 150$ which is a blatant buy off by profiteers and other jews who want to escalate the phenomenon and make sure it turns to a pandemic. Even surgical masks if worn properly are going to work to a high percent of protection and better than none.

Still, you can do a small working to get what you need to get. Technically speaking you won't need luxuries, just necessities.

Lastly, remember, the same people that you see today ignoring the virus and saying the general shit like, who cares etc, are also going to be the same people who will storm supermarkets like cattle and fight over bottles of water like animals if things happen as they did in Lombardy.

So screw the mentality of these people are do some necessary planning to get a little prepared. This is not a bunker situation but it's a situation where it has to be taken seriously as it goes. Bear in mind also that life will keep going despite of anything that happens, ie, people will try to maintain normalcy and there is no need to go crazy.

PS: In the next day we will proceed with some actions to help our own through. More tommorow.

Feel free to comment anything additional as sharing correct information is power.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Should we trust the news that Israel will have a vaccine ready in three weeks? I do not trust them at all but it's not impossible to think that they wanted to profit from this and so they were the ones that created the whole situation to make money by selling the vaccine to other nations and by making everyone love them because they saved everyone...

Still, I do believe that we should stock up anyway, wherever you live, in Italy especially but it's not impossible to think than in other European nations there are more cases than the government won't let the world know, Macron or Merkel are jews remember this, and other nations are full of jews and stupid gentiles too...
what is the terms or conditions of surrender in order to stop the virus ? is it a challenge? ,
The problem with the mask shortage is that, ideally, the masks would be used in a disposable manner, as the exterior could be contaminated. With the shortage, even if one can source enough masks, the cost would be pretty high.

Remember that you also need to protect the mucous membranes in your eyes from infection, which warrants goggles. Now taking these two facts together, it might make sense to get one full-face mask. This would shield the eyes, but could also be worn multiple times, assuming you wipe the exterior off with alcohol wipes or sanitizing solution.

As HP Cobra mentioned, the virus mostly harms those who are unhealthy/old. The majority of the damage to society will come as an economic burden. You could find yourself temporarily out of work in a quarantine or supply shortage scenario, therefore you need to start planning now, in terms of maintaining money for expenses and securing food and water.

I'd imagine 99% of SS will be fine, however we may have to deal with the stress of weaker relatives or friends getting sick. I recommend stockpiling enough immune supplements (Echinacea, fruit-based Vit. C, Elderberry, Zinc and many others) to allow for infected loved ones to bolster their immune system as much as possible. Only the weakest of people could succumb whilst simultaneously taking these supplements multiple times daily.

Prepping for Coronavirus: Everything you will need:

Immune Supplements Info:
I want to reiterate this because it is infuriating me a lot.

This may be just my opinion and wrong but this in my opinion is the attack on Italy, in a moment of attack on the world.


Out of almost 700 cases of corona virus in Italy only 200 have been confirmed, so why the hell does every newspaper in the world say 700 cases instead of 250 confirmed cases and 500 other suspects ?!

It looks like in advertisements when a tiny and very fast wording passes overlay.
This emphasis on the many cases in Italy (unconfirmed)

1- it is making us look like lepers to the rest of the world (I am not very interested in the serious economic connotations it is bringing and will bring even more)
2-He quarantined the productive and economic heart of our country.
This is disgusting an unworthy thing.
France has 88 cases about Italy 250 or so (confirmed) this is an important but not huge difference like 700 to 88.
My opinion is that this is a tactic to definitively destroy our economy.
Now it's up to us Italian brothers to avoid this
Rtr with even more effort!
Who specifically is making money on the Dow Jones and stock market drops, because of this virus ?
"Follow the money". .. https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/685d0ace521648f8a5beeeee1b9125cd .. And this is just the '''official''' count
So The Coronavirus Is Escalating In Europe - /Prepare

It's the same thing with Gas masks, the one I got for $200 is now being listed for over $1000 but at least the p100 filters are cheaper now.

And I've been noticing that the price on Gold has been increasing as investors definitely see that this may not end well economically but Silver is a good investment as it's much cheaper for just a precautionary safeguard for whatever becomes of this issue.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
(..) As for the escalating situation in Italy, Italian SS can inform us more indepth, because one cannot know solely by the news. (...)

