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Sex, Rape And Murder In Mythology

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Perhaps the greatest crime one can do to spiritual knowledge or the mythology, which is a language of symbolism, is to take it literally.

While other "religions" and "programs" are actually doing this, this was never the case in the Ancient religions. Especially where mythology is explained, strictly on the myths, this literalization has to be avoided at all costs and as wildfire.

Taking the myths in a gross manner is a very serious mistake and oftentimes a mistake that is done by many newcomers to the occult. Even worse, this false practice is used to make justifications of abominations, a practice done by the enemy all the time.

The second greatest worst act is to translate the mythology wrongly. This has a literal problem underlying in itself. Translators of the enemy constantly do translate myths and spiritual texts in a gross manner, which they do on purpose. Defamation and degradation of the spiritual knowledge happens as a result. Sometimes this is done as a fault from people themselves.

When one reads "murder" in a mythology, you might notice this appears sometimes in myths that deal with family or the murder of the father [Zeus - Kronus], or the murder of someone by a God. This is a symbol of enforced transformation.

Likewise, whenever we see sex, we have the connection of energies. The very word Yoga, means Union, and is related to the sexual union. Therefore, when you see sex, this means to connect two things.

Further, there are constant bogus claims of the enemy about "Homoerotic" things in mythology. That is not physical nor it is to give credit to the norms claimed, people didn't write this to give or not give credit, but for hiding spiritual knowledge. As far as the myths are concerned, it's because energies can be connected even if both are male or female energies of the same kind.

Lastly, rape is a symbol for connecting energies that are sometimes in opposition and would never want to connect themselves under normal circumstances. One such famous myth is the attempted "rape" of Aphrodite by Pan. As Pan represents the energy of nature in an adulterated and lowest state, Aphrodite represents the natural procreative energy on a higher level.

Because Pan fails to incorporate this energy, the innocent God of the wild, attempts to "rape" her in a myth, because he cannot transform. The "rape" fails in the myth, and Pan is hit on the head with a sandal because he was acting stupid in infatuation.

The myth here shows that transformation of the energy does not happen in the way Pan would want, and that the misdirection of sexual energy will not succeed in the transformation of itself.

These representations have spiritual connotations and were taken as innocent jokes in the Ancient past, especially in Ancient Greece where this on the ethical and legal side was a vehement crime. Of course, the initiated people knew the underlying meanings, and all of the populace that these were myths supposed to have hidden meaning and not the other way around.

Spiritual Satanists as initiates to the Gods must know this and not get carried away with the false nonsense that is perpetuated in a very literalized manner in modern society which is spiritually blind.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This isn't totally on topic, but you are also the one who corrected/informed me that Rape also didn't even use to mean Sexual Assault like we know today. The Proto-Indo-European root of the word is "To Snatch", which would evolve to the greeks and romans to have meanings of abduction or kidnapping.

It's my opinion that the word was purposefully distorted by the Roman Catholics to further demonize the Gods, but I may be wrong on this.
For the one who is unable to do rape or whatever evil and is totally indifferent to human sex or other such trivia deal, it is way too obvious, even in very early childhood that something completely else stands behind these myths. Who would even need stories of some egocentric sexually hype bullies abducting people all the time? Let alone such thing do not exist except in the sick mind of some jewish schizophrenic.

I always noted how kike religions possess not our thinking and our soul. For example their mere concentration on sex... why is this so important to them? I never saw most intelligentsia even interested in these trivia thing that xian pastors are so hype with. They concentrate on this totally unimportant trivia thing day and night.

Ancient Greeks were among those who mainly gave us our greatest science and art. Why would creators and innovators of their level create stories of some sexual maniacs, when even such lower beings as us, who can't produce anything of their level, still consider this behavior an abomination?

I noticed also, how these talk is put in the internet here and there about Ancient White Nations mostly. You would not for example see jewish whining all over the internet about Japanese Kodsiki and alleged brutality there. Yet when it comes to Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome which were the greatest White civilizations, the only thing you hear about them would be their alleged preoccupation with sex, homosexuality, rape, pedophilia and related. Kikes went so crazy prescribing their own screwed nature on others to the extent where it became just too obvious.

