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Psychic Vampirism

Dahaarkan said:
The following text contains information based on my personal experience and experimentation with different methods of draining energy from other souls. Here I will explain personal motivations for exploring this practice, the morality of it from a Satanic perspective, the best method I've found for doing this, and finally personal recommendations and other loose bits of information related to psychic vampirism.

Everything contained here I have learned through personal experience and experimentation, I started such experimentation more or less right after dedication, but taking out the time that I was inactive with the practice, there's around 5 years of experience with this practice, including experimentation, mishaps and healing from such mishaps related to psychic vampirism. While I cannot attest to ALL information on psychic vampirism out there, I can say that all the material I've read, from bits of books on the matter and articles from cults and self proclaimed vampires, is that the information readily available is overly dramatized, exaggerated and in most cases downright misleading.

Understand straight off the bat, I will not delve into teaching you the very basics. I am vague on many things purposefully. If you cannot understand what I'm explaining, you are not ready to pursue this practice.

I am also not at all responsible for any damage you bring upon yourself or others with what I'm giving you. I do not recommend this practice to newcomers, and even people who are spiritually knowledgeable, I still must insist there are SERIOUS RISKS WHEN PULLING ENERGIES FROM OTHER PEOPLE INTO YOURSELF. IN A MAJORITY OF CASES, IT IS NOT WORTH THE RISKS, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE INEXPERIENCED.

I will split this article into sections, being:

- Brief introduction of what exactly IS Psychic Vampirism
- My personal experience and stance (which for some reason is more interesting to some people than the practice itself)
- The Moral side of it
- Psychic Vampirism in detail, one method, and some applications
- Personal recommendations & a conclusion


What is Psychic Vampirism

PV is the parasitic application of knowledge on connections between souls, and energy transferred through these same connections. It is one branch of a greater topic, which I would simply describe as connections between souls, and energy transfer.

Parasitism is one way to use this knowledge. This alone has a wide range of applications, from weakening someone, to taking specific energies from them into yourself, transferring energy to them, etc.

My methods will allow you to drain people without fully connecting to them, which prevents you from being polluted by their energies if you don't consciously take them into yourself, which in most cases you should not.

When you drain AND take their energies into yourself, it's like sticking your arm in a sewage pipe. If you know what you're looking for, you may pull a beautiful diamond out of all that filth. Otherwise you are simply getting yourself dirty, and bringing all kinds of filth into yourself.


My personal experience and motivations

The personal side of it, which interests some of you who are obsessed with making assumptions on me personally, even though none of you know me or the kind of person I am, will perhaps surprise you. Perhaps you can think that I'm lying, but I don't lie here. I knew the kind of backlash I'd get with exposing my involvement in this practice and did it anyway. So if I can be honest about that, accepting the backlash it brings, I have no further reason to lie on what follows.

And frankly, this is a courtesy to those of you who obsess over me. Because in the end I owe you no explanations or justifications, this is done in good faith, to satisfy your inquisitive desires.

I am a deeply jealous, angry and hateful individual. These 3 define my motivation and desire to push forward. I grew up with close to nothing, struggling and stressing over finance and food. I didn't grow up in any extreme poverty or anything, but enough to the point where it stings and scars you.

Everyone in my family are hardworking people. Who never got their due for labor provided, who always deserved more and better than what they got. And they never got it because they are always being exploited by someone. Even if they never realized it.

My motivation for what I do is deep rooted and unshakeable. My family consists of poor, broken and desperate people because slimy souls need a new car, or fancier furniture, or an expensive vacation overseas at our expense. Whilst we're struggling to stay afloat. No more.

You can give up on trying to convince me from doing this. I drain people who exploit others the way me and my loved ones were exploited, and I will keep doing this. My hate for these people is so intense I often come close to draining even their children out of spite and have to calm myself before I go too far.

I learned, experimented and perfected this to spite them. To exploit them and squeeze every drop out of them that I can, and then leave them rotting and with nothing, as they have done to countless others. I will never stop, they can't stop me, and neither can you.

Do not mistake this for a hatred of everyone who has more than I do. There are many wealthy people who are honest, beautiful souls. I would never take anything from them. I am inspired by them more than anything.

You can call me whatever you like, parasite, degenerate, psychopath etc. But don't ever accuse me of being immoral or cruel. I have made many mistakes in my life, I've even hurt people who didn't deserve it, physically and spiritually, out of stupidity or emotional imbalance, but never out of cruelty.

Knowledge is power, and all the power I have I dedicate to bettering myself, and satisfying my need for justice. What I do is just and good. People who exploit others, who curse innocent people with financial struggles and the pains this brings to satisfy their personal desires, ego and greed, deserve to be drained and destroyed completely.

THAT is why I do what I do. I don't want to dedicate all my time and energy to cursing these people, so I drain them instead. It's faster. It harms them, and it benefits me in a few ways.

I have discovered that this works. Done correctly it will not pollute you, and it can have it's short term advantages, and even long term depending on the power of the soul you are draining. I have a subconscious desire to share this with you, because above all else I am a dedicated satanist and want the best for all of you.

And I want you all to be the best you can be. This has benefited me, and I want to share it with you so it may benefit you also. In the hopes it makes you stronger.

But yes, in the end I pursued this practice to satisfy a deep rooted, primal desire born of a personal grudge and deep hatred for a specific group of people who financially exploit others. Sorry if you expected better lore and backstory, I'm not as interesting as it may appear.


Morality in a Satanic perspective

The morality of this practice has been discussed at length. My final conclusion, having considered everyone's thoughts on this is that in truth, the practice itself is not inherently evil. In reality, nothing is.

The truth is anything and everything can be done in a constructive or destructive manner. For good, and for evil. One can pick up a sword and use it to create security and justice. Or one can take up a sword to terrorize and harm innocents.

In the same way you can pick up a sword to do good or evil acts, you can take what I'm going to teach you and use to do good, or to do evil. I have faith in you to do what's just and good. Satan also has this faith in us when He gives us His knowledge, to as individuals, do with it as we see fit.


The tendril method and it's applications

Before anything else, I will explain the risks involved in this practice. When you drain someone in a sloppy fashion, the energies condense into a blob of extremely dense, beige energy. This energy is a messy amalgamation of a person's energies, and when this is pulled into yourself, it attaches to your soul like a cancer. This pollution is very difficult to wash out, and if your experimentation results in this, do a formal ritual and request assistance from your GD or Satan, if you are incapable of getting rid of it.

If you permit these energies in your soul for extended periods of time, they will assimilate into you and begin to alter you fundamentally. This has a snowball effect, and the longer you permit this to remain in your soul, the more damaged you will become, and the more work it will take to heal from this.

This will even carry over to your next life if not cleansed and healed in a timely fashion. This is why most "vampires" are insane and emotionally imbalanced. When they drain subconsciously, which most vampires do, they are taking these blobs of dense energy into themselves, and these blobs are both positive and negative things. And since they don't meditate or clean themselves, the negatives fester like a cancer, that eventually consumes them entirely.

Understanding this, you may begin to pity vampires more than fear them. They are ultimately pitiful souls who are damning themselves. Especially the subconscious ones, are doomed to this fate of becoming an amalgamation of countless people's energies, totally losing who they are to this pollution, and degrading to a pitiful state spiritually and mentally.

This is the sloppy, self-destructive form of PV.

Properly executed PV, unlike what some may assume, is not a violent or ruthless process. Maxine's article on energy ripping is a violent process designed to weaken the aura of a person, and I personally take a much different approach, for a different end goal.

True PV is cold, calculated and subtle. It requires physical preparation, patience and timing. PV can either be a violent and brute force practice, or subtle and undetectable. When you are ruthless and violent about ripping energy from someone, THEY WILL KNOW IT. Even people who never meditated a day in their life will subconsciously feel that you are harming them, and will become hostile and irritable towards you.

This is a second natured defense mechanism, and when someone becomes hostile towards you, they are closing their soul to you, making draining more difficult, and draining SPECIFIC energies almost impossible.

You can imagine PV being like taking things from a museum. If the doors are wide open, security isn't watching you and there's no security measures, it's far easier for you to get in and take what you want. The analogy may seem distasteful, but I again stress that it is up to you who you do this to, and whether you do this to someone who deserves it or not is your responsibility.

I will break this up into steps.

The first step is opening their soul to you as was hinted at before. This is as simple as leaving a good first impression, being charming and getting them to accept and like you. When a person has a positive impression of you, when they like you and are welcoming towards you, their souls are open to you.

Especially if you have sex with a person, a connection is formed between your souls and they are totally open to you, and you are totally open to them (remember this). Vampires are often depicted as seductive, charming and beautiful for this reason.

The second step is, after building up focus and energy as you would for any working or ritual, use the energy to manifest tendrils rooted on your heart chakra. The advantage of tendrils as opposed to sloppily ripping energy from someone, is that the tube like function allows you to isolate specific energies so they do not come into contact with the negative and polluted energies in their soul on the way out. They function as a shield and isolating layer that prevents these energies from becoming polluted as they are pulled out.

These tendrils will take the form of fleshy cords or tubes, with a faint green glow emanating from them. Breathe in, focusing energy on your heart chakra as it overflows with power, and on the exhale make your tendrils manifest. You should physically feel them writhing out of your heart chakra as they manifest on the exhale.

This is best done when the person is unconscious. Focus intently on their heart chakra, and then on yours. As you exhale, feel your tendrils slithering to your target's soul, penetrating their heart chakra and entering their soul. If they are "open" to you, your tendrils should bypass their aura completely, as subconsciously they do not percieve you as a threat and have their guard down.

This is not at all limited to the heart chakra method mind you. But I have found it to be the best entry point, and a good connector to the other soul.

From here, it's up to you what you want to do. The tendrils can penetrate specific chakras to drain them, I will exemplify with the solar chakra.

When your tendrils are firmly attached to the target's solar chakra, as you inhale deeply, the tendrils pulse and pull the energy towards you through them, like a leech sucking blood. This can be reversed and energy can instead be transferred to them on the exhale. You can do this to empower someone's debilitated chakra for example, at your expense.

This energy can then either enter your soul through your tendrils and then through your heart chakra, or you can create knots in your tendrils to contain the energies OUTSIDE of your soul, and away from your aura. Regardless of what you do, these tendrils should then be ripped out of your heart chakra and discarded. These tendrils, as they release your target and exit their soul, may inherently begin to slither back into your soul, do not allow this as they have become polluted and dirty from connecting to someone else's soul, and should be cut off.

Final step is assimilating the energy into yourself. In the case of solar chakra draining, naturally you direct this energy down from your heart chakra and into your solar chakra, where it is added to your power, and brightens your solar chakra.

As this happens, visualize your target and their wealth and possesions being stripped from them, everything they have and everything they own being transfered to you. All their wealth, financial good fortune and financial instincts are now added to your ever growing wealth and power.

You can do the same with other aspects of their soul and other chakras that rule different things, to transfer those defining aspects of their existence to you. Aggression, intelligence, assertiveness, leadership etc etc. The possibilities are endless.

In short, the steps are:

- Open their Souls to you, either by being charming and making them like you, or having sex with them
- Manifest tendrils and penetrate their souls with them
- Drain the specific energies you want through the tendrils
- Cut the tendrils off from your soul when the energy is inside you
- Assimilate the energies, visualizing your intended goal
- Clean and empower your soul & AoP after each session

As hinted before, these tendrils are not limited to parasitic application. The reverse can be done to transfer your energies to someone else, focusing the desired energy onto your heart chakra, and transferring it through your tendrils as you exhale. When you give positive energy to people, they are more agreeable towards you, they will develop a subtle, subconscious desire to be around you, like moths to a flame.

This can be useful when you need someone's support, want to bring them closer to you, or simply wish to heal or empower a loved one. You can visualize a mass of tendrils enveloping the person and pulling them closer to you as you pump them full of positive energy. As usual though, cut them off when you are done.

