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Gear88 said:After this updated time period since this thread came up.
I think the whole meditation thing on Fancy is getting blown out of proportion, in fact it seems more like it's like IF not meditate = problem. It's the same with me I've pretty much quit meditation, I did get inspired again to clean. I've genuinely never experienced anything wonderful or surreal of meditation. I can definitely state meditation and this mentality that I am is always toxic and while I don't blame ANYTHING on the JoS or anything this organization is innocent. I choosed to be this way and become this way. Either way since ever pretty much I've always delved and peered through darkness.
The sheer fact is I've never accomplished a single iota of anything. IF anything in some cases I get people who are like so into meditation and somehow it works that it's like "Are you the grand master Guru of meditation?". I know what someone should do and yet as much as I can provide conversation with a person. They go what about you and I'm like yeah I don't meditate.
It's more of a do as I say not as I do. I've been obsessed with the occult pretty much since at least ignorantly since '93-'94 growing up studying far eastern stuff and whatnot to a ignorant child degree. But even getting involved in '99-'00 with internet, even all the lucid dreaming, astral projection, and all this phenomena. It's never occurred, nothing has occurred in fact when I read things of astral projection and exercises to do.
I'm like when I go to bed as a person I just want to go to sleep. I don't have any desire to do something. I want to speak to myself to tire out my brain, relax from the weight of the day falling on me. Another shitty worthless piece of shit day like usual. And sleep to whatever pathetic cheap sleep I do which usually accounts to simply I wake up more tired than the day before. In many cases despite being eventually very tired the act of staying awake over the night leaves me less tired than sleep.
Funny I don't even know how I made it through school always hated school and was always like "Why am I forced to go to this place?". Funny last year early on HP.Cobra released some new meditations that are more contemplative and more of an incubation sorta like a lucid dream incubation technique. And it's simply like I read it and I'm like I've been doing that pretty much since I was a kid. If the entire day is falling on me and I'm in bed trying to resist blowing my brains out in disbelief that I had at many points wake up 15 minutes before the bus comes and be in crappy school.
Sheer fact is I understand but in many cases people on here view meditation as this wunderkind that like Rob Zombie states in Thunder Kiss '65, "breaks down agony and sets ecstasy into overdrive".
This happened with SWG(Southern White Gentlemen) he came did somethings wasn't really improved with meditation or anything stayed for the politics eventually posted some memes and then just disappeared. I don't know what meditation does, I don't know what meditation is, I've so overcomplexified meditation that it's simply a logical information on a alternative mental process and I simply use it to think things through and invent new things.
My meditation the way I meditate is. I use my mind to think and process my life and invent new things or think new things. I think therefore I am as the old saying goes.
If that is wrong, which it certainly is, it's certainly the thinker statue vs the far eastern meditator statue.
I want to type more and express myself at this current time I can't nor have any intelligence or intuition to type down my way of scribing to text. But all I can say is I love the politics, I love the economic principle, and I love the quirky and downright appropriate properties in destroying all judeo-bolshevik political-religious organizations much like how the internet armies of the World perform deep strikes everywhere. But as the actual practice of this meditation I simply do not have a single logical thought. All I can see possibly believe is messianically mediation saves people. I save myself.
Okay, I save myself, question how does a single person or human know what to do. It seems with people open up yourself to beings of higher power. And it's like how do I even know I'm speaking to said entities which follow this organization. IF anything it seems like people throughout history like Tesla were absolutely lucky. And yet we got people who attract these entities or people or some thing that goes bump in the night and there's just nothing to do. I'm not saying mental illness or whatever but sometimes I'm like logically I understand your supposed to kinda 2A the spiritual realm and have weapons or banish and whatnot. But it's like in modern day society non of this works or does anything. Maybe we've modernized ourselves out of spirituality in our own nullity sphere. But some people go I've done EVERYTHING this organization states and nothing happens.
It seems like everyone is learned helpless and just applies learned helpless to other things. I don't think FancyMancy is in the wrong. But I don't think FancyMancy cares much about meditation. He is a logical person perhaps overly logical or perhaps not. Maybe Fancy is simply a intuitive thinker he has these flashes of superstition speaks or types or scribes it down and is like a machine.
Maybe he is another Innovation, like the Starcraft 2 player. People memed this guy, this professional RTS gamer and he ended up saying I'm not a robot. Even though he is a robot and would do the same things over and over even if it failed in one game he does it again just as good or better and wins. Maybe FancyMancy is so robotic he just does things.
