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On Subversion Of Satanism

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Eventually, I have stood silent for months and months, and on numerous matters, seeing the depth these abominations can go, to which I have waited and patiently waited for people to figure out a process that has been going on in this place for too long. Learning curve? Maybe.

To my amazement, I understood that basically, subversion is extremely possible towards anyone, with the same initial rule it always existed: pretend you belong in with those that you want to subvert, and change some occasional names. Keep it up for a very long time, and it simply happens. Injection by injection, you can make a structure collapse that is not firmly founded on it's ideals.

This frequently happens in many places and people who cannot maintain a pure ideology and always happens by some sort of accepted elements within the community that slowly pervert it, until the conclusive result of it is something entirely else. Communities in general are never in shortage of said individuals who do not quite filter what they are being presented.

It is of no surprise all of the Pagan civilizations went down. An example of this situation is India. It went from a warrior culture of justice, to progressively being turned into something even more severe in pacifism and dumbness than xianity itself, arguably. It is if on no question how this situation takes place. All it takes is some intellectual jewing here and there. You went from worshiping virulent and powerful deities like Shiva the Destroyer to the "Saintly" Gandhi.

You went from virility, life and justice, to the paralyzed intellectual skeleton who bends over to all passerby's. And how did this all happen? Just a few interpolations that were forced under a glove, until the population in said communities is so brainwashed, that they literally follow the own enemies and subversives into their own destruction. Little by little, pebble by pebble.

First, you get Krishna, then some selective focusing on his 'loving' aspect. The moment people wake up a bit on what is perversion of their own culture and understanding, one takes a step back, and accuses: "ARE YOU A HATER? WHAT IS WRONG WITH LOVE! DO YOU WANT TO KILL ANYONE YOU BLOODTHIRSTY CRIMINAL". Then, two steps forward: "We must increase the love guys". Then, the jew will push a bit further "Let us also love our foreigners and seek to understand them a little bit". Then, you find your daughter fucking the foreign tribe and giving them some "loving".

Then the more this progresses, you turn an once vibrant and vitalized religion of justice into a peace of "universalist" loving shit that loves everything foreign, aggressive, and destructive to it.

What was one a training ground for warriors, eventually becomes a training ground for "Krishna Lovers" who open the gates to one's enemies.

But on the surface of it, everyone still is saying "HAIL KRISHNA!" and everyone believes they are a good "Krishnaite". Indeed, no names have been changed, but only essences. On the surface, everything remains the same, while the bottom of the situation is a can of rotting worms. Eventually, the perverts also will rally their own mob against the original things, and completely destroy it to the ground.

This can of rotting worms starts ascending and ascending, until then finally the subversion reaches the point where it wholly consumes something by leaving no trace of it's existence behind. "What do you mean Hindus were a Warrior culture? No, they were always and eternally peaceful types of guys and Ramayana was all about shooting arrows of love to one's enemies. Why are you such a hater?".

How is the above process reversed or is made sure to never happen? By a place not ingesting in it and 'opening up' to all types of individuals who mentally cannot understand how the above process happens, and by being a closed community to those who basically want to 'universalize' something. When you 'universalize' something to that extent, to 'please everyone', by default an interior of a percent of fools will be created, who will become under manipulation, a 5th column while all wearing the same "Hail Whatever" shirt.

This is why Spiritual Satanism is Elitistic, whether people like it or not. It was not tailed for anybody. Any Satanist who understands themselves they will understand we don't have everything if not most things in common with the mob. This is in the soul and the type of the soul practicing this. A soul needs to overcome things to become a Satanist, or it cannot really go down this road. This place works to develop people who are naturally elite and by default alienates a lot of others who are made for mid tier 'born to goy' types of people.

It simply clashes with the weak and the stupid because it is intended to work that way. If Spiritual Satanism was to be "EQUALIZED", let's say, hypothetically, tommorow, for 4 billions of xians and muslims, the logical conclusion is this and it can be no other: These people would carry over their own un programmed Abrahamism into it, and Satanism at an instant would be carried to the level of the mob and the retards. This is destruction by assimilation of values.

Someone would at this point argue that one has "4 billion more followers", but what one has essentially lost, is basically Satanism. And this happens very quickly and almost at an instant. Therefore, the fools and abominations who preach into 'universalizing' this place and making it meeker and more foolish for the sake of popularity and not offending "Feelings", are essentially advocating for this place's destruction and self-ruining dishonesty.

