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[Question] Seriously don't understand some of the criticisms towards my ideas.

pacharica said:
I'm not going to attack your person,even though frankly I am disgusted.

assigning qualities of good/bad to feminity or masculinity is a very simplistic thing to do.

also,the idea that women are or represent 'darkness'is a primarily neolithic conjecture,in hunter gatherer societies it was the opposite,the female sun and male moon.

This is true, I've read this as well. One reason was because men were hunters, so they needed to travel around (ruled by Moon) and use their instincts (also Moon). Whereas women were the "warmth" of the family (Sun), and the Sun rules one's children, which the woman gives birth to.

Things are not simple and purely black and white. Many women are more solar, many men are more lunar. Existence is complex and beautiful.

Also there are many Solar Goddesses and many Lunar Gods.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=430320 time=1678774697 user_id=57]
pacharica said:
I'm not going to attack your person,even though frankly I am disgusted.

assigning qualities of good/bad to feminity or masculinity is a very simplistic thing to do.

also,the idea that women are or represent 'darkness'is a primarily neolithic conjecture,in hunter gatherer societies it was the opposite,the female sun and male moon.

This is true, I've read this as well. One reason was because men were hunters, so they needed to travel around (ruled by Moon) and use their instincts (also Moon). Whereas women were the "warmth" of the family (Sun), and the Sun rules one's children, which the woman gives birth to.

Things are not simple and purely black and white. Many women are more solar, many men are more lunar. Existence is complex and beautiful.

Also there are many Solar Goddesses and many Lunar Gods.

yeah the concept is a subjective imputation,in brazil a woman with thick muscular thighs and a broader robust body is considered the apex of feminity,while in asia a woman with a very slim and fragile body is.

in mauritania,it's morbidly obese women.

I have always considered elegant giraffe like long legged tall women with short torsos to be the most 'feminine'while others see kardashian instagram models or 'thick latinas'who are short as such.

I always prefered small fine lips,others see huge lips as 'feminine'.

beauty is culturally influenced and subjective to a certain extent,as are our color likings and perception of masculinity and feminity.

this is well attested in research literature.

Also look how easily men transition into passable and many cases very feminine women with Makeup not even surgery,this shows you how similar and not radically different a 'woman'is from a 'man'and vice versa.

just like every race has both atleast some masculine and feminine traits.

colors and planets and so on are complex.
pacharica said:
also,the idea that women are or represent 'darkness'is a primarily neolithic conjecture,in hunter gatherer societies it was the opposite,the female sun and male moon.

Even if they do represent darkness, this doesn't mean that darkness is evil. The association of darkness with evil comes from the enemy abrahamic hoaxes. These enemy "white light" religions brought much misery to humanity by cutting off people from "darkness", i.e. their insticts, subconscious and hidden side, where all their true occult power comes from. Their focus on white light and disregarding the darkness causes a huge imbalance.

Darkness and light are simply darkness and light, they don't represent any moral concepts, and both are equally important and should be balanced.
Vlad Tepes said:
pacharica said:
also,the idea that women are or represent 'darkness'is a primarily neolithic conjecture,in hunter gatherer societies it was the opposite,the female sun and male moon.

Even if they do represent darkness, this doesn't mean that darkness is evil. The association of darkness with evil comes from the enemy abrahamic hoaxes. These enemy "white light" religions brought much misery to humanity by cutting off people from "darkness", i.e. their insticts, subconscious and hidden side, where all their true occult power comes from. Their focus on white light and disregarding the darkness causes a huge imbalance.

Darkness and light are simply darkness and light, they don't represent any moral concepts, and both are equally important and should be balanced.

Let's not forget the proverb from his Mightiness, Beelzebub, we have here: Darkness is Light Turned inside out.

This means that darkness is not evil as the Jewish nomenclature calls it, but rather a way to open ourselves and gain immense worth to read and listen spiritual knowledge. :)

Hail Satan
Ave Beelzebub
Fiery Pluto said:
RepSel1001 said:
I'll reply shorter to make it easier.

For the one who says, yes Machiavelli was a man, well that means nothing here, since it's a description of behavior. You can't deny that some women at least act Machiavellistic, even if he was a man, so why not all of them?

Also, for the yin/yang arguments, doesn't that just prove my point more? If there's a yin and yang in everyone, and if there's masculinity and femininity in everyone, doesn't it make sense to say that men are fundamentally good and women are fundamentally evil, the "evil in the good" being a lack of enlightenment, and the "good in evil" being Machiavellianism? Yes, it's unfortunate that we have to rely on women so much, like for even being born. But if we're here to improve and enlighten, doesn't that inevitably mean we'll reach a point where we don't need the female sex at all, and should therefore strive for it?

As for where I'm from, yes I got it from MGTOW and Incel forums. The rough draft of Part 1 of a manifesto I'm working on is in my signature.

You continue not to show any reason about your point of view, so it has no value. Why do you think women are the evil?

Masculinity is about the path of healing, growth. Going your own way, at your own pace. Don't break your legs again trying to climb the mountain; take a bit of a break first, and then get back up.

Femininity on the other hand, is a fleeting, nearly mythical entity. However, unlike masculinity, which sees no gain from bragging towards the less-fortunate, femininity does so in great quantities; they seem to have this narcissistic quota to fill, that this gives them some form of perverse pleasure. If masculinity is about a permanent moral society, femininity is a "bang and collapse": First, in a diseased society, they will "bang", creating an anarchy where any amount of moral and immoral values may exist, and then a "collapse", where the moral values are removed and amplifying the immoral ones.

Masculinity is that perfect blend of self-acceptance and self-improvement. Rather than killing yourself, it asks that you both love yourself and fix your flaws. It is a permanent journey of betterment, where every day is better than before, where no one is present to demean on you.

Femininity on the other hand is the worst blend of self-hate and self-destruction. It identifies flaws in you, and rather than allowing one to ignore unfixable flaws and fix flaws that can be mended, all in an environment of self-understanding and self-love, it deems you "unfixable", and leads you to additional self-destruction. It's a thing that is "here today, gone tomorrow".

In the end of it, one was in a worse condition than before. Therefore, what is the point of holding this "bang and collapse" in such a high regard?

A perfect example is the MGTOW Man and The Lesbian: The MGTOW Man sees his fellow man in a position lower than him, and selflessly gives himself so that they may rise. The Lesbian on the other hand, especially in abrahamic societies, will actually bully other LGBT+ to suicide to harvest on their energies and suffering, and then "disappear", leaving only stricter anti-LGBT laws from that abrahamic society than before.

Now, you tell me: What is "moral" about such a thing?

Besides, my path of self-improvement began with misogyny. As a result of misogyny, I've been able to lay off the self-hate and workout, meditate, dedicate to Vishnu, return to school in hopes of going to University one day, so much more. The "fire" that was lacking in life seems to have not only returned, it burns bright and wonderful. What has femininity done to me, besides pain and suffering?

Why should all I have built under misogyny be swept away under the program of femininity? Why should my hopes and dreams be once again be washed out just so a temporary entity may rejoice in being evil?
RepSel1001 said:
Fiery Pluto said:
RepSel1001 said:
I'll reply shorter to make it easier.

For the one who says, yes Machiavelli was a man, well that means nothing here, since it's a description of behavior. You can't deny that some women at least act Machiavellistic, even if he was a man, so why not all of them?

