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Regarding myself and my Grammar-Nazism and the dislike on here of it and me/my doing it

Gear88 said:
After this updated time period since this thread came up.

I think the whole meditation thing on Fancy is getting blown out of proportion, in fact it seems more like it's like IF not meditate = problem. It's the same with me I've pretty much quit meditation, I did get inspired again to clean. I've genuinely never experienced anything wonderful or surreal of meditation. I can definitely state meditation and this mentality that I am is always toxic and while I don't blame ANYTHING on the JoS or anything this organization is innocent. I choosed to be this way and become this way. Either way since ever pretty much I've always delved and peered through darkness.

The sheer fact is I've never accomplished a single iota of anything. IF anything in some cases I get people who are like so into meditation and somehow it works that it's like "Are you the grand master Guru of meditation?". I know what someone should do and yet as much as I can provide conversation with a person. They go what about you and I'm like yeah I don't meditate.

It's more of a do as I say not as I do. I've been obsessed with the occult pretty much since at least ignorantly since '93-'94 growing up studying far eastern stuff and whatnot to a ignorant child degree. But even getting involved in '99-'00 with internet, even all the lucid dreaming, astral projection, and all this phenomena. It's never occurred, nothing has occurred in fact when I read things of astral projection and exercises to do.

I'm like when I go to bed as a person I just want to go to sleep. I don't have any desire to do something. I want to speak to myself to tire out my brain, relax from the weight of the day falling on me. Another shitty worthless piece of shit day like usual. And sleep to whatever pathetic cheap sleep I do which usually accounts to simply I wake up more tired than the day before. In many cases despite being eventually very tired the act of staying awake over the night leaves me less tired than sleep.

Funny I don't even know how I made it through school always hated school and was always like "Why am I forced to go to this place?". Funny last year early on HP.Cobra released some new meditations that are more contemplative and more of an incubation sorta like a lucid dream incubation technique. And it's simply like I read it and I'm like I've been doing that pretty much since I was a kid. If the entire day is falling on me and I'm in bed trying to resist blowing my brains out in disbelief that I had at many points wake up 15 minutes before the bus comes and be in crappy school.

Sheer fact is I understand but in many cases people on here view meditation as this wunderkind that like Rob Zombie states in Thunder Kiss '65, "breaks down agony and sets ecstasy into overdrive".

This happened with SWG(Southern White Gentlemen) he came did somethings wasn't really improved with meditation or anything stayed for the politics eventually posted some memes and then just disappeared. I don't know what meditation does, I don't know what meditation is, I've so overcomplexified meditation that it's simply a logical information on a alternative mental process and I simply use it to think things through and invent new things.

My meditation the way I meditate is. I use my mind to think and process my life and invent new things or think new things. I think therefore I am as the old saying goes.

If that is wrong, which it certainly is, it's certainly the thinker statue vs the far eastern meditator statue.

I want to type more and express myself at this current time I can't nor have any intelligence or intuition to type down my way of scribing to text. But all I can say is I love the politics, I love the economic principle, and I love the quirky and downright appropriate properties in destroying all judeo-bolshevik political-religious organizations much like how the internet armies of the World perform deep strikes everywhere. But as the actual practice of this meditation I simply do not have a single logical thought. All I can see possibly believe is messianically mediation saves people. I save myself.

Okay, I save myself, question how does a single person or human know what to do. It seems with people open up yourself to beings of higher power. And it's like how do I even know I'm speaking to said entities which follow this organization. IF anything it seems like people throughout history like Tesla were absolutely lucky. And yet we got people who attract these entities or people or some thing that goes bump in the night and there's just nothing to do. I'm not saying mental illness or whatever but sometimes I'm like logically I understand your supposed to kinda 2A the spiritual realm and have weapons or banish and whatnot. But it's like in modern day society non of this works or does anything. Maybe we've modernized ourselves out of spirituality in our own nullity sphere. But some people go I've done EVERYTHING this organization states and nothing happens.

It seems like everyone is learned helpless and just applies learned helpless to other things. I don't think FancyMancy is in the wrong. But I don't think FancyMancy cares much about meditation. He is a logical person perhaps overly logical or perhaps not. Maybe Fancy is simply a intuitive thinker he has these flashes of superstition speaks or types or scribes it down and is like a machine.

Maybe he is another Innovation, like the Starcraft 2 player. People memed this guy, this professional RTS gamer and he ended up saying I'm not a robot. Even though he is a robot and would do the same things over and over even if it failed in one game he does it again just as good or better and wins. Maybe FancyMancy is so robotic he just does things.

For example I spend HOURS of my time walking and thinking. I've literally have spent like so many hours awake walking and thinking and talking to myself and inventing new things. That I just do it for the hell of it cause life is so boring, stupid, and worthless I gotta pass the time in this agony that exists called life. I usually spend my time walking till my feet hurt, till my feet are glowing in pain in bed when I finally rest, till my feet have blisters or white skin flakes that are in pain from forming from so much walking. Walking 4-5-8-10 hours+, talking and thinking just doing the same thing over and over and just coming up and inventing and doing things I'll never do or would ever bother in real life. I'm not saying it was real because it was in my mind. But I wasn't born to do things nor has anything I done ever taking much of a life.

The other day I saw a video on Morrowind, I'm like yeah no not gonna play it even though I got the old original release xbox. I'd just probably spend 12-15 hours playing non-stop cause I got nothing better to do.

Maybe Fancy is the same way he is so utterly bored of existing he just uses his mind as a television or some process or some computer to express himself. There's people out there that such as myself that get pissed off being bothered by other people when they interrupt me. I'm spending time thinking, processing, and walking around and sensing around and just existing bored out of their mind probably wanting to blow their brains out going "WTF is so special about life this boring shit wasting away noting good to do everything just terrible". And they think your available to do things or think he is free bother him.

I agree indeed what is the point of doing anything. At least with other people they enslave themselves, I value my life and freedom and am too important to degenerate myself into being a serf slaving away.

Sheer fact is I think Fancy is theoretician vs politician in Mein Kampf. Theoretician lives ages ahead of everyone and if they have to lives shitty lives doing nothing waiting for this future which is to come after extreme human years comes and waits around going not now but far into the future.

Funny the instant the theoretician does something to fix or change. They destroy their theoretical existence. Blue pill vs red, they take the red, but eventually if they blue pill or change their ways they just fail to live in this theoretical existence.

I just don't see Fancy doing meditations not because he doesn't understand, nor can't, nor probably because he may or may not have a spiritual experience unless that is fake or simply to think about because it's just a mental nicity. But I think genuinely he just doesn't see anything special. It's like what was said above a ritual period to change things. No why? just tell me what is wrong I change it if I want to or can and if not at least I have the knowledge to know what to change and maybe spend a few hours or a few days thinking it over maybe speak or email someone like my friend think it over and acclimate the change.

Why bother with 40-90+ days to change something. It was stated a ritual effect period to remove a negativity. How do I even know what I'm doing beings of higher power aren't around to tell me remove this, in this way, and this will improve your life.

For example I asked a while back how do I remove a square or squares from my system. And there was really no response and if that is the case then how do I even know the square worked? maybe it's fake non-sense or simply not meant for me. If you can meditate cool enjoy it your lucky you got a rare gift that most people only dream of. I'd like to remove the squares all squares I've done all of them were stupidly done even if done perfectly or as perfect as I possibly can do it.

I think FancyMancy may have tried or simply not interested. His mind is a meditation he changes and updates his data banks on a whim. Fancy your being this okay *bleep, bloop, blop* okay programming updated I'm now improved better and less or no issues I'll now be careful and fixed.

I guess I as the opposite of Fancy i.e. the Ungrammerly Nazi. I'm just as much a robot and he is just as much a robot. We are both robots one myself might be XYZ and intuitive/emotional/logical. Fancy is simply more logical/strong minded and having the grammatical artistry he has the literary technology available to him. Not unlike a robot hell I can see Fancy being a proof reader for books or doctorial thesis like one of my stupid high school teacher who worked for his doctorate. I found it funny a doctorate while teaching in this shitty school known colloquially as the ref school or spic school by the majority of the opposing school sports team and their peers in school. LOL to that stupidity, it's like man how much did you piss away going for that doctorate.

Fancy I think your high Englander style gets you in trouble. You piss people off from a snipers perspective, while for example I piss people off from basically a spray and burst perspective. I think as the polar opposite but similar robotic. I have had moments of wanting to grammatically improve myself only to go what is the point. Even my friend was like when you started studying commas and semicolons and all this you made everything worse. I just could not understand your emails. I said fuck it no commas, no semi-colons. Do what I know and he was like much better I can read your emails now.

I think your just digging yourself into a pit and bothering the neighbors so to speak. I hate to state withhold or keep yourself to yourself. But at the end no one cares. And that's the sad reality. IF anything it's probably relieving to be told this. Imagine you did something and someone or some group of people stated everything you stated is perfectly fine in fact this, this, and that. And your like more actualized and more in tune going Wowzers I can't believe not only is it perfectly fine but people have already developed the technology far ahead to generate new parameters of data vectors and angles of attack.

In the end I don't know. Frankly I can't really hate what you are. I envy it due to being ungrammatical but also understand it depends on the person. Your simply a person who wants to have likeminded people. But unfortunately not everyone wants to talk deep or care to be deep. Or if you act deep they harass you that your lying or feigning deep. I usually in my own personal way simply talk to myself and keep everyone around me these npc these worthless pieces of shits that should be shot on principle with very little information. In fact talking to others about myself and describing myself is more of a headache to myself. Much like my family suggestion stuff they state do this. No never every time I've done something they say bad shit happens so I do my own and ignore. It's no surprise I hate family and despise the family unit multiple people that hate each other. WTF is the point of bothering with the family why are you together. The individual is the best and thus the individual always rules.

Family time and time again over the World is nothing more than people who hate each other who go down for a moment and then return back to their pathetic existence living like NPC and doing family stuff which they hate and don't work out the problems. If families truly discussed things and truly did proper things they would destroy each other knowing how worthless this union is.

I think FancyMancy you peered into a better World or come from a better time period or built up a weltanschaang better than others and you either keep it to yourself cause it's your building block or you storm people and force them into your change.

Gonna end it here cause I'm rambling but I don't think except for key people in life that much traction will occur. Your gonna have to come up with a compromise.

Fancy mancy is a failed satanist who neglects their spiritual health and like everybody who does this ended up becoming confused and lashing out against JoS, this is typical failed lazy Satanist pattern.

And it's unsurprising you are here again whining because you are also a failed Satanist who is constantly complaining about not being able to meditate because *insert wall of text of excuses here*. And as is typical of failures you then try to project this upon others and look for other failures you can identify with to justify your own laziness.

Just shut the fuck up and meditate. Nobody wants to read your sob story paragraphs. If you don't want to meditate and better yourself, and make progress, just fuck off and join the kike forum. I'm sure you'll find lots of failed Satanists and lazy people like yourself who will circle jerk endlessly over reasons why they can't improve, instead of actually trying to improve. And blame JoS or it's members for their own failures.

Nobody is interested in the endless sob stories of half baked Satanists who refuse to meditate and completely neglect the spiritual. This is a community centered around SPIRITUAL Satanism. Myself and others have been walking on eggshells for years and trying to be decent towards you and others like you to give you room to progress at your own pace.

But at a certain point this is simply a wasted exercise no matter how many years go by. So I'm not going to continue sugar coating this because it doesn't matter how much I hold back the reality that you are a failure and will never improve.

This is honest advice. Go to the kike forum. You will be happier there, they will tell you what you want to hear and justify your laziness and lack of action to better yourself. You will have an environment of constant bias confirmation and remain in a comfortable loop of rotting your soul and feeling justified in doing this.

Or if you wish to remain, either grow a pair of balls and start taking action to improve yourself, or shut the fuck up and stop trying to pass this narrative that it's normal and fine to neglect one's spiritual health. Because you've been here for many years and like fancy you are now starting to give a bad example and encouraging harmful patterns of laziness and inaction. Joy of Satan exists to promote the exact opposite of this and you will not continue to push this rotten narrative that it's okay to neglect one's spiritual health unanswered.

Half baked satanists who neglect spirituality and just treat the forums as a social media platform should not be taken as examples to follow and much less be giving any form of advice especially on spiritual matters. You will not take the time to meditate but will take the time to write paragraphs upon paragraphs of excuses as to why you "can't" meditate. You could have done a cleaning session in the time you took to write this pile of dogshit, and would have benefited you more than sitting here complaining.

