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Serbo-Croatian Translation Thread

ZeljnaIstine said:
throwaway88 said:
ZeljnaIstine said:
Pozdrav SVIMA,
nova sam o Sotonizmu,ali zelim brzo uciti,citam puno JOS,ali ipak bi mi trebao neko malo pomoci,ako je netko voljan neka mi se javi ,hvala puno


Možeš napraviti zasebnu temu na glavnom forumu ako trebaš pomoć sa nečim specifičnim. Inače se ne preporuča kontaktirati članove osobno s obzirom da postoji puno infiltratora i ljudi sa lošim namjerama. Ako imaš problema sa engleskim i zbog toga želiš kontaktirati nekog od nas (balkanaca) osobno, napravi privremeni protonmail i ostavi adresu ovdje, pomoći ću ti koliko mogu.
Ako imas pdf od meditacije moci na nasem jeziku bilo bi idealno.Ili moze neke upute kako raditi pravilno


Nema pdf, ima word dokument, vjerojatno ćeš se malo teže snaći u njemu nego na web stranici ali će se kasnije staviti na internet cijeli prevedeni ex-yu JOS. Osobno sam preveo sve meditacije (osim runa i witchcraft sekcije)
throwaway88 said:
ZeljnaIstine said:
throwaway88 said:
Možeš napraviti zasebnu temu na glavnom forumu ako trebaš pomoć sa nečim specifičnim. Inače se ne preporuča kontaktirati članove osobno s obzirom da postoji puno infiltratora i ljudi sa lošim namjerama. Ako imaš problema sa engleskim i zbog toga želiš kontaktirati nekog od nas (balkanaca) osobno, napravi privremeni protonmail i ostavi adresu ovdje, pomoći ću ti koliko mogu.
Ako imas pdf od meditacije moci na nasem jeziku bilo bi idealno.Ili moze neke upute kako raditi pravilno


Nema pdf, ima word dokument, vjerojatno ćeš se malo teže snaći u njemu nego na web stranici ali će se kasnije staviti na internet cijeli prevedeni ex-yu JOS. Osobno sam preveo sve meditacije (osim runa i witchcraft sekcije)
Brother, havent we already got this?

Meditations - https://web.archive.org/web/20110913092405/http://exyujos.110mb.com/satanisticke_meditacije/meditacije_moci.html

Witchcraft section - https://web.archive.org/web/20110907220605/http://exyujos.110mb.com/satanisticka_magija/satanisticka_magija.html

Runes - https://web.archive.org/web/20110910022431/http://exyujos.110mb.com/Rune/Rune-index.html
The Alchemist7 said:
Serbon said:
I have finished the Exposing Christianity site - all the texts + the main page of it in Serbian

In the next month, or few months, Im pretty busy with school so I wont have many time to translate other stuff, but we will see in winter if Im gonna have time.
Hail Satan!
Thanks. Even if you can translate like one two articles in week-ends is still great, depends how you manage your time with both school and SS.
Hey, just for the future that we have no confusion - we already have the whole Demons section

Serbon said:
throwaway88 said:
ZeljnaIstine said:
Ako imas pdf od meditacije moci na nasem jeziku bilo bi idealno.Ili moze neke upute kako raditi pravilno


Nema pdf, ima word dokument, vjerojatno ćeš se malo teže snaći u njemu nego na web stranici ali će se kasnije staviti na internet cijeli prevedeni ex-yu JOS. Osobno sam preveo sve meditacije (osim runa i witchcraft sekcije)
Brother, havent we already got this?

Meditations - https://web.archive.org/web/20110913092405/http://exyujos.110mb.com/satanisticke_meditacije/meditacije_moci.html

Witchcraft section - https://web.archive.org/web/20110907220605/http://exyujos.110mb.com/satanisticka_magija/satanisticka_magija.html

Runes - https://web.archive.org/web/20110910022431/http://exyujos.110mb.com/Rune/Rune-index.html

Are these old translations or yours? I feel like I did quite a good job with the ones I did recently and would like those to be used as well if possible. Seeing the recent JoS Africa page I think we could upload an ex-yu JoS page pretty soon with some light coordination and then upload the rest of the pages as they are done.
throwaway88 said:
Serbon said:
throwaway88 said:

Nema pdf, ima word dokument, vjerojatno ćeš se malo teže snaći u njemu nego na web stranici ali će se kasnije staviti na internet cijeli prevedeni ex-yu JOS. Osobno sam preveo sve meditacije (osim runa i witchcraft sekcije)
Brother, havent we already got this?

