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On Repeating Problems Related To Society

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Dahaarkan said:
If you ask me women are becoming more liberated this is why you see so many incels nowadays women don't want to be with these losers anymore. There's some guys I know that are totally hopeless and the only way they can have sex is to pay for it. They aren't even bad looking or anything but just their mentality towards women is absolutely disgusting and why they will either never have a girlfriend or will just be taken advantage of. Their horror for showing their feminine side also doesn't really make them masculine at all it just makes them little bitches who are afraid of what they truly are. Key feature of masculinity is confidence imo. A guy who lives in horror of being called feminine has no confidence, they just reek of fear and weakness and it's why no one wants to smash them. They're not men, they are little bitches.

These guys are just trash they are bad at dating, they are bad at intimacy and they are bad at fucking. And that's why women cheat on them as soon as they find a guy who can properly satisfy them. These guys have the mentality passed on by their retarded paternal figures and are basically copies of them. But women are no longer attracted to this fake masculinity which is why they become incels.

Women appreciate the feminine traits you mention it's why I keep getting put in the extremely awkward situation of turning them down because I'm not into women lol

Between liberation and slavery only lies a thin line. Many women think they are being 'liberated' and they cannot form a household, will go extinct or end up unhappy as a result. This is not liberation, this is death.

A woman wandering alone all her life without any family and maniacally seeking foreigners to fuck and botox surgery at her 70's and 80's is just not a sight one enjoys seeing. Where is the liberation here in that example?

On the contrary to full 'liberated slutdom' we have the other instability which is the full constrain of women by christianity or islam. This is equally if not more dangerous than slutdom. Actually both are equally evil, but they touch different sources and decay different aspects in society.

Women are unhappy in both of these states as both these states are unnatural. Jews don't push women in the kitchen all the talmud keeps repeating the castrated woman on one page and the viral carrier whore in the next page. Gentile women are accused of prostitution but this is more like jewish will rather than reality.

This is how the jew calls us all Goyim constantly, not because we are truly animals, but because they wish we were, becuase they understand how bad it would be for us to be in that state. Similarly they call women sluts all the time.

Women are free in neither state of the above. What many people call 'liberation' is only becoming mass degeneracy past a point. We have long been past that point. Actually, quite an amount women have become decadent aside 'liberated' in more than one ways, and I am sure many women here can see this in their woman friends or other women they know. How many of you girls here have a friend who has done all the bad decisions in her life, and still believes she is 'free' and all the bollocks?

To literally go in one night stands, have sex with whatever crosses you, and then question yourself tommorow who's the dad of the kid doesn't sound very liberated to me. It sounds to me like fully lost and in need of help, and fast.

Sluts who viciously attack the emotions of innocents are not to be honored as 'liberated'. A single corrupted woman can corrupt hundreds of men in her lifetime at the relationship pace of the 21st century if she is dirty and negatively promiscuous and become a living biohazard to any society.

Similar to the above is the man-slut or a man who just goes around spreading destruction to women's hearts for no apparent reason, which all of such creates a vicious circle in the already bleeding relationships between people.

Slutdom is not freedom. One is enslaved to inner soul diseases that they spread to other innocent people. And it has also to be recognized many women have become terraformed and are spreading this to the average working (and actually decent) man, who yes, after all, deserves to be able to get laid on his level without needing three mansions and their personal jet (or just be drug users because druggies r cool) because the jews created these jewish standards to conquer the goyim with.

There are all sorts of garbage men that are worthless in every way and just oxygen consumers and get laid more than normal people who at least contribute something, even minor, to existence.

The laws of nature have been overthrown at this point so to say men do not have women simply because they are "BETA" is just bullshit fallacies all over again, and one should not create theories if they are not actively engaged with women and the construction of the jew in the century 21'st century woman's brain.

To name one example many decent (or at least visually decent) women are sliming with the lowest slimes of this earth, and men can see this and understand this is wrong. We are talking going after short, fugly, worthless, broke, penniness, filled with viral diseases, parasites, and running after these people. And freely giving themselves to these biohazards, while playing hard to get to any decent man out there. This is because the jew has been programming women to self-destruction from a very young age, by relating the above men who die from drugs like worthless cockroaches, as something cool, and other related fallacies.

For a person that does not know the deeper web of this, and just observes the above, the only reasonable understanding is that they will blame women as a species.

Similarly to turn the above around many women observe men who are equally just attracted to the trash of the earth, while great women just go by unnoticed, many having good hearts, souls, and being very beautiful. Women who see this can just resort to hate men and one cannot blame them.

The aboves are symptoms of massive jewish social corrosion. There is subhuman trash walking this planet that under no decent circumstance could keep this up going, and also, be considered attractive for being literally the trash of the universe. However as with anything else the jew has studied the goyim brain and brainwashes the slaves to get attracted to the potentially worse mates, to keep the goyim in bleeding hearts and societies forever.

The MGTOW is retarded in how they whine and cry about this situation with women, but part of the MGTOW that draws men is all the above inconsistencies which are created in the Jewtrix inside the mind of the opposite gender. The purpose of the MGTOW is to satisfy the people fell into this pit with more of the same shit that lead into the pit, ie, that women are sluts, that woman nature is retarded etc.

Essentially, men will hate the victim.

On the other side, many women resort to radical Feminism because they feel fed up and they want to puke with all the jewish 'beauty standards' and all the things 'women must do' in order to be 'woman enough'. This burdens both men and women, makes them hate one another, and their own nature.

Then, women will hate the men, which are also victims.

With the two groups in clashing and opposition there is no union, and where there is no union, there is no reproduction or a rise in intellectual conversation. So the jew remains cloaked and people misdirected to hate random things that just pass by, like dogs chasing car wheels, while the jew rides the car itself.

Both the above movements and many others were designed because there are actual social issues underlying these at some point in history. And they have a partial logic to them for the afflicted people, and that's why people get in these movements to protest society. The majority of people in these movement are victims and not offenders, and some of them also experience true perils, in the MGTOW, Feminism, or GBLT and such.

The jew just creates these movements in a way that they short-circuit and just reinforce the problems that already lead people to these situatons aka to create a vicious never ending circle that increases the jewish shit and self-destruction on society.

For example, many people end up in the MGTOW because of hate for not having success with women or wrong play and treatment with women. By getting in the MGTOW this is only increases the initial problem, by bolstering hatred and wrong understanding of women, that simply leads to an even worse situation than when the person was in the beginning.

Many women enter Feminism because they are fed up with how women are treated in society, social icons imposed on women and so forth. Then when they become Feminists they become the perfect caricature the jew needs to get anyone in dislike of this to give them viable reasons to say that women must be forced back to the kitchen.

