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Red pill, incels and Blackpill, misogyny

Henu the Great said:
Bravera said:
Shadowcat said:

I came across this post randomly, I'm not interested in Context when I see such obvious destructive ideology.
I don't assume someone is an SS just because they are on the Forums, I don't assume a supposed Nazi is my Ally. I especially won't alliance with someone who proclaims they want to INTENTIONALLY REDUCE THE WELLBEING OF CHILDREN. We are not fucking animals, we are meant to be Spiritual and Godlike, we can lift up the masses, we should not have to tear down Innocent Children. We can build a School System that teaches them foundational and legitimate practices to developing towards Godhead.
You have misunderstood what he has stated. You should further refrain from commenting on this matter if you do not bring yourself to understand the points he made.

Nature has allowed them to exist, and surely in the Age of Aquarius we can find a way to Develop them without pushing them further into Destruction. They deserve the opportunity to reach up and towards the Gods. I want as many allies as I can on this planet, Mixed race, Ugly, weak, docile, stupid. This should not cause someone to become an Enemy of mine.

Especially considering the entire planet can be claimed to be all of these things in comparison to the GODS.
What if the gods were like, Your my enemy because your weak and stupid.
Henu the Great said:
You have misunderstood what he has stated. You should further refrain from commenting on this matter if you do not bring yourself to understand the points he made.

Der Heilige Krieg ist erst vorbei, wenn alle Untermenschen tot sind.
The Holy War is only over, when all subhumans are dead.

This quote highlights the fact that weakness and inferiority is a sickness which must be eliminated. Our Folk must be virile. The subhuman bugmen hold us back, and pose a direct threat to our continued existence. For example, what should be done with all those mutts on Tik Tok and other forms of social media that proclaim that White People need to stop having kids, because it's racist and bad for the environment? I need not answer, as that is already implied. Hitler wrote that once a bad idea spreads too far, the only way to counter that bad idea is with violence. It is best to counter it in it's early stages when violence is not needed. We are however well over the brink of that condition today. Every bad idea that jews and subhumans can possibly conjure up has taken hold of society. The broad masses accept these hideous ideas without question. Populism is not possible, as no one will agree to the highest ideal. Only a Vanguard can accept all of the highest ideals, and gain control of a society, and impose their will and mobilize the masses one step at a time. We will not allow the existence of even one subhuman that directly opposes our will.

Your agreeing with him that all Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Indians, ALL MIXED PEOPLE, ALL "SUBHUMANS" Must die??
Bravera said:
Henu the Great said:
You have misunderstood what he has stated. You should further refrain from commenting on this matter if you do not bring yourself to understand the points he made.

Der Heilige Krieg ist erst vorbei, wenn alle Untermenschen tot sind.
The Holy War is only over, when all subhumans are dead.

This quote highlights the fact that weakness and inferiority is a sickness which must be eliminated. Our Folk must be virile. The subhuman bugmen hold us back, and pose a direct threat to our continued existence. For example, what should be done with all those mutts on Tik Tok and other forms of social media that proclaim that White People need to stop having kids, because it's racist and bad for the environment? I need not answer, as that is already implied. Hitler wrote that once a bad idea spreads too far, the only way to counter that bad idea is with violence. It is best to counter it in it's early stages when violence is not needed. We are however well over the brink of that condition today. Every bad idea that jews and subhumans can possibly conjure up has taken hold of society. The broad masses accept these hideous ideas without question. Populism is not possible, as no one will agree to the highest ideal. Only a Vanguard can accept all of the highest ideals, and gain control of a society, and impose their will and mobilize the masses one step at a time. We will not allow the existence of even one subhuman that directly opposes our will.

Your agreeing with him that all Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Indians, ALL MIXED PEOPLE, ALL "SUBHUMANS" Must die??

Please calm down Bravera. This was a gross mis interpretation and not at all what Henu implied nor what Abyssos was saying.
Bravera said:

Basically Abyssoss is being overly aggressive against some sort of invisible enemy of his, as nobody would want to willingly look bad or ugly.

Our solutions for any sort of corruption, whether physical or spiritual, is through application of Satanic values. There is not going to be any sort of factional fighting where one side seeks to harm the other, especially not over just appearance of all things.

Any calls for genocide, killing, or other crimes, as well as any racial aggravation is not to be allowed here.
Abyssos said:

Please be careful about anything which can be construed as promoting violence, both towards our ideological enemies other races, as this sort of speech can get JoS potentially blocked in certain countries or something.

The majority of this debate about redpill/blackpill etc can be resolved as both genders advance themselves in accordance with Satanic spirituality. For example, a Mars square will impart both confidence and an increase in masculine appearance.
Other issues can be addressed by biokinesis, when resources are able to be diverted to cosmetic pursuits.

Humanity is to advance as a whole and any ideological divides will be relatively short. Therefore there is little need for aggressive government crackdowns when we can instead focus on education and spiritual advancement. Instead of leading by tyranny, we lead by example, and this would be supported by media campaigns and so on.

Just be careful with your wording to avoid inviting conflict from either external censors or from other races within JoS.
Bravera said:
Der Heilige Krieg ist erst vorbei, wenn alle Untermenschen tot sind.
The Holy War is only over, when all subhumans are dead.

This quote highlights the fact that weakness and inferiority is a sickness which must be eliminated. Our Folk must be virile. The subhuman bugmen hold us back, and pose a direct threat to our continued existence. For example, what should be done with all those mutts on Tik Tok and other forms of social media that proclaim that White People need to stop having kids, because it's racist and bad for the environment? I need not answer, as that is already implied. Hitler wrote that once a bad idea spreads too far, the only way to counter that bad idea is with violence. It is best to counter it in it's early stages when violence is not needed. We are however well over the brink of that condition today. Every bad idea that jews and subhumans can possibly conjure up has taken hold of society. The broad masses accept these hideous ideas without question. Populism is not possible, as no one will agree to the highest ideal. Only a Vanguard can accept all of the highest ideals, and gain control of a society, and impose their will and mobilize the masses one step at a time. We will not allow the existence of even one subhuman that directly opposes our will.

Your agreeing with him that all Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Indians, ALL MIXED PEOPLE, ALL "SUBHUMANS" Must die??

You are correct Bravera. This way of thinking by Abyssos cannot solve these deep rooted societal problems, even if violence would be applicable, which it is not in this situation.

Neither should any race mixed populations be culled for merely existing, even if that would be possible, which that too is not possible anyway.

Force can be used to prevent this when there is a minority who goes against Aryan ethics and the vision of the Gods, as the majority in that case understands the problem and the minority can be punished accordingly for the crimes against life they commit, to nip this in the bud before it spreads and grows.

However, unlike what Abyssos claims Adolf Hitler had said, which I do not believe he ever has said at all, when a problem grows to a large extend to where the majority of people go against the ethics and vision of the Gods as the norm, violence or direct force can never be used to revert this since the majority has power over the minority.

Attempting to do so would lead only to endless bloodlust and brotherly conflict among Gentiles which is exactly what the jews would benefit most from.

Even if many acts performed by millions of gentile people world wide are deserving of death on the absolute scale of justice, it is not only impossible to ever enforce such justice due to the scale of the issue and neither is it truly just to do so even if one has the power in hand.

If it was so, Baalzevulon and Azazel themselves would have struck down by force the millions of people who reduce themselves to the lowest of andrapoda level and are in the eyes of the gods more disgusting than cockroaches.

The only way to reverse this is through returning the Gods to the throne they belong in the eyes of the Gentile mass consciousness, so the Gentiles of the world will subconsciously return to the right path as envisioned by Satan and the Gods for the Gentiles on Earth.

During this transformative process those who refuse to open up and rise along will be left by the wayside, and do not need to be culled at all, as they simply are incompatible with the coming ascension of Gentile humanity and the age of Satan, therefore they naturally will not find themselves able to exist on the Earth at all.

They will either no longer be able reincarnate and simply dissipate along with the fading of the enemy season, or they will rise to higher levels of understanding and escape the prison of degeneracy of the enemy through the unseen influence of Satan and the Gods setting them aright on the path to betterment.

The key to this is to return Satan and the Gods to their throne over the Gentiles consciousness, to have in the Gentiles consciousness be the Gods at the highest and ultimate throne, to have the Gentiles realize their Gods and the higher path offered by them.

No genocide or even the direct spilling of blood is necessary for this.

Wars might be fought for this in the future, but only due to the ripping of the bandaid as we eliminate the enemy from our world, not the brotherly wars or international bloodshed among fellow Gentiles.

I am fairly certain these radical ideas are emboldened in some peoples minds to be due to Mars Retrograde, which can strengthen people's emotions in extreme ways and have people get overwhelmed with their emotional desires while loosing sight of the bigger picture as well as their reason.

Hail Satan!
Abyssos said:
Bravera said:
Henu the Great said:
You have misunderstood what he has stated. You should further refrain from commenting on this matter if you do not bring yourself to understand the points he made.

Der Heilige Krieg ist erst vorbei, wenn alle Untermenschen tot sind.
The Holy War is only over, when all subhumans are dead.

This quote highlights the fact that weakness and inferiority is a sickness which must be eliminated. Our Folk must be virile. The subhuman bugmen hold us back, and pose a direct threat to our continued existence. For example, what should be done with all those mutts on Tik Tok and other forms of social media that proclaim that White People need to stop having kids, because it's racist and bad for the environment? I need not answer, as that is already implied. Hitler wrote that once a bad idea spreads too far, the only way to counter that bad idea is with violence. It is best to counter it in it's early stages when violence is not needed. We are however well over the brink of that condition today. Every bad idea that jews and subhumans can possibly conjure up has taken hold of society. The broad masses accept these hideous ideas without question. Populism is not possible, as no one will agree to the highest ideal. Only a Vanguard can accept all of the highest ideals, and gain control of a society, and impose their will and mobilize the masses one step at a time. We will not allow the existence of even one subhuman that directly opposes our will.

Your agreeing with him that all Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Indians, ALL MIXED PEOPLE, ALL "SUBHUMANS" Must die??

I will operate under the assumption that you are pretending to have a lack of reading comprehension. None of of your questions or statements have made any sense to me in the slightest, but it appears that you are attempting to interpret my words in a direction that veers as far away from what needs to be said as you can possibly twist them.

My real response to everything that you have said, is to simply go back to the beginning of this topic, and read from the beginning. I do not say re-read, as I assume that you have not read everything. I am operating under the assumption that as soon as you realized that I am in support of improving humanity on the basis of lookism, you instantly decided to skim through my post and find anything that you could attempt to cause misunderstandings over. I am not assuming that you have misunderstood, I am assuming and I will assume that you are doing this on purpose.

However, for the benefit of other readers, I will provide only as much clarification as is necessary to clear up possible misunderstandings for people who have sincere intentions, and are authentically interested in learning about the truth. I know that no explanation will "change your mind," because you already know what I mean. I then am only explaining this for the benefit of others.

The best way that I can think of to quickly get my point across is with a hypothetical scenario. If every single jew were instantly deleted from the MeinKraft server, and every single Gentile on Earth instantly realized that Satan is God, and began practicing Spiritual Satanism to the fullest extent, all of humanity would eventually become Spiritually and PHYSICALLY perfected. What is important, are the morals of the people in question.

I am stating the obvious, but what I mean when I say subhuman is someone who disagrees with any fundamental truth. Although I don't have a problem with establishing my identity as the definition of what is right, as I have no qualms against exalting my personal perspective, I am not even going to bring myself into this equation in this instance.

What I am talking about is a truth that is greater than myself. I did not make the truth up. I learned about the truth, and I devoted my entire being to it. I have chosen to "become one" with the truth. This simply means that I identify with it, and I choose to represent the truth, and devote myself entirely to it.

You know that I did not speak of Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, or whatever else you said, when I spoke of subhumans. I won't even bother scrolling back up to see what you said. It must be painfully obvious exactly what I was referring to.

You also already know how I feel about people who disagree with fundamental truths being able to have children. Although I view it as immoral to repeat myself as if to imply that a sacred concept could ever be misunderstood, I will engage in this vice, and explain again.

Children do not have a choice of who they are born to. Were you born to xian parents? How did you like that? It didn't do any harm since you're a Spiritual Satanist now, right? Sure, in the long-term, we'll be able to heal from the misfortune of being born to xian parents, but if it was possible to be avoided, wouldn't we prefer to have always been born to Satanic parents?

Imagine a world where the jews are gone, and Spiritual Satanists are in positions of institutional authority. Are we going to allow people to remain xians, and then have children, and impose their judeo-xian worldview on CHILDREN?

I will repeat what I said above. Children aren't able to choose who they are born to. The xians themselves would have made their choice to reject Satan, but why should their choice be imposed on more generations of children? Such a hideous idea disgusts me. No amount of complaining from xians will deter me from preventing such an atrocity. How would you feel if you didn't complete the Magnum Opus in this lifetime, and reincarnated to XIAN PARENTS. I know it's a horrible and crazy idea. Wouldn't you be enraged that you have to go through such a childhood AGAIN, when the Spiritual Satanists in power could have done something about it?