Other example is bible: while according it their own people do nothing but loot, rape and murder, they would forever prescribe it on Gentile Nations they allegedly destroy.

Why would a God that possess the craziest cosmic beauty and the best qualities in the world would even care to have sex with a trivial mortal, let alone denigrate to harass one??

Such abomination is for loosers who are not wanted even by the worst of the worst in the universe. It is very clear why kikes being the natural unfits and outcasts they are, are so preoccupied with it.

The higher civilization is the more alien it becomes to all this mediocrity nonsense, crime is for lower worlds filled with jewish cancers and fated to burn.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Even worse, this false practice is used to make justifications of abominations, a practice done by the enemy all the time.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I just saw it on television yesterday,that the existence of the Tower of Babel is what historians are trying to prove.The ruins of an old building in Vanam have been used to prove the existence of the Tower of Babel.
Anyway, I wasn't watching the television(my biological dad was watching) and I only heard(I seen at) half a minute of it,but I certainly didn't want to get caught up in the bullshit stuff that was on TV.
Great sermon, Commander! Can you write on or shortly explain "sacrifice" too?
That makes a lot of sense to me, especially after beginning to understand the nature of the names of the Gods. I think many of these myths tie into Astrological symbolism as well.

Zeus and Ganymede for example, Sagittarius forms a sextile with Aquarius. There is something in this story that is an allegory for the ascent to spiritual perfection from something wild and untamed. This is also probably something to do with why Zeus gifted Tros with a horse and why Ganymede wields the 'grail' or cup.
Thank you!
I have been reading ancient Egypt stories about the gods and there were some stories with a pretty obvious spiritual message if we look at the meditations that the God's and the clergy have gifted to us, as the connection of the solar chakra and 6th chakra, Isis having the secret word of Ra, that makes him the ruler god. Some others are most difficult to understand,but this post may help me a Lot.

Thank and Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I wonder about this. In Nature, we see symbols and patterns that can be found in in the human body and soul. For example, the Orion Nebula looks like a human with a tongue sticking out, or the Helix Nebula looking like a human eye. The Scarab Beetle looks like the top of a human skull, and so many more. Could this be the reason why allegories can be so rich with deep meaning? For example, Set killing Osiris can be translated by ignorant people as a literal murder, but for those who understand how Nature works, this could be a symbol of Fall coming after Spring, and the death of vegetation during the Winter. Of course, there are MANY MANY deeper meanings behind these allegories, but the fact that there are so many hidden deep truths in very "simple" stories such as Set and Osiris, or the story of the Titans and the Olympians, is one's understanding of how Nature has so many symbols and patterns hidden and seen in everyday things and people.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

you already wrote this thread last year or ever in your life, right, hp?
i remember explaining to someone exactly that that nothing was literal last year
Are there any myths that do contain actual events? Such as Kurukshetra, Lanka/Ram Setu?
I have a good question, that was inspired by my girlfriend asking.

So, originally she was offended to hear that there is rape in Pagan mythology, and didn't understand that is symbolic of Nature. She relaxed once I explained it was not literal but she had a good question, which I tried to answer. I will show below.

She asked why the Gods and the Ancients didn't just tell us directly and without the use of allegory that could be open to misinterpretation.

I answered, because it easier for the human to understand cosmic forces when there is a familiar reference that is literal. Like rape, which is the force of someone sexually on someone else with opposition and resistance, sometimes union is achieved, sometimes not. This is comparable to opposing elements, forces, etc trying to unite.

Is this correct? Why the use of allegory?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

When I saw this sermon, I wanted to write it, I had never written any sermon before. When I was writing it, the magic began in me, I began to have many ideas, many interpretations and I had nothing left to do but to put them on paper. I kept writing until the end and after writing it all down, a very strong thought came to me to publish it here. I do not participate much in the forums, but I followed that idea, that thought and here I am transcribing it all. This is part of my notes and my personal study, really the writing does not have an order or a very formal form, they are just thoughts and ideas that came as a torrential downpour. So beforehand I apologize maybe for the disorder of the writing form or things like that.

