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Plutarch & Herodotus - Who Are The Gods?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The reason we have underwent changes, is because I want true and full alignment with the Ancient culture without:

1. Jewish context
2. Grimoire Gimmick (Which is solely the creation of Jewish magicians, Rabbis and other deviants who were Christians, popes etc).
3. Answering the Jews (We predate them, what do I have to answer?)
4. Restrained information
5. Staying limited to the above

For those who might still be wondering about this, I post two excrepts from Plutarch's written works. Plutarch was the top High Priest of Ancient Greece for his time. In his work On Isis and Osiris, he mentions the following things which of course, are in-depth and Initiated-level information.

Herodotus, in 5th century BC, says the same exact thing; that Apollo to the Greeks is Horus to the Egyptians, Thoth = Hermes, Zeus = Amun of the Ancient Egyptians. Feel free to refer to these sources for higher understanding. This is done on the second book of The Histories where Herodotus makes an analysis of the Ancient Egyptian mysteries and crosses them over to the Ancient Greek ones. Now, with more knowledge, we expand therefore further into Vedic Hinduism and so on.

This means that despite public appearances, these things were known to all the Ancient Initiates of the time. The Ancient Initiates did not spend time on the street and market trying to discuss if Beelzebul, Zeus or Bael or Baal-Hamon were actually a "different entity". They were deeply initiated and knew the Gods, depending on the culture, are the same underlying entity and that no matter from which context you approach them, you are under the same God.

Now, we know the same to be the case like they did. As the Ancient priests of the time explained certain things, we explain certain things. HPS Maxine explained the cultural inversion, we resisted their adaptation, and now we are moving to the next level which is restoration and to make it all improved.

If anyone wants to learn higher truth about the Gods, this cannot happen through distorted and childish lenses that have been created, of all sources, by the enemy. Do you believe the Rabbis or the Jews, or Christians, or Islamics, have any valid information about the Gods? They do not. Any remnants, are simply there so they have a target for their hate, nothing else. Further, the nonsense they read to slander, defame them, replace them and illustrate them in the lowest manner, can that be taken as a valid source? Neither this can happen.

We have to move forward and I realize certain with a lot of emotional sentimentality with certain things; I feel the same emotional sentimentality about the previous era of the Gods. I loved the "Satanic" lore and will always do. I cannot let it go as it was integral for me also. We are all in the same boat here. Yet, we have to sail to the Golden Land and not stay there with phantoms of the enemy no longer.

Instead of sitting there in a jewish prison and trying to evolve (an impossible thing) and taking jewish ideals and trying to decipher them, one simply understands that this is a pointless practice. We have accepted this part of our past, but it has nothing to give us going forward if we ask for higher information.

We have set asail for the Golden Age again. Certain things have to be carried with us and other things have to go.

Lastly, I want to mention something else. If we were born before the advent of the enemy, you would not be believing in the fundamental Goetia. The reason you found the Gods from this context, is because we restored the Ancient deeper core context and took all the most powerful knowledge and restored it too. The Gods led you here to find it quickly, and for us to restore the original culture together. We are moving in that direction now.

The good that has arose from the process of the enemy, is that they openly revealed to the world what Herodotus and Plutarch (and all Ancient Mystics, Priests and Initiates) knew to be the Truth: That our Gods encompass everything among all the Ancient Cultures. But that is also, nothing new either.

If you were in Ancient Egypt or Sumeria, you would never have heard the defamation about "Satan" and you would not be thinking you are a criminal or a "sinner" for engaging the Original Gods. Nobody would call you a "sacrificier" in public, and you wouldn't be reading cultural excrement from the enemy to try to find "origins" or spiritual knowledge.

The Sumerian would not argue with the Greek or the Norseman about the topic of the Gods or the Egyptian, either. They would have dinner in friendship and ponder great ideas about the Gods. The Ancient Initiates, never had any disagreements on these topics, they just pondered the world and kept expanding together, making the knowledge of the Gods ever-more expanded.

