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Numerology - "The Core Meanings Of Basic Numbers" 1-10

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

PharaohLux said:

My numerological numbers are 2, 4, 11, and even 13 before added together up to 4.

What does that mean for me?

Nothing that bad or something crazy. Clearly, everyone can fall into every number. All numbers do have considerable things one must overcome, and there is no "perfect perfection" here. How did you calculate these numbers?

I calculated my numbers by numerology sites, I even did my Chaldean numerology and its number for me is 13 and 4. The 2 and 11 are numbers calculated by basic numerology sites.
Thank you for the clarification, I'm looking forward to it the most after Satan's page update. Also on the identities and relations of Themis and Nike.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hypatia666 said:
Thank you, I love that Goddess!
I wanted to also clarify, that in the Demon section as it comes, there will be clarifications in regards to everything. Certain Demons from our Demons section do work with other Demons, they are also like working in the same office, for example, Athena is incarnated Justice, and is connected in the powers with Nemesis, but isn't Nemesis. This is also strongly mythological, and quite elaborate. It also has to do with internal workings of the soul itself, and the universe.
OhNoItsMook said:
Thank you for the amazing, clarifying post, and much gratitude to Lord Beelzebul and Azazel for this knowledge. It is an interesting occurrence that I managed to understand most of the mystical meanings behind the majority of these numbers.

I, however, have a question regarding potentially not so Satanic numbers, too, as I see them all the time to the extent of slight paranoia.

I see the number forty-two (I don't want to type it in numbers) at least 20 times a day, as well as 24, 1124, 1142, 1024, 1042, every, goddamn day for years now. Even my family thinks wtf at how often the number forty-two comes up, when I'm around.

It has come to the point where I only use analog clocks, I cover anything with moving numbers in my house with a cloth, I physically look away once the microwave hits 43 seconds, and I don't touch the desktop taskbar at xx:41 for a few minutes (and yet I still get hit with it whenever I'm not actively trying to avoid it).

Is me getting bombed with that number just spiritual harassment from the enemy, or did these numbers actually mean something particular way back in Pagan times?

Thanks again for the original post, and I'm strongly looking forward to future updates.

It's important not to get worried or creeped out when seeing these sorts of things. Coincidences do happen, but with that being said it is not necessarily a bad thing. Some time ago I was reading up on gematria and noticed that the name of yhvh is the 10th, 5th, 6th, and 5 letters in the hebrew alphabet. The numbers were just 1 off by my old address and as soon as I thought that, a demon mentioned that it represents a weak spot in their matrix. Your seeing the number 42 is concatenated with the number 10, or 11 could mean a very similar thing, although I personally find 11 to be somewhat chaotic. It could be that you are very active with the rtr's and this is your way of finding out as if getting feedback from the universe. 1024 btw is 2 raised to the 10th power.

Somewhat off topic: 2 and 4 are the letters bet and dalet in hebrew and from what I know about gematria any alternating pattern, or permutation of these two letters/numbers could be a reference to the jewish messiah. The war in Ukraine started on 2/24. Mosiach Ben David has a gematria value or 424, but I have also read that 242 can be a refer to him in certain parts of the torah. 224 is just a permutation of this. IMO the war was started to cause a chain reaction, similar to how the 22 hebrew letters caused 2020 to be such a shit year, to usher in the jewish messiah, or some other catastophic events that would give the jews even more power and control than they already have. I have noticed that in February there can be strange synchronicities based off of repitition, like that first repeating number 11, where time is sort of fractalized. For example; 2/16/2016, or more recently 2/22/2022. The war started just 2 days after that day, and maybe my thinking is being just a bit too binary, but in roughly 2 year, or one Mars cycle of war, there could be an escalation to this war, to the point of a world war, although the way things are going so quickly I don't really see how. We seem to be going above and beyond with these RTR's. I honestly think this could be a year of great victory for us, even I myself have been warned that it will probably be my most difficult to date.
Enigmatic_Rabbit said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Very interesting thoughts, thanks for sharing. Why would you begin to consider from discharge, and not from charge? Please expand on this. Just trying to understand this thought. The 999 as you pointed this here is a very interesting way to see. I do believe an understanding like this has merits.

