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I can see the Buddhist crap bias mixed with some positive Shinto elements. The Dragons themselves being immortal was positive or at least neutral, the negative was beings who are unwise and unascended seeking unnatural longevity. In Sekiro you don't need to sever immortality you can return the Dragon to its natural home in the West so it stops making people artificially unaging or sick. Gwyn is hostile because he went insane from attempting to extend his reign with an artificial Fire, and he also killed the Dragons instead of just letting the Dragons be, then the fire he attempted to recreate ruined him. He's pretty much like the myth of Icarus that HP HC told before, only worse as he also created a monolatric cult based on himself like Akhenaten.
HP HC also mentioned in some sermons that not all porsuit of "immortality" and ultimate power is positive as without understanding or rectification of the Soul those things can be a literal torture or ruin a being like it happens with the jews.

Young Faith said:
Another strange recurring theme in these games is how it seems that the writer (Myiazaki) strongly portrays the pursuit of immortality as something wicked,
and so he creates these wicked rituals like Dragon Communion or the Carp thing from Sekiro. This all sounds very bad but then we have Elden Ring where yes, Dragon Communion exists, but also the main quest to become Elden Lord exists, which has been described as a parallel to the Magnum Opus. And becoming Elden Lord is portrayed as just.
Young Faith said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Two of the biggest selling games are Elden Ring and Harry Potter, and both of those games were tried to be canceled by leftist jews.

I thought I read that Elden Ring and Dark Souls were jewish fantasy games which showed an Aryan god being killed(sounds scary, an actual aryan god being killed is super scary to even think about, its like someone defeated Gojo in JJK 😱😰) and that Dark Souls contained perverted versions of our gods.

So why would they try to cancel Elden Ring?

They want to cancel Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate 3 because they're complete games at release with tons of content, and lazy software houses nowadays don't want that becoming the new standard. No need to read too much into it.

Other than that, both Elden Ring and Dark Souls don't feel blasphemous to me as they're not really portraying Our Gods as enemies (like Diablo, God of War, Dante's Inferno, etc), for starters, both mythologies in those games work in weird ways, often very much differently than real life, and I find hard to find parallels.

Let's take Lord Gwyn, for example. He just looks like Zeus and he has a lightning "Sun" spear, but other than that, does he really have anything to do with Zeus enough for his portrayal to become blasphemous to Zeus Himself? Also, even if he is the final boss, he's not evil. It's still unclear to me why he's hostile to the player, but as far as I know he didn't have evil intentions.

Don't get me wrong, I said these games aren't blasphemous entirely, but there sure are SOME blasphemous things (although they are minor and tied to secondary optional characters).
In Elden Ring, I think that the portrayal of Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy (pun not intended) and Mohg, Lord of Blood might be mockery of Father Satan (one is a Demigod who fed himself to a gluttonous Serpent God, one simply looks like the "devil"). Although I'm not sure of it, and if that's not the case, Rykard could be an unconscious parallel to what could happen to someone who raises their Kundalini too soon, who gains too much power without enough wisdom.

Elden Ring's past lore was also written by George RR Martin, writer of the books from which Game of Thrones was adapted. Although I've heard they end differently, but I am not positive. Also, I don't know if this is good or bad. I haven't even seen GoT.

Another strange recurring theme in these games is how it seems that the writer (Myiazaki) strongly portrays the pursuit of immortality as something wicked, and that nature is cyclical and nothing should last forever or bad things start to happen, but I don't know if that is really what he wants to say, as there are always beings who indeed are eternal and it's no issue for them (like Dragons in both Elden Ring and Dark Souls, and The Outer Gods of Elden Ring). It almost seems like he's against mortals trying to achieve a higher state and become immortal, and so he creates these wicked rituals like Dragon Communion or the Carp thing from Sekiro. This all sounds very bad but then we have Elden Ring where yes, Dragon Communion exists, but also the main quest to become Elden Lord exists, which has been described as a parallel to the Magnum Opus. And becoming Elden Lord is portrayed as just.

