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Question #3680: Happiness and Love

I think you should make him your friend first, then get to know him more by observations ! Then love yourself more and be confident.
Why is this being sent to me? Lol I don't need friends "
AskSatanOperator.. for somebody who posts a threat every 3 seconds? Asking 1 1,000 questions every day? Can't even take the time to look up your own answers? And be more independent? Asking people one 1000 questions on all kinds of shit? And then you complain because nobody's answering your questions?.. and then you had to mention my name? Laugh out loud you don't need to drag me into your fucking quagmire! Keep my name out of your mouth! I am trying to take care of things on my own and! It wasn't like I come and knocked on your door and knocked over your beehive! You have no business talking shit about me!..
And for your information you're running your mouth off and talking shit about other people? Which is not appropriate! Yes I got into trouble for doing a few things on here! Minor things! And I will have you know that I'm not a fucking spammer! For one I didn't even know that I was doing it? And it was just a simple misunderstanding! And a computer glitch! Number three you have no business judging me! Number four you're going off on another member here! Number five I've never mentioned anything about you or accused you of doing anything? Laugh out loud! Number six! I don't waste my time throwing out one 1000 threads asking $1000 questions! And you are the dude that answers everybody's questions posing as satan? As ask Satan a question? Another words that you were reading the content that I post on that website? And then you get on here and you run your mouth off about me and other people? Just because people are getting tired of your questions? Laugh out loud dude you have no business running your mouth off about me or anybody else on here! Why don't you stop and think about it? And here I am minding my own business and doing my own thing! I haven't even threatened anybody on here especially you laugh out loud!..what is up with people these days? I am busy trying to do my own meditations! And doing things to help myself! And trying to avoid trouble on here as much as possible! I haven't even been on here much except to answer the questions and the post that were sent to me? I am sorry if I rattled your chains! But everything and anything I posted on here had nothing to do with you? So I think you need to chill out! And take a good step back? If the things you're doing and saying about other people on here? Because I'm pretty aware of the fact that you've mentioned my name? And it was not pretty! And it was not fucking funny!
You are not in a position to critique others. Much less when you do not understand what you are talking about... AskSatanOperator is a moderator-only user account that is being used to post questions submitted from the asksatan.net website.
None of it is sent to you. You have not been quoted, and no one is talking about you in this context.
I'm sorry. But I am technical problems today. And I just wanted to know what was going on
Karnonnos is 100% right here. Make no mistake. It's the enemy who incessantly creates harmful programming against the use of witchcraft, not to mentions lies and whatnot.

Love magic is no different than any other magic. It works according to natural law. There's nothing unethical nor immoral to get a high-value partner that enriches your life and existence. They are needed, especially when it comes to heterosexual people because high-value people need to stick together, so the quality of people can increase generation after generation. It doesn't increase by breeding randomly with people.

The moral and ethics of love and sex magic are to use them on someone that fits your needs and is highly compatible. As someone higher in the hierarchy of existence compared to most NPCs, we have a responsibility to carry the world into a better future. To uphold our responsibilities, it is important to surround ourselves with the right environment, which includes the right people.

Your merit/contribution is what decides what you're worth and what you deserve, which is why this can also apply to homosexual people. If you need a specific partner at a specific stage of your life, you go and get it with whatever means necessary. NPCs of lesser value do not have a higher entitlement to anything at all whatsoever.

Love magic and sex magic doesn't create anything fake. Magic is very real and it helps in many cases. Love magic and sex magic are especially important in strategic marriages that will help us improve our society.
Karnonnos is 100% right here. Make no mistake. It's the enemy who incessantly creates harmful programming against the use of witchcraft, not to mentions lies and whatnot.

Love magic is no different than any other magic. It works according to natural law. There's nothing unethical nor immoral to get a high-value partner that enriches your life and existence. They are needed, especially when it comes to heterosexual people because high-value people need to stick together, so the quality of people can increase generation after generation. It doesn't increase by breeding randomly with people.

The moral and ethics of love and sex magic are to use them on someone that fits your needs and is highly compatible. As someone higher in the hierarchy of existence compared to most NPCs, we have a responsibility to carry the world into a better future. To uphold our responsibilities, it is important to surround ourselves with the right environment, which includes the right people.

Your merit/contribution is what decides what you're worth and what you deserve, which is why this can also apply to homosexual people. If you need a specific partner at a specific stage of your life, you go and get it with whatever means necessary. NPCs of lesser value do not have a higher entitlement to anything at all whatsoever.

