The Alchemist7 said:
As for the second (mega) link, we need to see what exactly from JoS is translated there and how good the translation is, so it won't be neccesary to translate that again into ex-Yugoslavian.
1. file
In the first folder, the first thing is "Daily Routines - Dnevne Rutine", in there we have several things: 40 days meditation program (it needs to be updated, it has outdated info), the second thing is Asanas + Mantras, then hatha and kundalini yoga programs.
2. File
This is "Demons" section of the JoS. It aswell needs to be updated, since HPC is updating the english version rn, so this one will need it aswell.
3. file
This is the "Satanic rites and celebrations" section. It needs update, because its again full with "enochian" stuff.
4. file
This is the "Azazel's Astrology for Satanists" section. As I see, it needs no updates.
5. file
They named this "Power meditations part 2 (reffering to the intermediate section I think)". It needs updates, it has some outdated infos
6. file
"Power meditations part 3" I noticed the first part is a copy paste of the Part 2, it gives some outdated infos and such
7. file
This is the witchcraft section, I think we already have it saved, so no need to add this on the list
8. file
The first pargraph is "Satanic Meditation Information"
The second paragraph is "Important Information Concerning Power Meditation"
The third is "ABOUT THE MIND"
The fourth is "Detailed information about the mind power" (I couldnt find this one on the website)
The fifth is link
9. file
This is the main website
It has some funny words but its understandable
10. file
"Power meditations part 1"
This one is very very controversial, since here they are claiming that south slavs are illyrians and I dont think it would be clever to upload this one to the website