Let us put this simply into context: If for every person who grows 'afraid' of the "Black Layout" of the Joy of Satan page, we made a change, one would be too afraid and it would turn pink. Then, we would also have to put butterflies, one anime character on the entrance, big giant red hearts to show we love the worll. Hell, one person is terrified of a world without barbie, so we should also put a barbie on there, too.

This would make us "popular" to quite the amounts of abominations, and what would this result in is therefore an abomination of an idea, that is able to fit into every pocket, no different than xianity. Then, all these people who put butterflies, barbies, and their own 'flair' to the page, would also fight and destroy one another, since, the page no longer represents nobody, but the brainless 'mob'. It represents no truth but a collage of useless and futile ideas based on the sentimental feelings of everyone involved, cooked into a soup.

If you haven't noticed, even if the page would be named "Joy of Satan", it would no longer, in anyway, shape or form, have anything to do with the page that once existed. This is only on example.

This is the very process that Christianity and xian missionaries of christ are progressively doing in everything they touch but they cannot take down. This is done slyly, progressively, and mercilessly. Brick by brick, a people finds itself to believe in a second christianity that goes by another name. All the "Thou shalts" and cultural norms of xianity, are transversed back into these 'disobedient goyim', producing essentially the same slaves all over again, who name themselves differently.

Now that we have cleared the above, let us do some evaluation of a couple of matters.

Quite a handful of people, even here are literally xians. Not only that, but they have a hidden agenda that they have been pushing for too long, in front of everyone. I quickly saw that any and all the foundational bases of xianity, if someone was slyly only making a few interpolations and changing the name "Jesus" from the bible into Satan, can actually convince the meek minded of interpolations and connections between the two.

The majority of the above seem to be victims of a higher form of mental weaving, while some are doing this on literal purpose.

Seeing it all happening in front my very eyes I initially (and others who were aware) decided to stay silent. The perpetrators pretending to be innocent, and those who literally weaved all this web pretending that "nothing happened". Talking from two sides, breaking and policing again the christian 'gem'.

Eventually, on the bottom line of it all, I saw in many the reasoning of Christianity always coming back, but now, with the name "Satan" in it. This is a sight that can only fill someone with great rage, and a desire to mercilessly destroy. But for this to happen, one has to understand what Satanism is in the first place, which can take a while, since, deprogramming is required.

Books were 'quoted' who speak against the Gods and Satan.

Interpolations and fake pseudo-scholarly links were drawn constantly to link Satan to whatever else abomination, to prove whatever else form of abomination, that in the end of it all, serves Satan nowhere. Making Satan into some sort of rainbow Christ savior, but under a different name.

Christian morality was constantly pushed ad-nauseum, as a form of moral xianity without the Christ, but by renaming him "Satan".

For a weed to be pulled out, it has to grow enough, because any future Satanists in the making and future herbalists, have to understand what is Satanism and what is not.

Essentially I kept waiting and waiting until the filling of the above glass so it would leak out, and this is the new standard from now on:

Anything that even remotely promotes to the xian corrosion, interpolations, pseudo-histories, and blatant lying, even if done in 'honest intentions' to 'help the cause' on the surface, but ends up in ultimate stupidity and corrosion, will be removed, purged.

The perpatrators of this situation will be punished and destroyed.

Equalizing our people with the brainless and soul-dead mob is out of the question.

No place for "Demi-Demi". If you are a Christian and you are seeking another Christ, or a "SAVIOR" as is one of the favorite memes of perverts has become, know that a "SAVIOR" is not really here. You can either save yourself or not at all.

Xians of all forms will be castrated, chased out, and ruined, flattened totally, over here. One becomes a Satanist to obliterate this cancer from inside them, not procure it, and bond it with a state of health. As it should be in the case of Satanists in the first place, we must be intolerant to this filth, and open minded insofar this cancer does not try to creep up and infect. We are Satanists for a reason.

For those coming into Satanism with second and underhanded agendas, be ready for flattening and merciless destruction and humiliation. Opinion maker or not, you will go down, and be destroyed and exposed.

We can live without xian morality pushing, false compassion towards garbage, pushing of enemy ideologies, and formalizing everything to 'fit our concepts', even-though such vitriolic interpolations are USELESS and reflect only personal agendas of the retards who promote these, and not Satan's Agenda. "A man is as good as his friends" applies here.

