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My Life Journey to Our Gods

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
I’m one of the lucky people who never went to church, other than when my grandfather was visiting and managed to convince my parents to take us, but fortunately my grandmother usually got us out of it so my grandfather went alone. My grandmother left the church long before, she was mostly silent about her reasons but it had to do with witnessing hypocrisy from so-called “devout followers”.

My parents taught me to have common sense and avoid idiots and harmful people, unlike retarded xian beliefs. But they did give me a copy of the bible when I was 7, and I told the xian “god” that if I did not finish reading it within one year, he could send me to Hell. I did not finish reading it. I read most of it, and was so disgusted and confused by all the horrible things in it (murder, mass murder, incest, more murder, baby killing, even more mass murder, genocides of whole cities through mass murder, rape, and more murder, etc) that I just stopped reading it. What a disturbing degenerate piece of garbage for anyone to read, especially a child. Plus, the overall writing quality was crap. It all seemed pointless and just stupid. I remember being so confused and not able to understand how this stupid book was supposed to be the most important book in the world.

About a year later, I learned about the Ancient Egyptian culture. We did a short introductory class in school, and I fell in love with it. More than love, it was a deep pull from within me, that this is correct. Their religion, having multiple Gods but also hierarchy, and emphasizing spiritual beliefs, felt like the way life was supposed to be lived. Also with mystery! I loved mystery, knowing that there was more to everything, that not all information is “easily available with nothing more and that’s that”. I wanted a quest, to keep learning and keep growing, and to see where it would take me.

Even though my family strongly identified as our specific European heritage, my parents supported my interest and bought me some Ancient Egyptian styled décor for my bedroom.

I wanted to learn more, and about the occult and magick, so I went to the library, but I couldn’t find what I somehow knew I had to find. This continued over the years, searching libraries and the internet, finding mostly empty filler. I felt such emptiness and lacking from books, other than some stuff here and there.

I eventually found enough through a combination of sources to reject any other religious title and call myself Pagan. But I had learned about New Age beliefs, and I knew they were a cheap rip-off, so I referred to myself as an “Ancient Age Pagan”. I kept looking, and kept getting disappointed. I did try to contact some Gods, names that I found online. But I didn’t feel a true connection yet. I always felt like something vital was missing, but I couldn’t find it.

And then one day, after I had been a solitary Pagan for some years, someone handed me a copy of LaVey’s Satanic Bible as a joke. They saw it in a bookstore and bought it, laughing. I was going through depression from recent bereavement combined with other bad situations in my life at that time, so I figured why not read it. To me, the xian “god” obviously didn’t exist, because I didn’t feel anything good or benevolent from “god” or “jesus” or any “angels”, so he couldn’t punish me for reading such a blasphemous book, nor did I even care at that depressing point in my life.

So I read the Satanic Bible, and it made a lot of good points, much more than that other bible I had read as a child. But it was more than just left-brain logic; there was something lighting up my intuition. For the first time in my quest, I felt I was finally on the correct path, that I was going to drastically alter my life somehow.

So I read about dedicating to Satan, and I looked online. I’ve always been the type to do extra research to make sure I was getting the best option, or perhaps add a bit more to make it more authentic, in some way. I searched on google how to dedicate my soul to Satan, ignored some awful links, then found the Joy of Satan. I noticed the .org, not just .com, so I figured it was a legitimate organization. I read the page how to dedicate, then looked at the main page, and something happened in me. That moment of everything clicking into place had finally arrived, and I knew deep within my soul that this was right.

It’s been around 15 years now, and that feeling has only grown. And will continue to grow, because this is true spirituality: continuous growth and exploration. And the increased depth of an inner sense of Self. This is why I can know that the recent changes made are in accordance with what is needed now.

I understand why a lot of people are confused, or even against this change. It’s because it’s a massive change, and you perhaps feel thrown off somehow. Shaken. This was not an easy change to make, but it is not a subtraction of anything; it is an addition of another layer of invincibility.

We are not “removing Satan”. He has revealed to us His other true name, Zeus. You can personally refer to Him as whichever name you prefer: Zeus, Satan, Satya, Satanas, or your cultural equivalent of His name, if you prefer.

We are not “going against what HPS Maxine wanted”.

As the new HPS, I am honored to have had astral communication with our previous HPS, Lady Maxine. She has told me multiple times that she is proud of all that HP Hooded Cobra is doing, and the expansions he is making. She told me to go ahead and do whatever is necessary for the JoS/ToZ to expand more, to remove the enemy influences in the world, to bring our True Gods here more.

This was her mission: to bring us closer to our Gods, to bring the Truth of them to the world, and overthrow the enemy tyranny. We are continuing this.

She also told me that she wants everyone, all members, to advance more. We need this, in order to grow.

And grow we must! Do you like having all the corruption in the world, all the lies and tyranny? No. We must get rid of this. We must do what we can do help the JoS/ToZ to expand more. We must make ourselves known as a legitimate and rightful way of life, and the only way we can do this is to expand. So to everyone who translates, helps the community, does Outreach, and/or donates (money is what makes the purchase of expansion happen), you are greatly helping the world.

Nothing will happen unless we have the means to make it happen.

The more donations = the more we can expand here on the material realm, which means more people can find and accept the ToZ and advance spiritually. Most of the problems in the world are from a lack of spirituality, which is directly from a lack of knowledge of real spirituality. Most people have their souls locked down, their chakras sealed, and have no access to Serpent wisdom.

There are wealthy people who prioritize spending massive amounts of money on parties and “having a good time”. Why help the ToZ, when you can have 3 fancy cars instead. Why bother trying to help uplift the world, when you can blow your money on cocaine and endless material items that don’t even mean anything, compared to what the ToZ can do for the world.

I understood from my early days how important the mission of our Gods were. I used to donate whatever amount of extra money I had on paypal to the JoS. And I knew the Gods were happy for my assistance, even though it was very small.

Over the years, I have met many of our Gods, Goddesses, and Daemons (I will use the word Gods to include Daemons as well, as they are Gods compared to us anyway). I am truly blessed and honored from my efforts to advance so that I can communicate with them. To see our Gods, to feel Them take my hands, to have Them spend Their precious time on me, to be shown things, to be told that I have all I need from Them for my spiritual progress. This is priceless. The sense of spirituality I have gained is priceless, and I wish for others to feel this too. I wish for our world to fully throw off the enemy programs and indoctrination, and to find the Truth, like we have.

To have friendship with our Original Creator Gods, I cannot say enough how sacred this is. I urge all members to become close to our Gods… but you have to advance enough to know Them. You have to get over any hangups or problems, you have to open your soul, and you have to reach out to them. Nothing compares to the fulfillment of knowing our Gods.

And meeting one God is not like meeting them all. They all have distinct personalities, for lack of better wording. This is what attracted me to Paganism in the first place, it’s not just one male “god”. There is no falseness or emptiness with our Gods. We have many beloved and highly respected Gods, Goddesses, and Daemons who are here for us, waiting for you to get to know Them better.

They know us, but most of us have sadly forgotten Them.

We need to fix this.
Thank you very much HPS Lydia!
I could feel the emotion you put into writing this wonderful thread.
This thread made me think about how we should always be thankful for the past, even though it has been full of not very positive events, but I am honest, I would do it all over again if the reward is then to meet and worship our beloved Gods.
Thank you again High Priests!
I’m one of the lucky people who never went to church, other than when my grandfather was visiting and managed to convince my parents to take us, but fortunately my grandmother usually got us out of it so my grandfather went alone. My grandmother left the church long before, she was mostly silent about her reasons but it had to do with witnessing hypocrisy from so-called “devout followers”.