Also, for the yin/yang arguments, doesn't that just prove my point more? If there's a yin and yang in everyone, and if there's masculinity and femininity in everyone, doesn't it make sense to say that men are fundamentally good and women are fundamentally evil, the "evil in the good" being a lack of enlightenment, and the "good in evil" being Machiavellianism? Yes, it's unfortunate that we have to rely on women so much, like for even being born. But if we're here to improve and enlighten, doesn't that inevitably mean we'll reach a point where we don't need the female sex at all, and should therefore strive for it?

As for where I'm from, yes I got it from MGTOW and Incel forums. The rough draft of Part 1 of a manifesto I'm working on is in my signature.

You continue not to show any reason about your point of view, so it has no value. Why do you think women are the evil?

Masculinity is about the path of healing, growth. Going your own way, at your own pace. Don't break your legs again trying to climb the mountain; take a bit of a break first, and then get back up.

Femininity on the other hand, is a fleeting, nearly mythical entity. However, unlike masculinity, which sees no gain from bragging towards the less-fortunate, femininity does so in great quantities; they seem to have this narcissistic quota to fill, that this gives them some form of perverse pleasure. If masculinity is about a permanent moral society, femininity is a "bang and collapse": First, in a diseased society, they will "bang", creating an anarchy where any amount of moral and immoral values may exist, and then a "collapse", where the moral values are removed and amplifying the immoral ones.

Masculinity is that perfect blend of self-acceptance and self-improvement. Rather than killing yourself, it asks that you both love yourself and fix your flaws. It is a permanent journey of betterment, where every day is better than before, where no one is present to demean on you.

Femininity on the other hand is the worst blend of self-hate and self-destruction. It identifies flaws in you, and rather than allowing one to ignore unfixable flaws and fix flaws that can be mended, all in an environment of self-understanding and self-love, it deems you "unfixable", and leads you to additional self-destruction. It's a thing that is "here today, gone tomorrow".

In the end of it, one was in a worse condition than before. Therefore, what is the point of holding this "bang and collapse" in such a high regard?

A perfect example is the MGTOW Man and The Lesbian: The MGTOW Man sees his fellow man in a position lower than him, and selflessly gives himself so that they may rise. The Lesbian on the other hand, especially in abrahamic societies, will actually bully other LGBT+ to suicide to harvest on their energies and suffering, and then "disappear", leaving only stricter anti-LGBT laws from that abrahamic society than before.

Now, you tell me: What is "moral" about such a thing?

Besides, my path of self-improvement began with misogyny. As a result of misogyny, I've been able to lay off the self-hate and workout, meditate, dedicate to Vishnu, return to school in hopes of going to University one day, so much more. The "fire" that was lacking in life seems to have not only returned, it burns bright and wonderful. What has femininity done to me, besides pain and suffering?

Why should all I have built under misogyny be swept away under the program of femininity? Why should my hopes and dreams be once again be washed out just so a temporary entity may rejoice in being evil?

Safe to say to are on the path of complete idiocy with a diploma already, only here you are for other purposes.

The pleasure you get from being contempt, satisfaction in itself, everything that is good and of the senses exaltation, is of a feminine nature.

You see women evil because they didn't accepted and opened to you, most definitely from idiotic mentalities, improper education, lack of instinctual social adaptability and general unguided ineptitude.

A man living in life without any quest and fulfillment of a woman or at least feminine in their lives is a dead man living in torture. As for the cases where the woman is an evil hunter and psychopathic player (like in your imagination), stop being a sissy and find a beautiful one.
RepSel1001 said:

I think you are displaying your personal bias here, as well as believing the corruption of modern people to be inherent to their gender.

You ignore the aspect of femininity which is nurturing and caring, as seen in mothers or nurses, which is very compassionate and the opposite of what you describe. The breasts and womb directly nurture the children, as the easiest of examples to understand.

I could then raise you the example of men in prison who attack each other over the slightest of insults as evidence to why masculinity is not accepting of flaws or weakness.

Having one bad experience with a woman does not reflect on all of them, just as the men in prison should not be compared to those outside it, yet here you have deemed all of women to be evil, through very vague examples. You have basically just said "well they are evil because they are evil".

Nobody is saying women are perfect. Yes, women have certain faults which they are prone to, however we are all on a path of balancing and growing our souls. You should study the female Gods in more depth.
RepSel1001 said:

Source: https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/AstarteHC.html


Astarte is a Goddess of nature, something well known in all of her history, but also admitted by the enemy. Sacred trees, green pastures, the beauty of nature, animals and anything that is a blessing of beauty into this planet is ruled by Her. She is a caretaker of nature, and through her power she is a sustainer of life and existence, human and animal. She is a Goddess of blossoming life, a symbol of eternal creative recreation, fertility, birth and finally, rebirth after death.

"Beauty, while in it’s external form is arguably what makes life worth living as in art and culture, is also a manifestation of other deeper notions such as harmony. For Plato and other Ancient Philosophers, the manifestation of beauty is also the manifestation of sublime ideals such as balance, harmony, equilibrium and perfection. Plato and Socrates have expanded upon the numerous meanings of the word "Beautiful" and the given philosophical notions of the term, which deal with the world of ideas [astral realm] and deal with the confounding of the universe. [8]

The all encompassing importance of the notion of love and all it’s manifestations, falls under her power associated with the Planet Venus. As explained in the beginning of this page, Aphrodite and the rule of the feeling of Love is showing a hidden spiritual procedure, that of the union of the Soul through Spiritual Alchemy. "



The Ancient Spartans also worshiped Venus in a warrior aspect, and the same is the case with the Babylonians and Assyrians with Inanna, for Astarte is a Warrior Goddess and a Fertility Goddess to them.

The Ancient Spartan war machine, known by all people of the world and even admired worldwide today, had Aphrodite as their main city state Goddess. Under this, she was called "Aphrodite Areia" [Arya]. Sparta was renown for treating women as the pupil and the eye of the Spartan world. At the same time, Spartan women reciprocated to this behavior by being deserving of the high praise and creating new life. [13]

The nature of chastity or virginity in the Artemis symbol, is because the Moon or the inner part of the soul, does remain virgin and unadulterated. It is the part of the soul we carry through each lifetime, which defines who we are. Adulterated and virgin not only concerns sexual relationships, but how one must keep their soul and spirit pure from external evil and negative influences.

In that regard, the ability to fight back against injustice and negativity becomes rather necessary. Artemis is a Goddesses of supernal wisdom and destructive prowess, and Artemis represents the direct aspects of warfare that deal with direct destruction, no different than an aspect of Aphrodite as explained above.


Demeter is the Goddess of the Harvest, which deals with the fertility and the creation of mother Earth. The production of food, the laws of life and death, but also the deep occult mysteries of the Female Priestesses of Ancient Greece and the Eleusenian Mysteries, were created under the teachings of Astarte.

This story was called “Astarte’s Descent Into the Underworld”, and is the restoration of the Fallen Serpent Power [Fertility Power] and re-uniting this power with the Divine Mother or Demeter [the head of the spiritual practitioner].

When this spiritual process is completed, “Spring”, the Greek word of this being “Aneksis” which means “Opening” does occur, and the person finally opens up their spiritual faculties which allow the person to go back and forth into the “Realm of the Dead” or the Astral Plane and the physical world. The spring and blossoming of the soul happens, as the Chakras are also commonly in all Pagan Traditions depicted as flowers, and then one finally blossoms and returns to the “Divine Mother” or Demeter.