Lastly we have movements like the GBLT. People fed up by sexual supression and society not getting they are different, they get into the GBLT. The GBLT of jews gives them a dildo, sticks it on their head, and tells them to go in parades on the street where children 8 years old twerk in the middle of 10 grown adults who video tape it. Then normal people see this and simply say the GBLT needs to be destroyed.

This is sort of like medication. If you start take medication for diseases you do not have, you may become seriously ill. The jew teaches people to act like ill even in cases where society has healed, such as let's say the acceptance of third sex.

Instead of improving on this acceptance the jew instructs its victims to act like it's the renaissance over and over again and point guns at people's faces. We have been past the renascence phases for all the above things like third sex, women etc.

But the jew pushes this to maddening extremes while slower integration is required and where only spiritual understanding can further fix. Hoping to create a cataclysmic backlash and re-instate the torah order that wants all gays to burn, all women to be castrated, and all men cucked to rabbi jesus until the end of time while giving their daughters for free to invaders and kikes.

Torah is simply based on the Rotha of keeping the eternal shit that plagues Gentiles and jewish curses on Gentiles going forever. We must break these in society and we will be free of all these repeating problems. We have defeated many of these problems and we will only win further.

To name a last example is the Satanist example. Society is past the point of accepting us, we are here. What the real challenge now is, is to prove to the world that Satanism is actually a good thing, and that was never a sick or perverted thing. According to jews like the CoS this is best achieved by dressing like a crazy bat, drinking cups of fake blood, and having egopathic dementia coupled with a repulsive dressing code.

"Rabbi's orders goy, do the above, and your ancestral religions will be taken very seriously, trust me goyim".

Lastly all these ruptures in external society are rooted in the soul and ruptures and damages in our souls as a species. If people repaired their souls, cleaned the filth from their soul, this would externally manifest in the internal conditions for our world. If the black man united his own very soul, he would not desire a white woman simply because he would be married to his own soul, aka, the black part of his soul, and he would need a black woman to fully express this energy in his life. Things just return to natural order that way. Simply by people being spiritual. This is the end of the jew if this happens in any serious way.

So the key here is to teach people basic spiritual knowledge and carry the warfare against the enemy who keeps putting negatives on the backs of Gentiles all the time.

In the end the Torah will be broken in 6 trillion pieces, now and forever. And humanity will be free.
Lastly we have movements like the GBLT. People fed up by sexual supression and society not getting they are different, they get into the GBLT. The GBLT of jews gives them a dildo, sticks it on their head, and tells them to go in parades on the street where children 8 years old twerk in the middle of 10 grown adults who video tape it. Then normal people see this and simply say the GBLT needs to be destroyed.

"Oh goy you got it all wrong. GBLT means great bacon lettuce tomato and this is very bad goy. Be a bunch of good goyim and go vegan. Toss out your sandwiches and eat plants like the good goyim you are. Nothing here to worry about goy." - Rabbi Stinkleburg.

On a more serious note. Feminism in modern context basically recycles the negative energies of social construct created by jews to supress us goy. Honestly I see lots of people saying that feminism is equality for all gender which is bullsh*t cause for one why would you say it's for equality when it only references one gender (uh duh). There is no balance between men and women through the program of feminism and it is just plain nasty. These people are ignorant to the problems that men have while blinding themselves of own problems which leads to denying needs of both sides. Feminism basically aims to destroy unity between the male and female aspects by making females more 'dominate' and loose parts of their spiritual nature when it comes to relationships and family as one example. Men are also being oppressed at the same time with having companionship and possibly a family through being treated lesser from others claiming that men are better off than women in today's world when they're truly not. I'm not saying women have it better than men or vise versa as it's just another tug a war created by the jews that just leaves everyone worse than they started off. With the GBLT the natural expression of the third sex is being squashed by the jew throughout the whole thing by replacing it with rainbows, 'gay pride', and twerking with some unicorns thrown into the mix just cause. If you want to be proud of something be proud of your self as a gentile and what you accomplished as a person spiritually and the feats in your life. Think of how you advanced through out your time as a spiritual Satanist and what you aim to change. The final RTR for example is something we as a group worked towards to change things for the better. Without each and everyone of us progress towards change would not be possible and the church would still be hiding their crimes against humanity. That is something to be proud of, not twerking rainbows.

On a final note, here's a link to a speech that Hitler did on the true feminine nature of women instead of that Feminist crap. I strongly recommend watching this as it is a beautiful work of art in words and one of my all time favorites :D :

Now if you excuse me I have an RTR to do and hope that another church gets struck down by lightning (nudge, nudge, wink, wink.) ;) I hear the Vatican has a storm brewing overhead :cool:
Feminists are all future child rapists and money hoarders. Yes women molest their sons too.

Hail Satan
Very nicely explained.

I always thought to myself: people hate the people inside the movements like LGBT, feminism, MGTOW, Xianity and Communism. They just had the bad luck to be on the opposing side and we need to destroy them or be destroyed... the enemy will not show mency even if they are actual victims. Some were greater than the others like the soviet soldier that turned to the German side or the homosexual who spoke against the LGBT (Note Blair White). Respect for such people.
Erm first of all, I didn't mean to come off as cruel. I'm a bit of a cunt sometimes :? There are valid reasons for not being able to find a suitable partner, I was mostly speaking of an example I have personally seen a lot of.

I believe the feminine side is required to be "good" at relationships and important for keeping a healthy relationship. All the incels I know, (and I know a bunch) have the same problem. They have a xian paternal figure, are xians themselves, or subconsciously hold on to joo imposed beliefs when it comes to the feminine side of people. They don't open up to women they present themselves as a brick wall big strong mann because they think that's what most women are looking for. They are sexually and emotionally repressed which makes them bad at virtually everything that is required for a healthy relationship. Which is why they fail miserably even when girls give them a chance.

I also don't see cheating as a black and white issue, a frustrated libido is not something that is easy to deal with. The real problem if you ask me is the xian model for relationships where people are bound to one person and that's it. How about being reasonable and understanding you might not be able to fully satisfy your partner, and this doesn't have to devalue the relationship or feelings had for each other. Polygamy is a thing that can be done in a respectful and healthy way for everyone involved and it's much better than having a relationship deteriorate because of a frustrated libido.

I've noticed the cuck meme gets spammed quite a lot in an effort to humiliate people and discourage this. So people suppress their sexual desire in fear of being called sluts and having their partner be shunned and mocked by the rest of society. Which just leads to them cheating on their partners in secret which is much worse imo.

I don't disagree with anything you've said there's rotten and extreme examples everywhere but I'm talking about moderate and reasonable people here.
Dahaarkan said:
Erm first of all, I didn't mean to come off as cruel. I'm a bit of a cunt sometimes :? There are valid reasons for not being able to find a suitable partner, I was mostly speaking of an example I have personally seen a lot of.