So I can't decide whether he really just doesn't like the idea of a mortal ascending mortality, or if he wants to say that one has to gain wisdom and face certain challenges to achieve it. If it's the second, then it's a very good line of thought, and it's what distinguishes Our Gods from our enemies--Our Gods achieved immortality through righteous evolution, while our enemies through unnatural means.

A man can hope, but I really don't know what he really thinks. I sure hope it's the second way, and when discussing these games and themes with normies, I try to push the second line of thought (immortality is good when you have wisdom).

I played Elden Ring but I kept dying 😭😭😭, I can't get a hit, have to time my attacks right
One Piece is a wonderful story about learning to make the dreams come true, but with physical and psychic strength.

The three types of haki (special abilities of the most powerful characters on the serie) are in consonance with the spiritual abilities that we can reach with power meditation. The serie encourage one to be familiar with it.

The story of every main character is full of ethic affairs and philosophical ideas. The whole story through the different episodes is very deep regards human condition, at an individual and social level.

The enemies, are a bunch of old men that are the leaders of "the world government", and they have been trying to hide the real history of humanity. Anyone that has tried to know it, has been persecuted and erased by them through it's military power. That occult past, is similar to our past being systematically destroyed for the occult rulers of the world, because in the serie, it connects with the spiritual world, through the "poneglyphs", that are equivalent to the hieroglyphics.

I really reccomend to see this anime serie, it's just wonderful, very educative, deep and of course, funny! :mrgreen: .
The Phantom Stranger said:
Young Faith said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
I thought I read that Elden Ring and Dark Souls were jewish fantasy games which showed an Aryan god being killed(sounds scary, an actual aryan god being killed is super scary to even think about, its like someone defeated Gojo in JJK 😱😰) and that Dark Souls contained perverted versions of our gods.

So why would they try to cancel Elden Ring?

They want to cancel Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate 3 because they're complete games at release with tons of content, and lazy software houses nowadays don't want that becoming the new standard. No need to read too much into it.

Other than that, both Elden Ring and Dark Souls don't feel blasphemous to me as they're not really portraying Our Gods as enemies (like Diablo, God of War, Dante's Inferno, etc), for starters, both mythologies in those games work in weird ways, often very much differently than real life, and I find hard to find parallels.

Let's take Lord Gwyn, for example. He just looks like Zeus and he has a lightning "Sun" spear, but other than that, does he really have anything to do with Zeus enough for his portrayal to become blasphemous to Zeus Himself? Also, even if he is the final boss, he's not evil. It's still unclear to me why he's hostile to the player, but as far as I know he didn't have evil intentions.

Don't get me wrong, I said these games aren't blasphemous entirely, but there sure are SOME blasphemous things (although they are minor and tied to secondary optional characters).
In Elden Ring, I think that the portrayal of Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy (pun not intended) and Mohg, Lord of Blood might be mockery of Father Satan (one is a Demigod who fed himself to a gluttonous Serpent God, one simply looks like the "devil"). Although I'm not sure of it, and if that's not the case, Rykard could be an unconscious parallel to what could happen to someone who raises their Kundalini too soon, who gains too much power without enough wisdom.

Elden Ring's past lore was also written by George RR Martin, writer of the books from which Game of Thrones was adapted. Although I've heard they end differently, but I am not positive. Also, I don't know if this is good or bad. I haven't even seen GoT.

Another strange recurring theme in these games is how it seems that the writer (Myiazaki) strongly portrays the pursuit of immortality as something wicked, and that nature is cyclical and nothing should last forever or bad things start to happen, but I don't know if that is really what he wants to say, as there are always beings who indeed are eternal and it's no issue for them (like Dragons in both Elden Ring and Dark Souls, and The Outer Gods of Elden Ring). It almost seems like he's against mortals trying to achieve a higher state and become immortal, and so he creates these wicked rituals like Dragon Communion or the Carp thing from Sekiro. This all sounds very bad but then we have Elden Ring where yes, Dragon Communion exists, but also the main quest to become Elden Lord exists, which has been described as a parallel to the Magnum Opus. And becoming Elden Lord is portrayed as just.