Main facts :
- People are divided. 50% are worried and stay at home (no traffic, empty shops and cafes) and stock up food, 50% are saying jewish bullshit and live with no worry and care (it's a flu, we all need to take it, just live as before) and think they will not be infected as they are "the strongest" (lol)
- Government is backing and planning to reduce security measures, cafes are open now, etc. They clearly want to avoid panick so probably they do hide many informations.
- Inbound and outbound tourism is freezed, bookings are blocked for uncertainity.
- Where are the migrant invaders? Since 2 weeks most of them disappeared from the streets. Strangely they seem the most afraid of being police checked or infected.
I forgot :
- Some hospitals begin being crowded and would not have enought beds in case of rampant number of "flu".
About the death rate, this article explains why dividing current infected numbers per current death numbers is not a precise way to calculate the death rate in an on going epidemic.

How to calculate the mortality rate during an outbreak
The case fatality rate (CFR) represents the proportion of cases who eventually die from a disease.

Once an epidemic has ended, it is calculated with the formula: deaths / cases.

But while an epidemic is still ongoing, as it is the case with the current novel coronavirus outbreak, this formula is, at the very least, "naïve" and can be "misleading if, at the time of analysis, the outcome is unknown for a non negligible proportion of patients." [8]

(Methods for Estimating the Case Fatality Ratio for a Novel, Emerging Infectious Disease - Ghani et al, American Journal of Epidemiology).

In other words, current deaths belong to a total case figure of the past, not to the current case figure in which the outcome (recovery or death) of a proportion (the most recent cases) hasn't yet been determined.

The correct formula, therefore, would appear to be:

CFR = deaths at day.x / cases at day.x-{T}
(where T = average time period from case confirmation to death)

This would constitute a fair attempt to use values for cases and deaths belonging to the same group of patients.

One issue can be that of determining whether there is enough data to estimate T with any precision, but it is certainly not T = 0 (what is implicitly used when applying the formula current deaths / current cases to determine CFR during an ongoing outbreak).

Let's take, for example, the data at the end of February 8, 2020: 813 deaths (cumulative total) and 37,552 cases (cumulative total) worldwide.

If we use the formula (deaths / cases) we get:

813 / 37,552 = 2.2% CFR (flawed formula).

With a conservative estimate of T = 7 days as the average period from case confirmation to death, we would correct the above formula by using February 1 cumulative cases, which were 14,381, in the denominator:

Feb. 8 deaths / Feb. 1 cases = 813 / 14,381 = 5.7% CFR (correct formula, and estimating T=7).

T could be estimated by simply looking at the value of (current total deaths + current total recovered) and pair it with a case total in the past that has the same value. For the above formula, the matching dates would be January 26/27, providing an estimate for T of 12 to 13 days. This method of estimating T uses the same logic of the following method, and therefore will yield the same result.

An alternative method, which has the advantage of not having to estimate a variable, and that is mentioned in the American Journal of Epidemiology study cited previously as a simple method that nevertheless could work reasonably well if the hazards of death and recovery at any time t measured from admission to the hospital, conditional on an event occurring at time t, are proportional, would be to use the formula:

CFR = deaths / (deaths + recovered)

which, with the latest data available, would be equal to:

2,859 / (2,859 + 36,712) = 7% CFR (worldwide)

If we now exclude cases in mainland China, using current data on deaths and recovered cases, we get:

71 / (71 + 397) = 15.2% CFR (outside of mainland China)

The sample size above is extremely limited, but this discrepancy in mortality rates, if confirmed as the sample grows in size, could be explained with a higher case detection rate outside of China especially with respect to Wuhan, where priority had to be initially placed on severe and critical cases, given the ongoing emergency.

Unreported cases would have the effect of decreasing the denominator and inflating the CFR above its real value. For example, assuming 10,000 total unreported cases in Wuhan and adding them back to the formula, we would get a CFR of 5.8% (quite different from the CFR of 7% based strictly on confirmed cases).

