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New Zealand Mosque Shooting

I quote this from another member:

Sun said:
The shooter at the New Zealand mosque was supposedly a white supremacist and now the prime minister of New Zealand is stating that gun laws will change.
Man, this is obviously a jewish attack, it has jews written all over it. They are attacking whites with this so called "white supremacist" figure (who is probably a jew and not white at all). And trying to take guns away and disarming people. This is the most obvious shit ive seen so far.
After a long time of seeing these kind of events happen that are caused by jews, it really makes you just sick of seeing these type of things. It just makes me facepalm anymore whenever this type of shit happens around the world. The jews are just ruining themselves by doing this, since theres so many people in the world now that are awake to the truth. You really get used to understanding and knowing that jews are behind these types of attacks. Just by the nature of it, and the events and things that happen shorty afterwards where laws are being changed and freedoms are taken away.

This shooting has been the headline in news and its been all over social media since yesterday, and its just been all over the internet.
When I look at youtube videos about this shooting, im happy to see a lot of people pointing the finger at jews and explaining things in the comments on those videos. A lot of people are awake and aware of whats going on these days.
I have the full video in my phone. The video is filled with inconsistencies just like their religious books.
Maybe next time they stage something like this they should take help of Hollywood or something.
Plus my friend posted a screenshot of Israel army killing 100 Muslims on border a few hours before and then this incident took place.
They stage such incidents they hide their own actions. What a bunch of pussies.
Anyways can we make a telegram account or something . After doing the rtr I feel really paranoid and attacked and really feel like talking to someone who can help me.

Hail Satan
Hail the Gods of hell.
Usthepeople666 said:
I have the full video in my phone. The video is filled with inconsistencies just like their religious books.
Maybe next time they stage something like this they should take help of Hollywood or something.
Plus my friend posted a screenshot of Israel army killing 100 Muslims on border a few hours before and then this incident took place.
They stage such incidents they hide their own actions. What a bunch of pussies.
Anyways can we make a telegram account or something . After doing the rtr I feel really paranoid and attacked and really feel like talking to someone who can help me.
Plus I have the full video on my phone, I can share it on the group if someone ends up making one.

Hail Satan
Hail the Gods of hell.

This can be found online, in some places. There are some torrents sharing it, and there are also websites that they haven't taken down.

Your Telegram is not as 'safe' many would assume, so it's better to be careful a bit what you share through it. I know people can't stop using it, but you may need to consider that in general.
I feel really alone and scared as I don't know any other satanists in real life.
Please tell me a way in which I can talk to all of you directly so I don't fall off the wagon again .
Usthepeople666 said:
I feel really alone and scared as I don't know any other satanists in real life.
Please tell me a way in which I can talk to all of you directly so I don't fall off the wagon again .

You don't have to feel alone and scared, we are all here. Also, you can join the Yahoo groups, or talk on the forum, etc.

No reasons to feel alone or scared. Also, meditate daily, and stay close to your GD. The Gods are with us from their own plane of existence, so nobody is alone.

Also, you don't want to really share a video, but just start chit chat, so I answered you here how you can get up and get stronger:

Usthepeople666 said:
I feel really alone and scared as I don't know any other satanists in real life.
Please tell me a way in which I can talk to all of you directly so I don't fall off the wagon again .
I don't think is a good idea to meet satanists in real life. You never know who will pretend to be a satanist and after try to get your trust and destroy your life. We have to keep ourselves as anonymous as possible.
I didn't pay attention to a certain weird thing upon the first viewing:
There's plenty of weaponry in his car and upon storming the mosque, he leaves it OPEN.
There was plenty of time for somebody to notice the car and grab the loaded AR from the trunk.
It was a hoax shooting a couple of years ago a Mossad spy ring was found in Christchurch. The woman he "shot" on the street was replaced with a dummy placed there after he turned around, the arm was far off on the sidewalk. From descriptions the firing of the rifle sounds like blanks where used as well.
The very low definition 7 minute video that circulates, it really looks bizarre.

However there is one that is a bit clearer, and as he shoots, you can see the clothing moving, holes on people, and the blood on the clothing. There shouldn't be any actual 'splatter', but more like bleeding. This video is around 16 minutes and is a bit clearer.

I think it's real after seeing the second video, but real or fake, the same bullshit hype and conclusive results are going to be pushed by the jews anyway. To the jew whether the victims were real or not is all the same.

From leaks, the shooter was also a Jew by his maternal line. Not sure if that is true, but this is the typical meme, like the other School Shooting with the jewish mother.