So I can't decide whether he really just doesn't like the idea of a mortal ascending mortality, or if he wants to say that one has to gain wisdom and face certain challenges to achieve it. If it's the second, then it's a very good line of thought, and it's what distinguishes Our Gods from our enemies--Our Gods achieved immortality through righteous evolution, while our enemies through unnatural means.

A man can hope, but I really don't know what he really thinks. I sure hope it's the second way, and when discussing these games and themes with normies, I try to push the second line of thought (immortality is good when you have wisdom).

I played Elden Ring but I kept dying 😭😭😭, I can't get a hit, have to time my attacks right

Git gud.

Ahahah, I'm joking. Although it is actually a good advice, as there is no miracle gear that makes the game easy, you really just need to get better at it, with timing and learning the enemies' movesets.
Egon said:
I can see the Buddhist crap bias mixed with some positive Shinto elements. The Dragons themselves being immortal was positive or at least neutral, the negative was beings who are unwise and unascended seeking unnatural longevity. In Sekiro you don't need to sever immortality you can return the Dragon to its natural home in the West so it stops making people artificially unaging or sick. Gwyn is hostile because he went insane from attempting to extend his reign with an artificial Fire, and he also killed the Dragons instead of just letting the Dragons be, then the fire he attempted to recreate ruined him. He's pretty much like the myth of Icarus that HP HC told before, only worse as he also created a monolatric cult based on himself like Akhenaten.
HP HC also mentioned in some sermons that not all porsuit of "immortality" and ultimate power is positive as without understanding or rectification of the Soul those things can be a literal torture or ruin a being like it happens with the jews.

Young Faith said:
Another strange recurring theme in these games is how it seems that the writer (Myiazaki) strongly portrays the pursuit of immortality as something wicked,
and so he creates these wicked rituals like Dragon Communion or the Carp thing from Sekiro. This all sounds very bad but then we have Elden Ring where yes, Dragon Communion exists, but also the main quest to become Elden Lord exists, which has been described as a parallel to the Magnum Opus. And becoming Elden Lord is portrayed as just.

It wouldn't be that strange to have buddhist crap in a japanese man's work, honestly.
The same way it's not strange to have some christian crap in a western man's work.

I wanted to ask you, what are the Shinto values? I am not knowledgeable in the matter, and I'd like to know where are they in Dark Souls and Elden Ring.
The Phantom Stranger said:

I played Elden Ring but I kept dying 😭😭😭, I can't get a hit, have to time my attacks right

:lol: :lol: :lol: I can relate :lol: :lol: :lol:

Wait till you try playing ULTRAKILL ^ ^, a blasphemous(WARNING: nobody ultraricoshoots x 666 me for 'recommending' this, I already put this in BOLD to warn EVERYONE of what they're about to dive into. I'm putting up lots of parenthesis in some statements that would get people to take me the wrong way and jump the gun into cyber-wombo combo'ing me) yet artistically technical well-done game from music, gameplay and graphics that sadly pushes a 'well-done' xtian narrative(just like how the joker film was sadly communism done right) of the world like hell being full of monsters, dante's inferno's ANNOYING NINE CIRCLES scheme of hell and so on, I can make a list of the blasphemous crap in it that makes me want to throw curse israel RTRs as a healthy anger outlet(along with not forgetting void meditation techniques for it), but right now the crappy sides of it don't bother me anymore. :lol:

The music is HELLA DOPE, one of my favorite tracks are "Death of god's will", "Duel", "Death Odyssey", "Altar's of Apostasy" and "Hear! The siren song call of the dead".

