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Passover Exposed

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Passover Exposed

The Jewish ritual of Passover is a Kabbalistic ritual that ties into the energies of the occult new year which occurs within March to April, in which occult workings are put into motion for the year.

The Jewish Passover is based on when the Jewish "god" murdered the first born, Gentile children of Egypt. This includes the child of the Pharaoh. This is also the time the Christian's celebrate Easter. During the Passover is when the Jews conduct the ritual murders of Gentile children. The child is ritually murdered in a mock up of the Christian ritual murder of Jesus at Easter. This is done to create a sympathetic connection to the Christian ritual which is nothing more then the mock version of the Jewish ritual murders. The Jews drain the blood of the child into cups and drink such and bake the blood into the Matzo bread. The Christian communion ritual is based on this ritual. The energies of the mock ritual murder the Christian's engage in and the Jewish ritual murders connect on the astral and give more energy to the ritual. This is called sympathetic magic in Kabbalah.

When one understands that in esoteric texts the energy of specific chakra's are used to manifest workings into the world of which they correspond to the energies of, this is the key to understanding Passover. The ritual of Passover is mass ritual working of which the entire Jewish racial soul is collectively used to manifest the aim of the ritual into the world. The Jewish racial soul and the individual Jewish soul all at once is called "god" in the Kabbalah texts, the ten sefirot or worlds of their Kabbalah tree is the map of their soul and this tree and the worlds and the 22 letters it makes up is "god" even the YHVH the name of their "god" is how the ten worlds are divided into elemental sections on the tree. Its the Jewish soul and nothing more. This is made explicitly obvious, openly in the Kabbalah. In Kabbalah "god" creates the world by the ten sefirot which are the collective energies of the Jewish individual and collective racial soul, which included the 22 Hebrew letters.

In the Kabbalistic texts the actual details of what and why this is done at Passover is revealed. The Passover is based on directing the energies of the Ain Soph or Kether down thought the worlds of Binah and Chochmah, the three upper worlds . Into what is called the seven lower the Sefirot.

The ten worlds are the map of the Jewish soul, both individually and collectively. The thought form of the Jews or YHVH is nothing but the projection of energy of the collective and individual Jewish soul. Keter or Ain Soph is also called the Shekinah or the "Holy Spirit" its the 22 Hebrew letters, why? Because if one studies the practical Kabbalah, the Jewish soul template the vibrational template that forms the Jewish soul across the different levels of manifestation, is the 22 letters and ten worlds.

The ritual Seder's of Passover is based on ten ritual items, each one relating to the directing of energy into one of the worlds. The cups of wine used and the Matzo balls relate to the directing of energies.

The cup of wine of which the blood is placed, is the world of Binah and the Matzo with the blood baked in is the world of Chochmah. The Keter is the astral template of the Jewish soul which divides into these two halves of the Jewish soul, the male and female aspects of the worlds of their chakra's/energy centers. The Kabbalah states that the life force is in the blood, the energy of the soul is in the blood which is why the Jews drink the blood, its taking in the life force of the victim to add more power into the ritual directly by raising their own energy levels. The astral energies released by the torcher of the victims and the murder of the victims are directed into the mass ritual, as well.

The energies of the ritual murders of Passover are directed into the collective Jewish soul, thought the plane of Keter the astral template which connects to the entire Jewish soul, all the chakra's and from which connection its flowed into the masculine and feminine aspects and energy centers of the Jewish soul, thought all of the energy centers of every Jewish person during the Seder's, the entire Passover Seder's are designed to connected into the energies of the ritual murders by sympathetic connection and by the direction of the mind and chanting of the Kabbalistic formula's in Hebrew and the drinking of the wine cups and eating of the Matzo bread. From here the collective energy of the properties of all ten worlds, infused with the energies raised in the ritual, the full force of the entire Jewish soul collectively is projected outwards to connect with the Christian ritual of Easter and thus become infused by the projected and connected energy of millions of Christian dupes and then manifested into the world.

The aim of using the collective energies of all ten energy or consciousness centers of the Jewish racial soul for this mass working is made clear in the Kabbalah:

Five manifestations for the male worlds or chakras and five manifestations for the female worlds or chakra's. The five of the male chakra's are directed into cursing the Gentiles and the five of the female chakra's are for blessing the Jewish race. This relates to the concept of severity and mercy in the Kabbalah. Its just a code for using the energy of the Jewish soul centers for different workings. The Kabbalah shows how to use them individually or in smaller groups or in the case of Passover all at once.