Well, I began at 1 because that's what you began with. If we start at 0 then it would be Potential Energy (charge). Though, I do wonder if the combinations of numbers (like 10, 11, 12, etc) have a *set* charge instead of stacking like with the 999?

I got the whole idea from the Taiji, Yin and Yang and general concepts from Taoism. The Dao (the stillness of breath) is literally 0 while the Dao "in motion" (the first breath) is 1. Charge and Discharge. Stillness and Motion.

From the understanding of how the universe works (via Electric Universe Theory), this is how literally Everything works. Breathing. So in magick workings it Should have the same qualities. From that which birthed the entire universe, so should energy working be the EXACT same. At least in My observations.

It's just a different angle of looking at things. Thought it wise to throw my hat in the ring of opinions. I hope this answered your question and Thank you so much for replaying!

If i remember the Dao de Jing correctly it states that 3 is the beginning of all things. I don't fully believe this as brevity will always, at least in complex matters, cause more questions to arise than answers. It made me wonder if 3 is the number of space, since that is the first number that space can be enclosed by. 2 points is too little and you only have a line, and 4 is one too many. This has got me thinking; What is the number to time? If 3 is space then time, being pretty close to space, often being called time-space as if they are one, would be 4? The diagram for the root chakra has a point down triangle inside of a square, and is the chakra that represents time, at least in a karmic sense. I don't think it is 4 though, and I hesitate to put any number on it considering how elusive of a concept time is. I was thinking 7 as the perception of time which is not the same thing as time itself, or objective time. I have always felt like the 7 chakras are filters on the way that we experience the passage of time. To try to answer your question though I would assume that 1 is a positive charge, and masculine, and 2 potential and feminine and so on. Your post did get me thinking somewhat with the charges. Like I said with time though, it is something which possibly defies the limitation of quantification through number. There are also some semantical issues that I can seem to get over. For the longest period I always felt 3 was associated with balance, not just because the trine aspect in astrology has been said to be the most harmonious aspect, so balance in that sense, but because of the 3 elements of a scale. I could see why 5 actually is the number of balance simply because it is the midpoint between 1 and 9.
A few questions:

Should we evaluate 2,3 and higher digit numbers by their digital sum?
By their prime factors?
By the combination of numbers used? As an example 17 as a combination of 1 and 7. Using this same number as an example because it is also the sum of the single digit primes 2, 3, 5, and 7, which it is why it is one of my favorite numbers, along with 19, first and the last, but also AI.
I'm sure I'll have more questions soon.
Astralnaut said:
OhNoItsMook said:
Thank you for the amazing, clarifying post, and much gratitude to Lord Beelzebul and Azazel for this knowledge. It is an interesting occurrence that I managed to understand most of the mystical meanings behind the majority of these numbers.

I, however, have a question regarding potentially not so Satanic numbers, too, as I see them all the time to the extent of slight paranoia.

I see the number forty-two (I don't want to type it in numbers) at least 20 times a day, as well as 24, 1124, 1142, 1024, 1042, every, goddamn day for years now. Even my family thinks wtf at how often the number forty-two comes up, when I'm around.

It has come to the point where I only use analog clocks, I cover anything with moving numbers in my house with a cloth, I physically look away once the microwave hits 43 seconds, and I don't touch the desktop taskbar at xx:41 for a few minutes (and yet I still get hit with it whenever I'm not actively trying to avoid it).

Is me getting bombed with that number just spiritual harassment from the enemy, or did these numbers actually mean something particular way back in Pagan times?

Thanks again for the original post, and I'm strongly looking forward to future updates.

It's important not to get worried or creeped out when seeing these sorts of things. Coincidences do happen, but with that being said it is not necessarily a bad thing. Some time ago I was reading up on gematria and noticed that the name of yhvh is the 10th, 5th, 6th, and 5 letters in the hebrew alphabet. The numbers were just 1 off by my old address and as soon as I thought that, a demon mentioned that it represents a weak spot in their matrix. Your seeing the number 42 is concatenated with the number 10, or 11 could mean a very similar thing, although I personally find 11 to be somewhat chaotic. It could be that you are very active with the rtr's and this is your way of finding out as if getting feedback from the universe. 1024 btw is 2 raised to the 10th power.

That's crazy! It's true I've been on the RTRs daily for years, but I always concluded that seeing that number was the enemy trying to get back at me, or something. Because like HPHC mentioned, it often appears when I face some foul luck at the time. Well, it always appears anyway, but it's 100% there whenever something bad happens.