Her association with the Earth, the Harvest, the family and household, but also the earth and the soil in itself, made her over time to be entitled as “Mother Earth”. Like Isis, she is a motherly figure that supplies human beings with whatever they require for life.
I feel like voicing my disappointment by the amount of energy being put in retarded topics like this one. This is a great place with great people and then someone like the op comes along, writes something like he did and this happens. Sure, they need help and maybe they will grow if that help is given but for fucks sake this is beyond ridiculous.

Two pages of back and forth explaining the obvious, unnecessary insults and whatnot for what?

That being said, I wish all the best to everyone. Now disregard this and carry on.
If OP is Hindu. Then it makes sense of this. Hindustan has been inundated with social leftism especially after Modi's victory in 2008 basically Trump 2016 happened due to Modi. Modi even if he has to kiss kosher ass pulled a Nationalist property which culminated with a resurgence in Nationalism.

Sheer fact is this is typical lefty stuff in America that can easily be broken up and destroyed by many culture warriors out there. If not then your one of these college kids that come out of communist centers brainwashed and at the end of the day probably deserve to get destroyed and get your ass kicked.

This has been happening a lot in India even attacking their WW2 history the Subhas Chandra Bose Hindustani hell I wouldn't even be surprised if even Dr. Mohamed Iqbal Sheddai Arabian Hindustanis are attacking their history. The lefty problem in India has gotten out of hand and all these stupid Hindu men and women are collapsing into this garbage.

If you thought Americuck or Eurocucks are bad wait until you met some of these stupid Hindus. Even believing in the holohoax the 6 gorrilian there are literally troves of Hindus brainwashed feeling sad for the heebs.

OP you decided to take the blue pill. You gotta take the red pill. In the Ancient World you would have gotten slapped upside the head until you learned.

India is battleground for the next generation of cuckingbergs and cuckingsteins. Berging and steining and steining and berging cucks.

All these Hindus that come from India or go to other countries to learn that go to lefty blue states and other democrap places come out like a bunch of hardened communists.

Be careful with some of these Hindu cucks running around as the World gets more digital and internet expands they'll espouse like a bunch of kikes snorting cocaine. I think they are trying to build an army of cucks to inundate and cuck around. Sorta like how glorified chat programs like ChatGPT or other OpenAI are biased in agenda.

Rewrite history by making the goyim do it by being brainwashed the jews can just sit back and give some orders and all of a sudden an army of Hindu cucks, cuck around and destroy a chunk of the internet and Humanities built up history.

In essence if they can't pisslamize the Hindus and return them back to the levels of massacre like the Buddhist/Jain/Arabian massacres of the Tantrites i.e. Tantric badass Hindus. They might as well turn them into a bunch of cucks social maxist lefties to destroy their history.

I think OP has too much ignorance and too much culture kampf in his system. CLEARLY OP is fucked up in the head and even taking advice from MGTOW and Incel and other cucks.

News flash those groups are propped up by people who want cucks. An Army of Cucks like Beth in Rick and Morty Alien Beth wanted an Army of Jerry cucks to conquer the Universe.

Talk about the meek inheriting the Earth. Blessed are the Weak in this case. Like Brian Warner, Marilyn Manson states in Beautiful People. The Weak Devour the Strong.

Talk about us trying to help OP and he just returns revealing how cucked he is.

OP stop being a cuck stop listening to stupid communist garbage. Your own nation your own Hindustanis are going through this to destabilize your nation to finally destroy it and turn your people into a battering ram against civilization.

Wake the fuck up and stop cucking around.
RepSel1001 said:
Besides, my path of self-improvement began with misogyny. As a result of misogyny, I've been able to lay off the self-hate and workout, meditate, dedicate to Vishnu, return to school in hopes of going to University one day, so much more. The "fire" that was lacking in life seems to have not only returned, it burns bright and wonderful. What has femininity done to me, besides pain and suffering?

Why should all I have built under misogyny be swept away under the program of femininity? Why should my hopes and dreams be once again be washed out just so a temporary entity may rejoice in being evil?

So what you're saying is, you partially started living your life for yourself, instead of endlessly worrying about other people and the judgemental women in your head think, and it got better. Wow, what a shock there.

This is like Step 1 of anything 'adult'. This is a stage Boomers and most Gen Xers, the cooties stage (what you call misogyny), got past when they were 12-15 years old. Except we now live in societies where people (INCLUDING women, who are half to blame for this retardation alongside men) delay this to 21, 25, 30, 45 and it grows more disturbing, adult-tinged characteristics...

It's like when women beaten or abused by men break free of this through 'feminism', and then suddenly credit 'feminism' and man-hate for their new burst of life, until feminism starts to become a crutch and cause insane levels of problems that puts them back to step one. I have had acquaintances in the past who were radical feminists due to breaking free of prior abuse (some of this heinous like being molested by one's father), every relationship they had was a piece of shit and the resentment ideology didn't help them get better partners. They continued to choose useless men over and over again with more red flags than China.

Hating men and listing men's flaws over and over, at the agitation of jewesses and similar failure women, didn't give them discernment. Incels also tend to choose crap women, the kind of woman any respectable man would leave in the sewer, to 'orbit' and 'love'. If your Sun, Saturn and especially Mars is fucked for women, and Moon and Venus for men, this will keep happening over and over again, groundhog day, unless you get a 'lucky break' and """""ascend""""".

Regardless men cannot live without women, or women without men. Even with gays and lesbians, they may not want to have sex with the opposite sex, but this still applies.

Anything fuelled by resentment has the wheels come off in the end as its just symptomatic of decay. All the people hating White people on twitter are going to end up as slaves, regardless of whether this was actually gleaned from negative experiences with Whites or not.
Karnonnos said:
RepSel1001 said:
Besides, my path of self-improvement began with misogyny. As a result of misogyny, I've been able to lay off the self-hate and workout, meditate, dedicate to Vishnu, return to school in hopes of going to University one day, so much more. The "fire" that was lacking in life seems to have not only returned, it burns bright and wonderful. What has femininity done to me, besides pain and suffering?

Why should all I have built under misogyny be swept away under the program of femininity? Why should my hopes and dreams be once again be washed out just so a temporary entity may rejoice in being evil?

So what you're saying is, you partially started living your life for yourself, instead of endlessly worrying about other people and the judgemental women in your head think, and it got better. Wow, what a shock there.

This is like Step 1 of anything 'adult'. This is a stage Boomers and most Gen Xers, the cooties stage (what you call misogyny), got past when they were 12-15 years old. Except we now live in societies where people (INCLUDING women, who are half to blame for this retardation alongside men) delay this to 21, 25, 30, 45 and it grows more disturbing, adult-tinged characteristics...

It's like when women beaten or abused by men break free of this through 'feminism', and then suddenly credit 'feminism' and man-hate for their new burst of life, until feminism starts to become a crutch and cause insane levels of problems that puts them back to step one. I have had acquaintances in the past who were radical feminists due to breaking free of prior abuse (some of this heinous like being molested by one's father), every relationship they had was a piece of shit and the resentment ideology didn't help them get better partners. They continued to choose useless men over and over again with more red flags than China.

Hating men and listing men's flaws over and over, at the agitation of jewesses and similar failure women, didn't give them discernment. Incels also tend to choose crap women, the kind of woman any respectable man would leave in the sewer, to 'orbit' and 'love'. If your Sun, Saturn and especially Mars is fucked for women, and Moon and Venus for men, this will keep happening over and over again, groundhog day, unless you get a 'lucky break' and """""ascend""""".

Regardless men cannot live without women, or women without men. Even with gays and lesbians, they may not want to have sex with the opposite sex, but this still applies.

