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Samhain [31st October] to November 7 - Ritual Schedule

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to all of our Satanic Comrades.

Central this time will be as per usual the Final RTR, which is a given for all these days. We just do this as we have been doing this, and continue this.

Below will be a little schedule as there are important power dates and positive winds for us to take advantage of. We will be doing the Race Awakening Ritual. After the Yom Kippur success I believe it's time neigh that all of us commonly partake in some empowerment and fortification of ourselves, and helping our own, also.

Due to the importance of larger objectives, on Samhain [those who want to start on the 30th can go ahead and do it as soon as possible], we will focus on the Race Awakening Ritual. The 30th is included as a default if one wants to begin ASAP with this, which I know I'll be doing, and I am certain others will be doing also, as it's an extra day. It's important to keep the greater goals in mind, and our community as Spiritual Satanists. Therefore, let's bless up also. So we will be doing the Protection, Wealth and Wellbeing Ritual, but also a JoS centered ritual to keep the defences up.

It's time to get some blessings going, so to say. We will be doing as thus the following small schedule to take advantage of the uprising opportunities.

After this there may follow other things, but due to the enemy, there cannot be very lengthy propositions and we have to stay at this for now.

The Schedule:

-Race Awakening Ritual [October 30, 31st Samhain, November 1st]
-JoS Protection Ritual & Wealth For Satanists Ritual [November 2nd, 3rd, 4th]
-Race Awakening Ritual, Again at [5th, 6th, 7th November respectively]

-Final RTR [Always a given, to be done daily]

Now in regards to some questions about the rituals.

First of all if you are new, do not feel intimidated by any of this. This is all common and easy to do. Mainly, rituals go like this, sometimes without even step 1 and 4. It's all in other words straight forward:

1. Do a prayer
2. Do the vibrations necessary
3. Do the Ritual affirmation
4. Close the Ritual.

In regards to the Joy of Satan protection ritual, that is straight forward. Benefits our members who are with us [bless us], but also our house in general, so that we are strong and keep existing for common benefit. As to why this is pertinent, let me remind you that this time last year all our websites did vanish and disappear, which comes from the enemy. The enemy has burned enough libraries and spiritual people and spiritual hubs of knowledge as it is, and perverted all the rest to total damnation. This harms those who want to advance spiritually and escape from the enemy's grip.

It's important and necessary we keep our fortification going, and Satan's House upright. Through this, we can maintain our positive influence and every other effort towards better things. This is of exceptional importance to Satan and our Gods first and foremost, who have been putting a lot into this. We can add into this and we should.

In regards to the Race Awakening Ritual, one can merely refer to the post that has been provided. This Ritual has been done concurrently for years, and is a series of many months of Rituals - Refer here for more info - https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=21799&p=94126&hilit=Race+Awakening#p94126

The last time the Wealth Ritual was done again before, some of you informed the last time that you came with windfalls, opportunities, straight up income, which was exceptional and pleasant. The more open you are to this, the better. For those in more trying circumstances, this ritual is going to help you, coupled with one's own efforts. Material effort also may have to be taken, such as opting out for a job, the list goes. Rituals make these tasks easier. Others have, like for example during the California Hurricane, have received windfalls before the hurricane and were able to evacuate, or their property was largely unscathed. This is only one example of how this works in these terms.

Needless to say there is a lot of pressure in this area, this is how this world is designed, and this ritual is supposed to help everyone of Satan's people and JoS members specifically to deal with said issues more effectively. For people already in a good situation financially, this helps to increase and to stabilize said situations. In situations of bad transits, one will by all means benefit tremendously from the Wealth Ritual, also, as planets can be quite brutal, and the mass power directed can be helpful. Long story short, everyone benefits. It's assistance and positive development no matter how one sees it.

All in all we are going to make beautiful things happen with these, so without further due, here are the links. These Rituals have been done again before.

Below are the links to the Rituals:

Final RTR:


Race Awakening Ritual [Blacks And Whites]:

White Race Ritual: https://www.satanisgod.org/RaceRitual.html

Black Race Ritual: https://www.satanisgod.org/11-13-16_Ritual.pdf

Ritual of Protection, Wealth and Prosperity


JOS Protection Ritual

YES! :D Been thinking about a Samhain schedule recently. Thank you for posting! :)
The Race Awakening ritual always makes me feel full of energy.
Downloaded everything (in case the site or Internet goes down), took a screenshot of the schedule. Put the files in iCloud, therefore if one device somehow becomes unavailable, the other will not (phone, computer, tablet).