I've done multiple Sabbat cleanings and have never skipped Returning Curses 1 or 2, and I still get the number spam, so I was wondering if it really was a curse or something. I never would've thought the number might be what you described; a vulnerability in their program, instead?

In that case, perhaps I could start perceiving the number as a sign that the RTRs are doing an impactful job. For me, 11 and 10 haven't posed much bad to me personally, probably because I don't know too much about numerology to even know what they represent, lol. But I haven't experienced anything bad from them, at least compared to forty-two (still can't get myself to type the number).

If anything, I'd personally prefer to think of 10 by the meanings described in the original post.

Somewhat off topic: 2 and 4 are the letters bet and dalet in hebrew and from what I know about gematria any alternating pattern, or permutation of these two letters/numbers could be a reference to the jewish messiah. The war in Ukraine started on 2/24. Mosiach Ben David has a gematria value or 424, but I have also read that 242 can be a refer to him in certain parts of the torah. 224 is just a permutation of this. IMO the war was started to cause a chain reaction, similar to how the 22 hebrew letters caused 2020 to be such a shit year, to usher in the jewish messiah, or some other catastophic events that would give the jews even more power and control than they already have. I have noticed that in February there can be strange synchronicities based off of repitition, like that first repeating number 11, where time is sort of fractalized. For example; 2/16/2016, or more recently 2/22/2022. The war started just 2 days after that day, and maybe my thinking is being just a bit too binary, but in roughly 2 year, or one Mars cycle of war, there could be an escalation to this war, to the point of a world war, although the way things are going so quickly I don't really see how. We seem to be going above and beyond with these RTR's. I honestly think this could be a year of great victory for us, even I myself have been warned that it will probably be my most difficult to date.

I've noticed that they have some kind of obsession with 2's and 4's, or both together, which of course results in forty-two or 24. Every time some kind of number or statistic is mentioned on jew controlled media, there's a 24 or forty-two, or some other cursed ass number. I've been starting to feel like 24 is just forty-two Lite, at this point.

Fortunately, the RTRs are causing major changes in the world to the extent that if we didn't have them, it'd be a lot uglier by now. Things are happening really, fast, too. As has been reiterated, it'll be a lot tougher for a lot of us towards the end, but at least it'll improve afterwards.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Further information will be added soon.

The core properties of numbers

1. The "all", divine monad, undivided, command, the point in infinity, universe, source of creation, primary cause

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Very great post! I am so happy to learn the true deeper meaning behind numbers without the jewish and abrahamic perversions. There is nothing but absolute truth offered here and I can't get over how these things just "fit." They feel natural and inherent as though my soul/intuition speaks it's own language.

A very interesting thing about the number 1 relating to the source of creation. I noticed the astrological sign for the sun/sol is this symbol:

As well, I found some interesting things on Wikipedia/Wiktionary.

Etymology of Astrological Symbol of the Sun:

The shield of the sun god Apollo, with a boss (stud in the center of a shield).

Egyptian Heiroglyph for Sun/Ra:


Ra/Re (Every pharaoh's prenomen has 'Re' in it, the name of the sun god, sometimes written 'Ra')

I also read this on another website:

The Old English sunne likely derives from the old Germanic sunne; both attached a feminine gender to the heavenly body.

I know Jewpedia is largely 'controlled' but that said, they tell a good amount of truth when it comes to very specific information (which often is published by people in the field). Don't research things like "Covid" there though - you know what you'll get. :-D

So essentially to the ancient people, sun/sol (or soul) meant god. And god is an allegory for chakras? (The parts that make up a soul, i.e the 72,000 nadis?) So does this mean that everything physical manifests from the soul? Also, does that mean everything that's alive has some kind of soul? (Like plants, insects, etc?)

That's some pretty deep stuff but it's fascinating how it's all connected. Thanks HP and hail Satan! :)
I forgot to mention - I never knew about the divine monad.

Pythagoras was right on the money.


"singularity" in turn from μόνος monos, "alone")[1] is used in some cosmic philosophy and cosmogony to refer to a most basic or original substance. As originally conceived the Pythagoreans, the Monad is the Supreme Being, divinity or the totality of all things.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

The number 22 and 222 has been present in my life for a while, even before the co-vid.

