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New Rituals & Schedule Now Live: HPS Maxine's Ritual & Lord Balaam's Ritual

The ritual that most like to me are the ritual of Balam, in especially the part of punish Israel. But as I say I don't know if is good generalize may be the ultraortodox jews that follow the Torah are good people. But I don't know if they are the worst. I know that there are many jews.
The ultra orthodox are literally the worst, their communities are so closed that even police can't intervene on them. There is a book by a jewess called "orthodox", where she describes what kind of hell it is to live with the ultra orthodox jews, she recounted how a father once killed his son because he found him masturbating in the basement. And nothing happened to the father after that.
Thank you.

I was positively surprised at first when I read this. This is wonderful.

An excellent ritual in honour of High Priestess Maxine. The greatness of High Priestess Maxine is thus fully felt.

And the ritual of Lord Balaam is simply brilliant. A true masterpiece. It simultaneously honours Lord Balaam and curses the jews in one story. Very creative and complex.

It was an experience.

I wish High Priestess Maxine every success in the future!

Hail Balaam!
The ritual that most like to me are the ritual of Balam, in especially the part of punish Israel. But as I say I don't know if is good generalize may be the ultraortodox jews that follow the Torah are good people. But I don't know if they are the worst. I know that there are many jews.
How one can be at least 4 years in and still hold any form of sympathy for these absolute chaos agents is beyond me. The ones you are talking about are considered the worst kinds of people, even among juden. Either you're a chaos agent yourself trying to seed doubt in our ranks, or you need to go immerse yourself in study of Judaism and Kabbalah Exposed for a little while, until your delusion on these people is fully shattered.

The ultra orthodox are literally the worst, their communities are so closed that even police can't intervene on them. There is a book by a jewess called "orthodox", where she describes what kind of hell it is to live with the ultra orthodox jews, she recounted how a father once killed his son because he found him masturbating in the basement. And nothing happened to the father after that.
I remember stumbling on this insanity some time ago with this yiddlediddle. See, even when someone does decide to try and do something about it, they've no problem turning against him so they can continue to pork little kids with their little 10cm crotch mushrooms in peace.

Lol 1:13 the jewess staring at the reporter like he's offended her just by walking down the same street as her; this is the mentality of the absolute mutants you're trying to defend here, David. Some of them can't even stand even having to face a Goyim in person, looking at us like monsters for even daring to share the same sidewalk as them. But they're such "good people", right? Brother, they would sooner
I merely wish to convey that I don't believe that I have ever cried so heavily as I did whilst performing High Priestess Maxine's Ritual. The emotions, beauty and power of the ritual are beyond what mere words may express.
With great happiness I am announcing in front of all of our family, these two wonderful Rituals. They are both of historical proportion. That is also likely the happiest day of my own life.

The first Ritual is about HPS Maxine. Through the content of the Ritual, you will understand all the things I could not write or couldn't say. HPS Maxine, in accordance to Ancient Spiritual tradition, is now officially the first Hero the Joy of Satan has created.

Heroes in the Ancient World were people who successfully completed the Astral Body Immortalization, becoming as a result transformed from Human beings to Heroic Beings. You will see when you participate in this.

Her ultimate and eternal contribution as the mother of the Joy of Satan shall now be remembered in all Eternity. There are no words for me to describe how I feel about these topics. May infinite love, blessings and honor be upon her.

As a family, it is time that we glorify our first Mother, who has done all these important tasks in bringing the Gods again in this world. You will understand more through the Ritual and through your hearts.

Today, I crown HPS Maxine with the Crown the Gods have given Her while in life, in front of our People, for all Eternity. May she walk onward into Eternity as She always deserved and proven to deserve in all Her works.

May all of us follow her example as much as possible and may we all become partakers of Satan's Great Mysteries.

HPS Maxine Apotheosis Ritual:

Now, in regard to Balaam, Balaam was also a Demi-God that once existed among us all, that was once also a human being. He has been incessantly vilified by the enemy. His Ritual consists of blessings, but it is also one of the strongest warfare Rituals that also contains an element of Reverse Torah Ritual in it. As a result, we have three Rituals. It is without a doubt one of the strongest Rituals to ever be created. All accounts that were written on the Legendary Balaam are false; this Ritual will restore all of the Truth about Him. It is imperative that both of these Rituals are done.

