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Psychic Vampirism

tabby said:
slyscorpion said:
Dahaarkan said:
If I am such a rotten and hopeless soul why do you constantly follow me around like the adoring fan from oblivion. Have you noticed how many times you have replied to this thread?

You've done nothing if not keep it at the front page constantly, and then say you hope this won't catch on, lol. Are these crude remarks an attempt at causing a reaction from me?

You've spent the last few months asking questions about psychic vampirism (which confirms you're clueless) but I'm supposed to take your assumptions and speculations as absolute truth. While you're sitting in your mom's basement asking questions on the forums I'm out there learning things by experience.

Sorry to disappoint you and all the obsessed faggots that are on the edge of their seat hoping I destroy myself. I am practicing spirituality on a daily basis not just talking about it on an online forum.

Ok I am going to stop arguing. You do what you will. I think we are not going to see eye to eye. Part of the reason I feel this way is I was a victim of a psychic vampire for a long time.

I don't really want to cause disunity I think I got my point across. I speak on this topic a lot cause I know how bad this can become for people I want more SS to be aware of it. It can literally wreck someones life. It almost did me.

I know I'm butting in here but I just wanted to offer something I learned when it comes to things like this (and this can apply to more than just victims of energy vampires like you and I).

If you are shot in the leg by an enemy, do you become afraid to use a gun to fight against people who wrong you?
If you are cut by a blade, do you refuse to ever use knives again because you got hurt by one?
If someone punched you and broke your jaw, do you refuse to ever use your fists to fight off an attacker?
If an enemy cut your arm off with a sword, do you outlaw all swords and refuse to use them in battle?

Psychic vampirism, while looked down on, is just a tool able to be used by anyone on any side. There's no reason to limit what tools one learns about or uses simply because the enemy uses it. Jews use knives in their blood rituals, do you plan to never use a knife whether for self defense or chopping vegetables in your kitchen because a jew uses knives to harm gentiles? Will you refuse to use your psychic abilities because the jew's masters use them to attack us?

If we fear every tool used against us, or outlaw every tool the jews use, then we will have nothing left.

You have some good points there. The point I was trying to make is the entire purpose of everything in the enemy religions and programs and ideas is stealing energy off people and of course wealth and everything else through that. I know it's possible I see it in action in the world right now.

If someone can do this against a Jew or really rotten person successfully I would be inclined to think cool you got your own shit used against you. It's a good feeling.

However I think if a lot of people start practicing this or it's encouraged that is not mainly what is going to happen. Teenagers will just use this to try and get stuff they want off family or people will try to drain random people for the fun of it things like that. Not everyone here is spiritually mature. I think this person is I see they are smart. Also the safety things about it make me think this shouldn't be officially encouraged.

I will be fine with it if it's kind of an on the low thing some people do that know how to do it safely. The problem is this can fuck up your own soul or someone innocents soul.

I am going to try to be open minded here. These were my concerns.
slyscorpion said:
tabby said:
slyscorpion said:
Ok I am going to stop arguing. You do what you will. I think we are not going to see eye to eye. Part of the reason I feel this way is I was a victim of a psychic vampire for a long time.

I don't really want to cause disunity I think I got my point across. I speak on this topic a lot cause I know how bad this can become for people I want more SS to be aware of it. It can literally wreck someones life. It almost did me.

I know I'm butting in here but I just wanted to offer something I learned when it comes to things like this (and this can apply to more than just victims of energy vampires like you and I).

If you are shot in the leg by an enemy, do you become afraid to use a gun to fight against people who wrong you?
If you are cut by a blade, do you refuse to ever use knives again because you got hurt by one?
If someone punched you and broke your jaw, do you refuse to ever use your fists to fight off an attacker?
If an enemy cut your arm off with a sword, do you outlaw all swords and refuse to use them in battle?

Psychic vampirism, while looked down on, is just a tool able to be used by anyone on any side. There's no reason to limit what tools one learns about or uses simply because the enemy uses it. Jews use knives in their blood rituals, do you plan to never use a knife whether for self defense or chopping vegetables in your kitchen because a jew uses knives to harm gentiles? Will you refuse to use your psychic abilities because the jew's masters use them to attack us?

If we fear every tool used against us, or outlaw every tool the jews use, then we will have nothing left.

You have some good points there. The point I was trying to make is the entire purpose of everything in the enemy religions and programs and ideas is stealing energy off people and of course wealth and everything else through that. I know it's possible I see it in action in the world right now.

If someone can do this against a Jew or really rotten person successfully I would be inclined to think cool you got your own shit used against you. It's a good feeling.

However I think if a lot of people start practicing this or it's encouraged that is not mainly what is going to happen. Teenagers will just use this to try and get stuff they want off family or people will try to drain random people for the fun of it things like that. Not everyone here is spiritually mature. I think this person is I see they are smart. Also the safety things about it make me think this shouldn't be officially encouraged.

I will be fine with it if it's kind of an on the low thing some people do that know how to do it safely. The problem is this can fuck up your own soul or someone innocents soul.

I am going to try to be open minded here. These were my concerns.

It also teaches people here how to defend against it as well as what to expect. Learning it yourself shows you the dynamics so you know when someone is doing it to you. You can't stop idiots from being idiots with their magick - that's impossible, and it's stupid to try to prevent that chaos from happening. It's going to happen no matter what you do. People who mess up with this are responsible for the consequences that they cause, same as with all magick. If you want to propose we put the genie back in the bottle to protect people from the dangers of psychic vampirism, then you may as well propose that we do the same with all of our magick teachings and all of the knowledge on the JoS, and just take the entire JoS website down because people could hurt themselves and others with the knowledge. The potential for misuse and people hurting others with the power of their mind is always there, and you can't do anything about it. If you tell them not to do it then they will still do it because you can't stop them. It's just how it is. You're wasting your time by worrying about this.
Jack said:
Daharkhaan is a deeply disturbed and unhappy person which he himself Admits,

I am a deeply jealous, angry and hateful individual. These 3 define my motivation and desire to push forward. I grew up with close to nothing, struggling and stressing over finance and food. I didn't grow up in any extreme poverty or anything, but enough to the point where it stings and scars you.

Everyone in my family are hardworking people. Who never got their due for labor provided, who always deserved more and better than what they got. And they never got it because they are always being exploited by someone. Even if they never realized it.

My motivation for what I do is deep rooted and unshakeable. My family consists of poor, broken and desperate people because slimy souls need a new car, or fancier furniture, or an expensive vacation overseas at our expense. Whilst we're struggling to stay afloat. No more.

You can give up on trying to convince me from doing this. I drain people who exploit others the way me and my loved ones were exploited, and I will keep doing this. My hate for these people is so intense I often come close to draining even their children out of spite and have to calm myself before I go too far.

I learned, experimented and perfected this to spite them. To exploit them and squeeze every drop out of them that I can, and then leave them rotting and with nothing, as they have done to countless others. I will never stop, they can't stop me, and neither can you.

Do not mistake this for a hatred of everyone who has more than I do. There are many wealthy people who are honest, beautiful souls. I would never take anything from them. I am inspired by them more than anything.

You can call me whatever you like, parasite, degenerate, psychopath etc. But don't ever accuse me of being immoral or cruel. I have made many mistakes in my life, I've even hurt people who didn't deserve it, physically and spiritually, out of stupidity or emotional imbalance, but never out of cruelty.

Knowledge is power, and all the power I have I dedicate to bettering myself, and satisfying my need for justice. What I do is just and good. People who exploit others, who curse innocent people with financial struggles and the pains this brings to satisfy their personal desires, ego and greed, deserve to be drained and destroyed completely.

THAT is why I do what I do. I don't want to dedicate all my time and energy to cursing these people, so I drain them instead. It's faster. It harms them, and it benefits me in a few ways.

I have discovered that this works. Done correctly it will not pollute you, and it can have it's short term advantages, and even long term depending on the power of the soul you are draining. I have a subconscious desire to share this with you, because above all else I am a dedicated satanist and want the best for all of you.

And I want you all to be the best you can be. This has benefited me, and I want to share it with you so it may benefit you also. In the hopes it makes you stronger.

But yes, in the end I pursued this practice to satisfy a deep rooted, primal desire born of a personal grudge and deep hatred for a specific group of people who financially exploit others. Sorry if you expected better lore and backstory, I'm not as interesting as it may appear.

This is a very very specific case that he's talking about. If I had to guess he grew up poor and he's angry at loan sharks and want to get justice for the family members, WHO DID NOT ASK FOR IT. He himself Admits that His family members are not aware of this ,meaning they aren't dedicatedly hateful at these people.

However he has a personal issue that he's taking out against these people.

He Admits Using Solar Energy is SUPERIOR for building wealth.

The only reason he's doing this is that he's unhinged and apparently can't think straight from a logically sound mind. Otherwise he would take time to curse these people instead to connecting with them and sucking the essence from them - which transfers their karma to him as well.

He seems to be very confused about his place in the world and in order to get a sense of identity, created an enemy to fight against. Essentially a self righteous fight.

Guessing the Race of these Loan Sharks and Financial Exploiters of people, it would naturally be jews. So he's advocating for connecting and sucking Jewish souls and Jewish Karma to you.

Note - Jewish Souls are inherently different from Gentile Souls in their Structure. And all the Jewish souls are connected to the Tetragrammaton of the Enemy. This means that if you suck Jews dry you will connect directly to the Jewish "God" Enemy.

By the way Daharkhaan has stated his intentions, it can be seen that he has some extremely volatile emotional behaviors and he's unable to separate rational thinking from emotionalism. In his failure to think straight he's slowly hurting himself proclaiming freedom of Choice as if it has anything to do with the Gods.

Psychic Vampirism is inherently and explicitly a Jewish Mysticism tool. This is incontrovertible. Gentiles did not have tools like this because they understood that karma could affect Souls in this way.

Not only is this practice extremely dangerous even if he claims that it isn't, it is self suicidal from a Karmic perspective. You are purposefully bringing negative karma onto you.

Daharkhaan is suffering through the one thing most people In this community go through which is - Derangement because of dabbling in unnecessary and Self destructive practices.

He himself Admits that it's like putting your hand in a sewer pipe then turns around and tells you it's safe.

If you follow this practice and suffer from other people's karma and disgusting Energy ,you deserve what you get for being an unhinged retard like Daharkhaan.

I can tell you with absolute certainty that Daharkhaan hasn't gotten any kind of significant wealth from this practice.

Stop being a retard and following retarded advice on the Internet. Make use of your time wisely. Don't be a creepy weirdo trying to suck another person dry like a Jew.

It can't be a jewish invented method because it's inherently possible to do this on the astral plane in the first place. Are you saying that jews invented the astral dimension and all of its mechanics?

Also, if people have to come to us and ask us to get justice for them before we are allowed to get justice for them then we should just stop doing the RTR's right now because that's forcing justice on people who didn't ask for it. They obviously keep going to church and want to be led by jews so what right do we have to interfere, right? That's the same logic you're using.

Oh right. One other point. I believe it's said on the JoS website that Father Satan and his Demons take from some and redistribute it to another. Is it also parasitical, wrong, degenerate, etc etc... if our Gods do it? If you found out that the Gods do this then would you maintain your opinion? I would expect you to maintain it considering how strongly you feel about this and how far you are willing to go to push your views on a soapbox - even attempting character assassination of Dahaarkan.
jrvan said:
slyscorpion said:
tabby said:
I know I'm butting in here but I just wanted to offer something I learned when it comes to things like this (and this can apply to more than just victims of energy vampires like you and I).

