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Numerology - "The Core Meanings Of Basic Numbers" 1-10

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
BlackEagle666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
5. The five elements, union, connection, eros, shape and form, beauty, splendor, balance, harmony
In this case does the word ''eros'' literally mean ''love'' or is it allegorical? Would that mean the number 5 is good in love works?
[ by the way, on the page you created about numerology ( which is superb ), I noticed a gramatically mistake at number 3. It says ''Posidon, Zeus, Hades ''. I believe is ''Poseidon''. ]

Thank you. I am sorry for mistakes, will correct them. Even if minor, none should exist.

Eros, is a dual term. You can make some research for it. It is something "more" than simply a "sexual" or "love" bond, but it can also have this character. 5 is generally related to Venus and all that has to do with Venus. It's great to use for all these types of workings associated with Venus, especially Spiritual workings. [More of this is the next updates].
But how would you use this? Like doing 5 affirmation and/or using multiple of 5 in a Venus working? For example 10 has still the power of the number 5?

I usually use 8,9 or 10 for my workings. 9 more for cleaning and ending type of workings. Of course for vibrations I do 216, 100, 36, 72 and so on. Numbers that have been recommended for years here. I guess they have different properties?
Thank you for the amazing, clarifying post, and much gratitude to Lord Beelzebul and Azazel for this knowledge. It is an interesting occurrence that I managed to understand most of the mystical meanings behind the majority of these numbers.

I, however, have a question regarding potentially not so Satanic numbers, too, as I see them all the time to the extent of slight paranoia.

I see the number forty-two (I don't want to type it in numbers) at least 20 times a day, as well as 24, 1124, 1142, 1024, 1042, every, goddamn day for years now. Even my family thinks wtf at how often the number forty-two comes up, when I'm around.

It has come to the point where I only use analog clocks, I cover anything with moving numbers in my house with a cloth, I physically look away once the microwave hits 43 seconds, and I don't touch the desktop taskbar at xx:41 for a few minutes (and yet I still get hit with it whenever I'm not actively trying to avoid it).

Is me getting bombed with that number just spiritual harassment from the enemy, or did these numbers actually mean something particular way back in Pagan times?

Thanks again for the original post, and I'm strongly looking forward to future updates.
Which numbers do you recommend for a working to increase one’s wisdom? I am wanting to use the mantra Aim Sarasvataye Svaha.
Many thanks HP. I have been curious about numerology but my searches have been cautious because of the reasons you mentioned. Can't wait to hear more and joyfully read through expansions upon this subject. Many thanks to Azazel as well.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Numerology is important for any aspiring occultist, and it is necessary to know the properties of numbers to progress spiritually in your workings. In this section, you will find information about the numbers.

Most of this information circulating the web, is based on Hebrew sources and has been quite inaccurate, with clear information hardly existing. Some of it, is not only inaccurate, but terrible and should be avoided at all costs. "Angelic numbers" and the like are in this category of foul abominations that the enemy has created.

After very elaborate research and practice, only the real properties of numbers will be shared here, which, contrary to many sources that have a lot of corrupted elements, will begin from "Basic", all the way towards the "Advanced" section. The basic section is the beginning of this.

This section should be credited to Azazel first and foremost. The Joy of Satan is strongly under the overseeing of Azazel. Beelzebul has helped considerably to fulfill this work, which has been in experimental phase for a few years. Now this knowledge will come out. Both have helped rectify the meaning of numbers and their properties, helping in the rectification of this knowledge so that it contains only true knowledge.

To explain a little about the furthering of the Numerology section [which will happen gradually] pay close attention to how the different Nations followed different numerals. So, a lot of people who write things for example about the "Shape of numbers" are only analyzing surface scrap in most cases, and nothing else.

Certain core properties will be more obvious, some others might require thought on the behalf of the reader, and other properties that you can derive from these properties below are to be given to you by the Gods when the time is right [not for idle thought and juvenile nonsense - but for those who truly understand what is meant here].

Certain words might not make sense, but they will make sense as you progress. The translation and etymology of these words of choice, have been chosen with great care.

Much of what I write, or have written, or new sections, will be built in this way. You must look into it, and depending on what you can derive, you will derive more from it. This is how spiritual material should be read, alternatively, information that is obvious will too serve in itself for the objectives necessitated by it.


Further information will be added soon.

The core properties of numbers

1. The "all", divine monad, undivided, command, the point in infinity, universe, source of creation, primary cause

2. Duality, separation, discord, relationship, creation, destruction, imperfect, positive-negative, first division, the parting

3. Spirit, divinity, trine force, a perfect number, first union, divine/holy trinity, [Ea, Enlil, Anu - Poseidon, Zeus, Hades etc], trinity of the worlds

4. Order, justice, four directions of the physical, the "boundary", four elements without aether, sub-basis of the material world

5. The five elements, union, connection, eros, shape and form, beauty, splendor, balance, harmony

6. Material & Spiritual, connection, life, stability, habituation, karmic, marriage, macrocosmic/microcosmic, cleanliness, virginity

7. Karma, consequence, Goddess Nemesis, purification, the divine scale, defense of the Just, luck, birth of mind

8. Mystery, drive, power, permanence, firm foundation, the hidden sphere, "Divine Mother", supernal justice, Multiplication, "ad infinitum"

9. Finish, the ultimate point, the image, perfection, "the end", coming to closure, the birth/death, power, capstone, peak, completion

10. A key, All in All, fate and karma, an end of path, double union, Universe - Pan, Cosmos, Perfection, The Self-Created one,
"Divine Father", Totality

It is normal to currently have many questions, so you can ask in the comments, but be aware that more clarifications will arrive in the future updates of these sections.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Any info on 146 would be appreciated. In personal experience it's an ill omen, but not sure why.
Very informative. However, I though "the all is not 1". That's a quote from Maxine I remember hearing and I believe it's on the website, too.
Given that 7 has to do with purification. for a Witches Sabbat or any cleaning/purification would it be good to use a multiple of 7 for both the reps and affirmations? I have been using 8 and 9 for cleaning and such.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
BlackEagle666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
5. The five elements, union, connection, eros, shape and form, beauty, splendor, balance, harmony
In this case does the word ''eros'' literally mean ''love'' or is it allegorical? Would that mean the number 5 is good in love works?
[ by the way, on the page you created about numerology ( which is superb ), I noticed a gramatically mistake at number 3. It says ''Posidon, Zeus, Hades ''. I believe is ''Poseidon''. ]

Thank you. I am sorry for mistakes, will correct them. Even if minor, none should exist.