Tendrils can also be used to inject harmful energies into other souls, you can concentrate all the negativity and pollution within you and use tendrils to inject the hazardous energies into another soul. This is not at all a substitute to a thorough cleaning, but you can cause harm to your enemies this way.

On dealing with vampires, understand they open their souls to you to drain you. Like the subconscious parasites they are, they take the path of least resistance, and if you create a tendril between you and them, they will use it to drain you. You can focus, and use the tendril to transfer all the negative energies and pollution in your soul and aura towards them like a vacuum. You can even program this tendril to ONLY transfer negative, destructive and polluted energies, and the vampire attached to you literally becomes a toilet that drains your negative and polluted energies from you and into themselves.

Connecting to a vampire in this way is always a risky process, so don't attempt unless you feel very comfortable and confident in your ability to use and manipulate tendrils. Do not allow this tendril to remain and cut it off when you are done to be safe.

Generally, it is simply safer to close yourself to them. Apply the reverse of the first step, focus on them, focus on your feelings of repulsion and hatred towards them, and how you reject them in every way, and are closed to them completely.

Cut off all connections to them, be verbally crude and hurtful towards them if it's possible. Cut off all connections, spiritual and physical. Convince yourself subconsciously that they are your enemy and that you are closed to them and want nothing to do with them, and your soul will naturally close to them. At best, they will be able to take jabs at, and drain your aura, but will never be able to drain your soul directly, and as long as you clean and empower your aura consistently, this is not a problem for you.


Loose info and personal recommendations

First of all, and in all seriousness, don't bother doing this expecting spectacular results. If your pursuit is wealth, empower your solar chakra, perform money workings and draw energy from the sun on a daily basis.

You can drain a wealthy person's solar chakra if you wish, but this will simply supplement other workings and give you a boost, but on it's own will not yield any amazing results. No the real reason to drain someone is a personal hatred for the person in question, because what you gain from it is nothing incredible, and the damage you do to them is immense in the long term.

PV is ultimately a tool to cause harm, more than it is a tool to benefit you. But like everything, applied the right way and to the right and deserving people, it can be a tool to make good and just things. Many people in the world are rotten, and have more than they deserve. To take from them as they callously take from others who cannot defend themselves, is poetic justice.

No matter how clean you are, and how focused and specific you are with your tendrils, you always end up pulling at least some pollution into you. Clean your soul thoroughly when you are done.

If you do not pull your tendrils out of someone's soul, they will linger but do not function subconsciously, and will decay and dissipate over time.

When members have questions regarding this topic, direct them to this thread, it should satisfy their curiosity. The taboo surrounding this topic, and more importantly the vicious way people are treated simply for asking questions of this nature is totally unacceptable. If you do not have answers, at the very least direct them to someone who does, instead of being crude with them.

Practice and master tendrils before you even attempt to take any energy from someone into yourself. Use the knot method to block the energies from entering you, and practice like this until you are comfortable with this method.

Being sloppy with this will pollute you immensely, I strongly recommend you do NOT experiment until you have years of experience manipulating energy and performing other spiritual practices and workings. I am NOT responsible in any way if you don't take this warning seriously and ruin yourself.

Physical vampirism is a ritualistic, cannibalistic fetish and puts you into a state of energy amalgamation almost immediately, never attempt this. First of all because it's not legal, and secondly it will degrade your soul immensely. Do not mistake consuming blood from cooked meat and such with the ritualistic practice of drinking blood, where a part of the victim's soul is bound to their blood and then consumed, this is as I described, an insane cannibal fetish and has no positive effects on you.

If psychic vampirism can pollute you and damage you, this will catapult you into a deplorable spiritual state, close to irreversible levels of damage and pollution. Unless you somehow bound some kind of godlike entity, don't even attempt such profane rituals.

In conclusion, I hope I have satisfied your curiosity, and put this topic to rest. If you have further questions on psychic vampirism, feel free to ask them here, though I may or may not have an answer for you. I am not a master of this practice, but I know a thing or two.

I would also request that any discussion of the morality of the practice is kept out of this topic, as it is intended to be primarily informative and educational. The moral side of the practice is a topic that has been beaten to death, resurrected and beaten to death again. There is no point in continuing to repeat what has already been said countless times. Discussion on the practicalities though, this we might all learn from.

I conclude wishing you all the best, even people who vehemently oppose the practice, know that the more informed you are about something, the better you can defend yourselves from such, so I would urge you to read this article regardless of whether you wish to partake in the practice or not. This is by far the longest post I've ever made, and some things may be explained poorly, left out or out of place. I can't edit it after I submit it so take any errors as you will.

I have faith that you will use this knowledge responsibly and moderately. Blessings unto all of you.

very nice keep it up like these techniques and experiences pls its great to learn
jrvan said:
This again? If not for landlords then you ingrates would have to sleep on the streets. Not all landlords are as bad as yours.
Really? So all of these landlords went to a warehouse, bought all the materials necessary, and then built the property that they own all by themselves?

Not once has this happened. If it weren’t for construction workerswe would be on the streets. The Landlord didn't build anything. He just came and planted his flag on something that’s not his and then makes other people pay for it every month.

The only reason this even exists is because of the current Judeo-financial system we have today. The “real estate market” is not real. Darakan is likely renting his flat made out of tin cans and cardboard for over $1k every month. Under any reasonable system anyone doing this would be fined or put in jail for price gouging and fraud. Rent is robbery.

Seriously, take it up with your government, but be sure to offer alternative solutions because otherwise they're just going to laugh at you, and probably tell you to join the other ideological choirs who don't have practical solutions other than complaining. As for me, I want to thank you for your contributions, Mr. Karl Marx. You and your proletariat legions have been heard.
The solution is to ban private landlords and make it something the state controls, but I can’t advise that that would be any better under the current governments of the world. This would work in a pure NS society.

It’s also funny that you consider me a communist for supporting the type of “justice” that darakan claims to be dishing out through his vampirism (except against landlords of course, even though they steal more than anyone).

You sound more like some ancap that worships billionaires and thinks that they should pay less taxes. This also carries over into renting because they are OK with landlords charging absurd prices because people agree to the lease “voluntarily”.
It is basic Talmudic reasoning. There is a story about a Jew that has man chained up and the man eventually dies. The Jew claims that the main died due to starvation and that it was not his fault, and his case works!(never mind the fact that he caused it by depriving the man of food). That’s exactly what this is. It is very voluntary when your other option is dying on the street as you say so yourself.
The Outlaw Torn said:
I'm not having this ridiculous argument with you again so drop it. It has already been thoroughly explained to you before so you can go review whenever you want. If you want to continue to blame landlords for all of your financial problems then that's your prerogative.
The Outlaw Torn said:
jrvan said:
This again? If not for landlords then you ingrates would have to sleep on the streets. Not all landlords are as bad as yours.
Really? So all of these landlords went to a warehouse, bought all the materials necessary, and then built the property that they own all by themselves?

Not once has this happened. If it weren’t for construction workerswe would be on the streets. The Landlord didn't build anything. He just came and planted his flag on something that’s not his and then makes other people pay for it every month.

The only reason this even exists is because of the current Judeo-financial system we have today. The “real estate market” is not real. Darakan is likely renting his flat made out of tin cans and cardboard for over $1k every month. Under any reasonable system anyone doing this would be fined or put in jail for price gouging and fraud. Rent is robbery.

Seriously, take it up with your government, but be sure to offer alternative solutions because otherwise they're just going to laugh at you, and probably tell you to join the other ideological choirs who don't have practical solutions other than complaining. As for me, I want to thank you for your contributions, Mr. Karl Marx. You and your proletariat legions have been heard.
The solution is to ban private landlords and make it something the state controls, but I can’t advise that that would be any better under the current governments of the world. This would work in a pure NS society.

It’s also funny that you consider me a communist for supporting the type of “justice” that darakan claims to be dishing out through his vampirism (except against landlords of course, even though they steal more than anyone).

You sound more like some ancap that worships billionaires and thinks that they should pay less taxes. This also carries over into renting because they are OK with landlords charging absurd prices because people agree to the lease “voluntarily”.
It is basic Talmudic reasoning. There is a story about a Jew that has man chained up and the man eventually dies. The Jew claims that the main died due to starvation and that it was not his fault, and his case works!(never mind the fact that he caused it by depriving the man of food). That’s exactly what this is. It is very voluntary when your other option is dying on the street as you say so yourself.

Dude literally thinks the rape of women and children is natural and wants to give me a lecture on morality like I cannot make this shit up...

You can keep imagining these things in your head and rant about them as if they were a reality on the forums. It was real in your mind and all that. I have a job and that's how I saved up money to buy homes. Butthurt losers like you who own nothing and live with their parents seem to have this idea that one just waves their hands around and suddenly money just appears in my bank account.

How about stop being butthurt and start doing something about your financial situation. You've never done a money working, solar or jupiter square, or spent a minute studying finance and investments. But you'll happily spend hours online complaining and condemning people who have worked for and accomplished anything in life. Which is why you are a loser with no money and no material possessions.

It's easier to be jealous and complain eternally than to roll up your sleeves and get to work so you can accomplish something yourself.
Dahaarkan said:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Don't shoot the messenger.
Looks like most people can't separate message and messenger, which I think is the core problem for so much frustration for intelligent people.
The low IQ crowd will argue with you, gaslight and misrepresent you ad nauseum until you lose your cool, then they'll say that you are bad because you can't control yourself.
The retards see everything as power play. If you try to help them, which I see as a duty, they attack because they see that as you wanting them to join your side or something.

If you are part of the low IQ crowd and this post offends you, feel free to defend yourself and attack me.

The tactic employed is easy to understand when broken into steps. These people usually operate like this.

- Target someone you dislike for one reason or another
- Make passive aggressive remarks or comments to provoke a response
- Play the victim when you do get a reaction, and lay down walls of text criticizing the person, best to make up stuff about their personal life as this is generally very frustrating
- Follow the person around every thread doing the same until they get so frustrated they simply leave the forums

They especially hate and target anybody who criticizes them since they want to act like all knowing gods and anybody who says the contrary or worse, exposes them for this becomes their enemy.

Except for some reason they forget I'm not new or inexperienced. I've been here longer than most of them. And this tactic of trying to jump me on random threads to get rid of me doesn't work and just makes them look like retards.

And nobody else should submit to this kind of low level harassment. Don't be afraid of these wanna be mafia, just call them retards like they are. As much as some will want to cry that I'm toxic or hateful or this or that, my post history is there for any to look into. I have nothing to hide.

The only times I'm a complete cunt is in response to someone else being a complete cunt towards me or someone else, which is only fair. There's all kinds of insane theories about me already. That I'm a traitor, infiltrator, someone even implies that I'm tied to enemy curses or mercury retrograde. All this just because I DARE to respond and defend myself when these losers jump me.

When you speak up and stand up to them, they will do absolutely everything they can to get rid of you or sabotage your public image, and go to lows you might be shocked by. And then they have a hissy fit when I call them a mafia. Well what else is this?

Can confirm. This is literally how it is. Most of the time I'm just hoping that they aren't self aware enough to actually understand what they are doing because that would mean there is hope for them. If they are conscious of it and fully understand what they are doing then that makes them the traitors with warped priorities that don't include Satan.
The Outlaw Torn said:
jrvan said:
This again? If not for landlords then you ingrates would have to sleep on the streets. Not all landlords are as bad as yours.
Really? So all of these landlords went to a warehouse, bought all the materials necessary, and then built the property that they own all by themselves?

Not once has this happened. If it weren’t for construction workerswe would be on the streets. The Landlord didn't build anything. He just came and planted his flag on something that’s not his and then makes other people pay for it every month.

The only reason this even exists is because of the current Judeo-financial system we have today. The “real estate market” is not real. Darakan is likely renting his flat made out of tin cans and cardboard for over $1k every month. Under any reasonable system anyone doing this would be fined or put in jail for price gouging and fraud. Rent is robbery.

