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New Rituals & Schedule Now Live: HPS Maxine's Ritual & Lord Balaam's Ritual

This 3 is my favorite rituals.

May High priestess Maxine Dietrich be eternally blessed and ascend to the highest of dimensions.
May She feel blessed like never before.

May Balaam curse, and judge all Jews one by one. May all of them dissipate into the eater after an their payment.
May Balaam be praised for this in the Aeons.
Those Rituals touch my soul, unfortunately for me I can't partake right now, but I will for sure in few days maybe.

HP I am very sure that you will be with them one day, until that day come may you bless and drive the children of the Gods to great achievement, achievement and works that reflects on humanity to bring them to the light of the Gods to Justice and knowledge and many more.

In the last 2 months I have thoughts on HP Maxine ritual I was about to create a thread for that but then I thought no it will come on Time
As for Lord Balaam I was very proud to be Syrian, actually True Syrian as we one of the most beloved people by the Gods alongside with Egyptians too (Syria is not just Syria it's Lebanon Palestine Jordan Iraq and Cyprus with south turkey this, this is great Syria)

This is very great rituals I am very happy to see this occurs.
Her voice, "divine and beautiful" , never saw her but we felt her. We all knew. Reminds of hw powerful HP HC voice is.
How high they are but always come down to help us.
I thank you and HP HC for everything.

I remember when we used the yahoo groups, she sent me a meditation and I can't remember how it's written but I did that meditation so long that I remember how it's pronounced.

Her ritual is divine
I too, am at a loss for words for what I'm feeling right now. This is so beautiful, and very exciting, to hear.

When I was new, before I became an SS, I didn't really appreciate or understand Her teachings, and there was some doubt and skepticism at first. But as I started to advance and study more and more, I began to realize more and more how advanced She is, even at the time of Her older audio sermons from around ten plus years ago. I am at a loss for words for the gratitude and respect I have, for what She has brought to us, and to the whole world.

I still love to listen to her early audio recordings about the time of her Dedication, going to the library, the first time She saw Father Satan, etc., even though I have listened to it many times, because I find Her story so inspiring. Also, it's really great that we can search for Her older posts here now, so thanks for this.

You know, I was thinking about Her recently. It was almost like I was thinking about Her returning to the forums, even though I know this is probably unlikely. Perhaps this was an allegorical message or a sign from the Gods, that she had achieved something truly significant.

I am a little bit challenged in regards to privacy right now, but I absolutely must do these Rituals, no matter what. Thank you so much, HPHC, and everybody.

Hail HPS Maxine.

Hail Satan.
I could barely do Maxine's ritual because I cried the whole time. very strange, I haven't been able to cry like this for a long time. for me she is the true female role model, I joined this great community of hers because of her sermons!!! thank you for everything Maxine!!! ❤️
You are blessed Maxine!!!
I am forever in awe of Lady Maxine, through Her we all have a destiny, a purpose, a new life, protection and ambundance at our fingertips, we are all forever in your debt, Hail High Priestess Maxine, Great Mother of Joy of Satan, may your name and energy be forever rememdered and praised!
HPS Maxine has completed Level 1 of Magnum Opus as explained here, so yes: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/levels-of-the-magnum-opus-clarified.289396/post-1070506

About further information, I cannot speak on the topic, nor about many details. Some things are also not known by me as we decided it is best that we do no talk about certain topics, due to all means of communication being possible to be intercepted by the enemy, especially when events like these are concerned.

For any more questions, if one is on the level, they can go to Satan Himself and to the Gods. I have clarified a lot on this. They will show you, but only if one is on the proper level for these.
Thank you hp cobra for the information
Hail Satan!!!🔥🔥🔥
Wow....I'm at a loss of words (and in a positive way)! Hail Satan and Goddess Maxine! 🔥
Recently I was thinking about HPS Maxine and whether her ritual calendar would come. Lord Balaam was one of the gods I was curious about, I will perform his ritual immediately.
It was great to publish these today. Just in time indeed.
But I have a question. Can this ritual enable us to communicate with Lady Maxine?
This is an amazing schedule thank you for all you do HPHC
This is absolutely amazing!!!