What this ritual also reveals is the purpose of Christianity is to act as the conduit for the Jewish rituals to manifest into the world with and thought as each Christian is connected into the "Holy Spirit" or the Shekinah, the energy of the Jewish race soul [YHVH]. In the occult its known that one can direct energy into a person its called "Pranam" in Hinduism. The energy of the Christian worship is all directed into the Jewish racial soul, collectively to infuse the Jewish race with major spiritual power. And to connect the Christian's into the projected thought form of the Jewish racial soul on the astral, which the Christian connects with and acts as conduit through which the rituals of the Jews manifest into the physical world.

The ritual of Yom Kippur, if one studies the Rabbinical, Kabbalistic adepts, is to create a transfer of the negative energy the Jewish race collects on their soul from Passover and such murderous rituals. And transfer it onto the Gentiles spiritually. To then curse the Gentiles further to destruction for the Jewish race. By transfer of the negative karmic energy of the Jewish actions onto the Goyim, the Goyim pay for the Jewish evil committed against them. The concept of Christianity is what allows this to be successful. Its based on the transfer of negative energy from the guilty onto the innocent, this creates a sympathetic connection in the mass mind of the Gentile victims. The Christian's are taught to be guilty and ashamed all the time and they deserve to be punished. This creates the open window in their mind to connect with the curses of the Jews, TOTALLY. The Christian Gentiles, soul being connected astrally into the Jewish racial soul, creates the link for all this to connect and the Jews to damn them.

The removal of all spiritual knowledge and the total destruction of history by the Jewish program of Christianity. Leaves the Gentiles as helpless victims to all of the evil of the Jewish racial program.
The Jesus thought form states, "All Authority is given to me in Heaven and Earth".
Is it possible to take back this Gentile energy authority and power from this thought form, and replace it with the Sins, negativity of the Jews ?
Gentiles take back their power from this Jewish thought form, and send the Jewish negativity back onto them ?
Whether individual or group workings to do this.
Also, would it help to send this Gentile energy to Satan and the Gods in order for them to clean out any curses and negativity form it, then to disperse it as they wish, back the to Gentiles that would use it wisely ?
The Gods would know what to do with it better than we would.
This might be extremely advanced and dangerous.
This is extremely disturbing. These murderers are creatures and cannot be considered human.
jbkbmz said:
The Jesus thought form states, "All Authority is given to me in Heaven and Earth".
Is it possible to take back this Gentile energy authority and power from this thought form, and replace it with the Sins, negativity of the Jews ?
Gentiles take back their power from this Jewish thought form, and send the Jewish negativity back onto them ?
Whether individual or group workings to do this.
Also, would it help to send this Gentile energy to Satan and the Gods in order for them to clean out any curses and negativity form it, then to disperse it as they wish, back the to Gentiles that would use it wisely ?
The Gods would know what to do with it better than we would.
This might be extremely advanced and dangerous.

This has been already reversed for 2-3 years. It was in another ritual we did.
No wonder I dislike this time of the year. Someday, perhaps sooner than we think, we can go through this time of year without having to deal with this christian bullshit.

RTR zyklon gass 666 #hitlericecream this shit into oblivion!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jbkbmz said:
The Jesus thought form states, "All Authority is given to me in Heaven and Earth".
Is it possible to take back this Gentile energy authority and power from this thought form, and replace it with the Sins, negativity of the Jews ?
Gentiles take back their power from this Jewish thought form, and send the Jewish negativity back onto them ?
Whether individual or group workings to do this.
Also, would it help to send this Gentile energy to Satan and the Gods in order for them to clean out any curses and negativity form it, then to disperse it as they wish, back the to Gentiles that would use it wisely ?
The Gods would know what to do with it better than we would.
This might be extremely advanced and dangerous.

This has been already reversed for 2-3 years. It was in another ritual we did.
Excuse me and forgive me if I'm wrong Commander. I really want to have servants. There is nothing wrong with having servants. Can't we steal the slaves (the grays) of seraphims? To use them for our purposes? Please correct me if I'm wrong. HAIL SATAN
Gray0123456789 said:
Excuse me and forgive me if I'm wrong Commander. I really want to have servants. There is nothing wrong with having servants. Can't we steal the slaves (the grays) of seraphims? To use them for our purposes? Please correct me if I'm wrong. HAIL SATAN
Are you jewish? Looking for the 2,800 slaves they each want to have. What is the point of having slaves if you are growing into a god yourself? Why would a god want to waste their time dealing with a weak worthless slave anyway? Just a total waste of time and energy, plus the moral problems. Learn to create a thought-form or elemental and you can have that do work for you, and it is not a living thing being enslaved it's just an energy ball.
Gray0123456789 said:
Excuse me and forgive me if I'm wrong Commander. I really want to have servants. There is nothing wrong with having servants. Can't we steal the slaves (the grays) of seraphims? To use them for our purposes? Please correct me if I'm wrong. HAIL SATAN

:lol: ...remember at some point people tried to enslave jews and it just helped them assimilate better.