My parents taught me to have common sense and avoid idiots and harmful people, unlike retarded xian beliefs. But they did give me a copy of the bible when I was 7, and I told the xian “god” that if I did not finish reading it within one year, he could send me to Hell. I did not finish reading it. I read most of it, and was so disgusted and confused by all the horrible things in it (murder, mass murder, incest, more murder, baby killing, even more mass murder, genocides of whole cities through mass murder, rape, and more murder, etc) that I just stopped reading it. What a disturbing degenerate piece of garbage for anyone to read, especially a child. Plus, the overall writing quality was crap. It all seemed pointless and just stupid. I remember being so confused and not able to understand how this stupid book was supposed to be the most important book in the world.

About a year later, I learned about the Ancient Egyptian culture. We did a short introductory class in school, and I fell in love with it. More than love, it was a deep pull from within me, that this is correct. Their religion, having multiple Gods but also hierarchy, and emphasizing spiritual beliefs, felt like the way life was supposed to be lived. Also with mystery! I loved mystery, knowing that there was more to everything, that not all information is “easily available with nothing more and that’s that”. I wanted a quest, to keep learning and keep growing, and to see where it would take me.

Even though my family strongly identified as our specific European heritage, my parents supported my interest and bought me some Ancient Egyptian styled décor for my bedroom.

I wanted to learn more, and about the occult and magick, so I went to the library, but I couldn’t find what I somehow knew I had to find. This continued over the years, searching libraries and the internet, finding mostly empty filler. I felt such emptiness and lacking from books, other than some stuff here and there.

I eventually found enough through a combination of sources to reject any other religious title and call myself Pagan. But I had learned about New Age beliefs, and I knew they were a cheap rip-off, so I referred to myself as an “Ancient Age Pagan”. I kept looking, and kept getting disappointed. I did try to contact some Gods, names that I found online. But I didn’t feel a true connection yet. I always felt like something vital was missing, but I couldn’t find it.

And then one day, after I had been a solitary Pagan for some years, someone handed me a copy of LaVey’s Satanic Bible as a joke. They saw it in a bookstore and bought it, laughing. I was going through depression from recent bereavement combined with other bad situations in my life at that time, so I figured why not read it. To me, the xian “god” obviously didn’t exist, because I didn’t feel anything good or benevolent from “god” or “jesus” or any “angels”, so he couldn’t punish me for reading such a blasphemous book, nor did I even care at that depressing point in my life.

So I read the Satanic Bible, and it made a lot of good points, much more than that other bible I had read as a child. But it was more than just left-brain logic; there was something lighting up my intuition. For the first time in my quest, I felt I was finally on the correct path, that I was going to drastically alter my life somehow.

So I read about dedicating to Satan, and I looked online. I’ve always been the type to do extra research to make sure I was getting the best option, or perhaps add a bit more to make it more authentic, in some way. I searched on google how to dedicate my soul to Satan, ignored some awful links, then found the Joy of Satan. I noticed the .org, not just .com, so I figured it was a legitimate organization. I read the page how to dedicate, then looked at the main page, and something happened in me. That moment of everything clicking into place had finally arrived, and I knew deep within my soul that this was right.

It’s been around 15 years now, and that feeling has only grown. And will continue to grow, because this is true spirituality: continuous growth and exploration. And the increased depth of an inner sense of Self. This is why I can know that the recent changes made are in accordance with what is needed now.

I understand why a lot of people are confused, or even against this change. It’s because it’s a massive change, and you perhaps feel thrown off somehow. Shaken. This was not an easy change to make, but it is not a subtraction of anything; it is an addition of another layer of invincibility.

We are not “removing Satan”. He has revealed to us His other true name, Zeus. You can personally refer to Him as whichever name you prefer: Zeus, Satan, Satya, Satanas, or your cultural equivalent of His name, if you prefer.

We are not “going against what HPS Maxine wanted”.

As the new HPS, I am honored to have had astral communication with our previous HPS, Lady Maxine. She has told me multiple times that she is proud of all that HP Hooded Cobra is doing, and the expansions he is making. She told me to go ahead and do whatever is necessary for the JoS/ToZ to expand more, to remove the enemy influences in the world, to bring our True Gods here more.

This was her mission: to bring us closer to our Gods, to bring the Truth of them to the world, and overthrow the enemy tyranny. We are continuing this.

She also told me that she wants everyone, all members, to advance more. We need this, in order to grow.

And grow we must! Do you like having all the corruption in the world, all the lies and tyranny? No. We must get rid of this. We must do what we can do help the JoS/ToZ to expand more. We must make ourselves known as a legitimate and rightful way of life, and the only way we can do this is to expand. So to everyone who translates, helps the community, does Outreach, and/or donates (money is what makes the purchase of expansion happen), you are greatly helping the world.

Nothing will happen unless we have the means to make it happen.

The more donations = the more we can expand here on the material realm, which means more people can find and accept the ToZ and advance spiritually. Most of the problems in the world are from a lack of spirituality, which is directly from a lack of knowledge of real spirituality. Most people have their souls locked down, their chakras sealed, and have no access to Serpent wisdom.

There are wealthy people who prioritize spending massive amounts of money on parties and “having a good time”. Why help the ToZ, when you can have 3 fancy cars instead. Why bother trying to help uplift the world, when you can blow your money on cocaine and endless material items that don’t even mean anything, compared to what the ToZ can do for the world.

I understood from my early days how important the mission of our Gods were. I used to donate whatever amount of extra money I had on paypal to the JoS. And I knew the Gods were happy for my assistance, even though it was very small.

Over the years, I have met many of our Gods, Goddesses, and Daemons (I will use the word Gods to include Daemons as well, as they are Gods compared to us anyway). I am truly blessed and honored from my efforts to advance so that I can communicate with them. To see our Gods, to feel Them take my hands, to have Them spend Their precious time on me, to be shown things, to be told that I have all I need from Them for my spiritual progress. This is priceless. The sense of spirituality I have gained is priceless, and I wish for others to feel this too. I wish for our world to fully throw off the enemy programs and indoctrination, and to find the Truth, like we have.

To have friendship with our Original Creator Gods, I cannot say enough how sacred this is. I urge all members to become close to our Gods… but you have to advance enough to know Them. You have to get over any hangups or problems, you have to open your soul, and you have to reach out to them. Nothing compares to the fulfillment of knowing our Gods.

And meeting one God is not like meeting them all. They all have distinct personalities, for lack of better wording. This is what attracted me to Paganism in the first place, it’s not just one male “god”. There is no falseness or emptiness with our Gods. We have many beloved and highly respected Gods, Goddesses, and Daemons who are here for us, waiting for you to get to know Them better.

They know us, but most of us have sadly forgotten Them.

We need to fix this.
Thanks for this wonderful sermon
I've been interested in witchcraft
For a long time since I was 11yrs old
I hope I can get close to Demons
And Gods and Goddesses I want
To see their personalities and learn
What they can teach me I've seen some things before
I love the change to ToZ it awesome
Hail Satan !!
Hail the Gods of Hell And the Gods
Would you believe me if I told you that last night I was explaining my own story to how I found this place to another new SS I know AND I used you as an example, with full respect, as how we come from different reasons as to why we knew deep in our souls that this is the the real path.

I have good memory so I quickly compiled tiny bits of what you have mentioned of your spiritual past up to SS over the decade on the forums/groups to express this. Along with other examples.

But now I see you wrote this and I find it very amusing :D

This is a very good read and insightful info on our respected High Priestess.

It feels good to relate with other SS on our views towards xianity and their books and even the empty feeling of new age ideals, before we became SS. The context in regards to the history of those who are very dedicated to this path is always gives great perception as well.

Thank you for sharing all of this with us, your brothers and sisters in the Temple of Zeus. :)
And you've gone to Hell - seems it was the exact opposite of what the filth had been promissing, wasn't it, High Priestess :D

Such accounts are great. Sure, some trolls will say 'she be lyin' and will carry on with their derangement.