Love magic and sex magic doesn't create anything fake. Magic is very real and it helps in many cases. Love magic and sex magic are especially important in strategic marriages that will help us improve our society.
You make fair points, I'm not trying to argue with you here, I would say I almost don't even have an opinion on this as I am not really interested. But what would you say to someone who would tell you something like: "Yes your spell is definitively creating something real, but you are interfering with the other person's free will. He/She would love you after the spell is completed, but they wouldn't have before, and the before version is who they actually are and what they actually want, and who they actually are and what they actually want are their birth rights as human beings. And if you really love someone, you wouldn't impose your will on them..Also it's easy for you to do it on someone else, but how would you feel if someone you don't like at all made a spell on you and you would end up being with him/her?." I have heard people make these arguments against love spells.
You make fair points, I'm not trying to argue with you here, I would say I almost don't even have an opinion on this as I am not really interested. But what would you say to someone who would tell you something like: "Yes your spell is definitively creating something real, but you are interfering with the other person's free will. He/She would love you after the spell is completed, but they wouldn't have before, and the before version is who they actually are and what they actually want, and who they actually are and what they actually want are their birth rights as human beings. And if you really love someone, you wouldn't impose your will on them..Also it's easy for you to do it on someone else, but how would you feel if someone you don't like at all made a spell on you and you would end up being with him/her?." I have heard people make these arguments against love spells.
I would reply to them that free will doesn't really exist for people that have no reached the Magnum Opus. Everyone is at the mercy of planets and their "whims". We SS have a limited amount of control on what planets can't do, sure, but that's still limited. Some things are completely inescapable as we are not "above" nature. We are part of it.

I could make the argument that they don't really know whether their attraction or repulsion toward another person is pure or influenced by enemy curses, media brainwashing and planetary transits. For all they know, I could be instead removing centuries of dross from their soul that prevents them from being attracted to me or whomever, just like when we repel all of their energies we are creating blockages preventing them from noticing us.

Many people don't even like 99% of the things they think they like. They only think they like them because their soul has been so corrupted by enemy programs (including curses) that they cannot tell the difference between the programme and their nature. Love, in the end, is just biochemical signals at the physical level. They can be caused even without any witchcraft at play. Just by manipulating others with specific psychology-based actions and words.

Gods and Goddesses of love do not rule the specific feeling/chemical response we are talking about but an energy-based concept that has more to do with interconnection of things than with modern romanticisation of words. In terms of procuring romantic partners, they specially put in place connections between the souls of the intended parties, prioritising souls based on compatibility and availability. Exactly what witchcraft does.

If anything, the whole morality and ethics of using spells starts from the self. It does not matter who you are trying to influence. What matters is that you are aware of things like compatibility, availability, etc. That you know yourself well and that you know others well. Getting into a bad relationship just because you have a crush on someone and/or they have a crush on you, and then ending the relationship because all you had was those chemical signals is no different than using a spell on someone who is incompatible to you.

It is a life experience. Like all life experience, you learn better about yourself and what work for you, and what does not. Without experience, you don't grow. Also, your partner who's 100% compatible for you may not be the person who's 100% or otherwise highly compatible 2, 5 or 10 years down the line. Why? Because people change. They grow, evolve, stagnate, devolve, decay. Both parties in the relationship go through cycles of change. Even with a spell to attract the "most compatible" person doesn't guarantee that that person will be with you forever.

When we talk about relationships, this an airy concept. It doesn't have the notion of stability within itself.

In 10 years' time, you may have grown into a person who's a low match for your partner, and you may need to attract another compatible person. This can only change if the person you decide to be with is committed to the same speed and scale of growth as you and areas that are compatible to keep the relationship growing as well.

That of course doesn't mean you should shy away from relationships. It is important to grow in this area of life, and there is no growth in a vacuum.
Listen, Buddy....

I totally get where you are coming from, I'm homo as well. But i would say maybe think twice before casting a love spell. Personally, I dont find it ethical if the energy is determined on manipulating one specific persons mind and environment, in order to love you.

A better usage of the love spell would be to help you find a person who is also looking for someone like you, and is attracted to someone like you.

But siccing onto some random guy you have a crush on is not only unethical, but also you will likely regret it when you see some stuff from him you didn't expect or dislike, so both of yall will be losers. especially if you are the water dominant, sensitive type.

Trust me, I have been down this same exact route, and I thank the gods everyday my love spells failed on a guy.

Try to first become friends and try to get deeper. See who he really is first, and THEN go on ahead and confess. Let it be of HIS free will.

Of course, this is just my own two cents. You are also free to do what you will. I have no say in what another Satanist does, since im not that useful here anyways...
You are honest, that is very useful. Why put yourself down by comparing to others? Everyone has some extra quality
I think that feelings as naive and beautiful as love should not be made artificial with spells. If someone loves you, wouldn't it be better if they loved you for who you are?

