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Satan Means Truth in Slavic Language


New member
Oct 14, 2022
Hello guys, I want to bring to the table a topic I have not yet seen mentioned by anyone anywhere.

But before I begin, some background:
This is my first post. I've been reading this website and it's forum for a few months now. I discovered Paganism over 4 years ago, and Luciferianism/Gnosticism 2 years ago, though I did not really study Spiritual Satanism until recently. I am of Eastern Slavic ancestry and I speak Russian. For those past few years I have been gradually learning more about the old ways and native Slavic-Aryan faith. I have also studied linguistics for the past few years which has for me I feel has unlocked a greater capacity to understand hidden meanings and etymologies in languages.

Recently it has occurred to me that Satan means truth in Russian and Slavic language, after having learned it's meanings in Sanskrit language.

The name "Satan" in Russian/Slavic is in fact the word "Istina", the common word for truth, which may at first glance appear to be completely unrelated, and just a bogus linguistic connection - however there is something important to be considered here, that is that the Hebrew language DOES NOT borrow vowels in loan words - only consonants. This is because of Hebrew's Semitic grammar which is based off of a consonantal root system, where only consonants hold lexical information, and vowels encode conjugation, declension, and derivational meanings, when a foreign word is borrowed, the original vowels are dropped and new vowels are inserted in various patterns in accordance to the grammar. Therefore the word iSTiNa is borrowed as S-T-N, the vowels a - a are inserted to derive the name "adversary"

This page will explain Semitic and Hebrew grammar.

Contrary to what (((scholars))) claim, Satan, both the name and the being is in no way of Hebrew origin. This is established knowledge on this site so I will not elaborate much more on that fact.

However I do have some other theories, much of which are discussed on Russian speaking web but not elsewhere, I can make separate post if anybody is interested.
1. Hebrew is an artificial language created in the middle ages by Kabbalists as a an occult language, grafted from Arabic mainly and borrowing lots of Greek, Latin, Vedic (Slavic) vocabulary. This ties into Anatoly Fomenko's theories about ancient history being a hoax, that really all occurred in the middle ages (all of human history is only 1000 years old), if this is true (I believe it is from my research), it makes sense that the kikes have falsely purported it's age being thousands of years old when really it's only centuries, this also ties into Tartaria/Mudflood theories. The reason I believe it is an artificial language is because the consonantal root grammar seems very improbable to have evolved naturally, even though there are hypotheses how this grammar came about - there are no solid explanations. On Russian speaking web it is theorized that Arabic/Semitic languages descended from an ancient constructed language which was specifically created by our ancestors to avoid decipherment by the enemy AI.
2. Perun is Beelzebub, aka Pir Bub, Baal. Likewise Dazhbog is Azazel. Many so called Pagans are still under the influence of the Judeo-Christian program, and shun away Spiritual Satanism, usually by delusional of it being Abrahamic or somehow hostile. Remember, Demons are the Gods of the Gentiles.
3. Old Slavic (Slovian) was the original Indo European language which was spoken across the world in ancient times, and PIE is a hoax created by Jesuit Anglo historians. Sanskrit is a creole of Slavic-Dravidian languages. The name Samskrita (as it's actually pronounced) is a Russian word which can be understood as Samoskrytyy, meaning Self-Hidden. Old Slavic was a highly sophisticated and advanced language designed to encode high levels of information in words, it was ciphered by Slavic Sages into a new language to hide information from the enemies, what we know as Sanskrit. What made this language sophisticated and advanced is worthy of it's own post but I can answer if anyone is interested. The reason why I conclude PIE to be a hoax is because of the high lexical (also grammatical) similarity between Sanskrit and Slavic indicate there was a RECENT relationship between the ancient Slavs and Indians, 1000 years ago, not 5000, the similarity of many of the words cannot be explained by the existing theory.