The Truth is soaring high, and Magen David is fading fast. Oy vey :>

Lead us - you, HP Hooded Cobra and Lady Maxine. Such leadership I trust.
I've said this before, it's getting hard for me to keep up with the new JoS. Because this place has become so much more than my expectations in the last year. I feel I'm not equipped for this. This is not where I came 3 years ago, it was small and it was only for us. Now we have really opened up to the world.
This makes me worried as well curiuos as . It is good to be more or less part of it. its a very beautiful.

Hell, whatever happens, it's very nice.
I also knew in my heart TOZ was real the second I first read the JOS in 2013. I had some accounts banned in the past for racism. Which was the "bull gotze" account. But I never left the Gods because I align totally with their values and I recognized and remembered some of the Gods names. I believe in Zeus, Deus Pater.
I’m one of the lucky people who never went to church, other than when my grandfather was visiting and managed to convince my parents to take us, but fortunately my grandmother usually got us out of it so my grandfather went alone. My grandmother left the church long before, she was mostly silent about her reasons but it had to do with witnessing hypocrisy from so-called “devout followers”.

My parents taught me to have common sense and avoid idiots and harmful people, unlike retarded xian beliefs. But they did give me a copy of the bible when I was 7, and I told the xian “god” that if I did not finish reading it within one year, he could send me to Hell. I did not finish reading it. I read most of it, and was so disgusted and confused by all the horrible things in it (murder, mass murder, incest, more murder, baby killing, even more mass murder, genocides of whole cities through mass murder, rape, and more murder, etc) that I just stopped reading it. What a disturbing degenerate piece of garbage for anyone to read, especially a child. Plus, the overall writing quality was crap. It all seemed pointless and just stupid. I remember being so confused and not able to understand how this stupid book was supposed to be the most important book in the world.

About a year later, I learned about the Ancient Egyptian culture. We did a short introductory class in school, and I fell in love with it. More than love, it was a deep pull from within me, that this is correct. Their religion, having multiple Gods but also hierarchy, and emphasizing spiritual beliefs, felt like the way life was supposed to be lived. Also with mystery! I loved mystery, knowing that there was more to everything, that not all information is “easily available with nothing more and that’s that”. I wanted a quest, to keep learning and keep growing, and to see where it would take me.

Even though my family strongly identified as our specific European heritage, my parents supported my interest and bought me some Ancient Egyptian styled décor for my bedroom.

I wanted to learn more, and about the occult and magick, so I went to the library, but I couldn’t find what I somehow knew I had to find. This continued over the years, searching libraries and the internet, finding mostly empty filler. I felt such emptiness and lacking from books, other than some stuff here and there.

I eventually found enough through a combination of sources to reject any other religious title and call myself Pagan. But I had learned about New Age beliefs, and I knew they were a cheap rip-off, so I referred to myself as an “Ancient Age Pagan”. I kept looking, and kept getting disappointed. I did try to contact some Gods, names that I found online. But I didn’t feel a true connection yet. I always felt like something vital was missing, but I couldn’t find it.

And then one day, after I had been a solitary Pagan for some years, someone handed me a copy of LaVey’s Satanic Bible as a joke. They saw it in a bookstore and bought it, laughing. I was going through depression from recent bereavement combined with other bad situations in my life at that time, so I figured why not read it. To me, the xian “god” obviously didn’t exist, because I didn’t feel anything good or benevolent from “god” or “jesus” or any “angels”, so he couldn’t punish me for reading such a blasphemous book, nor did I even care at that depressing point in my life.

So I read the Satanic Bible, and it made a lot of good points, much more than that other bible I had read as a child. But it was more than just left-brain logic; there was something lighting up my intuition. For the first time in my quest, I felt I was finally on the correct path, that I was going to drastically alter my life somehow.

So I read about dedicating to Satan, and I looked online. I’ve always been the type to do extra research to make sure I was getting the best option, or perhaps add a bit more to make it more authentic, in some way. I searched on google how to dedicate my soul to Satan, ignored some awful links, then found the Joy of Satan. I noticed the .org, not just .com, so I figured it was a legitimate organization. I read the page how to dedicate, then looked at the main page, and something happened in me. That moment of everything clicking into place had finally arrived, and I knew deep within my soul that this was right.

It’s been around 15 years now, and that feeling has only grown. And will continue to grow, because this is true spirituality: continuous growth and exploration. And the increased depth of an inner sense of Self. This is why I can know that the recent changes made are in accordance with what is needed now.

I understand why a lot of people are confused, or even against this change. It’s because it’s a massive change, and you perhaps feel thrown off somehow. Shaken. This was not an easy change to make, but it is not a subtraction of anything; it is an addition of another layer of invincibility.

We are not “removing Satan”. He has revealed to us His other true name, Zeus. You can personally refer to Him as whichever name you prefer: Zeus, Satan, Satya, Satanas, or your cultural equivalent of His name, if you prefer.

We are not “going against what HPS Maxine wanted”.

As the new HPS, I am honored to have had astral communication with our previous HPS, Lady Maxine. She has told me multiple times that she is proud of all that HP Hooded Cobra is doing, and the expansions he is making. She told me to go ahead and do whatever is necessary for the JoS/ToZ to expand more, to remove the enemy influences in the world, to bring our True Gods here more.

This was her mission: to bring us closer to our Gods, to bring the Truth of them to the world, and overthrow the enemy tyranny. We are continuing this.

She also told me that she wants everyone, all members, to advance more. We need this, in order to grow.

And grow we must! Do you like having all the corruption in the world, all the lies and tyranny? No. We must get rid of this. We must do what we can do help the JoS/ToZ to expand more. We must make ourselves known as a legitimate and rightful way of life, and the only way we can do this is to expand. So to everyone who translates, helps the community, does Outreach, and/or donates (money is what makes the purchase of expansion happen), you are greatly helping the world.

Nothing will happen unless we have the means to make it happen.

The more donations = the more we can expand here on the material realm, which means more people can find and accept the ToZ and advance spiritually. Most of the problems in the world are from a lack of spirituality, which is directly from a lack of knowledge of real spirituality. Most people have their souls locked down, their chakras sealed, and have no access to Serpent wisdom.

There are wealthy people who prioritize spending massive amounts of money on parties and “having a good time”. Why help the ToZ, when you can have 3 fancy cars instead. Why bother trying to help uplift the world, when you can blow your money on cocaine and endless material items that don’t even mean anything, compared to what the ToZ can do for the world.

I understood from my early days how important the mission of our Gods were. I used to donate whatever amount of extra money I had on paypal to the JoS. And I knew the Gods were happy for my assistance, even though it was very small.

Over the years, I have met many of our Gods, Goddesses, and Daemons (I will use the word Gods to include Daemons as well, as they are Gods compared to us anyway). I am truly blessed and honored from my efforts to advance so that I can communicate with them. To see our Gods, to feel Them take my hands, to have Them spend Their precious time on me, to be shown things, to be told that I have all I need from Them for my spiritual progress. This is priceless. The sense of spirituality I have gained is priceless, and I wish for others to feel this too. I wish for our world to fully throw off the enemy programs and indoctrination, and to find the Truth, like we have.

To have friendship with our Original Creator Gods, I cannot say enough how sacred this is. I urge all members to become close to our Gods… but you have to advance enough to know Them. You have to get over any hangups or problems, you have to open your soul, and you have to reach out to them. Nothing compares to the fulfillment of knowing our Gods.

And meeting one God is not like meeting them all. They all have distinct personalities, for lack of better wording. This is what attracted me to Paganism in the first place, it’s not just one male “god”. There is no falseness or emptiness with our Gods. We have many beloved and highly respected Gods, Goddesses, and Daemons who are here for us, waiting for you to get to know Them better.

They know us, but most of us have sadly forgotten Them.