Neil Ferguson, a public health expert at Imperial College in the UK, said his “best guess” was that there were 100,000 affected by the virus even though there were only 2,000 confirmed cases at the time. [11]

Without going that far, the possibility of a non negligible number of unreported cases in the initial stages of the crisis should be taken into account when trying to calculate the case fatally rate.

As the days go by and the city organized its efforts and built the infrastructure, the ability to detect and confirm cases improved. As of February 3, for example, the novel coronavirus nucleic acid testing capability of Wuhan had increased to 4,196 samples per day from an initial 200 samples.[10]

A significant discrepancy in case mortality rate can also be observed when comparing mortality rates as calculated and reported by China NHC: a CFR of 3.1% in the Hubei province (where Wuhan, with the vast majority of deaths is situated), and a CFR of 0.16% in other provinces (19 times less).

Finally, we shall remember that while the 2003 SARS epidemic was still ongoing, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported a fatality rate of 4% (or as low as 3%), whereas the final case fatality rate ended up being 9.6%.
Gerecht Ror said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
(..) As for the escalating situation in Italy, Italian SS can inform us more indepth, because one cannot know solely by the news. (...)

Main facts :
- People are divided. 50% are worried and stay at home (no traffic, empty shops and cafes) and stock up food, 50% are saying jewish bullshit and live with no worry and care (it's a flu, we all need to take it, just live as before) and think they will not be infected as they are "the strongest" (lol)
- Government is backing and planning to reduce security measures, cafes are open now, etc. They clearly want to avoid panick so probably they do hide many informations.
- Inbound and outbound tourism is freezed, bookings are blocked for uncertainity.
- Where are the migrant invaders? Since 2 weeks most of them disappeared from the streets. Strangely they seem the most afraid of being police checked or infected.

I am very glad as another Italian SS told me they had problems getting food and another one that they had absolutely no access to masks. I am glad that they will be re-opening and you can get stuff. It kept me worried yesterday night replying to the e-mail. Stay safe.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
(...) I am glad that they will be re-opening and you can get stuff. It kept me worried yesterday night replying to the e-mail. Stay safe.

Food is ok now, but masks are barely impossibile to be found (at least where I live that is not far from one epicenter).
Gerecht Ror said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
(...) I am glad that they will be re-opening and you can get stuff. It kept me worried yesterday night replying to the e-mail. Stay safe.

Food is ok now, but masks are barely impossibile to be found (at least where I live that is not far from one epicenter).
For all those who consider the purchase of a mask useful, I suggest evaluating the purchase from motorcycle dealers.
They sell masks with n99 filters in accordance with ffp3 at a still affordable price.
I paid 12 euros for a mask.

Some good news from Italy. The Italian strain of the virus has been isolated in the Sacco hospital in Milan.
They say the epidemic started between October and November 2019.
The work has just been accepted for publication in the 'Journal of Medical Virology' and the results have already been sent by the journal to the World Health Organization (WHO).
This is proof that China has definitely lied.



as for the destruction of the Italian economy, could it be caused by this agreement?


in the meantime in Italy while everywhere on the news there's a talk about COVID19 a decree on wiretapping has been approved:

The decree expands the prosecutors' ability to control the private lives of all of us, without our knowledge. And the power of journalists to disgrace politicians, entrepreneurs and ordinary citizens. The prosecutors will be able to listen to our phone calls and also to control us with more advanced technological tools, such as computer viruses, which are called trojans, and which are sent by espionage workers to computers and mobile phones. Trojans function like bugs and record everything we do and say during our day, when we are out and about with our cell phone or even when we are at home under the eye of a PC or laptop.

There is no other country in the world, among those with advanced democracy, in which such an advanced mass control system functions. Hundreds of thousands of wiretaps that demolish the privacy rights of a few million people (each telephone user, of course, transmits the conversations of several dozen people) and assume the role of pillar of the whole justice system.

