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Saturn: Satan, Golden Age & Lord of Time

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Father Satan in the Ancient Pantheons of the Greeks and Romans, was Saturn.

In this Name, the root Sat which is related to the Truth, also has survived intact. SAT-ya, SAT-urn, even in the recent SAT-an. Not only Saturn, but to not overcomplicate this topic, this is for another topic and Satan's New Updated Hieratic Page.

Little is known about Saturn even today, because Saturn's mysteries were actually the top tier mysteries for the Ancient World. Saturn's concepts basically extend to the farthest places where matters of Spirituality are concerned, albeit also Saturn, is mysteriously the planet of the material realm, all at the same time.

Saturn, in contrast to any false statements generated later on by those who have no knowledge of spirituality, was actually considered the Patron of the Golden Age of Humanity. This knowledge is fully verifiable and proven even to this day.

The Golden Age, was an age of the highest level of spirituality, abundance of wealth of human resources, happiness and peace – a solid description of “Heaven on Earth". Further, during the Golden Age, human beings and Gods did live in a connected civilization, where toil, ignorance and lesser behaviors were unknown to Man. That much is well known from a historical and spiritual standpoint.

There were no wars on that time, famines, or any catastrophes and even nature was extremely friendly and beneficial to mankind. All worked in a form of harmony that is almost impossible to comprehend at the current historical interval we have. As such Hesiod has stated, the "Heroes of the Golden Age" are worshiped as "Demons" in the later ages; they guide with much love human beings, in order to again re-attain this state, as Patrons of our species.

We will also, eventually, get there again. There is also a secret here; the return to this state, will be even better than the last time. But that is something I won't derail the topic over...

Now, a lot of misinformation has been written about Saturn, despite of the information that is pretty clear in Ancient Sources, revealing that Saturn was ruling humanity during the most beautiful of all aeons, the Golden Age. There are no actual real negative statements of Saturn by any higher end philosopher or spiritualist. Most of these errant statements about Saturn being malefic, come way later on.

Typically, Saturn is also associated with Cronus. Cronus, in the Ancient Greek meaning, is the concept of Time. Without the concept of Time, there would be no universe and everything would be incoherent. If there is any difference between anything in the universe, and not a "singularity", where everything never was born out of anything, it's because of the concept of Time. This concept of Time is necessary for life, existence and aeons to unfold. Without it there is no creation, no multiplicity, no generation and also, no improvement of anything.

Without the notion of Time, everything is in a state of "stasis", or the lack of time. Creation or development of any sort, requires the formal physics notion of time in order to exist for living beings. This state of where nothing exists, is called nothingness, including also the lack of division, multiplicity and time. Chronos as a concept [Time], is where there is a division of this infinity, into the concept of actual creation.

Humanity, as expected, is easy to be misguided over false pretext. Most of the human beings are lazy, they want to not develop. Everyone likes reaping the fruit, but nobody likes to sow it. Therefore, any notion of Saturn, which is a planet that is focused on development, reaping only after you have sowed, and increasing your power to develop you (even via force) is considered "evil" and "malefic".

That very concept however, is the concept of...Evolution, Growth, Prosperity, Development and Creation in itself. It's the part that everyone has to hate, but simultaneously exactly what any living being has to necessarily follow in order to develop.

The construction of the universe, based on the topic of time, brings with itself another topic: Evolution. Without time, nothing can really evolve. But in the context of a division based on Time, then anything can evolve; evolution moves along the axis of Time.

In the context of all living organisms and beings, Saturn is the power that pushes all beings to become developed, evolve and spiritual themselves. As Saturn enforces a strict notion of Justice, the math here is very simple: Do what is required for evolution and survival = thrive, grow, based on the timeline. Do not do this = receive punishment.

This punishment or this reward, extends all the way from: Totally going back into non existence, all the way into becoming an Immortal God. The choices in regard to where one must strive toward, are related on how a being will decide to use their existence and time. Improvement in any area of life, is also strongly correlated to this very same topic.

Now, humans of course, in the context of their lives, also experience "luck" and other phenomena that are related to Jupiter. These represent bounds of luck and so on. Yet, when these are all fundamentally studied in-depth, these always are rooted to some very intricate process of sowing the proper seeds, once upon a time; that lead you in a way that you might not understand, into the reception of certain benefits.

These laws represent also the case of Ultimate Justice. While anyone or anything might try to play around these laws on the temporary scale, they can never escape them in the long term scale that these laws represent. One can for example steal from a field, or steal the produce from a field, but fundamentally, in the end, unless they know what to do, or how to map where good field will be (Attainmant of Wisdom via Saturn) they will eventually fall victim to these mentalities of trying to escape and malform these laws, and perish.

When this Divine set law is "transgressed", there is essentially the destruction of a living lifeforms, because it has not accepted the laws that come with existence in itself. Traditionally, because the process of growth, is also related to experiencing adversities, many people do not always seem to accept this process that will in the end make them as the Gods, similarly to how most people will not go to the gym in fear of pain - so their body will not see it's Golden Age of ability.

But without this concept embed in creation, there could never be any form of creation. In a not so paradoxical case, these laws are here only to help beings reach higher ends. For these laws to exist however, simultaneously, there has to be an abysmal ladder that if one falls, they can also reach either the highest heights or the lowest lows.

From a symbolic standpoint, Saturn is considered the God that “consumes” his children; the power of Saturn in Astrology and in Cosmogony, is the force that prompts humanity to either spiritually advance, or have to face the consequences of it’s own ignorance.

Time will indeed consume his children; but the other lesser topic about Saturn is that while he "eats his children" (like time is eating us apart), all the children that are "eaten by Saturn", are also alive when they are coming out of Saturn's mouth - the more one understands and implements these laws, one will eventually become an evolved being. First, consumption by Saturn is a given - whomever comes on this world, will be consumed by the mouth of time, whether you like it or not.

As you exist, the clock goes tick, tock, tick, tock. And you are on your way to develop. If you try to shut down the clock and not develop, it is still there, always ticking. The choice is yours. If some people feel a bit hurt that I mention these things, do not blame the messenger; I am merely a disciple of the Gods who is observing life too closely. Better do something with this Tick Tock of Time, rather than spend it all on Tik Tok time...

Now, Saturn also rules a series of other things that many people also dislike, to their own detriment as well as per usual: Boundaries, Discipline, Order, Maturity, Realism and internal spiritual conscience.

Most people, albeit they have to face all these things, instead of trying to understand them, get on board, work with these in order to improve themselves, merely seek to flee away from them, causing a lot of potential catastrophe to themselves and others.

In previous topics I have written on Saturn, I have explained why Saturn is a King Maker. Now, let's pressupose we have a King that does not know boundaries, discipline, order, maturity, realism or does not have an internal spiritual conscience. Where will the Kingdom and the people go? The kingdom is destined to perish.

In order to develop any serious knowledge of the above topics, one must also be in contact with the SAT aspect of Saturn...The Truth. In order to learn boundaries or discipline, order or maturity, or realism, or to develop truly spiritually, one has to start shedding things from themselves in the same way that the Sickle of Saturn must cut off the bad weeds and untruths from one's self.

After this process is done, one is guaranteed to become part of active, boundless and abundant generative process. But of course, the process of maintaining one's self into a standard that is supported by Saturn, has nothing related to the notion of it being "easy". Ease and Truth are two rather distant topics to themselves.

Humanity was given a certain timeline, a lifetime, or another part of life (which also includes their souls through reincarnations) to exist, thrive and develop. This timeline is supposed to be used for development of the species but also to enjoy existence, but also to act in a manner that will extend life itself in the future of the notion of Time.

Saturn divides the human lifespan (whether a human being would live for 100 or 1000 years, it would not matter) in very specific segmentation. That is a topic for another time. That segmentation is a key to actually achieve the Magnum Opus and a satisfactory life.

The concept of SAT-ya in Sanskrit, SAT-an in later history, or SAT-urn in the Roman Pantheon, are all correlated with the primary concept of the Truth. That concept has to be faced in order for a being to eventually get reborn and spiritually evolve itself, the laws around this topic are unavoidable, and everything that comes into existence, has to face these laws and seek how to work with them in order to finally master them.

Saturn was originally considered as the “Hidden Sun”, the “Dark Sun”, or the “Black Sun”. These allegorical statements indicate the hidden, intricate and occult nature of the sun in the heavens. That sun, in contrast to the known sun, is hiding and must be discovered. In Plato's works such as Timeaus, Saturn is literally called "Helios", meaning Sun. This inner Sun is not like the Sun of the heavens, and it's a sun that requires spiritual rectification to be reached. Hesiod and many others have glorified Saturn.

As a last note, Saturn's Era or the Golden Age, is representative of a time where humanity was spiritually elevated, not of the world of today. This is considered as a time of where "Heaven on Earth" as mentioned above. The Ancient Romans and Ancient Greeks, kept two celebrations for Saturn, named Kronia & Saturnalia, with the same common cultural content [around late December, like we glorify Satan today and in Mid Summer - Time of Harvest].

These celebrations were quite symbolic of this Golden Age era, as everything that was a part of the "current world" during these celebrations was banished, such as ignorance, poverty, deprivation, poverty, pettiness, lack of spirituality, slavery, death and many other such terms, were treated as non-existent realities to honor Saturn and remember the Golden Age, where none of this existed.

Humanity would simply band together and remind itself that no matter what is going on at the present, eventually there will be a Golden Age where there will be no notions of spiritual slavery and humanity will eventually become restored, to it's old and beloved Ruler, who is nobody else but Saturn.

For that age to arrive however and for us to reap from it's sweet fruits, we also have to sow the proper seeds; that is the core message of Saturn - What you give, is what you shall receive.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Father Satan in the Ancient Pantheons of the Greeks and Romans, was Saturn. In this Name, the root Sat which is related to the Truth, also has survived intact.

Little is known about Saturn even today, because Saturn's mysteries were actually the top tier mysteries for the Ancient World. Saturn's concepts basically extend to the furthest places where matters of Spirituality are concerned, albeit also Saturn, is mysteriously the planet of the material realm, all at the same time.

Saturn, in contrast to any false statements generated later on by those who have no knowledge of spirituality, was actually considered the Patron of the Golden Age of Humanity. This knowledge is fully verifiable and proven even to this day.

The Golden Age, was an age of the highest level of spirituality, abundance of wealth of human resources, happiness and peace – a solid description of “Heaven on Earth". Further, during the Golden Age, human beings and Gods did live in a connected civilization, where toil, ignorance and lesser behaviors were unknown to Man. That much is well known from a historical and spiritual standpoint.

Now, a lot of misinformation has been written about Saturn, despite of the information that is pretty clear in Ancient Sources, revealing that Saturn was ruling humanity during the most beautiful of all aeons, the Golden Age. There are no actual real negative statements of Saturn by any higher end philosopher or spiritualist. Most of these errant statements about Saturn being malefic, come way later on.

Typically, Saturn is also associated with Cronus. Cronus, in the Ancient Greek meaning, is the concept of Time. Without the concept of Time, there would be no universe and everything would be incoherent. If there is any difference between anything in the universe, and not a "singularity", where everything never was born out of anything, it's because of the concept of Time. This concept of Time is necessary for life, existence and aeons to unfold. Without it there is no creation, no multiplicity, no generation and also, no improvement of anything.

Without the notion of Time, everything is in a state of "stasis", or the lack of time. Creation or development of any sort, requires the formal physics notion of time in order to exist for living beings. This state of where nothing exists, is called nothingness, including also the lack of division, multiplicity and time. Chronos as a concept [Time], is where there is a division of this infinity, into the concept of actual creation.

Humanity, as expected, is easy to be misguided over false pretext. Most of the human beings are lazy, they want to not develop. Everyone likes reaping the fruit, but nobody likes to sow it. Therefore, any notion of Saturn, which is a planet that is focused on development, reaping only after you have sowed, and increasing your power to develop you (even via force) is considered "evil" and "malefic".

That very concept however, is the concept of...Evolution, Growth, Prosperity, Development and Creation in itself. It's the part that everyone has to hate, but simultaneously exactly what any living being has to necessarily follow in order to develop.

The construction of the universe, based on the topic of time, brings with itself another topic: Evolution. Without time, nothing can really evolve. But in the context of a division based on Time, then anything can evolve; evolution moves along the axis of Time.

In the context of all living organisms and beings, Saturn is the power that pushes all beings to become developed, evolve and spiritual themselves. As Saturn enforces a strict notion of Justice, the math here is very simple: Do what is required for evolution and survival = thrive, grow, based on the timeline. Do not do this = receive punishment.

This punishment or this reward, extends all the way from: Totally going back into non existence, all the way into becoming an Immortal God. The choices in regard to where one must strive toward, are related on how a being will decide to use their existence and time. Improvement in any area of life, is also strongly correlated to this very same topic.

Now, humans of course, in the context of their lives, also experience "luck" and other phenomena that are related to Jupiter. These represent bounds of luck and so on. Yet, when these are all fundamentally studied in-depth, these always are rooted to some very intricate process of sowing the proper seeds, once upon a time; that lead you in a way that you might not understand, into the reception of certain benefits.

These laws represent also the case of Ultimate Justice. While anyone or anything might try to play around these laws on the temporary scale, they can never escape them in the long term scale that these laws represent. One can for example steal from a field, or steal the produce from a field, but fundamentally, in the end, unless they know what to do, or how to map where good field will be (Attainmant of Wisdom via Saturn) they will eventually fall victim to these mentalities of trying to escape and malform these laws, and perish.

When this Divine set law is "transgressed", there is essentially the destruction of a living lifeforms, because it has not accepted the laws that come with existence in itself. Traditionally, because the process of growth, is also related to experiencing adversities, many people do not always seem to accept this process that will in the end make them as the Gods, similarly to how most people will not go to the gym in fear of pain - so their body will not see it's Golden Age of ability.

But without this concept embed in creation, there could never be any form of creation. In a not so paradoxical case, these laws are here only to help beings reach higher ends. For these laws to exist however, simultaneously, there has to be an abysmal ladder that if one falls, they can also reach either the highest heights or the lowest lows.

From a symbolic standpoint, Saturn is considered the God that “consumes” his children; the power of Saturn in Astrology and in Cosmogony, is the force that prompts humanity to either spiritually advance, or have to face the consequences of it’s own ignorance.

Time will indeed consume his children; but the other lesser topic about Saturn is that while he "eats his children" (like time is eating us apart), all the children that are "eaten by Saturn", are also alive when they are coming out of Saturn's mouth - the more one understands and implements these laws, one will eventually become an evolved being. First, consumption by Saturn is a given - whomever comes on this world, will be consumed by the mouth of time, whether you like it or not.