Anything fuelled by resentment has the wheels come off in the end as its just symptomatic of decay. All the people hating White people on twitter are going to end up as slaves, regardless of whether this was actually gleaned from negative experiences with Whites or not.

Okay, but even though most everything else you (and Blitz, I have no clue what NakedPluto is saying though, English barrier) say is true,

1) I have no intention of interacting with women whatsoever. If I could live far away from their very concept, that would be just fine with me. The stories you present of the women hating on men and then entering shit relationships doesn't apply here therefore. And I'm sure that for example if they also didn't want any relationships with men, they'd also continue their path of success.

2) Take a look at some of the hypermanifesto material I wrote below. You can also find the full hypermanifesto in my bio.

This is how women select a partner for sex and for serious relationships:

Three Absolutes:
1) Race: whites the most, blacks the least.
2) Height: 6'+ or bust.
3) Face: Yeah.
4) Penis: The larger, the better. 8" is the minimum.*

*This is a lower priority than the others, but important nonetheless.

Three Amplifiers:
1) Evil character: The more evil, the better.
2) Misogynism: The more misogynistic, the better.
3) Money: You can steal from them if they have the money.

Women cannot, and will refuse to, settle with anything less than the Three Absolutes. Women would rather die than comprehend possibly loving anyone under 6' for example. It is torture of the highest comprehendible levels, and if anyone wants to treat women with any sense of dignity or humanity, should not bring up the topic in any manner. Women only "settle" with such people after they've had all the sex they could ever desire and every good quality of them is melted away. Nonetheless, this is only a scam: They are cheating on you with Chads. They will do this until it's time to "cash in", and divorce you and take half your stuff.

The Three Amplifiers are what makes a Chad additionally attractive, if the Absolutes metric is too close to compare. For example, a Chad who is highly misogynistic is far preferable to a Chad who is not a misogynist.

There also exists The Three Anointments, which are additionally used to filter out those who they do not desire, if they are not Chads. Nonchads who have not completed The Three Anointments are worthless, and to be mocked until they kill themselves, from there, women will reap the energy of suffering and death to further themselves in their skills of evil. They are:

Three Anointments:
1) Virginity: If they have not already lost their virginity earlier, they have no hope now.
2) Relationships: If they have not already been in a relationship before, they have no hope now.
3) Lifepath: If they have not followed "The Debutante Path" to perfection, they have no hope now.

What is "The Debutante Path"? It is a series of achievements a Nonchad MUST have at a certain age, or it is truly hopeless. These are:

Age 14: Learner's License
Age 15: Been in first relationship.
Age 16: Lost Virginity and Full License
For college, Age 23: Graduated College
Anything after 23 is truly useless: Life is over now. Go to sleep. Stop trying to "make up" for things, sleep!

With all this in mind, does it really seem like a good idea to try to get in a relationship with anyone like this? I mean, even after looksmaxxing, misogynymaxxing, time travelling, so forth, was it worth all that effort just for some superficial infatuation which disappears the moment your 6'3" self is towered by someone who's 6'4"?

I wanna thank you for taking the time to make such long, passionate, and interesting posts brother Abyssos! You are much better at getting your ideas down in text than I certainly can.

There is too much for me to go over through the posts, there are points and ideas I agree with and some others I don't. What I want to say is that I am saddened to hear that you feel as though you are fighting a one man battle for the fate of the white race. All true followers of Satan are trying to better the white race and humanity as a whole alongside with you. Even if there are disagreements on how it should be done, eventually as everyone advances past the beings we are now, we will know what the best outcome for the world is and fighting to make it happen. If your ideas are all true, this means eventually more and more brothers and sisters will be fighting along side you for these very ideas and hopes for the white race and humanity. If the best future is something else, then one day you will shift your own views and goals and will still be alongside your brothers and sisters. Even if it doesn't always seem like it we are in this together.

I hope you continue to express your thoughts about other things when you have time, I believe these discussions are important to have and your insight is valuable!

Hail Satan!
Shemsu said:
I feel like voicing my disappointment by the amount of energy being put in retarded topics like this one. This is a great place with great people and then someone like the op comes along, writes something like he did and this happens. Sure, they need help and maybe they will grow if that help is given but for fucks sake this is beyond ridiculous.

Two pages of back and forth explaining the obvious, unnecessary insults and whatnot for what?

That being said, I wish all the best to everyone. Now disregard this and carry on.

This stuff is bound to happen unfortunately. What we can do is remember this thread and link it when this type of question arises in the future.
RepSel1001 said:
2) Take a look at some of the hypermanifesto material I wrote below. You can also find the full hypermanifesto in my bio.


With all this in mind, does it really seem like a good idea to try to get in a relationship with anyone like this? I mean, even after looksmaxxing, misogynymaxxing, time travelling, so forth, was it worth all that effort just for some superficial infatuation which disappears the moment your 6'3" self is towered by someone who's 6'4"?

You assume here that what you say in your "hypermanifesto" is true, when it's mostly bullshit. I can easily debunk it:

RepSel1001 said:
Three Absolutes:
1) Race: whites the most, blacks the least.
2) Height: 6'+ or bust.
3) Face: Yeah.
4) Penis: The larger, the better. 8" is the minimum.*

You call them "three absolutes" when in reality to women personality is more important than physical characteristics. Many short men have become more confident and don't have trouble with women. Looksmaxxing=bullshit, for that reason.

In regards to race, Asians have been shown in studies to be the least attractive than Whites to White women (but again, personality can make up for race). Non-White women are mostly attracted to their own race with the exception of Asian women who may find White men even more attractive than Asian men.

You're correct about height, but again, it's not an absolute. Personality can make up for it. I can testify from my own experience, as I'm less than 6' and I have no trouble with women.

The same thing with face.

Penis size is totally irrelevant actually. Studies show that women don't care about it at all, and the average penis size can easily satisfy a woman. Most women have clitoral orgasms so they don't even need a penis to feel good. While these studies have shown that women don't care about penis size, they also show that men are insecure about their penis size. So your belief that women need you to have a 8'' penis is merely a projection of male insecurity.

RepSel1001 said:
Three Amplifiers:
1) Evil character: The more evil, the better.
2) Misogynism: The more misogynistic, the better.
3) Money: You can steal from them if they have the money.

The three "amplifiers" are bullshit. Women aren't attracted to "evil" or misogynistic character, but to dominant/confident character. They run after chads and "evil" men only because they are dominant/confident. You can be confident/dominant and not evil and still as attractive as the chads.

So "misogynymaxxing" is also bullshit.

Women claim they want someone with money, but again your personality and your dominance/confidence can override it.

I hope you see a theme here: Character is the most important, and if you are almost perfect character you can compensate for any physical defects, such as being short.

In fact, incels have a shitty, whiny character and personality and think it's their looks that repel women when it is their personality. Lookism=bullshit.

Also, the mistake incels do is take what women say they want at face value. Many women don't really know what they want. They say they want a rich 6'4 man but if you are 5'7 and poor but confident and funny, they will be attracted to you. You can override most of their "requirements" by your personality.

RepSel1001 said:
There also exists The Three Anointments, which are additionally used to filter out those who they do not desire, if they are not Chads. Nonchads who have not completed The Three Anointments are worthless, and to be mocked until they kill themselves, from there, women will reap the energy of suffering and death to further themselves in their skills of evil. They are:

Three Anointments:
1) Virginity: If they have not already lost their virginity earlier, they have no hope now.
2) Relationships: If they have not already been in a relationship before, they have no hope now.
3) Lifepath: If they have not followed "The Debutante Path" to perfection, they have no hope now.