While Pan represents the energies of nature in an adulterated and low state, Aphrodite represents the energies of nature in a higher level. Let's explain this to the best of my knowledge and according to what is emerging in me. Pan is perfectly representing today's spirituality. Humanity spiritually is at a lower level, where the lower instincts and feelings prevail in a morbid way and where the proper natural balance of energies is almost null.

All this is atrophied because the kundalini serpent has fallen in humanity and remains dormant. When the spirituality of man is atrophied, adulterated or at a very low level, it can present this type of behavior, even in our spiritual path, this type of things can occur, only at this point we will be aware and try to reverse it, stop it or change its course in a positive aspect.

It is not only representing the above mentioned, but also the "falling in love" and the "obsessive-compulsive love", a graphic representation of how the behavior of a person "in love" could be. Even for us who are on this path, we could fall into this error, unless we have already attained divinity. For these and more reasons we should spend our energies on our path as SS and on the Gods.

The other representative point is the mental acuity that we must have in order not to fall into delusions, stupidities, mistakes or perhaps human impulses that could be fatal for ourselves as well as for others.

On the other hand, Aphrodite represents a higher level in spirituality as well as in sexuality. Here Aphrodite hits Pan with a sandal to make him come to his senses, that this is not correct for the true nature of man in spirituality. In a few words this represents the opposite sides and that the energies should not be forced, but to take a process of constant and adequate growth, we must let go and let the energy (in the meditations of satanic power) do their work effectively, we must remember that on this path less is more. This is achieved by not worrying and flowing.

The other point is the diversion of sexual energy that would not be successful in transforming itself, in short, as we have said before, we should not repress our sexuality, we must give it free rein in order to have an effective advance and that the sexual energy is responsible for transforming itself or we could even give it a transformation but without forcing it. This leads us to another logical reasoning and that is to accept the frustration in our lives, not only as a whole, but when frustration is present, we must accept it and improve. We should not let ourselves be carried away by this feeling or even act badly. Here mental and emotional control is everything.

This also shows us that some cases are the representation of our stupid, ignorant behavior, which will only lead us to failure and the destruction of our souls. It shows us how to act and how not to act, it teaches us, guides us and intrigues us.

I apologize in advance if my English is not very good.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Recently, I thought that maybe some legends should be taken literally if their metaphorical meaning is not clear, but now I understand that myths cannot be taken literally. Now I understand in what direction it is worth unraveling the meaning of myths, the true meaning of some I am trying to understand with my brain, based on the information I have at the moment.

Roman civilization is one of my favorites, especially the history of emperors. I noticed that the jews hate the Roman emperors very much and try to denigrate them in every possible way. Among the emperors who participated in campaigns against jewish state formations, there were also such emperors who, according to the descriptions of historians, were not military leaders and did not really like military affairs, but at the same time they loved art, aesthetics, built outstanding architectural structures, loved to draw, but the main thing is that all these emperors eventually became winners and completely defeated the jews. Among the emperors there were people of different characters and temperaments, but they were all leaders of their time (P.S.: I mean only pagan emperors. For me personally, сhristian emperors are not emperors, but traitors).

The Roman Empire and the Republic stood for a thousand years, and I hope that in the future there will still be a state formation that will shock the jews.

Which Roman emperors are most loved and respected by our Gods?
Which Roman emperors carried out the will of the Gods the most?
When I was little and did not know of SS the Greek myths seemed to me off. They were something familiar yet they put me off alot with the alleged stupidity and selfishness, murder out of envy and rape and infidelity done by the Gods. I couldn't understand why the Gods would do that. I knew it was something wrong with them!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

You just brought up a memory of a college class I took on ancient history, where the topic was about Aristotle's works (and its influence on the enemy Abrahamic religions), and how he and the Greek philosophers and intellectuals described "women". When taken in a literal misconception, it seems absolutely mysogynstic and sexist, however after reading JoS and reading your posts on the forums, it became quite clear it was all allegorical and started piecing together light a one big aether Satanic lightbulb!