Pythagoras, the great seer of Ancient Greece, had studied in Egypt, Mesopotamia/Babylon, India and Ancient Greece, to mention one most notable example. Welcomed and loved everywhere. The Ancient Brahmins called him "The Holy Pythagoras". This was the Ancient Eternal Culture. The Ancient culture was a culture of friendship, wisdom and solid ties between the followers of the Gods on the higher levels. Same as we are here today in this forum and what we are bringing forth again.

Things would have been, as they were before and always. We recognize the past of what the enemy has done, but we cannot stay in it forever.

And the future will be the same like the original past; the enemy's lies are going down the drain again.

I want the followers and souls of the Gods to take all the benefits we have historically given them, and expand onward into the restoration of the originals. That's what everyone deserves.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
A natural consequence after their astral filth has been dealt with.

People have a lot of attachment towards the "Satanic aesthetic" as I like to call it, and while 99% of it is clean and pure and ours, it is limiting to a degree and was a means to an end both in JoS, and in the occult schools of the Enlightenment.

Familiarity is cozy, and new things are unknown and scary. Such is life, and overcoming this is a sign of great power in itself, which is something I myself wrestle with.

But think about the people in the Enlightenment, in the Renaissance. They followed "Satan" and the "dark side" because they simply knew one truth:
What is now is wrong. Anything else is better.
They bravely pursued. But then they found more info, and their worldview expanded, which brings us here and allows us to not have been borged out completely.

Do you think they would want us to stagnate? Better yet, because many of those people of the Gods are likely reincarnated here, do you want to stagnate?
Personally, I want to grow. I want to chase wisdom in its best form, and to advance.

Some people will not understand this, and have been looking to JoS as something it is not.
Many will also bump now into the realization that what we're doing is real, and that this weight might be hard to bear mentally by their minds who have dwelled on low things, or have a persecution complex, or whatever else.

My advice? Shed this. Shed any limits, reconcile your beliefs, and grow alongside this beautiful group that offered us so much.

Let's evolve.
I had no questions after reading the changes for the first time, but it is really nice how the whole process is explained from all perspectives so everyone can understand better.

Thank you for you for being here HPHC, the recent sermons are expanding my knowledge and consciousness like never before!
The reason we have underwent changes, is because I want true and full alignment with the Ancient culture without:

1. Jewish context
2. Grimoire Gimmick (Which is solely the creation of Jewish magicians, Rabbis and other deviants who were Christians, popes etc).
3. Answering the Jews (We predate them, what do I have to answer?)
4. Restrained information
5. Staying limited to the above

For those who might still be wondering about this, I post two excrepts from Plutarch's written works. Plutarch was the top High Priest of Ancient Greece for his time. In his work On Isis and Osiris, he mentions the following things which of course, are in-depth and Initiated-level information.

Herodotus, in 5th century BC, says the same exact thing; that Apollo to the Greeks is Horus to the Egyptians, Thoth = Hermes, Zeus = Amun of the Ancient Egyptians. Feel free to refer to these sources for higher understanding. This is done on the second book of The Histories where Herodotus makes an analysis of the Ancient Egyptian mysteries and crosses them over to the Ancient Greek ones. Now, with more knowledge, we expand therefore further into Vedic Hinduism and so on.

This means that despite public appearances, these things were known to all the Ancient Initiates of the time. The Ancient Initiates did not spend time on the street and market trying to discuss if Beelzebul, Zeus or Bael or Baal-Hamon were actually a "different entity". They were deeply initiated and knew the Gods, depending on the culture, are the same underlying entity and that no matter from which context you approach them, you are under the same God.

Now, we know the same to be the case like they did. As the Ancient priests of the time explained certain things, we explain certain things. HPS Maxine explained the cultural inversion, we resisted their adaptation, and now we are moving to the next level which is restoration and to make it all improved.