Eros, is a dual term. You can make some research for it. It is something "more" than simply a "sexual" or "love" bond, but it can also have this character. 5 is generally related to Venus and all that has to do with Venus. It's great to use for all these types of workings associated with Venus, especially Spiritual workings. [More of this is the next updates].

I brought up a few years ago how I noticed that the enemy tends to use the number 5 in many mainstream stuff that has to do with "love". From ads to movies. Then I found out 5 is connected to Venus so it all makes sense.

My question is, can the numbers be used for negative outcomes that's connected with the number's opposite properties or would one need to switch numbers to get said outcome. Venus and 5 used for this example. Just curious since I feel like I seen this be the case in regards to the enemy.
Bunny said:
Incredible information! I wonder if this will ever be expanded upon? This is trully divine knowledge.

Yes, of course, it will be expanded upon, and of course, everyone can see their own associations and do further research based on a sound basis now.

Diablo 666 said:
It's make sense ,i been straggling to learn numerology and went so far looking to outside sources, these sources made me lost. thank High Priest

Since you might have read these, then you know for a fact how much GARBAGE and PURE LIES circulate these sources. The research part of this was the most tedious and painful, since the literary garbage has been endless.

At least now next generations of Satanists and everyone can have a good starting point, and not have to read all the literary garbage we had to consume. HPS Maxine has told me before that "Numerology is entirely corrupted" and that she didn't have much time to spend on this [has been working constantly on other topics, and one only has that much of time].

I stayed the course to finish this, albeit it took a long time to rectify it, because you can never really be sure. Corruption here was off the charts.

An example of brutally incoherent nonsense that has nothing to itself, is basically every major "Numerology" site:


The above, is purest garbage in the purest form. People go to these sites, and get completely lost. They have no clue what is going on, and end up more confused than ever before.

Whatever is stated in the Joy of Satan from our work with Azazel, is absolutely true, one will find this by experience and by logic, everyone can also ask their GD's and so on to elaborate on anything they might need further, but the above will be a clear cut guide.

OhNoItsMook said:
Thank you for the amazing, clarifying post, and much gratitude to Lord Beelzebul and Azazel for this knowledge. ...

I see the number forty-two (I don't want to type it in numbers) at least 20 times a day, as well as 24, 1124, 1142, 1024, 1042, every, goddamn day for years now. Even my family thinks wtf at how often the number forty-two comes up, when I'm around.

Is me getting bombed with that number just spiritual harassment from the enemy, or did these numbers actually mean something particular way back in Pagan times?

Thanks again for the original post, and I'm strongly looking forward to future updates.

If you see the number, and then negative things happen, despite of what this number means, it can be a negative number. 42 has a lot of enemy associations [despite of what this number means universally or in general]. Chances are, this can be negative and in this case, indication of a curse or something. Do a lot of cleaning etc, and do your best to ignore it.

luis said:
But how would you use this? Like doing 5 affirmation and/or using multiple of 5 in a Venus working? For example 10 has still the power of the number 5?

I usually use 8,9 or 10 for my workings. 9 more for cleaning and ending type of workings. Of course for vibrations I do 216, 100, 36, 72 and so on. Numbers that have been recommended for years here. I guess they have different properties?

Question 1: Yes, definitely.

Question 2: 8 and 9 are the numbers to go for most workings, they are very powerful, reliable, and will produce results. They also have powers of most other numbers. They are called "complete" and if you pay attention to the ascribed qualities, these are very encompassing for many things.

Charlotte61903 said:
Very informative. However, I though "the all is not 1". That's a quote from Maxine I remember hearing and I believe it's on the website, too.

No, the enemy has corrupted this. The 1 is about the undivided creation and a philosophical concept around the number 1. 1 is related to both part and infinity. From this philosophical concept, the corruption of "One God" came to be, which only has to do with the number 1 as a concept, not the fact of a singular boogieman in the heavens.

Darkpagan666 said:
As a Tarot practitioner, many of these words have intuitively come to mind regarding the numbers. Not all of course, some of the words in some numbers are new. This is really thrilling!

A most beautiful webpage! Fantastic work!

I am very glad to hear this. Yes, for those of you who are actively into meditation, much of this will already have come to you, either through observation, or because Demons have put this knowledge in you.

jbkbmz said:
Thank you. Can we use this to combine the Calendar,,, with the clock, astrology, along with our birthdate, age, our names and their letters,, money, locations ( degrees longitude and latitude, number of people in a group, crowd, coven, nation, etc. I know, I am going "out there",, but,,, the Jews did some of this with 9/11 in a number of ways.

Yes, but be aware, that too much wrong information conflated together [that is a difficult procedure to do] might lead to misleading results more often than it leads to good results.

Satanic Truth said:
When you refer to the "all in all", are you following the same meaning as laid out in the Kybalion?

What does the Kybalion say specifically on this? Chances are, it would be the same thing. I read the Kybalion about 10 years ago. It's along the lines a great book with proper principles in it. It has been ascribed to practicioners of Thoth if I am not mistaken, or other mystics of the Gods. But translation from what I recall has botched the book a lot. Still, a very worthwhile read.

Manofsatan said:
I have a question about the FRTR. On the first phase, with that kind of affirmation, why is it then 3 times, if the intention was to destroy the Hebrew letters.
Secondly why is 3 repititions also acceptable if one is down on time?

On the second phase, which is the Tetragamtton, why is it 10 times, and yet the intention is for destructive purpose.

Lastly on the shattering of Jewish Soul. Why so we have to mention the name just six times. What was the numerations purpose for?

Lastly, uptil now, I am shocked to see 1 has its own properties. Does that mean this is applicable in a working, that one could affirm once if one has the knowledge on how to use the number?

Thank you HP Hoodedcobra666 for this, I wonder why not since but I know it's time for us.


