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Pastor says Christians should welcome death and defy lockdown to go to church


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2018

This guy has to be a kike or influenced strongly by the enemy. If you want to see true xtian teachings look here.
No different than Rabbis and Imams have been doing.

They want people to die and they enjoy it, it's the "End Times" anyway. Always fear and scaremongering and promoting and preaching death, as per usual.
Xianity is all about dying. There is nothing weird here if you are a xian you have to accept that this is what this religion wants from you...
Why don't they just commit suicide so that they can get to "heaven"? "Nuuuuuu! Not commit syooissside! Me wants mah pwesents 'god' pwomised me!"
luis said:
Xianity is all about dying. There is nothing weird here if you are a xian you have to accept that this is what this religion wants from you...

I know what they think and believe it’s just kind of strange they would be this open about it that’s all.
The other very practical reason is these Christard hustlers are running out of shekels and need to get the flock of sheep back to church to get their money. This is the time of year they make their biggest money.
Hello brothers and sisters. I wanted to know if you could help me with a question I have: Because Easter is coming, I read that Easter was stolen from Astaroth in the PDF "Demons the Gods of Hell" and that it was originally called "Ashtar", I decided to search which meant “Ashtar” and it came out to me that it was a male "extraterrestrial" being who communicated with humanity through television signals (TV), I was watching some videos that related their messages. He spoke that the "alien" being was of the galactic order or something. I wanted to know if you could explain this to me, was this what you were talking about when you talked about “Ashtar”? if i'm wrong just let me know. Thank you for your time and your responses. This message was made with Google Translate since I don't speak English, but don't worry, I will translate your messages / responses.
I know for a fact the enemy haunted chanted chattering go on. The RTRs work the MoSStest greatest I've ever known right now! But the enemy is throwing some crushers out. Please fellow Kommeraden be strong, be daring, and especially turn down their drug and filth. I have many a wound from them. And that makes me mad. And that makes the RTR go to levels I didn't know I had. And to see this is better than any church grape jeewsy show or dirty dope high imaginable! Those crowds get us killed
I'm starting to wonder why suicide would still send you to hell if all they pray for is death.
Stormblood said:
Let them go. So they get arrested like the criminals they are.

Depending on the country is it simply a fine or arrest?

I've noticed in recent times for examples fines for throwing masks away. Happening in my city, throw a mask on the ground and fine. Too many retards littering with throwing masks not in the trash.

I'd say many christarded people will act christardedly and do it. But here is the thing are churches supposed to be open or closed? My take is closed so wouldn't the arrested be the priest.

After all that guy IS inciting an illegal act and should be punished accordingly.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They want people to die and they enjoy it, it's the "End Times" anyway.

I don't care if a huge asteroid is about to strike the Earth and wipe us all out, I'll be at the tallest peak I can giving a final Sieg Heil.

But we won't have to worry about that, you know why? Because the so called "end times" aren't going to fucking happen......to us.
Pastors in my country are also complaining Corona is getting in the way of earning their bucks one pastor even posted his bank account on social media for people to still tithe despite not being able to go to church they have been banned also in my country from congregating...
This is gross. Everywhere the retards are begging for gawd to destroy them. It’s Insane. I think they are all masochists or YHVH has them In some strange Stockholm syndrome.
Who cares, I would be very Happy if they all died.
Am I evil?
Well, I've never killed anyone yet, while the enemy has killed and kills everyday.
They call themselves literally what they are - shepherds. And people do not face and understand all this obvious falsehood. How can people consider a jewsus imaginary rabbi and shepherd and the other shepherd without image, jallah, divinity, obviously these jewish inventions represent and show what jews are and do.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
This is gross. Everywhere the retards are begging for gawd to destroy them. It’s Insane. I think they are all masochists or YHVH has them In some strange Stockholm syndrome.
That is it exactly. Masoch-r-ists, and Stockholm syndrome exactly. I saw one christian online, among others claiming to be "blessed by jewsus", that if he gets coronavirus and dies, then that's his time. It's amazing they accept a horrible, difficult death, instead of a peaceful one in their sleep, surrounded by family and friends in a positive way, as opposed to being forced to be isolated together. If they want to die, then it's "their" "life"; they, worshipping a jew-on-a-stick, lost their lives before today anyway.
ShadowTheRaven said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They want people to die and they enjoy it, it's the "End Times" anyway.