Seriously, take it up with your government, but be sure to offer alternative solutions because otherwise they're just going to laugh at you, and probably tell you to join the other ideological choirs who don't have practical solutions other than complaining. As for me, I want to thank you for your contributions, Mr. Karl Marx. You and your proletariat legions have been heard.
The solution is to ban private landlords and make it something the state controls, but I can’t advise that that would be any better under the current governments of the world. This would work in a pure NS society.

It’s also funny that you consider me a communist for supporting the type of “justice” that darakan claims to be dishing out through his vampirism (except against landlords of course, even though they steal more than anyone).

You sound more like some ancap that worships billionaires and thinks that they should pay less taxes. This also carries over into renting because they are OK with landlords charging absurd prices because people agree to the lease “voluntarily”.
It is basic Talmudic reasoning. There is a story about a Jew that has man chained up and the man eventually dies. The Jew claims that the main died due to starvation and that it was not his fault, and his case works!(never mind the fact that he caused it by depriving the man of food). That’s exactly what this is. It is very voluntary when your other option is dying on the street as you say so yourself.

Not sure where you've grown up but I've known people who have bought empty land plots, invested their savings into making nice homes, and then sold or rented them to others, and moved onto another property. Sometimes they bought rundown properties and transformed them into great homes to rent or sell, then would find another property to work on. They were very friendly people and DIY-ed their building/renovation projections themselves since it's cheaper and they had the skill and training to do so, which meant they could sell/rent at a reasonable price.

To say that a landlord has never built a home they rent off is just plain lack of experience or outright bias on your part. People aren't bound by one job or one community role, and you're not helping by making unrealistic accusations and jabs against Dahaarkan and now jrvan, deliberately from the looks of it imo to stoke the fire when there's no reason to.

If you have personal scarring from past crappy landlords than maybe a munka working is in order, rather than venting your hatred at your brothers who have done nothing to wrong you.
I could have sworn that's the first people communists went after in their regime after they took over. So this is a strange argument. Also that guy doesn't like me very well either he's always calling me a Marxist or saying something negative about my posts whenever he answers anything from me.
jrvan said:
I'm not having this ridiculous argument with you again so drop it. It has already been thoroughly explained to you before so you can go review whenever you want. If you want to continue to blame landlords for all of your financial problems then that's your prerogative.
You’re not my Dad or some sassy women telling me “drop it” I don’t have to do shit. You are not a High Priest or anyone of significance on the forum. I don’t have a problem with you until you talk like you know everything and defend the actual parasites of society and attack me for exposing that even though you’ve already been exposed many times yourself.
slyscorpion said:
I could have sworn that's the first people communists went after in their regime after they took over. So this is a strange argument. Also that guy doesn't like me very well either he's always calling me a Marxist or saying something negative about my posts whenever he answers anything from me.
I don’t recall saying that but I do have a problem with you having this very anti-life and anti-human quote as your signature I know it is to show how the enemy thinks but having this for everyone to see and internalize can be very damaging regardless of your intention there should not be this kind of negativity in this space.
The Outlaw Torn said:
slyscorpion said:
I could have sworn that's the first people communists went after in their regime after they took over. So this is a strange argument. Also that guy doesn't like me very well either he's always calling me a Marxist or saying something negative about my posts whenever he answers anything from me.
I don’t recall saying that but I do have a problem with you having this very anti-life and anti-human quote as your signature I know it is to show how the enemy thinks but having this for everyone to see and internalize can be very damaging regardless of your intention there should not be this kind of negativity in this space.

I just changed it to this till I figure out something I want to use for longer I am having trouble thinking of what to put on here. Your right that's very negative but it literally is how people who get deep in with the enemy end up. That's why I thought to put it.
The Outlaw Torn said:
jrvan said:
I'm not having this ridiculous argument with you again so drop it. It has already been thoroughly explained to you before so you can go review whenever you want. If you want to continue to blame landlords for all of your financial problems then that's your prerogative.
You’re not my Dad or some sassy women telling me “drop it” I don’t have to do shit. You are not a High Priest or anyone of significance on the forum. I don’t have a problem with you until you talk like you know everything and defend the actual parasites of society and attack me for exposing that even though you’ve already been exposed many times yourself.

Dahaarkan is not a parasite.
The only parasite is the jew that buys properties and businesses with money that is literally printed by his buddies at the bank and given to him interest free. On top of that, should the jew be unable to pay back the loan because he spent it on war and prostitutes, he gets bailed out with our tax money.
If Dahaarkan takes a loan and can't pay, nobody is bailing him out.
The Outlaw Torn said:
jrvan said:
I'm not having this ridiculous argument with you again so drop it. It has already been thoroughly explained to you before so you can go review whenever you want. If you want to continue to blame landlords for all of your financial problems then that's your prerogative.
You’re not my Dad or some sassy women telling me “drop it” I don’t have to do shit. You are not a High Priest or anyone of significance on the forum. I don’t have a problem with you until you talk like you know everything and defend the actual parasites of society and attack me for exposing that even though you’ve already been exposed many times yourself.

You just want to start shit. That's your only motivation here. When you're talking to me directly like you were then yes I can command you to drop it, and that's your cue to shut up because I refuse to participate in your dumb pointless stage performance that accomplishes nothing productive for anyone. Consider it a courtesy because I didn't have to say anything, and yet I already wasted more words on you than you're worth. How generous of me.
AgainstAllAuthority said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
jrvan said:
I'm not having this ridiculous argument with you again so drop it. It has already been thoroughly explained to you before so you can go review whenever you want. If you want to continue to blame landlords for all of your financial problems then that's your prerogative.
You’re not my Dad or some sassy women telling me “drop it” I don’t have to do shit. You are not a High Priest or anyone of significance on the forum. I don’t have a problem with you until you talk like you know everything and defend the actual parasites of society and attack me for exposing that even though you’ve already been exposed many times yourself.

Dahaarkan is not a parasite.
The only parasite is the jew that buys properties and businesses with money that is literally printed by his buddies at the bank and given to him interest free. On top of that, should the jew be unable to pay back the loan because he spent it on war and prostitutes, he gets bailed out with our tax money.
If Dahaarkan takes a loan and can't pay, nobody is bailing him out.

You're attempting to discuss financial matters with a person who has no understanding of even the basics of how loans work. In his mind I just sit at home and pick up the phone, call a bank and say

"1 houz pls"

And a rental property materializes in front of me. And I just sit at home all day calling tenants every hour to pay rent. The rent money I make doesn't even make up half of what I make from my salary. The rents are simply additional passive income that I'm building up for the future.

Because what collapses their assumptions and accusations is the fact that I also work a job and even live in a rented house myself. My lifestyle isn't too dissimilar from the average working person. The difference is that instead of complaining endlessly online about my finances I took the time to learn how to make more money out of the money I have.

People like torn (if he even has a job) get up in the morning and go to work, get paid and then blow their entire salary on mcdonalds, hookers and video games. And the only loans they will ever take is for a fancy car and never anything of actual value.

Then they go home, turn on the computer and condemn everyone who has more than they have. Never considering instead to spend that time studying finance, doing money workings or asking their bank what their loan options are. No it's better to viciously target and slander their own people and try to bring them back down into poverty while the jews stay at the top. I really make an extreme effort to be calm and collected and stuff, but there's no other way to put it. Fuck these retards.
jrvan said:
You just want to start shit. That's your only motivation here. When you're talking to me directly like you were then yes I can command you to drop it, and that's your cue to shut up because I refuse to participate in your dumb pointless stage performance that accomplishes nothing productive for anyone. Consider it a courtesy because I didn't have to say anything, and yet I already wasted more words on you than you're worth. How generous of me.
And I will continue to talk just to spite a cross dressing cuck like you. You can pretend to be the bigger person with someone like Jack but I will always succeed in bringing someone to my level.
The Outlaw Torn said:
jrvan said:
You just want to start shit. That's your only motivation here. When you're talking to me directly like you were then yes I can command you to drop it, and that's your cue to shut up because I refuse to participate in your dumb pointless stage performance that accomplishes nothing productive for anyone. Consider it a courtesy because I didn't have to say anything, and yet I already wasted more words on you than you're worth. How generous of me.
And I will continue to talk just to spite a cross dressing cuck like you. You can pretend to be the bigger person with someone like Jack but I will always succeed in bringing someone to my level.

Good luck. I could never be brought to your level or beneath it. Keep wasting your time and breath, loser.
Dahaarkan said:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
You’re not my Dad or some sassy women telling me “drop it” I don’t have to do shit. You are not a High Priest or anyone of significance on the forum. I don’t have a problem with you until you talk like you know everything and defend the actual parasites of society and attack me for exposing that even though you’ve already been exposed many times yourself.

Dahaarkan is not a parasite.
The only parasite is the jew that buys properties and businesses with money that is literally printed by his buddies at the bank and given to him interest free. On top of that, should the jew be unable to pay back the loan because he spent it on war and prostitutes, he gets bailed out with our tax money.
If Dahaarkan takes a loan and can't pay, nobody is bailing him out.

You're attempting to discuss financial matters with a person who has no understanding of even the basics of how loans work. In his mind I just sit at home and pick up the phone, call a bank and say

"1 houz pls"

And a rental property materializes in front of me. And I just sit at home all day calling tenants every hour to pay rent. The rent money I make doesn't even make up half of what I make from my salary. The rents are simply additional passive income that I'm building up for the future.

Because what collapses their assumptions and accusations is the fact that I also work a job and even live in a rented house myself. My lifestyle isn't too dissimilar from the average working person. The difference is that instead of complaining endlessly online about my finances I took the time to learn how to make more money out of the money I have.

People like torn (if he even has a job) get up in the morning and go to work, get paid and then blow their entire salary on mcdonalds, hookers and video games. And the only loans they will ever take is for a fancy car and never anything of actual value.

Then they go home, turn on the computer and condemn everyone who has more than they have. Never considering instead to spend that time studying finance, doing money workings or asking their bank what their loan options are. No it's better to viciously target and slander their own people and try to bring them back down into poverty while the jews stay at the top. I really make an extreme effort to be calm and collected and stuff, but there's no other way to put it. Fuck these retards.

He just wants to fight. That's all this is about at the root of it. If he gets ignored then he has nothing to respond to, and he deflates.

It's exactly how a troll behaves. He's not interested in learning anything. He's only interested in the fire. If there is no gasoline for his spark to ignite then he can't operate, and he stays quiet. Have you noticed how he's always present for the drama, but otherwise he's like a crypt with how quiet he is?
jrvan said:
Good luck. I could never be brought to your level or beneath it. Keep wasting your time and breath, loser.
LALALALALALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU. Would you put on your high heels makeup for me jrvan? You really are the shining beacon of masculinity.
The Outlaw Torn said:
jrvan said:
Good luck. I could never be brought to your level or beneath it. Keep wasting your time and breath, loser.
LALALALALALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU. Would you put on your high heels makeup for me jrvan? You really are the shining beacon of masculinity.

The last word is yours. Enjoy it :)
jrvan said:
He just wants to fight. That's all this is about at the root of it. If he gets ignored then he has nothing to respond to, and he deflates.

It's exactly how a troll behaves. He's not interested in learning anything. He's only interested in the fire. If there is no gasoline for his spark to ignite then he can't operate, and he stays quiet. Have you noticed how he's always present for the drama, but otherwise he's like a crypt with how quiet he is?

Now that you mention it, you're right about that. It's drawn to arguments between members like a fly is attracted to shit. I think it might be upset that I didn't join in it's anti-offmod faggots club just because I had criticized Henu.

Unlike this unwashed creature my reason for criticizing people is to help them improve from external feedback, not to create pointless drama. I think it's really upset that I'm not like it as it may have originally assumed.