If you are shot in the leg by an enemy, do you become afraid to use a gun to fight against people who wrong you?
If you are cut by a blade, do you refuse to ever use knives again because you got hurt by one?
If someone punched you and broke your jaw, do you refuse to ever use your fists to fight off an attacker?
If an enemy cut your arm off with a sword, do you outlaw all swords and refuse to use them in battle?

Psychic vampirism, while looked down on, is just a tool able to be used by anyone on any side. There's no reason to limit what tools one learns about or uses simply because the enemy uses it. Jews use knives in their blood rituals, do you plan to never use a knife whether for self defense or chopping vegetables in your kitchen because a jew uses knives to harm gentiles? Will you refuse to use your psychic abilities because the jew's masters use them to attack us?

If we fear every tool used against us, or outlaw every tool the jews use, then we will have nothing left.

You have some good points there. The point I was trying to make is the entire purpose of everything in the enemy religions and programs and ideas is stealing energy off people and of course wealth and everything else through that. I know it's possible I see it in action in the world right now.

If someone can do this against a Jew or really rotten person successfully I would be inclined to think cool you got your own shit used against you. It's a good feeling.

However I think if a lot of people start practicing this or it's encouraged that is not mainly what is going to happen. Teenagers will just use this to try and get stuff they want off family or people will try to drain random people for the fun of it things like that. Not everyone here is spiritually mature. I think this person is I see they are smart. Also the safety things about it make me think this shouldn't be officially encouraged.

I will be fine with it if it's kind of an on the low thing some people do that know how to do it safely. The problem is this can fuck up your own soul or someone innocents soul.

I am going to try to be open minded here. These were my concerns.

It also teaches people here how to defend against it as well as what to expect. Learning it yourself shows you the dynamics so you know when someone is doing it to you. You can't stop idiots from being idiots with their magick - that's impossible, and it's stupid to try to prevent that chaos from happening. It's going to happen no matter what you do. People who mess up with this are responsible for the consequences that they cause, same as with all magick. If you want to propose we put the genie back in the bottle to protect people from the dangers of psychic vampirism, then you may as well propose that we do the same with all of our magick teachings and all of the knowledge on the JoS, and just take the entire JoS website down because people could hurt themselves and others with the knowledge. The potential for misuse and people hurting others with the power of their mind is always there, and you can't do anything about it. If you tell them not to do it then they will still do it because you can't stop them. It's just how it is. You're wasting your time by worrying about this.

I do feel the same with other magick on the JOS too and yeah I know people have either done dumb things with that too before or things that are straight up abuse or destruction of innocents. I think it's our responsibility to be ethical and encourage others to be so as well.

I think the Gods try to teach the same thing to people and find that important as well.

This doesn't mean I believe all this stuff should be secret or censored or anything. I do think people that do dumb stuff with magick and we know should be corrected when possible though.

I saw it on here a few times.
Jack said:
jrvan said:
NinRick said:
I don’t watch anime, except Attack on Titan for quite a while.
I do not adore Jack, but I respect him.

No need to assume anything about me.

I assumed because you had a picture from Fairy Tail as your picture in the past, and you seem to have another anime character as a picture now which isn't from AoT. Also because publicly you appear like a fanboy for Jack. This is the image you give off, and perhaps you're right that I shouldn't have assumed. It's hard not to assume in this case though.

In response to your other reply as well, I wanted to make one particular comment regarding myself. I'm thinking maybe I'm jealous in a way, but I'm not sure yet if this is my karma fuel for this issue of mine - it's only a guess for now until I meditate on it more deeply. You see, when I was a young boy I was excluded from the boy circles at school, and I was very isolated. They were basically tribal with their friend circle that they already formed probably with clubs and parent connections. I think I resented them because I perceived myself as being on the outside, and I found many reasons to view them all with contempt. The truth of the matter is that I failed to connect with people and form friendships with people because of my traumatic and unstable home life. This was the fault of my parents, and not the boys at school. Even so, I don't know if I have fully gotten over the resentment at feeling cast out, and this might be fueling a sort of antagonism towards you and others that I perceive as being part of a forum gang. If this is truly the case then it's my own karma to work through. Like I said, I think I need to meditate on this further to be sure. I could also be right, and just not like you and certain other members because you act like assholes to people. It could even be a combination of these reasons, and if so then I only need to solve the first issue, and the second one would be for others to solve because I can't change any of you directly.
This is why I told you to join a book club or something to make real life friends, although it would mostly be women who go to a book club. So another place to go and get male friends are the Gym.

Your over emotional nature which is clouding your judgement at every step is because of the lack of a strong frame of Rational Willpower. You cannot compete or hang around competitive men with the way you are. The men who prioritize emotions over action always end up as failures in life and that is true for almost all professions.

This is also why you cannot understand what is happening around you and you think it's okay to support a deranged self suicidal Jewish Mysticism technique that is the epitome of Weakness and servitude. Daharkhaan himself Admits that he's a very hateful and disturbed individual and in your clouded judgment you thought you should follow him.

You need to look into your Astrology and see if you have a high combination of Air and Water and then check what techniques you'll need to solve those Doshas.

Everything you know about me is only what I have willingly revealed, and you routinely try to use it against me which says a lot about you and your terrible character as a man. Everything else you say about me that I haven't revealed on my own is just shit you have made up about me. I bet it frustrates you to an extent that I can probe peoples' psyches and hit the nail on the head more often than not, but you can't do the same. Your accuracy in cold readings just really sucks. You're only half right about my elemental makeup, and you only guessed water because like I already pointed out you are at war with emotions. You believe emotions should be suppressed inside men and not freely expressed, and that emotions are only for weak women - you falsely call this denial of emotions "control." That's not true control, it's just shutting down your emotions and being the jewish version of a man that they want you to be... which is an angry little boy on the inside who doesn't know how to express his feelings properly. And you are an angry little boy on the inside who doesn't have 1% of the emotional control that you claim to have - which makes you a failed Yogi by your own definition :lol:
I'm the only one on the forums who has ever made you lose your cool and crack your stupid "composed Yogi" ego facade, and shown your character identity on the forums that you've built up for yourself to be the lie that it is. You hate me for this. I feel your anger over it whenever you fail to crush me, whenever I dare to look down on you and try to teach you. That's also why you take these moments to try to "teach" me so that you can act like the person in the position of superior knowledge and authority to recover your precious forum ego from me, and to push me down beneath you where you think I belong. You're only a roleplayer, Jack. Just a pretender and a bully who wants to take power away from others so you can be king of the hill in a place where you are inferior to others. Why don't you go hang out at a daycare, and the little kids can teach you how to express your emotions.
slyscorpion said:
jrvan said:
slyscorpion said:
You have some good points there. The point I was trying to make is the entire purpose of everything in the enemy religions and programs and ideas is stealing energy off people and of course wealth and everything else through that. I know it's possible I see it in action in the world right now.

If someone can do this against a Jew or really rotten person successfully I would be inclined to think cool you got your own shit used against you. It's a good feeling.

However I think if a lot of people start practicing this or it's encouraged that is not mainly what is going to happen. Teenagers will just use this to try and get stuff they want off family or people will try to drain random people for the fun of it things like that. Not everyone here is spiritually mature. I think this person is I see they are smart. Also the safety things about it make me think this shouldn't be officially encouraged.

I will be fine with it if it's kind of an on the low thing some people do that know how to do it safely. The problem is this can fuck up your own soul or someone innocents soul.

I am going to try to be open minded here. These were my concerns.

It also teaches people here how to defend against it as well as what to expect. Learning it yourself shows you the dynamics so you know when someone is doing it to you. You can't stop idiots from being idiots with their magick - that's impossible, and it's stupid to try to prevent that chaos from happening. It's going to happen no matter what you do. People who mess up with this are responsible for the consequences that they cause, same as with all magick. If you want to propose we put the genie back in the bottle to protect people from the dangers of psychic vampirism, then you may as well propose that we do the same with all of our magick teachings and all of the knowledge on the JoS, and just take the entire JoS website down because people could hurt themselves and others with the knowledge. The potential for misuse and people hurting others with the power of their mind is always there, and you can't do anything about it. If you tell them not to do it then they will still do it because you can't stop them. It's just how it is. You're wasting your time by worrying about this.

I do feel the same with other magick on the JOS too and yeah I know people have either done dumb things with that too before or things that are straight up abuse or destruction of innocents. I think it's our responsibility to be ethical and encourage others to be so as well.

I think the Gods try to teach the same thing to people and find that important as well.

This doesn't mean I believe all this stuff should be secret or censored or anything. I do think people that do dumb stuff with magick and we know should be corrected when possible though.

I saw it on here a few times.

To reference your original response to my comment, I answered that way since I figured that the larger reason you feel so against the practice of psychic vampirism was because it was done to you, therefore you didn't want others to practice it out of fear of just the idea that someone could do it to you again. That or you have an empathetic form of moral belief in that if there's something you wouldn't like being done to you, you try to prevent others from committing it even if they wouldn't direct it at you (feeling yourself in the victims place, so to speak, because of the trauma connection).

I use to limit myself in committing certain actions against others because I didn't want others to do such things to me, but that doesn't keep you safe from people who will treat you how they wish regardless of what you do. It just causes you to be unable to act in any way you might need to, to save yourself or others in different situations should it require such. It's just better to keep your options open and learn as many variety of techniques as possible to give yourself the best chances of success in life, and allow others to be knowledgeable in as many variety of techniques as well, so they too have the best chances. If you never have to use certain techniques then good, it just means you were prepared. Better to be prepared for anything than caught off guard, imo.

Frankly, unless one is adept at the basics and foundations of magick, one shouldn't be attempting psychic vampirism techniques for whatever purposes anyway, otherwise you could seriously harm yourself and whoever you're drawing from. If it ever had a page of its own, it would be in the advanced section with a warning plastered on the top.
jrvan said:
Jack said:
Daharkhaan is a deeply disturbed and unhappy person which he himself Admits,

I am a deeply jealous, angry and hateful individual. These 3 define my motivation and desire to push forward. I grew up with close to nothing, struggling and stressing over finance and food. I didn't grow up in any extreme poverty or anything, but enough to the point where it stings and scars you.

Everyone in my family are hardworking people. Who never got their due for labor provided, who always deserved more and better than what they got. And they never got it because they are always being exploited by someone. Even if they never realized it.

My motivation for what I do is deep rooted and unshakeable. My family consists of poor, broken and desperate people because slimy souls need a new car, or fancier furniture, or an expensive vacation overseas at our expense. Whilst we're struggling to stay afloat. No more.

You can give up on trying to convince me from doing this. I drain people who exploit others the way me and my loved ones were exploited, and I will keep doing this. My hate for these people is so intense I often come close to draining even their children out of spite and have to calm myself before I go too far.

I learned, experimented and perfected this to spite them. To exploit them and squeeze every drop out of them that I can, and then leave them rotting and with nothing, as they have done to countless others. I will never stop, they can't stop me, and neither can you.

Do not mistake this for a hatred of everyone who has more than I do. There are many wealthy people who are honest, beautiful souls. I would never take anything from them. I am inspired by them more than anything.

You can call me whatever you like, parasite, degenerate, psychopath etc. But don't ever accuse me of being immoral or cruel. I have made many mistakes in my life, I've even hurt people who didn't deserve it, physically and spiritually, out of stupidity or emotional imbalance, but never out of cruelty.

Knowledge is power, and all the power I have I dedicate to bettering myself, and satisfying my need for justice. What I do is just and good. People who exploit others, who curse innocent people with financial struggles and the pains this brings to satisfy their personal desires, ego and greed, deserve to be drained and destroyed completely.

THAT is why I do what I do. I don't want to dedicate all my time and energy to cursing these people, so I drain them instead. It's faster. It harms them, and it benefits me in a few ways.