Let's just say that Satan can stand on his own, without the need to be related to every lowlife, filth, retard, and chandala ranking mob of this world, present or historic. Satan is not dependent on the masses to exist, and "universalizing" our teaching to fits the brains of NPC's only makes Satan into the God of the NPC's, which essentially is a worthless place in existence that only Jehovah would be pleased with.

The masses deserted the ancient religions, but they are still as valid as they always were today. Point being, truth is not dependent on followers, but honest fellowship.

Satan can stand with 100 totally and unconditionally, fully aligned people, rather than a million of worthless "Christians without the Christ" mobs.

In regards to our members who have been duped by this internal Christianity, in all normal practicing Satanists, these diseases of the mind will be purged by association with the Gods and practicing spiritually. If these are not purged and cleaned, there is one conclusive result.

Next time these things happen, keep open eyes, and do not sink this crap in simply because it's re-baptized under some Satanic name.

Satan is Truth and Truth exists independently of what the beaten, the damned, and Satan's enemies or subversives have to dictate. Indeed, one only needs to see Satan himself and relate to him by himself to understand he is being truthful, and understand a truth that no words and no statements can explain about this being. This is why also, the Truth and the power that comes with understanding it gives itself not to everyone, but only those who are devoted to it's pursuit by the proper type of heart, soul and mind.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Good Sermon Hp Hooded cobra 666.
I see it al around that they trying to equal Satanism and muslims and cristians to the same level.
It will not happen to me because i see the truth. Thank,s for the sermon.

Hail Father Satan And the Gods of Duat
We are different from everyone else because we are an elite. We can only be an elite if we stay PURE. There can be no excuses. We must not use terms of the enemy to describe or deal with any subject or issue. They are not needed, for one, as we
have our own sources of information to go to. When enough general knowledge has been acquired on a subject, the Gods will make bricks fall into place, and things will make sense. This is true for any subject. One does not even need to hear them verbally. It is an interpretative process that that requires uncorrupted sources that lead to general knowledge which is then processed by the mind.

But to process this general knowledge, there needs to be common sense. This can only be attained through deprogramming. Using notions and concepts of the enemy thwart the deprogramming process to where it is one step forward and two steps back. Walls will be built in the mind by doing this. Doing this on a mass scale is a very clever tactic of the enemy, like slow poison. Whether people do this purposely or not, it should be confronted so clarity can be restored. This is in everyone's best interest.

Another thing (not to digress too much from the topic) - people here need to be extremely careful regarding who they interact with outside of the forums. I mean emails, texts, Skype, anything. As HP HC wrote, there are people on this forum who are knowingly or unknowingly xians. And worse... Please take this seriously. Interacting over email, especially if done real-time (like chatting), can create a psychic connection to someone. Psychic connections to people of the enemy can build walls in one's mind and thwart the common sense. People have no idea who they are conversing with/connecting to. I do not mean to make people paranoid, just cautious, as some of the enemy's people are hidden in plain sight.
Can I summarize the core difference between Pagan and Abrahamic/Upanishadic religion to make sure my understanding of the distinction between the two is correct: At the most fundamental level, Pagan religion is built on ambition, growth, and becoming as a god, whereas in contrast, Abrahamic/Upanishadic religion is built on being fully content/happy no matter what your situation is in life -- hence the association with power meditation for the former, and the association with "thy will be done" for the latter.
indrasoma said:
Can I summarize the core difference between Pagan and Abrahamic/Upanishadic religion to make sure my understanding of the distinction between the two is correct: At the most fundamental level, Pagan religion is built on ambition, growth, and becoming as a god, whereas in contrast, Abrahamic/Upanishadic religion is built on being fully content/happy no matter what your situation is in life -- hence the association with power meditation for the former, and the association with "thy will be done" for the latter.

My next post will be around this very subject, but let's just say you have a perception going here. Keep it up.
Great sermon, HP. Only the weak are afraid of elitism. If you're an advancing Spiritual Satanist, you are elite, and have nothing to be uncomfortable with.

In regards to your quote "A man is as good as his friends", there's another along these lines, "Show me your friends and I'll tell you what you are like". Our friends define us, we need to be careful about who we get that close to.

Equality is for the weak, as they are uncomfortable of those who are better than they are.

