HPS Lydia
High Priestess
- Joined
- Sep 20, 2017
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I’m one of the lucky people who never went to church, other than when my grandfather was visiting and managed to convince my parents to take us, but fortunately my grandmother usually got us out of it so my grandfather went alone. My grandmother left the church long before, she was mostly silent about her reasons but it had to do with witnessing hypocrisy from so-called “devout followers”.
My parents taught me to have common sense and avoid idiots and harmful people, unlike retarded xian beliefs. But they did give me a copy of the bible when I was 7, and I told the xian “god” that if I did not finish reading it within one year, he could send me to Hell. I did not finish reading it. I read most of it, and was so disgusted and confused by all the horrible things in it (murder, mass murder, incest, more murder, baby killing, even more mass murder, genocides of whole cities through mass murder, rape, and more murder, etc) that I just stopped reading it. What a disturbing degenerate piece of garbage for anyone to read, especially a child. Plus, the overall writing quality was crap. It all seemed pointless and just stupid. I remember being so confused and not able to understand how this stupid book was supposed to be the most important book in the world.
About a year later, I learned about the Ancient Egyptian culture. We did a short introductory class in school, and I fell in love with it. More than love, it was a deep pull from within me, that this is correct. Their religion, having multiple Gods but also hierarchy, and emphasizing spiritual beliefs, felt like the way life was supposed to be lived. Also with mystery! I loved mystery, knowing that there was more to everything, that not all information is “easily available with nothing more and that’s that”. I wanted a quest, to keep learning and keep growing, and to see where it would take me.
Even though my family strongly identified as our specific European heritage, my parents supported my interest and bought me some Ancient Egyptian styled décor for my bedroom.
I wanted to learn more, and about the occult and magick, so I went to the library, but I couldn’t find what I somehow knew I had to find. This continued over the years, searching libraries and the internet, finding mostly empty filler. I felt such emptiness and lacking from books, other than some stuff here and there.
I eventually found enough through a combination of sources to reject any other religious title and call myself Pagan. But I had learned about New Age beliefs, and I knew they were a cheap rip-off, so I referred to myself as an “Ancient Age Pagan”. I kept looking, and kept getting disappointed. I did try to contact some Gods, names that I found online. But I didn’t feel a true connection yet. I always felt like something vital was missing, but I couldn’t find it.
And then one day, after I had been a solitary Pagan for some years, someone handed me a copy of LaVey’s Satanic Bible as a joke. They saw it in a bookstore and bought it, laughing. I was going through depression from recent bereavement combined with other bad situations in my life at that time, so I figured why not read it. To me, the xian “god” obviously didn’t exist, because I didn’t feel anything good or benevolent from “god” or “jesus” or any “angels”, so he couldn’t punish me for reading such a blasphemous book, nor did I even care at that depressing point in my life.
So I read the Satanic Bible, and it made a lot of good points, much more than that other bible I had read as a child. But it was more than just left-brain logic; there was something lighting up my intuition. For the first time in my quest, I felt I was finally on the correct path, that I was going to drastically alter my life somehow.
So I read about dedicating to Satan, and I looked online. I’ve always been the type to do extra research to make sure I was getting the best option, or perhaps add a bit more to make it more authentic, in some way. I searched on google how to dedicate my soul to Satan, ignored some awful links, then found the Joy of Satan. I noticed the .org, not just .com, so I figured it was a legitimate organization. I read the page how to dedicate, then looked at the main page, and something happened in me. That moment of everything clicking into place had finally arrived, and I knew deep within my soul that this was right.
It’s been around 15 years now, and that feeling has only grown. And will continue to grow, because this is true spirituality: continuous growth and exploration. And the increased depth of an inner sense of Self. This is why I can know that the recent changes made are in accordance with what is needed now.
I understand why a lot of people are confused, or even against this change. It’s because it’s a massive change, and you perhaps feel thrown off somehow. Shaken. This was not an easy change to make, but it is not a subtraction of anything; it is an addition of another layer of invincibility.
We are not “removing Satan”. He has revealed to us His other true name, Zeus. You can personally refer to Him as whichever name you prefer: Zeus, Satan, Satya, Satanas, or your cultural equivalent of His name, if you prefer.
We are not “going against what HPS Maxine wanted”.
As the new HPS, I am honored to have had astral communication with our previous HPS, Lady Maxine. She has told me multiple times that she is proud of all that HP Hooded Cobra is doing, and the expansions he is making. She told me to go ahead and do whatever is necessary for the JoS/ToZ to expand more, to remove the enemy influences in the world, to bring our True Gods here more.
This was her mission: to bring us closer to our Gods, to bring the Truth of them to the world, and overthrow the enemy tyranny. We are continuing this.