3 and 10 are used because they are very fitting numbers for eradicating these types of influences, the originals which we are destroying are using these and work on this. Likewise, the Shattering the 6 is what this Ritual is about from a numerological perspective.

Of course, 1 has it's own properties. Because it's largely undefined, one is better off doing higher numbers.

RED DAWN said:

Any info on 146 would be appreciated. In personal experience it's an ill omen, but not sure why.

Refer to what has been stated above at 42. This is necessary to also see WHEN this is happening, and the circumstances around this.

GoldenxChild1 said:
Given that 7 has to do with purification. for a Witches Sabbat or any cleaning/purification would it be good to use a multiple of 7 for both the reps and affirmations? I have been using 8 and 9 for cleaning and such.

The 7 is present in the fact this is the "Sabbath". 8 and 9 is perfect for cleaning too, both numbers have all the necessary properties to cause the full indepth purification that is necessary.

Egon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
7. Karma, consequence, Goddess Nemesis

Is Goddess Nemesis a separate being of her own or is she an aspect of Athena? Meaning her karmic justice?

Nemesis is very mysterious as she is a form of the "incarnated" aspect of justice. We are talking about another Goddess here, not Athena. Although, Athena oftentimes can act together with Nemesis.

hailourtruegod said:

My question is, can the numbers be used for negative outcomes that's connected with the number's opposite properties or would one need to switch numbers to get said outcome. Venus and 5 used for this example. Just curious since I feel like I seen this be the case in regards to the enemy.

Absolutely. The enemy does that. For example, they have abused certain numbers to no end, to where they are now associated in a wrong way for many people.

13, for example, has been a number of good luck, same as Friday 13, but now, they have been using Friday 13th as a very negative thing. The Norse saw Friday 13th as a very lucky day. That's one example of how they reverse things.

However, even if the enemy reverses things and lies about them, they seem to follow the proper things themselves. Like jews wouldn't be scared for Friday 13th, because they know it's great. They just tell Gentiles to be afraid of it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bunny said:
Incredible information! I wonder if this will ever be expanded upon? This is trully divine knowledge.

Yes, of course, it will be expanded upon, and of course, everyone can see their own associations and do further research based on a sound basis now.

Diablo 666 said:
It's make sense ,i been straggling to learn numerology and went so far looking to outside sources, these sources made me lost. thank High Priest

Since you might have read these, then you know for a fact how much GARBAGE and PURE LIES circulate these sources. The research part of this was the most tedious and painful, since the literary garbage has been endless.

At least now next generations of Satanists and everyone can have a good starting point, and not have to read all the literary garbage we had to consume. HPS Maxine has told me before that "Numerology is entirely corrupted" and that she didn't have much time to spend on this [has been working constantly on other topics, and one only has that much of time].

I stayed the course to finish this, albeit it took a long time to rectify it, because you can never really be sure. Corruption here was off the charts.

An example of brutally incoherent nonsense that has nothing to itself, is basically every major "Numerology" site:


The above, is purest garbage in the purest form. People go to these sites, and get completely lost. They have no clue what is going on, and end up more confused than ever before.

Whatever is stated in the Joy of Satan from our work with Azazel, is absolutely true, one will find this by experience and by logic, everyone can also ask their GD's and so on to elaborate on anything they might need further, but the above will be a clear cut guide.

OhNoItsMook said:
Thank you for the amazing, clarifying post, and much gratitude to Lord Beelzebul and Azazel for this knowledge. ...

I see the number forty-two (I don't want to type it in numbers) at least 20 times a day, as well as 24, 1124, 1142, 1024, 1042, every, goddamn day for years now. Even my family thinks wtf at how often the number forty-two comes up, when I'm around.

Is me getting bombed with that number just spiritual harassment from the enemy, or did these numbers actually mean something particular way back in Pagan times?

Thanks again for the original post, and I'm strongly looking forward to future updates.

If you see the number, and then negative things happen, despite of what this number means, it can be a negative number. 42 has a lot of enemy associations [despite of what this number means universally or in general]. Chances are, this can be negative and in this case, indication of a curse or something. Do a lot of cleaning etc, and do your best to ignore it.

luis said:
But how would you use this? Like doing 5 affirmation and/or using multiple of 5 in a Venus working? For example 10 has still the power of the number 5?

I usually use 8,9 or 10 for my workings. 9 more for cleaning and ending type of workings. Of course for vibrations I do 216, 100, 36, 72 and so on. Numbers that have been recommended for years here. I guess they have different properties?

Question 1: Yes, definitely.

Question 2: 8 and 9 are the numbers to go for most workings, they are very powerful, reliable, and will produce results. They also have powers of most other numbers. They are called "complete" and if you pay attention to the ascribed qualities, these are very encompassing for many things.

Charlotte61903 said:
Very informative. However, I though "the all is not 1". That's a quote from Maxine I remember hearing and I believe it's on the website, too.

No, the enemy has corrupted this. The 1 is about the undivided creation and a philosophical concept around the number 1. 1 is related to both part and infinity. From this philosophical concept, the corruption of "One God" came to be, which only has to do with the number 1 as a concept, not the fact of a singular boogieman in the heavens.

Darkpagan666 said:
As a Tarot practitioner, many of these words have intuitively come to mind regarding the numbers. Not all of course, some of the words in some numbers are new. This is really thrilling!

A most beautiful webpage! Fantastic work!

I am very glad to hear this. Yes, for those of you who are actively into meditation, much of this will already have come to you, either through observation, or because Demons have put this knowledge in you.

jbkbmz said:
Thank you. Can we use this to combine the Calendar,,, with the clock, astrology, along with our birthdate, age, our names and their letters,, money, locations ( degrees longitude and latitude, number of people in a group, crowd, coven, nation, etc. I know, I am going "out there",, but,,, the Jews did some of this with 9/11 in a number of ways.

Yes, but be aware, that too much wrong information conflated together [that is a difficult procedure to do] might lead to misleading results more often than it leads to good results.

Satanic Truth said:
When you refer to the "all in all", are you following the same meaning as laid out in the Kybalion?

What does the Kybalion say specifically on this? Chances are, it would be the same thing. I read the Kybalion about 10 years ago. It's along the lines a great book with proper principles in it. It has been ascribed to practicioners of Thoth if I am not mistaken, or other mystics of the Gods. But translation from what I recall has botched the book a lot. Still, a very worthwhile read.

