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Need some guidance

Alexandros Iowno [TG]

Head of Activism
Aug 13, 2019
Need some understanding

Last night I had another beautiful and scary, as I won't be lying, experience with my Kundalini.

This time I didn't feel the extreme electric force upon my back bone, but it was more magnetic and fiery. Lava upon my spine was present and at the same time the back extensions of my base and heart ceakra were extremely hot. Had also another type of fire present in my whole body, that I was used too a lot, only in plus it was present in my whole head. I think this fire is specialized in the nadis purification.

I woke up in the night between a dream state unconsciousness and consciousness but with the awareness always present in these 2 alternating states.
My left side was driving off a way, my right side another way. I retained myself in my body as the force always makes me leave my body by the 7th chakra.

The vibration in my body was affecting every electronic and objects in my surrounding. Getting myself mentally prepared and focusing solely on my breath had some minor attacks to fight of successfully.

For the first time I felt my 6th chakra like never before, just like the lava and extreme hotness of my sacral bone and heart. This made me a little uncomfortable as it was extreme fire in my brain. I previously had an energy field made between the back extension of my heart and 6th chakra, some weeks ago.
I didn't focus on this head fire, not knowing and very carefully, I just fixated my mental and emotional nature on just being and observing. This produced a strong vibration that I knew already, had experienced before, between my 2 front teeth and I could say 3rd eye. This vibration was up and down, vertically.

Focusing on that vibration, something changed...from vertically it changed horizontally..left-right, between the nose and 2 front teeth. This vibration was very powerful and I noticed by focusing on it, it became more and more powerful. I could control it. But as it became stronger and stronger, I could feel physical pain in the teeth and my gut feeling was that I continued making it more powerful these 2 teeth might become dust.

I just relaxed and slept alot.

Can somebody help me understand this process and this 2 types of vibrations?
nakedhill said:
Did you take any psychedelic medication, drugs, weed, or alcohol before/during this process? If you did, then I strongly advise you to stop this as it will not lead you to any state of advancement and only destroy you in the end.

Other than that, if these were natural symptoms with no drugs involved, you might want to work on the cooling and feminine side a bit. Based on what you described here it sounds like you have a big excess of fire. If this is the case, then balancing it out should help make these experiences less intense and more gentle/pleasant. Also, void meditation. It is advisable that you increase the amount you do daily, so you can effortlessly keep control over your mind at all times. This is important to stay safe during all of this. And if you aren't already, you might want to start a cleaning working with Raum/Surya/Munka/Visuddhi to help with properly cleansing all the dirt away.
Did you feel your soul was trying to exit your body through the crown chakra ? And did your head furiously start vibrating and it prevented the soul leaving ? I'm not sure if I'm working this right but this is the best I can describe it. Did you experience anything similar ?
Shael said:
nakedhill said:
Did you take any psychedelic medication, drugs, weed, or alcohol before/during this process? If you did, then I strongly advise you to stop this as it will not lead you to any state of advancement and only destroy you in the end.

This will not be and it isn't the case for me regarding drugs. I haven't taken.

It was natural as the Serpent always has some physical feelings to show before it does something, at least in my case, it is no doubt for me that is was a work and stage of evolution in this aspect. Difference is that I had expectations of previously zapps of electric force, thinking that will be rising. But what rose up was very different.

You might be right that I need to cool off, but what it did it did amazing as I observe some changes in many aspects of me. All is good. It is just very intriguing what those vibrations were and I condemn myself not knowing and being still in a childish position in face of such things.
Jack said:
Did you feel your soul was trying to exit your body through the crown chakra ? And did your head furiously start vibrating and it prevented the soul leaving ? I'm not sure if I'm working this right but this is the best I can describe it. Did you experience anything similar ?

Previously I had left my body through the crown chakra, and I can describe somehow being just a point in the astral, no body nothing. But as the astral came up to my vision, everything made me very excited and emotions made me go into a direction into the wall having me opening my eyes just to find myself where I left.

In my experience it is different from astral projection. In astral projection I'm exiting the body with full corporal senses. I feel every matter and object I pass through. By the 7th I'm just a point, and haven't succeed this alone without a pulling from within.

Having this past experience, I felt the same force pulling me upward so I wanted to keep myself in there, the vibrations weren't due to that. The vibrations were in my control I believe, but I don't know from where they were produced, and by what chakras or what is the nature of them.

It was different by any type of vibration I tuned in before, had something new.

However for sure it is from my lack of in depth meditation specifically for these.
nakedhill said:
After these aspects were made and also the fire purifying the soul and body the Chit Kundalini comes, and that came to me days ago after many years.
- from : https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=30177#p131216

It is possible to be in error concerning the reality of this statement, I see I'm still confused about one experience I had and the reality of the stages. In that I was referring to this topic.