As you exist, the clock goes tick, tock, tick, tock. And you are on your way to develop. If you try to shut down the clock and not develop, it is still there, always ticking. The choice is yours. If some people feel a bit hurt that I mention these things, do not blame the messenger; I am merely a disciple of the Gods who is observing life too closely. Better do something with this Tick Tock of Time, rather than spend it all on Tik Tok time...

Now, Saturn also rules a series of other things that many people also dislike, to their own detriment as well as per usual: Boundaries, Discipline, Order, Maturity, Realism and internal spiritual conscience.

Most people, albeit they have to face all these things, instead of trying to understand them, get on board, work with these in order to improve themselves, merely seek to flee away from them, causing a lot of potential catastrophe to themselves and others.

In previous topics I have written on Saturn, I have explained why Saturn is a King Maker. Now, let's pressupose we have a King that does not know boundaries, discipline, order, maturity, realism or does not have an internal spiritual conscience. Where will the Kingdom and the people go? The kingdom is destined to perish.

In order to develop any serious knowledge of the above topics, one must also be in contact with the SAT aspect of Saturn...The Truth. In order to learn boundaries or discipline, order or maturity, or realism, or to develop truly spiritually, one has to start shedding things from themselves in the same way that the Sickle of Saturn must cut off the bad weeds and untruths from one's self.

After this process is done, one is guaranteed to become part of active, boundless and abundant generative process. But of course, the process of maintaining one's self into a standard that is supported by Saturn, has nothing related to the notion of it being "easy". Ease and Truth are two rather distant topics to themselves.

Humanity was given a certain timeline, a lifetime, or another part of life (which also includes their souls through reincarnations) to exist, thrive and develop. This timeline is supposed to be used for development of the species but also to enjoy existence, but also to act in a manner that will extend life itself in the future of the notion of Time.

Saturn divides the human lifespan (whether a human being would live for 100 or 1000 years, it would not matter) in very specific segmentation. That is a topic for another time. That segmentation is a key to actually achieve the Magnum Opus and a satisfactory life.

The concept of SAT-ya in Sanskrit, SAT-an in later history, or SAT-urn in the Roman Pantheon, are all correlated with the primary concept of the Truth. That concept has to be faced in order for a being to eventually get reborn and spiritually evolve itself, the laws around this topic are unavoidable, and everything that comes into existence, has to face these laws and seek how to work with them in order to finally master them.

Saturn was originally considered as the “Hidden Sun”, the “Dark Sun”, or the “Black Sun”. These allegorical statements indicate the hidden, intricate and occult nature of the sun in the heavens. That sun, in contrast to the known sun, is hiding and must be discovered. In Plato's works such as Timeaus, Saturn is literally called "Helios", meaning Sun. This inner Sun is not like the Sun of the heavens, and it's a sun that requires spiritual rectification to be reached. Hesiod and many others have glorified Saturn.

As a last note, Saturn's Era or the Golden Age, is representative of a time where humanity was spiritually elevated, not of the world of today. This is considered as a time of where "Heaven on Earth" as mentioned above. The Ancient Romans and Ancient Greeks, kept two celebrations for Saturn, named Kronia & Saturnalia, with the same common cultural content [around late December, like we glorify Satan today and in Mid Summer - Time of Harvest].

These celebrations were quite symbolic of this Golden Age era, as everything that was a part of the "current world" during these celebrations was banished, such as ignorance, poverty, deprivation, poverty, pettiness, lack of spirituality, slavery, death and many other such terms, were treated as non-existent realities to honor Saturn and remember the Golden Age, where none of this existed.

Humanity would simply band together and remind itself that no matter what is going on at the present, eventually there will be a Golden Age where there will be no notions of spiritual slavery and humanity will eventually become restored, to it's old and beloved Ruler, who is nobody else but Saturn.

For that age to arrive however and for us to reap from it's sweet fruits, we also have to sow the proper seeds; that is the core message of Saturn - What you give, is what you shall receive.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I have alot of respect for Saturn, I could never see it as evil or "malefic" despite its relation to various obstacles in my life, and it's very interesting that you wrote about it ruling the internal spiritual conscience, as I have had intuitions and recurring thoughts for a long time that felt "saturnine". I don't pay them the attention they deserve(or demand).

I wish I could have done its square when Saturn was dignified. Do you think that people who have it as a ruler are more in tune with Saturn and find it easier or more natural to work with?

Thank you for writing on this topic, I find it very interesting. It's a very important planet.
Very enlightening sermon, thank you for that, High Priest. I believe that Saturn shows us where we need to improve, not where we are ''suffering'' in our natal chart. It's definitely one of the most important planet.

I'm wondering, what exactly does the character Helios symbolize? Is it a symbol of Saturn or the Sun?
your on fire with your posts HP Cobra. This one is definetly one of those to study and think on.
I do have a small question.
In reguards to meditations such as Obliterating ones Saturn with reguards to this knowlegde does this change the meditation? I want to make sure i'm hopfully grasping the new information you have given us without sound like a complete child.
Should we be trying to enhance our saturn rather than obliterating it? Or is this more of the case of duality?
Thank you.

Hail Father Satan
Father Satan in the Ancient Pantheons of the Greeks and Romans, was Saturn.

In this Name, the root Sat which is related to the Truth, also has survived intact. SAT-ya, SAT-urn, even in the recent SAT-an. Not only Saturn, but to not overcomplicate this topic, this is for another topic and Satan's New Updated Hieratic Page.

Little is known about Saturn even today, because Saturn's mysteries were actually the top tier mysteries for the Ancient World. Saturn's concepts basically extend to the furthest places where matters of Spirituality are concerned, albeit also Saturn, is mysteriously the planet of the material realm, all at the same time.

Saturn, in contrast to any false statements generated later on by those who have no knowledge of spirituality, was actually considered the Patron of the Golden Age of Humanity. This knowledge is fully verifiable and proven even to this day.

The Golden Age, was an age of the highest level of spirituality, abundance of wealth of human resources, happiness and peace – a solid description of “Heaven on Earth". Further, during the Golden Age, human beings and Gods did live in a connected civilization, where toil, ignorance and lesser behaviors were unknown to Man. That much is well known from a historical and spiritual standpoint.

Now, a lot of misinformation has been written about Saturn, despite of the information that is pretty clear in Ancient Sources, revealing that Saturn was ruling humanity during the most beautiful of all aeons, the Golden Age. There are no actual real negative statements of Saturn by any higher end philosopher or spiritualist. Most of these errant statements about Saturn being malefic, come way later on.

Typically, Saturn is also associated with Cronus. Cronus, in the Ancient Greek meaning, is the concept of Time. Without the concept of Time, there would be no universe and everything would be incoherent. If there is any difference between anything in the universe, and not a "singularity", where everything never was born out of anything, it's because of the concept of Time. This concept of Time is necessary for life, existence and aeons to unfold. Without it there is no creation, no multiplicity, no generation and also, no improvement of anything.

Without the notion of Time, everything is in a state of "stasis", or the lack of time. Creation or development of any sort, requires the formal physics notion of time in order to exist for living beings. This state of where nothing exists, is called nothingness, including also the lack of division, multiplicity and time. Chronos as a concept [Time], is where there is a division of this infinity, into the concept of actual creation.

Humanity, as expected, is easy to be misguided over false pretext. Most of the human beings are lazy, they want to not develop. Everyone likes reaping the fruit, but nobody likes to sow it. Therefore, any notion of Saturn, which is a planet that is focused on development, reaping only after you have sowed, and increasing your power to develop you (even via force) is considered "evil" and "malefic".

That very concept however, is the concept of...Evolution, Growth, Prosperity, Development and Creation in itself. It's the part that everyone has to hate, but simultaneously exactly what any living being has to necessarily follow in order to develop.

The construction of the universe, based on the topic of time, brings with itself another topic: Evolution. Without time, nothing can really evolve. But in the context of a division based on Time, then anything can evolve; evolution moves along the axis of Time.

In the context of all living organisms and beings, Saturn is the power that pushes all beings to become developed, evolve and spiritual themselves. As Saturn enforces a strict notion of Justice, the math here is very simple: Do what is required for evolution and survival = thrive, grow, based on the timeline. Do not do this = receive punishment.

This punishment or this reward, extends all the way from: Totally going back into non existence, all the way into becoming an Immortal God. The choices in regard to where one must strive toward, are related on how a being will decide to use their existence and time. Improvement in any area of life, is also strongly correlated to this very same topic.

Now, humans of course, in the context of their lives, also experience "luck" and other phenomena that are related to Jupiter. These represent bounds of luck and so on. Yet, when these are all fundamentally studied in-depth, these always are rooted to some very intricate process of sowing the proper seeds, once upon a time; that lead you in a way that you might not understand, into the reception of certain benefits.

These laws represent also the case of Ultimate Justice. While anyone or anything might try to play around these laws on the temporary scale, they can never escape them in the long term scale that these laws represent. One can for example steal from a field, or steal the produce from a field, but fundamentally, in the end, unless they know what to do, or how to map where good field will be (Attainmant of Wisdom via Saturn) they will eventually fall victim to these mentalities of trying to escape and malform these laws, and perish.

When this Divine set law is "transgressed", there is essentially the destruction of a living lifeforms, because it has not accepted the laws that come with existence in itself. Traditionally, because the process of growth, is also related to experiencing adversities, many people do not always seem to accept this process that will in the end make them as the Gods, similarly to how most people will not go to the gym in fear of pain - so their body will not see it's Golden Age of ability.

But without this concept embed in creation, there could never be any form of creation. In a not so paradoxical case, these laws are here only to help beings reach higher ends. For these laws to exist however, simultaneously, there has to be an abysmal ladder that if one falls, they can also reach either the highest heights or the lowest lows.

From a symbolic standpoint, Saturn is considered the God that “consumes” his children; the power of Saturn in Astrology and in Cosmogony, is the force that prompts humanity to either spiritually advance, or have to face the consequences of it’s own ignorance.

Time will indeed consume his children; but the other lesser topic about Saturn is that while he "eats his children" (like time is eating us apart), all the children that are "eaten by Saturn", are also alive when they are coming out of Saturn's mouth - the more one understands and implements these laws, one will eventually become an evolved being. First, consumption by Saturn is a given - whomever comes on this world, will be consumed by the mouth of time, whether you like it or not.

As you exist, the clock goes tick, tock, tick, tock. And you are on your way to develop. If you try to shut down the clock and not develop, it is still there, always ticking. The choice is yours. If some people feel a bit hurt that I mention these things, do not blame the messenger; I am merely a disciple of the Gods who is observing life too closely. Better do something with this Tick Tock of Time, rather than spend it all on Tik Tok time...

Now, Saturn also rules a series of other things that many people also dislike, to their own detriment as well as per usual: Boundaries, Discipline, Order, Maturity, Realism and internal spiritual conscience.

Most people, albeit they have to face all these things, instead of trying to understand them, get on board, work with these in order to improve themselves, merely seek to flee away from them, causing a lot of potential catastrophe to themselves and others.

In previous topics I have written on Saturn, I have explained why Saturn is a King Maker. Now, let's pressupose we have a King that does not know boundaries, discipline, order, maturity, realism or does not have an internal spiritual conscience. Where will the Kingdom and the people go? The kingdom is destined to perish.

In order to develop any serious knowledge of the above topics, one must also be in contact with the SAT aspect of Saturn...The Truth. In order to learn boundaries or discipline, order or maturity, or realism, or to develop truly spiritually, one has to start shedding things from themselves in the same way that the Sickle of Saturn must cut off the bad weeds and untruths from one's self.

After this process is done, one is guaranteed to become part of active, boundless and abundant generative process. But of course, the process of maintaining one's self into a standard that is supported by Saturn, has nothing related to the notion of it being "easy". Ease and Truth are two rather distant topics to themselves.

Humanity was given a certain timeline, a lifetime, or another part of life (which also includes their souls through reincarnations) to exist, thrive and develop. This timeline is supposed to be used for development of the species but also to enjoy existence, but also to act in a manner that will extend life itself in the future of the notion of Time.

Saturn divides the human lifespan (whether a human being would live for 100 or 1000 years, it would not matter) in very specific segmentation. That is a topic for another time. That segmentation is a key to actually achieve the Magnum Opus and a satisfactory life.

The concept of SAT-ya in Sanskrit, SAT-an in later history, or SAT-urn in the Roman Pantheon, are all correlated with the primary concept of the Truth. That concept has to be faced in order for a being to eventually get reborn and spiritually evolve itself, the laws around this topic are unavoidable, and everything that comes into existence, has to face these laws and seek how to work with them in order to finally master them.

Saturn was originally considered as the “Hidden Sun”, the “Dark Sun”, or the “Black Sun”. These allegorical statements indicate the hidden, intricate and occult nature of the sun in the heavens. That sun, in contrast to the known sun, is hiding and must be discovered. In Plato's works such as Timeaus, Saturn is literally called "Helios", meaning Sun. This inner Sun is not like the Sun of the heavens, and it's a sun that requires spiritual rectification to be reached. Hesiod and many others have glorified Saturn.

As a last note, Saturn's Era or the Golden Age, is representative of a time where humanity was spiritually elevated, not of the world of today. This is considered as a time of where "Heaven on Earth" as mentioned above. The Ancient Romans and Ancient Greeks, kept two celebrations for Saturn, named Kronia & Saturnalia, with the same common cultural content [around late December, like we glorify Satan today and in Mid Summer - Time of Harvest].

These celebrations were quite symbolic of this Golden Age era, as everything that was a part of the "current world" during these celebrations was banished, such as ignorance, poverty, deprivation, poverty, pettiness, lack of spirituality, slavery, death and many other such terms, were treated as non-existent realities to honor Saturn and remember the Golden Age, where none of this existed.

Humanity would simply band together and remind itself that no matter what is going on at the present, eventually there will be a Golden Age where there will be no notions of spiritual slavery and humanity will eventually become restored, to it's old and beloved Ruler, who is nobody else but Saturn.

For that age to arrive however and for us to reap from it's sweet fruits, we also have to sow the proper seeds; that is the core message of Saturn - What you give, is what you shall receive.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Wow! 🔥 This both the most beautiful and powerful sermon you have shared on here. Thank you! 🙏🔥 For sharing this Lord HP.
Very interesting. And quite the contrary to what that weirdo "David Icke" is talking about (Saturn being "EVIL").

I've heard that Saturn somehow historically has been associated with evil, but this was a Jew saying that (Jordan Maxwell).

What about the Hexagon of Saturn?


Any connection to the Hexagram?

Since it's stolen by the Jews - and since it's the most ancient spiritual symbol (at least One of the most ancient);
I think to myself that it might have some connection there.
Father Satan in the Ancient Pantheons of the Greeks and Romans, was Saturn.

In this Name, the root Sat which is related to the Truth, also has survived intact. SAT-ya, SAT-urn, even in the recent SAT-an. Not only Saturn, but to not overcomplicate this topic, this is for another topic and Satan's New Updated Hieratic Page.