Whatever happens, we are going to do this! The enemy is destroyed!

Hail Satan!!! Forever!!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Comrades.

Wonderful. We do our best boys. Protecting our JOS site is critical. It would be helpful to bless it to be also famous and popular.
Lately I've been feeling worn out from having to work such long hours so maybe our blessings ritual can help there. I do have Saturn in my first house now also.

I believe in work because a person has to do some real world things to be grounded. A person cannot just hang out in the spiritual because the material is there and they complement each other. We strive for balance and for things to be healthy.

Also with the race awakening. I love Scotland because it's still very monolithic.

But over the past three years it's changed right before my eyes and drastically.

The government is bringing them in in hordes and the feel of the place has changed. It feels heavier and more selfish.

Blacks fit in very well and are lovely and sociable with heart. But they chase after the other race sexually.

Also the people are brainwashed and you cannot mention race because they can call the cops and it's one of the worst crimes to be racist.

The Muslims seem to be fake friendly but drive differently as in aggressively and walk straight into and over you.

The feeling of a pure race society had respect but there's a different dog eat dog feeling as the multi cult spreads.

I just ignore the race mixing couples for my own safety. But thank you for being here and also seeing sense as its nature to breed within your tribe.

Good to be here and have a chance to work towards doing something about it.
Thank you HP HoodedCobra. I was certainly looking forward to doing an extra ritual on Samhain and the week following. Samhain is a very wise choice for working with our Racial Consciousness and performing the Race Awakening Ritual for the White Race and/or other Gentile races for non-White Satanists because of the energies surrounding this holiday and the fact that the Astral is more open around this time.

I can already see that it will be imperative that we step up on the Final RTRs again, the enemy just loves to use Mercury Retrogrades to shut our sites down and stop Gentiles from awakening. The Protection Ritual and Final RTRs should go a long way in putting a stop to what they likely have planned between now and November 22.
I just got a new coffee machine today and i have a feeling that i am gonna enjoy destroying these scums while relaxing on my lovely chair taking sips from my favorite cup :cool: i really feel happy and powerfull these days i don't know why.

However i was about asking you about the demosntrations that is happening now in iraq and in lebanon are these caused by the jewish curses against gentiles?? Because these two countries have a very strong link with iran, also the jewish leader of isis got betryed and stabbed in the back by jews on 26 october is this part of the game the jews are playing???
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
JOS Protection Ritual [/size]

Where is the opening prayer here? Maybe it's something wrong with my screen, but on my screen it says
"Begin with the following prayer:" then goes right into describing how to do the runes, and the only thing similar to a prayer is the affirmations at the bottom.
I wasn't sure what extra Satanic activity I could do during Samhain so I'm glad you made this. As it's been said before people who are not part of these two races can still do them. I will be doing so to help out the white and black Gentile brothers and sisters.

My only question is, can we do the Protection Ritual and Wealth for Spiritual Satanists more than one time in a day?

Happy Samhain and Hail Satan!!
Wait what? The affrmation for the race awakening *3* times?? :eek: :eek:

Ive never seen in the past times that the ritual said it needed to be said 3 times :? :?
sooo... Did i get this right?

At the affirmations: AUM-affirmation-AUM(3 times) SATANAS-affirmation-SATANAS(1 time)AUM and HAIL SATAN!(?) like it says on the webpage :|
Great, I always love group rituals like this. Thank you for the briefing, our blessed Clergical Brother. I'll inform our Turkish brethren shortly.

However, isn't there something missing from the Schedule, High Priest? You specifically state in the mini-sermon/briefing that we'll be doing a JoS-centered ritual, which should be the Joy of Satan Protection Ritual. There is a link to at the bottom of your post too. But there is no mention of it in the schedule. Or is it the "Protection Ritual" that's to be done on November 2nd, 3rd and 4th? If so, please clarify it a little so our other brothers and sisters have no chance of confusion too.

Also, in the link to the JoS Ritual, the instructions are a little messy. The prayer is gone, the instructions for the Runic Vibrations are out of place (18 or multiples of 18 vibrations are recommended in one place but 10-40 in another), etc. Could you take a look at the page? Maybe it's just me. I'll try to look for the Turkish instructions I remember translating back in the day too.

Thank you, have a great day!
I was planning on starting a curse against Israel using runes the night of the 31st. I feel that would compliment these rituals well. I just hope Mercury being retrograde doesn't hinder the working
Thank you for this!