What is "The Debutante Path"? It is a series of achievements a Nonchad MUST have at a certain age, or it is truly hopeless. These are:

Age 14: Learner's License
Age 15: Been in first relationship.
Age 16: Lost Virginity and Full License
For college, Age 23: Graduated College
Anything after 23 is truly useless: Life is over now. Go to sleep. Stop trying to "make up" for things, sleep!

Lol, Considering I'm a nonchad and I was totally bad with women and a virgin until my age 28, I can testify that the "3 anointments" and the "debutante path" is bullshit.

Generally, your manifesto is mostly bullshit invented to discourage men. It has no validity, scientific or experiential.
Abyssos said:

Don't take this the wrong way, home-G, but...

A lot of what you're saying, doesn't really seem to come from a state of, well, reason. I mean, dude, you need your veggies, dawg. Eating only meat without balancing that shit's a sure way to some serious health issues later down the road...

Yeah no, as you said, if you're in a position of wageslaving, Imo it's legit better just to take a break from the internet for a while and put your spare time in healing. Otherwise you're only damaging yourself and others. Seriously bro, I'm saying this as a G who cares for you, and I'm a dude who literally believe(d?/s?) women (are?/were?) evil...

Let's take a step back, and focus on ourselves for a moment. If women are indeed evil, you'll only do yourself and male-kind better by showing 'em nothing can stop you. If women aren't evil, then The Goddesses want you to give yourself some love, kindness, and healing. It's the Beauty that @Blitzkreig mentioned, and you deserve it.

Either way, at least you have one G out here. Come on dude, I know it ain't easy or quick, but it's worth it in both cases, so either way I'll support it. You got this! :cool: :cool: :cool:

I think I need to explain this once and for all and maybe you will get a point from it.

First and foremost, @RepSel1001, if you do notice the philosophies stated on our forums why are you coming here? If you consider our values of anti black pill, of course morally anti black pill then why are you coming to discredit us and waste the precious time of our spiritual members when you are not going to learn anything?

Second of all, it has been provided both from me and brother Shemsu and the other members that women are not evil, thing which is true.

Like how true it is that in the hunting and tribal societies, men were more of the Lunar (Feminine) aspect while Women were with Sun aspect (Masculine). People had no problem with it as it involved more of a spiritual code and not a sexual code in any instance whatsoever.

Black pilling every single aspect of your social life is not a good option since it will lead to an involuntarily xenophobic approach, and, that approach is of the Enemy of the Humanity.

As part of the Joy of Satan, the best spiritual community in this world I would like to explain some things for you.

First of all, you can't say that your philosophies and questions haven't been understood, in fact, our members answered quite straight to the point, even if the information in them was confusing.

Second of all, women are not bad, and in fact if you want to have a child, then it is a women that you have it with, by metagenetics virtue or when, biologically the ovules meet with the sperm.

If it weren't to be women on this planet, and women that are not the Bia Khalifa style, then would any one of us exist on this Earth.

And living the metagenetics aside, and the biology too, even if a man stays with his children, have a lot of quality time they spend together in healthy wars, mentally and physically, that Male is still considered a Father and not a Mother. Mothers are those who carry on the heavy duty of being pregnant to bring new Gentile off-spring to this world and Mothers are females are those who perform the perfect pavement for spiritual workings.

You can and logically have masculine energies but in the end you can't have the feminine energies at the same time.

Plus, it would be great if you seek some help from a female as, if you do it, you will find some clarification on the situation.

It may not be your first lucky date, no one I think had their first lucky date and that was it. It may take two or three dates or even more than that to get to know the perfect person for you.

And, after you do that, you will find some clarification of things.

No one in the name of Satan, Father Satan is to be considered alone or discouraged from having a relationship.
"Blackpill" means somebody who has completely given up. Who has no hope, and will make no effort effort to try to succeed because any success is considered impossible. It is pure "christian slave morality" and permanent failure. No effort is given towards anything other than failure.

This is not what we are about here. It is exactly opposite of us. We work for growth and life.
Shemsu said:
I feel like voicing my disappointment by the amount of energy being put in retarded topics like this one. This is a great place with great people and then someone like the op comes along, writes something like he did and this happens. Sure, they need help and maybe they will grow if that help is given but for fucks sake this is beyond ridiculous.

Two pages of back and forth explaining the obvious, unnecessary insults and whatnot for what?

That being said, I wish all the best to everyone. Now disregard this and carry on.

I agree
Ol argedco luciftias said:
"Blackpill" means somebody who has completely given up. Who has no hope, and will make no effort effort to try to succeed because any success is considered impossible. It is pure "christian slave morality" and permanent failure. No effort is given towards anything other than failure.

This is not what we are about here. It is exactly opposite of us. We work for growth and life.


I don't even understand why a "black piller" would come to a forum of a spiritual path that is based on overcoming our limits, controlling our destiny, evolving ourselves spiritually and becoming gods and try to convince us to accept the "black pill".

The "black pill" stands for powerlessness and contradicts everything Spiritual Satanism stands for. I's more in line with what xian apocalyptic cults believe: there's no hope, the world is going to end and you can do nothing about it, just accept Jebus before it's too late!
I will add as a final reply @RepSel that you think that if someone doesn't believe women are evil then it means he should be a simp that chases after them, when it's not true. Both are extremes and they are closer to eachother like the horseshoe theory: incels are closet simps and simps will turn into bitter incels if the e-girl they are simping on rejects them or tells them she has a husband.

A mentally mature man is neither, he isn't needy or desperate for women but he doesn't get obsessed with hating them either. So in the sense, I agree with you that a man should not focus on chasing after women but his life purpose/goal, but I disagree with you that this requires the false belief that women are evil.

You also are using your own strawman and projection and believe we "worship" Goddesses in the same way you blindly worship Vishnu, but this is merely the projection of your own blind faith. You should seek to familiarize with our worldview instead of projecting your own into us: Satanists seek to become Gods and empower our personal, individual self first and foremost, and overcome our limits and control our destiny. The Gods and Goddesses are here as our spiritual guides and they are not tyrants that must be obeyed.

That's why your blackpill philosophy goes against Satanism, because it is about powerlessness and giving up. Instead of telling people that looks and physical defects can be compensated for with a confident personality, it makes these physical defects into a death sentence instead. It's not true either, as many people can tell you that despite looking bad have no trouble with women. Even incels admit that men uglier than them can get women (because obviously incels have a shitty personality, as I said):

Abyssos said:
The general ideology known as the Black Pill is an incredibly strong worldview that cannot be countered. The fact that looks matter cannot be denied.

That's a complete strawman. Nobody denies that looks matter. What blackpillers say is that looks are everything and are genetically determined, and cannot even changed, so if you are bad looking you're doomed. In reality, looks matter, but they are less than half of the entire thing, they can be changed and can be compensated for with other characteristics.

Here's one video (of the many) debunking the black pill:


So much for "it can't be countered". It can and it did get countered and debunked many times because it's pure cope and false. It's for lazy losers who would rather believe that they have no hope than work improve themselves, and thus goes against Satanism which is about self-improvement.

That's a complete strawman. Nobody denies that looks matter. What blackpillers say is that looks are everything and are genetically determined, and cannot even changed, so if you are bad looking you're doomed. In reality, looks matter, but they are less than half of the entire thing, they can be changed and can be compensated for with other characteristics.