We should not run to spells in everything and think about what we really want.
If the truth is your highest principle, and it should be Sat, then one day you'll need to tell your partner. You know, we are so long together. I need to tell you, I cast love spell on you, and it worked. Then, reply can be, thanks for this, you are the person of my life, or alternatively f..k you, you manipulate p. Of shit. I think happy long term scenario would depend more on did you really cultivated that love that you're talking about, or you missed every chance. Since you for example, haven't actually work on to improve relations, yourself, and your partner.
If the truth is your highest principle, and it should be Sat, then one day you'll need to tell your partner. You know, we are so long together. I need to tell you, I cast love spell on you, and it worked. Then, reply can be, thanks for this, you are the person of my life, or alternatively f..k you, you manipulate p. Of shit. I think happy long term scenario would depend more on did you really cultivated that love that you're talking about, or you missed every chance. Since you for example, haven't actually work on to improve relations, yourself, and your partner.
Thanks to JG Blitzkreig and Stormblood, I learned that the ethics of love spells can change depending on the affirmation and intention behind them. Therefore, not all love spells are brainwashing and fake.

Needless to say, the information I've gained has changed my perspective on the subject. Still, I think you are thinking a little too casually, and that such complex emotions should not be simplified. Besides, I don't think it's very nice of you to assume what I do or don't do because you don't even know me.
Karnonnos is 100% right here. Make no mistake. It's the enemy who incessantly creates harmful programming against the use of witchcraft, not to mentions lies and whatnot.

Love magic is no different than any other magic. It works according to natural law. There's nothing unethical nor immoral to get a high-value partner that enriches your life and existence. They are needed, especially when it comes to heterosexual people because high-value people need to stick together, so the quality of people can increase generation after generation. It doesn't increase by breeding randomly with people.

The moral and ethics of love and sex magic are to use them on someone that fits your needs and is highly compatible. As someone higher in the hierarchy of existence compared to most NPCs, we have a responsibility to carry the world into a better future. To uphold our responsibilities, it is important to surround ourselves with the right environment, which includes the right people.

Your merit/contribution is what decides what you're worth and what you deserve, which is why this can also apply to homosexual people. If you need a specific partner at a specific stage of your life, you go and get it with whatever means necessary. NPCs of lesser value do not have a higher entitlement to anything at all whatsoever.

Love magic and sex magic doesn't create anything fake. Magic is very real and it helps in many cases. Love magic and sex magic are especially important in strategic marriages that will help us improve our society.
This is one of the main reasons why I refuse to have an NPC or normie partner just to have many children at all costs regardless of quality, as some people told me.
Apart from as you said in another post for someone who wants to focus on the Moksha a unispiritual partner is incompatible.
Thanks to JG Blitzkreig and Stormblood, I learned that the ethics of love spells can change depending on the affirmation and intention behind them. Therefore, not all love spells are brainwashing and fake.

Needless to say, the information I've gained has changed my perspective on the subject. Still, I think you are thinking a little too casually, and that such complex emotions should not be simplified. Besides, I don't think it's very nice of you to assume what I do or don't do because you don't even know me.
I learned that the ethics of love spells can change depending on the affirmation and intention behind them....Fair enough, Now I get it. I am always glad to learn other perspective and experiences. I do not want to be forcefully nice. I say what I think, feel, don't expect from others to approve me. Also, intentional provocation was not on my mind, sir, but I ll use that if I think necessary. In my world view, Conflict not brainless fight, is equally important as cooperation. Stay in good mood
Fair enough, Now I get it. I am always glad to learn other perspective and experiences. I do not want to be forcefully nice. I say what I think, feel, don't expect from others to approve me. Also, intentional provocation was not on my mind, sir, but I ll use that if I think necessary. In my world view, Conflict not brainless fight, is equally important as cooperation. Stay in good mood
In my opinion, this kind of thinking is the result of a lack of maturity. You should be aware that the way you express yourself has an effect on the kind of reaction you get. Being polite will not stop you from expressing what is on your mind.
A love spell would make someone love you for who you are in some sense. The ethics of all of this are dependent on the affirmation and intention. It is not necessarily like the spell will brainwash the person, but it would create avenues for love to exist. It is not fake at all, and this should be respected with its own depth, as we don't want to create love with just anyone.

All of magic and even life is about the breaking or creation of patterns, so not everything in life must be judged on its current state. That doesn't mean we should force situations which would not realistically happen, like two incompatible lovers, but we also shouldn't assume that any changes to such a relationship are uncalled for, or artificial, and so on. Everything is subject to advancement.
Hey blitz , I know this might be late enough on this thread but I got a question. Should you do anything else when starting a love spell ? like using another rune after you chanted runes for the love spell to protect the rune or ?
Thank you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
