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Movies, games, series

hailourtruegod said:
So Darling in The Franxx was officially the second anime I've seen from beginning to end not counting Dragon Ball. I balled watching most episodes and especially the last one. Like I actually "ugly cried" :lol:


Besides the beautiful love story and the deep message about humans and their psychology it had not only NS symbolism but Satanic/Pagan symbolism like raising the kudalini, uniting both male and female aspects of the soul to become immortal like.

Shoot it even had something very similar to the war we are under going at the moment. Thoughtform like beings tricking humans to destroying the earth and be robotic like slaves that have no emotions and can't give birth and when the enemy revealed their secret plan they took the souls of their slaves and put them in something that was pretty much a hive mind while trying to promote it was for the better so there will never be "bad" things like jealousy because everyone will lose their uniqueness and what have you. The male and female protagonist having to become one with each other to go out into deep space (this can be symbolic to the astral maybe) to destroy the enemy and with the help of the energy of their people they were able to be strong enough to defeat the enemy.

I enjoyed it but I can understand why there are people who disliked the series because it didn't make sense to them. I wonder when the Truth will be known to the populace they will look back and see this little story with better understanding. That goes for any shows that depicts the Truth.

I highly recommend this anime.
I Love darling in the franxx it changed my life in many ways.
Nikois666 said:
For me, I dont want to spend my money on jewish crap, I will wait for the pirated vesion, I am just curious what the jews are going to show in this movie.
So I watched it and it's the most boring crap of the year besides John Wick 3.

mercury_wisdom said:
Hello, My Satanic brothers and sisters. My favourite anime of all time is Darling in the Franxx it brought me to tears and it has a lot of Satanic refrences it is the anime that rekindled my love to my demon lover and is very special to my heart as it is very romantic yet fun.
I also liked Darling in the FranXX a lot, specially the plot twist that a bunch of crybabies hated but imo gives a whole new level to anime.

Speaking about Succubi and anime I absolutely enjoyed the love between Joel and Redcurrant in The Ancient Magus' Bride, it took a more realistic aproach than other Succubus depiction in media, though they're side characters. The story and spiritual allegories in general are the best, being my second favorite manga ever after Berserk.

Egon said:
Nikois666 said:
For me, I dont want to spend my money on jewish crap, I will wait for the pirated vesion, I am just curious what the jews are going to show in this movie.
So I watched it and it's the most boring crap of the year besides John Wick 3.

mercury_wisdom said:
Hello, My Satanic brothers and sisters. My favourite anime of all time is Darling in the Franxx it brought me to tears and it has a lot of Satanic refrences it is the anime that rekindled my love to my demon lover and is very special to my heart as it is very romantic yet fun.
I also liked Darling in the FranXX a lot, specially the plot twist that a bunch of crybabies hated but imo gives a whole new level to anime.

Speaking about Succubi and anime I absolutely enjoyed the love between Joel and Redcurrant in The Ancient Magus' Bride, it took a more realistic aproach than other Succubus depiction in media, though they're side characters. The story and spiritual allegories in general are the best, being my second favorite manga ever after Berserk.

Thank you very much for the suggestion Egon :)
Specter said:
Larissa666 said:
Has it already been said that almost all of DC Comics characters were created by kikes, and every (((Marvel))) character is created by jew, mainly (((Stan Lee)))???

Therefore, can we really expect something good to come out of this all? I don’t think so. It’s poison, and it needs to be stopped.

Yeah on the egroups but it wasn't taken too kindly actually but it's a fact. In my opinion, this jewish theme of Superheros and Villains has been nothing but subliminal brainwashing, propaganda and a milking cow for massive kike funding. The theme of the hero having to be some special guy with a cape is degradation honestly and it's also comparable to xtianity, it should come as a humanitarian thing naturally that anyone can be a hero and fight injustice, but it's also become an act of revolution to want to fully know and understand the "bad guys" side of the story which is a good thing ethically as people find satanism this way but it's a two headed element that isn't good with jews writing the script.

