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Race, Nationality, Wars & Peace

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
There are two ways to look at history, one is the temporary way, and the other is the more eternal way. Nationalism is the limited way of viewing the history of the world; it takes in consideration the present, denies the past, and biology or many other things are not involved in this view, just forms of National Identities that were created for some centuries.

Adolf Hitler when he came to the world, instated a new way to look upon at history; he put the racial matter first. The eternal way consists of looking at very in-depth topics, and would take biology as a first way to look at something.

For example, two people being fundamentally from France and Germany [traditionally in recent history, if one wants to see this still that way, "National enemies"], are now seen from a different and biologically based perspective; then one sees they are 99,999% the same in their origins. If we close their mouths and put them on the same table to eat with a Briton, and they are just eating there, we will never figure out of any particular differences.

Yet for many thousands of years, humanity has lost this perception. The more is the loss of this perception, people form many groups and these groups fight one another ceaselessly, dividing what is fundamentally related to 99,999%, pretending this 0,001 difference is actually extremely important; denying the rest of this, and waging wars or making endless disputes which cause mostly chaos and divisions, in many cases where it does not even matter.

As humans really love divisions, or divisions became necessary for life [You had to hate your neighboring countries for a very long time, in order to survive due to National disputes], this became the norm to look at reality in this way. Biology and many other topics were not "important".

The German started to fight the Polish man, and the man from Switzerland wanted to fight them both, and from behind came the French man in order to attack him, and everyone started dividing and dividing over the course of time. The division level was the highest in the Dark Ages, where even singular Nations like France, were actually divided in many tens of smaller principalities, and before that time, in small regional villages who had consistent disputes.

To see how far that can go, the people who are all today Greeks, and had all 99.99% the same blood running in their veins, for reasons related to territory and nation State, had centuries long wars and disputes that kept one Town State having wars with another. The differences in culture were extremely small and marginal; the philosophers of the Ancient World drank from the same well, and the blood of the veins of all these people was basically exactly the same. But they waged war after war of annihilation for Nationalist and State affairs.

If back then you were born in Sparta, you were a Spartan, but if you were born just some miles up to another family, you were an Athenian. Fundamentally, your biological flesh, mind, spirit and soul was still the same. But since you were born in a different National Identity at the time, you would have to fight this or that other person consistently, for the survival of your City State.

As history progressed, people were united eventually and formed the Greek States. At some point when there was a problem with the Persian Empire, where the differences were even more and more actual, they had to fight people who were actually quite different than them, comparing to killing themselves over petty differences. Yet, as this process happened in many places.

Therefore, we have endless disputes on the earth, for a very long time. These disputes can range in importance; the Korean or Japanese person, is certainly different from the Chinese person in many ways, but they all fall under a fairly similar Asiatic category. Whether or nor these differences are "worth a war", it's another topic. I will leave this topic open here, as it will derail the topic.

Yet, if we take all these different Nationalities and put them all by the side; we will see something else. We will see that some people, are far more connected to others, and the similarities are so striking that if for example a Polish man does not open his mouth, we might not figure he is not a German or even a Ukrainian, or a Russian. If we just observe them as they are, they are mostly extremely similar.

If you were an alien visiting the earth, knowing of no National borders and no "National Identities" (humans form these) you would seriously question yourself in why people of the same biology, are in wars all the time. If you knew of no politics, you would be actually asking yourself why for example Europeans ever did that many wars. You would therefore see, that this species has not yet developed a very high biological understand, which would render 95% of wars among itself utterly useless.

If would also make more sense to you, that let's say, unless there are very big differences, that people have any reasons to kill each other at all, rather than work together. From a biological habitat perspective, Nationalism on it's own does not make much sense. It means that people have divided over certain cultural topics, and they are waging wars over these topics. Biology at the same time, supports that species of a same flock, must flock together.

Inside the flocks, there are of course organizations; the Flock would be for example a Yellow, Black or White flock; but inside the flock the beings would organize in regard to their ability of value, and do the best to govern themselves in order to live. You cannot put a bear into a bird flock, because it cannot fly.

However, if we take the same Polish man and put him on the side to compare him to a Japanese man or Chinese man, then we will see they are actually two rather distinctive types. They are so different, that when you put them on the side, you can see the differences. Then if we also put a man from Ghana and compare them with both, we will see very evident differences in all the three.

Still, one will notice that they are certainly of the same species, as they are both men. If we are to take this in example from another portion of the Animal Kingdom, we would have a Panther, a Jaguar and a Cheetah. Still, taking a few steps back, one would understand that these three types are still all felines and "big cats", but that they have some differences about them. Fundamentally, they still are the same underlying species, and not fish.

As one sees the above, one might feel for example that one type of the above, the Cheetah, must prevail over the Panther, and another will think the Jaguar is the "best" and most fit to live. However, in the case of nature, it has put them all under a rather similar and broader category. Yet, nature has also divided them in order so that they are all different; yet they are still fundamentally under the same larger classification. They are not fish, so they cannot flock with fish under no circumstance. Jaguars will mate and co-exist with Jaguars, Panthers with Panthers, and Cheetah's with Cheetah's.

Now, the reason we engage this topic, it's because it's a scientific and reality based, natural topic. None of this knowledge is meant to instate anything negative in humanity, but rather stop ceaseless warfare. As humans understand if they are Jaguar or Cheetah, that does not mean the two entities must devolve into a battle for war and territory. It just means one has self awareness. This self awareness means one must work to improve the species of the Jaguar or the Cheetah, but must actually also keep in the back of their minds, that the other Feline they are observing, is also a feline in need to advance itself.

Spiritual Satanism takes biology and race in consideration, because when you see these three people in a line compared, then you will see there is beautiful bio-diversity in life. The only reason one would need to do this, is not to create pointless division, but to observe reality as it is. From that reality, humans can choose to do anything evil or anything good. As far as I am concerned, observing this bio-diversity of life, we should seek to protect it and prolong it; not find causes for wars, disputes and destruction, but rather see how we can remain biologically diverse and rich, like many other species out there in the cosmos try to do.

Others of course of a more argumentative manner, will see the above three people and imagine they have "to fight at all costs" based on these differences. In regard to the species of the Felines as a category, that would be suicidal. Some would say that these three cats, if they all fought it our, there would be a "winner" and that this is what makes you "win". If "winning" is about progress and development, man is also graced with something else compared to animals: logic and a very broad mind.

If the mind is applied to essentially causing wars between Cheetah's and Jaguars, any "development" that arises will be limited. Still, the need to fight and being war ready, is not a bad idea; it keeps both the Cheetah's and the Jaguars and the Panthers in a developing situation so they can be sharp and ready for war. However, the advent of an actual war is going to be detrimental to all of them; the winner is losing forces that could have went to development, and others will also perish.

It is also true, that if there is a war among the Felines, it's very far more likely, that each sub-species of these, will attempt to flock to what is closer to itself, rather than what is opposed to itself. That much is also true, so we cannot deny this reality either. Biologically it would make more sense for Cheetah to go against a Jaguar over territoral disputes or food source, rather than Cheetah's killing each other.

Yet, were men and human beings differ with wild animals, is that humans can actually come up and say: "Hello, so we need 10 pounds of meat. Instead of doing a battle to the death to take the limited resource, why don't we instead create two farms, so we can generate 100 pounds of meat to eat, and we do not have to fight over it?". Animals do not have this ability, only humans do.

A delicate balance between dispute and love has to exist, until species develop a semblance of consciousness to understand that pointless wars and divisions, are to have a very necessary background for them to happen. In that case as humans are spiritually fallen, they see many disputes. Many people even fight inside their own households and beat up their own family, their own life living unit. They create chaos, unrest and disloyalty even in the small unit that they call in family, or do wrong even to their descendants; that's how confusing this is.

Again, seen from a distant perspective, that would not make any sense, as doing damage to your family, reduces your chances of survival and theirs dramatically. One had everything to gain by being a loyal and a good person to their family, and minimizing disputes and raising peace and co-operation to the highest level; they would be happier and others would be happier also.

But still humans do that dumb shit and more dumb shit. So humans are irrational. This extends onward and creates more and more divisions, until the point that humanity rips itself to shreds over minimal or inconsequential reasons, destroying nature's progression and not understanding how to use forces of development in a good way.