Little is known about Saturn even today, because Saturn's mysteries were actually the top tier mysteries for the Ancient World. Saturn's concepts basically extend to the furthest places where matters of Spirituality are concerned, albeit also Saturn, is mysteriously the planet of the material realm, all at the same time.

Saturn, in contrast to any false statements generated later on by those who have no knowledge of spirituality, was actually considered the Patron of the Golden Age of Humanity. This knowledge is fully verifiable and proven even to this day.

The Golden Age, was an age of the highest level of spirituality, abundance of wealth of human resources, happiness and peace – a solid description of “Heaven on Earth". Further, during the Golden Age, human beings and Gods did live in a connected civilization, where toil, ignorance and lesser behaviors were unknown to Man. That much is well known from a historical and spiritual standpoint.

There were no wars on that time, famines, or any catastrophes and even nature was extremely friendly and beneficial to mankind. All worked in a form of harmony that is almost impossible to comprehend at the current historical interval we have. As such Hesiod has stated, the "Heroes of the Golden Age" are worshiped as "Demons" in the later ages; they guide with much love human beings, in order to again re-attain this state, as Patrons of our species.

We will also, eventually, get there again. There is also a secret here; the return to this state, will be even better than the last time. But that is something I won't derail the topic over...

Now, a lot of misinformation has been written about Saturn, despite of the information that is pretty clear in Ancient Sources, revealing that Saturn was ruling humanity during the most beautiful of all aeons, the Golden Age. There are no actual real negative statements of Saturn by any higher end philosopher or spiritualist. Most of these errant statements about Saturn being malefic, come way later on.

Typically, Saturn is also associated with Cronus. Cronus, in the Ancient Greek meaning, is the concept of Time. Without the concept of Time, there would be no universe and everything would be incoherent. If there is any difference between anything in the universe, and not a "singularity", where everything never was born out of anything, it's because of the concept of Time. This concept of Time is necessary for life, existence and aeons to unfold. Without it there is no creation, no multiplicity, no generation and also, no improvement of anything.

Without the notion of Time, everything is in a state of "stasis", or the lack of time. Creation or development of any sort, requires the formal physics notion of time in order to exist for living beings. This state of where nothing exists, is called nothingness, including also the lack of division, multiplicity and time. Chronos as a concept [Time], is where there is a division of this infinity, into the concept of actual creation.

Humanity, as expected, is easy to be misguided over false pretext. Most of the human beings are lazy, they want to not develop. Everyone likes reaping the fruit, but nobody likes to sow it. Therefore, any notion of Saturn, which is a planet that is focused on development, reaping only after you have sowed, and increasing your power to develop you (even via force) is considered "evil" and "malefic".

That very concept however, is the concept of...Evolution, Growth, Prosperity, Development and Creation in itself. It's the part that everyone has to hate, but simultaneously exactly what any living being has to necessarily follow in order to develop.

The construction of the universe, based on the topic of time, brings with itself another topic: Evolution. Without time, nothing can really evolve. But in the context of a division based on Time, then anything can evolve; evolution moves along the axis of Time.

In the context of all living organisms and beings, Saturn is the power that pushes all beings to become developed, evolve and spiritual themselves. As Saturn enforces a strict notion of Justice, the math here is very simple: Do what is required for evolution and survival = thrive, grow, based on the timeline. Do not do this = receive punishment.

This punishment or this reward, extends all the way from: Totally going back into non existence, all the way into becoming an Immortal God. The choices in regard to where one must strive toward, are related on how a being will decide to use their existence and time. Improvement in any area of life, is also strongly correlated to this very same topic.

Now, humans of course, in the context of their lives, also experience "luck" and other phenomena that are related to Jupiter. These represent bounds of luck and so on. Yet, when these are all fundamentally studied in-depth, these always are rooted to some very intricate process of sowing the proper seeds, once upon a time; that lead you in a way that you might not understand, into the reception of certain benefits.

These laws represent also the case of Ultimate Justice. While anyone or anything might try to play around these laws on the temporary scale, they can never escape them in the long term scale that these laws represent. One can for example steal from a field, or steal the produce from a field, but fundamentally, in the end, unless they know what to do, or how to map where good field will be (Attainmant of Wisdom via Saturn) they will eventually fall victim to these mentalities of trying to escape and malform these laws, and perish.

When this Divine set law is "transgressed", there is essentially the destruction of a living lifeforms, because it has not accepted the laws that come with existence in itself. Traditionally, because the process of growth, is also related to experiencing adversities, many people do not always seem to accept this process that will in the end make them as the Gods, similarly to how most people will not go to the gym in fear of pain - so their body will not see it's Golden Age of ability.

But without this concept embed in creation, there could never be any form of creation. In a not so paradoxical case, these laws are here only to help beings reach higher ends. For these laws to exist however, simultaneously, there has to be an abysmal ladder that if one falls, they can also reach either the highest heights or the lowest lows.

From a symbolic standpoint, Saturn is considered the God that “consumes” his children; the power of Saturn in Astrology and in Cosmogony, is the force that prompts humanity to either spiritually advance, or have to face the consequences of it’s own ignorance.

Time will indeed consume his children; but the other lesser topic about Saturn is that while he "eats his children" (like time is eating us apart), all the children that are "eaten by Saturn", are also alive when they are coming out of Saturn's mouth - the more one understands and implements these laws, one will eventually become an evolved being. First, consumption by Saturn is a given - whomever comes on this world, will be consumed by the mouth of time, whether you like it or not.

As you exist, the clock goes tick, tock, tick, tock. And you are on your way to develop. If you try to shut down the clock and not develop, it is still there, always ticking. The choice is yours. If some people feel a bit hurt that I mention these things, do not blame the messenger; I am merely a disciple of the Gods who is observing life too closely. Better do something with this Tick Tock of Time, rather than spend it all on Tik Tok time...

Now, Saturn also rules a series of other things that many people also dislike, to their own detriment as well as per usual: Boundaries, Discipline, Order, Maturity, Realism and internal spiritual conscience.

Most people, albeit they have to face all these things, instead of trying to understand them, get on board, work with these in order to improve themselves, merely seek to flee away from them, causing a lot of potential catastrophe to themselves and others.

In previous topics I have written on Saturn, I have explained why Saturn is a King Maker. Now, let's pressupose we have a King that does not know boundaries, discipline, order, maturity, realism or does not have an internal spiritual conscience. Where will the Kingdom and the people go? The kingdom is destined to perish.

In order to develop any serious knowledge of the above topics, one must also be in contact with the SAT aspect of Saturn...The Truth. In order to learn boundaries or discipline, order or maturity, or realism, or to develop truly spiritually, one has to start shedding things from themselves in the same way that the Sickle of Saturn must cut off the bad weeds and untruths from one's self.

After this process is done, one is guaranteed to become part of active, boundless and abundant generative process. But of course, the process of maintaining one's self into a standard that is supported by Saturn, has nothing related to the notion of it being "easy". Ease and Truth are two rather distant topics to themselves.

Humanity was given a certain timeline, a lifetime, or another part of life (which also includes their souls through reincarnations) to exist, thrive and develop. This timeline is supposed to be used for development of the species but also to enjoy existence, but also to act in a manner that will extend life itself in the future of the notion of Time.

Saturn divides the human lifespan (whether a human being would live for 100 or 1000 years, it would not matter) in very specific segmentation. That is a topic for another time. That segmentation is a key to actually achieve the Magnum Opus and a satisfactory life.

The concept of SAT-ya in Sanskrit, SAT-an in later history, or SAT-urn in the Roman Pantheon, are all correlated with the primary concept of the Truth. That concept has to be faced in order for a being to eventually get reborn and spiritually evolve itself, the laws around this topic are unavoidable, and everything that comes into existence, has to face these laws and seek how to work with them in order to finally master them.

Saturn was originally considered as the “Hidden Sun”, the “Dark Sun”, or the “Black Sun”. These allegorical statements indicate the hidden, intricate and occult nature of the sun in the heavens. That sun, in contrast to the known sun, is hiding and must be discovered. In Plato's works such as Timeaus, Saturn is literally called "Helios", meaning Sun. This inner Sun is not like the Sun of the heavens, and it's a sun that requires spiritual rectification to be reached. Hesiod and many others have glorified Saturn.

As a last note, Saturn's Era or the Golden Age, is representative of a time where humanity was spiritually elevated, not of the world of today. This is considered as a time of where "Heaven on Earth" as mentioned above. The Ancient Romans and Ancient Greeks, kept two celebrations for Saturn, named Kronia & Saturnalia, with the same common cultural content [around late December, like we glorify Satan today and in Mid Summer - Time of Harvest].

These celebrations were quite symbolic of this Golden Age era, as everything that was a part of the "current world" during these celebrations was banished, such as ignorance, poverty, deprivation, poverty, pettiness, lack of spirituality, slavery, death and many other such terms, were treated as non-existent realities to honor Saturn and remember the Golden Age, where none of this existed.

Humanity would simply band together and remind itself that no matter what is going on at the present, eventually there will be a Golden Age where there will be no notions of spiritual slavery and humanity will eventually become restored, to it's old and beloved Ruler, who is nobody else but Saturn.

For that age to arrive however and for us to reap from it's sweet fruits, we also have to sow the proper seeds; that is the core message of Saturn - What you give, is what you shall receive.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you and we are forever grateful to you High Priest Hooded Cobra 666.
It is satisfying and loving reading your sermons as always. I get a more deeper and detailed understanding of the topics anytime I read and I am sure everyone does same too. Thanks to our Gods for their love and guidance. We appreciate your dedication to the Gods and our advancement unto Godhead here in this family of the Gods, the Joy of Satan. May we all walk this part in all sincerity unto Godhead. May our Gods bless us all with wisdom to understand them very well.
Hail Mama Astarte
Hail Father Satan
Hail all Gods and Goddesses of Hell forever
Father Satan in the Ancient Pantheons of the Greeks and Romans, was Saturn.

In this Name, the root Sat which is related to the Truth, also has survived intact. SAT-ya, SAT-urn, even in the recent SAT-an. Not only Saturn, but to not overcomplicate this topic, this is for another topic and Satan's New Updated Hieratic Page.

Little is known about Saturn even today, because Saturn's mysteries were actually the top tier mysteries for the Ancient World. Saturn's concepts basically extend to the furthest places where matters of Spirituality are concerned, albeit also Saturn, is mysteriously the planet of the material realm, all at the same time.

Saturn, in contrast to any false statements generated later on by those who have no knowledge of spirituality, was actually considered the Patron of the Golden Age of Humanity. This knowledge is fully verifiable and proven even to this day.

The Golden Age, was an age of the highest level of spirituality, abundance of wealth of human resources, happiness and peace – a solid description of “Heaven on Earth". Further, during the Golden Age, human beings and Gods did live in a connected civilization, where toil, ignorance and lesser behaviors were unknown to Man. That much is well known from a historical and spiritual standpoint.

There were no wars on that time, famines, or any catastrophes and even nature was extremely friendly and beneficial to mankind. All worked in a form of harmony that is almost impossible to comprehend at the current historical interval we have. As such Hesiod has stated, the "Heroes of the Golden Age" are worshiped as "Demons" in the later ages; they guide with much love human beings, in order to again re-attain this state, as Patrons of our species.

We will also, eventually, get there again. There is also a secret here; the return to this state, will be even better than the last time. But that is something I won't derail the topic over...

Now, a lot of misinformation has been written about Saturn, despite of the information that is pretty clear in Ancient Sources, revealing that Saturn was ruling humanity during the most beautiful of all aeons, the Golden Age. There are no actual real negative statements of Saturn by any higher end philosopher or spiritualist. Most of these errant statements about Saturn being malefic, come way later on.

Typically, Saturn is also associated with Cronus. Cronus, in the Ancient Greek meaning, is the concept of Time. Without the concept of Time, there would be no universe and everything would be incoherent. If there is any difference between anything in the universe, and not a "singularity", where everything never was born out of anything, it's because of the concept of Time. This concept of Time is necessary for life, existence and aeons to unfold. Without it there is no creation, no multiplicity, no generation and also, no improvement of anything.

Without the notion of Time, everything is in a state of "stasis", or the lack of time. Creation or development of any sort, requires the formal physics notion of time in order to exist for living beings. This state of where nothing exists, is called nothingness, including also the lack of division, multiplicity and time. Chronos as a concept [Time], is where there is a division of this infinity, into the concept of actual creation.

Humanity, as expected, is easy to be misguided over false pretext. Most of the human beings are lazy, they want to not develop. Everyone likes reaping the fruit, but nobody likes to sow it. Therefore, any notion of Saturn, which is a planet that is focused on development, reaping only after you have sowed, and increasing your power to develop you (even via force) is considered "evil" and "malefic".

That very concept however, is the concept of...Evolution, Growth, Prosperity, Development and Creation in itself. It's the part that everyone has to hate, but simultaneously exactly what any living being has to necessarily follow in order to develop.

The construction of the universe, based on the topic of time, brings with itself another topic: Evolution. Without time, nothing can really evolve. But in the context of a division based on Time, then anything can evolve; evolution moves along the axis of Time.

In the context of all living organisms and beings, Saturn is the power that pushes all beings to become developed, evolve and spiritual themselves. As Saturn enforces a strict notion of Justice, the math here is very simple: Do what is required for evolution and survival = thrive, grow, based on the timeline. Do not do this = receive punishment.

This punishment or this reward, extends all the way from: Totally going back into non existence, all the way into becoming an Immortal God. The choices in regard to where one must strive toward, are related on how a being will decide to use their existence and time. Improvement in any area of life, is also strongly correlated to this very same topic.

Now, humans of course, in the context of their lives, also experience "luck" and other phenomena that are related to Jupiter. These represent bounds of luck and so on. Yet, when these are all fundamentally studied in-depth, these always are rooted to some very intricate process of sowing the proper seeds, once upon a time; that lead you in a way that you might not understand, into the reception of certain benefits.

These laws represent also the case of Ultimate Justice. While anyone or anything might try to play around these laws on the temporary scale, they can never escape them in the long term scale that these laws represent. One can for example steal from a field, or steal the produce from a field, but fundamentally, in the end, unless they know what to do, or how to map where good field will be (Attainmant of Wisdom via Saturn) they will eventually fall victim to these mentalities of trying to escape and malform these laws, and perish.

When this Divine set law is "transgressed", there is essentially the destruction of a living lifeforms, because it has not accepted the laws that come with existence in itself. Traditionally, because the process of growth, is also related to experiencing adversities, many people do not always seem to accept this process that will in the end make them as the Gods, similarly to how most people will not go to the gym in fear of pain - so their body will not see it's Golden Age of ability.

But without this concept embed in creation, there could never be any form of creation. In a not so paradoxical case, these laws are here only to help beings reach higher ends. For these laws to exist however, simultaneously, there has to be an abysmal ladder that if one falls, they can also reach either the highest heights or the lowest lows.