I believe the feminine side is required to be "good" at relationships and important for keeping a healthy relationship. All the incels I know, (and I know a bunch) have the same problem. They have a xian paternal figure, are xians themselves, or subconsciously hold on to joo imposed beliefs when it comes to the feminine side of people. They don't open up to women they present themselves as a brick wall big strong mann because they think that's what most women are looking for. They are sexually and emotionally repressed which makes them bad at virtually everything that is required for a healthy relationship. Which is why they fail miserably even when girls give them a chance.

I also don't see cheating as a black and white issue, a frustrated libido is not something that is easy to deal with. The real problem if you ask me is the xian model for relationships where people are bound to one person and that's it. How about being reasonable and understanding you might not be able to fully satisfy your partner, and this doesn't have to devalue the relationship or feelings had for each other. Polygamy is a thing that can be done in a respectful and healthy way for everyone involved and it's much better than having a relationship deteriorate because of a frustrated libido.

I've noticed the cuck meme gets spammed quite a lot in an effort to humiliate people and discourage this. So people suppress their sexual desire in fear of being called sluts and having their partner be shunned and mocked by the rest of society. Which just leads to them cheating on their partners in secret which is much worse imo.

I don't disagree with anything you've said there's rotten and extreme examples everywhere but I'm talking about moderate and reasonable people here.

They should man the fuck up and get over their stupid problems instead of dumping them on everyone around them. Sure, many of those men might have been abused or something. It doesn't give them the excuse of being ignorant pieces of crap. Some people can't get a girlfriend because they're literally infertile or have mental disorders, this stuff can be cured. MGTOW can't get girlfriends because they are actual hypocritical narcissists almost every single time.

I personally like having one person to enjoy for at least a year before moving on. That way it feels like an adventure, you get to know each other, and really squeeze every inch of love that you can. And if you're lucky, the love never runs out. I honestly don't understand hook-up culture at all. I know plenty of guys who claim to have grown up in normal homes and are normal yet are totally shit human beings who use women like tissue paper. I think its highly individual. But I stay away from saying "cuck" or "incel" usually because there are some insecurities around that stuff and also some people just can't make friends well or get a girlfriend for some reason like they might have a broken neck or be trapped in a volcano. That's cool too. Just don't be an asshole should be the end of it.
I mean let's see how well you fair in a relationship when you're going through certain stuff in life. Involuntary celibacy is obviously real because most people die and end up in a grave, they can't literally have sex forever. It is actually so easy to find a same-race partner though. People will tell you that you should "lower your standards" and date other races (can you even believe that liberals spew this shit?) but if you have a strong stomach you can eventually find someone who will look you in the eyes and say "I trust you". And you will trust her. That's where real love begins and where inceldom dies. You certainly need to be open to femininity to be in a relationship, that is for sure. Nobody said life was supposed to be easy.
I also have had problems with the opposite sex.

Now I feel I need space and my time because of the important work we do here.

I do see a girl and it's important and necessary.

But what I want to contribute here is information of a book I've read.

It's called: 'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.'

And what it points out is that men and women are actually very different in how we communicate and what we need.

Women need to talk to think. And they offer un asked for advice. Which insults a man because he sees her judgements and unsolicited advice as an attack on his capability.

And men like to keep their problems to themselves.

So in addition to the programming and curses we need to understand there are differences.

Like women complain but they arnt looking for a solution. They just want to be heard.

Men give solutions to women's complaints and women get annoyed because they just want to be heard and understood.

As said before. Knowledge is key and they can't take that from you
Personal Growth said:
s called: 'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.'

And what it points out is that men and women are actually very different in how we communicate and what we need.

Women need to talk to think. And they offer un asked for advice. Which insults a man because he sees her judgements and unsolicited advice as an attack on his capability.

And men like to keep their problems to themselves.

So in addition to the programming and curses we need to understand there are differences.

Like women complain but they arnt looking for a solution. They just want to be heard.

Men give solutions to women's complaints and women get annoyed because they just want to be heard and understood.

As said before. Knowledge is key and they can't take that from you

And I think that that is BS.

Growing up I was a very reserved person. I didnt let anyone get close to me despite me being more of an emotional person compared to the average. There were things that I didnt speak about or communicate and there are still things that I wont say.

But this shutting up pretending nothing is wrong actually makes people unstable.

Unappreciated advice is annoying on BOTH sides. There is no 'oh a girl always has to give advice'. Even men can do this.

But the true genius lies in knowing when to give it and when not to and other times only when asked. And it doesnt matter if youre a male or female for that matter.
Regarding this, I have a problem. I have been born in a poor family from eastern Europe. I have always been a shy and solitary person. I've been bullied in the school because of this, because they felt I'm a weak person and I don't respond back to their agression. To be honest this happened until I became satanist because meditations and the empowerment of the solar chakra made me stronger so to say. Because I've been bullied I never had the courage to speak with womans about relations. I always thought that in their eyes I am a fool and a loser. And I still believe this, which is why I still don't speak to them anymore. Now I moved in UK and... People are different. They are more lazy, more ignorrant, more selfish. Now I don't have any interactions with womans at all. At the job I don't work with any woman, at the gym everybody treates me like I don't exist, which is a normal thing here. During the school when I was bullied almost everyday I was wishing everybody to treat me like I don't exist, now I fell like I quite regret it. Bullying made me very ignorant as well. Because of bullying I was treating womans with indifference in the school because I was feeling that they don't give a damn on a loser like me and they only used me for help (homeworks, projects). Now I'm 20 years old and I'm still virgin. Somebody knowing this (I think my stupid brother told him), maybe by mercy even offered himself to pay for me a girl from a whorehouse and he gave me time to think until my birthday. I feel like a garbage (and I was treated like a garbage to be honest) and everyday from the first second when I wake up until in the night when I fall asleep I'm thinking what loser I can be because I see a lot of beautiful and nice looking womens everyday and I never was even capable to have at lrast a f*cking chat with them. I start to think that I'm a kind of MGTOW but I don't really feel any disrespect for womens because I know is totally my fault for everything that happened to me. I can blame only myself because I allowed this to happen. Now I don't even know if I want a relation or not because I got used to the situation and I accepted it as it is. I start to lose my hope that I will ever have a girlfriend. What I can do? I can't really understand what the f*ck I did to deserve this.
You answered your own question develop some self esteem and just go talk to women.
HP Mageson666 said:
You answered your own question develop some self esteem and just go talk to women.
Talk, where? I don't work with womans, at gym most womens come with their headphones and don't give a damn about what is around them. Back in my natal country, peoples were more sociable. You could have a chat with them about things even if they were strangers. Here nobody looks at you. My brother said womens are not going to gym to be picked up by mens and I think he was right. Maybe I have a chance if I change my job. Elsewhere I don't see really how it would be possible. If i would be more advanced I would be able to use my aura to attract womans but now I barely have time to do a RTR per weekday. I stopped doing meditations at the beginning of the year when I moved here. And with the self esteem, here you are right. I'm in a point where I'm so ashamed of myself that I can't even look in the mirror. When I do look in the mirror I see the same loser with the same 14 years old looking face which I've seen during the school. Is not easy at all to increase my self esteem in this point. Maybe only if I start meditate again. I remember meditations were keeping my energies high and I wasn't feeling like a garbage when I used to meditate even 2-3 hours daily. That's why maybe I have to start everything from zero now.
HP Mageson666 said:
You answered your own question develop some self esteem and just go talk to women.

