The reason we have underwent changes, is because I want true and full alignment with the Ancient culture without:
1. Jewish context
2. Grimoire Gimmick (Which is solely the creation of Jewish magicians, Rabbis and other deviants who were Christians, popes etc).
3. Answering the Jews (We predate them, what do I have to answer?)
4. Restrained information
5. Staying limited to the above
For those who might still be wondering about this, I post two excrepts from Plutarch's written works. Plutarch was the top High Priest of Ancient Greece for his time. In his work On Isis and Osiris, he mentions the following things which of course, are in-depth and Initiated-level information.
Herodotus, in 5th century BC, says the same exact thing; that Apollo to the Greeks is Horus to the Egyptians, Thoth = Hermes, Zeus = Amun of the Ancient Egyptians. Feel free to refer to these sources for higher understanding. This is done on the second book of The Histories where Herodotus makes an analysis of the Ancient Egyptian mysteries and crosses them over to the Ancient Greek ones. Now, with more knowledge, we expand therefore further into Vedic Hinduism and so on.
This means that despite public appearances, these things were known to all the Ancient Initiates of the time. The Ancient Initiates did not spend time on the street and market trying to discuss if Beelzebul, Zeus or Bael or Baal-Hamon were actually a "different entity". They were deeply initiated and knew the Gods, depending on the culture, are the same underlying entity and that no matter from which context you approach them, you are under the same God.
Now, we know the same to be the case like they did. As the Ancient priests of the time explained certain things, we explain certain things. HPS Maxine explained the cultural inversion, we resisted their adaptation, and now we are moving to the next level which is restoration and to make it all improved.
If anyone wants to learn higher truth about the Gods, this cannot happen through distorted and childish lenses that have been created, of all sources, by the enemy. Do you believe the Rabbis or the Jews, or Christians, or Islamics, have any valid information about the Gods? They do not. Any remnants, are simply there so they have a target for their hate, nothing else. Further, the nonsense they read to slander, defame them, replace them and illustrate them in the lowest manner, can that be taken as a valid source? Neither this can happen.
We have to move forward and I realize certain with a lot of emotional sentimentality with certain things; I feel the same emotional sentimentality about the previous era of the Gods. I loved the "Satanic" lore and will always do. I cannot let it go as it was integral for me also. We are all in the same boat here. Yet, we have to sail to the Golden Land and not stay there with phantoms of the enemy no longer.
Instead of sitting there in a jewish prison and trying to evolve (an impossible thing) and taking jewish ideals and trying to decipher them, one simply understands that this is a pointless practice. We have accepted this part of our past, but it has nothing to give us going forward if we ask for higher information.
We have set asail for the Golden Age again. Certain things have to be carried with us and other things have to go.
Lastly, I want to mention something else. If we were born before the advent of the enemy, you would not be believing in the fundamental Goetia. The reason you found the Gods from this context, is because we restored the Ancient deeper core context and took all the most powerful knowledge and restored it too. The Gods led you here to find it quickly, and for us to restore the original culture together. We are moving in that direction now.
The good that has arose from the process of the enemy, is that they openly revealed to the world what Herodotus and Plutarch (and all Ancient Mystics, Priests and Initiates) knew to be the Truth: That our Gods encompass everything among all the Ancient Cultures. But that is also, nothing new either.
If you were in Ancient Egypt or Sumeria, you would never have heard the defamation about "Satan" and you would not be thinking you are a criminal or a "sinner" for engaging the Original Gods. Nobody would call you a "sacrificier" in public, and you wouldn't be reading cultural excrement from the enemy to try to find "origins" or spiritual knowledge.
The Sumerian would not argue with the Greek or the Norseman about the topic of the Gods or the Egyptian, either. They would have dinner in friendship and ponder great ideas about the Gods. The Ancient Initiates, never had any disagreements on these topics, they just pondered the world and kept expanding together, making the knowledge of the Gods ever-more expanded.
Pythagoras, the great seer of Ancient Greece, had studied in Egypt, Mesopotamia/Babylon, India and Ancient Greece, to mention one most notable example. Welcomed and loved everywhere. The Ancient Brahmins called him "The Holy Pythagoras". This was the Ancient Eternal Culture. The Ancient culture was a culture of friendship, wisdom and solid ties between the followers of the Gods on the higher levels. Same as we are here today in this forum and what we are bringing forth again.
Things would have been, as they were before and always. We recognize the past of what the enemy has done, but we cannot stay in it forever.
And the future will be the same like the original past; the enemy's lies are going down the drain again.