Has anyone from the police force in New Zealand said anything? Any people from the medics have said anything?

I think everything will be clear in a couple days. The internet army always unveils that kind of shit.
The guy was a Christian according to his manifesto. I believe he had bible verses written on his weapons.

His manifesto also had no mention of Jews other than him saying he is not an anti-Semite. :lol:

I'm pretty sure Breivik was of the same mold, with him actually praising Israel/jews.
It could be the exploding blood packets they use in jewish Hollywood moves.
Immortal said:
I may be wrong, but this does not seem to me a false flag. I've read the manifesto and it contains lots of true stuff like the diversity bullshit, the replacement of the white race, the traitors that are our so-called democratic leaders, the taxation and so on.

Yes, it does not mention the jews among the enemies, but let's face it as asleep the people are right now it wouldn't ring a bell to anyone. He still mentions Merkel though. And targets antifa and communists. Oh, and Mandela also :p

I think this is just an example of what is bound to happen eventually. People will riot in their own way. He also says in the manifesto that death is a certainty anyway so better be remembered for your actions than not at all.

People do not know exactly what is wrong and who is causing this, but as they gather 60-70% percent of the facts they can act. They may still see themselves as xians or whatever, but the truth that our freedoms are taken one by one is felt by everyone.

Even if it is a mass shooting over some unarmed civilians it will still make people begin to ask questions. There is the manifesto which I think is important, they will read it and maybe question the whole castle of lies.

Yes, the jews will try to use this and remove even more of the freedoms and the right to carry weapons, so what this was bound to happen anyway.

The whole catatonic state of the media is starting to shake, there are those pesky sites and to ban all of them is impossible. Unless they ban the internet altogether.

People are fed up, the state is against the people, only the media keeps singing the same old it's all fine tune.

The RTRs also stir people up, the enemy does the same but in reverse, the people are confused and chaotic, but they are coming back to life. I think more actions will happen in the future. This is war and our enemies are not going to give up their positions peacefully.

The idea that a man would rather choose to defy the system and kill some of his enemies instead of being a good goy and pay his taxes in silence and protest only if he has a permit to protest in the first place is unheard of in our times. This is madness goy :lol:

Think also of the movie V for Vendetta:

Beneath this mask there is more than flesh, Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.

People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.

A building is a symbol, as is the act of destroying it. Symbols are given power by people. Alone, a symbol is meaningless, but with enough people, blowing up a building can change the world.

And finally

Our integrity sells for so little, but it is all we really have. It is the very last inch of us. But within that inch, we are free.

You are very wrong.
FYI - here you can see the crypto New Zealand PM ((( John Key ))) wash away this Mossad incident. Keep up the RTR's ladies and gentlemen. Do not be fooled by these events or these Jews on your land.



Mossad spy ring 'unearthed because of Christchurch earthquake'
The Israeli secret service Mossad has been accused of conducting an intelligence-gathering operation in New Zealand which was unearthed because of February's Christchurch earthquake.

By Paul Chapman in Wellington

10:23AM BST 20 Jul 2011

The operation was interrupted when a van used by a spy cell was crushed by masonry falling from a damaged building, killing one man, it is claimed.

Benyamin Mizrahi, 23, the Israeli man who died in the damaged van, was found to have five passports on his person, the Southland Times newspaper reported.

Three surviving Israelis who were in the van with Mr Mizrahi fled New Zealand within 12 hours, making their way back to Israel.

They reportedly paused only to take photographs of the crushed van and return the dead man’s Israeli passport to officials from their embassy.

The Southland Times also said the police national computer was being audited because of concerns it had been hacked into.

There were fears that other Israeli operatives, in the city after the February 22 quake which killed 181 people, could have embedded malicious software to access intelligence information.

John Key, the New Zealand prime minister, on Thursday confirmed that the government’s Security Intelligence Service had carried out an investigation but he dismissed the concerns.

Speaking during a visit to the United States, Mr Key said the unusual circumstances of the incident were fully investigated and no evidence was found that the people involved were anything other than backpackers.

He said his advice was that the man had only two passports, one of European origin which was found on his body, and the other which his friends had handed in to Israeli officials.

Mr Key said the government took the security of New Zealand and New Zealanders “very seriously”.

“The unusual circumstances which triggered the investigation was the rapid departure from the country of the three surviving members of the group of Israelis in question,” he said.

“Security agencies conducted the investigation and found no evidence that the people were anything other than backpackers,” Mr Key said.

In all, three Israelis died in the magnitude 6.3 earthquake.