Manofsatan said:
I have a question about the FRTR. On the first phase, with that kind of affirmation, why is it then 3 times, if the intention was to destroy the Hebrew letters.
Secondly why is 3 repititions also acceptable if one is down on time?

On the second phase, which is the Tetragamtton, why is it 10 times, and yet the intention is for destructive purpose.

Lastly on the shattering of Jewish Soul. Why so we have to mention the name just six times. What was the numerations purpose for?

Lastly, uptil now, I am shocked to see 1 has its own properties. Does that mean this is applicable in a working, that one could affirm once if one has the knowledge on how to use the number?

Thank you HP Hoodedcobra666 for this, I wonder why not since but I know it's time for us.


3 and 10 are used because they are very fitting numbers for eradicating these types of influences, the originals which we are destroying are using these and work on this. Likewise, the Shattering the 6 is what this Ritual is about from a numerological perspective.

Of course, 1 has it's own properties. Because it's largely undefined, one is better off doing higher numbers.

RED DAWN said:

Any info on 146 would be appreciated. In personal experience it's an ill omen, but not sure why.

Refer to what has been stated above at 42. This is necessary to also see WHEN this is happening, and the circumstances around this.

GoldenxChild1 said:
Given that 7 has to do with purification. for a Witches Sabbat or any cleaning/purification would it be good to use a multiple of 7 for both the reps and affirmations? I have been using 8 and 9 for cleaning and such.

The 7 is present in the fact this is the "Sabbath". 8 and 9 is perfect for cleaning too, both numbers have all the necessary properties to cause the full indepth purification that is necessary.

Egon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
7. Karma, consequence, Goddess Nemesis

Is Goddess Nemesis a separate being of her own or is she an aspect of Athena? Meaning her karmic justice?

Nemesis is very mysterious as she is a form of the "incarnated" aspect of justice. We are talking about another Goddess here, not Athena. Although, Athena oftentimes can act together with Nemesis.

hailourtruegod said:

My question is, can the numbers be used for negative outcomes that's connected with the number's opposite properties or would one need to switch numbers to get said outcome. Venus and 5 used for this example. Just curious since I feel like I seen this be the case in regards to the enemy.

Absolutely. The enemy does that. For example, they have abused certain numbers to no end, to where they are now associated in a wrong way for many people.

13, for example, has been a number of good luck, same as Friday 13, but now, they have been using Friday 13th as a very negative thing. The Norse saw Friday 13th as a very lucky day. That's one example of how they reverse things.

However, even if the enemy reverses things and lies about them, they seem to follow the proper things themselves. Like jews wouldn't be scared for Friday 13th, because they know it's great. They just tell Gentiles to be afraid of it.

HP Hoodedcobra666, I'm always in awe of the time you invest in us. Thank you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Satanic Truth said:
When you refer to the "all in all", are you following the same meaning as laid out in the Kybalion?

What does the Kybalion say specifically on this? Chances are, it would be the same thing. I read the Kybalion about 10 years ago. It's along the lines a great book with proper principles in it. It has been ascribed to practicioners of Thoth if I am not mistaken, or other mystics of the Gods. But translation from what I recall has botched the book a lot. Still, a very worthwhile read.

If I am not mistaken it was written in the early 19th century in English, so luckily translation shouldn't be an issue but it claims to be based on a lost hermetic text and frequently quotes this text.

"The All in all" is described as being the presence of God (the All) in all life and all things. Much Like the nature of Shakespeare is present in the character of Hamlet but Hamlet is not Shakespeare, only a microcosm of Shakespeare and a product of him.
Thank you Cobra, and our Gods/Demons. This is so important. True numerology.
I was getting tired of looking elsewhere.
Now the JoS is much more complete.
Soon you will see an increase in Donations.
there will be updates where you will speak about how to apply all this in astrology?

Wonderful! I have been trying to study numerology for about a year. But unfortunately it is difficult to find correct material.
Is it possible that the tarot is connected to numerology?
The 9 is the Hermit. You say that the 9th is about endings and goals, come to completion, coming to closure, power.
Is it possible to see this with the value of the hermit?
19 combination of 1 and 9 in the tarot is the Sun. 1 the beginning and 9 the completion.
Could a reading of the numbers be done in this way?
Thank you very much.

per sempre Enki
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you, this will be very good for Magic Works. It might be a bit silly to ask now, but - can these numbers be applied to dates? For example 2022? Or is it spiritual? Going on this paradigm, then given the current situation, 2023, 2024 and so on, could be predicted using decimal numbers. Moving to the paradigm of the number two, this can be applied to the current situation. For example, two - destruction. It can also be applied to society, or even to the current chaotic situations.

We can also take as a realistic value the amount of terrible things that have happened in these 2 years, and this is also linked to the number 2 - negativity, destruction, etc.
HP what can you say about the number 111? Even before my initiation, I used to often see this combination and came across rubbish information about "angel numbers" and the decoding of this number in the spirit of "materialization of intention", which did not impress me very much and aroused suspicion. After a while, I did not find an adequate interpretation, except for the one offered by JoS in the form of adding all three numbers 1 + 1 + 1 = 3, but also the number 37 x 3, which also raises even more questions.
Hello, thanks for this information. :D

Regarding the number 7, the Goddess Nemesis... Is it the Goddess Maat or is it just a concept for justice? I am associating these numbers to the houses in my birth chart and the planets that I have there.
Either my posts have went missing or not going through as they are rubbish :D i dont mind any response, i have forgot my email to get the response about posts, i remember some not going through but getting a reason.

Will try find out is it only our HPHC on Mod duty.

Take care.
Thanks HPHC for that my bro.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
... Numerology is important ...

Numbers only have as much power as people associate them with. They do absolutely nothing on their own. What everyone's been finding in numerology is the energy that Humans have tied them with for years. It's just mass thoughtforms that Humans built in history of empowering them with the belief that there was some kind of divine energy to them when the truth is they do absolutely nothing. Numbers have become there own 'religion'.