Hail Satan!
I decided to meditate on this place for a little bit. Literally found out something like a little black thorns in this place and one of them is really big right now ( smell like a stinky jew ).It can be felt that some of the people here are intruders and nothing else. They have strong reptilian,christian or muslim energy and they really are trying to destroy this place daily. I just somehow feel all of their bullshit. Before you let their bullshit reach you try to listen to your gut feeling and know when to back off. And some of the people are unaware of their programming and they keep pushing it always and are not much better then the enemy. Stay sharp comrades.
I think this also ties in very well with meritocracy: (merit, from Latin mereō, and -cracy, from Ancient Greek κράτος kratos "strength, power") is a political philosophy which holds that certain things, such as economic goods or power, should be vested in individuals on the basis of talent, effort, and achievement, rather than factors such as sexuality, race, gender, or wealth.Advancement in such a system is based on performance, as measured through examination or demonstrated achievement.

Correct me if I am wrong but we had a few champions so far like Genghis Khan, Alexander The Great and ofc Adolf Hitler. The next one I think is preparing as we speak :twisted: We'll purge this disease from this world and people will wonder how they could stand this crap all this time.

Also the damned xian weaklings try to bullshit us with the famous "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth". Yeah right, the only earth they will inherit will be the dust from under their chains. You can spot these zombified slaves in real life by their always afraid kind of attitude. For instance, always telling the last horrible news they heard from the fake media.

On a funny note, when at work, they always wish you an easy day, to which I shoot back "I do not wish for the work day to be easier, but for me to be stronger (than it's challenges)" to which they laugh, but you can read their blank stupid faces.

We can not and will not allow any trace of xianity within us or our ranks for it only invites weakness. The strong will prevail for this is the natural law. They can write a million laws, but can not declare gravity ilegal :mrgreen: . You jump from the 10th floor you die. Period. No matter how fluffy and pink you are. These deluded fools will be blown away in the already ongoing war, both physically and spiritually. I grieve for I have close relatives touched by this plague called xianity, but it is what it is. You just can't help a desperate drowning person and risk drowning as well.

I end with an Warhammer quote: "We are astartes. not diplomats. not ambassadors. we are warriors all."
I wanted to say something, but I didn't know exactly what.

Now I do.

It has always been a rule here that xian pushings were not allowed.
In any place, rules have to be enforced and that may not always be pleasant for the ones on the recieving end.

To make a point to fellow comrades or SS in this case, does to me not seem like a thing to downgrade them, but to point out things that (may) have to be corrected.

If you ever have to say something to me about that HP Hoodedcobra.. be brutally honest about it. This is not exactly the time to pamper anything or anyone.
T.A.O.L. said:
I wanted to say something, but I didn't know exactly what.

Now I do.

It has always been a rule here that xian pushings were not allowed.
In any place, rules have to be enforced and that may not always be pleasant for the ones on the recieving end.

To make a point to fellow comrades or SS in this case, does to me not seem like a thing to downgrade them, but to point out things that (may) have to be corrected.

If you ever have to say something to me about that HP Hoodedcobra.. be brutally honest about it. This is not exactly the time to pamper anything or anyone.

Thank you for understanding my point.

We are not at the luxury of losing our lifetimes over things that could take literally one honest mention to fix.

I have always said what I should say and this has been quite an unpleasant experience. I do not consider pleasantness more important than having the truth told to us, however.

For example, if some people dwindle into xianity, in theory, this leaves "ME" or my monad, unimpeded. It doesn't affect me in anyway.

However, Satan's people are being affected, and I do not want nobody to end up in quicksand. So I have to say what needs to be stated.

This only invites hazards for me, but I consider it more hazardous for someone to get drained in quicksand that I can prevent, rather than for me to get some anger coming at me, which is of zero consequence compared to the above.
I'm behind you 100% High Priest.
Misguided "tolerance" is the black plague of this era.
How can we purge the world if we can't even keep ourselves pure.
We get a lot of people from Hinduism that is one reason I wrote so material going into detail on the corruption of Hinduism into Kabbalistic theosophy. When I state the reality that Adi Shankaracharya was probably Jewish that does not mean much to a western person. However Jebooism doctrine was brought in from the Buddhist regime in India to the Tribes community... By other tribe members.
In my time here I've noticed it's best to always overlook "feelings" when reading certain posts and sermons made by the clergy. Everything the clergy post have very good reason for doing so, and even If it in a way It seems "triggering" to some. It's always important to read and listen. At least for me the "triggering" was solely because in the beginning of how everything conflicted with the "programming" we have been subjected to most of our lives. In the end all true Satanic members at heart and soul are here because we want to succeed. Better to be temporary triggered then stuck in a viewpoint/anything etc. That could be very bad in the long run.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
T.A.O.L. said:

Thank you for understanding my point.