I don't care if a huge asteroid is about to strike the Earth and wipe us all out, I'll be at the tallest peak I can giving a final Sieg Heil.

But we won't have to worry about that, you know why? Because the so called "end times" aren't going to fucking happen......to us.
Dude (or Dudess) - "the end times" happened already during the Black Death, and many other times before this year. "The end times" happens all the time!
Gear88 said:
Stormblood said:
Let them go. So they get arrested like the criminals they are.

Depending on the country is it simply a fine or arrest?

I've noticed in recent times for examples fines for throwing masks away. Happening in my city, throw a mask on the ground and fine. Too many retards littering with throwing masks not in the trash.

I'd say many christarded people will act christardedly and do it. But here is the thing are churches supposed to be open or closed? My take is closed so wouldn't the arrested be the priest.

After all that guy IS inciting an illegal act and should be punished accordingly.

I would pump up the fines for the idiots who litter. Wannabe rebels who don't understand what rebelling is really about and think that littering is some kind of statement... a very jewish one, which shows they llike living in the dirt. Or, worse, it's people who are so braindead that don't even understand the consequences of this seemingly simple act.
FancyMancy said:
Dude (or Dudess) - "the end times" happened already during the Black Death, and many other times before this year. "The end times" happens all the time!

I'm a guy, and the female variant is "Dudette"

Remember when Maxine listed all of the apocalypses that humanity has "suffered" through for the past 2000 years according to Jehovahs Witnesses?

ShadowTheRaven said:
FancyMancy said:
Dude (or Dudess) - "the end times" happened already during the Black Death, and many other times before this year. "The end times" happens all the time!

I'm a guy, and the female variant is "Dudette"
Nah. The female equivalent of God is Goddess; Dudette would be a little Dude; a Goddette would be a little God.

Remember when Maxine listed all of the apocalypses that humanity has "suffered" through for the past 2000 years according to Jehovahs Witnesses?

Cripes. It's amazing the World and Universe still exist at all!
FancyMancy said:
Nah. The female equivalent of God is Goddess; Dudette would be a little Dude; a Goddette would be a little God.
Not really since fuck the English language, where nothing is consistent yet it's the business language of the world.
ShadowTheRaven said:
FancyMancy said:
Nah. The female equivalent of God is Goddess; Dudette would be a little Dude; a Goddette would be a little God.
Not really since fuck the English language, where nothing is consistent yet it's the business language of the world.
Lol, yeah. You're right about that, lol. As for it being the business language of the World - that surely is a metaphor for something!
FancyMancy said:
Nah. The female equivalent of God is Goddess; Dudette would be a little Dude; a Goddette would be a little God.

Don't bother discussing grammar and linguistics with certain people. Even if you had a Ph.D. on those subjects, they'd still manage to turn it into an argument and insist they're right.
Hijo de Satán 666 said:
Hello brothers and sisters. I wanted to know if you could help me with a question I have: Because Easter is coming, I read that Easter was stolen from Astaroth in the PDF "Demons the Gods of Hell" and that it was originally called "Ashtar", I decided to search which meant “Ashtar” and it came out to me that it was a male "extraterrestrial" being who communicated with humanity through television signals (TV), I was watching some videos that related their messages. He spoke that the "alien" being was of the galactic order or something. I wanted to know if you could explain this to me, was this what you were talking about when you talked about “Ashtar”? if i'm wrong just let me know. Thank you for your time and your responses. This message was made with Google Translate since I don't speak English, but don't worry, I will translate your messages / responses.
Ashtar is the goddess Astaroth she is the daughter of Satan here is more information on Astaroth (Ashtar) https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Astaroth.html
FancyMancy said:
Lol, yeah. You're right about that, lol. As for it being the business language of the World - that surely is a metaphor for something!