The masks will put a hender on the joobeast facial recognition system. Thus leading to having to carry an ID. Make sure to have this. Because you know Jewsus needs all his flock of sheep chipped.
I know its not Italy but very close the Pope is meant to have it lol shame :lol:
They want to re-open the schools after having them closed for 1 week, if they actually do it it's gonna be a massacre.
sonnenkraft said:
what is the terms or conditions of surrender in order to stop the virus ? is it a challenge? ,
Nothing, they most likely going to try to get a vaccine so they can appear as heroes in order to get us to become willing slaves for them once more. fail that, they will just try to kill all humans on earth with bioweapon and any other weapons they have at their disposal.
Shadowcat said:
https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2020/02/tilburg-man-has-coronavirus-health-minister-confirms/ its in holland now too
i posted this elsewhere but figured it would be handy here too. Cleanliness and hygiene are a must.

I'll start a topic with a few additional information but to sum the dutch situation up:

-"Not to worry it'll only be as bad as the flu"
-"Corona will be seasonal"
-"We're not testing nor quarantaining anyone. If you feel sick and are suspected of having contracted corona call the GGD"
-There's basicly 0 preparation to deal with this virus in any way.
A lot of HEALTH CARE is given at HOME nowadays. Elderly people aren't in homes for them. They're told to stay at home and they're given help from all kinds of instances that are sending their people to their houses. All kinds of help. From medical, to washing them, to doing the household stuff.

Also, there are updates on the immigrant flood.
Here: https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152132/exodus-erdogan-gooit-grenzen-turkije-open/

Erdogan (Turkey) is opening its borders. Tons of people flooding into Europe. (They're speaking about 3 million. Yep. 3.000.000 people.. and more ofc).

It may be mean of me to say but I hope all those fing invading islamic people die from the virus. Though that'd mean it'd be dangerous for everyone..
Obviously the jews want to make this planet worse than a sewer, extreme pollution, huge amounts of viruses and other garbage. I was thinking of spacesuits. They are excellent for complete isolation but they weigh between 100-150kg and cost around a million euros. And then you have to eat and take care of your needs and it would be necessary to isolate the houses too, obviously this is not the solution. We need reinforcements even physically, maybe secret bases.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Shadowcat said:
https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2020/02/tilburg-man-has-coronavirus-health-minister-confirms/ its in holland now too
i posted this elsewhere but figured it would be handy here too. Cleanliness and hygiene are a must.

I'll start a topic with a few additional information but to sum the dutch situation up:

-"Not to worry it'll only be as bad as the flu"
-"Corona will be seasonal"
-"We're not testing nor quarantaining anyone. If you feel sick and are suspected of having contracted corona call the GGD"
-There's basicly 0 preparation to deal with this virus in any way.
A lot of HEALTH CARE is given at HOME nowadays. Elderly people aren't in homes for them. They're told to stay at home and they're given help from all kinds of instances that are sending their people to their houses. All kinds of help. From medical, to washing them, to doing the household stuff.

Also, there are updates on the immigrant flood.
Here: https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152132/exodus-erdogan-gooit-grenzen-turkije-open/

Erdogan (Turkey) is opening its borders. Tons of people flooding into Europe. (They're speaking about 3 million. Yep. 3.000.000 people.. and more ofc).

It may be mean of me to say but I hope all those fing invading islamic people die from the virus. Though that'd mean it'd be dangerous for everyone..

Let us just say this, if they send in 3 million Refugees, this will blow shit up in Europe. No amount of spreading them around is going to work. Imagine if only 100,000 or so of them do rape or do crimes, then the lives of many people will be permanently lost, aside their sanity also. Even as little as 1000 making it to a town, the town turns permanently into a jungle where people are killed and stolen of all their life's work.

Those who think it will always be fine and dandy are deceiving themselves or they are living in their own psychotic ignorant bubble. One can no longer go in a public hospital in Europe as things are, lest one wants to come out of a hospital with numerous infections like hepatitis or other shit that unchecked migrants are giving in. Others are faking illness to camp at hospitals.

The last thing that many European countries had that was good, was the public health sector, where even poor Europeans could seek help. This served well in Europe to keep Europeans mostly healthy and safe.

We have to always be one or two steps ahead than the normal goyim who are asleep. According to the normal goyim the "End" is when every shit possible has hit every fan possible. They are just fucking dumb.