We are not at the luxury of losing our lifetimes over things that could take literally one honest mention to fix.

I have always said what I should say and this has been quite an unpleasant experience. I do not consider pleasantness more important than having the truth told to us, however.

For example, if some people dwindle into xianity, in theory, this leaves "ME" or my monad, unimpeded. It doesn't affect me in anyway.

However, Satan's people are being affected, and I do not want nobody to end up in quicksand. So I have to say what needs to be stated.

This only invites hazards for me, but I consider it more hazardous for someone to get drained in quicksand that I can prevent, rather than for me to get some anger coming at me, which is of zero consequence compared to the above.

this next bit may sound a bit selfish, but tolerating people around you that have a certain set of mind, or view on life whilst yours is so much different.. can lead to someone not saying a thing and being left with some uneasy feeling..
but tolerating that uneasy feeling whilst obviously you don't feel you match with someone because of some difference in opinion or view on life, etc. would be harmful to the self as well..
so am I then selfish for speaking out and thinking of myself first?

Thinking about that I think the view of one being selfish is applied wrongly. I think in the case above it is not selfish, but rather expressing the self. And so long as that is done in a non violent or seriously debilitating harmful manner there should be nothing wrong.

But I guess you come from a different standpoint than I do (as the above would be about dealing with friends). I do not know how you view the people here, and many look up to you, I guess, undoubtedly. From your point of view, I guess you'd be looking to the others a bit more like a leader.

Though.. who am I to judge that? After all, I do not know how you stick together yourself. What I mean with that is, I know very little about you, aside from what is visible here on the forum.
Asking that here would be out of place not to mention probably rather inappropiate though so I won't.

(approve or disapprove this post as you like - doesnt matter much to me, even if you have nothing to say back)
I didn't want to say anything about the creeping ignorance . I guess we should all swiftly correct. men and cowards will never be reconcilled
Another thing to note, as HPHoodedcobra mentioned, the avatar of Krishna (and the creation of the Cult of Krishnaism) ,universalism etc is corruption. Krishna was never one to universally accept anyone. Infact Krishna was the tact and the advisor in the war of the Mahabharata for the winning side. The ideology of "ahimsa parodharma" meaning "nonviolence the greatest duty" is in itself invalidated by Krishna's own life which wholly consisted of violent war against evil forces of humanity and beyond. The concept of nonviolence and it relating to gunas and its adoption in (non-vegetarianism) is itself invalidated by Krishna's own life where he partook in feasts consisted of meat where after a battle with Indra where he held up a mountain with his little finger.(symbolic of the crown chakra and lightning entering into the crown as in the pentagram image). And he partook in feasts with the pandavas consisting of meat.
For vegetarianism, see here and note I found all this through Wikipedia. Its all in the open to read but then too everyone's eyes are closed:

Nowhere in Krishna's life does nonviolence comes in. He taught the Great warrior Arjuna to wage war against his own family members for Dharma or truth. Violent struggle and resistance to evil has been always the underlying principle in any vedic text. Which was corrupted little by little, keeping the"original name" but made into an abomination which exists now. All this due to the Buddhist infiltration into vedic schools of philosophy and corrupting and pinning the texts in a different way. Note it is recorded in history the lowest of the castes were the original Buddhists. Thats why HPMageson mentions most epics are corrupted .Anyone can read the Bhagvat Gita and then compare the jeboo parts with the avatars Krishna's own life and see what cognitive dissonance actually feels like. The modern"gurus" preach celibacy yet no ancient rishi or guru was celibate and had multiple wives ,sometimes upto a hundred which caused them to spawn entire populations of which the different kinds of Aryans are descendants. All this contradiction is the result of enemy Buddhist and Jain reinterpretation and rewriting and corruption of different Hindu Schools of thought and reinterpreting the texts in different ways. That's why the Christians had such contempt for Nietzsche when he understood the greatness of Manusmriti ,yet the Christians couldn't understand the understanding of Manu(another name for the ruler of tthe world,Satan-Lucifer).Leaving behind the corrupted parts and always attacked Hinduism in their Indological studies,never understanding the spiritual side of things but always the sheer materialist expression of the stories and rituals. Universalism is invalidated by the sheer existence of life as it always has been.
This reminds me of a personal favorite quote, despite its origin and author:
"If the truth shall kill them, let them die."
I like you a lot more like this Hp! Please don’t hesitate and tell me if I’m saying xian bullshit or whatever, I can only stand for the Eternal Truth!
I have seen many posts from the people who have no business being here. They are all incredibly obvious.
T.A.O.L. said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
T.A.O.L. said:

Thank you for understanding my point.