That'd be possible if they weren't constantly making false rape accusations.
Lets be honest your own greatest problem here. I suggest an obvious solution to your great problem and your response is just a list of excuses. Next time don't pretend you actually want to change any of this and inform us all not to waste our time attempting to offer you advice that you are just LARPing that you really care to change anything.

You got time to be at the gym but can't find half an hour out of a 24 hour day to practice any meditation...…. I don't buy that either. Lets be honest you enjoy being miserable its own personal religion. Its the daily practice you engage in for years and put all your mental energy into. And that's why your telling everyone you don't want to change the years of hard work it takes to be miserable.

That's Alchemist7 in the spot light
That's him in the corner at the gym
Not losing his religion

Being miserable

He thought he heard himself laughing
He thought he heard himself singing
He thought he even saw himself try
To not be miserable

But that was just a dream
That was just a dream

The Alchemist7 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
You answered your own question develop some self esteem and just go talk to women.
Talk, where? I don't work with womans, at gym most womens come with their headphones and don't give a damn about what is around them. Back in my natal country, peoples were more sociable. You could have a chat with them about things even if they were strangers. Here nobody looks at you. My brother said womens are not going to gym to be picked up by mens and I think he was right. Maybe I have a chance if I change my job. Elsewhere I don't see really how it would be possible. If i would be more advanced I would be able to use my aura to attract womans but now I barely have time to do a RTR per weekday. I stopped doing meditations at the beginning of the year when I moved here. And with the self esteem, here you are right. I'm in a point where I'm so ashamed of myself that I can't even look in the mirror. When I do look in the mirror I see the same loser with the same 14 years old looking face which I've seen during the school. Is not easy at all to increase my self esteem in this point. Maybe only if I start meditate again. I remember meditations were keeping my energies high and I wasn't feeling like a garbage when I used to meditate even 2-3 hours daily. That's why maybe I have to start everything from zero now.
Its the same all the time. People go on and on about their issues but it comes down to self esteem and lack of meditation. Then they start rattling the bars demanding to stay in their self imprisoned cage they pretend they want out if you show them how to just open the door and walk out and be free.

Its amazing they will pour years of effort into developing an identity based on negativity towards themselves yet make excuses to not stop hating on themselves. Well its real simple you told yourself negative things about yourself with a lot of emotional intent for years....Thats why you feel this way..... So do the opposite and then you get the opposite effect.
The Alchemist7 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
You answered your own question develop some self esteem and just go talk to women.
Talk, where? I don't work with womans, at gym most womens come with their headphones and don't give a damn about what is around them. Back in my natal country, peoples were more sociable. You could have a chat with them about things even if they were strangers. Here nobody looks at you. My brother said womens are not going to gym to be picked up by mens and I think he was right. Maybe I have a chance if I change my job. Elsewhere I don't see really how it would be possible. If i would be more advanced I would be able to use my aura to attract womans but now I barely have time to do a RTR per weekday. I stopped doing meditations at the beginning of the year when I moved here. And with the self esteem, here you are right. I'm in a point where I'm so ashamed of myself that I can't even look in the mirror. When I do look in the mirror I see the same loser with the same 14 years old looking face which I've seen during the school. Is not easy at all to increase my self esteem in this point. Maybe only if I start meditate again. I remember meditations were keeping my energies high and I wasn't feeling like a garbage when I used to meditate even 2-3 hours daily. That's why maybe I have to start everything from zero now.
Friday night 8:05 pm Brdredr is at the bar he sees a nice looking lady and walks over to her. His heart is racing with a mixture of anxiety and excitement as he says "Hello my name is Brdredr what is yours?" She looks at him with a enraged mug and screams "HOW DARE YOU SAY HELLO THAT IS THE SAME AS RAPE!" Brdredr then quickly walks away and sits down at the table and goes "Damn it every chick I talk to accuses me of raping them by saying Hello, fuck this MGTOW for life."

Brdredr said:
HP Mageson666 said:
You answered your own question develop some self esteem and just go talk to women.

That'd be possible if they weren't constantly making false rape accusations.
HP Mageson,
If you don't mind me asking (hope I'm not too off topic here, but I saw some posts about the alt-right and women in a related thread), have you listened to any of Eric Striker's stuff? He seems to grasp the importance of reaching out to the White working class and attacking capitalism. I'm not sure if he's controlled opposition, but his work is far more interesting than Anglin's ranting about women and largely ignoring the problem of Jewish capitalism.
Message didn't go through for some reason. Anyway the gist of what I wanted to say to The Alchemist7:

- Why constantly insult and undermine yourself? This is almost like cursing yourself. Which ensures you remain in the same shitty state.
- Instead affirm what you want like 'I am exceptionally attractive, charismatic, and sociable.'
- Make time for meditation. Commit to it and you will find time. You can meditate while you're walking, driving, on the bus, waiting in line, downtime at work, breaks. You can do so much with just your mind and awareness. Then when you are alone you can do your mantras.
- If I'm not mistaken, RTRs still have a enemy backlash which is why we cleanse after RTR. So follow the logical conclusion if you do a lot of RTR and don't cleanse and protect yourself then what? Make time for AOP and AC.

Accepting One's Self - https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=12177
HP Mageson666 said:
Friday night 8:05 pm Brdredr is at the bar he sees a nice looking lady and walks over to her. His heart is racing with a mixture of anxiety and excitement as he says "Hello my name is Brdredr what is yours?" She looks at him with a enraged mug and screams "HOW DARE YOU SAY HELLO THAT IS THE SAME AS RAPE!" Brdredr then quickly walks away and sits down at the table and goes "Damn it every chick I talk to accuses me of raping them by saying Hello, fuck this MGTOW for life."

