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NEW SITE - Destroying Islam: www.IslamicEvil.com

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings everyone in our SS family,

I am very pleased to announce a first and very powerful step toward the removal and the deprogramming of the people from the Abrahamic virus of Islam. Islam is grotesque, evil and a horrendous form of blasphemy toward the Ancient Gods, a system of death and warfare that removed them from Arabia. Where there used to be paradise for spiritual people, knowledge and worship, now there lay ruins of superstition, evil and social imbalance.

Underlying it all however, the Gods are always strong and eternal, carrying their Disciples into wisdom regardless of what is going on on the surface of the failing world.

To our SS who are living under the grip of this evil program, worry not. Times will change. Stay secretive, do not reveal your allegiance to the Gods, and elevate your souls. Worry not about the external vileness, it will be cleansed eventually through the power of the Gods and our works.

Of all the viruses the enemy has created, Islam is the vilest, the most stupid and the most brutal one. Designed in particular only for the lesser and most ugly minds, it is simply a cult where slaves go around a rock, procreate as much as possible, and prepare for a global Jihad against everything that is proper and beautiful in this world.

Of course, many followers of Islam have made their own "Interpretations", since the human mind cannot tolerate or accept this vileness, as human beings stem from the Gods. Yet, the fundamental nature of Islam is essentially that of a spreading contagion and nothing else.

Thanks to Joy of Satan Guardian Karnonnos and our esteemed member Arcadia, a new site was composed to deal with this: www.Islamicevil.com. In that website, the superstition, foolishness and pure evil of Islam is explained in very proper terms.

This is huge step in the development of the Joy of Satan and the spiritual reformation of our world. I want to thank both JG Karnonnos and Arcadia for putting in the work for this website, and JG Apollo Above for the design of the Website. Lord Thoth should be credited about the Logo, which encapsulates very simply the power the site has.

From now on, this site should be used as a weapon that can be sent to liberate minds and iron people under Islamic siege mentally. We will promote this in our outreach and in all our online sieges.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
this might be the best news i have received today. i was really waiting for this. it has increased my motivation to destroy them with rtr. for years they poisoned us, our family, they made us worse than dead. i cannot wait to retaliate against all of them. the descendants of the people they burnt alive, raped, enslaved are ready to ask for retribution. and that day is today.
Greetings everyone in our SS family,

I am very pleased to announce a first and very powerful step toward the removal and the deprogramming of the people from the Abrahamic virus of Islam. Islam is grotesque, evil and a horrendous form of blasphemy toward the Ancient Gods, a system of death and warfare that removed them from Arabia. Where there used to be paradise for spiritual people, knowledge and worship, now there lay ruins of superstition, evil and social imbalance.

Of all the viruses the enemy has created, Islam is the vilest, the most stupid and the most brutal one. Designed in particular only for the lesser and most ugly minds, it is simply a cult where slaves go around a rock, procreate as much as possible, and prepare for a global Jihad against everything that is proper and beautiful in this world.

Of course, many followers of Islam have made their own "Interpretations", since the human mind cannot tolerate or accept this vileness, as human beings stem from the Gods. Yet, the fundamental nature of Islam is essentially that of a spreading contagion and nothing else.

Thanks to JG Karnonnos and our esteemed member Arcadia, a new site was composed to deal with this: www.Islamicevil.com. In that website, the superstition, foolisness and pure evil of Islam is explained in very proper terms.

This is huge step in the development of the Joy of Satan and the spiritual reformation of our world. I want to thank both JG Karnonnos and Arcadia for putting in the work for this website, and JG Apollo Above for the design of the Website. Lord Thoth should be credited about the Logo, which encapsulates very simply the power the site has.

From now on, this site should be used as a weapon that can be sent to liberate minds and iron people under Islamic siege mentally. We will promote this in our outreach and in all our online sieges.

View attachment 3270

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Wonderful, looking forward to read
Congratulations JG Karnonnos and Arcadia. I am very impressed by how well this turned out. Very important work.

Of all the viruses the enemy has created, Islam is the vilest, the most stupid and the most brutal one.
Exactly. Islam is pure evil. It is anti-humanity in every way, the more anyone advances spiritually the more this is obvious. I hope our comrades here who are from muslim backgrounds are able to fully deprogram from this sickness.
Greetings everyone in our SS family,

I am very pleased to announce a first and very powerful step toward the removal and the deprogramming of the people from the Abrahamic virus of Islam. Islam is grotesque, evil and a horrendous form of blasphemy toward the Ancient Gods, a system of death and warfare that removed them from Arabia. Where there used to be paradise for spiritual people, knowledge and worship, now there lay ruins of superstition, evil and social imbalance.

Underlying it all however, the Gods are always strong and eternal, carrying their Disciples into wisdom regardless of what is going on on the surface of the failing world.

