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Satan's Day Ritual - [Must READ, Must PARTICIPATE!]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to all of Our Spiritual Family and to all of Our Satanic Warriors.

Over the period of many years, if two things connect us, have been the faith and fellowship to our Gods, and our spiritual warfare. Despite anything else, this has always been our top priority. We have fought and fought again by each other's side here, a war that other people even cower to mentally think about. A war invisible, violent, and in many ways hard on us, but utterly destructive to our enemies.

Our enemies whom, have been boasting of their victories, for 'so long', have enjoyed the fragmentation of mankind by the sword, and they have enjoyed for centuries for fight spiritually ignorant people, to victimize them, and destroy everything this whole world has ever had dear to itself.

Satan and the Gods are enraged, and for very long. Revenge will finally fall upon the enemy, multiplied, unending and unrelenting - it will never end. The souls of the dead people they have exterminated and the corpses on which they built their kosher empires will suck out and destroy, and rip apart their souls, minds, and their creations.

Battle after battle, the enemy has bent the knee, and as the time progresses, the enemy will be completely spiritually annihilated. There is no turning back now. The process is final and their destiny is set in stone. The only requirement for everyone is to keep doing the pleasant, and the right thing: That is, to destroy the spiritual enemy and ruin them completely, develop, and keep fighting as we have.

However, aside of the aggressive aspect of this war, we have a defensive responsibility. As such except of doing in merciless offense the RTR's for the next days, we will also be doing another Ritual to bless ourselves and our own people for the fruits of our work. This is imperative and everyone is deserving of rewards. Similarly to all the rest of our rituals, this ritual will be aimed to help and assist everyone in safety, protection, and progress.

Our enemies of course were laughing, but as we progress, they are only crying. The Catholic church is collapsing like a castle of worthless pedophilliac dirtied sand, while the jewish foul curses are giving in, opening the way for a new way for mankind and a new spiritual authority to arise. We are this spiritual authority. The enemy's system will be reformed radically, and their spiritual control will be ruined and forever destroyed.

We have scored monumental victories, established peace during the attempts of the enemy to create their kosher wars, and we have change the flow of history towards a better route. We have been winning, and we will only keep winning. This time, the jewish filth of the enemy aren't going to work. We are ensuring the enemy will completely fall, but also that the Gods will re-ascend to the height of power that they have always been, and reign supreme over the enemy's filthy lies.

In unity with our Gods and our spiritual army here, we will be doing the following work for the next days. Both the Rituals will be posted below. The energy in both will be cumulative. The Final RTR will be removing bindings, curses, and cursing our enemies, while at the same time, we will be creating powerful energy around our workings.

However, this time, we will use our power to also bless ourselves, and very directly.

So EVERYONE must make sure to PARTICIPATE in this schedule and ritual. It is never too late. Nothing is too little, and nothing too much.


The RTR can be done WITHOUT paper on these days, just imagine the letters disinegrating if you cannot get paper.

The second ritual needs NOTHING but to read the prayer, vibrate the Runes, and affirm!

All very easy and accessible! No Excuses!

Let's write History ONCE MORE!

Schedule for the next days:

21. The Final RTR, and the Ritual of Protection, Wealth and Prosperity.
22. [Solstice] The Final RTR. Ritual of Protection, Wealth and Prosperity.
23. [Satan's Day] The Final RTR. Ritual of Protection, Wealth and Prosperity.
24. The Final RTR. Ritual of Protection, Wealth and Prosperity.
25. The Final RTR (Repeatedly)
26. The Final RTR (Repeatedly)

Below are the Rituals:

1. The Final RTR which can be found here.

Note: One can neglect this paper this time. Keep it simple - make sure to just do the RTR and imagine the letters being blackened and destroyed.


2. Ritual of Protection, Wealth and Prosperity.

Below the Link to this Ritual:

PDF Link to the Ritual - https://www.dropbox.com/s/2dul8ympchcoqnf/2%20Ritual%20of%20Protection%20Wealth.pdf?dl=1

Webpage To The Ritual - http://www.satanisgod.org/ProsperityRitual.html

One can either begin this Ritual with the formal Standard Ritual, or just instantly recite the following prayer and proceed with the Runic Vibration and then the affirmation.

This ritual is extremely simple. The power of it will be cumulative and it will manifest over time, as we will repeat it on power dates.