I have discovered that this works. Done correctly it will not pollute you, and it can have it's short term advantages, and even long term depending on the power of the soul you are draining. I have a subconscious desire to share this with you, because above all else I am a dedicated satanist and want the best for all of you.

And I want you all to be the best you can be. This has benefited me, and I want to share it with you so it may benefit you also. In the hopes it makes you stronger.

But yes, in the end I pursued this practice to satisfy a deep rooted, primal desire born of a personal grudge and deep hatred for a specific group of people who financially exploit others. Sorry if you expected better lore and backstory, I'm not as interesting as it may appear.

This is a very very specific case that he's talking about. If I had to guess he grew up poor and he's angry at loan sharks and want to get justice for the family members, WHO DID NOT ASK FOR IT. He himself Admits that His family members are not aware of this ,meaning they aren't dedicatedly hateful at these people.

However he has a personal issue that he's taking out against these people.

He Admits Using Solar Energy is SUPERIOR for building wealth.

The only reason he's doing this is that he's unhinged and apparently can't think straight from a logically sound mind. Otherwise he would take time to curse these people instead to connecting with them and sucking the essence from them - which transfers their karma to him as well.

He seems to be very confused about his place in the world and in order to get a sense of identity, created an enemy to fight against. Essentially a self righteous fight.

Guessing the Race of these Loan Sharks and Financial Exploiters of people, it would naturally be jews. So he's advocating for connecting and sucking Jewish souls and Jewish Karma to you.

Note - Jewish Souls are inherently different from Gentile Souls in their Structure. And all the Jewish souls are connected to the Tetragrammaton of the Enemy. This means that if you suck Jews dry you will connect directly to the Jewish "God" Enemy.

By the way Daharkhaan has stated his intentions, it can be seen that he has some extremely volatile emotional behaviors and he's unable to separate rational thinking from emotionalism. In his failure to think straight he's slowly hurting himself proclaiming freedom of Choice as if it has anything to do with the Gods.

Psychic Vampirism is inherently and explicitly a Jewish Mysticism tool. This is incontrovertible. Gentiles did not have tools like this because they understood that karma could affect Souls in this way.

Not only is this practice extremely dangerous even if he claims that it isn't, it is self suicidal from a Karmic perspective. You are purposefully bringing negative karma onto you.

Daharkhaan is suffering through the one thing most people In this community go through which is - Derangement because of dabbling in unnecessary and Self destructive practices.

He himself Admits that it's like putting your hand in a sewer pipe then turns around and tells you it's safe.

If you follow this practice and suffer from other people's karma and disgusting Energy ,you deserve what you get for being an unhinged retard like Daharkhaan.

I can tell you with absolute certainty that Daharkhaan hasn't gotten any kind of significant wealth from this practice.

Stop being a retard and following retarded advice on the Internet. Make use of your time wisely. Don't be a creepy weirdo trying to suck another person dry like a Jew.

It can't be a jewish invented method because it's inherently possible to do this on the astral plane in the first place. Are you saying that jews invented the astral dimension and all of its mechanics?

Also, if people have to come to us and ask us to get justice for them before we are allowed to get justice for them then we should just stop doing the RTR's right now because that's forcing justice on people who didn't ask for it. They obviously keep going to church and want to be led by jews so what right do we have to interfere, right? That's the same logic you're using.

Oh right. One other point. I believe it's said on the JoS website that Father Satan and his Demons take from some and redistribute it to another. Is it also parasitical, wrong, degenerate, etc etc... if our Gods do it? If you found out that the Gods do this then would you maintain your opinion? I would expect you to maintain it considering how strongly you feel about this and how far you are willing to go to push your views on a soapbox - even attempting character assassination of Dahaarkan.
This is an absolutely retarded claim. The mechanism of using the astral plane in such a way was devised by jews. Gentiles never devised this because they do not have their level of consciousness.

This is like saying the United States did not create the Nuclear Bomb because Atomic particles inherently had this capability. Like what ?

I did not attempt any character assassination. This is something that he himself admitted publicly that he was a deeply hateful and disturbed individual at the core.

Also- quote where it says Satan redistribute wealth. Also this has nothing to do with redistributing wealth because Daharkhaan cannot do that. He is not a Government official or has power over any such decisions in life.
I agree with Slyscorpion. When I read the title, I thought it was a thread about protecting yourself from psychic vampirism. As @Dahaarkan says, vampirism is parasitical. The Jews and their creators are parasites. We humans and our Gods are NOT prasitical. It comes as no surprise that the Jews have been symbolized as vampires on many stories, since they literally drink blood from the humans (usually children) or animals that they ritualistically murder.

The only information I read on JoS about psychic vampires is Maxine Dietrich's explaining how to protect yourself from such people.

Most of the psychic vampires are Jewish, although there are Gentioe psychic vampires as well. I think that when a Satanist realizes that his nature is that of a psychic vampire, he should work on changing it with meditation.

Most ps vampires suck other people's energy and lifeforce instinctively. They are not mages in most cases. DO YOU NEED SOME ENERGY? HOW ABOUT DOING HATHA YOGA OR PRANAYAMA?

My experiences with psychic vampirism include an old christian woman related to my mother who depends on charity, just like a parasite. When she first sucked my energy, she drained me completely. When the aura of the vampire touches yours, you feel comfortably numb, mesmerized, and hypnotized.

I have been the target of many vampires because my aura is bright from consistent meditations and high vibration.

I have trained my aura to block and repel such parasites. If I come in usual contact with any psychic vampires, I bind them completely.

I may elaborate more on how to protect yourself from vampirism in a later post.

Who of the following do you think is a psychic vampire?

Satan or jesus?
Astarte or mary?

Obviously, psychic vampirism is non-Satanic. If you feel you're a psychic vampire, meditate to transmute this prasitical nature.
Meteor said:
NinRick said:
Dahaarkan said:
I mean, the bow is the weapon of a man with low testosterone. I think it's a sign, Jack.

Were you a real man you'd be holding a sword instead. :ugeek:
Nah, he looked epic.

Topless, back straight, with an arrow at the bowstring, while his bow was white, and the both ends of the bow were Burning in explosions.

This did not look like low testosterone to me.
I heard it actually takes quite a bit of strength to pull a bowstring all the way back on a large bow. Also, being masculine doesn't mean one should be reckless and charge into battle with a sword in a situation where victory can be achieved from a distance.

I didn't really follow the conversation. Are people arguing, or is it just playful teasing? It seems a bit passive aggressive.

I was considering saying something on the topic, but I think it would be lost on most people, so I'll keep it short. In my opinion, the phenomenon that makes psychic vampirism possible is actually of a very intimate nature. It's like making a part of another person a part of yourself. So for Dahaarkan to say he wouldn't drain Jack, is to say that he hates what Jack is and wants nothing to do with him.

If taken very far, it's like merging and growing together to the point that thoughts, emotions, and even things such as sight and touch can be shared freely. As long as the people involved are compatible and healthy, that's not destructive, but rather, mutually beneficial. However, it also means to carry a burden together during times of hardship. Like marriage, it's not something to be taken lightly.

To do this in such a casual and self-serving manner with strangers or acquaintances... I can't tell the difference from people who have sex with strangers in return for money or just emotional validation. It looks completely the same to me. There is no difference, really. Aside from one being physical, and the other being purely psychic.

One might say, "why can't you be a bigger person than that?" But if it works for them, then who am I to judge? It's an issue if people aren't in control of their behaviour, but Dahaarkan seems to be completely conscious of it as well as hygiene, so I don't see an issue.

Also, it's not like the people on the other end are only victims. A person can't be drained unless they play into it by choosing to give their energy away. You might say this is happening subconsciously in some cases, but isn't that just an excuse people cling to? If people want to suffer because they're stuck in a victim mentality, why not let them? If people such as Dahaarkan's targets want to lose the profits they made at the expense of others because they're feeling guilty, why not let them? It's all just an excuse.

If deep down people feel like they want to suffer, they can just wait for some "vampire" to come around and help them out with that. If people want to avoid that, they should get a grip on themselves, for example by meditating.

Well, that's my view on it. I intended to keep it short, but I ended up saying it anyway. Oh well. :roll:

Having lived with someone that has had cancer, I can tell you this: You cannot block being drained.

You may refuse attachment, close your chakras etc. You still will be drained.
Jack said:
This is a very very specific case that he's talking about. If I had to guess he grew up poor and he's angry at loan sharks and want to get justice for the family members, WHO DID NOT ASK FOR IT. He himself Admits that His family members are not aware of this ,meaning they aren't dedicatedly hateful at these people.

However he has a personal issue that he's taking out against these people.

He Admits Using Solar Energy is SUPERIOR for building wealth.

The only reason he's doing this is that he's unhinged and apparently can't think straight from a logically sound mind. Otherwise he would take time to curse these people instead to connecting with them and sucking the essence from them - which transfers their karma to him as well.

He seems to be very confused about his place in the world and in order to get a sense of identity, created an enemy to fight against. Essentially a self righteous fight.

Guessing the Race of these Loan Sharks and Financial Exploiters of people, it would naturally be jews. So he's advocating for connecting and sucking Jewish souls and Jewish Karma to you.

Note - Jewish Souls are inherently different from Gentile Souls in their Structure. And all the Jewish souls are connected to the Tetragrammaton of the Enemy. This means that if you suck Jews dry you will connect directly to the Jewish "God" Enemy.

By the way Daharkhaan has stated his intentions, it can be seen that he has some extremely volatile emotional behaviors and he's unable to separate rational thinking from emotionalism. In his failure to think straight he's slowly hurting himself proclaiming freedom of Choice as if it has anything to do with the Gods.

Psychic Vampirism is inherently and explicitly a Jewish Mysticism tool. This is incontrovertible. Gentiles did not have tools like this because they understood that karma could affect Souls in this way.

Not only is this practice extremely dangerous even if he claims that it isn't, it is self suicidal from a Karmic perspective. You are purposefully bringing negative karma onto you.

Daharkhaan is suffering through the one thing most people In this community go through which is - Derangement because of dabbling in unnecessary and Self destructive practices.

He himself Admits that it's like putting your hand in a sewer pipe then turns around and tells you it's safe.

If you follow this practice and suffer from other people's karma and disgusting Energy ,you deserve what you get for being an unhinged retard like Daharkhaan.

I can tell you with absolute certainty that Daharkhaan hasn't gotten any kind of significant wealth from this practice.

Stop being a retard and following retarded advice on the Internet. Make use of your time wisely. Don't be a creepy weirdo trying to suck another person dry like a Jew.

Awww jackie did your fragile ego get hurt because I said you're not a real man?

There there I'll let you vent your little frustrations on this thread.

I do wonder, since it's closing in on a decade now, when this prophetic time when I destroy myself will come?

Nevermind the fact that karmic influences and such pollution can be purged and cleaned out, I would expect someone who's been here this long would know this by now but unsurprising you must be enlightened on basic things.

The reality is you're a butthurt loser whose accomplished nothing in their life. Which is why you are sitting on the edge of your seat hoping others who have will destroy themselves for one reason or another.

You and a few others are also butthurt because I won't allow you to establish personality cults on the forums. And for the gods sake, it's DAHAARKAN, DA, HAAR, KAN. Is it really that complicated?

At least master basic spelling before calling others retarded lol

The difference between you and me is that I am not afraid of my own emotions nor do I suppress or dismantle them. Rather I harness them for magick as anyone with a brain would. You're part of a crowd who believes one must dismantle all their emotion and become a lifeless husk. Sorry, I don't subscribe to such stupidity.