This is one of the most powerful, emotionally charged and important schedules to this day. The blessings and power that will come from this, are exceptional.

Lord Balaam's Ritual:

Links to the Rituals:

HPS Maxine Apotheosis Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/heroes/hps-maxine-apotheosis-ritual.html
Lord Balaam's Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/balaam-power-ritual.html
Grand Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/the-grand-ritual.html

Extra Information To Study:

Hierarchically, the Hierarchy is like this: Human, Hero, Demon / Demi-God and then finally, the last step of evolution is for one to eventually become a God. As a result, other Legendary Heroes will be part of the Joy of Satan Rituals, so we can pay homage to all of them for their great works.

In regard to the concept of Apotheosis: https://www.jstor.org/stable/3210166
More Details About Magnum Opus: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/levels-of-the-magnum-opus-clarified.289396/post-1070506

About Balaam, Balaam was a Gentile Mage from Ancient Syria (High Priest of Beelzebul), who has been one of the most hated in all of Jewish History. There are whole chapters in the Bible dedicated against him. Eventually, as the Jews knew he had ascended to Godhead, they wrote endless slander against Him and also put him in the "Goetia" as a Hated God of the Gentiles.

About Balaam: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balaam
Original surviving document from Balaam Himself, writing about Ishtar/Astarte and our Gods as His Gods: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Alla_Inscription


Since I am at loss for words and I must participate immediately after I post this, I bring to everyone our Divine Honor and wish for all of you Eternal Blessings.

Below, I am putting the schedule.

June 12th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 13th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 14th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 15th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 16th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 17th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 18th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 19th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 20th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
I was just wondering, as I was reciting the current Rituals, that there are sentences in them that could be perfect to be included as lyrics for the Anthem some of our most gifted composers and musician members are working on. I mean, sentences like: "They shall no more murder the innocent, they shall no more make unholy temples." What do you think, guys?

Note: I am posting this here because I could not find the original post on the Anthem. I hope this is not an inconvenience!
Many people are such bleeding hearts, that even as we will be rallied for execution by the Jews or they do WW3 or implement Agenda 2030 and microchip us, or brain-chip us, they will be like "Yeah, but there were 1% Good Jews".

There are 95% Good Gentiles. Does that stop jews from doing what they want to do to us? In many cases that is 95%. Do they care for all the millions of young people they send to wars, the people that they poison, or for all the Ancient destruction they have caused?

Do they care as they import millions and millions of criminals from Somalia in Europe, or Jihadist Islamics? All these Pagans who were besieged and slaughtered, did they ever lay a finger on the jews at all? They were mostly innocent. Never even met them before such as in the case of North Europeans.

But we have to care for what evil jew the ritual hits, and if it does what to them? What about these Palestinian children they destroy every single day, did the jews sit there to consider that they are "Innocent" in anyway?

Like I legitimately have to sit here right now, knowing they would kill me at a moment's notice, whilst doing all possible crimes on the face of the planet for thousands of years, against anyone and indiscriminately, but I have to mind 0.5% of them that wouldn't kill me on the spot but would rather kill me 2 days later instead.

If you want to refer to Justice, please refer to actual Justice. Bleeding heart irrationality, is not justice.

Doing a ritual to punish evil doers, punishes evil-doers. It doesn't punish an imaginary 0.5% of Jews that are so divine, proper and noble, that they haven't harmed an ant in their lives. That is up to the Gods.

Do not concern yourselves about them merciful bleeding hearts, and do the Rituals. There is 95% of Gentile population at stake here if you don't do it.

Yeah, they won't care if all 95% of Gentiles are fully innocent, or upward to 98% innocent towards Jews if they take over, that's for sure. So do the Rituals, lest we become a global fucking Gaza strip.
Compared to the RTR is the Balaam ritual more effective spiritual warfare? I enjoy the Balaam ritual more and I would prefer to do that daily instead of the RTR if its acceptable.

Also can I do the Grand Ritual daily or is that to be saved for scheduled dates?
The ritual that most like to me are the ritual of Balam, in especially the part of punish Israel. But as I say I don't know if is good generalize may be the ultraortodox jews that follow the Torah are good people. But I don't know if they are the worst. I know that there are many jews.
These orthodox jews, if they had the opportunity, would torture you and execute you for being an "idol worshipper". These people believe every word written in the Torah and Talmud with maximum conviction. So to them you're nothing more than an animal, that they can kill any time they want and face no consequnces for it. Orthodox jews are actually the most extremist and insane jews.