This also involved a person I know, causally speaking of this, it did not happen to him before.

Doing some "research", I read an "association" to God Ptah to this number, called the "creator number".

Could you give some clarification regarding this number. Even short just to understand.

Of course if you have time for it. Thank you.
Hello! I see the number 27 extremely often, I basically see it everyday and I don't know exactly what it means or what it could mean. Can anyone with more experience and knowledge help me out to understand better?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I try again, it seems that the first attempt was not successful.

It has been happening for a long time to notice the number 22 and 222 in an important and repeated way in my life.

Papers that fall in front of me, license plates of cars near my home, bags / backpacks that are placed in my vicinity, people with dates of birth where 22 is present, I take objects and the number 22/222 is present.

speaking of this causally to a person he found the same dynamics.

Somewhere I read that it is associated with the God Ptah, 22 being a "creator / builder" number.

if you have time, you could give me a brief explanation about it just to understand.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Sorry to take up your time but I was wondering if you know anything about the number 333?

Is it an enemy number or a stolen/misrepresented number?

I noticed it's common in the new age and I also noticed a freemason symbol on a house numbered 333. Maybe a coincidence, or perhaps these freemason people believe in the so-called "angel numbers" (whatever those are, new age nonsense).

3 is the trinity, and 333 is half of 666. It's very strange to me how these numbers appear in such bizarre places.

As well, quasi-awake NPCs are freaking out that it's 2022 (222 or 1/3 of 666). I don't think there's any significance with the enemy in this regard but I'm not too aware on this (whether they use our numbers as weapons against humanity or just as distractions). To me I would think any compound of 666 has power. I noticed this in breathing techniques (inhale/hold/exhale at the count of 6, 6, 6 or 4, 4, 4; etc).

At any rate these numbers are positive numbers and I don't see them as weapons like so many people claim.

Thanks and sorry for such a broad question. :-/
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I was meditating on the numbers and on Azazel sigil and something just came to me so I thought I would share it here, maybe its all bullshit but I thought it was interesting. The numbers from 1 to 9 are a square with 10 you connect the square to the pyramid (10 is the capstone of the pyramid), 5 as union makes a lot of sense because its in the middle of the square and then its half 10.

I don't know maybe it does not mean anything but I thought it was interesting.
Astralnaut said:
Enigmatic_Rabbit said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Very interesting thoughts, thanks for sharing. Why would you begin to consider from discharge, and not from charge? Please expand on this. Just trying to understand this thought. The 999 as you pointed this here is a very interesting way to see. I do believe an understanding like this has merits.

Well, I began at 1 because that's what you began with. If we start at 0 then it would be Potential Energy (charge). Though, I do wonder if the combinations of numbers (like 10, 11, 12, etc) have a *set* charge instead of stacking like with the 999?

I got the whole idea from the Taiji, Yin and Yang and general concepts from Taoism. The Dao (the stillness of breath) is literally 0 while the Dao "in motion" (the first breath) is 1. Charge and Discharge. Stillness and Motion.

From the understanding of how the universe works (via Electric Universe Theory), this is how literally Everything works. Breathing. So in magick workings it Should have the same qualities. From that which birthed the entire universe, so should energy working be the EXACT same. At least in My observations.

It's just a different angle of looking at things. Thought it wise to throw my hat in the ring of opinions. I hope this answered your question and Thank you so much for replaying!

If i remember the Dao de Jing correctly it states that 3 is the beginning of all things. I don't fully believe this as brevity will always, at least in complex matters, cause more questions to arise than answers. It made me wonder if 3 is the number of space, since that is the first number that space can be enclosed by. 2 points is too little and you only have a line, and 4 is one too many. This has got me thinking; What is the number to time? If 3 is space then time, being pretty close to space, often being called time-space as if they are one, would be 4? The diagram for the root chakra has a point down triangle inside of a square, and is the chakra that represents time, at least in a karmic sense. I don't think it is 4 though, and I hesitate to put any number on it considering how elusive of a concept time is. I was thinking 7 as the perception of time which is not the same thing as time itself, or objective time. I have always felt like the 7 chakras are filters on the way that we experience the passage of time. To try to answer your question though I would assume that 1 is a positive charge, and masculine, and 2 potential and feminine and so on. Your post did get me thinking somewhat with the charges. Like I said with time though, it is something which possibly defies the limitation of quantification through number. There are also some semantical issues that I can seem to get over. For the longest period I always felt 3 was associated with balance, not just because the trine aspect in astrology has been said to be the most harmonious aspect, so balance in that sense, but because of the 3 elements of a scale. I could see why 5 actually is the number of balance simply because it is the midpoint between 1 and 9.