You're just a bitter loser who hopes other people destroy themselves simply because you personally don't like them. Had you any power perhaps I'd be concerned but I doubt you even meditate regularly.

Your third eye is clearly completely inactive considering you don't see the reds as enemies of humanity or the advances they are making in the world, among other retarded shit you've said before.

You and the other losers like you have nothing on me. And no plausible arguments to be made. All you have is assumptions on my personal life and way of living, which cannot be proven or disproved and are therefore pointless and ultimately meaningless.
Jack said:
Stop being a retard and following retarded advice on the Internet. Make use of your time wisely. Don't be a creepy weirdo trying to suck another person dry like a Jew.

Guys, use your time wisely. Take example from jack and spend hours of your life obsessing over me and fantasizing about me destroying myself.

Oh, and also spend hours online gushing about anime! Use your time wisely!

What a fucking loser lmao
And the brave knights once again stood up to the evil vampire, repeating ad nauseum what has already been said and addressed a thousand times, hoping repetition would save the day.

But the unspeakable villain uttered the words; "Jack, you are not a real man!"

And the brave knight pissed himself and broke into tears and in anime rage proclaimed (for the 3297846th time) the evil vampire would one day destroy himself through his mischievous deeds. The formation broke, and all was lost as the big bad man unleashed common sense against the heroes.

And so the brave troop of knights retreated to their HQ, where they will cry and watch anime, telling themselves and each other that it'll be ok, because one day Dahaarkan will destroy himself and we'll have the last laugh!
jrvan said:
I feel we're birds of a feather, to an extent. I also like your personality - it's fun.

I feel it too. You are who you are and you believe what you see and what you feel, rather than what you're told. You also do not mutilate your own being to fit in or conform, and we have this in common.

I don't have to tell you not to listen to jack's emo advice about emotion. Like yes we should all mutilate our own souls, purge all emotion and become lifeless, emotionless husks. You can see the effects of this in him, and how the suppression of his emotions manifests in retarded posts at random intervals. I feel sorry for people who listen to this nonsense and do this to themselves.

My hate, jealousy and anger go hand in hand with logic and reasoning to create balance, and become fuel for magick workings. I am certain jack has no power whatsoever. A man without emotion is a man without power. A thing that thinks and observes, but does not act or accomplish.

In the end he's an internally frustrated little man with an ego too large to be able to admit his own mistakes and start over. So he continues with this retarded mentality of purging emotion and desperately wanting to draw others into doing the same to validate himself and his choices.

Jack portrays emotion as something to be ashamed of and he misunderstands when I state these things about myself and my emotions. I am proud of what I am, I've done good things and accomplished things in my life that I am proud of. Unlike jack I am not ashamed of myself and I follow the dictates of my own nature and find balance, instead of trying to change it to look cool in an online forum.

The reality is while people like you or me are out in the real world learning, growing and advancing, jack is in a dark room somewhere watching anime. So I don't think you, me or anyone else should take him seriously. I've been trying to talk sense into him and help him for long enough, and I give up. He's hopeless.

It's a real shame. I don't think you were around before he became this. He was energetic, passionate and even caring. Then he went down this path of purging his emotions and mutilating his own being. Now he's possibly the most unpleasant person in the group, and talking to him feels like talking to a discord bot. He has a set of dialogue and a rhetoric, but no passion or emotion behind it, he's barely human.

He misunderstands the point I made when I said I wouldn't drain him. Which is there is nothing to be drained.
slyscorpion said:
However I think if a lot of people start practicing this or it's encouraged that is not mainly what is going to happen. Teenagers will just use this to try and get stuff they want off family or people will try to drain random people for the fun of it things like that. Not everyone here is spiritually mature. I think this person is I see they are smart. Also the safety things about it make me think this shouldn't be officially encouraged.

I will be fine with it if it's kind of an on the low thing some people do that know how to do it safely. The problem is this can fuck up your own soul or someone innocents soul.

I am going to try to be open minded here. These were my concerns.

I understand this concern. But functional energy pathways are beyond the skills of the average edgy or emotionally imbalanced teen. I strongly believe that inexperienced, imbalanced or immature people won't make this work. Most likely they will be draining nothing at all, either because they fail to latch onto their target, their tendrils are ineffective, they don't pull the energy properly with the breath etc etc.

There's a lot of things that can go wrong here and I think most people who try it before they are ready are simply going to waste their time. Worst case scenario they damage themselves and others around them but, one can do this with other forms of magick too. Suppressing knowledge for the preservation of fools who don't take warnings seriously is not something we should do though.
Osiris Silvio said:
I agree with Slyscorpion. When I read the title, I thought it was a thread about protecting yourself from psychic vampirism. As @Dahaarkan says, vampirism is parasitical. The Jews and their creators are parasites. We humans and our Gods are NOT prasitical. It comes as no surprise that the Jews have been symbolized as vampires on many stories, since they literally drink blood from the humans (usually children) or animals that they ritualistically murder.

The only information I read on JoS about psychic vampires is Maxine Dietrich's explaining how to protect yourself from such people.

Most of the psychic vampires are Jewish, although there are Gentioe psychic vampires as well. I think that when a Satanist realizes that his nature is that of a psychic vampire, he should work on changing it with meditation.

Most ps vampires suck other people's energy and lifeforce instinctively. They are not mages in most cases. DO YOU NEED SOME ENERGY? HOW ABOUT DOING HATHA YOGA OR PRANAYAMA?

My experiences with psychic vampirism include an old christian woman related to my mother who depends on charity, just like a parasite. When she first sucked my energy, she drained me completely. When the aura of the vampire touches yours, you feel comfortably numb, mesmerized, and hypnotized.

I have been the target of many vampires because my aura is bright from consistent meditations and high vibration.

I have trained my aura to block and repel such parasites. If I come in usual contact with any psychic vampires, I bind them completely.

I may elaborate more on how to protect yourself from vampirism in a later post.

Who of the following do you think is a psychic vampire?

Satan or jesus?
Astarte or mary?

Obviously, psychic vampirism is non-Satanic. If you feel you're a psychic vampire, meditate to transmute this prasitical nature.

There's no way you also missed the part where I recommended drawing energy from the sun and traditional workings instead of vampirism for advancing. There's actually just no way, you're doing this as a meme to piss me off aren't you?

Why are you making assumptions on my nature. Perhaps if you had read the post you'd realize I do this sparingly and mostly just to destroy individuals I despise. And not as a constant source of energy. To me it's like an exotic or unorthodox weapon to destroy your enemies. I also advocate it be used in this way rather than for personal gain. But since you didn't read the post I have to say this again.

Like seriously guys can you read the post before you reply? Please?

I'm very much interested in hearing your experience with vampires, and your defensive strategies. Please tell us if you find the time.
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:
This is a very very specific case that he's talking about. If I had to guess he grew up poor and he's angry at loan sharks and want to get justice for the family members, WHO DID NOT ASK FOR IT. He himself Admits that His family members are not aware of this ,meaning they aren't dedicatedly hateful at these people.

However he has a personal issue that he's taking out against these people.

He Admits Using Solar Energy is SUPERIOR for building wealth.

The only reason he's doing this is that he's unhinged and apparently can't think straight from a logically sound mind. Otherwise he would take time to curse these people instead to connecting with them and sucking the essence from them - which transfers their karma to him as well.

He seems to be very confused about his place in the world and in order to get a sense of identity, created an enemy to fight against. Essentially a self righteous fight.

Guessing the Race of these Loan Sharks and Financial Exploiters of people, it would naturally be jews. So he's advocating for connecting and sucking Jewish souls and Jewish Karma to you.

Note - Jewish Souls are inherently different from Gentile Souls in their Structure. And all the Jewish souls are connected to the Tetragrammaton of the Enemy. This means that if you suck Jews dry you will connect directly to the Jewish "God" Enemy.

By the way Daharkhaan has stated his intentions, it can be seen that he has some extremely volatile emotional behaviors and he's unable to separate rational thinking from emotionalism. In his failure to think straight he's slowly hurting himself proclaiming freedom of Choice as if it has anything to do with the Gods.

Psychic Vampirism is inherently and explicitly a Jewish Mysticism tool. This is incontrovertible. Gentiles did not have tools like this because they understood that karma could affect Souls in this way.

Not only is this practice extremely dangerous even if he claims that it isn't, it is self suicidal from a Karmic perspective. You are purposefully bringing negative karma onto you.

Daharkhaan is suffering through the one thing most people In this community go through which is - Derangement because of dabbling in unnecessary and Self destructive practices.

He himself Admits that it's like putting your hand in a sewer pipe then turns around and tells you it's safe.

If you follow this practice and suffer from other people's karma and disgusting Energy ,you deserve what you get for being an unhinged retard like Daharkhaan.

I can tell you with absolute certainty that Daharkhaan hasn't gotten any kind of significant wealth from this practice.

Stop being a retard and following retarded advice on the Internet. Make use of your time wisely. Don't be a creepy weirdo trying to suck another person dry like a Jew.

Awww jackie did your fragile ego get hurt because I said you're not a real man?

There there I'll let you vent your little frustrations on this thread.

I do wonder, since it's closing in on a decade now, when this prophetic time when I destroy myself will come?

Nevermind the fact that karmic influences and such pollution can be purged and cleaned out, I would expect someone who's been here this long would know this by now but unsurprising you must be enlightened on basic things.

The reality is you're a butthurt loser whose accomplished nothing in their life. Which is why you are sitting on the edge of your seat hoping others who have will destroy themselves for one reason or another.

You and a few others are also butthurt because I won't allow you to establish personality cults on the forums. And for the gods sake, it's DAHAARKAN, DA, HAAR, KAN. Is it really that complicated?

At least master basic spelling before calling others retarded lol

The difference between you and me is that I am not afraid of my own emotions nor do I suppress or dismantle them. Rather I harness them for magick as anyone with a brain would. You're part of a crowd who believes one must dismantle all their emotion and become a lifeless husk. Sorry, I don't subscribe to such stupidity.

You're just a bitter loser who hopes other people destroy themselves simply because you personally don't like them. Had you any power perhaps I'd be concerned but I doubt you even meditate regularly.

Your third eye is clearly completely inactive considering you don't see the reds as enemies of humanity or the advances they are making in the world, among other retarded shit you've said before.

You and the other losers like you have nothing on me. And no plausible arguments to be made. All you have is assumptions on my personal life and way of living, which cannot be proven or disproved and are therefore pointless and ultimately meaningless.
This has nothing to do with me or you calling me whatever you want to call me. I have a nice life, a nice girlfriend and a nice path to success that I'm following. I have no qualms with you personally.

I am personally concerned that deranged and mentally unwell people like you have the hutzpah and bravado to write all this stuff on the forum and after being called out by people who have been meditating for years still continue to act like it's all okay.

In another thread you claimed that you distrusted Satan all throughout your Satanic journey which is in lime with you proclaiming that You are a deeply hateful and disturbed individual.

You probably do not have a girlfriend either because women don't like hateful and disturbed individuals like you. You're in a constant state of unhappiness and Derangement. And instead of healing yourself You're propagating self harm to people here.

For all my faults and mistakes I've come clean to people in a way that other people can learn from.

You have already destroyed yourself - you constantly life in reaction to other people, constantly hateful and resentful and unhappy. You have no life and no purpose for yourself. And your just living I response to other individuals which you think you must tackle.

You are enslaved to the people you drain.
jrvan said:
Jack said:
jrvan said:
I assumed because you had a picture from Fairy Tail as your picture in the past, and you seem to have another anime character as a picture now which isn't from AoT. Also because publicly you appear like a fanboy for Jack. This is the image you give off, and perhaps you're right that I shouldn't have assumed. It's hard not to assume in this case though.