You want to waste the opportunity you have be my guest. But do so in silence because nobody wants to hear anymore of your bullshit and excuses. Your workings and squares fail because you're plagued by a defeatist mind that dismantles and sabotages everything you do. I wrote a post about this, you can look for it if you give enough a shit about yourself.

There are endless posts and advice about how to better yourself and grow the habit of meditation, yoga and self betterment. You are just too lazy or too stupid to read and apply any of it no matter how many years go by. And instead opt to write paragraphs of excuses to justify your own laziness and inaction.

And like I said to fancy, don't mistake this for "tough love", I genuinely don't give a fuck about either of you, you can continue to rot and neglect your souls endlessly for all I care. I'm just concerned about the bad example you're giving to others and how this may harm other inexperienced or naive members.

You two are failures and this must be publicly addressed lest others take example from you and become failures themselves.
Worm behaviour = worm existence
Worm actions = worm consequences

We follow the path of the Eagle, the Sat, The Snake, The Goat, The beautiful, the Logical, The Sublime, The Supreme, The Peacock.

The worm is just a worm, pathetic and none existential in the matters of the Universe.

Advancing is easy. Meditation is easy. It is enjoyable, easy, freeing, with pleasure, refreshing.

Repeat after me: Worm behaviour = worm existence
Worm actions = worm consequences

Don't be a worm. Crush the worm.
I don't have much to add that Dahaarkan, NakedPluto, JG Blitzkreig and HP Cobra already wrote, other than one thing:

The entire joke, is that this is about being so neurotically nitpicky about a non-spiritual language, one that allows for such freedom of style and flair and personality to shine through (English).

If you want to be so precise and pristine, learn Latin. Or ancient Greek. Or Sanskrit. Any ancient and spiritual language, where it actually matters to have perfection and exactness.

That's all I have to add.
It seems like that no matter what I reply, it will be ignored. In brief (I might add a longer reply later)* - I didn't mean to attack at all. That was not my intention. Visiting another website/forum does not mean I believe what is said there. I saw the link on a Bitchute video, and with its name I was curious. I realise it's anti-JoS so I decided to see if my username was mentioned - it was, so I went and defended myself. If anyone has the link, they can go and check my posts on there. I have been saying "[citations needed]" a lot, at their claims. I never called HPHC a jew - me mentioning that was referring to those "exposing" JoS sites. I don't know if those on that forum are the same as those "exposers" or not; I knew about these "exposing" claims long before I knew about that forum. I go onto multiple social media sites, and jews/rabbis hang out on there and that's OK; I went to a forum to defend myself and question their nonsense claims, but for some reason that's bad. I didn't mean to advertise it - directly or indirectly; but others on here have mentioned it before I have, so if I was advertising it, then so were they, but for whatever reason it's OK when they do it but not OK when I do it. Obviously communication has been a big problem for me. I didn't spend a lot of time there; I have been their a couple of times and briefly. I didn't say JoS is a cult; I said "No wonder they call this place toxic and a cult.". I have said on here in the past it's very religious here. I don't make-up stories, nor do I believe the nonsense which has been against JoS. I ignore belief anyway - I prefer actual fact. After a brief time on there, I realised it is a Boy's wet dream of what 4Chan actually is.

I never said anything about me being treated specially. The exact opposite, in fact - "no-one would want me to edit sermons for language because of how I have been". It's not an attack. This is a public, open forum - I thought people with troubles could get things off their chest, and then receive some input for help to improve. If anyone takes it as an attack, then that's up to them; instead, they should seek confirmation of the meaning of the posts. I don't attack; I retaliate if I choose to. That should be known by now. I have also said in the past about me not receiving praise or things for what I post. The short list above, for example - and in one of those posts, I said that I don't receive much feedback - but only now when I make this thread, I get people attacking me and shit. Thanks.

I am not leaving. I never had any intention of leaving. Why would anyone - and how could anyone - possibly think I would go from jew christianity, to Satan's actual Ministry upon Planet Earth, to jew nonsense and unproven claims on another forum? It was not me who said anything about me leaving at all. All I had in xianity was emotional feelz-good bullshit (feeling good is not bullshit; xian bullshit of trying to feel good for "witnessing" and making people feel guilty and stealing their money, etc. so that you can feel good is bullshit.) All I saw, in a very brief time, on that forum was pissy little idiots making claims and pretending. The claim about it being toxic here I will not deny. I can't deny that.

I'm neither bratty nor arrogant. If this place cannot provide ability to get things of one's chests, then why does everyone leave and defect? Do we all have to behave in certain ways, and act all the same way? I'm not a robot and I'm not a sheep. Sorry to upset you again.

I haven't thrown anything away. I don't not matter. I haven't destroyed myself.

Why is it on here that when people have problems, some members come and shit all over the place, making the thread difficult to follow, with "I never said that, I said this..." and "he said this, not that", and "it was you who said that"? Why? Explain that one to me. I said in a post before about us, more referring to long-time members, being able to be more direct with each other, in the hopes of moving forward. That might include some upsetting words or harsh sentences or whatever, and if we are a "family", then that should be OK, with understanding of things, being understanding of each other despite the tone - but when I make this thread, loads of users, including the new owner, after HPS Maxine, of the websites and runner of the Ministry, say I am shit, should leave, am a jew, etc. Say - get LORD Beelzebul to tell those who can communicate telepathically with Him to say what's what. If He can find 1/2 a second of His busy schedule to do so, I hope He will inform all who can hear Him of the actual truth. I cannot speak telepathically, unfortunately. Those who can should do this, and each one of those who can should then relay it to everyone else on the forum. I a non-sarcastic way - strike me down, LORD Beelzebul, if I am doing wrong - genuinely. I'm being serious, not sarcastic in that. If He settles disputes, then maybe He should do some visiting here or something like communicate with "chosen" individuals who can communicate telepathically with Him. That will put to bed this emotional and ignorant nonsense, that the pack of wolves and school of piranhas enjoy doing so much. Look at the title of the thread - Me, my, myself. Try seeking clarity, instead of jumping to conclusions.

*actually, this more or less says it; there is more, but no-one will bother to read what I have to type
The Outlaw Torn said:
FancyMancy said:
I went to a different forum?
Nice way of framing that you Jew bastard, as if it’s just a “different forum” that is of no consequence and not a direct hub of the enemy. Yes I hope you do leave and take these idiot tier posts about minor issues with you they won’t be missed.
I'm not a jew, you retard. Get your facks right.
siatris666 said:
yea ok

attack behind ppl's back, using ur posting right

then it never happen. no w8 it did

ure definitely shit. ur first post is retarded too

go join them please leave this fucking place
Show me the attacks. Quote them.
Dahaarkan said:

I would be careful about attacking others too viciously in the case they are genuine Gentiles. People need both support and truth to get better. Those who are especially sensitive or prone to giving up will respond negatively to harsher words.

At the same time, you are right that there is little room for these nonsense posts on neurotic grammar or advanced theories about why they cannot meditate.

I think both of these individuals have souls with a lot of energy going towards Mercurial-like pursuits and less toward action. This is just an imbalance like any other and can be resolved over time. Such people can make heavy use of yoga as an easy substitution for meditation-based empowerment, for example. Then, they will be strong enough to for implementing workings.

FancyMancy said:

If everything has been a genuine misunderstanding, then this is not a problem. If you are a genuine SS then you can also look past these issues. Do not get bogged down in excessive fighting or arguments.

In regards to your communication: I have written about it above. Use Ansuz to remove any problems with OCD, which should help both your mind and communicative abilities. Carry this long enough (80-120) days and your main problem will be totally resolved. Start this on Aug 13th, the next best date, which should give you plenty of time to get your soul in order for a full working.

In regards to your meditations: yes you must make time to do at least a basic amount of mind training, cleaning, and empowerment. Make heavy use of hatha yoga and void.

In regards to the enemy forum: Do not visit there anymore, nor believe their simple-minded lies. You also say how they claimed "everyone" was HPHC, so you can tell they are operating with half a brain cell.

JoS is not Christian, nor a cult. These are nonsense associations, similar to the slander about HPHC.

If you look past what has happened these past few days and put a renewed effort into helping yourself, you will prove to everyone that you are not a traitor or other allegations, and prove that you are better than the insults thrown at you. I hope that is the case for you.
FancyMancy said:

Just so you know exactly what to do:

Ansuz x40 or x90, then affirm:

"This energy of Ansuz has permanently removed any OCD-like problems from my soul, in the best way for me." x9

Start: Aug 13th (waning Pisces moon). Whatever hour is fine, don't worry too much about that, for now.
Length: 80-120 days.
Do not leave more than 36 hours between sessions.

As said before, the affirmation is just a guide for your mind. You already have a mental idea of what these problems are, and therefore that is where the energy will be directed towards. This will strip the negative karma or other obstacles, allowing you to retain positive elements of yourself with none of the negatives.

After the affirmation, visualize the dirt corresponding to this karma falling out of your soul and feel your mind now at peace. Also, feel happy because you have now advanced and refined your soul one step further.

Do the above and you will have success.
The audacity of telling the members to contact Baalzebul...

Your entitlement to know to be, in regards to JoS, from a point of demeanor and superiority (while you only preach destructive behavior) is seen by how you write.

Yes for those not serious about this path, or about themselves, with no spine, honor, logical pursuit - they have the curiosity based on egotistical pride to have this behavior of yours, more specifically: You are at war with x, then you go to x and allies to x, and say "hey waasup me fancy mancy, what's this about" while knowingly understanding the parties involved and totally abiding by ignorance just to prove an unfounded pride of yourself.

Supposedly you don't have any ill will, it is still a conflictual action by all and every circumstance ever-present.

Therefore you showed yourself to be an unimportant individual, a worm.

If on an actual conversation, let it be known that " Real Gs" know what this means and what is actually up.

This doesn't mean a ban, or whatever you tried to provoke, to prove your point.

It means just that realize that we know, based on your behavior and actions.

The above is a positive view of this, the negative one is that of you have the audacity and delusional existence to have stayed here as a SS for so many years, and when the time has come, you dare to befriend and relationalize with the enemy ( weak version, proxies of them), with the jews, who are against every fiber of any gentile in existence.

You cannot deny, and anyone cannot deny that behaving in such a way is revealing and it is not on par with what is supposed to be or behave, which is a natural expectation.

I assume you don't give packages of care to the imprisoned individual who murdered your family. Everyone's with their own fetishes regardless.

The above is not exaggerated in any way and it is just as reality is, crude and logical.

Your mention of the "New Owner". Mind yourself your own business which is talking to nothingness and behaving just as Dahaarkan pointed out.

This "new" owner IS THE OWNER, rightfully so and by time which all of the public didn't even know or had the intuition to know.

Azazel along with many other Gods, yes, have communicated to members long before any public notice, and long before even HP. HC. knew that we knew, that he is appointed by the Gods. Not only he is appointed he is the IS, by incomprehensible measures for you and the other jews who talk to only greys of shit.

While you all are busy talking and throwing slander against HPHC and all the members from here, he and we have meditated and have reached real mountains. Unbeknownst to many and with purpose, some things are not addressed exactly, for this reason, the real to be known and the pretenders to be known.

The jew has cursed HPHC, nothing ever worked to any critical or of the real outcome of it. Why? Because he is higher than you and others indeed.

The jew has slandered HPHC, nothing ever came to influence the real SS, why? Because we know the real and the truth. We follow the truth.

Your demeaning " New Owner" situation is nothing but a bitch intention and born from thought forms of inferiority inducing. This man is born for this, while jew cries in pain.

In regards to me as well, any jew or dubious individual has come to crumble after brief or prolonged interaction with me. It is for the same reason, and that is the way SS is. We are not doing compromises or sympathizing with the jew in any and all existence.

Yes, the jew smells, we can also sniff this behavior and know where and why is this coming from.

You are set out to a conflict in which you have no arguments, no resources to sustain, and neither make something out of it.

"The cult" argument suits the traumatized. We are not traumatized and those who are, are healed. They have tools. This, therefore, crumbles in itself, only by the logical standard.

The HP situation you and others make it to be is a lie and false. All can be addressed and all is within reason of proof for anybody to any kind of intelligence. Stating the opposite such as what the jew does is for the bitch audacity they have and the insane standard they like to sustain.

If one is true of pure heart and innocence in life, the Gods will share more than can ever be said publicly and truly nothing NEEDS to be said afterward.

In closing, the jew will cry. HPHC will advance and will succeed in its extraordinary rare mission to elevate the Earth and we, the member will do the same.

You on the other hand cannot follow without some common sense, emotional intelligence, or at least RESPECT.