They were simply describing the opposing (or attracting) nature of different energies, masculine vs. feminine and etc.

The stupid Kikes, Xians and Mudslimes all stole it, perverted it, and that's how we got the heinous treatment of women in these Abrahamic trash religions. But even before the "surface religions" came about, fake "Jewish Pagans" initiated "literal practices" of child rape, sacrifice, and etc. under orders of greys/reptilians.

I will say....I believe it was rather a poor practice on part of the Ancient Pagans to be using God and Goddess names to describe opposing/attracting or "raping" energies - I guess they did it that way due to the lack of linguistic terms to describe these energies so they threw in names of Gods who fit those energies. Very glad to be living in an era rich with info from ministries like JoS that can clarify these topics.
Bright Truth said:
Great sermon, Commander! Can you write on or shortly explain "sacrifice" too?

Sacrifice is a gateway for the enemy they sure love to pollute this word.

Sacrifice of equating to ritual murder of animal or human is completely, COMPLETELY enemy stupidity.

Sacrifice = Time spent meditating, spiritual warfare, maintaining a higher spiritual evolution i.e. a sacrifice of personal time for the personal God in you. NOT be killing people or animals or being a dupe and praying for your destruction. Learning, education personal time.

Sacrifice = for some people and the Gods don't mind this per say perhaps maybe even accepting of it even IF it is a form of lesser mentality. Sacrifice of flowers or fruits or food/vegetables giving a sacrifice of nature to the Gods. They aren't against this but people should realize nature is alive morphological resonance(Rupert Sheldrake comes to mind) and even nature itself feels the pain and death. It's one of the reasons why every once in a while maybe once per year people perform a specific prayer to absolve the sins(negative karma) of nature on the sacrifice of eating meat and non-meat products.

Even plants are alive. But the Gods understand prefer this sacrifice if society is ignorant. Siva's favorite flowers are 5 or 6 specific Hindu flower especially the Lotus pod flower which is a flower sacred to Satan.

Sacrifice = Helping people for example doing a proper job holding up your society not being a scumbag. Financial wise you gotta hold yourself up akin to Hitler. Finances are EXTREMELY important for society and civilization look at the enemy and their shekelberging/shekelsteining operations. In ancient times the religious or banking individual who fucked up on purpose and cucked around in worst case would be put to death. So a sacrifice to society and the betterment of humanity.

In reality for the Gods the main one is the spirituality/meditation wise. But according to the National Socialist mountain everyone is climbing around the mountain to reach the top some choose to go slower and climb up through society and time. Others want to be Gods and embark on the great masterwork journey of alchemical evolution.

So sacrifice has many meanings ignore what the judeo-bolsheviks do they are communists for a reason. Sacrifice in their language is cuck bullshit. They do make a point to sacrifice from the goyim as much as possible so the jews live comfortably and are always popped up psychically and physically.

Sacrifice does not equal surrender your civilization cuck around and become a lapdog of the enemy.

Sacrifice can also mean the political and military part of sometimes shit happens and soldiers and people need to fight and we need to understand some people wish to make a sacrifice of involving themselves with dangerous works and we should respect that if anything we should strive to better understand the mentality of politics and warfare as warfare has peaceful application such as wargames or business or finances or anything really.

Unfortunately even the respect of soldiers even by their own nation is dead. Politics and military is who can cuck to Israel better and who can make money the most and start more goyim on goyim murder for the Tziddikim.

Anyways Sacrifice = a monumental Pagan existence even George Lincoln Rockwell in Understanding National Socialism understands the sacrifice he and his family gotta make for the betterment of society. We all gotta make sacrifices to a degree but not if it comes at the cost of the destruction of the planet or leting the enemy subvert our language so we get smacked around like pool balls.