Anyways I am wondering if there any Slavic Pagans here? Has anyone has come to the same conclusion that I have?
bsod said:
3. Old Slavic (Slovian) was the original Indo European language which was spoken across the world in ancient times, and PIE is a hoax created by Jesuit Anglo historians. Sanskrit is a creole of Slavic-Dravidian languages. The name Samskrita (as it's actually pronounced) is a Russian word which can be understood as Samoskrytyy, meaning Self-Hidden. Old Slavic was a highly sophisticated and advanced language designed to encode high levels of information in words, it was ciphered by Slavic Sages into a new language to hide information from the enemies, what we know as Sanskrit. What made this language sophisticated and advanced is worthy of it's own post but I can answer if anyone is interested. The reason why I conclude PIE to be a hoax is because of the high lexical (also grammatical) similarity between Sanskrit and Slavic indicate there was a RECENT relationship between the ancient Slavs and Indians, 1000 years ago, not 5000, the similarity of many of the words cannot be explained by the existing theory.
Interesting post.
With PIE do you mean protoindoeuropean?
As of the last few years. I've been under the assumption Hebrew just came to exist some 1,500bce area or some 3,500 years ago.

Reason being is at around 1,500bce there is evidence that all civilizations were attacked by Sea people. Some crazy people out of no where, potentially, greys/reptilians dressed up in armor and weapons(swords, blunt, axe) a few centuries more advanced and attacked various civilizations. In particular Egypt was the one that did most of the fighting spiritually and prevented them from winning. Even if it caused them to collapse partially, less so than other civilizations. It seems many civilizations within 200 years collapse major ones with no issues whatsoever.

It's one of the reasons some researchers state the 1,500bce-1,300bce area that many civilizations collapsed in the timeline.

For example we know inasmuch gypsies and jews both jewish trick kosher species. Came out of no where, certain people peering into their past express inasmuch being called "outsiders" or "strangers" or being labelled people who don't follow dharma. On top of that many got killed over time in fact one of the first gypsy/jewish killings involved people paying attention and noticing jews/gypsies hanging around strange aliens that the ancient were told are negative or evil or stupid or keep those things away form you.

In the beginning they infiltrated quickly realizing finances, spirituality/religion, and racial/national makeup community is the name of the game. And quickly asserted their roles to infiltrate, acquire technology, and begin subversion. In the beginning the jews acted like a racial 5th column and quickly within a thousand year some 6,000 years ago closer to the Age of Aries rather than before by 5,000bce the Mahabarata empire of the era collapsed. And began the splintering and fragmentation which in the past with the Gods everyone knew the Empires and Civilizations of others grew in parallel with the Gods teaching. In fact by the era of the Gods flight caused by the enemy society was already evaluating each nation and society at large levels and inter-, intra- migration occurred such as for example how Nalanda University was a University having Greeks, Indians, Japanaese, Koreans, etc.etc. educating together.

Unfortunately it seemed for the jews they quickly realized they need to keep knowledge away from people and probably began acting like criminals or infiltrating from a intellegentsia position or both.

Anyways to make it short. Some of us here at the JoS believe the enemy developed Hebrew from stealing from various languages like Sanskrit(TAS: Hebrew or SAT: Sanskrit), Ancient Greek(Aleph: Alpha, Bet: Beta Gimmel: Gamma), and eventually they began to perform spiritual warfare with their language.

We believe inasmuch the rabbinate amassed the data presented it to their aliens and the aliens just gave them stuff. We inasmuch believe most of the enemies teachings and paradigm is mostly reptillian/grey communist technology with a sprinkle of Satanism for some truths and maybe even catch a few naughty goyim on the outskirts to subvert them into what later can be called klippoth or some hebrew magickal/meditation wise technology.

All-in-all Hebrew A) Is not 6,000 years old or 5,776 years old or Age of Aries technology. B) Hebrew is not a semitic language nor are jews associated with semites who in reality are a tiny minority on the verge of disappearing in modern circa 2020s society as of the time of this post. And C) Hebrew has absolutely no historicity with any language and only uses mundane concepts that survived; I'm sure if the enemy wasn't destroyed as they were they'd have more historical "facts" and people might realize more lying or more subversion such as you, O.P.

Inasmuch Hebrew is a language stolen from various alphabets to create some magickal binding ritual on gentiles i.e. anti-spiritual evolution technology. While also pumping into the air kabalistic realities to materialize and provide jews with auras of protection, blessings, finances, etc.etc. Not unlike the teachings of the Gods to us Gentiles although instead of being slaves of the Gods and blessing ourselves as a whole the technology and teachings of the Gods seems more individual and acquiescing more into becoming a God like the Gods. Albeit I'm not surprised if people do mass ritual blessings and pump up society only at proper blasting centers or using the powers of the mind to direct energy to specific centers and mass multiply the power.

