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Regarding myself and my Grammar-Nazism and the dislike on here of it and me/my doing it


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
To those who I have quoted - I am not replying solely to you. I hope my points can be understood. Language and putting things across professionally seems important to me, and it is important anyway.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FancyMancy said:
BlackEagle666 said:
wtf...How the hell do you ask a man if he is "pregnant"?
Because knowledge is a dangerous and frightening thing. We are becoming too clever, so (((they))) are trying to 1984 us and change the way we speak; therefore, the way we think; therefore, the way we behave. It's affirmations and cognitive behavioural therapy of sorts, if not directly. FancyMancy is Grammar Nazi, so he is ignored and people keep drinking from the Poisoned Well. (It just so happens I saw Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA earlier - he asked a waitress what's the main on the menu; she said "Tomaydo baysil soup" and he replied "Tomato basil soup". 'Nuff sed.)

This is actually a very good thing to be, so don't worry.

We need more Grammar Nazis, and I mean also, for people to stand up for logic in this time.

Sort of like saying: You CANNOT ask men if they are pregnant, and that this question is ILLOGICAL.
I am quoting you separately, because I think that users quoted within quotes don't receive notifications. Sorry, BlackEagle666 - I don't mean to ignore you here!

Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=368766 time=1655995637 user_id=57]

FancyMancy, there is no need to overly-correct and criticize the writing of an advanced and respected SS.

I read the corrections you made to HP Cobra's sermon on what SS is about (I forget the name of the sermons, but he welcomed corrections) and you did not understand parts of what he was writing, and some of your "corrections" were wrong. (Cobra had me correct it via email and this was discussed.)

People are free to have their own writing style, if you have problems understanding, then try to open your mind to what the member is saying. Being too neurotic lowers the mind and mental capacity (yes they are 2 things not strictly related.)
If advanced, then English should be perfect. No? No offence - and I shouldn't have to say "no offence" because I did not cause this to happen - but English is more a Global Language, so I repeat and rephrase my question - if advanced, and English being a Global Language, then English - while being advanced - should be perfect, no? If, or as, I, me, FancyMancy, am not advanced, my English should be shit? Maybe these things are back-to-front. Maybe better English is a bad thing because it stops one advancing; worse English is better because it helps one advance. Maybe we are still living in clown World, where "god" is good and "Devil" is bad. OK, I'll stop being sarcastic - if one is advanced, then they should be able to speak and type advanced. When we manage to either speak telepathically and/or verbally with our Physical mouths with Gods and Goddesses, shall we hear Them, as advanced as They are, speaking like hog-handling hicks from Yamacraw, like inbred fools who have lost all but 2 of their braincells, or should we hear Them speaking eloquently and properly? Typing is an equivalent, because it is much safer - plus regardless of safety, a lot wouldn't want to use VoIP.

Regarding what HPHC said and then what Lydia said - well that's both interesting and confusing, in nearly equal measure. This seems like a contradiction to me. Now I don't know where I stand. Also what was wrong with what I replied? It would be nice to be informed, instead of being ignored and being talked about behind my back. I was not consulted on anything; although, if I recall correctly, I did feel my right ear burning... I didn't change any meaning of what was said; I tried improving the sentences and wording. When people learn English, they actually learn American, and not English. I can remember speaking with either a Lithuanian or a Pole years ago who I mentioned that to, and he said it's easier to speak American. Dare I say America appropriated something it couldn't create itself, and then claimed it as its own? Let's all 1984 everything. "Satan" doesn't mean "Eternal Truth" - that teaching was a lie, therefore. Prove otherwise, or be emotional instead of using thine Brain.

So Lydia and HPHC spoke (typed) about me behind my back? Saying that what I said was incorrect? Well, HPHC did say in a post that there needs to be Grammar Nazism - I didn't take that as 100% literal, though; rather, to try and help tighten the prose and fix the cons. (See what I did there.) I didn't change any meaning nor context of the posts/entries. I was attempting to improve the language. HPHC is supposed to be jewish, according to the "outers" and "debunkers" of JoS. I think I also read that it said that HPHC is also not English nor American - this can be seen in his posts often, e.g. instead of saying "except for", HPHC says "instead of". The former is English; the latter is someone who has not learnt English correctly. Some people say, e.g., "I myself..." - are you sure it is not you someone else; or "I personally" - why not you professionally? Saying, "I self-taught myself" - well, you can't self-teach someone else, and others can't self-teach you... I won't refer anyone reading to Michael McIntyre's bit about "eye-glasses and side-walks", etc... - By the way, I realised most of those in his bit before I saw him do that. I reckon a lot of things happen on Tuesdays in American media simply and merely for the reasons of mispronouncing it "toosday". Was Hitler a "Nozi"? Did you "nat" see that coming? Why does America say "July 16", yet for one reason or another, say "The 4th of July"? So that more people, who pronounce dates thusly, will use attention and Brain Energies while focussing upon it? It is deliberate and psychology, no? Do they "utilize" this, or do they use the letter Z deliberately?...

It's no secret that the American education system is second to... none below the bottom of the chart; they get confused with metric and imperial. Are we to be professional in the tonnes and tonnes of text we provide, or are we going to settle for nearly being good enough, but not quite good enough? Will we clean our Chakras and Souls to 90% decency, or will we clean them until they shine brightly as gold? Will we remove every last jew, or will we leave a few, have a few remain for teh lulz?

No wonder certain other places have made a forum and members from here, who have been called trolls and jewish, have gone there. No wonder they call this place toxic and a cult. I have said multiple times on here that this place is a cliqué. Granted, there are fakers, posers, infiltrators here - accepted that that is the case - but others are still as christians. They might say, think, believe and behave as non-christians and as what they think is Spiritual Satanic, but they are still very cliquéy and christian - or religious - in their demeanour.

JoS Guardian Blitzkreig said I have good communication skills.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=368861 time=1656020665 user_id=21286]Fancy may be blessed with a very strong communicative ability

I find this to be of great importance. I don't claim to be perfect, and I won't. Those "higher" than me here, be them Guardians or HPs/HPSs, seem to not care about this importance. They seem to think it's important to have some shabbiness in the language, to make it not quite as glisteny or not quite as glowy as it could be. I apologise to NakedPluto for what I said about typing properly; I take no interest in who is English and who is foreign. Sorry, NakedPluto. (Oh, no! FancyMancy said "sorry", which goes against a previously-posted sermon, to not say sorry for things! Shock! Horror!) To me, when I post these things about language, it is along the thread of helping the text be professional, by the poster to also be professional. A bit of resistance is helpful - or should be. Are we elite in this World, or are we merely 1337? (1337 = leet, or 'lite, i.e. "elite" without the first E; a "cool", internetzy way of being "elite".)

As some might have seen, I uploaded a video clip of a French wrestler in an interview. At about the same time, back in the early '80s (the apostrophe goes before the numbers, to show that the "19" is unused; putting the apostrophe before the letter S is nonsense here, and in other contexts and words has different meanings (DoEs It MaTtEr? Oh, woe is monkey)), an Iranian wrestler decided to speak in English, instead of his native language Iranian, which appears to be rare. For whatever reason unknown to me (that reason being dissimilation and perversion of language), Americans there - ring announcers, commentators... - mispronounce it as "Eye-ran". It was aired on the 19th of January 1980 - All-Star Wrestling. Iranian wrestler speaks English - He pronounces the name of his country "Iran"; correctly, the English pronounce it "Iran"; America decides to mispronounce it "Eye-ran"; therefore, "Eye-ran" is correct English.

Language is perverted. English is English; American is American. On Satan's Library, for example, before it was updated, (and if I am not mistaken, the holocaust-denial videos, which I have only seen the old pages of which are/were archived) was the American flag with the option of "English", when it is American, not English. If it was English, it would have the English flag. America should get its own language, then ruin that. I wonder if any land mass which might be created in the Pacific Ocean and turned into a country by those defecting from, e.g. Greece might take the language Greek, turn it sideways, and shove it straight up your candy donkey... then call that "Greek"... might happen. (For those unaware, this is a type of thing the wrestler "The Rock" says; notice "ass" instead of "arse". I also notice that if it was "sweet arse" instead of "candy arse" then that would be too sexual and censored or not permitted.)

I have been noticing for months and months and months that the jew media no longer says, e.g. "16th of July". Now it is saying "July 16". "July 16" means "July 2016", not "16th of July". I was born in July 16, meaning I was born in July 2016. It does not mean I was born on the 16th of July. (That's today's date. :roll:) "New film! Out July 30!" OK? So why are you advertising a film 8 years in advance? :roll: It is the same with journalists in j/news articles. They no longer wish to be English.

I have been watching old episodes of wrestling, before it was WWF, when it was WWWF. WhAt'S tHe DiFfErEnCe. Dunno. jewgle it. Oh, sorry - be emotional and cry that I tried explaining to you what it is.

It is no secret that many people realise Americans are arrogant. They would call themselves proud, but that is misplaced in some ways. In one episode of Gogglebox, Britons were watching... I think it's called Man Versus Food, and these fatmericans were over-the-topping an oversized burger or meal or kebab or pizza or calzone or something; one or two of the couples/families were saying that these are supposed to be the number one people in the World... Such non-misguided pride. Sorry - such misguided non-pride. Such non-misguided non-pride? Misguided pride? I don't fucking know anymore... Proud in nonsense? Proud in incorrections? Think of christians - see how arrogant they are in their incorrections. That is American, whether christian or not. Now also with this multiculti bullshit, we have Blacks being so immature with English. They come up with such immature nonsense - in adverts, on TV, in films, in music... I sometimes watch an adult (certified 16, I believe; there is no sexual touching nor activity, but there is full-frontal nudity, so not certified 18) dating programme, which airs after the watershed. Ignoring the point of sheep being prudish and uncomfortable, on there was at least one Black Man so immature, calling vaginas something like "nunny" or something. (Yes, it is also multiculti dating.) I'd expect a young Child to call it that, not a grown Man. White People Can't Dance? Yeah, I see adverts with a Black Woman flapping her arms and stamping her feet, and that is "dancing". I saw on Britain's Got Talent this "urban" or "street" dancing, by Whites and Blacks (I think no Asians were present), making quick movements and sudden jerks... and that is "dancing". I saw a Black-and-White duo, White playing piano, Black rapping. When they got through from auditions and progressed through, the Black did not behave White, but the White behaved Black, with movements and reactions to passing to advance through as a Black would behave. In music all the time, there is always a Black/urban-sounding verse thrown in. It has taken a few decades, but now Whites think they are Black, and if I said, honestly, that "I don't like much BLACK music", they would instantly cry


and I would say, "Yeah - you are racist for liking non-White music instead of your own White music", then they'd get confused, be all NPC-y and emotionalise their ignorant idiocy and idiotic ignorance all over my face.

With the rushing-in of non-Whites into White areas, towns and cities and White areas are turning to crap, being ransacked and turned into ghettos, etc. The same happens with language. It is immature and those immature jokers and actors are proud and arrogant in their ignorance, stupidity and immaturity.

How the jesus Effing christ can America be the Great Satan? How? How can it be, with all of this shit, and more?! SORRRREEEE for calling attention to shit, which can be - and should be - addressed, and fixed, and to Make America the Great Satan Again. (No, I don't support old fart.)

Not to pick on HPHC, but he has a massive bulls-eye on him, and after proof-reading this reply here before sending it, I had to decide where to add this part so as to not interrupt myself above. Everyone just sucks his dick in fear of being banned on here. (OK, not everyone. I can't claim all members are the same.) If he will ban my account for typing these things, then that explains so much. Likewise, again, I was told by a member that I accept what HPHC says simply because he says it and I don't question it. As before, but after that time, I said that that time back then was the time to counter that, so again I repeat it here - I don't just accept what I am told, especially when one can't, or can't be bothered to, type better.

I am not an authourity on English, but I am English. Why do I have a decent way of typing? (I don't mean to be arrogant; I am referring to what Blitzkreig said.) Maybe it's within my Soul - so shoot me down for being better than you, you low, shit pieces of nothing.*

Please - 1) continue this bullshit, and 2) be NPC-y and think with emotions. Remember that "Satan" does not mean "Eternal Truth"; in fact, "Satan" means "Enemy". Do you NPC all over my face, or do you use your Brain and realise "Satan" means "Eternal Truth"? Be christian and pick cherries when it suits you, or don't. Remember also the 11th of September 2001 and Genesis 11:9, the babbling tower of christians, being brainwashed by the jew, to babble "in tongues". We love these sermons... when it suits us.

By the way - while I was proof-reading through my reply, I realised - I am the Adolf Hitler of English language. Bow down and worship me, stupid fucking bitches.*

>>>>>>>SCROLL THIS WAY>>>>>>> >>>>>>>SCROLL THIS WAY>>>>>>> >>>>>>>SCROLL THIS WAY>>>>>>> >>>>>>>SCROLL THIS WAY>>>>>>> *Don't bother taking that literally, FFS. Grow up and use your fucking Brain, if you fucking have one...

If we think of things in terms of vibrational frequency, where higher vibrations are increasingly-infinitely better than, preferable than, wanted rather than lower vibrations... then translate that to language. We want - and need and must - improve, get better, to higher frequencies. My attempts and intentions are to build-up and increase such 'frequencies' of language. English is a Global Language. Even in dictionaries, they are still stupid.

e.g. The term "buy one, get one for free" simply does not make sense.
How can I give you free? -
"Buy one for £10", OK - I can give you a tenner;
"Get one for free" - erm... I cannot give you "a free". I could buy one for a tenner and get the other one gratis... "for" gratis? Puh-lease!

In dictionaries, this is "cOrReCt EnGlIsh". "For free." What is "a free"? How can I give a "free" to get something in return? Maybe I care too much; maybe I use my Brain too much - maybe I am autistic. Maybe American 'mislanguage' is autistic. Maybe if I stopped being autistic, I would speak Eng-- Americanian instead, and lower the 'vibrational frequency' of the language. Maybe I would be able to explain myself better, so others can understand and realise what I mean. Maybe I would stop bothering, and allow everyone else to damn themselves into nonglish. Monkey types on keyboard/ )not understanding language., %herp.
I don't understand the point of the reply on this after time has passed and also you haven't received any real "dislike" or disrespect on your remarks. Quite the opposite, I tried to accept it and do something about it. This is ongoing, what is more to this? Philosophy of life?

Given you are a very long term member, I try to understand and have more patience with this, but you have to know, I do not posses so many good qualities to stay and debate absurdity on what lacks circumstantial awareness.

I don't have time unfortunately now to read this, but if you need a response to the above, please tell me and I'll make time. I have to ask if that's so, is this with a resolve or just debating?
FancyMancy said:

Your response here both highlights the positive and negative karma associated with the way you think and communicate. You are correct that intelligence and communication, like all other skills, should be held in high regard. However, this must be balanced with other areas of advancement. It is therefore possible to have people who may be advanced overall, yet less specifically advanced in certain areas like this.

Due to the fact that it takes time for individuals to create permanent improvements to their communicative ability, and due to the fact that we all have our own unique weaknesses to address, it is not correct to launch attacks on others for their weaknesses. Perhaps some people are less intelligent, less courageous, less realistic, or less sensitive than you. You need to serve as a positive role model for the advanced qualities you possess, not a hostile authority.

Just as it is incorrect for someone who has more muscle to twist the arm of a physically weaker person, you should not adopt the mental equivalent of this overaggressive and arrogant behavior. Instead, you are obligated to help others understand concepts that they may not immediately understand.

Part of helping people learn involves being concise and informative in your writing. Displaying your rapid thought process within your text does highlight your intellect, but it also harms the ability of others to follow what details you are attempting to communicate. Instead of going on an emotionally-charged tirade, take the time to craft a smaller and more detail-packed message, able to be understood by even those less smart than you.


You may have positions that amplify your mind and mouth, but some of these can have negative aspects of creating aggression or other improper accelerations of writing. When people may accuse you of autism, they are suggesting that you make better use of water qualities, like intuition and empathy, to craft messages which are sensitive to the needs of your audience.

As I have suggested above, conciseness is also required. More words are not always better if the audience becomes confused about what your message is, or if you simply waste their time. For this, earth qualities are required to allow you to assign the proper "weight" or value to each concept in your head. With this improved "value system", your messages would become more grounded and less redundant or unnecessarily tangential.

