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The True Face Of Israel - Holocaust Of The Palestenians

I think it was Matthew 10:34-36 where Christians literally admit that their reptile god is nothing but a scum who came here to do and contribute absolutely nothing positive to mankind, quite the opposite - spread as much mayhem and chaos as possible and nothing more. Disturbingly, the bible is riddled with verses instructing Christians to hate the world and cut ties with the world and not to love their lives.....and then Christian conspiracy theory groups wonder why the enemy has been at literal liberty to take over infrastructure, starting from the top elite gov't, down to the owners of food distribution centers and businesses so Gentiles can never be successful - or so as they want to make it appear. If the Christians had total power, vaccine passports would STILL be a requirement "just because" their Jewish withcraft book "bible" ritualed for all Americans to get chip-implanted MArk of the Beast lalalala........then they wonder why secular successful "evil people" hate them so much and want nothing to do with them.

Throw communism in there as well. China and Russia got really fucked in the ass by that horrid movement. As a matter of fact, about a good 90% of all the people I hear/see practicing Oriental tradition (such as martial arts, Traditional Chinese medicine, Falun Gong, Qi-Gong) are Westerners, both White and Chinese Overseas alike....since there's literally more freedom outside of China to practice....Chinese tradition, which is sad and pathetic.

What I don't like is when I hear Christians bantering about how the "Talmud isn't true Judaism" or whatever, or that "extremists aren't true Islam". The writing is on the well, the Talmud/Torah/Bible/Koran are just pure filth that straight-admits and prides themselves in victimizing and murdering people.

Every year in Indonesia, they have "Ramadan hunts" where Muslim mobs just choose random non-Muslim families to victimize and kill. Prior to Islam, Indonesia was a glorious nation that followed Vedic tradition. Buddhism may be an enemy religion, but it's not that hard to turn Buddhists to Satan, all they gotta do is let go of the entire "soul doesn't exist" teaching as well as the slander against the Gods. The island of Mindanao as well as the southern Philippines is a cesspool and shithole of fighting between Muslim anD catholic extremists.

The Korean and Vietnam Wars were perfect examples of this. You either had Leftist Communism, or Religious Communism (Christianity). Ngo Din Diem, leader of the South Vietnamese forces and a Catholic, backstabbed the Emperor Bao Dai, and tried to create a Catholic state in South Vietnam. Boom....the nationalists lost the war already.

What I too, found very suspicions is a heavy presence of Christians in that various movements that overthrew the Qing Dynasty in China. Sun Yat Sen, the founder of the "Republic of China" was a Christian, and the mastermind of the overthrow of the Qing dynasty had connections to Triads (Chinese druglords) and held hands with Soviet Russia, and Chiang Kai Shek paid the price for it. Even before Mao Zedong, China died after the Self-Strengthening Movement ended.

There was a "Taiping Rebellion" in China, formed by lowlives under an low-life "Emperor" who went around destroying people's property and persecuting practitioners of Chinese Folk Religion and Confucianism.

All courtesy of the failed rabbi and his reptilian father.....

where did you find the info on the south vietnam leader backstabbing the emperor i want to read more in depth. thanks!
where did you find the info on the south vietnam leader backstabbing the emperor i want to read more in depth. thanks!

You can read it in his bio here:

He was an absolute scum bag Catholic who tried to turn Vietnam into a Catholic state and all of his inner circles too, were Catholics installed Catholic archbishops from his family to be the head of Vietnam's spiritual authority bodies. None of that information is confined to conspiracy theory articles, and it's outright-admitted in his biography. It's an open secret that he was a favorite tool of the kippah-wearing kikes over at the Vatican, who were the real creators of "French Vietnam" and "French Indochina", not the French gentiles themselves. Japan and Nazi Germany tried to eliminate this kind of culture in Vietnam, via Vichy France. Diem studied in Japan, and served as an officeholder under Emperor Bao Dai, and later backstabbed him. Just like Sun Yat-Sen and Feng Yuxiang of China who tried to turn China into a Christian state (Sun Yat Sen also tried to overthrow Japan's emperors, in spite of being allowed by them to study in Japan). Sadly - most of Vietnam's modern history is polluted, even the Royal Family of Vietnam later became Catholics as well in France, and don't even try to promote the restoration of the Vietnamese monarchy, very likely at the behest of the Vatican kikes.