After I was done reading what you wrote HP, I went and did HPS Maxine's ritual first, which made me very emotional and made me cry, but it was so beautiful!! HPS Maxine's sigil made me feel as if my very soul saw it somewhere before. It was a very strong pulling sensation.

Afterwards I did Lord Balaam's ritual which was very powerful and strong! I enjoyed doing it! Why do we have to vibrate the runes 12 times instead of 10 like for the rest? Is it because 1+2=13?

Nonetheless, Thank you HP!! And thank you to the Gods!!

I have always wanted to honor HPS Maxine in a ritual, but never knew how to and now this cams to light and it's absolutely amazing!!! Praise be upon thy Gods!
With great happiness I am announcing in front of all of our family, these two wonderful Rituals. They are both of historical proportion. That is also likely the happiest day of my own life.

The first Ritual is about HPS Maxine. Through the content of the Ritual, you will understand all the things I could not write or couldn't say. HPS Maxine, in accordance to Ancient Spiritual tradition, is now officially the first Hero the Joy of Satan has created.

Heroes in the Ancient World were people who successfully completed the Astral Body Immortalization, becoming as a result transformed from Human beings to Heroic Beings. You will see when you participate in this.

Her ultimate and eternal contribution as the mother of the Joy of Satan shall now be remembered in all Eternity. There are no words for me to describe how I feel about these topics. May infinite love, blessings and honor be upon her.

As a family, it is time that we glorify our first Mother, who has done all these important tasks in bringing the Gods again in this world. You will understand more through the Ritual and through your hearts.

Today, I crown HPS Maxine with the Crown the Gods have given Her while in life, in front of our People, for all Eternity. May she walk onward into Eternity as She always deserved and proven to deserve in all Her works.

May all of us follow her example as much as possible and may we all become partakers of Satan's Great Mysteries.

HPS Maxine Apotheosis Ritual:

Now, in regard to Balaam, Balaam was also a Demi-God that once existed among us all, that was once also a human being. He has been incessantly vilified by the enemy. His Ritual consists of blessings, but it is also one of the strongest warfare Rituals that also contains an element of Reverse Torah Ritual in it. As a result, we have three Rituals. It is without a doubt one of the strongest Rituals to ever be created. All accounts that were written on the Legendary Balaam are false; this Ritual will restore all of the Truth about Him. It is imperative that both of these Rituals are done.

This is one of the most powerful, emotionally charged and important schedules to this day. The blessings and power that will come from this, are exceptional.

Lord Balaam's Ritual:

Links to the Rituals:

HPS Maxine Apotheosis Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/heroes/hps-maxine-apotheosis-ritual.html
Lord Balaam's Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/balaam-power-ritual.html
Grand Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/the-grand-ritual.html

Extra Information To Study:

Hierarchically, the Hierarchy is like this: Human, Hero, Demon / Demi-God and then finally, the last step of evolution is for one to eventually become a God. As a result, other Legendary Heroes will be part of the Joy of Satan Rituals, so we can pay homage to all of them for their great works.

In regard to the concept of Apotheosis: https://www.jstor.org/stable/3210166
More Details About Magnum Opus: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/levels-of-the-magnum-opus-clarified.289396/post-1070506

About Balaam, Balaam was a Gentile Mage from Ancient Syria (High Priest of Beelzebul), who has been one of the most hated in all of Jewish History. There are whole chapters in the Bible dedicated against him. Eventually, as the Jews knew he had ascended to Godhead, they wrote endless slander against Him and also put him in the "Goetia" as a Hated God of the Gentiles.

About Balaam: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balaam
Original surviving document from Balaam Himself, writing about Ishtar/Astarte and our Gods as His Gods: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Alla_Inscription


Since I am at loss for words and I must participate immediately after I post this, I bring to everyone our Divine Honor and wish for all of you Eternal Blessings.

Below, I am putting the schedule.

June 12th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 13th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 14th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 15th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 16th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 17th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 18th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 19th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 20th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
Blessed be the gentiles. Hail lord balaam. Hail mother Maxine. I would have never been freed from the scum of the Jews if it wasn’t for this site Satan and all the gentiles behind me. I love this family and all who are part of it. This is…. Absolutely amazing 🔥🔥
These rituals are always an incredible emotion, making contact with our Gods and having their attention is always a great honor.