About the others who are a little bit conflicted on why this is with such adversity pointed out, read the above attentively.

It is insanity to pretend nothing is wrong with such behavior and have CLAIMS and indirect attacks against JOS. This is plain if not visible hidden within this. The intention is not important truly to this, given there's no need for judgment on this by the actions of this.

If you are not disappointed that a member of so many years has done this act, a comparison in your mind is needed to be understood.

This is only a reveal of character and nothing more and it has happened at time when this was anticipated. (If this needs to be known).

The audacity to tell then the members to talk to Baalzebul is also done in the same fashion, to provoke and assert inferiority in our capacity of judgement and assessment. It might beyond reason that this is the case and he wants to put doubts in this. This is false and also stupid to think that something of such "injustice" can happen in this forum. Fairytales.

I know my above reply is done assertively, yet I want to mention that to a degree, to a standard of sorts, it is absolutely not, it is actually soft. However, given the nature of our situations and what we focus on, a broader perspective must be taken. Such as listening to the other replies as well.

I am focusing and adeptly do high spiritual warfare, therefore my reply is of this caliber, it suits this.
NakedPluto said:
The audacity of telling the members to contact Baalzebul...

Your entitlement to know to be, in regards to JoS, from a point of demeanor and superiority (while you only preach destructive behavior) is seen by how you write.

Yes for those not serious about this path, or about themselves, with no spine, honor, logical pursuit - they have the curiosity based on egotistical pride to have this behavior of yours, more specifically: You are at war with x, then you go to x and allies to x, and say "hey waasup me fancy mancy, what's this about" while knowingly understanding the parties involved and totally abiding by ignorance just to prove an unfounded pride of yourself.

Supposedly you don't have any ill will, it is still a conflictual action by all and every circumstance ever-present.

Therefore you showed yourself to be an unimportant individual, a worm.

If on an actual conversation, let it be known that " Real Gs" know what this means and what is actually up.

This doesn't mean a ban, or whatever you tried to provoke, to prove your point.

It means just that realize that we know, based on your behavior and actions.

The above is a positive view of this, the negative one is that of you have the audacity and delusional existence to have stayed here as a SS for so many years, and when the time has come, you dare to befriend and relationalize with the enemy ( weak version, proxies of them), with the jews, who are against every fiber of any gentile in existence.

You cannot deny, and anyone cannot deny that behaving in such a way is revealing and it is not on par with what is supposed to be or behave, which is a natural expectation.

I assume you don't give packages of care to the imprisoned individual who murdered your family. Everyone's with their own fetishes regardless.

The above is not exaggerated in any way and it is just as reality is, crude and logical.

Your mention of the "New Owner". Mind yourself your own business which is talking to nothingness and behaving just as Dahaarkan pointed out.

This "new" owner IS THE OWNER, rightfully so and by time which all of the public didn't even know or had the intuition to know.

Azazel along with many other Gods, yes, have communicated to members long before any public notice, and long before even HP. HC. knew that we knew, that he is appointed by the Gods. Not only he is appointed he is the IS, by incomprehensible measures for you and the other jews who talk to only greys of shit.

While you all are busy talking and throwing slander against HPHC and all the members from here, he and we have meditated and have reached real mountains. Unbeknownst to many and with purpose, some things are not addressed exactly, for this reason, the real to be known and the pretenders to be known.

The jew has cursed HPHC, nothing ever worked to any critical or of the real outcome of it. Why? Because he is higher than you and others indeed.

The jew has slandered HPHC, nothing ever came to influence the real SS, why? Because we know the real and the truth. We follow the truth.

Your demeaning " New Owner" situation is nothing but a bitch intention and born from thought forms of inferiority inducing. This man is born for this, while jew cries in pain.

In regards to me as well, any jew or dubious individual has come to crumble after brief or prolonged interaction with me. It is for the same reason, and that is the way SS is. We are not doing compromises or sympathizing with the jew in any and all existence.

Yes, the jew smells, we can also sniff this behavior and know where and why is this coming from.

You are set out to a conflict in which you have no arguments, no resources to sustain, and neither make something out of it.

"The cult" argument suits the traumatized. We are not traumatized and those who are, are healed. They have tools. This, therefore, crumbles in itself, only by the logical standard.

The HP situation you and others make it to be is a lie and false. All can be addressed and all is within reason of proof for anybody to any kind of intelligence. Stating the opposite such as what the jew does is for the bitch audacity they have and the insane standard they like to sustain.

If one is true of pure heart and innocence in life, the Gods will share more than can ever be said publicly and truly nothing NEEDS to be said afterward.

In closing, the jew will cry. HPHC will advance and will succeed in its extraordinary rare mission to elevate the Earth and we, the member will do the same.

You on the other hand cannot follow without some common sense, emotional intelligence, or at least RESPECT.



About the others who are a little bit conflicted on why this is with such adversity pointed out, read the above attentively.

It is insanity to pretend nothing is wrong with such behavior and have CLAIMS and indirect attacks against JOS. This is plain if not visible hidden within this. The intention is not important truly to this, given there's no need for judgment on this by the actions of this.

If you are not disappointed that a member of so many years has done this act, a comparison in your mind is needed to be understood.

This is only a reveal of character and nothing more and it has happened at time when this was anticipated. (If this needs to be known).

The audacity to tell then the members to talk to Baalzebul is also done in the same fashion, to provoke and assert inferiority in our capacity of judgement and assessment. It might beyond reason that this is the case and he wants to put doubts in this. This is false and also stupid to think that something of such "injustice" can happen in this forum. Fairytales.

I know my above reply is done assertively, yet I want to mention that to a degree, to a standard of sorts, it is absolutely not, it is actually soft. However, given the nature of our situations and what we focus on, a broader perspective must be taken. Such as listening to the other replies as well.

I am focusing and adeptly do high spiritual warfare, therefore my reply is of this caliber, it suits this.
I say something, explaining what I said;
others reply trying to tell me what I meant, saying I meant other things;
I reply trying to tell them what I said;
they reply trying to tell me what I meant, saying I meant other things.

Meh. Thanks for ignoring me. Thanks for the attacks. I love you. Bye.

I know my above reply is done assertively, yet I want to mention that to a degree, to a standard of sorts, it is absolutely not, it is actually soft.
Your been meen! Your such a big bully! You say you been nice, but your so mean and not nice at all! You big bully!

See? Others can do it; so can I.

a broader perspective must be taken. Such as listening to the other replies as well.
Such as ignoring the OP. Great work. Thanks.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=375918 time=1658248578 user_id=21286]
FancyMancy said:

Just so you know exactly what to do:

Ansuz x40 or x90, then affirm:

"This energy of Ansuz has permanently removed any OCD-like problems from my soul, in the best way for me." x9

Start: Aug 13th (waning Pisces moon). Whatever hour is fine, don't worry too much about that, for now.
Length: 80-120 days.
Do not leave more than 36 hours between sessions.

As said before, the affirmation is just a guide for your mind. You already have a mental idea of what these problems are, and therefore that is where the energy will be directed towards. This will strip the negative karma or other obstacles, allowing you to retain positive elements of yourself with none of the negatives.

After the affirmation, visualize the dirt corresponding to this karma falling out of your soul and feel your mind now at peace. Also, feel happy because you have now advanced and refined your soul one step further.

Do the above and you will have success.
I didn't see your first post just above; I read them in reverse-order, but thanks. You must be rather intuitive and sensitive - I, indeed - and I stress the 'indeed' here - seem to need to have a while before committing to something. (I don't want to say "I do need" because that's a bad affirmation.) Like with the memory working before, it was a few weeks away before doing it; with this, and as you say, taking some time beforehand to get to it and things is 100% hitting the nail on the head. Thank you, Blitzkreig.
The fact that you don't meditate is evident from your speech and emotional unstabilities.
As someone already told you:

Stop wasting your and our time. Please, do something profitable for yourself instead than abandon yourself in such things like correct others or complain about things. Advance yourself and find equilibrium.

People come here to share experiences and questions in a friendly community, the most important thing is understand eachother. Not to find teachers or play as Gods of grammar.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Essentially all you do here is write irrelevant nonsense. After you basically associate purposefully in a den with jews, then you suddenly "Remember" you have a problem with nonsense. After long hard hours of trying to find a mistake I have done, which I have not, and trying to use your destroyed credibility to pretend it exists, you found that a non native "English" speaker does not speak perfect English.

As this was not enough and because none of it has anything plausible behind it [it's all unreal], you decided to add some imaginary sauce on how I would be a jew or something, coupled by some nods towards a place of doxxing and indirect advertising.

I did not even read your full post, because when I was trying, I could not understand anything really in it besides loose points.

As for knowing grammar, you simply do not understand proper communication. It's about "Grammar" but what is the point of writing psychotic weak rant about it, calling JoS a cult and whatever else the places you convene told you that has nothing to do with reality?

You write nonsense about 'Families' or implied 'Friendship' in above comments, I have solely been a friend to you and likewise have treated you as family for as long as I can remember, only to receive unwarranted attack for no reason. It's your "Impartiality" of course, and your "Justice oriented nature".

That is what you tell yourself over essentially acting as a conduit for shit during a period which doubtfully many will and many have. That is unmindful, but nothing besides what one would expect.

Now, after so many years of being a member, you want to be treated specially and as if you matter, over creating false pretext to attack and just rant "against" because of...literally no reason given on by your post.

You essentially self subverted and destroyed yourself here, nobody done anything to you. Certainly not myself. If you were banned, that would be your fault, not anyone else's. You aren't because we don't even ban that much and you know it [decided to lie about that one too of course]. What you do primarily shows generally just vile intent, not "criticism".

Nobody also bothered to block you or to ban you, because you showed how little you matter during this incident.

All your original post is just a vehement, low level rant that has nothing in particular to show to anyone or help anyone with. It's not even constructive criticism, it's just an emotional reaction because you hang around jews and Rabbis and decided to suddenly play a role in that regard.

After you spent a lot of time becoming a crackpot for jewish curses backed by reading lies and nonsense, you just decided it's great to pull the trigger on what you referred to as "home", calling it a "cult" and all this nonsense, and in particular, attacking everyone that you call a "family" with me first and foremost in this sequence.

As a final note, English is nothing of a language. It is very much unimportant from a spiritual standpoint. One can speak it great or not speak it great, and the only thing they will attain or not attain is essentially to achieve communication with people and nothing else.

It has no occult or otherwise significance. I have been taught around 5 languages over the years, and it stands on the bottom of the ladder. It does not give to itself keys to credence of advancement, just keys towards the fact that it can be understood by the maximum amount of people [and not even this, many continents speak other languages].

There is nothing that particular in modern English. Every language that comes in contact with it, gets subverted, and English itself is heavily subverted. It's no longer spoken as in the 15th century where it had some remote significance.

I certainly didn't cause the above myself. Maybe they told you in the innocent places you hang around that this too, was my fault, and I am the ultimate corrupter of the English Language because it was murdered by the people that had it.

It is hilarious that indeed there is nothing else that can be said against me, besides slander, you making up stories or believing them with certain jews - corresponding only to pure slander, due to the fact you have nothing functional to say.

You are essentially on a cohorts forum where literally there are jewish people and it's headed by a jew, a junkie that took money from JoS to make it [your so called "brothers" is who was victimized] and where basically it's a hub of constant slander for every member like Lydia, SlyScorpion, NakedPluto, and so on so forth, anyone that matters in this place entirely.

At this place, they were conversing not long ago about going to physically attack HPS Maxine, play around with information that they consider is "doxxing me" [proving only their intent, nothing else] and where literal schizos and everyone else is just going there to create drama. Then, you pretend none of this is real and you have no clue. One could go on and on...

Others are free to retain their own "opinion" based on the whole thing. Maybe you should contemplate how and why this would occur or something, I don't know. I'd follow Blitz's advice.

Now I will not waste my 10,000th comment on your pointless rants because I have something big and really important to give to the community with my next post. Thanks.

I will leave you now to more ranting about nonsense, spreading lies with certain jews and will not interrupt you of course.

Best answer ever.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=375918 time=1658248578 user_id=21286]
FancyMancy said:

Just so you know exactly what to do:

Ansuz x40 or x90, then affirm:

"This energy of Ansuz has permanently removed any OCD-like problems from my soul, in the best way for me." x9

Start: Aug 13th (waning Pisces moon). Whatever hour is fine, don't worry too much about that, for now.
Length: 80-120 days.
Do not leave more than 36 hours between sessions.

As said before, the affirmation is just a guide for your mind. You already have a mental idea of what these problems are, and therefore that is where the energy will be directed towards. This will strip the negative karma or other obstacles, allowing you to retain positive elements of yourself with none of the negatives.