Meditations - https://web.archive.org/web/20110913092405/http://exyujos.110mb.com/satanisticke_meditacije/meditacije_moci.html

Witchcraft section - https://web.archive.org/web/20110907220605/http://exyujos.110mb.com/satanisticka_magija/satanisticka_magija.html

Runes - https://web.archive.org/web/20110910022431/http://exyujos.110mb.com/Rune/Rune-index.html

Are these old translations or yours? I feel like I did quite a good job with the ones I did recently and would like those to be used as well if possible. Seeing the recent JoS Africa page I think we could upload an ex-yu JoS page pretty soon with some light coordination and then upload the rest of the pages as they are done.
Those are not mine translations, they are about 10 years old
throwaway88 said:
Are these old translations or yours? I feel like I did quite a good job with the ones I did recently and would like those to be used as well if possible. Seeing the recent JoS Africa page I think we could upload an ex-yu JoS page pretty soon with some light coordination and then upload the rest of the pages as they are done.

r2vven said:
Hello to anyone reading this.

I requested for this subforum to be made as it is my intent to translate the main webpage of the JOS completely, including all information about the Gods, Satan, our history, meditations and witchcraft.

This will be my first milestone. Translating other books that have hundreds of pages is also a goal, but it's a long-term one. I'm currently busy with university so it's not going to be finished very quickly, but at least the main JOS webpage/a good chunk of BlackSun666 will be done in a reasonable time.

If anyone else wishes to participate and is from Ex-Yugoslavia, please quote me here with your email and message me on

[email protected]


FaboanDeAdonai said:
ZeljnaIstine said:
Pozdrav SVIMA,
nova sam o Sotonizmu,ali zelim brzo uciti,citam puno JOS,ali ipak bi mi trebao neko malo pomoci,ako je netko voljan neka mi se javi ,hvala puno


Pozdrav i dobrodošla!
Kreni s www.satanisgod.org, ima također dosta materijala po internetu prevedenog na jugoslavenske jezike.
S bilo kakvim pitanjima se uvijek možeš javiti ovdje, braća i sestre uvijek rado pomognu.


How are we gonna continue now? Write down who is planning to translate what exactly, so we dont end up translating 2 times the same thing.
Im planning on beginning the translation on "Third Reich and Satanism"
Serbon said:
throwaway88 said:
Are these old translations or yours? I feel like I did quite a good job with the ones I did recently and would like those to be used as well if possible. Seeing the recent JoS Africa page I think we could upload an ex-yu JoS page pretty soon with some light coordination and then upload the rest of the pages as they are done.

r2vven said:
Hello to anyone reading this.

I requested for this subforum to be made as it is my intent to translate the main webpage of the JOS completely, including all information about the Gods, Satan, our history, meditations and witchcraft.

This will be my first milestone. Translating other books that have hundreds of pages is also a goal, but it's a long-term one. I'm currently busy with university so it's not going to be finished very quickly, but at least the main JOS webpage/a good chunk of BlackSun666 will be done in a reasonable time.

If anyone else wishes to participate and is from Ex-Yugoslavia, please quote me here with your email and message me on

[email protected]


FaboanDeAdonai said:
ZeljnaIstine said:
Pozdrav SVIMA,
nova sam o Sotonizmu,ali zelim brzo uciti,citam puno JOS,ali ipak bi mi trebao neko malo pomoci,ako je netko voljan neka mi se javi ,hvala puno


Pozdrav i dobrodošla!
Kreni s www.satanisgod.org, ima također dosta materijala po internetu prevedenog na jugoslavenske jezike.
S bilo kakvim pitanjima se uvijek možeš javiti ovdje, braća i sestre uvijek rado pomognu.


How are we gonna continue now? Write down who is planning to translate what exactly, so we dont end up translating 2 times the same thing.
Im planning on beginning the translation on "Third Reich and Satanism"

I think we should completely finish the JoS before anything else, and get it uploaded. I don't have time to resume working yet though. How is the converting to HTML from the RTF file going to look like if anyone knows?
throwaway88 said:
Serbon said:
throwaway88 said:
Are these old translations or yours? I feel like I did quite a good job with the ones I did recently and would like those to be used as well if possible. Seeing the recent JoS Africa page I think we could upload an ex-yu JoS page pretty soon with some light coordination and then upload the rest of the pages as they are done.

r2vven said:
Hello to anyone reading this.

I requested for this subforum to be made as it is my intent to translate the main webpage of the JOS completely, including all information about the Gods, Satan, our history, meditations and witchcraft.

This will be my first milestone. Translating other books that have hundreds of pages is also a goal, but it's a long-term one. I'm currently busy with university so it's not going to be finished very quickly, but at least the main JOS webpage/a good chunk of BlackSun666 will be done in a reasonable time.

If anyone else wishes to participate and is from Ex-Yugoslavia, please quote me here with your email and message me on

[email protected]


FaboanDeAdonai said:
Pozdrav i dobrodošla!
Kreni s www.satanisgod.org, ima također dosta materijala po internetu prevedenog na jugoslavenske jezike.
S bilo kakvim pitanjima se uvijek možeš javiti ovdje, braća i sestre uvijek rado pomognu.