While even animals understand this, humans still do not in many cases; that is because like the Cheetah's above, they do not have developed yet the very necessary reason and higher creative ability to escape the tight confines of existence that involve natural brutal law. Animals however on their level, perform better than humans in many cases. So man is also evolving to understand more of his place in existence also.

As a final note, our side and the Gods want both to stop ceaseless and dumb warfare. If the two factions are at war, they are not at war with their families. They are at war because our side is humanoid and the other side is a virus; they have no longer any common grounds. These sides both want to "unite humanity", the enemy for a slave plantation (easy control, mass forced homogenization, de-militarization, ultimate control like we control a vegetable plantation.

Our side wants to prolong our existence in the cosmos, so we can support nature's development and undertaking and life can continue freely so they can observe it. In this future high reason and high spirituality will be necessary, because the destiny here is not plantation and slavery. Clearly, we must go for this path and not the other, as the destiny of humanity is doomed in the first option.

Either way, I hope that enriched everyone's perspective on these topics.

Very interesting Great HP.

Allow me to ask you a question: can't we develop a profound and biological but at the same time nationalist thought?

I mean a thought that balances the temporal/limited way of thinking and the eternal way of thinking.

Of course you can, but if only one or the other is only supported, this can lead to errors.

If one is only a Nationalist, then they will deny race in the end. If one is only a racialist, they will deny the obvious reality of the world.

Both are required to survive and to understand what is pertinent to the present, and what is important for the longterm existence of a species.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
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Strangely, whatever ive been thinking about for the last few days, ive come across one of your articles explaining the subject that's been occupying my mind. thats very nice.
you could have just communicated what the Gods wanted you to communicate
and returned to your daily life. but i appreciated you for choosing to help us even more.
Thank you very much 💚
There are two ways to look at history, one is the temporary way, and the other is the more eternal way. Nationalism is the limited way of viewing the history of the world; it takes in consideration the present, denies the past, and biology or many other things are not involved in this view, just forms of National Identities that were created for some centuries.

Adolf Hitler when he came to the world, instated a new way to look upon at history; he put the racial matter first. The eternal way consists of looking at very in-depth topics, and would take biology as a first way to look at something.

For example, two people being fundamentally from France and Germany [traditionally in recent history, if one wants to see this still that way, "National enemies"], are now seen from a different and biologically based perspective; then one sees they are 99,999% the same in their origins. If we close their mouths and put them on the same table to eat with a Briton, and they are just eating there, we will never figure out of any particular differences.

Yet for many thousands of years, humanity has lost this perception. The more is the loss of this perception, people form many groups and these groups fight one another ceaselessly, dividing what is fundamentally related to 99,999%, pretending this 0,001 difference is actually extremely important; denying the rest of this, and waging wars or making endless disputes which cause mostly chaos and divisions, in many cases where it does not even matter.

As humans really love divisions, or divisions became necessary for life [You had to hate your neighboring countries for a very long time, in order to survive due to National disputes], this became the norm to look at reality in this way. Biology and many other topics were not "important".

The German started to fight the Polish man, and the man from Switzerland wanted to fight them both, and from behind came the French man in order to attack him, and everyone started dividing and dividing over the course of time. The division level was the highest in the Dark Ages, where even singular Nations like France, were actually divided in many tens of smaller principalities, and before that time, in small regional villages who had consistent disputes.

To see how far that can go, the people who are all today Greeks, and had all 99.99% the same blood running in their veins, for reasons related to territory and nation State, had centuries long wars and disputes that kept one Town State having wars with another. The differences in culture were extremely small and marginal; the philosophers of the Ancient World drank from the same well, and the blood of the veins of all these people was basically exactly the same. But they waged war after war of annihilation for Nationalist and State affairs.

If back then you were born in Sparta, you were a Spartan, but if you were born just some miles up to another family, you were an Athenian. Fundamentally, your biological flesh, mind, spirit and soul was still the same. But since you were born in a different National Identity at the time, you would have to fight this or that other person consistently, for the survival of your City State.

As history progressed, people were united eventually and formed the Greek States. At some point when there was a problem with the Persian Empire, where the differences were even more and more actual, they had to fight people who were actually quite different than them, comparing to killing themselves over petty differences. Yet, as this process happened in many places.

Therefore, we have endless disputes on the earth, for a very long time. These disputes can range in importance; the Korean or Japanese person, is certainly different from the Chinese person in many ways, but they all fall under a fairly similar Asiatic category. Whether or nor these differences are "worth a war", it's another topic. I will leave this topic open here, as it will derail the topic.

Yet, if we take all these different Nationalities and put them all by the side; we will see something else. We will see that some people, are far more connected to others, and the similarities are so striking that if for example a Polish man does not open his mouth, we might not figure he is not a German or even a Ukrainian, or a Russian. If we just observe them as they are, they are mostly extremely similar.

If you were an alien visiting the earth, knowing of no National borders and no "National Identities" (humans form these) you would seriously question yourself in why people of the same biology, are in wars all the time. If you knew of no politics, you would be actually asking yourself why for example Europeans ever did that many wars. You would therefore see, that this species has not yet developed a very high biological understand, which would render 95% of wars among itself utterly useless.

If would also make more sense to you, that let's say, unless there are very big differences, that people have any reasons to kill each other at all, rather than work together. From a biological habitat perspective, Nationalism on it's own does not make much sense. It means that people have divided over certain cultural topics, and they are waging wars over these topics. Biology at the same time, supports that species of a same flock, must flock together.

Inside the flocks, there are of course organizations; the Flock would be for example a Yellow, Black or White flock; but inside the flock the beings would organize in regard to their ability of value, and do the best to govern themselves in order to live. You cannot put a bear into a bird flock, because it cannot fly.

However, if we take the same Polish man and put him on the side to compare him to a Japanese man or Chinese man, then we will see they are actually two rather distinctive types. They are so different, that when you put them on the side, you can see the differences. Then if we also put a man from Ghana and compare them with both, we will see very evident differences in all the three.

Still, one will notice that they are certainly of the same species, as they are both men. If we are to take this in example from another portion of the Animal Kingdom, we would have a Panther, a Jaguar and a Cheetah. Still, taking a few steps back, one would understand that these three types are still all felines and "big cats", but that they have some differences about them. Fundamentally, they still are the same underlying species, and not fish.

As one sees the above, one might feel for example that one type of the above, the Cheetah, must prevail over the Panther, and another will think the Jaguar is the "best" and most fit to live. However, in the case of nature, it has put them all under a rather similar and broader category. Yet, nature has also divided them in order so that they are all different; yet they are still fundamentally under the same larger classification. They are not fish, so they cannot flock with fish under no circumstance. Jaguars will mate and co-exist with Jaguars, Panthers with Panthers, and Cheetah's with Cheetah's.

Now, the reason we engage this topic, it's because it's a scientific and reality based, natural topic. None of this knowledge is meant to instate anything negative in humanity, but rather stop ceaseless warfare. As humans understand if they are Jaguar or Cheetah, that does not mean the two entities must devolve into a battle for war and territory. It just means one has self awareness. This self awareness means one must work to improve the species of the Jaguar or the Cheetah, but must actually also keep in the back of their minds, that the other Feline they are observing, is also a feline in need to advance itself.

Spiritual Satanism takes biology and race in consideration, because when you see these three people in a line compared, then you will see there is beautiful bio-diversity in life. The only reason one would need to do this, is not to create pointless division, but to observe reality as it is. From that reality, humans can choose to do anything evil or anything good. As far as I am concerned, observing this bio-diversity of life, we should seek to protect it and prolong it; not find causes for wars, disputes and destruction, but rather see how we can remain biologically diverse and rich, like many other species out there in the cosmos try to do.

Others of course of a more argumentative manner, will see the above three people and imagine they have "to fight at all costs" based on these differences. In regard to the species of the Felines as a category, that would be suicidal. Some would say that these three cats, if they all fought it our, there would be a "winner" and that this is what makes you "win". If "winning" is about progress and development, man is also graced with something else compared to animals: logic and a very broad mind.

If the mind is applied to essentially causing wars between Cheetah's and Jaguars, any "development" that arises will be limited. Still, the need to fight and being war ready, is not a bad idea; it keeps both the Cheetah's and the Jaguars and the Panthers in a developing situation so they can be sharp and ready for war. However, the advent of an actual war is going to be detrimental to all of them; the winner is losing forces that could have went to development, and others will also perish.