And like they themselves say, about mercy: by being merciful to the wicked, you are actually being heartless and cruel towards the righteous. By being merciful to the wicked, you are allowing them to do horrible things to the righteous and to the innocents in the future.

They twist this teaching to fall in line with their insane genocidal rhetoric and narratives, but it actually has some truth in it.
You need to study more on this topic then. Because all of them are on board.

If any few are not on board, or do not classify as jews, then they are not affected.

Any mercy has to be bestowed by the Gods, not by people like us who are literally almost extinct from them. Many "regular Jews" are having a lot of fan killing Gaza's children. If there is 1% that is so pious of them and such good people, then they have no karmic debt to pay here. Bank's clean.
Are you sure about this? Why are references to jewish literature in the ritual of Balaam?
I finally got to doing High Priestess Maxine's ritual and it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL. When I read out "Accept your Crown in Satan's Blessing" there was an explosion of joy, pride, that ecstatic "relief" of accomplishment. I was smiling, in tears and high on this beautiful energy from then on.
It's incredible that she has accomplished this, and also the only way things could have happened She walked and laid the path with absolute commitment and she more than deserves this!
Such a beautiful, strong, incredible woman. May Eternity honor you and you works! May The Gods bestow unfathomable blessings upon you! May you always be with your spiritual children of the JoS, ever guiding us to achieve such high ranks as yourself amongst Our Gods and Goddesses!
Hail Lady Maxine!!!
Now, in regard to Balaam, Balaam was also a Demi-God that once existed among us all, that was once also a human being. He has been incessantly vilified by the enemy. His Ritual consists of blessings, but it is also one of the strongest warfare Rituals that also contains an element of Reverse Torah Ritual in it. As a result, we have three Rituals. It is without a doubt one of the strongest Rituals to ever be created. All accounts that were written on the Legendary Balaam are false; this Ritual will restore all of the Truth about Him. It is imperative that both of these Rituals are done.

This is one of the most powerful, emotionally charged and important schedules to this day. The blessings and power that will come from this, are exceptional.

I was wondering if the Ritual of Lord Balaam and the Grand Ritual are closely related, I mean that in some way in the Grand Ritual there is a reference to Balaam's ancient curse on Israel and a call to "strengthen" and "reaffirm" it. I don't know, just a thought I had since last night.
Hail b
Many people are such bleeding hearts, that even as we will be rallied for execution by the Jews or they do WW3 or implement Agenda 2030 and microchip us, or brain-chip us, they will be like "Yeah, but there were 1% Good Jews".

There are 95% Good Gentiles. Does that stop jews from doing what they want to do to us? In many cases that is 95%. Do they care for all the millions of young people they send to wars, the people that they poison, or for all the Ancient destruction they have caused?

Do they care as they import millions and millions of criminals from Somalia in Europe, or Jihadist Islamics? All these Pagans who were besieged and slaughtered, did they ever lay a finger on the jews at all? They were mostly innocent. Never even met them before such as in the case of North Europeans.

But we have to care for what evil jew the ritual hits, and if it does what to them? What about these Palestinian children they destroy every single day, did the jews sit there to consider that they are "Innocent" in anyway?

Like I legitimately have to sit here right now, knowing they would kill me at a moment's notice, whilst doing all possible crimes on the face of the planet for thousands of years, against anyone and indiscriminately, but I have to mind 0.5% of them that wouldn't kill me on the spot but would rather kill me 2 days later instead.

If you want to refer to Justice, please refer to actual Justice. Bleeding heart irrationality, is not justice.

Doing a ritual to punish evil doers, punishes evil-doers. It doesn't punish an imaginary 0.5% of Jews that are so divine, proper and noble, that they haven't harmed an ant in their lives. That is up to the Gods.

Do not concern yourselves about them merciful bleeding hearts, and do the Rituals. There is 95% of Gentile population at stake here if you don't do it.

Yeah, they won't care if all 95% of Gentiles are fully innocent, or upward to 98% innocent towards Jews if they take over, that's for sure. So do the Rituals, lest we become a global fucking Gaza s

Many people are such bleeding hearts, that even as we will be rallied for execution by the Jews or they do WW3 or implement Agenda 2030 and microchip us, or brain-chip us, they will be like "Yeah, but there were 1% Good Jews".