How are we gonna continue now? Write down who is planning to translate what exactly, so we dont end up translating 2 times the same thing.
Im planning on beginning the translation on "Third Reich and Satanism"

I think we should completely finish the JoS before anything else, and get it uploaded. I don't have time to resume working yet though. How is the converting to HTML from the RTF file going to look like if anyone knows?
What section should I start translating?
I think Alchemist is gonna convert everything
Serbon said:

How are we gonna continue now? Write down who is planning to translate what exactly, so we dont end up translating 2 times the same thing.
Im planning on beginning the translation on "Third Reich and Satanism"
The translations you posted from the Internet Archive, are these good enough? If yes then they need to be saved offline and used in the new Ex-Yugoslavia JoS Website. As about what to do next, I proposed a plan several times but not everyone said their opinion. I post it again below, please let me know of your opinion, if is good this way or what to change. Also the table needs updated.

I've made a separate translation record only for Ex-Yugoslavian languages. As far as I know the current status of the websites is as described in the picture. Please say if you know of any section or website being translated and not marked there appropiately. Note that I added separated sections for the Meditation and Witchcraft


My proposal is to do the following:
- Keep JoS in Bosnian as the main JoS website for all ex-Yugoslavian languages.
- Translate the RTRs, Rituals, the Meditation and the Witchcraft sections into all Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian. Ideally there should be a page in the Yugoslavian JoS where you can select the meditation or witchcraft section in the language you are looking for
- Given that main JoS is already translated in Bosnian, I propose to divide the other websites between the other two languages as follows:
*Death of Communism, Exposing Christianity, Third Reich and Satanism/Christianity in Serbian
*White Death of Islam, Black Sun 666, Kabbalah Exposed, the Real Holocaust in Croatian
This order is just a random one, you can change it as you like, but Death of Communism/White Death of Islam and Exposing Christianity/Black Sun 666 should be kept in different languages as they are the biggest. The condition here is that people understand any of the ex-Yugoslavian languages without any problems, for example Croatians can read in Serbian without any problem. I propose this in order to pacify all languages without causing tensions or complains about why is something translated in this language and not that language. Maybe having a bit of JoS translated in every language will fix this. What do you all think?

We got JoS in Serbian, which will need to be reused for the new website

Note that Exposing the lie of Islam is already translated in Bosnian here:

r2vven said:

FaboanDeAdonai said:

Serbon said:

throwaway88 said:

ZeljnaIstine said:
The Alchemist7 said:
Serbon said:

How are we gonna continue now? Write down who is planning to translate what exactly, so we dont end up translating 2 times the same thing.
Im planning on beginning the translation on "Third Reich and Satanism"
The translations you posted from the Internet Archive, are these good enough? If yes then they need to be saved offline and used in the new Ex-Yugoslavia JoS Website. As about what to do next, I proposed a plan several times but not everyone said their opinion. I post it again below, please let me know of your opinion, if is good this way or what to change. Also the table needs updated.
I will control all the translations from the internet archive, and will save them offline and then post them here.

About the plan, I think its actually unnecessary to translate RTRs, Rituals, the Meditation and the Witchcraft sections into all Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian. Its whatever, we all understand each other, its like differences between american and british english.

About the table - Exposing Christianity is fully finished in Serbian, Ive posted it above.
Serbon said:
About the plan, I think its actually unnecessary to translate RTRs, Rituals, the Meditation and the Witchcraft sections into all Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian. Its whatever, we all understand each other, its like differences between american and british english.

That't good to see, but then we are back here:
FaboanDeAdonai said:
r2vven said:
Now, I see there's a misconception about our choice of language (Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian/Montenegrin). It would be unwise to translate to all of these languages, because they share more than 99% similarities. I guarantee you that the material, translated to any of these languages, would be easy to understand for any speaker who speaks either one of the languages I mentioned above. That's why we call it Ex-Yu (we all used to be one country 30 years ago).

Now, I'd like your input on what to do next.

Yes, I've been thinking about this too lately and I agree with you. Somebody put really tremendous effort into translating JoS into Bosnian, I've even found Exposing Christianity, Third Reich & Satanism, and Death of communism. There are some funny words / sentences used, but I couldn't say if it's wrong or not, since Bosnian is not my mother tongue.
But then again, you know how our people are, still dwelling on our (corrupted) past and thinking one is better than the other just because one is Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian... Maybe I'm wrong, but I was thinking, JoS should also be for "ordinary" people, who are still completely clueless, if you know what I mean.
Maybe it would be good to have one website for all ex-Yus, but main things (meditations, witchcraft, Demons, Exposing Christianity, communism and Third Reich) offered in all 3 languages... Sermons for example can stay in languages they have already been translated to, and the rest of them we can divide among ourselves and translate them in our languages. Just my thoughts. Tell me what you think 🙂

Hail Satan!