Although Vietnam seems to be doing quite well, and slightly more freedom than China, but could do better. The Tiantai Buddhists seem to be trying to fix Vietnam's problems. I personally am fascinated by Sino-Vietnamese heritage, since much of the glory and richness of Vietnamese culture came from Ancient Chinese influence, and do hope that Chu Nom/Chu Han becomes the writing system for Vietnamese again, I don't know about you, it just seems to fit Vietnamese culture so well. That Vietnamese Latin script that is used today was also invented by Catholic friars in Vietnam.

He was eventually overthrown in a military coup, and sadly from there on, the South Vietnamese Army degenerated into rivaling factions - much like the Russian Whites and it is in my opinion that Ngo Dinh Diem was intentionally installed to destabilize the Vietnamese nationalists.

If you want to practice Vietnamese Satanism - I would recommend studying Daoist texts, you can DM me if you'd like for recommendation on Daoist books.
Over the years it has become rather stupid to constantly have to respond on why we highly dislike Israel or why we have a critical view of the jews, their culture and everything else.

In our case we are free to do so as the Ancient Religions have been besieged by dark, false and negative propaganda about our Gods and every culture that was not the Jewish/Abrahamic one.

Since we are naturally on the other side, we cannot really endorse it. Past that, the culture, actions and tenets of Israel, do evidently and now more obviously than ever make them a collective bunch that is painted with grim colours and blood.

As we are asked about the jews, sometimes we have to respond again and again. Most of these questions come from people in three categories.

One is those who are completely shills of the jews, who know that this negative opinion is justified, and they merely are spamming like robots to get us to "stop" criticizing them. In the mind of these people, as they are stooges, Israel and Jews are supposed to be beyond any and all criticism and to dislike them is equal to the conduction of a 6 trillion scale large holocaust. You just can't dislike them and all their answers are perfect.

Many of these people are also in the heads of Governments in the West, where we now collectively lie to ourselves that what is happening in Palestine or Gaza is fully justified as most Western Leaders are just saying "help Israel, it's terrorism" and they all likely know that is not the whole truth or it's even a manufactured lie to continue endless genocide and bloodshed in the region.

Secondly, those who truly have believed to one extent or more the lies of the jews, such as for example, that 6 millions of them perished in a so called "holocaust", yet are still in denial to make any research and are just programmed to respond to "jewish pain", despite of logic or numerous others genocides that have happened to others.

I didn't see anyone do this for Greeks or Armenians. It's only paid shills and Soros groups that will cry the loudest. The long list of genocides could fill a book. While most Nations use genocides as reasoning to conduct war operations, Israel has this uncanny tendency to pretend you have killed them all the moment you disagreed with them in X/Twitter.

Israel's culture is essentially designed around the totem wars against Greeks, Egyptians, Akkadians, Romans, Babylonians and anyone else who ever had a dispute with the jews and didn't allow them to hijack their Nations and cultures just for the jewish "people" to get rich, fat as cows, and to steal everything from them.

While the above looks irrational in the West now, the above is the culture of Israel: They still celebrate war, live by the gun, want to just expand, and they still believe they are going to heaven as they conduct mass genocides, something that also later got carried on to Islam.

They have explicit commands in their books to wipe out the memory and everything else of other "peoples" from their midst, in order to create the promised land, or a jewish racial state that will also be way larger than it is now. That must happen in ways people understand; war, genocide and anything else.

When they have plans like this [these plans are thousands of years old by the way], they maintain a strong strangehold to any and all other Nations that might judge them or whomever might disagree with them. Cards like Holocaust, poor jews, or whatever else, are still used today constantly same as "Anti-Semite" in order to censor their enemies.

We are also in the era where they arrogantly move forward without giving a single fuck about anyone and their opinion, since they dropped the mask and they no longer listen anyway. Therefore, carrying war and genocides is fine with them and the "opinion" of anyone does not matter.

I digress on the obvious insanity.

Thirdly, we have a honest category of people who truly have no clue and they are just humanistic and moral, who are believing on what information is circulating or they haven't made any thorough research into the past of the jewish people, so they are mostly oblivious.