As such the steps are simple:

1. Recite the prayer either aloud or in your mind.
2. Vibrate the Runes given.
3. Call your Guardian Demon or Satan by mentally asking them to come to you.
4. Say the Ritual Affirmation 10 times with powerful intention.
5. Close the Ritual with a big Hail Satan.

The Prayer:

"In the Presence of the Almighty and All-Powerful Satan, His loyal Demons, our one and only family in the Gods. We humbly request your attention, we request your assistance, we request your guidance, your power and wisdom, now and for all eternity. Pour your blessings on us all, your loyal followers and dedicated followers, bonded by blood, shower us with your power and eulogies!

On this most important night, the Night which belongs to you, O Satan, our loyalty is tried and tested. Our Loyalty is true. We fight against your enemies, we revile those who blaspheme your Name and the Names of your Demons. We anathematize their curses, reverse their benedictions, as today the long darkness gives in, for your spiritual light to return, so do our enemies collapse, and your Kingdom Arises!

Lord Satan, and our Loyal Demons of Hell, on this Greatest Night, hear our request: assist us in the direction of this blessed energy on your dedicated people linked by bond of blood, and the whole Joy of Satan members, of all ranks and levels in accordance to your Will and Power, and Service!"

After this one can call into their Guardian Demon to help them guide the energy (Whether they know whom it is or not, do not stress over this, just do this mentally) and proceed with the runic vibrations.

The Runic Vibrations:

We will vibrate the following Runes [The amount of vibrations can be either 10, or 40 both are equally effective, one can increase the numbers, but cannot follow less than 10. The vibrations can be shorter and do not need one full breath, just to be vibrated and intended powerfully. After 40 times you can do it 60 vibrations, 80 vibrations, or 100 vibrations]:

*This is to be done in succession - one does all the runes and then proceeds to the affirmation.

Othal - 40 or 10 times. OOOOO-DH-AAAAAA-LLLLLLLL
Ansuz- Just 10 times. AAAA-NNNN-SSSS-UUUU-ZZZZZZ

When one is done with the total of the vibrations, they can focus intensely on the energy, and then say the following small affirmation:

The following is to be affirmed 10 times. [Aum - Affirmation - Aum is one time. This has to be repeated 10 times.]


"All the members of the Joy of Satan Ministries, Dedicated to Lord Satan by blood, advancing in this Spiritual Path, are now growing in material wealth and power, and are permanently protected and prosperous in all ways, NOW, CONTINUOUSLY, AND FOREVER!"


After this the Ritual is to be closed with a big HAIL SATAN!

As such this ritual is concluded.

Enjoy the Rituals and Yule Season, and remember, always HAIL SATAN!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The webpage of the new ritual:


Oh what I wouldn't give to torment the enemies for all eternity, watch them suffer and break again and again! Never was there a better candidate to relentlessly crush with all the manner of violence within me. The hatred has been built and used for so long, I'm shaking just in excitement of bringing horrors upon them that not even they could have conceived. Revenge is the sweetest gift you can steal!

I will tear them apart!

The enemy's end is now! AND THEY WILL SUFFER GREATLY!
You moved me to such joyful tears HP!!! :D

Thank you!!!!!!

Happy Yule everybody!!! (Up coming one)

This is honestly really wonderful, I'm very grateful and happy to be apart of this wonderful family, you're all my wonderful brothers and sisters in Father Satan. Truly. May everyone bless each other with the new RITUAL!!!! And may it bring happiness, luck, glories and MANY victories!!!!

This is an amazing ritual. Thank you so much!

Cannot wait. Such excitement and a great feeling. Fighting for Satan. Our loving true creator. And getting to crush these vile abominations into dust along with him and the gods. No feeling in life can compare. To how GOOD THIS IS GOING TO FEEL CRUSHING THEM AND HAVING THEM GROVEL AT OUR FEET, AND SHOW NO MERCY AS WE LAUGH AND TURN THEM TO DUST!

Hail to our victory, and Our Fight.

Onward to the rising satanic sun piercing through the darkness, that has blanketed this world for to long.
For the days we are doing both, what should we do once we have done each once? Should we just continue doing one then the other, or focus on the Final RTR or the other ritual?

Also, is bathing, dressing in black, etc. necessary for the ritual, or optional?
Fun isn’t something one considers when eradicating the pestilence. But this… does put a smile on my face. : )


Agony cannot match the level of pain they are, and will be in. I do not pity the enemy, and with the sound of sweet RTRs we shall end them once and for all.