She also told me that she wants everyone, all members, to advance more. We need this, in order to grow.
And grow we must! Do you like having all the corruption in the world, all the lies and tyranny? No. We must get rid of this. We must do what we can do help the JoS/ToZ to expand more. We must make ourselves known as a legitimate and rightful way of life, and the only way we can do this is to expand. So to everyone who translates, helps the community, does Outreach, and/or donates (money is what makes the purchase of expansion happen), you are greatly helping the world.
Nothing will happen unless we have the means to make it happen.
The more donations = the more we can expand here on the material realm, which means more people can find and accept the ToZ and advance spiritually. Most of the problems in the world are from a lack of spirituality, which is directly from a lack of knowledge of real spirituality. Most people have their souls locked down, their chakras sealed, and have no access to Serpent wisdom.
There are wealthy people who prioritize spending massive amounts of money on parties and “having a good time”. Why help the ToZ, when you can have 3 fancy cars instead. Why bother trying to help uplift the world, when you can blow your money on cocaine and endless material items that don’t even mean anything, compared to what the ToZ can do for the world.
I understood from my early days how important the mission of our Gods were. I used to donate whatever amount of extra money I had on paypal to the JoS. And I knew the Gods were happy for my assistance, even though it was very small.
Over the years, I have met many of our Gods, Goddesses, and Daemons (I will use the word Gods to include Daemons as well, as they are Gods compared to us anyway). I am truly blessed and honored from my efforts to advance so that I can communicate with them. To see our Gods, to feel Them take my hands, to have Them spend Their precious time on me, to be shown things, to be told that I have all I need from Them for my spiritual progress. This is priceless. The sense of spirituality I have gained is priceless, and I wish for others to feel this too. I wish for our world to fully throw off the enemy programs and indoctrination, and to find the Truth, like we have.
To have friendship with our Original Creator Gods, I cannot say enough how sacred this is. I urge all members to become close to our Gods… but you have to advance enough to know Them. You have to get over any hangups or problems, you have to open your soul, and you have to reach out to them. Nothing compares to the fulfillment of knowing our Gods.
And meeting one God is not like meeting them all. They all have distinct personalities, for lack of better wording. This is what attracted me to Paganism in the first place, it’s not just one male “god”. There is no falseness or emptiness with our Gods. We have many beloved and highly respected Gods, Goddesses, and Daemons who are here for us, waiting for you to get to know Them better.
They know us, but most of us have sadly forgotten Them.
We need to fix this.
My parents taught me to have common sense and avoid idiots and harmful people, unlike retarded xian beliefs. But they did give me a copy of the bible when I was 7, and I told the xian “god” that if I did not finish reading it within one year, he could send me to Hell. I did not finish reading it. I read most of it, and was so disgusted and confused by all the horrible things in it (murder, mass murder, incest, more murder, baby killing, even more mass murder, genocides of whole cities through mass murder, rape, and more murder, etc) that I just stopped reading it. What a disturbing degenerate piece of garbage for anyone to read, especially a child. Plus, the overall writing quality was crap. It all seemed pointless and just stupid. I remember being so confused and not able to understand how this stupid book was supposed to be the most important book in the world.
About a year later, I learned about the Ancient Egyptian culture. We did a short introductory class in school, and I fell in love with it. More than love, it was a deep pull from within me, that this is correct. Their religion, having multiple Gods but also hierarchy, and emphasizing spiritual beliefs, felt like the way life was supposed to be lived. Also with mystery! I loved mystery, knowing that there was more to everything, that not all information is “easily available with nothing more and that’s that”. I wanted a quest, to keep learning and keep growing, and to see where it would take me.
Even though my family strongly identified as our specific European heritage, my parents supported my interest and bought me some Ancient Egyptian styled décor for my bedroom.
I wanted to learn more, and about the occult and magick, so I went to the library, but I couldn’t find what I somehow knew I had to find. This continued over the years, searching libraries and the internet, finding mostly empty filler. I felt such emptiness and lacking from books, other than some stuff here and there.
I eventually found enough through a combination of sources to reject any other religious title and call myself Pagan. But I had learned about New Age beliefs, and I knew they were a cheap rip-off, so I referred to myself as an “Ancient Age Pagan”. I kept looking, and kept getting disappointed. I did try to contact some Gods, names that I found online. But I didn’t feel a true connection yet. I always felt like something vital was missing, but I couldn’t find it.