I remember this image, a flash of a dream I had several months ago. I was in a large room, on one side was me with other people that I don't remember and on the other side were several Gods assembled sitting on large chairs, and next to them there was a woman. I never saw her but, in the dream, I knew it was HPS Maxine.

Thank you for this HP HoodedCobra, I'm sure that one day there will be one ritual even for you.
Woah can't believe this, it's so strange seeing someone advance to this status when you're in a world full time polluted by lizards, micro plastic, degenerate culture, air polution, jewish curses and so many more.
Despite this she still managed to advance to such a level and not only that but we have a ritual dedicated to her, can't believe it, simply incredible!

Btw there was this post https://ancient-forums.com/threads/reminder-the-gods-rituals-can-be-done-daily⚡.95103/ about the Gods ritual being done daily, can someone make an updated version and also should I also include Maxine ritual?!
I wonder who will be doing yours Hp

From what i have seen you do spiritually for me given me a chance.

You know what i am talking about because you are also here VERY POWERFUL to resist the enemy even if its extreme evil that no normal human can handle. I just want to say thank you for what you did yesterday for me.

You also see all and is there when SS need help just like Adolf. After doing tge ritual to Mother Maxine i felt her clearly she is really there just as you are.

I want your ritual too HP please
As everyone well knows, one of the things that the Xians and Muslims alike try to scare you away from is "magic." They tell you how you'll burn in Hell even for merely looking up the knowledge. The Jews rely on their proxies to perpetuate this ignorance, because once you know the truth, there's no going back. It's easy for them to lie about Balaam, but, the moment you have even the faintest idea of how their spell matrix works, you can see it so plainly. Take the so-called "Seven Prophecies of Balaam." They feared his curses upon them so much, they felt the need to try and reverse them as part of their very own Torah. Through Numbers 23 and 24 of the Old Testament/Torah, you can see them there, to this very day. If you apply even the smallest part of thinking, you can see what they were fearing, from the wrath of Balaam. Their pitiful attempts at reversal, beyond all else, try to bless Israel as an exalted Kingdom of endless military victories, especially with regards to very specific foes.

All these years later, and now we're seeing enemies at the gates of Israel once again. Perhaps Assyria, Moab and Edom weren't as easily cast into oblivion as they would have liked. The work we have done, is not only our work. It is the work of those who came before us also, which is now allowed to blossom once again, and bring its full, raging might against Israel. One, perhaps, can consider this work both a symbolic and literal continuation of Balaam's efforts. Have no doubt, he is with us.

As for Lady Maxine, what can be said that hasn't been said already? Without her, we wouldn't be here. I never got the chance to truly know her personally, just a few fortunate occasions of messages here, in this very place. The last thing I ever briefly spoke to her about was Alfheim in Norse Theology. It was, in the grand scheme of things, a small a moment, but, given I remember the precise topic, it evidently stuck with me, due to it having been the last.

To grant my own anecdote, if I trail back my path all the way back ten years, when my mind and soul, seemingly of their own accord, woke up and began experiencing psychic things, I soon after began experiencing the enemy attacks. I was truly only Pagan for mere months, when the enemy already took great pains to persuade me to be otherwise. I was, in fact, helpless. I was aware something was wrong, yet I had no means to fight. I became despondent, thinking I was in a battle with an insurmountable opponent. I took to the internet, looking for reasons to confirm my suspicions that Abrahamism was little else other than an evil plague, to bolster my mental resistance against the pressure on my soul.

On a random website, in a random thread, all of which is gone from memory and likely the internet itself, was either one of the JoS earliest or Maxine herself, trumping some Xian idiot's claims, and leaving a link to our own exposingchristianity site. From there, I went to the main JoS page, and found content that explained everything. My gifts, my experiences, the attacks, and the exact appearance of my Guardian who I'd been seeing in my dreams. The rest is history. Were it not for what she left behind, I doubt I would even still be alive to write this post.

Hail Balaam.
Hail Maxine.
Hail Satan.
For anyone who has already translated the Ritual for Balaam, there were a few changes made to it that alter the meaning of some sentences. Please see the attached document and implement them into your translations. Thank you!