Just google what has happened to Greek Islands which have became zombie zones and towns of the dead, and you will see what is happening in Europe. People working for 30 years for a house and a local business and all of it razed, burned to the ground, and gone forever. Of course, nobody gives a shit, as "MUH MIGRANTS".

A positive state of mind is required, meditations, aura of protection, provisions, and personal empowerment. Ignorance belongs nowhere in all of this. We don't have to be ignorant. We have to be prepared.

Each Satanist exceptionally precious compared to many random NPC's who will never do one RTR against the enemy or even worse did the grave of our race and humanity collectively. When the world is on our back and we are the only group that has raised a head against this spiritually, we cannot go by "Goyim logic" and live our lives like that.

This is why, as was the message of your post, preparation is required.
HP HoodedCobra, was somthing supposed to happen in may this year? Like some astrological alignment regarding possible economic collapse? I think Maxine said somthing about this a while back.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Shadowcat said:
https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2020/02/tilburg-man-has-coronavirus-health-minister-confirms/ its in holland now too
i posted this elsewhere but figured it would be handy here too. Cleanliness and hygiene are a must.

I'll start a topic with a few additional information but to sum the dutch situation up:

-"Not to worry it'll only be as bad as the flu"
-"Corona will be seasonal"
-"We're not testing nor quarantaining anyone. If you feel sick and are suspected of having contracted corona call the GGD"
-There's basicly 0 preparation to deal with this virus in any way.
A lot of HEALTH CARE is given at HOME nowadays. Elderly people aren't in homes for them. They're told to stay at home and they're given help from all kinds of instances that are sending their people to their houses. All kinds of help. From medical, to washing them, to doing the household stuff.

Also, there are updates on the immigrant flood.
Here: https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152132/exodus-erdogan-gooit-grenzen-turkije-open/

Erdogan (Turkey) is opening its borders. Tons of people flooding into Europe. (They're speaking about 3 million. Yep. 3.000.000 people.. and more ofc).

It may be mean of me to say but I hope all those fing invading islamic people die from the virus. Though that'd mean it'd be dangerous for everyone..

Thanks for summing all that up, i just realized the link i gave for me didn't work for some reason...That is pretty much the jist of what i read from it as well, along with the infected being from Tilburg.

Thats a shit load. Understandable frustration, as Europe has enough haji problems. It would indeed mean that if that many or even partially that many got infected that were coming in it would spread even more.
Toronto claimed to have 'quarantined' the only two known infected in self-isolation. They prettied up their news articles stating the infected "wore masks as soon as they were on the plane back to the city" and basically made it all sound too good to be true. Might as well have wrote that they bathed in bleach before they got home for their two-week long self-isolation too.

During my visit there recently, I saw a lot of people wearing masks and had to be screened for the virus. There was equal panic and equal apathy of people simultaneously freaking out and simultaneously not giving a shit. Since I left there, those two have recovered and there are now three new known infected in that city and who knows how many more are unaccounted for and how many those three had spread it to unknowingly. And right there is the straight-shut end of any potential quarantine.

None of this is "under control".
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Shadowcat said:
https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2020/02/tilburg-man-has-coronavirus-health-minister-confirms/ its in holland now too
i posted this elsewhere but figured it would be handy here too. Cleanliness and hygiene are a must.

I'll start a topic with a few additional information but to sum the dutch situation up:

-"Not to worry it'll only be as bad as the flu"
-"Corona will be seasonal"
-"We're not testing nor quarantaining anyone. If you feel sick and are suspected of having contracted corona call the GGD"
-There's basicly 0 preparation to deal with this virus in any way.
A lot of HEALTH CARE is given at HOME nowadays. Elderly people aren't in homes for them. They're told to stay at home and they're given help from all kinds of instances that are sending their people to their houses. All kinds of help. From medical, to washing them, to doing the household stuff.

Also, there are updates on the immigrant flood.
Here: https://www.geenstijl.nl/5152132/exodus-erdogan-gooit-grenzen-turkije-open/

Erdogan (Turkey) is opening its borders. Tons of people flooding into Europe. (They're speaking about 3 million. Yep. 3.000.000 people.. and more ofc).