I would say that it should be of our pagan gods like Thor but turning them into money milking tools would just be blasphemy.

Responded here to not overflow the other thread. Do you think Garth Ennis is a Gentile?


I have watched the TV series based on his comics "The Boys" in which Superheroes are psychopaths who use xtianity to push neocohen agenda in the Middle East. He's a comic book writer who hates the Superhero genre. He believes some cuckery about WWII though.

“The Boys” Writer Garth Ennis Thinks Superheroes Ruined Comics

"His opposition to the Iraq war in itself is offensive, suggesting he has no issues with tyrants like Saddam remaining in power."
I don't know if someone has touched up on attack on titan, I liked the flip in the latest chapter, it's about what I expected really.

Eren and Ymir's (king and queen)'s union at the end of the chapter is just great.

The way I see it Ymir represents the female side of the soul and is pretty much dormant and literally programmed as a slave. Eren who is set up as "the devil" removes this programming, setting Ymir free and the union of eren and ymir unleashes the full power of the titans.

Note how there is a difference in the soul in eldians who are of the "fritz" line and eldians who are not, it's noted in the recent chapters Ymir is programmed to be a slave to those carrying "fritz" blood. Zeke's mother is of the "fritz" line and Zeke's plan is to genocide the eldian people, even though it's been made clear eldians and "fritz" eldians are not the same on the soul level as Ymir refuses to obey Eren who is pure eldian.

Note that these chosen fritz ruling class have been working on the genocide of the eldian people since the start of the story, first with lies, propaganda and literal mind control to keep the masses ignorant and vulnerable, and now blatantly attempting to euthanize the entire race with Zeke's desperate plan.

Eren and Zeke have the same eldian father but Zeke's mother is a fritz while Eren's mother is eldian. Zeke's goal is the euthanasia of the eldian people and Eren's goal is to set them free.

I think the difference between "fritz" eldians and pure eldians is very important. While the fritz present themselves as being "eldian" it's very clear that they are not as Ymir recognizes the difference.

So you have a race of people who at some point in history found themselves being ruled by a parasitic group that is physically similar to them but on the soul level are radically different, and this racial group works to undermine and destroy the other by gaining authority over them and leading them to their own genocide. Does this sound familiar?
Dahaarkan said:
Oh damn, I always thought AoT just had the usual kind of generic sad/gorey story. It's nice to see some good allegories being hidden in there. Thanks for the summary :)
I watched The Boys and liked it, well directed and well written but it seems the directors were Jews.
TopoftheAbyss said:
I watched The Boys and liked it, well directed and well written but it seems the directors were Jews.
The producers are kikes but the creator of the original concept is not as far as I know. It caught my attention in the anti-neocon/evangelical lobby message instead of "rich White people bad" in media nowdays, even though the author is a leftie. He wrote that during Bush's administration.
Egon said:
Nikois666 said:
For me, I dont want to spend my money on jewish crap, I will wait for the pirated vesion, I am just curious what the jews are going to show in this movie.
So I watched it and it's the most boring crap of the year besides John Wick 3.

mercury_wisdom said:
Hello, My Satanic brothers and sisters. My favourite anime of all time is Darling in the Franxx it brought me to tears and it has a lot of Satanic refrences it is the anime that rekindled my love to my demon lover and is very special to my heart as it is very romantic yet fun.
I also liked Darling in the FranXX a lot, specially the plot twist that a bunch of crybabies hated but imo gives a whole new level to anime.

Speaking about Succubi and anime I absolutely enjoyed the love between Joel and Redcurrant in The Ancient Magus' Bride, it took a more realistic aproach than other Succubus depiction in media, though they're side characters. The story and spiritual allegories in general are the best, being my second favorite manga ever after Berserk.


