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Nov 10, 2022
We are Aryans, the noble people. What does that mean? It’s easy to call oneself an Aryan from the comfort of home with nothing to show for it. Sure, you got your DNA tested and “YUP!” it’s been confirmed… you are of the gifted race, noble race. All the markers are there. Congratulations! THE BLOOD OF THE MASTER RACE FLOWS THROUGH YOUR VEINS! Now what?!

No, it’s not so simple. Aryans must prove their nobility through character and merit; genetics (though essential) are only one part of the equation. The recognized nobility will determine if you truly are noble or not by making a careful study of your actions taken. The community will know that you are noble and they will trust and rely on you in the most difficult times. One does not simply get to declare themself as of superior quality with no proof. We will know if you are truly Aryan by what you do, not what you say.

I can type forever, but why? Why do I bother? If only to assist my brothers and sisters. To let them know that there is hope. Regardless of how bleak the conditions, we are blood born of war, fallen from palaces so astonishingly beautiful it moves men to tears (our Art is of truly Divine origin and to experience it is to witness God standing before you in all His Aryan Glory) and we have endured for centuries. GOD IS AN ARYAN AND WE ARE HIS CHILDREN. His Light shines brighter than a thousand suns!

Not everyone is strong enough to make it through, but there is no shame in that! We should not scorn our weaker brothers and sisters for failing. They fail because they succumb to weakness in one form or another. None of them are too far gone to redeem their honor or ignite their Aryan blood! Do not insult me or my Father, let alone yourself, by insinuating that one of our sisters is beyond redemption because she has fallen prey to malicious propaganda issued forth from the diseased mouth of soulless perverts. Would you denigrate her for being shot by one of them, too? This sort of behavior disgusts me and anyone who partakes of it is in no way an Aryan, and our women do our race a service to refuse your sexual advances with bitter disgust and contempt! Your lineage only buys you an opportunity to prove yourself worthy. The Aryan birthright is always earned, never delivered on the silver platter of genetic testing or unreproachable “royal” heritage. You will not be praised for the deeds of your father, no matter how great he was. You are not him and he cannot act on your behalf or give you credit for his deeds.

Those DNA results mean nothing if you kick your brothers and sisters while they’re down from suffering a wound inflicted by our enemy (mind weapons and spiritual weapons cause injury, too. Just because you cannot see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. It only means you haven’t developed the ability to see such things. Trust me they’re real. Commit to developing mindsight and maybe one day you can confirm this to be true firsthand. Until then, you must trust those of us who have advanced far enough to tell you what we see.). If you do that, know this: YOU ARE THE ENEMY AND WILL BE REGARDED WITH AS MUCH HOSTILITY AS ANY OTHER TRAITOR. If you abuse your own people or neglect them in apathy and inaction, your cowardice will be put on full display so that everyone will know. Likewise, if you accomplish great feats and advance the Aryan race with courage and devotion, you will be put on full display so that everyone will know. There is no hiding. We see everything. You only deceive yourself that you hide so well or will not have to account for your actions or inactions, but the truth is only elusive to the self-deceived.

Fully grasp what has been done to us with every manner of poison from the day of birth onward. Make an exhaustive list. Do not tell me that “race traitors” should “face the wall”. Do you really think that’s what makes you Aryan? Your willingness to execute one of your own because they have fallen down so low as to breed with dogs and apes? Surely this is a tragedy and truly disgraceful, but ENOUGH OF THIS! No, we should not intertwine our blood with that of non-Aryans, and every effort should be made to prevent such an outcome from ever being considered a viable option in the minds of our young siblings to being with via proper education, parenting and socialization. It is nearly as bad for the racial soul of the ape as it is for our own. There is no “one race with a common destiny”. You know well this is subversive propaganda. Aryans are an independent race with a self-determined fate designed by our souls hierarchically that is constantly evolving. No other source, opinion or will has any agency or relevance whatsoever in regards to how the Aryan will choose for himself how to shape the future.