From a symbolic standpoint, Saturn is considered the God that “consumes” his children; the power of Saturn in Astrology and in Cosmogony, is the force that prompts humanity to either spiritually advance, or have to face the consequences of it’s own ignorance.

Time will indeed consume his children; but the other lesser topic about Saturn is that while he "eats his children" (like time is eating us apart), all the children that are "eaten by Saturn", are also alive when they are coming out of Saturn's mouth - the more one understands and implements these laws, one will eventually become an evolved being. First, consumption by Saturn is a given - whomever comes on this world, will be consumed by the mouth of time, whether you like it or not.

As you exist, the clock goes tick, tock, tick, tock. And you are on your way to develop. If you try to shut down the clock and not develop, it is still there, always ticking. The choice is yours. If some people feel a bit hurt that I mention these things, do not blame the messenger; I am merely a disciple of the Gods who is observing life too closely. Better do something with this Tick Tock of Time, rather than spend it all on Tik Tok time...

Now, Saturn also rules a series of other things that many people also dislike, to their own detriment as well as per usual: Boundaries, Discipline, Order, Maturity, Realism and internal spiritual conscience.

Most people, albeit they have to face all these things, instead of trying to understand them, get on board, work with these in order to improve themselves, merely seek to flee away from them, causing a lot of potential catastrophe to themselves and others.

In previous topics I have written on Saturn, I have explained why Saturn is a King Maker. Now, let's pressupose we have a King that does not know boundaries, discipline, order, maturity, realism or does not have an internal spiritual conscience. Where will the Kingdom and the people go? The kingdom is destined to perish.

In order to develop any serious knowledge of the above topics, one must also be in contact with the SAT aspect of Saturn...The Truth. In order to learn boundaries or discipline, order or maturity, or realism, or to develop truly spiritually, one has to start shedding things from themselves in the same way that the Sickle of Saturn must cut off the bad weeds and untruths from one's self.

After this process is done, one is guaranteed to become part of active, boundless and abundant generative process. But of course, the process of maintaining one's self into a standard that is supported by Saturn, has nothing related to the notion of it being "easy". Ease and Truth are two rather distant topics to themselves.

Humanity was given a certain timeline, a lifetime, or another part of life (which also includes their souls through reincarnations) to exist, thrive and develop. This timeline is supposed to be used for development of the species but also to enjoy existence, but also to act in a manner that will extend life itself in the future of the notion of Time.

Saturn divides the human lifespan (whether a human being would live for 100 or 1000 years, it would not matter) in very specific segmentation. That is a topic for another time. That segmentation is a key to actually achieve the Magnum Opus and a satisfactory life.

The concept of SAT-ya in Sanskrit, SAT-an in later history, or SAT-urn in the Roman Pantheon, are all correlated with the primary concept of the Truth. That concept has to be faced in order for a being to eventually get reborn and spiritually evolve itself, the laws around this topic are unavoidable, and everything that comes into existence, has to face these laws and seek how to work with them in order to finally master them.

Saturn was originally considered as the “Hidden Sun”, the “Dark Sun”, or the “Black Sun”. These allegorical statements indicate the hidden, intricate and occult nature of the sun in the heavens. That sun, in contrast to the known sun, is hiding and must be discovered. In Plato's works such as Timeaus, Saturn is literally called "Helios", meaning Sun. This inner Sun is not like the Sun of the heavens, and it's a sun that requires spiritual rectification to be reached. Hesiod and many others have glorified Saturn.

As a last note, Saturn's Era or the Golden Age, is representative of a time where humanity was spiritually elevated, not of the world of today. This is considered as a time of where "Heaven on Earth" as mentioned above. The Ancient Romans and Ancient Greeks, kept two celebrations for Saturn, named Kronia & Saturnalia, with the same common cultural content [around late December, like we glorify Satan today and in Mid Summer - Time of Harvest].

These celebrations were quite symbolic of this Golden Age era, as everything that was a part of the "current world" during these celebrations was banished, such as ignorance, poverty, deprivation, poverty, pettiness, lack of spirituality, slavery, death and many other such terms, were treated as non-existent realities to honor Saturn and remember the Golden Age, where none of this existed.

Humanity would simply band together and remind itself that no matter what is going on at the present, eventually there will be a Golden Age where there will be no notions of spiritual slavery and humanity will eventually become restored, to it's old and beloved Ruler, who is nobody else but Saturn.

For that age to arrive however and for us to reap from it's sweet fruits, we also have to sow the proper seeds; that is the core message of Saturn - What you give, is what you shall receive.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Everytime I begin to wonder about a certain topic, it seems as though new information regarding it appears on these forums. Absolutely amazing.

Hail Satan!
Very interesting. And quite the contrary to what that weirdo "David Icke" is talking about (Saturn being "EVIL").

I've heard that Saturn somehow historically has been associated with evil, but this was a Jew saying that (Jordan Maxwell).

What about the Hexagon of Saturn?

View attachment 2423

Any connection to the Hexagram?

Since it's stolen by the Jews - and since it's the most ancient spiritual symbol (at least One of the most ancient);
I think to myself that it might have some connection there.
Saturn is associated with the number 6, it is the 6th planet closest to the sun and is also the namesake for the 6th day of the week, Saturday.

I had not known about this Hexagon of Saturn, very interesting. I remember a sermon long ago which said something along the lines of 6 eventually turns to 666, which is perfection, but it takes effort and toiling to get there, which Saturn represents.
Extremely important sermon, I strongly encourage all members to read this carefully and save it.

We should praise people who put time and effort in doing, building, creating things, and people who are industrious. Too many people waste their lives or live in mediocrity because they are simply lazy.
In reguards to meditations such as Obliterating ones Saturn with reguards to this knowlegde does this change the meditation? I want to make sure i'm hopfully grasping the new information you have given us without sound like a complete child.
Should we be trying to enhance our saturn rather than obliterating it? Or is this more of the case of duality?
I wrote that guide a long time ago, and the title is simply a catchy title based on the views of Saturn back then. It doesn't mean to actually obliterate it. It meant to remove obstacles and improve one's life.

I should re-write the guide, and obliterate the old one, lol.
An intermediate spiritualist may see the use of "Saturnic magick" within the enemy systems and thus, assume Saturn is an "evil" thing. This can lead to people reviewing certain aspects of Hellenistic theology entirely the wrong way.

The enemy's use of Saturn, the number 6, the cube, the hexagram, and so on, are representative of their intent. Any form of magick, in the right or wrong hands, can be used for good or ill. Saturn is a key aspect in enemy Kabbalah because it relates to several specific things. One, has to do with the manifestation of an astral program or script into material reality, a process which Saturn (and the number 6) govern. Secondly, it has to do with the Jews wanting to commit every atrocity under the sun for the sake of their gain without facing any of the consequences that would entail doing these things. It's why the Goat Ritual exists. It's them trying to dump their entire racial karma on you. This is a bit of an oversimplification of the matter but one understands what's meant. The hexagram for instance, is symbolic of the Shiva/Shakti, each being of three, the female and male energies together representing the creative power. The Meccan Kaaba was originally a Pagan site, before the plague known as Islam fell upon it and corrupted its meaning.

Returning to Hellenistic theology, people see the "conflict", ie, the war between Olympians and Titans (lead by Cronus/Saturn) and view this too literally. Zeus and the other Olympians "overcame" Saturn. One must more perceive this as representative of the Olympian Gods overcoming "bound Time" (also known as cyclical Time), as opposed to "eternal Time." Bound Time relates more to the arrow of time as we know it and perceive it as mortals. That which grants things context. Saturn is symbolized with the sickle because he's also a God of the Harvest. Harvests can only occur with the passage of the seasons, and so on. Eternal Time is that which is experienced and known by the Gods, and is not really something that can be truly understand by us as we are now. Referring it to "bound Time" is a very specific thing, to note. During the Saturnalia, the statue of Saturn would actually be unwrapped and unbound in a symbolic process.

Speaking from my own experiences, I've had recent experiences with the Gods, and with visions, that have granted context to spiritual experiences that have happened decades ago. Things have often fallen into place in what one might call non-linear fashions. The more I've grown spiritually, the more a mystery has unfolded, and the more disparate puzzle pieces have fallen into place. The Gods ability to see the whole picture and guide us accordingly cannot be understated. Similarly, whenever I've had a premonition, that being something yet to come, I'd feel deja vu in the process, as if I'd already seen it before. Our souls, as they are, are still developing to come to terms with these matters of time.

Speaking further of my own experiences, Saturn can indeed by a harsh teacher. Much JoS spiritual content will always impart the importance of pacing. HPS Maxine would write quite commonly about being wary of "backlash" with magickal workings. Being stubborn, impatient, and overly wilful, I pushed myself harder and harder over the course of years. Time, as such, was not kind to me. By the latter end of my recklessness, despite my continued workings, I began to fall to pathesis. I had taken one too many hard lessons, and entropy took its toll. I was deeply lethargic at several points, and when you're brought to this state of immobility, time can be even harsher. As they say, a rolling stone gathers no moss, but a standing one will. It's only fitting that, in the struggle against time, one will feel its impact most.

Pursuing spirituality, in part, is about rebuilding oneself. In some cases, it can even mean starting from scratch. It took a long time to begin restoring myself. Not everyone will have it as harsh as I did. Conversely, maybe not everyone will progress as quickly as I did. That is the way of things. Greater results require greater struggles, and I simply advise anyone to pursue things knowing and understanding their limits. Yes, it is worth it, and necessary, in the end.

Indeed, reflecting on my life as it was, and defined by my struggle as it was, was very much barren of the things in life that bring one joy. The Saturnalia celebration, one can view as the contrary. It's a time of plenty. Of drink, food and lovemaking, where even a slave can feel like they can stand shoulder to shoulder with their master. Returning to the beginning, one can view the enemy's intent for us as the opposite. They receive the plenty, and we serve as the slaves. We sow, they reap. If you ever needed additional hatred for them, you have it. Yes, it should be noted that rising spiritually within this age will perhaps be harder than others due to the astral resistance posed by our enemy. Their magick attempts to prevent our ascent, among other things. At the same time however, those that do rise during this age will be very, very strong indeed. Consider it a silver lining. The Gods of this age will be acknowledged greatly by those climbing the ladder in the eons to come, for having taken the hardest path.

As a final note, one needs to understand the symbolism of the Golden Age. It's golden, not only because gold is beautiful, but because unlike other metals, it never rusts and loses its shine or lustre. In that way, gold is an eternal thing. It's why we are fated to return to it, at the end of the cycle, this age of iron of ours. To further paint a portrait, it's said Saturn, in his golden age, ruled over races of fauns and nymphs in this wild, innocent Pagan paradise. These were beautiful, spiritual creatures, their presence on this earth associated with this ancient time. One must understand that this iron age is often referred to as the "age of man" in the occultic sense, with iron being considered the least magickal element, or even "harmful" to Fae things in certain theologies like the Celtic. Look back at your childhood and remember that feeling of magic and wonder you could feel. Our work, our mission, culminates in the restoration of that magic, unto perpetuity. So pay no heed to Jesus Christ and his rod of iron with which he instils a false, fearsome kingship. He'll rot and rust, and a better harvest will grow.
Thank you HP Cobra, for this in-depth knowledge on Saturn. Now it makes sense why Saturn is referred to as 'the star of the Sun' in Babylonian texts. Much of the relationship between Leo and Aquarius can be understood by this too.

In line with my recent reply about 'Jesus', this is one major part of why the enemy creed is a failure. It completely misdirects peoples Saturnian and Jupiterian instincts into death and stasis, nothingness.
This was a very moving sermon for me.

Saturn is the teacher, the Guru. And with time and the knowledge from Joy of Satan, I understood it's high importance in our lives.

Those who ignore or try to run away from it's teachings are doing the biggest mistake of their life. They can't really escape it, they will always face it again at some point, but with each ignorance/escape, the weight of the lessons or the consequences will increase for the next encounter. Fleeing from hardships is for the weak who ultimately perish because they weren't prepared for the next chapter of their life. This is also why teaching children at an early age to face their challenges and fears is necessary, otherwise they will have a harder time in life. I believe Martial Arts to be the most effective method to prepare a human for life, it's why it was given importance in ancient civilizations and taught to children. Warriors have always stood the test of time, that is why today Military is a major ruling body on Earth.

Hail Satan!
Father Satan in the Ancient Pantheons of the Greeks and Romans, was Saturn.

In this Name, the root Sat which is related to the Truth, also has survived intact. SAT-ya, SAT-urn, even in the recent SAT-an. Not only Saturn, but to not overcomplicate this topic, this is for another topic and Satan's New Updated Hieratic Page.

Little is known about Saturn even today, because Saturn's mysteries were actually the top tier mysteries for the Ancient World. Saturn's concepts basically extend to the furthest places where matters of Spirituality are concerned, albeit also Saturn, is mysteriously the planet of the material realm, all at the same time.

Saturn, in contrast to any false statements generated later on by those who have no knowledge of spirituality, was actually considered the Patron of the Golden Age of Humanity. This knowledge is fully verifiable and proven even to this day.

The Golden Age, was an age of the highest level of spirituality, abundance of wealth of human resources, happiness and peace – a solid description of “Heaven on Earth". Further, during the Golden Age, human beings and Gods did live in a connected civilization, where toil, ignorance and lesser behaviors were unknown to Man. That much is well known from a historical and spiritual standpoint.

There were no wars on that time, famines, or any catastrophes and even nature was extremely friendly and beneficial to mankind. All worked in a form of harmony that is almost impossible to comprehend at the current historical interval we have. As such Hesiod has stated, the "Heroes of the Golden Age" are worshiped as "Demons" in the later ages; they guide with much love human beings, in order to again re-attain this state, as Patrons of our species.

We will also, eventually, get there again. There is also a secret here; the return to this state, will be even better than the last time. But that is something I won't derail the topic over...

Now, a lot of misinformation has been written about Saturn, despite of the information that is pretty clear in Ancient Sources, revealing that Saturn was ruling humanity during the most beautiful of all aeons, the Golden Age. There are no actual real negative statements of Saturn by any higher end philosopher or spiritualist. Most of these errant statements about Saturn being malefic, come way later on.

Typically, Saturn is also associated with Cronus. Cronus, in the Ancient Greek meaning, is the concept of Time. Without the concept of Time, there would be no universe and everything would be incoherent. If there is any difference between anything in the universe, and not a "singularity", where everything never was born out of anything, it's because of the concept of Time. This concept of Time is necessary for life, existence and aeons to unfold. Without it there is no creation, no multiplicity, no generation and also, no improvement of anything.

Without the notion of Time, everything is in a state of "stasis", or the lack of time. Creation or development of any sort, requires the formal physics notion of time in order to exist for living beings. This state of where nothing exists, is called nothingness, including also the lack of division, multiplicity and time. Chronos as a concept [Time], is where there is a division of this infinity, into the concept of actual creation.