The enemies kaballah seems to be termite like. They crush and destroy their Pagan opponents knowing it'll take centuries if not millenias to advance their cause they pump up the volume and create better communist foot soldiers over time while the Pagans eat, shit, and die like christians being infused with spiritual communism to pump for their destruction and eliminate themselves through negative teachings while the enemy amasses the very Satanic-Nazi teachings and pumps themselves up and creates various communist enclaves to ensure control in various ways while being on the forefront of hostile activities and creating chaos and disorder to ensure shekelberging/shekelsteining operations.

Sheer fact is we know inasmuch the enemy stuff just came from the reptilians/greys either the underground ones that are the Earth division to bowl over into communism and pump the Earth down into a communist shithole. Or the Intergalactic Federation dupes from other planets and enemy civilizations and they carefully express certain data to them ruling out the possibility of jews or anyone interacting with them to know about extra-terrestrials or come in contact with friendly aliens and have them come by and break kosher supervision.

So in your case you state Hebrew and the doctrines of the jews were created throughout the 1,000 or so years the middle ages. That goes inline with HP.Cobra's mentioning of dark ages weren't that dark and in reality they weren't but middle ages was the communist grooming of society to turn it into a xtian warfare shithole by judeo-bolsheviks.

Very interesting theory. It would fall inline with Pluto in Scorpio 1492, Spain, just before the expulsion sometime around this era. The Sephardic or mostly Sephardic kosher community knew, read, wrote, and can understand Babylonian. I have to wonder why anyone would know that when Babylonian was destroyed some 1,200+ years earlier. Hell Babylonian ceased to exist according to our modern understanding.

We know inasmuch the Middle ages was the height of the enemy physically on Earth in a matter of running around with pre-communism. It was worse than puritanical America with "Witches declaration on people". The only time it was as bad as the middle ages was the xtian cucking occurring around the times of Hypathia when they murdered her for no reason.

Interesting theory and makes sense. You mentioned Tartaria we know about Tesla and his friendship speaking of said event. Luckily the Ionic technology free-energy and transmissible energy devices of Tartaria were put on the internet many years ago and spread around. So the enemy is probably cucking around with it and messing with it like everything communsits do.

Luckily people at least know free-energy isn't a joke and people like Tesla who pretty much re-created modern electricity unlike the asshole Edison. At least people know about unfortunately the people who are into it are crazy new agers with their non-sense.

Anyways your saying the hebrew rewrote their historicity in their languages of Paleo-, Ancient-, Old-, Modern- Hebrew just to appease themselves and prevent goyim from knowing the truth and maintaining their Tyranid WarHammer style alien existence for a doomsday cult?
Don't trust Fomenko, look at the evidence. Part of what you said is true but the middle age thing is a lie. I'm slavic and a linguist, you're on to something and you should keep digging. Ask any of the Gods, they will tell you. Also try and find out about the true origin of the runes, our greatest gift. Slovo is what our tribes were named after, not slava. Good luck on your quests.
Shemsu said:
Don't trust Fomenko, look at the evidence.
I agree with that, I did not know this author and I just did some research on his books regarding chronology. There is something I don't like at all about the energy of these books.
Great post, in my day to day speach when I agree with people i say Istina(truth) instead of Slazem se(I agree) because Lazem means to lie, and "se" - me-myself, so Slazem se - i lie to myself.

Also when pondering about the God Odin i realised that the number 1 in russian is writen Odin. I got no clue why that is, perhaps like one God, or the first God? Have you got perhpas any insights into that?

bsod said:

Is this you in the profile picture? Please change this immediately, out of personal safety, especially since you gave other information about yourself.

For safety purposes, keep yourself totally anonymous, as the enemy would love to ruin you if they could.
F_For_Flamingo said:
Great post, in my day to day speach when I agree with people i say Istina(truth) instead of Slazem se(I agree) because Lazem means to lie, and "se" - me-myself, so Slazem se - i lie to myself.

Also when pondering about the God Odin i realised that the number 1 in russian is writen Odin. I got no clue why that is, perhaps like one God, or the first God? Have you got perhpas any insights into that?