Besides this, it would also make sense to make use of Munka to Ansuz to eliminate pre-existing obstacles to your mental processes or communications. You can do this very simply and without needing to know exactly which obstacles you may face. Like all workings, have a degree of optimism and openness that allows your working to manifest positively, not restrained by pre-existing misconceptions.

I hope this is helpful to you because I don't want you to feel like some sort of outcast that must retreat to a warlike stance to defend themselves properly. This is only about refining your communications ability to better hone the gifts you have. Because we communicate through the forums and not in person, our air-like qualities are on full display, for better or worse. This does not mean you are the only one with negative karma, but perhaps others notice it more.
Just send your suggestions to the editorial check thread. There's not really a reason to be this upset (I'm condescending here), I get what you're saying but if the problem is one dialect really has a "lower vibration" than the other then we should all go back Shakespearean English or something, all Southern Europeans back to Latin, and all Greeks back to either Classical or Koine (Alexandrian) Greek - that sounds awesome and you have my vote but right now it's not appliable, and we need more eloquence than which of your dialectism is more "advanced".

I've never had this level of complaint in the pt forum/emails, and the differences between Brazilian and European Portuguese are much more screaming, lets say compare this Irish guy with a Texan and you will know what I'm talking about:


My only criticism to the "style" of HP Hooded is in the repetition of certain words. For one the sermon about masculinity used "literally" about 20 times, while that is not "incorrect", and used a few times works for the intended effect of sarcasm, using some words too much does give a sense of cacophony and limitation of vocabulary. I had a hard time translating that sermon (though that was because there was a lot of memes that are hard to adapt and not necessarily the writting quality or this). I didn't feel though as it was worthy addressing and it could be just on me. Another one is repeating the same word after a break, for instance some breaks come like this:

"... that existed in the Temple of Inanna. Inanna's Temple was..."

One in the Ritual for Baalzebul, which I'm not sure if this was really intendend:

"In Egypt, you were known to Egypt as the Ruling Power"

I supposed he reutilized the model from Astarte's ritual and just forgot to adapt it, but I'm ignorant if that was intentional, if there's an occult meaning etc. or he was just ok as it was:
You were known to Egypt as Isis,

Either way, why do you think people (apparently) read your posts much less than HP HC who arguably writes more extensive texts? Because the texts of the HPs most of the time give the information they want to communicate, while you go on with 20 lines of roundabout building up for the 2 lines of the actual punchline somewhere. You play too much on the style of the language rather than communicating. If HP HC became more succinct in his writing, you can do that too.

"True eloquence consists in saying all that should be said, and only what should be said."
-François de la Rochefoucauld

FancyMancy said:
HPHC is supposed to be jewish, according to the "outers" and "debunkers" of JoS. I think I also read that it said that HPHC is also not English nor American - this can be seen in his posts often, e.g. instead of saying "except for", HPHC says "instead of".

Please - 1) continue this bullshit, and 2) be NPC-y and think with emotions. Remember that "Satan" does not mean "Eternal Truth"; in fact, "Satan" means "Enemy". Do you NPC all over my face, or do you use your Brain and realise "Satan" means "Eternal Truth"? Be christian and pick cherries when it suits you, or don't. Remember also the 11th of September 2001 and Genesis 11:9, the babbling tower of christians, being brainwashed by the jew, to babble "in tongues". We love these sermons... when it suits us.
Cobra is not jewish, he's greek. I've seen you're also active on enemy* forums, and you believe them? Really?

Satan does mean enemy in HEBREW, oy vey, believe hebrew definitions goy!!
As for Sanskrit; https://666pages.com/SoaringEagle666/JoS-Updates/ExposingSlander/iosatan.html
You obsess over the strangest of things. I read this post twice and can conclude that you’re upset at people for not taking language and grammar seriously, but then you express this through some unhinged rant against America. And then other races are mentioned. What is even the point of this?
FancyMancy said:
will use attention and Brain Energies while focussing upon it?
I caught you. You used "focussing" as a verb and the correct form is with only one `s`, this is terrible English. (just kidding)

FancyMancy said:
if one is advanced, then they should be able to speak and type advanced. When we manage to either speak telepathically and/or verbally with our Physical mouths with Gods and Goddesses, shall we hear Them, as advanced as They are, speaking like hog-handling hicks from Yamacraw, like inbred fools who have lost all but 2 of their braincells, or should we hear Them speaking eloquently and properly?
I am not saying that you should stop making corrections because I am not bothered at all with any of this but that is an exaggeration though. In my opinion the ability to speak English doesn't have much to do with spiritual advancement. There are people who find it really difficult to speak English due to various reasons, however they can become extremely advanced spiritually if appropriate work is being done in that regard. But is not even about speaking the language close to perfect or very advanced, because your corrections are over minor and not very significant mistakes. If a person makes such mistakes does that class their English as coming from `inbred fools who have lost all but 2 of their braincells`? Doubt it.

Is very difficult to avoid mistakes when writing lengthy articles. What I am saying is that the situation is not as bad as you describe it because the mistakes being indicated are small and don't change the ideas being expressed with anything. All this is mainly about writing mistakes which happen from time to time. If you are reffering to HP Cobra, he clearly uses American English and many constructions that are correct in American English might come as wrong to you. Also he does correct his sermons as well, I notice this on a constant basis while working on the library reviews. Also English is not his first language so as a foreigner is impossible to speak English to absolute perfection, unless one is working in some very official or formal environments where even the smallest spelling mistakes are forbidden. I don't know if is the case for him but in my opinion is inaccurate to label his level of English with colourful words only due to some minor writing mistakes here and there. It does not mean that he doesn't speak eloquently and properly. Even me for example I realize how limited, boring and grey my English is compared to most members here but that never stopped me from even writing some articles myself before or from doing what I've been doing. One shouldn't have to question their existence for some minor writing mistakes they might have been doing.

FancyMancy said:
If he will ban my account for typing these things, then that explains so much.
That would be a big mistake. You should be appointed head-corrector of the JoS sermons. I am definitely sure you would do a fantastic job, no joke. If every sermon would go through your filter and standards of written English I am sure they will eventually end up errorless, however I noticed you was never interested into joining such projects. I think you are doing a good thing by indicating errors as obviously the sermons should have few to no errors at all however nobody should make a scene out of this because is not really that big of a deal.
NakedPluto said:
No. I was just pinging you to apologise to you. If you have a minute, then perhaps read this; if not, then nevermind. No problems.

The Alchemist7 said:
That would be a big mistake. You should be appointed head-corrector of the JoS sermons. I am definitely sure you would do a fantastic job, no joke. If every sermon would go through your filter and standards of written English I am sure they will eventually end up errorless, however I noticed you was never interested into joining such projects. I think you are doing a good thing by indicating errors as obviously the sermons should have few to no errors at all however nobody should make a scene out of this because is not really that big of a deal.
Perhaps too much information about me, but based on this I have been doing on here - I would be more one to make a fuss about nothing, and then when a thing pops-up which seems very much related to that thing I made a fuss about, I would hope I'd be invited to join, rather than me saying, "Yeah, I'll do that". See the reputation I have. It's only onl-- "it's only online", but this is a real-life Ministry. No-one would want me to be head honcho for Grammar Nazi-ing the sermons and everything - or anything. I tend to post a lot of news articles - a someone said not me to be a resident "journalist" (if you will); no-one else came to my defence. Yeah, I made a joke about me thinking that I was the resident journalist here (that's the joke, in case that is not clear - consider "Mad Eye" Moody in Harry Potter (I've not read the books). In one scene, he says, "...and they say I'm mad!" - that's the joke - "...and I thought I was the resident journalist!"). If I have not been invited - and as far as I am aware, I have not been - then I am not welcome, due to this reputation and maybe other things I haven't realised.

You're the only one to say what you just said - and to add "no joke" makes it seem genuine (I'm sure you would say that you were being genuine), but I still can't believe it. With this reputation - I thought I was just trying to be helpful, but then everyone seemed to ignore it, and as I said about the biblical scripture and the JoS sermon... "cherry-pickers".

If, for example, there were to be... say... JoS Media (like in the Batallion area of the forum, I mentioned about having our own little jingle in the future for media reasons), that we had JoS films, programmes, music, news, articles, events, things... it might seem to make sense that e.g. I might be a JoS 'journalist' (of sorts)... but I don't believe others would welcome that. At this point, due to unmentionable things, I am reluctant to... or I simply cannot... follow instruction - and with this being Satan's actual Ministry on this Planet Earth - that is way too much and way too big a responsibility. It's not a joke - it's a serious thing, being the big cheese of something. Putting it into other words - I might like to be a businessman (no idea if I ever actually could) - being the CEO or majority shareholder... wow, such big things. I'd feel safer being a worker bee - the Ministry is too important for me to be a big, actual, active... person or entity within this entity. If I were to do my own business, then it would be mine and I'd understand it, etc.; trying to join in anothers' and being placed in a position of such import... Hell no.

Thanks for you kind words, though. Both I and what I expect from others, both are "no".

Along the lines of autism and related things, I have noticed that I have developed a facking stonker of an OCD over quite a while. This has very obviously come out in one or more ways - and others, I think it might have been Blitzkreig, have said about me being more aggressive and not as calm as I usually am. Ages ago, in a thread I think I didn't reply to, another member also said that they thought I had been becoming more obsessed with things. That was probably 1 or 2 years ago or more.

With your advice,
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=375076 time=1657991424 user_id=21286]When people may accuse you of autism, they are suggesting that you make better use of water qualities
I am confused. "Overuse of the ISA Rune can cause one to become obsessed..." I have not used ISA, but adding more Water to my... I was going to say routine... Adding more Water to me seems as if it would be much more detrimental than helpful - ice is water, after all... ISA is Water, yes? Adding ice to this OCD-like and autistic-like existence seems counterproductive, much more dangerous, doesn't it? Surely not FEHU and Fire? Wouldn't they be much better? then to confuse it further, those who lack an Element can have a backlash of the opposite Element, which I think makes it seem as if they have an abundance of the Element they lack, and the example of Hitler was given on the JoS site to help explain this. I don't know if this is related or not, and I don't know if it has always been like this with me since young Childhood, or if it developed later, but I have also realised that I have to learn the hard way... I don't know why, but I seem to have to... because otherwise, it's not real to me... Maybe I secretly - even being a secret from myself - love Saturn...

(Thinking about possibilities of the future - if I am strong enough to reincarnate, Gods/Goddesses help me that I am not like a typical high-autistic Child who is wild and unpredictable and unwavering and strictly stubborn and flaky...)
Ol argedco luciftias said:
FancyMancy said:

Yeah... that's not me... but like I said - Gods and Goddesses help me, if I can reincarnate, that I am not him in my next life... I honestly don't know whether to laugh or be sick and cringe up.
FancyMancy said:

How is it possible for you to act like the only valid or correct way to speak is the way they do in England, when everybody in England speaks completely differently from each other?

And every little town and village has their own extremely strong and clear dialect that is absolutely different from each other. And it is possible that a person from one village, and a person from the next village just a few miles away, have a hard time trying to understand each other. So if you are going to say so strongly that the only correct way to speak is the way from England, you are going to need to give us the exact specific village or city that you are judging by. Because all others will be completely wrong.

For how many thousands of times larger America is than England, there are different regional dialects or phrases that are used. But two people from any two places in America still talk more similarly than two people in England.
I have read it now, I do not accept any apology. It wasn't needed one, as stated initially but this has grown into something of a bigger proportion.

1. Your only point of relationships with this forum, members, and implicitly by your way of thought is just this, your language. English.

Having this expectation, from a point of superiority is just for you to assert your doubts and disappointments, hidden maybe even in your mind as something of a "communication" problem.

In the case of superiors, let's say our HP., you have been getting by under the expectation of good intentions from your part, even when harsh it was thought as something of improvement and it still is.

But in regards to me, I do not hold any position here but a participating member. So for you to have your regular assessment for me as well, was expected. Yet you compared me to an ex "HP." And other demeaning things. All fine I do not mind, what I mind is you now apologizing in a rant, that in reality, has nothing to do with this.

2.It is disgusting that you have the "naivety" or bitch audacity, to have ingested enemy shit, done whatever and spew it back here in any form you think you have decided it to be alright. This to me, the process of it and the actual writing of this, like nothing happened, is of a critical repulsive reaction.

For the above reasons I do not accept your apology, I also hold no shame in writing you this and also publicly. As far as I know you are still a SS? Given this, I do not hold any ill will, but much more than this you won't get from me.

Thank you.
Serbon said:
FancyMancy said:
HPHC is supposed to be jewish, according to the "outers" and "debunkers" of JoS. I think I also read that it said that HPHC is also not English nor American - this can be seen in his posts often, e.g. instead of saying "except for", HPHC says "instead of".

Please - 1) continue this bullshit, and 2) be NPC-y and think with emotions. Remember that "Satan" does not mean "Eternal Truth"; in fact, "Satan" means "Enemy". Do you NPC all over my face, or do you use your Brain and realise "Satan" means "Eternal Truth"? Be christian and pick cherries when it suits you, or don't. Remember also the 11th of September 2001 and Genesis 11:9, the babbling tower of christians, being brainwashed by the jew, to babble "in tongues". We love these sermons... when it suits us.
Cobra is not jewish, he's greek. I've seen you're also active on Zola's forums, and you believe them? Really?

Satan does mean enemy in HEBREW, oy vey, believe hebrew definitions goy!!
As for Sanskrit; https://666pages.com/SoaringEagle666/JoS-Updates/ExposingSlander/iosatan.html

I've seen you're also active on Zola's forums, and you believe them? Really?
I will be saddened if this is the case. It honestly has been bothering me for some time, that ever since it was shown that Sundara melted down, and went full-on traitor and is still creeping here with her subversive retorts also, it has been giving me the feeling that she is trying to poison people in private. Why else would she be here? Recently other things were posted by someone else who "left" and came back. The whole post felt and sounded like the music vid she linked implying that Jos was a cult, among other things that were revealed.

Seeing this now builds on that worry. I hope Fancy proves us wrong.

I noticed ever since we have launched full speed ahead with many projects a lot of things have been thrown our way, in terms of people and other situations trying to negate and go against JOS, as well as things on a personal level.

I not only have negative karma coming out from my mercury currently due to a working, which I now feel I have to take measures to keep certain annoyances from others, have had nightmares the past two nights, along with other senseless worries and annoyances but this came to be pronounced during starting to work on various projects for JOS.

If anyone else identifies with this increase your AOP a notch or two. I started this as well.
FancyMancy said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=375076 time=1657991424 user_id=21286]When people may accuse you of autism, they are suggesting that you make better use of water qualities
I am confused. "Overuse of the ISA Rune can cause one to become obsessed..." I have not used ISA, but adding more Water to my... I was going to say routine... Adding more Water to me seems as if it would be much more detrimental than helpful - ice is water, after all... ISA is Water, yes? Adding ice to this OCD-like and autistic-like existence seems counterproductive, much more dangerous, doesn't it? Surely not FEHU and Fire? Wouldn't they be much better? then to confuse it further, those who lack an Element can have a backlash of the opposite Element, which I think makes it seem as if they have an abundance of the Element they lack, and the example of Hitler was given on the JoS site to help explain this. I don't know if this is related or not, and I don't know if it has always been like this with me since young Childhood, or if it developed later, but I have also realised that I have to learn the hard way... I don't know why, but I seem to have to... because otherwise, it's not real to me... Maybe I secretly - even being a secret from myself - love Saturn...

(Thinking about possibilities of the future - if I am strong enough to reincarnate, Gods/Goddesses help me that I am not like a typical high-autistic Child who is wild and unpredictable and unwavering and strictly stubborn and flaky...)

Isa is not what I was referring to. I am referring to energies such as the Moon or Neptune which are sensitive and can feel the emotions of others. Such sensations can help you craft more appealing messages, relative to others.

I don't believe you actually have autism, but you may have something like OCD if you are putting too much focus on language. To me, you seem genuinely troubled or stressed by problems that should not result in such frustration.

However, I believe it is mainly earth that can ground your thoughts such that you are able to communicate more concisely, as well as not be so disturbed by small issues. Nauthiz is useful here. In this case, Isa is also useful due to its ability to calm hyperactivity. Alternatively, you can use Ansuz to free yourself of any improper thinking or communicative patterns.