You're totally right, it's better to just ignore this fly buzzing around than give it attention.
Dahaarkan said:
Now that you mention it, you're right about that. It's drawn to arguments between members like a fly is attracted to shit. I think it might be upset that I didn't join in it's anti-offmod faggots club just because I had criticized Henu.
And now darakan criticizesmy sexuality. The final blow from the ever-toxic landlord. You served as a great example for what landlords truly are.
Dahaarkan said:

I know you are not a bad person, and I can see from this post and others that you have genuinely tried to help. The situation is more complicated than what any of these insults describe the other person as. Don't think I am talking to just you; I have written and had just written some posts to Jack elaborating on emotions and so forth.

Unfortunately, people who have problems also need help, even if it may seem they don't deserve it. In this way, I ask for your continued patience, just as I expect of everyone. Yet, I can also respect your desire to act against what you believe is wrong.

All of these issues will be solved as we advance, but as you say, we cannot let JOS get overrun with incorrect thinking either. However, vicious infighting is counterproductive to any advancement.

There becomes a bit of a balancing act where you have to either decide to act or decide to be diplomatic and harmonious. We know that Aries and Libra are opposites and this is a reflection of that. In many instances, taking the "high road" and holding back your feelings is the better option. The most advanced version of this skill would be to be able to blend your thoughts and ideas into a sweet-sounding package.

Due to high emotions, many false accusations and other faults are made. Yes, just as two armies that sign a ceasefire have to overlook the carnage each inflicted on the other, there is a degree of restraint that is required for peace to exist.

As far as your personal image goes, have faith that those who are more perceptive can see through the lines here. Just as you gain respect for standing up for yourself, you also gain respect in instances where you appropriately prevented unnecessary conflict and drama.
jrvan said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
And I will continue to talk just to spite a cross dressing cuck like you. You can pretend to be the bigger person with someone like Jack but I will always succeed in bringing someone to my level.
Good luck. I could never be brought to your level or beneath it. Keep wasting your time and breath, loser.

This applies to you two, as well. I would appreciate it if you read it.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=338462 time=1648330401 user_id=21286]
I know you are not a bad person, and I can see from this post and others that you have genuinely tried to help. The situation is more complicated than what any of these insults describe the other person as. Don't think I am talking to just you; I have written and had just written some posts to Jack elaborating on emotions and so forth.

Unfortunately, people who have problems also need help, even if it may seem they don't deserve it. In this way, I ask for your continued patience, just as I expect of everyone. Yet, I can also respect your desire to act against what you believe is wrong.

All of these issues will be solved as we advance, but as you say, we cannot let JOS get overrun with incorrect thinking either. However, vicious infighting is counterproductive to any advancement.

There becomes a bit of a balancing act where you have to either decide to act or decide to be diplomatic and harmonious. We know that Aries and Libra are opposites and this is a reflection of that. In many instances, taking the "high road" and holding back your feelings is the better option. The most advanced version of this skill would be to be able to blend your thoughts and ideas into a sweet-sounding package.

Due to high emotions, many false accusations and other faults are made. Yes, just as two armies that sign a ceasefire have to overlook the carnage each inflicted on the other, there is a degree of restraint that is required for peace to exist.

As far as your personal image goes, have faith that those who are more perceptive can see through the lines here. Just as you gain respect for standing up for yourself, you also gain respect in instances where you appropriately prevented unnecessary conflict and drama.
Jack said:

This is the classic case of two people with differing worldviews, based on their astrology, attacking each other over their differences. At this point, what could have been a constructive debate has become a raw fight and waste of effort.

Jack is someone with a lot of earth and can exemplify the positive aspects of it. Yet, he has also given indications that he does overly limit himself or others, as well as place too much emphasis on societal obligations.

Jrvan and Dahaarkan are people with a lot of emotional intensity and energy, and the good things that come with that. At the same time, both of them have gone overboard with their viciousness or individuality or shown indications that they might.

Through Satanism, we know that it is possible to have the positive characteristics of all energy types, and none of the negatives. There is no reason why Jack cannot have a strong Capricorn basis, in addition to Pisces dreaminess. Likewise, it is fully possible for Dahaarkan to use his powers in a fully regulated and practical manner.


We should encourage each other to plug the holes in their astrology chart, not launch ourselves into full battles against our own allies under Satan. There is no reason we cannot be constructive when we are chatting on a website that gives us the manual for permanent soul modification.

Yes, we should expect everyone to do their best in all areas, but we also need to give everyone the time and space to fix themselves, just as we require for ourselves.

It may be too easy to immediately attack or dismiss who you perceive as useless or hostile towards you. Yet if these bridges are burned, this totally ruins anything positive. Perhaps these individuals may find themselves in situations where they need to help each other. What if Satan could have benefited from a positive arrangement here? Now, this has been destroyed.

I understand both parties are emotionally involved in upholding certain virtues, but we have to look at how that played out here. If your methods are not producing good results, then you need to modify them.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=338463 time=1648330731 user_id=21286]
jrvan said:
The Outlaw Torn said:

This applies to you two, as well. I would appreciate it if you read it.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=338462 time=1648330401 user_id=21286]
I know you are not a bad person, and I can see from this post and others that you have genuinely tried to help. The situation is more complicated than what any of these insults describe the other person as. Don't think I am talking to just you; I have written and had just written some posts to Jack elaborating on emotions and so forth.

Unfortunately, people who have problems also need help, even if it may seem they don't deserve it. In this way, I ask for your continued patience, just as I expect of everyone. Yet, I can also respect your desire to act against what you believe is wrong.

All of these issues will be solved as we advance, but as you say, we cannot let JOS get overrun with incorrect thinking either. However, vicious infighting is counterproductive to any advancement.

There becomes a bit of a balancing act where you have to either decide to act or decide to be diplomatic and harmonious. We know that Aries and Libra are opposites and this is a reflection of that. In many instances, taking the "high road" and holding back your feelings is the better option. The most advanced version of this skill would be to be able to blend your thoughts and ideas into a sweet-sounding package.

Due to high emotions, many false accusations and other faults are made. Yes, just as two armies that sign a ceasefire have to overlook the carnage each inflicted on the other, there is a degree of restraint that is required for peace to exist.

As far as your personal image goes, have faith that those who are more perceptive can see through the lines here. Just as you gain respect for standing up for yourself, you also gain respect in instances where you appropriately prevented unnecessary conflict and drama.

What I don't believe you perceive here is how much messier and out of control this would have gotten if I hadn't tried to douse the fire that Outlaw Torn was pouring gasoline on for no good reason. I was working to subdue the situation here before it got even more out of control from the useless baiting. I became the lightning rod to direct Outlaw Torn's energies for his verbal attacks so he stopped focusing on others. I've attempted to do this before in the past with others.

Believe it or not, I have very little fire in my chart. It's mostly earth and water. I desire harmony here, but I also know that true harmony and understanding can take hard effort to achieve - and I'm also mindful of others who attempt to thwart this. My methods might seem questionable, but I want to assure you that my intentions and goals are pure.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=338482 time=1648336569 user_id=21286]
Jack said:

This is the classic case of two people with differing worldviews, based on their astrology, attacking each other over their differences. At this point, what could have been a constructive debate has become a raw fight and waste of effort.

Jack is someone with a lot of earth and can exemplify the positive aspects of it. Yet, he has also given indications that he does overly limit himself or others, as well as place too much emphasis on societal obligations.

Jrvan and Dahaarkan are people with a lot of emotional intensity and energy, and the good things that come with that. At the same time, both of them have gone overboard with their viciousness or individuality or shown indications that they might.

Through Satanism, we know that it is possible to have the positive characteristics of all energy types, and none of the negatives. There is no reason why Jack cannot have a strong Capricorn basis, in addition to Pisces dreaminess. Likewise, it is fully possible for Dahaarkan to use his powers in a fully regulated and practical manner.


We should encourage each other to plug the holes in their astrology chart, not launch ourselves into full battles against our own allies under Satan. There is no reason we cannot be constructive when we are chatting on a website that gives us the manual for permanent soul modification.

Yes, we should expect everyone to do their best in all areas, but we also need to give everyone the time and space to fix themselves, just as we require for ourselves.

It may be too easy to immediately attack or dismiss who you perceive as useless or hostile towards you. Yet if these bridges are burned, this totally ruins anything positive. Perhaps these individuals may find themselves in situations where they need to help each other. What if Satan could have benefited from a positive arrangement here? Now, this has been destroyed.

I understand both parties are emotionally involved in upholding certain virtues, but we have to look at how that played out here. If your methods are not producing good results, then you need to modify them.
I don't have any personal issues with jrvan except for him constantly misrepresenting my message and refusing to change his misrepresentation even when I've clarified ad nauseum what it it. This person is just confused about everything so it doesn't really matter what he's saying.

As for Daharkhaan, it is a different thing. He publicly admitted to being a Psychic Vampire as well as a "deeply hateful,Resentful and Jealous " individual and that those emotional states are the prime motivation for his life and moving forward. He is utilizing an actual Jewish Mysticism tool which is deranged and sociopathic. Infact he said that he wasn't going to take an issue if some one called him "a degenerate, a Psychopath and a Parasite."

I'm not going to take advice or let th give advice from a self admitted parasitic Psychopathic individual who is deeply disturbed by their own words "Hateful,Resentful and Jealous."

I am appaled at how disconnected a lot of people are from Nature and what kind of mental gymnastics they play in their heads to think that this behaviour is alright and acceptable. In no circumstances can psychic Vampirism be used for ANY kind of gain or betterment of yourself or humanity. That is an incontrovertible fact. And that's attested by the person who is selling it "Psychopathic, a parasite, Jealous, Resentful and deeply hateful" individual.

We are supposed to be embodiments of strength, courage and Nobility with Arya meaning One of Good Character. We are not supposed to be deranged psychic vampires constantly unhappy and Resentful. We are supposed to create things and build communities and families around those things.

Do you think that the Nazi SS were Psychic Vampires sucking Jews dry even if they were their enemies. It's just unthinkable to how low this individual has fallen.

What I'm amazed is that this individual has the bravado and Hutzpah to cone into a spiritual society, preach a specifically Jewish tool that is disgusting rat like and deranged and even then there are other people who are so disconnected from Nature and the real world that they are resonating with that message. Although it was overwhelmingly Negative because people actually meditate in this space but certainly there were some who dissociated a deranged individual from the message which was also deranged.

No one actually does this in real life. The mental gymnastics are insane. If you were sitting in a marketing meeting and the person selling it was a deranged Crack addict and was selling a plan to distribute Crack cocaine. Only a deranged individual would think "even though this person is a Crack addict , the idea of selling Crack cocaine sounds very lucrative actually."

In my mind Daharkhaan has been permanently checked out as any kind of a person to take advice from on anything because I do not consider deeply hateful ,Resentful and Jealous individuals as fully functional beings and incapable of rendering any kind of advice to anyone. All of his views are null and void to me. He only exists as a case study as an example to not dabble in Jewish practices otherwise you'd be turned into a "Psychopathic, Parasitic,Deeply Hateful, Resentful ,and Jealous " individual. I'm just happy that even if I had a hard life I didn't turn out like him.
Jack said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=338482 time=1648336569 user_id=21286]
Jack said:

This is the classic case of two people with differing worldviews, based on their astrology, attacking each other over their differences. At this point, what could have been a constructive debate has become a raw fight and waste of effort.

Jack is someone with a lot of earth and can exemplify the positive aspects of it. Yet, he has also given indications that he does overly limit himself or others, as well as place too much emphasis on societal obligations.

Jrvan and Dahaarkan are people with a lot of emotional intensity and energy, and the good things that come with that. At the same time, both of them have gone overboard with their viciousness or individuality or shown indications that they might.

Through Satanism, we know that it is possible to have the positive characteristics of all energy types, and none of the negatives. There is no reason why Jack cannot have a strong Capricorn basis, in addition to Pisces dreaminess. Likewise, it is fully possible for Dahaarkan to use his powers in a fully regulated and practical manner.