There are 95% Good Gentiles. Does that stop jews from doing what they want to do to us? In many cases that is 95%. Do they care for all the millions of young people they send to wars, the people that they poison, or for all the Ancient destruction they have caused?

Do they care as they import millions and millions of criminals from Somalia in Europe, or Jihadist Islamics? All these Pagans who were besieged and slaughtered, did they ever lay a finger on the jews at all? They were mostly innocent. Never even met them before such as in the case of North Europeans.

But we have to care for what evil jew the ritual hits, and if it does what to them? What about these Palestinian children they destroy every single day, did the jews sit there to consider that they are "Innocent" in anyway?

Like I legitimately have to sit here right now, knowing they would kill me at a moment's notice, whilst doing all possible crimes on the face of the planet for thousands of years, against anyone and indiscriminately, but I have to mind 0.5% of them that wouldn't kill me on the spot but would rather kill me 2 days later instead.

If you want to refer to Justice, please refer to actual Justice. Bleeding heart irrationality, is not justice.

Doing a ritual to punish evil doers, punishes evil-doers. It doesn't punish an imaginary 0.5% of Jews that are so divine, proper and noble, that they haven't harmed an ant in their lives. That is up to the Gods.

Do not concern yourselves about them merciful bleeding hearts, and do the Rituals. There is 95% of Gentile population at stake here if you don't do it.

Yeah, they won't care if all 95% of Gentiles are fully innocent, or upward to 98% innocent towards Jews if they take over, that's for sure. So do the Rituals, lest we become a global fucking Gaza strip.
Hail the gods and demons. Israel will fall and I will laugh and smile.

I finished my grand ritual this morning and all day I have been filled with energy and joy.
It is happing and I’m so grateful and excited to experience and be a part of this. Thank you all for what you have done

After personal experience with Jews Christian ect. They deserve no sympathy no pity nothing. The Jews are finished now and forever. May the restoration be short and swift
May the joy of Satan eternally prosper

HP Maxine's ritual is incredible and very, very beautiful. To think that none of us would be here today, none of us would have changed our lives like we have, and none of us would have been able to affect the world en mass. (do you remember when we were doing the communications RTR and all the pedo crimes of Hollywood came to the surface??? Or when we were doing destruction workings against the Vatican, and their own crimes came to the surface?? How many times did we (and still do) affect the entire world through our group rituals???)

It all started thanks to HP Maxine. And she started in a time when Satanism was hardly as "open" as it is today (eg we now have metal bands that call themselves Satanic - regardless of not actually being so - without being afraid of being banned from the music industry, or even worse of being murdered for being connected to the "Devil"), and of course there were very few people interested in Satanism - even more so Spiritual Satanism and all that this entailed.

I remember from several articles and audios by HP Maxine, when she didn't have the privacy she needed, yet she kept doing her best with meditation and magick, and connecting with our Demons and Gods, as well.

Can anyone imagine a world where there is zero knowledge about Satanism, and where you'll have to rely solely on your spiritual abilities (when she communicated with Satan and our Gods spiritually) and to do an exhausting amount of research at libraries, books, and later on the Internet? Trying to filter through written knowledge, trying to experiment and always be mindful in teaching what is right and proven.

If this isn't perseverance, I don't know what is. I remember that she even learned computer code in order to create the website. She's really such an admirable woman. I have no words for the respect and gratitude I have for her. What she did, on a global level, not many people can do.

I also want to comment about Balaam's Power Ritual. His ritual and his story gives me such a strong feeling of LOYALTY. Honor. It's really incredible and it's very, very strong. No wonder the jews would defame him. I am very happy he became a Demon, and from what I understand this is also HP Maxine's path. (To become a Demonness)
Are you sure about this? Why are references to jewish literature in the ritual of Balaam?

Why did you get high not that long ago and you decided to troll the forums with 500 messages, and now the only message posted is because there is cleansing referrence to the lies heaped upon Balaam?

After personal experience with Jews Christian ect. They deserve no sympathy no pity nothing.


Unfortunately most people have not had the misfortune of experiencing what others have, by direct force, by them. So they still do not understand what it would entail for them.