Security experts suggested agents for Mossad may have been on an identity theft “trawling” mission for information, so that the passports of unwitting citizens could be cloned.

The false passports would then be used as cover during espionage activities in other parts of the world by Israeli secret agents.

Fred Tulett, editor of the Southland Times, said an “extraordinary” reaction by the Israeli government in the hours after the earthquake had heightened the suspicions of New Zealand’s Security Intelligence Service.

They included the fact that Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, made four calls to John Key, his New Zealand counterpart, on the day of the earthquake.

Shemi Tzur, Israel’s ambassador to Australia and New Zealand, travelled from his base in Australia to Christchurch, where he visited the temporary morgue set up to cope with earthquake victims.

Meanwhile, Israel’s defence chief also flew to the earthquake-ravaged city.

In a further move, a search and rescue team arrived in Christchurch from Israel, but the squad’s offer of help was rejected by New Zealand authorities because it did not have the necessary United Nations accreditation.

Despite that rejection, members of the Israeli team were confronted by armed New Zealand officers after being discovered in the badly damaged sealed off “red zone” of the city centre, the Southland Times said.

The Israeli government later sent a forensic team to help authorities identify the dead.

The paper said New Zealand officials became alarmed when intelligence information was collated and it was realised that the Israeli forensic team had been given access to the police national database to help with identification work.

The paper quoted an unnamed intelligence officer as saying it would take only moments for a USB drive to be inserted into a police computer terminal and loaded with a program allowing remote backdoor access to the database.

A police spokesman later said: “We are confident that our data and network were not compromised during the Christchurch Earthquake response or subsequently.”

Mr Tzur, the Israeli ambassador, said it was “science fiction” to believe that any Mossad agents had been involved.
For those who may have a copy of the video, DO NOT MENTION YOU HAVE IT. ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE IN NEW ZEALAND.

New Zealand government has threatened 10 years imprisonment for even having the video, 15 years if you share it.
Guys do not even try to post the video no way it's going up there. For aforesaid reasons. Thanks.
The Alchemist7 said:
Usthepeople666 said:
I feel really alone and scared as I don't know any other satanists in real life.
Please tell me a way in which I can talk to all of you directly so I don't fall off the wagon again .
I don't think is a good idea to meet satanists in real life. You never know who will pretend to be a satanist and after try to get your trust and destroy your life. We have to keep ourselves as anonymous as possible.

Yes it's better to be careful but this does not mean that we should be such paranoid and we should totally avoid from our satanic brothers and sisters just because we worry about that possibility.
As for me I don't worry about it because it is not really possible that such a thing will happen to me.

And also that's why first we should observe each other more...for example, I think now I have total faith and trust in the clergy and I think I also can trust in many members here, mainly in those whom I already got to know more, like a decent Indian satanist guy who is my friend. I also can trust in Egon, Lydia, Fancy and many of you guys, since I could read many posts from you and see your faith and determination.
So as for me, I would be glad if I get to know them and similar dedicated satanists too, in the future.

I am also glad that I have fellow satanists here in my country. And I can consider myself lucky that even my mother became a satanist too. But of course I am open and would like to know more comrades in the future, if I have the chance.
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
The Alchemist7 said:
Usthepeople666 said:
I feel really alone and scared as I don't know any other satanists in real life.
Please tell me a way in which I can talk to all of you directly so I don't fall off the wagon again .
I don't think is a good idea to meet satanists in real life. You never know who will pretend to be a satanist and after try to get your trust and destroy your life. We have to keep ourselves as anonymous as possible.

Yes it's better to be careful but this does not mean that we should be such paranoid and we should totally avoid from our satanic brothers and sisters just because we worry about that possibility.
As for me I don't worry about it because it is not really possible that such a thing will happen to me.

And also that's why first we should observe each other more...for example, I think now I have total faith and trust in the clergy and I think I also can trust in many members here, mainly in those whom I already got to know more, like a decent Indian satanist guy who is my friend. I also can trust in Egon, Lydia, Fancy and many of you guys, since I could read many posts from you and see your faith and determination.
So as for me, I would be glad if I get to know them and similar dedicated satanists too, in the future.

I am also glad that I have fellow satanists here in my country. And I can consider myself lucky that even my mother became a satanist too. But of course I am open and would like to know more comrades in the future, if I have the chance.

Safety, the random things stated here aside, is way more important.

One can have everything positive without compromising any safety.
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Yes it's better to be careful but this does not mean that we should be such paranoid and we should totally avoid from our satanic brothers and sisters just because we worry about that possibility.
As for me I don't worry about it because it is not really possible that such a thing will happen to me..