I now solemnly swear before Satan and the Powers of Hell, that when I have the power to do something about it, the above hypothetical scenario will never happen, not if I have anything to do about it. If I can do something about it, I will.

I furthermore solemnly swear before Satan and the Power of Hell that I will not spare anyone's feelings, nor will I be deterred by accusations that I am a tyrant. I choose to bear the full extent of this responsibility, and will do what is right, no matter what I must sacrifice. I will not make any fear of what people think about me the guiding principle of my actions. The will of Hygieia shall be my guiding principle.

I will keep the above oath as a note for myself, so that I never forget it.

I feel the exact same way about Lookism. Everyone knows that looks matter. I do not and will not recognize the idea that anyone can actually believe that they don't matter. I never assume incompetence in these matters. I always assume maliciousness. When I and anyone who agrees with my views have children, we will ensure that they have the best development growing up that we can provide to them, so that they grow up into attractive adults.

Will the deniers of Lookism do the same? No, they will try to prove that "confidence" and "personality" are more important than looks, and will inflict that experiment upon their children if they have any. They won't bother to ensure that their children don't mouthbreathe. They won't bother to learn about Orthotropics or facial anatomy. They won't bother to learn about nutritional needs for the development of bones. These are the sorts of things that I want to be a regular part of culture, but many people out there will actively resist that, for various reasons. I'm preparing another longpost that will explain things like this in excruciating detail.

To repeat myself regarding what you quoted, you attempted to re-interpret my hypothetical scenario in which the children of my people, those who agree with Lookism, get to develop in the best way possible, and at the same time, children of my enemies, those who resist the recognition of lookism, don't give any thought to these considerations for their children. I should not have to explain the obvious, so I won't. I will simply continue.

If the above scenario were to continue for a few generations, the differences in the two populations will become obvious and pronounced. The children who were raised by multiple generations of people who know that women care about looks, and thus ensure that their sons grow up into Chads, and that their daughters grow up into excellent mothers, will have had the benefit of decades or centuries of this continued positive development. The children who were raised by subhumans (everyone knows what I mean by subhumans, I will not explain again, as that would be redundant) will not have these benefits.

If this were to continue for several generations, the differences between the two populations would become obvious. The men from my population would be desired by women. They would never suffer from being bullied for being ugly. Everyone in my population would connect with each other in every way with ease. No longer would unattractiveness be an uncomfortable burden for people to try to ignore. It simply will not be a problem anymore. The men in the opposing population would only be attractive if by mere chance. Many of them would be average. Many of them would be ugly. They would suffer from all the problems that I have spoken of.

In such a scenario, any observer would easily be able to figure out that looks matter by looking at the differences between the two populations.

After having said all of this, why should this happen? Why let this atrocity happen in the first place. Did the children who ended up being born to the subhumans in this scenario want to be born to them, rather than to the parents who understood the truth? The parents of the first generation of the above hypothetical scenario chose to raise their children in an inferior manner. The children did not choose it. Many of the children of the first generation would likely try to integrate into the better population, which would be the right choice. It would be unfortunate that they had to undergo bad development unnecessarily, but we all have to start somewhere.

The people who deny lookism can suffer all they want. They have made their choice, thus, they can suffer the consequences as much as they want, and I won't bat an eye. But if they have children and impose the same suffering on them, I most certainly will do a lot more than bat my eye at that, not if I'm in a position of power to do something about it.

If I didn't complete the Magnum Opus in this lifetime, died, and then in a time where Spiritual Satanists are in power, I were to be reincarnated into a xian family that didn't care about raising me in a way that gave me good looks, and then rediscovered all of the truths that I learned in this lifetime, I would be filled with murderous rage. After all we have worked for, just for our people to continue suffering longer than necessary would be outrageous and evil.

Another quick explanation. In the current times, many parents simply don't know about this stuff. The top-down control of a culture is important. Since the jews control the media and education, most people simply aren't even aware of this knowledge. When I am in a position of power, I will make sure that everyone has the benefit of knowing. I will also make the very infrastructure of society conducive to easily and conveniently putting the truth into practice. At that point, to refuse to put the truth into practice will be plainly obvious as being a willful choice.

This explanation is quite enough. I will continue to operate under the assumption that you already understood every single thing I explained in this post, because I already said it all in the previous posts that you quoted. I merely repeated myself here, I don't think I said anything here that I didn't already say. This entire post has been redundant, and I don't know who it will benefit, because everyone who is sincere already got all the benefits from reading my previous posts. However, I suppose this will still be a good read for them, even if nothing new was introduced. To all who are my True Comrades, rest assured that I am preparing more posts that introduce more concepts that are in urgent need of attention. I am making sure to do it as meticulously as I can manage. Despite all resistance, we will prevail, and future generations for all eternity will thank us with great joy for our efforts.

Also, while I was preparing this post, I noticed that Blitzkreig and Shadowcat made posts. I know that Blitzkreig of all people is sincere and has impeccable reading comprehension.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=405654 time=1670878839 user_id=21286]

I know that you, Blitzkreig, of all people fully understand what I mean, and have not misunderstood me. I am indeed being aggressive, but not against an invisible enemy. I am not saying any of this to jab at you or anything. If you had seen the bloodsports, arguments, debates, and disagreements that have been going for over a decade regarding this subject, you would intuitively understand why I take the stances I do. This debate has been going on for much longer than merely the past week here at the forums. This has been a subject of severe contention for over ten years.

Also, to clarify another position of mine for Shadowcat, while I of course clearly disagree with people like Bravera with ferocious fervor, this does not mean that I "begrudge" him, or think that he is over-reacting. You may or may not be surprised to learn that I already expected resistance, any my replies should clearly show that I simply take it for granted that I will make enemies just by speaking the truth. If I posted everything I said without saying a single word about any conflict over it, and presented it as if it was a scientific paper, I would get the exact same resistance for the exact same reasons. I have seen this phenomenon many times.

I am actually surprised that only 2 people have made posts against me here. I fully expected that from my very first post even mentioning the word "looks," I would be swamped and dogpiled by 200 users here screaming at me, twisting my every word, and bogging down all discourse with every typical counter-argument that I've already seen thousands of times. That is what I fully expected. I already knew that Shadowcat would understand what I'm talking about, because her posts are almost exactly what I am saying, except I just say even more and take the concept even further, and yes, even autistically, as she has said. I don't mind that description at all. That means I'm doing it right. Go and look at Shadowcat's posts here, she has also linked to other really good posts that she made in other topics.

I avow everything Bravera has quoted from me. I take none of it back. I am proud of everything I have written. Everything I typed is exactly how I feel, and I know that every single person that reads my posts is capable of perfectly understanding every single word, and knows my exact intentions. I will not regard authentic miscommunication or reasonable misunderstandings as possible. I will not budge from that position.

Being understood by Henu the Great was an unexpected bonus, not because I thought he would disagree with me, but only because I fully expected to fight this fight all alone. I operate under the assumption that I am the only person on Earth that cares about this subject, and that I alone must fight against the entire world for my cause. This is of course an exaggeration, and I'm glad that it is. It is of profound comfort when I see others understanding the truth, and especially when I see them fighting for it.

If I was literally the only person on Earth that cared enough to do something about this, I would still win, because I must. I would do whatever it takes to fix this problem, even under excruciating pain. I accept, that I will suffer the fate of Prometheus. I know that it's an alchemical allegory, so I am only using this mythology as a metaphor. In the same way, I will suffer the fate of Atlas. Ich allein bin verantwortlich für die ganze Welt. I alone am responsible for the entire world. If anyone else shoulders the world alongside me, that will be an immense relief. I'm not going to say I can't do this alone. I expect myself to succeed, even if I have to do it alone. But I gladly accept all help, as I am a collectivist, not an individualist.

I know that my rhetoric is severe, but severity is sorely needed. If I were to see a great multitude of intelligent and powerful people devoted as much effort and passion to this subject as I do, I would relax. I view this as a tug-of-war. I haven't seen very many people pulling on my side of the rope, so I have to pull harder. I have seen thousands pulling with all their might on the other side of the rope, so I must pull harder than all of them. If I am the only one pulling on my side of the rope, then I must defeat the thousands that I already know for a fact are pulling on the other side. Defeat is not an option. If other started pulling on the rope on my side, I wouldn't have to be so severe, however, I would still be every bit as severe, because I want to win this tug-of-war as soon as possible. Once we have won, we won't need to pull on the rope anymore. I look forward to those days. I will finally be able to relax. Der Heilige Krieg ist erst vorbei, wenn alle Untermenschen tot sind. The Holy War is only over, when all subhumans are dead. I will not stop pulling the rope in this "game" of tug-of-war until my side has won. I already explained that quote the first time.

The above paragraph has been a re-iteration of what I already said before, just from another angle. However, to be absolutely crystal clear, I will explain the quote even further.

The Holy War is only over, when all subhumans are dead.

When Spiritual Satanism is a part of the awareness of every single person on Earth, the choice will be on them. When everyone sees Spiritual Satanists living good lives, everyone else who refuses to accept the Gods are making a choice. I assume that eventually, most people on Earth, no matter their current condition, will practice Spiritual Satanism, and will become perfected. I do not care if they have mental illnesses, I don't care if they are short and ugly, I don't care if they are paraplegic or in a wheelchair. I don't care if they're mixed-race, I don't care if they are amputees. I don't care if they are Mexican or Puerto Rican, not that I'm implying that those are flaw like the other characteristics. If they recognize that Satan is the True God, none of these characteristics will be a problem. Their "subhumanity" will become dead. However, they believe in what is right, so they have a friend in me. I will gladly help them recover from their suffering when I can.

Anyone who refuses to do what is right, will eventually dissipate, and will not reincarnate. Don't pretend that I'm the first one to talk about this. I have seen discussion about this here many times. Some people are too far gone, and will never see the light. High Priest Hooded Cobra himself literally laments about things like this in almost every single sermon, and has been doing so for years. If you have a problem with my severe rhetoric, you also have a problem with his sermons in the announcement section. I personally don't. I intuitively understand where he is coming from, and I fully agree. Can you imagine all the shit he gets in his inbox, all the disgusting shit that the mods have to go through when approving and disapproving posts here at the forums? Just go to Gab or Bitchute, or YouTube, and observe the SUBHUMANITY. Do you not regard those who blaspheme against Satan and the Gods as SUBHUMAN? I do. I absolutely do, and although I want to, I won't type how I REALLY feel about these bugmen, as that would be fedposting.

When every single person that continues to reincarnate have advanced beyond their flaws that they unjustly suffered from, and when every single person who chose to oppose the Gods, and regarding this subject here, to oppose lookism, are spiritually dissipated, The Holy War, Der Heilige Krieg, will be over, because all of the subhumans will be dead. Der Heilige Krieg ist erst vorbei, wenn alle Untermenschen tot sind. The Holy War is only over, when all subhumans are dead. To put this sentence in perspective once again, this quote means that we must not stop until it is over. Are we as a community of Spiritual Satanists going to let up on doing RTRs while a single jew still remains in the MeinKraft server? Of course not. Don't pretend that almost every single user here doesn't use strong rhetoric against the jews, and says "keep spamming the RTRs until (insert fedposting here)." We all know how we really feel about the jews. How do we feel about Gentiles that choose the side of the jews?

To be even more clear about all that I have said, and to put it in even greater perspective, "genocide, killing, or other crimes, as well as any racial aggravation" are completely unrelated to anything I have said above. Blitzkreig did not misunderstand me at all. He and everyone else knows well that things like this aren't even needed to bring about a Satanic world. The application of Satanic values alone will accomplish everything I am talking about. I of course assume that Blitzkreig, who is highly advanced, intelligent, and has a lot of time on his hands which he uses wisely, went to the beginning of this topic and read every word that was said by everyone in here, including every word of my high-effort posts, and then made his reply here. :cool:

I know I keep saying this, but I always feel compelled to, this is one thing I don't have a qualm with repeating: I am preparing more long-posts. Every single post that I've made only scratches the surface of this colossal subject. There is still much ground to cover. It will takes months, and even years, just to get everything said. But it must be done, and I will do it.

Also, to Henu the Great, heh heh, I didn't have the time to thoroughly spellcheck this post with my methods that I described. I did catch many errors when looking over the post, but if there are still errors in the post, oh well, it is what it is. I'm sure you understand I needed to get this post out now rather than later.

Also, at this point in my editing, another post by Blitzkreig has appeared, so I'd might as well answer this one as well:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=405672 time=1670885020 user_id=21286]
Abyssos said:

Please be careful about anything which can be construed as promoting violence, both towards our ideological enemies other races, as this sort of speech can get JoS potentially blocked in certain countries or something.

The majority of this debate about redpill/blackpill etc can be resolved as both genders advance themselves in accordance with Satanic spirituality. For example, a Mars square will impart both confidence and an increase in masculine appearance.
Other issues can be addressed by biokinesis, when resources are able to be diverted to cosmetic pursuits.

