Seeker in the Dark
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It saddens me that most SS probably don't read the Zohar. That book explains fully the kabbalistic jewish tradition and what it really entails for Gentiles. What annoys me more is Kabbalah Exposed doesn't directly quote the Zohar for proof of what it claims, it instead just says "Kabbalah says". Actually quote the Zohar or other kabbalistic texts directly rather than being vague about it. SS should go to the Zohar and read it directly using Kabbalah Exposed as a starting point on what to look for regarding Satan/Gentiles. Don't solely rely on Kabbalah Exposed, verify what you read.
Anyway, even though it is mentioned vaguely by the JOS, Jews do indeed curse Whites specifically in their Yom Kippur ritual, and I'll prove it by DIRECTLY quoting the Zohar itself, and since I'm kind, I'll even tell you exactly where to find it:
That website is a good place for studying the Zohar. For this passage specifically, look to Emor 243-245:
"Similarly, on that day OF YOM KIPPUR, the Satan is ready to spy out the land, and we should send something before him with which to be busy. While he is busy with it, he will leave Yisrael alone. There is an allegory about the lowliest in the king's house - give him a little wine, and he will praise you before the king, otherwise he will speak evil words ABOUT YOU before the king. Sometimes the superiors in the king's house receive THAT EVIL speech and the king punishes that man.
Rabbi Yitzchak said, THIS IS LIKENED to a fool who is in the king's presence. Give him a little wine and then tell him and show him all the abominable things you have done and all the evil, yet he will praise you and say there is none in the world like you. Here too, the prosecutor is constantly in the King's presence. Yisrael give him this offering OF THE GOAT TO AZAZEL. In this offering there is a note WHERE ALL IS WRITTEN DOWN of the evil things, the abominable things and the iniquities Yisrael did. Yet he comes and praises Yisrael and becomes their defender. And the Holy One, blessed be He, returns everything upon the heads of the wicked of his people, since it is written, "for you shall heap coals of fire upon his head" (Mishlei 25:22).
Rabbi Yosi said, Woe to the people of Esau, when that goat is sent to that slanderer who is appointed over them, NAMELY SAMAEL, THE MINISTER OF ESAU that comes to praise Yisrael for its sake. The Holy One, blessed be He, returns all those iniquities on the head of his people, because, it is written, "he that tells lies shall not remain in my sight" (Tehilim 101:7). Rabbi Yehuda said, If the idolaters knew of the goat, they would not let Yisrael live one day in the world."
Now the exoteric story is obviously nonsense. Basically, if you give Satan a goat with your sins attached to it, he'll lie to God about all the sins you did and claim you're the holiest people alive, then God takes all the sins(negative karma) of Israel and places them on Satan and his people (Edom/Whites) for lying.
The exoteric story is nonsense for the average jew to follow blindly in the rituals, accessing their subconscious and amplifying the negative energy transfer. Now I'll explain the secret purpose of ALL ritual magick as someone who comes from an understanding of the Hermetic science behind ceremonial rituals. All the ceremony, clothes, and supposedly illogical actions you do are meant to put you in a stance of trance, to act from a right-brained state to amplify the ritual's power.
Satan's obviously not that easily swayed by a goat and a confession, but that ultimately doesn't matter. The point is for the mass of jews to believe it for the real purpose behind the ritual to take effect.
The real esoteric meaning behind the ritual is this:
1) It serves to remove all negative karma from the jewish people that they accumulated through their acts
2) All that sewage is then sent to the Whites
Esau's children are Edom, which as the Rabbis claim, are Whites/Western Civilisation, although it'll include Slavs as well. You'll find some Rabbis say it's Christianity, but I see Christianity as a proxy for Whites/Rome in general, since for most of Christianity's history basically all Christians were White, barring a few Middle-Eastern and African nations (pre-colonisation, like Ethiopia):
And the icing on the cake, the rabbi in the Zohar ADMITS what the jews are doing here is wrong and Whites should seek justice from the jews for committing this karmic crime:
"Rabbi Yehuda said, If the idolaters knew of the goat, they would not let Yisrael live one day in the world"
This is from the jews' point of view, according to that rabbi, Israel should be destroyed for this ritual crime against Whites and therefore it is important that they never find out about the ritual goat and its real meaning.