We should encourage each other to plug the holes in their astrology chart, not launch ourselves into full battles against our own allies under Satan. There is no reason we cannot be constructive when we are chatting on a website that gives us the manual for permanent soul modification.

Yes, we should expect everyone to do their best in all areas, but we also need to give everyone the time and space to fix themselves, just as we require for ourselves.

It may be too easy to immediately attack or dismiss who you perceive as useless or hostile towards you. Yet if these bridges are burned, this totally ruins anything positive. Perhaps these individuals may find themselves in situations where they need to help each other. What if Satan could have benefited from a positive arrangement here? Now, this has been destroyed.

I understand both parties are emotionally involved in upholding certain virtues, but we have to look at how that played out here. If your methods are not producing good results, then you need to modify them.
I don't have any personal issues with jrvan except for him constantly misrepresenting my message and refusing to change his misrepresentation even when I've clarified ad nauseum what it it. This person is just confused about everything so it doesn't really matter what he's saying.

As for Daharkhaan, it is a different thing. He publicly admitted to being a Psychic Vampire as well as a "deeply hateful,Resentful and Jealous " individual and that those emotional states are the prime motivation for his life and moving forward. He is utilizing an actual Jewish Mysticism tool which is deranged and sociopathic. Infact he said that he wasn't going to take an issue if some one called him "a degenerate, a Psychopath and a Parasite."

I'm not going to take advice or let th give advice from a self admitted parasitic Psychopathic individual who is deeply disturbed by their own words "Hateful,Resentful and Jealous."

I am appaled at how disconnected a lot of people are from Nature and what kind of mental gymnastics they play in their heads to think that this behaviour is alright and acceptable. In no circumstances can psychic Vampirism be used for ANY kind of gain or betterment of yourself or humanity. That is an incontrovertible fact. And that's attested by the person who is selling it "Psychopathic, a parasite, Jealous, Resentful and deeply hateful" individual.

We are supposed to be embodiments of strength, courage and Nobility with Arya meaning One of Good Character. We are not supposed to be deranged psychic vampires constantly unhappy and Resentful. We are supposed to create things and build communities and families around those things.

Do you think that the Nazi SS were Psychic Vampires sucking Jews dry even if they were their enemies. It's just unthinkable to how low this individual has fallen.

What I'm amazed is that this individual has the bravado and Hutzpah to cone into a spiritual society, preach a specifically Jewish tool that is disgusting rat like and deranged and even then there are other people who are so disconnected from Nature and the real world that they are resonating with that message. Although it was overwhelmingly Negative because people actually meditate in this space but certainly there were some who dissociated a deranged individual from the message which was also deranged.

No one actually does this in real life. The mental gymnastics are insane. If you were sitting in a marketing meeting and the person selling it was a deranged Crack addict and was selling a plan to distribute Crack cocaine. Only a deranged individual would think "even though this person is a Crack addict , the idea of selling Crack cocaine sounds very lucrative actually."

In my mind Daharkhaan has been permanently checked out as any kind of a person to take advice from on anything because I do not consider deeply hateful ,Resentful and Jealous individuals as fully functional beings and incapable of rendering any kind of advice to anyone. All of his views are null and void to me. He only exists as a case study as an example to not dabble in Jewish practices otherwise you'd be turned into a "Psychopathic, Parasitic,Deeply Hateful, Resentful ,and Jealous " individual. I'm just happy that even if I had a hard life I didn't turn out like him.

You're on a crusade against Dahaarkan. There is nothing wrong with being hateful, jealous, or resentful - except in your mind because you want to ban emotions so you don't have to deal with people calling you out.
jrvan said:
Jack said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=338482 time=1648336569 user_id=21286]

This is the classic case of two people with differing worldviews, based on their astrology, attacking each other over their differences. At this point, what could have been a constructive debate has become a raw fight and waste of effort.

Jack is someone with a lot of earth and can exemplify the positive aspects of it. Yet, he has also given indications that he does overly limit himself or others, as well as place too much emphasis on societal obligations.

Jrvan and Dahaarkan are people with a lot of emotional intensity and energy, and the good things that come with that. At the same time, both of them have gone overboard with their viciousness or individuality or shown indications that they might.

Through Satanism, we know that it is possible to have the positive characteristics of all energy types, and none of the negatives. There is no reason why Jack cannot have a strong Capricorn basis, in addition to Pisces dreaminess. Likewise, it is fully possible for Dahaarkan to use his powers in a fully regulated and practical manner.


We should encourage each other to plug the holes in their astrology chart, not launch ourselves into full battles against our own allies under Satan. There is no reason we cannot be constructive when we are chatting on a website that gives us the manual for permanent soul modification.

Yes, we should expect everyone to do their best in all areas, but we also need to give everyone the time and space to fix themselves, just as we require for ourselves.

It may be too easy to immediately attack or dismiss who you perceive as useless or hostile towards you. Yet if these bridges are burned, this totally ruins anything positive. Perhaps these individuals may find themselves in situations where they need to help each other. What if Satan could have benefited from a positive arrangement here? Now, this has been destroyed.

I understand both parties are emotionally involved in upholding certain virtues, but we have to look at how that played out here. If your methods are not producing good results, then you need to modify them.
I don't have any personal issues with jrvan except for him constantly misrepresenting my message and refusing to change his misrepresentation even when I've clarified ad nauseum what it it. This person is just confused about everything so it doesn't really matter what he's saying.

As for Daharkhaan, it is a different thing. He publicly admitted to being a Psychic Vampire as well as a "deeply hateful,Resentful and Jealous " individual and that those emotional states are the prime motivation for his life and moving forward. He is utilizing an actual Jewish Mysticism tool which is deranged and sociopathic. Infact he said that he wasn't going to take an issue if some one called him "a degenerate, a Psychopath and a Parasite."

I'm not going to take advice or let th give advice from a self admitted parasitic Psychopathic individual who is deeply disturbed by their own words "Hateful,Resentful and Jealous."

I am appaled at how disconnected a lot of people are from Nature and what kind of mental gymnastics they play in their heads to think that this behaviour is alright and acceptable. In no circumstances can psychic Vampirism be used for ANY kind of gain or betterment of yourself or humanity. That is an incontrovertible fact. And that's attested by the person who is selling it "Psychopathic, a parasite, Jealous, Resentful and deeply hateful" individual.

We are supposed to be embodiments of strength, courage and Nobility with Arya meaning One of Good Character. We are not supposed to be deranged psychic vampires constantly unhappy and Resentful. We are supposed to create things and build communities and families around those things.

Do you think that the Nazi SS were Psychic Vampires sucking Jews dry even if they were their enemies. It's just unthinkable to how low this individual has fallen.

What I'm amazed is that this individual has the bravado and Hutzpah to cone into a spiritual society, preach a specifically Jewish tool that is disgusting rat like and deranged and even then there are other people who are so disconnected from Nature and the real world that they are resonating with that message. Although it was overwhelmingly Negative because people actually meditate in this space but certainly there were some who dissociated a deranged individual from the message which was also deranged.

No one actually does this in real life. The mental gymnastics are insane. If you were sitting in a marketing meeting and the person selling it was a deranged Crack addict and was selling a plan to distribute Crack cocaine. Only a deranged individual would think "even though this person is a Crack addict , the idea of selling Crack cocaine sounds very lucrative actually."

In my mind Daharkhaan has been permanently checked out as any kind of a person to take advice from on anything because I do not consider deeply hateful ,Resentful and Jealous individuals as fully functional beings and incapable of rendering any kind of advice to anyone. All of his views are null and void to me. He only exists as a case study as an example to not dabble in Jewish practices otherwise you'd be turned into a "Psychopathic, Parasitic,Deeply Hateful, Resentful ,and Jealous " individual. I'm just happy that even if I had a hard life I didn't turn out like him.

You're on a crusade against Dahaarkan. There is nothing wrong with being hateful, jealous, or resentful - except in your mind because you want to ban emotions so you don't have to deal with people calling you out.
"There is nothing wrong about being hateful ,jealous or resentful. "

There it is. Couldn't have said it better myself.

This is what I'm talking about when I say a lot of people in this community are completely disconnected from reality.

This is a person claiming that there is nothing wrong with being a hateful ,jealous and resentful individual.

He's also claiming that I'm trying to ban emotions (wut ??) because I don't want a deeply hateful and disturbed individual to give advice ?

Emotional States creates Hieuristics inside the brain - cognitive patterns of being that the sub consciousness focuses on and manifests in reality by making you do things that will re confirm the same cognitive state.

Being Hateful ,Resentful and Jealous creates a negative feedback loop on itself and that person keeps encountering circumstances that re enact his view of the world.

There is no one attacking Daharkhaan. He hasn't been personally attacked. His hate ,jealousy and resentful is a creation of his own being.

This is something he chose for himself because of being a parasitical disturbed individual due to possible past life karma.

Again I keep bringing it back to this example in what other case of human endeavor would you take advice or follow a self admitted Psychopath, degenerate, parasite who is a deeply jealous, hateful and resentful person and that is his entire motivation in life. And people keep claiming this is character assassination. This is something he proudly proclaimed to the world that he was. It's not slander. This is something he himself said.

Even Normies who are somewhat stable and don't know anything about spirituality will be able to understand that a person's choices defines him and you wouldn't trust or be around such a disturbed unhealthy person.

If someone has negative emotions they need to do workings to release it and entertain positive experiences and emotions. Only a disturbed mentally unwell person would actively seek out to be a hateful ,Resentful and Jealous individual.

I understand that we live in a destitute society, but if you believe that being hateful ,Resentful, jealous and a psychic parasite to people who haven't personally attacked you and admitting that it is what you are in your own self is an indication that you've gone off the deep end too.

This is not to talk to you because you're just consistently and constantly confused to the point I'm beginning to think it's not just an overemotional problem, but probably an IQ problem as well.

This is just to illustrate to the readers what kind of deranged and pathological people come to this space of life. And how to identify them and stay on the actual positive path of advancement and not be suckered into with the pathological people.
jrvan said:
Jack said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=338482 time=1648336569 user_id=21286]

This is the classic case of two people with differing worldviews, based on their astrology, attacking each other over their differences. At this point, what could have been a constructive debate has become a raw fight and waste of effort.

Jack is someone with a lot of earth and can exemplify the positive aspects of it. Yet, he has also given indications that he does overly limit himself or others, as well as place too much emphasis on societal obligations.

Jrvan and Dahaarkan are people with a lot of emotional intensity and energy, and the good things that come with that. At the same time, both of them have gone overboard with their viciousness or individuality or shown indications that they might.

Through Satanism, we know that it is possible to have the positive characteristics of all energy types, and none of the negatives. There is no reason why Jack cannot have a strong Capricorn basis, in addition to Pisces dreaminess. Likewise, it is fully possible for Dahaarkan to use his powers in a fully regulated and practical manner.


We should encourage each other to plug the holes in their astrology chart, not launch ourselves into full battles against our own allies under Satan. There is no reason we cannot be constructive when we are chatting on a website that gives us the manual for permanent soul modification.

Yes, we should expect everyone to do their best in all areas, but we also need to give everyone the time and space to fix themselves, just as we require for ourselves.

It may be too easy to immediately attack or dismiss who you perceive as useless or hostile towards you. Yet if these bridges are burned, this totally ruins anything positive. Perhaps these individuals may find themselves in situations where they need to help each other. What if Satan could have benefited from a positive arrangement here? Now, this has been destroyed.

I understand both parties are emotionally involved in upholding certain virtues, but we have to look at how that played out here. If your methods are not producing good results, then you need to modify them.
I don't have any personal issues with jrvan except for him constantly misrepresenting my message and refusing to change his misrepresentation even when I've clarified ad nauseum what it it. This person is just confused about everything so it doesn't really matter what he's saying.

