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New Rituals & Schedule Now Live: HPS Maxine's Ritual & Lord Balaam's Ritual

i knew a long time ago that HP Maxine would reach this level and she will definetly go beyond it. It shines out from her soul from her voice. I saw it long ago. It's awesome to here thats she has gone to this level. you mark it for sure it won't be long, give it another decade or so and you'll be doing another ritual to honor her again as a demi god for sure. She shined with that kind of energy even all the way back then when she was just starting the JOS. It's awesome to know that it's come true.

Hail Father Satan.
Thank You High Priest HoodedCobra666
This is the best news I have seen from the time I have come here, I’m so happy and overwhelmed by this wonderful news, I will do both rituals and add it to the other rituals I do, I am so happy to be apart of JoS and to have known the best person to have ever walked this planet including Balaam another prominent person!

Hail Satan ❤️
Hail Maxine ❤️
Hail Balaam ❤️
That's great news for all of us. We're all delighted to hear that Maxine has reached this stage. Eternal gratitude to our mother, who gave us all the chance to save ourselves and this world.

Hail High Priestss Maxine!! 💙💙💙
The Ritual has already been started by others, therefore VoC doesn't apply as it's an ongoing working.
Dude thank you for this. When I first started spiritual warfare a couple of years back i was paranoid as fuck for a minute. This is what the Gods told me then too, and it’s nice to have the human element and further verification.
I feel so honored that I managed to share just a few words with Her when She was still a Human. She's been the ultimate example for every one of us and always will be. I can't even imagine the Greatness She has accomplished. I hope the Gods will help me grow up half as much as She has.
Emotionally charged after doing High Priestess Maxine Dietrich's ritual. I don't know how else to describe it. Thank you for blessing us with this ritual and thank you High Priestess Maxine Dietrich for blessing us with the Joy of Satan! May the Gods bless both of you eternally.
Hail Pythia! I knew there was something special about the oracle.

Pythia is a Title that was for centuries for the most advanced High Priestesses in the Ancient Greek world. They could directly communicate with the Gods, and give omens. Because one of them was super legendary, the title was assosciated strictly with her, historically known as "The Pythia of Delphi". But this was a position in Ancient Greece that was of service. They could do miracles and other superhuman spiritual feats also.
I have finished HPS Maxine Apotheosis ritual and it was extremely powerful. By this one can see for themselves the Godly power HPS Maxine possesses and is! Will be the proof that humanity is not forgotten in the lost souls, never was, it is here to eat the apple and ascend to the highest forms of existence. Thank you the Clergy and Joy of Satan.
Will the hero maxine have her own sigil in the future as the gods?
Great day today! Lady Maxine's name will be etched in the stars!

She is seeing us right now, all that she has created. All the lights that have come on to brighten this chaotic and dark world, last of which JoS Russia, are the fruit of her labor, sacrifice and love.

We were born in an era of destruction, it is true, but all these blessings were now CENTURIES that had not rained down upon us.

Just thank you for that! Let us brighten the world!

Hail Astreos Maxine!
Hail Astreos Balaam!
the fact that she made it to the realm of the inmortals will inspire so much people to follow her path
With great happiness I am announcing in front of all of our family, these two wonderful Rituals. They are both of historical proportion. That is also likely the happiest day of my own life.

The first Ritual is about HPS Maxine. Through the content of the Ritual, you will understand all the things I could not write or couldn't say. HPS Maxine, in accordance to Ancient Spiritual tradition, is now officially the first Hero the Joy of Satan has created.

Heroes in the Ancient World were people who successfully completed the Astral Body Immortalization, becoming as a result transformed from Human beings to Heroic Beings. You will see when you participate in this.

Her ultimate and eternal contribution as the mother of the Joy of Satan shall now be remembered in all Eternity. There are no words for me to describe how I feel about these topics. May infinite love, blessings and honor be upon her.

As a family, it is time that we glorify our first Mother, who has done all these important tasks in bringing the Gods again in this world. You will understand more through the Ritual and through your hearts.

Today, I crown HPS Maxine with the Crown the Gods have given Her while in life, in front of our People, for all Eternity. May she walk onward into Eternity as She always deserved and proven to deserve in all Her works.

May all of us follow her example as much as possible and may we all become partakers of Satan's Great Mysteries.

HPS Maxine Apotheosis Ritual:

Now, in regard to Balaam, Balaam was also a Demi-God that once existed among us all, that was once also a human being. He has been incessantly vilified by the enemy. His Ritual consists of blessings, but it is also one of the strongest warfare Rituals that also contains an element of Reverse Torah Ritual in it. As a result, we have three Rituals. It is without a doubt one of the strongest Rituals to ever be created. All accounts that were written on the Legendary Balaam are false; this Ritual will restore all of the Truth about Him. It is imperative that both of these Rituals are done.

This is one of the most powerful, emotionally charged and important schedules to this day. The blessings and power that will come from this, are exceptional.