I remember the first time I did the Race Awakening Ritual, I barely felt the energy. But now it just feels amazing to do this ritual! I feel the energy of the runes more and more.
Sorry for the double post, but I was a little mistaken. There is nothing missing in the Schedule, it's just that clarifying the wording a little as I mentioned earlier could help. But as for the Joy of Satan Protection Ritual page, I think it still needs quite the touch-up.

The title is mixed up with the Wealth and Prosperity Ritual we do too, but I specifically remember us calling it Joy of Satan Protection Ritual in the past.

As for the "prayer" mentioned (but not given) in the page, I was able to find my Turkish translation of the ritual and there is no mention of a prayer at all. If there is a prayer, please provide it, High Priest.

And what I said about the vibration amounts still stands, I think the 10-40 thing is out of place there as I remember us doing 18 (or multiples of 18) vibrations for this particular ritual.

Good day to you!
How long does the mercury retrograde 31st oktober 16:41 (Western and central europe) last (days before after)?
I ask because HP Mageson666 did recently provide the knowlege that the final rtr is more effective during mercury retrograde.

Should we fokus on this date with more rtrs HP. Hoodedcobra666 ?
I am very happy.....In addition, hindu people is also worshipping Kali ma again...In my town, many hindu people are worshipping kali ma...They dance fir Kali ma..They sing song for Kali ma. By this activity, our power is increasing more....
Hail Ma Kali.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
JOS Protection Ritual [/size]

Where is the opening prayer here? Maybe it's something wrong with my screen, but on my screen it says
"Begin with the following prayer:" then goes right into describing how to do the runes, and the only thing similar to a prayer is the affirmations at the bottom.

There isn't one, this is a small and straight forward ritual, without a prayer.

Try refreshing the page.
Fuchs said:
How long does the mercury retrograde 31st oktober 16:41 (Western and central europe) last (days before after)?
I ask because HP Mageson666 did recently provide the knowlege that the final rtr is more effective during mercury retrograde.

Should we fokus on this date with more rtrs HP. Hoodedcobra666 ?

It begins in around 1 day, there will be a Mercury Stationing in November 20, and then it will go direct again. 1 to 20 is the retrograde duration.
Artanis said:
Wait what? The affrmation for the race awakening *3* times?? :eek: :eek:

Ive never seen in the past times that the ritual said it needed to be said 3 times :? :?

3 and 10 are the numbers to go for here, for different reasons.

Number 3 will be drastic. In the future, this may be done for 10 times.

Until now it has been done for 1 or 10 times.
PeppermintTaco said:
Sorry for the double post, but I was a little mistaken. There is nothing missing in the Schedule, it's just that clarifying the wording a little as I mentioned earlier could help. But as for the Joy of Satan Protection Ritual page, I think it still needs quite the touch-up.

The title is mixed up with the Wealth and Prosperity Ritual we do too, but I specifically remember us calling it Joy of Satan Protection Ritual in the past.

As for the "prayer" mentioned (but not given) in the page, I was able to find my Turkish translation of the ritual and there is no mention of a prayer at all. If there is a prayer, please provide it, High Priest.

And what I said about the vibration amounts still stands, I think the 10-40 thing is out of place there as I remember us doing 18 (or multiples of 18) vibrations for this particular ritual.

Good day to you!

I was rushed and I am inundated, apologies for some errors. I pressed save, but apparently it needed it again to be updated. Now it should be updated and perfect. If one still encounters an issue, clean your browser Cache.

There is no prayer there, the ritual is straight up forward.

Thanks everyone for the heads up. Now everything should be perfect.
ZmajEriksson said:
I was planning on starting a curse against Israel using runes the night of the 31st. I feel that would compliment these rituals well. I just hope Mercury being retrograde doesn't hinder the working

It will not compliment and the history of diverting attention towards nonsense and wasting time is something one must avoid.

Compared to doing the Final RTR for cursing them, all other "Curses" do pale in comparisson. The RTR is a delete button to them entirely.

The Final removes their filth from existence. Stop focusing, promoting, and staying on useless things.
TopoftheAbyss said:
The white awakening ritual has some errors.

Please do refresh and let me know if these are gone. They should be all gone and fixed now.

I wanted to put this on a webpage for more convenience for future rituals, saving the webpage on mobile, etc etc. Easy stuff.
Artanis said:
sooo... Did i get this right?

At the affirmations: AUM-affirmation-AUM(3 times) SATANAS-affirmation-SATANAS(1 time)AUM and HAIL SATAN!(?) like it says on the webpage :|

Satanas - Affirmation - Satanas x 3 times.

Then on the end, just AUM once. This builds upon the 3.