We need to fix this.
Perfectly said Mother Lydia: The Changes done by HPHC came at the right time.
The new Tiltle of this Great Organization(ToZ) has more Weight and very Captivating.
I remember in December last year when I was trying to Convince one of my female friend to join Satanism, Since she indicated her interest to me, She loves nature, she always showcase her interest in the 48 laws of Power...So when I sent her the link about JOS, she says: the name sounds scary, immediately something came to my mind, I think the name of JOS should be changed so as to attract more members.
I'm very happy for this Changes and upgrades.
I've said this before, it's getting hard for me to keep up with the new JoS. Because this place has become so much more than my expectations in the last year. I feel I'm not equipped for this. This is not where I came 3 years ago, it was small and it was only for us. Now we have really opened up to the world.
This makes me worried as well curiuos as . It is good to be more or less part of it. its a very beautiful.

Hell, whatever happens, it's very nice.

Rolling with the change is the best way. Personally I have become just more and more comfortable with the changes despite being a little bit concerned at first.

I remember back in the day how things were. Now we are growing at such a great pace and it's so beautiful to see. I'm so happy we have grown this far.

My advice here would be to just try to be more accepting of the see changes. And seeing just how important they are for the Temple of Zeus so it can expand and we gradually rectify and mend the world.
I want to share directly how I was revealed two times something in regards to HPS Lydia. Many people believe they know how the Gods communicate, others are not yet at the level of such. This will be a bit revelatory of that as well since not many have been able to undergo direct contact with the forces of heavens.

Few years ago as I was reading the forum, and contemplating about the Gods and also their people here on earth, but in a fully non invasive way. I personally never had any doubts or questions about their faces and hands on this earth, like the real Clergy. So I was reading a sermon from HPS Lydia, and suddenly a trance state took over me.

My mind sea was trembling and I feel direct and phenomenal pressure to my consciousness. I could not focus on anything else, rather was very scary and obliged. This was a vortex of holy energies and of spiritual presence taking a hold over me. I understood the spiritual nature of it, and I closed my eyes. It was a mean and powerful vortex of energy, magnificent power overwhelming me. I was suddenly taken and transcended the material plane into what I can describe as a face to face with the most immense form. No other thought was present in my mind, all were cleared from this energy, it was a clarity of mind in the presence of a quantum nuclear force of spiritual movement.

Closing my eyes, I heard from the greatest depth and profoundness a voice, stating to me, coming closer and more clear than any thunder can be: "DAUGHTER OF SATAN". This accompanied a spiritual state and a mind state of direct focus with the God, that was telling me this. This was Satan ( Zeus) himself.

High Priestess Lydia is Daughter of Satan.

This was as much as a revelation, God telling me Himself proudly that HPS Lydia is His daughter but also, and this is to not be taken out of context, and truthfully, a WARNING.

Now, I am the most loving and of purity in regards to the Clergy in as much I love them and see them who they are, and from my part, never such a thing would warrant a warning. But that is what an unitiated person would say. Priesthood is of the most high sacredness, akin to Gods. Their existence here is of the highest meaning and holiness.

Like a father warns everyone and protects His daughter, He warned me, so I am able to warn all of you. This has happened a second time as well at a later date and month apart, where a Demon came to me, to tell me directly and VERBALLY, that HPS Lydia is a daughter of them (aka our side, Zeus).

Our High Priests are really loved by all the Gods. Those who know and the Gods really talked to them, would know on a reality basis the sanctity and high level these people are treated with by the Gods, and yet HUMANS fail like RETARDS here to understand. The Gods however tell this.

Any enemy should be scared beyond reason about our Priesthood. I seen and heard the Ultimate God showing me His children.

I have many more stories to share from the Gods and will be done in a material. This will come from the Mouth of the Gods themselves.

Anyone stating differently from this, is a liar and never met any Daemon, but a God, to tell them the reality. The Gods do NOT FUCK AROUND, neither the Priesthood. I also apologize for the direct vulgarity to such a holy message here, but I must express myself to the intensity of this message.
Thank you for this post, High Priestess.
We all love and appreciate your presence and constant support very much! 💙
It's always nice to go through the astrology forum archives and look at your and Hero HPS Maxine's posts 💙
Thank-you for your message, High Priestess. I am fully with you, HP, Temple, and the Gods <3 To be honest, when I read your words, I feel your pure intent in my mind and soul—be blessed Daughter of Satan.

Also, for anyone needing reassurance from Lady Maxine, you can do Her ritual. I am not saying She will communicate with you directly, but even understanding where She is now should be enough confirmation for our expansion.

However, I would like to share that when I did Her ritual in the original schedule, She DID speak to me. I sincerely hope I am not misinformed (Clergy and Guardians can tell), but after the ritual, during the focus, she came to me and said "you need to be kinder."

Obviously, not in a Xian BS way, but in a Hellenic, virtuous way. I do not know if she was referring to being kinder to others or myself, yet either way, I have not forgotten. Anyway, I thought I'd share that.
Thank you.

Very beautiful writing.

This reminds me of a story from my childhood. When I was about 5 years old, I was asked in kindergarten what I wanted to do when I grew up. And I said I was going to be a wizard. There was a costume party for the children and I dressed up as a wizard.
I was planning my future, what it would be like to be a wizard as an adult.

Finally my mother talked me out of it. She said there was no such thing. I should find another vocation.
Anyone stating differently from this, is a liar and never met any Daemon, but a God, to tell them the reality. The Gods do NOT FUCK AROUND, neither the Priesthood. I also apologize for the direct vulgarity to such a holy message here, but I must express myself to the intensity of this message
Don't. No appologies necessary - I too know what it means to be loyal to someone. To a fault. "Meine Ehre heißt Treue" is the phrase that I like, because you HAVE to know to whom you have to be loyal, fanatically so, and be extra sure you won't be backstabbed. This is why when I see kiddos like we've recently had who slander the Clergy, it irks me (read: makes my blood boil).
As the new HPS, I am honored to have had astral communication with our previous HPS, Lady Maxine. She has told me multiple times that she is proud of all that HP Hooded Cobra is doing, and the expansions he is making. She told me to go ahead and do whatever is necessary for the JoS/ToZ to expand more, to remove the enemy influences in the world, to bring our True Gods here more.

I've been thinking about it for a while about what the best comment on this should be. And today I finally thought that it would do well to reason by absurdity.

Imagine if Hp HoodedCobra666 said to Hps Maxine Dietrich "we succeeded in making the Jews lose power. The Temple of Zeus, I am bringing it back at last. And the Gods are being known better and better and for what they always really were. And maybe in a few years we might be walking again in a resurrected ancient Greece or the Eternal Egyptian Kingdom, what do you think, glorious HPS Maxine?"

And just think if High Priestess Maxine Dietrich replied, "What? No! You had to stick only to what the JEWS said about our gods! I have not fought with so much energy and risked my life all these times to see the Egyptian Kingdom restored! What are you doing? I don't care about any Temple of Zeus, destroy everything about that and return to the Jews and what THEY say!"

After a week this thinking is no longer simply ridiculous, but becomes in effect a mental illness that transcends one's personal egopathy.
However, I would like to share that when I did Her ritual in the original schedule, She DID speak to me. I sincerely hope I am not misinformed (Clergy and Guardians can tell), but after the ritual, during the focus, she came to me and said "you need to be kinder."
She gave me some advice nearly a year ago when I spoke to her, it was probably after her ritual came out. So this time around I was able to tell her that I was making progress in it. Essentially, she told me to do something in a somewhat broad sense, and I received further instruction regarding specifics from my GD about it.

Lady Maxine does care about us :)
When I was just a young boy, I always hated church. The fake smiles, the boring sermons, even in Sunday school I wouldn't listen and just draw pictures of Dragons on paper or

Then when I turned 8, I read my first Egyptian History book, became absolutely fixated on the pages about the Gods and fell in love with them and even drew Egyptian styled tomb paintings on the walls of my room

I'm so glad I was the one child in my family who was never baptised
I’m one of the lucky people who never went to church, other than when my grandfather was visiting and managed to convince my parents to take us, but fortunately my grandmother usually got us out of it so my grandfather went alone. My grandmother left the church long before, she was mostly silent about her reasons but it had to do with witnessing hypocrisy from so-called “devout followers”.