Humanity, as expected, is easy to be misguided over false pretext. Most of the human beings are lazy, they want to not develop. Everyone likes reaping the fruit, but nobody likes to sow it. Therefore, any notion of Saturn, which is a planet that is focused on development, reaping only after you have sowed, and increasing your power to develop you (even via force) is considered "evil" and "malefic".

That very concept however, is the concept of...Evolution, Growth, Prosperity, Development and Creation in itself. It's the part that everyone has to hate, but simultaneously exactly what any living being has to necessarily follow in order to develop.

The construction of the universe, based on the topic of time, brings with itself another topic: Evolution. Without time, nothing can really evolve. But in the context of a division based on Time, then anything can evolve; evolution moves along the axis of Time.

In the context of all living organisms and beings, Saturn is the power that pushes all beings to become developed, evolve and spiritual themselves. As Saturn enforces a strict notion of Justice, the math here is very simple: Do what is required for evolution and survival = thrive, grow, based on the timeline. Do not do this = receive punishment.

This punishment or this reward, extends all the way from: Totally going back into non existence, all the way into becoming an Immortal God. The choices in regard to where one must strive toward, are related on how a being will decide to use their existence and time. Improvement in any area of life, is also strongly correlated to this very same topic.

Now, humans of course, in the context of their lives, also experience "luck" and other phenomena that are related to Jupiter. These represent bounds of luck and so on. Yet, when these are all fundamentally studied in-depth, these always are rooted to some very intricate process of sowing the proper seeds, once upon a time; that lead you in a way that you might not understand, into the reception of certain benefits.

These laws represent also the case of Ultimate Justice. While anyone or anything might try to play around these laws on the temporary scale, they can never escape them in the long term scale that these laws represent. One can for example steal from a field, or steal the produce from a field, but fundamentally, in the end, unless they know what to do, or how to map where good field will be (Attainmant of Wisdom via Saturn) they will eventually fall victim to these mentalities of trying to escape and malform these laws, and perish.

When this Divine set law is "transgressed", there is essentially the destruction of a living lifeforms, because it has not accepted the laws that come with existence in itself. Traditionally, because the process of growth, is also related to experiencing adversities, many people do not always seem to accept this process that will in the end make them as the Gods, similarly to how most people will not go to the gym in fear of pain - so their body will not see it's Golden Age of ability.

But without this concept embed in creation, there could never be any form of creation. In a not so paradoxical case, these laws are here only to help beings reach higher ends. For these laws to exist however, simultaneously, there has to be an abysmal ladder that if one falls, they can also reach either the highest heights or the lowest lows.

From a symbolic standpoint, Saturn is considered the God that “consumes” his children; the power of Saturn in Astrology and in Cosmogony, is the force that prompts humanity to either spiritually advance, or have to face the consequences of it’s own ignorance.

Time will indeed consume his children; but the other lesser topic about Saturn is that while he "eats his children" (like time is eating us apart), all the children that are "eaten by Saturn", are also alive when they are coming out of Saturn's mouth - the more one understands and implements these laws, one will eventually become an evolved being. First, consumption by Saturn is a given - whomever comes on this world, will be consumed by the mouth of time, whether you like it or not.

As you exist, the clock goes tick, tock, tick, tock. And you are on your way to develop. If you try to shut down the clock and not develop, it is still there, always ticking. The choice is yours. If some people feel a bit hurt that I mention these things, do not blame the messenger; I am merely a disciple of the Gods who is observing life too closely. Better do something with this Tick Tock of Time, rather than spend it all on Tik Tok time...

Now, Saturn also rules a series of other things that many people also dislike, to their own detriment as well as per usual: Boundaries, Discipline, Order, Maturity, Realism and internal spiritual conscience.

Most people, albeit they have to face all these things, instead of trying to understand them, get on board, work with these in order to improve themselves, merely seek to flee away from them, causing a lot of potential catastrophe to themselves and others.

In previous topics I have written on Saturn, I have explained why Saturn is a King Maker. Now, let's pressupose we have a King that does not know boundaries, discipline, order, maturity, realism or does not have an internal spiritual conscience. Where will the Kingdom and the people go? The kingdom is destined to perish.

In order to develop any serious knowledge of the above topics, one must also be in contact with the SAT aspect of Saturn...The Truth. In order to learn boundaries or discipline, order or maturity, or realism, or to develop truly spiritually, one has to start shedding things from themselves in the same way that the Sickle of Saturn must cut off the bad weeds and untruths from one's self.

After this process is done, one is guaranteed to become part of active, boundless and abundant generative process. But of course, the process of maintaining one's self into a standard that is supported by Saturn, has nothing related to the notion of it being "easy". Ease and Truth are two rather distant topics to themselves.

Humanity was given a certain timeline, a lifetime, or another part of life (which also includes their souls through reincarnations) to exist, thrive and develop. This timeline is supposed to be used for development of the species but also to enjoy existence, but also to act in a manner that will extend life itself in the future of the notion of Time.

Saturn divides the human lifespan (whether a human being would live for 100 or 1000 years, it would not matter) in very specific segmentation. That is a topic for another time. That segmentation is a key to actually achieve the Magnum Opus and a satisfactory life.

The concept of SAT-ya in Sanskrit, SAT-an in later history, or SAT-urn in the Roman Pantheon, are all correlated with the primary concept of the Truth. That concept has to be faced in order for a being to eventually get reborn and spiritually evolve itself, the laws around this topic are unavoidable, and everything that comes into existence, has to face these laws and seek how to work with them in order to finally master them.

Saturn was originally considered as the “Hidden Sun”, the “Dark Sun”, or the “Black Sun”. These allegorical statements indicate the hidden, intricate and occult nature of the sun in the heavens. That sun, in contrast to the known sun, is hiding and must be discovered. In Plato's works such as Timeaus, Saturn is literally called "Helios", meaning Sun. This inner Sun is not like the Sun of the heavens, and it's a sun that requires spiritual rectification to be reached. Hesiod and many others have glorified Saturn.

As a last note, Saturn's Era or the Golden Age, is representative of a time where humanity was spiritually elevated, not of the world of today. This is considered as a time of where "Heaven on Earth" as mentioned above. The Ancient Romans and Ancient Greeks, kept two celebrations for Saturn, named Kronia & Saturnalia, with the same common cultural content [around late December, like we glorify Satan today and in Mid Summer - Time of Harvest].

These celebrations were quite symbolic of this Golden Age era, as everything that was a part of the "current world" during these celebrations was banished, such as ignorance, poverty, deprivation, poverty, pettiness, lack of spirituality, slavery, death and many other such terms, were treated as non-existent realities to honor Saturn and remember the Golden Age, where none of this existed.

Humanity would simply band together and remind itself that no matter what is going on at the present, eventually there will be a Golden Age where there will be no notions of spiritual slavery and humanity will eventually become restored, to it's old and beloved Ruler, who is nobody else but Saturn.

For that age to arrive however and for us to reap from it's sweet fruits, we also have to sow the proper seeds; that is the core message of Saturn - What you give, is what you shall receive.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Oh brother! This article completely changed my view of Saturn.
I hate that astrology websites try to make Saturn look bad.
I loved Saturn since I was a child and it was my first favorite planet. Greetings to you Hp. Hoodedcobra666.🤍.
Father Satan in the Ancient Pantheons of the Greeks and Romans, was Saturn.

In this Name, the root Sat which is related to the Truth, also has survived intact. SAT-ya, SAT-urn, even in the recent SAT-an. Not only Saturn, but to not overcomplicate this topic, this is for another topic and Satan's New Updated Hieratic Page.

Little is known about Saturn even today, because Saturn's mysteries were actually the top tier mysteries for the Ancient World. Saturn's concepts basically extend to the furthest places where matters of Spirituality are concerned, albeit also Saturn, is mysteriously the planet of the material realm, all at the same time.

Saturn, in contrast to any false statements generated later on by those who have no knowledge of spirituality, was actually considered the Patron of the Golden Age of Humanity. This knowledge is fully verifiable and proven even to this day.

The Golden Age, was an age of the highest level of spirituality, abundance of wealth of human resources, happiness and peace – a solid description of “Heaven on Earth". Further, during the Golden Age, human beings and Gods did live in a connected civilization, where toil, ignorance and lesser behaviors were unknown to Man. That much is well known from a historical and spiritual standpoint.

There were no wars on that time, famines, or any catastrophes and even nature was extremely friendly and beneficial to mankind. All worked in a form of harmony that is almost impossible to comprehend at the current historical interval we have. As such Hesiod has stated, the "Heroes of the Golden Age" are worshiped as "Demons" in the later ages; they guide with much love human beings, in order to again re-attain this state, as Patrons of our species.

We will also, eventually, get there again. There is also a secret here; the return to this state, will be even better than the last time. But that is something I won't derail the topic over...

Now, a lot of misinformation has been written about Saturn, despite of the information that is pretty clear in Ancient Sources, revealing that Saturn was ruling humanity during the most beautiful of all aeons, the Golden Age. There are no actual real negative statements of Saturn by any higher end philosopher or spiritualist. Most of these errant statements about Saturn being malefic, come way later on.

Typically, Saturn is also associated with Cronus. Cronus, in the Ancient Greek meaning, is the concept of Time. Without the concept of Time, there would be no universe and everything would be incoherent. If there is any difference between anything in the universe, and not a "singularity", where everything never was born out of anything, it's because of the concept of Time. This concept of Time is necessary for life, existence and aeons to unfold. Without it there is no creation, no multiplicity, no generation and also, no improvement of anything.

Without the notion of Time, everything is in a state of "stasis", or the lack of time. Creation or development of any sort, requires the formal physics notion of time in order to exist for living beings. This state of where nothing exists, is called nothingness, including also the lack of division, multiplicity and time. Chronos as a concept [Time], is where there is a division of this infinity, into the concept of actual creation.

Humanity, as expected, is easy to be misguided over false pretext. Most of the human beings are lazy, they want to not develop. Everyone likes reaping the fruit, but nobody likes to sow it. Therefore, any notion of Saturn, which is a planet that is focused on development, reaping only after you have sowed, and increasing your power to develop you (even via force) is considered "evil" and "malefic".

That very concept however, is the concept of...Evolution, Growth, Prosperity, Development and Creation in itself. It's the part that everyone has to hate, but simultaneously exactly what any living being has to necessarily follow in order to develop.

The construction of the universe, based on the topic of time, brings with itself another topic: Evolution. Without time, nothing can really evolve. But in the context of a division based on Time, then anything can evolve; evolution moves along the axis of Time.

In the context of all living organisms and beings, Saturn is the power that pushes all beings to become developed, evolve and spiritual themselves. As Saturn enforces a strict notion of Justice, the math here is very simple: Do what is required for evolution and survival = thrive, grow, based on the timeline. Do not do this = receive punishment.

This punishment or this reward, extends all the way from: Totally going back into non existence, all the way into becoming an Immortal God. The choices in regard to where one must strive toward, are related on how a being will decide to use their existence and time. Improvement in any area of life, is also strongly correlated to this very same topic.

Now, humans of course, in the context of their lives, also experience "luck" and other phenomena that are related to Jupiter. These represent bounds of luck and so on. Yet, when these are all fundamentally studied in-depth, these always are rooted to some very intricate process of sowing the proper seeds, once upon a time; that lead you in a way that you might not understand, into the reception of certain benefits.

These laws represent also the case of Ultimate Justice. While anyone or anything might try to play around these laws on the temporary scale, they can never escape them in the long term scale that these laws represent. One can for example steal from a field, or steal the produce from a field, but fundamentally, in the end, unless they know what to do, or how to map where good field will be (Attainmant of Wisdom via Saturn) they will eventually fall victim to these mentalities of trying to escape and malform these laws, and perish.

When this Divine set law is "transgressed", there is essentially the destruction of a living lifeforms, because it has not accepted the laws that come with existence in itself. Traditionally, because the process of growth, is also related to experiencing adversities, many people do not always seem to accept this process that will in the end make them as the Gods, similarly to how most people will not go to the gym in fear of pain - so their body will not see it's Golden Age of ability.

But without this concept embed in creation, there could never be any form of creation. In a not so paradoxical case, these laws are here only to help beings reach higher ends. For these laws to exist however, simultaneously, there has to be an abysmal ladder that if one falls, they can also reach either the highest heights or the lowest lows.

From a symbolic standpoint, Saturn is considered the God that “consumes” his children; the power of Saturn in Astrology and in Cosmogony, is the force that prompts humanity to either spiritually advance, or have to face the consequences of it’s own ignorance.

Time will indeed consume his children; but the other lesser topic about Saturn is that while he "eats his children" (like time is eating us apart), all the children that are "eaten by Saturn", are also alive when they are coming out of Saturn's mouth - the more one understands and implements these laws, one will eventually become an evolved being. First, consumption by Saturn is a given - whomever comes on this world, will be consumed by the mouth of time, whether you like it or not.

As you exist, the clock goes tick, tock, tick, tock. And you are on your way to develop. If you try to shut down the clock and not develop, it is still there, always ticking. The choice is yours. If some people feel a bit hurt that I mention these things, do not blame the messenger; I am merely a disciple of the Gods who is observing life too closely. Better do something with this Tick Tock of Time, rather than spend it all on Tik Tok time...

Now, Saturn also rules a series of other things that many people also dislike, to their own detriment as well as per usual: Boundaries, Discipline, Order, Maturity, Realism and internal spiritual conscience.

Most people, albeit they have to face all these things, instead of trying to understand them, get on board, work with these in order to improve themselves, merely seek to flee away from them, causing a lot of potential catastrophe to themselves and others.

In previous topics I have written on Saturn, I have explained why Saturn is a King Maker. Now, let's pressupose we have a King that does not know boundaries, discipline, order, maturity, realism or does not have an internal spiritual conscience. Where will the Kingdom and the people go? The kingdom is destined to perish.

In order to develop any serious knowledge of the above topics, one must also be in contact with the SAT aspect of Saturn...The Truth. In order to learn boundaries or discipline, order or maturity, or realism, or to develop truly spiritually, one has to start shedding things from themselves in the same way that the Sickle of Saturn must cut off the bad weeds and untruths from one's self.

After this process is done, one is guaranteed to become part of active, boundless and abundant generative process. But of course, the process of maintaining one's self into a standard that is supported by Saturn, has nothing related to the notion of it being "easy". Ease and Truth are two rather distant topics to themselves.

Humanity was given a certain timeline, a lifetime, or another part of life (which also includes their souls through reincarnations) to exist, thrive and develop. This timeline is supposed to be used for development of the species but also to enjoy existence, but also to act in a manner that will extend life itself in the future of the notion of Time.