It is also true, that if there is a war among the Felines, it's very far more likely, that each sub-species of these, will attempt to flock to what is closer to itself, rather than what is opposed to itself. That much is also true, so we cannot deny this reality either. Biologically it would make more sense for Cheetah to go against a Jaguar over territoral disputes or food source, rather than Cheetah's killing each other.

Yet, were men and human beings differ with wild animals, is that humans can actually come up and say: "Hello, so we need 10 pounds of meat. Instead of doing a battle to the death to take the limited resource, why don't we instead create two farms, so we can generate 100 pounds of meat to eat, and we do not have to fight over it?". Animals do not have this ability, only humans do.

A delicate balance between dispute and love has to exist, until species develop a semblance of consciousness to understand that pointless wars and divisions, are to have a very necessary background for them to happen. In that case as humans are spiritually fallen, they see many disputes. Many people even fight inside their own households and beat up their own family, their own life living unit. They create chaos, unrest and disloyalty even in the small unit that they call in family, or do wrong even to their descendants; that's how confusing this is.

Again, seen from a distant perspective, that would not make any sense, as doing damage to your family, reduces your chances of survival and theirs dramatically. One had everything to gain by being a loyal and a good person to their family, and minimizing disputes and raising peace and co-operation to the highest level; they would be happier and others would be happier also.

But still humans do that dumb shit and more dumb shit. So humans are irrational. This extends onward and creates more and more divisions, until the point that humanity rips itself to shreds over minimal or inconsequential reasons, destroying nature's progression and not understanding how to use forces of development in a good way.

While even animals understand this, humans still do not in many cases; that is because like the Cheetah's above, they do not have developed yet the very necessary reason and higher creative ability to escape the tight confines of existence that involve natural brutal law. Animals however on their level, perform better than humans in many cases. So man is also evolving to understand more of his place in existence also.

As a final note, our side and the Gods want both to stop ceaseless and dumb warfare. If the two factions are at war, they are not at war with their families. They are at war because our side is humanoid and the other side is a virus; they have no longer any common grounds. These sides both want to "unite humanity", the enemy for a slave plantation (easy control, mass forced homogenization, de-militarization, ultimate control like we control a vegetable plantation.

Our side wants to prolong our existence in the cosmos, so we can support nature's development and undertaking and life can continue freely so they can observe it. In this future high reason and high spirituality will be necessary, because the destiny here is not plantation and slavery. Clearly, we must go for this path and not the other, as the destiny of humanity is doomed in the first option.

Either way, I hope that enriched everyone's perspective on these topics.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Very interesting Great HP.

Allow me to ask you a question: can't we develop a profound and biological but at the same time nationalist thought?

I mean a thought that balances the temporal/limited way of thinking and the eternal way of thinking.
Very interesting Great HP.

Allow me to ask you a question: can't we develop a profound and biological but at the same time nationalist thought?

I mean a thought that balances the temporal/limited way of thinking and the eternal way of thinking.

Of course you can, but if only one or the other is only supported, this can lead to errors.

If one is only a Nationalist, then they will deny race in the end. If one is only a racialist, they will deny the obvious reality of the world.

Both are required to survive and to understand what is pertinent to the present, and what is important for the longterm existence of a species.

I am more on the Eternal Side as it's my work to show this side, which is most of the time completely ignored. Everyone focuses on the temporary; because this is our life on earth. So that is why I shown the eternal perspective, so we can not forget it and tie it in with our temporary decisions.

As much as of course it's possible to do. As humanity evolves, it will be more and more possible to factor it in. The time is not yet however.
Well said. I've noticed a lot of White Americans who dislike other White people who are not American. White Americans are European in blood, same as White Canadians and Australians, so why hate your blood cousins?

We must all help our own, stay with our own, but there is no sense in fighting others unless provoked, such as the enemy who is determined to extinct us. You can dislike others, there are no "thought police" here, but to talk about waging war on other Gentiles will only take time and effort away from what truly matters: building up and advancing your own.
Of course you can, but if only one or the other is only supported, this can lead to errors.

If one is only a Nationalist, then they will deny race in the end. If one is only a racialist, they will deny the obvious reality of the world.

Both are required to survive and to understand what is pertinent to the present, and what is important for the longterm existence of a species.

I am more on the Eternal Side as it's my work to show this side, which is most of the time completely ignored. Everyone focuses on the temporary; because this is our life on earth. So that is why I shown the eternal perspective, so we can not forget it and tie it in with our temporary decisions.

As much as of course it's possible to do. As humanity evolves, it will be more and more possible to factor it in. The time is not yet however.
I appreciate the response.

Absolutely right!
Great post HP! It reminds me when some people of my country, being blinded by "Nationalism", bashes almost every non-Italian every time, acting like "they deserve to be raped by Muslims", "they are bastards" and other Anti-White shit. Do they realize that this behavior is Jewed by the core?

I think that this sermon applies as well to the people of the north and especially on the South who constantly whine about losing their "independence".
There are two ways to look at history, one is the temporary way, and the other is the more eternal way. Nationalism is the limited way of viewing the history of the world; it takes in consideration the present, denies the past, and biology or many other things are not involved in this view, just forms of National Identities that were created for some centuries.

Adolf Hitler when he came to the world, instated a new way to look upon at history; he put the racial matter first. The eternal way consists of looking at very in-depth topics, and would take biology as a first way to look at something.

For example, two people being fundamentally from France and Germany [traditionally in recent history, if one wants to see this still that way, "National enemies"], are now seen from a different and biologically based perspective; then one sees they are 99,999% the same in their origins. If we close their mouths and put them on the same table to eat with a Briton, and they are just eating there, we will never figure out of any particular differences.

Yet for many thousands of years, humanity has lost this perception. The more is the loss of this perception, people form many groups and these groups fight one another ceaselessly, dividing what is fundamentally related to 99,999%, pretending this 0,001 difference is actually extremely important; denying the rest of this, and waging wars or making endless disputes which cause mostly chaos and divisions, in many cases where it does not even matter.

As humans really love divisions, or divisions became necessary for life [You had to hate your neighboring countries for a very long time, in order to survive due to National disputes], this became the norm to look at reality in this way. Biology and many other topics were not "important".

The German started to fight the Polish man, and the man from Switzerland wanted to fight them both, and from behind came the French man in order to attack him, and everyone started dividing and dividing over the course of time. The division level was the highest in the Dark Ages, where even singular Nations like France, were actually divided in many tens of smaller principalities, and before that time, in small regional villages who had consistent disputes.

To see how far that can go, the people who are all today Greeks, and had all 99.99% the same blood running in their veins, for reasons related to territory and nation State, had centuries long wars and disputes that kept one Town State having wars with another. The differences in culture were extremely small and marginal; the philosophers of the Ancient World drank from the same well, and the blood of the veins of all these people was basically exactly the same. But they waged war after war of annihilation for Nationalist and State affairs.

If back then you were born in Sparta, you were a Spartan, but if you were born just some miles up to another family, you were an Athenian. Fundamentally, your biological flesh, mind, spirit and soul was still the same. But since you were born in a different National Identity at the time, you would have to fight this or that other person consistently, for the survival of your City State.

As history progressed, people were united eventually and formed the Greek States. At some point when there was a problem with the Persian Empire, where the differences were even more and more actual, they had to fight people who were actually quite different than them, comparing to killing themselves over petty differences. Yet, as this process happened in many places.

Therefore, we have endless disputes on the earth, for a very long time. These disputes can range in importance; the Korean or Japanese person, is certainly different from the Chinese person in many ways, but they all fall under a fairly similar Asiatic category. Whether or nor these differences are "worth a war", it's another topic. I will leave this topic open here, as it will derail the topic.

Yet, if we take all these different Nationalities and put them all by the side; we will see something else. We will see that some people, are far more connected to others, and the similarities are so striking that if for example a Polish man does not open his mouth, we might not figure he is not a German or even a Ukrainian, or a Russian. If we just observe them as they are, they are mostly extremely similar.

If you were an alien visiting the earth, knowing of no National borders and no "National Identities" (humans form these) you would seriously question yourself in why people of the same biology, are in wars all the time. If you knew of no politics, you would be actually asking yourself why for example Europeans ever did that many wars. You would therefore see, that this species has not yet developed a very high biological understand, which would render 95% of wars among itself utterly useless.