There is no reason to "learn the hard way" when you have magical tools at your disposal. Regardless, learning the hard way will not necessarily create positive changes in your soul like a 40 or 80-day working may.

I would experiment with earth energy, for example. Try the prithivi mantra, or use breaths of earth, then program "This earth energy has now both grounded and calmed my thoughts, in a fully positive manner for me." x3
Your experience with this will give insight into what sort of permanent solutions may be appropriate.
I've read this thread as Fancy has replied to some of my threads and or postings. But non-the less except once or twice where I was confused but covered the fact it was "sarcastic property". Funny I decided to read everything and my only conclusion is.

I think being a Grammer Nazi isn't a bad principle on scripting and vocalizing. But I can see why Blitzkreig and NakedPluto would provide a solution to improve the situation.

For example in my own level, I would classify as the diametric opposite and have had issues. As above was said "You can keep it KISS principle or can dilute the message and generate issues".

For example the ultimate question I have ever seen anyone type was a newish member state:

What is arrogance and pride (in an SS way)?

Cobra responded with a paragraph or so about. Basically arrogance would be the jews, the opposite would be xtians at shit, and pride would be healthy self-expression and self-property of the will chakra solar not under performing nor superfluous just right.

Maybe this is a principle of overlogic. Over use of male side of the brain, society caters to logic max. There's no Yin principles that promote a counter and to balance. Mercury the planet of Hermaphrodite neither male nor female something totally different.

I don't know if it's an obsession but I can definitely see FancyMancy perhaps overusing the logic too much. Language is great but it's a double edged sword. You can be absolute garbage like me and ruin peoples responses or you can be too high and on the big word train and make people go like "I don't know how to reply". I think a moderation of big and small, medium.

To be honest I understand the middle path not the NPC path the normie path is often the best way. Lose the normies and you lose the game.

But anyways good luck FancyMancy try not to take it seriously I just consider it a situation of a person just wanting a better World. It sounds to me like in your neck of the woods you might not express yourself well with others who are on a lower level. It reminds me of certain discussions whereby unless you show memes to people to understand people won't understand the memes. Probably a reason why content creators have gotten popular with visual media; cheap, simple and effective macro weapon usage.

Perhaps your higher technology of usage is your biggest weakness. Your so up there it's causing issues.

P.S. I don't intend to offend or disrupt or fan the flames or pour fuel on the fire. Just an observation a friendly jab at you.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=375217 time=1658023968 user_id=21286]I would experiment with earth energy, for example. Try the prithivi mantra, or use breaths of earth, then program "This earth energy has now both grounded and calmed my thoughts, in a fully positive manner for me." x3
Your experience with this will give insight into what sort of permanent solutions may be appropriate.

I've definitely asked this before but isn't your affirmation wrong? It's not present tense.

Shouldn't it be "This Earth energy is now grounding and calming my thoughts, in a fully positive manner for me"?

You use HAS, GROUNDED, and CALMED all past tense. I've always been under the assumption no matter what keep it present.

Or is past allowed because it's performing an action you wish to be done right away. It's funny present tense will never comes but in present tense it seems like I'm saying it's affecting me now by grounding and calming my thoughts.

In your case you sound like I'm currently calm and grounded in thought so the energy fired off and affected me.

It sounds weird in present tense it seems like I'm doing the action or the action is in progress but with your past tense it's like once this energy is in me and once this is affirmed it already fired off and has placed me in this position.

One seems like the action is going through the other seems like I already am that for now.
Do you meditate?
Dahaarkan said:
Do you meditate?
I think that's the entire point, and I think he mentioned he doesn't.
FancyMancy said:
I would hope I'd be invited to join, rather than me saying, "Yeah, I'll do that".
You have been invited by Blitzkrieg a month ago to be part of a project (I don't know what project is), but you haven't answered him.

FancyMancy said:
See the reputation I have. It's only onl-- "it's only online", but this is a real-life Ministry. No-one would want me to be head honcho for Grammar Nazi-ing the sermons and everything - or anything.
"Reputation" is nothing but what other people think about you. Can you accurately describe what other people think about you? I doubt it. No one can. Does everybody think the same about you? Most likely not, which means that your "reputation" varies from person to person. Then your actions are shaping what others think about you, therefore your actions will shape your reputation. This also means that your reputation is not static, is dynamic depending on your actions, for good or bad.

Then when you think about your "reputation", do you think about what every single person thinks about you or only what certain people think? You see, someone's "reputation" is quite vague in this forum if you ask me. Then since you most likely cannot accurately describe what others think about you, how would you know that no one wants you to assess and "grammar-nazi" the sermons? What you need is to prove that you are able to do this, which in my opinion you proved already, and it can happen if the person deciding this will agree (HP Cobra most likely). Of course there might be an issue with over-scrutinizing the sermons due to your attention to the last letter which might lead to major modifications of the text but if you would have gotten in such position I am sure this could have been negociated upon.

FancyMancy said:
I thought I was just trying to be helpful, but then everyone seemed to ignore it.
but I don't believe others would welcome that.
Such work doesn't need validation from anybody. Is there in plain sight and the output is obvious (sermons being corrected to the last error). It only need to be validated by the writters of the saif sermons. When you accomplish something, are you happy because of how others will validate your accomplishment or are you happy for being able to achieve that success? Perhaps you might be the sort of person that want others to appreciate their work, and is not neccesarily a wrong thing.

FancyMancy said:
and with this being Satan's actual Ministry on this Planet Earth - that is way too much and way too big a responsibility. It's not a joke - it's a serious thing, being the big cheese of something. Putting it into other words - I might like to be a businessman (no idea if I ever actually could) - being the CEO or majority shareholder... wow, such big things. I'd feel safer being a worker bee - the Ministry is too important for me to be a big, actual, active... person or entity within this entity.
Maybe you don't have trust in your abilities (meditations greatly aids with such issue). Work for JoS is easy for most part (except of the administrative work probably). Personally I've been doing things in real life that are a lot more difficult than the JoS work I've done. Is rather voluminous than difficult, definitely. And what you could be doing is even easier. You don't need some complex skills or a posh diploma, but just openess and determination to help. JoS is definitely an extremely important organization but the risks are a lot smaller than you think for given the sort of work you could be doing. Anyway I don't want to persuade you or anything of the sort at all, but just draw attention to some opinions you have which are unnecessarily pessimistic and negative.
Aquarius said:
Dahaarkan said:
Do you meditate?
I think that's the entire point, and I think he mentioned he doesn't.

Here he mentions some degree of personal experience with meditation: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=175909#p175909

So I think he is capable of at least basic meditations, but I think this is a situation where he did not yet do a working to help refine his active mind. Perhaps a transit is dragging it up and requiring him to face it.
Providing feedback and corrections to grammar, writing style and so on is a useful thing to do, actually.

What isn't useful to anybody however, is going on enormous tangents and obsessing over these small matters to an obnoxious degree. The time you spent writing this garbage, and yes it is total GARBAGE, you could have spent in meditation clearing your mind of these pointless thoughts and balancing out your emotions.

The quality of a text is dictated primarily by the quantity and quality of information that it contains, grammar is a secondary concern so long as the above is understandable. HC has some questionable choices in how he conveys himself sometimes, but above all else his writings contain valuable information or insight.

In contrast, your writings are often gigantic walls of very fancy, well written text that is almost entirely worthless information, jokes dragged on to the point of being obnoxious and as has become the pattern, complaining endlessly about everything and criticizing others and their contributions. Well where are YOUR contributions?

You clearly want recognition for your skills in writing very clean and proper English, this entire shitpost is you crying that you're not treated as the super special boy that you think you are. Well having the skills means nothing if you do not apply them to anything constructive or useful. What have you contributed with these skills of yours. One member specifically requested your assistance to a project and you didn't even have the basic decency to give an answer.

You are a brat, and have done no growth in all the time you've been here. You think you should be worshiped for being able to write english well. Well the reality is that while you spent however long writing this very well written GARBAGE, someone who barely speaks english cleaned up a sermon into a PDF, or translated something, or contributed in some way with what limited skills they possess.

You however, in your absolute supremacy of the english language, need to be worshiped, must be given medals and pats on the head constantly and have his ego stroked in order to even think about starting to do something useful. What did you expect, that HC is going to come on this thread and apologize to you, tell you that you're a super special boy and that nobody else can write as well as you?

That he's going to beg you to contribute with your incredible skills?

Get real. Stop writing garbage and start meditating for once. It's been almost a decade of this shit. Grow the fuck up already.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=375510 time=1658088685 user_id=21286]
Aquarius said:
Dahaarkan said:
Do you meditate?
I think that's the entire point, and I think he mentioned he doesn't.

Here he mentions some degree of personal experience with meditation: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=175909#p175909

So I think he is capable of at least basic meditations, but I think this is a situation where he did not yet do a working to help refine his active mind. Perhaps a transit is dragging it up and requiring him to face it.

I am fascinated by you, truly. No matter what's going on you seem to always be focused on helping a person or figuring out what's the root of their problem and helping them overcome it.

Even when the person in question has personally disrespected you. And I consider ignoring your request completely to be very disrespectful and arrogant. It's surreal to me. The level of patience, focus and caring nature you display at all times it's not something I've seen anywhere online or in the flesh.

I don't know if it takes effort or if it is simply natural to you, but I'm honestly baffled. You set a very good example Blitz.
name 5 ppl he has banned. im waiting to listen

i was his enemy since yahoo groups time. im not banned.

youre imagining things
nevermind i saw you sold out lol

why do you even write that shit here. ure just attacking.

u have no reason. then defo u make up some shit

youre literally fucked up. hope u leave jos
This is long. If you have been pinged in this post, then use your browser's "find" function to jump to your username, if you don't want to read through it all.

Egon said:
Just send your suggestions to the editorial check thread.
Due to me being told that what I said was wrong, and in email that was discussed; and how I have conducted myself, then, despite at least one member in this thread saying I should edit articles/posts for language, I doubt it would be well-received, nor do I think I have any right to do so. Some might think it a good idea and be OK with it; others, not, so I won't. In a sense, to me, it's like a bully picking on someone, then joining an anti-bully group.

why do you think people (apparently) read your posts much less than HP HC who arguably writes more extensive texts?
Maybe the way I type often is like a thorn in people's side. Of course, that is not enjoyable.

Serbon said:
Cobra is not jewish, he's greek. I've seen you're also active on Zola's forums, and you believe them? Really?
Regarding the supposed jewishness, I knew about that before I knew about that forum, and I think before that forum was made. I don't know if that forum are the same as the "debunkers" and "exposers" of JoS or not; I did not get this from that forum. As for being on there, as I said in another thread here, it was to question something that was made there.

Satan does mean enemy in HEBREW, oy vey, believe hebrew definitions goy!!
As for Sanskrit; https://666pages.com/SoaringEagle666/JoS-Updates/ExposingSlander/iosatan.html
I know. I was just using it as an argument; "Satan" means "enemy" in hebrew, but in real-life, "Satan" means "Eternal Truth". My reason for using this was that what is correct is correct - American is not English, dissimilation, etc., etc. There's no point in repeating myself. That page, in the link you shared, seems to have been updated since I last had a look at it, so thanks.

The Outlaw Torn said:
You obsess over the strangest of things. I read this post twice and can conclude that you’re upset at people for not taking language and grammar seriously, but then you express this through some unhinged rant against America. And then other races are mentioned. What is even the point of this?
Instead of replying in the other thread, which I quoted at the top, I made a new thread. Regarding American and other Races, these things are influencing culture and things elsewhere (that cannot be denied); language is part of culture, which is being influenced, changed, perverted...

Ol argedco luciftias said:
How is it possible for you to...
Yeah, I don't know how to make it make sense properly. I see these things, as I said, on TV, adverts... very often. 1984 = changing speaking = changing thinking = changing behaviour. That's basically my argument. People are so easy to influence, and when it is pointed out that they are being, e.g. Americanised, they shrug it off. Language is corrupted and dissimilated by the sheep; (((they))) influence, the sheep bleat along.

Why I care too much, or why it bothers me, or however you might want to say it, I don't know. Years ago, I thought I loved American; then I realised I'm not American. I... sort of liked Black; then I realised I'm not Black. Likewise, language is language. If it's English, then it's English. Anyway, why I care, why I let it bother me, whatever... I don't know.

NakedPluto said:
Because of how I have been in regards to "Grammar Nazism", I had a go at you. That's why I apologise now for that. If you don't accept care, whatever, then meh.

Shadowcat said:
I hope Fancy proves us wrong.
No need to worry. I'm fine. You might say I'm obsessed with being here! (That fits with this thread and how I've been!)

Would you give me permission to email you? You said something which reminded me about something... If you will, then you can email me on [my username] at outlook.com - please let me know it's you by replying the email subject line in here. If not, then it's OK.

Gear88 said:
I don't know if it's an obsession but I can definitely see FancyMancy perhaps overusing the logic too much.
Contrarily to this, I find it difficult to follow what you are saying... That being said, I agree with this part I have quoted. It seems to have come on slowly, undetected or low on the RADAR. After a time, it built-up enough, that the pressure was too much and it burst or exploded. I didn't realise it was happening.

But anyways good luck FancyMancy try not to take it seriously I just consider it a situation of a person just wanting a better World. It sounds to me like in your neck of the woods you might not express yourself well with others who are on a lower level.
Thanks. I do like to (try to) have intelligent, stimulating conversation, but that is few and far between. I suppose it has sort of festered and become putrid and sour, while I cannot let it out.

Perhaps your higher technology of usage is your biggest weakness. Your so up there it's causing issues.
I don't know if I am "up there" (technologically? I don't follow you there), but - at the risk of sounding arrogant - most others seem to be... lower. I don't mean to sound condescending and high-and-mighty, but I don't know how else to put it. I quite enjoy debating against christianity, (as you must know!) and there is one who I can have little arguments (rather than debates) with in-person sometimes, but as a christian they get moody and then just ignore things. A simple and (dare I say, sounding arrogant) powerful argument was when they had a cold, I asked why not get "god" to make it go away; the reply was that "god" has more-important things to care about, so I replied instantly with "cancer in Children"... That was the end of that, and they're still a christian. (I have also said about the absolute and eternally-powerful argument of 666 being in Carbon-12 for life, as well, but it is ignored...) I think I need not just the stimulation of debate, but also knowing I am right - not thinking I am right while being stupid, but only when I actually am, irrefutably, right - and I would hope to have a bit of recognition for that, as well. In short - the same things that some christians do, except that I don't "faith" it; I absolute fact it (only when it is an actual absolute, irrefutable fact) now... yet it is still ignored, I receive ignorance, etc., and it is frustrating. I should choose an easier audience, but the options are limited...

[P.S. I don't intend to offend or disrupt or fan the flames or pour fuel on the fire. Just an observation a friendly jab at you.
No, no. That's important.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=375217 time=1658023968 user_id=21286]I would experiment with earth energy, for example. Try the prithivi mantra, or use breaths of earth, then program "This earth energy has now both grounded and calmed my thoughts, in a fully positive manner for me." x3
Your experience with this will give insight into what sort of permanent solutions may be appropriate.

I've definitely asked this before but isn't your affirmation wrong? It's not present tense.

Shouldn't it be "This Earth energy is now grounding and calming my thoughts, in a fully positive manner for me"?

That is also a pet peeve of mine. OCD-style, of course. I think like you, "has" is past-tense, rather than present-tense; however, if I am in traditional mood, then in posh voice "Dinner... is served", (like in j/news articles, e.g. "ivanka trump dies aged whatever age" - "dies"? What? Dies everyday, or died - past-tense?); however, it has also been said ni replies on here that the wording is not really important; it is our intention and meaning which is what matters and what works.

While just typing this just above, I remembered something else. As a christian, I used to be so easy to influence (for most of it, until I 'backslid' and left). Whatever the preacher said, I believed and accepted. Since then, which I think must be related to autism and/or OCDs/fixations, is that the pendulum has swung opposite - I have now, since, hardened my Mind and refuse to allow anything in, until it passes all, or enough (depending on my tiredness, botheredness, energy level, CBA-ness, etc.) of the filters and tests. This has made me be stubborn with things, which, as I said above, (I think) has made me have to learn the hard way. I just don't let things in easily now. I seem to have become stuck in my ways, or just stuck.