Humanity is to advance as a whole and any ideological divides will be relatively short. Therefore there is little need for aggressive government crackdowns when we can instead focus on education and spiritual advancement. Instead of leading by tyranny, we lead by example, and this would be supported by media campaigns and so on.

Just be careful with your wording to avoid inviting conflict from either external censors or from other races within JoS.

I usually remove the content quote for the sake of brevity, and to act as a "ping," but I'll go ahead and leave this here since I have in essence replies to more than one post, so I'll leave this one intact so that you know what I'm replying to here.

I'm glad you've clearly understood everything I've said. Everything that you have said in your post is EXACTLY what I'm talking about, whether I already mentioned it in one of my previous posts, or if it is something that I'm essentially referring to when I keep saying "there is more ground to cover." I understand the criticism regarding being careful with my wording. I don't have any intentions of being any less severe, but as I've said before, I really should ignore the whining and accusations, and focus strictly on informative high-effort posts. That is what they fear most. Rest assured that I am preparing meticulous and thorough posts. I've got a partial one that reads like an academic scientific/political analysis in progress right now. :lol: It's a painful process to try to be as thorough as possible, but it is necessary.

If the goals of Spiritual Satanism are realized, MY GOALS will be realized. I look forward to the inevitable creation of the Übermensch.


Hail Satan!

I knew you were not talking about genocide for mixed race people or other not whites and were basically referring to people brainwashed by PUA and other enemy shit as well as probably jews. I believe in genetic hygene and bringing out the best traits in every race, ubermenchen of all gentile races. but violence and removing the presence of others forcibly will not help achieve this, and I concur with others saying this as well. I must also apologize to the forum as I realized I used one word in my last post that was not so great for the forum, my own bluntness shows through at times. Please censor if deemed necessary. That on my part should also have been worded different.

I know i'ts frustrating that so many NPC'S are so brainwashed Abyssos. But many have great potential too and should not all be written off especially so extremely. there are many fine SS here who were in their shoes once. If they are meant to come to this path they must be given the chance. Many who even reject the truth once or twice might accept it later on. Ther are others who will refuse to help themselves that no one here can do anything about.

If you want others to receive your message you must change your approach and be more patient. Emotional intelligence also goes along way and tact manifests beautifully as long as it doesn't bend the truth.
Abyssos said:

VoiceofEnki, you are too intelligent to be fooled. You have said many things that I agree with, and at some point I'm going to use one of your posts as a source for future long-posts of mine. I just made a massive post here and it's not posted yet. Go back to the beginning of this topic and read all of my previous posts here. Also, I have no time right now, but when I can I will provide the direct quote from Hitler regarding the spread of ideas. I know you have to have read Mein Kampf.

You of all people cannot be fooled by Bravera. I know for a fact that you will understand when you go back and read all the posts, I will assume that you have not read them yet.

This is exactly why I am severe and I am now convinced that I must be even more severe. People like me who know the truth can type high-effort dissertations explaining the most important truths in the universe, and someone like Bravera can come along and make a nonsensical claim that is completely unrelated to the subject matter, and then others just start parroting the liar. I will now double my efforts. I am now assuming the worst.

No time to say more, g2g.

Hail Satan!

My last reply to you was due to this,
The Holy War is only over, when all subhumans are dead.
which seemed to confirm also some others concerns, but then you worded it better here:

When Spiritual Satanism is a part of the awareness of every single person on Earth, the choice will be on them. When everyone sees Spiritual Satanists living good lives, everyone else who refuses to accept the Gods are making a choice. I assume that eventually, most people on Earth, no matter their current condition, will practice Spiritual Satanism, and will become perfected. I do not care if they have mental illnesses, I don't care if they are short and ugly, I don't care if they are paraplegic or in a wheelchair. I don't care if they're mixed-race, I don't care if they are amputees. I don't care if they are Mexican or Puerto Rican, not that I'm implying that those are flaw like the other characteristics. If they recognize that Satan is the True God, none of these characteristics will be a problem. Their "subhumanity" will become dead.

This is what I mean with wording. It is important to communicate clearly and concisely and coherently. When I looked at these two first off I was confused for a sec as they seem to contradict.

So if what you said here
, To be even more clear about all that I have said, and to put it in even greater perspective, "genocide, killing, or other crimes, as well as any racial aggravation" are completely unrelated to anything I have said above.
IS so, then how is this so? because he also understood you advocating for violence.

Blitzkreig did not misunderstand me at all. He and everyone else knows well that things like this aren't even needed to bring about a Satanic world

And just for my own clarification, if you actually mean to say people who do not conform to a certain way of thinking as subhuman then I refer once again to the very last post I gave you here right before this one. It would indeed be too extreme.

I will now refer to the other quotes here above I cited from you: If you are trying to clarify something you said and that you were not advocating for violence in any way and were trying to explain that, then I reiterate that clear concise, and coherent communication is important to avoid misunderstandings. Because the first sentence I quoted here is much too tactless.
I've been said to be extremely goodlooking by multiple women of different races and gay men but I am incel simply because I'm broke and don't meet women anywhere .

I don't blame anyone but myself.

If I had an education and money I could meet women.propinquity matters?

Everytime I have met a woman almost any woman she has asked me to sleep with her so I know I'm not ugly but I have to take practical steps.

Recently a underage black girl That just sees me at the library asked me to sleep with her and I rejected her because I'm not a pedophile and that's racemixing.

Another time it was my best friend's mom,and that's evil to do to your best friend.

The other time she was a lesbian coalburner Wich disgusted me?

Then a girl with a boyfriend?

Then my best friend's underage sister saw my Facebook pics and asked him to hook her up with me.again no no.

So I just have bad love luck.

And I do NOT race mix and there are very few castizas here,unlike when I was in Miami so I am not even focusing on that.Also were not allowed to sleep with abrahamists.so it will be some time before I get married or have a gf because I need my finances and a castiza like me that isn't christian.

It's hard lol

Women don't go for just looks btw

In Miami you see hot latinas with ugly and average Latino manlets all the time.even though the place is full of handsome Cubans and boricuas.even my sister said so so it's not my hetero gaze at fault here.they had a choice and they picked the ugly manlet.

I guess being a SS is harder since you can't play on a woman's racial fetish to get laid like most ascenders do.

Also you can be handsome but not a particular woman's type in looks.

Furthermore,personality matters a whole lot.imcels have toxic personalities when the one thing that can save them since they're usually ugly, they just ruin.

Also women In Portugal are hot af but date ugly guys because ninety nine percent of the men don't look good like In Italy or Sweden where there's both even ratio of hot girls and guys.

Slavic women also date down and a normie is gl there and a high tier normie is a Chad.
Ive been rated a literal ten facially by women and gay men,I've been told I look better than Dave east and sukru ozyildiz but I've been rejected many times.

Each person has a different type.

I'm feminine looking and a manlet and that appeals to only some women.

Other women don't like manly men.

Some women like the TikTok eboy\prettyboy pheno like I have while others want the masc jock.

Then there's race preference.

I have NEVER gotten the date with the girl I approached.

I FAIL on online dating .

Also womens standard for goodlooking are so low in America just be a high tier normies lmao

Online is not real life .

Online is geared for superficial crap and clout and Instagram and interesting neurotypical photos matter more than dazzling looks.

Women consider the blackpiller hamza to be amazing looking when a gay guy said I looked way better than him yet here I am incel.

Austin Dunham has Stacey's dming him for marriage or sex thirsting over him yet I know way hotter guys than that high tier normie that have gone sexless for years.

It's looks money and status not just looks.

And personality too.


If you're average get enkleia cream or entengo cream and get a monster phallus and walk around with it you'll get some loose women or also apply pheromones .
Entengo mulondo or entengo cream actually work to create microtears in the phallus Wich mean permanent growth.

Also work out to get a V shape.

You can also do face exercises and sculpt it and lose bodyfat.

If you're a white guy go to Czechoslovakia they are not christcucks and the women have lower standards like most slavic women.

If you're of any other race the women in your home countries shouldn't have high standards for looks.

This whole Chad obsession is just a recent social engineered thing naturally women want to be the more goodlooking one in the relationship?

That's true for slav women and latinas at least.

Sounds like you have a lot of (creeper women?) after you. Maybe a venus square or working with gebo and mannaz will help you attract someone suitable.
Women don't go for just looks btw
The good ones don't only focus on this no, but your own testimony shows it still matters to a degree none the less.

In Miami you see hot latinas with ugly and average Latino manlets all the time.even though the place is full of handsome Cubans and boricuas.even my sister said so so it's not my hetero gaze at fault here.they had a choice and they picked the ugly manlet.
It is possible others may have a different view about these men or that the women with them saw physical features about them they wanted so much that it crowded out the men's other imperfections to them personally which is actually quite possible. Not all imperfections are ugly to everyone and it also depends on the person. the manlet comment you made for example that I personally believe that height, in general, is also subjective as far as attractiveness and that I don't think guys should be insecure about their height. A guy being shorter to me is literally a non issue.

Also you can be handsome but not a particular woman's type in looks.
This. I notice men that I know are conventionally attractive that other women find attractive but I find them neutral at best because a man has to be uniquely attractive to me personally. I don't think I'm the only one.

Furthermore,personality matters a whole lot.imcels have toxic personalities when the one thing that can save them since they're usually ugly, they just ruin.
personality plays at least 50 percent in romantic attraction.

Also women In Portugal are hot af but date ugly guys because ninety nine percent of the men don't look good like In Italy or Sweden where there's both even ratio of hot girls and guys.

Slavic women also date down and a normie is gl there and a high tier normie is a Chad.

This is another example of when I explained how people often settle for less than their first choice because that is all they have options for. Also people in Europe compared to north America are much more proportional and attractive also objectively, especially because they put more effort into their hair and skin, they dress much nicer, are much cleaner and more refined in manners etc. The women there are more feminine in outward appearance and demeanor. There are also a lot less people who are overweight, but this is also sadly due to factors having to do with the difference in work life balance as well as what the EU allows in food and water VS north America. People here have to work much harder to put effort in to make time for health and wellness, but its worth it none the less. For all the things I complained about when I lived in NL for 6 and a half years, I lamented that I would miss the above, including the better food and water quality as well as the work life balance.
Shadowcat said:

Sounds like you have a lot of (creeper women?) after you. Maybe a venus square or working with gebo and mannaz will help you attract someone suitable.
Women don't go for just looks btw
The good ones don't only focus on this no, but your own testimony shows it still matters to a degree none the less.

In Miami you see hot latinas with ugly and average Latino manlets all the time.even though the place is full of handsome Cubans and boricuas.even my sister said so so it's not my hetero gaze at fault here.they had a choice and they picked the ugly manlet.
It is possible others may have a different view about these men or that the women with them saw physical features about them they wanted so much that it crowded out the men's other imperfections to them personally which is actually quite possible. Not all imperfections are ugly to everyone and it also depends on the person. the manlet comment you made for example that I personally believe that height, in general, is also subjective as far as attractiveness and that I don't think guys should be insecure about their height. A guy being shorter to me is literally a non issue.

Also you can be handsome but not a particular woman's type in looks.
This. I notice men that I know are conventionally attractive that other women find attractive but I find them neutral at best because a man has to be uniquely attractive to me personally. I don't think I'm the only one.

Furthermore,personality matters a whole lot.imcels have toxic personalities when the one thing that can save them since they're usually ugly, they just ruin.
personality plays at least 50 percent in romantic attraction.

Also women In Portugal are hot af but date ugly guys because ninety nine percent of the men don't look good like In Italy or Sweden where there's both even ratio of hot girls and guys.

Slavic women also date down and a normie is gl there and a high tier normie is a Chad.

This is another example of when I explained how people often settle for less than their first choice because that is all they have options for. Also people in Europe compared to north America are much more proportional and attractive also objectively, especially because they put more effort into their hair and skin, they dress much nicer, are much cleaner and more refined in manners etc. The women there are more feminine in outward appearance and demeanor. There are also a lot less people who are overweight, but this is also sadly due to factors having to do with the difference in work life balance as well as what the EU allows in food and water VS north America. People here have to work much harder to put effort in to make time for health and wellness, but its worth it none the less. For all the things I complained about when I lived in NL for 6 and a half years, I lamented that I would miss the above, including the better food and water quality as well as the work life balance.
I agree fully.and yes most dutch women I've seen in amsterdam look good to me,though Miami has the hottest women for me personally both blonde white and the latina .

I also miss amsterdam but Miami is my place for fun and I feel at home there but it's literally the only place I'd like to live if I stay in USA .

I also agree with settling.for me also I know I'll get more sex with a wife or long term girlfriend than trying to be promiscuous.the slayer lifestyle is taxing !

I'm majority white (italic iberian french celtic and Nordic)with native and African blood and I look very classically italic so I will only marry a castiza and if that's not possible a Mediterranean woman since I know you're not supposed to race mix even though I love regular white women and I think they're the full package.