Here's one video (of the many) debunking the black pill:


So much for "it can't be countered". It can and it did get countered and debunked many times because it's pure cope and false. It's for lazy losers who would rather believe that they have no hope than work improve themselves, and thus goes against Satanism which is about self-improvement.

Even though it is harsh in the manner you said it (appreciate the style though), well, I can say that I agree with you.

People should de-black-pill themselves. Slowly but surely they can do it.

Satanism, like you said, is for Self Development

Lalita means "the playful one", simply because the feminine energy is vibrant,
alive and playful.
I read the posts, and watched that video.

I think I should clear up something:

I'm well aware that you can change your looks, height, so forth. I'm also aware that time travel, or at least workings relating to it, are also possible.

The blackpill here isn't a "give up" thing because "it's impossible", it's a "give up" thing because "it's not a worthy prize". It's an acknowledgement that romantic love doesn't exist between men and women, because even if you heightmaxx to 6'3", she will leave you the moment she sees a 6'4" person. Tell me: Is holding onto such a person worth the time and effort? Yes, as I said: You can get to 6'3", fine. Is it worth it though, to put so much trust into someone who only values you for such superficial things alone?

It's like: Yes, you can cut off both your legs. It's not impossible. Is it a good idea, though?

Use that analogy when discussing the blackpill.

Because, even the video discussed doesn't deny that looks, height, etc, are the main factors to infatuation (again, romance between men and women doesn't exist). The video however gives a suicidal idea: Go for infatuation anyway. However, we say: Value yourself and your life. Don't fall victim to such things.

I asked my homeboys back at Bookism to give me some help, but sadly that hasn't come yet, so I guess I'll just show you:


However, I am glad to see that more and more of this forum is waking up to this version of the blackpill at least. I hope to see many more of you on Bookism, the same way I'm here.
RepSel1001 said:

Those who love each other will harmonize with one another on an energetic level. Then, they will feel as if the other person is a part of them, thereby making them unwilling to leave the other person just for sex or whatever.

Fix and strengthen your natal Venus, and in addition use energy to create or attract love, and this will won't be a problem.

There is no way around this; men and women cannot be separated. Go experiment with your game plan of avoiding any partner and you will only render yourself unhappy.

Your redditor friends are not Satanists and have no clue about the magical solutions available to them. There is no reason to listen to them and whatever studies they want to use as proof that we should give up on life and happiness. Next they will tell you not to work out, or not to earn money, for some depressing reason.

Both men and women have hurt each other through cheating; this problem is not solely on women or anything. Similarly, both men and women can meditate, advance, and move past these cycles of pain and suffering.

You can either get on board, despite any obstacles in your path, or leave yourself in a self-imposed prison. This leads to the next point, which is how well are you doing with your own advancement? Have you dedicated to Satan? Have you started the 40 day spiritual plan? These are more important matters.

JoS Clergy: Dedication Ritual to Satan
HPHC: 40 Day Meditation Program
Shadowcat: Green SS Troopers' Guide
JoS Clergy: Satanic Witchcraft
The part you are ignoring is the personality and the soul. People who have a worthless, empty, or disgusting personality, everybody is trying to run away from these people. Because these are caused by disgusting energy and diseases within the soul. Or within the bioelectric aura within and surrounding the body.

People are able to feel this. And even people who claim to have no psychic ability, all people have the ability to feel this clearly. When you are around somebody with this disgusting diseased soul, just physically being near the person you can feel this extreme discust and feel this energy touching you and making you feel like you are becoming sick, or feel that it is injuring you. It is a feeling like jumping down into a septic tank.

This is why everybody hates you, and why nobody is able to stand being anywhere near you. Because nobody wants to allow themselves to become infected with this soul disease. And an infection is exactly what it feels like. If you have this, you also are able to feel it in yourself. You feel constant discust, hatred, and self-hatred. Just like everybody else, you want to run as far away from yourself as possible. But there's nowhere for you to go.

The opposite is also true. Somebody who has a clean, healthy, and beautiful soul, this is absolutely addicting to everybody around them. A person with a brighter soul attracts everybody like moths coming to a light. Because the feeling of coming physically close to this person, you can feel this bright and powerful energy touching your own soul and body. And this can be a very beautiful and addictive feeling. Giving a feeling similar to caffeine, and also that a heavy weight has been lifted. And the health or beautiful energy of a person's soul does not always have a direct correlation to physical descriptions of the body. An ugly person may have a beautiful healthy soul, and a good looking person may have a very discusting and repulsive soul.

The reason nobody is able to be anywhere near you is you are basically an energetic biohazard. Disgusting, diseased, and repulsive. Everybody hates being around you just as much as you hate being around yourself. But the good news is this does not have to be permanent, and you can fix this if you try to. What the gods give us is the knowledge and ability to take care of our souls. To heal ourselves. To remove all injuries, sicknesses, and negative energy out from our souls. And to strengthen our souls to be the cleanest, brightest, healthiest, and strongest. And then everybody would become addicted to being near you, and no longer be desperately wanting to run away.

If you are Human. This advice is not possible for jews.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The part you are ignoring is the personality and the soul. People who have a worthless, empty, or disgusting personality, everybody is trying to run away from these people. Because these are caused by disgusting energy and diseases within the soul. Or within the bioelectric aura within and surrounding the body.

People are able to feel this. And even people who claim to have no psychic ability, all people have the ability to feel this clearly. When you are around somebody with this disgusting diseased soul, just physically being near the person you can feel this extreme discust and feel this energy touching you and making you feel like you are becoming sick, or feel that it is injuring you. It is a feeling like jumping down into a septic tank.

This is why everybody hates you, and why nobody is able to stand being anywhere near you. Because nobody wants to allow themselves to become infected with this soul disease. And an infection is exactly what it feels like. If you have this, you also are able to feel it in yourself. You feel constant discust, hatred, and self-hatred. Just like everybody else, you want to run as far away from yourself as possible. But there's nowhere for you to go.

The opposite is also true. Somebody who has a clean, healthy, and beautiful soul, this is absolutely addicting to everybody around them. A person with a brighter soul attracts everybody like moths coming to a light. Because the feeling of coming physically close to this person, you can feel this bright and powerful energy touching your own soul and body. And this can be a very beautiful and addictive feeling. Giving a feeling similar to caffeine, and also that a heavy weight has been lifted. And the health or beautiful energy of a person's soul does not always have a direct correlation to physical descriptions of the body. An ugly person may have a beautiful healthy soul, and a good looking person may have a very discusting and repulsive soul.

The reason nobody is able to be anywhere near you is you are basically an energetic biohazard. Disgusting, diseased, and repulsive. Everybody hates being around you just as much as you hate being around yourself. But the good news is this does not have to be permanent, and you can fix this if you try to. What the gods give us is the knowledge and ability to take care of our souls. To heal ourselves. To remove all injuries, sicknesses, and negative energy out from our souls. And to strengthen our souls to be the cleanest, brightest, healthiest, and strongest. And then everybody would become addicted to being near you, and no longer be desperately wanting to run away.

If you are Human. This advice is not possible for jews.
This is the truth. Also, you are sick in the head from all the disgusting things you have read and internalized, you are free to keep believing in those, but yours will be a very sad life.
RepSel1001 said:
Masculinity is about the path of healing, growth. Going your own way, at your own pace. Don't break your legs again trying to climb the mountain; take a bit of a break first, and then get back up.