I proposed that because I understood there are `language tensions` between the 3 ex-Yugoslavia countries, so I tried to get an equal share of JoS translated in each `dialect` so to say.

Ok what we got then is:
- The main JoS in Bosnian and Serbian
- Exposing Christianity in Serbian and Croatian (the latter is translated in google translate)
- Exposing the Lie of Islam in Bosnian
- RTRs and Rituals in Bosnian (incomplete) and Croatian
- Meditation Section in Croatian

What is left is:
- Death of Communism
- Black Sun 666
- White Death of Islam
- Kabbalah Exposed
- The Real Holocaust

We can allocate them to different languages, for example:
- White Death of Islam in Bosnian
- Black Sun 666 in Croatian
- Death of Communism in Serbian
- Kabbalah Exposed in Serbian
- The Real Holocaust in Croatian

Or the language selection can be anyhow if it woudn't matter, but we all need to agree on the same strategy.
The Alchemist7 said:
Serbon said:
About the plan, I think its actually unnecessary to translate RTRs, Rituals, the Meditation and the Witchcraft sections into all Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian. Its whatever, we all understand each other, its like differences between american and british english.

That't good to see, but then we are back here:
FaboanDeAdonai said:
r2vven said:
Now, I see there's a misconception about our choice of language (Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian/Montenegrin). It would be unwise to translate to all of these languages, because they share more than 99% similarities. I guarantee you that the material, translated to any of these languages, would be easy to understand for any speaker who speaks either one of the languages I mentioned above. That's why we call it Ex-Yu (we all used to be one country 30 years ago).

Now, I'd like your input on what to do next.

Yes, I've been thinking about this too lately and I agree with you. Somebody put really tremendous effort into translating JoS into Bosnian, I've even found Exposing Christianity, Third Reich & Satanism, and Death of communism. There are some funny words / sentences used, but I couldn't say if it's wrong or not, since Bosnian is not my mother tongue.
But then again, you know how our people are, still dwelling on our (corrupted) past and thinking one is better than the other just because one is Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian... Maybe I'm wrong, but I was thinking, JoS should also be for "ordinary" people, who are still completely clueless, if you know what I mean.
Maybe it would be good to have one website for all ex-Yus, but main things (meditations, witchcraft, Demons, Exposing Christianity, communism and Third Reich) offered in all 3 languages... Sermons for example can stay in languages they have already been translated to, and the rest of them we can divide among ourselves and translate them in our languages. Just my thoughts. Tell me what you think 🙂

Hail Satan!

I proposed that because I understood there are `language tensions` between the 3 ex-Yugoslavia countries, so I tried to get an equal share of JoS translated in each `dialect` so to say.

Ok what we got then is:
- The main JoS in Bosnian and Serbian
- Exposing Christianity in Serbian and Croatian (the latter is translated in google translate)
- Exposing the Lie of Islam in Bosnian
- RTRs and Rituals in Bosnian (incomplete) and Croatian
- Meditation Section in Croatian

What is left is:
- Death of Communism
- Black Sun 666
- White Death of Islam
- Kabbalah Exposed
- The Real Holocaust

We can allocate them to different languages, for example:
- White Death of Islam in Bosnian
- Black Sun 666 in Croatian
- Death of Communism in Serbian
- Kabbalah Exposed in Serbian
- The Real Holocaust in Croatian

Or the language selection can be anyhow if it woudn't matter, but we all need to agree on the same strategy.

What about the witchcraft section, do we have it ready? If not Im gonna stick to the plan to control the online section and make offline one trough a mega folder.

I think this what we have now got is really good, just as I said earlier the thing on satanslibrary needs to be corrected, because there we have 3 different sites for 3 different languages. This needs to be corrected in 1 site and not 3. Also I just wanted to point out DO NOT USE YUGOSLAVIAN FLAG (for the site on satanslibrary). It has a communist symbol on it and will pretty much contradict everything we are doing here.
Instead of it, I think we would be good with flag of kingdom of yugoslavia which has just the stripes and no symbols on it.
Serbon said:
What about the witchcraft section, do we have it ready? If not Im gonna stick to the plan to control the online section and make offline one trough a mega folder.
It it yes:
Serbian: https://web.archive.org/web/20110907220605/http://exyujos.110mb.com/satanisticka_magija/satanisticka_magija.html
Bosnian: https://josbosnia.wordpress.com/satanisticka-magija/ (The sub-sections are in the content list on the left side, a bit down)

Serbon said:
I think this what we have now got is really good, just as I said earlier the thing on satanslibrary needs to be corrected, because there we have 3 different sites for 3 different languages. This needs to be corrected in 1 site and not 3
I think only HP Hooded Cobra has access there.