It may be mean of me to say but I hope all those fing invading islamic people die from the virus. Though that'd mean it'd be dangerous for everyone..

Let us just say this, if they send in 3 million Refugees, this will blow shit up in Europe. No amount of spreading them around is going to work. Imagine if only 100,000 or so of them do rape or do crimes, then the lives of many people will be permanently lost, aside their sanity also. Even as little as 1000 making it to a town, the town turns permanently into a jungle where people are killed and stolen of all their life's work.

Those who think it will always be fine and dandy are deceiving themselves or they are living in their own psychotic ignorant bubble. One can no longer go in a public hospital in Europe as things are, lest one wants to come out of a hospital with numerous infections like hepatitis or other shit that unchecked migrants are giving in. Others are faking illness to camp at hospitals.

The last thing that many European countries had that was good, was the public health sector, where even poor Europeans could seek help. This served well in Europe to keep Europeans mostly healthy and safe.

We have to always be one or two steps ahead than the normal goyim who are asleep. According to the normal goyim the "End" is when every shit possible has hit every fan possible. They are just fucking dumb.

Just google what has happened to Greek Islands which have became zombie zones and towns of the dead, and you will see what is happening in Europe. People working for 30 years for a house and a local business and all of it razed, burned to the ground, and gone forever. Of course, nobody gives a shit, as "MUH MIGRANTS".

A positive state of mind is required, meditations, aura of protection, provisions, and personal empowerment. Ignorance belongs nowhere in all of this. We don't have to be ignorant. We have to be prepared.

Each Satanist exceptionally precious compared to many random NPC's who will never do one RTR against the enemy or even worse did the grave of our race and humanity collectively. When the world is on our back and we are the only group that has raised a head against this spiritually, we cannot go by "Goyim logic" and live our lives like that.

This is why, as was the message of your post, preparation is required.

Geenstijl.nl is notorious for its exaggerated and strongly opinionated posts. I kind of forgot that when reading it. My bad. The actual number will probably be (much) lower, but there are still loads of people coming from there into Europe.
Heck the website even admitted in another post about getting the requirement for being an acknowledged learning company (for students of the media) that they act like they're still in puberty..

Anyway it should be possible to more or less find the actual numbers in a couple of days or weeks, if they're that slow.
CuoreNordico said:
About the death rate, this article explains why dividing current infected numbers per current death numbers is not a precise way to calculate the death rate in an on going epidemic.

How to calculate the mortality rate during an outbreak
The case fatality rate (CFR) represents the proportion of cases who eventually die from a disease.

Once an epidemic has ended, it is calculated with the formula: deaths / cases.

But while an epidemic is still ongoing, as it is the case with the current novel coronavirus outbreak, this formula is, at the very least, "naïve" and can be "misleading if, at the time of analysis, the outcome is unknown for a non negligible proportion of patients." [8]

That long explanation, can't it be simpler..

Ehm.. I guess you could try deaths/recovered..
Or.. if you take the total number of infected today lets say from Wuhan, official numbers say:
Confirmed 66.337
Deaths: 2.727
Recovered: 28.930
Excisting: 34.680
(Current death rate opposing to recovery is: 2727/(2727+28930=31657)= 0,086.. = 8,6%)

Then you'll have to wait till the recovered and death number would have reached the combined number of all deaths,recovered and excisting together from this day.. Now these numbers from china probably can't be trusted so might be better to take numbers from Italy..
Confirmed: 889
Deaths: 21
Recovered: 46
Excisting: 822
(Current death rate for Italy: 21/(21+46=67)=0,313.. = 31,3%) Now its still too early to trust 1in3 deaths..