As for Daharkhaan, it is a different thing. He publicly admitted to being a Psychic Vampire as well as a "deeply hateful,Resentful and Jealous " individual and that those emotional states are the prime motivation for his life and moving forward. He is utilizing an actual Jewish Mysticism tool which is deranged and sociopathic. Infact he said that he wasn't going to take an issue if some one called him "a degenerate, a Psychopath and a Parasite."

I'm not going to take advice or let th give advice from a self admitted parasitic Psychopathic individual who is deeply disturbed by their own words "Hateful,Resentful and Jealous."

I am appaled at how disconnected a lot of people are from Nature and what kind of mental gymnastics they play in their heads to think that this behaviour is alright and acceptable. In no circumstances can psychic Vampirism be used for ANY kind of gain or betterment of yourself or humanity. That is an incontrovertible fact. And that's attested by the person who is selling it "Psychopathic, a parasite, Jealous, Resentful and deeply hateful" individual.

We are supposed to be embodiments of strength, courage and Nobility with Arya meaning One of Good Character. We are not supposed to be deranged psychic vampires constantly unhappy and Resentful. We are supposed to create things and build communities and families around those things.

Do you think that the Nazi SS were Psychic Vampires sucking Jews dry even if they were their enemies. It's just unthinkable to how low this individual has fallen.

What I'm amazed is that this individual has the bravado and Hutzpah to cone into a spiritual society, preach a specifically Jewish tool that is disgusting rat like and deranged and even then there are other people who are so disconnected from Nature and the real world that they are resonating with that message. Although it was overwhelmingly Negative because people actually meditate in this space but certainly there were some who dissociated a deranged individual from the message which was also deranged.

No one actually does this in real life. The mental gymnastics are insane. If you were sitting in a marketing meeting and the person selling it was a deranged Crack addict and was selling a plan to distribute Crack cocaine. Only a deranged individual would think "even though this person is a Crack addict , the idea of selling Crack cocaine sounds very lucrative actually."

In my mind Daharkhaan has been permanently checked out as any kind of a person to take advice from on anything because I do not consider deeply hateful ,Resentful and Jealous individuals as fully functional beings and incapable of rendering any kind of advice to anyone. All of his views are null and void to me. He only exists as a case study as an example to not dabble in Jewish practices otherwise you'd be turned into a "Psychopathic, Parasitic,Deeply Hateful, Resentful ,and Jealous " individual. I'm just happy that even if I had a hard life I didn't turn out like him.

You're on a crusade against Dahaarkan. There is nothing wrong with being hateful, jealous, or resentful - except in your mind because you want to ban emotions so you don't have to deal with people calling you out.
Right. How can you know light if you don't experience darkness?
It also requires hate. Without hatred we would not destroy the enemy. These are basic emotions that are important for survival.
Jack said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=338482 time=1648336569 user_id=21286]
Jack said:

This is the classic case of two people with differing worldviews, based on their astrology, attacking each other over their differences. At this point, what could have been a constructive debate has become a raw fight and waste of effort.

Jack is someone with a lot of earth and can exemplify the positive aspects of it. Yet, he has also given indications that he does overly limit himself or others, as well as place too much emphasis on societal obligations.

Jrvan and Dahaarkan are people with a lot of emotional intensity and energy, and the good things that come with that. At the same time, both of them have gone overboard with their viciousness or individuality or shown indications that they might.

Through Satanism, we know that it is possible to have the positive characteristics of all energy types, and none of the negatives. There is no reason why Jack cannot have a strong Capricorn basis, in addition to Pisces dreaminess. Likewise, it is fully possible for Dahaarkan to use his powers in a fully regulated and practical manner.


We should encourage each other to plug the holes in their astrology chart, not launch ourselves into full battles against our own allies under Satan. There is no reason we cannot be constructive when we are chatting on a website that gives us the manual for permanent soul modification.

Yes, we should expect everyone to do their best in all areas, but we also need to give everyone the time and space to fix themselves, just as we require for ourselves.

It may be too easy to immediately attack or dismiss who you perceive as useless or hostile towards you. Yet if these bridges are burned, this totally ruins anything positive. Perhaps these individuals may find themselves in situations where they need to help each other. What if Satan could have benefited from a positive arrangement here? Now, this has been destroyed.

I understand both parties are emotionally involved in upholding certain virtues, but we have to look at how that played out here. If your methods are not producing good results, then you need to modify them.
I don't have any personal issues with jrvan except for him constantly misrepresenting my message and refusing to change his misrepresentation even when I've clarified ad nauseum what it it. This person is just confused about everything so it doesn't really matter what he's saying.

As for Daharkhaan, it is a different thing. He publicly admitted to being a Psychic Vampire as well as a "deeply hateful,Resentful and Jealous " individual and that those emotional states are the prime motivation for his life and moving forward. He is utilizing an actual Jewish Mysticism tool which is deranged and sociopathic. Infact he said that he wasn't going to take an issue if some one called him "a degenerate, a Psychopath and a Parasite."

I'm not going to take advice or let th give advice from a self admitted parasitic Psychopathic individual who is deeply disturbed by their own words "Hateful,Resentful and Jealous."

I am appaled at how disconnected a lot of people are from Nature and what kind of mental gymnastics they play in their heads to think that this behaviour is alright and acceptable. In no circumstances can psychic Vampirism be used for ANY kind of gain or betterment of yourself or humanity. That is an incontrovertible fact. And that's attested by the person who is selling it "Psychopathic, a parasite, Jealous, Resentful and deeply hateful" individual.

We are supposed to be embodiments of strength, courage and Nobility with Arya meaning One of Good Character. We are not supposed to be deranged psychic vampires constantly unhappy and Resentful. We are supposed to create things and build communities and families around those things.

Do you think that the Nazi SS were Psychic Vampires sucking Jews dry even if they were their enemies. It's just unthinkable to how low this individual has fallen.

What I'm amazed is that this individual has the bravado and Hutzpah to cone into a spiritual society, preach a specifically Jewish tool that is disgusting rat like and deranged and even then there are other people who are so disconnected from Nature and the real world that they are resonating with that message. Although it was overwhelmingly Negative because people actually meditate in this space but certainly there were some who dissociated a deranged individual from the message which was also deranged.

No one actually does this in real life. The mental gymnastics are insane. If you were sitting in a marketing meeting and the person selling it was a deranged Crack addict and was selling a plan to distribute Crack cocaine. Only a deranged individual would think "even though this person is a Crack addict , the idea of selling Crack cocaine sounds very lucrative actually."

In my mind Daharkhaan has been permanently checked out as any kind of a person to take advice from on anything because I do not consider deeply hateful ,Resentful and Jealous individuals as fully functional beings and incapable of rendering any kind of advice to anyone. All of his views are null and void to me. He only exists as a case study as an example to not dabble in Jewish practices otherwise you'd be turned into a "Psychopathic, Parasitic,Deeply Hateful, Resentful ,and Jealous " individual. I'm just happy that even if I had a hard life I didn't turn out like him.

I suppose it's better to be praising anti human institutions and communist powers like you do practically every chance you get.

This entire post advocates against psychic vampirism and the use of solar energies and other methods instead. Simply disclosing safer and cleaner methods for the curious who will still do it in spite of warnings. You are either too dense to read it or simply maliciously twisting words like the rat you are. I think it's both since you're a confirmed troglodyte.

You keep using words like parasite, slave etc. Totally unaware of what you really are. Your purpose in life is to worship me, and it shows. You spend retarded ammounts of time thinking and talking about me like an obsessed fangirl.

This entire shitshow you created simply because I made a little joke and as the pathetic subhuman you are, your fragile masculinity felt threatened and you threw a tantrum. It's okay to praise the fucking reds like a jew asslicker but throws a hissy fit over a spiritual practice.

Stop buzzing around me you obsessed mosquito. Grow up and get a life.
The Outlaw Torn said:
Dahaarkan said:
Now that you mention it, you're right about that. It's drawn to arguments between members like a fly is attracted to shit. I think it might be upset that I didn't join in it's anti-offmod faggots club just because I had criticized Henu.
And now darakan criticizesmy sexuality. The final blow from the ever-toxic landlord. You served as a great example for what landlords truly are.

Lmao yeah I'm against homosexuals bro
Jack said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=338482 time=1648336569 user_id=21286]
Jack said:

This is the classic case of two people with differing worldviews, based on their astrology, attacking each other over their differences. At this point, what could have been a constructive debate has become a raw fight and waste of effort.

Jack is someone with a lot of earth and can exemplify the positive aspects of it. Yet, he has also given indications that he does overly limit himself or others, as well as place too much emphasis on societal obligations.

Jrvan and Dahaarkan are people with a lot of emotional intensity and energy, and the good things that come with that. At the same time, both of them have gone overboard with their viciousness or individuality or shown indications that they might.

Through Satanism, we know that it is possible to have the positive characteristics of all energy types, and none of the negatives. There is no reason why Jack cannot have a strong Capricorn basis, in addition to Pisces dreaminess. Likewise, it is fully possible for Dahaarkan to use his powers in a fully regulated and practical manner.


We should encourage each other to plug the holes in their astrology chart, not launch ourselves into full battles against our own allies under Satan. There is no reason we cannot be constructive when we are chatting on a website that gives us the manual for permanent soul modification.

Yes, we should expect everyone to do their best in all areas, but we also need to give everyone the time and space to fix themselves, just as we require for ourselves.

It may be too easy to immediately attack or dismiss who you perceive as useless or hostile towards you. Yet if these bridges are burned, this totally ruins anything positive. Perhaps these individuals may find themselves in situations where they need to help each other. What if Satan could have benefited from a positive arrangement here? Now, this has been destroyed.

I understand both parties are emotionally involved in upholding certain virtues, but we have to look at how that played out here. If your methods are not producing good results, then you need to modify them.
I don't have any personal issues with jrvan except for him constantly misrepresenting my message and refusing to change his misrepresentation even when I've clarified ad nauseum what it it. This person is just confused about everything so it doesn't really matter what he's saying.

As for Daharkhaan, it is a different thing. He publicly admitted to being a Psychic Vampire as well as a "deeply hateful,Resentful and Jealous " individual and that those emotional states are the prime motivation for his life and moving forward. He is utilizing an actual Jewish Mysticism tool which is deranged and sociopathic. Infact he said that he wasn't going to take an issue if some one called him "a degenerate, a Psychopath and a Parasite."

I'm not going to take advice or let th give advice from a self admitted parasitic Psychopathic individual who is deeply disturbed by their own words "Hateful,Resentful and Jealous."

I am appaled at how disconnected a lot of people are from Nature and what kind of mental gymnastics they play in their heads to think that this behaviour is alright and acceptable. In no circumstances can psychic Vampirism be used for ANY kind of gain or betterment of yourself or humanity. That is an incontrovertible fact. And that's attested by the person who is selling it "Psychopathic, a parasite, Jealous, Resentful and deeply hateful" individual.

We are supposed to be embodiments of strength, courage and Nobility with Arya meaning One of Good Character. We are not supposed to be deranged psychic vampires constantly unhappy and Resentful. We are supposed to create things and build communities and families around those things.

Do you think that the Nazi SS were Psychic Vampires sucking Jews dry even if they were their enemies. It's just unthinkable to how low this individual has fallen.

What I'm amazed is that this individual has the bravado and Hutzpah to cone into a spiritual society, preach a specifically Jewish tool that is disgusting rat like and deranged and even then there are other people who are so disconnected from Nature and the real world that they are resonating with that message. Although it was overwhelmingly Negative because people actually meditate in this space but certainly there were some who dissociated a deranged individual from the message which was also deranged.

No one actually does this in real life. The mental gymnastics are insane. If you were sitting in a marketing meeting and the person selling it was a deranged Crack addict and was selling a plan to distribute Crack cocaine. Only a deranged individual would think "even though this person is a Crack addict , the idea of selling Crack cocaine sounds very lucrative actually."

