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It seems that World War 3 started on 24 February 2022. And there is a growing possibility of nuclear weapons being used. I do not know how long we will survive here in East-Central Europe. I missed the first day of the new ritual, but I'll join in on the 15th. Then what will be will be.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Family,

Below you will find the latest Ritual Schedule. This time, this will be focused on global affairs that are getting out of control. Normally, we would not be doing this, but just to make sure to keep the enemy at bay we will do it this time. The sections and days will be focused on the areas of work.

The prologue is kept short to save time for translators.

Schedule can be began in the 13th as well, but the official starting date is the 14th.

This Schedule will have Anti-War Rituals, Financial Rituals, and then, some Rituals we need to re-impress. If you have been reading the news, you understand why this is absolutely necessary.

Before our side gets up there and can solve anything, this Ritual schedule is necessary. Demons have been busy on the global situation, as it's going literally haywire because of the enemy's works.

India, Russia, Ukraine, Europe, The US, Greece and Turkey, Taiwan and China - the list is endless. The planetary forces and also political forces, plus the enemy who is literally 90% of the cause of all this, is here at work.

Although clearly the situation is at a spear head and this is the natural circle of history, we can truly lessen the blow. There is fuckup after fuckup happening and this is not an omen of good news at all.

After the Co-Vid situation, the Ukrainian Situation, "energy crisis" situation, inflation insanity situation and so, the situation is basically continuing. They are making the world go haywire on purpose, this is deliberate and it's their agenda of destabilizing or "order through chaos". It's their playbook. The issue is that the average person pays for this, and that this is not exactly how things will get better.

They think this occurring chaos will be under control, but chances are, this might ruin everything.

So basically we are doing this schedule to make them fail miserably, all while gaining points for our side and ourselves and forcing the tide against the enemy's favor.

Technically speaking, the enemy is to soon embark on decades old situation where they will gradually enter the sphere of the chaotic unknown. But before this, they do their earnest to create preconditions for global failure.

We must therefore do this schedule, despite of other planning that is being postponed for these days so we can act.

It's necessary that this is done to prevent the worst, which unfortunately is also astrologically appearing. Maybe we can skip this, Gods willing.

After this schedule is concluded, most of these Rituals and what we have will be upgraded and new ones will arrive as it was planned.

Some key notes:

1. Before you do the Rituals, make sure to call in your Guardian Demon in prayer to help you.

2. Clean before and after the Ritual.

3. Your visualization is important. For example, imagine the enemy falling and so on in the Demonic Authority and Right To Rule Nations. In the Anti-War Rituals, imagine that Zelensky and cloak jew Putin are removed from power, and that better leaders take their place and so on.

4. The days in BOLD, should be put extra effort into. Make sure to space out the energies and efforts of the previous day, to be able to give these a little more necessary pressure.

5. In the RTR Timer here, we do these when the timer hits 1:00:00 and 0:00:00. Timer is at - https://evilgoy.com/

Below the Schedule:

13. Anti War RTR 1, Anti War Ritual 3, Right To Rule Nations
14. Anti War RTR 1, Anti War Ritual 3, Right To Rule Nations
15. Anti War RTR 1, Anti War Ritual 3, Right To Rule Nations
16. Anti War RTR 1, Anti War Ritual 3, Right To Rule Nations
17. Anti War RTR 1, Anti War Ritual 3, Right To Rule Nations
18. Anti War RTR 1, Anti War Ritual 3, Right To Rule Nations
19. Demonic Authority Ritual, Terminating Jewish Financial Control
20. Demonic Authority Ritual, Terminating Jewish Financial Control
21. Demonic Authority Ritual, Terminating Jewish Financial Control
22. Demonic Authority Ritual, Terminating Jewish Financial Control
23. Demonic Authority Ritual, Terminating Jewish Financial Control
24. Demonic Authority Ritual, Reverse 72
25. Demonic Authority Ritual, Reverse 72

26. Demonic Authority Ritual, Reverse 72
27. Demonic Authority Ritual, Reverse 72
28. Demonic Authority Ritual, Reverse 72

Links to the Rituals:

Anti-War RTR 1: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/War1.html
Anti-War RTR 3 : https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/War3.html
Restoring Gentile Right To Rule Nations Ritual: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/D724.html
Terminating Jewish Financial Control: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/D298.html
Demonic Authority Ritual: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/2017_Solstice.html
Reverse 72: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/72.html