  • Balaam's Ritual Revisions (1).pdf
    36.8 KB · Views: 99
I was in a bad mood today and I was also feeling angry. When I did Lady Maxine's ritual I felt very calm and happy for her. She really deserves her Crown for all her hard work during this and, no doubt, other previous lifetimes.

However, when I did Lord Balaam's ritual, I felt extremely satisfied and happy, even to the point of cackling as I was chanting the runes. I felt his freeing power and I knew for sure that the jews would not escape his Justice. After that I felt so energized that I immediately did our daily RTRs and felt unusually well focused. Balaam's ritual is definitely going to be one of my favorites!

I also hope we will get Alexander the Great and Lord Hitler's rituals. That would be most immense as well.

Hail Mother Maxine!
Hail Lord Balaam!
Hail Lord Baalzebul!
Hail Father Satan!
When vibrating the Hagl and Isa parts of the ritual do we still focus on the golden ring, I heistiated and focused on nothing as I did not want to accidently curse Balaam even by accident as that would be something I would sorely regret, is it fine to focus on the shen ring while doing that part?
When vibrating the Hagl and Isa parts of the ritual do we still focus on the golden ring, I heistiated and focused on nothing as I did not want to accidently curse Balaam even by accident as that would be something I would sorely regret, is it fine to focus on the shen ring while doing that part?
Any time you are doing one of these rituals, the Gods and Demons are with you and are assisting you in directing these forces and energies. There is no risk of anything going wrong.
I felt like that in the Lord Balam's Ritual, we are somewhat Lord Balam himself, that eliminated any doubt of my worth as a human being.
With great happiness I am announcing in front of all of our family, these two wonderful Rituals. They are both of historical proportion. That is also likely the happiest day of my own life.

The first Ritual is about HPS Maxine. Through the content of the Ritual, you will understand all the things I could not write or couldn't say. HPS Maxine, in accordance to Ancient Spiritual tradition, is now officially the first Hero the Joy of Satan has created.

Heroes in the Ancient World were people who successfully completed the Astral Body Immortalization, becoming as a result transformed from Human beings to Heroic Beings. You will see when you participate in this.

Her ultimate and eternal contribution as the mother of the Joy of Satan shall now be remembered in all Eternity. There are no words for me to describe how I feel about these topics. May infinite love, blessings and honor be upon her.

As a family, it is time that we glorify our first Mother, who has done all these important tasks in bringing the Gods again in this world. You will understand more through the Ritual and through your hearts.

Today, I crown HPS Maxine with the Crown the Gods have given Her while in life, in front of our People, for all Eternity. May she walk onward into Eternity as She always deserved and proven to deserve in all Her works.

May all of us follow her example as much as possible and may we all become partakers of Satan's Great Mysteries.

HPS Maxine Apotheosis Ritual:

Now, in regard to Balaam, Balaam was also a Demi-God that once existed among us all, that was once also a human being. He has been incessantly vilified by the enemy. His Ritual consists of blessings, but it is also one of the strongest warfare Rituals that also contains an element of Reverse Torah Ritual in it. As a result, we have three Rituals. It is without a doubt one of the strongest Rituals to ever be created. All accounts that were written on the Legendary Balaam are false; this Ritual will restore all of the Truth about Him. It is imperative that both of these Rituals are done.

This is one of the most powerful, emotionally charged and important schedules to this day. The blessings and power that will come from this, are exceptional.

Lord Balaam's Ritual:

Links to the Rituals:

HPS Maxine Apotheosis Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/heroes/hps-maxine-apotheosis-ritual.html
Lord Balaam's Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/balaam-power-ritual.html
Grand Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/the-grand-ritual.html

Extra Information To Study:

Hierarchically, the Hierarchy is like this: Human, Hero, Demon / Demi-God and then finally, the last step of evolution is for one to eventually become a God. As a result, other Legendary Heroes will be part of the Joy of Satan Rituals, so we can pay homage to all of them for their great works.

In regard to the concept of Apotheosis: https://www.jstor.org/stable/3210166
More Details About Magnum Opus: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/levels-of-the-magnum-opus-clarified.289396/post-1070506

About Balaam, Balaam was a Gentile Mage from Ancient Syria (High Priest of Beelzebul), who has been one of the most hated in all of Jewish History. There are whole chapters in the Bible dedicated against him. Eventually, as the Jews knew he had ascended to Godhead, they wrote endless slander against Him and also put him in the "Goetia" as a Hated God of the Gentiles.