And when they are gone, not even the fool will miss them.

The clock breaks down, the spring unwound. It's final chime denied. The doomsday clock no more than a rock, has ticked it's last tock.
That's beautiful! I'll be proud to perform this.

Hail Satan!!
Anyone doing any personal workings for wealth should probably focus on this. Our combined power will drastically amplify and enrichen the energies raised for anyone involved.
HP Hoodedcobra666 said:
25. The Final RTR (Repeatedly)
26. The Final RTR (Repeatedly)

By "repeatedly" how many repetitions are recommended?
To anyone like myself going for the full 100 reps on each rune, a few pieces of advice that might help, as sometimes it might be tricky to go for a specific high number while focusing so intensely. If you're at your computer or your phone, I found this helps a lot. What you do is simple. Get up this website https://www.wordcharactercount.com/ and each time you vibrate the rune, simply press the same key over and over again. For instance:

The trick is to keep count while focusing only on the ritual, mindlessly jabbing at a key to keep count makes this far more simple if you can't keep track off the top of your head and are worried about losing count, because the website will do it for you. Another piece of advice is, if you don't know the runes off the top of your head, simply open up individual images of each, like the ones on the website: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.html - Having them on screen while you're doing your vibrations keeps the rune very clearly in your mind. Drawing them on a piece of paper before starting the ritual is another good method to familiarize yourself with the general shape of each rune.

And of course, a brief reminder to everyone, though I'm sure everyone remembers well enough by now. We vibrate SSSSSS not dissimilar to a cat's hiss, the same way you vibrated SATANAS from the old RTRs. And DH is like the hard TH you hear in the word "the".
"After 40 times you can do it 60 vibrations, 80 vibrations, or 100 vibrations]"

May you clear this up for me? I'm thinking that on the first day of doing this that it must be 40 vibrations and nothing higher. Then after the first day you can increase the number of vibrations. Since I have the time, I just want to know if I can do 100 on the first day instead of just 40.
I cant participate in many of these days :( :( :(

Im going tomorrow night to my parents and i dont get a chance to do from that day forward.

I might be able to do on 26th, but no guarantees :? ... Sorry :roll:

But i swear as an Oath, to do todays and tomorrows as much as i can!! :evil: :evil:

Thanks for sharing.

I have some quick questions about the ritual format:

1.) Why do you suggest 10 or 40 reps for each rune? Is there any reason why the multiples of the specific rune numbers are not being used?

2.) I recall in previous destruction rituals, affirmations followed after vibrating each rune separately. I see that in this ritual, affirmations follow after vibrating all stated runes. Are there any differences?

Regardless, I will participate in a few hours. I appreciate your help.
All the best to everyone.

Hail Satan!
Ps. No PAPER for the FINAL RTR?? Do we even need to blot them out If we have a pc and If we easily can?
"The RTR can be done WITHOUT paper on these days, just imagine the letters disinegrating if you cannot get paper."

Nevermind! :lol:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Oh what I wouldn't give to torment the enemies for all eternity, watch them suffer and break again and again! Never was there a better candidate to relentlessly crush with all the manner of violence within me. The hatred has been built and used for so long, I'm shaking just in excitement of bringing horrors upon them that not even they could have conceived. Revenge is the sweetest gift you can steal!

I will tear them apart!

The enemy's end is now! AND THEY WILL SUFFER GREATLY!

You and me both brother, I meditate torture and vengeance on these damn jews.
So can i do the new Ritual as much as i want to?
I am awash with joy and excitement. Just reading the affirmation here in preparation for these rituals has me giddy and making weird little sounds of unrestrained happiness. To stick it to these vile pieces of fucking garbage and finally reclaim all that is truly ours and of the Gods, it is so close. Our world liberated of their pollution where we are actively setting things right and actually enacting changes people always says they wish someone would enact. I'm just so glad I have this opportunity to be part of this as opposed to unknowingly fighting against my own interests, as the spiritually unaware continue to do.

Hail Satan!
Cool, getting right to it!
1 question though, what about those who are dedicated but not by blood? I didn't use blood when I did the dedication 14 years ago :(
I am very eager and excited to participate in these workings. This is our chance to crush the enemy for good, along with the Lunar Eclipse coming in January of 2019 (January 20-21st to be exact).