4 is the number of the earth(matter)-space. Time and space are inseparable. That's why materialists are obsessed with time. Working hours comes to mind too.
3 is the number of the spirit.
4 is transformed to 3 by 8. 4+8=12(3)
8-Our Lady

1 and 2 are tricky. You have to take 0 in consideration. If 0 is the first, than 1 is masculine. But if 1 is the first than 2 is masculine because the first is always feminine. 1 is only masculine to 0. When that 1 is created, when it's brought in, it becomes feminine. It's tricky.

0 and 9 are the same. The beginning and the end. 8 encompasses all. Maybe that is why the old Tree consisted of 8 sefirot.
I'm curious about the numbers 444 and 74 specifically if anyone knows at all.
It is right that everybody borns with a number??

To extract it you need to look at the birth date and add the numbers

For example: someone that was born at 07/05/1997

7 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 7 -> 29

We get a double digit number, so we continue adding till we get a number between 1-10

2 + 9 = 11

1 + 1 = 2

In this case is 2, so the individual heavily experiments the duality, creation and destruction, and all the other affairs related to number 2 through his life?

Am I right??

And another question: the number 10 is the only one on the list that is a two digit number, but is an exception?? (we continue adding or not?)
Druas said:
I'm curious about the numbers 444 and 74 specifically if anyone knows at all.

I came here to ask about the meaning of 444 because i have been seeing it a lot lately. What a coincidence for you to have written this.
Yesterday I read the JoS updates. Simply amazing.I tried to open all the links on the bottom page but it is still under maintenance. Happy to know how to apply numerology in work.
I'm happy to find out how I can apply numerology in my work and I'd like to make a suggestion, however, it may also be in parallel development with this work. I would like to know about the constant repetition of numerical patterns in our daily lives.

Now a general question in case anyone can answer me.
Since I was very young, for at least 12 years, I have been faced with a persecution: constant in numbers 11, 03:14 and 72.

Whenever I watch a football match, I look at the time and there it is:
19:02 (variation 1)
19:20 (variation 2)

Note: I myself was born on 19-02-1996

I'm watching some video on youtube and I pause the video to do something:

Pause the video at 07:20 and take the watch to see what time it is and: 11:11...

These reps aren't once in a while or once a week, there are weeks that this happens at least 3 times a day and I'm kicking low. 5 maybe? 10????????/??

I'm looking for a program to watch on television, I love documentaries.
The 72 most dangerous animals on the planet!

How many demons are portrayed in the goetia? Obviously there are others known but apart from this, how many are portrayed? 72.


Where does 03-14 fit into this story?

I don't know if you're sure with my biological clock. I studied once with a boy who had some mental problems and was also autistic. our snacks and canteen money as soon as he asked the teacher to go to the bathroom, he always went to the bathroom at 11:11 sharp. (Apparently it's not just related to me) but we knew that after 4 minutes after they went to the bathroom it was lunch time at school.

Note 2: He would even sit me and my friends, he never checked his watch to know that 11:11 was approaching and he needed to raise his hand to ask our teacher for permission. He was indeed mentally retarded. He wasn't bland, very heavy.

This is where 03:14 enters the story. I get up every day, every day at 3:14 am. Not 03:13 or 03:45 but 03:14. EVERY NIGHT. This number doesn't bother me much like the others, except back when I didn't know Satanism and they said it was the "Devil's time" and that I would probably get up to go to the bathroom and witness the exorcist's girl hanging from the my bedroom ceiling. Other than that, nowadays it's the standard that I give less importance to consider just some process of my biological clock but I could also be wrong.

If even of you all of you believe that I say a little about this of you all, and even these numbers that you cite tell me specifically, though, I would be happy to at least give a general answer to my problem, as many other people must go through. for the same as me and being totally at the mercy of google searching and falling into shitty New Age sites.