Anyway, even though it is mentioned vaguely by the JOS, Jews do indeed curse Whites specifically in their Yom Kippur ritual, and I'll prove it by DIRECTLY quoting the Zohar itself, and since I'm kind, I'll even tell you exactly where to find it:
Full Zohar Online - Emor - Chapter 34

That website is a good place for studying the Zohar. For this passage specifically, look to Emor 243-245:
"Similarly, on that day OF YOM KIPPUR, the Satan is ready to spy out the land, and we should send something before him with which to be busy. While he is busy with it, he will leave Yisrael alone. There is an allegory about the lowliest in the king's house - give him a little wine, and he will praise you before the king, otherwise he will speak evil words ABOUT YOU before the king. Sometimes the superiors in the king's house receive THAT EVIL speech and the king punishes that man.
Rabbi Yitzchak said, THIS IS LIKENED to a fool who is in the king's presence. Give him a little wine and then tell him and show him all the abominable things you have done and all the evil, yet he will praise you and say there is none in the world like you. Here too, the prosecutor is constantly in the King's presence. Yisrael give him this offering OF THE GOAT TO AZAZEL. In this offering there is a note WHERE ALL IS WRITTEN DOWN of the evil things, the abominable things and the iniquities Yisrael did. Yet he comes and praises Yisrael and becomes their defender. And the Holy One, blessed be He, returns everything upon the heads of the wicked of his people, since it is written, "for you shall heap coals of fire upon his head" (Mishlei 25:22).
Rabbi Yosi said, Woe to the people of Esau, when that goat is sent to that slanderer who is appointed over them, NAMELY SAMAEL, THE MINISTER OF ESAU that comes to praise Yisrael for its sake. The Holy One, blessed be He, returns all those iniquities on the head of his people, because, it is written, "he that tells lies shall not remain in my sight" (Tehilim 101:7). Rabbi Yehuda said, If the idolaters knew of the goat, they would not let Yisrael live one day in the world."
Now the exoteric story is obviously nonsense. Basically, if you give Satan a goat with your sins attached to it, he'll lie to God about all the sins you did and claim you're the holiest people alive, then God takes all the sins(negative karma) of Israel and places them on Satan and his people (Edom/Whites) for lying.
The exoteric story is nonsense for the average jew to follow blindly in the rituals, accessing their subconscious and amplifying the negative energy transfer. Now I'll explain the secret purpose of ALL ritual magick as someone who comes from an understanding of the Hermetic science behind ceremonial rituals. All the ceremony, clothes, and supposedly illogical actions you do are meant to put you in a stance of trance, to act from a right-brained state to amplify the ritual's power.
Satan's obviously not that easily swayed by a goat and a confession, but that ultimately doesn't matter. The point is for the mass of jews to believe it for the real purpose behind the ritual to take effect.
The real esoteric meaning behind the ritual is this:
1) It serves to remove all negative karma from the jewish people that they accumulated through their acts
2) All that sewage is then sent to the Whites
Esau's children are Edom, which as the Rabbis claim, are Whites/Western Civilisation, although it'll include Slavs as well. You'll find some Rabbis say it's Christianity, but I see Christianity as a proxy for Whites/Rome in general, since for most of Christianity's history basically all Christians were White, barring a few Middle-Eastern and African nations (pre-colonisation, like Ethiopia):

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And the icing on the cake, the rabbi in the Zohar ADMITS what the jews are doing here is wrong and Whites should seek justice from the jews for committing this karmic crime:
"Rabbi Yehuda said, If the idolaters knew of the goat, they would not let Yisrael live one day in the world"
This is from the jews' point of view, according to that rabbi, Israel should be destroyed for this ritual crime against Whites and therefore it is important that they never find out about the ritual goat and its real meaning.