To our SS who are living under the grip of this evil program, worry not. Times will change. Stay secretive, do not reveal your allegiance to the Gods, and elevate your souls. Worry not about the external vileness, it will be cleansed eventually through the power of the Gods and our works.

Of all the viruses the enemy has created, Islam is the vilest, the most stupid and the most brutal one. Designed in particular only for the lesser and most ugly minds, it is simply a cult where slaves go around a rock, procreate as much as possible, and prepare for a global Jihad against everything that is proper and beautiful in this world.

Of course, many followers of Islam have made their own "Interpretations", since the human mind cannot tolerate or accept this vileness, as human beings stem from the Gods. Yet, the fundamental nature of Islam is essentially that of a spreading contagion and nothing else.

Thanks to Joy of Satan Guardian Karnonnos and our esteemed member Arcadia, a new site was composed to deal with this: www.Islamicevil.com. In that website, the superstition, foolishness and pure evil of Islam is explained in very proper terms.

This is huge step in the development of the Joy of Satan and the spiritual reformation of our world. I want to thank both JG Karnonnos and Arcadia for putting in the work for this website, and JG Apollo Above for the design of the Website. Lord Thoth should be credited about the Logo, which encapsulates very simply the power the site has.

From now on, this site should be used as a weapon that can be sent to liberate minds and iron people under Islamic siege mentally. We will promote this in our outreach and in all our online sieges.

View attachment 3270

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for this and for everyone’s work on this!

I also have first hand experience with Islam and can speak/read Arabic, if anything’s needed from me I would love to contribute. :)
@Hp. Hoodedcobra666 @Karnonnos [JG] @Arcadia @ApolloAbove [JG]
I'm honoured by everyone's appreciation. To offer my own appreciation in turn, absolute thanks to JG Karnonnos, for being there start to finish. Thanks too, to JG Apollo Above. The first time I browsed the completed site, I was genuinely surprised by just how good it looked. Thanks too, to HPHC for conceptualizing the site, and of course, an immense thanks to Lord Thoth for His involvement.

I, more than many, was already aware of just how perverse and evil Islam truly was. The extent however, upon the beginning of my research for the project, baffled even me. Needless to say, do keep an eye out for additional articles to come. I know it's a shared hope, by myself, and most anyone else here, that we live to see the ultimate downfall of the Abrahamic swindle. Let this be a major step in that direction.
It is unspeakably vile how much that insidious program has warped people and turned them against one another, and worked to destroy history. Pre-islam Middle East was to my knowledge an incredibly advanced civilization, and Southeast Asia before islam still has many temples venerating the Gods. Now, suspiciously little information exists from that time for either regions, their people unrecognizable now compared to those of back then.

You know it's bad when countries infuse their official laws with "shariah law". It's time to liberate people of that horrendous depravity.
The only Thing Missing at this point, is the Absolutely Dire-Needed Ritual Designed to Obliterate Spiritually this Enemy Program which has Greatly slowed down Advancement of humanity , especially in the Middle East/north africa, but that also in the future, might affect very negatively the Entire world and Europe, unless Said Virus is Dealt with, in the most Appropiate Manner <

and yes, if judeo-xianity gets Spiritually Obliterated in the meantime, there's still the risk that Said Virulent Proxy of Abrahimism might keep on living and thriving on its own, even if the original Virus that birthed it is no longer Existing... Therefore, An Agressive kind of Spiritual Intervention is an Absolute Necessity in order to Ensure Nullification of the Aforementioned Islamic Program <

and now...in regards to this new Lovely JOS Website, the only Small issue i wanted to point out is in regards to the usage of the Black Cube in the logo,together with the name "islamicevil" ...the Problem is related to the Possibility that it might reinforce the Beliefs that some people has in regards to the cube itself...Thoughts such as, "the Cube being Evil" just because it is Currently worshipped by Individuals associated with the islamic program(and judaism too, with their "tefilin'), therefore redirecting some Focus and Attention,potentially with Destructive intents, onto an Innocent Geometry Pattern, rather than being simply Laser-Focused,in a Destructive way, on the Viruses that enjoys hijacking Spiritual tools,symbols,names, and Geometry Patterns, in the first place...

fortunately, the Solution is very simple: Just remind yourself about what i wrote whenever you See that kind of Association,and therefore Focusing yourself completely on the Viruses...doing so easily solves this lil' issue, instantly ☥

And with Said, aside from this very minor issue, There's no doubt that this is definitely a Very Useful and Honourable Project, which helps in regards to Reminding all of Us About how Actually malign the enemy is, and therefore, Increasing Determination and Willpower, in regards to Shutting down Spiritually, said enemy program, on the day where the Ritual Designed for doing Exactly that, gets Released Publicly ☥

and to any detractors out there screaming "muh islamophobic" , i shall say,that We simply don't care... anybody out there can easily slander Satanism or even promote Banning it, and get away with that very easily(on a physical level, spiritually is another story)... infact the Word "Satanophobic" has never been used by the obnoxious social justice warriors and the Islamo-commies that literally desires to see Europe and the West being r**** by the Evil program that they do promote...a program that shall not be critiqued , according to said individuals Possessed by r*** Fetishes, of course <

same thing is also true for the most famous "anti-Defamation entity" , which of course, never accused anybody of being "Satanophobic", but definitely engaged countless times in usage of the anti-gentile black magick word "anti-semitic" , and sometimes also the word "islamophobic" <

and indeed,it's also true that you gotta beware about the ones you are not allowed to critique...