About Balaam: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balaam
Original surviving document from Balaam Himself, writing about Ishtar/Astarte and our Gods as His Gods: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Alla_Inscription


Since I am at loss for words and I must participate immediately after I post this, I bring to everyone our Divine Honor and wish for all of you Eternal Blessings.

Below, I am putting the schedule.

June 12th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 13th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 14th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 15th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 16th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 17th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 18th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 19th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 20th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
Thanks for this, I finally have the possibility to personaly thank HPS Maxine for all her work.


Hail Satanas!!!
This is amazing news! Reading this brought a tear to my eye. So much happiness and joy for her and everything she has accomplished. Congratulations HPS Maxine. I look forward to celebrating your success with this beautiful ritual.

And thank you HP Cobra for bringing this wonderful news and allowing us to honour her.
By no means do I intend to downplay the great achievements we've made throughout the Joy of Satan's existence when I say that this is the most epic and amazing thing that I've ever seen...

But this is the most epic and amazing thing I've ever seen!


the loving push to take the worthy to shine exponentially with a more significant touch on the agenda.

general, but unique and designed for those on the list.

the pain, burning, instability, force of transformation, always pleasurable, it is beautiful to see time after this insignificant price.
With great happiness I am announcing in front of all of our family, these two wonderful Rituals. They are both of historical proportion. That is also likely the happiest day of my own life.

The first Ritual is about HPS Maxine. Through the content of the Ritual, you will understand all the things I could not write or couldn't say. HPS Maxine, in accordance to Ancient Spiritual tradition, is now officially the first Hero the Joy of Satan has created.

Heroes in the Ancient World were people who successfully completed the Astral Body Immortalization, becoming as a result transformed from Human beings to Heroic Beings. You will see when you participate in this.

Her ultimate and eternal contribution as the mother of the Joy of Satan shall now be remembered in all Eternity. There are no words for me to describe how I feel about these topics. May infinite love, blessings and honor be upon her.

As a family, it is time that we glorify our first Mother, who has done all these important tasks in bringing the Gods again in this world. You will understand more through the Ritual and through your hearts.

Today, I crown HPS Maxine with the Crown the Gods have given Her while in life, in front of our People, for all Eternity. May she walk onward into Eternity as She always deserved and proven to deserve in all Her works.

May all of us follow her example as much as possible and may we all become partakers of Satan's Great Mysteries.

HPS Maxine Apotheosis Ritual:

Now, in regard to Balaam, Balaam was also a Demi-God that once existed among us all, that was once also a human being. He has been incessantly vilified by the enemy. His Ritual consists of blessings, but it is also one of the strongest warfare Rituals that also contains an element of Reverse Torah Ritual in it. As a result, we have three Rituals. It is without a doubt one of the strongest Rituals to ever be created. All accounts that were written on the Legendary Balaam are false; this Ritual will restore all of the Truth about Him. It is imperative that both of these Rituals are done.

This is one of the most powerful, emotionally charged and important schedules to this day. The blessings and power that will come from this, are exceptional.

Lord Balaam's Ritual:

Links to the Rituals:

HPS Maxine Apotheosis Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/heroes/hps-maxine-apotheosis-ritual.html
Lord Balaam's Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/balaam-power-ritual.html
Grand Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/the-grand-ritual.html

Extra Information To Study:

Hierarchically, the Hierarchy is like this: Human, Hero, Demon / Demi-God and then finally, the last step of evolution is for one to eventually become a God. As a result, other Legendary Heroes will be part of the Joy of Satan Rituals, so we can pay homage to all of them for their great works.

In regard to the concept of Apotheosis: https://www.jstor.org/stable/3210166
More Details About Magnum Opus: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/levels-of-the-magnum-opus-clarified.289396/post-1070506

About Balaam, Balaam was a Gentile Mage from Ancient Syria (High Priest of Beelzebul), who has been one of the most hated in all of Jewish History. There are whole chapters in the Bible dedicated against him. Eventually, as the Jews knew he had ascended to Godhead, they wrote endless slander against Him and also put him in the "Goetia" as a Hated God of the Gentiles.