After the affirmation, visualize the dirt corresponding to this karma falling out of your soul and feel your mind now at peace. Also, feel happy because you have now advanced and refined your soul one step further.

Do the above and you will have success.

Hey blitzkrieg can your ISA and berkano working be done for 80 or 90 reps instead of 40? Also how long should this be done for.
The Outlaw Torn said:
Hey blitzkrieg can your ISA and berkano working be done for 80 or 90 reps instead of 40? Also how long should this be done for.

Yes, you can increase the reps. Generally, stick to power numbers like multiples of 40 or multiples of the numbers of the runes themselves. Just make sure you are willing to do higher reps every day. 80 reps of both equals 160 reps every day, just for this working. If you are fixing a major problem, then yes it is worth it, but you have to make this judgment call.

You need to at least do this for 40 days, but continue any working until you are satisfied with the result. Also, you need to balance this with other obligations which may arise, which may be a better use of your time.

Lastly, be patient and pick a good time to start. This is based on what you are using the energy for. Please note that this is not a substitute for void or visualization practice, either.

Speaking of mind training, make sure you are competent enough to handle Isa properly. In this case, I paired it with Berkano because Berkano has both protective properties from excess Isa, and Berkano can be useful in calming the mind, in addition to Isa. Make sure you spend time focusing on the energy working in a safe manner and spend a minute during or after the affirmation to visualize it properly.
No wonder certain other places have made a forum and members from here, who have been called trolls and jewish, have gone there. No wonder they call this place toxic and a cult. I have said multiple times on here that this place is a cliqué. Granted, there are fakers, posers, infiltrators here - accepted that that is the case - but others are still as christians. They might say, think, believe and behave as non-christians and as what they think is Spiritual Satanic, but they are still very cliquéy and christian - or religious - in their demeanour.

Another thing to note is this false narrative being pushed that JoS is cult-like. I have personally disagreed and continue to disagree with a majority of the group on certain topics, and even disagree with HC on certain decisions he's made. I am not required to conform to the opinions of others nor is anyone required to agree with me on anything. What matters is that we cooperate in the struggle.

Also what is required is basic decency and respect. One may criticize anybody but one is expected to do so in a civil and respectful manner, because especially in the case of HC & Guardians these are people who treat everybody with respect, even people who don't deserve it.

Myself and others speak up against disrespect towards them not because this is a cult but because like all other SS they deserve to be treated with at the very least a modicum of respect. And this is not just about HC but any other members as well. Another cockroach in another thread was also trying to demoralize and demean the contributions of another member and I replied in the same way.

If you are going to criticize the works of another SS at the very least do so in constructive and respectful manner. Do not attempt to demean or degrade the contributions of others. This is a special case because this person has been treated like family for years, given more respect and trust than 90% of members and what they do with this trust is start taking jabs at the person who has given all of these things to them. And subtly pushing enemy rhetoric into this place in an indirect manner as to feign innocence.

"No wonder they call this place toxic and a cult".

Dude is deadass trying to push enemy narrative here with wordplay. I wonder if this entire shitpost is just meant to cover up the above paragraph to push this enemy rhetoric in this sly manner.

This case is especially repulsive and disgusting to watch, and makes my blood boil. That a person who is given so much trust and so much respect is now jumping on the bandwagon of kikes and trolls who just come here to complain about HC and his work, and complain that JoS is a toxic cult.

While ignoring the fact that they are free to express these retarded views. Which if this were a cult the above would never be permitted. But just as your retardation is not censored, neither will other's opinions on you and your views be censored. And as I have said, as you disrespect others so do you open yourself to be disrespected, so consider this when you convey your criticisms.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=375914 time=1658247979 user_id=21286]
Dahaarkan said:

I would be careful about attacking others too viciously in the case they are genuine Gentiles. People need both support and truth to get better. Those who are especially sensitive or prone to giving up will respond negatively to harsher words.

At the same time, you are right that there is little room for these nonsense posts on neurotic grammar or advanced theories about why they cannot meditate.

I think both of these individuals have souls with a lot of energy going towards Mercurial-like pursuits and less toward action. This is just an imbalance like any other and can be resolved over time. Such people can make heavy use of yoga as an easy substitution for meditation-based empowerment, for example. Then, they will be strong enough to for implementing workings.

He's been here long enough to know what he has to do to better himself. He's just too lazy to do it. He is a failure by choice and you are wasting your time trying to help him.

You can't help him because he doesn't want to be helped.

My problems with this are:

1 - Pissing on HC's work and demeaning and degrading his contributions to the struggle
2 - Subtly pushing enemy rhetoric (refer to my previous reply)
3 - Neglecting his spiritual health for an inexcusable amount of time

3rd also counts for Gear88 who needs a wake up call too. Two birds with one stone and all that. Gear88 I am trying to help. Fancy not so much. I have lost all respect for him what he has done is absolutely deplorable given the trust and respect HC has given him over all these years for him to turn around and do this petty jab trying to demean and degrade his works and abusing that trust to subtly push enemy rhetoric is unforgivable.

Fuck this retard. He doesn't deserve to be helped even if he could be helped. He's only showing interest and thanking for advice because it is useful to do so in this situation. He did not take the steps to better himself in the many years he's been here being treated like family.

He's not going to start now that he's chatting with kikes on the daily. And why would you want him to.

He's pissed on Satan's gift and opportunity, pissed on HC's trust and respect for him, and pissed on the JoS by pushing enemy rhetoric through wordplay. You don't possibly believe a person like this deserves any more chances, do you?
Dahaarkan said:
Another thing to note is this false narrative being pushed that JoS is cult-like.
and he ignores it being toxic, and continues to be toxic.

Also what is required is basic decency and respect.


Fuck this retard. He doesn't deserve to be helped even if he could be helped.

bullshit, cry, whinge, bitch
Lel. Good one, bro.

The mark of a decent scoiety is how they mistreat the weakest members of that society, no? Great, uplifting work, dude. I'm psychotic? Lel. Come change my nappy 'cause I'm PMSL so much now.

He's not going to start now that he's chatting with kikes on the daily.
Arguing in ignorance. Keep it up!

any more chances
Please list "all of my failures and previous chances". Don't not do it; do it.
FancyMancy said:
Dahaarkan said:
Another thing to note is this false narrative being pushed that JoS is cult-like.
and he ignores it being toxic, and continues to be toxic.

Also what is required is basic decency and respect.


Fuck this retard. He doesn't deserve to be helped even if he could be helped.

bullshit, cry, whinge, bitch
Lel. Good one, bro.

The mark of a decent scoiety is how they mistreat the weakest members of that society, no? Great, uplifting work, dude. I'm psychotic? Lel. Come change my nappy 'cause I'm PMSL so much now.

He's not going to start now that he's chatting with kikes on the daily.
Arguing in ignorance. Keep it up!

any more chances
Please list "all of my failures and previous chances". Don't not do it; do it.

You're like a kike who got caught poisoning wells then complaining that goyim are being mean to him. You of all people complaining that we're toxic is ludicrous considering all the years you've been here with a platform to freely express yourself, and the fact you've been given more respect and trust than 90% of members here.

You used the trust you've been given to make a shitpost pushing enemy rhetoric with word play, and trying to demean and degrade HC's works. Countless people have provided grammar corrections to sermons and none of them has done it in such an arrogant and disrespectful manner.

You don't deserve my respect. You don't deserve anyone's respect, not anymore. We give respect and support to people who deserve it and show it back. Not weak sniveling rats who abuse the respect we give them to then try to undermine us and poison the place. You don't even have the decency to apologize, you just blame everybody else for being too stupid to understand what you said.

The typical behavior of an arrogant cunt completely incapable of self reflection, and instead blames JoS or it's members for his own stupidity and failures. It is not our responsibility to uplift you, you're the one who has to man up and take control of your life. And if anything, you've been uplifted more than most members here, and chose to spit on HC's face and turn on us.
NakedPluto said:
I am focusing and adeptly do high spiritual warfare
I'm curious and also interested.
What exactly do you do? Or how much?

You seem like a good reference point.
I will not take you as motivation to fry me, I will always act within my limits.
Veritá_666 said:
NakedPluto said:
I am focusing and adeptly do high spiritual warfare
I'm curious and also interested.
What exactly do you do? Or how much?

You seem like a good reference point.
I will not take you as motivation to fry me, I will always act within my limits.

Raise more energy and have more focus on the RTRs, with sharp intent. Quality over quantity.

Do what you can energy wise and also time wise. You do this you are doing amazing and you are successful, high warfare. It matters you do it everyday and are sincere of yourself. Also with common sense, you take breaks with days of minimum RTRs, not stress or fry yourself.

About what I do, I think it is not in the best outcome to post, how and what I do specifically. But I invest time everyday and I am proud of it. Will do so much more in time, building a foundation of a lot of accumulated effect in time.

Focus on the long run, of hundreds of days of accumulated RTRs, massive and uninterrupted. That's where the power is.

Little tips, count your RTRs in your journal. Have a scheme of action of rtrs. My favorite session is opening with Final RTR, 2xDDrtr, 2x Killing Tetra., 3-4 Final RTRs. On this you can suit your intent to open the session with Final RTR, and those at the end to cause suffering, erase, etc. Whatever you like and satisfies you. You can do more sessions in a day, the above takes me about an hour and a few, in 30 days you have 30 hours invested, in 60 days - 60 hours and so on and on. This is a foundation, you can have forcing days of complete destruction for the enemy.
Dahaarkan said:
FancyMancy said:
Dahaarkan said:
Another thing to note is this false narrative being pushed that JoS is cult-like.
and he ignores it being toxic, and continues to be toxic.

Also what is required is basic decency and respect.


Fuck this retard. He doesn't deserve to be helped even if he could be helped.

bullshit, cry, whinge, bitch
Lel. Good one, bro.

The mark of a decent scoiety is how they mistreat the weakest members of that society, no? Great, uplifting work, dude. I'm psychotic? Lel. Come change my nappy 'cause I'm PMSL so much now.

He's not going to start now that he's chatting with kikes on the daily.
Arguing in ignorance. Keep it up!

any more chances
Please list "all of my failures and previous chances". Don't not do it; do it.

You're like a kike who got caught poisoning wells then complaining that goyim are being mean to him. You of all people complaining that we're toxic is ludicrous considering all the years you've been here with a platform to freely express yourself, and the fact you've been given more respect and trust than 90% of members here.

You used the trust you've been given to make a shitpost pushing enemy rhetoric with word play, and trying to demean and degrade HC's works. Countless people have provided grammar corrections to sermons and none of them has done it in such an arrogant and disrespectful manner.

You don't deserve my respect. You don't deserve anyone's respect, not anymore. We give respect and support to people who deserve it and show it back. Not weak sniveling rats who abuse the respect we give them to then try to undermine us and poison the place. You don't even have the decency to apologize, you just blame everybody else for being too stupid to understand what you said.

The typical behavior of an arrogant cunt completely incapable of self reflection, and instead blames JoS or it's members for his own stupidity and failures. It is not our responsibility to uplift you, you're the one who has to man up and take control of your life. And if anything, you've been uplifted more than most members here, and chose to spit on HC's face and turn on us.
You're a hypocrite. I don't need your respect. That is irrelevant. You choose to give respect or not. I said repeatedly, which you are still ignoring - it wasn't meant as an attack. Keep being ignorant. Thanks.

I don't have the decency to apologise? Lol, I love your deliberate and repeated ignorance.

FancyMancy said:
I apologise to NakedPluto for what I said...

Your "respect" is not a loss for me. It is something I can live without. I never said everyone, or anyone, is stupid. Thanks for trying to put words in my mouth.

Continually, you be ignorant deliberately. I'm not arrogant, nor stupid, and you still continue to not reply to me. You're attacking, and you're getting away with it. Lol. You feel big and powerful.

No-one said it was others' responsibility to uplift anyone. Family do that automatically, whether it's their responsibility or not. You say I've been uplifted more than most, and I've been given respect and trust more than most. Explain. Where? When? By whom? How many times? Again - "no-one wants me to edit sermons" and "see the very low percentage of likes and re-tweets/praise/support/encouragement that I receive".

So again -

  1. You?
  2. Do it.
  3. Explain.
Reply, or ignore and attack. Have fun.
Shadowcat said:
I'm pinging you again in case you missed me mentioning emailing earlier. If the answer is "yes", then I'll expect a reply here or an email off you. If the answer is "no", then I won't.
FancyMancy said:
Shadowcat said:
I'm pinging you again in case you missed me mentioning emailing earlier. If the answer is "yes", then I'll expect a reply here or an email off you. If the answer is "no", then I won't.