Never thought about it that way, blew my mind. Thanx for the revelation. I used to know a guy everyone called Istina because he was a pathological liar. Young people and sarcasm, right?
Russian has a lot of interesting things like that. But did you know that in old church slavonic (which was not invented by Cyril and Methodius as history books would have you believe. it was a simplification of an already existing language spoken by slavic tribes and written by pagan priests with an ancient form of runes (chertki i reski) sadly erased from memory by bloody genocides) the letters had numerical value and some other meanings as well? You probably did but here it is anyways for others who didn't.

Shemsu said:
F_For_Flamingo said:
Great post, in my day to day speach when I agree with people i say Istina(truth) instead of Slazem se(I agree) because Lazem means to lie, and "se" - me-myself, so Slazem se - i lie to myself.

Also when pondering about the God Odin i realised that the number 1 in russian is writen Odin. I got no clue why that is, perhaps like one God, or the first God? Have you got perhpas any insights into that?


Never thought about it that way, blew my mind. Thanx for the revelation. I used to know a guy everyone called Istina because he was a pathological liar. Young people and sarcasm, right?
Russian has a lot of interesting things like that. But did you know that in old church slavonic (which was not invented by Cyril and Methodius as history books would have you believe. it was a simplification of an already existing language spoken by slavic tribes and written by pagan priests with an ancient form of runes (chertki i reski) sadly erased from memory by bloody genocides) the letters had numerical value and some other meanings as well? You probably did but here it is anyways for others who didn't.

Thank you I did not know this, I will look into it.

Don't worry brother with time everything that was hidden about the Slavic will come to light.

Even some things like saying that the word Slav comes froms Slave, when it comes from Slavni-famous/glorious.

Thanks again for sharing this information!

As a man who seeks the cradle of all languages, this sets me back on square one sadly.

I'm now confused on what was originally spoken.
Ludwick said:
As a man who seeks the cradle of all languages, this sets me back on square one sadly.

I'm now confused on what was originally spoken.

You don't have to look at it that way. Try to see it as a step forward. Your quest is a noble and worthy one. No matter how you call it, that language did exist, it's just a matter of determining the period in our history that you want to examine. Protoindoeuropean as the linguistic community fancies calling it was a later version containing some elements of the earlier language of the global civilization that went under. Tartarian/Lemurian is probably what you seek. Ask a God that you have a relationship with or Satan himself maybe? Good luck and check out the deeper origin of runes. They definitely weren't made from the latin alphabet but the other way around. Historical records were mostly erased from physical reality but the truth is still here.
Shemsu said:
Good luck and check out the deeper origin of runes. They definitely weren't made from the latin alphabet but the other way around. Historical records were mostly erased from physical reality but the truth is still here.
A book that I found very interesting is, "Runes and the Orgins of Writing" by Alain de Benoist.
Although the author is right-wing his research is done in a very academic way, it is not an attempt to glorify Runes at all costs. There is no search for a definitive thesis but a number of question marks are highlighted that suggest that probably the Mediterranean alphabets and the Runes have a common ancestor, so in a genealogical hierarchy they are probably on the same level.
Lykos said:
Shemsu said:
Good luck and check out the deeper origin of runes. They definitely weren't made from the latin alphabet but the other way around. Historical records were mostly erased from physical reality but the truth is still here.
A book that I found very interesting is, "Runes and the Orgins of Writing" by Alain de Benoist.
Although the author is right-wing his research is done in a very academic way, it is not an attempt to glorify Runes at all costs. There is no search for a definitive thesis but a number of question marks are highlighted that suggest that probably the Mediterranean alphabets and the Runes have a common ancestor, so in a genealogical hierarchy they are probably on the same level.

Many years ago in a book titled "knjiga o knjizi" I found some intriguing clues about runestones in a country near me. The funny thing was they were a few centuries older than scandinavian counterparts, a bit different and weren't supposed to exist, at least not in southeastern europe. I went to see it and it was right there in a churchyard overgrown with weeds however during the last war here it got removed or destroyed. Based on that and oral tradition that the high priests of our tribes used an ancient form of runes from time immemorial only known to them and used for special occasions and rituals for the Gods I have to disagree on them being on same level as other mediterranean alphabets. Unfortunately they wrote on wood which easily decays so...
Shemsu said:
Don't trust Fomenko, look at the evidence. Part of what you said is true but the middle age thing is a lie. I'm slavic and a linguist, you're on to something and you should keep digging. Ask any of the Gods, they will tell you. Also try and find out about the true origin of the runes, our greatest gift. Slovo is what our tribes were named after, not slava. Good luck on your quests.