Lord Balaam's Ritual:

Links to the Rituals:

HPS Maxine Apotheosis Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/heroes/hps-maxine-apotheosis-ritual.html
Lord Balaam's Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/balaam-power-ritual.html
Grand Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/the-grand-ritual.html

Extra Information To Study:

Hierarchically, the Hierarchy is like this: Human, Hero, Demon / Demi-God and then finally, the last step of evolution is for one to eventually become a God. As a result, other Legendary Heroes will be part of the Joy of Satan Rituals, so we can pay homage to all of them for their great works.

In regard to the concept of Apotheosis: https://www.jstor.org/stable/3210166

About Balaam, Balaam was a Gentile Mage from Ancient Syria (High Priest of Beelzebul), who has been one of the most hated in all of Jewish History. There are whole chapters in the Bible dedicated against him. Eventually, as the Jews knew he had ascended to Godhead, they wrote endless slander against Him and also put him in the "Goetia" as a Hated God of the Gentiles.

About Balaam: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balaam
Original surviving document from Balaam Himself, writing about Ishtar/Astarte and our Gods as His Gods: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Alla_Inscription


Since I am at loss for words and I must participate immediately after I post this, I bring to everyone our Divine Honor and wish for all of you Eternal Blessings.

Below, I am putting the schedule.

June 12th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 13th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 14th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 15th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 16th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 17th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 18th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 19th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 20th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
Hail Father Satan
Hail Mama Astarte
Hail all our Gods and Goddesses of Hell forever.
Oh my! Thank you HP Cobra! ❤️
I also have no words...I just don't know where I would be now without her. She gave us immense knowledge and she did so much work for us and for the Gods.
She has my eternal gratitude and my utmost respect for everything she has done and achieved.

Thank you very much, HPs Maxine! Be blessed forever! 🙏🏻

I'm crying now...

Hail HPs Maxine!
Hail the Gods of Duat!
I am so happy for these rituals. I would not be here if not for HPS Maxine, and I am honored to have exchanged emails with her when she was here. She gave me very valuable advice and encouragement.

There is more that I will not mention publicly, but I am happy to have her ritual to thank her for all she has done for me, for us.

Hail HPS Maxine
Hail Balam
Hail Satan!
With great happiness I am announcing in front of all of our family, these two wonderful Rituals. They are both of historical proportion. That is also likely the happiest day of my own life.

The first Ritual is about HPS Maxine. Through the content of the Ritual, you will understand all the things I could not write or couldn't say. HPS Maxine, in accordance to Ancient Spiritual tradition, is now officially the first Hero the Joy of Satan has created.

Heroes in the Ancient World were people who successfully completed the Astral Body Immortalization, becoming as a result transformed from Human beings to Heroic Beings. You will see when you participate in this.

Her ultimate and eternal contribution as the mother of the Joy of Satan shall now be remembered in all Eternity. There are no words for me to describe how I feel about these topics. May infinite love, blessings and honor be upon her.

As a family, it is time that we glorify our first Mother, who has done all these important tasks in bringing the Gods again in this world. You will understand more through the Ritual and through your hearts.

Today, I crown HPS Maxine with the Crown the Gods have given Her while in life, in front of our People, for all Eternity. May she walk onward into Eternity as She always deserved and proven to deserve in all Her works.

May all of us follow her example as much as possible and may we all become partakers of Satan's Great Mysteries.

HPS Maxine Apotheosis Ritual:

Now, in regard to Balaam, Balaam was also a Demi-God that once existed among us all, that was once also a human being. He has been incessantly vilified by the enemy. His Ritual consists of blessings, but it is also one of the strongest warfare Rituals that also contains an element of Reverse Torah Ritual in it. As a result, we have three Rituals. It is without a doubt one of the strongest Rituals to ever be created. All accounts that were written on the Legendary Balaam are false; this Ritual will restore all of the Truth about Him. It is imperative that both of these Rituals are done.

This is one of the most powerful, emotionally charged and important schedules to this day. The blessings and power that will come from this, are exceptional.

Lord Balaam's Ritual:

Links to the Rituals:

HPS Maxine Apotheosis Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/heroes/hps-maxine-apotheosis-ritual.html
Lord Balaam's Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/balaam-power-ritual.html
Grand Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/the-grand-ritual.html

Extra Information To Study:

Hierarchically, the Hierarchy is like this: Human, Hero, Demon / Demi-God and then finally, the last step of evolution is for one to eventually become a God. As a result, other Legendary Heroes will be part of the Joy of Satan Rituals, so we can pay homage to all of them for their great works.

In regard to the concept of Apotheosis: https://www.jstor.org/stable/3210166
More Details About Magnum Opus: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/levels-of-the-magnum-opus-clarified.289396/post-1070506

About Balaam, Balaam was a Gentile Mage from Ancient Syria (High Priest of Beelzebul), who has been one of the most hated in all of Jewish History. There are whole chapters in the Bible dedicated against him. Eventually, as the Jews knew he had ascended to Godhead, they wrote endless slander against Him and also put him in the "Goetia" as a Hated God of the Gentiles.

About Balaam: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balaam
Original surviving document from Balaam Himself, writing about Ishtar/Astarte and our Gods as His Gods: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Alla_Inscription


Since I am at loss for words and I must participate immediately after I post this, I bring to everyone our Divine Honor and wish for all of you Eternal Blessings.