Ancient Rome had their own numbering system, so did other languages. And am I supposed to believe that entirely different beings on other worlds in their societies use OUR numbering systems? What power are they supposed to have there? How is this relevant to other numbering systems? We've been changing numbers on Earth for eons ever since we learned how to scratch lines on a rock to count. Next you'll be telling me that English is the one true language for all of Humanity because it has some kind of divine meaning behind it.

The enemy uses Human numerology because they know that Humans have tied them with specific things on our world and that we directly connect to them. Because we were the ones who made them to have power in history because we fed the energies of our belief into them that they have any at all. Well, they do now but only because we programmed this into them for over a thousand years.
Hey. I'm wondering if the seemingly random number of 18 being "adult or 'man'" is because 1+8=9, 9 being the number of man. Years ago I read a book about numerology and I've been counting and adding ever since. I'm also hoping someone might have a link for a book or something on Chaldean numerology, an accurate one as said book was admittedly more new age, but got me hooked and I do enjoy being able to ad up letters of names cuz from what I read was quite accurate. Had about a page of.. detail on personality and such on the sum of any name, after adding the numbers of the letters, if I explained that right. So anyway thank you.
Hypatia666 said:
Hello, thanks for this information. :D

Regarding the number 7, the Goddess Nemesis... Is it the Goddess Maat or is it just a concept for justice? I am associating these numbers to the houses in my birth chart and the planets that I have there.

Hello Sister, yes, that is Goddess Maat. A lot of Gods that have been "under the radar", are extremely important. The symbolism here is that of the concept of justice incarnated.

Econatura said:

Wonderful! I have been trying to study numerology for about a year. But unfortunately it is difficult to find correct material.
Is it possible that the tarot is connected to numerology?
The 9 is the Hermit. You say that the 9th is about endings and goals, come to completion, coming to closure, power.
Is it possible to see this with the value of the hermit?
19 combination of 1 and 9 in the tarot is the Sun. 1 the beginning and 9 the completion.
Could a reading of the numbers be done in this way?
Thank you very much.

per sempre Enki

You will see that in most cases except of Major Arcana, the numbers above are indeed represented in association with the Tarot. But the Tarot also has another purpose and formation besides the simple numbers, so the Major Trump cards don't align 1 to 1 with Numerology.

Other SS are more versed on the Tarot than my own research right now [they will do wonderful work, they are preparing major work in that] and then we will examine this together to give out true replies in regards to this. But before this, I am limited to answer anything before the necessary seeking.

SyrArisMarsMartin said:
Thank you Cobra, and our Gods/Demons. This is so important. True numerology.
I was getting tired of looking elsewhere.
Now the JoS is much more complete.
Soon you will see an increase in Donations.

Thank you Brother, we are doing very serious work. There will be also some other missing sections I will update with the research that I do, and this will be exactly like an Ancient Philosophical school where people can have engagement in all important disciplines.

A lot of things are missing and we are constantly evolving on wards and upwards. Some articles that are coming will blow your mind, as I know you are a fan of Ancient Greek philosophical thought too.

Cabrun13 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
... Numerology is important ...

Numbers only have as much power as people associate them with. They do absolutely nothing on their own. What everyone's been finding in numerology is the energy that Humans have tied them with for years. It's just mass thoughtforms that Humans built in history of empowering them with the belief that there was some kind of divine energy to them when the truth is they do absolutely nothing. Numbers have become there own 'religion'.

Ancient Rome had their own numbering system, so did other languages. And am I supposed to believe that entirely different beings on other worlds in their societies use OUR numbering systems?

What power are they supposed to have there? How is this relevant to other numbering systems? We've been changing numbers on Earth for eons ever since we learned how to scratch lines on a rock to count.

The universal concept of "1 or 2", albeit changing in symbolized form, is a universal concept. The existence of "one atom" and things such as these, are not "human thought-forms", they are true in physics, subatomic physics and so on. When observed, these formations exist, despite of how names given, and snowflakes or other patterns exist.

The fact we have named "6" a number of protons, is because 6 represents and is what it is. We represent this with the glyph of 6 now, before it was IV, but it was always meaning "six". You could carve on rocks, and mean again, 6, with six separated lines, or another system, but the underlying meaning is still the number 6, you did not create this, it existed in snowflakes, in the formation of the Carbon atom, and in the universe.

Cabrun13 said:
Next you'll be telling me that English is the one true language for all of Humanity because it has some kind of divine meaning behind it.

I won't, that's your own strawman argument, you talking to yourself. In fact however, there are some spiritual concepts underlying in English, that have survived from previous languages that led to it's creation, but it's minimal.

Cabrun13 said:
The enemy uses Human numerology because they know that Humans have tied them with specific things on our world and that we directly connect to them. Because we were the ones who made them to have power in history because we fed the energies of our belief into them that they have any at all. Well, they do now but only because we programmed this into them for over a thousand years.

Wrong, in the same way, there is no "personal opinion" to physics and science, personal opinions of a mass of humans do not amount here either, in other words, they use what they use, only partly due to public association, and in full awareness of what these things mean in their deepest essence, which is explained very clearly in the primary post. The underlying universe and science behind it is as it is.

The concept of number, is also universal and even understood by animals that cannot count and do not have a mental system of explain this. Ravens and other creatures can count, but they don't have a language for this.

Ducks also know "how many" ducklings they have, even if they don't call it "Four", because they know the essence of this which is really what we refer to as "Four" and not "Three". If they see one is missing, they go to seek it and so on. And they don't know of a "Numbering system".


I know you are an old infiltrator and you are here to parade in another account, but just because of your buffoon replies. That aside, you can accept or not accept anything, but don't come here to waste our time because of the repetitive neuroticism of making account after account to argue and pretend others at at your own level of lacking understanding, because nobody is.

Hypatia666 said:
Hello, thanks for this information. :D

Regarding the number 7, the Goddess Nemesis... Is it the Goddess Maat or is it just a concept for justice? I am associating these numbers to the houses in my birth chart and the planets that I have there.

Yes, of course, that is Goddess Maat. The symbolism here is that of the concept of justice in the universe.