I want the followers and souls of the Gods to take all the benefits we have historically given them, and expand onward into the restoration of the originals. That's what everyone deserves.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
1. Jewish context
2. Grimoire Gimmick (Which is solely the creation of Jewish magicians, Rabbis and other deviants who were Christians, popes etc).
3. Answering the Jews (We predate them, what do I have to answer?)
4. Restrained information
5. Staying limited to the above
For those who might still be wondering about this, I post two excrepts from Plutarch's written works. Plutarch was the top High Priest of Ancient Greece for his time. In his work On Isis and Osiris, he mentions the following things which of course, are in-depth and Initiated-level information.
Herodotus, in 5th century BC, says the same exact thing; that Apollo to the Greeks is Horus to the Egyptians, Thoth = Hermes, Zeus = Amun of the Ancient Egyptians. Feel free to refer to these sources for higher understanding. This is done on the second book of The Histories where Herodotus makes an analysis of the Ancient Egyptian mysteries and crosses them over to the Ancient Greek ones. Now, with more knowledge, we expand therefore further into Vedic Hinduism and so on.
This means that despite public appearances, these things were known to all the Ancient Initiates of the time. The Ancient Initiates did not spend time on the street and market trying to discuss if Beelzebul, Zeus or Bael or Baal-Hamon were actually a "different entity". They were deeply initiated and knew the Gods, depending on the culture, are the same underlying entity and that no matter from which context you approach them, you are under the same God.
Now, we know the same to be the case like they did. As the Ancient priests of the time explained certain things, we explain certain things. HPS Maxine explained the cultural inversion, we resisted their adaptation, and now we are moving to the next level which is restoration and to make it all improved.
If anyone wants to learn higher truth about the Gods, this cannot happen through distorted and childish lenses that have been created, of all sources, by the enemy. Do you believe the Rabbis or the Jews, or Christians, or Islamics, have any valid information about the Gods? They do not. Any remnants, are simply there so they have a target for their hate, nothing else. Further, the nonsense they read to slander, defame them, replace them and illustrate them in the lowest manner, can that be taken as a valid source? Neither this can happen.
We have to move forward and I realize certain with a lot of emotional sentimentality with certain things; I feel the same emotional sentimentality about the previous era of the Gods. I loved the "Satanic" lore and will always do. I cannot let it go as it was integral for me also. We are all in the same boat here. Yet, we have to sail to the Golden Land and not stay there with phantoms of the enemy no longer.
Instead of sitting there in a jewish prison and trying to evolve (an impossible thing) and taking jewish ideals and trying to decipher them, one simply understands that this is a pointless practice. We have accepted this part of our past, but it has nothing to give us going forward if we ask for higher information.
We have set asail for the Golden Age again. Certain things have to be carried with us and other things have to go.
Lastly, I want to mention something else. If we were born before the advent of the enemy, you would not be believing in the fundamental Goetia. The reason you found the Gods from this context, is because we restored the Ancient deeper core context and took all the most powerful knowledge and restored it too. The Gods led you here to find it quickly, and for us to restore the original culture together. We are moving in that direction now.
The good that has arose from the process of the enemy, is that they openly revealed to the world what Herodotus and Plutarch (and all Ancient Mystics, Priests and Initiates) knew to be the Truth: That our Gods encompass everything among all the Ancient Cultures. But that is also, nothing new either.
If you were in Ancient Egypt or Sumeria, you would never have heard the defamation about "Satan" and you would not be thinking you are a criminal or a "sinner" for engaging the Original Gods. Nobody would call you a "sacrificier" in public, and you wouldn't be reading cultural excrement from the enemy to try to find "origins" or spiritual knowledge.
The Sumerian would not argue with the Greek or the Norseman about the topic of the Gods or the Egyptian, either. They would have dinner in friendship and ponder great ideas about the Gods. The Ancient Initiates, never had any disagreements on these topics, they just pondered the world and kept expanding together, making the knowledge of the Gods ever-more expanded.
Pythagoras, the great seer of Ancient Greece, had studied in Egypt, Mesopotamia/Babylon, India and Ancient Greece, to mention one most notable example. Welcomed and loved everywhere. The Ancient Brahmins called him "The Holy Pythagoras". This was the Ancient Eternal Culture. The Ancient culture was a culture of friendship, wisdom and solid ties between the followers of the Gods on the higher levels. Same as we are here today in this forum and what we are bringing forth again.
Things would have been, as they were before and always. We recognize the past of what the enemy has done, but we cannot stay in it forever.
And the future will be the same like the original past; the enemy's lies are going down the drain again.
I want the followers and souls of the Gods to take all the benefits we have historically given them, and expand onward into the restoration of the originals. That's what everyone deserves.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666