In response to your other reply as well, I wanted to make one particular comment regarding myself. I'm thinking maybe I'm jealous in a way, but I'm not sure yet if this is my karma fuel for this issue of mine - it's only a guess for now until I meditate on it more deeply. You see, when I was a young boy I was excluded from the boy circles at school, and I was very isolated. They were basically tribal with their friend circle that they already formed probably with clubs and parent connections. I think I resented them because I perceived myself as being on the outside, and I found many reasons to view them all with contempt. The truth of the matter is that I failed to connect with people and form friendships with people because of my traumatic and unstable home life. This was the fault of my parents, and not the boys at school. Even so, I don't know if I have fully gotten over the resentment at feeling cast out, and this might be fueling a sort of antagonism towards you and others that I perceive as being part of a forum gang. If this is truly the case then it's my own karma to work through. Like I said, I think I need to meditate on this further to be sure. I could also be right, and just not like you and certain other members because you act like assholes to people. It could even be a combination of these reasons, and if so then I only need to solve the first issue, and the second one would be for others to solve because I can't change any of you directly.
This is why I told you to join a book club or something to make real life friends, although it would mostly be women who go to a book club. So another place to go and get male friends are the Gym.

Your over emotional nature which is clouding your judgement at every step is because of the lack of a strong frame of Rational Willpower. You cannot compete or hang around competitive men with the way you are. The men who prioritize emotions over action always end up as failures in life and that is true for almost all professions.

This is also why you cannot understand what is happening around you and you think it's okay to support a deranged self suicidal Jewish Mysticism technique that is the epitome of Weakness and servitude. Daharkhaan himself Admits that he's a very hateful and disturbed individual and in your clouded judgment you thought you should follow him.

You need to look into your Astrology and see if you have a high combination of Air and Water and then check what techniques you'll need to solve those Doshas.

Everything you know about me is only what I have willingly revealed, and you routinely try to use it against me which says a lot about you and your terrible character as a man. Everything else you say about me that I haven't revealed on my own is just shit you have made up about me. I bet it frustrates you to an extent that I can probe peoples' psyches and hit the nail on the head more often than not, but you can't do the same. Your accuracy in cold readings just really sucks. You're only half right about my elemental makeup, and you only guessed water because like I already pointed out you are at war with emotions. You believe emotions should be suppressed inside men and not freely expressed, and that emotions are only for weak women - you falsely call this denial of emotions "control." That's not true control, it's just shutting down your emotions and being the jewish version of a man that they want you to be... which is an angry little boy on the inside who doesn't know how to express his feelings properly. And you are an angry little boy on the inside who doesn't have 1% of the emotional control that you claim to have - which makes you a failed Yogi by your own definition :lol:
I'm the only one on the forums who has ever made you lose your cool and crack your stupid "composed Yogi" ego facade, and shown your character identity on the forums that you've built up for yourself to be the lie that it is. You hate me for this. I feel your anger over it whenever you fail to crush me, whenever I dare to look down on you and try to teach you. That's also why you take these moments to try to "teach" me so that you can act like the person in the position of superior knowledge and authority to recover your precious forum ego from me, and to push me down beneath you where you think I belong. You're only a roleplayer, Jack. Just a pretender and a bully who wants to take power away from others so you can be king of the hill in a place where you are inferior to others. Why don't you go hang out at a daycare, and the little kids can teach you how to express your emotions.
I mean to be honest I don't really care personally about you or Daharkhaan here. So I'm not going to repeat long paragraphs trying to explain everything because I know you don't get it. I know that you're just delusional retards who will continue to be failures in life and everything else. This is just an educational tool for people who think I have something important to say or care about my opinion. Other than that it's just a useless endeavor in itself. I work in a field where I have to interact with employees everyday and make decisions about them and I know hardworking, humble understanding employees with drive and employees that are just arrogant and confused about everything but think they are all knowing. The labour force is full of people looking for jobs and the people who don't perform and are arrogant in not sticking to the program are fired.

And for the nth time I've already explained ad nauseum about emotions and I'm not going to repeat it again.
Osiris Silvio said:
I agree with Slyscorpion. When I read the title, I thought it was a thread about protecting yourself from psychic vampirism. As @Dahaarkan says, vampirism is parasitical. The Jews and their creators are parasites. We humans and our Gods are NOT prasitical. It comes as no surprise that the Jews have been symbolized as vampires on many stories, since they literally drink blood from the humans (usually children) or animals that they ritualistically murder.

The only information I read on JoS about psychic vampires is Maxine Dietrich's explaining how to protect yourself from such people.

Most of the psychic vampires are Jewish, although there are Gentioe psychic vampires as well. I think that when a Satanist realizes that his nature is that of a psychic vampire, he should work on changing it with meditation.

Most ps vampires suck other people's energy and lifeforce instinctively. They are not mages in most cases. DO YOU NEED SOME ENERGY? HOW ABOUT DOING HATHA YOGA OR PRANAYAMA?

My experiences with psychic vampirism include an old christian woman related to my mother who depends on charity, just like a parasite. When she first sucked my energy, she drained me completely. When the aura of the vampire touches yours, you feel comfortably numb, mesmerized, and hypnotized.

I have been the target of many vampires because my aura is bright from consistent meditations and high vibration.

I have trained my aura to block and repel such parasites. If I come in usual contact with any psychic vampires, I bind them completely.

I may elaborate more on how to protect yourself from vampirism in a later post.

Who of the following do you think is a psychic vampire?

Satan or jesus?
Astarte or mary?

Obviously, psychic vampirism is non-Satanic. If you feel you're a psychic vampire, meditate to transmute this prasitical nature.

I think we all agree that being a psychic vampire like this is really bad. However this isn't really what Dahaarkan or me are talking about that much. That is Unconscious psychic vampirism. I would have to say watch out literally for anyone who is a really serious believer in Xtianity and reached near the end stage of it. Your probably going to get drained or get some serious shit that takes a lot of effort to get off you placed on you.
Final thoughts and Recap
Since I've done this mistake many a times before to no avail, I'll stop arguing with Daharkhaan and this other individual now. Arguing with them personally is not a constructive criticism or beneficial to anyone reading this thread. Hence I will summarize my final thoughts and leave this here. And the reader can make their own conclusions about it as they like.

To the reader,

After reading overwhelmingly Negative comments about this from all the members who commented on this thread you can understand either

1)No one except Daharkhaan meditates or is in touch with the Gods and only Daharkhaan understands spirituality and morality.
2)Daharkhaan has no understanding about spirituality or morality and is spreading poison to everyone. (Point in contention.)

I'm not going to waste my time but you can go through his post history and search for Any kind of constructive and positive Meditation and Spirituality advice. You will find none. In his years of being on the forums the only thing he has been known for is being a parasite and a deeply hateful and resentful individual .

Again this is not slander or a false statement of fact. This is something that he himself Admits.

- He admitted that he is a deeply hateful, jealous and resentful individual. And that is his core of being and his motivation of moving forward in life.
That is to say he has no other way of being other than being a very deeply resentful, disturbed and unhappy Individual.

- He said that he can be called a parasite and a Psychopath. This is synonymous to being Jewish. I'm not calling Daharkhaan a Jew. But these are purely Jewish traits.

-He said that the technique might have been invented by the Jews but it's not morally wrong for a non Jew to use it. The presupposition being that actions are not inherently morally right or wrong but that morality is assigned by Society to actions.

Furthering this argument the Jews have recently claimed that Child Rape is only inherently wrong because society has assigned such a wrong meaning to it and that Adult Grown men should be allowed to sodomize little children if they so please.

As a sane and normal human being you have to question whether sucking random individuals dry and attaching their harmful Karmic imprints into your soul and being a deranged Psychopath is a sane life choice.

- Daharkhaan does not have a voice in justice or imparting justice. Infact he claimed that his motivation in life is jealousy, hatred and resentful.

- Daharkhaan said it is an extremely poor and suboptimal strategy to make money. And he still does it - because he is motivated by jealousy, hatred and resentment. He has a lack of rational thinking and thinks he's in a movie playing Robin Hood because he is enslaved by negative emotions which form the basis of his being.

Here are some questions you need to ask yourself at this juncture,

1)Should you take advice from a self proclaimed hateful ,jealous and resentful individual - which is his inner core of being and the value that he has himself given to his existence.

2)Should you take advice from an individual who constantly uses pseudo individual speak while essentially copying jewish intellectual arguments.

3)Should you attempt a dangerous practice - the result of which is not a happy, benevolent and prosperous person but a deeply hateful ,resentful and unhappy individual.

4) Should you further take advice in any sphere of life from a deeply Jealous, Disturbed and hateful individual who is drowning in hatred and jealousy and has no identity beyond that.

Do you want to emulate such a person whose principle goal of life is not Samadhi ,liberation, Kundalini awakening or the desire for spiritual liberation through spiritual practices.

But whose principal goal in life is to hurt other people for what they've done to other people using specifically jewish practices (not even runic curse workings) ,but Specifically a Jewish Mysticism tool called Psychic Vampirism.

Do you want to be consumed by negative emotions - that too emotions not borne out of someone attacking you ,but created from you yourself and justify it saying that you're actually in touch with yourself (meaning hate ,resentment and jealousy are the basis for your emotional existence. )

After evaluating all these points you can then choose to engage in such sociopathic self destructive advice


Be happy that even with such a dystopian hellscape we live in ,you did not turn into a deeply disturbed, unhappy, resentful and jealous individual at the very being of existence.

Be happy that you have a nice life partner, beautiful kids that you cherish ,striving to achieve these things if you haven't already.

Be happy that you aren't actively searching for individuals to punish and hurt even if they personally didn't do anything to you, because you think you're Robin hood.

Be happy that You're not a parasitic ,Hateful ,resentful individual and you actually have self value as a person and your personal value isn't dictated by hate ,resentful and jealousy.

The conclusion of this situation and all situations you will see in this space of life is that Dabbling in Enemy Rituals ,techniques and other crap will destroy your progression and life. You will however also see disturbed and unhappy individuals, slowly but surely let go of prejudices, anger,suffering and unhappiness like I have and have been blessed to experience through the meditations in the Joyofsatan ,especially the Freeing The Soul meditations.

Addendum - My Motivation
Some people will criticize me and question what my personal motivations in life are. My personal motivation in life is to strive to be the best and reach the top of my potential as an individual. My motivation is to have a lot of children and build a life where they can escape the system of oppression in which we exist and to provide them with a life I which they can do that. I am not concerned about random individuals and punishing them if they have done nothing to me. I'm more concerned about the future of my bloodline ad we move through this extreme world.

Note - If you can't understand certain Points. Read this thread from the beginning. Nothing I've said is slander or a false statement of fact. All of this was self admitted by Daharkhaan himself which I've included in a previous reply and highlighted the parts. Also understand that the only person who improves wants to improve, and for that he or she needs to admit their faults. So don't try to argue with Daharkhaan and the other individual who will not accept your criticism and continue to be the way they are. Just make sure to infuse your aura sometimes in a year to keep disturbed negative people like him away. It's very unfortunate but it is what it is.
Dahaarkan said:

Jack has his own karmic issues that make him like that. He is making progress as seen here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=326010#p326010

Because you are stuck in the same "trench" as he is, I would do your best to avoid vicious fighting. I applaud your efforts at trying to help, as you claim you did in the past. However, if no progress is being made, and you are both annoying each other, I think it is best for both of you to avoid each other.


I saw your other reply to me about justice and draining/culling souls. I have seen HPS Maxine's post about depravity on the internet, and beyond this, I can agree that certain souls can be too damaged to function.