Thank you HP Hooded Cobra.
I would like to ask you a question:
Could you please explain to us the meaning and the usage of " V/W--AH--V/W • V/W--AH--V/W • V/W--AH--V/W" in the RTR?
Thank you for your paying attention.
Charlotte61903 said:
I think I've been going about the RTRs wrong. I thought at 1:00:00, on an odd hour, we did the FRTR and at 00:00:00, an even hour, we did whatever other rituals they were. Now I seen that 00:00:00 is actually the odd hour. Have I been doing this wrong the entire time?

Also, since we are doing this without the FRTR, are we doing all three at once? If it is separated, how so?

It probably has something to do with daylight savings. The FRTR(with the 2 additions) is still being done at 00:00:00 and the other 3 at 01:00:00.
Could we add another affirmation to the anti-war RTR's and right to rule nations?

"The lying jews Volodymyr Zelenski and Vladimir Putin are permanently removed from office".
tabby said:
Has anyone else felt a peaceful feeling after doing the Anti-War ritual 3?

Çoğunlukla bütün rtrlerden sonra huzurlu bir duygu hissediyorum
pb-traf said:
Can newbies do this?

Evet, enerjinizi yükseltmeyı ve zor durumda kalırsanız yardım istemeyi unutmayın, tanrılar hep bizimle
tabby said:
Has anyone else felt a peaceful feeling after doing the Anti-War ritual 3?

I did, and it felt like a family curse got lifted too.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=388240 time=1663152660 user_id=57]
I have mine written in a notebook. It feels so nice to read them from an actual book :)

It does feel better to read from paper to be honest. I may print them out and put them in a binder, as book doesn't crash or freeze like a digital device.
Perfect timing, this is also when many important ancient Pagan fall harvest festivals occur. Haustblot (Nordic), Radogast (Slavic), Chang'e "Moon Cake" (Chinese), Bacchnalia (Roman/Latinic), Halloween/Samhain, Day of the Dead (Mexico & Philippines), dozens of Native American harvest feasts, all up to Thanksgiving. Fall-autumn is a very festive time, and the kikes wanna take it all away.

They've already managed to do away with half these holidays, thanks to the Christian brainwashing and jebo jew worship enforced upon these people. Halloween is already in its dead phase (irony right?) Thanks to the jewish commercialism and black friday BS, and the church-ordained genocide of the pagan Native Americans, Thanksgiving is next up on the target list.

This is what we're fighting against.

They want Gentiles ultra-distracted on some phony war in Ukraine, or a virus with a 0.01% mortality rate!

Not on my Gentile watch! Gevalts, shemitahs and shitkenash up their asses!
Cfecit said:

Hello :)

No, it is AUM once, then Satanas-affirmation-Satanas 10 times, then AUM once. And that's it.

pb-traf said:
Can newbies do this?

Hello :) Yes absolutely, make sure to do cleaning and your aura of protection. Ask a Demon for assistance if you need it.

tabby said:
Has anyone else felt a peaceful feeling after doing the Anti-War ritual 3?

Yes, so much! It's always like this, I remember from the first time these ones came out, about 7-8 years ago. Very peaceful :)

Charlotte61903 said:

Hello :)

No worries about getting them on the "wrong" hour, the war room is only a guide. I often do my F-RTR at random times if my schedule doesn't allow for me to wait an hour and a half to do it at the "correct" time, and I'm sure others do as well.

No, not all at once. The anti-war ones can be done together, or at least a few minutes apart with an additional raising energies in between. The Anti-war #1 only takes about 4 minutes to do, so it can be squeezed in whenever, easily.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

It's already too late. It's going to take a lot of energy to stop it now. Some countries have been preparing for a large scale war at least a month ago.