Below, I am putting the schedule.

June 12th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 13th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 14th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 15th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 16th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 17th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 18th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 19th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 20th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
I can't describe the emotion I feel when reading the ritual of our Mother of Joy of Satan. If it hadn't been for his courage, his tenacity, his love for the Gods we wouldn't even be here! We owe her all the knowledge we have and this family! My heart explodes with joy, proud to be able to celebrate it as it deserves. It will forever be the most tangible example to follow in a world corrupted and degenerated by the enemy. Thank you HP Hooded Cobra for these rituals. Just reading your introduction I felt all the pride and beauty of this program.

Glorious! I KNEW that eventually She will join Lord Hitler's ranks as a Heroine, and later Deity.
How much She has sacrificed is unfathomable - only fitting then that HPs Maxine gets the ultimate prize for Her effort.
Absolutely wonderful, her having her own ritual is the best way to thank her for all she has done for us.
Off topic reply. those golden statues you have on your post have in their outer hands what is called the wands of horus. the right hand holds copper and the left hand holds Zinc which creates a current through the body to balance ones energy. What they are doing in the statues is beaming the healing energy from the wands to the person in the middle. https://wandstore.ru/wandsofhorus-eng
I'm so grateful for these rituals. I've always regretted being unable to buy Lady Maxine's astrological services back then. Still to this day I'm reading some sermons she published before my time in the JoS, on the first days of the Yahoo groups. It's amazing that now we have one more channel to communicate with her and honour her.

Her ritual was the best gift you could give us on this day! Thank you!
I think she is very much alive

HPS Maxine has completed Level 1 of Magnum Opus as explained here, so yes: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/levels-of-the-magnum-opus-clarified.289396/post-1070506

About further information, I cannot speak on the topic, nor about many details. Some things are also not known by me as we decided it is best that we do no talk about certain topics, due to all means of communication being possible to be intercepted by the enemy, especially when events like these are concerned.

For any more questions, if one is on the level, they can go to Satan Himself and to the Gods. I have clarified a lot on this. They will show you, but only if one is on the proper level for these.
I want to give my thanks to you, HP Hoodedcobra666 and HPS Maxine. Since I first joined the JoS my life has changed for the better and I am really proud to play a part in all of this.
May the Gods bless your path for all eternity! May the Gods protect our family!

Hail HPS Maxine
Hail Satan
Hail Balaam
I feel great admiration for Balaam, I think He maybe was the most powerful Magician that ever lived on this planet. I've heard a Rabbi say that when Balaam would throw a curse against the jews, tens of thousands of them would be immediately destroyed. Considering how much they lie and minimize their casualties to this day, the numbers are probably much higher.

The fact that after thousands of years they still slander Him, only shows you how great He was and how much damage He has done to the enemy.

About HPS Maxine, She will always have a special place in my heart. She changed my life forever and the lives of all of us. May She be blessed for ever!

I'm sure that the fact that people like these, like Hitler also, who have done massive damage to the jews, will be enjoying eternal life amongst the Gods in the Highest Dimensions of existence, drives the enemy completely insane!

The rewards of Satan are great, what today look like small actions, tomorrow will bring great rewards, this is motivation for all of us!
Off topic reply. those golden statues you have on your post have in their outer hands what is called the wands of horus. the right hand holds copper and the left hand holds Zinc which creates a current through the body to balance ones energy. What they are doing in the statues is beaming the healing energy from the wands to the person in the middle. https://wandstore.ru/wandsofhorus-eng
Just a heads up there is some negative stuff about Lucifer on one of the pages there. the guy is a russian and lives in a jew controlled country so he has some false ideas, but he did real good egyptian research on the wands and their effects. so just want to say that so I dont appear to be pushing any bad concepts. I take no responsibility for any of his off content :cool:
I am so happy with these Rituals, the energy was extremely powerful.

In particular I loved HPS Maxine Apotheosis Ritual, thank you HP Hooded Cobra, for elaborating such a beautiful Ritual allowing us to properly thank Her for everything She has done for all of humanity. It's monumental what has been achieved so far, thanks to HPS Maxine's efforts.

Words cannot describe the joy and honor... Cried like a baby in his mother's arms during Maxine's ritual. Having to stop to wipe out tears and regain myself. Flashbacks from the beginnings, when I was trying to comprehend the contents of the JoS website, which are Her writings.

We have a deeper meaning and a deeper understanding now, through this example. After doing Balaam's ritual too, something really clicked - dots have been connected and a new piece was added to the puzzle.

I feel unworthy and in no position of saying the things below, and I apologize, but the joy is too much to hold back:

Hail HPS Maxine! You are the Mother and the pillar that sustains the greatest community, composed of true warriors, following and fighting for the Eternal Truth. Thank you for a giving a deeper meaning to my life through JoS! I'm sure a lot of people here feel exactly the same, and that is priceless.
Hail Balaam! A true inspiration, the reassurance and protection felt during the ritual is yet another of the many divine blessings a SS can experience!

Thank you HP Hooded Cobra and everyone involved in the efforts of bringing this to us!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