Clearly, this post will not change category one. These people are now the same people who pretend that the jews aren't now and constantly over the last decades, already doing a holocaust of the Palestenian people. Not only they have extinct most of them, as their "religious command" command them to wipe out "heathens" from their region, but I believe just a round-going in social media will show you the real nature of the Israelis and how hate filled they are.

Now that the Palestinians are at their mercy, abuse, mass genocide, and everything they have been falsely claiming that has happened to them is a daily reality for the Palestinians. People in Israel rejoice the most when they bomb a school or something. Another video also aired where they do all sorts of insane war crimes to people they have supposedly abducted [whether these were militants or not, nobody knows]. War crimes are the daily bread of Israel right now.

If one was sane, they would sit there and ask this question: If the jewish people are supposedly so persecuted, wronged, so much victims above everyone else, why are they not feeling any remorse, respect, or sympathy and pain for those who are supposedly undergoing the same from the jews themselves?

The answer is harder than what one might think on the surface, that they are still a people of bloodlust and bestial wrath such as the Old Testament times. That much is correct. Yet additionally, the case is that the jews have not underwent that much fake suffering as they have claimed from the Nazis either, nor 6 trillions of them perished in the cooking chambers of Harry Potter.

Evil, audacity and lies are some of the characteristic traits of the jewish people, who, upon convincing the world that they had a death toll almost triple the amount of the jewish populations of Europe, or that everyone that remotely says anything about them is a terrorist, they have gained arrogant overconfidence in both their ability to lie.

Situation is that the above lasted for a while, yet now all the masks are dropped. Both Jews and the Israeli Government are right now in this situation where they are pleasantly overjoyed doing crimes, they literally brag about murder, hostages, abuse and destruction of even pedestrians and innocents in Gaza, and they are generally drunk in bloodlust against unarmed, innocents, or against anyone indiscriminately.

What people don't know about the jews is also their religious tenets, which explicitly command them, similarly to Islam, to do exactly the above. As most people have no idea, they cannot understand the reasons of this behavior.

Next time anyone will be told about a so called holocaust, we should only laugh. We cannot publicly laugh of course because it's illegal in many places to question if it happened, and it didn't happen, so I am not sure if we can laugh about an event that did not even transpire.

Next time also we think of the jewish matter, we should think to ourselves of the giant hypocrisy that Israel has, which does not end. On the West, they preach to take all refugees, wipe out the local population, stop birthrates, or that you are all Nazis and you need to die.

We are still free to not like Israel, not want to tolerate it, and we can never comply or approve this unethical schizophrenia of this demented culture. What if this culture expands and they get cherished goals? Humanity will not only largely extinct, but only a mass slave plantation will manifest for anyone else.

Basic psychology knows this reality as well: Criminals, rapists, ruiners of life, they tend to project. Projection is a mechanism where they project their crimes on others, while others are innocent. The jews collectively, on what they claimed "Nazis" did to them that never did it, just reveal their own collective insanity. Not even 10% of this happened.

Even if it did, how they would be justified to do all the same today? They are not. Yet the case is, they never had this happen to them.

If that insanity was in question, then we see it manifested openly today, in videos and in real events taking place.

When it comes to their domestic safety of Israel, recently a plan came out about how they plan to exterminate all Palestinians and force the rest to Egypt and elsewhere. Makes you wonder, maybe all they said the Nazis do, which never happened to them, was actually a huge projection of the religious tenets of the jews, or their thought process?

As we see the True face of Israel, then we know, that yes, that is the case.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
If the enemy culture expands this would certainly be damning. And they would follow completely in the path they have already paved, written in blood and upon their own souls. It is too obvious by the outcome of their existence. They cast behind their path a stinking wasteland worse than the fate of even a dead planet.
You can read it in his bio here:

