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Satan's Crow

Jan 9, 2024

'The reality of the danger of spiritual practices for those who are without are drastic. The texts of Ramana, stated that kundalini awaking can bring "madness and death" upon those who practice such path. Today Hindu swami's will tell you about what happened to the famous ones like Ramakrisna and others, they got to a level where the kundalini energy really started to awaken and ascend and the effects are the serpent energy hit numerous internal blockages and it manifested in sickness and death from such. Others just went insane as well. Within the eastern texts they have what is called "The Final Breath" this when a person literally just dies within the major stage of kundalini activation and ascension, the body due to the internal blockages, lack or internal development, just can't handle this wave of energy and the person exits the body. There are numerous tales of this occurring in the east. Its considered one of the dangers must one undertake to attempt to reach the ascended state.''

-Bala Kanda (Childhood)
-Ayodhya Kanda (Ayodhya city)
-Aranya Kanda (Forest)
-Kishkindha Kanda (Kishkindha)
-Sundara Kanda (Beautiful)
-Yuddha Kanda (War)
-Uttara Kanda (Son)


It is estimated that the Ramayana epic took its present form of 7 chapters in the 2nd century BC.

The Ramayana (Sanskrit, is., रामामायण, rāmāyaṇa, Turkish "The Development of Rama") is one of the two best known epics in the Indian subcontinent, along with the Mahabbarata.


King Dsharatha sends Rama away from the country to fulfill his promise to Bharata's mother, and Bharata is made king. Bharata appears on the stage here and refuses to be king. His father dies of grief.

Rama has already left the country. Then Bharata follows him and tries to persuade Rama to return, but Rama refuses to obey the king. Bharata returns to his country and moves to another place instead of the palace and starts ruling the country until Rama returns.

And the story of Sita's abduction. And now it goes all the way to Ravana, because Rama and Lakshmana are destroying everything in their path. And Ravana comes on the scene and kidnaps Sita.

She becomes a slave to Sita's desires. She pressures her husband to bring the deer in the form of gold and sends Rama to the forest. Then, when they are alone together, she accuses Lakshmana of lack of virtue and sends him away. Rama falls into the trap of Ravana, a Brahmin disguised as a saint, who does not follow any of the rules and approaches him with a pure urge to do good, far from knowledge and all the realities of the world.

The encounter with the monkey army; Hanuman. Great help from the valiant monkey.

While reading, I tried as much as possible not to give Sita any special meaning. The main goal is to save the world from the Ravana demon. A very big and bloody story is told in pages and pages. Various types of ifrit appear before Rama to do battle. Rama and his brother come close to death several times and even die. But they are revived when Hanuman finds and brings healing herbs.
The friendship between Rama and Hanuman, the head of the monkey army, could be another story.

At the end of the battle, Ravana is destroyed. What Ravana leaves behind are the evils that lie behind his rich and ostentatiously beautiful palaces.


In the Ramayana epic, there is a mention of a flying vehicle called "viman". And somewhere Ravana's flying chariot. We know that there was airplane technology imagined thousands of years ago.

After the war, Rama believes that Sita has been contaminated by her months of captivity in the ifrit's Harem, despite her purity, and rejects her.

Sita throws herself into the fire to purify her purity. She is rescued from the fire by the Gods and is brought out pure.

The word Sita is very similar to Lord Set.

The word Rama is similar to the Raum mantra. Raum is a mantra of the sun.

Sundara is a mantra we use. It means 'bliss'.

Sita is saved from the fire by the Gods.

I believe it is a reference to the character Sun Wukong in the great Chinese myth.

The same vehicle called vimana is also mentioned in the epic 'Mahabharata'.