...Therefore,there's no doubt that we are simply doing the Right thing there, and We won't stop till The Situation has been Fixed ☥
Thank you HP Cobra and HPS Lydia for making this a possibility. HPS Maxine and HPS Zildar Raasi also contributed greatly. As always, the Gods are to be thanked here, such as Lord Thoth's creative recommendations to myself and JG ApolloAbove.

I would like to thank Arcadia for their radiant intelligence and amiability all the way which you will see in their articles and JG ApolloAbove for creating such a beautiful layout and website. I would also like to eternally thank Edward Lonsa for creating the first anti-Islamic site on the JoS which helped immensely in many ways for this project.

Azazel must also be congratulated and thanked for this, as He has led many past and present to destroying this pernicious program, which amounts to a blasphemy of His name. He has guided me exceptionally for years. Astarte and Abraxas also contributed much to the ruin of this program. HAIL AZAZEL!

Since I was young, something about Islam disgusted me. The more I looked into this putrid religion, especially as it is represented in a completely false way to many English speakers and even many westernized Muslims are totally confused about the contents, the more I was disgusted.

Islam is a testament to how the enemy uses laziness and stasis to enslave people. It keeps people locked in a certain level of development. Anyone of intelligence who has been born under this creed lives a very difficult life.

Yet in spite of the pathological things I list on the website about Islam and its adherents, older westerners betraying us in advance for all this may be even more insane. There has been a concerted effort for many decades to label any criticism of Islam as 'Islamophobia' from the same people indifferent or critical of Christianity and from the same people claiming they 'believe' in women's rights or children's rights. Time and time again, Muslims are let off the hook for all kinds of things.

One case I read about recently involved a girl groomed at 11 years old from an orphanage, considerably older Muslim men met her at a cafe and gave her attention and gifts. They groomed her into believing this was a boyfriend. Then they hooked her onto drugs and along with many other girls, forced her to have sex with over 120 men a day [mostly Muslim men]. This went on for years. When she tried to break free of this, they took her to an abandoned factory and beat her violently. When she was in transit, they quoted Qu'ran verses at her (because in 'theory' prostitution of a slave, yes, these girls count as slaves, is wrong in the Qu'ran, but because these girls are argued to 'not' be compelled according to Islamic criteria, there is a loophole).

Things like this had been going on since the early 1970s. In her case, as the scandal broke by this time, the police eventually helped. In other cases prior, the sections of the police burned bloodied evidence of certain girls and tagged the girls, giving GPS coordinates to the offenders!

I want to make an emphatic statement on that: Islamicevil is not about 'look how evil and backwards Muslims are and how utterly perfect we westerners are forever', this is about the corruption of many groups of people and how it goes into synthesis with the occult elements of enemy programs. Without this corruption, the synthesis like covering up these crimes would not be POSSIBLE.

This scandal broke in England thanks to the bravery of a few people, despite fellow social workers obstructing them every step of the way, the BBC and others labelling these exposing the scandal as 'fascists' and blackballing them, and other things. Nonetheless, it continues.

England is not unique. The Gods inform me this is going on in France, this is going on in Sweden, this is going on in Germany, this is going on in the USA (Michigan and Minnesota), this is going on in Russia and it hasn't even broken into public consciousness yet in any of these countries. This is being abetted. It is being COVERED UP by dhimmis and corrupt people, many of whom have financial incentives.

Many are simply and utterly ignorant of the cultural power Islam is wielding over the youth, especially in Europe. They are complacent and not understanding how attractive it is to many groups of younger Gen Z and Gen Alpha children. Parents are almost entirely unaware gangs of Muslim children are pressuring or forcing their children to say shahada. Many children simply do so voluntarily, as 'some' structure in the guise of this program is more attractive than nothing and nihilism. Glaringly the enemy and their minions try to symbolically and mentally castrate white boys and men in every which way, meaning the only way out and gain immunity to all criticism is to become Muslim or literally castrate themselves.

If you are a parent, BE VIGILANT.

We will continue updating the site. This is not any site set in stone, it has to be dynamic to confront a temporary problem.