The answer is no.
NakedPluto said:
Thank you for your reply.
I have been concentrating for a long time against enemy thought forms, I also occasionally do other rituals like the wealth and prosperity ritual and I was planning to do the Azazel ritual as well.
These last two I should make them part of my daily routine.

Anyway thanks for the advice, I will improve and become more effective.
FancyMancy said:
Dahaarkan said:
FancyMancy said:
and he ignores it being toxic, and continues to be toxic.

Lel. Good one, bro.

The mark of a decent scoiety is how they mistreat the weakest members of that society, no? Great, uplifting work, dude. I'm psychotic? Lel. Come change my nappy 'cause I'm PMSL so much now.

Arguing in ignorance. Keep it up!

Please list "all of my failures and previous chances". Don't not do it; do it.

You're like a kike who got caught poisoning wells then complaining that goyim are being mean to him. You of all people complaining that we're toxic is ludicrous considering all the years you've been here with a platform to freely express yourself, and the fact you've been given more respect and trust than 90% of members here.

You used the trust you've been given to make a shitpost pushing enemy rhetoric with word play, and trying to demean and degrade HC's works. Countless people have provided grammar corrections to sermons and none of them has done it in such an arrogant and disrespectful manner.

You don't deserve my respect. You don't deserve anyone's respect, not anymore. We give respect and support to people who deserve it and show it back. Not weak sniveling rats who abuse the respect we give them to then try to undermine us and poison the place. You don't even have the decency to apologize, you just blame everybody else for being too stupid to understand what you said.

The typical behavior of an arrogant cunt completely incapable of self reflection, and instead blames JoS or it's members for his own stupidity and failures. It is not our responsibility to uplift you, you're the one who has to man up and take control of your life. And if anything, you've been uplifted more than most members here, and chose to spit on HC's face and turn on us.
You're a hypocrite. I don't need your respect. That is irrelevant. You choose to give respect or not. I said repeatedly, which you are still ignoring - it wasn't meant as an attack. Keep being ignorant. Thanks.

I don't have the decency to apologise? Lol, I love your deliberate and repeated ignorance.

FancyMancy said:
I apologise to NakedPluto for what I said...

Your "respect" is not a loss for me. It is something I can live without. I never said everyone, or anyone, is stupid. Thanks for trying to put words in my mouth.

Continually, you be ignorant deliberately. I'm not arrogant, nor stupid, and you still continue to not reply to me. You're attacking, and you're getting away with it. Lol. You feel big and powerful.

No-one said it was others' responsibility to uplift anyone. Family do that automatically, whether it's their responsibility or not. You say I've been uplifted more than most, and I've been given respect and trust more than most. Explain. Where? When? By whom? How many times? Again - "no-one wants me to edit sermons" and "see the very low percentage of likes and re-tweets/praise/support/encouragement that I receive".

So again -

  1. You?
  2. Do it.
  3. Explain.
Reply, or ignore and attack. Have fun.

Look I don't mean to be rude but can we skip to the part where you screenshot this thread and send it to your hook nosed friends to use as ammo against the Joy to call us a "mean toxic cult"?

You were given full posting privileges which is given only to the most trusted and respected members. Less than 10% of members are granted such trust and respect for good reason.

HC giving you full posting privilege is a sign of respect and trust. Something you take for granted and don't even appreciate because you're an arrogant brat as I've explained. He gave you trust and respect and you shat on his hand, and for what.

To hang out with kike faggots on some loser forum? And degrade and demean his works nitpicking his english skills to an obnoxious degree?

It wasn't meant as an attack, doesn't change the fact that it was an attack. You have used your posting privileges to degrade and mock HC's works and subtly push enemy rhetoric into the forums.

You have disrespected us all. And have the audacity to complain that instead of being called out for it, you instead should be "uplifted" and "helped" because that's what "family" does. How about stop hanging out on communities of traitors and kikes and stop demeaning and degrading the works of your own brothers for no reason. And then you can reasonably expect to be treated as family.

You continue to claim that this is a misunderstanding which is basically calling us all idiots who fail to understand your message. This is not true. For the few that actually read through it the slander and enemy rhetoric is there. There is no misunderstanding.

I have answered all your questions already. I wrote the replies in english, which I believe is your area of expertise?

Otherwise you can reply denying everything like a broken record, I don't really care. I have better things to do than keep replying to another forum clown. My advice stands, turn off the computer and go meditate.
Tabby has been working on a post for days about her cult experience. It's really hard for her to do so, and I'm really proud of her for it. It seems it's quite timely. It's my hope that it will give people a proper idea of what a cult is so they can know what a cult looks like and what a cult doesn't look like. I will just say here that if I thought the JoS was a cult then I wouldn't have invested so much of my time and energy into it. I wouldn't have even tried to contribute as much as I did. If I went through a checklist, the JoS wouldn't hit any of the checkboxes. The relationship between the leadership and the members is not cult-like in the least. On a final note, if the JoS was just another cult then the jews wouldn't bother with opposing it. After all, the existence of cults is something they appreciate.

To FancyMancy, it seems that everything which needed to be said to you has already been said. I could say how I'm disappointed seeing this from you, but I won't bother. Expansion of vocabulary and proper usage of vocabulary is what people need, and not this overly anal... whatever. Being this anal about anything is not "professional." The common folk who will read it aren't into reading 17th century manuscripts. It's just arrogant mental masturbation past a point, and people are going to avoid your company for being like this because it's just too uptight, pompous, and self absorbed, not to mention purposeless. Unless you believe stroking yourself for such an empty, archaic ability is somehow... purposeful. Practically, this sort of thing belongs in a cookbook for instance where phrasing is so important. Regarding sermons, even if it's not in "perfect English," people will recognize it as the truth which they won't find elsewhere. It's impossible to absorb the JoS material while NOT finding an appreciation for it in your life afterward with how revealing it is. Just fetch us the news or something until you can learn to tolerate "mingling with peasants" or whatever is so hard and painful for you, and try not to attack those who don't deserve it. And uhh... stop playing the victim when you dug yourself in this hole by not watching your mouth. Your voice had weight, and you used it poorly. That's all the advice I have for you.
I think it is useless to answer or chat with fancy, he is a traitor, talking to him now is the equivalent of talking to a troll. A total waste of time.

He has chosen his path and will rot with those jewish creeps.

In my oppinion if he continues to hang around with those filthy reptiles he will eventually go crazy, make a post that goes too far and then he will be banned.
Just wait for the next ritual program.

This situation also proves this fact:
"No matter how respected or advanced one is, one wrong choice will completely destroy you."
By wrong choice I mean serious things like high treason or working for the enemy. But of course for a true Satanist this option will never exist.

I'm not sure if fancy is a jew or not, although his friends called him a "stupid beta-jew," in case you are a Gentile know that you still have a chance to leave that pigsty and return to Satan's side. In case you are a jew, I wish you the worst.
Those who go directly against Satan will receive the most evil punishments of all.

Heil Satan!
Veritá_666 said:
I think it is useless to answer or chat with fancy, he is a traitor, talking to him now is the equivalent of talking to a troll. A total waste of time.

In my oppinion if he continues to hang around with those filthy reptiles he will eventually go crazy, make a post that goes too far and then he will be banned.
Just wait for the next ritual program.

I'm not sure if fancy is a jew or not, although his friends called him a "stupid beta-jew," in case you are a Gentile know that you still have a chance to leave that pigsty and return to Satan's side.

I don't think him posting on that forum immediately makes him a traitor. However, it did seem like he absorbed some of their talking points and reposted them here, which is much more revealing and is a red flag.

At first, I thought he was just drawing a comparison to those talking points. It's still a little hard to understand what exactly he is saying, though.

He says he doesn't meditate, so now we know why his problems have continued to exist for years. I have noticed other traitors seem to not grow at all, either. Let's hope that isn't the case.

Overall though, I am taking the same approach as suspected trolls: I give them the exact solution, and if they implement it and grow, then they have proven themselves. Yet, if they still cause problems despite being given genuine attention, this only further seals the case against them.

It is similar to a situation where if someone has made a mistake and claims ignorance. Yet, if they do it multiple times after having been corrected, then the real cause points more towards malice. In the case of Fancy, he has the solution to his mental frustrations, and he knows how we feel about him using the other forum, so all of that should not occur in the future.

Dahaarkan said:

I also quoted you to show you my mindset (typed above to Verita), although I wish to respect your desire to not waste more time.

I forget to thank you for your kind words, earlier in this thread. I do watch how you handle things, and even though I gave some criticism, I also take mental notes on ways I can balance myself. I think the best approach lies somewhere in both of our methods.

Displaying anger and aggression is good for controlling the interaction, just as displaying compassion and support can do. I think both can be used in conjunction to show someone, like Fancy, what they need to do to be accepted.

With too much compassion, the recipient may take advantage of you. With too much anger, they may become fully hostile and unwilling to do anything you may ask. If you can genuinely display both, this limits the recipient's options as to how they may respond.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=376448 time=1658417250 user_id=21286]
Your approach is right, in the end he if he wants to get back on the straight and narrow knows how to do it, if he wishes to become a problem and sleep with the enemy he is free to do so, but this will lead him to personal disaster.

I see him as a traitor, going to a forum ruled by grays to slander JoS members who work hard for our cause.
He is like a SS spitting on Satan and his work and all that he stands for, to me he is enamored, but in the end I don't decide.

He still has chances, in the future we will see how he plays his cards.
Just 30 kilometers of lie in OP.

First, High Priest Hooded Cobra 666's English IS perfect. Other thing is jewgle translator does not translate spiritual texts correctly, because kikes simply did not design it to do so. I translated and verified others' translations' of tons of texts by HP Hooded Cobra 666, I tried them in jewgle - they got fucked up spiritually in 100% cases. Because spiritual structure of language (which also you can find in Ancient English - just read any 15 cen. text) is being destroyed in jewgle by default. And you simply can't put some things into jewgle way of wording. I tried Latin text - it fucked up literally in every word. These specific wording of spiritual Satanists such as HP and NakedPluto is different to normal wording of andrapoda from twitter.

Spiritual Satanist's texts are a riddle to kikes and andrapodas. This is what I called barriers that kikes hate the most because they themselves will never reach this understanding needed to read these texts fully. I noticed and everyone here noticed because it is everywhere that there are things written openly that some understand and some do not, while some understand only part of it. There are levels in every text or real artwork such as that of Leonardo. This opens only with advancement. Also those who understand, they also understand what to tell and what not. This last also comes with advancement.

Infiltrators usually complain on "too mysterious" texts from JoS because they can't steal and use them for their purposes due to their own limited understanding. In Russian forum now banned infiltrators also used to complain on HP Hooded Cobra 666's texts and other messages as "too difficult". They need totally different language for their vk, fb and tg, enough convenient to delude, trade, brainwash and manipulate drones.
Before reading my reply, please note that the main bulk of this reply is in the same tone as I have been already. After having been making and altering my reply for about a day, I have decided to keep it as it is, and at the end of this thread my reply is intended in a non-hostile, non-defensive, non-attacking manner. I am attempting to 'level with' whomever wishes to give me a bit more of their time. With the main bulk being the opposite, the end part still remains.

Dahaarkan said:
You just don't want to stop. You don't know how to. You say "I have better things to do than keep replying to another forum clown." yet... here you are...

Look I don't mean to be rude
Only now you want to stop being rude. Yes, I believe that...

Why accuse me of "screenshotting"? It's an open forum. Anyone can visit it. I don't have "hook-nosed friends". You want to now stop the rudeness.

I'm neither arrogant, nor a brat. You keep believing that, though. If I was a brat, I'd be shitting all over the forum all the time. I don't do that. Yeah, I admit I don't have the best attitude, but I don't have bad manners. I try to have fun and lighten moods, etc., which is not well-received all the time; thus, when I am told "you have respect" I don't believe that. In short - tough crowd.

There are different ways of going about things. In hindsight, maybe I didn't go about it in the best way, but in different posts I have said similar things and that seems to be OK to do it in different posts; in this one post, I put the different things together in one, but that's not OK, strangely. As there are different ways of going about things, anyone could have said that it seems like I'm attacking, or asked if I was, asking what I meant, and why I was saying such things. Instead, that didn't happen. I've been ganged-up on because I spoke my mind honestly while trying to explain my points, when I thought that it was OK to do - at least, the long-time members - if we have an understanding about that and a decent rapport, as I said. In the future, maybe I should sugar-coat my replies with honey and artificial sweeteners instead.