Sorry for my bad english and grammar problems. I'm Brazilian and I'm not a language aficionado. but I apologize anyway, after all, I'm the one who's after answers, I must at least be cordial.
AlexElPM said:
It is right that everybody borns with a number??

To extract it you need to look at the birth date and add the numbers

For example: someone that was born at 07/05/1997

7 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 7 -> 29

We get a double digit number, so we continue adding till we get a number between 1-10

2 + 9 = 11

1 + 1 = 2

In this case is 2, so the individual heavily experiments the duality, creation and destruction, and all the other affairs related to number 2 through his life?

Am I right??

And another question: the number 10 is the only one on the list that is a two digit number, but is an exception?? (we continue adding or not?)

Good question. My number 10. I get an answer to your answer.
Druas said:
I'm curious about the numbers 444 and 74 specifically if anyone knows at all.

I don't know specifically either, I'm looking for some answers here also about some numbers, however, what I could understand from my own experience and even from HP HoddedCobra666's answers is that everything also depends on a thorough analysis of the "moment ". Have you somehow noticed what happens in the world around you when these numbers come up? Positive, negative things? Does something specific happen? Does a specific person show up? The numbers themselves apparently have numerous meanings, but may contain a "MAXIMA".
Bless Lord Azazel, Pythagoras, and HP Cobra too.

We've been waiting for too long. Nonetheless, The Clergy and The Gods always have a way.

I can't wait for the other sections, I hope everything goes well :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
DerHochsterasse666 said:
Bless Lord Azazel, Pythagoras, and HP Cobra too.

We've been waiting for too long. Nonetheless, The Clergy and The Gods always have a way.

I can't wait for the other sections, I hope everything goes well :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Thank you for your great comments.

Soon more very well researched updates of high quality, stay tuned.
HP Cobra, can numbers be interpreted as symbols?
I mean for example, 0 can be a circle or a Sun. Or the number 8 can the infinity symbol when turned sideways. Also when we combine 6 and 9, the Yin and Yang symbol can be formed.

Is there any significance to it if we look at numbers as symbols?
T = 20, R = 18, U = 21, M = 13, P = 16 .. TRUMP adds up to 88. 8 plus 8 = 16. 1 plus 6 = 7 .. The 7 Trumpets in Revelations. Trump,, = the last TRUMP,,et ??? ( et = Extra Terrestrial )
The number 22 corresponds to the World trump card of the Tarot, indicating completion. This indicates the enemy completing their goal of world conquest and domination through communism. . From , https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Mind_Control_Programming.html ...... Sorry about dividing this into 3 posts. Something kept stopping from going back after I had posted the other 2. I think I was being told to research before exiting the posting section. My Bad.
How about other numbers such as for example: "21", "17" or "333" or anything else. How to find meaning in them or do they have at first place?
Personally or generally...

Hail Satan!
So would 70 be a good number for a karma working? Since 7 is in regards to karma, and so is 10? I know 108 isn't really used anymore, so I'm looking for a good number to use for releasing Karma. Specifically, I feel a strong urge to tackle my Saturnine karma.
What i believe is the number nine is all about "changes"
9x1=9 9x10=90
9x2=18 9x9=81

9x3=27 9x8=72
9x4=36 9x7=63
9x5=45 9x6= 54

I maybe interpreting the number in a wrong way... 😂
But the multiplication of number nine is quiet the opposite as you proceed further and further... This makes this number special... Also is opposite to number 6 (by figures) 6
Victorian666 said:
What i believe is the number nine is all about "changes"
9x1=9 9x10=90
9x2=18 9x9=81

9x3=27 9x8=72
9x4=36 9x7=63
9x5=45 9x6= 54

I maybe interpreting the number in a wrong way... 😂
But the multiplication of number nine is quiet the opposite as you proceed further and further... This makes this number special... Also is opposite to number 6 (by figures) 6
9 is one of the most mysterious numbers
Every number multiplied by 9, returns to 9 :D
9x3=27 - 2+7=9
9x4=36 - 3+6=9
9x5=45 - 4+5=9
9x6= 54 - 5+4=9
9x7=63 - 6+3=9
9x8=72 - 7+2=9
5658x9=50922 - 5+9+2+2=18 - 1+8=9