If anyone has any doubts what they would do to them, might as well take an airplane to Israel, go to the head of the Chabad Orthodox Rabbis, and declare in front of their face that you are worshiping the "Baalim" or the Gods of your Ancestors, and then you will not be needing a return ticket.

Or do the same somewhere around the Kaaba. Next lifetime, one will make their considerations on if these Rituals were on point or not.
Okay, one last little statement from me and it's back to work with my zealous ass.

Every time I have done Lord Balaam's ritual so far, it has ended in me pouring with sweat with how much energy and how intense it gets. It's beautiful, it's invigorating, and it's perfect for feeding directly into the FRTR Trio. Bless Lord Balaam for this...storms bearing arrays of crashing lightning, boulders of hail, and whirling brutal cyclones are to raze Israel to the ground, I'm sure of it. I've seen visions of this for years, but never so clear as I just did. Wanted for it so deeply, but never been so sure of it coming to fruition.

As for HPS Maxines ritual...rarely am I blessed to feel such peace. See, when she fell away from direct interaction with us, I really was afraid they had car bombed her again but succeeded this time, or something of that terrible nature. Quelled slightly by my GDs telling me she was focusing on herself, and I had an inkling of what that meant, but both this news and this Rite removes it completely.

She's just fine, I know that now for sure. She's better than she's ever been. Glory to them both, and One Thousand Thanks to our pious and dedicated Priestly Commander for bringing these workings to us.

Israel will most certainly get what's fucking coming to her, haha. There won't be anything left to clean up when we're done. Keep you swords sharp and your flames hot, my Brothers and Sisters. The battle rages on! :giggle: :devilish:
I am glad everyone doing this Ritual can see all these things, the Ritual for HPS Maxine was after all to establish her blessing and to give her honor at the same time, so we all benefit and she does benefit also.

These should be zero doubts also in regard to Balaam's Ritual, it is also for me, one of the most exceptional Rituals that I have ever done. There is tremendous power on that Ritual also, it works on many levels to both rectify and give justice in regard to the enemy.

Thank you all for the amazing feedback, it means a lot.
Why did you get high not that long ago and you decided to troll the forums with 500 messages, and now the only message posted is because there is cleansing referrence to the lies heaped upon Balaam?
I'm not trolling. I wanted to mantein good reputation in the forums. But really there is no reference to jewish literature. The vibration in the middle is ancient greek, correct?
It will be very interesting in the future when the rituals of other demons come out who were mortals who completed the Magnum Opus and achieved divinity and were cursed in the damn Jewish bible as Lady Gremory or Lord Caim.
My beloved High Priest!

Your greatest gifts to this community are Gods rituals and this one was amazing gift. I did it now and felt her divine freedom giving presence again. For so long we missed her and now her energies are felt again here. We were waiting her and she returned to us as a Goddess she was always meant to be. Her strength, her calmness, compassion and in the same time reassuring comforting support. I felt it all again as in times I had emailed her (many years ago). Now I can say it openly - I emailed a Goddess of Hell then. This is reality.

Thank you for this gift!
Hail To You !
It will be very interesting in the future when the rituals of other demons come out who were mortals who completed the Magnum Opus and achieved divinity and were cursed in the damn Jewish bible as Lady Gremory or Lord Caim.
To tell you the truth , I was so happy to learn about the existence of Lord Balaam ! Those who were here for a very long time , know that knowing about what he has done brings a sense of calm that greatness is to follow , as long as we stay on the right path , doing what we do best ( meditation and Rtrs ) and living your best life. It gave me life and strengthened my resilience like never before to know that God's will reward you beyond your wildest dreams when you keep on doing the right thing . Let's stretch ourselves responsibly to handle what they want to bless us with .

Hail HP Maxine
Hail Balaam
Hail God's of Hell
Hail The JOS Army !
Hail Satan Forever
I'm not trolling. I wanted to mantein good reputation in the forums. But really there is no reference to jewish literature. The vibration in the middle is ancient greek, correct?
Hi, did you read this thread?
I have a question regarding the concept of reaching one's magnum opus and its implications. According to my understanding, achieving this level of mastery can lead to a form of immortality, including the physical body. Could HPS Maxine write for us again, or is my understanding incorrect?
No answer at all?
No answer at all?
I am certainly no authority on this topic, but my understanding is this: Since HPS Maxine has already ascended to a higher level, she could technically still do it, but it's not the most optimal thing she could do for us in this form. She now has more difficult tasks and watches over us on a higher level, like Gods or Demons do.