If would also make more sense to you, that let's say, unless there are very big differences, that people have any reasons to kill each other at all, rather than work together. From a biological habitat perspective, Nationalism on it's own does not make much sense. It means that people have divided over certain cultural topics, and they are waging wars over these topics. Biology at the same time, supports that species of a same flock, must flock together.

Inside the flocks, there are of course organizations; the Flock would be for example a Yellow, Black or White flock; but inside the flock the beings would organize in regard to their ability of value, and do the best to govern themselves in order to live. You cannot put a bear into a bird flock, because it cannot fly.

However, if we take the same Polish man and put him on the side to compare him to a Japanese man or Chinese man, then we will see they are actually two rather distinctive types. They are so different, that when you put them on the side, you can see the differences. Then if we also put a man from Ghana and compare them with both, we will see very evident differences in all the three.

Still, one will notice that they are certainly of the same species, as they are both men. If we are to take this in example from another portion of the Animal Kingdom, we would have a Panther, a Jaguar and a Cheetah. Still, taking a few steps back, one would understand that these three types are still all felines and "big cats", but that they have some differences about them. Fundamentally, they still are the same underlying species, and not fish.

As one sees the above, one might feel for example that one type of the above, the Cheetah, must prevail over the Panther, and another will think the Jaguar is the "best" and most fit to live. However, in the case of nature, it has put them all under a rather similar and broader category. Yet, nature has also divided them in order so that they are all different; yet they are still fundamentally under the same larger classification. They are not fish, so they cannot flock with fish under no circumstance. Jaguars will mate and co-exist with Jaguars, Panthers with Panthers, and Cheetah's with Cheetah's.

Now, the reason we engage this topic, it's because it's a scientific and reality based, natural topic. None of this knowledge is meant to instate anything negative in humanity, but rather stop ceaseless warfare. As humans understand if they are Jaguar or Cheetah, that does not mean the two entities must devolve into a battle for war and territory. It just means one has self awareness. This self awareness means one must work to improve the species of the Jaguar or the Cheetah, but must actually also keep in the back of their minds, that the other Feline they are observing, is also a feline in need to advance itself.

Spiritual Satanism takes biology and race in consideration, because when you see these three people in a line compared, then you will see there is beautiful bio-diversity in life. The only reason one would need to do this, is not to create pointless division, but to observe reality as it is. From that reality, humans can choose to do anything evil or anything good. As far as I am concerned, observing this bio-diversity of life, we should seek to protect it and prolong it; not find causes for wars, disputes and destruction, but rather see how we can remain biologically diverse and rich, like many other species out there in the cosmos try to do.

Others of course of a more argumentative manner, will see the above three people and imagine they have "to fight at all costs" based on these differences. In regard to the species of the Felines as a category, that would be suicidal. Some would say that these three cats, if they all fought it our, there would be a "winner" and that this is what makes you "win". If "winning" is about progress and development, man is also graced with something else compared to animals: logic and a very broad mind.

If the mind is applied to essentially causing wars between Cheetah's and Jaguars, any "development" that arises will be limited. Still, the need to fight and being war ready, is not a bad idea; it keeps both the Cheetah's and the Jaguars and the Panthers in a developing situation so they can be sharp and ready for war. However, the advent of an actual war is going to be detrimental to all of them; the winner is losing forces that could have went to development, and others will also perish.

It is also true, that if there is a war among the Felines, it's very far more likely, that each sub-species of these, will attempt to flock to what is closer to itself, rather than what is opposed to itself. That much is also true, so we cannot deny this reality either. Biologically it would make more sense for Cheetah to go against a Jaguar over territoral disputes or food source, rather than Cheetah's killing each other.

Yet, were men and human beings differ with wild animals, is that humans can actually come up and say: "Hello, so we need 10 pounds of meat. Instead of doing a battle to the death to take the limited resource, why don't we instead create two farms, so we can generate 100 pounds of meat to eat, and we do not have to fight over it?". Animals do not have this ability, only humans do.

A delicate balance between dispute and love has to exist, until species develop a semblance of consciousness to understand that pointless wars and divisions, are to have a very necessary background for them to happen. In that case as humans are spiritually fallen, they see many disputes. Many people even fight inside their own households and beat up their own family, their own life living unit. They create chaos, unrest and disloyalty even in the small unit that they call in family, or do wrong even to their descendants; that's how confusing this is.

Again, seen from a distant perspective, that would not make any sense, as doing damage to your family, reduces your chances of survival and theirs dramatically. One had everything to gain by being a loyal and a good person to their family, and minimizing disputes and raising peace and co-operation to the highest level; they would be happier and others would be happier also.

But still humans do that dumb shit and more dumb shit. So humans are irrational. This extends onward and creates more and more divisions, until the point that humanity rips itself to shreds over minimal or inconsequential reasons, destroying nature's progression and not understanding how to use forces of development in a good way.

While even animals understand this, humans still do not in many cases; that is because like the Cheetah's above, they do not have developed yet the very necessary reason and higher creative ability to escape the tight confines of existence that involve natural brutal law. Animals however on their level, perform better than humans in many cases. So man is also evolving to understand more of his place in existence also.

As a final note, our side and the Gods want both to stop ceaseless and dumb warfare. If the two factions are at war, they are not at war with their families. They are at war because our side is humanoid and the other side is a virus; they have no longer any common grounds. These sides both want to "unite humanity", the enemy for a slave plantation (easy control, mass forced homogenization, de-militarization, ultimate control like we control a vegetable plantation.

Our side wants to prolong our existence in the cosmos, so we can support nature's development and undertaking and life can continue freely so they can observe it. In this future high reason and high spirituality will be necessary, because the destiny here is not plantation and slavery. Clearly, we must go for this path and not the other, as the destiny of humanity is doomed in the first option.

Either way, I hope that enriched everyone's perspective on these topics.

Of course you can, but if only one or the other is only supported, this can lead to errors.

If one is only a Nationalist, then they will deny race in the end. If one is only a racialist, they will deny the obvious reality of the world.

Both are required to survive and to understand what is pertinent to the present, and what is important for the longterm existence of a species.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I was discussing this with my son today. I was explaining to him the reason why I call these wars civil wars. This has happened many times, I discuss a topic and you write about the same topic a few hours or a day later. If it happened once I would call it a "coincidence". Now I don't know what it is.
Strangely, whatever ive been thinking about for the last few days, ive come across one of your articles explaining the subject that's been occupying my mind. thats very nice.
you could have just communicated what the Gods wanted you to communicate
and returned to your daily life. but i appreciated you for choosing to help us even more.
Thank you very much 💚
This issue was confusing me too, thanks HP for clarifying this
Of course you can, but if only one or the other is only supported, this can lead to errors.

If one is only a Nationalist, then they will deny race in the end. If one is only a racialist, they will deny the obvious reality of the world.

Both are required to survive and to understand what is pertinent to the present, and what is important for the longterm existence of a species.

I am more on the Eternal Side as it's my work to show this side, which is most of the time completely ignored. Everyone focuses on the temporary; because this is our life on earth. So that is why I shown the eternal perspective, so we can not forget it and tie it in with our temporary decisions.

As much as of course it's possible to do. As humanity evolves, it will be more and more possible to factor it in. The time is not yet however.
The result of this strange "coincidence" is that you confirm my knowledge, but also add to my knowledge on the subject I am interested in!
It would help to move toward racial empires in the future. This should lessen war. The European Union would have a great step toward that for Europe but with the enemy managing it, it turned into a shit show and things like Euroscepticism and Brexit fueled nationalism.

It would be helpful for people like Farage to understand what they call "non-essential migration" is migration of non-Whites, and that includes Middle Eastern people of course (most muslims). People of your race should be allowed to move freely among your race's countries and have full rights as citizens, while people of a different race should only have limited rights and not allowed in a different race's country for any period longer than 6 months (when migrating legally and only for educational or diplomatic purposes).

In the spirit of your post, it would also help if Farage understood that it's important to stop sending arms to Pissrael, and to ensure national minimum wage is the same regardless of age.

Otherwise, it seems his political programme is the best for Britain. Other European countries need not only programmes that are good, but also implemented. Not like Giorgia Meloni and her government preaching good things than, not only doing very little if any good, but also removing essential civilisation-sustaining benefits like welfare benefits for the unemployed and programmes to get them back into work or help them start a business.
Excellent post!