Femininity on the other hand, is a fleeting, nearly mythical entity. However, unlike masculinity, which sees no gain from bragging towards the less-fortunate, femininity does so in great quantities; they seem to have this narcissistic quota to fill, that this gives them some form of perverse pleasure. If masculinity is about a permanent moral society, femininity is a "bang and collapse": First, in a diseased society, they will "bang", creating an anarchy where any amount of moral and immoral values may exist, and then a "collapse", where the moral values are removed and amplifying the immoral ones.

Masculinity is that perfect blend of self-acceptance and self-improvement. Rather than killing yourself, it asks that you both love yourself and fix your flaws. It is a permanent journey of betterment, where every day is better than before, where no one is present to demean on you.

Femininity on the other hand is the worst blend of self-hate and self-destruction. It identifies flaws in you, and rather than allowing one to ignore unfixable flaws and fix flaws that can be mended, all in an environment of self-understanding and self-love, it deems you "unfixable", and leads you to additional self-destruction. It's a thing that is "here today, gone tomorrow".

In the end of it, one was in a worse condition than before. Therefore, what is the point of holding this "bang and collapse" in such a high regard?

A perfect example is the MGTOW Man and The Lesbian: The MGTOW Man sees his fellow man in a position lower than him, and selflessly gives himself so that they may rise. The Lesbian on the other hand, especially in abrahamic societies, will actually bully other LGBT+ to suicide to harvest on their energies and suffering, and then "disappear", leaving only stricter anti-LGBT laws from that abrahamic society than before.

Now, you tell me: What is "moral" about such a thing?

Besides, my path of self-improvement began with misogyny. As a result of misogyny, I've been able to lay off the self-hate and workout, meditate, dedicate to Vishnu, return to school in hopes of going to University one day, so much more. The "fire" that was lacking in life seems to have not only returned, it burns bright and wonderful. What has femininity done to me, besides pain and suffering?

Why should all I have built under misogyny be swept away under the program of femininity? Why should my hopes and dreams be once again be washed out just so a temporary entity may rejoice in being evil?

If you was "total man with 100% masculinity and 0% femininity", you would have no emotions, no satisfaction, no intuition and no empathy.

Femininity is our emotional and intuitive part. It's through intuition that you can understand how to advance spiritually. Through it you can understand what your soul need. You could not understand the messages of the gods if you don't have it.

You could not love anything. Without femininity you would be a robot 100% rational.

You describe a condition in which your emotions of suffering prevail and dissatisfaction led you to hate yourself. It derives from an unbalance between masculinity, that is rationality and logic, and femininity that is feeling and emotion. What caused the hatred for yourself was this unbalance, not femininity. "Nothing in Excess" was said by Apollo.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=431071 time=1679117150 user_id=21286]
RepSel1001 said:

Those who love each other will harmonize with one another on an energetic level. Then, they will feel as if the other person is a part of them, thereby making them unwilling to leave the other person just for sex or whatever.

Fix and strengthen your natal Venus, and in addition use energy to create or attract love, and this will won't be a problem.

There is no way around this; men and women cannot be separated. Go experiment with your game plan of avoiding any partner and you will only render yourself unhappy.

Your redditor friends are not Satanists and have no clue about the magical solutions available to them. There is no reason to listen to them and whatever studies they want to use as proof that we should give up on life and happiness. Next they will tell you not to work out, or not to earn money, for some depressing reason.

Both men and women have hurt each other through cheating; this problem is not solely on women or anything. Similarly, both men and women can meditate, advance, and move past these cycles of pain and suffering.

You can either get on board, despite any obstacles in your path, or leave yourself in a self-imposed prison. This leads to the next point, which is how well are you doing with your own advancement? Have you dedicated to Satan? Have you started the 40 day spiritual plan? These are more important matters.

JoS Clergy: Dedication Ritual to Satan
HPHC: 40 Day Meditation Program
Shadowcat: Green SS Troopers' Guide
JoS Clergy: Satanic Witchcraft

Well, in regards to the magic available, as I said: Yes, you can use magic and other methods. However, the prize is not worth it. You can, for example, use magic to give yourself a seriously debilitating disease. Was it worth it, however?

As for the unhappiness, it's overall not a good situation. That's kinda life, dude. You have to choose things that make you happy in certain ways and not in others. Dudes who work out for that fit bod prolly regret not being able to gorge in on fatty food for example, but that's all paid off by having a body you can be proud of, a body that you have taken care of and will take care of you. Likewise, yeah, maybe it feels bad not being with women at first, but your legal status, list of possessions, bank account, and even heart later on will thank you for it.

What choice do you believe is worth taking? Being cheated on and divorce-raped because the other dude was half an inch taller, or focusing on yourself and being the best you can be?
RepSel1001 said:
The blackpill here isn't a "give up" thing because "it's impossible", it's a "give up" thing because "it's not a worthy prize". It's an acknowledgement that romantic love doesn't exist between men and women, because even if you heightmaxx to 6'3", she will leave you the moment she sees a 6'4" person. Tell me: Is holding onto such a person worth the time and effort? Yes, as I said: You can get to 6'3", fine. Is it worth it though, to put so much trust into someone who only values you for such superficial things alone?

That's false. If you are 6'3' and you have higher status than 6'4 person she won't leave you for him. Your theory is wrong as the personal experience of many people who are short and are married for years can easily disprove this.

RepSel1001 said:
Because, even the video discussed doesn't deny that looks, height, etc, are the main factors to infatuation (again, romance between men and women doesn't exist). The video however gives a suicidal idea: Go for infatuation anyway. However, we say: Value yourself and your life. Don't fall victim to such things.

I asked my homeboys back at Bookism to give me some help, but sadly that hasn't come yet, so I guess I'll just show you:


It does deny it, the video says that status is more important than looks and can overcome bad looks.

This subreddit is mostly based on Tinder/online dating studies or studies with low sample size and invalid, and as we know, tinder#real life. Of course in Tinder you will be judged by your looks because there's nothing else other than a short description of you. In real life other than online dating, looks matter much less. Another video here disproves much of the supposed "black pill science" using evolutionary psychology and studies:


Also blackpillers misrepresent many of the studies:

A link debunking supposed studies that blackpillers use:


and another video:


Even the tinder experiment that the blackpillers do is stupid:

RepSel1001 said:
What choice do you believe is worth taking? Being cheated on and divorce-raped because the other dude was half an inch taller, or focusing on yourself and being the best you can be?

You are repeating something which is not true. Please show studies which show that the reason most women divorce their men is because they want someone who is taller. You can't because there's no such study. It's just a cult dogma that you've brainwashed to believe because it's comfortable for you.

I'm posting again what I think is the best video from a Russian guy that debunks most of the supposed "black pill science":


and his follow up video to Wheat Waffles and the other incels who responded (and could not debunk) his video above:


The "black pill science" isn't science but BS.
RepSel1001 said:

By the way, I'm not saying that you should find someone and marry ASAP, it's your choice. I personally don't recommend marrying because the feminist-controlled legal system and the marriage/divorce industry is bad for men, and even a prenup can be thrown out.

I'm saying that believing that the only reason a woman can divorce or cheat on you is your looks or heights is stupid. Some women cheat simply because they're bored and want change (your personality matters even more for long-term relationships, so even if you are 6'7' but you're boring, your wife may cheat on you with a much shorter or ugly looking man and the vice versa). She may even use a stupid reason like "she wants to find herself".