I'm still hoping for someone to help me understand. The fire stage is for sure done I could say. Stimulating the Serpent brings power and pleasure, and I see the fact that somehow ..as much as you can take in, in your body , it is given, and in time you grow in capacity. The above situation happened again , not so fiery but the same pattern and dynamics, difference is I am comfortable now.

After the experience of a moving fire in the body I had something else, of the 7th chakra, and this experience I had before very similar, strange and forgotten when I was a little kid and meditating.

Entering the trance in sleep the 7th chakra along with the hands activated, and at will, intention of maximizing the sensations, the upper body and the head illuminated (only as a feeling not visually) along with a certain line on the shoulders along to the hands. I can not describe the reality of the sensations as they are to be experienced to really understand.

The illumination and the edge sensation of the nerves was accompanied by a sound that cannot be reproduced or greatly detailed. The 7th chakra was the center of activation but the sound was extremely profound, low ,a combination of a car engine with a thunder but continuous and articulated.
The illumination was gradually and the sound the same, not flashing. I did it 3 - 4 times before a rush of adrenaline made me not being able to sleep again and neither be relaxed.

I experienced before the nature of the chakras with their sounds, but this was of other nature as the 7th chakra had a spacial thunder sound. Nothing else in the experience was involved, only the crown and the arms as feeling, the rest of the body was numb

The day before I had also a very strange situation, going to sleep finishing meditating and empowering the crown, at the second of falling to sleep I literally felt my brain being pulled out and being moved out of the top portion of the skull, and it was intense and fast, not to mention as strange as it sounds, the sensation remained the same, I felt my brain out of my skull staying "in the air". Not painful neither pleasurable. I got to sleep as focusing on the feeling and the next day I have never in my life had a more painful day ever. My head was in intense pain, the only relief was staying and lying bed. I won't get into details as it would only be complaining. This preceded the above crown experience, a day before
nakedhill said:
Need some understanding

Last night I had another beautiful and scary, as I won't be lying, experience with my Kundalini.

This time I didn't feel the extreme electric force upon my back bone, but it was more magnetic and fiery. Lava upon my spine was present and at the same time the back extensions of my base and heart ceakra were extremely hot. Had also another type of fire present in my whole body, that I was used too a lot, only in plus it was present in my whole head. I think this fire is specialized in the nadis purification.

I woke up in the night between a dream state unconsciousness and consciousness but with the awareness always present in these 2 alternating states.
My left side was driving off a way, my right side another way. I retained myself in my body as the force always makes me leave my body by the 7th chakra.

The vibration in my body was affecting every electronic and objects in my surrounding. Getting myself mentally prepared and focusing solely on my breath had some minor attacks to fight of successfully.

For the first time I felt my 6th chakra like never before, just like the lava and extreme hotness of my sacral bone and heart. This made me a little uncomfortable as it was extreme fire in my brain. I previously had an energy field made between the back extension of my heart and 6th chakra, some weeks ago.
I didn't focus on this head fire, not knowing and very carefully, I just fixated my mental and emotional nature on just being and observing. This produced a strong vibration that I knew already, had experienced before, between my 2 front teeth and I could say 3rd eye. This vibration was up and down, vertically.

Focusing on that vibration, something changed...from vertically it changed horizontally..left-right, between the nose and 2 front teeth. This vibration was very powerful and I noticed by focusing on it, it became more and more powerful. I could control it. But as it became stronger and stronger, I could feel physical pain in the teeth and my gut feeling was that I continued making it more powerful these 2 teeth might become dust.

I just relaxed and slept alot.

Can somebody help me understand this process and this 2 types of vibrations?

My chakras use to feel like they had lava inside them, still do from time to time, but your case seams to be a progressed stage of this. These experiences can also indicate certain blockages in between the chakras so you should be careful about that.
nakedhill said:
nakedhill said:
After these aspects were made and also the fire purifying the soul and body the Chit Kundalini comes, and that came to me days ago after many years.
- from : https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=30177#p131216

It is possible to be in error concerning the reality of this statement, I see I'm still confused about one experience I had and the reality of the stages. In that I was referring to this topic.

I'm still hoping for someone to help me understand. The fire stage is for sure done I could say. Stimulating the Serpent brings power and pleasure, and I see the fact that somehow ..as much as you can take in, in your body , it is given, and in time you grow in capacity. The above situation happened again , not so fiery but the same pattern and dynamics, difference is I am comfortable now.

After the experience of a moving fire in the body I had something else, of the 7th chakra, and this experience I had before very similar, strange and forgotten when I was a little kid and meditating.

Entering the trance in sleep the 7th chakra along with the hands activated, and at will, intention of maximizing the sensations, the upper body and the head illuminated (only as a feeling not visually) along with a certain line on the shoulders along to the hands. I can not describe the reality of the sensations as they are to be experienced to really understand.

The illumination and the edge sensation of the nerves was accompanied by a sound that cannot be reproduced or greatly detailed. The 7th chakra was the center of activation but the sound was extremely profound, low ,a combination of a car engine with a thunder but continuous and articulated.
The illumination was gradually and the sound the same, not flashing. I did it 3 - 4 times before a rush of adrenaline made me not being able to sleep again and neither be relaxed.