I did an RTR for the first time just now. Odd brief pain under the heart Chakra, now that I write this a strange minor sense of discoordination. It didn't even feel like one round of the first RTR did much, especially since i can't pronounce Hebrew for shit. How important is the reverse hebrew in this exactly, is it viable to just do a large amount of AUM with your affirmations instead?
Followed through the schedule while under exam pressure. Failed a few subjects but others are okay. I may be in a worrying state in my life but I will still fight and incinerate whatever decides to be a blockade in my life, even if the kikes want to make life even more miserable for me with how they affect the world, this gives me even more rage to pent up and throw at them at random times. My university hasn't seen 100% of my intellectual capability yet...
Witajcie, Bracia i Siostry w Szatanie. :)
Mam kilka pytań.
1) Czy rytuał mam odprawiać 2x dziennie, czy jest zalecana liczba powtórzeń?
2) Czy przed rytuałem mogę odmówić inwokację do Szatana, jak nie znam jeszcze swego Demona Strażnika?
3) W rytuale " Prawo do Narody rządzące " ; najpierw jest wibracja akapitu 9x, potem " V /W--AH--V/W • V/W--AH--V/W • V/W--AH--V/W " 9x, potem afirmacja 9x, potem " V /W--AH--V/W • V/W--AH--V/W • V/W--AH--V/W " 1x ?
4) " 4. Dni w BOLD należy włożyć dodatkowy wysiłek. Upewnij się, że odłożyłeś energie i wysiłki z poprzedniego dnia, aby móc wywierać na nie nieco bardziej potrzebną presję. " Może pytanie bez sensu, ale pamiętam, że czytałam, iż krew miesięczna u kobiet jest potężna, czy można ją w jakiś sposób wykorzystać w rytuałach powyższych?
5) Te pytanie nie dotyczy powyższego, ale też chodzi o rytuał; Ostateczny RTR + Zabijanie tetragramu RTR + Rozbijająca żydowska ochrona duszy RTR; kiedy najlepiej zacząć, według zegara RTR?
Dziękuję za odpowiedzi. :)
Chwała Szatanowi!

Hello, brothers and sisters in Satan. :)
I have a few questions.
1) Should I perform the ritual twice a day, or is the number of repetitions recommended?
2) Can I invoke Satan before the ritual if I don't know my Guardian Demon yet?
3) The ritual of "Right to Ruling Nations"; first there is a paragraph vibration 9x, then "V / W - AH - V / W • V / W - AH - V / W • V / W - AH - V / W" 9x, then affirmation 9x, then "V / W - AH - V / W • V / W - AH - V / W • V / W - AH - V / W" 1x?
4) "4. Days in BOLD need extra effort. Make sure you set aside the energies and efforts of the day before so that you can put some more pressure on them." Maybe a pointless question, but I remember reading that monthly blood in women it is powerful, can it somehow be used in the rituals above?
5) This question is not about the above, but it is about ritual as well; Ultimate RTR + Tetragrammaton Killing RTR + Shattering Jewish Soul Protection RTR; when is the best time to start, according to the RTR clock?
Thanks for the answers. :)
Glory to Satan!
Apprentice said:
Asking just to be sure: the Financial Control ritual consists of two parts. Do we perform both?

Yes, if possible, do both. That is absolutely necessary.
Astralnaut said:
Could we add another affirmation to the anti-war RTR's and right to rule nations?

"The lying jews Volodymyr Zelenski and Vladimir Putin are permanently removed from office".

You must not verbally add things here, as the affirmations are purposefully like this.

To add this specific parameter to the Ritual, you envision this with imagination.

For example, Putin being removed, and Zelensky being permanently removed, and peace settling between the two countries and so on.
JoS Cyber Security said:
When I imagine Putin and Zelensky do I imagine them when vibrating or when doing affirmations?

Both ways can go, and you can also do this after you have affirmed.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=388412 time=1663219664 user_id=57]
Hello :)

No, it is AUM once, then Satanas-affirmation-Satanas 10 times, then AUM once. And that's it.

Grazie Lydia, I think that part of the instruction should be rewritten, because it can be confusing.

Grazie again and ciao, good rituals to everyone! :)
Thank you Commander Cobra for informing us about this new schedule.
Full attack and waiting for the best Gods willing ⚡⚡

Hail Satan/Enki/Odin/Wotan!!!
Hail Apollon!!!
Hail to Hyperborea!!!
What I - Pillar - did today :

- Having a free morning available, went out to the energy richest place I could find (ley lines crossing points, or so) to boost my spiritual operations;
- Sat down in a lonely area surrounded by nature;
- Performed the 3 RTRs for today with multiple repetition in a big effort;
- Was disturbed by the enemy (as often happens, with no effect btw)
- Launched a spiritual bomb with those RTRs, and enjoyed the enemy's energies crumbling down under our mass effort.