Serbon said:
Also I just wanted to point out DO NOT USE YUGOSLAVIAN FLAG (for the site on satanslibrary). It has a communist symbol on it and will pretty much contradict everything we are doing here.
Is good you pointed out because I will also need a flag for the Kabbalah Exposed Blogger website when it will be created. Personally I would probably use this image:

And I will name it `ex-Yugoslavia`. This is what I did for English (American/British flag) and Portuguese (Portgual/Brazil flag).

Therefore, is good to divide the websites left between the 3 languages/dialects? I think we need to wait for the other members to say their opinions.
The Alchemist7 said:
Serbon said:
What about the witchcraft section, do we have it ready? If not Im gonna stick to the plan to control the online section and make offline one trough a mega folder.
It it yes:
Serbian: https://web.archive.org/web/20110907220605/http://exyujos.110mb.com/satanisticka_magija/satanisticka_magija.html
Bosnian: https://josbosnia.wordpress.com/satanisticka-magija/ (The sub-sections are in the content list on the left side, a bit down)

Serbon said:
I think this what we have now got is really good, just as I said earlier the thing on satanslibrary needs to be corrected, because there we have 3 different sites for 3 different languages. This needs to be corrected in 1 site and not 3
I think only HP Hooded Cobra has access there.

Serbon said:
Also I just wanted to point out DO NOT USE YUGOSLAVIAN FLAG (for the site on satanslibrary). It has a communist symbol on it and will pretty much contradict everything we are doing here.
Is good you pointed out because I will also need a flag for the Kabbalah Exposed Blogger website when it will be created. Personally I would probably use this image:

And I will name it `ex-Yugoslavia`. This is what I did for English (American/British flag) and Portuguese (Portgual/Brazil flag).

Therefore, is good to divide the websites left between the 3 languages/dialects? I think we need to wait for the other members to say their opinions.
So I dont have to do anything with the witchcraft section, since its ready?
I think its unnecessary to divide the website because of the dialects, just waste of energy, time and work. Nondivided version would be much better in my opinion.
And yeah its good with the flags like that
Serbon said:
So I dont have to do anything with the witchcraft section, since its ready?

I guess you don't have to translate if it already exist in Serbian and Bosnian. You would have translated it in Serbian though, isn't it? What needs to be done is save these websites offline for when the new JoS websites will be created.

Regarding the Serbian website, we don't need to save each article individually in documents or something, I guess the HTML will be merely copy pasted in the new websites since they are already set up with the traditional black background and the colours of the font. I don't know if the whole website can be downloaded from the Internet Archive, that would be the easiest way.

Serbon said:
I think its unnecessary to divide the website because of the dialects, just waste of energy, time and work. Nondivided version would be much better in my opinion.
By division I mean to allocate certain websites to certain languages as I listed above, or you imply that they should all be translated in the same language/dialect?
The Alchemist7 said:
Serbon said:
So I dont have to do anything with the witchcraft section, since its ready?

I guess you don't have to translate if it already exist in Serbian and Bosnian. You would have translated it in Serbian though, isn't it? What needs to be done is save these websites offline for when the new JoS websites will be created.

Regarding the Serbian website, we don't need to save each article individually in documents or something, I guess the HTML will be merely copy pasted in the new websites since they are already set up with the traditional black background and the colours of the font. I don't know if the whole website can be downloaded from the Internet Archive, that would be the easiest way.

Serbon said:
I think its unnecessary to divide the website because of the dialects, just waste of energy, time and work. Nondivided version would be much better in my opinion.
By division I mean to allocate certain websites to certain languages as I listed above, or you imply that they should all be translated in the same language/dialect?
I dont know how to save it in html, also with Exposing Christianity Ive worked with word only.
I didnt imply they should all be translated in one dialect, but I think it would be good to totally ignore the dialect story just like in the english website
Serbon said:
I dont know how to save it in html, also with Exposing Christianity Ive worked with word only.
I didnt imply they should all be translated in one dialect, but I think it would be good to totally ignore the dialect story just like in the english website
If there is a standard Yugoslavian language that sort of cancel all differences between Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian I completely agree, like Arabic has dozens of dialects but also a standard language. Seeing ex-Yugoslavian members speaking about Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian individually, or saying that they don't fully understand the other 2 languages made me think that they are more different than you said. But you are right anyway if there is a sort of Yugoslavian that everybody understands then is the easiest to use it as unique language for translations. We need to wait for the other members to see what they think.

About the website (https://web.archive.org/web/20120503020353/https://exyujos.110mb.com/) , there are tutorials on the internet on how to download websites from the Wayback Machine. I will try to download that ex-Yu JoS hopefully in the close future.
The Alchemist7 said:
Serbon said:
I dont know how to save it in html, also with Exposing Christianity Ive worked with word only.
I didnt imply they should all be translated in one dialect, but I think it would be good to totally ignore the dialect story just like in the english website
If there is a standard Yugoslavian language that sort of cancel all differences between Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian I completely agree, like Arabic has dozens of dialects but also a standard language. Seeing ex-Yugoslavian members speaking about Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian individually, or saying that they don't fully understand the other 2 languages made me think that they are more different than you said. But you are right anyway if there is a sort of Yugoslavian that everybody understands then is the easiest to use it as unique language for translations. We need to wait for the other members to see what they think.