He was an absolute scum bag Catholic who tried to turn Vietnam into a Catholic state and all of his inner circles too, were Catholics installed Catholic archbishops from his family to be the head of Vietnam's spiritual authority bodies. None of that information is confined to conspiracy theory articles, and it's outright-admitted in his biography. It's an open secret that he was a favorite tool of the kippah-wearing kikes over at the Vatican, who were the real creators of "French Vietnam" and "French Indochina", not the French gentiles themselves. Japan and Nazi Germany tried to eliminate this kind of culture in Vietnam, via Vichy France. Diem studied in Japan, and served as an officeholder under Emperor Bao Dai, and later backstabbed him. Just like Sun Yat-Sen and Feng Yuxiang of China who tried to turn China into a Christian state (Sun Yat Sen also tried to overthrow Japan's emperors, in spite of being allowed by them to study in Japan). Sadly - most of Vietnam's modern history is polluted, even the Royal Family of Vietnam later became Catholics as well in France, and don't even try to promote the restoration of the Vietnamese monarchy, very likely at the behest of the Vatican kikes.

Although Vietnam seems to be doing quite well, and slightly more freedom than China, but could do better. The Tiantai Buddhists seem to be trying to fix Vietnam's problems. I personally am fascinated by Sino-Vietnamese heritage, since much of the glory and richness of Vietnamese culture came from Ancient Chinese influence, and do hope that Chu Nom/Chu Han becomes the writing system for Vietnamese again, I don't know about you, it just seems to fit Vietnamese culture so well. That Vietnamese Latin script that is used today was also invented by Catholic friars in Vietnam.

He was eventually overthrown in a military coup, and sadly from there on, the South Vietnamese Army degenerated into rivaling factions - much like the Russian Whites and it is in my opinion that Ngo Dinh Diem was intentionally installed to destabilize the Vietnamese nationalists.

If you want to practice Vietnamese Satanism - I would recommend studying Daoist texts, you can DM me if you'd like for recommendation on Daoist books.
i thinking of doing a Vietnamese translation of JOS i don't know what to go about it and if the Vietnamese people will go for it, there was a Vietnamese guy here from Vietnam but i haven't seem him lately. do you have any suggestions for me?
i thinking of doing a Vietnamese translation of JOS i don't know what to go about it and if the Vietnamese people will go for it, there was a Vietnamese guy here from Vietnam but i haven't seem him lately. do you have any suggestions for me?

I will DM you.
You can read it in his bio here:

He was an absolute scum bag Catholic who tried to turn Vietnam into a Catholic state and all of his inner circles too, were Catholics installed Catholic archbishops from his family to be the head of Vietnam's spiritual authority bodies. None of that information is confined to conspiracy theory articles, and it's outright-admitted in his biography. It's an open secret that he was a favorite tool of the kippah-wearing kikes over at the Vatican, who were the real creators of "French Vietnam" and "French Indochina", not the French gentiles themselves. Japan and Nazi Germany tried to eliminate this kind of culture in Vietnam, via Vichy France. Diem studied in Japan, and served as an officeholder under Emperor Bao Dai, and later backstabbed him. Just like Sun Yat-Sen and Feng Yuxiang of China who tried to turn China into a Christian state (Sun Yat Sen also tried to overthrow Japan's emperors, in spite of being allowed by them to study in Japan). Sadly - most of Vietnam's modern history is polluted, even the Royal Family of Vietnam later became Catholics as well in France, and don't even try to promote the restoration of the Vietnamese monarchy, very likely at the behest of the Vatican kikes.

Although Vietnam seems to be doing quite well, and slightly more freedom than China, but could do better. The Tiantai Buddhists seem to be trying to fix Vietnam's problems. I personally am fascinated by Sino-Vietnamese heritage, since much of the glory and richness of Vietnamese culture came from Ancient Chinese influence, and do hope that Chu Nom/Chu Han becomes the writing system for Vietnamese again, I don't know about you, it just seems to fit Vietnamese culture so well. That Vietnamese Latin script that is used today was also invented by Catholic friars in Vietnam.

He was eventually overthrown in a military coup, and sadly from there on, the South Vietnamese Army degenerated into rivaling factions - much like the Russian Whites and it is in my opinion that Ngo Dinh Diem was intentionally installed to destabilize the Vietnamese nationalists.