It means the British Empire was the best goddamn empire this world has ever seen. I'd give my left nut to own a quarter of the world...
American English is like America. It's not about following every rule all the time, especially when the rules are conflicting. It's more about just doing what works best.

England is more about all these 1,000 year old cultural rules that don't really mean anything and just make it more complicated. :lol:
"Xtians welcoming death"
I just heard on the news that a pastor from Virginia who defied lockdown and hosted services anyway died of Coronavirus.

Pastor: "God is larger than this deadly virus!"
ShadowTheRaven said:
I just heard on the news that a pastor from Virginia who defied lockdown and hosted services anyway died of Coronavirus.

I was going to post about that. I wonder why it didn't pray to keep itself safe. I mentioned, either on this forum or the other one, a little story that a christian "leader" told me, that 3 Children needed to get past a river or stream and the only way they could do so was by crossing it on foot. They "had faith" that "god" would "protect them", and they died. Welp! Le buybull says to have faith like a Child; and this pastor died because it was an immature idiot. Some Children can be much more mature than some idiot Adults.
ShadowTheRaven said:
I just heard on the news that a pastor from Virginia who defied lockdown and hosted services anyway died of Coronavirus.

I was going to post about that. I wonder why it didn't pray to keep itself safe. I mentioned, either on this forum or the other one, a little story that a christian "leader" told me, that 3 Children needed to get past a river or stream and the only way they could do so was by crossing it on foot. They "had faith" that "god" would "protect them", and they died. Welp! Le buybull says to have faith like a Child; and this pastor died because it was an immature idiot. Some Children can be much more mature than some idiot Adults.
ShadowTheRaven said:
I just heard on the news that a pastor from Virginia who defied lockdown and hosted services anyway died of Coronavirus.

I was going to post about that. I wonder why it didn't pray to keep itself safe. I mentioned, either on this forum or the other one, a little story that a christian "leader" told me, that 3 Children needed to get past a river or stream and the only way they could do so was by crossing it on foot. They "had faith" that "god" would "protect them", and they died. Welp! Le buybull says to have faith like a Child; and this pastor died because it was an immature idiot. Some Children can be much more mature than some idiot Adults.
Sorry for multiple posts. The forum was being slow and gave me "508 Resource Limit is Reached" error again.

Stormblood said:
FancyMancy said:
Nah. The female equivalent of God is Goddess; Dudette would be a little Dude; a Goddette would be a little God.

Don't bother discussing grammar and linguistics with certain people. Even if you had a Ph.D. on those subjects, they'd still manage to turn it into an argument and insist they're right.
Oh, I know - and here's me, born and bred in not the USA, not Australasia, but in the UK, and non-Britons telling me what English is! PMSL. Try going to a rocket scientist and telling him/her that he/she is underqualified. (Not that it matters; as said it's a bastardised language anyway, and people are so lazy and careless!)

ShadowTheRaven said:
FancyMancy said:
Lol, yeah. You're right about that, lol. As for it being the business language of the World - that surely is a metaphor for something!

It means the British Empire was the best goddamn empire this world has ever seen. I'd give my left nut to own a quarter of the world...
Well, I don't know about best, but biggest, yeah. The biggest in modern times; one might argue that National Socialism, before abrahamism, was an empire in and of itself in a way, perhaps. Sort of like some who say the Empire of Orion, despite each nation being National Socialist.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
American English is like America. It's not about following every rule all the time, especially when the rules are conflicting. It's more about just doing what works best.

England is more about all these 1,000 year old cultural rules that don't really mean anything and just make it more complicated. :lol:
"American English" is like saying "African Americans"; things should be separated and clear so we know clearly what is what. You'd think America would have its own language by now. :lol: Does it still have an old English drinking song as its National Anthem?! Men, Woman and Children singing about alcohol. "Shut up, and drink yer gin!" :lol:
FancyMancy said:
Oh, I know - and here's me, born and bred in not the USA, not Australasia, but in the UK, and non-Britons telling me what English is! PMSL. Try going to a rocket scientist and telling him/her that he/she is underqualified. (Not that it matters; as said it's a bastardised language anyway, and people are so lazy and careless!)