I think is better to be paranoic but safe than opened to whoever will tell you that he is satanist and will look for your friendship.
Think about this: You make a simple post on the forum where you say you want to meet real satanists, just like Usthepeople666 did. Infiltrators will send you emails. Obviously you will be suspicious, you will start to ask some questions about himself. He will say some BS which is not real to convince you that he is a true satanist and you will believe him because most probably he will be convincing enough for you. After he will manipulate you, to give him personal data about you, where you live and things like this. After he will propose you to meet somewhere, because you want to meet real satanists right? And after this you may find yourself even killed. We are the worst enemies of the jews. They hate us deadly. They killed SS (pagans) in the ancient times. They would kill us now straight away. I think this forum is filled with a lot of infiltrators who are spying the activity here. There are a lot of people in the world who destroyed their lives because they met and trusted weird guys on the internet. There are women sent in other countries to prostitute because of this kind of people. And the thing is, if something happens to you, most probably you won't say "look what this garbage done to me", but you will blame the entire community because of an infiltrator who fooled you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
The Alchemist7 said:
I don't think is a good idea to meet satanists in real life. You never know who will pretend to be a satanist and after try to get your trust and destroy your life. We have to keep ourselves as anonymous as possible.

Yes it's better to be careful but this does not mean that we should be such paranoid and we should totally avoid from our satanic brothers and sisters just because we worry about that possibility.
As for me I don't worry about it because it is not really possible that such a thing will happen to me.

And also that's why first we should observe each other more...for example, I think now I have total faith and trust in the clergy and I think I also can trust in many members here, mainly in those whom I already got to know more, like a decent Indian satanist guy who is my friend. I also can trust in Egon, Lydia, Fancy and many of you guys, since I could read many posts from you and see your faith and determination.
So as for me, I would be glad if I get to know them and similar dedicated satanists too, in the future.

I am also glad that I have fellow satanists here in my country. And I can consider myself lucky that even my mother became a satanist too. But of course I am open and would like to know more comrades in the future, if I have the chance.

Yes its better to be careful but uhm, I say the exact opposite for whatever reason.

Trust can happen without one sleeping on the same bed with people they randomly meet online. You can gain and assosciate with people without all the un-necessary fuss, and gain as a Satanist, and they can gain back from you.

Your reply is not a recommendation it's a random invitation of nonsense, especially for the majority of people reading.

Given 99% of the people into a lot of these mindsets are only larping, it's wise for one to stay focused. Alchemist has far more valid points.

I care to not even go into details of the negative side of what you portray here as filled with rainbows and unicorns.

Oops! I didn't intent to cause problem with this comment. Sorry. And I should have expressed myself better or been more exact.
What I wrote it was a kind of "utopistic" (?) thing maybe.
And only it is just my views about it (and about the others), I didn't really want to recommend anything actually, maybe I shouldn't have said that "we should..."
I just wanted to say that I'm more open and would like to make friendships once, in the future, if I, we, have such a chance.
That's all. I, as a fucking satanist, just would like to connect satanists more than other people, you know.
And it's not really filled with "rainbows and unicorns" or what the fuck, lol. You overreacted it a bit, I think. :)

Of course, I agree that it's wise to stay focused. I'm still focused and will stay focused.

You also wrote my comment is "a random invitation of nonsense". Well then it's fucking problematic since I don't want to invite nonsense. Then you could remove my stupid comment maybe, and the related comments too, if you want. Because it can cause harm.

But you don't need to go to "Vlad Tepes" mode on me because of it, right? Haha :D

And you said: "...Trust can happen without one sleeping on the same bed with people they randomly meet online...."
It's just an example? I hope no one is such idiot...

Oh and...what the fuck is "larping"? Sorry I don't understand this word and I have no time now to google on it because I would like to do the rituals after finishing my work at home.

Thank you!

Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:



No, it's all good. I am just pointing that out. It's really dangerous overall.

I tried to quote you but I deleted by accident my reply. And no, nothing Vlad Tepes here, just stating this for everyone reading.

People see that and they are like "yayyyy let's begin it's all gonna be fine".

The majority of cases who engage in all of this either fall in situations they REALLY regret (such as people knowing them, people chimping out, etc) rather than good situations. This is unfortunately the reality. We are in the "Internet".

I have read examples of all these years of people who take all these matters extremely lightly, and it has backfired in ways I don't really want to even converse about.