We are not at the luxury of losing our lifetimes over things that could take literally one honest mention to fix.

I have always said what I should say and this has been quite an unpleasant experience. I do not consider pleasantness more important than having the truth told to us, however.

For example, if some people dwindle into xianity, in theory, this leaves "ME" or my monad, unimpeded. It doesn't affect me in anyway.

However, Satan's people are being affected, and I do not want nobody to end up in quicksand. So I have to say what needs to be stated.

This only invites hazards for me, but I consider it more hazardous for someone to get drained in quicksand that I can prevent, rather than for me to get some anger coming at me, which is of zero consequence compared to the above.

this next bit may sound a bit selfish, but tolerating people around you that have a certain set of mind, or view on life whilst yours is so much different.. can lead to someone not saying a thing and being left with some uneasy feeling..
but tolerating that uneasy feeling whilst obviously you don't feel you match with someone because of some difference in opinion or view on life, etc. would be harmful to the self as well..
so am I then selfish for speaking out and thinking of myself first?

Thinking about that I think the view of one being selfish is applied wrongly. I think in the case above it is not selfish, but rather expressing the self. And so long as that is done in a non violent or seriously debilitating harmful manner there should be nothing wrong.

But I guess you come from a different standpoint than I do (as the above would be about dealing with friends). I do not know how you view the people here, and many look up to you, I guess, undoubtedly. From your point of view, I guess you'd be looking to the others a bit more like a leader.

Though.. who am I to judge that? After all, I do not know how you stick together yourself. What I mean with that is, I know very little about you, aside from what is visible here on the forum.
Asking that here would be out of place not to mention probably rather inappropiate though so I won't.

(approve or disapprove this post as you like - doesnt matter much to me, even if you have nothing to say back)

One reason why it wouldn't be selfish to express the self in instances like you described would be because, those differences that you are tolerating may be something of a critical nature that would harm you and, likely, the person you are tolerating, even if they don't or refuse to see it.

I have a friend that I may lamentably have to disconnect from wholly and utterly because they are continuing to do drugs and hang out with complete and utter degenerates - not some uppity college kids smoking weed in their cars, but meth-smoking, heroin-injecting, drug-dealing garbage who frequently steal from each other but continue to associate because they want each other's drugs and money. This friend of mine, they are seeking spiritual answers and still have hope for a successful life for themselves, but no matter how adamantly I insist on Spiritual Satanism, no matter how many times they get into worrisome situations, they continue to smoke both actual and synthetic weed whilst abusing and selling prescription meds. This fucker trusts me and was even with me dispensing Satanic tracts in public places, took one for themselves in fact, but still little progress. They've been my friend for awhile and it hurts a bit to think of cutting them out, but there's only so much effort you can put in before you realize that they're just not having it.

I know this scenario is different as this involves actual actions as opposed to just a different set of beliefs, but it is similar in that it shows there is a limit to tolerance and that there are cases where, whether it be their beliefs or what they're actually doing, tolerating it will put you at risk as you are around someone who is or is becoming harmful. And in cases such as these, expressing yourself and not tolerating their garbage can help them as well, even save them.
If a topic is upsetting you feel free to post and have a conversation on why. I am here to education and dialogue with people. Not shake my finger in your face and make demands.

serpentwalker666 said:
In my time here I've noticed it's best to always overlook "feelings" when reading certain posts and sermons made by the clergy. Everything the clergy post have very good reason for doing so, and even If it in a way It seems "triggering" to some. It's always important to read and listen. At least for me the "triggering" was solely because in the beginning of how everything conflicted with the "programming" we have been subjected to most of our lives. In the end all true Satanic members at heart and soul are here because we want to succeed. Better to be temporary triggered then stuck in a viewpoint/anything etc. That could be very bad in the long run.
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
One reason why it wouldn't be selfish to express the self in instances like you described would be because, those differences that you are tolerating may be something of a critical nature that would harm you and, likely, the person you are tolerating, even if they don't or refuse to see it.

