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Overcoming severe porn addiction


New member
Aug 11, 2024
Hello I’d like some advice on how to quit porn using porn for good

It’s something that I got exposed to at 5 years old & started consuming at 11 & It’s something I’ve been struggling with since then sometimes going days, weeks, or even months without it but then relapsing.

I’ve already kicked my substance addictions, but this porn addiction keeps coming back

It stems from loneliness, this is the root of the issue I need to solve by developing positive relationships with women

I’ll start putting myself out there more to meet more women & continue my advancement practices to help solve this

What are some specific rituals & workings I should do to help with quitting porn addiction & fostering relationships with women?

Also what’s the best way to recover from a relapse fast? I relapsed multiple times today & feel a mixture of negative emotions & brain fried
*How to quit using porn for good

I did a little typo there
Do liberation of negative karma and connections of porn as soon as possible, do it for a whole year if neccessary.

You may fall again to it but in time it won't be an issue anymore.

Do also Gods' Rituals, like that of Abrasax, and that of Valefor for healing.

Do also void meditation and a bit of mind deprogramming.

If you take the changes seriously you will not have problems.

Go easy on yourself if you fail.
How are you an addict if you go months without it?

Life was meant to be beautiful, but since technology enabled monstrous power structures, the average person does not get to experience the beauty of life.

Romance novels, video games,, movies and porn are just a spectacle, a substitute for the lost beauty of life.
Even having pets, is a substitute for a tribal community where you are not seen as a money making machine.

Women... They want what men want, great, vibrant experiences that they can't find easily in this power structure.
Can you provide them? Can you be like a primitive man that doesn't even know what poverty means? Can you BE the "lost beauty of life"?

We live in a mind-dominated era, so defending your humanness can only happen by increasing sharpness and overpowering the mainstream narrative wherever you are. Create a plan (not a lame routine) to increase your bodily power and learn yourself deeply, I suggest using this method: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intensive_journal_method
I must also bring to your awareness that being with a woman and having a loving partner might indeed help, but it will not solve your issues.

Men have the tendency to believe that getting with a woman will solve most of their problems. That's because they won't work on themselves properly.

Many in the older generations relied on their wives for social needs, for making or bringing them to gatherings, for turning the house into a home, for sexual needs, for appointment scheduling.

That is no longer the case and, as it should be, men need to take responsibility for themselves and build healthier relationships with both their own person and partners, friends, family.

I speak from personal experience. My ex boyfriend had a severe porn addiction, and guess what: it did not stop when we got together physically. In fact, he couldn't even perform or feel attracted to sex in real life.

Take the advice given previously on what you need to do spiritually to keep away from it. And honestly, just... break away from it. It might sound hard, but you do have the choice to click on something or not.

Additionally, it's important to try and consider alternative forms. Audio, literature (which, warning, should be used in moderation as well). You need to focus on building your imagination for it and to stop turning it into a 5-minute gratification thing that you can get done fast because you've trained your brain on porn.

It's your responsibility to deal with it, not your future partner's. Going into a relationship, you will be held to certain standards - and very few women have patience when it comes to porn addiction.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