Even if its 3D style was low poly, it was endless styling of gameplay plus replayability that pulled people into it. The secret bosses drove me insane but I ended up beating both of them and NO I don't want to P-rank them because you'll find me locked up in a mental ward. Regardless of the reasonably insane difficulty in some parts of the game, it trains instincts and reaction time besides doom eternal, I also use previous cybergrind plays as visualization reference in my RTRs. XD

Somebody better make mods of the game where anyone can blast variants of greys, funeral director attire wearing kikes with their torah books whipped out instead of arm cannons(the kike enemy type can replace this), hebrew letter looking thoughtforms and reptard variants that make total mockeries out of Satan's enemies instead of 'demons' and machines.

Hey I see you have watched a lot of anime. I have watched a few but not much, could you recommend some that you liked and would be appealing to an SS? (Jew-free)
Also looking for more of an SFW, I don't want to watch the Jewish horror because I had enough, something comfy.

I started watching "Monster" some time ago, but it's such a propaganda against NS that I couldn't watch it trough.

"Muh diversity" continues w/"Lord of the Rings" Rings of Power Season 2....(i put that in quotes for season, because this atrocity that Amazon released is no longer Lord of the Rings, never was, never is, never will be

I don't care what evidence they present.....I swear, George Washington was BLACK! Showa Emperor was BLACK! Adolf Hitler was CHINESE, and we need to make films/series proving it, or else you're a racist!

Okay, I normally post on Oriental-based topics, but I'm going to go ahead and step out of my territory for a bit. So, they wrecked Star Wars, attempted to wreck Legend of Zelda (with Black Hylians), and now the full-on assault against Tolkien's work.


There you have it folks - this is Gavlisngh Chera person, and this series as you can see in the captions, isn't going to be a Bollywood film about the Chandragupta Maurya, Rajendra Chola, Shah Jahan, or any of the legit great Indians of history - but you read it right, Mr. Chera will be portraying SAURON, in a series based off of Nordic mythology. Mr. Chera, let alone having no place to play a WHITE being, I must admit looks nothing more than punchable douche in this photo-shoot, is supposed to be portraying Sauron's aethereal form in flashbacks, which is a WHITE being. The atrocity continues.

Come on now, I'm not even White and this enrages me.

More of Season 2 woke exposure:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KZ7QGkdaw8 (the YouTuber behind these vids often-does exposing woke agendas in entertainment)

Fans thought that the Hobbit films were horrible, little did they know, they haven't seen nothing just yet. A if, the millions-some people not completing Season 1, and only watching the episodes halfway-through (me included), wasn't a fucking hint to the producers on Amazon that people were getting sick and tired of the libral agenda. Of course, the kikes being who and what they are, couldn't care less.

I mean come on now, the fact that Amazon had to disable reviews, and harrass sites like Wikipedia from mentioning the bad reviews goes to show just how militantly they're going with Marxis entertainment.

Look, even my pro-woke familiars have gotten sick and tired of compelling works, being raped and pillaged into fucking ruin by woke producers, for the sole purpose of "promoting woke modern culture".

I don't even have the energy to point out the bajillion fucked-up shit that went on with "LOTR" Rings of Power Season 1, one can simply YouTube this shit to see the many Tolkien fans exposing the libtard race-mixing multi-culturalism agenda behind this.

For those not familiar with Tolkien or what went on with the joke known as "LOTR: ROP", here's the severity of it, I come from a background that embraces multi-culturalism and race-mixing, and even my familiars couldn't stand the destruction of a compelling storyline, all for "muh diversity, muh inclusion, muh equality".

Here's some good exposing of the entire flop:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CZV291UZEI (my favorite)

All Hail the Ainur of Orion
Egon said:

I think you will like Noragami. It is a Shinto anime with personified versions of the Myths about the Gods. Short and with not too much violence, and no NSFW.
I have mostly stopped consuming any entertainment, and wouldn't watch or recommend anything longer than this.

Thank you.

I also want to minimize entertainment, and to be honest, I don't played games for a long time and I watched youtube videos for entertainment.