Sacrifice does not mean death. But rather a whole spectrum of things involving You and everyone else, society, civilization.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Great Sermon HP, as usual. Unfortunately some Neopagans as well have been buying these lies about literal "animal sacrifice" or "Gods vs Gods" and have the nerve to slander the JoS.

We are not Abrahamic anyway, if a degenerate book talks about talking donkey/ants, walking trees, reversed evolution and other idiotic nonsense, they take it literally while making fun of us for having myths like the one in which Odin who "rapes" a princess, despite the fact that it is just a spiritual allegory.

Hail Satan!
To xianity an Islam it's a given they don't understand symbolism cause their brainwashed,(everything bes serious in bibleses or bookses except page me say not serious)but come on in these pagan tales some Gods an humans would have sex with animals an bear a child,which it's obvious symbolism you don't see furrys walking the streets, than why would xian believe it's ment to be taken seriously,but you know brainwashed Xians an Islam will go reeeeeeeeeeee reeeeeeeeeeee reeeeeeeeeeee when you mentione it which is why xians an Islam will always be (npc classic)
Primal said:
I'm still a bit confused. What exactly is being implied here? That rape, redefined, is okay?

Someone enlighten me please. I'm really slow.

No, the opposite of this is shown. That none of these actions are literal, these are all mythologies. How to read them and understand them is explained by the post, point being, these are NOT literal, these are code-words.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Perhaps the greatest crime one can do to spiritual knowledge or the mythology, which is a language of symbolism, is to take it literally.

While other "religions" and "programs" are actually doing this, this was never the case in the Ancient religions. Especially where mythology is explained, strictly on the myths, this literalization has to be avoided at all costs and as wildfire.

Taking the myths in a gross manner is a very serious mistake and oftentimes a mistake that is done by many newcomers to the occult. Even worse, this false practice is used to make justifications of abominations, a practice done by the enemy all the time.

The second greatest worst act is to translate the mythology wrongly. This has a literal problem underlying in itself. Translators of the enemy constantly do translate myths and spiritual texts in a gross manner, which they do on purpose. Defamation and degradation of the spiritual knowledge happens as a result. Sometimes this is done as a fault from people themselves.

When one reads "murder" in a mythology, you might notice this appears sometimes in myths that deal with family or the murder of the father [Zeus - Kronus], or the murder of someone by a God. This is a symbol of enforced transformation.

Likewise, whenever we see sex, we have the connection of energies. The very word Yoga, means Union, and is related to the sexual union. Therefore, when you see sex, this means to connect two things.

Further, there are constant bogus claims of the enemy about "Homoerotic" things in mythology. That is not physical nor it is to give credit to the norms claimed, people didn't write this to give or not give credit, but for hiding spiritual knowledge. As far as the myths are concerned, it's because energies can be connected even if both are male or female energies of the same kind.

Lastly, rape is a symbol for connecting energies that are sometimes in opposition and would never want to connect themselves under normal circumstances. One such famous myth is the attempted "rape" of Aphrodite by Pan. As Pan represents the energy of nature in an adulterated and lowest state, Aphrodite represents the natural procreative energy on a higher level.

Because Pan fails to incorporate this energy, the innocent God of the wild, attempts to "rape" her in a myth, because he cannot transform. The "rape" fails in the myth, and Pan is hit on the head with a sandal because he was acting stupid in infatuation.

The myth here shows that transformation of the energy does not happen in the way Pan would want, and that the misdirection of sexual energy will not succeed in the transformation of itself.

These representations have spiritual connotations and were taken as innocent jokes in the Ancient past, especially in Ancient Greece where this on the ethical and legal side was a vehement crime. Of course, the initiated people knew the underlying meanings, and all of the populace that these were myths supposed to have hidden meaning and not the other way around.

Spiritual Satanists as initiates to the Gods must know this and not get carried away with the false nonsense that is perpetuated in a very literalized manner in modern society which is spiritually blind.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
leave the stupid word-for-word literal taking of the Myths and Legends f our Gods, to the inferior retarded Kikes and the bastardized Kikes called Xainians (Christians).
Very important sermon, HP. A lot of people are so misguided and don't understand allegories.