Chill Mageson, I'm not going MGTOW, I'd never go MGTOW. I know there are good women out there. It doesn't help that I'm in the worst area for singles, but hey, that's what sex spells are for, right?
HP Mageson666 said:
Friday night 8:05 pm Brdredr is at the bar he sees a nice looking lady and walks over to her. His heart is racing with a mixture of anxiety and excitement as he says "Hello my name is Brdredr what is yours?" She looks at him with a enraged mug and screams "HOW DARE YOU SAY HELLO THAT IS THE SAME AS RAPE!" Brdredr then quickly walks away and sits down at the table and goes "Damn it every chick I talk to accuses me of raping them by saying Hello, fuck this MGTOW for life."

Brdredr said:
HP Mageson666 said:
You answered your own question develop some self esteem and just go talk to women.

That'd be possible if they weren't constantly making false rape accusations.
Socialism is the vehicle for racial liberation and justice for our People. So if this person is going in that direction that is a change for the better. A lot of the Alt-Right LARPers forgot the Socialism in National Socialism. Most of them are just failed Libertarians the fake capitalist Libertarians.

HailVictory88 said:
HP Mageson,
If you don't mind me asking (hope I'm not too off topic here, but I saw some posts about the alt-right and women in a related thread), have you listened to any of Eric Striker's stuff? He seems to grasp the importance of reaching out to the White working class and attacking capitalism. I'm not sure if he's controlled opposition, but his work is far more interesting than Anglin's ranting about women and largely ignoring the problem of Jewish capitalism.
Every fake libertarian big mouth on earth....

"Muh nume is Bobby Big Brain the second and I am a 19 old genius Libertarian. I poopose that we just let all dem big banks and multi national corporations run da world with no restrictions.....dis is libooty and freedumb. Da goobermint is the problem der policies suck pay nuuu mind to the big banks and corporations loboobies that run dem and stuff."
HP Mageson666 said:
Socialism is the vehicle for racial liberation and justice for our People. So if this person is going in that direction that is a change for the better. A lot of the Alt-Right LARPers forgot the Socialism in National Socialism. Most of them are just failed Libertarians the fake capitalist Libertarians.

HailVictory88 said:
HP Mageson,
If you don't mind me asking (hope I'm not too off topic here, but I saw some posts about the alt-right and women in a related thread), have you listened to any of Eric Striker's stuff? He seems to grasp the importance of reaching out to the White working class and attacking capitalism. I'm not sure if he's controlled opposition, but his work is far more interesting than Anglin's ranting about women and largely ignoring the problem of Jewish capitalism.
I thought socialism was the same thing as communism?
Something I really dont like is how women expect certain men to be players, I get that often and I dont know if its because of the way I dress or my face or what it even is. I remember having a girl over earlier this year and she was saying "wow you must get laid a lot" basically and I was like actually no, you just don't believe I like you as much as you do. I wonder, do women feel the same way?

It's depressing its like women are so hurt from being used and treated like objects that they struggle to believe any man could love them. I think its pretty obvious that MGTOW is the same thing, so I think the real manly thing to do is to just stick up for the innocent one wherever he or she may be.
Marxism is the Jewish take on Socialism which amounts to imposing the Torah on the Gentiles. If they didn't create something to absorb the Socialism movements their capitalist shekel industry was going to be out of business.

The ideal of health care, debt free currency, constitutionalism, returning the fruits of peoples labour to them, workers benefits, public education and free energy and such are all Socialist ideology. The National Socialists brought such into being. In the West because the Jews know the Gentiles don't like capitalism they only offer Communism as the solution and promote the ideal that Marxism is all Socialism is. Many on the Left pretend National Socialism is some far right ideology because the Jews want to maintain this divided within the Left. Marx was driven off by many Socialists on the left in the First International who understood he was an agent of the Jewish Banksters. You had other thinkers who wrote against the Communist ideology of not allowing a person property and on.

The fact is the right was simply the movement to maintain the Jewish feudal regime of the Jewish Church and nobility who own everyone else as property which is Jewish the Goyim are property. That is why calling National Socialism right wing is as strange as calling the Founding Fathers rightwing. They were all Leftists of their time. The fact the Jews call them rightwing shows how far the Jews have shifted things. Then the Jews have taken over the current right as well.

Aquarius said:
[ I thought socialism was the same thing as communism?
Something to note Capitalism is offered to people as a form of meritocracy that improves society. However its a scam the whole Jewish plutocracy games the system to impose and maintain monopoly on power that includes debt slavery, price fixing, high taxes, undercutting wages and shipping jobs to the third world to work children for ten cents an hour in neo-slavery rackets. The slave trade was always the founding stone of Capitalism and the Jews that created it. Society can't survive Capitalism as its core ideology is that money is the value not labour. So it creates a Jewish system in which all the wealth goes to the one percent at the top and all industry that produces wealth is destroyed. And everyone is enslaved as property to the Jewish banks.

When one realizes that all the Capitalist philosophers like Smith where on the pay roll its all out the window. They where writing pillow talk to the public to attempt to sell them a scam. Capitalism worked the same way back then it works today and has for seven hundred years straight. The Capitalism that is in the world is real Capitalism. This is why those who argue for it have to plain out lie.

Marxism is just state Capitalism.
HP Mageson666 said:
Marxism is the Jewish take on Socialism which amounts to imposing the Torah on the Gentiles. If they didn't create something to absorb the Socialism movements their capitalist shekel industry was going to be out of business.

The ideal of health care, debt free currency, constitutionalism, returning the fruits of peoples labour to them, workers benefits, public education and free energy and such are all Socialist ideology. The National Socialists brought such into being. In the West because the Jews know the Gentiles don't like capitalism they only offer Communism as the solution and promote the ideal that Marxism is all Socialism is. Many on the Left pretend National Socialism is some far right ideology because the Jews want to maintain this divided within the Left. Marx was driven off by many Socialists on the left in the First International who understood he was an agent of the Jewish Banksters. You had other thinkers who wrote against the Communist ideology of not allowing a person property and on.

The fact is the right was simply the movement to maintain the Jewish feudal regime of the Jewish Church and nobility who own everyone else as property which is Jewish the Goyim are property. That is why calling National Socialism right wing is as strange as calling the Founding Fathers rightwing. They were all Leftists of their time. The fact the Jews call them rightwing shows how far the Jews have shifted things. Then the Jews have taken over the current right as well.

Aquarius said:
[ I thought socialism was the same thing as communism?
Wow you opened my mind with this writing, I thought communism and socialism were the same thing with different names. Thank you so much.
HP Mageson666 said:
Marxism is the Jewish take on Socialism which amounts to imposing the Torah on the Gentiles. If they didn't create something to absorb the Socialism movements their capitalist shekel industry was going to be out of business.