If anyone wants to learn higher truth about the Gods, this cannot happen through distorted and childish lenses that have been created, of all sources, by the enemy. Do you believe the Rabbis or the Jews, or Christians, or Islamics, have any valid information about the Gods? They do not. Any remnants, are simply there so they have a target for their hate, nothing else. Further, the nonsense they read to slander, defame them, replace them and illustrate them in the lowest manner, can that be taken as a valid source? Neither this can happen.

We have to move forward and I realize certain with a lot of emotional sentimentality with certain things; I feel the same emotional sentimentality about the previous era of the Gods. I loved the "Satanic" lore and will always do. I cannot let it go as it was integral for me also. We are all in the same boat here. Yet, we have to sail to the Golden Land and not stay there with phantoms of the enemy no longer.

Instead of sitting there in a jewish prison and trying to evolve (an impossible thing) and taking jewish ideals and trying to decipher them, one simply understands that this is a pointless practice. We have accepted this part of our past, but it has nothing to give us going forward if we ask for higher information.

We have set asail for the Golden Age again. Certain things have to be carried with us and other things have to go.

Lastly, I want to mention something else. If we were born before the advent of the enemy, you would not be believing in the fundamental Goetia. The reason you found the Gods from this context, is because we restored the Ancient deeper core context and took all the most powerful knowledge and restored it too. The Gods led you here to find it quickly, and for us to restore the original culture together. We are moving in that direction now.

The good that has arose from the process of the enemy, is that they openly revealed to the world what Herodotus and Plutarch (and all Ancient Mystics, Priests and Initiates) knew to be the Truth: That our Gods encompass everything among all the Ancient Cultures. But that is also, nothing new either.

If you were in Ancient Egypt or Sumeria, you would never have heard the defamation about "Satan" and you would not be thinking you are a criminal or a "sinner" for engaging the Original Gods. Nobody would call you a "sacrificier" in public, and you wouldn't be reading cultural excrement from the enemy to try to find "origins" or spiritual knowledge.

The Sumerian would not argue with the Greek or the Norseman about the topic of the Gods or the Egyptian, either. They would have dinner in friendship and ponder great ideas about the Gods. The Ancient Initiates, never had any disagreements on these topics, they just pondered the world and kept expanding together, making the knowledge of the Gods ever-more expanded.

Things would have been, as they were before and always. We recognize the past of what the enemy has done, but we cannot stay in it forever.

And the future will be the same like the original past; the enemy's lies are going down the drain again.

I want the followers and souls of the Gods to take all the benefits we have historically given them, and expand onward into the restoration of the originals. That's what everyone deserves.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Wow Thanks for sharing this
Knowledge with us !!! Your
Right the xtain and the
Enemy have fxck up most
Of knowledge in the past
I remember one time when
I was in my 20s I bought
A book on summoning
Demons nothing sounded
Right to me it said summoning
Angels and different stuff
So I burnt it. I trust this Temple's
And it's knowledge
Is it all right if I work with
PAN some???
This means that despite public appearances, these things were known to all the Ancient Initiates of the time. The Ancient Initiates did not spend time on the street and market trying to discuss if Beelzebul, Zeus or Bael or Baal-Hamon were actually a "different entity". They were deeply initiated and knew the Gods, depending on the culture, are the same underlying entity and that no matter from which context you approach them, you are under the same God.

I feel exactly the same since a week or two, I know its important to know the names of our Gods, but can we advance further in knowledge instead of staying on the names level. Yesterday at the AMA in Temple of Zeus Live Ritual Room on Element (yes you can come, its free and safe. You can download it on your computer or phone... And you can also join the Outreach branch of ToZ), you gave some great answers about this element (you can acces the lastest session here ) and you already explain it in another sermon. I don't want to sound harsh or anything, but we need to go higher than that.
HPS Maxine explained the cultural inversion, we resisted their adaptation, and now we are moving to the next level which is restoration and to make it all improved.

Moreover, what this place is becoming now in no way runs counter to the original work of HPS Maxine Dietrich. HPS Maxine Dietrich has ALWAYS said that the Gods do not come from a medieval Gothic context. She has always explained that they are not Solomonic monsters. She has always referred to the Gods by explaining their origins. There is even a section on the website explaining the origins of Satanism from the Far East that was written by her herself. I really don't know how some people think that this is not progress, but an undoing of what HPS Maxine did.