Carvier said:
Thank you!
I have been reading ancient Egypt stories about the gods and there were some stories with a pretty obvious spiritual message if we look at the meditations that the God's and the clergy have gifted to us, as the connection of the solar chakra and 6th chakra, Isis having the secret word of Ra, that makes him the ruler god. Some others are most difficult to understand,but this post may help me a Lot.

Thank and Hail Satan!

That's a very clear message! Thanks for posting this :)
Primal said:
I'm still a bit confused. What exactly is being implied here? That rape, redefined, is okay?

Someone enlighten me please. I'm really slow.

Speaking of redefining rape, I can't remember where I learned it from, but apparently the word rape used to mean abduction. Like in the "rape of Persephone" story where Hades abducts her and takes her back to the underworld. This story by the way is about the changing of the seasons because Persephone ends up spending X amount of seasons with Hades and X amount of seasons with her mother Demeter. It could mean other spiritual things, but that's the most obvious surface meaning.

As for your question directly, to more fully understand what the High Priest is talking about in the post is going to require a deeper understanding of energies and how energies work, and also understanding at least a little bit about dimensions. When I was new here I couldn't understand anything about dimensions even though I kept seeing the High Priest talk about them, and even when he tried to explain it to me, I just wasn't ready to understand. Now I've experienced dimensions a bit more, meditated on how things function with dimensions, and tried my best to perceive the differences between them. I've learned a lot, but at first I was in denial that they even existed. Some of these concepts need to be experienced for the mind to understand them. This is part of spirituality and spiritual learning.
Thank you HP)I have heard a story about Enki creating human beings from a God that was somehow murdered(not by him).Do you know what happened?I really love to hear more about Goddess Lilith and Father Satan.Goddess Lilith has always been my favorite Goddess
I have a rather difficult question but does anyone have any information or links pertaining to sacrifice in ancient Greece?

I read in the Illiad (Homer) that groups of oxen were used as burnt offerings to the Gods.

Thanks for any input. :)
This is a useful post.

While it ought already be known that these are allegories, the examples of conceptual correspondence you provided clear up a bit and get the ball rolling for people to think allegorically in retrospect to reverse engineer allegory.
JXAVSD10000 said:
This is a useful post.

While it ought already be known that these are allegories, the examples of conceptual correspondence you provided clear up a bit and get the ball rolling for people to think allegorically in retrospect to reverse engineer allegory.

I am very glad this very important point was received and understood, because it's anything but a superficial point, it's actually very indepth when one understands that. Thanks for making that comment.
Gear88 said:
Bright Truth said:
Great sermon, Commander! Can you write on or shortly explain "sacrifice" too?
Sacrifice = Time spent meditating, spiritual warfare, maintaining a higher spiritual evolution i.e. a sacrifice of personal time for the personal God in you. NOT be killing people or animals or being a dupe and praying for your destruction. Learning, education personal time.

This makes sense to me now. Very great job explaining things! So sacrifice is about giving up something for our own greater good and it's a way of celebrating and honouring the Gods for their gifts.

When I read the Iliad and learned how hecatombs (100 oxen) were burnt offerings for the Gods I began to worry.

So in this example, these animals were burnt (cooked) for the purpose of nurturing the people/followers of the Gods?

In the case of avoiding anger/punishment I guess this would be their way of using these things as a means to show their devotion by enhancing and nourishing themselves collectively, thus avoiding angering/upsetting the gods.

I guess punishment then would be not directly sent from the Gods but rather a natural conclusion for their actions (i.e a lack of gifts/blessings)?

It's all a little confusing but considering these stories are much older than the bible and far more allegorical this makes sense. The bible is very literal; g-d instructing people to wipe out entire nations, etc. Not very poetic... it's just straight up evil.

This topic overall was a great wake up call for me. Great stuff. :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