The white woman is the most beautiful creation of the gods.

White men should appreciate them more instead of demonizing them.

Oh and I love BBW and SSBBW gorditas :lol: so not all men care about weight like not all women care about height.

Commonalities exist between all women and all men but everyone is a unique person and there's a lot of good people out there.

Creep women :lol: yeah that's true thanks for the recommendation I've used love mantras and amulets but they hardly work if at all for me

Father Satan and my mother lalitaa will give me the right woman and I am just working on deprogramming myself from my pentecostal past right now and also my education and finances so I can live a free life.I have a learning disability so I never could finish school plus a dying mother at home and no father and being poor.

I cut off contact with my sister too she's a muslima and hates Satan and she's a negative influence on me .
Abyssos said:
Bravera said:
Henu the Great said:
You have misunderstood what he has stated. You should further refrain from commenting on this matter if you do not bring yourself to understand the points he made.

Der Heilige Krieg ist erst vorbei, wenn alle Untermenschen tot sind.
The Holy War is only over, when all subhumans are dead.

This quote highlights the fact that weakness and inferiority is a sickness which must be eliminated. Our Folk must be virile. The subhuman bugmen hold us back, and pose a direct threat to our continued existence. For example, what should be done with all those mutts on Tik Tok and other forms of social media that proclaim that White People need to stop having kids, because it's racist and bad for the environment? I need not answer, as that is already implied. Hitler wrote that once a bad idea spreads too far, the only way to counter that bad idea is with violence. It is best to counter it in it's early stages when violence is not needed. We are however well over the brink of that condition today. Every bad idea that jews and subhumans can possibly conjure up has taken hold of society. The broad masses accept these hideous ideas without question. Populism is not possible, as no one will agree to the highest ideal. Only a Vanguard can accept all of the highest ideals, and gain control of a society, and impose their will and mobilize the masses one step at a time. We will not allow the existence of even one subhuman that directly opposes our will.

Your agreeing with him that all Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Indians, ALL MIXED PEOPLE, ALL "SUBHUMANS" Must die??

I will operate under the assumption that you are pretending to have a lack of reading comprehension. None of of your questions or statements have made any sense to me in the slightest, but it appears that you are attempting to interpret my words in a direction that veers as far away from what needs to be said as you can possibly twist them.

My real response to everything that you have said, is to simply go back to the beginning of this topic, and read from the beginning. I do not say re-read, as I assume that you have not read everything. I am operating under the assumption that as soon as you realized that I am in support of improving humanity on the basis of lookism, you instantly decided to skim through my post and find anything that you could attempt to cause misunderstandings over. I am not assuming that you have misunderstood, I am assuming and I will assume that you are doing this on purpose.

However, for the benefit of other readers, I will provide only as much clarification as is necessary to clear up possible misunderstandings for people who have sincere intentions, and are authentically interested in learning about the truth. I know that no explanation will "change your mind," because you already know what I mean. I then am only explaining this for the benefit of others.

The best way that I can think of to quickly get my point across is with a hypothetical scenario. If every single jew were instantly deleted from the MeinKraft server, and every single Gentile on Earth instantly realized that Satan is God, and began practicing Spiritual Satanism to the fullest extent, all of humanity would eventually become Spiritually and PHYSICALLY perfected. What is important, are the morals of the people in question.

I am stating the obvious, but what I mean when I say subhuman is someone who disagrees with any fundamental truth. Although I don't have a problem with establishing my identity as the definition of what is right, as I have no qualms against exalting my personal perspective, I am not even going to bring myself into this equation in this instance.

What I am talking about is a truth that is greater than myself. I did not make the truth up. I learned about the truth, and I devoted my entire being to it. I have chosen to "become one" with the truth. This simply means that I identify with it, and I choose to represent the truth, and devote myself entirely to it.

You know that I did not speak of Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, or whatever else you said, when I spoke of subhumans. I won't even bother scrolling back up to see what you said. It must be painfully obvious exactly what I was referring to.

You also already know how I feel about people who disagree with fundamental truths being able to have children. Although I view it as immoral to repeat myself as if to imply that a sacred concept could ever be misunderstood, I will engage in this vice, and explain again.

Children do not have a choice of who they are born to. Were you born to xian parents? How did you like that? It didn't do any harm since you're a Spiritual Satanist now, right? Sure, in the long-term, we'll be able to heal from the misfortune of being born to xian parents, but if it was possible to be avoided, wouldn't we prefer to have always been born to Satanic parents?

Imagine a world where the jews are gone, and Spiritual Satanists are in positions of institutional authority. Are we going to allow people to remain xians, and then have children, and impose their judeo-xian worldview on CHILDREN?

I will repeat what I said above. Children aren't able to choose who they are born to. The xians themselves would have made their choice to reject Satan, but why should their choice be imposed on more generations of children? Such a hideous idea disgusts me. No amount of complaining from xians will deter me from preventing such an atrocity. How would you feel if you didn't complete the Magnum Opus in this lifetime, and reincarnated to XIAN PARENTS. I know it's a horrible and crazy idea. Wouldn't you be enraged that you have to go through such a childhood AGAIN, when the Spiritual Satanists in power could have done something about it?

I now solemnly swear before Satan and the Powers of Hell, that when I have the power to do something about it, the above hypothetical scenario will never happen, not if I have anything to do about it. If I can do something about it, I will.

I furthermore solemnly swear before Satan and the Power of Hell that I will not spare anyone's feelings, nor will I be deterred by accusations that I am a tyrant. I choose to bear the full extent of this responsibility, and will do what is right, no matter what I must sacrifice. I will not make any fear of what people think about me the guiding principle of my actions. The will of Hygieia shall be my guiding principle.

I will keep the above oath as a note for myself, so that I never forget it.

I feel the exact same way about Lookism. Everyone knows that looks matter. I do not and will not recognize the idea that anyone can actually believe that they don't matter. I never assume incompetence in these matters. I always assume maliciousness. When I and anyone who agrees with my views have children, we will ensure that they have the best development growing up that we can provide to them, so that they grow up into attractive adults.

Will the deniers of Lookism do the same? No, they will try to prove that "confidence" and "personality" are more important than looks, and will inflict that experiment upon their children if they have any. They won't bother to ensure that their children don't mouthbreathe. They won't bother to learn about Orthotropics or facial anatomy. They won't bother to learn about nutritional needs for the development of bones. These are the sorts of things that I want to be a regular part of culture, but many people out there will actively resist that, for various reasons. I'm preparing another longpost that will explain things like this in excruciating detail.

To repeat myself regarding what you quoted, you attempted to re-interpret my hypothetical scenario in which the children of my people, those who agree with Lookism, get to develop in the best way possible, and at the same time, children of my enemies, those who resist the recognition of lookism, don't give any thought to these considerations for their children. I should not have to explain the obvious, so I won't. I will simply continue.

If the above scenario were to continue for a few generations, the differences in the two populations will become obvious and pronounced. The children who were raised by multiple generations of people who know that women care about looks, and thus ensure that their sons grow up into Chads, and that their daughters grow up into excellent mothers, will have had the benefit of decades or centuries of this continued positive development. The children who were raised by subhumans (everyone knows what I mean by subhumans, I will not explain again, as that would be redundant) will not have these benefits.

If this were to continue for several generations, the differences between the two populations would become obvious. The men from my population would be desired by women. They would never suffer from being bullied for being ugly. Everyone in my population would connect with each other in every way with ease. No longer would unattractiveness be an uncomfortable burden for people to try to ignore. It simply will not be a problem anymore. The men in the opposing population would only be attractive if by mere chance. Many of them would be average. Many of them would be ugly. They would suffer from all the problems that I have spoken of.

In such a scenario, any observer would easily be able to figure out that looks matter by looking at the differences between the two populations.

After having said all of this, why should this happen? Why let this atrocity happen in the first place. Did the children who ended up being born to the subhumans in this scenario want to be born to them, rather than to the parents who understood the truth? The parents of the first generation of the above hypothetical scenario chose to raise their children in an inferior manner. The children did not choose it. Many of the children of the first generation would likely try to integrate into the better population, which would be the right choice. It would be unfortunate that they had to undergo bad development unnecessarily, but we all have to start somewhere.

The people who deny lookism can suffer all they want. They have made their choice, thus, they can suffer the consequences as much as they want, and I won't bat an eye. But if they have children and impose the same suffering on them, I most certainly will do a lot more than bat my eye at that, not if I'm in a position of power to do something about it.

If I didn't complete the Magnum Opus in this lifetime, died, and then in a time where Spiritual Satanists are in power, I were to be reincarnated into a xian family that didn't care about raising me in a way that gave me good looks, and then rediscovered all of the truths that I learned in this lifetime, I would be filled with murderous rage. After all we have worked for, just for our people to continue suffering longer than necessary would be outrageous and evil.

Another quick explanation. In the current times, many parents simply don't know about this stuff. The top-down control of a culture is important. Since the jews control the media and education, most people simply aren't even aware of this knowledge. When I am in a position of power, I will make sure that everyone has the benefit of knowing. I will also make the very infrastructure of society conducive to easily and conveniently putting the truth into practice. At that point, to refuse to put the truth into practice will be plainly obvious as being a willful choice.

This explanation is quite enough. I will continue to operate under the assumption that you already understood every single thing I explained in this post, because I already said it all in the previous posts that you quoted. I merely repeated myself here, I don't think I said anything here that I didn't already say. This entire post has been redundant, and I don't know who it will benefit, because everyone who is sincere already got all the benefits from reading my previous posts. However, I suppose this will still be a good read for them, even if nothing new was introduced. To all who are my True Comrades, rest assured that I am preparing more posts that introduce more concepts that are in urgent need of attention. I am making sure to do it as meticulously as I can manage. Despite all resistance, we will prevail, and future generations for all eternity will thank us with great joy for our efforts.

Also, while I was preparing this post, I noticed that Blitzkreig and Shadowcat made posts. I know that Blitzkreig of all people is sincere and has impeccable reading comprehension.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=405654 time=1670878839 user_id=21286]

I know that you, Blitzkreig, of all people fully understand what I mean, and have not misunderstood me. I am indeed being aggressive, but not against an invisible enemy. I am not saying any of this to jab at you or anything. If you had seen the bloodsports, arguments, debates, and disagreements that have been going for over a decade regarding this subject, you would intuitively understand why I take the stances I do. This debate has been going on for much longer than merely the past week here at the forums. This has been a subject of severe contention for over ten years.

Also, to clarify another position of mine for Shadowcat, while I of course clearly disagree with people like Bravera with ferocious fervor, this does not mean that I "begrudge" him, or think that he is over-reacting. You may or may not be surprised to learn that I already expected resistance, any my replies should clearly show that I simply take it for granted that I will make enemies just by speaking the truth. If I posted everything I said without saying a single word about any conflict over it, and presented it as if it was a scientific paper, I would get the exact same resistance for the exact same reasons. I have seen this phenomenon many times.

I am actually surprised that only 2 people have made posts against me here. I fully expected that from my very first post even mentioning the word "looks," I would be swamped and dogpiled by 200 users here screaming at me, twisting my every word, and bogging down all discourse with every typical counter-argument that I've already seen thousands of times. That is what I fully expected. I already knew that Shadowcat would understand what I'm talking about, because her posts are almost exactly what I am saying, except I just say even more and take the concept even further, and yes, even autistically, as she has said. I don't mind that description at all. That means I'm doing it right. Go and look at Shadowcat's posts here, she has also linked to other really good posts that she made in other topics.

I avow everything Bravera has quoted from me. I take none of it back. I am proud of everything I have written. Everything I typed is exactly how I feel, and I know that every single person that reads my posts is capable of perfectly understanding every single word, and knows my exact intentions. I will not regard authentic miscommunication or reasonable misunderstandings as possible. I will not budge from that position.

Being understood by Henu the Great was an unexpected bonus, not because I thought he would disagree with me, but only because I fully expected to fight this fight all alone. I operate under the assumption that I am the only person on Earth that cares about this subject, and that I alone must fight against the entire world for my cause. This is of course an exaggeration, and I'm glad that it is. It is of profound comfort when I see others understanding the truth, and especially when I see them fighting for it.

If I was literally the only person on Earth that cared enough to do something about this, I would still win, because I must. I would do whatever it takes to fix this problem, even under excruciating pain. I accept, that I will suffer the fate of Prometheus. I know that it's an alchemical allegory, so I am only using this mythology as a metaphor. In the same way, I will suffer the fate of Atlas. Ich allein bin verantwortlich für die ganze Welt. I alone am responsible for the entire world. If anyone else shoulders the world alongside me, that will be an immense relief. I'm not going to say I can't do this alone. I expect myself to succeed, even if I have to do it alone. But I gladly accept all help, as I am a collectivist, not an individualist.