Saturn divides the human lifespan (whether a human being would live for 100 or 1000 years, it would not matter) in very specific segmentation. That is a topic for another time. That segmentation is a key to actually achieve the Magnum Opus and a satisfactory life.

The concept of SAT-ya in Sanskrit, SAT-an in later history, or SAT-urn in the Roman Pantheon, are all correlated with the primary concept of the Truth. That concept has to be faced in order for a being to eventually get reborn and spiritually evolve itself, the laws around this topic are unavoidable, and everything that comes into existence, has to face these laws and seek how to work with them in order to finally master them.

Saturn was originally considered as the “Hidden Sun”, the “Dark Sun”, or the “Black Sun”. These allegorical statements indicate the hidden, intricate and occult nature of the sun in the heavens. That sun, in contrast to the known sun, is hiding and must be discovered. In Plato's works such as Timeaus, Saturn is literally called "Helios", meaning Sun. This inner Sun is not like the Sun of the heavens, and it's a sun that requires spiritual rectification to be reached. Hesiod and many others have glorified Saturn.

As a last note, Saturn's Era or the Golden Age, is representative of a time where humanity was spiritually elevated, not of the world of today. This is considered as a time of where "Heaven on Earth" as mentioned above. The Ancient Romans and Ancient Greeks, kept two celebrations for Saturn, named Kronia & Saturnalia, with the same common cultural content [around late December, like we glorify Satan today and in Mid Summer - Time of Harvest].

These celebrations were quite symbolic of this Golden Age era, as everything that was a part of the "current world" during these celebrations was banished, such as ignorance, poverty, deprivation, poverty, pettiness, lack of spirituality, slavery, death and many other such terms, were treated as non-existent realities to honor Saturn and remember the Golden Age, where none of this existed.

Humanity would simply band together and remind itself that no matter what is going on at the present, eventually there will be a Golden Age where there will be no notions of spiritual slavery and humanity will eventually become restored, to it's old and beloved Ruler, who is nobody else but Saturn.

For that age to arrive however and for us to reap from it's sweet fruits, we also have to sow the proper seeds; that is the core message of Saturn - What you give, is what you shall receive.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

That's an amazing sermon, sir! I assume this is also the reason why Saturn is worshipped in the root chakra, the first of the main chakra, and also why the kundalini is coiled 3 and a half time there. The root or base chakra is called like that because it's the foundation upon which we build our temple, whose pillars propel us both in spiritual and material development. That's why it rules basic functions of life that need to be mastered first, and benefit every other aspect of life.

In terms of the kundalini, starting his ascent by penetrating this chakra is significative of purifying the energies of this chakra, aka achieving full mastery of Saturn as the first step to attaining union with the Divine. The ascent is often described as a staircase or ladder going upward, which is the exact movement of the kundalini through the chakras. As you climb a ladder, it gets progressively more difficult and only the self-discipline learned in the first step will keep you going. Here I'm simplifying though. It is mastery of Saturn that leads to mastery of all the other Gods/our chakra. And Jupiter being up there, the crown chakra, symbolise having mastered every aspect of yourself, achieving the Olympian quality of the soul, which is also why Jupiter represents kingship.

There are of course different levels to this, as the process of mastering is never-ending. You mention in this sermon about sexual energy activation and circulation through the chakras is one of the levels of initiation here, preceding even kundalini, and this ties with previously mentioned steps of the Taoist MO by Lucius Oria.

This sermon is very fascinating and enlightening!

An intermediate spiritualist may see the use of "Saturnic magick" within the enemy systems and thus, assume Saturn is an "evil" thing. This can lead to people reviewing certain aspects of Hellenistic theology entirely the wrong way.

The enemy's use of Saturn, the number 6, the cube, the hexagram, and so on, are representative of their intent. Any form of magick, in the right or wrong hands, can be used for good or ill. Saturn is a key aspect in enemy Kabbalah because it relates to several specific things. One, has to do with the manifestation of an astral program or script into material reality, a process which Saturn (and the number 6) govern. Secondly, it has to do with the Jews wanting to commit every atrocity under the sun for the sake of their gain without facing any of the consequences that would entail doing these things. It's why the Goat Ritual exists. It's them trying to dump their entire racial karma on you. This is a bit of an oversimplification of the matter but one understands what's meant. The hexagram for instance, is symbolic of the Shiva/Shakti, each being of three, the female and male energies together representing the creative power. The Meccan Kaaba was originally a Pagan site, before the plague known as Islam fell upon it and corrupted its meaning.

Returning to Hellenistic theology, people see the "conflict", ie, the war between Olympians and Titans (lead by Cronus/Saturn) and view this too literally. Zeus and the other Olympians "overcame" Saturn. One must more perceive this as representative of the Olympian Gods overcoming "bound Time" (also known as cyclical Time), as opposed to "eternal Time." Bound Time relates more to the arrow of time as we know it and perceive it as mortals. That which grants things context. Saturn is symbolized with the sickle because he's also a God of the Harvest. Harvests can only occur with the passage of the seasons, and so on. Eternal Time is that which is experienced and known by the Gods, and is not really something that can be truly understand by us as we are now. Referring it to "bound Time" is a very specific thing, to note. During the Saturnalia, the statue of Saturn would actually be unwrapped and unbound in a symbolic process.

Speaking from my own experiences, I've had recent experiences with the Gods, and with visions, that have granted context to spiritual experiences that have happened decades ago. Things have often fallen into place in what one might call non-linear fashions. The more I've grown spiritually, the more a mystery has unfolded, and the more disparate puzzle pieces have fallen into place. The Gods ability to see the whole picture and guide us accordingly cannot be understated. Similarly, whenever I've had a premonition, that being something yet to come, I'd feel deja vu in the process, as if I'd already seen it before. Our souls, as they are, are still developing to come to terms with these matters of time.

Speaking further of my own experiences, Saturn can indeed by a harsh teacher. Much JoS spiritual content will always impart the importance of pacing. HPS Maxine would write quite commonly about being wary of "backlash" with magickal workings. Being stubborn, impatient, and overly wilful, I pushed myself harder and harder over the course of years. Time, as such, was not kind to me. By the latter end of my recklessness, despite my continued workings, I began to fall to pathesis. I had taken one too many hard lessons, and entropy took its toll. I was deeply lethargic at several points, and when you're brought to this state of immobility, time can be even harsher. As they say, a rolling stone gathers no moss, but a standing one will. It's only fitting that, in the struggle against time, one will feel its impact most.

Pursuing spirituality, in part, is about rebuilding oneself. In some cases, it can even mean starting from scratch. It took a long time to begin restoring myself. Not everyone will have it as harsh as I did. Conversely, maybe not everyone will progress as quickly as I did. That is the way of things. Greater results require greater struggles, and I simply advise anyone to pursue things knowing and understanding their limits. Yes, it is worth it, and necessary, in the end.

Indeed, reflecting on my life as it was, and defined by my struggle as it was, was very much barren of the things in life that bring one joy. The Saturnalia celebration, one can view as the contrary. It's a time of plenty. Of drink, food and lovemaking, where even a slave can feel like they can stand shoulder to shoulder with their master. Returning to the beginning, one can view the enemy's intent for us as the opposite. They receive the plenty, and we serve as the slaves. We sow, they reap. If you ever needed additional hatred for them, you have it. Yes, it should be noted that rising spiritually within this age will perhaps be harder than others due to the astral resistance posed by our enemy. Their magick attempts to prevent our ascent, among other things. At the same time however, those that do rise during this age will be very, very strong indeed. Consider it a silver lining. The Gods of this age will be acknowledged greatly by those climbing the ladder in the eons to come, for having taken the hardest path.

As a final note, one needs to understand the symbolism of the Golden Age. It's golden, not only because gold is beautiful, but because unlike other metals, it never rusts and loses its shine or lustre. In that way, gold is an eternal thing. It's why we are fated to return to it, at the end of the cycle, this age of iron of ours. To further paint a portrait, it's said Saturn, in his golden age, ruled over races of fauns and nymphs in this wild, innocent Pagan paradise. These were beautiful, spiritual creatures, their presence on this earth associated with this ancient time. One must understand that this iron age is often referred to as the "age of man" in the occultic sense, with iron being considered the least magickal element, or even "harmful" to Fae things in certain theologies like the Celtic. Look back at your childhood and remember that feeling of magic and wonder you could feel. Our work, our mission, culminates in the restoration of that magic, unto perpetuity. So pay no heed to Jesus Christ and his rod of iron with which he instils a false, fearsome kingship. He'll rot and rust, and a better harvest will grow.

In my understanding, the Titanomachia is allegorical of this very process of overcoming you just mentioned, brother. It's about the Gods taming raw forces of nature. In other words, mastering and perfecting specific qualities represented by these forces while weeding out the dross (inimical aspects of your personality). It's the very process of alchemy were base metals are refined into Gold.
Very interesting. And quite the contrary to what that weirdo "David Icke" is talking about (Saturn being "EVIL").

I've heard that Saturn somehow historically has been associated with evil, but this was a Jew saying that (Jordan Maxwell).

What about the Hexagon of Saturn?

View attachment 2423

Any connection to the Hexagram?

Since it's stolen by the Jews - and since it's the most ancient spiritual symbol (at least One of the most ancient);
I think to myself that it might have some connection there.

This talks about doing workings by measuring time in cycles of 6 days.

I wrote that guide a long time ago, and the title is simply a catchy title based on the views of Saturn back then. It doesn't mean to actually obliterate it. It meant to remove obstacles and improve one's life.

I should re-write the guide, and obliterate the old one, lol.
Thank you for this clarification.This answers my question nicly since your article is what i'm refering to. Please let us all know when this is done. Thank you again

Hail Father Satan
"For that age to arrive however and for us to reap from it's sweet fruits, we also have to sow the proper seeds; that is the core message of Saturn - What you give, is what you shall receive".

Thank you HPHC 666 for the powerful sermon on in-depth knowledge of Saturn.
Great sermon, but I'm a bit confused. Saturn in itself is not bad, it's just that its energies have been used by jews to enslave humanity. I get that. But I always thought that Satan isn't Saturn, despite the etymological proximity. So Satan is both Poseidon AND Saturn? What about Hephaestus and Dionysus? Aren't they also aspects of Satan? Is Hephaestus Mulciber?
Great sermon, but I'm a bit confused. Saturn in itself is not bad, it's just that its energies have been used by jews to enslave humanity. I get that. But I always thought that Satan isn't Saturn, despite the etymological proximity. So Satan is both Poseidon AND Saturn? What about Hephaestus and Dionysus? Aren't they also aspects of Satan? Is Hephaestus Mulciber?
In my opinion, every single mythological God and Goddess can be considered aspects of Father Satan and Baalzevulon. As it was explained in a sermon about allegory, the Gods play many roles in mythology and can be worshipped by different names. Of course, there real beings behind allegories, but there is hardly ever a 1:1 comparison.

It gets even deeper and different names can be used in different ways.

For example, several months ago HPS Lydia was correcting me about using Lord Thoth's name as a mantra for the middle and throat chakra. While Lord Thoth can be identified for example with Nabu and Ninghizhidda in Mesopotamia, those names relate to different aspects of his that are appropriate to the middle chakra and throat chakra. While Thoth clearly relates to the sixth chakra and its extensions, hence why we use Thaum in the third eye and the TH sound in general to open. We also use the TH sound in cutting astral ties, as TH relates to the discerning quality of the higher mind. In other words, to separating yourself from the other, which is what allows not only to categorise knowledge and separate truth from falsehood but, also, in this case to separating yourself from other influences. It's complicated and I don't know how to explain it properly, as I'm nowhere near our beloved Priesthood in terms of understanding, oratory ability, wisdom and advancement.

Going back to Father Satan, if you read other sermons by HP Hooded Cobra, you should understand how all-pervading his influence and presence is in nature. Myths are there to teach us about nature, spirituality and the various concepts and processes inside of them. I would suggest re-reading other sermons together, and looking into Satan's Library too.

You may get a better reply from someone else.
Wow! Waking up every day to a new sermon? Hell yes!
I’ve noticed this as well. It’s refreshing. This particular topic I felt I needed to read. Been going through a void I guess? Just felt a bit confused and lost in regards to life.
Father Satan in the Ancient Pantheons of the Greeks and Romans, was Saturn.

In this Name, the root Sat which is related to the Truth, also has survived intact. SAT-ya, SAT-urn, even in the recent SAT-an. Not only Saturn, but to not overcomplicate this topic, this is for another topic and Satan's New Updated Hieratic Page.

Little is known about Saturn even today, because Saturn's mysteries were actually the top tier mysteries for the Ancient World. Saturn's concepts basically extend to the furthest places where matters of Spirituality are concerned, albeit also Saturn, is mysteriously the planet of the material realm, all at the same time.

Saturn, in contrast to any false statements generated later on by those who have no knowledge of spirituality, was actually considered the Patron of the Golden Age of Humanity. This knowledge is fully verifiable and proven even to this day.

The Golden Age, was an age of the highest level of spirituality, abundance of wealth of human resources, happiness and peace – a solid description of “Heaven on Earth". Further, during the Golden Age, human beings and Gods did live in a connected civilization, where toil, ignorance and lesser behaviors were unknown to Man. That much is well known from a historical and spiritual standpoint.

There were no wars on that time, famines, or any catastrophes and even nature was extremely friendly and beneficial to mankind. All worked in a form of harmony that is almost impossible to comprehend at the current historical interval we have. As such Hesiod has stated, the "Heroes of the Golden Age" are worshiped as "Demons" in the later ages; they guide with much love human beings, in order to again re-attain this state, as Patrons of our species.

We will also, eventually, get there again. There is also a secret here; the return to this state, will be even better than the last time. But that is something I won't derail the topic over...

Now, a lot of misinformation has been written about Saturn, despite of the information that is pretty clear in Ancient Sources, revealing that Saturn was ruling humanity during the most beautiful of all aeons, the Golden Age. There are no actual real negative statements of Saturn by any higher end philosopher or spiritualist. Most of these errant statements about Saturn being malefic, come way later on.

Typically, Saturn is also associated with Cronus. Cronus, in the Ancient Greek meaning, is the concept of Time. Without the concept of Time, there would be no universe and everything would be incoherent. If there is any difference between anything in the universe, and not a "singularity", where everything never was born out of anything, it's because of the concept of Time. This concept of Time is necessary for life, existence and aeons to unfold. Without it there is no creation, no multiplicity, no generation and also, no improvement of anything.

Without the notion of Time, everything is in a state of "stasis", or the lack of time. Creation or development of any sort, requires the formal physics notion of time in order to exist for living beings. This state of where nothing exists, is called nothingness, including also the lack of division, multiplicity and time. Chronos as a concept [Time], is where there is a division of this infinity, into the concept of actual creation.