It is very sad that people with only 0.1% of difference fight each other, as has been the case throughout history, only the Souls of Satan noticed that there were people whose percentage of difference was much higher: the jews. They use racial magic warfare to hide and to infiltrate other nations to destroy them from the inside and they instigate the war bewteen people.

If every people in the world could notice how the jews are different and how we are all Sons and Daughters of the same Gods, the world would improve.
Well said. I've noticed a lot of White Americans who dislike other White people who are not American. White Americans are European in blood, same as White Canadians and Australians, so why hate your blood cousins?
In France so. US was presented like a degenerated world based on cheese burgers, obesity, stupid TV series and the Bronx in the middle.
Since I talk with everyone on social networks, American people seem really simple, friendly and sympathetic to me, and many of them produce interesting handiwork videos.
There are more genuine people than degenerates in the USA.

There is also sterotypes about ugly German women with big shoulders... but in fact German women are really pretty delicate and men are often subtle, polite and intelligent...

It's with disinformation tricks the enemy pits us again each other, playing on our fears and ignorance to prevent us to unify.
Like the wars of the Spanish and Portugal Empire against France and the Netherlands with the deception of "Catholicism against Protestantism" which caused innumerable wars and the two sides were directed behind the shadows by the Jewish Jesuits and the Vatican.
Like the wars of the Spanish and Portugal Empire against France and the Netherlands with the deception of "Catholicism against Protestantism" which caused innumerable wars and the two sides were directed behind the shadows by the Jewish Jesuits and the Vatican.
Instead to fight together against muslims invaders and protect our German-Celtic heritage...
There are two ways to look at history, one is the temporary way, and the other is the more eternal way. Nationalism is the limited way of viewing the history of the world; it takes in consideration the present, denies the past, and biology or many other things are not involved in this view, just forms of National Identities that were created for some centuries.

Adolf Hitler when he came to the world, instated a new way to look upon at history; he put the racial matter first. The eternal way consists of looking at very in-depth topics, and would take biology as a first way to look at something.

For example, two people being fundamentally from France and Germany [traditionally in recent history, if one wants to see this still that way, "National enemies"], are now seen from a different and biologically based perspective; then one sees they are 99,999% the same in their origins. If we close their mouths and put them on the same table to eat with a Briton, and they are just eating there, we will never figure out of any particular differences.

Yet for many thousands of years, humanity has lost this perception. The more is the loss of this perception, people form many groups and these groups fight one another ceaselessly, dividing what is fundamentally related to 99,999%, pretending this 0,001 difference is actually extremely important; denying the rest of this, and waging wars or making endless disputes which cause mostly chaos and divisions, in many cases where it does not even matter.

As humans really love divisions, or divisions became necessary for life [You had to hate your neighboring countries for a very long time, in order to survive due to National disputes], this became the norm to look at reality in this way. Biology and many other topics were not "important".

The German started to fight the Polish man, and the man from Switzerland wanted to fight them both, and from behind came the French man in order to attack him, and everyone started dividing and dividing over the course of time. The division level was the highest in the Dark Ages, where even singular Nations like France, were actually divided in many tens of smaller principalities, and before that time, in small regional villages who had consistent disputes.

To see how far that can go, the people who are all today Greeks, and had all 99.99% the same blood running in their veins, for reasons related to territory and nation State, had centuries long wars and disputes that kept one Town State having wars with another. The differences in culture were extremely small and marginal; the philosophers of the Ancient World drank from the same well, and the blood of the veins of all these people was basically exactly the same. But they waged war after war of annihilation for Nationalist and State affairs.

If back then you were born in Sparta, you were a Spartan, but if you were born just some miles up to another family, you were an Athenian. Fundamentally, your biological flesh, mind, spirit and soul was still the same. But since you were born in a different National Identity at the time, you would have to fight this or that other person consistently, for the survival of your City State.

As history progressed, people were united eventually and formed the Greek States. At some point when there was a problem with the Persian Empire, where the differences were even more and more actual, they had to fight people who were actually quite different than them, comparing to killing themselves over petty differences. Yet, as this process happened in many places.

Therefore, we have endless disputes on the earth, for a very long time. These disputes can range in importance; the Korean or Japanese person, is certainly different from the Chinese person in many ways, but they all fall under a fairly similar Asiatic category. Whether or nor these differences are "worth a war", it's another topic. I will leave this topic open here, as it will derail the topic.

Yet, if we take all these different Nationalities and put them all by the side; we will see something else. We will see that some people, are far more connected to others, and the similarities are so striking that if for example a Polish man does not open his mouth, we might not figure he is not a German or even a Ukrainian, or a Russian. If we just observe them as they are, they are mostly extremely similar.

If you were an alien visiting the earth, knowing of no National borders and no "National Identities" (humans form these) you would seriously question yourself in why people of the same biology, are in wars all the time. If you knew of no politics, you would be actually asking yourself why for example Europeans ever did that many wars. You would therefore see, that this species has not yet developed a very high biological understand, which would render 95% of wars among itself utterly useless.

If would also make more sense to you, that let's say, unless there are very big differences, that people have any reasons to kill each other at all, rather than work together. From a biological habitat perspective, Nationalism on it's own does not make much sense. It means that people have divided over certain cultural topics, and they are waging wars over these topics. Biology at the same time, supports that species of a same flock, must flock together.

Inside the flocks, there are of course organizations; the Flock would be for example a Yellow, Black or White flock; but inside the flock the beings would organize in regard to their ability of value, and do the best to govern themselves in order to live. You cannot put a bear into a bird flock, because it cannot fly.

However, if we take the same Polish man and put him on the side to compare him to a Japanese man or Chinese man, then we will see they are actually two rather distinctive types. They are so different, that when you put them on the side, you can see the differences. Then if we also put a man from Ghana and compare them with both, we will see very evident differences in all the three.

Still, one will notice that they are certainly of the same species, as they are both men. If we are to take this in example from another portion of the Animal Kingdom, we would have a Panther, a Jaguar and a Cheetah. Still, taking a few steps back, one would understand that these three types are still all felines and "big cats", but that they have some differences about them. Fundamentally, they still are the same underlying species, and not fish.

As one sees the above, one might feel for example that one type of the above, the Cheetah, must prevail over the Panther, and another will think the Jaguar is the "best" and most fit to live. However, in the case of nature, it has put them all under a rather similar and broader category. Yet, nature has also divided them in order so that they are all different; yet they are still fundamentally under the same larger classification. They are not fish, so they cannot flock with fish under no circumstance. Jaguars will mate and co-exist with Jaguars, Panthers with Panthers, and Cheetah's with Cheetah's.

Now, the reason we engage this topic, it's because it's a scientific and reality based, natural topic. None of this knowledge is meant to instate anything negative in humanity, but rather stop ceaseless warfare. As humans understand if they are Jaguar or Cheetah, that does not mean the two entities must devolve into a battle for war and territory. It just means one has self awareness. This self awareness means one must work to improve the species of the Jaguar or the Cheetah, but must actually also keep in the back of their minds, that the other Feline they are observing, is also a feline in need to advance itself.

Spiritual Satanism takes biology and race in consideration, because when you see these three people in a line compared, then you will see there is beautiful bio-diversity in life. The only reason one would need to do this, is not to create pointless division, but to observe reality as it is. From that reality, humans can choose to do anything evil or anything good. As far as I am concerned, observing this bio-diversity of life, we should seek to protect it and prolong it; not find causes for wars, disputes and destruction, but rather see how we can remain biologically diverse and rich, like many other species out there in the cosmos try to do.

Others of course of a more argumentative manner, will see the above three people and imagine they have "to fight at all costs" based on these differences. In regard to the species of the Felines as a category, that would be suicidal. Some would say that these three cats, if they all fought it our, there would be a "winner" and that this is what makes you "win". If "winning" is about progress and development, man is also graced with something else compared to animals: logic and a very broad mind.

If the mind is applied to essentially causing wars between Cheetah's and Jaguars, any "development" that arises will be limited. Still, the need to fight and being war ready, is not a bad idea; it keeps both the Cheetah's and the Jaguars and the Panthers in a developing situation so they can be sharp and ready for war. However, the advent of an actual war is going to be detrimental to all of them; the winner is losing forces that could have went to development, and others will also perish.

It is also true, that if there is a war among the Felines, it's very far more likely, that each sub-species of these, will attempt to flock to what is closer to itself, rather than what is opposed to itself. That much is also true, so we cannot deny this reality either. Biologically it would make more sense for Cheetah to go against a Jaguar over territoral disputes or food source, rather than Cheetah's killing each other.