I really think you misunderstand just how worthless greys. I mean they want to murder you and absorb your protein into their skin to consume you if they were physically around, MUCH like reptards sacrificing you and eating you. Your comment is downright ...retarded.
Gray0123456789 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jbkbmz said:
The Jesus thought form states, "All Authority is given to me in Heaven and Earth".
Is it possible to take back this Gentile energy authority and power from this thought form, and replace it with the Sins, negativity of the Jews ?
Gentiles take back their power from this Jewish thought form, and send the Jewish negativity back onto them ?
Whether individual or group workings to do this.
Also, would it help to send this Gentile energy to Satan and the Gods in order for them to clean out any curses and negativity form it, then to disperse it as they wish, back the to Gentiles that would use it wisely ?
The Gods would know what to do with it better than we would.
This might be extremely advanced and dangerous.

This has been already reversed for 2-3 years. It was in another ritual we did.
Excuse me and forgive me if I'm wrong Commander. I really want to have servants. There is nothing wrong with having servants. Can't we steal the slaves (the grays) of seraphims? To use them for our purposes? Please correct me if I'm wrong. HAIL SATAN

My question to you again, why not have friends, allies, and comrades, and build things together, working on great terms, but rather have dumb, and very dangerous borg, and worthless borg, do things for "you" or anyone else?

Relating to filth makes one filth, even if that filth is to be 'slaves'. We don't need 'slaves' like them, not even to slave for us.

What will anyone achieve by using a borg shit species, but only shit as these things are?

That aside, we will have robotics, artificial intelligence, though-forms, what have you.

Greys are a bunch of useless shit, same as the enemy. All they know and can do is destroy and ruin things.
Gray0123456789 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jbkbmz said:
The Jesus thought form states, "All Authority is given to me in Heaven and Earth".
Is it possible to take back this Gentile energy authority and power from this thought form, and replace it with the Sins, negativity of the Jews ?
Gentiles take back their power from this Jewish thought form, and send the Jewish negativity back onto them ?
Whether individual or group workings to do this.
Also, would it help to send this Gentile energy to Satan and the Gods in order for them to clean out any curses and negativity form it, then to disperse it as they wish, back the to Gentiles that would use it wisely ?
The Gods would know what to do with it better than we would.
This might be extremely advanced and dangerous.

This has been already reversed for 2-3 years. It was in another ritual we did.
Excuse me and forgive me if I'm wrong Commander. I really want to have servants. There is nothing wrong with having servants. Can't we steal the slaves (the grays) of seraphims? To use them for our purposes? Please correct me if I'm wrong. HAIL SATAN
Humans are free beings, so having Human servants is probably not a good idea. Much better than that, you can create your own Thoughtform servitors and Elemental helpers - I wouldn't call the Elementals servers because they are actual Souls/mini-Souls with an amount of intelligence, whereas Thoughtforms are more basic, simple collections of Mental energies which are used for tasks.

As for the greys - they would ruin your Mind easier than you could think to capture them.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Are you jewish? Looking for the 2,800 slaves they each want to have. What is the point of having slaves if you are growing into a god yourself? Why would a god want to waste their time dealing with a weak worthless slave anyway? Just a total waste of time and energy, plus the moral problems. Learn to create a thought-form or elemental and you can have that do work for you, and it is not a living thing being enslaved it's just an energy ball.
If I am not mistaken, then I do think Elementals are actual living entities. The reason I think that is because they do possess one or two Elements in their Soul and do have an amount of intelligence. (If you want to be pedantic and nitty-gritty, then we'd need to "define" what "alive" means!) Thoughtforms aren't alive, though.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gray0123456789 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This has been already reversed for 2-3 years. It was in another ritual we did.
Excuse me and forgive me if I'm wrong Commander. I really want to have servants. There is nothing wrong with having servants. Can't we steal the slaves (the grays) of seraphims? To use them for our purposes? Please correct me if I'm wrong. HAIL SATAN

My question to you again, why not have friends, allies, and comrades, and build things together, working on great terms, but rather have dumb, and very dangerous borg, and worthless borg, do things for "you" or anyone else?