I have a friend that I may lamentably have to disconnect from wholly and utterly because they are continuing to do drugs and hang out with complete and utter degenerates - not some uppity college kids smoking weed in their cars, but meth-smoking, heroin-injecting, drug-dealing garbage who frequently steal from each other but continue to associate because they want each other's drugs and money. This friend of mine, they are seeking spiritual answers and still have hope for a successful life for themselves, but no matter how adamantly I insist on Spiritual Satanism, no matter how many times they get into worrisome situations, they continue to smoke both actual and synthetic weed whilst abusing and selling prescription meds. This fucker trusts me and was even with me dispensing Satanic tracts in public places, took one for themselves in fact, but still little progress. They've been my friend for awhile and it hurts a bit to think of cutting them out, but there's only so much effort you can put in before you realize that they're just not having it.

I know this scenario is different as this involves actual actions as opposed to just a different set of beliefs, but it is similar in that it shows there is a limit to tolerance and that there are cases where, whether it be their beliefs or what they're actually doing, tolerating it will put you at risk as you are around someone who is or is becoming harmful. And in cases such as these, expressing yourself and not tolerating their garbage can help them as well, even save them.

Get far away from this person! You have done more than enough to try to help them, you have given them all the educational spiritual leads they could take to pull themselves up if they ever choose to. There is no benefit for either of you to be together. This person's actions in drugs, crime, and association with all these other drugs and crime people is a true spiritual and physical poison. If they are that immersed in such damaging horrible filth, it is a deep and dangerous energy that is incorporated into them. This energy is a true physical thing, and can be seen in it's manifestations as deep physical problems with these drugs and crime. You're only chance of safety is by cutting all contact from this person to ensure that they could never affect you. And to ensure that the poison borg that their whole group of criminal associates is part of, make it stay FAR away from you. They are all connected in this way as extensions of such poison force.

You have said before about difficulty to stop forever with marijuana. Obviously marijuana is nothing nearly as bad as things like heroin and meth that those people are doing, but it is still harmful and no good can come from it. What if your difficulties were really result of that energy pushing you? Those influences energetically through loose associations. Whatever loose connections, associating with someone bad who then associates with even worse people. And luckily it never pushed you far enough to do anything very bad like those other people did. But you still must cut all ties and remove yourself from the situation. If something is rotting let it rot in far separation away from you!

Some people, all they could ever do is rot away in that kind of way. No use worrying about them past a point. When all they do is freefall down always faster, the only thing to do is cut them loose to ensure it's only them, and not dragging you both. If this friend was ever to change, you have already given them the information that Satanism is the true path to greatness. Once they know this, you no longer need to be part of their path as if they are to ever succeed that is their own choice. The only one who can ever possibly pull them up is themself, and if they are ever serious about this they can ask Satan to guide in this. Noone else can do it for them but themself, and noone else deserves to be involved. Tie only into goodness and healthiness!
I'm glad to read this HP Hoodedcobra.

We must reject the enemy teachings and writings, altogether, and not let any such weakness or subversion take hold, in any shape or form, no matter who speaks them, and everyone who seeks to be a Spiritual Satanist must properly understand and know what true Satanism really is, study it more, ask our Gods to help them understand true Satanism if they aren't sure on what it is, and in general connect to the satanic spirit and ideology of our Gods through meditation, to free yourself from xian and other abrahamic trash and mental programming.

Anyone who cannot do so, doesn't belong here, and aren't needed with us.

The ideology of our Gods is a part of every true Satanist. It is a part of their souls and their very being. We are here because we have always been Satanists through and through.

The Satanic spirit permeating through our minds and souls is what brought us here and lead to us finding the JoS in this life.

There is no place for weakness or any form of subversion here, the very soul of the true Satanist rejects these as a whole, by virtue of their own existence.

Hail Satan!
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
One reason why it wouldn't be selfish to express the self in instances like you described would be because, those differences that you are tolerating may be something of a critical nature that would harm you and, likely, the person you are tolerating, even if they don't or refuse to see it.