This might be a coping mechanism or a defence mechanism, but it has, effectively, damned me. For me, while this thread might be stupid and pointless to any number of members and readers, this is helpful for me; without this, I don't know when - or if - I would have realised this here.

Dahaarkan said:
Do you meditate?
Aquarius said:
Dahaarkan said:
Do you meditate?
I think that's the entire point, and I think he mentioned he doesn't.
Technically I do, but the bare, bare minimum. Well, I might say less-than the recommended bare minimum, actually. Usually, I would try and word my questions and replies in such a way as to get around admitting things - but I can relax a bit because we are not in-person... so instead of beating around the bush - over time, I have convinced myself that I must, absolutely must, begin particular workings most-certainly-and-definitely on the correct Day and Hour, corresponding to the Planet the working works with. I know it is not an absolute must, but in my mind, I think that would be the most best time to begin (outside of Moon Void of Course)... yet with that I forgot, missed it, procrastinated, was too tired, distracted... thus, I still haven't begun for many months... then it gets to the point that "Well, I've not done it for months and months yet, so what's one more century of not doing it?".

With all of this, etc., in this thread, and other things... I feel I have become unworthy. I don't know who my Guardian Daemon or Daemoness is. (I know about the walk-through, posted by a long-time-ago member.) Despite that, as usual, I have coincidences; recently, I have been having a lot of coincidences for a while, so maybe that's a good bunch of signs! I have sort of semi-convinced myself that doing online warfare, despite few views on video account, is still at least a bit helpful.

The Alchemist7 said:
FancyMancy said:
I would hope I'd be invited to join, rather than me saying, "Yeah, I'll do that".
You have been invited by Blitzkrieg a month ago to be part of a project (I don't know what project is), but you haven't answered him.
I had not seen that yet. I have about 30 to 40 notifications which I have not gone through yet. Due to these things and what have you, I have been sort of skirting around them and taking my time.

FancyMancy said:
See the reputation I have. It's only onl-- "it's only online", but this is a real-life Ministry. No-one would want me to be head honcho for Grammar Nazi-ing the sermons and everything - or anything.
"Reputation" is nothing but what other people think about you. Can you accurately describe what other people think about you? I doubt it. No one can. Does everybody think the same about you? Most likely not, which means that your "reputation" varies from person to person. Then your actions are shaping what others think about you, therefore your actions will shape your reputation. This also means that your reputation is not static, is dynamic depending on your actions, for good or bad.
No, I can't. Good point; however - OK, you or others are going to shoot this down, but I'll do it anyway - if this was in-person, instead of online, then it would be a different story. On here, it can be tolerated or ignored easily; in-person, it would be me being without friends, compatriots, what-have-you. With how I have been, I suppose you could say I have, since whenever-ago, lost Brownie (or Cub Scout) points.

Then when you think about your "reputation", do you think about what every single person thinks about you or only what certain people think? You see, someone's "reputation" is quite vague in this forum if you ask me. Then since you most likely cannot accurately describe what others think about you, how would you know that no one wants you to assess and "grammar-nazi" the sermons? What you need is to prove that you are able to do this, which in my opinion you proved already, and it can happen if the person deciding this will agree (HP Cobra most likely). Of course there might be an issue with over-scrutinizing the sermons due to your attention to the last letter which might lead to major modifications of the text but if you would have gotten in such position I am sure this could have been negociated upon.
I think I've answered what I think about my "reputation". I base what I think others think on how they reply or don't reply, etc. Regarding the sermon-"Grammar Nazifying" - as I said, I feel it is too big a responsibility. If this was just a forum for gaming, for example, I'd be OK with it; this is Satan's actual Ministry on Planet Earth. That is a absolutely huge responsibility. You know - "who am I?", sort of thing. (Yeah, I know - we make ourselves important by works and things..., but with the way how I've been...)

FancyMancy said:
I thought I was just trying to be helpful, but then everyone seemed to ignore it.
but I don't believe others would welcome that.
Such work doesn't need validation from anybody. Is there in plain sight and the output is obvious (sermons being corrected to the last error). It only need to be validated by the writters of the saif sermons. When you accomplish something, are you happy because of how others will validate your accomplishment or are you happy for being able to achieve that success?[/QUOTE]
Well, with some of my posts, when I re-read them I quite like the way I put them. It's rather stimulating. This probably sounds (or reads...) very bad and selfish, but due to all sorts of whatever things, no-doubt since Childhood and previous lives, I need recognition. Not a lot, but just some, to help me realise it's not in vain or pointless or that I'm just making videos on Bitchute while achieving like 30 views, etc. (The one with 50K+ views I didn't expect to happen at all. From that, I might have got 1 or 2 subscribers, from what I can tell. I don't know how to be like those thousands+ subscriber uploads, with how they have a theme and go with it, etc. Likewise, the way I comport myself, I think I am... different. - Yeah, autistic kids say that, "I'm different".)

Perhaps you might be the sort of person that want others to appreciate their work, and is not neccesarily a wrong thing.
As I said, I think that seems to be the case. Maybe this is the true me coming out. Maybe I didn't realise it. To me, though, that seems insecure - that I need others to make me feel better, instead of being secure and proud in myself, worthy of myself. If, as I have said in other posts, that I think that individuality is sovereign (but not absolute), then needing outside input seems to not be sovereign, not proud, not secure, not worthy... I'd might as well also add this - I seem to want to help others, better others, etc., more than myself, that is is more important to me - yet I think I do demand a sort of minimum selfishness (both positive and negative selfishness) for myself... but I don't seem to have the tools that I need to be able to do well for others... while I seem to be neglecting myself all at the same time... (There is one person who I wish I could help, but they won't let me as they have been through things, so they need to do things for themself; otherwise, it doesn't work for them - this frustrates me because I want and need to help them... but I just can't; this has caused upsets many times...)

Thinking about all of these things and more, I reckon that in a previous life I must have been bound in one way or another. Maybe I was a head full of narcotics; thus, my thinking and Mercury(?) has been fried or zapped, or in jail; thus, my skills and abilities for self-preservation and improvement, and that of me helping others, is lacking severely... or...? Maybe I focused more on Physical pleasures rather than Intellectual pursuits...

FancyMancy said:
and with this being Satan's actual Ministry on this Planet Earth - that is way too much and way too big a responsibility. It's not a joke - it's a serious thing, being the big cheese of something. Putting it into other words - I might like to be a businessman (no idea if I ever actually could) - being the CEO or majority shareholder... wow, such big things. I'd feel safer being a worker bee - the Ministry is too important for me to be a big, actual, active... person or entity within this entity.
Maybe you don't have trust in your abilities (meditations greatly aids with such issue). Work for JoS is easy for most part (except of the administrative work probably). Personally I've been doing things in real life that are a lot more difficult than the JoS work I've done. Is rather voluminous than difficult, definitely. And what you could be doing is even easier. You don't need some complex skills or a posh diploma, but just openess and determination to help. JoS is definitely an extremely important organization but the risks are a lot smaller than you think for given the sort of work you could be doing. Anyway I don't want to persuade you or anything of the sort at all, but just draw attention to some opinions you have which are unnecessarily pessimistic and negative.
I think it's from experience. Like I think I've been sailing through, gliding along.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=375510 time=1658088685 user_id=21286]
Aquarius said:
Dahaarkan said:
Do you meditate?
I think that's the entire point, and I think he mentioned he doesn't.

Here he mentions some degree of personal experience with meditation: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=175909#p175909

So I think he is capable of at least basic meditations, but I think this is a situation where he did not yet do a working to help refine his active mind. Perhaps a transit is dragging it up and requiring him to face it.
Admittedly, that what I shared has not been easy. As has been mentioned before, I think I am correct in stating that I have been more an intellectual Satanist, rather than a properly-practising Spiritual Satanist, but with also very minimal practice and also doing online warfare. Regarding my advice(?) in that post, I have still been struggling with that a lot, myself. There is a point when enough is enough, and there are times when I am giddy and impatient, and that turns into frustration that I just don't fking move. While others are boiling along, I have been more simmering or merely cold and not getting moving.

Can you please confirm something for me? (I have said this before, but I might have been wrong.) If you know - in Zet 9, is the birth date/time/location put into the "core data" form? If so, then according to the programme's interpretation of my Natal Chart, it says I have a "preponderance of Earth"... so now while you have mentioned me using Earth "For this, earth qualities are required to allow you to assign the proper "weight" or value to each concept in your head. With this improved "value system", your messages would become more grounded and less redundant or unnecessarily tangential."... The programme also says I have an absence of Air.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=375217 time=1658023968 user_id=21286]
FancyMancy said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=375076 time=1657991424 user_id=21286]When people may accuse you of autism, they are suggesting that you make better use of water qualities
I am confused. "Overuse of the ISA Rune can cause one to become obsessed..." I have not used ISA, but adding more Water to my... I was going to say routine... Adding more Water to me seems as if it would be much more detrimental than helpful - ice is water, after all... ISA is Water, yes? Adding ice to this OCD-like and autistic-like existence seems counterproductive, much more dangerous, doesn't it? Surely not FEHU and Fire? Wouldn't they be much better? then to confuse it further, those who lack an Element can have a backlash of the opposite Element, which I think makes it seem as if they have an abundance of the Element they lack, and the example of Hitler was given on the JoS site to help explain this. I don't know if this is related or not, and I don't know if it has always been like this with me since young Childhood, or if it developed later, but I have also realised that I have to learn the hard way... I don't know why, but I seem to have to... because otherwise, it's not real to me... Maybe I secretly - even being a secret from myself - love Saturn...

(Thinking about possibilities of the future - if I am strong enough to reincarnate, Gods/Goddesses help me that I am not like a typical high-autistic Child who is wild and unpredictable and unwavering and strictly stubborn and flaky...)

Isa is not what I was referring to. I am referring to energies such as the Moon or Neptune which are sensitive and can feel the emotions of others. Such sensations can help you craft more appealing messages, relative to others.
Water Element and ICE Rune are not related? (Water and ice are the same, of course.) Water equals - or if not equals then has aspects of - sensitivity. (It doesn't equal, because it has other aspects, as well?)[/quote]

I don't believe you actually have autism, but you may have something like OCD if you are putting too much focus on language. To me, you seem genuinely troubled or stressed by problems that should not result in such frustration.
Yes. I don#t know what caused it. I have thought to myself before that I need to get away from me for a while.

Try the prithivi mantra
That is new to me. I am unaware of this. I can locate the other things - Elements, Runes - on the website, but this I have no idea about.

Last thoughts about specific obsessions and fixations -
Due to the sheer number of coincidences I have been experiencing, I am not certain if I have caused things to happen, or if they have merely been coincidences. e.g. I had to interact with 2 individuals, both of whom I disliked. Briefly, I visualised/imagined each individual, separately and at separate times, whom I don't believe ever interacted with each other, covered in grey energy (which I picture like exhaust fumes, which seems to make sense to me), around them going into them in Chakras and just any entries into their Soul. (One of these two individuals is a Human, I am sure; the other is a gypsy.) This, along with my dislike of them and wishing for them to be gone, either 1) caused them to be gone, or 2) my input - as it was not intense focus of hurting them (despite disliking them a lot), nor a proper working and I was also not giving it full attention; merely a short thing - didn't cause them to be gone, but they left coincidentally anyway. (Not dead, just forced to leave and not return.) This was a positive result for me, coincidentally or as per my doing (or Daemon/Daemoness intervention).

There has been a friggin' annoying :evil: coincidence/OCD/fixation I have been experiencing for ages. It has had a couple of smaller companions which added on to it. Lately, it, and its companions, has also increased a lot - and strangely that has actually been helpful. Nothing different or extra or unusual has happened as a result of the OCD and its companions stabbing me in my Mind for a long time. (For anyone suffering with OCDs/fixations - if they are safe to do so, then perhaps see about increasing them so much; you will become desensitised to them, if you are like me. Firstly, it will hurt (not literally), and be painful (not literally) and be fking frustrating (very literally) - they will "flare-up", etc..., but then after you have become desensitised to them, they will melt away and you will be able to relax again.) (I wonder if this is also related to phobias.)

Many, many - many - more coincidences have been happening, in regards to me thinking thoughts seemingly randomly, then it being mentioned e.g. on TV within hours or days - and once, within seconds/immediately. Others, someone I am close with mentions things, then that thing is mentioned elsewhere (usually on TV, which is a theme at the moment) shortly after...

This dissipating of this OCD and its companions has not quite completed, but it is much quieter than it used to be. This person, whom coincidences have also been happening with, has been suicidal in the past, due to things, and things have not always been easy with them. I have gained one such OCD that, like those who have to turn light switches on and off 17 times when entering/exiting a room otherwise their family will die... I don't want to 'coincidentalise' something bad happening against this person... "thoughts become things", and all that... This has really wound me up tightly and bound me and grabbed hold of me - if I allow myself to accept the thoughts of bad things happening against this person, so as to allow the OCD and the thoughts to dissipate and so I can relax, then the obsessive thoughts may be less troublesome or dissipate, but then if I don't fight against the OCD and thoughts, then bad coincidences might happen... and it would be my fault. Maybe I am not actually causing any of these things to happen (in all the examples I have given here) and maybe they are all coincidences... I realise Void Meditation is required, but it seems I, and/or things, have locked me in so tightly that doing anything would be very difficult, so I'd just have to go on with 1 thing and put that into high gear and expend a heck of a lot of energy to start to loosen up and be able to have some space.

This has been too much, so if there are any mistakes or anything, then nevermind. I have not proof-read it properly.

FancyMancy said:
This is long. If you have been pinged in this post, then use your browser's "find" function to jump to your username, if you don't want to read through it all.

Egon said:
Just send your suggestions to the editorial check thread.
Due to me being told that what I said was wrong, and in email that was discussed; and how I have conducted myself, then, despite at least one member in this thread saying I should edit articles/posts for language, I doubt it would be well-received, nor do I think I have any right to do so. Some might think it a good idea and be OK with it; others, not, so I won't. In a sense, to me, it's like a bully picking on someone, then joining an anti-bully group.

why do you think people (apparently) read your posts much less than HP HC who arguably writes more extensive texts?
Maybe the way I type often is like a thorn in people's side. Of course, that is not enjoyable.

Serbon said:
Cobra is not jewish, he's greek. I've seen you're also active on Zola's forums, and you believe them? Really?
Regarding the supposed jewishness, I knew about that before I knew about that forum, and I think before that forum was made. I don't know if that forum are the same as the "debunkers" and "exposers" of JoS or not; I did not get this from that forum. As for being on there, as I said in another thread here, it was to question something that was made there.

Satan does mean enemy in HEBREW, oy vey, believe hebrew definitions goy!!
As for Sanskrit; https://666pages.com/SoaringEagle666/JoS-Updates/ExposingSlander/iosatan.html
I know. I was just using it as an argument; "Satan" means "enemy" in hebrew, but in real-life, "Satan" means "Eternal Truth". My reason for using this was that what is correct is correct - American is not English, dissimilation, etc., etc. There's no point in repeating myself. That page, in the link you shared, seems to have been updated since I last had a look at it, so thanks.

The Outlaw Torn said:
You obsess over the strangest of things. I read this post twice and can conclude that you’re upset at people for not taking language and grammar seriously, but then you express this through some unhinged rant against America. And then other races are mentioned. What is even the point of this?
Instead of replying in the other thread, which I quoted at the top, I made a new thread. Regarding American and other Races, these things are influencing culture and things elsewhere (that cannot be denied); language is part of culture, which is being influenced, changed, perverted...

Ol argedco luciftias said:
How is it possible for you to...
Yeah, I don't know how to make it make sense properly. I see these things, as I said, on TV, adverts... very often. 1984 = changing speaking = changing thinking = changing behaviour. That's basically my argument. People are so easy to influence, and when it is pointed out that they are being, e.g. Americanised, they shrug it off. Language is corrupted and dissimilated by the sheep; (((they))) influence, the sheep bleat along.

Why I care too much, or why it bothers me, or however you might want to say it, I don't know. Years ago, I thought I loved American; then I realised I'm not American. I... sort of liked Black; then I realised I'm not Black. Likewise, language is language. If it's English, then it's English. Anyway, why I care, why I let it bother me, whatever... I don't know.