If you add any number to 9, you will get the same one digit number
TranscendTheSun said:
So would 70 be a good number for a karma working? Since 7 is in regards to karma, and so is 10? I know 108 isn't really used anymore, so I'm looking for a good number to use for releasing Karma. Specifically, I feel a strong urge to tackle my Saturnine karma.
108 is just fine for the purpose. I don't know about multiples of seven, but multiples of 9 are pretty good options.
Henu the Great said:
TranscendTheSun said:
So would 70 be a good number for a karma working? Since 7 is in regards to karma, and so is 10? I know 108 isn't really used anymore, so I'm looking for a good number to use for releasing Karma. Specifically, I feel a strong urge to tackle my Saturnine karma.
108 is just fine for the purpose. I don't know about multiples of seven, but multiples of 9 are pretty good options.
Too late, already started. It's working *extremely* well. Would highly recommend 70 to anyone doing a karmic working.
Numerology is important for any aspiring occultist, and it is necessary to know the properties of numbers to progress spiritually in your workings. In this section, you will find information about the numbers.

Most of this information circulating the web, is based on Hebrew sources and has been quite inaccurate, with clear information hardly existing. Some of it, is not only inaccurate, but terrible and should be avoided at all costs. "Angelic numbers" and the like are in this category of foul abominations that the enemy has created.

After very elaborate research and practice, only the real properties of numbers will be shared here, which, contrary to many sources that have a lot of corrupted elements, will begin from "Basic", all the way towards the "Advanced" section. The basic section is the beginning of this.

This section should be credited to Azazel first and foremost. The Joy of Satan is strongly under the overseeing of Azazel. Beelzebul has helped considerably to fulfill this work, which has been in experimental phase for a few years. Now this knowledge will come out. Both have helped rectify the meaning of numbers and their properties, helping in the rectification of this knowledge so that it contains only true knowledge.

To explain a little about the furthering of the Numerology section [which will happen gradually] pay close attention to how the different Nations followed different numerals. So, a lot of people who write things for example about the "Shape of numbers" are only analyzing surface scrap in most cases, and nothing else.

Certain core properties will be more obvious, some others might require thought on the behalf of the reader, and other properties that you can derive from these properties below are to be given to you by the Gods when the time is right [not for idle thought and juvenile nonsense - but for those who truly understand what is meant here].

Certain words might not make sense, but they will make sense as you progress. The translation and etymology of these words of choice, have been chosen with great care.

Much of what I write, or have written, or new sections, will be built in this way. You must look into it, and depending on what you can derive, you will derive more from it. This is how spiritual material should be read, alternatively, information that is obvious will too serve in itself for the objectives necessitated by it.

Further information will be added soon.

The core properties of numbers

1. The "all", divine monad, undivided, command, the point in infinity, universe, source of creation, primary cause

2. Duality, separation, discord, relationship, creation, destruction, imperfect, positive-negative, first division, the parting

3. Spirit, divinity, trine force, a perfect number, first union, divine/holy trinity, [Ea, Enlil, Anu - Poseidon, Zeus, Hades etc], trinity of the worlds

4. Order, justice, four directions of the physical, the "boundary", four elements without aether, sub-basis of the material world

5. The five elements, union, connection, eros, shape and form, beauty, splendor, balance, harmony

6. Material & Spiritual, connection, life, stability, habituation, karmic, marriage, macrocosmic/microcosmic, cleanliness, virginity

7. Karma, consequence, Goddess Nemesis, purification, the divine scale, defense of the Just, luck, birth of mind

8. Mystery, drive, power, permanence, firm foundation, the hidden sphere, "Divine Mother", supernal justice, Multiplication, "ad infinitum"

9. Finish, the ultimate point, the image, perfection, "the end", coming to closure, the birth/death, power, capstone, peak, completion

10. A key, All in All, fate and karma, an end of path, double union, Universe - Pan, Cosmos, Perfection, The Self-Created one,
"Divine Father", Totality

It is normal to currently have many questions, so you can ask in the comments, but be aware that more clarifications will arrive in the future updates of these sections.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Dear Hooded Cobra!
And if I keep seeing certain numbers? like 555 or 2222? it really annoys me that I don't know what the entities are trying to say. 😄thanks for the reply 🙂
Hey, numerology is such a fascinating topic, isn't it? I remember diving into it once and being blown away by how much depth there is to those simple numbers.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