Safety above all, safety first, and purpose for Satan first.
Why not do a working to attract decent people into your life?
Is this type of event used to gather warrants on groups that are essentially 'opposed' to Jews and Tyranny? For example, now anyone or any website displaying Sun Wheels or any type of Pagan symbol the New Zealand shooter used...can be probed or monitored as a terrorist. Or a family Christian member calls and tips off the authorities and says my nephew wears these symbols...and he is a right leaning political guy...Or let's say dropping Pewdipie's name - does this now give the authorities the opportunity to use Pewdipies subscriber list as a starting point to collect more data...enemies of the state? Obviously there are many objectives that were accomplished by the Jews in New Zealand with regards to changing more laws and such. The big accomplishment with New Zealand is keeping the Gaza bombings out of the news just like their Christmas day Syrian bombings in 2018.

I am just trying to understand the ins and outs of this type of event and talking out loud - I understand the purpose is to sway emotions, to brainwash, to polarize the citizens in to guilt etc...but the technicalities of the law is what I am interested in. This entire shooting seems so well planned, so perfectly executed - there's no way it is 'real'. I also thought of all the false flag events in the USA and in the end..the lack of legislature that these shooting events did not accomplish (they didn't accomplish much other than waking people up) - the Jews are running out of places to orchestrate these fake events and they know it.

To top it off, Trump downplayed White Supremacy immediately after the shootings with the following quote:... "I guess"...


"NEW YORK (AP) - President Donald Trump played down any threat posed by racist white nationalism after the gunman accused of the New Zealand mosque massacre called the president "a symbol of renewed white identity."

Trump, whose own previous responses to the movement have drawn scrutiny, expressed sympathy for the victims who died at "places of worship turned into scenes of evil killing." But he declined to join expressions of mounting concern about white nationalism, When asked whether he thought it was a rising threat around the world, he responded, "I don't really."

"I think it's a small group of people that have very, very serious problems, I guess," Trump said. "If you look at what happened in New Zealand, perhaps that's the case. I don't know enough about it yet. But it's certainly a terrible thing."

Trump was asked about white nationalism and the shooting deaths of 49 people at mosques in Christchurch after he formally vetoed Congress' resolution to block his declaration of a national emergency at the Mexico border. His veto, aimed at freeing money to build more miles of a border wall against illegal immigration, is expected to survive any congressional effort to overturn it.

Anyhow, stay safe my brothers and sisters. Eyes and ears open at all times. RTRs lead the way.

sip said:
Is this type of event used to gather warrants on groups that are essentially 'opposed' to Jews and Tyranny? For example, now anyone or any website displaying Sun Wheels or any type of Pagan symbol the New Zealand shooter used...can be probed or monitored as a terrorist. Or a family Christian member calls and tips off the authorities and says my nephew wears these symbols...and he is a right leaning political guy...Or let's say dropping Pewdipie's name - does this now give the authorities the opportunity to use Pewdipies subscriber list as a starting point to collect more data...enemies of the state? Obviously there are many objectives that were accomplished by the Jews in New Zealand with regards to changing more laws and such. The big accomplishment with New Zealand is keeping the Gaza bombings out of the news just like their Christmas day Syrian bombings in 2018.

I am just trying to understand the ins and outs of this type of event and talking out loud - I understand the purpose is to sway emotions, to brainwash, to polarize the citizens in to guilt etc...but the technicalities of the law is what I am interested in. This entire shooting seems so well planned, so perfectly executed - there's no way it is 'real'. I also thought of all the false flag events in the USA and in the end..the lack of legislature that these shooting events did not accomplish (they didn't accomplish much other than waking people up) - the Jews are running out of places to orchestrate these fake events and they know it.

Refer to the post I made, and you will see it.

They will try, but they will fail. They will definitely push this for one more month, so more RTR's, and keep your head high, plus spamming the White Awakening ritual.

It will all backfire at them.


Just made a comment and in like a minute there was 5 comments and like 7 likes :shock: :cool: :cool:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


No, it's all good. I am just pointing that out. It's really dangerous overall.

I tried to quote you but I deleted by accident my reply. And no, nothing Vlad Tepes here, just stating this for everyone reading.

People see that and they are like "yayyyy let's begin it's all gonna be fine".

The majority of cases who engage in all of this either fall in situations they REALLY regret (such as people knowing them, people chimping out, etc) rather than good situations. This is unfortunately the reality. We are in the "Internet".

I have read examples of all these years of people who take all these matters extremely lightly, and it has backfired in ways I don't really want to even converse about.