About Balaam: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balaam
Original surviving document from Balaam Himself, writing about Ishtar/Astarte and our Gods as His Gods: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Alla_Inscription


Since I am at loss for words and I must participate immediately after I post this, I bring to everyone our Divine Honor and wish for all of you Eternal Blessings.

Below, I am putting the schedule.

June 12th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 13th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 14th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 15th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 16th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 17th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 18th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 19th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 20th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
Thank you so much for sharing this
I've enjoyed doing them
With great happiness I am announcing in front of all of our family, these two wonderful Rituals. They are both of historical proportion. That is also likely the happiest day of my own life.

The first Ritual is about HPS Maxine. Through the content of the Ritual, you will understand all the things I could not write or couldn't say. HPS Maxine, in accordance to Ancient Spiritual tradition, is now officially the first Hero the Joy of Satan has created.

Heroes in the Ancient World were people who successfully completed the Astral Body Immortalization, becoming as a result transformed from Human beings to Heroic Beings. You will see when you participate in this.

Her ultimate and eternal contribution as the mother of the Joy of Satan shall now be remembered in all Eternity. There are no words for me to describe how I feel about these topics. May infinite love, blessings and honor be upon her.

As a family, it is time that we glorify our first Mother, who has done all these important tasks in bringing the Gods again in this world. You will understand more through the Ritual and through your hearts.

Today, I crown HPS Maxine with the Crown the Gods have given Her while in life, in front of our People, for all Eternity. May she walk onward into Eternity as She always deserved and proven to deserve in all Her works.

May all of us follow her example as much as possible and may we all become partakers of Satan's Great Mysteries.

HPS Maxine Apotheosis Ritual:

Now, in regard to Balaam, Balaam was also a Demi-God that once existed among us all, that was once also a human being. He has been incessantly vilified by the enemy. His Ritual consists of blessings, but it is also one of the strongest warfare Rituals that also contains an element of Reverse Torah Ritual in it. As a result, we have three Rituals. It is without a doubt one of the strongest Rituals to ever be created. All accounts that were written on the Legendary Balaam are false; this Ritual will restore all of the Truth about Him. It is imperative that both of these Rituals are done.

This is one of the most powerful, emotionally charged and important schedules to this day. The blessings and power that will come from this, are exceptional.

Lord Balaam's Ritual:

Links to the Rituals:

HPS Maxine Apotheosis Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/heroes/hps-maxine-apotheosis-ritual.html
Lord Balaam's Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/balaam-power-ritual.html
Grand Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/the-grand-ritual.html

Extra Information To Study:

Hierarchically, the Hierarchy is like this: Human, Hero, Demon / Demi-God and then finally, the last step of evolution is for one to eventually become a God. As a result, other Legendary Heroes will be part of the Joy of Satan Rituals, so we can pay homage to all of them for their great works.

In regard to the concept of Apotheosis: https://www.jstor.org/stable/3210166
More Details About Magnum Opus: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/levels-of-the-magnum-opus-clarified.289396/post-1070506

About Balaam, Balaam was a Gentile Mage from Ancient Syria (High Priest of Beelzebul), who has been one of the most hated in all of Jewish History. There are whole chapters in the Bible dedicated against him. Eventually, as the Jews knew he had ascended to Godhead, they wrote endless slander against Him and also put him in the "Goetia" as a Hated God of the Gentiles.

About Balaam: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balaam
Original surviving document from Balaam Himself, writing about Ishtar/Astarte and our Gods as His Gods: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Alla_Inscription


Since I am at loss for words and I must participate immediately after I post this, I bring to everyone our Divine Honor and wish for all of you Eternal Blessings.

Below, I am putting the schedule.

June 12th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 13th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 14th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 15th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual
June 16th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 17th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 18th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 19th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
June 20th: HPS Maxine's Ritual, Lord Balaam Ritual, Grand Ritual
Thanks so much for sharing this
I appreciate it I've enjoyed doing
Hail Maxine Dietrich !!!!
Hail Balaam !!!
And as always are honored God
Hail Satan /Lucifer! !!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