Well, I don't know about best, but biggest, yeah. The biggest in modern times; one might argue that National Socialism, before abrahamism, was an empire in and of itself in a way, perhaps. Sort of like some who say the Empire of Orion, despite each nation being National Socialist.


"American English" is like saying "African Americans"; things should be separated and clear so we know clearly what is what. You'd think America would have its own language by now. :lol: Does it still have an old English drinking song as its National Anthem?! Men, Woman and Children singing about alcohol. "Shut up, and drink yer gin!" :lol:

Well I wouldn't argue that National Socialism in and of itself is an empire. An empire has to have defined land, a strong economy, a strong military, and a tendency towards either imperialism, domination of influence, subjugation, or the creation of dependency (think NATO) coming from a specific country.

The United States is a textbook example of a modern empire, but since imperialism is out of fashion these days it fits the bill in regards of influence, economic, and military dependence.

And no, I'm not trying to start a color/colour debate or whatever grammar inconsistencies arise from British vs American English.

As for singing drinking songs, I'm singing in a brand new pair of brogues, rattled o'er the bogs, and frightened all the dogs on the rocky road to Dub-a-lin, one two three for five, hunt the hare and turn 'er down the rocky road, all the way to Dublin, whack-fo-la-lee-raaaaaa
FancyMancy said:
I was going to post about that. I wonder why it didn't pray to keep itself safe. I mentioned, either on this forum or the other one, a little story that a christian "leader" told me, that 3 Children needed to get past a river or stream and the only way they could do so was by crossing it on foot. They "had faith" that "god" would "protect them", and they died. Welp! Le buybull says to have faith like a Child; and this pastor died because it was an immature idiot. Some Children can be much more mature than some idiot Adults.

Another thing that's interesting, the majority of the coronavirus cases happen to be in the jewish neighborhoods hmm....and I thought the Chinese had terrible sanitation standards.
he said „god is larger than the virus“ hahahahahahaa ducking shit xD
Why is so much funny stuff happening?

ShadowTheRaven said:
The United States is a textbook example of a modern empire, but since imperialism is out of fashion these days it fits the bill in regards of influence, economic, and military dependence.
My usage of the word "dissimilation" comes to mind again! Lol.

As for singing drinking songs, I'm singing in a brand new pair of brogues, rattled o'er the bogs, and frightened all the dogs on the rocky road to Dub-a-lin, one two three for five, hunt the hare and turn 'er down the rocky road, all the way to Dublin, whack-fo-la-lee-raaaaaa
I think you're a few weeks late - but are you wearing green? :p Also be careful - if you be your jolly self in front of the now-deceased coronavirus-infected pastor, you might get a ghoulish visit from it; and the other one from Baton Rogue, you might get some christians screaming into a megaphone in your face that you're evil for being you and for Ah-ah-ah-ah stayin' aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive, oh, when you walk.

ShadowTheRaven said:
FancyMancy said:
I was going to post about that. I wonder why it didn't pray to keep itself safe. I mentioned, either on this forum or the other one, a little story that a christian "leader" told me, that 3 Children needed to get past a river or stream and the only way they could do so was by crossing it on foot. They "had faith" that "god" would "protect them", and they died. Welp! Le buybull says to have faith like a Child; and this pastor died because it was an immature idiot. Some Children can be much more mature than some idiot Adults.

Another thing that's interesting, the majority of the coronavirus cases happen to be in the jewish neighborhoods hmm....and I thought the Chinese had terrible sanitation standards.
HPHC isn't just trolling when he says the jew doesn't bathe for 40 days, and rolls around in pig-- jew shit all the time!

NinRick said:
he said „god is larger than the virus“ hahahahahahaa ducking shit xD
Why is so much funny stuff happening?

Good old 9gag. Because we refuse to drink from the poisoned well; that's why we're the strange ones and everyone else is "normal" being braindead and ignorant.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