If you want to practice Vietnamese Satanism - I would recommend studying Daoist texts, you can DM me if you'd like for recommendation on Daoist books.
I'm Vietnamese here. Nice to meet you.
i thinking of doing a Vietnamese translation of JOS i don't know what to go about it and if the Vietnamese people will go for it, there was a Vietnamese guy here from Vietnam but i haven't seem him lately. do you have any suggestions for me?
Hình như bạn đang tìm tôi phải không? Looks like you're looking for me, right?
Thank you, HP Hooded Cobra 666, for this very important and truthful contribution.

Just this much: I know many, many people in category 3. They would rather live in an illusion than face the harsh reality. They trivialize many things concerning the Jews and don't want to leave their complacent comfort zone. Yes, they are often clueless, but only because they don't dare to do their own thinking outside the media coverage. They literally believe any bullshit.

Yes, it's true. The Jews engage in an incredible amount of projection. What they have blamed on the Germans, the National Socialists, they have largely caused and staged themselves.

I spent years dealing with the revisionists, who were all chased out of Germany and could only publish their writings, original films and tape recordings from America. It almost broke my heart to realize how much dirt and shame they poured out on the German people. I often cried for hours about how they blamed us for everything, when in reality it was the other way around. The so-called 6 million "Jews" were in fact millions of Germans who starved and died in the mud in the Rhine meadows in the most miserable way at the instigation of the Jew Eisenhower. Not even the so-called "Red Cross", which was of course founded by the Rothschilds, took action against this misery.

Our beautiful old cities were destroyed senselessly and against all international conventions of the laws of war.

Of course, if a person in category 3 dared to look a little closer at what really happened and who the real warmongers were, he would always be on the verge of a heart attack and he would have to realize that after almost 70 years of a re-education program, he is so full of guilt complexes that naked fear would jump out at him if he even dared to take action against those who humiliated and belittled him.

The trauma that our people were put through after the Second World War is so deep-seated that it is almost unbearable to come to terms with it.

Most of my fellow human beings have no alternative anyway and would rather vegetate through their lives under the illusion of being a "good person" than stand up to the enemy or offer a fist.

I thank JoS for all the good rituals, but especially for the final RTR3in1, from which I draw so much strength and with which I can not only take action against these murderous vermin, but also provide my people with great help.

Hail Satanas!
Hail Luciferus!
Hail Wotanas!
Looked upon objectively the Old Testament aka the Torah is nothing but a deification of mass murder and genocide, that the jews hold central as a totem of domination and they believe it's the blueprint of conquest for doing genocide.

The whole project of the Old Testament is how you "kill the Gods" of your enemies and their cultures, and a series of how civilizations that have went down by anything are just very happy events because a bandit race from the middle east that was the most worthless of them all as a civilization, is profiting from it.

Then somehow this worthless manual after it created the Dark Ages, became incorporated as "spiritual knowledge" and "ethical knowledge" on top of it, to make matters even worse. Followed to the letter, the jews are a cultural and epigenetic issue of this time.

The adoptees of their Abrahamic bullshit, took it further with Islam and Christianity. Early Christianity is just a bloodbath of illiterate slaves and nothing else, and Islam is just more of the same, just hanging on even more. That mentality began with the jews.

None of these books are truly spiritual, the messages contained in them aren't even stories. The pseudepigraphical and known to be false "history" of the Torah is essentially just lies the jews wrote about themselves, to just feel angry and resentful against the whole world all the time, to justify things such as these they do today.

Meanwhile the jews preach to everyone else to just forget their history while they follow 2,000 year old or more of feuds. That's normal from a physical standpoint but it's really extinctionist behavior.

Then when they will pay the price of these beliefs, they will be claiming that it's bad. Yet when you move around your whole existence on a plan to genocide everyone else over the course of 2000 years, that's what's bound to happen. Jews think on the other hand that this is what they need.

The spread of these programs just rhymes genocide, illiteracy, stupidity, basically all that is grim and against life.

Jews must be deposed as spiritual knowledge givers, they are just the worst failure when it comes to this. Any other culture even a watered down would do way better. Hindus have kept themes of war and conquest and so on, and they still have a proper society, because they don't obsess all day to do genocides.

The jewish culture is like 98% invested in killing and blind conquest at this point. Swindle the goy, kill the goy, defame it's Gods, Greater Muh Israel, kill the neighboring races, steal the loot of the Gentiles, curse the goyim, whatever.