I know that my rhetoric is severe, but severity is sorely needed. If I were to see a great multitude of intelligent and powerful people devoted as much effort and passion to this subject as I do, I would relax. I view this as a tug-of-war. I haven't seen very many people pulling on my side of the rope, so I have to pull harder. I have seen thousands pulling with all their might on the other side of the rope, so I must pull harder than all of them. If I am the only one pulling on my side of the rope, then I must defeat the thousands that I already know for a fact are pulling on the other side. Defeat is not an option. If other started pulling on the rope on my side, I wouldn't have to be so severe, however, I would still be every bit as severe, because I want to win this tug-of-war as soon as possible. Once we have won, we won't need to pull on the rope anymore. I look forward to those days. I will finally be able to relax. Der Heilige Krieg ist erst vorbei, wenn alle Untermenschen tot sind. The Holy War is only over, when all subhumans are dead. I will not stop pulling the rope in this "game" of tug-of-war until my side has won. I already explained that quote the first time.

The above paragraph has been a re-iteration of what I already said before, just from another angle. However, to be absolutely crystal clear, I will explain the quote even further.

The Holy War is only over, when all subhumans are dead.

When Spiritual Satanism is a part of the awareness of every single person on Earth, the choice will be on them. When everyone sees Spiritual Satanists living good lives, everyone else who refuses to accept the Gods are making a choice. I assume that eventually, most people on Earth, no matter their current condition, will practice Spiritual Satanism, and will become perfected. I do not care if they have mental illnesses, I don't care if they are short and ugly, I don't care if they are paraplegic or in a wheelchair. I don't care if they're mixed-race, I don't care if they are amputees. I don't care if they are Mexican or Puerto Rican, not that I'm implying that those are flaw like the other characteristics. If they recognize that Satan is the True God, none of these characteristics will be a problem. Their "subhumanity" will become dead. However, they believe in what is right, so they have a friend in me. I will gladly help them recover from their suffering when I can.

Anyone who refuses to do what is right, will eventually dissipate, and will not reincarnate. Don't pretend that I'm the first one to talk about this. I have seen discussion about this here many times. Some people are too far gone, and will never see the light. High Priest Hooded Cobra himself literally laments about things like this in almost every single sermon, and has been doing so for years. If you have a problem with my severe rhetoric, you also have a problem with his sermons in the announcement section. I personally don't. I intuitively understand where he is coming from, and I fully agree. Can you imagine all the shit he gets in his inbox, all the disgusting shit that the mods have to go through when approving and disapproving posts here at the forums? Just go to Gab or Bitchute, or YouTube, and observe the SUBHUMANITY. Do you not regard those who blaspheme against Satan and the Gods as SUBHUMAN? I do. I absolutely do, and although I want to, I won't type how I REALLY feel about these bugmen, as that would be fedposting.

When every single person that continues to reincarnate have advanced beyond their flaws that they unjustly suffered from, and when every single person who chose to oppose the Gods, and regarding this subject here, to oppose lookism, are spiritually dissipated, The Holy War, Der Heilige Krieg, will be over, because all of the subhumans will be dead. Der Heilige Krieg ist erst vorbei, wenn alle Untermenschen tot sind. The Holy War is only over, when all subhumans are dead. To put this sentence in perspective once again, this quote means that we must not stop until it is over. Are we as a community of Spiritual Satanists going to let up on doing RTRs while a single jew still remains in the MeinKraft server? Of course not. Don't pretend that almost every single user here doesn't use strong rhetoric against the jews, and says "keep spamming the RTRs until (insert fedposting here)." We all know how we really feel about the jews. How do we feel about Gentiles that choose the side of the jews?

To be even more clear about all that I have said, and to put it in even greater perspective, "genocide, killing, or other crimes, as well as any racial aggravation" are completely unrelated to anything I have said above. Blitzkreig did not misunderstand me at all. He and everyone else knows well that things like this aren't even needed to bring about a Satanic world. The application of Satanic values alone will accomplish everything I am talking about. I of course assume that Blitzkreig, who is highly advanced, intelligent, and has a lot of time on his hands which he uses wisely, went to the beginning of this topic and read every word that was said by everyone in here, including every word of my high-effort posts, and then made his reply here. :cool:

I know I keep saying this, but I always feel compelled to, this is one thing I don't have a qualm with repeating: I am preparing more long-posts. Every single post that I've made only scratches the surface of this colossal subject. There is still much ground to cover. It will takes months, and even years, just to get everything said. But it must be done, and I will do it.

Also, to Henu the Great, heh heh, I didn't have the time to thoroughly spellcheck this post with my methods that I described. I did catch many errors when looking over the post, but if there are still errors in the post, oh well, it is what it is. I'm sure you understand I needed to get this post out now rather than later.

Also, at this point in my editing, another post by Blitzkreig has appeared, so I'd might as well answer this one as well:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=405672 time=1670885020 user_id=21286]
Abyssos said:

Please be careful about anything which can be construed as promoting violence, both towards our ideological enemies other races, as this sort of speech can get JoS potentially blocked in certain countries or something.

The majority of this debate about redpill/blackpill etc can be resolved as both genders advance themselves in accordance with Satanic spirituality. For example, a Mars square will impart both confidence and an increase in masculine appearance.
Other issues can be addressed by biokinesis, when resources are able to be diverted to cosmetic pursuits.

Humanity is to advance as a whole and any ideological divides will be relatively short. Therefore there is little need for aggressive government crackdowns when we can instead focus on education and spiritual advancement. Instead of leading by tyranny, we lead by example, and this would be supported by media campaigns and so on.

Just be careful with your wording to avoid inviting conflict from either external censors or from other races within JoS.

I usually remove the content quote for the sake of brevity, and to act as a "ping," but I'll go ahead and leave this here since I have in essence replies to more than one post, so I'll leave this one intact so that you know what I'm replying to here.

I'm glad you've clearly understood everything I've said. Everything that you have said in your post is EXACTLY what I'm talking about, whether I already mentioned it in one of my previous posts, or if it is something that I'm essentially referring to when I keep saying "there is more ground to cover." I understand the criticism regarding being careful with my wording. I don't have any intentions of being any less severe, but as I've said before, I really should ignore the whining and accusations, and focus strictly on informative high-effort posts. That is what they fear most. Rest assured that I am preparing meticulous and thorough posts. I've got a partial one that reads like an academic scientific/political analysis in progress right now. :lol: It's a painful process to try to be as thorough as possible, but it is necessary.

If the goals of Spiritual Satanism are realized, MY GOALS will be realized. I look forward to the inevitable creation of the Übermensch.


Hail Satan!

Had you not chosen such vicious choice of wording, I would never had the pleasure to read this post.
I do agree with most of the above post, and I understand your stance on the matter.
I have been training my mind in a specific area that I cannot discuss, and this post has honestly awakened within me a deeper understanding of why.

However, I was raised in a world where "Multicultural" acceptance was neccessary and vital to my own advancement and survival. I do admit that I am uninclusive of my Ideological enemies, Xians, Idiots, Weak, Stupid, etc.

Blitzkrieg worded it much better than I could have, and it was of great importance that I had taken up such a stance against you, if alone on the basis that I could have meditated on the matter and improved my own understanding into where I should direct my energy.

I wish you the best on your spiritual advancement, if you are indeed an ally of Satan, then I am sure our paths will eventually align.
Abyssos said:
Look up how to make ice cream with raw milk, no more digestion problems and from what I've read it's pretty easy and very tasty!!
pacharica said:
Shadowcat said:

Sounds like you have a lot of (creeper women?) after you. Maybe a venus square or working with gebo and mannaz will help you attract someone suitable.
Women don't go for just looks btw
The good ones don't only focus on this no, but your own testimony shows it still matters to a degree none the less.

In Miami you see hot latinas with ugly and average Latino manlets all the time.even though the place is full of handsome Cubans and boricuas.even my sister said so so it's not my hetero gaze at fault here.they had a choice and they picked the ugly manlet.
It is possible others may have a different view about these men or that the women with them saw physical features about them they wanted so much that it crowded out the men's other imperfections to them personally which is actually quite possible. Not all imperfections are ugly to everyone and it also depends on the person. the manlet comment you made for example that I personally believe that height, in general, is also subjective as far as attractiveness and that I don't think guys should be insecure about their height. A guy being shorter to me is literally a non issue.

Also you can be handsome but not a particular woman's type in looks.
This. I notice men that I know are conventionally attractive that other women find attractive but I find them neutral at best because a man has to be uniquely attractive to me personally. I don't think I'm the only one.

Furthermore,personality matters a whole lot.imcels have toxic personalities when the one thing that can save them since they're usually ugly, they just ruin.
personality plays at least 50 percent in romantic attraction.

Also women In Portugal are hot af but date ugly guys because ninety nine percent of the men don't look good like In Italy or Sweden where there's both even ratio of hot girls and guys.

Slavic women also date down and a normie is gl there and a high tier normie is a Chad.

This is another example of when I explained how people often settle for less than their first choice because that is all they have options for. Also people in Europe compared to north America are much more proportional and attractive also objectively, especially because they put more effort into their hair and skin, they dress much nicer, are much cleaner and more refined in manners etc. The women there are more feminine in outward appearance and demeanor. There are also a lot less people who are overweight, but this is also sadly due to factors having to do with the difference in work life balance as well as what the EU allows in food and water VS north America. People here have to work much harder to put effort in to make time for health and wellness, but its worth it none the less. For all the things I complained about when I lived in NL for 6 and a half years, I lamented that I would miss the above, including the better food and water quality as well as the work life balance.
I agree fully.and yes most dutch women I've seen in amsterdam look good to me,though Miami has the hottest women for me personally both blonde white and the latina .

I also miss amsterdam but Miami is my place for fun and I feel at home there but it's literally the only place I'd like to live if I stay in USA .

I also agree with settling.for me also I know I'll get more sex with a wife or long term girlfriend than trying to be promiscuous.the slayer lifestyle is taxing !

I'm majority white (italic iberian french celtic and Nordic)with native and African blood and I look very classically italic so I will only marry a castiza and if that's not possible a Mediterranean woman since I know you're not supposed to race mix even though I love regular white women and I think they're the full package.

The white woman is the most beautiful creation of the gods.

White men should appreciate them more instead of demonizing them.

Oh and I love BBW and SSBBW gorditas :lol: so not all men care about weight like not all women care about height.

Commonalities exist between all women and all men but everyone is a unique person and there's a lot of good people out there.

Creep women :lol: yeah that's true thanks for the recommendation I've used love mantras and amulets but they hardly work if at all for me

Father Satan and my mother lalitaa will give me the right woman and I am just working on deprogramming myself from my pentecostal past right now and also my education and finances so I can live a free life.I have a learning disability so I never could finish school plus a dying mother at home and no father and being poor.

I cut off contact with my sister too she's a muslima and hates Satan and she's a negative influence on me .

Mediterraneans are white just a different subrace of white. Yes, it is best to find someone with your own percentage of mix to partner with. Native and African blood depending on the degree of mix usually crowds out the white genes. I have ran into Spanish amerindian mixes that I at first thought to consider mostly white till I closely studied their facial structure. Take not only your skin but ultimately also your bone and skull structure into account. Does it look mostly white or more of a mix with ameridian and African? If this is the case A latina for example who is equally mixed with more or less the same amount would be ideal.

I did study the "Red Pill" theories 9 years ago, before I became a SS.
And it did benefit me in aspiring to become a "Don Juan, Flirty, Handsome, Courageous, Powerful, Wealthy, etc."
I have refined this knowledge and practice and have developed massively and consistently.
All the while removing any Jewish concepts or Falsities.

I personally believe, the Real Giga Chad, the real Alpha, Is the Working Father, the builder of Civilizations, Kingdoms, Familes, Communities. The man that has understood his own Nature, has determined exactly what he wants from life, has understood exactly how to achieve his goals, and undertakes massive action towards those goals.

Obviously the above can be found in all types of individuals, not just some Hyper Masculine War Vet Lady Killer.
Reproduction and Masculinity is not the only means to advance the soul and humanity.
Shadowcat said:
pacharica said:
Shadowcat said:
Sounds like you have a lot of (creeper women?) after you. Maybe a venus square or working with gebo and mannaz will help you attract someone suitable.

The good ones don't only focus on this no, but your own testimony shows it still matters to a degree none the less.

It is possible others may have a different view about these men or that the women with them saw physical features about them they wanted so much that it crowded out the men's other imperfections to them personally which is actually quite possible. Not all imperfections are ugly to everyone and it also depends on the person. the manlet comment you made for example that I personally believe that height, in general, is also subjective as far as attractiveness and that I don't think guys should be insecure about their height. A guy being shorter to me is literally a non issue.

This. I notice men that I know are conventionally attractive that other women find attractive but I find them neutral at best because a man has to be uniquely attractive to me personally. I don't think I'm the only one.

personality plays at least 50 percent in romantic attraction.