And then one day, after I had been a solitary Pagan for some years, someone handed me a copy of LaVey’s Satanic Bible as a joke. They saw it in a bookstore and bought it, laughing. I was going through depression from recent bereavement combined with other bad situations in my life at that time, so I figured why not read it. To me, the xian “god” obviously didn’t exist, because I didn’t feel anything good or benevolent from “god” or “jesus” or any “angels”, so he couldn’t punish me for reading such a blasphemous book, nor did I even care at that depressing point in my life.
So I read the Satanic Bible, and it made a lot of good points, much more than that other bible I had read as a child. But it was more than just left-brain logic; there was something lighting up my intuition. For the first time in my quest, I felt I was finally on the correct path, that I was going to drastically alter my life somehow.
So I read about dedicating to Satan, and I looked online. I’ve always been the type to do extra research to make sure I was getting the best option, or perhaps add a bit more to make it more authentic, in some way. I searched on google how to dedicate my soul to Satan, ignored some awful links, then found the Joy of Satan. I noticed the .org, not just .com, so I figured it was a legitimate organization. I read the page how to dedicate, then looked at the main page, and something happened in me. That moment of everything clicking into place had finally arrived, and I knew deep within my soul that this was right.
It’s been around 15 years now, and that feeling has only grown. And will continue to grow, because this is true spirituality: continuous growth and exploration. And the increased depth of an inner sense of Self. This is why I can know that the recent changes made are in accordance with what is needed now.
I understand why a lot of people are confused, or even against this change. It’s because it’s a massive change, and you perhaps feel thrown off somehow. Shaken. This was not an easy change to make, but it is not a subtraction of anything; it is an addition of another layer of invincibility.
We are not “removing Satan”. He has revealed to us His other true name, Zeus. You can personally refer to Him as whichever name you prefer: Zeus, Satan, Satya, Satanas, or your cultural equivalent of His name, if you prefer.
We are not “going against what HPS Maxine wanted”.
As the new HPS, I am honored to have had astral communication with our previous HPS, Lady Maxine. She has told me multiple times that she is proud of all that HP Hooded Cobra is doing, and the expansions he is making. She told me to go ahead and do whatever is necessary for the JoS/ToZ to expand more, to remove the enemy influences in the world, to bring our True Gods here more.
This was her mission: to bring us closer to our Gods, to bring the Truth of them to the world, and overthrow the enemy tyranny. We are continuing this.
She also told me that she wants everyone, all members, to advance more. We need this, in order to grow.
And grow we must! Do you like having all the corruption in the world, all the lies and tyranny? No. We must get rid of this. We must do what we can do help the JoS/ToZ to expand more. We must make ourselves known as a legitimate and rightful way of life, and the only way we can do this is to expand. So to everyone who translates, helps the community, does Outreach, and/or donates (money is what makes the purchase of expansion happen), you are greatly helping the world.
Nothing will happen unless we have the means to make it happen.
The more donations = the more we can expand here on the material realm, which means more people can find and accept the ToZ and advance spiritually. Most of the problems in the world are from a lack of spirituality, which is directly from a lack of knowledge of real spirituality. Most people have their souls locked down, their chakras sealed, and have no access to Serpent wisdom.
There are wealthy people who prioritize spending massive amounts of money on parties and “having a good time”. Why help the ToZ, when you can have 3 fancy cars instead. Why bother trying to help uplift the world, when you can blow your money on cocaine and endless material items that don’t even mean anything, compared to what the ToZ can do for the world.
I understood from my early days how important the mission of our Gods were. I used to donate whatever amount of extra money I had on paypal to the JoS. And I knew the Gods were happy for my assistance, even though it was very small.
Over the years, I have met many of our Gods, Goddesses, and Daemons (I will use the word Gods to include Daemons as well, as they are Gods compared to us anyway). I am truly blessed and honored from my efforts to advance so that I can communicate with them. To see our Gods, to feel Them take my hands, to have Them spend Their precious time on me, to be shown things, to be told that I have all I need from Them for my spiritual progress. This is priceless. The sense of spirituality I have gained is priceless, and I wish for others to feel this too. I wish for our world to fully throw off the enemy programs and indoctrination, and to find the Truth, like we have.
To have friendship with our Original Creator Gods, I cannot say enough how sacred this is. I urge all members to become close to our Gods… but you have to advance enough to know Them. You have to get over any hangups or problems, you have to open your soul, and you have to reach out to them. Nothing compares to the fulfillment of knowing our Gods.
And meeting one God is not like meeting them all. They all have distinct personalities, for lack of better wording. This is what attracted me to Paganism in the first place, it’s not just one male “god”. There is no falseness or emptiness with our Gods. We have many beloved and highly respected Gods, Goddesses, and Daemons who are here for us, waiting for you to get to know Them better.
They know us, but most of us have sadly forgotten Them.
We need to fix this.