The part about Darling in the Franxx, it was pretty good right? The plot twist was amazing interesting especially if as a SS. It's still my number 1 anime so far.
South Park just went all out on mocking China and telling their viewers the horrible stuff going on over there. The whole show was like 20 minutes of a short educational documentary with a comedic spin to it. Unfortunately it wouldn't be South Park if they weren't spreading some trash and they did by promoting weed throughout the episode. Besides that part they really didn't hold back on bashing China and exposing them and the big companies that kiss China's ass including Hollywood.
Sirius (2013)

I just learnt that this one had been released for free already 3 years ago.

Before becoming a physician and then a disclosurist, Steven Greer used to be a Vedic meditation instructor. He's able read Sanskrit and claims that his interest for this kind of thing started with a near-death experience he had in 1972. Back in his youth, he seemed to be a genuine Satanist, but then he was psychically guided to marry a jewish woman(1) and have 4 children with her. This is obviously the hardest way to control a gentile who poses a threat to the NWO agenda( Alex Jones is another similar subject).

Because of his background, this documentary certainly bashes the "banksters", "mainstream media" and "military-industrial complex", but never properly defines who these people exactly are. Plenty of time is dedicated for practice they call CE5, which appears to be technologically assisted meditation to contact ETs. There's a lot sighting footage of UFOs and other paranormality and the interesting question is that could (some of )these be demons/nordics.

Much of Sirius Disclosure is in line with Satanism, i.e. meditate to contact advanced/enlightened people of the universe and that all the (common/gentile )people of Earth ought to stand against the hostile elite.
However, the most dubious thing that Dr. Greer promotes is that there are no hostile ETs at all. If so, then how such a relatively small group of degenerate beings( the J-team) have managed to gain so much power? Also, there has been a careful demarcation to omit those government/military people who've testified that some of the ETs are indeed hostile to humans.

(1) The anecdote
Undertale - This game is a Satanic gift to humanity honestly. It's legendary.

Undertale's a 2d game, anyone can enjoy this if they can appreciate a game with story and meaning. If there's any game you should get, it's this one.

The soundtracks in the game are decent if you're into instrumental music. It can have a pretty deep message if you put your mind to it.
Hopes and Dreams - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEWOTdVnnZ8
But the Earth Refused to Die - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nD_yKzrR_cc

The games story is about a race of "monsters" who were able to use magic abilities. Humans started fearing them because of their power and after winning a battle, sealed them underground. The seal can be opened with 7 human souls, dead or alive. The souls follow the light spectrum of the chakras. The monsters tried to find other peaceful ways to open the seal but it was the only way. 7 humans have fallen underground and came to an unfortunate end, you play as the 8th that will succeed the rest.


Certain parts of the game require you to take the traits of the 6 fallen humans, embodying their heart color and become their successor. In a way, like obtaining traits from past lives.
It's also revealed the souls also have a subconscious will to save the world.


The delta rune, a prevalent symbol found in the game. I think the symbol unconsciously tries to grasp the idea of the polarity of positivity &negativity, the heart is also symbolic with the ida/pingala and I feel this symbolizes how we've lost touch with our spirituality causing an imbalance in the soul. That is why humanity continues on with its depravity with an endless cycle of degeneracy.

To be a TRUE pacifist and get the real ending, you have to complete the neutral route, which is by committing an evil, violent act in the game in which you will be confronted with your decisions in the end and given an opportunity to make things right by going back to the beginning. Coming to terms with yourself for the greater good/evil, and ascension to freedom, which is what the wings symbolize. It's also the color of the crown chakra meaning that in its entirely it's a symbol of elevation.

The broken relationship between Asgore(Satan) and Toriel(Lillith) also represents the lost connection of the Kundalini serpent. Ida without its partner.



Now here's something interesting, the ruler of the underworld is the all powerful Asgore that is a goat race "monster". In the beginning you're lead to be afraid of him, but as you progress you find out he's not actually what he seams to be, he's a kind gentleman. However your actions throughout the game will be dependent on how you will confront him.
This is obviously a representation of the Baphoment/Satan. His wife Toriel can also be a representation of Lillith.