This is another example of when I explained how people often settle for less than their first choice because that is all they have options for. Also people in Europe compared to north America are much more proportional and attractive also objectively, especially because they put more effort into their hair and skin, they dress much nicer, are much cleaner and more refined in manners etc. The women there are more feminine in outward appearance and demeanor. There are also a lot less people who are overweight, but this is also sadly due to factors having to do with the difference in work life balance as well as what the EU allows in food and water VS north America. People here have to work much harder to put effort in to make time for health and wellness, but its worth it none the less. For all the things I complained about when I lived in NL for 6 and a half years, I lamented that I would miss the above, including the better food and water quality as well as the work life balance.
I agree fully.and yes most dutch women I've seen in amsterdam look good to me,though Miami has the hottest women for me personally both blonde white and the latina .

I also miss amsterdam but Miami is my place for fun and I feel at home there but it's literally the only place I'd like to live if I stay in USA .

I also agree with settling.for me also I know I'll get more sex with a wife or long term girlfriend than trying to be promiscuous.the slayer lifestyle is taxing !

I'm majority white (italic iberian french celtic and Nordic)with native and African blood and I look very classically italic so I will only marry a castiza and if that's not possible a Mediterranean woman since I know you're not supposed to race mix even though I love regular white women and I think they're the full package.

The white woman is the most beautiful creation of the gods.

White men should appreciate them more instead of demonizing them.

Oh and I love BBW and SSBBW gorditas :lol: so not all men care about weight like not all women care about height.

Commonalities exist between all women and all men but everyone is a unique person and there's a lot of good people out there.

Creep women :lol: yeah that's true thanks for the recommendation I've used love mantras and amulets but they hardly work if at all for me

Father Satan and my mother lalitaa will give me the right woman and I am just working on deprogramming myself from my pentecostal past right now and also my education and finances so I can live a free life.I have a learning disability so I never could finish school plus a dying mother at home and no father and being poor.

I cut off contact with my sister too she's a muslima and hates Satan and she's a negative influence on me .

Mediterraneans are white just a different subrace of white. Yes, it is best to find someone with your own percentage of mix to partner with. Native and African blood depending on the degree of mix usually crowds out the white genes. I have ran into Spanish amerindian mixes that I at first thought to consider mostly white till I closely studied their facial structure. Take not only your skin but ultimately also your bone and skull structure into account. Does it look mostly white or more of a mix with ameridian and African? If this is the case A latina for example who is equally mixed with more or less the same amount would be ideal.

Thank you for your reply.

I look very classicaly 'white'italian-classic roman phenotype,not the more middle eastern terrone type in face structure but most of the year,my arms and face is tanned,while the rest of my body is pale white with pink nipples.I used to have auburn hair as a kid,and I only see some possible amerindian influence in my eyes and protruding cheekbones(I have european eyes but they're bigger,almond shaped but not asiatic or MENA and have a extreme positive canthal tilt) .everyone says the black just skipped me entirely.

I have a european nose and lips,but it is slightly bulbous,but my father had that and he's white.it is pointy however.

I actually look alot like my dutch-italian father when he was young,everyone says that.

I have curly-wavy hair at longer lengths as I got older,but it's the european type curl and wave in shape and size,not the ethnic middle eastern or african type.

it will be very hard to find a 'white'mixed latina that isn't a christian?

also I am majority celto-germanic genetically.

most people assume I'm some type of mediterennean,or a 'white'puerto rican.

in europe they think 'Turkish'.
So what I'm gathering is that only if a man is a 10/10 gigachad, he will have a loving, fulfilling relationship.
So the rest of the 75% of men on the earth are doomed to being single forever?
Yurei said:
So what I'm gathering is that only if a man is a 10/10 gigachad, he will have a loving, fulfilling relationship.
So the rest of the 75% of men on the earth are doomed to being single forever?
Why not develop yourself and become a "gigachad?

You seem to have completely lost all hope, but I remind you that meditation and yoga will forge you into something you could have never believed, you just have to give it time.
Abyssos said:
Yurei said:
So what I'm gathering is that only if a man is a 10/10 gigachad, he will have a loving, fulfilling relationship.
So the rest of the 75% of men on the earth are doomed to being single forever?

Ended up typing a relatively large post. I planned for this to be quick, but it's all right, this should be very informative. This post was rushed, and I didn't take time to spellcheck. All of my posts in the past few days have been rushed posts. I work for a living. Much more to reply to in this topic, haven't gotten around to it. I'm sure I've missed something or could have something better, but I don't have time to check.

Not much time right now, but I'll make sure to address this in a future post. A quick reply, is that the number is actually probably around 50%. I'm not saying they're doomed to be single forever, but possibly around 50% of men on Earth have never had sex and have no hope of getting in a relationship in the current world circumstances.

Also, there are very few 10/10 men on Earth. The vast majority of people have never seen a 10/10 man in person, and never will. They are exceptionally rare. These men would be call gigachads, or terachads. There are a reasonable amount of chads in the world, and lots of chadlites. Then there's upper-tier normies. After that, the vast majority of men are normies, this term in this context refers to men of average attractiveness. After that, there's plenty of incels, and at lowest rung, there are what are called trucels.

The PSL rating system, which is a term from the Black Pill sphere, only goes up to 8, but I'll use the common base-10 system here.

A man doesn't have to be a 10/10 to have any hope, I'll give a brief run-down:

10s are men who women cannot control their biological functions around. Women are universally attracted to 10s, the idea of preferences do not apply to 10s. If a woman is able to resist a man's charms, he is not a 10. Every single woman who lays eyes on a 10 WILL approach them, they will not be able to help themselves. Any woman who claims that she was able to resist a man who is a 10 is lying. Most women will never see a 10 in their entire life. I am not referring to men who claim they are 10s, I am not referring to men who women say are 10s, I am referring to actual 10s. There are probably less than one thousand men who are 10s on Earth. I would speculate that all male Gods are 10s and up. Satan, Beelzebul and Azazel are Terachads, and break the measurements of a system that in which 10 is supposed to be the maximum.

9s are men who women will almost always desire. Not much I can think of to say here, except that 9s will never struggle to get in a relationship unless they are in particularly stringent and unique circumstances, which would be almost unheard of. If a woman lays eyes on a 9, they will desire them, and will not turn down their advances. There are not many 9s on Earth.

Most men who can be called chads are 8s. These men are still extremely attractive, and are clearly far above average. They will rarely get turned down by women. There is still almost no such thing a an 8 who will ever struggle to get in a relationship.

7s are upper-tier normies, or chadlites. These men will actually have to try to get in a relationship. Men 8 and above will never struggle, anyone who says that they are an 8 or above and struggle with women are LYING. They must be a 7 or below to struggle with women. Women will still desire 7s, but 7s are a dime-a-dozen, and women will still want better-looking men.

6s are normies, or upper-tier normies. They will have to put forth a lot of effort in this day and age to get a woman. They are not very desirable, but most women will have to settle for them if there aren't enough 7+s to go around. If a women finds a 7 and above, they won't hesitate to leave a 6.

The vast majority of men are 4/10 and under. Go to any walmart, and men who are 5s and under are everywhere. Go to your workplace, most men there are 5s and under. Most 5s are incels. Men who are a 4/10 and under are almost all incels except under some kind of extraordinary luck.

Men who are a 1 out 10 actually have a better chance than 2-5s, because they can get women to virtue signal. 1s are men who are so deformed, that women who can bring themselves to virtue signal and get in a relationship will appear on the news. Yes, you read that right. Men with severe deformities will make women famous for getting with them, because they get brownie points for having pity. Just wheelchairamputeeburnvictimmax bro.

The above commentary is very brief, and is only what I came up off the top of my head. I could try to come up with a more in-depth and academic categorization with research.

Regarding the percentage of men that are incels, here is a study that was done in 2018. I remember seeing videos about this study. Keep in mind that this is the number that the mainstream media will actually admit.


According to this study, nearly 33% of men ages 18-24 reported not having had sex in the previous year (in 2018). This is just in the US. make no mistake, that number is much higher now, at the end of 2022. That number is shooting up like a steep slope in graphs.

Here is an article that attempts to frame the information they provide as if they're disproving incels, but what this article presents is literally what Black Pilled incels are talking about, even if it's behind the Overton Window so to say.


The United States and Western European countries very clearly have an incel problem, and I'm sure everyone can imagine many of the reasons and factors contributing to this problem. I will explain in future posts as thoroughly as I can, with as much academic rigor and accuracy as I can muster.

Besides the US and western European countries however, countries in the Middle East, as well as China and India also have a massive incel problem.


Remember China's forced abortion policy? It was also a cultural thing for Chinese boomers to want to have sons instead of daughters, because they saw daughters as useless, whereas they wanted sons to inherit their estate. What good is an estate if there aren't enough women being born?

One factor that I haven't even gotten around to is the Demographic Pill. This is one of the most brutal Black Pills. How can every man realistically have a woman, if there aren't even enough women?

Here is a video describing the demographic issue in the United States. I flatly disagree with how they frame this concept as an opposition to Lookism at the beginning of the video, but they don't dwell on it. It's an extra feature that goes right along with lookism, but I digress. The video is well-put together, very informative, and provides a harrowing glimpse into the demographic issues in White countries, and even gives brief commentary on these factors contributing to an increase in miscegenation. It's absolutely horrifying, but we cannot ignore this, we will do something about all this.


Here's a site that shows the sex ratios for several countries. Qatar is the worst. Interestingly, Hong Kong has the most women per men in the world according to this site. Russia and Ukraine also have less men than women. Interesting things to speculate on.


This site isn't as informative as I would prefer, as it doesn't show age ranges like the Mercer video.

Almost no one has ever heard of these issues, as very few people outside the Manosphere give them a chance and listen to what they have to say, and it doesn't help that so much discourse in the Manosphere is unintelligible to outsiders. I'm sure this is the very first time many people here have been made aware of this.

There is much, much more where all this came from. I'll explain much more in higher-effort posts.

As can be seen from the above sources, we can see a glimpse into how bleak the current circumstances are. It could take decades to repair the damage that has been done. The White Race is in urgent need of a significant birth-rate kickstart. White women's standards are going up, and most White men have been abandoned.

All of this would be a doompost if I didn't have faith in JoS, Satan and the Gods. I am determined to bring all of this information to light here to prepare our best and brightest to know ahead of time the things that must be addressed and the solutions that must be put into practice. When we are in power, there will be much work to do.

I sincerely hope that I am waking up our best and brightest here to how bad this problem is, and how much attention will need to be paid to these issues when we assume power. This will be my bread-and-butter issue in the coming Golden Age. It will be quite the mess to clean up at first, but once the problems are solved, we and future generations will spend the rest of eternity enjoying the benefits of our labors.

Hail Satan!

I have literally heard my sister say if God looked like anyone it would be Dave east,yet he used to get rejected alot before he was a rapper.

My black gay roommate thought I was better looking than him and I have had rejections too.

There is no objective anything because perfection can always go higher and infinite.

It's all what women have been exposed to.

And men too.

A higher tier normie six is a CHAD in Poland and that's what a Persian half polish guy told me.plus women there just like latin america love to be cold approached and see it as a compliment.if you don't cold and warm approach women many polish men will think you're gay.

I recommend to read the happierabroad site by Winston Wu he has studies from experts most of them women that america just has a anti dating culture.

Environment matters alot.

As for miscegenation,it can't be that the negro male has a certain status factor and prestige it must be that women just love to betray their race?most coalburners and riceburners are not malevolently doing so.

Twenty years ago asian men were seen as last ,now due to their status from Korean media women from all over simp for them.

White guys just lost the culture war to the Jews right now.

Prestige is very important to women and the Jews know this.

There's also porn by the Jews .

I really recommend white men to look overseas for white women and looksmax,but not surgery.no woman wants to be with a guy that got surgery and it usually looks fake too.

Hygiene is also important.

Not sperging about your right wing or satanic beliefs to women is crucial advice .these things are stigmatized.

Getting a muscular v shape body and a huge phallus can also help.

No bullshit penis enlargement system and entengo mulondo herb or enkleia does wonders and have actually been studies to work permanently by creating microtears.but I don't advice this to teens at all they should wait until they're stleast twenty.

Then there's going to smaller towns in USA or eastern Europe for a wife if youre a Aryan man.

A great possible job is also remote system integrator for companies ?

Five thousand dollars a day if you know how to work the software.

Poor women look at things besides looks.you may say you're being used but do you think s richer woman will accept you or that you wouldn't be used in your home country?

Life is not fair and it's shitty to most.work with what you have.
There are so many videos of men wearing phallus extenders and women going Gaga over them on YouTube.studies show it's like big boobs or big ass for men.my sister even said that to me and studies said the same thing.

Also women going crazy over a nice body.

Work on what you can improve.

No woman wants a guy that got plastic surgery.
There is not a single man that can get every woman to like him.

Women have types .

A conventional goodlooking guy is only hot to forty percent of women according to a study I read years ago while a conventional hot woman to ninety eight percent of men.

If you're a six and a woman's type she'll pick you over a eight that isn't ?

And also women do not cold approach unless you have status of some sort and even then it's not common .