I loved the "Satanic" lore and will always do. I cannot let it go as it was integral for me also.

The "Satanic" lore will always remain within us. Those of us who will achieve things like the Magnum Opus through the second or even the third method will remember well in 10 thousand years how they had to declare that the holy spirit was rotten (as if these fictitious characters really existed lol, that's only because 20 years ago Jesus Christ was culturally influential and calling him an "asshole" made sense as a personal psychological shot of detachment from that Jewish crap), or how we put the Baphomet on the altar because the webpage explained that it was among the basic things an altar needed.

We are not forgetting the past or erasing what we had to do, who we had to be, no one here is disavowing his own soul dedication in which he explained about Jehovah being a dickhead and wanted to put himself unreservedly under Satan's guidance. Our past is just as much a part of us as our future is a part of us. Now it is time to maximize our possessions, we cannot limit ourselves to the past, it would not be fair to all that we have had to endure and it is also insulting to what HPS Maxine had been working on at the time.

you would never have heard the defamation about "Satan" and you would not be thinking you are a criminal or a "sinner" for engaging the Original Gods

This is also very true. As much as in 9 years I have detached myself from the Christian mentality of my balls, when I am identified as a Satanist it is obvious that I still a little bit remain connected to that idea of being a sinner and still having to hide as if I am doing something wrong because whether you want to or not the Satanic lore was completely based on that concept of Jewish captivity.

But now we have come out of that submission and the rabbi warden no longer has the power to make us feel guilty because we are not prisoners of good behavior. Even I myself who had problems donating in the past because the legislative and fiscal system in Italy really sucks when it comes to Satanism (really), now I am starting to feel more secure knowing that my next donation will be to Zeus and his Temple.
The Culture of the Gods must be freed from jewish interference and must return to its original splendor!

Exactly, and that is what everyone should fully understand. Because if I post a story on instagram about a drawing of Zeus and people ask me why I posted a picture of Jehovah just because in Catholic iconography Jehovah is represented elderly with a long white beard, then if the mass mind goes there as the first thing it means there is a problem that needs to be overcome.

If I send the link of the new website to a dedicated friend of mine who does not frequent much, however, and she replies that she doesn't like the name "Temple of Zeus" because she doesn't like this "Zeus" word thing so much, despite the fact that it is one of the holiest and most significant Names ever known to Western humanity, then yes, THERE IS A BOTTOM PROBLEM TO HAVE TO OVERCOME.

If my close friends occasionally ask me why on earth I have to stay here while I could convert to modern Hinduism, as if the Hindu Deities are something completely different than what we follow, YES THERE IS A MOST OBVIOUS BOTTOM PROBLEM WE *HAVE TO* OVERCOME!

And now we can finally do it:
Now, with more knowledge, we expand therefore further into Vedic Hinduism and so on.
Origen states that Moses forbade the uttering of other gods’ names in Exodus 23:13 directly as such: “there is nothing divine about Zeus,” - Christians must beware of uttering his name even accidentally, for there is “a certain daemon that delights in being so called, who is no friend to men or to the true god.”

This is because, of course, Zeus is God, and the name is directly, of our Head God.
It's excellent and ties in with the forums name here.

By referring to Satanism newcomers would put up blocks with their pre-conceived misconceptions.

It's all about the Greco-Roman religion from the Golden Age. And people will be more open minded to that than naming it anything else.
This has been an issue, a concern that crossed my mind. If your pushing for content to enlighten more and more people. Going out and saying " Satanism is the way" wouldn't work, there's just to much negativity associated with that term unforgettable. So I understand the general ease of Zeus and Greek gods, as a entry level foundation of understanding for new SS. For advanced we are certainly understand things further then that... throughout the world and history the same entities have been called the different names but all directing to one.