You can either be a "hero" that can see a truth in everything, come to reasoning with others, and bring freedom to the underworld or be a heartless psychopath killing anything in its way to embody chara. There is also the neutral route, but the game will make sure you feel bad about it and that's why I like it. Honestly only a jew can do a genocide run and not feel anything, or an utterly cucked goyim.

The pacifist route is what you stay true as Frisk. The humanity in every child, an aspect of a true satanic gentile. Although it can seam to be a theme of "turn the other cheek" and "love thy enemy" but not really, the theme of this is about seeing the truth in all conflicts and that not everything always is what it appears to be, because yeah you should defend yourself but what does the enemy really see?, what do you see?. There can be another way. And of course there are some things that cannot be helped.

The genocide route embodies you as Chara. Chara in a sense, is synonymous to a typical gamer with the point and shoot, slay and succeed mentality. Chara is short for Character "The demon that comes when people call its name". The main trend of most games such as rpgs,fps and the like nowadays is kill anything in your way and level up. These games try to make it look like harmless fantasy with all the glitter effects and audio inducing dopamine, but in reality you're just a brainless psycho. It's shocking how many people are conditioned into this. The jews milk these platforms over and over. The early era of video games was notorious for the emphasis of story and meaning. Nowadays it's just high res graphics and eye candy, an autistic grind & level up mentality(Runescape, Cod, Fortnite etc..). There's rarely any meaning in games.

The seals obviously are symbolic with the 7 chakras of the light spectrum to unseal the serpent to freedom. And the hidden boss that takes the souls for himself has 8Atk and 8Def (infinite). The save the world sequence is probably overcoming karma and turmoil. The god of hyper death meaning is also a transformative stage into godhead.

Some might think that neutral would be best but idk. If you want a game that is different, then this is the one.

This is also a worthwhile read that gives awareness about the gaming trend.
“In the sea of endless bullets you fire off at countless enemies without a moment's hesitation or afterthought, the fact that I got the player to hesitate even for a split second and actually consider his actions before he pulled that trigger– that makes me feel very accomplished.”
Specter said:
Undertale - This game is a Satanic gift to humanity honestly. It's legendary.

Undertale's a 2d game, anyone can enjoy this if they can appreciate a game with story and meaning. If there's any game you should get, it's this one.

The soundtracks in the game are decent if you're into instrumental music. It can have a pretty deep message if you put your mind to it.
Hopes and Dreams - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEWOTdVnnZ8
But the Earth Refused to Die - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nD_yKzrR_cc

The games story is about a race of "monsters" who were able to use magic abilities. Humans started fearing them because of their power and after winning a battle, sealed them underground. The seal can be opened with 7 human souls, dead or alive. The souls follow the light spectrum of the chakras. The monsters tried to find other peaceful ways to open the seal but it was the only way. 7 humans have fallen underground and came to an unfortunate end, you play as the 8th that will succeed the rest.


Certain parts of the game require you to take the traits of the 6 fallen humans, embodying their heart color and become their successor. In a way, like obtaining traits from past lives.
It's also revealed the souls also have a subconscious will to save the world.


The delta rune, a prevalent symbol found in the game. I think the symbol unconsciously tries to grasp the idea of the polarity of positivity &negativity, the heart is also symbolic with the ida/pingala and I feel this symbolizes how we've lost touch with our spirituality causing an imbalance in the soul. That is why humanity continues on with its depravity with an endless cycle of degeneracy.

To be a TRUE pacifist and get the real ending, you have to complete the neutral route, which is by committing an evil, violent act in the game in which you will be confronted with your decisions in the end and given an opportunity to make things right by going back to the beginning. Coming to terms with yourself for the greater good/evil, and ascension to freedom, which is what the wings symbolize. It's also the color of the crown chakra meaning that in its entirely it's a symbol of elevation.