The ideal of health care, debt free currency, constitutionalism, returning the fruits of peoples labour to them, workers benefits, public education and free energy and such are all Socialist ideology. The National Socialists brought such into being. In the West because the Jews know the Gentiles don't like capitalism they only offer Communism as the solution and promote the ideal that Marxism is all Socialism is. Many on the Left pretend National Socialism is some far right ideology because the Jews want to maintain this divided within the Left. Marx was driven off by many Socialists on the left in the First International who understood he was an agent of the Jewish Banksters. You had other thinkers who wrote against the Communist ideology of not allowing a person property and on.

The fact is the right was simply the movement to maintain the Jewish feudal regime of the Jewish Church and nobility who own everyone else as property which is Jewish the Goyim are property. That is why calling National Socialism right wing is as strange as calling the Founding Fathers rightwing. They were all Leftists of their time. The fact the Jews call them rightwing shows how far the Jews have shifted things. Then the Jews have taken over the current right as well.

Aquarius said:
[ I thought socialism was the same thing as communism?
And mein bro, how come National socialism was called “national socialism”? And not just socialism?This may sound a pretty stupid question lol
HP Mageson666 said:
Marxism is the Jewish take on Socialism which amounts to imposing the Torah on the Gentiles. If they didn't create something to absorb the Socialism movements their capitalist shekel industry was going to be out of business.

The ideal of health care, debt free currency, constitutionalism, returning the fruits of peoples labour to them, workers benefits, public education and free energy and such are all Socialist ideology. The National Socialists brought such into being. In the West because the Jews know the Gentiles don't like capitalism they only offer Communism as the solution and promote the ideal that Marxism is all Socialism is. Many on the Left pretend National Socialism is some far right ideology because the Jews want to maintain this divided within the Left. Marx was driven off by many Socialists on the left in the First International who understood he was an agent of the Jewish Banksters. You had other thinkers who wrote against the Communist ideology of not allowing a person property and on.

The fact is the right was simply the movement to maintain the Jewish feudal regime of the Jewish Church and nobility who own everyone else as property which is Jewish the Goyim are property. That is why calling National Socialism right wing is as strange as calling the Founding Fathers rightwing. They were all Leftists of their time. The fact the Jews call them rightwing shows how far the Jews have shifted things. Then the Jews have taken over the current right as well.

Aquarius said:
[ I thought socialism was the same thing as communism?

This is true in reality there is no such thing as right or left wing it is just jew machiavellli tactics (which they get from their repitialian parents) confusing gentiles there is just Natural Order way of the Tao as taoists put it i.e way of nature which in its true essence is National Socialism.
Hail Hitler
Hail Himmler
Hail Satan

Thank you for that and my apologies for for taking so long to reply. Long hours at work and the need to complete meditation and Final RTR always takes precedence.

You know the deal. Just wanted to respect you and take the time to reply properly instead of just rushing something through.

I think we SS are a different breed. And everything you said is spot on true.

I have problems with my relationships but the book. 'Men are from Mars Women are from Venus.' Has helped me understand better.

I always see girls chirping away and In my opinion that is the norm. But it's true we are all different and you do get quiet girls as well.

I was with a maintenance free quiet girl before for 12 years. It was amazing the space and freedom I had.

The girl I'm seeing now fills the description that was given in the book, 'Men are from Mars Women are from Venus.' And that has helped me a lot.

So the book helps with the majority but there's always exceptions.

Still waters run deep.....

With society so programmed and still a little under the enemies spells I think it's better to keep quiet and fly under the radar.

I always think aye I need to look after myself here. Speaking up could go bad for me and not help.

Remember Satans warning that you do not know what those without might do.

What's important is that we keep safe so that we can continue doing the 'Final RTR' every single day.

Cheers TAOL.

We've all got different personalities. So what applies here may not apply there.

I agree and thank you for that

And I think that that is BS.

Growing up I was a very reserved person. I didnt let anyone get close to me despite me being more of an emotional person compared to the average. There were things that I didnt speak about or communicate and there are still things that I wont say.

But this shutting up pretending nothing is wrong actually makes people unstable.

Unappreciated advice is annoying on BOTH sides. There is no 'oh a girl always has to give advice'. Even men can do this.

But the true genius lies in knowing when to give it and when not to and other times only when asked. And it doesnt matter if youre a male or female for that matter.[/quote]

There was already a feminist movement in the German Empire (1871-1918). The women back then wanted to do sports, drugs, politics and kill animals :lol: . Apparently there were also attempts to get the women into the military. The following is just one of many postcards of that series.


Looks as if they even promoted miscegenation in the colonies. Probably in order to christianize the natives. :x


Krshna said in the Bhagavad Gita that among all the forms of sex, he is represented by the form of sex that people have to get valuable offspring. This was the most important thing in the past. Modern jewish materialism and hyper-individualism makes people focus only on themselves and their own amusement, not on the future generations and the health of their race. It is well known that marriages of convenience last longer and result in more children than "hormonal marriages". People who are too controlled by their passions will lose interest in a partner faster once the first feelings of euphoria in the relationship are replaced by routine. Note there are three qualities of all things: Tamas (darkness / ignorance), Rajas (passion / fervor) and Sattva (purity / virtue). Tamas leads to degradation, Rajas leads to stagnation and Sattva leads to elevation. Most humans are beings of Rajas, condemmed to stagnate in the wheel of reincarnation as humans. Those who live in Tamas are reincarnated as animals, plants, minerals, or other beings "lower" than humans. Those who live in Sattva reincarnate as Gods or servants of the Gods on their divine planets.

Women and men are very different spiritually. Men are strategical thinkers, women tactical thinkers. A strategy is something rigid that has been actively planned. A tactic is something intuitive that can come out of the blue. In a heterosexual marriage that is meant to last long and result in good offspring the woman must serve to the man in the way that she supports him in his long term ambitions and goals. A real man always has such ambitions and they are good. Women don't have these ambitions in the same way. Men = active principle, Women = passive principle. Among most kinds of higher animals it's actually the female that chooses the male (or many males), so real men should have the biological urge to prove themselves worthy of existence and real women should be able to spot these men, prefer and support them in the right way. This is not just a recent development in society, it is the natural state. It's just so that over the last centuries women were opressed by men thanks to abrahamic religion. Bad men could pick good women and mankind became worse and worse. Both genders have been lowerd and cursed to make caricatures of themselves.

Many people of both genders seem to have ridiculous standards when it comes to dating, sex and love. Those relationship coaches who make big money on the confused Gentiles in most cases can't even have a proper relationship themselves.
It's suggested everywhere on the (((media))) that you have to be in a relationship or you are not complete, that it's good to sleep with as many people as possible, to be greedy and exploit your partner and so on.