My parents taught me to have common sense and avoid idiots and harmful people, unlike retarded xian beliefs. But they did give me a copy of the bible when I was 7, and I told the xian “god” that if I did not finish reading it within one year, he could send me to Hell. I did not finish reading it. I read most of it, and was so disgusted and confused by all the horrible things in it (murder, mass murder, incest, more murder, baby killing, even more mass murder, genocides of whole cities through mass murder, rape, and more murder, etc) that I just stopped reading it. What a disturbing degenerate piece of garbage for anyone to read, especially a child. Plus, the overall writing quality was crap. It all seemed pointless and just stupid. I remember being so confused and not able to understand how this stupid book was supposed to be the most important book in the world.

About a year later, I learned about the Ancient Egyptian culture. We did a short introductory class in school, and I fell in love with it. More than love, it was a deep pull from within me, that this is correct. Their religion, having multiple Gods but also hierarchy, and emphasizing spiritual beliefs, felt like the way life was supposed to be lived. Also with mystery! I loved mystery, knowing that there was more to everything, that not all information is “easily available with nothing more and that’s that”. I wanted a quest, to keep learning and keep growing, and to see where it would take me.

Even though my family strongly identified as our specific European heritage, my parents supported my interest and bought me some Ancient Egyptian styled décor for my bedroom.

I wanted to learn more, and about the occult and magick, so I went to the library, but I couldn’t find what I somehow knew I had to find. This continued over the years, searching libraries and the internet, finding mostly empty filler. I felt such emptiness and lacking from books, other than some stuff here and there.

I eventually found enough through a combination of sources to reject any other religious title and call myself Pagan. But I had learned about New Age beliefs, and I knew they were a cheap rip-off, so I referred to myself as an “Ancient Age Pagan”. I kept looking, and kept getting disappointed. I did try to contact some Gods, names that I found online. But I didn’t feel a true connection yet. I always felt like something vital was missing, but I couldn’t find it.

And then one day, after I had been a solitary Pagan for some years, someone handed me a copy of LaVey’s Satanic Bible as a joke. They saw it in a bookstore and bought it, laughing. I was going through depression from recent bereavement combined with other bad situations in my life at that time, so I figured why not read it. To me, the xian “god” obviously didn’t exist, because I didn’t feel anything good or benevolent from “god” or “jesus” or any “angels”, so he couldn’t punish me for reading such a blasphemous book, nor did I even care at that depressing point in my life.

So I read the Satanic Bible, and it made a lot of good points, much more than that other bible I had read as a child. But it was more than just left-brain logic; there was something lighting up my intuition. For the first time in my quest, I felt I was finally on the correct path, that I was going to drastically alter my life somehow.

So I read about dedicating to Satan, and I looked online. I’ve always been the type to do extra research to make sure I was getting the best option, or perhaps add a bit more to make it more authentic, in some way. I searched on google how to dedicate my soul to Satan, ignored some awful links, then found the Joy of Satan. I noticed the .org, not just .com, so I figured it was a legitimate organization. I read the page how to dedicate, then looked at the main page, and something happened in me. That moment of everything clicking into place had finally arrived, and I knew deep within my soul that this was right.

It’s been around 15 years now, and that feeling has only grown. And will continue to grow, because this is true spirituality: continuous growth and exploration. And the increased depth of an inner sense of Self. This is why I can know that the recent changes made are in accordance with what is needed now.

I understand why a lot of people are confused, or even against this change. It’s because it’s a massive change, and you perhaps feel thrown off somehow. Shaken. This was not an easy change to make, but it is not a subtraction of anything; it is an addition of another layer of invincibility.

We are not “removing Satan”. He has revealed to us His other true name, Zeus. You can personally refer to Him as whichever name you prefer: Zeus, Satan, Satya, Satanas, or your cultural equivalent of His name, if you prefer.

We are not “going against what HPS Maxine wanted”.

As the new HPS, I am honored to have had astral communication with our previous HPS, Lady Maxine. She has told me multiple times that she is proud of all that HP Hooded Cobra is doing, and the expansions he is making. She told me to go ahead and do whatever is necessary for the JoS/ToZ to expand more, to remove the enemy influences in the world, to bring our True Gods here more.

This was her mission: to bring us closer to our Gods, to bring the Truth of them to the world, and overthrow the enemy tyranny. We are continuing this.

She also told me that she wants everyone, all members, to advance more. We need this, in order to grow.

And grow we must! Do you like having all the corruption in the world, all the lies and tyranny? No. We must get rid of this. We must do what we can do help the JoS/ToZ to expand more. We must make ourselves known as a legitimate and rightful way of life, and the only way we can do this is to expand. So to everyone who translates, helps the community, does Outreach, and/or donates (money is what makes the purchase of expansion happen), you are greatly helping the world.

Nothing will happen unless we have the means to make it happen.

The more donations = the more we can expand here on the material realm, which means more people can find and accept the ToZ and advance spiritually. Most of the problems in the world are from a lack of spirituality, which is directly from a lack of knowledge of real spirituality. Most people have their souls locked down, their chakras sealed, and have no access to Serpent wisdom.

There are wealthy people who prioritize spending massive amounts of money on parties and “having a good time”. Why help the ToZ, when you can have 3 fancy cars instead. Why bother trying to help uplift the world, when you can blow your money on cocaine and endless material items that don’t even mean anything, compared to what the ToZ can do for the world.

I understood from my early days how important the mission of our Gods were. I used to donate whatever amount of extra money I had on paypal to the JoS. And I knew the Gods were happy for my assistance, even though it was very small.

Over the years, I have met many of our Gods, Goddesses, and Daemons (I will use the word Gods to include Daemons as well, as they are Gods compared to us anyway). I am truly blessed and honored from my efforts to advance so that I can communicate with them. To see our Gods, to feel Them take my hands, to have Them spend Their precious time on me, to be shown things, to be told that I have all I need from Them for my spiritual progress. This is priceless. The sense of spirituality I have gained is priceless, and I wish for others to feel this too. I wish for our world to fully throw off the enemy programs and indoctrination, and to find the Truth, like we have.

To have friendship with our Original Creator Gods, I cannot say enough how sacred this is. I urge all members to become close to our Gods… but you have to advance enough to know Them. You have to get over any hangups or problems, you have to open your soul, and you have to reach out to them. Nothing compares to the fulfillment of knowing our Gods.

And meeting one God is not like meeting them all. They all have distinct personalities, for lack of better wording. This is what attracted me to Paganism in the first place, it’s not just one male “god”. There is no falseness or emptiness with our Gods. We have many beloved and highly respected Gods, Goddesses, and Daemons who are here for us, waiting for you to get to know Them better.

They know us, but most of us have sadly forgotten Them.

We need to fix this.
Thanks for sharing your story it's very close to how I found Joy of Satan.Been serving Satan and our Great God's since 2012 myself.

Hail Satan Forever.
Thanks HPS Lydia for sharing your experience, it's enjoyable.
I’m one of the lucky people who never went to church
Thank you HPs Lydia for this Sermon
You are a very rare kind of person, there are so few at the world who are able to distance themselves from the enemy program.
I set a goal, to live like you without the enemy crap and clarity of mind, in my next life of lives, taking you as an example.

I understand why a lot of people are confused, or even against this change. It’s because it’s a massive change, and you perhaps feel thrown off somehow. Shaken. This was not an easy change to make, but it is not a subtraction of anything; it is an addition of another layer of invincibility.