The broken relationship between Asgore(Satan) and Toriel(Lillith) also represents the lost connection of the Kundalini serpent. Ida without its partner.



Now here's something interesting, the ruler of the underworld is the all powerful Asgore that is a goat race "monster". In the beginning you're lead to be afraid of him, but as you progress you find out he's not actually what he seams to be, he's a kind gentleman. However your actions throughout the game will be dependent on how you will confront him.
This is obviously a representation of the Baphoment/Satan. His wife Toriel can also be a representation of Lillith.

You can either be a "hero" that can see a truth in everything, come to reasoning with others, and bring freedom to the underworld or be a heartless psychopath killing anything in its way to embody chara. There is also the neutral route, but the game will make sure you feel bad about it and that's why I like it. Honestly only a jew can do a genocide run and not feel anything, or an utterly cucked goyim.

The pacifist route is what you stay true as Frisk. The humanity in every child, an aspect of a true satanic gentile. Although it can seam to be a theme of "turn the other cheek" and "love thy enemy" but not really, the theme of this is about seeing the truth in all conflicts and that not everything always is what it appears to be, because yeah you should defend yourself but what does the enemy really see?, what do you see?. There can be another way. And of course there are some things that cannot be helped.

The genocide route embodies you as Chara. Chara in a sense, is synonymous to a typical gamer with the point and shoot, slay and succeed mentality. Chara is short for Character "The demon that comes when people call its name". The main trend of most games such as rpgs,fps and the like nowadays is kill anything in your way and level up. These games try to make it look like harmless fantasy with all the glitter effects and audio inducing dopamine, but in reality you're just a brainless psycho. It's shocking how many people are conditioned into this. The jews milk these platforms over and over. The early era of video games was notorious for the emphasis of story and meaning. Nowadays it's just high res graphics and eye candy, an autistic grind & level up mentality(Runescape, Cod, Fortnite etc..). There's rarely any meaning in games.

The seals obviously are symbolic with the 7 chakras of the light spectrum to unseal the serpent to freedom. And the hidden boss that takes the souls for himself has 8Atk and 8Def (infinite). The save the world sequence is probably overcoming karma and turmoil. The god of hyper death meaning is also a transformative stage into godhead.

Some might think that neutral would be best but idk. If you want a game that is different, then this is the one.

This is also a worthwhile read that gives awareness about the gaming trend.
“In the sea of endless bullets you fire off at countless enemies without a moment's hesitation or afterthought, the fact that I got the player to hesitate even for a split second and actually consider his actions before he pulled that trigger– that makes me feel very accomplished.”

I only knew about this thru the memes and megalovania ha

Sounds really interesting.
Specter said:
Undertale - This game is a Satanic gift to humanity honestly. It's legendary.

Undertale's a 2d game, anyone can enjoy this if they can appreciate a game with story and meaning. If there's any game you should get, it's this one.

The soundtracks in the game are decent if you're into instrumental music. It can have a pretty deep message if you put your mind to it.
Hopes and Dreams - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEWOTdVnnZ8
But the Earth Refused to Die - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nD_yKzrR_cc

The games story is about a race of "monsters" who were able to use magic abilities. Humans started fearing them because of their power and after winning a battle, sealed them underground. The seal can be opened with 7 human souls, dead or alive. The souls follow the light spectrum of the chakras. The monsters tried to find other peaceful ways to open the seal but it was the only way. 7 humans have fallen underground and came to an unfortunate end, you play as the 8th that will succeed the rest.


Certain parts of the game require you to take the traits of the 6 fallen humans, embodying their heart color and become their successor. In a way, like obtaining traits from past lives.
It's also revealed the souls also have a subconscious will to save the world.


The delta rune, a prevalent symbol found in the game. I think the symbol unconsciously tries to grasp the idea of the polarity of positivity &negativity, the heart is also symbolic with the ida/pingala and I feel this symbolizes how we've lost touch with our spirituality causing an imbalance in the soul. That is why humanity continues on with its depravity with an endless cycle of degeneracy.