NakedPluto said:
Because of how I have been in regards to "Grammar Nazism", I had a go at you. That's why I apologise now for that. If you don't accept care, whatever, then meh.

Shadowcat said:
I hope Fancy proves us wrong.
No need to worry. I'm fine. You might say I'm obsessed with being here! (That fits with this thread and how I've been!)

Would you give me permission to email you? You said something which reminded me about something... If you will, then you can email me on [my username] at outlook.com - please let me know it's you by replying the email subject line in here. If not, then it's OK.

Gear88 said:
I don't know if it's an obsession but I can definitely see FancyMancy perhaps overusing the logic too much.
Contrarily to this, I find it difficult to follow what you are saying... That being said, I agree with this part I have quoted. It seems to have come on slowly, undetected or low on the RADAR. After a time, it built-up enough, that the pressure was too much and it burst or exploded. I didn't realise it was happening.

But anyways good luck FancyMancy try not to take it seriously I just consider it a situation of a person just wanting a better World. It sounds to me like in your neck of the woods you might not express yourself well with others who are on a lower level.
Thanks. I do like to (try to) have intelligent, stimulating conversation, but that is few and far between. I suppose it has sort of festered and become putrid and sour, while I cannot let it out.

Perhaps your higher technology of usage is your biggest weakness. Your so up there it's causing issues.
I don't know if I am "up there" (technologically? I don't follow you there), but - at the risk of sounding arrogant - most others seem to be... lower. I don't mean to sound condescending and high-and-mighty, but I don't know how else to put it. I quite enjoy debating against christianity, (as you must know!) and there is one who I can have little arguments (rather than debates) with in-person sometimes, but as a christian they get moody and then just ignore things. A simple and (dare I say, sounding arrogant) powerful argument was when they had a cold, I asked why not get "god" to make it go away; the reply was that "god" has more-important things to care about, so I replied instantly with "cancer in Children"... That was the end of that, and they're still a christian. (I have also said about the absolute and eternally-powerful argument of 666 being in Carbon-12 for life, as well, but it is ignored...) I think I need not just the stimulation of debate, but also knowing I am right - not thinking I am right while being stupid, but only when I actually am, irrefutably, right - and I would hope to have a bit of recognition for that, as well. In short - the same things that some christians do, except that I don't "faith" it; I absolute fact it (only when it is an actual absolute, irrefutable fact) now... yet it is still ignored, I receive ignorance, etc., and it is frustrating. I should choose an easier audience, but the options are limited...

[P.S. I don't intend to offend or disrupt or fan the flames or pour fuel on the fire. Just an observation a friendly jab at you.
No, no. That's important.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=375217 time=1658023968 user_id=21286]I would experiment with earth energy, for example. Try the prithivi mantra, or use breaths of earth, then program "This earth energy has now both grounded and calmed my thoughts, in a fully positive manner for me." x3
Your experience with this will give insight into what sort of permanent solutions may be appropriate.

I've definitely asked this before but isn't your affirmation wrong? It's not present tense.

Shouldn't it be "This Earth energy is now grounding and calming my thoughts, in a fully positive manner for me"?

That is also a pet peeve of mine. OCD-style, of course. I think like you, "has" is past-tense, rather than present-tense; however, if I am in traditional mood, then in posh voice "Dinner... is served", (like in j/news articles, e.g. "ivanka trump dies aged whatever age" - "dies"? What? Dies everyday, or died - past-tense?); however, it has also been said ni replies on here that the wording is not really important; it is our intention and meaning which is what matters and what works.

While just typing this just above, I remembered something else. As a christian, I used to be so easy to influence (for most of it, until I 'backslid' and left). Whatever the preacher said, I believed and accepted. Since then, which I think must be related to autism and/or OCDs/fixations, is that the pendulum has swung opposite - I have now, since, hardened my Mind and refuse to allow anything in, until it passes all, or enough (depending on my tiredness, botheredness, energy level, CBA-ness, etc.) of the filters and tests. This has made me be stubborn with things, which, as I said above, (I think) has made me have to learn the hard way. I just don't let things in easily now. I seem to have become stuck in my ways, or just stuck.

This might be a coping mechanism or a defence mechanism, but it has, effectively, damned me. For me, while this thread might be stupid and pointless to any number of members and readers, this is helpful for me; without this, I don't know when - or if - I would have realised this here.

Dahaarkan said:
Do you meditate?
Aquarius said:
Dahaarkan said:
Do you meditate?
I think that's the entire point, and I think he mentioned he doesn't.
Technically I do, but the bare, bare minimum. Well, I might say less-than the recommended bare minimum, actually. Usually, I would try and word my questions and replies in such a way as to get around admitting things - but I can relax a bit because we are not in-person... so instead of beating around the bush - over time, I have convinced myself that I must, absolutely must, begin particular workings most-certainly-and-definitely on the correct Day and Hour, corresponding to the Planet the working works with. I know it is not an absolute must, but in my mind, I think that would be the most best time to begin (outside of Moon Void of Course)... yet with that I forgot, missed it, procrastinated, was too tired, distracted... thus, I still haven't begun for many months... then it gets to the point that "Well, I've not done it for months and months yet, so what's one more century of not doing it?".

With all of this, etc., in this thread, and other things... I feel I have become unworthy. I don't know who my Guardian Daemon or Daemoness is. (I know about the walk-through, posted by a long-time-ago member.) Despite that, as usual, I have coincidences; recently, I have been having a lot of coincidences for a while, so maybe that's a good bunch of signs! I have sort of semi-convinced myself that doing online warfare, despite few views on video account, is still at least a bit helpful.

The Alchemist7 said:
FancyMancy said:
I would hope I'd be invited to join, rather than me saying, "Yeah, I'll do that".
You have been invited by Blitzkrieg a month ago to be part of a project (I don't know what project is), but you haven't answered him.
I had not seen that yet. I have about 30 to 40 notifications which I have not gone through yet. Due to these things and what have you, I have been sort of skirting around them and taking my time.

FancyMancy said:
See the reputation I have. It's only onl-- "it's only online", but this is a real-life Ministry. No-one would want me to be head honcho for Grammar Nazi-ing the sermons and everything - or anything.
"Reputation" is nothing but what other people think about you. Can you accurately describe what other people think about you? I doubt it. No one can. Does everybody think the same about you? Most likely not, which means that your "reputation" varies from person to person. Then your actions are shaping what others think about you, therefore your actions will shape your reputation. This also means that your reputation is not static, is dynamic depending on your actions, for good or bad.
No, I can't. Good point; however - OK, you or others are going to shoot this down, but I'll do it anyway - if this was in-person, instead of online, then it would be a different story. On here, it can be tolerated or ignored easily; in-person, it would be me being without friends, compatriots, what-have-you. With how I have been, I suppose you could say I have, since whenever-ago, lost Brownie (or Cub Scout) points.

Then when you think about your "reputation", do you think about what every single person thinks about you or only what certain people think? You see, someone's "reputation" is quite vague in this forum if you ask me. Then since you most likely cannot accurately describe what others think about you, how would you know that no one wants you to assess and "grammar-nazi" the sermons? What you need is to prove that you are able to do this, which in my opinion you proved already, and it can happen if the person deciding this will agree (HP Cobra most likely). Of course there might be an issue with over-scrutinizing the sermons due to your attention to the last letter which might lead to major modifications of the text but if you would have gotten in such position I am sure this could have been negociated upon.
I think I've answered what I think about my "reputation". I base what I think others think on how they reply or don't reply, etc. Regarding the sermon-"Grammar Nazifying" - as I said, I feel it is too big a responsibility. If this was just a forum for gaming, for example, I'd be OK with it; this is Satan's actual Ministry on Planet Earth. That is a absolutely huge responsibility. You know - "who am I?", sort of thing. (Yeah, I know - we make ourselves important by works and things..., but with the way how I've been...)

FancyMancy said:
I thought I was just trying to be helpful, but then everyone seemed to ignore it.
but I don't believe others would welcome that.
Such work doesn't need validation from anybody. Is there in plain sight and the output is obvious (sermons being corrected to the last error). It only need to be validated by the writters of the saif sermons. When you accomplish something, are you happy because of how others will validate your accomplishment or are you happy for being able to achieve that success?
Well, with some of my posts, when I re-read them I quite like the way I put them. It's rather stimulating. This probably sounds (or reads...) very bad and selfish, but due to all sorts of whatever things, no-doubt since Childhood and previous lives, I need recognition. Not a lot, but just some, to help me realise it's not in vain or pointless or that I'm just making videos on Bitchute while achieving like 30 views, etc. (The one with 50K+ views I didn't expect to happen at all. From that, I might have got 1 or 2 subscribers, from what I can tell. I don't know how to be like those thousands+ subscriber uploads, with how they have a theme and go with it, etc. Likewise, the way I comport myself, I think I am... different. - Yeah, autistic kids say that, "I'm different".)

Perhaps you might be the sort of person that want others to appreciate their work, and is not neccesarily a wrong thing.
As I said, I think that seems to be the case. Maybe this is the true me coming out. Maybe I didn't realise it. To me, though, that seems insecure - that I need others to make me feel better, instead of being secure and proud in myself, worthy of myself. If, as I have said in other posts, that I think that individuality is sovereign (but not absolute), then needing outside input seems to not be sovereign, not proud, not secure, not worthy... I'd might as well also add this - I seem to want to help others, better others, etc., more than myself, that is is more important to me - yet I think I do demand a sort of minimum selfishness (both positive and negative selfishness) for myself... but I don't seem to have the tools that I need to be able to do well for others... while I seem to be neglecting myself all at the same time... (There is one person who I wish I could help, but they won't let me as they have been through things, so they need to do things for themself; otherwise, it doesn't work for them - this frustrates me because I want and need to help them... but I just can't; this has caused upsets many times...)

Thinking about all of these things and more, I reckon that in a previous life I must have been bound in one way or another. Maybe I was a head full of narcotics; thus, my thinking and Mercury(?) has been fried or zapped, or in jail; thus, my skills and abilities for self-preservation and improvement, and that of me helping others, is lacking severely... or...? Maybe I focused more on Physical pleasures rather than Intellectual pursuits...

FancyMancy said:
and with this being Satan's actual Ministry on this Planet Earth - that is way too much and way too big a responsibility. It's not a joke - it's a serious thing, being the big cheese of something. Putting it into other words - I might like to be a businessman (no idea if I ever actually could) - being the CEO or majority shareholder... wow, such big things. I'd feel safer being a worker bee - the Ministry is too important for me to be a big, actual, active... person or entity within this entity.
Maybe you don't have trust in your abilities (meditations greatly aids with such issue). Work for JoS is easy for most part (except of the administrative work probably). Personally I've been doing things in real life that are a lot more difficult than the JoS work I've done. Is rather voluminous than difficult, definitely. And what you could be doing is even easier. You don't need some complex skills or a posh diploma, but just openess and determination to help. JoS is definitely an extremely important organization but the risks are a lot smaller than you think for given the sort of work you could be doing. Anyway I don't want to persuade you or anything of the sort at all, but just draw attention to some opinions you have which are unnecessarily pessimistic and negative.
I think it's from experience. Like I think I've been sailing through, gliding along.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=375510 time=1658088685 user_id=21286]
Aquarius said:
I think that's the entire point, and I think he mentioned he doesn't.

Here he mentions some degree of personal experience with meditation: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=175909#p175909

So I think he is capable of at least basic meditations, but I think this is a situation where he did not yet do a working to help refine his active mind. Perhaps a transit is dragging it up and requiring him to face it.
Admittedly, that what I shared has not been easy. As has been mentioned before, I think I am correct in stating that I have been more an intellectual Satanist, rather than a properly-practising Spiritual Satanist, but with also very minimal practice and also doing online warfare. Regarding my advice(?) in that post, I have still been struggling with that a lot, myself. There is a point when enough is enough, and there are times when I am giddy and impatient, and that turns into frustration that I just don't fking move. While others are boiling along, I have been more simmering or merely cold and not getting moving.

Can you please confirm something for me? (I have said this before, but I might have been wrong.) If you know - in Zet 9, is the birth date/time/location put into the "core data" form? If so, then according to the programme's interpretation of my Natal Chart, it says I have a "preponderance of Earth"... so now while you have mentioned me using Earth "For this, earth qualities are required to allow you to assign the proper "weight" or value to each concept in your head. With this improved "value system", your messages would become more grounded and less redundant or unnecessarily tangential."... The programme also says I have an absence of Air.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=375217 time=1658023968 user_id=21286]
FancyMancy said:
I am confused. "Overuse of the ISA Rune can cause one to become obsessed..." I have not used ISA, but adding more Water to my... I was going to say routine... Adding more Water to me seems as if it would be much more detrimental than helpful - ice is water, after all... ISA is Water, yes? Adding ice to this OCD-like and autistic-like existence seems counterproductive, much more dangerous, doesn't it? Surely not FEHU and Fire? Wouldn't they be much better? then to confuse it further, those who lack an Element can have a backlash of the opposite Element, which I think makes it seem as if they have an abundance of the Element they lack, and the example of Hitler was given on the JoS site to help explain this. I don't know if this is related or not, and I don't know if it has always been like this with me since young Childhood, or if it developed later, but I have also realised that I have to learn the hard way... I don't know why, but I seem to have to... because otherwise, it's not real to me... Maybe I secretly - even being a secret from myself - love Saturn...

(Thinking about possibilities of the future - if I am strong enough to reincarnate, Gods/Goddesses help me that I am not like a typical high-autistic Child who is wild and unpredictable and unwavering and strictly stubborn and flaky...)

Isa is not what I was referring to. I am referring to energies such as the Moon or Neptune which are sensitive and can feel the emotions of others. Such sensations can help you craft more appealing messages, relative to others.
Water Element and ICE Rune are not related? (Water and ice are the same, of course.) Water equals - or if not equals then has aspects of - sensitivity. (It doesn't equal, because it has other aspects, as well?)[/quote]

I don't believe you actually have autism, but you may have something like OCD if you are putting too much focus on language. To me, you seem genuinely troubled or stressed by problems that should not result in such frustration.
Yes. I don#t know what caused it. I have thought to myself before that I need to get away from me for a while.

Try the prithivi mantra
That is new to me. I am unaware of this. I can locate the other things - Elements, Runes - on the website, but this I have no idea about.

Last thoughts about specific obsessions and fixations -
Due to the sheer number of coincidences I have been experiencing, I am not certain if I have caused things to happen, or if they have merely been coincidences. e.g. I had to interact with 2 individuals, both of whom I disliked. Briefly, I visualised/imagined each individual, separately and at separate times, whom I don't believe ever interacted with each other, covered in grey energy (which I picture like exhaust fumes, which seems to make sense to me), around them going into them in Chakras and just any entries into their Soul. (One of these two individuals is a Human, I am sure; the other is a gypsy.) This, along with my dislike of them and wishing for them to be gone, either 1) caused them to be gone, or 2) my input - as it was not intense focus of hurting them (despite disliking them a lot), nor a proper working and I was also not giving it full attention; merely a short thing - didn't cause them to be gone, but they left coincidentally anyway. (Not dead, just forced to leave and not return.) This was a positive result for me, coincidentally or as per my doing (or Daemon/Daemoness intervention).

There has been a friggin' annoying :evil: coincidence/OCD/fixation I have been experiencing for ages. It has had a couple of smaller companions which added on to it. Lately, it, and its companions, has also increased a lot - and strangely that has actually been helpful. Nothing different or extra or unusual has happened as a result of the OCD and its companions stabbing me in my Mind for a long time. (For anyone suffering with OCDs/fixations - if they are safe to do so, then perhaps see about increasing them so much; you will become desensitised to them, if you are like me. Firstly, it will hurt (not literally), and be painful (not literally) and be fking frustrating (very literally) - they will "flare-up", etc..., but then after you have become desensitised to them, they will melt away and you will be able to relax again.) (I wonder if this is also related to phobias.)

Many, many - many - more coincidences have been happening, in regards to me thinking thoughts seemingly randomly, then it being mentioned e.g. on TV within hours or days - and once, within seconds/immediately. Others, someone I am close with mentions things, then that thing is mentioned elsewhere (usually on TV, which is a theme at the moment) shortly after...