About the website (https://web.archive.org/web/20120503020353/https://exyujos.110mb.com/) , there are tutorials on the internet on how to download websites from the Wayback Machine. I will try to download that ex-Yu JoS hopefully in the close future.
There is no standard language, but as I said its extremely simular, just like american and british english, so there is pretty much no need for dividing anything in my opinion.
Serbon said:
so there is pretty much no need for dividing anything in my opinion.
I completely agree. I read yesterday from the Witchcraft sections of the two ex-Yu websites (Serbian and Bosnian) and the text was pretty much identical. I did not read a lot so I haven't seen even one difference. I think that's the best way to go. If the other members agree to proceed this way then I will also modify my records, remove the 3 languages and replace them with Yugoslavian, or ex-Yugoslavian.
The Alchemist7 said:
Serbon said:
so there is pretty much no need for dividing anything in my opinion.
I completely agree. I read yesterday from the Witchcraft sections of the two ex-Yu websites (Serbian and Bosnian) and the text was pretty much identical. I did not read a lot so I haven't seen even one difference. I think that's the best way to go. If the other members agree to proceed this way then I will also modify my records, remove the 3 languages and replace them with Yugoslavian, or ex-Yugoslavian.
Good, "ex-Yugoslavian" is better.
Btw, you are going to transfer my word files from Exposing Christianity into html?
Serbon said:
Btw, you are going to transfer my word files from Exposing Christianity into html?
I think this will be done by the person who will create the website. It might be me or someone else. My HTML knowledge is limited at this moment but I am not totally unfamiliar to it, we will see when we will be ready to create the websites. The commands for a JoS page are quite simple and straightforward and don't require extensive knowledge. For Kabbalah Exposed though when it will be translated in ex-Yugoslavian I will create a Blogger website like te ones in my signature.
The Alchemist7 said:
Serbon said:
Btw, you are going to transfer my word files from Exposing Christianity into html?
I think this will be done by the person who will create the website. It might be me or someone else. My HTML knowledge is limited at this moment but I am not totally unfamiliar to it, we will see when we will be ready to create the websites. The commands for a JoS page are quite simple and straightforward and don't require extensive knowledge. For Kabbalah Exposed though when it will be translated in ex-Yugoslavian I will create a Blogger website like te ones in my signature.

Okay, I think it would be good that we include "Exposing Kabbalah" to the main JoS page. On the bottom at least, since I think many who will be interested in reading wont find it in the end.
We can allocate them to different languages, for example:
- White Death of Islam in Bosnian
- Black Sun 666 in Croatian
- Death of Communism in Serbian
- Kabbalah Exposed in Serbian
- The Real Holocaust in Croatian

I will slowly begin translating Kabbalah Exposed in Serbian, this will take some time since my school is now throwing many things at me, when Im finished I will upload the word files again as earlier.
Hail Satan!
Serbon said:
Okay, I think it would be good that we include "Exposing Kabbalah" to the main JoS page. On the bottom at least, since I think many who will be interested in reading wont find it in the end.

I will slowly begin translating Kabbalah Exposed in Serbian, this will take some time since my school is now throwing many things at me, when Im finished I will upload the word files again as earlier.
Hail Satan!
If an ex-Yugoslavian JoS will be created, I think it will also have an index page like Satanisgod is for English, and there will probably be listed all the websites in ex-Yugoslavian.
The Alchemist7 said:
Serbon said:
Okay, I think it would be good that we include "Exposing Kabbalah" to the main JoS page. On the bottom at least, since I think many who will be interested in reading wont find it in the end.

I will slowly begin translating Kabbalah Exposed in Serbian, this will take some time since my school is now throwing many things at me, when Im finished I will upload the word files again as earlier.
Hail Satan!
If an ex-Yugoslavian JoS will be created, I think it will also have an index page like Satanisgod is for English, and there will probably be listed all the websites in ex-Yugoslavian.

I also wanted to say, Ive seen some mistakes in https://mega.nz/folder/NTxkmD5C#zcznxPJKXb7TzMvWWGA4Xw
(the RTRs in croatian)
Those are minor mistakes about how to vibrate stuff, for example instaed of "ush" the translator wrote "uhsh" and simular stuff. If you want I will correct all of those and upload?
I have decided that I will translate the entire JoS mainpage into Croatian. I'm not giving a time frame for this, but I will also convert the translations in a html form. So the pages will be completely ready to host and have the same sitemap as the JoS does. That's all.
throwaway88 said:
I have decided that I will translate the entire JoS mainpage into Croatian.
The entire JoS already exists in Bosnian and Serbian, is basically 2 nearly identical websites, translating a third one is not really wise. What needs to be done is to download the Serbian JoS from the Internet Archive because it has ll the html already set, it just need to be migrated on a new website. If Serbian, Bosnian and Croatian are all nearly identical then we already have 2 nearly identical websites.