Many young men these days are so depressed because they can't have a girlfriend. They feel like bullied by society as a whole thanks to this media brainwash. Women at the same time wonder why they can't find a good man that actually fulfills their demands. Why? Because many girls in this modern society are raised into being spoiled and greedy bitches who think they just DESERVE simply because they are so cute and beautiful. Okay, boys as well by now but I think this is worse with girls. They are not taught any more how things really work because that would be hate speech. In our old fairy tales this was different. In the most famous fairy tale about Frau Holle (Lilith/Kali) there are two step sisters, one lazy and one tedious. Of course the tedious one gets rewarded by Frau Holle with pure gold while the lazy one gets a bucket of tar over her head (the word "Pech" in German means "tar" and "bad luck", y'know like treating criminals with tar and feathers).
LaconicLion said:
Message didn't go through for some reason. Anyway the gist of what I wanted to say to The Alchemist7:

- Why constantly insult and undermine yourself? This is almost like cursing yourself. Which ensures you remain in the same shitty state.
This happens with people when they feel ostracized from the society even if they know is their fault for this.

LaconicLion said:
- Instead affirm what you want like 'I am exceptionally attractive, charismatic, and sociable.'
I heard a good way of doing this is to repet 40x an afirmation like this just before falling asleep because then the subconscious mind is more active.

LaconicLion said:
Make time for meditation. Commit to it and you will find time.
I already did. HP Mageson helped me a lot with those messages to start again meditating. I restarted doing Kundalini Yoga and other basic meditations. Thank you for the advices.
Everywhere I go I note men with their women. This ideal that young men can't get a relationship because women are different now and its not their fault for having poor social skills and not being presentable is a joke. Some of the worst men all have chicks on their arms.... Because they have no problem talking to them and presenting themselves. Get off this its never the guys fault he can't get a guuurllllfriend cause society.

Since your repeating a lot of Varg's talking points take Varg as an example the dude spends most of his life in jail for being a psycho who stabbed his friend to death in a fight over a contract and still finds some woman to live with him in his brick shack with a sawdust shitter and welfare level of existence. Varg is like the anti MGTOW.

If Varg can get a women any guy could get a women.
Aquarius said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Marxism is the Jewish take on Socialism which amounts to imposing the Torah on the Gentiles. If they didn't create something to absorb the Socialism movements their capitalist shekel industry was going to be out of business.

The ideal of health care, debt free currency, constitutionalism, returning the fruits of peoples labour to them, workers benefits, public education and free energy and such are all Socialist ideology. The National Socialists brought such into being. In the West because the Jews know the Gentiles don't like capitalism they only offer Communism as the solution and promote the ideal that Marxism is all Socialism is. Many on the Left pretend National Socialism is some far right ideology because the Jews want to maintain this divided within the Left. Marx was driven off by many Socialists on the left in the First International who understood he was an agent of the Jewish Banksters. You had other thinkers who wrote against the Communist ideology of not allowing a person property and on.

The fact is the right was simply the movement to maintain the Jewish feudal regime of the Jewish Church and nobility who own everyone else as property which is Jewish the Goyim are property. That is why calling National Socialism right wing is as strange as calling the Founding Fathers rightwing. They were all Leftists of their time. The fact the Jews call them rightwing shows how far the Jews have shifted things. Then the Jews have taken over the current right as well.

Aquarius said:
[ I thought socialism was the same thing as communism?
Wow you opened my mind with this writing, I thought communism and socialism were the same thing with different names. Thank you so much.

Socialism on it's own without Nationalism cannot exist. Personally the singular glorification of Socialism without the Nationalism in it, I do not think has ever been useful. As for the socialism on it's own it's just empty promises as without state and national and racial identity it simply does not exist, and all it's 'humanist' and 'free' ideals just become a bad of shit like forced equalization of everything for 'everyone'.

Socialism in the state of statelessness and without a Nation is just an ideology waiting to be seized by kikes. Then they use it as a cloth to push Communism. Lenin has stated Socialism is just the stepping stone towards Communism simply because like Marx he had the same plan of corrosion. They cannot corrupt everyone from the right with the Capitalism promises, so they take the Socialism promises, and equally do the same deceitful work.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Marxism is the Jewish take on Socialism which amounts to imposing the Torah on the Gentiles. If they didn't create something to absorb the Socialism movements their capitalist shekel industry was going to be out of business.

The ideal of health care, debt free currency, constitutionalism, returning the fruits of peoples labour to them, workers benefits, public education and free energy and such are all Socialist ideology. The National Socialists brought such into being. In the West because the Jews know the Gentiles don't like capitalism they only offer Communism as the solution and promote the ideal that Marxism is all Socialism is. Many on the Left pretend National Socialism is some far right ideology because the Jews want to maintain this divided within the Left. Marx was driven off by many Socialists on the left in the First International who understood he was an agent of the Jewish Banksters. You had other thinkers who wrote against the Communist ideology of not allowing a person property and on.

The fact is the right was simply the movement to maintain the Jewish feudal regime of the Jewish Church and nobility who own everyone else as property which is Jewish the Goyim are property. That is why calling National Socialism right wing is as strange as calling the Founding Fathers rightwing. They were all Leftists of their time. The fact the Jews call them rightwing shows how far the Jews have shifted things. Then the Jews have taken over the current right as well.
Wow you opened my mind with this writing, I thought communism and socialism were the same thing with different names. Thank you so much.

Socialism on it's own without Nationalism cannot exist. Personally the singular glorification of Socialism without the Nationalism in it, I do not think has ever been useful. As for the socialism on it's own it's just empty promises as without state and national and racial identity it simply does not exist, and all it's 'humanist' and 'free' ideals just become a bad of shit like forced equalization of everything for 'everyone'.

Socialism in the state of statelessness and without a Nation is just an ideology waiting to be seized by kikes. Then they use it as a cloth to push Communism. Lenin has stated Socialism is just the stepping stone towards Communism simply because like Marx he had the same plan of corrosion. They cannot corrupt everyone from the right with the Capitalism promises, so they take the Socialism promises, and equally do the same deceitful work.
that makes a lot of sense, thanks.
SS322 said:

There was already a feminist movement in the German Empire (1871-1918). The women back then wanted to do sports, drugs, politics and kill animals :lol: . Apparently there were also attempts to get the women into the military. The following is just one of many postcards of that series.


Looks as if they even promoted miscegenation in the colonies. Probably in order to christianize the natives. :x


Krshna said in the Bhagavad Gita that among all the forms of sex, he is represented by the form of sex that people have to get valuable offspring. This was the most important thing in the past. Modern jewish materialism and hyper-individualism makes people focus only on themselves and their own amusement, not on the future generations and the health of their race. It is well known that marriages of convenience last longer and result in more children than "hormonal marriages". People who are too controlled by their passions will lose interest in a partner faster once the first feelings of euphoria in the relationship are replaced by routine. Note there are three qualities of all things: Tamas (darkness / ignorance), Rajas (passion / fervor) and Sattva (purity / virtue). Tamas leads to degradation, Rajas leads to stagnation and Sattva leads to elevation. Most humans are beings of Rajas, condemmed to stagnate in the wheel of reincarnation as humans. Those who live in Tamas are reincarnated as animals, plants, minerals, or other beings "lower" than humans. Those who live in Sattva reincarnate as Gods or servants of the Gods on their divine planets.