I also want to mention that submissions from members are permitted. We will be integrating aspects of WDOI. In a separate topic I will list criteria for submission. This has to be of a high quality and understanding of Islam, of course.

Translations will be coordinated via [JG] TheAlchemist7. I am looking for HIGH-QUALITY translations. The situation in Western and Northern Europe particularly is damning, France for example is at risk of being totally overrun. Arabic, Turkish, Persian, Indonesian/Malay and the various Indian language translations also have to be 100 percent for obvious reasons.

If you're unsure of how to phrase something, please do not just run it through Google Translate or DeepL. Do not cut corners with this.

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Amazing work! This site will be a great tool to steer the influnence of islam into a cold grave where it belongs.

Another victory for the Righteous!
Thanks JG Karnonnos, Arcadia and all people who contributed!
England is not unique. The Gods inform me this is going on in France, this is going on in Sweden, this is going on in Germany, this is going on in the USA (Michigan and Minnesota), this is going on in Russia and it hasn't even broken into public consciousness yet in any of these countries. This is being abetted. It is being COVERED UP by dhimmis and corrupt people, many of whom have financial incentives.
In Italy there are some city neighborhoods and city districts with all arab islamic residents, they pray en masse in public squares and hold religious processions in the streets. The new site is very important to reveal how horrible is this religion.

We Italian translators are ready to translate the site!
and now...in regards to this new Lovely JOS Website, the only Small issue i wanted to point out is in regards to the usage of the Black Cube in the logo,together with the name "islamicevil" ...the Problem is related to the Possibility that it might reinforce the Beliefs that some people has in regards to the cube itself...Thoughts such as, "the Cube being Evil" just because it is Currently worshipped by Individuals associated with the islamic program(and judaism too, with their "tefilin'), therefore redirecting some Focus and Attention,potentially with Destructive intents, onto an Innocent Geometry Pattern, rather than being simply Laser-Focused,in a Destructive way, on the Viruses that enjoys hijacking Spiritual tools,symbols,names, and Geometry Patterns, in the first place...
As HP Cobra says, Lord Thoth actually recommended the cube for various reasons. There are dimensions to this.

People may believe the cube itself is evil or some cube of Saturn or something, but this is not so important so much as how this symbol is used copiously by the enemy.
People may believe the cube itself is evil or some cube of Saturn or something, but this is not so important so much as how this symbol is used copiously by the enemy.

if the Enemies Ceases to Exist, then also all the Enemy usage and hijacking Ceases to exist aswell, and therefore it'll be even easier at that point to Deprogram people in regards to the previously mentioned Misguided Beliefs...

and indeed, it's hard to call that an "issue", in regards to the website itself... it's more of a cultural issue, of course <
the only Small issue i wanted to point out is in regards to the usage of the Black Cube in the logo,together with the name "islamicevil"

and with all that said,Karnonnos, i do Thank you and congratulate You in regards to this Lovely Project which deserves to be Publicly Promoted ☥

and aside from that, as previously mentioned , i'm also really looking forward to the the Anti-Islam Ritual, which has been mentioned in the past, in certain threads,by HP COBRA...
Just do the RTR's and the Anti-Islam ones [when they will be out]
There is yes, in fact, there might be 3 Anti-Islam Rituals, which will be in parts. Part 1 will be released before the other two.

Considering the Birth of this new JOS Site, the Rituals dedicated to Countering the islamic menace, might Potentially Arrive,soon...
This is very good! Thank you for your hardwork JG Karnonnos, Arcadia and JG ApolloAbove! As well to the Gods!
Thank you very much for your valuable work and efforts.

It is a nefariousness to see Italian (and European) cities filled with the bearers of this anti-life fanaticism. But especially to see the media trying to normalize this. It gives one the creeps. I will fight to the last to oppose this filth.

Islam will be wiped off the face of the world and never again will such an abomination be resurrected!

Thank you again!
We have a translation setup being worked on, and it will let users set their language on the website itself.
Great to hear! Will it be translated like JoS Astro (as in a folder with JSON files)?
Congratulations to everyone who worked on this wonderful project!
As others have stated, an anti-islamic RTR would be very beneficial, as we have almost killed xianity but islam is rampant.
I absolutely agree, but Islam will end. I think people are completely brainwashed. What intelligent man can believe in such a violent, ignorant “religion”?
I absolutely agree, but Islam will end. I think people are completely brainwashed. What intelligent man can believe in such a violent, ignorant “religion”?
It's not intelligent men we're talking about, it's the thousands coming in from the borders.
It looks awesome! Thank you for the great work!

Islam is so disgusting and barbaric beyond words; the fact that it is considered even worse than christianity, speaks volumes. I have always hated it, but I never realized it was that bad until recently.

This new website will not only help to spread the Truth, but to also bring more and more people to the JoS.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