Think to those people sitting down in schools reading books with history. Letter and words, describing what "happened". What the "fate" caused to happen to the world. We are the fate. The enemy wants to change the fate. We correct it. We are the invisible force, in concert with the Gods, steering events to write down what pupils will study as "story" in the years to come.
We may not perceive those events immediately, the RTRs may manifest later or in unexpected ways. But we do that, we steer the story towards our goals and we keep humanity alive and safe as much as we can.

We should be proud of this. I am very proud of this, however most often enemy/mind interference led me to think in a different way. Today I realized, again, how much is important and noble our operation here. It's the JoS, it's us, it's the Gods - it's the power to steer what "they" perceive as a simple story to be studied at school.
Behind those letters and words, there is effort, there is soul effort, there is blood spilled, there is fatigue, there is honor, there is proud, there is justice, there is ... us, too.

Never forget the importance of any single word whispered by our souls.
GoyVeyII said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

It's already too late. It's going to take a lot of energy to stop it now. Some countries have been preparing for a large scale war at least a month ago.

I did an RTR for the first time just now. Odd brief pain under the heart Chakra, now that I write this a strange minor sense of discoordination. It didn't even feel like one round of the first RTR did much, especially since i can't pronounce Hebrew for shit. How important is the reverse hebrew in this exactly, is it viable to just do a large amount of AUM with your affirmations instead?
Precisely, that is how the jews got where they are and the gentiles where they are. In the ancient times the jews have stolen the spiritual knowledge and practices of the gentiles and created their own magic system in hebrew, which is also a language formed out of stolen alphabets. They used this system while removing the gentile's spiritual system so basically the entire world remained defenseless against their curses. This manifested the most blatantly during middle ages when the catholic church was ruling over Europe and expanding their influence all over the world. People not only were killed for having spiritual knowledge but they weren't allowed even to most basic knowledge like reading and writing.

The reverse torah rituals are reversing the entire magic system the jews have covered this planet in, so gradually their influence is reduced more and more until they are canceled out from where they are. I was thinking to write a small thread about the jewish thoughtform, Also do read the JoS site and the other sites, all this information is covered there indepth, especially on Exposing Christianity
Aleksandre said:
can u teach me how to call my guardian demon ???
Focus on your Guardian Demon's sigil and respectfully tell to Him/Her what you want . If you don't know yet who He/She is you can call Father Satan instead.

If you don't feel like you are getting an answer you don't need to worry. This might happen if you are not open enough but you should know that our Gods do hear us and they will find a way to give us help with what we need!
sshivafr said:
Happy to do this war program.

May we soften the blow and make the enemy collapse more and more.

Glory to Satan !!

these paintings are awesome
GoyVeyII said:
It's already too late. It's going to take a lot of energy to stop it now. Some countries have been preparing for a large scale war at least a month ago.

I did an RTR for the first time just now. Odd brief pain under the heart Chakra, now that I write this a strange minor sense of discoordination. It didn't even feel like one round of the first RTR did much, especially since i can't pronounce Hebrew for shit. How important is the reverse hebrew in this exactly, is it viable to just do a large amount of AUM with your affirmations instead?

It is definitely not too late. Things are going as planned, otherwise the Gods would've warned us well in advance. Don't let your own perception limit your magic. This is like a soldier on the ground screaming "we lost!" without ever having viewed any tactical maps or similar knowledge.

What do you mean just do aum instead of the affirmation? Do the rituals as designed, then clean yourself after. If your heart chakra feels weird, then do alternate nose breathing.Feeling strange after your literal first time doing the RTR is expected if a large amount of curses are being released. Again, clean yourself.

As far as pronunciations, these do not need to be perfect. For the FRTR, use the interactive RTR site, which has HPS Maxine's pronunciations embedded for your convenience. The other rituals have MP3 files included; it is just a matter of practice.
Ursa Minor said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=388240 time=1663152660 user_id=57]
I have mine written in a notebook. It feels so nice to read them from an actual book :)

It does feel better to read from paper to be honest. I may print them out and put them in a binder, as book doesn't crash or freeze like a digital device.