At least.. if I were to have to calculate this, I'd probably do it this way.
jbkbmz said:
Who specifically is making money on the Dow Jones and stock market drops, because of this virus ?
"Follow the money". .. https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/685d0ace521648f8a5beeeee1b9125cd .. And this is just the '''official''' count

In 2017 during the Ebola outbreak, the world Bank put 400+ million dollars into the stock market, labeled pandemic insurance. Investors could buy into these pandemic bonds. If there is ever a pandemic, all stockholders must forfeit their bonds to the world Bank who would distribute they money to cover the medical cost of the pandemic. So long as a pandemic does not breakout, stockholders receive a certain percent profit annually.
If a pandemic brakes out, investors AKA bond holders will loose their annual profit and loose a lot of money, and the world bank would make insane profits. You can see why investors would not want to technically call this a pandemic? They may down play it in hopes of keeping that annual % profit. Also, I can see why the world bank would love and maybe even intentionally allow a pandemic to evolve.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Since the virus also spreads in the eyes should we wear goggles?
Just heard on BBC radio 2 Coronavirus in UK has jumped from 4 to 40. Prime minister says at the moment it's business as usual. Mmm I think it's very serious. Coronavirus has already killed 3000 people around the world.
Update: Netherlands, 19 infected. Places around Amsterdam, Rotterdam and in Limburg, near the german border.
All these people that got infected have travelled to areas where the virus was quite widespread already. Northern Italy in example.

Also note: This is officially day 4 or 5 for us that someone has contracted the disease.

They're still talking about it being very mildly.

Masks are stolen from hospitals. (Ffp2 / Ffp3 most likely)
People have been buying masks and they are very hard to come by. Prices are very high, whilst back then they were only a few cents each..
There is a shortage.

So no one has had this disease before. So it'd be quite safe to assume that simply everyone would be quite sick by it, to begin with.

Also, the 'protocols to keep health' are ridiculous. Just wash your hands more often and properly with soap.. but if you're workin in proximity with people whom might have gotten sick and you don't have a choice but to stay close to them it is very easy to be infected since its an airborne disease.. Not like 'dont' touch them or you'll get sick. (Seriously WTF protocols you people that said that should be tried for treason).
Updates from Italy :
- Schools are now closed in all the country
- Military hospitals are being used to relief civil hospitals in affected areas
- Quarantined off-limits zones most likely will be soon extended
- Situation is now quiet in the street, but we most likely have far more than reported 2.500 cases
One of the best antiviral plants is garlic eat it raw uncooked and the fumes even cover the lungs from viruses (not sure how safe but it works against) etc. Might be a cheap solution, for people who can´t get a mask, and a nother + point people avoid you ;) so less infection risk. Better smell then be ill or death.

ginger is also antiviral. But it can´t couver the lungs (no fumes)

"Garlic's potential to combat heart disease has received a lot of attention, but it should receive even more acclaim for its antimicrobial properties. Fresh, raw garlic has proven itself since ancient times as an effective killer of bacteria and viruses. Once again, we can thank allicin. Laboratory studies confirm that raw garlic has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Not only does it knock out many common cold and flu viruses but its effectiveness also spans a broad range of both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (two major classifications of bacteria), fungus, intestinal parasites, and yeast. Cooking garlic, however, destroys the allicin, so you'll need to use raw garlic to prevent or fight infections.

Antimicrobial Activity

Garlic's infection-fighting capability was confirmed in a study conducted by researchers at the University of Ottawa that was published in the April 2005 issue of Phytotherapy Research. Researchers tested 19 natural health products that contain garlic and five fresh garlic extracts for active compounds and antimicrobial activity.

They tested the effectiveness of these substances against three types of common bacteria: E. faecalis, which causes urinary tract infections; N. gonorrhoeae, which causes the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea; and S. aureus, which is responsible for many types of infections that are common in hospitals. The products most successful at eradicating these bacteria were the ones with the highest allicin content.

Now garlic is being investigated to see whether it can help us battle microbes that are resistant to antibiotics. Can garlic go where current antibiotics cannot and knock out the resistant bacteria? Perhaps.

One simple but meaningful demonstration of garlic's antibacterial power can be found in a study conducted at the University of California, Irvine. Garlic juice was tested in the laboratory against a wide spectrum of potential pathogens, including several antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. It showed significant activity against the pathogens. Even more exciting was the fact that garlic juice still retained significant antimicrobial activity even in dilutions ranging up to 1:128 of the original juice.

