Oh, I know - and here's me, born and bred in not the USA, not Australasia, but in the UK, and non-Britons telling me what English is! PMSL. Try going to a rocket scientist and telling him/her that he/she is underqualified. (Not that it matters; as said it's a bastardised language anyway, and people are so lazy and careless!)
Well, I don't know about best, but biggest, yeah. The biggest in modern times; one might argue that National Socialism, before abrahamism, was an empire in and of itself in a way, perhaps. Sort of like some who say the Empire of Orion, despite each nation being National Socialist.
"American English" is like saying "African Americans"; things should be separated and clear so we know clearly what is what. You'd think America would have its own language by now. :lol: Does it still have an old English drinking song as its National Anthem?! Men, Woman and Children singing about alcohol. "Shut up, and drink yer gin!" :lol: