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Should i drink water only when i am thirsty?


Feb 7, 2020
Too much confusion in google searches so i thought it best to ask the question here.

I do drink water. And i believe that i am healthy. But i am not really certain about my water intake. I know in a healthy individual the body knows what it needs and it can regulate water properly according to a persons situation, work and environment.

So should i drink water only when i am thirsty? Somedays i never feel thristy, so i end up drinking just the normal fluids such as tea and juice and a glass of water. For optimum health benefits. Should i drink water even when I dont feel thirsty or is it vice-versa?

Would appreciate your comment on this.
TanzanianGod said:

I don't know how accurate this is, but when my fire element is high enough it seems I don't drink as much water and I seem to almost be subconsciously apathetic/withdrawn of it.

Though not on purpose of course, I hardly notice it until I realize my water bottle has been empty all day. This also can have to do with activity level. If you're not expending a lot of your body's water through exercise, digestion and frequent movement, etc, then there's no real reason to replenish it or feel thirsty.

Really you can just do an easy test for this, just make yourself drink one glass of water and if it goes straight to your bladder within an hour then your body just simply doesn't need it and you have enough, which is probably why you're not thirsty.

Your body will make you feel thirsty when you need water regardless of the reason, although with the fire element thing this thirstiness seems to not be very strong or noticeable, but when I 'look into' my body I can intuitively tell that it does indeed need water. I'm not sure how to explain this, it would make more sense to be more thirsty if your fire element was too high, not less so. Fire is the opposite of water but I don't see why it would actually repel something like drinking water. Then again I could just be mistaken about the element thing so don't take this one to heart.
Being thirsty isn’t the first sign of dehydration. So going by this alone and you might end up not getting enough water. There was a great book that came out some years ago where a doctor was able to cure his patients of many different diseases with strategic doses of water intake.

There’s many factors, but look at and assess your urine. If you’re noticing it darker you need more water. It should be closer to clear. But be careful of over-hydrating as well. That can be deadly.
yes. the thirst mechanism is most reliable. Of course you have to be able to understand what constitutes thirst. In the early morning more water should be drunk and it should be tapered off about 2 hours prior to sleep. When you are tired that is also a sign often of lacking hydration.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