However, sadly, today I decided to play WoW for the first time. I felt so intersted in this that I had to try it out.
To be honest the intro(I guess it's a new intro, the new expansion's intro) left me speechless. It's a completely, Satanic, full of spiritual allegories, Accurate history of Humankind that I think just we Satanists know (and high ranking Jews) so I have no idea how they nailed it so accurately.
So here is the intro take a look:

In fact it left me so speechless that I decided to reboot and boot into this OS that I use for Satanic usage, to write this down here. I game on debian and I use Arch(btw) for Satanic usage.

The fact that the land is called Azeroth is also something
Several things I want to get off me:

After watching a several modern action movies (late 2010s - 2020s) over the course of weeks, I contemplated the fact that casting options are getting weirder and more out of place, the plots are getting duller or even stupidly predictable, or just simply the movie feeling lack luster for no reason at all, this being a rather blatant reminder of a prediction that I heard of several years before; there's going to be a collapse of the cinematic industrial complex, but what will replace it?
Just what went wrong with it in the first place exactly?

BeamNG.Drive, It's a literal physics simulator,
I had alot of fun with it just configuring stuff to see what happens and just having a blast seeing cars turn into tin foil upon impacting a wall at 102-160mph!
If it weren't for the graphics, you wouldn't be able to pick out the game footage from the real thing, just see for yourself: (Pause moment gift for Hooded Cobra at timestamp 4:32)
I totally recomend checking it out!

And let's talk about the effect that games have on the world around you (or atleast in my case):

It was a few years ago back when I was still depressed, I played a game of GTA SA and then I took a trip and saw several cars that looked eerily similar to the ones in SA, Most note-worthy example was one 2nd Gen Chevrolet Bel Air and some 4th Gen Monte Carlo conveniently somewhere further down the road.

Same thing happened with GTA IV, but with cars in use circa 2008 instead of 1992 with the most memorable example being the "yellow car" (Crown Victoria taxi) that was literally out of place and quite obvious that kind of car does not normally go to the area I used to live in.

And fast foward to present day with me playing an interesting engineering game and then the day after, I hear about this in the news.
Quick question, do the gods approve of nuclear power? Especially given the Hyperborean war.

Even before coming to Satanism, I knew about the law of attraction, but all these coincidences happened during the time after I dedicated.

I'm currently in the middle of an existential overhaul and my choice of videogames and other entertainment are also gonna change with it (Advice needed).

Certainly imagine that I'm gonna spend even less time on videogames then I already have been.

Not knowing what to close this with, I'm simply making significant adjustments to my life and I want to know what you guys recomend regarding videogames and movies, advice concerning other areas of life are welcome too but I posted here.
Helltaker: The name says it all: a blasphemous dating sim.
I actually used to play Helltaker. I have quit all video games now as I find them to be a waste of time, but Helltaker, blasphemy aside, is a very good game in itself. The creator is a Gentile Pole (Vanripper) and he has been making artwork for various franchises and projects for around 15 years. Helltaker was an instant success in 2020 due to the whole "demon waifu" genre it introduced during quarantine. It is full of blasphemy however, even if not intended. None of us here would accept Azazel being depicted as an angel girl, or the whole enmity between Lucifer and Beelzebul, both of whom are also depicted as cute waifus that the player can "rizz". Though I have to admit, Vanripper did a lot of research when making this game, as the Demon Sigils and the allusions to specific Demonic aspects constitute knowledge that requires serious research.
I'm currently in the middle of an existential overhaul and my choice of videogames and other entertainment are also gonna change with it (Advice needed).

Certainly imagine that I'm gonna spend even less time on videogames then I already have been.
Imagine the meditations, RTR's, research, socialising, relaxing, walks, hobbies you could do instead of simulating a false reality on a computer screen. I don't want to be rude, but video games only benefit men who feel incomplete and insecure with themselves. Sure, some games like Minecraft may have philosophical aspects and less filth than titles like GTA, but it's much more fulfilling to live these beautiful experiences in real life.
Since this thread has resurfaced, I want to let you know that, now that Gamergate 2 has started, the (((ADL))) apparently wants to monitor all Gamers for being potential "terrorists". Be careful therefore if you have a gaming system.