Garlic and Your Gums
Garlic may even help your gums stay healthy. In a study published in the July 2005 issue of Archives of Oral Biology, researchers concluded that garlic extract inhibits disease-causing bacteria in the mouth and may be valuable in fighting periodontitis, a serious gum disease. (Untreated gingivitis often leads to periodontisis, a condition in which the ligaments and bones supporting the teeth become infected and inflamed, ultimately resulting in tooth loss.)

This is exciting news because oral health can impact the rest of your body. For instance, disease-causing bacteria in your mouth can get into the bloodstream via bleeding gums, travel to your heart valve, and damage it.

Is it possible that garlic can work alongside prescription medications to reduce side effects or to help the drugs work better? Results from several studies say yes.

In a Rutgers University study that used bacteria in lab dishes, garlic and two common antibiotics were pitted against certain antibiotic-resistant strains of S. aureus (a gram-positive bacteria) and E. coli (a gram-negative bacteria). Garlic was able to significantly increase the effectiveness of the two antibiotic medications in killing the bacteria.

Research done in Mexico City at a facility supported by the National Institutes of Health of Mexico also showed some interesting results. It extended previous research in rats that used aged garlic extract and various sulfur-containing compounds from garlic along with gentamicin, a powerful antibiotic that can cause kidney damage. When any of the garlic compounds was ingested along with gentamicin, kidney damage was diminished.

Next, researchers set about to determine whether garlic weakened the effectiveness of gentamicin. As it turns out, the exact opposite happened: Garlic actually enhanced the effect of gentamicin. These findings indicate that with the use of garlic, perhaps less gentamicin would be needed, and kidney damage could be minimized.

Judging by research conducted in lab dishes and animals, it appears that garlic is a strong defender against microbes, even against those that have developed a resistance to common antibiotics. It also appears that garlic enhances the effects of some traditional antibiotics. But does it stand up to the test in humans?

Battling the Bugs Within

Eating raw garlic may help combat the sickness-causing bugs that get loose inside our bodies. Garlic has been used internally as a folk remedy for years, but now the plant is being put to the test scientifically for such uses. So far, its grades are quite good as researchers pit it against a variety of bacteria.

For eons, herbalists loaded soups and other foods with garlic and placed garlic compresses on people's chests to provide relief from colds and chest congestion. Now the Mayo Clinic has stated, "preliminary reports suggest that garlic may reduce the severity of upper respiratory tract infection." The findings have not yet passed the scrutiny of numerous, large, well-designed human studies, so current results are classified as "unclear."

Can a garlic clove help stop your sniffles? A study published in the July/August 2001 issue of Advances in Therapy examined the stinking rose's ability to fight the common cold. The study involved 146 volunteers divided into two groups. One group took a garlic supplement for 12 weeks during the winter months, while the other group received a placebo. The group that received garlic had significantly fewer colds -- and the colds that they did get went away faster -- than the placebo group.

Garlic also may help rid the intestinal tract of Giardia lamblia, a parasite that commonly lives in stream water and causes giardiasis, an infection of the small intestine. Hikers and campers run the risk of this infection whenever they drink untreated stream or lake water.

Herbalists prescribe a solution of one or more crushed garlic cloves stirred into one-third of a cup of water taken three times a day to eradicate Giardia. If you're fighting giardiasis, be sure to consult your health-care provider, because it's a nasty infection, and ask if you can try garlic as part of your treatment.

Finally, in the January 2005 issue of Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, researchers reported the results of an investigation into whether fresh garlic extract would inhibit C. albicans, a cause of yeast infections. The extract was very effective in the first hour of exposure to C. albicans, but the effectiveness decreased during the 48-hour period it was measured. However, traditional antifungal medications also have the same declining effectiveness as time passes.

A solution of raw garlic and water may stop wounds from becoming infected.
A solution of raw garlic and water may stop
wounds from becoming infected.

Want more information about garlic? Try:

Vegetable Recipes: Find delicious recipes that feature garlic.
Nutrition: Find out how garlic fits in with your overall nutrition plans.
Vegetable Gardens: Grow a full harvest of great vegetables this year.
Gardening: We answer your questions about all things that come from the garden.

This information is solely for informational purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Neither the Editors of Consumer Guide (R), Publications International, Ltd., the author nor publisher take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained in this information. The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider. "

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