To be a TRUE pacifist and get the real ending, you have to complete the neutral route, which is by committing an evil, violent act in the game in which you will be confronted with your decisions in the end and given an opportunity to make things right by going back to the beginning. Coming to terms with yourself for the greater good/evil, and ascension to freedom, which is what the wings symbolize. It's also the color of the crown chakra meaning that in its entirely it's a symbol of elevation.

The broken relationship between Asgore(Satan) and Toriel(Lillith) also represents the lost connection of the Kundalini serpent. Ida without its partner.



Now here's something interesting, the ruler of the underworld is the all powerful Asgore that is a goat race "monster". In the beginning you're lead to be afraid of him, but as you progress you find out he's not actually what he seams to be, he's a kind gentleman. However your actions throughout the game will be dependent on how you will confront him.
This is obviously a representation of the Baphoment/Satan. His wife Toriel can also be a representation of Lillith.

You can either be a "hero" that can see a truth in everything, come to reasoning with others, and bring freedom to the underworld or be a heartless psychopath killing anything in its way to embody chara. There is also the neutral route, but the game will make sure you feel bad about it and that's why I like it. Honestly only a jew can do a genocide run and not feel anything, or an utterly cucked goyim.

The pacifist route is what you stay true as Frisk. The humanity in every child, an aspect of a true satanic gentile. Although it can seam to be a theme of "turn the other cheek" and "love thy enemy" but not really, the theme of this is about seeing the truth in all conflicts and that not everything always is what it appears to be, because yeah you should defend yourself but what does the enemy really see?, what do you see?. There can be another way. And of course there are some things that cannot be helped.

The genocide route embodies you as Chara. Chara in a sense, is synonymous to a typical gamer with the point and shoot, slay and succeed mentality. Chara is short for Character "The demon that comes when people call its name". The main trend of most games such as rpgs,fps and the like nowadays is kill anything in your way and level up. These games try to make it look like harmless fantasy with all the glitter effects and audio inducing dopamine, but in reality you're just a brainless psycho. It's shocking how many people are conditioned into this. The jews milk these platforms over and over. The early era of video games was notorious for the emphasis of story and meaning. Nowadays it's just high res graphics and eye candy, an autistic grind & level up mentality(Runescape, Cod, Fortnite etc..). There's rarely any meaning in games.

The seals obviously are symbolic with the 7 chakras of the light spectrum to unseal the serpent to freedom. And the hidden boss that takes the souls for himself has 8Atk and 8Def (infinite). The save the world sequence is probably overcoming karma and turmoil. The god of hyper death meaning is also a transformative stage into godhead.

Some might think that neutral would be best but idk. If you want a game that is different, then this is the one.

This is also a worthwhile read that gives awareness about the gaming trend.
“In the sea of endless bullets you fire off at countless enemies without a moment's hesitation or afterthought, the fact that I got the player to hesitate even for a split second and actually consider his actions before he pulled that trigger– that makes me feel very accomplished.”

I only knew about this thru the memes and megalovania ha

Sounds really interesting.
hailourtruegod said:
I only knew about this thru the memes and megalovania ha

Sounds really interesting.

Lol the power of memes at its finest.

I know I've left a lot more things out. The Delta rune also symbolizes not only the ida & pingla but also the sushumna as well. Through there ascension, hopes and dreams become reality, which is the main theme of this game. There is a power to this symbol and I don't doubt that it comes directly or indirectly from special influences. This game tops spyro 3 for me.
Specter said:
Undertale - This game is a Satanic gift to humanity honestly. It's legendary.

This article explains more things about the game, and anyone who's seeking a career in the gaming industry should definitely take notes from this game. Kickstarter seeds masterpieces, jews trample them.