This could also be a good chance to redpill gamers on (((them))).
In "The Glass Onion" @ 1 hr and 31 minutes( The time like today= gematria value is Satan in hebrew(131) ), Jared Leto's(his initials are 1012, which connects with this post # 112)Kombucha is being drunk and if you pause at the right time you will see the label on the drink has alchemical and astrological symbols. Right after that 2 of the villains approach the protagonist wearing a robe with a 10 rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise, a shen ring.
Im thinking to watch the glass onion, what am I looking out for about the kombucha?
Since this thread has resurfaced, I want to let you know that, now that Gamergate 2 has started, the (((ADL))) apparently wants to monitor all Gamers for being potential "terrorists". Be careful therefore if you have a gaming system.

This could also be a good chance to redpill gamers on (((them))).
I guess so, though we would have to work indirectly. Being to loud about the jews on social media is a ticket to getting banned, so using metaphorical language is what we can do.
So Hellblade 2 just came out, what do ya’ll think of the Hellblade games based or blasphemous?
Since this thread has resurfaced, I want to let you know that, now that Gamergate 2 has started, the (((ADL))) apparently wants to monitor all Gamers for being potential "terrorists". Be careful therefore if you have a gaming system.

This could also be a good chance to redpill gamers on (((them))).
Here's what happened.
Gamers discovered that game developers were being coerced to push wokeness into their games by various woke consultant firms, most prominently Sweet Baby Inc.
These woke consultant firms recive ESG funding directly from Blackrock, led by the jew Larry Fink. It's also worth noting that Sweet Baby Inc was founded by prominent feminists and SJWs that were involved in the original Gamergate back in 2014.

One day, a curator on the PC game platform Steam popped up called "Swet Baby Inc detected" The curator simply highlighted which games SBI were involved in and the founders of SBI launched a targeted harassment campaign against the owner of SBI detected. Gamers responded with massive backlash, exposing Sweet Baby Inc and Blackrock with their ESG and DEI agenda, and a while bunch of other woke consultant firms were discovered too. The rabbit hole runs deep.
Recently rewatched a swedish horror movie from 2000; "Det Okända" (The Unknown). This time I realized this is one of my favorite movies.
Very underestimated movie, that probably was an inspiration for the game Resident Evil 7. It's been both rewarded one time and nominated several times.

Long story short: Five young field-biologists are sent to northern Sweden to investigate effects of a large forest fire. However, what was thought to be some weeks of camping and easy work soon turns into a nightmare as they find the remains of a mysterious creature and take it in for examination...

The theme is not Satanic, but does have a story about a parasitic extraterrestrial organism. This organism seems to live inside the person it infects and take over the mind.
Acting and music is really good.

Here is a clip of some parts of the movie that I subtitled myself (spoiler alert):

At 2:01 everyone except two of them are infected.
I don’t like the company that makes the Elder Scrolls and has the rights to fallout, they’re awful.

Skyrim is a solid game with mods especially though. Even more so if you mod the game to replace all the stupid Jewish symbols and shit with the real runes and such.
I know that I'm a bit late, but I'm still pissed off that last year someone made that blasphemous indie game that associates Satanism with incest, cannibalism and blood sacrifice. And the right-wing had the nerve to defend the creator of the game despite all the degeneracy. To me she totally deserves to be doxxed for what she did. I have no pity for her or anyone who blaspheme Our True Faith.
an indie game that’s actually great though is Wartales. I highly recommend it.
I don’t like the company that makes the Elder Scrolls and has the rights to fallout, they’re awful.

Skyrim is a solid game with mods especially though. Even more so if you mod the game to replace all the stupid Jewish symbols and shit with the real runes and such.
Well, they no longer exist, and the Microsoft acquisition meant nothing. Their latest games caused their dissolving.