Safety above all, safety first, and purpose for Satan first.

Okay. I see.
By the way you are right. And yes it is or can be dangerous too.
(I think I was misunderstood by Alchimist7 mate too...)
Brdredr said:
For those who may have a copy of the video, DO NOT MENTION YOU HAVE IT. ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE IN NEW ZEALAND.

New Zealand government has threatened 10 years imprisonment for even having the video, 15 years if you share it.

This is wrong, this is so wrong!

This is censorship, pure and simple. I understand, that someone might be sensitive, and offended, but you cannot censor the information, whether its written, spoken or recorded. No one claimed the copyright on the video. therefore the video is in PUBLIC DOMAIN!

If anyone need to see in what kind of world we are living today, here it is.

This is all in preparation of the total control and enslavement of the world.
The professionalism of the killing aside, how does someone take trips to the 2 major hotbeds of islamic terrorism, Afghanistan and Pakistan(the latter of which was literally and willingly providing a safe harbor for OBL), stock up on 7+ guns, tactical gear, armor, ammo and bomb making materials, while training to shoot up 1-2 specific locations for 2 years and posting pictures of all of said guns & gear on twitter with inflammatory graffiti suggesting he's going to do something (ex. "for rotherham" on a magazine) days in advance of the shooting, with his real name attached to the twitter, while being an immigrant or visitor to an anti-gun country and without a dime of declared income, all without raising any suspicion and without raising any red flags with the 5 eyes, customs, police, intelligence services, etc?

Is the intelligence & security world just a massive joke? Can something like this actually slip through the cracks? It's hard to believe that there isn't foul play here, even without considering some of the other coincidences. It's not like it was a random act of violence.
Sure, he provides an alibi in the manifesto, but it doesn't quite jibe with what actually happened.

It is pretty funny that the New Zealand government thinks it can push its weight around, threatening to imprison people for 10 years and fining people for thousands of dollars for hosting this content, who aren't even in New Zealand's jurisdiction, when almost nobody would be able to point it out on a map if it wasn't for Lord of the Rings and the lookalike aussie flag. If not for these things, plus the shooting, it would be as irrelevant to the world as Malta.

They even tried to get the admin of Kiwi Farms to hand over all of the personal info, IPs, emails, data, content, etc of its users, because they hosted topics and links to the video of the shooting, to which the admin basically said "nah, get fucked". They're not even based in New Zealand and have nothing to do with the country.

Why is this video so important to them? Morocco & Denmark didn't go to these lengths when the video of the 2 white nordic women getting raped & beheaded by moroccan muslims started circulating. Nor for any other tragedy. And why does the media censor the suspect's face in the court footage, but not in the footage of him in the shooting stream?

Really gives you the big think.
Just to re-iterate:
You cannot fake a man running and then collapsing violently at the very moment of getting shot. With rifle-shot wounds, the entry spot is usually pretty neat and the "splatter" is on the exit spot where the vacuum trailing the bullet pulls some innards out.

I will not participate in the distribution of the video, but at the same time hope that every New Zealander gets a copy for himself. They cannot arrest an entire nation!

I've been suspicious of these mass shootings ever since the Virginia Tech incident of 2007, it had 33 victims and the hero of the story was a Holocau$t survivor.
The Dark Knight Rises movie featured a map reference to Sandy Hook in one of its scenes and there was another mass shooting in its screening at the Aurora movie theater in Colorado.
The Sandy Hook incident itself didn't have any tangible evidence to it and featured pretty obvious crisis actors.

So it just occurred to me that the reason for livestreaming could've been to dissipate any doubts that this one would be another staging.
If this were to be staged, it would have been strictly indoors, just like the aforementioned 3.

What's really bugging me, though, is his car. Almost all modern cars have remote-controlled locks, which means that he could've been re-supplying almost-as-quickly from a locked car. That way, any interloper couldn't have seen from the distance what's in the car. Even then, a brick would've been needed to break a window in order to grab a weapon.
sip said:
Is this type of event used to gather warrants on groups that are essentially 'opposed' to Jews and Tyranny? For example, now anyone or any website displaying Sun Wheels or any type of Pagan symbol the New Zealand shooter used...can be probed or monitored as a terrorist. Or a family Christian member calls and tips off the authorities and says my nephew wears these symbols...and he is a right leaning political guy...Or let's say dropping Pewdipie's name - does this now give the authorities the opportunity to use Pewdipies subscriber list as a starting point to collect more data...enemies of the state? Obviously there are many objectives that were accomplished by the Jews in New Zealand with regards to changing more laws and such. The big accomplishment with New Zealand is keeping the Gaza bombings out of the news just like their Christmas day Syrian bombings in 2018.