Serbon said:
Kabbalah Exposed in Serbian

throwaway88 said:
JoS mainpage into Croatian.

Serbon said:
I didnt imply they should all be translated in one dialect, but I think it would be good to totally ignore the dialect story just like in the english website

Again you are reffering to Croatian and Serbian. If we are going to completely ignore any differences and refer to Serbian, Crotian and Bosnian as one language, isn't it better to use `ex-Yugoslavian` instead or something similar?
The Alchemist7 said:
throwaway88 said:
I have decided that I will translate the entire JoS mainpage into Croatian.
The entire JoS already exists in Bosnian and Serbian, is basically 2 nearly identical websites, translating a third one is not really wise. What needs to be done is to download the Serbian JoS from the Internet Archive because it has ll the html already set, it just need to be migrated on a new website. If Serbian, Bosnian and Croatian are all nearly identical then we already have 2 nearly identical websites.

Serbon said:
Kabbalah Exposed in Serbian

throwaway88 said:
JoS mainpage into Croatian.

Serbon said:
I didnt imply they should all be translated in one dialect, but I think it would be good to totally ignore the dialect story just like in the english website

Again you are reffering to Croatian and Serbian. If we are going to completely ignore any differences and refer to Serbian, Crotian and Bosnian as one language, isn't it better to use `ex-Yugoslavian` instead or something similar?

Using "ex-Yugoslavian" is the best option. Making 3 different websites and translations, or even just dividing the website in 3 parts will be a huge mistake and a very big waste of time, energy and effort.
As Ive said, the 3 languages are identical, differences are comparable to differences between american and british English
The Alchemist7 said:
throwaway88 said:
I have decided that I will translate the entire JoS mainpage into Croatian.
The entire JoS already exists in Bosnian and Serbian, is basically 2 nearly identical websites, translating a third one is not really wise. What needs to be done is to download the Serbian JoS from the Internet Archive because it has ll the html already set, it just need to be migrated on a new website. If Serbian, Bosnian and Croatian are all nearly identical then we already have 2 nearly identical websites.

Serbon said:
Kabbalah Exposed in Serbian

throwaway88 said:
JoS mainpage into Croatian.

Serbon said:
I didnt imply they should all be translated in one dialect, but I think it would be good to totally ignore the dialect story just like in the english website

Again you are reffering to Croatian and Serbian. If we are going to completely ignore any differences and refer to Serbian, Crotian and Bosnian as one language, isn't it better to use `ex-Yugoslavian` instead or something similar?

I didn't agree on ignoring the differences. Might as well finish the translation, meditations was the largest section anyway. Not translating the old sermons though. Will also put it all in HTML and have it ready for hosting.
Serbon said:
Using "ex-Yugoslavian" is the best option. Making 3 different websites and translations, or even just dividing the website in 3 parts will be a huge mistake and a very big waste of time, energy and effort.
As Ive said, the 3 languages are identical, differences are comparable to differences between american and british English

throwaway88 said:
I didn't agree on ignoring the differences. Might as well finish the translation, meditations was the largest section anyway. Not translating the old sermons though. Will also put it all in HTML and have it ready for hosting.
If the languages are as identical as american English and british English, in the end do these differences even matter? Not long ago I read a few sentences from an article from the Witchcraft section in Bosnian and Serbian websites and I haven't seen any difference, the text was identical. If you was translating the meditation section in Croatian, on the new website maybe we can have 3 different links for the meditation section but otherwise, translating a text in 3 pretty much identical languages is quite irrelevant. For example if Serbon will be translating Kabbalah Exposed in Serbian, it can remain as only translation for the entire `ex-Yugoslavian language` because Bosnians and Croats won't have any issue in reading in Serbian if these languages are nearly identical.
The Alchemist7 said:
Serbon said:
Using "ex-Yugoslavian" is the best option. Making 3 different websites and translations, or even just dividing the website in 3 parts will be a huge mistake and a very big waste of time, energy and effort.
As Ive said, the 3 languages are identical, differences are comparable to differences between american and british English

throwaway88 said:
I didn't agree on ignoring the differences. Might as well finish the translation, meditations was the largest section anyway. Not translating the old sermons though. Will also put it all in HTML and have it ready for hosting.
If the languages are as identical as american English and british English, in the end do these differences even matter? Not long ago I read a few sentences from an article from the Witchcraft section in Bosnian and Serbian websites and I haven't seen any difference, the text was identical. If you was translating the meditation section in Croatian, on the new website maybe we can have 3 different links for the meditation section but otherwise, translating a text in 3 pretty much identical languages is quite irrelevant. For example if Serbon will be translating Kabbalah Exposed in Serbian, it can remain as only translation for the entire `ex-Yugoslavian language` because Bosnians and Croats won't have any issue in reading in Serbian if these languages are nearly identical.
I still think dividing the future website will be a mistake, but for the compromise, I can agree on dividing the future website in something like this (having 3 different links for meditation section for example).
The Alchemist7 said:

All the RTRs are finished and controlled!