Ubisoft should be next, but I suspect that (((Tencent))) will "save" their asses.
Oh dude that’s actually good news about that company failing. All their games were saw dust bread, I’m glad they’re gone
Maybe a gentile company will acquire the rights to those games and actually make better ones moving forward.
M3GAN is a movie I watched some days ago, and it's one of the best movies I've ever seen personally.
It's similar to the evil "Chucky" movies, but this one is way better and deeper.

It tells something about the possible dangers of human-like robots; unhealthy strong attatchments, possible manipulative abilites of AI etc.
Suprisingly good and emotionally strong movie. Music is INCREDIBLE. 10/10

"The Perfect Algorithm" by Anthony Willis from M3GAN:



  • M3GAN_Poster.jpeg
    96.5 KB · Views: 59
M3GAN is a movie I watched some days ago, and it's one of the best movies I've ever seen personally.
It's similar to the evil "Chucky" movies, but this one is way better and deeper.

It tells something about the possible dangers of human-like robots; unhealthy strong attatchments, possible manipulative abilites of AI etc.
Suprisingly good and emotionally strong movie. Music is INCREDIBLE. 10/10

"The Perfect Algorithm" by Anthony Willis from M3GAN:

Interesting I love the horror genre very much.

I haven't been able to find good horror movies lately when I scroll through torrents to download something from horror movies, because I see some Jewish trash.

Sometimes I download some horror movies in the hope of finding something good and just relaxing after a day at work, but usually I come across Jewish propaganda.

As an alternative to horror films, I watch YouTube channels with fresh selections of ghosts, poltergeists, astral entities and UFOs caught on camera.

Recently, a lot of UFOs have been recorded in the United States, if the video is not montage, then some ships can be seen very clearly, last year I remembered one video when a cigar-shaped spaceship hovered directly over the school for a few seconds.
Interesting I love the horror genre very much.

I haven't been able to find good horror movies lately when I scroll through torrents to download something from horror movies, because I see some Jewish trash.

Sometimes I download some horror movies in the hope of finding something good and just relaxing after a day at work, but usually I come across Jewish propaganda.

As an alternative to horror films, I watch YouTube channels with fresh selections of ghosts, poltergeists, astral entities and UFOs caught on camera.

Recently, a lot of UFOs have been recorded in the United States, if the video is not montage, then some ships can be seen very clearly, last year I remembered one video when a cigar-shaped spaceship hovered directly over the school for a few seconds.
Can be hard to avoid Christardness in horror movies, especially if they are about possession etc. Thankfully M3GAN is free from any religious aspect.

It's really annoying when you hope it will be a good movie and half way in they start name-dropping Satan, Beelzebub etc. as the source of evil happening.

There should be made an opposite one where Satan is on the good side against the blood drinking evil pedophiles who push a fake religion unto innocent people, making them poor both materially and spiritually. It's both true and could be a good movie.
I know that I'm a bit late, but I'm still pissed off that last year someone made that blasphemous indie game that associates Satanism with incest, cannibalism and blood sacrifice. And the right-wing had the nerve to defend the creator of the game despite all the degeneracy. To me she totally deserves to be doxxed for what she did. I have no pity for her or anyone who blaspheme Our True Faith.
Coffin of Andy and Leyley?
I've started watching Percy Jackson and the Olympians it has only one season and 8 episodes.

Just wanted to share it , not too bad. Haven't finished it yet tho.
I've started watching Percy Jackson and the Olympians it has only one season and 8 episodes.

Just wanted to share it , not too bad. Haven't finished it yet tho.
I read the first two books in that series was based on. Quite Good.
I read the first two books in that series was based on. Quite Good.
I wouldn't recommend going further into Rick Riordan's books. I'm not referring to the fact that he put LGBT demigods, but also the fact that in the Magnus Chase series there is a "Muslim Valkyrie", something that doesn't even make sense.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