After this, you can focus on visualizing energy if you want to do more things.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Artanis said:
sooo... Did i get this right?

At the affirmations: AUM-affirmation-AUM(3 times) SATANAS-affirmation-SATANAS(1 time)AUM and HAIL SATAN!(?) like it says on the webpage :|

Satanas - Affirmation - Satanas x 3 times.

Then on the end, just AUM once. This builds upon the 3.
I did the ritual but I did the affirmation just one time and only with Satanas at the end just like we always did, is the ritual still valid? :? Tomorrow I will do the new version...
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Artanis said:
sooo... Did i get this right?

At the affirmations: AUM-affirmation-AUM(3 times) SATANAS-affirmation-SATANAS(1 time)AUM and HAIL SATAN!(?) like it says on the webpage :|

Satanas - Affirmation - Satanas x 3 times.

Then on the end, just AUM once. This builds upon the 3.
I did the ritual but I did the affirmation just one time and only with Satanas at the end just like we always did, is the ritual still valid? :? Tomorrow I will do the new version...

1, 3 or 10 times are all valid numbers for the affirmation. Perfectly valid. This is a minor detail here. I updated this also.

This ritual should be looked upon a powerful sonar call to get Whites to wake up. As thus the above number are great for all of this.

The Thrice Hail was also a National Socialist there, to name one example. 1 or 3 times. I would elaborate but I am short on time.
hailourtruegod said:
I wasn't sure what extra Satanic activity I could do during Samhain so I'm glad you made this. As it's been said before people who are not part of these two races can still do them. I will be doing so to help out the white and black Gentile brothers and sisters.

My only question is, can we do the Protection Ritual and Wealth for Spiritual Satanists more than one time in a day?

Happy Samhain and Hail Satan!!

Definitely. My personal aim is at least twice per day for each ritual.

This is something we have to do strong and well to generate the necessary effect. Everyone has to contribute. Laziness in this is a no go.
Cool I just wanted to say that on its own I think we are winning already energy wise in some areas. Now the energy is nice and warm positive etc that was the place just 3 or 4 months or whatever ago I posted that I didn't want to be having to go to and was asking how to deal with entities and stuff on that one post. I can tell that we are winning huge just cause of that. The Yom Kippur thing we did was what wiped out the bad energy in it btw. So yes the enemy must be losing. Obviously I am not going to post where I work at but I just wanted to comment that things are getting better.

That is just my two cents on how things have improved. I will be doing these workings so should everyone else I was only sharing this cause I would hope it would motivate people more since it's cool and exciting to know we are winning.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
The white awakening ritual has some errors.

Please do refresh and let me know if these are gone. They should be all gone and fixed now.

I wanted to put this on a webpage for more convenience for future rituals, saving the webpage on mobile, etc etc. Easy stuff.
It seems it's okay now. Before I saw AUM affirmation Aum before Satanas.
Check this, lads.
Check this, lads.
Dope!!! As of late what has been bothering me is the way the structure of society is in the fact that so many people who claim to have phychic/supernatural experiences (spirits,ghosts,whatever) are deemed crazy by doctors and prescribed so many mind altering/harmful drugs to dumb them down and make them into zombie like beings(like with anti-phychotics) And obviously certain cases require medication but it just really bothers me how many kids/teens who are naturally gifted in the occult but (usually by the parents) who are usually christians admit them into hospitals where they are essentialy systematically brainwashed and drugged up and convinced that "you are schitzephrenic/phychotic" when maybe they were just being honest about seeing a ghost or having a vision...These individuals need all the knowledge on this website , so rituals in protecting the JoS clergy are super fucking important..I know I am going to have to find some time to perform them just out of principal..We all owe it to Satan and our Gods as they have worked so hard for each and every one of us they give more then they ask in return they really do , I for one have taken them for granted too often then nought , and we also just gotta keep the clergy protected and empowered through OUR MASS MIND! (may the clergy only grow and flourish)I like to think that just ONE spiritual satanist is like anywheres from 1000-10 000 plus christians depending on how powerful. So each one of us is essntially like an entire church mass as they have no power at all and we gain more and more power every single day..Everywheres I look I see the work of the enemy , but on the positive side I see the dawn of the new age!!! The age of Satan!!!
Hail Satan
Lydia said:
Awesome, I'm happy we are doing all these :)

Hail Satan, and Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween to you too!
The image failed to load, so theres the link.
Check this video, friends. Share your thoughts. The same was about 9/11.
P.S. sorry for double post, forgot to add the link xD

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