In my mind Daharkhaan has been permanently checked out as any kind of a person to take advice from on anything because I do not consider deeply hateful ,Resentful and Jealous individuals as fully functional beings and incapable of rendering any kind of advice to anyone. All of his views are null and void to me. He only exists as a case study as an example to not dabble in Jewish practices otherwise you'd be turned into a "Psychopathic, Parasitic,Deeply Hateful, Resentful ,and Jealous " individual. I'm just happy that even if I had a hard life I didn't turn out like him.

From what I've observed, Dahaarkan hasn't used these more negative emotions to go out of his way to crazily attack his brothers and sisters. His pattern is the same, he does to you what you do to him, so if someone makes false accusations rather rudely and insultingly, or uses general ill manners towards him without good reason, he will return the favor. Yet he does his best to provide understanding regardless. Don't poke first and he won't poke at you, in most cases. I'm sure you and others are aware of that at least by now, but still, you choose not to properly read his thread and comments following, and make claims based on personal opinion and personal interpretation of the only words that matter to you in order to discredit his name.

If I poked at you for no good reason, would you not feel inclined to start insulting me back? If you felt misunderstood and unfairly judged, would you not defend yourself? If I didn't read through a post of yours properly and missed every warning and explanation you used to clear the air, and attack you by nit picking certain things without the whole story, would you not react as Dahaarkan has under this thread against me?

I use myself as an example here for you because of our history, and I know I've made you feel like that as much as you have with me.

I don't think you've met many people who have engaged in psychic vampirism, and what real insane, unhinged, crazy vamps look like. The cult I had fallen into was full of them. You want Dahaarkan as a case study, he is - from first hand experience - the least insane user of this method I've met. Honestly, I would categorize him as simply passionate with a strong personality, rather than unhinged. He advocates against the method himself because he has full understanding of how dangerous it can be. He's shown that again and again. If he didn't have a level head, he wouldn't do that. He's made many good and helpful posts. One of his recent posts helped me to reach out to Satan about some fears of my own, and open myself to Satan more, for which I am very grateful.

If he was anywhere close to the level of psychopath that you believe he is from this practice, a few things that would be apparent is first, loss of grammar. I don't understand it, but every insane vampy I've met went from very normal speech and writing ability to sounding like a kid in grade school. It's a bizarre thing to witness. Second, what I stated above in the previous paragraphs. PV's will randomly attack you without cause, since they often become aggressive and hostile, and I'm not just talking about general insults and whatever through a screen... They'll threaten you and hate you just because in some cases. And third, making demands of you, guilt tripping, intimidation and gaslighting tactics. PV's tend to try everything to pull you under them so they can dominate over your energy and willpower.

The change in a person's personality is almost instant when they take energy from others into themselves, and it continually changes. They can't think straight about anything, their identity turns into a disorder of a mismatch of others identities. Even their normal values can go to shit, unless they are a very strong part of their personality.

You might still nod your head at this and be like "yeah that's Dahaarkan", and in that case, you really do have a terrible bias against him. I'm not trying to step on you here, Jack... real PV's are nothing close to Dahaarkan's behaviour. That's all the experience one needs to understand how much control Dahaarkan has with the methods he uses. You don't have to listen to a damn thing if you don't want to, but refrain from the broken record insults. Since you know how he's going to react, don't toss an oil soaked log on the hot coals in the first place if you're not going to listen to any of his explanations he's given to clear these misunderstandings, otherwise you're just adding to the problem and refusing to develop any understanding of your brother to alleviate the negativity.
Jack said:
"There is nothing wrong about being hateful ,jealous or resentful. "

There it is. Couldn't have said it better myself.

This is what I'm talking about when I say a lot of people in this community are completely disconnected from reality.

This is a person claiming that there is nothing wrong with being a hateful ,jealous and resentful individual.

He's also claiming that I'm trying to ban emotions (wut ??) because I don't want a deeply hateful and disturbed individual to give advice ?

Emotional States creates Hieuristics inside the brain - cognitive patterns of being that the sub consciousness focuses on and manifests in reality by making you do things that will re confirm the same cognitive state.

Being Hateful ,Resentful and Jealous creates a negative feedback loop on itself and that person keeps encountering circumstances that re enact his view of the world.

There is no one attacking Daharkhaan. He hasn't been personally attacked. His hate ,jealousy and resentful is a creation of his own being.

This is something he chose for himself because of being a parasitical disturbed individual due to possible past life karma.

Again I keep bringing it back to this example in what other case of human endeavor would you take advice or follow a self admitted Psychopath, degenerate, parasite who is a deeply jealous, hateful and resentful person and that is his entire motivation in life. And people keep claiming this is character assassination. This is something he proudly proclaimed to the world that he was. It's not slander. This is something he himself said.

Even Normies who are somewhat stable and don't know anything about spirituality will be able to understand that a person's choices defines him and you wouldn't trust or be around such a disturbed unhealthy person.

If someone has negative emotions they need to do workings to release it and entertain positive experiences and emotions. Only a disturbed mentally unwell person would actively seek out to be a hateful ,Resentful and Jealous individual.

I understand that we live in a destitute society, but if you believe that being hateful ,Resentful, jealous and a psychic parasite to people who haven't personally attacked you and admitting that it is what you are in your own self is an indication that you've gone off the deep end too.

This is not to talk to you because you're just consistently and constantly confused to the point I'm beginning to think it's not just an overemotional problem, but probably an IQ problem as well.

This is just to illustrate to the readers what kind of deranged and pathological people come to this space of life. And how to identify them and stay on the actual positive path of advancement and not be suckered into with the pathological people.

You sound like an inquisitor.
Jack said:
jrvan said:
Jack said:
I don't have any personal issues with jrvan except for him constantly misrepresenting my message and refusing to change his misrepresentation even when I've clarified ad nauseum what it it. This person is just confused about everything so it doesn't really matter what he's saying.

As for Daharkhaan, it is a different thing. He publicly admitted to being a Psychic Vampire as well as a "deeply hateful,Resentful and Jealous " individual and that those emotional states are the prime motivation for his life and moving forward. He is utilizing an actual Jewish Mysticism tool which is deranged and sociopathic. Infact he said that he wasn't going to take an issue if some one called him "a degenerate, a Psychopath and a Parasite."

I'm not going to take advice or let th give advice from a self admitted parasitic Psychopathic individual who is deeply disturbed by their own words "Hateful,Resentful and Jealous."

I am appaled at how disconnected a lot of people are from Nature and what kind of mental gymnastics they play in their heads to think that this behaviour is alright and acceptable. In no circumstances can psychic Vampirism be used for ANY kind of gain or betterment of yourself or humanity. That is an incontrovertible fact. And that's attested by the person who is selling it "Psychopathic, a parasite, Jealous, Resentful and deeply hateful" individual.

We are supposed to be embodiments of strength, courage and Nobility with Arya meaning One of Good Character. We are not supposed to be deranged psychic vampires constantly unhappy and Resentful. We are supposed to create things and build communities and families around those things.

Do you think that the Nazi SS were Psychic Vampires sucking Jews dry even if they were their enemies. It's just unthinkable to how low this individual has fallen.

What I'm amazed is that this individual has the bravado and Hutzpah to cone into a spiritual society, preach a specifically Jewish tool that is disgusting rat like and deranged and even then there are other people who are so disconnected from Nature and the real world that they are resonating with that message. Although it was overwhelmingly Negative because people actually meditate in this space but certainly there were some who dissociated a deranged individual from the message which was also deranged.

No one actually does this in real life. The mental gymnastics are insane. If you were sitting in a marketing meeting and the person selling it was a deranged Crack addict and was selling a plan to distribute Crack cocaine. Only a deranged individual would think "even though this person is a Crack addict , the idea of selling Crack cocaine sounds very lucrative actually."

In my mind Daharkhaan has been permanently checked out as any kind of a person to take advice from on anything because I do not consider deeply hateful ,Resentful and Jealous individuals as fully functional beings and incapable of rendering any kind of advice to anyone. All of his views are null and void to me. He only exists as a case study as an example to not dabble in Jewish practices otherwise you'd be turned into a "Psychopathic, Parasitic,Deeply Hateful, Resentful ,and Jealous " individual. I'm just happy that even if I had a hard life I didn't turn out like him.

You're on a crusade against Dahaarkan. There is nothing wrong with being hateful, jealous, or resentful - except in your mind because you want to ban emotions so you don't have to deal with people calling you out.
"There is nothing wrong about being hateful ,jealous or resentful. "

There it is. Couldn't have said it better myself.

This is what I'm talking about when I say a lot of people in this community are completely disconnected from reality.

This is a person claiming that there is nothing wrong with being a hateful ,jealous and resentful individual.

He's also claiming that I'm trying to ban emotions (wut ??) because I don't want a deeply hateful and disturbed individual to give advice ?

Emotional States creates Hieuristics inside the brain - cognitive patterns of being that the sub consciousness focuses on and manifests in reality by making you do things that will re confirm the same cognitive state.

Being Hateful ,Resentful and Jealous creates a negative feedback loop on itself and that person keeps encountering circumstances that re enact his view of the world.

There is no one attacking Daharkhaan. He hasn't been personally attacked. His hate ,jealousy and resentful is a creation of his own being.

This is something he chose for himself because of being a parasitical disturbed individual due to possible past life karma.

Again I keep bringing it back to this example in what other case of human endeavor would you take advice or follow a self admitted Psychopath, degenerate, parasite who is a deeply jealous, hateful and resentful person and that is his entire motivation in life. And people keep claiming this is character assassination. This is something he proudly proclaimed to the world that he was. It's not slander. This is something he himself said.

Even Normies who are somewhat stable and don't know anything about spirituality will be able to understand that a person's choices defines him and you wouldn't trust or be around such a disturbed unhealthy person.

If someone has negative emotions they need to do workings to release it and entertain positive experiences and emotions. Only a disturbed mentally unwell person would actively seek out to be a hateful ,Resentful and Jealous individual.

I understand that we live in a destitute society, but if you believe that being hateful ,Resentful, jealous and a psychic parasite to people who haven't personally attacked you and admitting that it is what you are in your own self is an indication that you've gone off the deep end too.

This is not to talk to you because you're just consistently and constantly confused to the point I'm beginning to think it's not just an overemotional problem, but probably an IQ problem as well.

This is just to illustrate to the readers what kind of deranged and pathological people come to this space of life. And how to identify them and stay on the actual positive path of advancement and not be suckered into with the pathological people.

So when people wrong you and your loved ones, or your people, it is wrong to be hateful and resentful towards them?

So what we just turn the other cheek like good xian boys, let ourselves be abused and trampled because hatred and resentfulness is wrong?

How much xian dogshit, communist praising/propaganda, blasphemous ideals and preaching does it take before this cancer cell is finally addressed?

The reality is you don't actually believe anything that you preach. This is simply a game of social standing and appearances. Convincing readers. Nothing more.

You will twist words, spew xian bs like the above, make pointless personal accusations and assumptions, and every other low blow imaginable. To try to be on top, because the fleeting feeling of superiority from verbally degrading people online is the only thing that feeds and maintains your fragile ego. And all you really want out of any of this.

I've had issues with people in the group before. But you stand out as the only person I cannot respect in any capacity. You are subhuman. Even this dipshit torn is a god compared to you.
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=338482 time=1648336569 user_id=21286]

This is the classic case of two people with differing worldviews, based on their astrology, attacking each other over their differences. At this point, what could have been a constructive debate has become a raw fight and waste of effort.

Jack is someone with a lot of earth and can exemplify the positive aspects of it. Yet, he has also given indications that he does overly limit himself or others, as well as place too much emphasis on societal obligations.

Jrvan and Dahaarkan are people with a lot of emotional intensity and energy, and the good things that come with that. At the same time, both of them have gone overboard with their viciousness or individuality or shown indications that they might.