Find places to warmly approach women and develop social skills.

Cold approach only works in eastern Europe and latin america not antisocial cultures or reserved ones.

And women are even more scared to approach and risk their ego plus men are seen as dangerous possibly.

Most incels have terrible social awareness.

Also women will check you out when you're not looking not blatantly most of the time.
Why give so much thought to this matter? I don't care about absurd stereotypes like being a chad, being metrosexual, the sex appeal that is so fashionable today and trying to pretend things I am not and other fashions just to try to be liked by unspiritual people who are totally superficial.

I prefer to be myself without pretending to be stereotypes, strive to keep advancing spiritually and work to be able to find an SS woman in the future who is compatible with me.

And I'm not interested in a non-spiritual partner because I'm not willing to share my life with someone with different goals and interests than mine.
Wotanwarrior said:
Why give so much thought to this matter? I don't care about absurd stereotypes like being a chad, being metrosexual, the sex appeal that is so fashionable today and trying to pretend things I am not and other fashions just to try to be liked by unspiritual people who are totally superficial.

I prefer to be myself without pretending to be stereotypes, strive to keep advancing spiritually and work to be able to find an SS woman in the future who is compatible with me.

And I'm not interested in a non-spiritual partner because I'm not willing to share my life with someone with different goals and interests than mine.

There is nothing unspiritual about having sex appeal or taking care of one's appearance. It's just that people who are unspiritual don't also focus on deeper things besides status and the clothes they wear or their hair etc. You can do all these things and still be a spiritual person.

I preen in the mirror every single day because I want to like what I look like and it makes me feel good. There is nothing wrong with this and is good for one's self-image. I want outside and in to reflect one another. It's also about being well-rounded and taking care of one self.
Shadowcat said:
Wotanwarrior said:
Why give so much thought to this matter? I don't care about absurd stereotypes like being a chad, being metrosexual, the sex appeal that is so fashionable today and trying to pretend things I am not and other fashions just to try to be liked by unspiritual people who are totally superficial.

I prefer to be myself without pretending to be stereotypes, strive to keep advancing spiritually and work to be able to find an SS woman in the future who is compatible with me.

And I'm not interested in a non-spiritual partner because I'm not willing to share my life with someone with different goals and interests than mine.

There is nothing unspiritual about having sex appeal or taking care of one's appearance. It's just that people who are unspiritual don't also focus on deeper things besides status and the clothes they wear or their hair etc. You can do all these things and still be a spiritual person.

I preen in the mirror every single day because I want to like what I look like and it makes me feel good. There is nothing wrong with this and is good for one's self-image. I want outside and in to reflect one another. It's also about being well-rounded and taking care of one self.

You are absolutely right about that, you have to take care of your appearance, your body and be in shape.

Basically I meant that I am against all the ridiculous stereotypes and modern fashions that are promoted today and of course I am also against things like MGTOW, red pill, black pill and other nonsenses.
Abyssos said:

I can address every point you've made, but I won't rush it. Your points will serve as prompts for me to make sure I'm not missing things in my next long-post. I try to be as all-encompassing as possible, but the Black Pill is so vast a subject that I would have to do Research and Development for a month or more to make a massive post that actually covers it all. I prefer to address every single thing ahead of time rather get stuck in addressing things in a back-and-forth manner. I believe in demonstrating that I already know every single counterpoint and am capable of predicting them and addressing them before someone even makes the counterpoints. It's just not possible for me to consciously remember every single point; such an endeavor would take time to prepare.

Just one quick point, Hamza is absolutely not a Black Piller, he is strictly Red Pill. That's one thing I can't ignore and had to address.

Other than that, unless I find another thing you or anyone here have said that I feel I should address sooner rather than later, I'll take the time to formulate a particularly comprehensive and professional post. I'm going to make an original topic for my next Black Pill long-post and then link to it from here. I've used this topic for long enough, I'm ready to move to a spiffy topic title of my own.

Hail Satan!

Make sure to spend some time on AWALT
I'd like to hear a Satanic perspective...
The Phantom Stranger said:
Hi so just wanted to confirm that jews are behind the toxic manosphere movements such as redpill/blackpill incel content - the women are evil ideas etc right? Like Jewish feminism too, they want us to fight each other right?
Could some of you give me sources(like links etc) to prove this in arguments that I have so that people can realize that they're being manipulated?

All jewish ideas. A jew will always neglect the middle way.
Like, the red -blue pill situation around the world is just them making humanity pick up extremes.
All the ,,gigachad" posts about this seem to be the next evolution from the jewish archetype jesus .
Another jewish principle put into practice.
Abyssos said:

I'm able to address these points as well, no problem. I'll keep this in mind for my longpost. I'm well aware of the psychological tactics you're referring to, as well as another layer of reverse psychology tactics that the jews pull.

The Gigachad archetype you're referring to is Azazel Apollo. He is known to be the Archetype of Masculine Beauty. Azazel by his many names is always said to be extremely physically attractive in almost every if not every Pagan Mythology he appears in. I'll be sure to remember to provide sources demonstrating this. All of the Gods and Goddesses are said to be extremely beautiful in the Demons section at JoS, and every time someone talks about seeing the Gods, they almost always mention that they are extremely beautiful. This description is almost never absent, it's one thing that everyone agrees upon.

Hail Satan!

Apollo is absolutely not some hideous Dagestani goat herder photoshopped to look like a 40k cartoon who in the Victorian era would never be seen outside of a latrine.






Does this look like some lantern-jawed greyscale ape from the Caucasus with a 34 inch erect penis to you?

If you look up Petrus Camper and people who studied Apollo's statues to qualify what was classically beautiful, he indicates the OPPOSITE of what incels claim. Especially as far as 'anteface' and other negroid traits are concerned, which FaceAndLMS claims makes ((Gracie Abrams)) the most beautiful woman in the world...

HunterH666 was correct the gigachad image is close to the nazarene, being the herald of jewish aesthetic trends, subhumanity and ressentiment wherever it is used.
Abyssos said:

I'm able to address these points as well, no problem. I'll keep this in mind for my longpost. I'm well aware of the psychological tactics you're referring to, as well as another layer of reverse psychology tactics that the jews pull.

The Gigachad archetype you're referring to is Azazel Apollo. He is known to be the Archetype of Masculine Beauty. Azazel by his many names is always said to be extremely physically attractive in almost every if not every Pagan Mythology he appears in. I'll be sure to remember to provide sources demonstrating this. All of the Gods and Goddesses are said to be extremely beautiful in the Demons section at JoS, and every time someone talks about seeing the Gods, they almost always mention that they are extremely beautiful. This description is almost never absent, it's one thing that everyone agrees upon.

Hail Satan!
When it comes to achievable beauty, such as the one obtained by Azazel, by all means all SS strive to get there if that's what you want .
But yes, I was talking about the jewish image here, a lot of people think they are gigachads while in reality they are jerks . Gaining a superiority complex.
Looking forward to your post.
Hail Satan!
Karnonnos said:
Abyssos said:

I'm able to address these points as well, no problem. I'll keep this in mind for my longpost. I'm well aware of the psychological tactics you're referring to, as well as another layer of reverse psychology tactics that the jews pull.

The Gigachad archetype you're referring to is Azazel Apollo. He is known to be the Archetype of Masculine Beauty. Azazel by his many names is always said to be extremely physically attractive in almost every if not every Pagan Mythology he appears in. I'll be sure to remember to provide sources demonstrating this. All of the Gods and Goddesses are said to be extremely beautiful in the Demons section at JoS, and every time someone talks about seeing the Gods, they almost always mention that they are extremely beautiful. This description is almost never absent, it's one thing that everyone agrees upon.

Hail Satan!

Apollo is absolutely not some hideous Dagestani goat herder photoshopped to look like a 40k cartoon who in the Victorian era would never be seen outside of a latrine.






Does this look like some lantern-jawed greyscale ape from the Caucasus with a 34 inch erect penis to you?

If you look up Petrus Camper and people who studied Apollo's statues to qualify what was classically beautiful, he indicates the OPPOSITE of what incels claim. Especially as far as 'anteface' and other negroid traits are concerned, which FaceAndLMS claims makes ((Gracie Abrams)) the most beautiful woman in the world...

HunterH666 was correct the gigachad image is close to the nazarene, being the herald of jewish aesthetic trends, subhumanity and ressentiment wherever it is used.
I thought everyone knew the greek imagery depiced the Gods as beautiful? The Gods are beyond beautiful , I am sure of that.
That's what you get when you don't understand symbolism from the ancient Greek .
HunterH666 said:
I thought everyone knew the greek imagery depiced the Gods as beautiful? The Gods are beyond beautiful , I am sure of that.
That's what you get when you don't understand symbolism from the ancient Greek.

Ancient civilizations never depicted the Gods in how they look exactly i.e. sublime looks.

They would always, not sure if it's because they still had Gods knowledge and told like that from the beginning or after the Gods left the Ancients decided to do this.

But in most Ancient civilizations the Gods are drawn with geometry and math but in a diminished form. For example Venus doesn't look anything special but the Goddesses behind her would be very attractive. Or look at Siva or any Hindu God nothing special really or look at Egyptian Statues nothing special.

They made themselves out to be the *designated* less attractive versions so that people would have good role models and not be like modern society where there is a label to beauty. So even a less attractive person doesn't feel bad in comparison to the Gods statues.

Of course it's quite possible many statues are made or wanting to be made in such perfection and our level of civilization isn't up to slough like the Gods themselves. It begs a question of how "they" look like and how "they" are created in the advanced Worlds. Limited and lacking in looks to appease even less attractive people or outright perfection of highly, highly skilled artisans.

I guess sometimes the Gods might want a statue depicting such sublimity.
Gear88 said:
HunterH666 said:
I thought everyone knew the greek imagery depiced the Gods as beautiful? The Gods are beyond beautiful , I am sure of that.
That's what you get when you don't understand symbolism from the ancient Greek.

Ancient civilizations never depicted the Gods in how they look exactly i.e. sublime looks.

They would always, not sure if it's because they still had Gods knowledge and told like that from the beginning or after the Gods left the Ancients decided to do this.

But in most Ancient civilizations the Gods are drawn with geometry and math but in a diminished form. For example Venus doesn't look anything special but the Goddesses behind her would be very attractive. Or look at Siva or any Hindu God nothing special really or look at Egyptian Statues nothing special.

They made themselves out to be the *designated* less attractive versions so that people would have good role models and not be like modern society where there is a label to beauty. So even a less attractive person doesn't feel bad in comparison to the Gods statues.

Of course it's quite possible many statues are made or wanting to be made in such perfection and our level of civilization isn't up to slough like the Gods themselves. It begs a question of how "they" look like and how "they" are created in the advanced Worlds. Limited and lacking in looks to appease even less attractive people or outright perfection of highly, highly skilled artisans.

I guess sometimes the Gods might want a statue depicting such sublimity.
In general symbolism, especially in Egypt.
Whilst they probably did what you said, reducing their beauty in order for people to get the more important message , I think some statues may be limited by the sculptors skills and/or the desire to hide the true face from the enemy .
Gear88 said:
HunterH666 said:
I thought everyone knew the greek imagery depiced the Gods as beautiful? The Gods are beyond beautiful , I am sure of that.
That's what you get when you don't understand symbolism from the ancient Greek.

Ancient civilizations never depicted the Gods in how they look exactly i.e. sublime looks.

They would always, not sure if it's because they still had Gods knowledge and told like that from the beginning or after the Gods left the Ancients decided to do this.

But in most Ancient civilizations the Gods are drawn with geometry and math but in a diminished form. For example Venus doesn't look anything special but the Goddesses behind her would be very attractive. Or look at Siva or any Hindu God nothing special really or look at Egyptian Statues nothing special.

They made themselves out to be the *designated* less attractive versions so that people would have good role models and not be like modern society where there is a label to beauty. So even a less attractive person doesn't feel bad in comparison to the Gods statues.

Of course it's quite possible many statues are made or wanting to be made in such perfection and our level of civilization isn't up to slough like the Gods themselves. It begs a question of how "they" look like and how "they" are created in the advanced Worlds. Limited and lacking in looks to appease even less attractive people or outright perfection of highly, highly skilled artisans.

I guess sometimes the Gods might want a statue depicting such sublimity.

That doesn't sound right. HP Cobra already said the statues of the Gods display the mathematical perfection of facial beauty. They aren't a 1:1 representation but they were designed with a specific idea of proportional perfection in mind.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The very core term of "Aryan" has to do with metaphysically able and evolved people, and is not an outwards representation. As for the statues in Ancient Greece, these have to do with applied mathematical proportions of facial perfection, which represent people and Gods.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, these are some of the greatest representations, in that they go after the perfection of their faces. This is also applied mathematical perfection which was to explain how advanced the Gods are.

Gods are on the same parameter of perfection, but they are also different.