Jews don't have a religion they have a hate based system that could never exist without Gentiles to parasitize, kill and so on. Nietszche said it properly that it's the manifestation of mass hate and nothing else.

By adopting that nonsense, we have deified hate in this world. Only after the Gods have started to turn this around this situation started to look like a more civilized setting, as people are letting go of these programs of death or they fall out of relevance.
It is like balm to my soul to read what you write. If I could give you a medal with a decent eulogy, I would. So much harm comes from the Jews and their writings. I am simply stunned that a species that calls itself "human" is even capable of such atrocities.
Hail Satanas!
Hail Luciferus!
Hail Wotanas!
hi brother. Hi I am vietnamese also from America. Would you be interested in doweling together for a Vietnamese translation for the Vietnamese in Vietnam!? Message thanks!
I live in Vietnam, and my English isn't strong enough to translate documents into Vietnamese. Besides, as a high school student, I don't have sufficient time to translate. I apologize.
I live in Vietnam, and my English isn't strong enough to translate documents into Vietnamese. Besides, as a high school student, I don't have sufficient time to translate. I apologize.
No. My English is good enough we’re translating into Viet no English it will be ok. We don’t need a lot of time.
I live in Vietnam, and my English isn't strong enough to translate documents into Vietnamese. Besides, as a high school student, I don't have sufficient time to translate. I apologize.
Over the years it has become rather stupid to constantly have to respond on why we highly dislike Israel or why we have a critical view of the jews, their culture and everything else.

In our case we are free to do so as the Ancient Religions have been besieged by dark, false and negative propaganda about our Gods and every culture that was not the Jewish/Abrahamic one.

Since we are naturally on the other side, we cannot really endorse it. Past that, the culture, actions and tenets of Israel, do evidently and now more obviously than ever make them a collective bunch that is painted with grim colours and blood.

As we are asked about the jews, sometimes we have to respond again and again. Most of these questions come from people in three categories.

One is those who are completely shills of the jews, who know that this negative opinion is justified, and they merely are spamming like robots to get us to "stop" criticizing them. In the mind of these people, as they are stooges, Israel and Jews are supposed to be beyond any and all criticism and to dislike them is equal to the conduction of a 6 trillion scale large holocaust. You just can't dislike them and all their answers are perfect.

Many of these people are also in the heads of Governments in the West, where we now collectively lie to ourselves that what is happening in Palestine or Gaza is fully justified as most Western Leaders are just saying "help Israel, it's terrorism" and they all likely know that is not the whole truth or it's even a manufactured lie to continue endless genocide and bloodshed in the region.

Secondly, those who truly have believed to one extent or more the lies of the jews, such as for example, that 6 millions of them perished in a so called "holocaust", yet are still in denial to make any research and are just programmed to respond to "jewish pain", despite of logic or numerous others genocides that have happened to others.

I didn't see anyone do this for Greeks or Armenians. It's only paid shills and Soros groups that will cry the loudest. The long list of genocides could fill a book. While most Nations use genocides as reasoning to conduct war operations, Israel has this uncanny tendency to pretend you have killed them all the moment you disagreed with them in X/Twitter.

Israel's culture is essentially designed around the totem wars against Greeks, Egyptians, Akkadians, Romans, Babylonians and anyone else who ever had a dispute with the jews and didn't allow them to hijack their Nations and cultures just for the jewish "people" to get rich, fat as cows, and to steal everything from them.

While the above looks irrational in the West now, the above is the culture of Israel: They still celebrate war, live by the gun, want to just expand, and they still believe they are going to heaven as they conduct mass genocides, something that also later got carried on to Islam.

They have explicit commands in their books to wipe out the memory and everything else of other "peoples" from their midst, in order to create the promised land, or a jewish racial state that will also be way larger than it is now. That must happen in ways people understand; war, genocide and anything else.

When they have plans like this [these plans are thousands of years old by the way], they maintain a strong strangehold to any and all other Nations that might judge them or whomever might disagree with them. Cards like Holocaust, poor jews, or whatever else, are still used today constantly same as "Anti-Semite" in order to censor their enemies.