Yet, were men and human beings differ with wild animals, is that humans can actually come up and say: "Hello, so we need 10 pounds of meat. Instead of doing a battle to the death to take the limited resource, why don't we instead create two farms, so we can generate 100 pounds of meat to eat, and we do not have to fight over it?". Animals do not have this ability, only humans do.

A delicate balance between dispute and love has to exist, until species develop a semblance of consciousness to understand that pointless wars and divisions, are to have a very necessary background for them to happen. In that case as humans are spiritually fallen, they see many disputes. Many people even fight inside their own households and beat up their own family, their own life living unit. They create chaos, unrest and disloyalty even in the small unit that they call in family, or do wrong even to their descendants; that's how confusing this is.

Again, seen from a distant perspective, that would not make any sense, as doing damage to your family, reduces your chances of survival and theirs dramatically. One had everything to gain by being a loyal and a good person to their family, and minimizing disputes and raising peace and co-operation to the highest level; they would be happier and others would be happier also.

But still humans do that dumb shit and more dumb shit. So humans are irrational. This extends onward and creates more and more divisions, until the point that humanity rips itself to shreds over minimal or inconsequential reasons, destroying nature's progression and not understanding how to use forces of development in a good way.

While even animals understand this, humans still do not in many cases; that is because like the Cheetah's above, they do not have developed yet the very necessary reason and higher creative ability to escape the tight confines of existence that involve natural brutal law. Animals however on their level, perform better than humans in many cases. So man is also evolving to understand more of his place in existence also.

As a final note, our side and the Gods want both to stop ceaseless and dumb warfare. If the two factions are at war, they are not at war with their families. They are at war because our side is humanoid and the other side is a virus; they have no longer any common grounds. These sides both want to "unite humanity", the enemy for a slave plantation (easy control, mass forced homogenization, de-militarization, ultimate control like we control a vegetable plantation.

Our side wants to prolong our existence in the cosmos, so we can support nature's development and undertaking and life can continue freely so they can observe it. In this future high reason and high spirituality will be necessary, because the destiny here is not plantation and slavery. Clearly, we must go for this path and not the other, as the destiny of humanity is doomed in the first option.

Either way, I hope that enriched everyone's perspective on these topics.

Of course you can, but if only one or the other is only supported, this can lead to errors.

If one is only a Nationalist, then they will deny race in the end. If one is only a racialist, they will deny the obvious reality of the world.

Both are required to survive and to understand what is pertinent to the present, and what is important for the longterm existence of a species.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Another example, that’s most damning is all the “war” between Russia and Ukraine, Russians and Ukrainians are literally siblings. Why they should kill each other is beyond me.
There are two ways to look at history, one is the temporary way, and the other is the more eternal way. Nationalism is the limited way of viewing the history of the world; it takes in consideration the present, denies the past, and biology or many other things are not involved in this view, just forms of National Identities that were created for some centuries.

Adolf Hitler when he came to the world, instated a new way to look upon at history; he put the racial matter first. The eternal way consists of looking at very in-depth topics, and would take biology as a first way to look at something.

For example, two people being fundamentally from France and Germany [traditionally in recent history, if one wants to see this still that way, "National enemies"], are now seen from a different and biologically based perspective; then one sees they are 99,999% the same in their origins. If we close their mouths and put them on the same table to eat with a Briton, and they are just eating there, we will never figure out of any particular differences.

Yet for many thousands of years, humanity has lost this perception. The more is the loss of this perception, people form many groups and these groups fight one another ceaselessly, dividing what is fundamentally related to 99,999%, pretending this 0,001 difference is actually extremely important; denying the rest of this, and waging wars or making endless disputes which cause mostly chaos and divisions, in many cases where it does not even matter.

As humans really love divisions, or divisions became necessary for life [You had to hate your neighboring countries for a very long time, in order to survive due to National disputes], this became the norm to look at reality in this way. Biology and many other topics were not "important".

The German started to fight the Polish man, and the man from Switzerland wanted to fight them both, and from behind came the French man in order to attack him, and everyone started dividing and dividing over the course of time. The division level was the highest in the Dark Ages, where even singular Nations like France, were actually divided in many tens of smaller principalities, and before that time, in small regional villages who had consistent disputes.

To see how far that can go, the people who are all today Greeks, and had all 99.99% the same blood running in their veins, for reasons related to territory and nation State, had centuries long wars and disputes that kept one Town State having wars with another. The differences in culture were extremely small and marginal; the philosophers of the Ancient World drank from the same well, and the blood of the veins of all these people was basically exactly the same. But they waged war after war of annihilation for Nationalist and State affairs.

If back then you were born in Sparta, you were a Spartan, but if you were born just some miles up to another family, you were an Athenian. Fundamentally, your biological flesh, mind, spirit and soul was still the same. But since you were born in a different National Identity at the time, you would have to fight this or that other person consistently, for the survival of your City State.

As history progressed, people were united eventually and formed the Greek States. At some point when there was a problem with the Persian Empire, where the differences were even more and more actual, they had to fight people who were actually quite different than them, comparing to killing themselves over petty differences. Yet, as this process happened in many places.

Therefore, we have endless disputes on the earth, for a very long time. These disputes can range in importance; the Korean or Japanese person, is certainly different from the Chinese person in many ways, but they all fall under a fairly similar Asiatic category. Whether or nor these differences are "worth a war", it's another topic. I will leave this topic open here, as it will derail the topic.

Yet, if we take all these different Nationalities and put them all by the side; we will see something else. We will see that some people, are far more connected to others, and the similarities are so striking that if for example a Polish man does not open his mouth, we might not figure he is not a German or even a Ukrainian, or a Russian. If we just observe them as they are, they are mostly extremely similar.

If you were an alien visiting the earth, knowing of no National borders and no "National Identities" (humans form these) you would seriously question yourself in why people of the same biology, are in wars all the time. If you knew of no politics, you would be actually asking yourself why for example Europeans ever did that many wars. You would therefore see, that this species has not yet developed a very high biological understand, which would render 95% of wars among itself utterly useless.

If would also make more sense to you, that let's say, unless there are very big differences, that people have any reasons to kill each other at all, rather than work together. From a biological habitat perspective, Nationalism on it's own does not make much sense. It means that people have divided over certain cultural topics, and they are waging wars over these topics. Biology at the same time, supports that species of a same flock, must flock together.

Inside the flocks, there are of course organizations; the Flock would be for example a Yellow, Black or White flock; but inside the flock the beings would organize in regard to their ability of value, and do the best to govern themselves in order to live. You cannot put a bear into a bird flock, because it cannot fly.

However, if we take the same Polish man and put him on the side to compare him to a Japanese man or Chinese man, then we will see they are actually two rather distinctive types. They are so different, that when you put them on the side, you can see the differences. Then if we also put a man from Ghana and compare them with both, we will see very evident differences in all the three.

Still, one will notice that they are certainly of the same species, as they are both men. If we are to take this in example from another portion of the Animal Kingdom, we would have a Panther, a Jaguar and a Cheetah. Still, taking a few steps back, one would understand that these three types are still all felines and "big cats", but that they have some differences about them. Fundamentally, they still are the same underlying species, and not fish.

As one sees the above, one might feel for example that one type of the above, the Cheetah, must prevail over the Panther, and another will think the Jaguar is the "best" and most fit to live. However, in the case of nature, it has put them all under a rather similar and broader category. Yet, nature has also divided them in order so that they are all different; yet they are still fundamentally under the same larger classification. They are not fish, so they cannot flock with fish under no circumstance. Jaguars will mate and co-exist with Jaguars, Panthers with Panthers, and Cheetah's with Cheetah's.

Now, the reason we engage this topic, it's because it's a scientific and reality based, natural topic. None of this knowledge is meant to instate anything negative in humanity, but rather stop ceaseless warfare. As humans understand if they are Jaguar or Cheetah, that does not mean the two entities must devolve into a battle for war and territory. It just means one has self awareness. This self awareness means one must work to improve the species of the Jaguar or the Cheetah, but must actually also keep in the back of their minds, that the other Feline they are observing, is also a feline in need to advance itself.