We are not “removing Satan”. He has revealed to us His other true name, Zeus. You can personally refer to Him as whichever name you prefer: Zeus, Satan, Satya, Satanas, or your cultural equivalent of His name, if you prefer.
I am getting older, both in terms of age than in mind focus.
I needed decades to align my mind with the JoS and the Truth, even if it comes straight from the Soul. I had to face severe programming and still struggling with other main issues.
I understand and support the ToZ but, to be honest, all of this is going too fast for me, a new big reset and change is a high load for my mind now and I fail to fully understand even the new Sermons by HP HoodedCobra, while yours sound more familiar to me.
The best accomplishment I have been able to do here, is putting some Greek Yogurt into my refrigerator, that I have almost never eaten before. It is very good indeed, it just happened.

For all that is coming, I will need again years to adjust my subconscious, so I hope the transition is going on progressively, otherwise I'll be partially lost.
Maybe there are others a bit more middle-aged on here, as the forum seems nowadays full of young people alone, and sometimes things are going so fast and discussed, that to me it seem even some users are an AI speaking, or so.
In case not, where are them? Lost, dead or silent?

I know things must be done, at the right moment and in a powerful way. I am and still will be a supporter in many ways, forever.

I just let you know, don't forget the older who fought at the very beginning when the JoS was very unstable and full of infiltrators and chaos, yet was wonderful and powerful indeed. I drawn a Sigil of Satan by hands on a stone tile that I have since many years, I would struggle to swap it with a quick AI generated image, even if it may be wonderful. Handcrafted things go slower but contain human touch. I fail to follow the super-fast evolution of images, sites and communication that is maybe going to come.

Please in this earthquacke don't bash down the fundamentals, on which some people still rely.
I am not asking to slow down anything. Just need to have, still something of the old-fashion intact for a while.

This is not to manifest weakness, I have my strenghts, I am still a fighter here and my internal engine runs well. Only, with a high mileage.
Thank you so much High Priestess for sharing your story.
I can only marvel at your words.

"And grow we must! We must make ourselves known as a legitimate and rightful way of life, and the only way we can do this is to expand." This is going to act as my guidance for the next years.

I am so happy and proud to have proper leadership and holy examples of living life. Thank you again, for everything.
You wrote it wonderfully Lydia. A lot of interesting facts. I think that from the very beginning of our lives we have to know who we belong to, who we are striving for and what path we will choose. I remember the first grade of school, from the very beginning I had problems with religion. I always fought with the nuns etc. So that they would explain why it is like this or another version. And this shouting at me why I don't want to believe, to believe you have to understand. I was thrown out of every place that is related to the church, my story ended only at the stage of communion. Confirmation etc. I magically got thrown out, I was proud :) high school the only one who didn't go to religion class, I had a lot of problems because of it, but here it turned out very well. They bullied me but thanks to that I passed the exams on my own without anyone's help it was worth it. So I thank the Gods for this effort :D and for them I will continue to fight.
Literally a few days ago I was thinking about everything you wrote. Our path how we got to this. Greetings to all. Glory to the Gods and our spiritual family
Thank you for sharing this beautiful story.

I remember doing Lady Maxine's Ritual myself, during the schedule. I wrote about it before, but when I told her that I regretted not joining the forums sooner so I could meet her on here, I definitely felt some form of acknowledgement.

The very same acknowledgement I have felt when doing the God Rituals; no words or communication as such, but, just a feeling of presence and having been heard. Much like a gesture or a signal.
This made me emotional, I truly appreciate and admire you, HPS Lydia, as we all do!
I've been going through a rather dark time lately, so I definitely needed to hear this. I thank you for sharing with us!
🤍 🥰
Thank you HPS Lydia for sharing your great experiences.

On one side we need to try not to have specific or any expectations which would eventually interfere with our senses when finally being able to interact with the Gods in a more direct way but on the other hand such experiences are very welcomed and needed to learn more about Them and their personalities.
I’m one of the lucky people who never went to church, other than when my grandfather was visiting and managed to convince my parents to take us, but fortunately my grandmother usually got us out of it so my grandfather went alone. My grandmother left the church long before, she was mostly silent about her reasons but it had to do with witnessing hypocrisy from so-called “devout followers”.

My parents taught me to have common sense and avoid idiots and harmful people, unlike retarded xian beliefs. But they did give me a copy of the bible when I was 7, and I told the xian “god” that if I did not finish reading it within one year, he could send me to Hell. I did not finish reading it. I read most of it, and was so disgusted and confused by all the horrible things in it (murder, mass murder, incest, more murder, baby killing, even more mass murder, genocides of whole cities through mass murder, rape, and more murder, etc) that I just stopped reading it. What a disturbing degenerate piece of garbage for anyone to read, especially a child. Plus, the overall writing quality was crap. It all seemed pointless and just stupid. I remember being so confused and not able to understand how this stupid book was supposed to be the most important book in the world.

About a year later, I learned about the Ancient Egyptian culture. We did a short introductory class in school, and I fell in love with it. More than love, it was a deep pull from within me, that this is correct. Their religion, having multiple Gods but also hierarchy, and emphasizing spiritual beliefs, felt like the way life was supposed to be lived. Also with mystery! I loved mystery, knowing that there was more to everything, that not all information is “easily available with nothing more and that’s that”. I wanted a quest, to keep learning and keep growing, and to see where it would take me.

Even though my family strongly identified as our specific European heritage, my parents supported my interest and bought me some Ancient Egyptian styled décor for my bedroom.

I wanted to learn more, and about the occult and magick, so I went to the library, but I couldn’t find what I somehow knew I had to find. This continued over the years, searching libraries and the internet, finding mostly empty filler. I felt such emptiness and lacking from books, other than some stuff here and there.

I eventually found enough through a combination of sources to reject any other religious title and call myself Pagan. But I had learned about New Age beliefs, and I knew they were a cheap rip-off, so I referred to myself as an “Ancient Age Pagan”. I kept looking, and kept getting disappointed. I did try to contact some Gods, names that I found online. But I didn’t feel a true connection yet. I always felt like something vital was missing, but I couldn’t find it.

And then one day, after I had been a solitary Pagan for some years, someone handed me a copy of LaVey’s Satanic Bible as a joke. They saw it in a bookstore and bought it, laughing. I was going through depression from recent bereavement combined with other bad situations in my life at that time, so I figured why not read it. To me, the xian “god” obviously didn’t exist, because I didn’t feel anything good or benevolent from “god” or “jesus” or any “angels”, so he couldn’t punish me for reading such a blasphemous book, nor did I even care at that depressing point in my life.

So I read the Satanic Bible, and it made a lot of good points, much more than that other bible I had read as a child. But it was more than just left-brain logic; there was something lighting up my intuition. For the first time in my quest, I felt I was finally on the correct path, that I was going to drastically alter my life somehow.

So I read about dedicating to Satan, and I looked online. I’ve always been the type to do extra research to make sure I was getting the best option, or perhaps add a bit more to make it more authentic, in some way. I searched on google how to dedicate my soul to Satan, ignored some awful links, then found the Joy of Satan. I noticed the .org, not just .com, so I figured it was a legitimate organization. I read the page how to dedicate, then looked at the main page, and something happened in me. That moment of everything clicking into place had finally arrived, and I knew deep within my soul that this was right.

It’s been around 15 years now, and that feeling has only grown. And will continue to grow, because this is true spirituality: continuous growth and exploration. And the increased depth of an inner sense of Self. This is why I can know that the recent changes made are in accordance with what is needed now.

I understand why a lot of people are confused, or even against this change. It’s because it’s a massive change, and you perhaps feel thrown off somehow. Shaken. This was not an easy change to make, but it is not a subtraction of anything; it is an addition of another layer of invincibility.

We are not “removing Satan”. He has revealed to us His other true name, Zeus. You can personally refer to Him as whichever name you prefer: Zeus, Satan, Satya, Satanas, or your cultural equivalent of His name, if you prefer.

We are not “going against what HPS Maxine wanted”.

As the new HPS, I am honored to have had astral communication with our previous HPS, Lady Maxine. She has told me multiple times that she is proud of all that HP Hooded Cobra is doing, and the expansions he is making. She told me to go ahead and do whatever is necessary for the JoS/ToZ to expand more, to remove the enemy influences in the world, to bring our True Gods here more.