This dissipating of this OCD and its companions has not quite completed, but it is much quieter than it used to be. This person, whom coincidences have also been happening with, has been suicidal in the past, due to things, and things have not always been easy with them. I have gained one such OCD that, like those who have to turn light switches on and off 17 times when entering/exiting a room otherwise their family will die... I don't want to 'coincidentalise' something bad happening against this person... "thoughts become things", and all that... This has really wound me up tightly and bound me and grabbed hold of me - if I allow myself to accept the thoughts of bad things happening against this person, so as to allow the OCD and the thoughts to dissipate and so I can relax, then the obsessive thoughts may be less troublesome or dissipate, but then if I don't fight against the OCD and thoughts, then bad coincidences might happen... and it would be my fault. Maybe I am not actually causing any of these things to happen (in all the examples I have given here) and maybe they are all coincidences... I realise Void Meditation is required, but it seems I, and/or things, have locked me in so tightly that doing anything would be very difficult, so I'd just have to go on with 1 thing and put that into high gear and expend a heck of a lot of energy to start to loosen up and be able to have some space.

This has been too much, so if there are any mistakes or anything, then nevermind. I have not proof-read it properly.


Please stay here fancy and don't get dragged away by rats. Whatever doubts you are having just know the wrong people and entities are trying to poison you. And trust me...they can make up anything and try to make it look real.

As for your OCD deal, This sounds like an afflicted mercury issue, or maybe you have a lot of Virgo emphasis. Something tells me you have a problem with anxiety too and don't really sleep at night. A lot of your social issues probably surround others getting annoyed at you picking at details and not just grammar. Don't post your chart obviously but maybe try to meditate on all that if this speculation counts for you. Void helps, But maybe there is a solar chakra issue with why you identify so much with being a grammar keeper or putting so much energy into it, albeit this is great, but it obviously looks like it brings you trouble or pushes things over the edge a little.
Dahaarkan said:
Well where are YOUR contributions?


that you're not treated as the super special boy that you think you are
I most-certainly don't think anything remotely related to that at all.

you didn't even have the basic decency to give an answer.
You know what decency is.

You are a brat
Your mum's a brat - that's why you were born.

and have done no growth in all the time you've been here
None whatsoever? I have a stalker.

You think you should be worshiped for being able to write english well.
Yawn. I might finish reading your reply later...

Dahaarkan said:
I consider ignoring your request completely to be very disrespectful and arrogant.
Consider being informed.

Please jump to conclusions. Thanks. If you think I am ignoring and arrogant, then all of your upset and impatient reply to me here is beyond stupid. Try asking questions to inform yourself, instead of being a christian and telling me what I am in your deliberate ignorance.

By the way - your attitude, or if you prefer "tough love", and impatience doesn't work on me. If you have been stalking... or following... me, then you'd know I don't reveal much about myself. You are ignorant, and in your harsh words here, you don't realise how incorrect you are. Do you feel better now? Do you enjoy ignorance and being uninformed and being impatient? Try reading my reply - I am trying to explain things. Try also reading my other thread where I was asking why others dislike me here.

siatris666 said:
name 5 ppl he has banned. im waiting to listen

i was his enemy since yahoo groups time. im not banned.

youre imagining things
siatris666 said:
nevermind i saw you sold out lol

why do you even write that shit here. ure just attacking.

u have no reason. then defo u make up some shit

youre literally fucked up. hope u leave jos


sorry if i slander u was not my intent. didnt know u were not there.

ure being impersonated!! security is tight. they almost fooled me

ps where are 5 people the banhammer u claim cobra is has banned?

cobra hardly bans anyone. hes maximum accepting.

After this updated time period since this thread came up.

I think the whole meditation thing on Fancy is getting blown out of proportion, in fact it seems more like it's like IF not meditate = problem. It's the same with me I've pretty much quit meditation, I did get inspired again to clean. I've genuinely never experienced anything wonderful or surreal of meditation. I can definitely state meditation and this mentality that I am is always toxic and while I don't blame ANYTHING on the JoS or anything this organization is innocent. I choosed to be this way and become this way. Either way since ever pretty much I've always delved and peered through darkness.

The sheer fact is I've never accomplished a single iota of anything. IF anything in some cases I get people who are like so into meditation and somehow it works that it's like "Are you the grand master Guru of meditation?". I know what someone should do and yet as much as I can provide conversation with a person. They go what about you and I'm like yeah I don't meditate.

It's more of a do as I say not as I do. I've been obsessed with the occult pretty much since at least ignorantly since '93-'94 growing up studying far eastern stuff and whatnot to a ignorant child degree. But even getting involved in '99-'00 with internet, even all the lucid dreaming, astral projection, and all this phenomena. It's never occurred, nothing has occurred in fact when I read things of astral projection and exercises to do.

I'm like when I go to bed as a person I just want to go to sleep. I don't have any desire to do something. I want to speak to myself to tire out my brain, relax from the weight of the day falling on me. Another shitty worthless piece of shit day like usual. And sleep to whatever pathetic cheap sleep I do which usually accounts to simply I wake up more tired than the day before. In many cases despite being eventually very tired the act of staying awake over the night leaves me less tired than sleep.

Funny I don't even know how I made it through school always hated school and was always like "Why am I forced to go to this place?". Funny last year early on HP.Cobra released some new meditations that are more contemplative and more of an incubation sorta like a lucid dream incubation technique. And it's simply like I read it and I'm like I've been doing that pretty much since I was a kid. If the entire day is falling on me and I'm in bed trying to resist blowing my brains out in disbelief that I had at many points wake up 15 minutes before the bus comes and be in crappy school.

Sheer fact is I understand but in many cases people on here view meditation as this wunderkind that like Rob Zombie states in Thunder Kiss '65, "breaks down agony and sets ecstasy into overdrive".

This happened with SWG(Southern White Gentlemen) he came did somethings wasn't really improved with meditation or anything stayed for the politics eventually posted some memes and then just disappeared. I don't know what meditation does, I don't know what meditation is, I've so overcomplexified meditation that it's simply a logical information on a alternative mental process and I simply use it to think things through and invent new things.

My meditation the way I meditate is. I use my mind to think and process my life and invent new things or think new things. I think therefore I am as the old saying goes.

If that is wrong, which it certainly is, it's certainly the thinker statue vs the far eastern meditator statue.

I want to type more and express myself at this current time I can't nor have any intelligence or intuition to type down my way of scribing to text. But all I can say is I love the politics, I love the economic principle, and I love the quirky and downright appropriate properties in destroying all judeo-bolshevik political-religious organizations much like how the internet armies of the World perform deep strikes everywhere. But as the actual practice of this meditation I simply do not have a single logical thought. All I can see possibly believe is messianically mediation saves people. I save myself.

Okay, I save myself, question how does a single person or human know what to do. It seems with people open up yourself to beings of higher power. And it's like how do I even know I'm speaking to said entities which follow this organization. IF anything it seems like people throughout history like Tesla were absolutely lucky. And yet we got people who attract these entities or people or some thing that goes bump in the night and there's just nothing to do. I'm not saying mental illness or whatever but sometimes I'm like logically I understand your supposed to kinda 2A the spiritual realm and have weapons or banish and whatnot. But it's like in modern day society non of this works or does anything. Maybe we've modernized ourselves out of spirituality in our own nullity sphere. But some people go I've done EVERYTHING this organization states and nothing happens.

It seems like everyone is learned helpless and just applies learned helpless to other things. I don't think FancyMancy is in the wrong. But I don't think FancyMancy cares much about meditation. He is a logical person perhaps overly logical or perhaps not. Maybe Fancy is simply a intuitive thinker he has these flashes of superstition speaks or types or scribes it down and is like a machine.

Maybe he is another Innovation, like the Starcraft 2 player. People memed this guy, this professional RTS gamer and he ended up saying I'm not a robot. Even though he is a robot and would do the same things over and over even if it failed in one game he does it again just as good or better and wins. Maybe FancyMancy is so robotic he just does things.

For example I spend HOURS of my time walking and thinking. I've literally have spent like so many hours awake walking and thinking and talking to myself and inventing new things. That I just do it for the hell of it cause life is so boring, stupid, and worthless I gotta pass the time in this agony that exists called life. I usually spend my time walking till my feet hurt, till my feet are glowing in pain in bed when I finally rest, till my feet have blisters or white skin flakes that are in pain from forming from so much walking. Walking 4-5-8-10 hours+, talking and thinking just doing the same thing over and over and just coming up and inventing and doing things I'll never do or would ever bother in real life. I'm not saying it was real because it was in my mind. But I wasn't born to do things nor has anything I done ever taking much of a life.

The other day I saw a video on Morrowind, I'm like yeah no not gonna play it even though I got the old original release xbox. I'd just probably spend 12-15 hours playing non-stop cause I got nothing better to do.

Maybe Fancy is the same way he is so utterly bored of existing he just uses his mind as a television or some process or some computer to express himself. There's people out there that such as myself that get pissed off being bothered by other people when they interrupt me. I'm spending time thinking, processing, and walking around and sensing around and just existing bored out of their mind probably wanting to blow their brains out going "WTF is so special about life this boring shit wasting away noting good to do everything just terrible". And they think your available to do things or think he is free bother him.

I agree indeed what is the point of doing anything. At least with other people they enslave themselves, I value my life and freedom and am too important to degenerate myself into being a serf slaving away.

Sheer fact is I think Fancy is theoretician vs politician in Mein Kampf. Theoretician lives ages ahead of everyone and if they have to lives shitty lives doing nothing waiting for this future which is to come after extreme human years comes and waits around going not now but far into the future.

Funny the instant the theoretician does something to fix or change. They destroy their theoretical existence. Blue pill vs red, they take the red, but eventually if they blue pill or change their ways they just fail to live in this theoretical existence.

I just don't see Fancy doing meditations not because he doesn't understand, nor can't, nor probably because he may or may not have a spiritual experience unless that is fake or simply to think about because it's just a mental nicity. But I think genuinely he just doesn't see anything special. It's like what was said above a ritual period to change things. No why? just tell me what is wrong I change it if I want to or can and if not at least I have the knowledge to know what to change and maybe spend a few hours or a few days thinking it over maybe speak or email someone like my friend think it over and acclimate the change.

Why bother with 40-90+ days to change something. It was stated a ritual effect period to remove a negativity. How do I even know what I'm doing beings of higher power aren't around to tell me remove this, in this way, and this will improve your life.

For example I asked a while back how do I remove a square or squares from my system. And there was really no response and if that is the case then how do I even know the square worked? maybe it's fake non-sense or simply not meant for me. If you can meditate cool enjoy it your lucky you got a rare gift that most people only dream of. I'd like to remove the squares all squares I've done all of them were stupidly done even if done perfectly or as perfect as I possibly can do it.

I think FancyMancy may have tried or simply not interested. His mind is a meditation he changes and updates his data banks on a whim. Fancy your being this okay *bleep, bloop, blop* okay programming updated I'm now improved better and less or no issues I'll now be careful and fixed.

I guess I as the opposite of Fancy i.e. the Ungrammerly Nazi. I'm just as much a robot and he is just as much a robot. We are both robots one myself might be XYZ and intuitive/emotional/logical. Fancy is simply more logical/strong minded and having the grammatical artistry he has the literary technology available to him. Not unlike a robot hell I can see Fancy being a proof reader for books or doctorial thesis like one of my stupid high school teacher who worked for his doctorate. I found it funny a doctorate while teaching in this shitty school known colloquially as the ref school or spic school by the majority of the opposing school sports team and their peers in school. LOL to that stupidity, it's like man how much did you piss away going for that doctorate.

Fancy I think your high Englander style gets you in trouble. You piss people off from a snipers perspective, while for example I piss people off from basically a spray and burst perspective. I think as the polar opposite but similar robotic. I have had moments of wanting to grammatically improve myself only to go what is the point. Even my friend was like when you started studying commas and semicolons and all this you made everything worse. I just could not understand your emails. I said fuck it no commas, no semi-colons. Do what I know and he was like much better I can read your emails now.

I think your just digging yourself into a pit and bothering the neighbors so to speak. I hate to state withhold or keep yourself to yourself. But at the end no one cares. And that's the sad reality. IF anything it's probably relieving to be told this. Imagine you did something and someone or some group of people stated everything you stated is perfectly fine in fact this, this, and that. And your like more actualized and more in tune going Wowzers I can't believe not only is it perfectly fine but people have already developed the technology far ahead to generate new parameters of data vectors and angles of attack.

In the end I don't know. Frankly I can't really hate what you are. I envy it due to being ungrammatical but also understand it depends on the person. Your simply a person who wants to have likeminded people. But unfortunately not everyone wants to talk deep or care to be deep. Or if you act deep they harass you that your lying or feigning deep. I usually in my own personal way simply talk to myself and keep everyone around me these npc these worthless pieces of shits that should be shot on principle with very little information. In fact talking to others about myself and describing myself is more of a headache to myself. Much like my family suggestion stuff they state do this. No never every time I've done something they say bad shit happens so I do my own and ignore. It's no surprise I hate family and despise the family unit multiple people that hate each other. WTF is the point of bothering with the family why are you together. The individual is the best and thus the individual always rules.

Family time and time again over the World is nothing more than people who hate each other who go down for a moment and then return back to their pathetic existence living like NPC and doing family stuff which they hate and don't work out the problems. If families truly discussed things and truly did proper things they would destroy each other knowing how worthless this union is.

I think FancyMancy you peered into a better World or come from a better time period or built up a weltanschaang better than others and you either keep it to yourself cause it's your building block or you storm people and force them into your change.

Gonna end it here cause I'm rambling but I don't think except for key people in life that much traction will occur. Your gonna have to come up with a compromise.
FancyMancy said:
Dahaarkan said:
Well where are YOUR contributions?


that you're not treated as the super special boy that you think you are
I most-certainly don't think anything remotely related to that at all.

you didn't even have the basic decency to give an answer.
You know what decency is.

You are a brat
Your mum's a brat - that's why you were born.

and have done no growth in all the time you've been here
None whatsoever? I have a stalker.

You think you should be worshiped for being able to write english well.
Yawn. I might finish reading your reply later...

Dahaarkan said:
I consider ignoring your request completely to be very disrespectful and arrogant.
Consider being informed.

Please jump to conclusions. Thanks. If you think I am ignoring and arrogant, then all of your upset and impatient reply to me here is beyond stupid. Try asking questions to inform yourself, instead of being a christian and telling me what I am in your deliberate ignorance.

By the way - your attitude, or if you prefer "tough love", and impatience doesn't work on me. If you have been stalking... or following... me, then you'd know I don't reveal much about myself. You are ignorant, and in your harsh words here, you don't realise how incorrect you are. Do you feel better now? Do you enjoy ignorance and being uninformed and being impatient? Try reading my reply - I am trying to explain things. Try also reading my other thread where I was asking why others dislike me here.

There is no jumping to conclusions your overly obsessive nature over petty matters, becoming aggressive and emotional over disagreement and disapproval is the kind of emotional imbalance that suggests a stunted and neglected soul. This is the kind of post you see from someone whose been a Satanist for a month and is still extremely imbalanced and lost. Who got angry that HC ignored them, or disapproved a post of theirs.

Because HC and Lydia disapproved of something you did or suggested, you throw a tantrum in this fashion. Considering the time, respect and trust you've been given, this becomes even more disrespectful clown behavior, but you're so entitled and stuck up you don't even want to see it.

This entire post is simply rooted on your anger towards them for refusing or disapproving of something you suggested. And now you are refusing to contribute any further because mommy and daddy didn't give you a medal and a pat on the head. Professing that you could contribute because you have the skills, but won't because you felt attacked over a minor disagreement.

This is 13 year old behavior and totally disgraceful.
FancyMancy said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=375217 time=1658023968 user_id=21286]I would experiment with earth energy, for example. Try the prithivi mantra, or use breaths of earth, then program "This earth energy has now both grounded and calmed my thoughts, in a fully positive manner for me." x3
Your experience with this will give insight into what sort of permanent solutions may be appropriate.

I've definitely asked this before but isn't your affirmation wrong? It's not present tense.

Shouldn't it be "This Earth energy is now grounding and calming my thoughts, in a fully positive manner for me"?