It's better to stay single and focus on something you want to achieve in your life, and if you want to find a woman but not marry her and if you live in countries like Canada or Australia or California, to also avoid cohabitation for more than a year (since it counts as marriage and she can take half of your property).
Abyssos said:

So you admit that you care about looks for superficial reasons? Looks only matter as the initial impression (yes, you can get women to look at you, but they do nothing for long-term relationships, that's why these men you post pictures of marry and divorce many times). Considering the fact that most incels are shy, awkward men and don't seek to improve their social skills, it's no wonder that they think status or personality plays no role.

Another flaw is I see in the pics you posted is all of young immature men, when really more women fawn over older 40+ men like this:




45 is the age a man reaches his peak attractiveness according to many studies, when incels seem to think that young men are more attractive (they project female attractiveness to men). You know why? Because older men reach better social status and status matters more in men. Incels rate these men 3/10 or less but they get more looks from young attractive women than young "good looking" men you post. For some reason, you seem to ignore them. I wonder why?

Yes, evolutionary psychology and theory matters because Blackpillers present their theories as scientific, but most of their science is either junk, misrepresented or based on online dating which doesn't represent real life:

Abyssos said:
Instead of talking theory and evolutionary psychology, maybe people should just go outside and look at the men that young attractive women are with.

I'm just a guy that has seen the light on lookism, and people like me will take care of everything.

What I'm hearing here is "I don't care about objective studies, I only care about my confirmation bias". Because saying "people should go outside and look" it's just confirmation bias, because I see women getting attracted to different guys than you and for me it disproves your black pill theory. Everyone will see whatever confirms their own preconceptions. That's why we need objective studies and not "just go outside and look".

Women objectively are shown to prefer muscular guys and older guys more than these men in the photos are showing. Just because you see them doesn't mean it's true.

It all sounds like you're projecting female sexuality into men and you think women are attracted to the same type of men as the type of women men are attracted to. I see this all the time: incels think that women are exactly the same as them and judge men by the same standards they judge women. That's what feminism does to you.

But I make a disclaimer here: I don't consider you a blackpiller because you didn't give up on life. Maybe you're like 20% blackpiller. True blackpillers are usually average-looking guys who are very shy and awkward and believe women don't notice them because they are ugly (anyone who knows how female sexuality works should know that you have to be extremely good looking to notice you, average or even good-looking guys should just approach talk to women first no matter if they notice them or not).

If you don't whine about how bad you have it because of your bad looks, I don't have any problem with you. My beef is with people who try to discourage others from improving themselves and telling them "because you are bald or short you have no chance with women" and ironically doing that to self-improvement youtubers who may be bald or whatever but have no trouble with women instead of admitting they are wrong.
anon1201 said:
(anyone who knows how female sexuality works should know that you have to be extremely good looking to notice you, average or even good-looking guys should just approach talk to women first no matter if they notice them or not).
I went to work with one female once and this person openly stated how they were attracted to what was basically a handsome manly man. I'm not going to be asinine and set numbers here, but the above short description fits the man. And the setting was factory work. So, I don't think you are 100% on the point here.
anon1201 said:
RepSel1001 said:
The blackpill here isn't a "give up" thing because "it's impossible", it's a "give up" thing because "it's not a worthy prize". It's an acknowledgement that romantic love doesn't exist between men and women, because even if you heightmaxx to 6'3", she will leave you the moment she sees a 6'4" person. Tell me: Is holding onto such a person worth the time and effort? Yes, as I said: You can get to 6'3", fine. Is it worth it though, to put so much trust into someone who only values you for such superficial things alone?

That's false. If you are 6'3' and you have higher status than 6'4 person she won't leave you for him. Your theory is wrong as the personal experience of many people who are short and are married for years can easily disprove this.

RepSel1001 said:
Because, even the video discussed doesn't deny that looks, height, etc, are the main factors to infatuation (again, romance between men and women doesn't exist). The video however gives a suicidal idea: Go for infatuation anyway. However, we say: Value yourself and your life. Don't fall victim to such things.

I asked my homeboys back at Bookism to give me some help, but sadly that hasn't come yet, so I guess I'll just show you:


It does deny it, the video says that status is more important than looks and can overcome bad looks.

This subreddit is mostly based on Tinder/online dating studies or studies with low sample size and invalid, and as we know, tinder#real life. Of course in Tinder you will be judged by your looks because there's nothing else other than a short description of you. In real life other than online dating, looks matter much less. Another video here disproves much of the supposed "black pill science" using evolutionary psychology and studies:


Also blackpillers misrepresent many of the studies:

A link debunking supposed studies that blackpillers use:


and another video:


Even the tinder experiment that the blackpillers do is stupid:


Okay you're just replacing looks with status, which is an arguably worse move. It just means that women are even more greedy for money and power, since status can get you that easier than looks alone.

In other terms, according to you, instead of a woman leaving a 6'3" person just because the other dude is 6'4", now a woman is leaving a dude with 100,000 followers on instagram for someone with 101,000 followers, just for having 1,000 followers more, and nothing else.

Yeah, real smooth, I'll say. Yeah no, how about you don't make your heartbreak public, in front of 100,000 followers? Just my suggestion though, of course.

Well, at least there's people like Henu The Great and Abyssos here who're on The Blackpill's side. I hope to see you boyos @ bookism soon :D :cool:
RepSel1001 said:
Well, at least there's people like Henu The Great and Abyssos here who're on The Blackpill's side. I hope to see you boyos @ bookism soon :D :cool:
No, I am not blackpill anything. I just posted my observation. If anything, you should learn from us, not the other way around.
Refusing to pursue something good because of fear of what might happen is just holding yourself back. That's the biggest problem with manosphere bullshit, they believe that all women are programmed machines without souls and will carry out the same programmed behavior. This belief is not compatible with astrology. It's just an excuse for weaklings not to try in life. We don't encourage people to be quitters and scaredy cats at the JoS. We raise powerful Satanists who can get what they want in life and make their lives better. We fight against life's odds and life's "maybes." We don't give a fuck if x% of women behave like lying scumbags in court, and we rise above the energetic dimensions where we would ever encounter such disgraceful people. And we aren't afraid even if that did happen because we have the power to get revenge on those who wrong us.

Stop being afraid of life.
Abyssos said:

Now see? There's a fucking homeboy, ah? We need your kind @ Bookism to combat the fakecels who wanna fit the stereotype, as you said.

Damn, you're quite based, eh? I don't agree with everything you say, but damn if a homeboy ain't got his shit straight!

Yo, we need to combine forces, brah. We gotta show people The Blackpill and female nature, but show 'em not to give up, but to looksmax/etc for themselves.

Imo, since romantic love between men and women doesn't exist, a eugenics program might in fact be easier: The highest quality of men donate the male half, women volunteer, and the children are raised as per proper. I think it'd be a good idea imo.

Brocels, legit!

Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=431424 time=1679255587 user_id=46372]

Okay, but, dude, that's like saying, "So what if there's an x% of dying when playing Russian Roulette with four of six chambers loaded? Quit being scared and have some fun, dude!".

Like, yeah, "maybe", I could die, or "maybe", I could live too. But, which choice do you think is the better one to make?

Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=431424 time=1679255587 user_id=46372]
...they know that all women are programmed machines without souls and will carry out the same programmed behavior. This belief is indeed compatible with astrology, acknowledging that astrology deals with energies from planets. This includes the "gender" of these energies, and how they will act and react..


Henu the Great said:
RepSel1001 said:
Well, at least there's people like Henu The Great and Abyssos here who're on The Blackpill's side. I hope to see you boyos @ bookism soon :D :cool:
No, I am not blackpill anything. I just posted my observation. If anything, you should learn from us, not the other way around.

That's what I'm here for, along others.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