'The reality of the danger of spiritual practices for those who are without are drastic. The texts of Ramana, stated that kundalini awaking can bring "madness and death" upon those who practice such path. Today Hindu swami's will tell you about what happened to the famous ones like Ramakrisna and others, they got to a level where the kundalini energy really started to awaken and ascend and the effects are the serpent energy hit numerous internal blockages and it manifested in sickness and death from such. Others just went insane as well. Within the eastern texts they have what is called "The Final Breath" this when a person literally just dies within the major stage of kundalini activation and ascension, the body due to the internal blockages, lack or internal development, just can't handle this wave of energy and the person exits the body. There are numerous tales of this occurring in the east. Its considered one of the dangers must one undertake to attempt to reach the ascended state.''

-Bala Kanda (Childhood)
-Ayodhya Kanda (Ayodhya city)
-Aranya Kanda (Forest)
-Kishkindha Kanda (Kishkindha)
-Sundara Kanda (Beautiful)
-Yuddha Kanda (War)
-Uttara Kanda (Son)

View attachment 952

It is estimated that the Ramayana epic took its present form of 7 chapters in the 2nd century BC.

The Ramayana (Sanskrit, is., रामामायण, rāmāyaṇa, Turkish "The Development of Rama") is one of the two best known epics in the Indian subcontinent, along with the Mahabbarata.


King Dsharatha sends Rama away from the country to fulfill his promise to Bharata's mother, and Bharata is made king. Bharata appears on the stage here and refuses to be king. His father dies of grief.

Rama has already left the country. Then Bharata follows him and tries to persuade Rama to return, but Rama refuses to obey the king. Bharata returns to his country and moves to another place instead of the palace and starts ruling the country until Rama returns.

And the story of Sita's abduction. And now it goes all the way to Ravana, because Rama and Lakshmana are destroying everything in their path. And Ravana comes on the scene and kidnaps Sita.

She becomes a slave to Sita's desires. She pressures her husband to bring the deer in the form of gold and sends Rama to the forest. Then, when they are alone together, she accuses Lakshmana of lack of virtue and sends him away. Rama falls into the trap of Ravana, a Brahmin disguised as a saint, who does not follow any of the rules and approaches him with a pure urge to do good, far from knowledge and all the realities of the world.

The encounter with the monkey army; Hanuman. Great help from the valiant monkey.

While reading, I tried as much as possible not to give Sita any special meaning. The main goal is to save the world from the Ravana demon. A very big and bloody story is told in pages and pages. Various types of ifrit appear before Rama to do battle. Rama and his brother come close to death several times and even die. But they are revived when Hanuman finds and brings healing herbs.
The friendship between Rama and Hanuman, the head of the monkey army, could be another story.

At the end of the battle, Ravana is destroyed. What Ravana leaves behind are the evils that lie behind his rich and ostentatiously beautiful palaces.

View attachment 953

In the Ramayana epic, there is a mention of a flying vehicle called "viman". And somewhere Ravana's flying chariot. We know that there was airplane technology imagined thousands of years ago.

After the war, Rama believes that Sita has been contaminated by her months of captivity in the ifrit's Harem, despite her purity, and rejects her.

Sita throws herself into the fire to purify her purity. She is rescued from the fire by the Gods and is brought out pure.

The word Sita is very similar to Lord Set.

The word Rama is similar to the Raum mantra. Raum is a mantra of the sun.

Sundara is a mantra we use. It means 'bliss'.

Sita is saved from the fire by the Gods.

I believe it is a reference to the character Sun Wukong in the great Chinese myth.

The same vehicle called vimana is also mentioned in the epic 'Mahabharata'.

The Kundalini should generally be respected, however please stay away from sources who take this too far and say you will die or be maimed, life ruined, etc by the Kundalini.

The Kundalini energy is powerful, but it is ultimately one of transformation and healing; the evolution of the soul. Furthermore, it is not like it will just come out of nowhere and fly up at maximum velocity. Instead, it is a long process that the Gods will certainly help you with.

Magestein was kicked out for promoted nonsense, so that is probably what he is doing here, by citing some New Age or enemy-influenced texts to make us overly fearful of the Kundalini. As far as I know, it is basically impossible to reach any higher stages of Kundalini advancement, yet still have major obstacles.