Just one question however, is there a particular time of day/Planetary Hour the Ritual of Protection, Wealth, and Prosperity are best done?

Furthermore, I had the idea of reciting a number of the Enochian Keys during this schedule before both the RTRs and the Ritual, which, because the Enochian Keys on the JoS website fully honor Satan, should add more power to the workings, but this is not necessary if time is of concern.

Let us show the enemies which have done us so much wrong the wrath of Satan. We will not show our enemies even a pinch of mercy! Hail Satan!
What if one does not have a guardian demon? Can a newbie even do any of these rituals??
I promise I will do both frtr and the new Rtr ,when it get translated to greek,at least 10 times each one!
NoCreativeNameHereV2 said:
What if one does not have a guardian demon? Can a newbie even do any of these rituals??
Everyone has a Guardian Demon, if you are new and your astral sense's are not open then you obviously don't know him/her.

Lite the article said just call him/her in your mind and he/she will be there even if you don't know who he/she is.
NoCreativeNameHereV2 said:
What if one does not have a guardian demon? Can a newbie even do any of these rituals??

If you are dedicated it is safe, without not, maybe the energys of high repeats could be a problem for you(try for your self).

about your GD everybody who did dedicate has at least one GD.

You may look this topic :

adovenuto said:
Heil HP H. Cobra. Can We vibrate each Rune 108 time, as well? . Thank You. Siegh Heil!

I guess Max 100
NightKiss666 said:
"After 40 times you can do it 60 vibrations, 80 vibrations, or 100 vibrations]"

May you clear this up for me? I'm thinking that on the first day of doing this that it must be 40 vibrations and nothing higher. Then after the first day you can increase the number of vibrations. Since I have the time, I just want to know if I can do 100 on the first day instead of just 40.

No. It just means that if/when you do 40 and still want to go higher, you can do 60, 80 or max(?) 100.
Happy Yuke ro everyone here!

So the 23th is Father Satans Birthday right?
I also love to see another Schedule for the next days, I kinda missed them lol
Artanis said:
"The RTR can be done WITHOUT paper on these days, just imagine the letters disinegrating if you cannot get paper."

Nevermind! :lol:

He said that because often people make excuses to not do the rtr. Like not having paper or whatever they can think of. On these days specifically he’s stressing we MUST do them. No excuses. So no paper no problem. Do it anyway, however you should do the rtr the proper way instructed if able.
HailVictory88 said:
For the days we are doing both, what should we do once we have done each once? Should we just continue doing one then the other, or focus on the Final RTR or the other ritual?

Also, is bathing, dressing in black, etc. necessary for the ritual, or optional?
Not necessary to do the second ritual more than once per day. Do higher reps when you do it if you really have the spare time. Focus is always on the final rtr.

And I highly doubt the ritual will work if you don’t wear black. Haha
I just finished the final RTR and Ritual of Protection, Wealth and Prosperity and WHOA, the Final RTR felt FAR MORE INTENSE than usual.

And for the new ritual, i have never done something this powerful

I felt like my every fiber of my existence was intensively pierced on sub-atomic level, and i have only done 40 time for each rune, not counting the ANSUZ one of course
Academic Scholar said:
Does anyone know where I can listen to an Mp3 of all the runes we have to vibrate for this ritual??
Joining for same question.

I find such mp3's extremely helpful as those instantly clarify the correct way of vibrating runes - I always struggle trying to figure out how it should sounds like. If there is none of them, then I'd be thankful for creating such records and sharing them with us.

Thank You!
NinRick said:
I also love to see another Schedule for the next days, I kinda missed them lol

I will be making new schedules based probably on the best astrological time to do the Final RTR, but this is still in progress. I simply do not have the time, and it requires intricate effort and work to look into this. But it may be a reality again so do not worry.
Artanis said:
adovenuto said:
Heil HP H. Cobra. Can We vibrate each Rune 108 time, as well? . Thank You. Siegh Heil!

I guess Max 100

Yes, the max is 100. If one wants to do more, they can just continue a second circle, but do not go more than 100 vibrations for each rune.

Then after you are done, you can repeat. The numbers you can do is 10, 40, 80, or 100. You choose one according to how much more you can do. The amount of vibrations cannot be less than 10.

Ansus in all occassions can be done 10 times and is not necessary to be increased.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