Spiritual Satanism takes biology and race in consideration, because when you see these three people in a line compared, then you will see there is beautiful bio-diversity in life. The only reason one would need to do this, is not to create pointless division, but to observe reality as it is. From that reality, humans can choose to do anything evil or anything good. As far as I am concerned, observing this bio-diversity of life, we should seek to protect it and prolong it; not find causes for wars, disputes and destruction, but rather see how we can remain biologically diverse and rich, like many other species out there in the cosmos try to do.

Others of course of a more argumentative manner, will see the above three people and imagine they have "to fight at all costs" based on these differences. In regard to the species of the Felines as a category, that would be suicidal. Some would say that these three cats, if they all fought it our, there would be a "winner" and that this is what makes you "win". If "winning" is about progress and development, man is also graced with something else compared to animals: logic and a very broad mind.

If the mind is applied to essentially causing wars between Cheetah's and Jaguars, any "development" that arises will be limited. Still, the need to fight and being war ready, is not a bad idea; it keeps both the Cheetah's and the Jaguars and the Panthers in a developing situation so they can be sharp and ready for war. However, the advent of an actual war is going to be detrimental to all of them; the winner is losing forces that could have went to development, and others will also perish.

It is also true, that if there is a war among the Felines, it's very far more likely, that each sub-species of these, will attempt to flock to what is closer to itself, rather than what is opposed to itself. That much is also true, so we cannot deny this reality either. Biologically it would make more sense for Cheetah to go against a Jaguar over territoral disputes or food source, rather than Cheetah's killing each other.

Yet, were men and human beings differ with wild animals, is that humans can actually come up and say: "Hello, so we need 10 pounds of meat. Instead of doing a battle to the death to take the limited resource, why don't we instead create two farms, so we can generate 100 pounds of meat to eat, and we do not have to fight over it?". Animals do not have this ability, only humans do.

A delicate balance between dispute and love has to exist, until species develop a semblance of consciousness to understand that pointless wars and divisions, are to have a very necessary background for them to happen. In that case as humans are spiritually fallen, they see many disputes. Many people even fight inside their own households and beat up their own family, their own life living unit. They create chaos, unrest and disloyalty even in the small unit that they call in family, or do wrong even to their descendants; that's how confusing this is.

Again, seen from a distant perspective, that would not make any sense, as doing damage to your family, reduces your chances of survival and theirs dramatically. One had everything to gain by being a loyal and a good person to their family, and minimizing disputes and raising peace and co-operation to the highest level; they would be happier and others would be happier also.

But still humans do that dumb shit and more dumb shit. So humans are irrational. This extends onward and creates more and more divisions, until the point that humanity rips itself to shreds over minimal or inconsequential reasons, destroying nature's progression and not understanding how to use forces of development in a good way.

While even animals understand this, humans still do not in many cases; that is because like the Cheetah's above, they do not have developed yet the very necessary reason and higher creative ability to escape the tight confines of existence that involve natural brutal law. Animals however on their level, perform better than humans in many cases. So man is also evolving to understand more of his place in existence also.

As a final note, our side and the Gods want both to stop ceaseless and dumb warfare. If the two factions are at war, they are not at war with their families. They are at war because our side is humanoid and the other side is a virus; they have no longer any common grounds. These sides both want to "unite humanity", the enemy for a slave plantation (easy control, mass forced homogenization, de-militarization, ultimate control like we control a vegetable plantation.

Our side wants to prolong our existence in the cosmos, so we can support nature's development and undertaking and life can continue freely so they can observe it. In this future high reason and high spirituality will be necessary, because the destiny here is not plantation and slavery. Clearly, we must go for this path and not the other, as the destiny of humanity is doomed in the first option.

Either way, I hope that enriched everyone's perspective on these topics.

Of course you can, but if only one or the other is only supported, this can lead to errors.

If one is only a Nationalist, then they will deny race in the end. If one is only a racialist, they will deny the obvious reality of the world.

Both are required to survive and to understand what is pertinent to the present, and what is important for the longterm existence of a species.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

As you say, people unite when they perceive a greater return than otherwise. They also divide when they feel the threat of loss is too intense or unable to be resolved.

Further, people within a community may feel they can "win" within their own community by taking a swipe at their neighbors. In the past this could have been a raiding party, and in modern times we see this with gang warfare. They think they will be a "hero" if they return with gold from their neighbors, despite this potentially causing a full scale war in the future, bring losses 500x what was originally gained.

Because these two groups of people have always been either directly opposed, or at least not on good terms, for so long then they may assume it is impossible for anything greater to ever come from working together. Some may issue statements of hatred like "I would never work with a [other person]". In my opinion, this is done more to gain favor with their native group, rather than an objective evaluation of value to be gained.

As you had wrote, our definition of winning needs to shift to incorporate opportunity cost here, but for this to happen, we need to create actual "sparks" of community and value within the two opposing communities. For example, people had seen Ukrainian civilians helping a wounded Russian make a phone call to his mom, and this creates the blending of emotions which helps to fuse the two.

On the flip side, the enemy knows how to really provoke and stir the opposite. As we had seen in the race riots in the US, the media misrepresented difficult situations to create perceptions of threat. The same police who spend millions of both dollars and hours creating safety in the troubled black communities are now seen as evil and murderous, despite them putting a disproportionate effort into trying to help them. They could have done nothing and let the gangs go crazy instead.
A great opportunity to ask this question:

When you looks at Rome or Alexander the Great, you can see that when they defeated a rival nation, they left their cultural practices intact. In the case of Alexander, they even fused Near Eastern Culture with Greek Culture, like the God Serapis.

Is this because of two things:

Racial and Cultural Compatibility?

I can't imagine it is possible for Rome, let's say, to integrate a darker skin group into its empire
Strangely, whatever ive been thinking about for the last few days, ive come across one of your articles explaining the subject that's been occupying my mind. thats very nice.
you could have just communicated what the Gods wanted you to communicate
and returned to your daily life. but i appreciated you for choosing to help us even more.
Thank you very much 💚
Many people feel the same thing, myself included. The more one advances, the clearer they can sense others' psychological and mental state.
Great post HP! It reminds me when some people of my country, being blinded by "Nationalism", bashes almost every non-Italian every time, acting like "they deserve to be raped by Muslims", "they are bastards" and other Anti-White shit. Do they realize that this behavior is Jewed by the core?

I think that this sermon applies as well to the people of the north and especially on the South who constantly whine about losing their "independence".
About this, there are many Greeks who hate anything German, because of "muh occupation", ignorant of the fact that the Americans and British killed and bombarded much more in Greece than the Germans ever did.

As for South Europe, the Balkans are a prime example of what you said. Greeks and Turks have a lot in common, yet there's Greeks who want to commit genocide on the Turks so they can "reclaim muh Constantinople" (built by the jewish puppet Constantine).
Not like Giorgia Meloni and her government preaching good things than, not only doing very little if any good, but also removing essential civilisation-sustaining benefits like welfare benefits for the unemployed and programmes to get them back into work or help them start a business.
Didn't Meloni make "christmas" celebrations mandatory last year? Or am I confusing it with something else?
Another example, that’s most damning is all the “war” between Russia and Ukraine, Russians and Ukrainians are literally siblings. Why they should kill each other is beyond me.
Putin and Jewlensky are both kikes. If Ukraine was Gentile owned, its leader would have been assassinated by the jews in Russia within the first week of the war.
It would help to move toward racial empires in the future. This should lessen war. The European Union would have a great step toward that for Europe but with the enemy managing it, it turned into a shit show and things like Euroscepticism and Brexit fueled nationalism.

It would be helpful for people like Farage to understand what they call "non-essential migration" is migration of non-Whites, and that includes Middle Eastern people of course (most muslims). People of your race should be allowed to move freely among your race's countries and have full rights as citizens, while people of a different race should only have limited rights and not allowed in a different race's country for any period longer than 6 months (when migrating legally and only for educational or diplomatic purposes).

In the spirit of your post, it would also help if Farage understood that it's important to stop sending arms to Pissrael, and to ensure national minimum wage is the same regardless of age.

Otherwise, it seems his political programme is the best for Britain. Other European countries need not only programmes that are good, but also implemented. Not like Giorgia Meloni and her government preaching good things than, not only doing very little if any good, but also removing essential civilisation-sustaining benefits like welfare benefits for the unemployed and programmes to get them back into work or help them start a business.
I agree with everything.
In Italy we have come from years of destruction caused by the "Left".
All the economic policies undertaken by them have been failures for businesses and citizens.