The non-Aryan races all have racial destinies as well, but the Natural Order has been turned on it’s head and they flounder in the dark without a light to guide them. The light provided them by the jew is the false light, the same light used against us as well. We were never meant to co-habitate and we shouldn’t have to. I’m not asking you to accommodate non-Aryans, far from it- they will fend for themselves and prevail by their own merits just like us, or they will not and perish forever. I’m calling you to take care of those closest to you now. What have you done lately to show your family you love them? If you need to make amends for something you have done, take courage and own your mistakes to mend those relationships if possible. Nobody is coming to our rescue. WE ARE THE RESCUE. If we don’t care for eachother, we are truly doomed. Without love, no future worth living in is possible. We can regain what was lost- there is still time, but if we go without love, we will perish.

I am not the one for doom and gloom, far from it. THERE IS HOPE. Take care of those near you, meet in person, check on your neighbor to see how they’re doing. Go out of your way and do something nice for an Aryan, but don’t tell anyone about it. This is a game where you win by helping members of your race lift themselves up out of this mess without bragging about it or otherwise getting high off your own ego from it. Ego-high addicts are as degenerate as any drunkard. Your actions will be witnessed in the ways that count.

If they have dug themselves into the mess they are in, bring them a shovel and look them in the eye with a loving hand on their shoulder. Tell them that you love them, that you believe in the tremendous strength within in them to move mountains. Draw it out of them! THIS IS HOW WE WIN; THIS IS HOW WE HEAL; THIS IS HOW WE FULFILL OUR RACIAL DESTINY. I’m beyond tired of hearing the endless list of complaints and excuses. SOMEONE NEEDS A SHOVEL RIGHT NOW AND WHERE ARE YOU?! I don’t want to hear it! I’m done entertaining petty excuses. Your brothers and sisters need you now more than ever, more than you can possibly know. They suffer tremendously. Some feel there is no escape, that nothing can be repaired, that there is no reason to hope. GIVE THEM A REASON TO HOPE.

If you underestimate the power one person has to completely turn someone’s situation around for the better, you have much to learn. WE CAN DO THIS. I swear to you that it is possible! I would not lie to those of you my brothers and sisters whom I love dearly. I speak the truth. Stop for 30 seconds and think of one person you know that is struggling right now. How can you help them? Why aren’t you doing it? Can you call them right now and see how they are doing? There is no shame in an honest answer. There is only shame in dishonesty and cowardice. Answer yourself truthfully, search your body, your heart, your blood, your soul for the answer because it’s there. This war is fought on many fronts, but I can’t say this enough: IF WE DO NOT LOVE EACHOTHER AND ACT ACCORDINGLY, WE ARE DOOMED.

The good news is that I know you reading this haven’t given up, you have more than enough fight in you to wage war well into the future. I’m asking you now to do what you can. If you can’t do anything or feel helpless, or worthless that you have nothing to give, if you feel invaluable that others would reject your love, there is no shame in that either! Perhaps you are the one that is in need of this type of love from another and I do hope it finds you. I hope that one of them reads this and reaches their loving hand towards you in response. The point is we have to start somewhere, and it’s completely 100% up to us! We have to take care of eachother as best we can.

How well you treat your own on your absolute worst of days is what makes an Aryan! Pushing forward from cover to rush the enemy position while taking fire is what makes an Aryan! Pushing the offensive while on your back is what makes an Aryan! Are you on the battlefield, thinking you are safe behind that rock? For now perhaps, but if you do not act, if you get comfortable and complacent and do nothing, thinking you can stay there forever, you may find out that you are wrong. The rock may make you feel safe, and for now it keeps the bullets from hitting you, but you know you cannot stay there forever. You know you can either give up now where you stand, surrender to your enemy who will be sure to give you a humiliating death; or, you can press the attack and command the reaper that you will be spared but that your enemies will not. A true Aryan commands the very Grim Reaper of Souls himself, yes. He shouts his command with a ferocity that makes even Death tremble and obey!

Enough of this talk that to love and take care of your people is for women. INSOLENCE! If you are too weak to love your own children, then you are no man at all and certainly not an Aryan man. If you think I’m making excuses for men to be sissy cowards too afraid to face the power of their own emotions head-on, then I suggest you restart this from the beginning until it sinks in and you comprehend this message with full awareness.