The main point that I am cautious about is this idea of inflicting trauma upon others when it could be beyond reasonable justifications. If you are dealing with trauma from your upbringing, then you may be going overkill.

As far as when we are dealing with souls in the future, I agree that some souls will likely perish on their own, or have to be put down, but I don't think this would happen in any large amount, nor should it be reoccurring if humanity advances itself.

Before someone is to be euthanized, large attempts should be had at giving an individual the chance to fix themselves. In the future, we will have both the physical and spiritual means to better deal with broken souls, which should hopefully avoid any large-scale permanent deaths.

No doubt we will receive guidance on rebuilding the world, including the best way to go about this, when the time comes for this.
Dahaarkan said:
Your third eye is clearly completely inactive considering you don't see the reds as enemies of humanity or the advances they are making in the world, among other retarded shit you've said before.

It stings when you try to help somebody and they attack you. It's like giving a homeless person a piece of pizza and he bites your hand off. It makes me feel that the reds are right in pursuing the destruction of humanity.
However I've come to the conclusion that such traitors are just polluted with reds DNA. They are not fully reds but they may have 1% or 2% of bad genetic code. These people should all be put on lists and gotten rid of along with the reds.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Meteor said:

Also, it's not like the people on the other end are only victims. A person can't be drained unless they play into it by choosing to give their energy away. You might say this is happening subconsciously in some cases, but isn't that just an excuse people cling to? If people want to suffer because they're stuck in a victim mentality, why not let them? If people such as Dahaarkan's targets want to lose the profits they made at the expense of others because they're feeling guilty, why not let them? It's all just an excuse.

If deep down people feel like they want to suffer, they can just wait for some "vampire" to come around and help them out with that. If people want to avoid that, they should get a grip on themselves, for example by meditating.

Well, that's my view on it. I intended to keep it short, but I ended up saying it anyway. Oh well. :roll:

Having lived with someone that has had cancer, I can tell you this: You cannot block being drained.

You may refuse attachment, close your chakras etc. You still will be drained.

I can attest to that. Jrvan and I had an encounter with a very sick and crippled person recently, and we were exhausted and looked sick ourselves after talking with them for just a couple hours. The next time we bumped into them we had worn our tourmaline necklaces with algiz carved into it, and despite it being more effective at protecting us, we still felt the negative effects afterward.

Those who are sick naturally draw off of healthy people, even if you have a strong aura. I'm sure if some here pay attention to when they themselves get sick, you'll notice you draw off of those around you even if you don't want to. Your body is trying to heal itself and it requires energy, so it will seek energy from whatever source it can.

HPS Maxine talks a little about it in the Satanic healing section:

Now, I speak from experience here. If you have a virus in you to where you haven’t even experienced the symptoms of it yet, the drain from healing another, or even putting an aura of protection upon another will make it manifest. Worse yet, if you are even the slightest bit ill, never perform any healing or other energy workings upon another. I have found that the soul of the loved one will connect and take even more energy than intended, especially in a desperate situation. I am also aware of this even with average everyday people. One elderly man was dying and 2 days before he died, his son felt extremely weak and tired. The elderly man’s soul took his energy.
- https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Healing_Others.html
Jack said:
Daharkhaan himself Admits that he's a very hateful and disturbed individual and in your clouded judgment you thought you should follow him.

Don't shoot the messenger.
Looks like most people can't separate message and messenger, which I think is the core problem for so much frustration for intelligent people.
The low IQ crowd will argue with you, gaslight and misrepresent you ad nauseum until you lose your cool, then they'll say that you are bad because you can't control yourself.
The retards see everything as power play. If you try to help them, which I see as a duty, they attack because they see that as you wanting them to join your side or something.

If you are part of the low IQ crowd and this post offends you, feel free to defend yourself and attack me.
Jack said:
NinRick said:
Jack said:
What does that image mean

Oh and the both ends of the bow, where the bow string is attached, burned in explosions, but there was also thick smoke being produced.

Idk if this has any meanings, probably not as I dream weird things.

Also dreamed one time that I was with Aquarius in court where Rabbis were judges and stuff.
I think you're dreaming about Kalki because it's symbolic of Aryans rising up and fighting back while their essence is being burnt at both ends (biw burning at both ends).

Like bullying a kid everyday. You might not know that he knows how to fire an AR 15. So someday he comes to school where everyone wronged him ,bringing the AR 15 in a guitar case. What happens next is no one's fault.

The white part of the bow, that was not burning, was pure white. White stands for cleanness, protection, union and wholeness, as white consists of all the other frequencies of the visible spectrum (union).

Fire is a chemical process, that doesn’t happen immediately, it is a process and takes quite some time.
This symbolic process also has to do with fire. This also stands for cleaning, and opening up other circuits.
The explosions in the fire, as well as the thick dark smoke, probably stand for a brutal, and uneasy process of opening and cleaning the soul.

Arrow and bow stand for strength and power, while the arrow stands for masculinity and electricity, the lightning bolt that strikes from the heaven.
A certain goal, that is going to be reached.

The bow has something to do with flexibility, stretching and strength.

Note, the arrow and bow (masculinity) was burning violently.

The pose and the whole picture was symbolic, for growing stronger in the process by a great deal.

This came in meditation as it randomly popped up in my mind.
If this has a deeper meaning, I am pretty sure I understood it. I wanted to share as it might also help you.
I for my part, know what to do now, I hope you too.
I would like to remind everyone that darakhan or however you spell that dumb name is literally a LANDLORD, the most parasitic “Job” one can have. It is no surprise that he supports and practices psychic vampirism because he is also housing vampire.
Jack said:
Final thoughts and Recap
Since I've done this mistake many a times before to no avail, I'll stop arguing with Daharkhaan and this other individual now. Arguing with them personally is not a constructive criticism or beneficial to anyone reading this thread. Hence I will summarize my final thoughts and leave this here. And the reader can make their own conclusions about it as they like.

To the reader,

After reading overwhelmingly Negative comments about this from all the members who commented on this thread you can understand either

1)No one except Daharkhaan meditates or is in touch with the Gods and only Daharkhaan understands spirituality and morality.
2)Daharkhaan has no understanding about spirituality or morality and is spreading poison to everyone. (Point in contention.)

I'm not going to waste my time but you can go through his post history and search for Any kind of constructive and positive Meditation and Spirituality advice. You will find none. In his years of being on the forums the only thing he has been known for is being a parasite and a deeply hateful and resentful individual .

Again this is not slander or a false statement of fact. This is something that he himself Admits.

- He admitted that he is a deeply hateful, jealous and resentful individual. And that is his core of being and his motivation of moving forward in life.
That is to say he has no other way of being other than being a very deeply resentful, disturbed and unhappy Individual.

- He said that he can be called a parasite and a Psychopath. This is synonymous to being Jewish. I'm not calling Daharkhaan a Jew. But these are purely Jewish traits.

-He said that the technique might have been invented by the Jews but it's not morally wrong for a non Jew to use it. The presupposition being that actions are not inherently morally right or wrong but that morality is assigned by Society to actions.

Furthering this argument the Jews have recently claimed that Child Rape is only inherently wrong because society has assigned such a wrong meaning to it and that Adult Grown men should be allowed to sodomize little children if they so please.

As a sane and normal human being you have to question whether sucking random individuals dry and attaching their harmful Karmic imprints into your soul and being a deranged Psychopath is a sane life choice.

- Daharkhaan does not have a voice in justice or imparting justice. Infact he claimed that his motivation in life is jealousy, hatred and resentful.

- Daharkhaan said it is an extremely poor and suboptimal strategy to make money. And he still does it - because he is motivated by jealousy, hatred and resentment. He has a lack of rational thinking and thinks he's in a movie playing Robin Hood because he is enslaved by negative emotions which form the basis of his being.

Here are some questions you need to ask yourself at this juncture,

1)Should you take advice from a self proclaimed hateful ,jealous and resentful individual - which is his inner core of being and the value that he has himself given to his existence.

2)Should you take advice from an individual who constantly uses pseudo individual speak while essentially copying jewish intellectual arguments.

3)Should you attempt a dangerous practice - the result of which is not a happy, benevolent and prosperous person but a deeply hateful ,resentful and unhappy individual.

4) Should you further take advice in any sphere of life from a deeply Jealous, Disturbed and hateful individual who is drowning in hatred and jealousy and has no identity beyond that.

Do you want to emulate such a person whose principle goal of life is not Samadhi ,liberation, Kundalini awakening or the desire for spiritual liberation through spiritual practices.

But whose principal goal in life is to hurt other people for what they've done to other people using specifically jewish practices (not even runic curse workings) ,but Specifically a Jewish Mysticism tool called Psychic Vampirism.

Do you want to be consumed by negative emotions - that too emotions not borne out of someone attacking you ,but created from you yourself and justify it saying that you're actually in touch with yourself (meaning hate ,resentment and jealousy are the basis for your emotional existence. )

After evaluating all these points you can then choose to engage in such sociopathic self destructive advice


Be happy that even with such a dystopian hellscape we live in ,you did not turn into a deeply disturbed, unhappy, resentful and jealous individual at the very being of existence.

Be happy that you have a nice life partner, beautiful kids that you cherish ,striving to achieve these things if you haven't already.

Be happy that you aren't actively searching for individuals to punish and hurt even if they personally didn't do anything to you, because you think you're Robin hood.

Be happy that You're not a parasitic ,Hateful ,resentful individual and you actually have self value as a person and your personal value isn't dictated by hate ,resentful and jealousy.

The conclusion of this situation and all situations you will see in this space of life is that Dabbling in Enemy Rituals ,techniques and other crap will destroy your progression and life. You will however also see disturbed and unhappy individuals, slowly but surely let go of prejudices, anger,suffering and unhappiness like I have and have been blessed to experience through the meditations in the Joyofsatan ,especially the Freeing The Soul meditations.

Addendum - My Motivation
Some people will criticize me and question what my personal motivations in life are. My personal motivation in life is to strive to be the best and reach the top of my potential as an individual. My motivation is to have a lot of children and build a life where they can escape the system of oppression in which we exist and to provide them with a life I which they can do that. I am not concerned about random individuals and punishing them if they have done nothing to me. I'm more concerned about the future of my bloodline ad we move through this extreme world.

Note - If you can't understand certain Points. Read this thread from the beginning. Nothing I've said is slander or a false statement of fact. All of this was self admitted by Daharkhaan himself which I've included in a previous reply and highlighted the parts. Also understand that the only person who improves wants to improve, and for that he or she needs to admit their faults. So don't try to argue with Daharkhaan and the other individual who will not accept your criticism and continue to be the way they are. Just make sure to infuse your aura sometimes in a year to keep disturbed negative people like him away. It's very unfortunate but it is what it is.

Reinventing your character again, Jackie-kun?

Juxtaposing yourself to Dahaarkan won't save you. Your ego recovery method here directly depends upon you cutting Dahaarkan down in front of everyone. When you fail to do this then it will be all over. Big stakes, Jack... ;)
Jack said:
Final thoughts and Recap
Since I've done this mistake many a times before to no avail, I'll stop arguing with Daharkhaan and this other individual now. Arguing with them personally is not a constructive criticism or beneficial to anyone reading this thread. Hence I will summarize my final thoughts and leave this here. And the reader can make their own conclusions about it as they like.

To the reader,

After reading overwhelmingly Negative comments about this from all the members who commented on this thread you can understand either

1)No one except Daharkhaan meditates or is in touch with the Gods and only Daharkhaan understands spirituality and morality.
2)Daharkhaan has no understanding about spirituality or morality and is spreading poison to everyone. (Point in contention.)