The Rituals that we still don't have are:
White Race Awakening Ritual
Black Race Awakening Ritual
JoS Protection Ritual
JoS Protection Ritual [With Rune Images]
Wealth And Prosperity Ritual
Wealth And Prosperity Ritual [With Rune Images]

I will finish this soon, and will send here.

What needs to be done:
When making the website and adding the RTRs on it:
On the first page of "ALL RTRs - Ex YU" there is "how to vibrate" page, and I've also explained how to raise energy in this first page. So my recommendation is to add this first page to every RTR on the site we will have, at the end of it, just like in the english pages.
Serbon said:
All the RTRs are finished and controlled!
The RTRs were already translated in Bosnian. You can find them in the first link in my signature, on the content list click on Bosnian and scroll down. Do you think the RTR affirmations must be translated in each language or is fine if they are all the same? Because the RTR affirmations must be clearly and perfectly translated in each language as they are in English, is a more senzitive translation.
The Alchemist7 said:
Serbon said:
All the RTRs are finished and controlled!
The RTRs were already translated in Bosnian. You can find them in the first link in my signature, on the content list click on Bosnian and scroll down. Do you think the RTR affirmations must be translated in each language or is fine if they are all the same? Because the RTR affirmations must be clearly and perfectly translated in each language as they are in English, is a more senzitive translation.
Its fine that we have the 1 version of RTRs, its the same.
The RTRs in bosnian has many mistakes, I've looked at it now. It also misses the pronouncination in our language, it has the english version of it.
Use the version I sent you, the version has everything perfect
The Alchemist7 said:


Now I have added:
White Race Awakening Ritual
JoS Protection Ritual [With Rune Images]
Wealth And Prosperity Ritual [With Rune Images]

What you need to do now is to replace the link with RTRs in bosnian with the link above, since as I said, the RTR link in bosnian is full of all kinds of mistakes, and it looks like they used online translator for that.
Serbon said:
What you need to do now is to replace the link with RTRs in bosnian with the link above, since as I said, the RTR link in bosnian is full of all kinds of mistakes, and it looks like they used online translator for that.
Yes for now I can use that link for the RTR section of all 3 languages but I am not sure if to convert them all to ex-Yugoslavian because not everyone agrees.

We should all discuss about `switching` the three languages into ex-Yugoslavian if they are so similar. If you don't agree with this it would be great to explain why so we can know how to plan and proceed from now on.
The Alchemist7 said:
Serbon said:
What you need to do now is to replace the link with RTRs in bosnian with the link above, since as I said, the RTR link in bosnian is full of all kinds of mistakes, and it looks like they used online translator for that.
Yes for now I can use that link for the RTR section of all 3 languages but I am not sure if to convert them all to ex-Yugoslavian because not everyone agrees.

We should all discuss about `switching` the three languages into ex-Yugoslavian if they are so similar. If you don't agree with this it would be great to explain why so we can know how to plan and proceed from now on.
Yes so my idea is that, because throwaway88 wants his translations aswell, what I totally understand:
We can put 3 dialects where we already have 3 translations (for example, the meditation section - we already have it in bosnian, croatian and serbian)

But with the RTRs - the only version without mistakes is my version, so there is no need to translate it over and over again, and everyone can clearly understand it with no difficulties
Serbon said:
Yes so my idea is that, because throwaway88 wants his translations aswell, what I totally understand:
We can put 3 dialects where we already have 3 translations (for example, the meditation section - we already have it in bosnian, croatian and serbian)
I did think about the meditation section and I consider his translations should be used as only version because the other two which were translated years ago are probably outdated as the English website was updated multiple times, which is reflected in his translations.
The Alchemist7 said:
Serbon said:
Yes so my idea is that, because throwaway88 wants his translations aswell, what I totally understand:
We can put 3 dialects where we already have 3 translations (for example, the meditation section - we already have it in bosnian, croatian and serbian)
I did think about the meditation section and I consider his translations whould be used as only version because the other two which were translated years ago are probably outdated as the English website was updated multiple times, which is reflected is his translations.
Yeah we could use his then
The Alchemist7 said:

I have translated Satans Absolution Ritual now.
The "Multilingual Joy of Satan Websites Index Updated 21/11/2021" from your description should be updated with the link above as the link for RTRs and Rituals in ex-yu languages

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