Other than some elements of the cult of exercise (inevitable after the Pluto in Virgo transit so the enemy had no choice but attempt to ruin this), modern judacized views of beauty are completely poisoned, democratized to appeal to the ugliest and stupidest so they can be BOUGHT more than admired (there is a macro of an advertising executive admitting they manipulate beauty standards to benefit the product and also desire the world becomes a global Brazil so they can make the beauty equivalent of McDonalds that applies to all people with no race), infested with ideas of race-mixing to ease White people into having sex with anyone, complete overexaggeration everywhere (big lips, big ass, big dick, big jaw, big muscles, obese twerking, big everything, except for the anorexia and genital mutilation they push on women), not to mention highly pornified.

This is a huge problem with incel 'aesthetic theory' because (other than some of the body aspects) it is describing tons of pigfarm media trends that people on Instagram follow. It really has not a lot to do with what White people find attractive by themselves on their own terms, which includes what one's individual Astrological imprint is designed to find attractive.

40 years ago Woody Allen was described as a 'lothario' and a 'stud'. Some Boomers were so brainwashed by television they believed this crap. Despite looking like a literal worm from the darkest cave, this thing got away with supposedly molesting his real daughter and marrying his adopted mentally deficient daughter in open view of the public. You'll still see endless attractive actresses and Boomers defending him as if their lives depend on it. Armie Hammer the fellow reptile cannibal from a giga-wealthy family has a large discrepancy in looks to him to an NPCs eyes, but is basically treated the same. The media keeps feting Pete Davidson as a 'stud' who dates '10/10 women'. This type of stuff should teach people to be skeptical of modern trends.

None of this is to contradict everything Abyssos is saying. There is an element of a large group of women on social media who do judge everything (even a child molester with a Chad profile pic) by contemporary aesthetic trends. They go on Tinder and they choose the match based on what Netflix conveys is attractive, then they have something resembling 'sex' on the first date but it's a lot of the time it's completely out of whack with natural instinct and the wrong partner. But the other side of that is that everything they do is curated according to those trends, they compete with other women endlessly on these sites which creates levels of neuroticism and anxiety that are extremely unnatural. Then there's the whole sjw side of things on social media that requires women to submit to endless struggle sessions and endless peacocking about how ideologically pure they are so they don't offend every ape or weakling (fake friend) on the TL, but actual ethics are not necessary.

According to British studies, girls in schools are 40 percent suicidal by age 14 and this rate has gone up and up with social media sites. Twenty years ago this level was like 5 percent. So these women are not just screening men with absurd standards, they are also constantly at war with other women and feel highly insecure which fuels how they behave. I've noticed that women who don't have social media often act far more naturally.

Recent studies also indicate people are having less sex, are less interested in sex, are far more neurotic and are overall becoming more child-like, as well as postponing all kinds of adult behavior markers such as learning to drive. This is the Japan-type pattern (Japan has also had advanced social media longer than the West):

Between 2009 and 2018, the proportion of adolescents reporting no sexual activity, either alone or with partners, rose from 28.8 percent to 44.2 percent among young men and from 49.5 percent in 2009 to 74 percent among young women.

This is nothing against you Gear, but I have to defend the name of Venus on this forum. Especially when people want automated art, automated beauty, automated manufacturing like IKEA, automated money like UBI, 'government mandated gfs', automated everything just so it can be given to the masses with the most ease, when the masses who choose to openly defy the Gods aren't necessarily deserving of everything Venus conveys. That said, the enemy has also to a large extent made it utterly impossible to access the good nature of this planet even for the worthy by perverting everything it represents (modern art) and creating a lot of illusions, so I understand a lot of the frustration.
Karnonnos said:
Gear88 said:
HunterH666 said:
I thought everyone knew the greek imagery depiced the Gods as beautiful? The Gods are beyond beautiful , I am sure of that.
That's what you get when you don't understand symbolism from the ancient Greek.

Ancient civilizations never depicted the Gods in how they look exactly i.e. sublime looks.

They would always, not sure if it's because they still had Gods knowledge and told like that from the beginning or after the Gods left the Ancients decided to do this.

But in most Ancient civilizations the Gods are drawn with geometry and math but in a diminished form. For example Venus doesn't look anything special but the Goddesses behind her would be very attractive. Or look at Siva or any Hindu God nothing special really or look at Egyptian Statues nothing special.

They made themselves out to be the *designated* less attractive versions so that people would have good role models and not be like modern society where there is a label to beauty. So even a less attractive person doesn't feel bad in comparison to the Gods statues.

Of course it's quite possible many statues are made or wanting to be made in such perfection and our level of civilization isn't up to slough like the Gods themselves. It begs a question of how "they" look like and how "they" are created in the advanced Worlds. Limited and lacking in looks to appease even less attractive people or outright perfection of highly, highly skilled artisans.

I guess sometimes the Gods might want a statue depicting such sublimity.

That doesn't sound right. HP Cobra already said the statues of the Gods display the mathematical perfection of facial beauty. They aren't a 1:1 representation but they were designed with a specific idea of proportional perfection in mind.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The very core term of "Aryan" has to do with metaphysically able and evolved people, and is not an outwards representation. As for the statues in Ancient Greece, these have to do with applied mathematical proportions of facial perfection, which represent people and Gods.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, these are some of the greatest representations, in that they go after the perfection of their faces. This is also applied mathematical perfection which was to explain how advanced the Gods are.

Gods are on the same parameter of perfection, but they are also different.

Other than some elements of the cult of exercise (inevitable after the Pluto in Virgo transit so the enemy had no choice but attempt to ruin this), modern judacized views of beauty are completely poisoned, democratized to appeal to the ugliest and stupidest so they can be BOUGHT more than admired (there is a macro of an advertising executive admitting they manipulate beauty standards to benefit the product and also desire the world becomes a global Brazil so they can make the beauty equivalent of McDonalds that applies to all people with no race), infested with ideas of race-mixing to ease White people into having sex with anyone, complete overexaggeration everywhere (big lips, big ass, big dick, big jaw, big muscles, obese twerking, big everything, except for the anorexia and genital mutilation they push on women), not to mention highly pornified.

This is a huge problem with incel 'aesthetic theory' because (other than some of the body aspects) it is describing tons of pigfarm media trends that people on Instagram follow. It really has not a lot to do with what White people find attractive by themselves on their own terms, which includes what one's individual Astrological imprint is designed to find attractive.

40 years ago Woody Allen was described as a 'lothario' and a 'stud'. Some Boomers were so brainwashed by television they believed this crap. Despite looking like a literal worm from the darkest cave, this thing got away with supposedly molesting his real daughter and marrying his adopted mentally deficient daughter in open view of the public. You'll still see endless attractive actresses and Boomers defending him as if their lives depend on it. Armie Hammer the fellow reptile cannibal from a giga-wealthy family has a large discrepancy in looks to him to an NPCs eyes, but is basically treated the same. The media keeps feting Pete Davidson as a 'stud' who dates '10/10 women'. This type of stuff should teach people to be skeptical of modern trends.

None of this is to contradict everything Abyssos is saying. There is an element of a large group of women on social media who do judge everything (even a child molester with a Chad profile pic) by contemporary aesthetic trends. They go on Tinder and they choose the match based on what Netflix conveys is attractive, then they have something resembling 'sex' on the first date but it's a lot of the time it's completely out of whack with natural instinct and the wrong partner. But the other side of that is that everything they do is curated according to those trends, they compete with other women endlessly on these sites which creates levels of neuroticism and anxiety that are extremely unnatural. Then there's the whole sjw side of things on social media that requires women to submit to endless struggle sessions and endless peacocking about how ideologically pure they are so they don't offend every ape or weakling (fake friend) on the TL, but actual ethics are not necessary.

According to British studies, girls in schools are 40 percent suicidal by age 14 and this rate has gone up and up with social media sites. Twenty years ago this level was like 5 percent. So these women are not just screening men with absurd standards, they are also constantly at war with other women and feel highly insecure which fuels how they behave. I've noticed that women who don't have social media often act far more naturally.

Recent studies also indicate people are having less sex, are less interested in sex, are far more neurotic and are overall becoming more child-like, as well as postponing all kinds of adult behavior markers such as learning to drive. This is the Japan-type pattern (Japan has also had advanced social media longer than the West):

Between 2009 and 2018, the proportion of adolescents reporting no sexual activity, either alone or with partners, rose from 28.8 percent to 44.2 percent among young men and from 49.5 percent in 2009 to 74 percent among young women.

This is nothing against you Gear, but I have to defend the name of Venus on this forum. Especially when people want automated art, automated beauty, automated manufacturing like IKEA, automated money like UBI, 'government mandated gfs', automated everything just so it can be given to the masses with the most ease, when the masses who choose to openly defy the Gods aren't necessarily deserving of everything Venus conveys. That said, the enemy has also to a large extent made it utterly impossible to access the good nature of this planet even for the worthy by perverting everything it represents (modern art) and creating a lot of illusions, so I understand a lot of the frustration.
Good post.

Porn has given men unrealistic standards .I remember when I was a kid I would look at a woman with breasts and thru her shirt,if she bounced them I'd go crazy.

Then at eleven I started to watch porn and it didn't excite me anymore and now I need huge voluptuous breasts and bottom to get aroused.I need exceptionally beautiful women?

Social media also raises the standards .

My sister used to have crushes on guys that now she wouldn't even look at because her standards were raised by exposure.

So it goes both ways.

Those tribes in the Amazon or those tribal indians like the bhil in Rajasthan living away from society seem more content with each other because of this.

I'm sure the Gods consider our tens to be average because they're so much more good-looking.

That's why it's all about exposure.

Which is why geomaxing to eastern Europe is great for Aryan men in the five and a half to seven range in America .
don't disregard the importance of Neurotypical pictures on tinder and other dating sites.

I took some good photos in miami at beach,mansion and little havana with nice colorful clothes and in a day(started last night) I got around 50 women messaging me,most of them hot on a latin american dating website.the first girl favorited me with the 'favorite'feature.

I also didn't shave my head,so women don't think im balding like before with shaven head pics.

before I did pretty bad on online dating by being aspie and using mirror pictures.
Abyssos said:
Mein Kampf

The entire context of what Hitler said in a summarized form is: Spiritual and Intellectual foundation must back efforts to exterminate a doctrine for it to succeed. I.E what we do here in the JoS. Our foundation is based on the values and ethics Satan and the rest of our Gods stand for. For anyone that doesn't know what those values are they can look in the JoS main page. [This isn't directed to anyone in particular.]

I will admit that I only lightly screened the massive walls of text here only because much of what was written in my opinion is overly complicated and is based off of ideas and concepts by those from "outside".

If one wants a relationship then there's no need for complicated theories or methodologies that have no spiritual basis behind it. Just by studying one's own Natal Chart will inform how and why one's relationships are good or bad. Personally I think astrology should be something any SS should study as it teaches way more about the why's and how's of people. Even with my limited ability in astrology has given me more understanding of what to do more than any pick up artist book or dating guide. [In the context of trying to obtain a partner]. For the nonspiritual or uninitiated, they need to be properly educated in these matters otherwise they will always fail.

This might be a gross generalization but the lack of applicable knowledge and understanding is the biggest factor that holds incels back from "getting women". The 2nd biggest factor would be actions taken with real knowledge.
Abyssos said:
Now the citations and their full meaning are here for transparent comparison with what I said. I've listened to Mein Kampf almost half a dozen times, and I've retained many key ideas from it, and I get even more out of it every time I listen to it again. I also intend to read other translations in depth when I have time and get around to it.

I really should get to it, since I'm going to be quoting from Mein Kampf profusely in future posts.

Hail Satan!

I'm going to assume you study with notepads, post-it notes, and highlight using different color highlighters and study this stuff like a professional University student, no? Writing and or typing things down. Maybe take notes and compare and contrast, study; imbue yourself with more knowledge.

I'm actually surprised school doesn't teach this stuff. No wonder in today's time all these students come out and crash and burn in College or better yet University. Higher education being just another High School 2.0 or making people fail around for cash grabs.

I assume if you gathered all the versions of Mein Kampf. You can probably study, cross-reference etc.etc. For example in your post a bit ago. You mentioned Feder's Collected Writings; which highlight in the first or second chapter. Taking a part of the 25-NSDAP point and referencing some things involving the Nationalization of companies i.e. trusts - syndicates. And I'm sure further in the book there is more references from Feder's time.

I've recently been trying to improve my language arts and ability to make grammar and punctuation. Unfortunately school failed at that act and frankly as well as my own as I hated school and never two fucks about it. School system is completely pointless just to shit out some factory workers.

But I assume someone like this person might help you out. Unfortunately, he does have a paid site but does posses some volume of free videos and I'm going to watch other videos.


I ran specifically into one video about 36:minutes or so. That made me look him up. I know he has a paywall site but I assume there is enough free knowledge to gather a perspective.
Gear88 said:
I'm actually surprised school doesn't teach this stuff. No wonder in today's time all these students come out and crash and burn in College or better yet University. Higher education being just another High School 2.0 or making people fail around for cash grabs.
Actually, they do.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