I'm not hanging out there. Thanks for the ignorance; I will tell you again - I've been there briefly, a couple of times. Unless you use a different dictionary definition of "hanging out" than I.

I never said anyone is an idiot. If you choose to infer that, then that's your own problem and business. I have said already that I've had a problem with communication. As Lydia said before, I say a lot of things and repeat them (or used to) to make a simple point. Thinking about it, that's what I do in-person, in the Physical World, as well. Brevity is not my friend. I said on 26/Sept/2020 in this post "I will admit that brevity is not my strong suit a lot of the time.". I never called you or anyone an idiot because I can't explain myself correctly. Don't attack me and say that I did do so because you chose, and choose, to infer it that way. Call this "wordplay" to try and strengthen your point.

I have answered all your questions already. I wrote the replies in english, which I believe is your area of expertise?
Bad sarcasm. Oh, no, you're not being sarcastic at all.

Otherwise you can reply denying everything like a broken record, I don't really care.
Care or not, I have to keep going on because you, etc., keep going on. Keep attacking and being ignorant, deliberately, repeatedly. If you don't care, then you don't have to keep replying.

I have better things to do than keep replying to another forum clown.
So you keep saying, yet... you're still here. You said you've answered my questions - if others can ignore me, then I can ignore others. It's shit, isn't it?

jrvan said:
I didn't call JoS a cult. With the way that users are hounded into leaving when they say or do something that the majority voters disagree with, doesn't anyone think that is rather cult-like? Pack of wolves and school of piranhas, again. If not cult-like, then my preferred word (which I have said before, more than once) - cliquéy? If those members, who are hounded into leaving here, are jewish or if they are not - I have no idea. I don't bother with those threads. It has been clear to me, though, that there are troll posts; of course, giving them the benefit of the doubt to gauge it I think should be done, and if it continues, then it's trolling. One example recently might be the thread HAAGENTI told me she love cats because she is a cat. I find it extremely difficult to give benefit of the doubt to such - but like I said, for the it's-a-jew arguments and drama, I stay away from those - I don't know if anyone is or is not; they're all usernames to me. I don't get bogged-down and waste energy on that. If they are not jewish, and they are hounded and run-out from here, and then they have a grievance because of that, then maybe - just maybe - they would call this place a cult. I never called it a cult, though. "Fancy, are you calling JoS a cult?! :O" - that type of question never happened.

If I could go back in time and change how I word my OP, then I would. Obviously, that won't happen, and it is left as it is; the damage has been done. Accidents do happen, and they cannot unhappen. (Yes, any of you can think, but not type, "Yeah, FancyMancy, you were an accident" if you like, but then you can ask Satan why He didn't take my Soul when I asked Him to, to use its constituent Energies for His cause, when I was in a bad way more than once in the past. Ask Him. Don't be shy nor ignorant.)

Your voice had weight, and you used it poorly.
Fair enough. After enough time, I realise that I did. I had a bit of a different reply for Dahaarkan-- shit, I shouldn't say/type his username because he refuses to type mine so maturely and civilly --than what I typed above to him. I left it for a while and took out some stuff which would lower the tone further and make things worse. I don't know how much weight my voice has/had. Again - tough crowd. Maybe I'm the odd-one-out here, with a different sense of humour which others don't appreciate or understand. Maybe I'm the odd-one-out here, with a lot of my longer, informative/important threads seemingly ignored. Why do I go on, regardless? Because they are important, whether I receive praise, recognition or whatever, or not. Saying my voice has weight is very difficult for me to believe, but seeing as you said my voice has/had weight and I used it poorly - what happened as a result? "Erm, Mancy. Don't you realise that what you are saying is actually shit and a much lower tone than how you usually say things? It's shit and it is much lower than this forum and community and Ministry deserves?! Do you forget yourself?! That's not a good way of saying things, Mancy"? No. That didn't happen. I did something poorly/wrong, and everyone feels good in themselves for paying a penny to punch and kick me now. Anyone can say this is me playing the victim, or they can realise it is a statement of what has happened.

You and anyone can say, and others can say again, that I am "playing the victim" now. As I have said before, in my posts, I always keep in mind that others can read what I post. Everyone can read this thread and see how degraded things have become. If this thread can be a lesson in how to respond and how not to respond (among other lessons), then good, despite all of this shit. Maturity and civility might cost a lot, or it might cost nothing.

Veritá_666 said:
I think it is useless to answer or chat with fancy, he is a traitor, talking to him now is the equivalent of talking to a troll. A total waste of time.
I'm not a traitor. What have I done that is treacherous? I saw on there a thread by someone who thinks it is his job to inform that forum that I "got trashed" here. I am not "allowed" to go there anymore, because doing so means I am being a traitor and becoming a crackpot over a long period of time, so you who have the link can go there and be a traitor for simply going there, and see them saying "HPS Maxine is dead", saying HPHC is member Siatris, and other things.

He has chosen his path and will rot with those jewish creeps.
Yeah, my path is going onto social media where millions of jews go on, as well. I will rot on social media. :roll: Grow up, will you?

In my oppinion if he continues to hang around with those filthy reptiles he will eventually go crazy, make a post that goes too far and then he will be banned.
Just wait for the next ritual program.
I love this forum's users. They're all ignorant. 9yeaq, I can exaggerate, as well.) It's great that when I say "a couple of times" and "briefly", that means "my jewish friend whom I sleep in bed naked with and attend all jewish festivals at the local synagogue as much as possible". Be ignorant deliberately, or use your brains, if you have any.

This situation also proves this fact:
"No matter how respected or advanced one is, one wrong choice will completely destroy you."
Will and also completely and also destroy, is that? That's a very fine line between pleasing "god" and being damned forever, then. Intentions are important; mistakes happen. The Gods and Goddesses know me; you lot don't. Get over yourselves.

By wrong choice I mean serious things like high treason or working for the enemy. But of course for a true Satanist this option will never exist.
That's entirely out of context. It is irrelevant to this thread and myself. What "work", though? Don't just claim a half-arsed bit of nonsense, then hope others will infer the meaning. Explain it clearly.

I'm not sure if fancy is a jew or not, although his friends called him a "stupid beta-jew," in case you are a Gentile know that you still have a chance to leave that pigsty and return to Satan's side. In case you are a jew, I wish you the worst.
you will never know if I am a jew or not, because you just want to play a guessing game. My friends? Why do you choose, deliberately, to be stupid repeatedly? Stop being ignorant, and learn facts. "Return to Satan's side"? I never left. I go to social media, full of all sorts, including the jew. I never left Satan by going there. Please be blind, ignorant and stupid on purpose and perpetually. Read my posts and be informed, or be like Dah-- him above and shout loudly into a megaphone with noise-cancelling headphones on. "In case"? So you don't know if you are wishing me the best or the worst? :roll:

Those who go directly against Satan will receive the most evil punishments of all.
So I repeat - if you can, then speak with LORD Beelzebul or any other God or Goddess, and ask Him/Them to punish me for being a traitor, for betraying, for worshipping the highest rabbi in my country every second of my being. Don't try and skirt around things - just do it. If you can't, then others who can communicate telepathically should.

Heil Satan!
Before I say what I want to say, I say this - please be deliberately-ignorant of what I am saying in my reply in this paragraph, also. You also spewing a load of bullshit while being ignorant on purpose, then saying "Hail Satan" as if it makes it all OK and correct and acceptable. Praising and hailing Satan... for what?

Just like faker jew The Outlaw Torn here calls me a jew, his jew friends on that forum (or maybe he himself using a different username) also calls me a jew on there, as well. What? You can call me a jew, but I can't call you one back? Lol. That's fair.

Maybe I should repeat more often - think with your Brains, not with your Emotions. By the way - you, Veritá_666, having gone to that forum to see that they called me a "stupid beta-jew" means you are a traitor by going there. You went there, so you must be sacked now. Bye. The same should also apply to others on there who appear to be pro-JoS and who appear to be defending JoS.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=376448 time=1658417250 user_id=21286]However, it did seem like he absorbed some of their talking points and reposted them here, which is much more revealing and is a red flag.
I give you the benefit of the doubt for being careful in your reply, by saying "it did seem like..." Allow me to repeat, and I hope I can make this as painfully clear as possible -

I have said, multiple times in the past, that it is


here. I say "cliquéy and religious", someone or more says "a cult". I never said JoS is a cult. I said "no wonder they call it a cult". One might say it is cult-like here, but then that would be ignored and misconstrued either deliberately or accidentally by others, and misremember "it's a cult" instead of "it's cult-like" - it's "cliquéy and religious".

Let's hope that isn't the case.
No offence, but hoping really does nothing. I expect you realise that, though. To anyone, not just to Blitzkreig - I'm not a traitor. I'm not being banned. I'm not leaving. I'm not destroyed. I (consider that I) didn't have much respect received to me, nor much weight in my posts, so I (consider that I) have not lost any of that. I don't not matter - thank you personally and directly for that. I might not have the best way of expressing myself, and it took such a shit thread to get that out, but when others think with their Emotions instead of with their Brains, then it makes it impossible for me to try to explain myself. Maybe I am too logical-thinking, too logical-sided, while also having some problems in being able to express that - according to Blitzkreig and Lydia, that seems incredibly likely. Also according to HPHC ages ago, (I forgot exactly what he said) that I can say some very nonsense things. I accept that entirely; this "you don't matter", "you're psychotic", "you're turning into a crackpot over a long period of time" is bullshit and ignorant and a deliberate, direct, personal attack; I visited twice and briefly.

then they have proven themselves. Yet, if they still cause problems despite being given genuine attention, this only further seals the case against them.
I doubt very much that this will be your advice, but to not defend myself means to have these Emotion-thinkers go off on one repeatedly; thus, I should just ignore them and allow them to shout into the wind and not have me explain nor defend myself. Notice how much or how little I have retaliated in this thread - having defending and explaining myself - or having been trying to - instead of retaliating a lot. Ohhh, but those Emotion-thinkers will claim this, that and the other...

so all of that should not occur in the future.
Just to round things off... well, maybe not nicely, here - I repeat that it seems that I have to learn the hard way. Stubborn-minded, thick-headed, whatever you want to call it. Change is not easy - and I have said in threads before that the Mind is so stubborn. I was saying that from direct experience. In fact, months ago I wanted to make a thread about asking in the title of the thread something like "Why is Changing So FKing Difficult?!", but I decided against it. I suppose at that time I was not ready to reveal more about myself, as I have done in this thread... apparently to my own thrashing, roasting, self-inflicted hatred, whatever.



I have been making this reply for about a day. It started off more retaliatory/defence-attacking (attacking as a way to defend myself), but I deleted most of those. Now at this point, after the above, which I won't change now, I say this also honestly but I intend it in a softer tone -

In 2019 especially, but also to a much lesser degree before that, I and others wondered if I had autism. There were more indications of obsessions/fixations and ADD/ADHD (we know - ADD/ADHD is nonsense but the meanings of it in medical terms). There was no mention of my inability to, or just lacking ability to, communicate clearly. I said that I have had trouble with brevity; HPHC said I can say nonsense; Lydia said I go about the houses to explain a simple thing and suggested that I have autism/am neurotic (the latter of which I cannot deny); Blitzkreig said I have problems in communicating... I've taken these, from long ago, from more recently, and from very recently, and after this shit thread, I finally realise and accept it. I have been sort-of accepting it over time, but now it is final.

I apologised to NakedPluto. I meant that apology. If I should apologise to everyone else, and HPHC especially, then I have to say that honestly, due to me not meaning to attack, if I apologised, then I wouldn't mean it. It wouldn't be honest nor truthful. If I simply say, "I apologise", maybe some would accept that and it might just serve to make them feel better, but I simply would not feel/think that I am being honest, because I didn't mean to attack. Me saying that I'm sorry here and now seems (at least to me) empty and fake.

Nevertheless, I apologise. I'm sorry.

Perhaps this thread was necessary, maybe it was needed. Having to learn the hard way, as shit as that in itself is, this thread, and the users in it, got things out, as difficult and as shit as it was and as reluctant as I was to allow that to happen. In a strange way, I am thankful. It's not a nice way for it to have happened but it certainly was helpful, but as I also have mentioned before - being wrapped-up in cotton wool and being molly-coddled is something I have disagreed with...so... yeah... My attitude also is that I prefer the truth if it hurts than a lie which doesn't. I don't know what else to say now... so... sorry and again you have my thanks.
FancyMancy said:
Instead of making posts of kilometer-long responses, you could start meditating and clearing your soul. I am sure if you would have used your time for aura cleansing instead of writing kilometer-long posts you would be at a better point, but for now you have a very dirty energy feedback.