I have a friend that I may lamentably have to disconnect from wholly and utterly because they are continuing to do drugs and hang out with complete and utter degenerates - not some uppity college kids smoking weed in their cars, but meth-smoking, heroin-injecting, drug-dealing garbage who frequently steal from each other but continue to associate because they want each other's drugs and money. This friend of mine, they are seeking spiritual answers and still have hope for a successful life for themselves, but no matter how adamantly I insist on Spiritual Satanism, no matter how many times they get into worrisome situations, they continue to smoke both actual and synthetic weed whilst abusing and selling prescription meds. This fucker trusts me and was even with me dispensing Satanic tracts in public places, took one for themselves in fact, but still little progress. They've been my friend for awhile and it hurts a bit to think of cutting them out, but there's only so much effort you can put in before you realize that they're just not having it.

I know this scenario is different as this involves actual actions as opposed to just a different set of beliefs, but it is similar in that it shows there is a limit to tolerance and that there are cases where, whether it be their beliefs or what they're actually doing, tolerating it will put you at risk as you are around someone who is or is becoming harmful. And in cases such as these, expressing yourself and not tolerating their garbage can help them as well, even save them.

Get far away from this person! You have done more than enough to try to help them, you have given them all the educational spiritual leads they could take to pull themselves up if they ever choose to. There is no benefit for either of you to be together. This person's actions in drugs, crime, and association with all these other drugs and crime people is a true spiritual and physical poison. If they are that immersed in such damaging horrible filth, it is a deep and dangerous energy that is incorporated into them. This energy is a true physical thing, and can be seen in it's manifestations as deep physical problems with these drugs and crime. You're only chance of safety is by cutting all contact from this person to ensure that they could never affect you. And to ensure that the poison borg that their whole group of criminal associates is part of, make it stay FAR away from you. They are all connected in this way as extensions of such poison force.

You have said before about difficulty to stop forever with marijuana. Obviously marijuana is nothing nearly as bad as things like heroin and meth that those people are doing, but it is still harmful and no good can come from it. What if your difficulties were really result of that energy pushing you? Those influences energetically through loose associations. Whatever loose connections, associating with someone bad who then associates with even worse people. And luckily it never pushed you far enough to do anything very bad like those other people did. But you still must cut all ties and remove yourself from the situation. If something is rotting let it rot in far separation away from you!

Some people, all they could ever do is rot away in that kind of way. No use worrying about them past a point. When all they do is freefall down always faster, the only thing to do is cut them loose to ensure it's only them, and not dragging you both. If this friend was ever to change, you have already given them the information that Satanism is the true path to greatness. Once they know this, you no longer need to be part of their path as if they are to ever succeed that is their own choice. The only one who can ever possibly pull them up is themself, and if they are ever serious about this they can ask Satan to guide in this. Noone else can do it for them but themself, and noone else deserves to be involved. Tie only into goodness and healthiness!

You are most assuredly right when you say my difficulties in quitting stemmed from that association. It's an exceedingly easy thing to be sucked back into that life-draining habit, and even though they have expressed an interest in quitting all substances, they still have a number of friends who still deal in weed in some manner, and that in and of itself is a dangerous temptation that bogs anyone struggling with addiction down.

According to messages they sent to another friend of mine, they are never returning to the trap house and seek to quit all substances and other addictive habits. My hope is that they actually will do so, for there is potential due to their interest in Satanism, their increased distaste for Jews (Gonna take credit for that one.) and the fact they have all the information they could possibly need available to them. But until that happens, if it does, then I intend to do as you said and disconnect. That lifestyle is actual, literal poison to me and sets me in a mood of intense anger and disgust just hearing about it.
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
But until that happens, if it does, then I intend to do as you said and disconnect. That lifestyle is actual, literal poison to me and sets me in a mood of intense anger and disgust just hearing about it.

Really is the only option. I've had to do this before in a similar situation, but no where near as bad as yours sounded. Of course that "friend" was "half-white half-jewish" and always had some kind of bullshit marxist story of how white people have destroyed the world for centuries. Whenever he would start with that shit no matter what example he tried to give, I would immediately turn it around and prove how it was actually (((this other tribe))) from the jewish religious subjugation of the world, to the jewish slave trade, to the jew rothschilds and jew usury, to jew Stalin and jewish communism. May look like there's a billion different problems in the world, but they all stem from one single root and it has a big nose and beady eyes. It's aura became so disgusting as I grew stronger, I physically couldn't be anywhere near it.
We CANNOT allow christianity to continue. Anyone who tolerates that vile disgusting harmful program is only asking for their own damnation.

christianity and all of its mindsets will be REMOVED and DESTROYED!!!!

Hail Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