WE ARE NOT DEFEATED! If I hear one more blackpill talking point or excuse why it’s “already over”, you only do so now at the risk that I will expose your mind publicly so everyone can see and learn from it as an example. I understand the blackpill and nihilism. Nigredo is a necessary phase of Alchemy so we can transform, but it is the first of many stages! It’s only the beginning! It’s not meant to be dwelled in permanently- not at all! The blackness is necessary, but if you’re in Nigredo, you must diagnose your progress first and then determine how to evolve through it. If you are in Nigredo, you may be nihilistic and despairing, but you must persist! Find the gold in the blackness that surrounds you and determine for yourself what is the meaning of life. This is what an Aryan would do.
Aryan means nothing in the end if one is not having the noble traits. Also, those who have the noble personality and spiritual traits are actually closer in the nature that the Aryan tries to encapsulate. It’s way more than looking at a mirror. In fact, many people who have merely a vessel and a body this lineage, are nothing of the sort. The vessel is taking a lot of attention where it’s not warranted.

Those who constantly try to gain a sense of importance because of the subject of lineage are generally just weak people who are not living in the present. That mentality is great but it must be surmounted. A pride in any lineage one has, has to be present. All forms go back to the Gods, the situation is if these forms will actually manifest something meaningful versus doing nothing.

Before the advent of the word “Aryan” (which the Jews completely malformed in that is is a biological slur), there were other titles to be given to people who are awake and higher level. Hellene was one more of these titles. It had a racial dimension and a non-racial dimension, one could be a Hellene of descent and a Hellene of spirit. The latter was more important than the first, as even Ephialtes was actually a “Hellene” or “Greek”.

The overreaching messages on pride mean nothing at all unless they are focused on the actual purpose of creation and being what one is, unfolding a potential. Alternatively one is still asleep but wants to pump the ego up for literally no reason and due to present failure, to just always go back to greater sources of progress in the eternal past and claim that they are great today just because someone gave birth to something. That is antithetical to progress overall.

The Aryan pumping of Ego or the Chinese pumping of ego, when one returns back to existing like an ant that does nothing for the world, in the end of the way, means nothing upon itself. It’s just another label of delusion. This is also, if one thinks about it, the forfeiting of the real mission of the Aryan lineage, which doesn’t involve around measuring ears and masturbating over their size, but actually producing social scale and spiritual scale works for the betterment of humanity, including also generating more “Aryan” types and Hellenic types, not only in one’s midst but in the world and the universe. This is what this is about.

The confidence of the racial element is necessary for all people’s on earth, it‘s part of accepting one’s identity and being proud. That is however like getting a card to board a train. One has to board the train and take a journey to a higher life, alternatively, one is nothing else but just another unconscious person existing unconsciously.

Different cultures have also correlated the title of highest bestowal only to activated beings within their subgroups. The Japanese and the Hindu’s also have similar titles, and colours of skins remain only this past a point. They represent median averages of the performance of the people; that’s what a race is. The Aryan is the person who will take a hold of a higher identity rather than just an empty obsession over visuals.

Lastly, any “Lineage” can be upheld or tossed away. The purpose to uphold is linked to the Godhead, the purpose to toss away, is related to downfall and retuning into the gutter. Many have chosen this path, and while they visually represent “whites”, they are in a state of requiring help or a state beyond salvation in very few cases.

The whole idea of all of this cannot be in the bullshit “Appearance” contest. Look like a statue if you will, if you are dung then you are dung. The visual “challenges“ and representations are keeping the people back. Those who serve the higher spirit belong to the higher spirit, those who do not, are outsiders to it. We should have this mindset from now on, and banish that worthless nonsense that merely tries to divide hair.

That is my view.

Too much energy is being wasted trying to find a proper ear or some lip type. The real question is, which of all the people, will actually bring forth the great spirit of the Gods out? That’s what gives credence to everything. All other arguments are just which monkey is better according to a beauty standard.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Both AryanPriest666 and HIgh Priest Hooded Cobra 666, I rhank you both for each sermon. They were impactful sermons and both captured the exact ways I have always believed. I am proud of my decision to dedicate my soul to the path of Spiritual Satanism.
Hail Father Satan!
Hail All the Gods!