This is my advice to you, start cleaning yourself up.

You know the consequences of a dirty soul.
I really love this denial tactic people do when they write something and then say that what they wrote doesn't mean what it literally means. At this point it's just attempts at gaslighting and trying to twist what was attempted here as if it were constructive or positive somehow.

Anybody reading the OP can see the underlying aggression and destructive, malicious and disrespectful tone of what's being said. As well as what is explicitly being said, that it is no wonder "people" see JoS as a cult as if this is the truth and they are justified in seeing it this way.

Implying that you are being ignored does nothing here because everything you're saying is being taken into account. Simply put nothing of what you write is justifying what's been said and done in the initial post, no matter how much you try to twist and deny what you did like a broken record.

Others have criticized the overall behaviors of some members. I personally have done it many times and slowly but surely the atmosphere has improved. Note however that neither myself or others who have done this have gone to opposing groups and brought in enemy rhetoric and typical behaviors of constantly pointing the finger at HC and complaining that everybody here just worships him blindly, or "sucks his cock in fear of being banned". Yes, this is not disrespectful it's all of us who misunderstand everything.

You can deny it all you want and write all the walls of text you'd like to try to twist things and gaslight readers. Anybody can just scroll up to the first post and read it, and see for themselves.

This is all slander and disrespect and the way you've been treated is not only justified but totally tame. Because really at the end of the day you've been given advice and still have a platform to continue to receive guidance and advice, from the same people you viciously slandered and mocked in your repugnant post.

Were it up to me I would have just removed you completely without any explanation or chance for advice to given to you. But since HC, the person who you so relentlessly criticize and mock for "inferior english" maintains this platform, people like you have ample opportunities to make up for mistakes and move on, even when you disrespect and slander all of us, and even when you disrespect and slander him personally. Even when you openly state you're on opposing groups and bring their rhetoric here, you still have a place to get guidance and be elevated.

If JoS was the closed, restrictive clique you continue to claim that it is, you wouldn't even have an account anymore. I do appreciate the pedigree of your stupidity but even you have got to realize the above claims are total bullshit.

Did you meditate today?
Gosh I just got to actually read a bit of this incredible boring kabbalistic text wall to reach that part and I regret being nice and sympathetic:
FancyMancy said:
Not to pick on HPHC, BUUUUTTTTT [...] Everyone just sucks his dick in fear of being banned on here. (OK, not everyone. I can't claim all members are the same.)

With this level of rabbinical respect the next thing you would say is call HPS Maxine the Whore of Babylon...

BUUUT I mean no disrespect at all you filthy tyrannical Roman philistines - I'm just saying "no wonder people think so", "in other words reasonably so".

"i'm too smart if the goyim call me out i'll claim they didn't read my message properly." Kinda like the parables of jesus, or yeshiva rethoric.

- just so you ignore even the friendly comments and advices with indirects, misleads and endless (failed commedic) nonsense, as you don't wanna grow up - no logical demands, nor you even know what you are mad about here, except not growing up from teenage brain of being rebellious for the sake of it and biting the hand that feeds you.

You are a fucking coward pussy hiding behind the good will of the HP, and retarded Sophism from not knowing what clear writing is... Dumb to the level of sucking circumcised slander in hopes of being banned, to validate your teenage rebellious phase.

(And no you don't need to perform oral sex to not get banned, sorry to ruin this jewish hopes of yours of sexualizing anything to do with Gods and Priests. If the HP wasn't so lenient as he is you should have been banned from the first post, also no one wants oral sex from someone who is so bad oraly as to be disabled of proper communication as yourself).
FancyMancy said:
jrvan said:
I didn't call JoS a cult.
FancyMancy said:
With the way that users are hounded into leaving when they say or do something that the majority voters disagree with, doesn't anyone think that is rather cult-like?

First line, meet contradictory second line.

You used to be in a cult called xianity so you should know the difference. If the JoS has any relation to cults at all, technically, it would simply be that the JoS is so very anti-cult by its nature. It's not much different than the relation between lies and truth, when there really is no relationship other than the truth is NOT lies, and lies are NOT truth. If you distort an account of history then it's no longer history, it's fiction because it wasn't what truly happened. Contrasting things of this nature doesn't forge a relationship between them. The JoS is not defined by what it isn't, it's defined by what it is. Just like Gentiles aren't defined by not being jews, and we have no natural relationship with jews. The JoS will outlast all cults, Gentiles will outlast all jews, and the Truth will outlast all lies. We have no true relationship with what we are opposed to. We are temporarily opposed until our enemies collapse, and then we will exist beyond them as what we naturally are.

I was in a cult. Everyone who got backlash for standing up to the cult leaders, got dogpiled, and then was smart enough to leave earlier than I did, was very blessed. They didn't come back or even whine to others about how cult-like the cult was. They were just glad to be out. They were relieved. Do you think anyone who left the JoS gets that same feeling of relief? No, because this clearly isn't a cult, and they weren't unhappy here. Others still whine about losing their influence and trust here because they know what is at stake, and they know how important the JoS is. Losing your voice here is like losing your senator seat in Ancient Rome, or some other prestigious position. This is essentially the new world stage in a world full of meaninglessness because in a meaningless world made by jews, nothing matters - so when suddenly things do matter, the stakes are actually meaningful because what we are doing actually matters and transcends simple cult bullshit. A few bad apples will never spoil the JoS, and the rot will always be cast out to the empty dead jewish gutters where it belongs. And they know they left of their own will.

Imagine if I shit talked England, or Italy, or any proud nation full of history, or if I reduced other proud European nations like Spain or Hungary to nothing more than good vacation spots... Imagine if I bashed Ancient Egypt, and ran my mouth about the ancient Serpent Schools, and said their teachings were nothing more than watered down poppycock and distractions for eager and naive neophytes who have no real purpose in life. PEOPLE. WOULD. GET. PISSED! You're not getting backlash because you went against a cult leader, or because it's a hivemind that foams at the mouth every time you contradict the established dogma because they can't think for themselves - you're getting backlash because you made people angry. Individuals who built this place with their hearts and strength of spirit, that contribute every day just like Romans built Rome with their hands every day. People put themselves into what they build, and there is collective pride of accomplishment for what they all built together. These are free thinkers who found Satanism on their own, and struggled through life to make it here. To spit on all of this is taboo for a reason, and it's a grievous insult to everyone here to call them, essentially, cult fanatics - whether implied or stated explicitly. I don't know how else to pour this understanding into your mind other than suggesting to take a literal dump on the Eiffel Tower, or any famous monument, and see what happens. People will attack you. Spirits will attack you. It's sacrilege. It's too offensive for words.

Walk outside of your own perspective for a bit, and just think about it.
Based on the tone of this thread and my (perhaps clouded) thoughts of users herein, it still seems toxic. Forgive me if I am wrong.

Dahaarkan said:
Others have criticized the overall behaviors of some members. I personally have done it many times and slowly but surely the atmosphere has improved.
As I say, I don't read through those threads, so I'll have to take your word for that. If that is so, then very good.

Note however that neither myself or others who have done this have gone to opposing groups and brought in enemy rhetoric
Again, again... again - I have said it is religious and cliquey here before I ever went to, and before I ever knew about, that forum.

"sucks his cock in fear of being banned". Yes, this is not disrespectful it's all of us who misunderstand everything.
I'll capitulate that one. Yes, that was highly disrespectful of me. I won't deny that. At the time, (and throughout) I didn't mean the OP disrespectfully, but this part about HPHC I did mean it in the same... well, not the same tone but in the same sense that another member said, that I/we just agree with what HPHC says and we don't question it - that is the sense I meant. Of course, I said it in a much lower and disrespectful tone. I want to apologise to

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I'm sorry. I hold my hands up and admit that I was highly disrespectful and I shouldn't have done that.

It's not a wall of text. There are many paragraphs...

Were it up to me I would have just removed you completely without any explanation or chance for advice to given to you.
So you don't want to help someone in need? You want to kick them when they're down? Great job. You don't like people speaking their minds - nor having a rapport where we can speak our minds honestly, even if a bit harsh (where being understanding and patient would come in)? Instead, you want us to be robotic sheep, all bleating the same way and blinking on-cue, breathing on-cue, doing everything exactly as scripted as possible? That seems like you ignore that Satan's wisdom is not separate from His heart.

HC, the person who you so relentlessly criticize and mock for "inferior english"
I don't criticise HPHC relentlessly. I said what I said in the OP. Besides one thing, if this counts, that HPHC once said I was trolling in a reply, when I was not and I replied something like "I am not trolling, thanks", I haven't been upset with him before. I am sure I have not said anything else at all in any other post before. I have also never mocked HPHC. Stop bullshitting and stop trying to exaggerate.

and bring their rhetoric here
If you are referring to the toxicity point, then I said it's cliquey and religious here before that forum. Of course, the other points, then yeah, they're nonsense.

If JoS was the closed, restrictive clique you continue to claim that it is
I never said it was a closed clique, nor do I claim that continuously. I said it's cliquey, not a clique. Things can be like other things without actually being those things. You say I have underlying messages and wordplay, then you exaggerate and lie.

I do appreciate the pedigree of your stupidity
Oh, yeah. I'm the stupid one. Good one. Unless you think exaggeration and lies are clever.

Did you meditate today?
Yes. It's very rare I miss a day... even if it is very minimal what I have been doing.

Egon said:
text wall
It's not a wall of text. There are many paragraphs...

I regret being nice and sympathetic:
I refer you to what I said just above about that.

I would never say anything about HPS Maxine like you typed. I'm not going to quote it either. Don't try to put words in my mouth, exaggerate, nor lie. Thanks.

just so you ignore even the friendly comments
I have not ignored friendly comments. Try reading this thread again. Are you just trying to be a troll, or something?

(failed commedic)
There's no accounting for taste.

as you don't wanna grow up
Don't I? That's news to me. Speaking honestly about things is not being immature. The hounding in threads when people speak honestly is immature. I don't want to grow up? I would like to - but I won't waste a - lol on that one.

being rebellious for the sake of it and biting the hand that feeds you
I'm doing it deliberately, for teh lolz? Again - news to me.

You are a fucking coward pussy
What? Did you wait until you saw the tone of this thread to decide how to respond? If everyone responded more maturely and civilly, then would you have not replied at all? How exactly am I a "coward pussy", and how exactly am I "hiding"? I came out here, openly, freely, without restriction. I spoke my mind, 'poured my heart out' (sort of); further down the thread, I revealed more about myself. That's not "coward pussy"-like. What point are you trying to make, other than just being a bad troll and a good dick?

in hopes of being banned, to validate your teenage rebellious phase.
Oh, another one wearing noise-cancelling headphones while screaming into a megaphone. I never hoped to be banned. I am in a "teenage rebellious phase"? I must not be the only one, with the way Emotions have burst out in this thread. In all members here in this thread, Blitzkreig mostly, and only a small number of others, have been patient and mature and civil and helpful. We want to improve, better, become more? Supposedly. (Oh! There's that word again! Just like I mentioned it in the OP!) Improving, becoming better, becoming more can be good or bad - and in this thread, only a small number of people have improved, become better and become more in good, positive and helpful ways in this thread. Separate the Men from the Boys, or if you prefer jewish texts (seeing as users in here love to accuse) - separate the wheat from the chaff. That was not my intention at all, but I'm happy that is an accidental result. There is no teenage rebellious phase. It's words. You can interpret them how you choose, if you want to do that.

(And no you don't need to perform oral sex to not get banned, sorry to ruin this jewish hopes of yours of sexualizing anything to do with Gods and Priests. If the HP wasn't so lenient as he is you should have been banned from the first post).
I have no jewish hopes. The point of "sucking dick to be banned" is sarcasm. That's not literal... obviously. I didn't mention anything about Gods or Goddesses - why are you mentioning that? I don't sexualise anything to do with Gods, Goddesses, Priests, Priestesses, High Priests, nor High Priestesses. I also cannot sexualise God and Goddess-related things, because as you know, Incubi and Succubi exist, which are sexual lovers. Humans, and Animals, are sexual beings. I cannot sexualise things/entities which are sexual already. Now please - choose deliberately to misinterpret what I just said. Being banned from the OP? So all previous posts of mine are wasted and useless and deleted? It's all irrelevant and gone to waste?