I am just trying to understand the ins and outs of this type of event and talking out loud - I understand the purpose is to sway emotions, to brainwash, to polarize the citizens in to guilt etc...but the technicalities of the law is what I am interested in. This entire shooting seems so well planned, so perfectly executed - there's no way it is 'real'. I also thought of all the false flag events in the USA and in the end..the lack of legislature that these shooting events did not accomplish (they didn't accomplish much other than waking people up) - the Jews are running out of places to orchestrate these fake events and they know it.

To top it off, Trump downplayed White Supremacy immediately after the shootings with the following quote:... "I guess"...


"NEW YORK (AP) - President Donald Trump played down any threat posed by racist white nationalism after the gunman accused of the New Zealand mosque massacre called the president "a symbol of renewed white identity."

Trump, whose own previous responses to the movement have drawn scrutiny, expressed sympathy for the victims who died at "places of worship turned into scenes of evil killing." But he declined to join expressions of mounting concern about white nationalism, When asked whether he thought it was a rising threat around the world, he responded, "I don't really."

"I think it's a small group of people that have very, very serious problems, I guess," Trump said. "If you look at what happened in New Zealand, perhaps that's the case. I don't know enough about it yet. But it's certainly a terrible thing."

Trump was asked about white nationalism and the shooting deaths of 49 people at mosques in Christchurch after he formally vetoed Congress' resolution to block his declaration of a national emergency at the Mexico border. His veto, aimed at freeing money to build more miles of a border wall against illegal immigration, is expected to survive any congressional effort to overturn it.

Anyhow, stay safe my brothers and sisters. Eyes and ears open at all times. RTRs lead the way.


Its not like I should be surprised, given what the USA has going on since 9/11, but with all of the layers you put out it is an obnoxious thought that a subscription to a jootube channel will get you anally probed and thrown in some black budget prison "BAD GOYUMMMM"...

I like how Trump says not really, lmfao.
The full length video is actually 16 mins. From the start were he drives off from his home to the mosque. I can't say the video wasn't a false flag, because I suspect it was for the reasons stated, however I did watch the entire thing (wish I hadn't it's quite graphic at times) and I'm mostly convinced the murders are at least real in the recording. I know a stable link to a site that's hosting it but I don't want to get into trouble for sharing it here or implicate our forums in anyway by sharing it. If you've ever had the misfortune of stumbling onto any kind of snuff or gore video online you know what I'm referring to, it sticks with you and your better off just not seeing it. The police do actually respond but he had so well calculated his escape he was well gone before they arrive, you can hear them in the background rushing to the scene as he drives off like a mad man.

I also read his manifesto. The whole thing is filled with 4chan meme's, like 'subscribe to pewdiepie' mentioning fortnite and floss dancing, playing the song "Gas Gas Gas" as he speeds away (a well meme'd track). It's apparent they wanted to associate as much as they could with the killing and the growing White Nationalism online like 4chan's /pol/ board and others.

The fact Israel did a bombing at the same time is no coincidence. This was meant to inflame tensions and distract.

Keep doing the RtR's everyone, top priority as always. They won't get away with this anymore.
NZ PM " promptly made tightening gun laws, which may prove politically difficult, a priority for her government"

This I read in newspaper today, Monday. LOL.
Old archived articles about Christchurch Muslims and various (((terror))) associated scenarios within the Al-Noor Mosque: It seems the Mossad / Jews have using Christchurch as a base for some time echoing exactly what HP stated above.


"Aaron Tahuhu, a fundamentalist Muslim, says he is one of more than a dozen people in Christchurch who have similar beliefs."


"Christchurch Mosque linked to Al-Quiada suspect"


Kiwi teenager radicalised online planned mass killing in Christchurch 'for Allah'


"A kiwi lads death by Drone"
And now we have the idiot gatekeepers like sargon of mossad saying white supremacists are worse and more dangerous than commies. Gonna make sure to spam the RTR to make everyone covering this up has it come back to them and are exposed to everyone.
And why does the shooting have to be 'fake' guys? Is it like the jews or whomever would be willing to pull that shit would have any hesitations to pull a trigger on top of everything? I mean they kill people everyday, what's new about them killing another 49?

They need blood for their filthy rituals. It is a necessity to these ghouls.

If you see the 16 minute video when he presses the trigger, people are plucked with holes. There is also blood.