Here's the bigger picture: If a SS happened to be in a position of leadership or gain something like presidency and wanted to enlighten people. If he goes out and says " we will now be educating people on satan" that just wouldn't end well. Where by using a alternate name to the same being you wouldn't get that reaction. Point being no need to shit the hard way, no teaching or rituals changing just the name we present to others.

Our pursuit is advancement, not fighting needlessly.
One thing I don't understand if that you say
"Instead of sitting there in a jewish prison"
"and taking jewish ideals and trying to decipher them"
"We have accepted this part of our past"

We never did this though. Non of us ever accepted the Jewish narrative neither were we sitting in Jewish prison just because we call God Satan and not Zeus. Or rather I should say, it have turned out very early in JoS that Spiritual Satanism have an ancient root and has nothing to do with jewish filth.
So I understand the general ease of Zeus and Greek gods, as a entry level foundation of understanding for new SS

What we are doing with the Temple of Zeus is absolutely not "sweetening Satanism" so that it is family friendly. The real sweetening to make Zeus Satanas look like something that didn't represent him was when we were still relying on the "dark Satan turning us all into evil Sith Lords" version. The place of important Satanists should not be that of rebels per se. If a Satanist is rebellious, it means that he or she is solving a problematic situation and therefore there is a problem in society.

Think of Adolf Hitler. Hitler in his time was a rebel. And that was fine because Germany was a Jewish circus parasitized by a loan-sharking rabbi. But Hitler then became an extremely beloved leader surrounded only by glory. Satanists are rebels in difficult times, but generally these difficult times must come to an end. And the Satanists return to being the leaders.

We are not the dementors of Harry Potter as the Jews call us. And continuing to define ourselves as "Nazguls" is just a Jewish sweetening of all the splendor of Satanism. We are not making people more open-minded by camouflaging ourselves more sympathetically. We are not putting a clown's nose on the grim reaper. On the contrary, we are finally taking off that grim reaper cloak to show that we are beautiful and bright in reality. Zeus is not sweetened Satanas. Zeus is Satanas, Zeus is God.

Our pursuit is advancement, not fighting needlessly.

As Satan said to HPS Maxine about spiritual warfare... destruction will not be the way forever. But simulus as long as it has been the time that is not yet the time when these things work in such ways.
We never did this though. Non of us ever accepted the Jewish narrative neither were we sitting in Jewish prison just because we call God Satan and not Zeus. Or rather I should say, it have turned out very early in JoS that Spiritual Satanism have an ancient root and has nothing to do with jewish filth.

The concept was, Brother, that obviously for a very very long time we were in "Jewish chains," and if we wanted to advance beyond the limits of where the chain reached we couldn't because we were in a Jewish prison. We never accepted Jewish captivity, it's true: it's exactly as you say.

And now that we are free and the Jews are being denounced, there is no longer a Jewish chain standing in the way of where we want to go. We are free to understand Zeus' concepts more and more. The rabbi shouting "come back here, you satanic goy" from behind is too, too far away and helpless, and you can't really tell what he's babbling about while frothing at the mouth and furrowing his brow.

We always knew that outside the basement of the synagogue was a colorful and bright universe. As you also explain. But now we are free to observe it, explore it.
Moreover, what this place is becoming now in no way runs counter to the original work of HPS Maxine Dietrich. HPS Maxine Dietrich has ALWAYS said that the Gods do not come from a medieval Gothic context. She has always explained that they are not Solomonic monsters. She has always referred to the Gods by explaining their origins. There is even a section on the website explaining the origins of Satanism from the Far East that was written by her herself. I really don't know how some people think that this is not progress, but an undoing of what HPS Maxine did.

It's normal for many people to not read these or overlook these, and it can be emotional confusion at play. All the premise of the JoS was always to explain and expand upon what you write. This is on HPS Maxine's work.

And somehow I do exactly this and I am the bad guy still to some people. I live, I learn, I guess.
And somehow I do exactly this and I am the bad guy still to some people.