So it does not make much sense for her to lower herself to our level, when we have HP HoodedCobra, HPS Lydia and Guardians who already do great job at explaining topics. You don't have Satan or Azazel write these sermons. They, of course, could write them. But it makes very little sense for them to do so.
No answer at all?
She is alive even if She is not physically with us. And even when She is physically distant She is with us always, just like others who closely work with us. She does not need to post messages on this forum to contribute to our cause etc.
A night or so ago while doing the Grand Ritual, something fell off one of my shelves for no reason, and landed near my hand. Luckily, it was lightweight.

I said "Excuse me?" out loud, and just put it back and continued. lol

I wonder if that was the enemy harassing me, or perhaps some energy whilst doing the ritual caused something to move. I have had a shirt fall off a clothes dryer for no reason before, like it was pulled off by something.

Well, it doesn't bother me, anyway.
Without a doubt it's incredible! High Priestess Maxine is certainly one of the most magnificent people who have made an incomparable contribution to the Community and Spiritual Satanism. She united on everyone here, gave a huge array of Knowledge. I am truly proud of her and happy for her. She's like a Mother to me. Her Pure and Sacred image is like a Mother's. This news is definitely something wonderful! Thank you, High Priest Hooded Cobra! This is really cool!

I absolutely had an incredible experience with these beautiful rituals. My soul feels empowered, inspired and touched to the deepest core of my existence.

I am mildly uncertain over one tiny aspect that I thought I'd ask your thoughts about though.

When meditating on the sigil/shenu ring I look at it for a brief second each time and I close my eyes and visualize it the best I can vibrating and becoming brighter with each affirmation and vibration.

Is this correct? I have a hard time with the white screen and tend to avoid meditating on it alone. I tried and it doesn't work for me for some reason. That said, I have a rough visualization that may not be 100% correct but is generally pretty close. The general layout and shapes are there with some difficulty on the small letters and symbols.

I've gotten very good at doing RTRs this way; visualizing the exact symbols and seeing them get destroyed in my mind. I never thought I'd have this ability to retain such information in my mind yet overtime I've gotten better to a point where I surprise myself a little.

Thanks so much all of you for a fantastic 2024, for all of your contributions and extraordinary work. The efforts you many superstar members have put in has made this path so much easier to follow and it makes me wish I had joined the forums sooner.

May you all be eternally blessed.
How can I communicate with the guardian demon? Can you help me please?!
If you know who he/she is, try to find their sigil and meditate on it, ask them questions and relax. You will get some answer and you will know it's them. If you don't know your GD, you can meditate on Satan's sigil and ask him who your GD is. You can also study the Demons section and find which Demon feels the most appealing and interesting to you. The latter is not a guarantee, as we often admire Demons that are not our GD, but if you see many coincidences and things lining up, you will know it's your GD. That's how I found mine (Azazel/Apollo).
If you know who he/she is, try to find their sigil and meditate on it, ask them questions and relax. You will get some answer and you will know it's them. If you don't know your GD, you can meditate on Satan's sigil and ask him who your GD is. You can also study the Demons section and find which Demon feels the most appealing and interesting to you. The latter is not a guarantee, as we often admire Demons that are not our GD, but if you see many coincidences and things lining up, you will know it's your GD. That's how I found mine (Azazel/Apollo).
Thank you for your help, I'll send you a message if something doesn't go right, I'll let you know if I could connect with the Guardian Demon.
How can I communicate with the guardian demon? Can you help me please?!
There isn’t just a single guardian demon, but how I found mine was though deep meditation on who my guardian demon is after I read the whole of our gods on the JoS page to familiarize myself .Also read the guardian demon subsection on the gods tab of the JoS website. It should give some other methods of finding and communicating with yours.
I hope that helps . Hail Satan Hail all demom and gods .
It's been a few days since our time together ended. From the first day I started performing the ritual to Big Maxine, I felt calm and composed, as if she had spoken to me herself, but why get irritated, it serves no purpose. Today is June 23 and I am still composed and full of faith. It was the best schedule for me, and I hope for others too. Can I perform rituals to demons independently from the plan?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