BrightSpace666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you, this will be very good for Magic Works. It might be a bit silly to ask now, but - can these numbers be applied to dates? For example 2022? Or is it spiritual? Going on this paradigm, then given the current situation, 2023, 2024 and so on, could be predicted using decimal numbers. Moving to the paradigm of the number two, this can be applied to the current situation. For example, two - destruction. It can also be applied to society, or even to the current chaotic situations.

We can also take as a realistic value the amount of terrible things that have happened in these 2 years, and this is also linked to the number 2 - negativity, destruction, etc.

While adding numbers can give you some information, they cannot tell you definitive for this year. Planets and other things have to be looked into as well.

balo666 said:
there will be updates where you will speak about how to apply all this in astrology?

The houses themselves tell you a lot about this, because the houses are numbered. There are correlations between the two [not totally, but indirectly]. But yes, there could be an explanation on further additions of the Numerology section.

Bogow said:
HP what can you say about the number 111? Even before my initiation, I used to often see this combination and came across rubbish information about "angel numbers" and the decoding of this number in the spirit of "materialization of intention", which did not impress me very much and aroused suspicion. After a while, I did not find an adequate interpretation, except for the one offered by JoS in the form of adding all three numbers 1 + 1 + 1 = 3, but also the number 37 x 3, which also raises even more questions.

The 111 is strong connected to the Trinity, an elongated form of the power of 1. This is why it's also present in the Sun Square.

Satanic Truth said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Satanic Truth said:
When you refer to the "all in all", are you following the same meaning as laid out in the Kybalion?

What does the Kybalion say specifically on this? Chances are, it would be the same thing. I read the Kybalion about 10 years ago. It's along the lines a great book with proper principles in it. It has been ascribed to practicioners of Thoth if I am not mistaken, or other mystics of the Gods. But translation from what I recall has botched the book a lot. Still, a very worthwhile read.

If I am not mistaken it was written in the early 19th century in English, so luckily translation shouldn't be an issue but it claims to be based on a lost hermetic text and frequently quotes this text.

"The All in all" is described as being the presence of God (the All) in all life and all things. Much Like the nature of Shakespeare is present in the character of Hamlet but Hamlet is not Shakespeare, only a microcosm of Shakespeare and a product of him.

Thank you, hopefully, I will get the Kybalion again [I'll try to find the most proper one] but from what I recall, it's a very good book for the basic underlying hermetic concepts, and it's a very good read no matter which one you get. Number is strongly correlated into what the Kybalion describes.

Manofsatan said:

HP Hoodedcobra666, I'm always in awe of the time you invest in us. Thank you.

Thank you, I appreciate the understanding of this. I am very glad to see you are a true lover of knowledge.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I know you are an old infiltrator and you are here to parade in another account, but just because of your buffoon replies. That aside, you can accept or not accept anything, but don't come here to waste our time because of the repetitive neuroticism of making account after account to argue and pretend others at at your own level of lacking understanding, because nobody is.

At HP.Cobra ever considered making a troll-infiltrator section.

For the trolls and infiltrators for the anti-JoSers and anti-life and anti-Gentile and anti-existence people post here and you'll get your questions answered.

I know that a lot of these infiltrator types are probably NazBol or occultist trying to find information. I mean JoS already has a pretty open system it's kinda like open-source vs closed-source proprietary.

But it seems like we need a section maybe have mods move threads to the troll/infiltrator forums.

Trolling/Infiltration Forum - Any and all infiltrator/Trolls can have their answers answered by people who wish to spend time on you. Don't consider yourself a special snowflake for being answered. Also have forum posts pinned that explain basic stuff and whatnot so we don't get repetitive trolls/infiltrators at least it answers their question directly.

Frankly I like trolls and infiltrators nothing gets me up but a good rousing debate like Hitler's Ford edition of Mein Kampf both the Dugdale '36 and Dr.Dalton '39 omit this property. I know Ford edition is academically lambasted by Dalton but it should still be read by gaining cross-referencing information.

13. Basically to paraphrase: If as a National Socialist(AND Spiritual Satanists) your not being attacked, lambasted, bombarded with hatred and receiving political ire from all the idiots including the judenpresse and msm mockingbird media. Your not a real National Socialist.

Which is funny because Hitler in Dr.Dalton used the communists for propaganda purposes he used the very communist presses and juden presses to support the National Socialist he used them to gain free promotion.

Basically Hitler calculated if the Commies keep talking smack about the NS and talking about how ebil, debil they are eventually people will go "If the great ultra-communist unstoppable unconquerable commies are afraid of a small nationalist force. Then WTF is so special about communism if they are afraid of a small group of people. Let me visit these NS and investigate their political diatribe and eventually they are like "OMFG Hitler/NS is correct, eat shit and die commies".

Anyways do you think we should have a troll/infiltrator forum post whereby our members can focus on that. Many times infiltrators and trolls hide behind various postings on the main general and other sections and often go unabashed without anyone countering them.

Sometimes some of the trolls and infiltrators that are corrupted but mean well get turned around and become NS/SS personnel. I recall a few people stating they used to be a lurker or troll or used to laugh at JoS and then eventually they stopped laughing and realized the gravitas of the situation.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hello Sister, yes, that is Goddess Maat. A lot of Gods that have been "under the radar", are extremely important. The symbolism here is that of the concept of justice incarnated.

Thank you, I love that Goddess!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Numerology is important for any aspiring occultist, and it is necessary to know the properties of numbers to progress spiritually in your workings. In this section, you will find information about the numbers.

Most of this information circulating the web, is based on Hebrew sources and has been quite inaccurate, with clear information hardly existing. Some of it, is not only inaccurate, but terrible and should be avoided at all costs. "Angelic numbers" and the like are in this category of foul abominations that the enemy has created.

After very elaborate research and practice, only the real properties of numbers will be shared here, which, contrary to many sources that have a lot of corrupted elements, will begin from "Basic", all the way towards the "Advanced" section. The basic section is the beginning of this.

This section should be credited to Azazel first and foremost. The Joy of Satan is strongly under the overseeing of Azazel. Beelzebul has helped considerably to fulfill this work, which has been in experimental phase for a few years. Now this knowledge will come out. Both have helped rectify the meaning of numbers and their properties, helping in the rectification of this knowledge so that it contains only true knowledge.