This was her mission: to bring us closer to our Gods, to bring the Truth of them to the world, and overthrow the enemy tyranny. We are continuing this.

She also told me that she wants everyone, all members, to advance more. We need this, in order to grow.

And grow we must! Do you like having all the corruption in the world, all the lies and tyranny? No. We must get rid of this. We must do what we can do help the JoS/ToZ to expand more. We must make ourselves known as a legitimate and rightful way of life, and the only way we can do this is to expand. So to everyone who translates, helps the community, does Outreach, and/or donates (money is what makes the purchase of expansion happen), you are greatly helping the world.

Nothing will happen unless we have the means to make it happen.

The more donations = the more we can expand here on the material realm, which means more people can find and accept the ToZ and advance spiritually. Most of the problems in the world are from a lack of spirituality, which is directly from a lack of knowledge of real spirituality. Most people have their souls locked down, their chakras sealed, and have no access to Serpent wisdom.

There are wealthy people who prioritize spending massive amounts of money on parties and “having a good time”. Why help the ToZ, when you can have 3 fancy cars instead. Why bother trying to help uplift the world, when you can blow your money on cocaine and endless material items that don’t even mean anything, compared to what the ToZ can do for the world.

I understood from my early days how important the mission of our Gods were. I used to donate whatever amount of extra money I had on paypal to the JoS. And I knew the Gods were happy for my assistance, even though it was very small.

Over the years, I have met many of our Gods, Goddesses, and Daemons (I will use the word Gods to include Daemons as well, as they are Gods compared to us anyway). I am truly blessed and honored from my efforts to advance so that I can communicate with them. To see our Gods, to feel Them take my hands, to have Them spend Their precious time on me, to be shown things, to be told that I have all I need from Them for my spiritual progress. This is priceless. The sense of spirituality I have gained is priceless, and I wish for others to feel this too. I wish for our world to fully throw off the enemy programs and indoctrination, and to find the Truth, like we have.

To have friendship with our Original Creator Gods, I cannot say enough how sacred this is. I urge all members to become close to our Gods… but you have to advance enough to know Them. You have to get over any hangups or problems, you have to open your soul, and you have to reach out to them. Nothing compares to the fulfillment of knowing our Gods.

And meeting one God is not like meeting them all. They all have distinct personalities, for lack of better wording. This is what attracted me to Paganism in the first place, it’s not just one male “god”. There is no falseness or emptiness with our Gods. We have many beloved and highly respected Gods, Goddesses, and Daemons who are here for us, waiting for you to get to know Them better.

They know us, but most of us have sadly forgotten Them.

We need to fix this.
Wonderful Hps Lydia Sermon!

As far as I'm concerned, I discovered Satanism in a strange way. [...] When I was in my early teens, I became interested in spirituality and ended up on the Jos website, which I used only to do some exercise... but frankly at that moment I didn't give it so much weight even though it's like I was magically attracted to the site... a short time later I casually saw 10 minutes of a TV series about Father Satan in a gnostic way... I didn't watch more than 10 minutes of that series but this word "Gnosticism" had remained in my mind.. so I started to do research and Gnosticism attracted me only in the theoretical phase then randomly I ended up again on jos and from there I never left...

As for the inferences of many members, the speech is simple... Hps Maxine is our spiritual mother (female force generator) Hp Cobra is our spiritual father (male force expanding) is so simple to understand and in line with nature...

I have some questions for those who question HP Cobra... Have you done the rituals of the gods brought by him in these years? If you did, did you feel the energy of the Gods? What more legitimate proof than this is needed?

I will also continue to call Father Satan and I do not believe that anyone will punish me for this... I have always recognized Father Satan as Zeus since before this change and being Italian this title makes me happy and is perfectly in line with my culture and with my ancestors...

Moreover, when I speak with those who do not know, I often use Nietzsche's arguments in particular, in the genealogy of morality Nietzsche highlights how the Jews have replaced the principles of the original Gods (ZEUS) that is, in line with the nature in which virtue was health, strength, intelligence, etc., with the principles of death, disease and poverty preached by Christianity... This talk is based on facts. And often this talk makes people think... so I think that using the title of Zeus also helps to reconnect people with the truth in an easier way... in order to get to awaken more people... in fact the truth remains only one there are only various ways in which to get there... and I believe that the name of Zeus helps in this purpose and no one has taken away value from the name SATAN
in fact by opening this page!

You will read!


"There is no God but myself." "Knowing this, who dares worship the false gods of the Koran and Bible?"
Very cool journey, I can relate in many ways. Even before you mentioned it directly to me in a prior thread, I always knew you worked closely with HPS/Goddess Maxine.
She is correct that more of us need the knowledge and advance. I myself even have a long way to go. And having to continue in silence in day to day life is hard. But with the gods on our side we already have an advantage. The age of Satan is coming. :)
Thank you HPs Lydia for this Sermon
You are a very rare kind of person, there are so few at the world who are able to distance themselves from the enemy program.
I set a goal, to live like you without the enemy crap and clarity of mind, in my next life of lives, taking you as an example.

I am getting older, both in terms of age than in mind focus.
I needed decades to align my mind with the JoS and the Truth, even if it comes straight from the Soul. I had to face severe programming and still struggling with other main issues.
I understand and support the ToZ but, to be honest, all of this is going too fast for me, a new big reset and change is a high load for my mind now and I fail to fully understand even the new Sermons by HP HoodedCobra, while yours sound more familiar to me.
The best accomplishment I have been able to do here, is putting some Greek Yogurt into my refrigerator, that I have almost never eaten before. It is very good indeed, it just happened.

For all that is coming, I will need again years to adjust my subconscious, so I hope the transition is going on progressively, otherwise I'll be partially lost.
Maybe there are others a bit more middle-aged on here, as the forum seems nowadays full of young people alone, and sometimes things are going so fast and discussed, that to me it seem even some users are an AI speaking, or so.
In case not, where are them? Lost, dead or silent?

I know things must be done, at the right moment and in a powerful way. I am and still will be a supporter in many ways, forever.

I just let you know, don't forget the older who fought at the very beginning when the JoS was very unstable and full of infiltrators and chaos, yet was wonderful and powerful indeed. I drawn a Sigil of Satan by hands on a stone tile that I have since many years, I would struggle to swap it with a quick AI generated image, even if it may be wonderful. Handcrafted things go slower but contain human touch. I fail to follow the super-fast evolution of images, sites and communication that is maybe going to come.

Please in this earthquacke don't bash down the fundamentals, on which some people still rely.
I am not asking to slow down anything. Just need to have, still something of the old-fashion intact for a while.

This is not to manifest weakness, I have my strenghts, I am still a fighter here and my internal engine runs well. Only, with a high mileage.
Hi, I am 33 and come from NE Italy.. Grew up with almost all main relatives catholic, and went to mass all Sundays.. At 15 I already stopped going to church, because I felt it was a thing for women and my father was sort of passively going there to feel better with his guilt and hypocricy. At school with some classmates I first found the JoS site and started practicing regular chakra meditations. Then I went to College and got more into Hinduism and Yoga, until I had an unpleasant experience with Lsd in Germany, where I somehow thought that "jesus" saved me from hell.
So I went back to mass and found out that beyond nice sculptures and paintings there was basically no spiritual substance in there, only empty words such as "love", "welcoming migrants" etc..
I researched also other mainstream religions such as islam and judaism/kabbalah, only to find out that the main message eventually was "submission to a imaginary authority". It was just my mind which was filled with fear and guilt complexes, that obeyed a zionist parasite that wanted to chain my soul to slavery.
I am pleasantly surprised that over 17 years the JoS has only grown and the meditations I have practiced in that early period of my life have been very useful, because now that I am doing the basic ones I feel the energy and also dream more vividly, sometimes also lucid dream.
By the way, I am 33 and been into NoFap with many ups and downs for the last 10 years. I do think that orgasm is a powerful spiritual force but should not be overused and correctly channeled.
So, for those who are new and are already "grownups", I can assure that the fundamental meditations are a great place to start feeling the power of your aura. What's required is some consistency, make it a habit to meditate on chakras, third eye or just on your breathing for at least 15 minutes a day.. I can assure you that this stuff's REAL, while priests, rabbis, imams... just want us to be quiet sheep.
I’m one of the lucky people who never went to church, other than when my grandfather was visiting and managed to convince my parents to take us, but fortunately my grandmother usually got us out of it so my grandfather went alone. My grandmother left the church long before, she was mostly silent about her reasons but it had to do with witnessing hypocrisy from so-called “devout followers”.

