Despite the cover ups of the enemy, the facts and Truth cannot be kept within a box of jewish confinement of lies. The jews have spent all the time of their existence trying to cover up things and make the facts of our past be lost.
Destroying one's roots and past is a necessity in rallying a people, or anyone, into enslavement. This is done deliberately in whole countries, and sometimes based on beliefs and things one knows. Imagine how easily one can control someone with Alzheimers, and this is how easy one can control or ruin a country similary by wiping out it's memory, or replacing it with something else.
Our Gods are extraterrestrial beings. Behind what is called religion, there is only one thing, and this thing is knowledge about the universe. This is why before the Abrahamic religions, the term 'religion' did not really exist. It came with Abrahamism and jewish crap, that they denounced our systems in the degoratory name of 'make believe religions' and their own internal jewish system as the 'truth'. Gentiles also, have had the Truth.
The approach is different, however, the messages always overlap in all ancient cultures and show to the same place. One example here is the Pyramids, all of which are aligned to Orion. In Egyptian, the Serpent Kundalini was called "Aureos". This word existed also in Greek, where it was called "Ouraios" which means "He of the Tail", or "He that exists or Resides in the Tail". "Oura" means tail, and "Ouraios" simply means Tail Resider. "OUROS" means Guardian, or Protector. Similarly, the Serpent was looked upon as the protector and guardian of the Pharaohs and those who were spiritually on a high level, and had risen the Serpent.
In the same language family, ORO means I see in Greek. The Greeks called Horus (Sun God), Oros. Oros relates to Horus, and both deal with the All-Seeing Sun, as the Sun rays touch the whole surface of the earth. Oros also means mountains, or he of the mountain, the one who resides in the mountain. Even in India we have the story on how Adi Yogi or Shiva came down from a mountain, and this is not in anyway different. Oros also means "The Term", for which, we have the terms of the Gods, their spiritual inheritance, for which, if we follow, we are blessed and protected.
Now, Ouraios also in a slight alteration means Beautiful. Orion is also a related word from the same family tree, which is, what we all know, the Orion constellation.
Orion also sounds the exact same as the word Boundary. This is also called "The Limit of the Sky". This limit does not have to do with us, but rather, the limits which the Gods have set interplanetary. It appears from all the glorification and all the need to point all these meanings out, and keep them alive in all our ancient history, that our planet is under some sort of protection, from those in the "Boundary". The Pagan Gods, Satan and the Gods, are also the original "Ourei" or "Watchers" and "Guardians" of humanity, and also, from the same word family, the "Serpents", "They Of the Tail", "The Beautiful".
Satan and the Demons are called by these names in all ancient Pagan literature, and even in the literature of the enemy. The more pronounced word of all, being "Demons". Then they are called "Serpents", then they are called "Those residing in Hell" (Tailbone=Base Chakra or Hell), and they are also called "The beautiful", with Satan being called "The Most Beautiful" even in the slander book of his enemies.
In the bible the jews, even during the middle ages, they knew and had analyzed of hidden Torah code that had to do specifically with cursing the Gods, and also, other star systems. There are numerous inhabitants of certain 'stars' or start systems cursed. As rabbis reveal their so called 'religions' which are contrary and alien to our own ones, are simply, just another system of alien governance from other aliens, meant for this planet, to enslave all living beings on it, or simply try to destroy the beings if this fails.
The enemy has done everything they can to muddle the waters, which, when one knows the simple facts, everything becomes too obvious. All the civilizations the jews have hated and attempted to destroy were literally based around Orion in every way.
Then somehow all the jewish alien theorists say all the bullshit about how in Orion live the "evil guys" who are a 'threat' to humanity, and how all the "good guys" reside in all sorts of cucked, "muh love" systems around the galaxy.
The middle ground between who takes power and what influences there are, is decided by the intermediate buffer of a spiritual level, which has physical manifestations. The Gods teach us, give us the RTRs, and all the knowledge to take the enemy down, and so does the enemy conspire with their own servants to bring about their desired system.