To explain a little about the furthering of the Numerology section [which will happen gradually] pay close attention to how the different Nations followed different numerals. So, a lot of people who write things for example about the "Shape of numbers" are only analyzing surface scrap in most cases, and nothing else.

Certain core properties will be more obvious, some others might require thought on the behalf of the reader, and other properties that you can derive from these properties below are to be given to you by the Gods when the time is right [not for idle thought and juvenile nonsense - but for those who truly understand what is meant here].

Certain words might not make sense, but they will make sense as you progress. The translation and etymology of these words of choice, have been chosen with great care.

Much of what I write, or have written, or new sections, will be built in this way. You must look into it, and depending on what you can derive, you will derive more from it. This is how spiritual material should be read, alternatively, information that is obvious will too serve in itself for the objectives necessitated by it.


Further information will be added soon.

The core properties of numbers

1. The "all", divine monad, undivided, command, the point in infinity, universe, source of creation, primary cause

2. Duality, separation, discord, relationship, creation, destruction, imperfect, positive-negative, first division, the parting

3. Spirit, divinity, trine force, a perfect number, first union, divine/holy trinity, [Ea, Enlil, Anu - Poseidon, Zeus, Hades etc], trinity of the worlds

4. Order, justice, four directions of the physical, the "boundary", four elements without aether, sub-basis of the material world

5. The five elements, union, connection, eros, shape and form, beauty, splendor, balance, harmony

6. Material & Spiritual, connection, life, stability, habituation, karmic, marriage, macrocosmic/microcosmic, cleanliness, virginity

7. Karma, consequence, Goddess Nemesis, purification, the divine scale, defense of the Just, luck, birth of mind

8. Mystery, drive, power, permanence, firm foundation, the hidden sphere, "Divine Mother", supernal justice, Multiplication, "ad infinitum"

9. Finish, the ultimate point, the image, perfection, "the end", coming to closure, the birth/death, power, capstone, peak, completion

10. A key, All in All, fate and karma, an end of path, double union, Universe - Pan, Cosmos, Perfection, The Self-Created one,
"Divine Father", Totality

It is normal to currently have many questions, so you can ask in the comments, but be aware that more clarifications will arrive in the future updates of these sections.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Awesome. I always felt a great connection with the numbers: 1, 3, 6 and 7.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It is normal to currently have many questions, so you can ask in the comments, but be aware that more clarifications will arrive in the future updates of these sections.
Do the multiples of these numbers (like 12, 18, 27 etc. ) have the same properties as their component factors? For example does 16 have same properties like 8 or 2 or 4, or all numbers have different semnifications?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The core properties of numbers

1. The "all", divine monad, undivided, command, the point in infinity, universe, source of creation, primary cause

2. Duality, separation, discord, relationship, creation, destruction, imperfect, positive-negative, first division, the parting

3. Spirit, divinity, trine force, a perfect number, first union, divine/holy trinity, [Ea, Enlil, Anu - Poseidon, Zeus, Hades etc], trinity of the worlds

4. Order, justice, four directions of the physical, the "boundary", four elements without aether, sub-basis of the material world

5. The five elements, union, connection, eros, shape and form, beauty, splendor, balance, harmony

6. Material & Spiritual, connection, life, stability, habituation, karmic, marriage, macrocosmic/microcosmic, cleanliness, virginity

7. Karma, consequence, Goddess Nemesis, purification, the divine scale, defense of the Just, luck, birth of mind

8. Mystery, drive, power, permanence, firm foundation, the hidden sphere, "Divine Mother", supernal justice, Multiplication, "ad infinitum"

9. Finish, the ultimate point, the image, perfection, "the end", coming to closure, the birth/death, power, capstone, peak, completion

10. A key, All in All, fate and karma, an end of path, double union, Universe - Pan, Cosmos, Perfection, The Self-Created one,
"Divine Father", Totality

It is normal to currently have many questions, so you can ask in the comments, but be aware that more clarifications will arrive in the future updates of these sections.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I haven’t seen anyone mention this but the way these numbers are being interpreted do line-up with something very interesting: Charge (potential energy) and Discharge (kinetic energy)

It’s like breathing. I can see the motion happening in this chart arrangement (which is really all you need to know for magick work anyway)

1: discharge+
2: potential-
3: discharge+
4: potential-
5: discharge+
6: potential-
7: discharge+
8: potential-
9: discharge+
10: potential-

Discharge= stable- lightning to ground- outward spin/inner stillness

Potential= unstable- negative charge in the atmosphere- inward spin/outward stillness

So for example, if you want MAXIMUM potential energy, call upon the even numbers to help propel you forward. If you want MAXIMUM kinetic energy, call upon the odd numbers to help you sustain forward momentum.

666 will be of material help but it will take a LOT of energy to “fill” this request but once you have reached Maximum potential you are Jettisoned forward lightning fast.

999 is of ultimate sustained achievement with Maximum kinetic energy. (Think of getting into the “groove” with something)

So TL;DR whatever “value” or “meaning” you assign these numbers, any combination will have a binary meaning. If your goal is to “start” something, use more even numbers then add odd numbers to keep that movement sustained.

(This is my speculation and my observation seems on point though any contrary input will be evaluated and taken into account at any time.)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bright Truth said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
13 is a great number for general uses. 13 is not a bad number to use so have no doubts about your workings. Unless you used something really wrong that would be "against" Venus, ie, something like 2 or 4, then you should be fine. If your working is spiritual, then 13 is even more fitting.

The 2, 4, 11 and so on being "Satan's Numbers" is disinformation that came from corrupted "Satanism" and Grimoire type of sources, which purposefully put these numbers in relation to Satan.

You may want to edit this page, HP: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satan.html

Due to this excerpt:

His numbers are 13, 666 and 4. [666 is perfection and everlasting life]

4 is a very good number, and I have updated from the previous "2, 4, 11". Especially these numbers as triad are very negative.

Yes, 13, 666 and 4 are Satan's Numbers.

Oh boy.

My numerological numbers are 2, 4, 11, and even 13 before added together up to 4.

What does that mean for me?
My grateful to the Gods for this valuable information! Those who can access this knowledge should feel proud and privileged.

Now the number 108 comes to mind while working with a Mala Bead, what does this number mean when used in protection or abundance meditations for example?