Humanity, as expected, is easy to be misguided over false pretext. Most of the human beings are lazy, they want to not develop. Everyone likes reaping the fruit, but nobody likes to sow it. Therefore, any notion of Saturn, which is a planet that is focused on development, reaping only after you have sowed, and increasing your power to develop you (even via force) is considered "evil" and "malefic".

That very concept however, is the concept of...Evolution, Growth, Prosperity, Development and Creation in itself. It's the part that everyone has to hate, but simultaneously exactly what any living being has to necessarily follow in order to develop.

The construction of the universe, based on the topic of time, brings with itself another topic: Evolution. Without time, nothing can really evolve. But in the context of a division based on Time, then anything can evolve; evolution moves along the axis of Time.

In the context of all living organisms and beings, Saturn is the power that pushes all beings to become developed, evolve and spiritual themselves. As Saturn enforces a strict notion of Justice, the math here is very simple: Do what is required for evolution and survival = thrive, grow, based on the timeline. Do not do this = receive punishment.

This punishment or this reward, extends all the way from: Totally going back into non existence, all the way into becoming an Immortal God. The choices in regard to where one must strive toward, are related on how a being will decide to use their existence and time. Improvement in any area of life, is also strongly correlated to this very same topic.

Now, humans of course, in the context of their lives, also experience "luck" and other phenomena that are related to Jupiter. These represent bounds of luck and so on. Yet, when these are all fundamentally studied in-depth, these always are rooted to some very intricate process of sowing the proper seeds, once upon a time; that lead you in a way that you might not understand, into the reception of certain benefits.

These laws represent also the case of Ultimate Justice. While anyone or anything might try to play around these laws on the temporary scale, they can never escape them in the long term scale that these laws represent. One can for example steal from a field, or steal the produce from a field, but fundamentally, in the end, unless they know what to do, or how to map where good field will be (Attainmant of Wisdom via Saturn) they will eventually fall victim to these mentalities of trying to escape and malform these laws, and perish.

When this Divine set law is "transgressed", there is essentially the destruction of a living lifeforms, because it has not accepted the laws that come with existence in itself. Traditionally, because the process of growth, is also related to experiencing adversities, many people do not always seem to accept this process that will in the end make them as the Gods, similarly to how most people will not go to the gym in fear of pain - so their body will not see it's Golden Age of ability.

But without this concept embed in creation, there could never be any form of creation. In a not so paradoxical case, these laws are here only to help beings reach higher ends. For these laws to exist however, simultaneously, there has to be an abysmal ladder that if one falls, they can also reach either the highest heights or the lowest lows.

From a symbolic standpoint, Saturn is considered the God that “consumes” his children; the power of Saturn in Astrology and in Cosmogony, is the force that prompts humanity to either spiritually advance, or have to face the consequences of it’s own ignorance.

Time will indeed consume his children; but the other lesser topic about Saturn is that while he "eats his children" (like time is eating us apart), all the children that are "eaten by Saturn", are also alive when they are coming out of Saturn's mouth - the more one understands and implements these laws, one will eventually become an evolved being. First, consumption by Saturn is a given - whomever comes on this world, will be consumed by the mouth of time, whether you like it or not.

As you exist, the clock goes tick, tock, tick, tock. And you are on your way to develop. If you try to shut down the clock and not develop, it is still there, always ticking. The choice is yours. If some people feel a bit hurt that I mention these things, do not blame the messenger; I am merely a disciple of the Gods who is observing life too closely. Better do something with this Tick Tock of Time, rather than spend it all on Tik Tok time...

Now, Saturn also rules a series of other things that many people also dislike, to their own detriment as well as per usual: Boundaries, Discipline, Order, Maturity, Realism and internal spiritual conscience.

Most people, albeit they have to face all these things, instead of trying to understand them, get on board, work with these in order to improve themselves, merely seek to flee away from them, causing a lot of potential catastrophe to themselves and others.

In previous topics I have written on Saturn, I have explained why Saturn is a King Maker. Now, let's pressupose we have a King that does not know boundaries, discipline, order, maturity, realism or does not have an internal spiritual conscience. Where will the Kingdom and the people go? The kingdom is destined to perish.

In order to develop any serious knowledge of the above topics, one must also be in contact with the SAT aspect of Saturn...The Truth. In order to learn boundaries or discipline, order or maturity, or realism, or to develop truly spiritually, one has to start shedding things from themselves in the same way that the Sickle of Saturn must cut off the bad weeds and untruths from one's self.

After this process is done, one is guaranteed to become part of active, boundless and abundant generative process. But of course, the process of maintaining one's self into a standard that is supported by Saturn, has nothing related to the notion of it being "easy". Ease and Truth are two rather distant topics to themselves.

Humanity was given a certain timeline, a lifetime, or another part of life (which also includes their souls through reincarnations) to exist, thrive and develop. This timeline is supposed to be used for development of the species but also to enjoy existence, but also to act in a manner that will extend life itself in the future of the notion of Time.

Saturn divides the human lifespan (whether a human being would live for 100 or 1000 years, it would not matter) in very specific segmentation. That is a topic for another time. That segmentation is a key to actually achieve the Magnum Opus and a satisfactory life.

The concept of SAT-ya in Sanskrit, SAT-an in later history, or SAT-urn in the Roman Pantheon, are all correlated with the primary concept of the Truth. That concept has to be faced in order for a being to eventually get reborn and spiritually evolve itself, the laws around this topic are unavoidable, and everything that comes into existence, has to face these laws and seek how to work with them in order to finally master them.

Saturn was originally considered as the “Hidden Sun”, the “Dark Sun”, or the “Black Sun”. These allegorical statements indicate the hidden, intricate and occult nature of the sun in the heavens. That sun, in contrast to the known sun, is hiding and must be discovered. In Plato's works such as Timeaus, Saturn is literally called "Helios", meaning Sun. This inner Sun is not like the Sun of the heavens, and it's a sun that requires spiritual rectification to be reached. Hesiod and many others have glorified Saturn.

As a last note, Saturn's Era or the Golden Age, is representative of a time where humanity was spiritually elevated, not of the world of today. This is considered as a time of where "Heaven on Earth" as mentioned above. The Ancient Romans and Ancient Greeks, kept two celebrations for Saturn, named Kronia & Saturnalia, with the same common cultural content [around late December, like we glorify Satan today and in Mid Summer - Time of Harvest].

These celebrations were quite symbolic of this Golden Age era, as everything that was a part of the "current world" during these celebrations was banished, such as ignorance, poverty, deprivation, poverty, pettiness, lack of spirituality, slavery, death and many other such terms, were treated as non-existent realities to honor Saturn and remember the Golden Age, where none of this existed.

Humanity would simply band together and remind itself that no matter what is going on at the present, eventually there will be a Golden Age where there will be no notions of spiritual slavery and humanity will eventually become restored, to it's old and beloved Ruler, who is nobody else but Saturn.

For that age to arrive however and for us to reap from it's sweet fruits, we also have to sow the proper seeds; that is the core message of Saturn - What you give, is what you shall receive.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
What an awesome and encouraging sermon.
It's either the pain of discipline or the far worse pain of regret.
I hope we'll be hearing more about the next Golden Age.
The influence of Saturn is extremely necessary in this age, as without a force to move people into action, most wouldn't do a thing to better themselves. People let things build up until the pain is unbearable before taking action. Pain is a teacher; is the pain of staying the same greater than the pain of change? Losing something teaches you the value of things, and because of that loss, you get to live the rest of your life with a newfound appreciation for everything else.
Father Satan in the Ancient Pantheons of the Greeks and Romans, was Saturn.

In this Name, the root Sat which is related to the Truth, also has survived intact. SAT-ya, SAT-urn, even in the recent SAT-an. Not only Saturn, but to not overcomplicate this topic, this is for another topic and Satan's New Updated Hieratic Page.
Honoured High Priest HoodedCobra666,

I have a troubling question, I hope you will see fit to read the considerations and express an opinion on the matter.

The subject of the question is this:

The fact is that according to my reasoning, the current Saturn does not correspond to what the ancients had in mind. It seems to me that New Age and jewish scholars have conflated the Gods of prosperity and what they call Chronos. It's called religious syncretism, the merging of concepts. And it was deliberately imposed with malicious intent.

In addition to the above, I will suggest that the real ruler of the base chakra is what is now called Pluto.

Now let me give some of the considerations of those that are possible to discuss without resorting to personal gnosis.

Satus is indeed known as the God of prosperity and resurrection, this is also proved by references in other religions, for example Tammuz from Phoenician mythology, Dumuzi from Sumerian mythology he is the husband of Inanna.

But what has this to do with Chronos, Mahakala, Bhairava or in Akkadian mythology, he was called ER.RA. God of suffering, binding, hunger, disease, aggravation and time. In the poem "Erra and Isum" it was mentioned when Erra dominated over other forces, an excerpt from the poem mentioned above:

"O valiant Erra, you grasp heaven's halter,
you master the whole world, you rule the people!
You roil the very ocean, master even the mountain,
you herd mankind, you drive the livestock!
Heaven's at your disposal, Hell's in your hands,
you have charge of Babylon, give orders to Esangil:
You're master of all the cosmic powers, even the gods are in terror of
is there warfare without you?"

Similar to what is stated in the myth of the struggle between the titan Chronos and the Gods of Olympus.

Briefly on Erra:





I think Chronos is real evil, the sixth planet from the Sun has extremely heavy energy, grey and black tones. It is in the tarot the Devil, the Hermit and the Hanged Man. Yes, it must exist, it is extremely important, as you mentioned it keeps the balance.

I want to bring up a second point here, it's about Pluto.

Pluto has been combined again into several concepts, some through syncretism mixed with the qualities of Chronos. Nevertheless, Pluto, the ninth planet from the Sun, has distinct traits, it is known as Hades, Shiva, Yama, Ningirsu, Odin, Zeus Katachthonions, Osiris, Serapide. In the tarot it is represented by the arcana of Death and the Judgement.

Pluto is responsible for willpower, transformation, survival, death (nigredo), overcoming, anger, judgement, it is the first judge on the path of the serpent, the same as the base chakra.

At the time of Ragnarok, Pluto was called Surt, where armageddon began so that a new world could be reborn. The Etruscans, have a deity called Suri, they are interconnected. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Śuri

Pluto was called the Sun of the Underworld or the Black Sun.




Pluto is bright red at one of its vibrations as a base chakra.

I don't want to take up any more of your time, you are well aware of the words above, my consideration that the God of the Underworld is implied including the base chakra. When Chronos was set up specifically to prevent people without initiation from raising the serpent.
Great sermon, but I'm a bit confused. Saturn in itself is not bad, it's just that its energies have been used by jews to enslave humanity. I get that. But I always thought that Satan isn't Saturn, despite the etymological proximity. So Satan is both Poseidon AND Saturn? What about Hephaestus and Dionysus? Aren't they also aspects of Satan? Is Hephaestus Mulciber?
hephaestus according to me is Mulciber
Honoured High Priest HoodedCobra666,

I have a troubling question, I hope you will see fit to read the considerations and express an opinion on the matter.

In Ancient Greek Saturn is called ΚΡΟΝΟΣ and time is called ΧΡΟΝΟΣ, these are essentially the same concepts but there are secrets relating the two. That is for a later time to explain and what is going on between these terms.

Pluto is not ruling the Base chakra, it is an external planet, outside of the main planets. Pluto is exo-cosmic and not directly related to the planes of incarnation. Saturn also does not solely rule the Base Chakra. But that is another topic as a whole.

Saturn is connected with Pluto but only indirectly, as one things to the other as death leads to the afterlife domain. Saturn is not evil, but it is not an energy that is solely beneficial, because people are not spiritually advanced enough to handle it, therefore it has all these considerations about it.

The translations of the text you post, are clearly part of mistranslated texts. "I will rise from hell" and other things are written there, they are not to be used as basis for solid understanding. If one would want to know fully, they would have to develop spiritually and learn Akkadian or Sumerian, and then re-decipher these texts.

Everything mentioned about Saturn is either corrupted or basically due to fear. Yes, it is a force to definitely fear, if one is not doing what they should be doing spiritually. But even in the texts you mention, they say Marduk looks upon this otherwise "evil" force described positively.
In Ancient Greek Saturn is called ΚΡΟΝΟΣ and time is called ΧΡΟΝΟΣ, these are essentially the same concepts but there are secrets relating the two. That is for a later time to explain and what is going on between these terms.
Well, I will trust you, although I don't feel there is any refutation or evidence, I will investigate further.

Appreciate your attention and interesting thoughts.
The influence of Saturn is extremely necessary in this age, as without a force to move people into action, most wouldn't do a thing to better themselves. People let things build up until the pain is unbearable before taking action. Pain is a teacher; is the pain of staying the same greater than the pain of change? Losing something teaches you the value of things, and because of that loss, you get to live the rest of your life with a newfound appreciation for everything else.
Well said. This is what I'm wanting to see in Europe, and wondering how it is taking so long, just how bad must things must become before a proper stand is taken and enforced. Things got so bad so quickly and are just as quickly getting worse. Though there is some sanity and courage showing here and there it's looking like they might only just scrape through with victory against the invasion.

"Eyes will open, only when the ass starts burning"
Lyric from a Dark Fortress song that often comes to mind when I think about it.

In future when Humanity is risen higher, this trait will be replaced with acting on foresight and preventing rather than curing. I want to say those better times can't come soon enough, but I understand the topic of this post a little bit. That tragic trait is needed for it itself to no longer be needed.
It's a harsh lesson, but what's been lost has to be regained and comes with immeasurable rewards, and not learning means far harsher consequences.

Saturn wants to push one to incredible heights, and takes unkindly to those unaccepting of this challenging gift. This is the core of evolution.
- What you give, is what you shall receive.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Of course , it makes sense. I really have to get this one. I must.

The highest sacrifice a human can make is time. Time dedicated to meditation and spiritual warfare will be given back in the most Real manner.

"Parallel" to the classical teachings in Hinduism one of Shiva's manifestations is Mahākāla. "God of Time, Creation, Destruction and Power"
Wonderful topic. I am very happy to see people start to wake up more and pay attention where it truly matters.

Saturn was always my favorite planet and I haven't even collated it to the "Sat" part as you described above but I knew about it deep down and I knew what Saturn means even without knowing about the sanscrit part of it but yes. Respect the Saturn ! We live in this world we got to pay our "debts" and we got to understand that we are not yet beyond time and we must do what really matters.