That is also a pet peeve of mine. OCD-style, of course. I think like you, "has" is past-tense, rather than present-tense; however, if I am in traditional mood, then in posh voice "Dinner... is served", (like in j/news articles, e.g. "ivanka trump dies aged whatever age" - "dies"? What? Dies everyday, or died - past-tense?); however, it has also been said ni replies on here that the wording is not really important; it is our intention and meaning which is what matters and what works.
Bkitzkreigs affirmation is totally fine and works.

And get to meditation already. Stop wasting time.
Dahaarkan said:
I've become aggressive?
"You're a brat", "You think everyone should worship you as Language God.", etc.
Yep. Quote me when I am being aggressive.

Because HC and Lydia disapproved of something you did or suggested, you throw a tantrum in this fashion.
Pray tell how it's throwing a tantrum. Saying what I said in the OP is not throwing a tantrum. According to you, nothing can be replied to Lydia/HPHC, because anything replied to them would be "throwing a tantrum".

you're so entitled and stuck up you don't even want to see it.
I'm neither entitled nor stuck-up. Stop trying to tell me what I am, in your ignorance. All you see is text on a screen. You think you know me. OK, christian - tell me everything about me. Don't waste time.

This entire post is simply rooted on your anger towards them for refusing or disapproving of something you suggested.
This post is not rooted in them nor anything they have done. See my posts - I've been "Grammar Nazi"-ing for ages. Get your facts right, or continue to try to argue in your ignorance.

And now you are refusing to contribute any further because mommy and daddy didn't give you a medal and a pat on the head.
Yeah? Am I not posting videos by starting my own thread, replying to an older of my own threads, and replying in other user's threads? Lol. You're blind as well as ignorant.

Professing that you could contribute because you have the skills, but won't because you felt attacked over a minor disagreement.
Try again. I said because of the way I have comported myself. This thread title is Regarding myself and my Grammar-Nazism and the dislike on here of it and me/my doing it. Nothing in there says "Because HPHC and Lydia won't wipe my bum and change my nappy". Stop being stupid.

This is 13 year old behavior and totally disgraceful.
Yes, and like a 13 year old, you need to listen to what you're told. Stop being ignorant and stop trying to argue in your ignorance. Thanks.

Neither Lydia nor HPHC have replied, despite me pinging them. Do you speak for them? Why?

So again - you? That wasn't a rhetorical question.
Henu the Great said:
FancyMancy said:
I've definitely asked this before but isn't your affirmation wrong? It's not present tense.

Shouldn't it be "This Earth energy is now grounding and calming my thoughts, in a fully positive manner for me"?

That is also a pet peeve of mine. OCD-style, of course. I think like you, "has" is past-tense, rather than present-tense; however, if I am in traditional mood, then in posh voice "Dinner... is served", (like in j/news articles, e.g. "ivanka trump dies aged whatever age" - "dies"? What? Dies everyday, or died - past-tense?); however, it has also been said ni replies on here that the wording is not really important; it is our intention and meaning which is what matters and what works.
Bkitzkreigs affirmation is totally fine and works.

And get to meditation already. Stop wasting time.
Yeah. It took me a while to realise that these types of wordings are fine for affirmations.
Gear88 said:

I have skimmed your post entirely, so I get the main ideas, but perhaps lost some sentences.

The main reason you are having difficulties is that your soul is geared towards thinking and not doing, to put it simply. This is just an imbalance like any other, and like everyone, you must do your best to overcome it. No, it does not serve you well to create a mental justification for this.

Meditation is simply energy work. It is done by the mind, but in practice, it uses all parts of the soul. Therefore, it is analogous to our physical life. Instead of theorizing about our laundry and homework, we must actually will our limbs to finish these tasks. It is the same concept as meditation, where we use our willpower to clean a chakra, for example.

We are on the frontier of this path and therefore we face unique difficulties. However, through experience, you will learn how to grow past anything, along with guidance from the Gods. In regards to you removing a negative influence of a square, use a freeing working just as you would for other karma.


I have spoken to SWG and he is actively meditating again, after a long pause and other difficulties. Like you and like Fancy, I believe his mind is overactive. The same is true for me, and therefore I have spent much effort to facilitate and improve my spiritual productivity directly.

For example, we know that Mars is where our energies go. If your Mars is in Gemini, then this creates lots of energy for thinking and talking. However, this is not totally ideal because Mercury would normally handle this. Therefore, you would want to use Mars energy to create new pathways in your soul to make the ability to meditate much easier for you. It is similar to creating a new muscle built for meditating, rather than thinking.

The same should be done with Nauthiz to facilitate discipline. Like before, yet with the planet Saturn, it is important that we are disciplined about our work. With programming, we can create discipline specifically for meditation.

For people who are less advanced and have this problem, like yourself, you are better served by doing yoga, which is easier to handle than intense meditation. You can also use fire or earth energies to create a short window of productivity, as well. This will give you the ability to become competent enough to do a larger working like mentioned above.

Please consider what I said and do not create self-destructive justifications for why we should avoid what is otherwise an essential part of our existence. It is only hard for you now as a beginner, I promise. Later, it will be much easier.
siatris666 said:


sorry if i slander u was not my intent. didnt know u were not there.

ure being impersonated!! security is tight. they almost fooled me

ps where are 5 people the banhammer u claim cobra is has banned?

cobra hardly bans anyone. hes maximum accepting.

No, that as me. I went there because of a claim made. How am I fucked-up? You hope I leave JoS because I went to a different forum? jesus christ - this does sound like a cult here. Am I still "allowed" to communicate with my own family?! I also don't know who any staff member has banned - there isn't exactly a "members banned" list.

Shadowcat said:
Please stay here fancy and don't get dragged away by rats. Whatever doubts you are having just know the wrong people and entities are trying to poison you. And trust me...they can make up anything and try to make it look real.

As for your OCD deal, This sounds like an afflicted mercury issue, or maybe you have a lot of Virgo emphasis. Something tells me you have a problem with anxiety too and don't really sleep at night. A lot of your social issues probably surround others getting annoyed at you picking at details and not just grammar. Don't post your chart obviously but maybe try to meditate on all that if this speculation counts for you. Void helps, But maybe there is a solar chakra issue with why you identify so much with being a grammar keeper or putting so much energy into it, albeit this is great, but it obviously looks like it brings you trouble or pushes things over the edge a little.
What's all this talk of me leaving? I never said anything about me leaving... That's nearly as bad as someone on that forum saying I will be banned here by HPHC because I went on that forum. :roll: This is not about me having doubts. That, what I said "supposed to be a jew", etc., was just to help explain my point.

Actually, about Solar Chakra problems, and also a recent thread about improving discipline... oy vey. This list of mine is getting heavy... but slowly does it.

You know what would (or might) be OK? Having these fixations being on doing meditations! OK, I just eye-rolled at myself!
Shadowcat said:
Serbon said:
FancyMancy said:
HPHC is supposed to be jewish, according to the "outers" and "debunkers" of JoS. I think I also read that it said that HPHC is also not English nor American - this can be seen in his posts often, e.g. instead of saying "except for", HPHC says "instead of".

Please - 1) continue this bullshit, and 2) be NPC-y and think with emotions. Remember that "Satan" does not mean "Eternal Truth"; in fact, "Satan" means "Enemy". Do you NPC all over my face, or do you use your Brain and realise "Satan" means "Eternal Truth"? Be christian and pick cherries when it suits you, or don't. Remember also the 11th of September 2001 and Genesis 11:9, the babbling tower of christians, being brainwashed by the jew, to babble "in tongues". We love these sermons... when it suits us.
Cobra is not jewish, he's greek. I've seen you're also active on Zola's forums, and you believe them? Really?

Satan does mean enemy in HEBREW, oy vey, believe hebrew definitions goy!!
As for Sanskrit; https://666pages.com/SoaringEagle666/JoS-Updates/ExposingSlander/iosatan.html

I've seen you're also active on Zola's forums, and you believe them? Really?
I will be saddened if this is the case. It honestly has been bothering me for some time, that ever since it was shown that Sundara melted down, and went full-on traitor and is still creeping here with her subversive retorts also, it has been giving me the feeling that she is trying to poison people in private. Why else would she be here? Recently other things were posted by someone else who "left" and came back. The whole post felt and sounded like the music vid she linked implying that Jos was a cult, among other things that were revealed.

Seeing this now builds on that worry. I hope Fancy proves us wrong.

I noticed ever since we have launched full speed ahead with many projects a lot of things have been thrown our way, in terms of people and other situations trying to negate and go against JOS, as well as things on a personal level.

I not only have negative karma coming out from my mercury currently due to a working, which I now feel I have to take measures to keep certain annoyances from others, have had nightmares the past two nights, along with other senseless worries and annoyances but this came to be pronounced during starting to work on various projects for JOS.

If anyone else identifies with this increase your AOP a notch or two. I started this as well.

Sundara did WHAT!!? Man I hate that. I dunno, I guess it's silly. They are just usernames and we don't know each other. But I just liked her. I guess it was her username, but it seemed like positive energy where she went. I shouldn't be this upset.. I just hate when that happens.
FancyMancy said:
To those who I have quoted - I am not replying solely to you. I hope my points can be understood. Language and putting things across professionally seems important to me, and it is important anyway.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FancyMancy said:
Because knowledge is a dangerous and frightening thing. We are becoming too clever, so (((they))) are trying to 1984 us and change the way we speak; therefore, the way we think; therefore, the way we behave. It's affirmations and cognitive behavioural therapy of sorts, if not directly. FancyMancy is Grammar Nazi, so he is ignored and people keep drinking from the Poisoned Well. (It just so happens I saw Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA earlier - he asked a waitress what's the main on the menu; she said "Tomaydo baysil soup" and he replied "Tomato basil soup". 'Nuff sed.)

This is actually a very good thing to be, so don't worry.

We need more Grammar Nazis, and I mean also, for people to stand up for logic in this time.

Sort of like saying: You CANNOT ask men if they are pregnant, and that this question is ILLOGICAL.
I am quoting you separately, because I think that users quoted within quotes don't receive notifications. Sorry, BlackEagle666 - I don't mean to ignore you here!

Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=368766 time=1655995637 user_id=57]

FancyMancy, there is no need to overly-correct and criticize the writing of an advanced and respected SS.

I read the corrections you made to HP Cobra's sermon on what SS is about (I forget the name of the sermons, but he welcomed corrections) and you did not understand parts of what he was writing, and some of your "corrections" were wrong. (Cobra had me correct it via email and this was discussed.)

People are free to have their own writing style, if you have problems understanding, then try to open your mind to what the member is saying. Being too neurotic lowers the mind and mental capacity (yes they are 2 things not strictly related.)
If advanced, then English should be perfect. No? No offence - and I shouldn't have to say "no offence" because I did not cause this to happen - but English is more a Global Language, so I repeat and rephrase my question - if advanced, and English being a Global Language, then English - while being advanced - should be perfect, no? If, or as, I, me, FancyMancy, am not advanced, my English should be shit? Maybe these things are back-to-front. Maybe better English is a bad thing because it stops one advancing; worse English is better because it helps one advance. Maybe we are still living in clown World, where "god" is good and "Devil" is bad. OK, I'll stop being sarcastic - if one is advanced, then they should be able to speak and type advanced. When we manage to either speak telepathically and/or verbally with our Physical mouths with Gods and Goddesses, shall we hear Them, as advanced as They are, speaking like hog-handling hicks from Yamacraw, like inbred fools who have lost all but 2 of their braincells, or should we hear Them speaking eloquently and properly? Typing is an equivalent, because it is much safer - plus regardless of safety, a lot wouldn't want to use VoIP.

Regarding what HPHC said and then what Lydia said - well that's both interesting and confusing, in nearly equal measure. This seems like a contradiction to me. Now I don't know where I stand. Also what was wrong with what I replied? It would be nice to be informed, instead of being ignored and being talked about behind my back. I was not consulted on anything; although, if I recall correctly, I did feel my right ear burning... I didn't change any meaning of what was said; I tried improving the sentences and wording. When people learn English, they actually learn American, and not English. I can remember speaking with either a Lithuanian or a Pole years ago who I mentioned that to, and he said it's easier to speak American. Dare I say America appropriated something it couldn't create itself, and then claimed it as its own? Let's all 1984 everything. "Satan" doesn't mean "Eternal Truth" - that teaching was a lie, therefore. Prove otherwise, or be emotional instead of using thine Brain.

So Lydia and HPHC spoke (typed) about me behind my back? Saying that what I said was incorrect? Well, HPHC did say in a post that there needs to be Grammar Nazism - I didn't take that as 100% literal, though; rather, to try and help tighten the prose and fix the cons. (See what I did there.) I didn't change any meaning nor context of the posts/entries. I was attempting to improve the language. HPHC is supposed to be jewish, according to the "outers" and "debunkers" of JoS. I think I also read that it said that HPHC is also not English nor American - this can be seen in his posts often, e.g. instead of saying "except for", HPHC says "instead of". The former is English; the latter is someone who has not learnt English correctly. Some people say, e.g., "I myself..." - are you sure it is not you someone else; or "I personally" - why not you professionally? Saying, "I self-taught myself" - well, you can't self-teach someone else, and others can't self-teach you... I won't refer anyone reading to Michael McIntyre's bit about "eye-glasses and side-walks", etc... - By the way, I realised most of those in his bit before I saw him do that. I reckon a lot of things happen on Tuesdays in American media simply and merely for the reasons of mispronouncing it "toosday". Was Hitler a "Nozi"? Did you "nat" see that coming? Why does America say "July 16", yet for one reason or another, say "The 4th of July"? So that more people, who pronounce dates thusly, will use attention and Brain Energies while focussing upon it? It is deliberate and psychology, no? Do they "utilize" this, or do they use the letter Z deliberately?...

It's no secret that the American education system is second to... none below the bottom of the chart; they get confused with metric and imperial. Are we to be professional in the tonnes and tonnes of text we provide, or are we going to settle for nearly being good enough, but not quite good enough? Will we clean our Chakras and Souls to 90% decency, or will we clean them until they shine brightly as gold? Will we remove every last jew, or will we leave a few, have a few remain for teh lulz?

No wonder certain other places have made a forum and members from here, who have been called trolls and jewish, have gone there. No wonder they call this place toxic and a cult. I have said multiple times on here that this place is a cliqué. Granted, there are fakers, posers, infiltrators here - accepted that that is the case - but others are still as christians. They might say, think, believe and behave as non-christians and as what they think is Spiritual Satanic, but they are still very cliquéy and christian - or religious - in their demeanour.

JoS Guardian Blitzkreig said I have good communication skills.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=368861 time=1656020665 user_id=21286]Fancy may be blessed with a very strong communicative ability

I find this to be of great importance. I don't claim to be perfect, and I won't. Those "higher" than me here, be them Guardians or HPs/HPSs, seem to not care about this importance. They seem to think it's important to have some shabbiness in the language, to make it not quite as glisteny or not quite as glowy as it could be. I apologise to NakedPluto for what I said about typing properly; I take no interest in who is English and who is foreign. Sorry, NakedPluto. (Oh, no! FancyMancy said "sorry", which goes against a previously-posted sermon, to not say sorry for things! Shock! Horror!) To me, when I post these things about language, it is along the thread of helping the text be professional, by the poster to also be professional. A bit of resistance is helpful - or should be. Are we elite in this World, or are we merely 1337? (1337 = leet, or 'lite, i.e. "elite" without the first E; a "cool", internetzy way of being "elite".)

As some might have seen, I uploaded a video clip of a French wrestler in an interview. At about the same time, back in the early '80s (the apostrophe goes before the numbers, to show that the "19" is unused; putting the apostrophe before the letter S is nonsense here, and in other contexts and words has different meanings (DoEs It MaTtEr? Oh, woe is monkey)), an Iranian wrestler decided to speak in English, instead of his native language Iranian, which appears to be rare. For whatever reason unknown to me (that reason being dissimilation and perversion of language), Americans there - ring announcers, commentators... - mispronounce it as "Eye-ran". It was aired on the 19th of January 1980 - All-Star Wrestling. Iranian wrestler speaks English - He pronounces the name of his country "Iran"; correctly, the English pronounce it "Iran"; America decides to mispronounce it "Eye-ran"; therefore, "Eye-ran" is correct English.