Thanks @HP.Hoodedcobra666

Salve Satán, Salve Azazel!
Hail to you dear HP cobra. amazing post .

and one question what does it mean if we see combinations of these numbers with themselves like : 111,222,333,444.

I often times see these on the clock like : 11:11 , 3:33 , 2:22 . and so on.
Enigmatic_Rabbit said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The core properties of numbers

1. The "all", divine monad, undivided, command, the point in infinity, universe, source of creation, primary cause

2. Duality, separation, discord, relationship, creation, destruction, imperfect, positive-negative, first division, the parting

3. Spirit, divinity, trine force, a perfect number, first union, divine/holy trinity, [Ea, Enlil, Anu - Poseidon, Zeus, Hades etc], trinity of the worlds

4. Order, justice, four directions of the physical, the "boundary", four elements without aether, sub-basis of the material world

5. The five elements, union, connection, eros, shape and form, beauty, splendor, balance, harmony

6. Material & Spiritual, connection, life, stability, habituation, karmic, marriage, macrocosmic/microcosmic, cleanliness, virginity

7. Karma, consequence, Goddess Nemesis, purification, the divine scale, defense of the Just, luck, birth of mind

8. Mystery, drive, power, permanence, firm foundation, the hidden sphere, "Divine Mother", supernal justice, Multiplication, "ad infinitum"

9. Finish, the ultimate point, the image, perfection, "the end", coming to closure, the birth/death, power, capstone, peak, completion

10. A key, All in All, fate and karma, an end of path, double union, Universe - Pan, Cosmos, Perfection, The Self-Created one,
"Divine Father", Totality

It is normal to currently have many questions, so you can ask in the comments, but be aware that more clarifications will arrive in the future updates of these sections.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I haven’t seen anyone mention this but the way these numbers are being interpreted do line-up with something very interesting: Charge (potential energy) and Discharge (kinetic energy)

It’s like breathing. I can see the motion happening in this chart arrangement (which is really all you need to know for magick work anyway)

1: discharge+
2: potential-
3: discharge+
4: potential-
5: discharge+
6: potential-
7: discharge+
8: potential-
9: discharge+
10: potential-

Discharge= stable- lightning to ground- outward spin/inner stillness

Potential= unstable- negative charge in the atmosphere- inward spin/outward stillness

So for example, if you want MAXIMUM potential energy, call upon the even numbers to help propel you forward. If you want MAXIMUM kinetic energy, call upon the odd numbers to help you sustain forward momentum.

666 will be of material help but it will take a LOT of energy to “fill” this request but once you have reached Maximum potential you are Jettisoned forward lightning fast.

999 is of ultimate sustained achievement with Maximum kinetic energy. (Think of getting into the “groove” with something)

So TL;DR whatever “value” or “meaning” you assign these numbers, any combination will have a binary meaning. If your goal is to “start” something, use more even numbers then add odd numbers to keep that movement sustained.

(This is my speculation and my observation seems on point though any contrary input will be evaluated and taken into account at any time.)

Very interesting thoughts, thanks for sharing. Why would you begin to consider from discharge, and not from charge? Please expand on this. Just trying to understand this thought. The 999 as you pointed this here is a very interesting way to see. I do believe an understanding like this has merits.

PharaohLux said:

My numerological numbers are 2, 4, 11, and even 13 before added together up to 4.

What does that mean for me?

Nothing that bad or something crazy. Clearly, everyone can fall into every number. All numbers do have considerable things one must overcome, and there is no "perfect perfection" here. How did you calculate these numbers?

The Alchemist7 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It is normal to currently have many questions, so you can ask in the comments, but be aware that more clarifications will arrive in the future updates of these sections.
Do the multiples of these numbers (like 12, 18, 27 etc. ) have the same properties as their component factors? For example does 16 have same properties like 8 or 2 or 4, or all numbers have different semnifications?

Yes, but the product is also a different number entirely, despite containing something from it's respective elements.

Hypatia666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hello Sister, yes, that is Goddess Maat. A lot of Gods that have been "under the radar", are extremely important. The symbolism here is that of the concept of justice incarnated.

Thank you, I love that Goddess!

I wanted to also clarify, that in the Demon section as it comes, there will be clarifications in regards to everything. Certain Demons from our Demons section do work with other Demons, they are also like working in the same office, for example, Athena is incarnated Justice, and is connected in the powers with Nemesis, but isn't Nemesis. This is also strongly mythological, and quite elaborate. It also has to do with internal workings of the soul itself, and the universe.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I have a question, does it mean that 60/80/90 reps of AUM RA is more appropriate to use to empower the solar Chakra?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Yes, I truly am. I'm thankful to the Gods. I know they led me here.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Very interesting thoughts, thanks for sharing. Why would you begin to consider from discharge, and not from charge? Please expand on this. Just trying to understand this thought. The 999 as you pointed this here is a very interesting way to see. I do believe an understanding like this has merits.

Well, I began at 1 because that's what you began with. If we start at 0 then it would be Potential Energy (charge). Though, I do wonder if the combinations of numbers (like 10, 11, 12, etc) have a *set* charge instead of stacking like with the 999?

I got the whole idea from the Taiji, Yin and Yang and general concepts from Taoism. The Dao (the stillness of breath) is literally 0 while the Dao "in motion" (the first breath) is 1. Charge and Discharge. Stillness and Motion.

From the understanding of how the universe works (via Electric Universe Theory), this is how literally Everything works. Breathing. So in magick workings it Should have the same qualities. From that which birthed the entire universe, so should energy working be the EXACT same. At least in My observations.

It's just a different angle of looking at things. Thought it wise to throw my hat in the ring of opinions. I hope this answered your question and Thank you so much for replaying!
Enigmatic_Rabbit said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


Well, it makes a lot of sense, I think.
One of the quotes that I believe is from Thoth that I have seen somewhere around here is "Life is in the Breath" and that would perfectly tie into the theory of how the universe works, as you mentioned. A basic, maybe the first cosmic rule?
It reminds me a little bit of the 0 and the 1, how we use them in computers because they are the most basic units that we need to make them function. It is amazing that we have this technology with just 0's and 1's, right?
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