Saturn is the most important planet not just a important planet that's why is described on the website as well and in all astrology at least the one which is true and not some non-sense shit.
"Pati (God) has become Pasu (soul) and Pasa (World). " That's what great Saivite mystics say. Simple explanation of how a part of the Infinite becomes the finite. We have a boundless Ocean of God Consciousness,which is feminine,God with form when anything is created in this Ocean,the Consciousness withdraws into the Absolute,which is timeless,formless,spaceless and is therefore a single point. The male side of God. The Pyramid demonstrates this,and reflects the act of creation. The Absolute single point center (Swastika) is the starting point ,then the spirit form is formed in feminine God Consciousness,then the Astral and Physical realms. They are subdivisions within these realms ,tattvas they are called in Hinduism. But basically they are three main worlds in creation.
"God is immanent love (Sun Consciousness boundless) with Siva Nataraja doing the 5 main acts and Transcendant Reality the Absolute single point timeless, spaceless, formless the other half of God and is impersonal beyond form and Consciousness and is therefore indescribable." Represented as the Siva Linga in a Yoni. The Linga is the Absolute single point ,the Yoni is feminine Sun God Consciousness. Both Uncreated and is therefore Infinity. The Pyramid is also the exact same symbology. The peak being the Linga and body of the Pyramid feminine Sun God Consciousness. Those structures used to shine in the daylight. Reminding people of the Infinite Nature that upholds their individual natures and evolution is the ripening of their individual natures into the likeness of the Infinite Nature Sun God Consciousness nature upholding them. This is spirit body consciousness symbolized with Ankh. ( As long as you are in spirit body consciousness ,you are consciously evolving,the Eternal Now)
Whose Consciousness starts from heart chakra until you center Awareness back to the Supreme Source , the center of Consciousness ,the Absolute,the Siva Linga,Peak of the Pyramid. The Swastika Flag is also the exact same symbology, the black Swastika Center male gateway into the Absolute male and red ,white representing Sun God Consciousness feminine.
The occult logic becomes obvious from the spirit descending into the material astral, physical time increases , ascending from the material physical, astral back into the spirit, time decreases until the Absolute Center starting point which is timeless. The Center of Consciousness is in the head,with Awareness contracting into the Center (Ying) and expanding out of the Center (Yang) ,in an infinite fashion. Accelerating evolution also then becomes obvious ,you Consciously Center Awareness back to the Source of it in the head,back into the Absolute,reducing time and accelerating evolution ,which is ripening the spirit body into Gold. The Astral, Physical sheaths are required to do this. This is Kundalini rising , Centering Awareness back to the Source ,to experience the highest state of Union one has with God. By Awareness going back into the Absolute and coming out ,an individual soul quickly ripens or evolves. The paradox of Being and becoming.
You practice being still (Hatha Yoga) and thinking on the Swastika Center in the head (Raja Yoga) ,this Center is obviously the Crown chakra also linked to the pituitary gland in the brain.
Seated in the Lotus Pose ,which is also the Pyramid Pose. Practicing pranayama ( rhythmic breathing exercises , inhalation and exhalation ,Ying Yang)
Spirit is always in the Sat Yuga. It's in Astral , Physical that's mind,body where ages and time exist.
Well, I will trust you, although I don't feel there is any refutation or evidence, I will investigate further.

Appreciate your attention and interesting thoughts.

You do not have to just trust me. Continue your research.

These cited texts which claim they are from Babylonia, but write about "Hell and Demons" in them, which are texts that are clearly mistranslated later on, by Christian sources and related. What actual translation would have "Hell" in it as a term?

I base these things on the works actually surviving, plus also very obvious spiritual facts. The fact that Pluto rules the underworld, is not some sort of thing I came up with, it is what has been known of thousands of years in regard to Pluto and Hades.

Plato touches over this topic in Cratylus, where he makes important statements about Cronus. In regard to the Ancient Greek language, root similarities in words, let alone almost identical words, are supposed to convey spiritual meanings and correlations - this type of understanding is from the Orphic texts, which of course, also have a hymn to Saturn. In regard to Plato's statements, they are also verified by the nature of the Saturn Square, but that is something that is very in-depth.

The difference between the word for Time and Saturn, is essentially of an occult character and the hidden meaning goes deeper on this topic. The differences in the letters, do indicate just another state of an underlying principle.

Further meanings I could not disclose, that would complete this topic. But that would be revealing more information than I should at the time being. Therefore that is also to be factored in.

Saturn is the most important planet not just a important planet that's why is described on the website as well and in all astrology at least the one which is true and not some non-sense shit.

Whether or not one will achieve the Godhead, is largely related to how one will manage their karmic debts, which are related to Saturnian influence. Of course, nobody wants to pay their bills; but they are there. It's better to know that they are there and to seek to make a payment installment plan, than to go bankrupt in that case.
Great sermon!
So would you say the Saturn square is more beneficial than it has been thus far described? I have never done it due to apprenhesion because of all the warnings but even when I first joined JoS as a child it was the square which appealed to me most.

Honestly I have never used an energy I cannot handle thus far including the more powerful vedic mantras but I do have a long list of health issues I had to overcome with satanic healing and a few more still to go and I fear undoing the work I have put in to settle those two of which the doctors told me would be lifelong.

I dont really the feel the need to add more obstacles to my life as I feel I have had and overcome more than enough of them, and many speak as this is how saturn manifests when the square is performed, are there any more tangible benefits than simply being forced to overcome challenges, will it strenghten my base chakra? help raise my serpent at long last?

Sorry for all the questions but I struggle to see spiritual knowledge beyond the surface level even after almost two decades, I tend to take just take what is written on JoS as fact and only recently have I tried to explore deeper concepts and figure the more hidden aspects out.
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Wow, Truth is when the Truth is told and revealed, our satanic souls know it . We can understand it on hearing it and we can also understand it to gratification by applying.
This is awesome to be brought to awareness. Thank you HP
Father Satan in the Ancient Pantheons of the Greeks and Romans, was Saturn.

In this Name, the root Sat which is related to the Truth, also has survived intact. SAT-ya, SAT-urn, even in the recent SAT-an. Not only Saturn, but to not overcomplicate this topic, this is for another topic and Satan's New Updated Hieratic Page.

Little is known about Saturn even today, because Saturn's mysteries were actually the top tier mysteries for the Ancient World. Saturn's concepts basically extend to the furthest places where matters of Spirituality are concerned, albeit also Saturn, is mysteriously the planet of the material realm, all at the same time.

Saturn, in contrast to any false statements generated later on by those who have no knowledge of spirituality, was actually considered the Patron of the Golden Age of Humanity. This knowledge is fully verifiable and proven even to this day.

The Golden Age, was an age of the highest level of spirituality, abundance of wealth of human resources, happiness and peace – a solid description of “Heaven on Earth". Further, during the Golden Age, human beings and Gods did live in a connected civilization, where toil, ignorance and lesser behaviors were unknown to Man. That much is well known from a historical and spiritual standpoint.

There were no wars on that time, famines, or any catastrophes and even nature was extremely friendly and beneficial to mankind. All worked in a form of harmony that is almost impossible to comprehend at the current historical interval we have. As such Hesiod has stated, the "Heroes of the Golden Age" are worshiped as "Demons" in the later ages; they guide with much love human beings, in order to again re-attain this state, as Patrons of our species.

We will also, eventually, get there again. There is also a secret here; the return to this state, will be even better than the last time. But that is something I won't derail the topic over...

Now, a lot of misinformation has been written about Saturn, despite of the information that is pretty clear in Ancient Sources, revealing that Saturn was ruling humanity during the most beautiful of all aeons, the Golden Age. There are no actual real negative statements of Saturn by any higher end philosopher or spiritualist. Most of these errant statements about Saturn being malefic, come way later on.

Typically, Saturn is also associated with Cronus. Cronus, in the Ancient Greek meaning, is the concept of Time. Without the concept of Time, there would be no universe and everything would be incoherent. If there is any difference between anything in the universe, and not a "singularity", where everything never was born out of anything, it's because of the concept of Time. This concept of Time is necessary for life, existence and aeons to unfold. Without it there is no creation, no multiplicity, no generation and also, no improvement of anything.

Without the notion of Time, everything is in a state of "stasis", or the lack of time. Creation or development of any sort, requires the formal physics notion of time in order to exist for living beings. This state of where nothing exists, is called nothingness, including also the lack of division, multiplicity and time. Chronos as a concept [Time], is where there is a division of this infinity, into the concept of actual creation.

Humanity, as expected, is easy to be misguided over false pretext. Most of the human beings are lazy, they want to not develop. Everyone likes reaping the fruit, but nobody likes to sow it. Therefore, any notion of Saturn, which is a planet that is focused on development, reaping only after you have sowed, and increasing your power to develop you (even via force) is considered "evil" and "malefic".

That very concept however, is the concept of...Evolution, Growth, Prosperity, Development and Creation in itself. It's the part that everyone has to hate, but simultaneously exactly what any living being has to necessarily follow in order to develop.

The construction of the universe, based on the topic of time, brings with itself another topic: Evolution. Without time, nothing can really evolve. But in the context of a division based on Time, then anything can evolve; evolution moves along the axis of Time.

In the context of all living organisms and beings, Saturn is the power that pushes all beings to become developed, evolve and spiritual themselves. As Saturn enforces a strict notion of Justice, the math here is very simple: Do what is required for evolution and survival = thrive, grow, based on the timeline. Do not do this = receive punishment.

This punishment or this reward, extends all the way from: Totally going back into non existence, all the way into becoming an Immortal God. The choices in regard to where one must strive toward, are related on how a being will decide to use their existence and time. Improvement in any area of life, is also strongly correlated to this very same topic.

Now, humans of course, in the context of their lives, also experience "luck" and other phenomena that are related to Jupiter. These represent bounds of luck and so on. Yet, when these are all fundamentally studied in-depth, these always are rooted to some very intricate process of sowing the proper seeds, once upon a time; that lead you in a way that you might not understand, into the reception of certain benefits.

These laws represent also the case of Ultimate Justice. While anyone or anything might try to play around these laws on the temporary scale, they can never escape them in the long term scale that these laws represent. One can for example steal from a field, or steal the produce from a field, but fundamentally, in the end, unless they know what to do, or how to map where good field will be (Attainmant of Wisdom via Saturn) they will eventually fall victim to these mentalities of trying to escape and malform these laws, and perish.

When this Divine set law is "transgressed", there is essentially the destruction of a living lifeforms, because it has not accepted the laws that come with existence in itself. Traditionally, because the process of growth, is also related to experiencing adversities, many people do not always seem to accept this process that will in the end make them as the Gods, similarly to how most people will not go to the gym in fear of pain - so their body will not see it's Golden Age of ability.

But without this concept embed in creation, there could never be any form of creation. In a not so paradoxical case, these laws are here only to help beings reach higher ends. For these laws to exist however, simultaneously, there has to be an abysmal ladder that if one falls, they can also reach either the highest heights or the lowest lows.

From a symbolic standpoint, Saturn is considered the God that “consumes” his children; the power of Saturn in Astrology and in Cosmogony, is the force that prompts humanity to either spiritually advance, or have to face the consequences of it’s own ignorance.

Time will indeed consume his children; but the other lesser topic about Saturn is that while he "eats his children" (like time is eating us apart), all the children that are "eaten by Saturn", are also alive when they are coming out of Saturn's mouth - the more one understands and implements these laws, one will eventually become an evolved being. First, consumption by Saturn is a given - whomever comes on this world, will be consumed by the mouth of time, whether you like it or not.

As you exist, the clock goes tick, tock, tick, tock. And you are on your way to develop. If you try to shut down the clock and not develop, it is still there, always ticking. The choice is yours. If some people feel a bit hurt that I mention these things, do not blame the messenger; I am merely a disciple of the Gods who is observing life too closely. Better do something with this Tick Tock of Time, rather than spend it all on Tik Tok time...

Now, Saturn also rules a series of other things that many people also dislike, to their own detriment as well as per usual: Boundaries, Discipline, Order, Maturity, Realism and internal spiritual conscience.

Most people, albeit they have to face all these things, instead of trying to understand them, get on board, work with these in order to improve themselves, merely seek to flee away from them, causing a lot of potential catastrophe to themselves and others.

In previous topics I have written on Saturn, I have explained why Saturn is a King Maker. Now, let's pressupose we have a King that does not know boundaries, discipline, order, maturity, realism or does not have an internal spiritual conscience. Where will the Kingdom and the people go? The kingdom is destined to perish.

In order to develop any serious knowledge of the above topics, one must also be in contact with the SAT aspect of Saturn...The Truth. In order to learn boundaries or discipline, order or maturity, or realism, or to develop truly spiritually, one has to start shedding things from themselves in the same way that the Sickle of Saturn must cut off the bad weeds and untruths from one's self.

After this process is done, one is guaranteed to become part of active, boundless and abundant generative process. But of course, the process of maintaining one's self into a standard that is supported by Saturn, has nothing related to the notion of it being "easy". Ease and Truth are two rather distant topics to themselves.

Humanity was given a certain timeline, a lifetime, or another part of life (which also includes their souls through reincarnations) to exist, thrive and develop. This timeline is supposed to be used for development of the species but also to enjoy existence, but also to act in a manner that will extend life itself in the future of the notion of Time.

Saturn divides the human lifespan (whether a human being would live for 100 or 1000 years, it would not matter) in very specific segmentation. That is a topic for another time. That segmentation is a key to actually achieve the Magnum Opus and a satisfactory life.

The concept of SAT-ya in Sanskrit, SAT-an in later history, or SAT-urn in the Roman Pantheon, are all correlated with the primary concept of the Truth. That concept has to be faced in order for a being to eventually get reborn and spiritually evolve itself, the laws around this topic are unavoidable, and everything that comes into existence, has to face these laws and seek how to work with them in order to finally master them.

Saturn was originally considered as the “Hidden Sun”, the “Dark Sun”, or the “Black Sun”. These allegorical statements indicate the hidden, intricate and occult nature of the sun in the heavens. That sun, in contrast to the known sun, is hiding and must be discovered. In Plato's works such as Timeaus, Saturn is literally called "Helios", meaning Sun. This inner Sun is not like the Sun of the heavens, and it's a sun that requires spiritual rectification to be reached. Hesiod and many others have glorified Saturn.

As a last note, Saturn's Era or the Golden Age, is representative of a time where humanity was spiritually elevated, not of the world of today. This is considered as a time of where "Heaven on Earth" as mentioned above. The Ancient Romans and Ancient Greeks, kept two celebrations for Saturn, named Kronia & Saturnalia, with the same common cultural content [around late December, like we glorify Satan today and in Mid Summer - Time of Harvest].

These celebrations were quite symbolic of this Golden Age era, as everything that was a part of the "current world" during these celebrations was banished, such as ignorance, poverty, deprivation, poverty, pettiness, lack of spirituality, slavery, death and many other such terms, were treated as non-existent realities to honor Saturn and remember the Golden Age, where none of this existed.

Humanity would simply band together and remind itself that no matter what is going on at the present, eventually there will be a Golden Age where there will be no notions of spiritual slavery and humanity will eventually become restored, to it's old and beloved Ruler, who is nobody else but Saturn.

For that age to arrive however and for us to reap from it's sweet fruits, we also have to sow the proper seeds; that is the core message of Saturn - What you give, is what you shall receive.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