Meloni is not the best solution but not the worst either, as an alternative now there is Schlein (Jewish).
Furthermore, she can't do much if she's constantly under enemy control.
Our race is our nation.

When we look from this perspective and look for cooperation between 'nations' instead of endless strife, we can solve our issues pertaining to conflicts.
I like the meaning of Orion I like to say it alot "our race is our nation " ever since I saw the meaning on the forum while(few years ago) back it makes me feel racially aware and connected to our ancient Gods am happy 😊 to see am not the only one say it
Honor and glory to Father Satan
May we all racially aware and protected under the flag of lucifer
I agree with everything.
In Italy we have come from years of destruction caused by the "Left".
All the economic policies undertaken by them have been failures for businesses and citizens.

Meloni is not the best solution but not the worst either, as an alternative now there is Schlein (Jewish).
Furthermore, she can't do much if she's constantly under enemy control.
Other European countries have much better social welfare policies that show a modicum of care from the government from its citizen. Citizen's income, while not perfect, was a better option that what we have currently. Unemployment benefits and reinserting people into work that is suitable to them is required for every single country, not an option. Even more so in Italy, as unemployment rates are in the top 3 in Europe.

People in their 30-50 who are or become unemployed, shouldn't rely on their parents' pension just to be able to eat or afford other essential living expenses. Nor, certainly, on their children. The elderly have already lived their lives and provided for them when they were children, and the young have to build their lives and be able to buy their property, which is not possibly if you have to send money to unemployed family members. Not to mention, not fair.

During the past 4 years I've been in England, prices in Italy have nearly doubled for everything. 400g of beef, which is 2 servings for most men who eat healthy, is now 6 euros. More expensive than in England. In comparison, England's price increases have not been as harsh. I could still do my weekly shopping with ~20 GBP and have my eggs breakfast, my meat and raw vegetables for lunch, and my carbs and cooked vegetables for dinner. In Italy that would cost me around 50 euros a week, if not more, which is not acceptable.

I can no longer go out or order a diavola and spend 4.50 euros. Why? Because it's more important to send money to Zelensky that only wants more war, to Israel, and to the European Union to further financially genocide the population. And let's not mention how much money goes "lost" or abused from people's taxes, or how businesses and self-employed people pay taxes even if their income is 0, which is completely ridiculous.

You need a Farage in Italy, not a Meloni nor 5 Stars nonsense. And even 5 stars nonsense was better than a government whose first act is abolish citizen's income and replace it with something retarded, instead of improving what was a much better measures.

Instead of having just any right winger, maybe it would have been best to have casapound while it was still politically active.

From being in Britain for 4 years I can now understand even better why Italian unemployment is so high. From very subpar attempts at reinserting people into the workforce, to ridiculous welfare measures, to lack of apprenticeships and programmes devoted to growing, in-demand sectors, and so on. Italy is 30-40 years behind compared to places like Britain, Germany, the USA.

Another Mussolini-type figure of high ethical value evidently needs to seize power, as the current parties are less competent than most of Europe. So they can give no substantial help to rebuild Italy. A strong iron fist and an emphasis on the Cancerian values the nation has lost, are needed.

I warned time and time again against having Meloni in power but people gullibly defended here in the forum too. Now keep watching her government do worse than even 5 stars movement, like I anticipated.

Then you wonder why people leave the country and move where things work better... The country is in such a state that is nearly unsalvageable without a no-nonsense purge of the executive, legislative, and judicial.

The only patriotism is White patriotism.
Other European countries have much better social welfare policies that show a modicum of care from the government from its citizen. Citizen's income, while not perfect, was a better option that what we have currently. Unemployment benefits and reinserting people into work that is suitable to them is required for every single country, not an option. Even more so in Italy, as unemployment rates are in the top 3 in Europe.

People in their 30-50 who are or become unemployed, shouldn't rely on their parents' pension just to be able to eat or afford other essential living expenses. Nor, certainly, on their children. The elderly have already lived their lives and provided for them when they were children, and the young have to build their lives and be able to buy their property, which is not possibly if you have to send money to unemployed family members. Not to mention, not fair.

During the past 4 years I've been in England, prices in Italy have nearly doubled for everything. 400g of beef, which is 2 servings for most men who eat healthy, is now 6 euros. More expensive than in England. In comparison, England's price increases have not been as harsh. I could still do my weekly shopping with ~20 GBP and have my eggs breakfast, my meat and raw vegetables for lunch, and my carbs and cooked vegetables for dinner. In Italy that would cost me around 50 euros a week, if not more, which is not acceptable.

I can no longer go out or order a diavola and spend 4.50 euros. Why? Because it's more important to send money to Zelensky that only wants more war, to Israel, and to the European Union to further financially genocide the population. And let's not mention how much money goes "lost" or abused from people's taxes, or how businesses and self-employed people pay taxes even if their income is 0, which is completely ridiculous.

You need a Farage in Italy, not a Meloni nor 5 Stars nonsense. And even 5 stars nonsense was better than a government whose first act is abolish citizen's income and replace it with something retarded, instead of improving what was a much better measures.

Instead of having just any right winger, maybe it would have been best to have casapound while it was still politically active.

From being in Britain for 4 years I can now understand even better why Italian unemployment is so high. From very subpar attempts at reinserting people into the workforce, to ridiculous welfare measures, to lack of apprenticeships and programmes devoted to growing, in-demand sectors, and so on. Italy is 30-40 years behind compared to places like Britain, Germany, the USA.

Another Mussolini-type figure of high ethical value evidently needs to seize power, as the current parties are less competent than most of Europe. So they can give no substantial help to rebuild Italy. A strong iron fist and an emphasis on the Cancerian values the nation has lost, are needed.

I warned time and time again against having Meloni in power but people gullibly defended here in the forum too. Now keep watching her government do worse than even 5 stars movement, like I anticipated.

Then you wonder why people leave the country and move where things work better... The country is in such a state that is nearly unsalvageable without a no-nonsense purge of the executive, legislative, and judicial.

The only patriotism is White patriotism.
Meloni is better than having a full-blooded Jewess in charge.

However, I do not share her policies or her ideas.

- Citizen's income was used illicitly by more than half of the users.
The employment rate has dropped dramatically due to these scams.
No one wanted to work anymore receiving large sums of money illegally.

(I am of the opinion that it should not have been removed but simply regulated)

- Regarding weapons to Ukraine, these are decisions ordained by rabbis.
Most politics are just curtains.
The problem lies deeper, we can look in a limited way at the policies implemented now.

The real chaos or disaster is in the roots of parliament and those who administer it, we are one of the countries with the most corruption in Europe.

The problem must be eradicated from the roots. Even movements like casapound were full of mafious.
I had the opportunity to live near environments like that for a few years.

There is no one in the current Italian political landscape capable of resolving the situation.
Meloni is better than having a full-blooded Jewess in charge.

However, I do not share her policies or her ideas.

- Citizen's income was used illicitly by more than half of the users.
The employment rate has dropped dramatically due to these scams.
No one wanted to work anymore receiving large sums of money illegally.

(I am of the opinion that it should not have been removed but simply regulated)

- Regarding weapons to Ukraine, these are decisions ordained by rabbis.
Most politics are just curtains.
The problem lies deeper, we can look in a limited way at the policies implemented now.

The real chaos or disaster is in the roots of parliament and those who administer it, we are one of the countries with the most corruption in Europe.

The problem must be eradicated from the roots. Even movements like casapound were full of mafious.
I had the opportunity to live near environments like that for a few years.

There is no one in the current Italian political landscape capable of resolving the situation.
The only thing I want to mention is unemployment rates were already in the top 3 before they dropped.

The rest I all agree with.
Putin and Jewlensky are both kikes. If Ukraine was Gentile owned, its leader would have been assassinated by the jews in Russia within the first week of the war.
I agree with you.
I wanted to share this interesting quote from the Epic of Gilgamesh I read today, that reminded me of this sermon...

Gilgameš spoke to him, to Ūta-napišti the Far-Away.​
‘As I look at you, Ūta-napišti,​
your form is not different, you are just like me,​
you are not different at all, you are just like me.​
I was fully intent on doing battle with you,​
[but] in your presence my hand is stayed... (lines 1-6)​
He said this to Utnapishtim, king of the ancient city of Shuruppak in southern Iraq. It seems, despite being of different nations, Gilgamesh recognizes They are of the same Race and thus it would be brother fighting brother.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