Language is perverted. English is English; American is American. On Satan's Library, for example, before it was updated, (and if I am not mistaken, the holocaust-denial videos, which I have only seen the old pages of which are/were archived) was the American flag with the option of "English", when it is American, not English. If it was English, it would have the English flag. America should get its own language, then ruin that. I wonder if any land mass which might be created in the Pacific Ocean and turned into a country by those defecting from, e.g. Greece might take the language Greek, turn it sideways, and shove it straight up your candy donkey... then call that "Greek"... might happen. (For those unaware, this is a type of thing the wrestler "The Rock" says; notice "ass" instead of "arse". I also notice that if it was "sweet arse" instead of "candy arse" then that would be too sexual and censored or not permitted.)

I have been noticing for months and months and months that the jew media no longer says, e.g. "16th of July". Now it is saying "July 16". "July 16" means "July 2016", not "16th of July". I was born in July 16, meaning I was born in July 2016. It does not mean I was born on the 16th of July. (That's today's date. :roll:) "New film! Out July 30!" OK? So why are you advertising a film 8 years in advance? :roll: It is the same with journalists in j/news articles. They no longer wish to be English.

I have been watching old episodes of wrestling, before it was WWF, when it was WWWF. WhAt'S tHe DiFfErEnCe. Dunno. jewgle it. Oh, sorry - be emotional and cry that I tried explaining to you what it is.

It is no secret that many people realise Americans are arrogant. They would call themselves proud, but that is misplaced in some ways. In one episode of Gogglebox, Britons were watching... I think it's called Man Versus Food, and these fatmericans were over-the-topping an oversized burger or meal or kebab or pizza or calzone or something; one or two of the couples/families were saying that these are supposed to be the number one people in the World... Such non-misguided pride. Sorry - such misguided non-pride. Such non-misguided non-pride? Misguided pride? I don't fucking know anymore... Proud in nonsense? Proud in incorrections? Think of christians - see how arrogant they are in their incorrections. That is American, whether christian or not. Now also with this multiculti bullshit, we have Blacks being so immature with English. They come up with such immature nonsense - in adverts, on TV, in films, in music... I sometimes watch an adult (certified 16, I believe; there is no sexual touching nor activity, but there is full-frontal nudity, so not certified 18) dating programme, which airs after the watershed. Ignoring the point of sheep being prudish and uncomfortable, on there was at least one Black Man so immature, calling vaginas something like "nunny" or something. (Yes, it is also multiculti dating.) I'd expect a young Child to call it that, not a grown Man. White People Can't Dance? Yeah, I see adverts with a Black Woman flapping her arms and stamping her feet, and that is "dancing". I saw on Britain's Got Talent this "urban" or "street" dancing, by Whites and Blacks (I think no Asians were present), making quick movements and sudden jerks... and that is "dancing". I saw a Black-and-White duo, White playing piano, Black rapping. When they got through from auditions and progressed through, the Black did not behave White, but the White behaved Black, with movements and reactions to passing to advance through as a Black would behave. In music all the time, there is always a Black/urban-sounding verse thrown in. It has taken a few decades, but now Whites think they are Black, and if I said, honestly, that "I don't like much BLACK music", they would instantly cry


and I would say, "Yeah - you are racist for liking non-White music instead of your own White music", then they'd get confused, be all NPC-y and emotionalise their ignorant idiocy and idiotic ignorance all over my face.

With the rushing-in of non-Whites into White areas, towns and cities and White areas are turning to crap, being ransacked and turned into ghettos, etc. The same happens with language. It is immature and those immature jokers and actors are proud and arrogant in their ignorance, stupidity and immaturity.

How the jesus Effing christ can America be the Great Satan? How? How can it be, with all of this shit, and more?! SORRRREEEE for calling attention to shit, which can be - and should be - addressed, and fixed, and to Make America the Great Satan Again. (No, I don't support old fart.)

Not to pick on HPHC, but he has a massive bulls-eye on him, and after proof-reading this reply here before sending it, I had to decide where to add this part so as to not interrupt myself above. Everyone just sucks his dick in fear of being banned on here. (OK, not everyone. I can't claim all members are the same.) If he will ban my account for typing these things, then that explains so much. Likewise, again, I was told by a member that I accept what HPHC says simply because he says it and I don't question it. As before, but after that time, I said that that time back then was the time to counter that, so again I repeat it here - I don't just accept what I am told, especially when one can't, or can't be bothered to, type better.

I am not an authourity on English, but I am English. Why do I have a decent way of typing? (I don't mean to be arrogant; I am referring to what Blitzkreig said.) Maybe it's within my Soul - so shoot me down for being better than you, you low, shit pieces of nothing.*

Please - 1) continue this bullshit, and 2) be NPC-y and think with emotions. Remember that "Satan" does not mean "Eternal Truth"; in fact, "Satan" means "Enemy". Do you NPC all over my face, or do you use your Brain and realise "Satan" means "Eternal Truth"? Be christian and pick cherries when it suits you, or don't. Remember also the 11th of September 2001 and Genesis 11:9, the babbling tower of christians, being brainwashed by the jew, to babble "in tongues". We love these sermons... when it suits us.

By the way - while I was proof-reading through my reply, I realised - I am the Adolf Hitler of English language. Bow down and worship me, stupid fucking bitches.*

>>>>>>>SCROLL THIS WAY>>>>>>> >>>>>>>SCROLL THIS WAY>>>>>>> >>>>>>>SCROLL THIS WAY>>>>>>> >>>>>>>SCROLL THIS WAY>>>>>>> *Don't bother taking that literally, FFS. Grow up and use your fucking Brain, if you fucking have one...

If we think of things in terms of vibrational frequency, where higher vibrations are increasingly-infinitely better than, preferable than, wanted rather than lower vibrations... then translate that to language. We want - and need and must - improve, get better, to higher frequencies. My attempts and intentions are to build-up and increase such 'frequencies' of language. English is a Global Language. Even in dictionaries, they are still stupid.

e.g. The term "buy one, get one for free" simply does not make sense.
How can I give you free? -
"Buy one for £10", OK - I can give you a tenner;
"Get one for free" - erm... I cannot give you "a free". I could buy one for a tenner and get the other one gratis... "for" gratis? Puh-lease!

In dictionaries, this is "cOrReCt EnGlIsh". "For free." What is "a free"? How can I give a "free" to get something in return? Maybe I care too much; maybe I use my Brain too much - maybe I am autistic. Maybe American 'mislanguage' is autistic. Maybe if I stopped being autistic, I would speak Eng-- Americanian instead, and lower the 'vibrational frequency' of the language. Maybe I would be able to explain myself better, so others can understand and realise what I mean. Maybe I would stop bothering, and allow everyone else to damn themselves into nonglish. Monkey types on keyboard/ )not understanding language., %herp.

You are so crazy Mancy lol. I hope you have a good day. I hope everything works out for you.
FancyMancy said:
I went to a different forum?
Nice way of framing that you Jew bastard, as if it’s just a “different forum” that is of no consequence and not a direct hub of the enemy. Yes I hope you do leave and take these idiot tier posts about minor issues with you they won’t be missed.
yea ok

attack behind ppl's back, using ur posting right

then it never happen. no w8 it did

ure definitely shit. ur first post is retarded too

go join them please leave this fucking place
Essentially all you do here is write irrelevant nonsense. After you basically associate purposefully in a den with jews, then you suddenly "Remember" you have a problem with nonsense. After long hard hours of trying to find a mistake I have done, which I have not, and trying to use your destroyed credibility to pretend it exists, you found that a non native "English" speaker does not speak perfect English.

As this was not enough and because none of it has anything plausible behind it [it's all unreal], you decided to add some imaginary sauce on how I would be a jew or something, coupled by some nods towards a place of doxxing and indirect advertising.

I did not even read your full post, because when I was trying, I could not understand anything really in it besides loose points.

As for knowing grammar, you simply do not understand proper communication. It's about "Grammar" but what is the point of writing psychotic weak rant about it, calling JoS a cult and whatever else the places you convene told you that has nothing to do with reality?

You write nonsense about 'Families' or implied 'Friendship' in above comments, I have solely been a friend to you and likewise have treated you as family for as long as I can remember, only to receive unwarranted attack for no reason. It's your "Impartiality" of course, and your "Justice oriented nature".

That is what you tell yourself over essentially acting as a conduit for shit during a period which doubtfully many will and many have. That is unmindful, but nothing besides what one would expect.

Now, after so many years of being a member, you want to be treated specially and as if you matter, over creating false pretext to attack and just rant "against" because of...literally no reason given on by your post.

You essentially self subverted and destroyed yourself here, nobody done anything to you. Certainly not myself. If you were banned, that would be your fault, not anyone else's. You aren't because we don't even ban that much and you know it [decided to lie about that one too of course]. What you do primarily shows generally just vile intent, not "criticism".

Nobody also bothered to block you or to ban you, because you showed how little you matter during this incident.

All your original post is just a vehement, low level rant that has nothing in particular to show to anyone or help anyone with. It's not even constructive criticism, it's just an emotional reaction because you hang around jews and Rabbis and decided to suddenly play a role in that regard.

After you spent a lot of time becoming a crackpot for jewish curses backed by reading lies and nonsense, you just decided it's great to pull the trigger on what you referred to as "home", calling it a "cult" and all this nonsense, and in particular, attacking everyone that you call a "family" with me first and foremost in this sequence.

As a final note, English is nothing of a language. It is very much unimportant from a spiritual standpoint. One can speak it great or not speak it great, and the only thing they will attain or not attain is essentially to achieve communication with people and nothing else.

It has no occult or otherwise significance. I have been taught around 5 languages over the years, and it stands on the bottom of the ladder. It does not give to itself keys to credence of advancement, just keys towards the fact that it can be understood by the maximum amount of people [and not even this, many continents speak other languages].

There is nothing that particular in modern English. Every language that comes in contact with it, gets subverted, and English itself is heavily subverted. It's no longer spoken as in the 15th century where it had some remote significance.

I certainly didn't cause the above myself. Maybe they told you in the innocent places you hang around that this too, was my fault, and I am the ultimate corrupter of the English Language because it was murdered by the people that had it.

It is hilarious that indeed there is nothing else that can be said against me, besides slander, you making up stories or believing them with certain jews - corresponding only to pure slander, due to the fact you have nothing functional to say.

You are essentially on a cohorts forum where literally there are jewish people and it's headed by a jew, a junkie that took money from JoS to make it [your so called "brothers" is who was victimized] and where basically it's a hub of constant slander for every member like Lydia, SlyScorpion, NakedPluto, and so on so forth, anyone that matters in this place entirely.

At this place, they were conversing not long ago about going to physically attack HPS Maxine, play around with information that they consider is "doxxing me" [proving only their intent, nothing else] and where literal schizos and everyone else is just going there to create drama. Then, you pretend none of this is real and you have no clue. One could go on and on...

Others are free to retain their own "opinion" based on the whole thing. Maybe you should contemplate how and why this would occur or something, I don't know. I'd follow Blitz's advice.

Now I will not waste my 10,000th comment on your pointless rants because I have something big and really important to give to the community with my next post. Thanks.

I will leave you now to more ranting about nonsense, spreading lies with certain jews and will not interrupt you of course.
FancyMancy said:
Dahaarkan said:
I've become aggressive?
"You're a brat", "You think everyone should worship you as Language God.", etc.
Yep. Quote me when I am being aggressive.

Because HC and Lydia disapproved of something you did or suggested, you throw a tantrum in this fashion.
Pray tell how it's throwing a tantrum. Saying what I said in the OP is not throwing a tantrum. According to you, nothing can be replied to Lydia/HPHC, because anything replied to them would be "throwing a tantrum".

you're so entitled and stuck up you don't even want to see it.
I'm neither entitled nor stuck-up. Stop trying to tell me what I am, in your ignorance. All you see is text on a screen. You think you know me. OK, christian - tell me everything about me. Don't waste time.

This entire post is simply rooted on your anger towards them for refusing or disapproving of something you suggested.
This post is not rooted in them nor anything they have done. See my posts - I've been "Grammar Nazi"-ing for ages. Get your facts right, or continue to try to argue in your ignorance.

And now you are refusing to contribute any further because mommy and daddy didn't give you a medal and a pat on the head.
Yeah? Am I not posting videos by starting my own thread, replying to an older of my own threads, and replying in other user's threads? Lol. You're blind as well as ignorant.

Professing that you could contribute because you have the skills, but won't because you felt attacked over a minor disagreement.
Try again. I said because of the way I have comported myself. This thread title is Regarding myself and my Grammar-Nazism and the dislike on here of it and me/my doing it. Nothing in there says "Because HPHC and Lydia won't wipe my bum and change my nappy". Stop being stupid.

This is 13 year old behavior and totally disgraceful.
Yes, and like a 13 year old, you need to listen to what you're told. Stop being ignorant and stop trying to argue in your ignorance. Thanks.

Neither Lydia nor HPHC have replied, despite me pinging them. Do you speak for them? Why?

So again - you? That wasn't a rhetorical question.

You're not being aggressive, you're being pathetic. Having a little whinge and a moan because HC and Lydia "talked behind your back" so now you need to tell everybody. Owh boohoo little baby feels attacked again.

You wish to provide grammar corrections and writing suggestions, then provide grammar corrections and writing suggestions. Don't write massive attention seeking posts like this pile of dogshit you posted here, demeaning his work publicly in such a bratty and arrogant fashion.

You either are attempting to downplay your deplorable behavior here or are really this oblivious to how arrogant you are. So let me put it in plain english so you will understand.

I am not making any assumptions or jumping to conclusions. You are a failure as a Satanist and a failure as a member of this community. You took the opportunity to grow spiritually and threw it away because you're too fucking lazy to meditate.

You took the trust and respect that HC put in you, and started taking jabs at him and his works, because you're too fucking stupid and arrogant to accept any criticism or disagreement from him and Lydia and see this as an attack which now you have to cry about in public fashion.

You won't participate in projects you're invited to but you are down to write walls of text whining and complaining about bullshit and demeaning the works of others, and going to opposing groups for the shits and giggles. And have the audacity to start spewing criticisms at the contributions of others. Fuck you, you entitled cunt. What fucking merit do you have to sit here complaining that HC's (or anyone's) work isn't good enough?

As for the "you" comment, I just have to say lol. Perhaps if you stopped using these forums like it's facebook, you'll find the contributions of myself and other members who actually have meaningful things to talk about or express. Things that involve more interesting and relevant topics than futurama and spiderman.

And obviously no, I don't speak for anybody but myself. And I sincerely doubt either Lydia or HC are going to take time out of their day to read this shite and reply to it. It's just too petty and pointless. The only reason I'm replying is your behavior is becoming too repeated to the point you're now setting a bad example and thus potentially damaging the group.

The man gave you full trust to post freely and you are using that trust he put in you to demean his work and degrade his contributions to the struggle in a public fashion.

Don't confuse this for concern for you or any form of "tough love". The statements being made here are a reminder to the rest of the group that you are not someone who should be seen as an example to follow. The last thing I'd want in the forums is a swarm of human beetles spamming that everyone's work is shit and they could have done it better, demoralizing and demeaning the people who actually are taking the time to create things and contribute.

You have neglected your spiritual health and have a pattern of constant bullshitting and whining. You post an average of 3 posts per day and I'm supposed to believe you missed not one but two pings from Blitz requesting your assistance. What a load of bullshit. This must be addressed before others take example from you and start repeating your behavior.

And I say it again, if you wish to give feedback and corrections this is always welcomed. But don't act like an entitled brat constantly whining that everybody's work isn't good enough in stuck up and obnoxious fashion.

Because (and I remind people of this constantly), as you disrespect others so do you open yourself to and invite disrespect towards you. There's no assumptions here, I know exactly what you are: a disappointment.

Here's my honest advice, stop logging into your account for 4 months. Do the 40 days starter program and do a lot of void meditation. Disconnect from the stupidity you have surrounded yourself in. Breathe. Relax and let go of this obsession.

You've been here long enough to know what you have to do and all the resources you need to do it. So shut up, log out and meditate. This argument, these concerns of yours and your "image" does not matter in the slightest. What matters is that you meditate, that you clean yourself and balance yourself.

Others may look down on you, agree or disagree, love or hate you, but all I want from you is for you to turn off the fucking computer and meditate.

Or don't, continue to be a failure of a Satanist if this is the sum of your ambition. But refrain from making this kind of post in the future, I'd be very grateful, thanks.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