I am newly awakened.
The real question is, which of all the people, will actually bring forth the great spirit of the Gods out?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is a question I get really excited about. I look forward to meeting those who actually bring forth the great spirit of the Gods, and witness their creations.
Those DNA results mean nothing if you kick your brothers and sisters while they’re down from suffering
All other arguments are just which monkey is better according to a beauty standard.

As someone who has wiggers in their own family who have more "Aryan" genes than a lot of people, and from history like King Harald and the Jomsvikings, I can say wiggers (white niggers) are the worst of mankind, even worse than jews since they had the superior canvas given to them by their parent Gods to work on but decided to shit on it instead of making an artwork, out of evilness and disregard for their own people. Without the opening of the doors (or legs) from wiggers, desert nose kikes and their slaves like the muslim empires of rape and torture wouldn't have gone anywhere.

What Should Be Done About Wiggers?

Just Call Them WIGGERS:

As someone who has wiggers in their own family who have more "Aryan" genes than a lot of people, and from history like King Harald and the Jomsvikings, I can say wiggers (white niggers) are the worst of mankind, even worse than jews since they had the superior canvas given to them by their parent Gods to work on but decided to shit on it instead of making an artwork, out of evilness and disregard for their own people. Without the opening of the doors (or legs) from wiggers, desert nose kikes and their slaves like the muslim empires of rape and torture wouldn't have gone anywhere.

What Should Be Done About Wiggers?

Just Call Them WIGGERS:

Sorry to hear that your family has been diagnosed with wiggerdom. There is nothing more cringeworthy and pathetic than a White man who emulates niggers. Wanting to be a nigger is something I will never fully understand and I see no valid reason why anyone should want to actively choose to adopt nigger culture. Then again, is nigger culture even really theirs? Or is it just a cartoonish caricature crafted by jews?

Here's how wiggers are born. It's not much different than how niggers are born because they are basically the same:

1) White kid has no healthy or stable connection to his White ancestors and native culture. The baton was dropped by his father or his father's father and he is now lost, searching for an identity. He is vulnerable, his mind malleable to predation by the wandering jew. The kid hardly stands a chance, tbh.

2) Jew presents the solution to the lost White kid: "Acting like this nigger will give you an identity that will attract to you all the big-booty hoes, money, respect, fame and luxuries you could ever desire. You want all those things, don't you goy? Good, just follow this simple formula: (a) consume massive quantities of this nigger music and culture through our various outlets. (b) internalize all of it and make it your identity. (c) congratulations, you are now a nigger. Nothing left to do now but sit back and enjoy the endless stream of pussy, money and respect that will begin flowing your way any second now."

3) White kid falls victim to this kike nonsense. He now idolizes the bigtime famous niggers as quite literally his personal god. His pantheon consists of the likes of Lil' Brittlebitch and DJ Muh Dick. He worships at their altar daily and hopes to one day become just like them. He follows the lastest trends of what they wear, what opinions are popular, and the latest slang to ensure he is in alignment with his gods. Wearing the same clothes, adopting the same mannerisms and speaking their dialect is all part of their religion. They unconsciously believe that by doing these things, they will inherit supernatural powers and achieve godhood status. Look how many niggers and wiggers think they're god. Most of them live in squalor and are effectively dysfunctional in virtually ever area of their life. In their kiked nigger religion, they're too cool to care about any of it. Ever heard this term "too cool to care"? It's what all these toy soldiers and wanna-be bigtimers ascribe to. Caring about anyone but themselves is beneath them, and satiating their own miniscule egoic drives is all that matters. "Fuck bitches, get money". That's all that matters to them and they think it's "cool".

The only real antidote to these losers is to show them how ridiculous they look. Hold the mirror up to them and make fun of them relentlessly. They deserve every bit of it. Many of them are truly a lost cause, but openly pouring ridicule and mockery on them wherever they surface is like applying bug spray when the mosquitoes appear. They all really do think they're hot shit, but they really are shallow, pathetic replicas of eachother.