For example I spend HOURS of my time walking and thinking. I've literally have spent like so many hours awake walking and thinking and talking to myself and inventing new things. That I just do it for the hell of it cause life is so boring, stupid, and worthless I gotta pass the time in this agony that exists called life. I usually spend my time walking till my feet hurt, till my feet are glowing in pain in bed when I finally rest, till my feet have blisters or white skin flakes that are in pain from forming from so much walking. Walking 4-5-8-10 hours+, talking and thinking just doing the same thing over and over and just coming up and inventing and doing things I'll never do or would ever bother in real life. I'm not saying it was real because it was in my mind. But I wasn't born to do things nor has anything I done ever taking much of a life.
The other day I saw a video on Morrowind, I'm like yeah no not gonna play it even though I got the old original release xbox. I'd just probably spend 12-15 hours playing non-stop cause I got nothing better to do.
Maybe Fancy is the same way he is so utterly bored of existing he just uses his mind as a television or some process or some computer to express himself. There's people out there that such as myself that get pissed off being bothered by other people when they interrupt me. I'm spending time thinking, processing, and walking around and sensing around and just existing bored out of their mind probably wanting to blow their brains out going "WTF is so special about life this boring shit wasting away noting good to do everything just terrible". And they think your available to do things or think he is free bother him.
I agree indeed what is the point of doing anything. At least with other people they enslave themselves, I value my life and freedom and am too important to degenerate myself into being a serf slaving away.
Sheer fact is I think Fancy is theoretician vs politician in Mein Kampf. Theoretician lives ages ahead of everyone and if they have to lives shitty lives doing nothing waiting for this future which is to come after extreme human years comes and waits around going not now but far into the future.
Funny the instant the theoretician does something to fix or change. They destroy their theoretical existence. Blue pill vs red, they take the red, but eventually if they blue pill or change their ways they just fail to live in this theoretical existence.
I just don't see Fancy doing meditations not because he doesn't understand, nor can't, nor probably because he may or may not have a spiritual experience unless that is fake or simply to think about because it's just a mental nicity. But I think genuinely he just doesn't see anything special. It's like what was said above a ritual period to change things. No why? just tell me what is wrong I change it if I want to or can and if not at least I have the knowledge to know what to change and maybe spend a few hours or a few days thinking it over maybe speak or email someone like my friend think it over and acclimate the change.
Why bother with 40-90+ days to change something. It was stated a ritual effect period to remove a negativity. How do I even know what I'm doing beings of higher power aren't around to tell me remove this, in this way, and this will improve your life.
For example I asked a while back how do I remove a square or squares from my system. And there was really no response and if that is the case then how do I even know the square worked? maybe it's fake non-sense or simply not meant for me. If you can meditate cool enjoy it your lucky you got a rare gift that most people only dream of. I'd like to remove the squares all squares I've done all of them were stupidly done even if done perfectly or as perfect as I possibly can do it.
I think FancyMancy may have tried or simply not interested. His mind is a meditation he changes and updates his data banks on a whim. Fancy your being this okay *bleep, bloop, blop* okay programming updated I'm now improved better and less or no issues I'll now be careful and fixed.
I guess I as the opposite of Fancy i.e. the Ungrammerly Nazi. I'm just as much a robot and he is just as much a robot. We are both robots one myself might be XYZ and intuitive/emotional/logical. Fancy is simply more logical/strong minded and having the grammatical artistry he has the literary technology available to him. Not unlike a robot hell I can see Fancy being a proof reader for books or doctorial thesis like one of my stupid high school teacher who worked for his doctorate. I found it funny a doctorate while teaching in this shitty school known colloquially as the ref school or spic school by the majority of the opposing school sports team and their peers in school. LOL to that stupidity, it's like man how much did you piss away going for that doctorate.
Fancy I think your high Englander style gets you in trouble. You piss people off from a snipers perspective, while for example I piss people off from basically a spray and burst perspective. I think as the polar opposite but similar robotic. I have had moments of wanting to grammatically improve myself only to go what is the point. Even my friend was like when you started studying commas and semicolons and all this you made everything worse. I just could not understand your emails. I said fuck it no commas, no semi-colons. Do what I know and he was like much better I can read your emails now.
I think your just digging yourself into a pit and bothering the neighbors so to speak. I hate to state withhold or keep yourself to yourself. But at the end no one cares. And that's the sad reality. IF anything it's probably relieving to be told this. Imagine you did something and someone or some group of people stated everything you stated is perfectly fine in fact this, this, and that. And your like more actualized and more in tune going Wowzers I can't believe not only is it perfectly fine but people have already developed the technology far ahead to generate new parameters of data vectors and angles of attack.