They are all bad guys from when they work for the Gods, to when they criticize Israel, to when they do whatever things the average person does not understand. And that's fine. The world so far has only gone on because of bad guys doing bad things like saying that the pedophile Catholic Pope was just a pedophile. Then you know what? If being bad means this and being good guys means staying in the degenerate status quo -- long live the bad guys forever!
This has always been issue. People worry about the messenger more then the message.

Regardless of the information itself people get hung up on how it's presented. So choosing to from here on present the Father of Creation as Glorious Being that he is, should be no issue and yet...
We are not the dementors of Harry Potter as the Jews call us. And continuing to define ourselves as "Nazguls" is just a Jewish sweetening of all the splendor of Satanism. We are not making people more open-minded by camouflaging ourselves more sympathetically. We are not putting a clown's nose on the grim reaper. On the contrary, we are finally taking off that grim reaper cloak to show that we are beautiful and bright in reality. Zeus is not sweetened Satanas. Zeus is Satanas, Zeus is God.

I completely understand maybe my wording was off but I'm agreement.

My word was on the reason other names weren't used, that is to ease people, especially new comers. As HP HoodedCobra mentioned more people understand the Greek mythology and as such approaching people this way is best. From a outside perspective.

From inside we understand the deeper truth which is always a bit much for newcomers. The truth has been evident in multiple ancient races under multiple different names but remained to be one truth.

That is our truth. That is the truth of Zeus.
I completely understand maybe my wording was off but I'm agreement.

Don't worry. It's just that when I talk about Jewish stuff I get angry easily lol. But not toward the member I'm responding to. Only toward Jews. It also happened another time that someone thought my angry words were directed at her. No. I get angry at Jews. If a person is part of my (maybe even racial) people and moreover is in good faith like you, I could never get angry. But if a Jew slanders Satan as if he were the emperor of terror and says that his children are the minions of evil.... well yes, talking about it I might be a little angry lol
The concept was, Brother, that obviously for a very very long time we were in "Jewish chains," and if we wanted to advance beyond the limits of where the chain reached we couldn't because we were in a Jewish prison. We never accepted Jewish captivity, it's true: it's exactly as you say.

And now that we are free and the Jews are being denounced, there is no longer a Jewish chain standing in the way of where we want to go. We are free to understand Zeus' concepts more and more. The rabbi shouting "come back here, you satanic goy" from behind is too, too far away and helpless, and you can't really tell what he's babbling about while frothing at the mouth and furrowing his brow.

We always knew that outside the basement of the synagogue was a colorful and bright universe. As you also explain. But now we are free to observe it, explore it.

We can't avoid being mocked by jews and stupid people, and what do we care? We are still associated with Satan, we are still associated with Hitler, and so on.
If anything these people will now say that we try to cover up ourselves and sell Nazism and Satanism secretly (as they already did say this).

I don't see how we broke free and how this enables more, we can have mythology, cosmology, spirituality and all that explained in the same way whether we call God Satan or Zeus.

Again I don't have much problem with this update but I don't understand the reasoning.

What actually changed with this update is that we can go out there and say we are worshiping Zeus, without having 99% of the population instantly turned away and scared by hearing the name Satan. But it's not that this changes anything on our end, only on the end of newcomers.
Has anybody tried to use some of the Jew's "magick? Their gematria listed in their "Sefer Yetzirah" tells you how to compute words into their numerical value. Did you know (according to their own system) that the name "ALL FATHER" has a numerical value of 666? Who are they secretly praying to and not sharing that secret with the rest of mankind?
Has anybody tried to use some of the Jew's "magick? Their gematria listed in their "Sefer Yetzirah" tells you how to compute words into their numerical value. Did you know (according to their own system) that the name "ALL FATHER" has a numerical value of 666? Who are they secretly praying to and not sharing that secret with the rest of mankind?
Please stay away from such things to avoid unnecessary hurt and sorrow.

What we have here is compatible with our souls, is safe, and most importantly, from the Gods. Not from insane desert people linked to a hive mind. That's not our path.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