If I had a family member I cared about who was starting out on the path to wiggerdom and thought it wasn't too late already or worth the effort, I'd openly roast him and make fun of him relentlessly every chance I got. Show him how dumb he is, how ridiculous he looks. THE MOCKING DOESNT STOP UNTIL YOU STOP ACTING LIKE A NIGGER.
It's crazy how white people have turned against their own kind. And doing everything they can to destroy their existence. And showing very little to no respect at all to their white ancestral Pride. It's like white people don't even care anymore and don't even stop and think about it
Sorry to hear that your family has been diagnosed with wiggerdom. There is nothing more cringeworthy and pathetic than a White man who emulates niggers. Wanting to be a nigger is something I will never fully understand and I see no valid reason why anyone should want to actively choose to adopt nigger culture. Then again, is nigger culture even really theirs? Or is it just a cartoonish caricature crafted by jews?

Here's how wiggers are born. It's not much different than how niggers are born because they are basically the same:

1) White kid has no healthy or stable connection to his White ancestors and native culture. The baton was dropped by his father or his father's father and he is now lost, searching for an identity. He is vulnerable, his mind malleable to predation by the wandering jew. The kid hardly stands a chance, tbh.

2) Jew presents the solution to the lost White kid: "Acting like this nigger will give you an identity that will attract to you all the big-booty hoes, money, respect, fame and luxuries you could ever desire. You want all those things, don't you goy? Good, just follow this simple formula: (a) consume massive quantities of this nigger music and culture through our various outlets. (b) internalize all of it and make it your identity. (c) congratulations, you are now a nigger. Nothing left to do now but sit back and enjoy the endless stream of pussy, money and respect that will begin flowing your way any second now."

3) White kid falls victim to this kike nonsense. He now idolizes the bigtime famous niggers as quite literally his personal god. His pantheon consists of the likes of Lil' Brittlebitch and DJ Muh Dick. He worships at their altar daily and hopes to one day become just like them. He follows the lastest trends of what they wear, what opinions are popular, and the latest slang to ensure he is in alignment with his gods. Wearing the same clothes, adopting the same mannerisms and speaking their dialect is all part of their religion. They unconsciously believe that by doing these things, they will inherit supernatural powers and achieve godhood status. Look how many niggers and wiggers think they're god. Most of them live in squalor and are effectively dysfunctional in virtually ever area of their life. In their kiked nigger religion, they're too cool to care about any of it. Ever heard this term "too cool to care"? It's what all these toy soldiers and wanna-be bigtimers ascribe to. Caring about anyone but themselves is beneath them, and satiating their own miniscule egoic drives is all that matters. "Fuck bitches, get money". That's all that matters to them and they think it's "cool".

The only real antidote to these losers is to show them how ridiculous they look. Hold the mirror up to them and make fun of them relentlessly. They deserve every bit of it. Many of them are truly a lost cause, but openly pouring ridicule and mockery on them wherever they surface is like applying bug spray when the mosquitoes appear. They all really do think they're hot shit, but they really are shallow, pathetic replicas of eachother.

If I had a family member I cared about who was starting out on the path to wiggerdom and thought it wasn't too late already or worth the effort, I'd openly roast him and make fun of him relentlessly every chance I got. Show him how dumb he is, how ridiculous he looks. THE MOCKING DOESNT STOP UNTIL YOU STOP ACTING LIKE A NIGGER.
What about asians lol same im assuming?
What about asians lol same im assuming?

Asians are in a category of their own. I wouldn't compare them to native Europeans or Africans. That being said, some Asian lineages have more in common with Aryans than Africans. For example, the Japanese Ainu.

Can't say I've ever seen an Asian "wigger" though. Is that even a thing? lol
I mean... I've seen some Asian beatboxers that are pretty talented, but no rappers I can name thank the Gods for that.

No, emulating the negroid seems to be a White Westerner phenomenon. This is likely due to multiculturalism. Asia doesn't have that problem so much. They are far more racially homogenous than any Western country. Traditional family values and racial collectivism is built into the cake for most Asian countries.

I imagine the fear of dishonoring their family name and bringing shame into their home by behaving like Lil' Wayne is enough to keep most of them from ever acting on any niggerish tendencies they may be attempted to adopt from nigger culture.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