We are also in the era where they arrogantly move forward without giving a single fuck about anyone and their opinion, since they dropped the mask and they no longer listen anyway. Therefore, carrying war and genocides is fine with them and the "opinion" of anyone does not matter.

I digress on the obvious insanity.

Thirdly, we have a honest category of people who truly have no clue and they are just humanistic and moral, who are believing on what information is circulating or they haven't made any thorough research into the past of the jewish people, so they are mostly oblivious.

Clearly, this post will not change category one. These people are now the same people who pretend that the jews aren't now and constantly over the last decades, already doing a holocaust of the Palestenian people. Not only they have extinct most of them, as their "religious command" command them to wipe out "heathens" from their region, but I believe just a round-going in social media will show you the real nature of the Israelis and how hate filled they are.

Now that the Palestinians are at their mercy, abuse, mass genocide, and everything they have been falsely claiming that has happened to them is a daily reality for the Palestinians. People in Israel rejoice the most when they bomb a school or something. Another video also aired where they do all sorts of insane war crimes to people they have supposedly abducted [whether these were militants or not, nobody knows]. War crimes are the daily bread of Israel right now.

If one was sane, they would sit there and ask this question: If the jewish people are supposedly so persecuted, wronged, so much victims above everyone else, why are they not feeling any remorse, respect, or sympathy and pain for those who are supposedly undergoing the same from the jews themselves?

The answer is harder than what one might think on the surface, that they are still a people of bloodlust and bestial wrath such as the Old Testament times. That much is correct. Yet additionally, the case is that the jews have not underwent that much fake suffering as they have claimed from the Nazis either, nor 6 trillions of them perished in the cooking chambers of Harry Potter.

Evil, audacity and lies are some of the characteristic traits of the jewish people, who, upon convincing the world that they had a death toll almost triple the amount of the jewish populations of Europe, or that everyone that remotely says anything about them is a terrorist, they have gained arrogant overconfidence in both their ability to lie.

Situation is that the above lasted for a while, yet now all the masks are dropped. Both Jews and the Israeli Government are right now in this situation where they are pleasantly overjoyed doing crimes, they literally brag about murder, hostages, abuse and destruction of even pedestrians and innocents in Gaza, and they are generally drunk in bloodlust against unarmed, innocents, or against anyone indiscriminately.

What people don't know about the jews is also their religious tenets, which explicitly command them, similarly to Islam, to do exactly the above. As most people have no idea, they cannot understand the reasons of this behavior.

Next time anyone will be told about a so called holocaust, we should only laugh. We cannot publicly laugh of course because it's illegal in many places to question if it happened, and it didn't happen, so I am not sure if we can laugh about an event that did not even transpire.

Next time also we think of the jewish matter, we should think to ourselves of the giant hypocrisy that Israel has, which does not end. On the West, they preach to take all refugees, wipe out the local population, stop birthrates, or that you are all Nazis and you need to die.

We are still free to not like Israel, not want to tolerate it, and we can never comply or approve this unethical schizophrenia of this demented culture. What if this culture expands and they get cherished goals? Humanity will not only largely extinct, but only a mass slave plantation will manifest for anyone else.

Basic psychology knows this reality as well: Criminals, rapists, ruiners of life, they tend to project. Projection is a mechanism where they project their crimes on others, while others are innocent. The jews collectively, on what they claimed "Nazis" did to them that never did it, just reveal their own collective insanity. Not even 10% of this happened.

Even if it did, how they would be justified to do all the same today? They are not. Yet the case is, they never had this happen to them.

If that insanity was in question, then we see it manifested openly today, in videos and in real events taking place.

When it comes to their domestic safety of Israel, recently a plan came out about how they plan to exterminate all Palestinians and force the rest to Egypt and elsewhere. Makes you wonder, maybe all they said the Nazis do, which never happened to them, was actually a huge projection of the religious tenets of the jews, or their thought process?

As we see the True face of Israel, then we know, that yes, that is the case.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The Jews are filthy and disgusting
And they cause a lot of diseases
I wouldn't be surprised if they created
Coronavirus I hope they suffer all
Kinds of torment and infliction and
They are failures in what ever they
Are at religion

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