Exactly, and it feels more powerful to write them out by hand, not just print. I keep them all in one book, and it feels powerful :)
Witajcie Bracia i Siostry w Szatanie. :)
Jeszcze nikt mi nie odpowiedział na post, w którym miałam pytania, więc robię tak jak mi się wydaje, że powinnam. Jednak chciałam podzielić się z Wami czymś. W trakcie jak robię rytuały dostaję wysypki, wszystko mnie swędzi, między rytuałami jest ok, w trakcie, albo zaczyna chcieć mi się kaszleć np. Nie wiem czy to normalne czy nie. Nie przerywam robię całość, staram się jak najlepiej. Mam nadzieję, że jestem przydatna dla Szatana.
Dla Jego chwały, walczmy!

Welcome Brothers and Sisters to Satan. :)
Nobody replied to the post in which I had questions yet, so I do as I think I should. However, I wanted to share something with you. When I do rituals I get rashes, everything itches, it's ok between rituals, during the rituals, or I feel like coughing, for example, I don't know if it's normal or not. I do not stop doing the whole thing, I try my best. I hope I am useful to Satan.
For His glory, let's fight!
So today I woke up with the enthusiasm to participate in warfare,same as the previous day. this fire is born out of the understanding of love, I praise Astarte for this.
Yes I have reasons to hate the Jews,for one is that they are nature hating things. They just want to kill our habitat, our home, where we could be comfortable to grow and commune with our Gods. They don't want the green to flourish, they want people to lament, but for the longitivity of peace, I join to say NO.
Today, the understanding of love in war has become motivation, I must dwell and grow here while it's my time, for the love of nature , me and you, I choose to fight these hateful creatures.
I am driven by love .

This blessed understanding couldn't have come without the Gods especially Astarte for I have been thriving to get close to her. I love you so much Our Queen Astarte.
The goblin enemy is in rabid mode again, but they are praying to a wall.
Their attacks just make me more agressive and optimistic.
Imagine attacking your enemy and making him stronger.
Loser jews, alien scum.
must we vibrate satanas, raise our energy, and invoke satan before beginning the ritual? or after the ritual is over?

does it add effectiveness to the ritual? (is it worth doing?)

I just want maximum effectiveness. u know wat i mean? fuck the jews init.
by default, i preform the rituals on hours of saturn, as well as when the timer hits 1:00:00 & 0:00:00.
also, as instructed, i visualise the enemy collapsing/hebrew letters ceasing to exist/new leaders being in place.
i clean aura before and after the ritual.
idk my guardian demon yet but i say 'whoever you are, lets merk these jews' then i begin the ritual.

relating to the actual question, lets suppose theres 3 rituals to perform in order (like RTR#1, RTR#3, Restoring Gentile Rights). do we perform the satanas vibration/raising of energy/satan invocation just one time for all 3 rituals? or do we perform it 3 times, one for each rtr?

maybe i'm overthinking this and the energy raising, satanas vibrating, satan invocating thing is not necessary. or maybe it does infact add punch to the rtr. i dont fully know which is why i consult the siblings. if it does add punch then i must incorporate it into my usual rtr routine. if it is unnecessary , ill avoid the practice.

Please advise me, siblings, on the question. and provide insight on other ways i can add potency to RTRs. these scoundrel jews aren't funny anymore.
Cfecit said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=388412 time=1663219664 user_id=57]
Hello :)

No, it is AUM once, then Satanas-affirmation-Satanas 10 times, then AUM once. And that's it.

Grazie Lydia, I think that part of the instruction should be rewritten, because it can be confusing.

Grazie again and ciao, good rituals to everyone! :)

Same here.
Was "panicking" about it when i saw it, want to do the Rituals as correctly as possible. :)
I hope we get a cascade of rituals to heap on the pressure blitz the Jewish rats
There is talk about an important official saying something big to happen on September 24. The Feast of Trumpets is September 25 through 27. Is something big going to happen worldwide ?
jbkbmz said:
There is talk about an important official saying something big to happen on September 24. The Feast of Trumpets is September 25 through 27. Is something big going to happen worldwide ?

9.98 out of 10 times this is bullshit from the mentally conditioned Chrisitans who think anything will happen to them or something.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