We can win this, we have the most powerful allies.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Destroying one's roots and past is a necessity in rallying a people, or anyone, into enslavement. This is done deliberately in whole countries, and sometimes based on beliefs and things one knows. Imagine how easily one can control someone with Alzheimers, and this is how easy one can control or ruin a country similary by wiping out it's memory, or replacing it with something else.
Our Gods are extraterrestrial beings. Behind what is called religion, there is only one thing, and this thing is knowledge about the universe. This is why before the Abrahamic religions, the term 'religion' did not really exist. It came with Abrahamism and jewish crap, that they denounced our systems in the degoratory name of 'make believe religions' and their own internal jewish system as the 'truth'. Gentiles also, have had the Truth.
The approach is different, however, the messages always overlap in all ancient cultures and show to the same place. One example here is the Pyramids, all of which are aligned to Orion. In Egyptian, the Serpent Kundalini was called "Aureos". This word existed also in Greek, where it was called "Ouraios" which means "He of the Tail", or "He that exists or Resides in the Tail". "Oura" means tail, and "Ouraios" simply means Tail Resider. "OUROS" means Guardian, or Protector. Similarly, the Serpent was looked upon as the protector and guardian of the Pharaohs and those who were spiritually on a high level, and had risen the Serpent.
In the same language family, ORO means I see in Greek. The Greeks called Horus (Sun God), Oros. Oros relates to Horus, and both deal with the All-Seeing Sun, as the Sun rays touch the whole surface of the earth. Oros also means mountains, or he of the mountain, the one who resides in the mountain. Even in India we have the story on how Adi Yogi or Shiva came down from a mountain, and this is not in anyway different. Oros also means "The Term", for which, we have the terms of the Gods, their spiritual inheritance, for which, if we follow, we are blessed and protected.
Now, Ouraios also in a slight alteration means Beautiful. Orion is also a related word from the same family tree, which is, what we all know, the Orion constellation.
Orion also sounds the exact same as the word Boundary. This is also called "The Limit of the Sky". This limit does not have to do with us, but rather, the limits which the Gods have set interplanetary. It appears from all the glorification and all the need to point all these meanings out, and keep them alive in all our ancient history, that our planet is under some sort of protection, from those in the "Boundary". The Pagan Gods, Satan and the Gods, are also the original "Ourei" or "Watchers" and "Guardians" of humanity, and also, from the same word family, the "Serpents", "They Of the Tail", "The Beautiful".
Satan and the Demons are called by these names in all ancient Pagan literature, and even in the literature of the enemy. The more pronounced word of all, being "Demons". Then they are called "Serpents", then they are called "Those residing in Hell" (Tailbone=Base Chakra or Hell), and they are also called "The beautiful", with Satan being called "The Most Beautiful" even in the slander book of his enemies.
In the bible the jews, even during the middle ages, they knew and had analyzed of hidden Torah code that had to do specifically with cursing the Gods, and also, other star systems. There are numerous inhabitants of certain 'stars' or start systems cursed. As rabbis reveal their so called 'religions' which are contrary and alien to our own ones, are simply, just another system of alien governance from other aliens, meant for this planet, to enslave all living beings on it, or simply try to destroy the beings if this fails.
The enemy has done everything they can to muddle the waters, which, when one knows the simple facts, everything becomes too obvious. All the civilizations the jews have hated and attempted to destroy were literally based around Orion in every way.
Then somehow all the jewish alien theorists say all the bullshit about how in Orion live the "evil guys" who are a 'threat' to humanity, and how all the "good guys" reside in all sorts of cucked, "muh love" systems around the galaxy.
The middle ground between who takes power and what influences there are, is decided by the intermediate buffer of a spiritual level, which has physical manifestations. The Gods teach us, give us the RTRs, and all the knowledge to take the enemy down, and so does the enemy conspire with their own servants to bring about their desired system.
We can win this, we have the most powerful allies.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666