In the end I don't know. Frankly I can't really hate what you are. I envy it due to being ungrammatical but also understand it depends on the person. Your simply a person who wants to have likeminded people. But unfortunately not everyone wants to talk deep or care to be deep. Or if you act deep they harass you that your lying or feigning deep. I usually in my own personal way simply talk to myself and keep everyone around me these npc these worthless pieces of shits that should be shot on principle with very little information. In fact talking to others about myself and describing myself is more of a headache to myself. Much like my family suggestion stuff they state do this. No never every time I've done something they say bad shit happens so I do my own and ignore. It's no surprise I hate family and despise the family unit multiple people that hate each other. WTF is the point of bothering with the family why are you together. The individual is the best and thus the individual always rules.
Family time and time again over the World is nothing more than people who hate each other who go down for a moment and then return back to their pathetic existence living like NPC and doing family stuff which they hate and don't work out the problems. If families truly discussed things and truly did proper things they would destroy each other knowing how worthless this union is.
I think FancyMancy you peered into a better World or come from a better time period or built up a weltanschaang better than others and you either keep it to yourself cause it's your building block or you storm people and force them into your change.
Gonna end it here cause I'm rambling but I don't think except for key people in life that much traction will occur. Your gonna have to come up with a compromise.
Fancy mancy is a failed satanist who neglects their spiritual health and like everybody who does this ended up becoming confused and lashing out against JoS, this is typical failed lazy Satanist pattern.
And it's unsurprising you are here again whining because you are also a failed Satanist who is constantly complaining about not being able to meditate because *insert wall of text of excuses here*. And as is typical of failures you then try to project this upon others and look for other failures you can identify with to justify your own laziness.
Just shut the fuck up and meditate. Nobody wants to read your sob story paragraphs. If you don't want to meditate and better yourself, and make progress, just fuck off and join the kike forum. I'm sure you'll find lots of failed Satanists and lazy people like yourself who will circle jerk endlessly over reasons why they can't improve, instead of actually trying to improve. And blame JoS or it's members for their own failures.
Nobody is interested in the endless sob stories of half baked Satanists who refuse to meditate and completely neglect the spiritual. This is a community centered around SPIRITUAL Satanism. Myself and others have been walking on eggshells for years and trying to be decent towards you and others like you to give you room to progress at your own pace.
But at a certain point this is simply a wasted exercise no matter how many years go by. So I'm not going to continue sugar coating this because it doesn't matter how much I hold back the reality that you are a failure and will never improve.
This is honest advice. Go to the kike forum. You will be happier there, they will tell you what you want to hear and justify your laziness and lack of action to better yourself. You will have an environment of constant bias confirmation and remain in a comfortable loop of rotting your soul and feeling justified in doing this.
Or if you wish to remain, either grow a pair of balls and start taking action to improve yourself, or shut the fuck up and stop trying to pass this narrative that it's normal and fine to neglect one's spiritual health. Because you've been here for many years and like fancy you are now starting to give a bad example and encouraging harmful patterns of laziness and inaction. Joy of Satan exists to promote the exact opposite of this and you will not continue to push this rotten narrative that it's okay to neglect one's spiritual health unanswered.
Half baked satanists who neglect spirituality and just treat the forums as a social media platform should not be taken as examples to follow and much less be giving any form of advice especially on spiritual matters. You will not take the time to meditate but will take the time to write paragraphs upon paragraphs of excuses as to why you "can't" meditate. You could have done a cleaning session in the time you took to write this pile of dogshit, and would have benefited you more than sitting here complaining.
You want to waste the opportunity you have be my guest. But do so in silence because nobody wants to hear anymore of your bullshit and excuses. Your workings and squares fail because you're plagued by a defeatist mind that dismantles and sabotages everything you do. I wrote a post about this, you can look for it if you give enough a shit about yourself.
There are endless posts and advice about how to better yourself and grow the habit of meditation, yoga and self betterment. You are just too lazy or too stupid to read and apply any of it no matter how many years go by. And instead opt to write paragraphs of excuses to justify your own laziness and inaction.
And like I said to fancy, don't mistake this for "tough love", I genuinely don't give a fuck about either of you, you can continue to rot and neglect your souls endlessly for all I care. I'm just concerned about the bad example you're giving to others and how this may harm other inexperienced or naive members.
You two are failures and this must be publicly addressed lest others take example from you and become failures themselves.