Relating to filth makes one filth, even if that filth is to be 'slaves'. We don't need 'slaves' like them, not even to slave for us.

What will anyone achieve by using a borg shit species, but only shit as these things are?

That aside, we will have robotics, artificial intelligence, though-forms, what have you.

Greys are a bunch of useless shit, same as the enemy. All they know and can do is destroy and ruin things.
Thank you very much for answering me. You are completely and perfectly right. Now I focus totally on divinity. HAIL SATAN
Sorry for the double-post.

HP Mageson666 said:
Passover Exposed

The Jewish ritual of Passover is a Kabbalistic ritual that ties into the energies of the occult new year which occurs within March to April, in which occult workings are put into motion for the year.
Is that also the reason that the fiscal year begins in April, as well?!

Jack said:
This is extremely disturbing. These murderers are creatures and cannot be considered human.
They are extremely not Human. They are literal, actual aliens not of this Planet.
Think about what it means when the map of the Jewish soul is the 22 Hebrew letters.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Gray0123456789 said:
Excuse me and forgive me if I'm wrong Commander. I really want to have servants. There is nothing wrong with having servants. Can't we steal the slaves (the grays) of seraphims? To use them for our purposes? Please correct me if I'm wrong. HAIL SATAN
Are you jewish? Looking for the 2,800 slaves they each want to have. What is the point of having slaves if you are growing into a god yourself? Why would a god want to waste their time dealing with a weak worthless slave anyway? Just a total waste of time and energy, plus the moral problems. Learn to create a thought-form or elemental and you can have that do work for you, and it is not a living thing being enslaved it's just an energy ball.

I think he already asked the same thing before, just by seeing his name "Gray" I get it.
Ummm, why can't you just hire a local maid instead?

Gray0123456789 said:
Excuse me and forgive me if I'm wrong Commander. I really want to have servants. There is nothing wrong with having servants. Can't we steal the slaves (the grays) of seraphims? To use them for our purposes? Please correct me if I'm wrong. HAIL SATAN
Great sermon HP Mageson666, I was wondering myself how to influence the people due to events that have had place in my life, now I understand how the jews get more power through the stupid christians, buuutt I have a question, Could we do the same using the sympathetic magic with the people to connect to our RTRs? If one is in a position to influence many people but one do not want to reveal yourself as a Satanist(for obvious reasons), one could use an affirmation like this one: "I am absolutely aware of everything around me, I am aware of what can happen if I ignore the warnings. I am aware of the truth, I am aware of what can happen to my colleagues, my people and all people if I ignore the truth. I am completely and permanently free" for the people to use it? I was asking the Azazel's help for this and I would received an answer to focus more on the "freedom" on the affirmations. We could promote affirmations in the groups about "spirituality" and "inner peace" :roll: to connect to our RTRs.
I was wondering about sympathetic magick too. I am quite familiar with the concept. Unfortunately Art really isn't one of my talents at least right now I never looked into it. I was awhile back thinking about how an artist could place certain ideas numbers symbols into their art to awaken their Satanic soul or connect into the RTR energy. It could be a piece totally not related to this. I do know in my mind a bunch of random words thoughts sounds videos and images could be used to program the mind in a certain way (obviously used in a negative way by the enemy) if someone was talented. Look at some of the trippy cartoons and random stuff on TV these days. In a way that is more Aquarian age style trickery than what they used to do but Maybe someone that has talent with this could create some meme or artwork to awaken people and connect it into the energy of the RTR.

Just a thought this is interesting.
Ciao HP Mageson666

I just want to say one thing, please make attention with this words: "thought" and "through", because I translate your (and by other HPS) Sermon into Italian and i have difficult when I translate a phrase that contains these words.

For example
The energies of the ritual murders of Passover are directed into the collective Jewish soul, thought the plane of Keter the astral template which connects to the entire Jewish soul, all the chakra's and from which connection its flowed into the masculine and feminine aspects and energy centers of the Jewish soul, thought all of the energy centers of every Jewish person during the Seder's [...]

In this cases, is right "thought" or you wanted to write "through"?

Thanks, sorry for my "grammar nazi", i need translate well for Italian so I hope you understand my point, i don't want make mistakes.
Thanks again for this Sermon and others Sermon, it's always a pleasure to read your wisdom.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