I'm not going to waste my time but you can go through his post history and search for Any kind of constructive and positive Meditation and Spirituality advice. You will find none. In his years of being on the forums the only thing he has been known for is being a parasite and a deeply hateful and resentful individual .

Again this is not slander or a false statement of fact. This is something that he himself Admits.

- He admitted that he is a deeply hateful, jealous and resentful individual. And that is his core of being and his motivation of moving forward in life.
That is to say he has no other way of being other than being a very deeply resentful, disturbed and unhappy Individual.

- He said that he can be called a parasite and a Psychopath. This is synonymous to being Jewish. I'm not calling Daharkhaan a Jew. But these are purely Jewish traits.

-He said that the technique might have been invented by the Jews but it's not morally wrong for a non Jew to use it. The presupposition being that actions are not inherently morally right or wrong but that morality is assigned by Society to actions.

Furthering this argument the Jews have recently claimed that Child Rape is only inherently wrong because society has assigned such a wrong meaning to it and that Adult Grown men should be allowed to sodomize little children if they so please.

As a sane and normal human being you have to question whether sucking random individuals dry and attaching their harmful Karmic imprints into your soul and being a deranged Psychopath is a sane life choice.

- Daharkhaan does not have a voice in justice or imparting justice. Infact he claimed that his motivation in life is jealousy, hatred and resentful.

- Daharkhaan said it is an extremely poor and suboptimal strategy to make money. And he still does it - because he is motivated by jealousy, hatred and resentment. He has a lack of rational thinking and thinks he's in a movie playing Robin Hood because he is enslaved by negative emotions which form the basis of his being.

Here are some questions you need to ask yourself at this juncture,

1)Should you take advice from a self proclaimed hateful ,jealous and resentful individual - which is his inner core of being and the value that he has himself given to his existence.

2)Should you take advice from an individual who constantly uses pseudo individual speak while essentially copying jewish intellectual arguments.

3)Should you attempt a dangerous practice - the result of which is not a happy, benevolent and prosperous person but a deeply hateful ,resentful and unhappy individual.

4) Should you further take advice in any sphere of life from a deeply Jealous, Disturbed and hateful individual who is drowning in hatred and jealousy and has no identity beyond that.

Do you want to emulate such a person whose principle goal of life is not Samadhi ,liberation, Kundalini awakening or the desire for spiritual liberation through spiritual practices.

But whose principal goal in life is to hurt other people for what they've done to other people using specifically jewish practices (not even runic curse workings) ,but Specifically a Jewish Mysticism tool called Psychic Vampirism.

Do you want to be consumed by negative emotions - that too emotions not borne out of someone attacking you ,but created from you yourself and justify it saying that you're actually in touch with yourself (meaning hate ,resentment and jealousy are the basis for your emotional existence. )

After evaluating all these points you can then choose to engage in such sociopathic self destructive advice


Be happy that even with such a dystopian hellscape we live in ,you did not turn into a deeply disturbed, unhappy, resentful and jealous individual at the very being of existence.

Be happy that you have a nice life partner, beautiful kids that you cherish ,striving to achieve these things if you haven't already.

Be happy that you aren't actively searching for individuals to punish and hurt even if they personally didn't do anything to you, because you think you're Robin hood.

Be happy that You're not a parasitic ,Hateful ,resentful individual and you actually have self value as a person and your personal value isn't dictated by hate ,resentful and jealousy.

The conclusion of this situation and all situations you will see in this space of life is that Dabbling in Enemy Rituals ,techniques and other crap will destroy your progression and life. You will however also see disturbed and unhappy individuals, slowly but surely let go of prejudices, anger,suffering and unhappiness like I have and have been blessed to experience through the meditations in the Joyofsatan ,especially the Freeing The Soul meditations.

Addendum - My Motivation
Some people will criticize me and question what my personal motivations in life are. My personal motivation in life is to strive to be the best and reach the top of my potential as an individual. My motivation is to have a lot of children and build a life where they can escape the system of oppression in which we exist and to provide them with a life I which they can do that. I am not concerned about random individuals and punishing them if they have done nothing to me. I'm more concerned about the future of my bloodline ad we move through this extreme world.

Note - If you can't understand certain Points. Read this thread from the beginning. Nothing I've said is slander or a false statement of fact. All of this was self admitted by Daharkhaan himself which I've included in a previous reply and highlighted the parts. Also understand that the only person who improves wants to improve, and for that he or she needs to admit their faults. So don't try to argue with Daharkhaan and the other individual who will not accept your criticism and continue to be the way they are. Just make sure to infuse your aura sometimes in a year to keep disturbed negative people like him away. It's very unfortunate but it is what it is.

Let it go, Jack. This is just more personal bias based character attacks on Dahaarkan, and acting more like fuel to a pretty over burned fire than something "helpful" to readers. People will make their own opinions of him just as they do for yourself, no matter the kind of "disclaimers" you make about him.
NinRick said:
Jack said:
NinRick said:
Oh and the both ends of the bow, where the bow string is attached, burned in explosions, but there was also thick smoke being produced.

Idk if this has any meanings, probably not as I dream weird things.

Also dreamed one time that I was with Aquarius in court where Rabbis were judges and stuff.
I think you're dreaming about Kalki because it's symbolic of Aryans rising up and fighting back while their essence is being burnt at both ends (biw burning at both ends).

Like bullying a kid everyday. You might not know that he knows how to fire an AR 15. So someday he comes to school where everyone wronged him ,bringing the AR 15 in a guitar case. What happens next is no one's fault.

The white part of the bow, that was not burning, was pure white. White stands for cleanness, protection, union and wholeness, as white consists of all the other frequencies of the visible spectrum (union).

Fire is a chemical process, that doesn’t happen immediately, it is a process and takes quite some time.
This symbolic process also has to do with fire. This also stands for cleaning, and opening up other circuits.
The explosions in the fire, as well as the thick dark smoke, probably stand for a brutal, and uneasy process of opening and cleaning the soul.

Arrow and bow stand for strength and power, while the arrow stands for masculinity and electricity, the lightning bolt that strikes from the heaven.
A certain goal, that is going to be reached.

The bow has something to do with flexibility, stretching and strength.

Note, the arrow and bow (masculinity) was burning violently.

The pose and the whole picture was symbolic, for growing stronger in the process by a great deal.

This came in meditation as it randomly popped up in my mind.
If this has a deeper meaning, I am pretty sure I understood it. I wanted to share as it might also help you.
I for my part, know what to do now, I hope you too.

A bully, by their very nature, can never be strong. They tear others down from a place of weakness. I just want you to know that.
tabby said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Meteor said:

Also, it's not like the people on the other end are only victims. A person can't be drained unless they play into it by choosing to give their energy away. You might say this is happening subconsciously in some cases, but isn't that just an excuse people cling to? If people want to suffer because they're stuck in a victim mentality, why not let them? If people such as Dahaarkan's targets want to lose the profits they made at the expense of others because they're feeling guilty, why not let them? It's all just an excuse.

If deep down people feel like they want to suffer, they can just wait for some "vampire" to come around and help them out with that. If people want to avoid that, they should get a grip on themselves, for example by meditating.

Well, that's my view on it. I intended to keep it short, but I ended up saying it anyway. Oh well. :roll:

Having lived with someone that has had cancer, I can tell you this: You cannot block being drained.

You may refuse attachment, close your chakras etc. You still will be drained.

I can attest to that. Jrvan and I had an encounter with a very sick and crippled person recently, and we were exhausted and looked sick ourselves after talking with them for just a couple hours. The next time we bumped into them we had worn our tourmaline necklaces with algiz carved into it, and despite it being more effective at protecting us, we still felt the negative effects afterward.

Those who are sick naturally draw off of healthy people, even if you have a strong aura. I'm sure if some here pay attention to when they themselves get sick, you'll notice you draw off of those around you even if you don't want to. Your body is trying to heal itself and it requires energy, so it will seek energy from whatever source it can.

HPS Maxine talks a little about it in the Satanic healing section:

Now, I speak from experience here. If you have a virus in you to where you haven’t even experienced the symptoms of it yet, the drain from healing another, or even putting an aura of protection upon another will make it manifest. Worse yet, if you are even the slightest bit ill, never perform any healing or other energy workings upon another. I have found that the soul of the loved one will connect and take even more energy than intended, especially in a desperate situation. I am also aware of this even with average everyday people. One elderly man was dying and 2 days before he died, his son felt extremely weak and tired. The elderly man’s soul took his energy.
- https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Healing_Others.html

Meteor if you are reading this, I've had the same experience with someone where I went to work at.

It makes sense. Healing illnesses requires a lot of strength.

And now that I think about it, they said that the egyptians would bathe at least twice a day or more, especially if they were treating the ill (talking about priests). I think it has more to do with soul cleaning, rather than literal bathing.
But if you take into consideration how long a proper bath takes + a meal.. I think in nowadays standards you could take out an entire hour for each..
jrvan said:
NinRick said:
Jack said:
I think you're dreaming about Kalki because it's symbolic of Aryans rising up and fighting back while their essence is being burnt at both ends (biw burning at both ends).

Like bullying a kid everyday. You might not know that he knows how to fire an AR 15. So someday he comes to school where everyone wronged him ,bringing the AR 15 in a guitar case. What happens next is no one's fault.

The white part of the bow, that was not burning, was pure white. White stands for cleanness, protection, union and wholeness, as white consists of all the other frequencies of the visible spectrum (union).

Fire is a chemical process, that doesn’t happen immediately, it is a process and takes quite some time.
This symbolic process also has to do with fire. This also stands for cleaning, and opening up other circuits.
The explosions in the fire, as well as the thick dark smoke, probably stand for a brutal, and uneasy process of opening and cleaning the soul.

Arrow and bow stand for strength and power, while the arrow stands for masculinity and electricity, the lightning bolt that strikes from the heaven.
A certain goal, that is going to be reached.

The bow has something to do with flexibility, stretching and strength.

Note, the arrow and bow (masculinity) was burning violently.

The pose and the whole picture was symbolic, for growing stronger in the process by a great deal.

This came in meditation as it randomly popped up in my mind.
If this has a deeper meaning, I am pretty sure I understood it. I wanted to share as it might also help you.
I for my part, know what to do now, I hope you too.

A bully, by their very nature, can never be strong. They tear others down from a place of weakness. I just want you to know that.

Not true.
The Outlaw Torn said:
I would like to remind everyone that darakhan or however you spell that dumb name is literally a LANDLORD, the most parasitic “Job” one can have. It is no surprise that he supports and practices psychic vampirism because he is also housing vampire.

This again? If not for landlords then you ingrates would have to sleep on the streets. Not all landlords are as bad as yours.

Seriously, take it up with your government, but be sure to offer alternative solutions because otherwise they're just going to laugh at you, and probably tell you to join the other ideological choirs who don't have practical solutions other than complaining. As for me, I want to thank you for your contributions, Mr. Karl Marx. You and your proletariat legions have been heard.
NinRick said:
jrvan said:
A bully, by their very nature, can never be strong. They tear others down from a place of weakness. I just want you to know that.

Not true.

Yes it is.
The Outlaw Torn said:
I would like to remind everyone that darakhan or however you spell that dumb name is literally a LANDLORD, the most parasitic “Job” one can have. It is no surprise that he supports and practices psychic vampirism because he is also housing vampire.

Bold of you to assume I don't also have a job on top of my rental business. Though it's all you losers make; assumptions. Based on your stance and comments, you probably have neither a job or a business of your own, which is likely why you hate people who have accomplished anything in life.
Jack said:
I'm not going to waste my time but you can go through his post history and search for Any kind of constructive and positive Meditation and Spirituality advice. You will find none. In his years of being on the forums the only thing he has been known for is being a parasite and a deeply hateful and resentful individual .