Women and men are very different spiritually. Men are strategical thinkers, women tactical thinkers. A strategy is something rigid that has been actively planned. A tactic is something intuitive that can come out of the blue. In a heterosexual marriage that is meant to last long and result in good offspring the woman must serve to the man in the way that she supports him in his long term ambitions and goals. A real man always has such ambitions and they are good. Women don't have these ambitions in the same way. Men = active principle, Women = passive principle. Among most kinds of higher animals it's actually the female that chooses the male (or many males), so real men should have the biological urge to prove themselves worthy of existence and real women should be able to spot these men, prefer and support them in the right way. This is not just a recent development in society, it is the natural state. It's just so that over the last centuries women were opressed by men thanks to abrahamic religion. Bad men could pick good women and mankind became worse and worse. Both genders have been lowerd and cursed to make caricatures of themselves.

Many people of both genders seem to have ridiculous standards when it comes to dating, sex and love. Those relationship coaches who make big money on the confused Gentiles in most cases can't even have a proper relationship themselves.
It's suggested everywhere on the (((media))) that you have to be in a relationship or you are not complete, that it's good to sleep with as many people as possible, to be greedy and exploit your partner and so on.

Many young men these days are so depressed because they can't have a girlfriend. They feel like bullied by society as a whole thanks to this media brainwash. Women at the same time wonder why they can't find a good man that actually fulfills their demands. Why? Because many girls in this modern society are raised into being spoiled and greedy bitches who think they just DESERVE simply because they are so cute and beautiful. Okay, boys as well by now but I think this is worse with girls. They are not taught any more how things really work because that would be hate speech. In our old fairy tales this was different. In the most famous fairy tale about Frau Holle (Lilith/Kali) there are two step sisters, one lazy and one tedious. Of course the tedious one gets rewarded by Frau Holle with pure gold while the lazy one gets a bucket of tar over her head (the word "Pech" in German means "tar" and "bad luck", y'know like treating criminals with tar and feathers).
the bhagavad gita is corrupted, human sould dont reincarnate in plants, animals or whatever, they reincarnate in other humans
HP Mageson666 said:
Everywhere I go I note men with their women. This ideal that young men can't get a relationship because women are different now and its not their fault for having poor social skills and not being presentable is a joke. Some of the worst men all have chicks on their arms.... Because they have no problem talking to them and presenting themselves. Get off this its never the guys fault he can't get a guuurllllfriend cause society.

Since your repeating a lot of Varg's talking points take Varg as an example the dude spends most of his life in jail for being a psycho who stabbed his friend to death in a fight over a contract and still finds some woman to live with him in his brick shack with a sawdust shitter and welfare level of existence. Varg is like the anti MGTOW.

If Varg can get a women any guy could get a women.

Not sure if your reply was directed at me.

Varg's haters like "Old Prussian Warrior Ov Chaos" and "Thulean Inperspective" have claimed for some time now that Varg's wife Marie Cachet has natural dark hair and dies it blond. Not that this would be such a terrible thing by itself but I remeber when I still followed Varg the comment section was always full of agitation between southern and northern Europeans against each other based on these racial things. So how much of a hypocrit is he really? His oldest daughter Rebekka Sievertsen doesn't seem to take traditional family values very serious.



Sorry for dissing you again, Varg! You shouldn't have banned me from your channel. :twisted:

It's obviously the boys' fault when they think they are entitled to just take a woman like the xtians and mudslimes who get them sort of handed over by their social structures. I feel like the jewish thoughtforms try to make sure that followers of the abrahamic religions stay loyal to their own abrahamic group and always make enough babies to sacrifice for the kikes. I don't recall meeting any couple of a Pagan and a xtian or Pagan and muslim or even Satanist and any of those. Xtians and muslims yes. Pagans and Pagans yes. But never abrahamic and non-abrahamic (unless westerners race mix with Asians and Hindus which makes the jewish thoughtform just as happy). For me this is a difficulty in dating and love issues. Some day I'd like to have a lasting relationship to a woman but I'm afraid most women would be disturbed by my religious and political views. In the past I tried to get a girlfriend (that was out of my reach) and was unhappy because I had none but by now I grew up a lot and think that was foolish. Anyways I have no problem talking to girls and I could have a girlfriend if I'd really want. I just don't want a relationship that much at the moment because I have so many other interests and I'm picky with women myself (Venus in Virgo in my birth chart). My hand lines also say that I will have to wait a few years as well before I get into a fulfilling relationship. This was one of the things that calmed me the most about my relationship worries: My hand lines. Chiromancy for the win!

Did we have women like these in the past or are they new? Are people like them (no matter which gender) a repeating problem or is this a new thing?

Okay, they have been fooled but why was it possible to fool them and why don't they wake up now?

Some more differences between women and men:

Woman = earth and matter, the soil from which new life grows
Man = sun and spirit, the seed that sparks life

Up until a few centuries ago people where much more aware of these spiritual, as well as the obvious physical differences between the two biological genders. Why do you think the early feminists from Germany put so much attention to sports and drugs in those post cards? Back then these things were not regarded as good for women. Getting pregnant means the end of the carreer for sportswomen. Drugs harm women's reprodcution more because while men produce new sperm all the time, the woman is born with a limited amount of egg cells that are not replenished. Once the DNA in those egg cells is spoiled and poisoned it stays like that while men have better chance to regain potency after a thorough faste/detox and even if the men back then were drinking and smoking their little tadpoles to death, this just meant less rivals for the other men. They sure didn't complain about that. While the woman can only pregant once a year, the man can get many women pregant in a short time. A farmer plants thousands of seeds a day but the field can only be harvested once a year.


Sator = sower (Saturnus = God of agriculture)
Arepo = a personal name
tenet = holds
opera = laboriously
rotas = the wheels

Arepo may be related with Anrpah / Anrpo in Sanskrit which means without king, y'know, like SATAN AMALEK who is without king because he's the king of kings. Vishnu also holds the Sudarshana Chakra (wheel of good sight; note that the solar chakra is linked to the eyesight as the seven chakras are also the seven senses).
I guess the point a convicted murdered who lives in a brick shack with a sawdust toilet and lives on welfare can get a woman with ease, so much for the whining that its impossible to get a gurrrllllfriend…. Was over your head there.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