Through Satanism, we know that it is possible to have the positive characteristics of all energy types, and none of the negatives. There is no reason why Jack cannot have a strong Capricorn basis, in addition to Pisces dreaminess. Likewise, it is fully possible for Dahaarkan to use his powers in a fully regulated and practical manner.


We should encourage each other to plug the holes in their astrology chart, not launch ourselves into full battles against our own allies under Satan. There is no reason we cannot be constructive when we are chatting on a website that gives us the manual for permanent soul modification.

Yes, we should expect everyone to do their best in all areas, but we also need to give everyone the time and space to fix themselves, just as we require for ourselves.

It may be too easy to immediately attack or dismiss who you perceive as useless or hostile towards you. Yet if these bridges are burned, this totally ruins anything positive. Perhaps these individuals may find themselves in situations where they need to help each other. What if Satan could have benefited from a positive arrangement here? Now, this has been destroyed.

I understand both parties are emotionally involved in upholding certain virtues, but we have to look at how that played out here. If your methods are not producing good results, then you need to modify them.
I don't have any personal issues with jrvan except for him constantly misrepresenting my message and refusing to change his misrepresentation even when I've clarified ad nauseum what it it. This person is just confused about everything so it doesn't really matter what he's saying.

As for Daharkhaan, it is a different thing. He publicly admitted to being a Psychic Vampire as well as a "deeply hateful,Resentful and Jealous " individual and that those emotional states are the prime motivation for his life and moving forward. He is utilizing an actual Jewish Mysticism tool which is deranged and sociopathic. Infact he said that he wasn't going to take an issue if some one called him "a degenerate, a Psychopath and a Parasite."

I'm not going to take advice or let th give advice from a self admitted parasitic Psychopathic individual who is deeply disturbed by their own words "Hateful,Resentful and Jealous."

I am appaled at how disconnected a lot of people are from Nature and what kind of mental gymnastics they play in their heads to think that this behaviour is alright and acceptable. In no circumstances can psychic Vampirism be used for ANY kind of gain or betterment of yourself or humanity. That is an incontrovertible fact. And that's attested by the person who is selling it "Psychopathic, a parasite, Jealous, Resentful and deeply hateful" individual.

We are supposed to be embodiments of strength, courage and Nobility with Arya meaning One of Good Character. We are not supposed to be deranged psychic vampires constantly unhappy and Resentful. We are supposed to create things and build communities and families around those things.

Do you think that the Nazi SS were Psychic Vampires sucking Jews dry even if they were their enemies. It's just unthinkable to how low this individual has fallen.

What I'm amazed is that this individual has the bravado and Hutzpah to cone into a spiritual society, preach a specifically Jewish tool that is disgusting rat like and deranged and even then there are other people who are so disconnected from Nature and the real world that they are resonating with that message. Although it was overwhelmingly Negative because people actually meditate in this space but certainly there were some who dissociated a deranged individual from the message which was also deranged.

No one actually does this in real life. The mental gymnastics are insane. If you were sitting in a marketing meeting and the person selling it was a deranged Crack addict and was selling a plan to distribute Crack cocaine. Only a deranged individual would think "even though this person is a Crack addict , the idea of selling Crack cocaine sounds very lucrative actually."

In my mind Daharkhaan has been permanently checked out as any kind of a person to take advice from on anything because I do not consider deeply hateful ,Resentful and Jealous individuals as fully functional beings and incapable of rendering any kind of advice to anyone. All of his views are null and void to me. He only exists as a case study as an example to not dabble in Jewish practices otherwise you'd be turned into a "Psychopathic, Parasitic,Deeply Hateful, Resentful ,and Jealous " individual. I'm just happy that even if I had a hard life I didn't turn out like him.

I suppose it's better to be praising anti human institutions and communist powers like you do practically every chance you get.

This entire post advocates against psychic vampirism and the use of solar energies and other methods instead. Simply disclosing safer and cleaner methods for the curious who will still do it in spite of warnings. You are either too dense to read it or simply maliciously twisting words like the rat you are. I think it's both since you're a confirmed troglodyte.

You keep using words like parasite, slave etc. Totally unaware of what you really are. Your purpose in life is to worship me, and it shows. You spend retarded ammounts of time thinking and talking about me like an obsessed fangirl.

This entire shitshow you created simply because I made a little joke and as the pathetic subhuman you are, your fragile masculinity felt threatened and you threw a tantrum. It's okay to praise the fucking reds like a jew asslicker but throws a hissy fit over a spiritual practice.

Stop buzzing around me you obsessed mosquito. Grow up and get a life.
I never praised any Communist institutions. I said America has no business interfering with their countries because it would obviously trigger a brutal war which would kill millions of Chinese and Whites and possibly other nationalities as well. You're stupid and actually delusional if you believe America can overthrow China or Russia through an internal revolution. They tried doing it in Hong Kong and it failed. You have no understanding about Geopolitics or the world in general or where it's going.

Why did you post this thread if you're so against psychic Vampirism ? Why did you turn into "a deeply hateful, jealous, Resentful individual whose entire motivation is that In life" If the practice is safe ?

Oh I forgot. You were born a parasitical creature which you admitted yourself. Being a parasitical disturbed individual is a part of your being.

Forget about Masculinity ,you're not even a human being. You're a parasite ,an actual parasite. Drinking sewage from individuals inside the sewage.

Fucking loser. Why don't you fuck off sucking dry some random money launderer or some jew you found near you.

"Spirituality ". Lol.

A parasite giving advice on Spirituality.

How this community has fallen.

I have nothing to talk to a parasite like you. Your views about everything like you yourself are irrelevant. Weirdo.
Yo commies invade and rape and murder your women and children, and in the middle this fairy jack is standing there like

"guys stop being so hateful and resentful, the anti human commie govt isn't so bad, quit bein controlled by your emotions"

jack is the kind of guy who will tell you after you watch your whole family be murdered not be resentful or a big hateful meanie towards the murderers. And he presumes to preach about masculinity. It's all come full circle now, a harmless joke about him not being a man, culminates in extensive posts crying that someone's being a big hateful meanie.

It's wrong to be resentful guys, just be a good goy and let yourself be shat on, used and abused by everyone you meet because this is the superior way. I wonder if I make a new account and start spewing red propaganda praising CCP and other commie shitholes, constantly preaching xian morality and values how quickly that account gets labelled as a jew or a troll. But it generally seems the group turns a blind eye when this troglodyte does it. He's been doing it for years with impunity.

But I'm supposed to believe jack is a Satanist and respect him. Riiiiiiiiiiight. Sorry but I have more respect for feces than for jack. At least fecal matter serves the purpose of fertilizing the soil. What purpose does jack serve besides pollute the forums with red propaganda and xian morality. And generally be an obnoxious cunt with a superiority complex towards everybody, verbally degrading people at random to feel superior. How many people have left or have wanted to leave directly because of this creature. How many more before this becomes an issue to be addressed.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=338482 time=1648336569 user_id=21286]This is the classic case of two people with differing worldviews, based on their astrology, attacking each other over their differences.

Blitzkreig, I know you want to help mend the situation, it is in your nature to mend and support and mad love and respect for that. You are a beautiful soul.

But it's best if you do not get involved. I would not want you to become a target for obsessive immature kids with too much free time and a computer. I literally cannot start a thread without being sabotaged because I spoke my mind in such matters. They will push you to pick a side and one opinion will make you a target forever.

You need not tarnish your beautiful contributions with this shit. And if they start targeting you I won't be quiet about it either. And well, from there you can imagine the mess.

jrvan made the mistake of getting involved too and he's a target now. Just side with jack and pull out. I will not hold it against you or hate you over it.
I love my friends and family. I love Satan and I love His Satanists and gods who guide us in these dark times. I love beautiful souls like blitzkrieg and stormblood even though he annoys me to no end. I love HC and the beautiful thing he maintains here.

I also hate my enemies. I despise and resent them with all consuming hatred and anger. For what they do to me, for what they do to my people, for what they do to us. And I use that anger, hatred and resentment as fuel to destroy our enemies to preserve us and our people, I bring justice into the world by the spiritual means available to me. When the enemy is at the gates I don't get on a pink dress and preach that people stop being so mean and hateful.

And I'm being hated by this thing simply because I am human, and have human emotion. Like it is a sin to be a functional human being.

All this crying and targeting me because I destroy rotten people. Where is your rage. Where is your hate for the scum that victimize you and your people. ARE YOU FUCKING NEUTERED OR WHAT??????? Is Satanism about abolishing hate and resentment and loving your enemies now???

You want to purge your emotions and be an eternal victim, go ahead. But do not taint this place or the minds of Satan's children with such suicidal nonsense.

I revel in what I create and preserve. I also revel in what I destroy with absolute hatred.

I am a fucking Satanist. I still don't know what the fuck you are supposed to be.
Jack said:
jrvan said:
You're on a crusade against Dahaarkan. There is nothing wrong with being hateful, jealous, or resentful - except in your mind because you want to ban emotions so you don't have to deal with people calling you out.
"There is nothing wrong about being hateful ,jealous or resentful. "

There it is. Couldn't have said it better myself.

In this case, you guys are arguing over semantics, although some of your messages are getting swayed by your combative emotions as well.

Jack has problems limiting his emotions too much and is taking steps to work on them.
Dahaarkan expressed extreme rage towards perceived injustice, yet this could be in excess, so he also needs to check his karma.

Just as we do not unconditionally love, we should not become blinded in rage, as Jack is explaining. Yet, Jrvan is making the point that destruction of negativity, like the enemy, is good.
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:
I don't have any personal issues with jrvan except for him constantly misrepresenting my message and refusing to change his misrepresentation even when I've clarified ad nauseum what it it. This person is just confused about everything so it doesn't really matter what he's saying.

As for Daharkhaan, it is a different thing. He publicly admitted to being a Psychic Vampire as well as a "deeply hateful,Resentful and Jealous "
Stop buzzing around me you obsessed mosquito. Grow up and get a life.

To Jack, although relevant to Dahaarkan:

Yes, Dahaarkan's method of draining can be perceived as an overly intimate or psychopathic method to harm someone, and I did write to him in regards to being regulated and justified with this.

To his credit, however, he did detail the pros and cons of this, including plenty of warnings. He noted its limited use, and so this seems more like an interesting idea/proof of concept, more than a useful tool for most people.

Someone can be just as awful with "regular" cursing, as well. It is all about analyzing the situation appropriately - and making sure you are not someone who acts in an unjustified manner.

In other posts, I have seen Dahaarkan behave in a good manner, so I don't believe him to be deranged or anything of the sort. In the same way, I don't take Dahaarkan or others calling you a communist seriously for this same reason.

Yet, both of you guys are way past this and are now simply insulting and battling each other. Then, you get confused why your arguments were "misrepresented". It is because the rational debate had already ended, now person each is clearly exaggerating about the other.

For you guys to end this, you both need to overlook this mess and move on. Everyone's opinions are already known, now there is nothing to be gained from this internal strife.
jrvan said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
I would like to remind everyone that darakhan or however you spell that dumb name is literally a LANDLORD, the most parasitic “Job” one can have. It is no surprise that he supports and practices psychic vampirism because he is also housing vampire.

This again? If not for landlords then you ingrates would have to sleep on the streets. Not all landlords are as bad as yours.

If not Dahaarkan, then it would be someone else. The world is not in a good place right now, and we should not be concerned with engaging in activities that are less than perfect, due to enemy corruption.

Should someone who builds cars feel bad about pollution? Should someone who works at a farm feel bad about using toxic chemicals? Should someone who works in a company feel bad about said company's questionable practices?

If an eco-activist chose to bike everywhere, they would get nowhere because they would spend all day traveling. Then, they would be unable to make a change in the world.

The same goes for us as SS: sometimes we have to put up with questionable things in order to further Satanism as a whole and make a real difference.

Dahaarkan may be earning money through less than ideal, yet legal means, but he is also furthering the spiritual movement that would absolve these people of their financial burdens as well. After that, THEN we can worry about the housing system...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