Oh but you should have taken the time.

I actually strongly urge everyone to review my forum activity. And see how many times I go out of my way to be resentful or hateful, or rude to someone, vs how many times I've done it in response to others being resentful, hateful or rude towards me first. I have nothing to hide, go ahead boys.

I can recall the times when I am unnecessarily crude towards someone. I also apologize when it is uncalled for. This is all in my post history for all to see.

The sad fact for you jack is that within my post history are also the replies to you. If the point is to get people on your side then you literally just destroyed yourself. There's years worth of me exposing your retardation, insecurities and lack of understanding and experience in my post history.

As for my contributions, it is a shame that I don't have enough time to answer questions or expand the forums or the community. Though I won't beat my chest about my contribution, it's all in my post history for all to see for themselves. This was a pretty dumb move by you, but then again you're too lazy and you're becoming frustrated and impulsive so this is standard from you.

I suppose you have the correct form of contributing, polluting the forums with treasonous statements about spiritual knowledge (such as saying spiritual knowledge should be hidden, the opposite of Satanism), praising communist shitholes and their psychotic rulers, wanting to control people's sex lives (opposing JoS stance on sexuality), belittling and verbally abusing other members, and then this thread. Proof of the above is in my post history where I reply to his most outlandish and treasonous statements. I urge all to review my post history.

I created a thread to inform and educate people on a matter most do not have answers for. And did so objectively and thoroughly with the sole intent to educate and elevate. To share knowledge I've obtained. And you came in here and had a little piss on the floor and cried for attention as usual. I tried to do something genuine and share experience and knowledge I've gained, so others won't suffer the same mistakes. You are desperately trying to sabotage my attempt to educate people, and why?

And all you've done is shit all over this thread like the subhuman ape you are. You are a complete retard and anyone with double digit IQ understands this. It's apparent for all to see. And all the morons like you want to do is convince readers of this or that...to get people on your side to feel that validation from others, like dogs starved for attention. You're pathetic jack, and you're not fooling anyone.

And you keep tossing around the word parasite...well what are you? Constantly begging people to agree with you, to give you validation and be on your side. It's pathetic.

You cannot win this game against me. Because unlike you I have nothing to hide. And I'm not playing a character or being dishonest like you. And dishonesty always loses in JoS forums. But you and your abhorrent post history...yeah. No wonder you made a new account ;)

But go on, cry in the corner about how I'm so mean or whatever. Literally all you had to do is fuck off and stop provoking me and I won't make you look like a complete retard in front of the entire community.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
tabby said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Having lived with someone that has had cancer, I can tell you this: You cannot block being drained.

You may refuse attachment, close your chakras etc. You still will be drained.

I can attest to that. Jrvan and I had an encounter with a very sick and crippled person recently, and we were exhausted and looked sick ourselves after talking with them for just a couple hours. The next time we bumped into them we had worn our tourmaline necklaces with algiz carved into it, and despite it being more effective at protecting us, we still felt the negative effects afterward.

Those who are sick naturally draw off of healthy people, even if you have a strong aura. I'm sure if some here pay attention to when they themselves get sick, you'll notice you draw off of those around you even if you don't want to. Your body is trying to heal itself and it requires energy, so it will seek energy from whatever source it can.

HPS Maxine talks a little about it in the Satanic healing section:

Now, I speak from experience here. If you have a virus in you to where you haven’t even experienced the symptoms of it yet, the drain from healing another, or even putting an aura of protection upon another will make it manifest. Worse yet, if you are even the slightest bit ill, never perform any healing or other energy workings upon another. I have found that the soul of the loved one will connect and take even more energy than intended, especially in a desperate situation. I am also aware of this even with average everyday people. One elderly man was dying and 2 days before he died, his son felt extremely weak and tired. The elderly man’s soul took his energy.
- https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Healing_Others.html

Meteor if you are reading this, I've had the same experience with someone where I went to work at.

It makes sense. Healing illnesses requires a lot of strength.

And now that I think about it, they said that the egyptians would bathe at least twice a day or more, especially if they were treating the ill (talking about priests). I think it has more to do with soul cleaning, rather than literal bathing.
But if you take into consideration how long a proper bath takes + a meal.. I think in nowadays standards you could take out an entire hour for each..

Sounds quite similar to the advice HPS Maxine gives when she talks of cleaning and AoP at least twice a day, morning/night, especially at night before bed, and always clean thoroughly before and after doing healing or energy work on another. It's like how a doctor will wash up before and after a surgery is completed, to protect both the doctor and the patient.

One of the reasons why your energy being drained by someone sick or toxic is so exhausting without adequate protection is because you're battling a double front. Because the person is sick, their aura is giving off negative energy from the sickness, as is the same with a toxic person. So your aura is fighting off their negative energy, while they draw off you, and fighting that negative energy like that can exhaust you and make you more susceptible to draining to begin with. You don't need to have a connection with someone for this to happen. If the sickness or toxicity of the person is really bad, the tougher it is on your aura and energy levels when you interact with them for any reason, sometimes not even from being drained but just fighting off the negative energy they radiate.

This is of course in the case of passive vampirism with individuals who don't know about aura cleaning. This is from my personal experience with such people.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=336938 time=1647972532 user_id=21286]
Dahaarkan said:

Jack has his own karmic issues that make him like that. He is making progress as seen here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=326010#p326010

Because you are stuck in the same "trench" as he is, I would do your best to avoid vicious fighting. I applaud your efforts at trying to help, as you claim you did in the past. However, if no progress is being made, and you are both annoying each other, I think it is best for both of you to avoid each other.

I'm sorry blitzkreig, I really am. I'll openly apologize to HC too. I know this is bad for the image of the forums. But I've been putting up with this kid's bs for like 5 years or so. 5 years of teasing, insults, jabs and attempts at character assassination.

I've had enough, I really have. I know he has issues and I know he's making progress but I'm not his therapist and I really can't go another minute reading his shit. Him and some others who have attempted to do the same, and who desperately want to see me being destroyed, and have stated they hope I destroy myself repeatedly.

I can't go another minute listening to this kind of shit and pretending it's okay. And not saying what I think and responding in full. And I'm not going to sit here and just let them shit all over this thread like apes and not respond. I tried to do something positive here. I warned people, I advocated better methods, I advised against the practice in general while still giving my best methods to prevent stubborn people from polluting themselves.

I tried to make something positive out of my experience, to contribute and help people who may have issues or curiosities on this matter.

And I just get blasted from every direction, and for what? For them to act superior and try to exert some kind of influence over new and naive people who believe their illusions of grandeur?

I'm sorry but I HAVE to respond and put these degenerates in their place. I will not allow this kind of disgusting behavior to become the norm in JoS forum, I will forever ridicule and criticize these behaviors and anyone who behaves like this. And I won't allow these apes and degenerates from assuming leadership roles in the group and hold influence over other members. So long as I have a voice I will speak against this and will not let the group sink into that.

This CANNOT happen.
NinRick said:
Not true.

Maybe if you saw him for what he really is, rather than who he pretends to be. But whatever, I have nothing against you. Believe what you will.
Meteor said:
jrvan said:
A bully, by their very nature, can never be strong. They tear others down from a place of weakness. I just want you to know that.
If I bullied bullies, then what does that make me? Is there a difference between justice and sadism?

What are your reasons for "bullying" said bullies? From what place is it coming from?

Jack bullies his family because he wants to be over them, and he gains a sense of power and identity from this by fueling his false ego. Why does he need to do this if he has his own inner strength? Why does he feel threatened by people who challenge him or simply call him out on his behavior? He doesn't want to face himself and his emotions, and so when his facade is seen through and starts to crack he gets angry. He's in love with his mask because he doesn't love himself. Why doesn't he love himself? Because he denies and rejects a part of himself - his emotions. He snaps at others to protect his mask because he believes that his mask is protecting him, and he doesn't want the mask taken away. The mask is the false ego identity that he has crafted to portray himself on the forums that he feeds with the power he takes from others. If you somehow manage to break the mask or even chip it like I have done before, then he simply reinvents the mask and tries to redefine this false self of his. The mask evolves, but he does not. He still has the same issues that he had before, but he got better at hiding them. Regrettably, for all my efforts to try to help Jack, all I have done is help him to improve his mask. It's frustrating and tragic, but that's how it is. I can't reach my real brother because he's locked away behind that stupid mask of his. He also sees me as his enemy because I tried to take the mask away from him, and I refuse to accept his mask. I'm basically an existential threat to his false identity. Then there's the matter of his pride from being talked down to by someone like me who "has only been here for 2 years." I'm supposed to be the fresh newbie who doesn't know anything, and I defy that category and expectation. I happen to have a very powerful soul, and any experienced astrologer would see this if they read my chart. I'm not just a newbie, but he and others don't want to accept this no matter how many times I prove myself.

Sadism is deriving pleasure from the suffering of others, and this is a completely different subject from bullying. It also has nothing to do with justice. Someone can be sadistic and still deliver justice either on a personal level (like getting their own justice), or if it's their job for a community and the sadism doesn't interfere with their job duties. Individuals can also have different degrees to which they are sadistic. I don't personally see anything wrong with delighting at the misery of one's enemies. The jews delight in our suffering, and would you not delight in their suffering as well? I know I would. I would get a very twisted level of pleasure from watching jews suffer in their punishment from the Gods. Does that mean it's not justice because I'm getting my jollies off from watching it, or even delivering it with the RTR's? Every time one of the jewish plans fails in the news, am I not allowed to get a sick grin on my face knowing that I'm making them lose their stupid lizard minds?

I think you're confusing too many terms here, and I hope this gives you the perspective to work with that you were asking me for. I've done my best to answer so let me know if it satisfies your curiosity.
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Don't shoot the messenger.
Looks like most people can't separate message and messenger, which I think is the core problem for so much frustration for intelligent people.
The low IQ crowd will argue with you, gaslight and misrepresent you ad nauseum until you lose your cool, then they'll say that you are bad because you can't control yourself.
The retards see everything as power play. If you try to help them, which I see as a duty, they attack because they see that as you wanting them to join your side or something.

If you are part of the low IQ crowd and this post offends you, feel free to defend yourself and attack me.

The tactic employed is easy to understand when broken into steps. These people usually operate like this.

- Target someone you dislike for one reason or another
- Make passive aggressive remarks or comments to provoke a response
- Play the victim when you do get a reaction, and lay down walls of text criticizing the person, best to make up stuff about their personal life as this is generally very frustrating
- Follow the person around every thread doing the same until they get so frustrated they simply leave the forums

They especially hate and target anybody who criticizes them since they want to act like all knowing gods and anybody who says the contrary or worse, exposes them for this becomes their enemy.

Except for some reason they forget I'm not new or inexperienced. I've been here longer than most of them. And this tactic of trying to jump me on random threads to get rid of me doesn't work and just makes them look like retards.

And nobody else should submit to this kind of low level harassment. Don't be afraid of these wanna be mafia, just call them retards like they are. As much as some will want to cry that I'm toxic or hateful or this or that, my post history is there for any to look into. I have nothing to hide.

The only times I'm a complete cunt is in response to someone else being a complete cunt towards me or someone else, which is only fair. There's all kinds of insane theories about me already. That I'm a traitor, infiltrator, someone even implies that I'm tied to enemy curses or mercury retrograde. All this just because I DARE to respond and defend myself when these losers jump me.

When you speak up and stand up to them, they will do absolutely everything they can to get rid of you or sabotage your public image, and go to lows you might be shocked by. And then they have a hissy fit when I call them a mafia. Well what else is this?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