If I am not mistaken, some members masturbate while imagining a God or Goddess. I think that has been said before, although ages ago. I have never done such a thing, nor do I want to. While it might be OK, I would feel like such a user and very perverse and dirty to get my rocks off to a God or Goddess - even if it is an acceptable form of... praise? Of course, being in love and/or lust with a Daemon or Daemoness Lover is fine; just masturbating to Gods or Goddesses, even if also fine, I could not bring myself to do.

also no one wants oral sex from someone who is so bad oraly as to be disabled of proper communication as yourself
Thanks for giving me advice to better myself and improve things. Great work. You're an honourable, upstanding role model on this forum. Praise be!

jrvan said:
First line, meet contradictory second line.
"JoS is a cult" is me calling JoS a cult. "Isn't it cult-like?" is me asking if it is like a cult. There is no contradiction.


Please - everyone, I beg you. Jump to conclusions. Please don't seek clarity. Infer. Decide meanings and intentions instead of knowing and understanding meanings and intentions...


You used to be in a cult called xianity so you should know the difference.
Yes, I used to be in a cult called xianity. I do know. I have said... apparently not enough times... it is cliquey and religious here, referring to what it's like in christianity. I shall be more precise and correct myself. There are cliquey and religious elements here. I have been a christian, so I know. While here is entirely opposing of christianity and jew shit, there still seem to be some social-interaction similarities which remain. I say this, and I get called a jew, rabbinical, kabbalistic, a traitor... Apparently, I cannot say things because people get offended. If I recognise a problem, then I should mention it. If that is taken as hatred, an attack, or whatever, then that is how others choose to infer it. They could ask for clarification...

I didn't call JoS a cult. I said no wonder others call it a cult. Would it be easier if I said "this place is not a cult, but it is cult-like", or "JoS is not a cult, but it's no wonder others call it a cult with things like this"? Does everyone need every tiny bit of information entirely all the time? They could ask for clarity, or say for example, "If you mean...". Unfortunately, I cannot remember to type everything exactly-perfectly. They call it a cult, I call it cliquey and religious.

The JoS is defined by what it is. OK - currently, there are elements of toxicity. Previously, I said that I agreed it is toxic here - meaning there is toxicity, not that it is toxic in and of itself. Again I shall be more specific and correct myself - there are elements of toxicity here. There are toxic users here. Yeah, I know "You're toxic, FancyMancy". Yeah, I like to be silly and lightening the mood, instead of having things be boring and clinical. I haven't the best attitude, but this thread has been revealing. (I can't say the same for other similar threads which go into many pages because I don't go through them, so I can only guess it is very similar in them, probably with the same users.)

The JoS will outlast all cults, Gentiles will outlast all jews, Truth will outlast all lies.
I am not disputing these points in the slightest. Some will argue that these points are my opinion, your opinion, our opinion, but they surely are not opinions, and they surely will happen. At the present time, we cannot prove it, but we know it is true, not merely an "opinion".

Do you think anyone who left the JoS gets that same feeling of relief? No, because this clearly isn't a cult, and they weren't unhappy here.
I haven't spoken with them. It does seem that there are some who are trying to drive me away - I discount Verita_666 as I say below, because I was pleasantly surprised at the reply. Of course, Blitzkreig does not count either, and a few other members in this thread also don't count. Maybe you can tell whom I mean by the way they reply and the way I reply back to them. "No, Fancy. We're not trying to drive you away" or "No, Fancy. I'm not trying to drive you away". No? "I hope you leave", etc.

Others still whine about losing their influence and trust here because they know what is at stake, and they know how important the JoS is.
I might not realise it fully, but I do know that it is incredibly important. This is why I have said "no-one would want me to edit sermons, due to how I have been". After that... well, see all of the toxic replies kicking a Man while he's down.

Losing your voice here is like losing your senator seat in Ancient Rome, or some other prestigious position.
If you are referring to myself, having had a voice with weight, then I still don't believe that I had voice with weight really at all. To me, I seem more like someone who either

1) might burst into the Senate, or
2) hand out leaflets at the Senate door

any number of times, and provide a bit of information which might be taken and applied, or just ignored, rather than me having an actual seat on the Senate. That's how I've always seen myself, but sometimes maybe when a Senator is absent for whatever reason, I might be allowed to sit in his seat as long as he doesn't find out! Either that, or perhaps be like an "honourary Senator" (or perhaps senator with a lowercase S).

A few bad apples will never spoil the JoS, and the rot will always be cast out to the empty dead jewish gutters where it belongs. And they know they left of their own will.
I've been accused, as you can see in this thread, and again they think they can get rid of me with their replies - and wishes. They can keep trying, though. Try as they might - but their might, in this context, is weak and frail.
(For those who don't understand - "might" here has multiple meanings.)

you're getting backlash because you made people angry
I didn't mean to make anyone angry. There is no tonation in text. Text is cold and emotionless, but based on some things, we can see some upset and things. I was just trying to use examples to explain my point. Naturally, certain countries are obvious examples for all sorts of different things. In a meme I saw ages ago, it said e.g. Scottish is unintelligible English, American is lazy English, etc. (I can remember only those two.) It wasn't meant as an attack. I was using examples.

To spit on all of this is taboo for a reason
I wasn't trying to spit on it. Try and think of it this way - journalists also make careless mistakes in their articles. For some reason, that seems to be OK. One argument is 1984, another argument is dumbing us down. I was hoping to do the opposite. I have been going about it in a wrong way. I can't say why I care about this so much, other than these 3 things (1984, dumbing down, doing the opposite) but to me it's incredibly important that the bits and pieces of things are also improved. Maybe try this - it's like a nice oil painting, but it has a blotch on it which spoils the piece. I hope that makes sense as to what I am trying to say. To others, apparently, it is unimportant and maybe they like the blotch; to me, no. The artwork has to be restored. This is what I was trying to say. Not to attack or spit, etc. on things.

Walk outside of your own perspective for a bit, and just think about it.
Indeed. I repeat - I need to get away from myself.

Maybe I should have kept everything bottled-up, instead of letting it out. Then I wouldn't have received the help I have received from the good and helpful JG Blitzkreig, and the other kindness and help from other members in this thread; nor revealing what seems to be the toxic users in this thread (I say "revealing" because again, I don't see everything about all users). They seem to be able to speak openly and honestly, though. It would have festered and got worse Mentally, Psychologically, and Spiritually - possibly Physically and Biologically. Then later on, whenever, I might make a thread and others would be like, "Why did you let it get this far, FancyMancy?!", etc. It seems some here would have preferred that.

If I didn't do the OP, then all of the things - good and bad - in this thread wouldn't have come out (or come out again). I was hoping that after my reply above with the ending bit in a calmer tone, trying to apologise, that I would come back to a better ending to this thread, or possibly no-one replying. I saw Verita_666, and before reading his(?) reply, I was expecting more of the bitching and bullshit, etc. I was wrong. After his reply, when coming back again after reading it, I thought that either his reply would be the last one (and I might have replied again) or others would reply in-kind. I cannot tell if Verita_666 is saying his reply in a harsh tone or not - but I thought he was going to be harsh, but I think I was wrong. His reply is honest and direct, but not harsh. Then we get to a couple of replies after, and...
I definitely do not have any issue, that is a mishap, and I do not hold nothing against anyone.

However, going to an enemy place with kikes and so on, is in itself stupid. To bring further arguments in this way because you were apparently influenced from them, was not smart either.

These "people" there are just rejects and a few trolls, added with a jewish granny and a heroin and crack smoking freak that the community unfortunately paid for a swindle claim by the jewish granny that was an "SS from South Africa that was in need to be saved".

Then they built a place of slander with JoS donated money from members [and other forums, as one folder I have shows] to create a nonsense as a cheap jos copy, because the granny got infuriated when HPS Maxine knew that she was a hooknose and decided to put her in her place.

The story of this jewish zola granny is that she tried to infiltrate many National Socialist organizations and "alternative" organizations, and failed at doing this on all of them. She used to work into the office of Brian Ruhe, who is a crazy person who was caught on a picture dressed as a Rabbi, and was his secretary. There's a long history here of strange acts.

After robbing she decided to take what was robbed, and her "persecuted" junkie friend to make a place of slander against JoS.

The fact people reacted as they did is because of this behavior, and because most people know things you do not. For example, I was sent a few things that I never bothered to read, and it's denigrating to spend time on this.

In regards to statements about "cults", clearly, you have never been in one and have no clue how a real cult looks like. Cults destroy people and they are way worse than you could ever imagine, lookup on cults online. You can google about actual cults and see the points of checks they have, and you will find none here.

I have an e-mail for any issues and other corrections, plus you can use your rights as you see fit in the board or otherwise. But the situation remains that if you literally bring the enemy inside the board and their crap, might incur drawbacks from this.

I do not recall at any turn denying input or criticism, or even severe criticism. But slander and so on is pointless and helps nowhere. Unless one is a declared enemy of JoS, then any form of support to one's Brothers and so on has a point of respect inside which it should be done. I always do my best to display this respect to others.

Clearly you aren't banned for anything, again proving the nonsense that people get banned here as mostly an imagination except where jews are concerned.

They basically are trying to get you in there so you can lie about things which are of no foundation at all. These are jews there and they know why they are banned, in most cases, and the "Cases" themselves literally don't exceed 10 people or something.

They pretend to support you but they seek to undermine you, and make you use your rights in a way that will cause issues to you or others, and hopefully to "myself", because they know that there are many people that have my full trust and support, and that this is how this thing works, instead of the imaginary nonsense they write that people are under some sort of "you might get banned" nonsense.

There was never a time where banning was more lenient. The person that you seek Magestein has banned half the forum, and there were no people that ever had any rights to speak under them whatsoever. The only people who could post without this were people literally given rights by HPS Maxine which they could not remove.

I know you love JoS so one way to show this is with feedback and conversation or work with anyone else so the place improves. Complaining with useless kikes won't help anywhere in that regard or better anything.
Honestly get your shit togheter. Nobody can read your wall of text, we don't have the time and honestly what you wrote has no meaning. I always said that you overthing too much, what are you doing here? Have you tried fixing your shits with magic? Because honestly it does not seems so.

You have been here for years, its normal to have some doubts but honestly after a while if you tried the meditations, spells and ritual from here the doubts go away and never come back. If you don't like it here you know how you can just go but if you have had experiences and you know its all real it would be a waste.

There are members who may have exaggerated to you here but you have to understand we get angry when we know something so great and spiritual gets disrespected. You have not been banned because we understand humans can make mistakes but you need to learn and above all start to fix your shits with meditation and magic.
FancyMancy said:

Criticizing JoS, it's members, it's clergy/leadership is not the issue here. But take some steps back and look at the overall tone of your post.

When you are giving criticisms in a condescending and disrespectful manner, and at the same time mentioning that you're visiting opposing groups it's not hard to see why anybody reading this will assume there is malicious and destructive intent behind this.

Because when you criticize whilst also mentioning you're in opposing forums, even worse many of those criticisms being the kinds of accusations and slander they spam relentlessly, one will logically assume you are here to progress their agenda. You have put up every red flag imaginable and now you're complaining it's everyone else's fault that they are seeing you as the enemy. This is on YOU.

Note I have not called you a traitor. I do not think you are a traitor, you're just stupid and lazy. You neglect your spiritual health and open yourself to enemy influence, and of course there is no other outcome than this. This is the logical and expected outcome of your decisions.

And yes, I would remove you. Not because I think you're a traitor but because you set a bad example. And I don't want new members seeing someone who is given so much trust and respect is someone who neglects their spiritual health, openly goes on enemy communities and lets themself be influenced by their shit. It is nothing against "you" on a personal level.

I don't want others following in your footsteps and destroying themselves is all. The reason I am here still replying is to make this clear that you are not an example to follow for reasons I've explained and made clear. To remove you would not have been a personal or emotional decision but a purely pragmatic one, the path of least resistance for a positive outcome for the JoS and it's members. Your respected and trusted status gives you a degree of influence over impressionable and inexperienced members, and as far as I can tell this influence has become negative and must therefore be destroyed.

The issue is not "you". It is how "you" may affect others if left unaddressed. Understand this, when I perceive any harm being done to JoS or it's members or attempts at this intentionally or not, I go ballistic immediately.

There's a reason I keep telling you to log off, spend a few months in incrementing meditations and then come back when you're clean and more healthy on the spiritual side.
That forum is trash and literally almost all their threads are nothing but bashing JOS. Their list grows of people they slander, and there is even one user they accuse of being me now, who actually said that they were former JOS member, shadowtheraven. It actually pissed me off how he worded his username, I bet he did it on purpose...."shadowc132" something.

I will never post on that fucking forum, and all those idiots say about me or any of us there are nothing but lies.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