I experienced before the nature of the chakras with their sounds, but this was of other nature as the 7th chakra had a spacial thunder sound. Nothing else in the experience was involved, only the crown and the arms as feeling, the rest of the body was numb

The day before I had also a very strange situation, going to sleep finishing meditating and empowering the crown, at the second of falling to sleep I literally felt my brain being pulled out and being moved out of the top portion of the skull, and it was intense and fast, not to mention as strange as it sounds, the sensation remained the same, I felt my brain out of my skull staying "in the air". Not painful neither pleasurable. I got to sleep as focusing on the feeling and the next day I have never in my life had a more painful day ever. My head was in intense pain, the only relief was staying and lying bed. I won't get into details as it would only be complaining. This preceded the above crown experience, a day before
I recommend you do not Proceed with kundalini awakening until you have direct Daemonic Guidance. This kundalini stuff is no joke, when done improperly it will certainly lead to insanity. Dont proceed until you have a Daemon guiding you through it.
nakedhill said:
Need some understanding

Last night I had another beautiful and scary, as I won't be lying, experience with my Kundalini.

This time I didn't feel the extreme electric force upon my back bone, but it was more magnetic and fiery. Lava upon my spine was present and at the same time the back extensions of my base and heart ceakra were extremely hot. Had also another type of fire present in my whole body, that I was used too a lot, only in plus it was present in my whole head. I think this fire is specialized in the nadis purification.

I woke up in the night between a dream state unconsciousness and consciousness but with the awareness always present in these 2 alternating states.
My left side was driving off a way, my right side another way. I retained myself in my body as the force always makes me leave my body by the 7th chakra.

The vibration in my body was affecting every electronic and objects in my surrounding. Getting myself mentally prepared and focusing solely on my breath had some minor attacks to fight of successfully.

For the first time I felt my 6th chakra like never before, just like the lava and extreme hotness of my sacral bone and heart. This made me a little uncomfortable as it was extreme fire in my brain. I previously had an energy field made between the back extension of my heart and 6th chakra, some weeks ago.
I didn't focus on this head fire, not knowing and very carefully, I just fixated my mental and emotional nature on just being and observing. This produced a strong vibration that I knew already, had experienced before, between my 2 front teeth and I could say 3rd eye. This vibration was up and down, vertically.

Focusing on that vibration, something changed...from vertically it changed horizontally..left-right, between the nose and 2 front teeth. This vibration was very powerful and I noticed by focusing on it, it became more and more powerful. I could control it. But as it became stronger and stronger, I could feel physical pain in the teeth and my gut feeling was that I continued making it more powerful these 2 teeth might become dust.

I just relaxed and slept alot.

Can somebody help me understand this process and this 2 types of vibrations?

Oh yeah the heat stage. Heat in a chakra indicates blockage.

2012 I was laying on my back and couldn't get up for hours. Because my solar chakra was burning the shit out of me. Like a literal piece of red hot iron. I had to expand my chest open even. I literally could not roll over as it would compress on it and burn me.

This is a very positive stage. Because the chakras become real from then on.
Aldrick said:
Oh yeah the heat stage. Heat in a chakra indicates blockage.

2012 I was laying on my back and couldn't get up for hours. Because my solar chakra was burning the shit out of me. Like a literal piece of red hot iron. I had to expand my chest open even. I literally could not roll over as it would compress on it and burn me.

This is a very positive stage. Because the chakras become real from then on.

The chakras were at the same time active, and it wasn't something continuous (not like the lava risen in the spine) , not even uniform. Anyway.. I know about the red iron sensation :lol:

To be honest the real problem to me is the Crown, every time I work on it to be empowered I have the most horrible head pains. even if it is successful, the work on the crown is the hardest. To this day the crown for me is the strongest chakra and I still have problems of balancing the upper and the lower , it feels not expanded enough.
From unspeakable pure bliss sometimes to days of not being able to stand up on my feet..

So 8 years later, everythings good? In 2012 I think I had the first experiences
Jack said:
I recommend you do not Proceed with kundalini awakening until you have direct Daemonic Guidance. This kundalini stuff is no joke, when done improperly it will certainly lead to insanity. Dont proceed until you have a Daemon guiding you through it.

I appreciate your concern Jack, but this is well past the awakening stage I believe. These experiences I have with the Kundalini are at least 7 years in the processes,
but I am agreeing with your advice, without guidance you're a dead man. I had days close to insanity and brutal situations, as well internally and external in situations.
Specter said:
My chakras use to feel like they had lava inside them, still do from time to time, but your case seams to be a progressed stage of this. These experiences can also indicate certain blockages in between the chakras so you should be careful about that.

For certain, this lava build up in the head is the most painful thing ever, way beyond kidney pain for me

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