Why do you not trust him? I've studied his work for a few years now and I am yet to be able to refute any of his claims in spite of how absolutely ludicrous they are. The (((Scaligerian chronology))) (what we are taught in schools) is completely flawed, nonsensical, and inconsistent to say the least, especially when one analyzes historical astronomical data, for example Lunar and Solar eclipses which would have been impossible to occur according to history as we are taught.

All of history that we are taught was exclusively invented and written down by Christian monks, whereas almost all Pagan knowledge was destroyed. The Church has falsified history in order to validate their religion and slander Pre Christian Europeans as some sort of primitive barbaric savages. They claim the Bible to be almost 2000 years old when really it's only 400 years old (and I can prove it).
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=403592 time=1670144682 user_id=21286]
bsod said:

Is this you in the profile picture? Please change this immediately, out of personal safety, especially since you gave other information about yourself.

For safety purposes, keep yourself totally anonymous, as the enemy would love to ruin you if they could.

No this is from German solo black metal project Grausamkeit. If you're into melodic raw black metal and or dungeon synth, you'll love this band, really good shit.

bsod said:
Shemsu said:
Don't trust Fomenko, look at the evidence. Part of what you said is true but the middle age thing is a lie. I'm slavic and a linguist, you're on to something and you should keep digging. Ask any of the Gods, they will tell you. Also try and find out about the true origin of the runes, our greatest gift. Slovo is what our tribes were named after, not slava. Good luck on your quests.

Why do you not trust him? I've studied his work for a few years now and I am yet to be able to refute any of his claims in spite of how absolutely ludicrous they are. The (((Scaligerian chronology))) (what we are taught in schools) is completely flawed, nonsensical, and inconsistent to say the least, especially when one analyzes historical astronomical data, for example Lunar and Solar eclipses which would have been impossible to occur according to history as we are taught.

All of history that we are taught was exclusively invented and written down by Christian monks, whereas almost all Pagan knowledge was destroyed. The Church has falsified history in order to validate their religion and slander Pre Christian Europeans as some sort of primitive barbaric savages. They claim the Bible to be almost 2000 years old when really it's only 400 years old (and I can prove it).

He is not absolutely wrong about everything but he is not ok mentally. While a brilliant mathematical mind can be used to process large amounts of information his psychological issues in combination with wishful thinking bring about what you read. His scientific and statistical methods are flawed. Yes carbon dating is not accurate but not by as much as he claims, yes we have been lied to and history was falsified by the catholic church but his version is not correct either. I like to keep an opened mind so please present your evidence (you said you can prove it). My information comes from a source I'd trust over any human scientist. And Tartaria or whatever you wish to call it did exist but much farther into the past, more than 12000bc. It wasn't melted by an xfactor event, it went down in a terrible war some people here know about. Don't be discouraged to dig deeper. All the best
bsod said:
Shemsu said:
Don't trust Fomenko, look at the evidence. Part of what you said is true but the middle age thing is a lie. I'm slavic and a linguist, you're on to something and you should keep digging. Ask any of the Gods, they will tell you. Also try and find out about the true origin of the runes, our greatest gift. Slovo is what our tribes were named after, not slava. Good luck on your quests.

Why do you not trust him? I've studied his work for a few years now and I am yet to be able to refute any of his claims in spite of how absolutely ludicrous they are. The (((Scaligerian chronology))) (what we are taught in schools) is completely flawed, nonsensical, and inconsistent to say the least, especially when one analyzes historical astronomical data, for example Lunar and Solar eclipses which would have been impossible to occur according to history as we are taught.

All of history that we are taught was exclusively invented and written down by Christian monks, whereas almost all Pagan knowledge was destroyed. The Church has falsified history in order to validate their religion and slander Pre Christian Europeans as some sort of primitive barbaric savages. They claim the Bible to be almost 2000 years old when really it's only 400 years old (and I can prove it).
Despite my initial prejudice I started reading his first book on chronology.

I don't know why but the energy of this book at first reminded me of Fulcanelli, and in doing some research I read about the fact that there is mention of bacchic practices and pagan orgies that were practiced in churches also in Fomenko's book, this was an interesting coincidence.

But I think it will take me a few months or years to read it all so if you want to do a review it would be interesting, on the web I only find negative reviews from people who read about Fomenko only from wikipedia.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