My parents taught me to have common sense and avoid idiots and harmful people, unlike retarded xian beliefs. But they did give me a copy of the bible when I was 7, and I told the xian “god” that if I did not finish reading it within one year, he could send me to Hell. I did not finish reading it. I read most of it, and was so disgusted and confused by all the horrible things in it (murder, mass murder, incest, more murder, baby killing, even more mass murder, genocides of whole cities through mass murder, rape, and more murder, etc) that I just stopped reading it. What a disturbing degenerate piece of garbage for anyone to read, especially a child. Plus, the overall writing quality was crap. It all seemed pointless and just stupid. I remember being so confused and not able to understand how this stupid book was supposed to be the most important book in the world.

About a year later, I learned about the Ancient Egyptian culture. We did a short introductory class in school, and I fell in love with it. More than love, it was a deep pull from within me, that this is correct. Their religion, having multiple Gods but also hierarchy, and emphasizing spiritual beliefs, felt like the way life was supposed to be lived. Also with mystery! I loved mystery, knowing that there was more to everything, that not all information is “easily available with nothing more and that’s that”. I wanted a quest, to keep learning and keep growing, and to see where it would take me.

Even though my family strongly identified as our specific European heritage, my parents supported my interest and bought me some Ancient Egyptian styled décor for my bedroom.

I wanted to learn more, and about the occult and magick, so I went to the library, but I couldn’t find what I somehow knew I had to find. This continued over the years, searching libraries and the internet, finding mostly empty filler. I felt such emptiness and lacking from books, other than some stuff here and there.

I eventually found enough through a combination of sources to reject any other religious title and call myself Pagan. But I had learned about New Age beliefs, and I knew they were a cheap rip-off, so I referred to myself as an “Ancient Age Pagan”. I kept looking, and kept getting disappointed. I did try to contact some Gods, names that I found online. But I didn’t feel a true connection yet. I always felt like something vital was missing, but I couldn’t find it.

And then one day, after I had been a solitary Pagan for some years, someone handed me a copy of LaVey’s Satanic Bible as a joke. They saw it in a bookstore and bought it, laughing. I was going through depression from recent bereavement combined with other bad situations in my life at that time, so I figured why not read it. To me, the xian “god” obviously didn’t exist, because I didn’t feel anything good or benevolent from “god” or “jesus” or any “angels”, so he couldn’t punish me for reading such a blasphemous book, nor did I even care at that depressing point in my life.

So I read the Satanic Bible, and it made a lot of good points, much more than that other bible I had read as a child. But it was more than just left-brain logic; there was something lighting up my intuition. For the first time in my quest, I felt I was finally on the correct path, that I was going to drastically alter my life somehow.

So I read about dedicating to Satan, and I looked online. I’ve always been the type to do extra research to make sure I was getting the best option, or perhaps add a bit more to make it more authentic, in some way. I searched on google how to dedicate my soul to Satan, ignored some awful links, then found the Joy of Satan. I noticed the .org, not just .com, so I figured it was a legitimate organization. I read the page how to dedicate, then looked at the main page, and something happened in me. That moment of everything clicking into place had finally arrived, and I knew deep within my soul that this was right.

It’s been around 15 years now, and that feeling has only grown. And will continue to grow, because this is true spirituality: continuous growth and exploration. And the increased depth of an inner sense of Self. This is why I can know that the recent changes made are in accordance with what is needed now.

I understand why a lot of people are confused, or even against this change. It’s because it’s a massive change, and you perhaps feel thrown off somehow. Shaken. This was not an easy change to make, but it is not a subtraction of anything; it is an addition of another layer of invincibility.

We are not “removing Satan”. He has revealed to us His other true name, Zeus. You can personally refer to Him as whichever name you prefer: Zeus, Satan, Satya, Satanas, or your cultural equivalent of His name, if you prefer.

We are not “going against what HPS Maxine wanted”.

As the new HPS, I am honored to have had astral communication with our previous HPS, Lady Maxine. She has told me multiple times that she is proud of all that HP Hooded Cobra is doing, and the expansions he is making. She told me to go ahead and do whatever is necessary for the JoS/ToZ to expand more, to remove the enemy influences in the world, to bring our True Gods here more.

This was her mission: to bring us closer to our Gods, to bring the Truth of them to the world, and overthrow the enemy tyranny. We are continuing this.

She also told me that she wants everyone, all members, to advance more. We need this, in order to grow.

And grow we must! Do you like having all the corruption in the world, all the lies and tyranny? No. We must get rid of this. We must do what we can do help the JoS/ToZ to expand more. We must make ourselves known as a legitimate and rightful way of life, and the only way we can do this is to expand. So to everyone who translates, helps the community, does Outreach, and/or donates (money is what makes the purchase of expansion happen), you are greatly helping the world.

Nothing will happen unless we have the means to make it happen.

The more donations = the more we can expand here on the material realm, which means more people can find and accept the ToZ and advance spiritually. Most of the problems in the world are from a lack of spirituality, which is directly from a lack of knowledge of real spirituality. Most people have their souls locked down, their chakras sealed, and have no access to Serpent wisdom.

There are wealthy people who prioritize spending massive amounts of money on parties and “having a good time”. Why help the ToZ, when you can have 3 fancy cars instead. Why bother trying to help uplift the world, when you can blow your money on cocaine and endless material items that don’t even mean anything, compared to what the ToZ can do for the world.

I understood from my early days how important the mission of our Gods were. I used to donate whatever amount of extra money I had on paypal to the JoS. And I knew the Gods were happy for my assistance, even though it was very small.

Over the years, I have met many of our Gods, Goddesses, and Daemons (I will use the word Gods to include Daemons as well, as they are Gods compared to us anyway). I am truly blessed and honored from my efforts to advance so that I can communicate with them. To see our Gods, to feel Them take my hands, to have Them spend Their precious time on me, to be shown things, to be told that I have all I need from Them for my spiritual progress. This is priceless. The sense of spirituality I have gained is priceless, and I wish for others to feel this too. I wish for our world to fully throw off the enemy programs and indoctrination, and to find the Truth, like we have.

To have friendship with our Original Creator Gods, I cannot say enough how sacred this is. I urge all members to become close to our Gods… but you have to advance enough to know Them. You have to get over any hangups or problems, you have to open your soul, and you have to reach out to them. Nothing compares to the fulfillment of knowing our Gods.

And meeting one God is not like meeting them all. They all have distinct personalities, for lack of better wording. This is what attracted me to Paganism in the first place, it’s not just one male “god”. There is no falseness or emptiness with our Gods. We have many beloved and highly respected Gods, Goddesses, and Daemons who are here for us, waiting for you to get to know Them better.

They know us, but most of us have sadly forgotten Them.

We need to fix this.
Thank you very much HPS Lydia!
It's a beautiful sermon!
I felt the same with Xtianity. You see how often the nazarene and the cross symbols are used in gang culture. How some can do atrocious crimes and wear the cross and even have their images tattooed. I never understood these things.

Then it became clear to me that Xtianity is the religion of evil.

And where do people get the idea to buy 3 cars when buying a house is next to near impossible nowadays. I've always hated cars, I just can't bother to get my hands dirty when shit stops working...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
