Protection from Gods during rituals? I don't think there is a single text on JoS that says circles are protection and are not disrespectful to Gods. Its the opposite that is mentioned with strong emphasis few times in HP Maxine's texts. Please read what LoneWolf88 said. This is the second time I saw you are smuggling enemy's ideas. First time it was promotion of communism and jewish hostile anti-fertility agenda, which did not prevent you to cheer for having children in the topic next to it. This is typical enemy's tactics when they engage in online activism in non-jewish spaces intended to divide the community. On your profile you claim activism to be one of the points of your focus. Is it really?
This is from your profile:
Its all so backwards and inverted I don't even know where to begin. Pride Month is jewish work from it's foundation serving as vehicle to promote enemy's anti-life and anti-procreation agenda to cull non-jewish population. Example? Movie "Citizen Milk" (jew producer Bruce Cohen). Saying you need it because of jews is insane inversion not based on anything and complete lunacy. They always brag and smirk about people who fell into their schemes as they do with xianity. There are many videos of rabbis bragging and smiling gleefully about how everyone is believing in "a one jewish boy from our book, which everyone except jews considers their own book". So would you need xianity because jews are lauging at it and attacking it? Thats jewish herding of the sheep which also prevents herder from assimilating with the sheep which is key concept for jews. They always dwell in jewish districts or ghettos because of it - see
All this is also very kabbalistic in it's inverting nature. In the jewish kabbalh there is an idea of fallen sparks-souls which is a foundation and explanation why everything is backwards and inverted in a world invaded by jews. I dont remember exactly how it goes but the general idea is this. Imagine a ladder coming out from a body of their god and going up. People are going up the ladder advancing in their lives and evolution, some do it faster, some of them are slower, so after certain amount of time whole length of a ladder is full of people. People on top are most succesful, wise, self thinking, maybe even demigods if one wants to make a parallel to SS. Then the ladder falls which is an allegory for jewish made apocalypse and coming of their murderous messiah expected to kill everyone but jews. People that were on top of the ladder are considered furthermost from their god and worst kind of garbage, while those unsuccesful, stupid and unevolved are most precious, loved (by jews) and cherished. Impliacations are vast and visible everywhere. In a broadest sense everything that is against nature and life is being promoted. Everything that is pro-nature (Satan), pro-life, promotes spiritual or any other kind of advancement is being ragefully attacked and destroyed. Abortion in 9th month? Fantastic=less goyim. LGBT? Most kosher of all=less goyim. This fallen ladder also explains communism and xianity where exact same dynamics occurs. Xians to be faithful are required to be stupid, unquestioning, blind and spiritually paralyzed - they openly preach communist marxist bullshit like "strenght in weakness" - I saw it few days ago. Same values are key in communism but here these things are brutally enforced. This is kaballistic source of their messianic slavery (2800 slaves for every jew) which requires a slave to be stupid, of weak soul and narrowminded. So now I hope its clear that Pride Month funded by jews is not beautifl and serves only death and enslavement, not freedom, like anything that comes from jews. It may be undertandable why you have attached to it, as it represents how you feel, but you appear so soaked with this jewish sandbox that you are not distinguishable from hardcore jewish marxist activist doing hostile work with this xian jewish circles now on top.
You wrote some time ago that you recently graduated from university and I would risk statement that it was the place where all this indoctrination took place. Any meetings of such nature? Maybe even whole faculties about inclusivity/diversity? Almost all high schools without exception are marxist communist cesspits of jewish indoctrination, with intention to produce whole genertions of voters for the communist inclusive cause. Effects can be seen in Sweden where rape, bomb/grenade attacks and drug dealing in immigrant gettos are rampant. This is your inclusive freedom from a rabbi. Death and destruction. Funny how jewish freemasons consider death to be liberation from detsted body which they consider a mere vehicle or shell (jewish kabbalistic klippot). So if you are only indoctrinated please detach from it, but if you are of the enemy, go away and dont come back.