So while Magestein's post is framed originally as "danger by not being with the Gods", it then takes unnecessary stabs at the Kundalini itself, again following this theory that the Kundalini would just randomly hurt you, despite it also being a source of major prosperity. That is when you have to suspect malicious motives are involved.
When I am dedicated, I was told that it was a painful experience. Does the 3 grantha transition cause pain? I don't know much about this. And I want to know the truth.

Sir, apologize for the confusion. I promise to be more careful.

When I am dedicated, I was told that it was a painful experience. Does the 3 grantha transition cause pain? I don't know much about this. And I want to know the truth.

Sir, apologize for the confusion. I promise to be more careful.

It's ok, as I don't think you knew. In general, there can be discomfort from the Kundalini's advancement due to removal of negative karma, but this is still an overall positive event of growth. Regarding the nadis themselves, I believe any discomfort would come from a lack of balance or health of the nadi. If the person was doing hatha yoga regularly, this would dissuade against a situation where the energies become out of control.

It is mostly that the enemy tries to amplify these cautions into outright fear and panic, which can make people scared of the Kundalini. We had a guy a while ago who kept trying to tell us that the Kundalini put him in a hospital bed, despite none of that being true and him also disregarding any spiritual solutions.

I find it hard to believe that these yogis who were well versed in the path itself, enough to raise their Kundalini to a high state, were also unable to control the energy of their body. The Kundalini uses the same nadis that we all work on during our practices, so it is silly to me that they would suddenly have fatal imbalances, and so on.

Here are some collected writings by the Clergy on the Kundalini: https://joswiki.org/index.php/Omni:.../Serpent_on_our_soul?#The_Origins_of_Satanism
It's ok, as I don't think you knew. In general, there can be discomfort from the Kundalini's advancement due to removal of negative karma, but this is still an overall positive event of growth. Regarding the nadis themselves, I believe any discomfort would come from a lack of balance or health of the nadi. If the person was doing hatha yoga regularly, this would dissuade against a situation where the energies become out of control.

It is mostly that the enemy tries to amplify these cautions into outright fear and panic, which can make people scared of the Kundalini. We had a guy a while ago who kept trying to tell us that the Kundalini put him in a hospital bed, despite none of that being true and him also disregarding any spiritual solutions.

I find it hard to believe that these yogis who were well versed in the path itself, enough to raise their Kundalini to a high state, were also unable to control the energy of their body. The Kundalini uses the same nadis that we all work on during our practices, so it is silly to me that they would suddenly have fatal imbalances, and so on.

Here are some collected writings by the Clergy on the Kundalini: https://joswiki.org/index.php/Omni:What_is_the_influence_of_the_Kundalini/Serpent_on_our_soul?#The_Origins_of_Satanism
I've always been under the understanding that Satan or the Gods help the Kundalini awaken and process in stages to "test" the Earth (vessel).

About the purification process. I've been under the idea that the Kundalini builds on negativity due to pumping up your soul. Yes it burns the karmic seeds through piercing i.e. "Spear of Destiny".

But in my assumption I've always been seeing you should clean, purify, and de-dross the soul before reaching these levels. The soul Nadi, negative Karma, and negative energies should well be thoroughly cleansed/removed/purified before the journey of the Serpent. In fact I've read even clergy state basically the soul should be clean before working on the kundalini process. In other words Cleanliness is next to Godliness basically.

Also we posses two distinct Nadi networks 72,000 male/72,000 female of which the main three are Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna. The triple Nadis of the breath and spine.

But do all 144,000(M/F / 72,000x2) are they all in possession of names? I assume at high level a nadi male or female posses a unique name.

I've read of Yogic text stating if XYZ named Nadi is activated it produces this power or this transformation.

I'm assuming like TCM channels superconducting lines of the soul and other properties, each and every Nadi is unique and possessing of a name or names.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