If you had the lack of fortune to see someone getting shot, or in an accident, you would know the blood doesn't splatter like Call of Duty videogames.
sip said:
Old archived articles about Christchurch Muslims and various (((terror))) associated scenarios within the Al-Noor Mosque: It seems the Mossad / Jews have using Christchurch as a base for some time echoing exactly what HP stated above.


"Aaron Tahuhu, a fundamentalist Muslim, says he is one of more than a dozen people in Christchurch who have similar beliefs."


"Christchurch Mosque linked to Al-Quiada suspect"


Kiwi teenager radicalised online planned mass killing in Christchurch 'for Allah'


"A kiwi lads death by Drone"

This particular Mosque was a recruiting ground for ISIL terrorists etc, and this is why the Mossad wanted this one, so the shit would surface later.
The kikes are already trying to get websites to give out the 'information' of people who shared this video. They say it's due to radicalizing people yadda yadda.

Now these fucktards also threatened 10 years for jail time for everyone SHARING A LITERAL VIDEO.

This is how you make shit go viral. This is definitely the enemy at work here.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
And why does the shooting have to be 'fake' guys? Is it like the jews or whomever would be willing to pull that shit would have any hesitations to pull a trigger on top of everything? I mean they kill people everyday, what's new about them killing another 49?

They need blood for their filthy rituals. It is a necessity to these ghouls.

If you see the 16 minute video when he presses the trigger, people are plucked with holes. There is also blood.

If you had the lack of fortune to see someone getting shot, or in an accident, you would know the blood doesn't splatter like Call of Duty videogames.

Idk if this was directed to me also but if it was then my apologies since I did word myself wring here. I didn't mean it was fake as the video itself didn't look like such. I've seen videos from police videos to war videos in the middle East of people getting shot by powerful guns and the scenes in that mosque looked just like it.

What I meant by cover up I meant the (((ones))) using this to push their agendas like censorship, banning guns and/or attacking white people who just want to be left alone in their nations.
hailourtruegod said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
And why does the shooting have to be 'fake' guys? Is it like the jews or whomever would be willing to pull that shit would have any hesitations to pull a trigger on top of everything? I mean they kill people everyday, what's new about them killing another 49?

They need blood for their filthy rituals. It is a necessity to these ghouls.

If you see the 16 minute video when he presses the trigger, people are plucked with holes. There is also blood.

If you had the lack of fortune to see someone getting shot, or in an accident, you would know the blood doesn't splatter like Call of Duty videogames.

Idk if this was directed to me also but if it was then my apologies since I did word myself wring here. I didn't mean it was fake as the video itself didn't look like such. I've seen videos from police videos to war videos in the middle East of people getting shot by powerful guns and the scenes in that mosque looked just like it.

What I meant by cover up I meant the (((ones))) using this to push their agendas like censorship, banning guns and/or attacking white people who just want to be left alone in their nations.

Not directed to you, I just find it a little stupid that people believe that any event that didn't happen in front of them is like totally fake or something.

It's like 17 year olds who only know of Call of Duty, say shit like "But there was no blood coming out!". Only when you get hit by a sniper there is going to be blood splatter, and it also depends on if the target has any movement or volition.

Some people be like "Oy dis video fake goy". If we are hypothetically assume the falsity that this was fake and be stupid, why should it be fake? The jews will try to wrestle it as real anyway, so the result is the same, but why should it be fake?

Like, why the jews would try to fake it? Because they are like compassionate about Muslims or something? The jews are like criminal, do they give one flying fuck if they killed 49 people more, on top of the 100 they killed the last days before the shooting?

The thing is the police being late was the only actual "red flag" on this video, but delayed response in New Zealand is like also to be expected, or by (((some reason))) the help was (((delayed))), or some (((Phonecall didn't make it))) etc.

I mean seriously do people think the orders who stage that shit are really that "Humane" as to not kill people to do what they wanna do anyway?

Kikes constantly come out and dispute their own created crimes. Palestinians post the pictures of bodies in half from the borders in protests, and the jew comes out in the United Nations and says it's all just lies and photoshop.

They killed more people, what's new with these kikes? Their kill count of billions just rose by a few more people.
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Artanis said:


Just made a comment and in like a minute there was 5 comments and like 7 likes :shock: :cool: :cool:


Username: Desdemona

But I can't find the half of my comments...

Next time when you post a link you can right-click on the timeline that shows when you have posted that comment and choose ´copy link address`(or something, i dont know what its in English) and paste it then here.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