Ever heard of the Vinland saga? It’s a pretty cool recent anime that is about vikings and wars, they portray the vikings in a crudish way, as strong warriors though. And xtians are portrayed like meek and weak, there’s also much violence against them, which is amusing. Pretty cool story.
That manga/anime where xtians are the "sensible and civilized" and all Vikings are a bunch of retards without personality, the father of main character teaches him some weird buddhist "love everyone" shit, and whose author does't even know if the Vikings cleaned their bums as he told, .

Nah it's pretty lame and there wasn't a single likable character or interesting direction to the story so far imo.

Aquarius said:
Ever heard of the Vinland saga? It’s a pretty cool recent anime that is about vikings and wars, they portray the vikings in a crudish way, as strong warriors though. And xtians are portrayed like meek and weak, there’s also much violence against them, which is amusing. Pretty cool story.
Egon said:
That manga/anime where xtians are the "sensible and civilized" and all Vikings are a bunch of retards without personality, the father of main character teaches him some weird buddhist "love everyone" shit, and whose author does't even know if the Vikings cleaned their bums as he told, .

Nah it's pretty lame and there wasn't a single likable character or interesting direction to the story so far imo.

Aquarius said:
Ever heard of the Vinland saga? It’s a pretty cool recent anime that is about vikings and wars, they portray the vikings in a crudish way, as strong warriors though. And xtians are portrayed like meek and weak, there’s also much violence against them, which is amusing. Pretty cool story.
You destroyed it for me lol
Egon said:
That manga/anime where xtians are the "sensible and civilized" and all Vikings are a bunch of retards without personality, the father of main character teaches him some weird buddhist "love everyone" shit, and whose author does't even know if the Vikings cleaned their bums as he told, .

Nah it's pretty lame and there wasn't a single likable character or interesting direction to the story so far imo.
Agreed. I watched it at first and it was half-decent, they had one scene where they did target-practice on a captured xian lol. But a few episodes ago it just started competely turning into xian propaganda. Have not watched a single episode since and the idea in itself disgusts me.
Egon said:
That manga/anime where xtians are the "sensible and civilized" and all Vikings are a bunch of retards without personality, the father of main character teaches him some weird buddhist "love everyone" shit, and whose author does't even know if the Vikings cleaned their bums as he told, .

Nah it's pretty lame and there wasn't a single likable character or interesting direction to the story so far imo.

Aquarius said:
Ever heard of the Vinland saga? It’s a pretty cool recent anime that is about vikings and wars, they portray the vikings in a crudish way, as strong warriors though. And xtians are portrayed like meek and weak, there’s also much violence against them, which is amusing. Pretty cool story.
My intuition was right, I'm glad I did not watch it lol
About Vinland Saga, try reading the manga, the anime doesn't get to the best parts yet. There's a lot of good moments in the series, and I'm still following the manga. The themes of the story aren't perfectly aligned with Satanic ideals, but seeing how Thorfinn develops in the future is fascinating, and one of the characters starts a 'rebellion' against 'God'.
Egon said:
That manga/anime where xtians are the "sensible and civilized" and all Vikings are a bunch of retards without personality, the father of main character teaches him some weird buddhist "love everyone" shit, and whose author does't even know if the Vikings cleaned their bums as he told, .

Nah it's pretty lame and there wasn't a single likable character or interesting direction to the story so far imo.

Aquarius said:
Ever heard of the Vinland saga? It’s a pretty cool recent anime that is about vikings and wars, they portray the vikings in a crudish way, as strong warriors though. And xtians are portrayed like meek and weak, there’s also much violence against them, which is amusing. Pretty cool story.

The Christians definitely come across as the bigger fools in the series... Canute is a good case in point. Askeladd has an extremely interesting backstory connected to King Arthur and Pagan Rome, which really resonates with humanity's situation today.

Speaking of...


...Required viewing. A heart-wrenching and deeply inspiring movie, especially when you realize the ending is an alternate timeline where Rome saved itself and never fell.
RoyBatty91 said:
Egon said:
That manga/anime where xtians are the "sensible and civilized" and all Vikings are a bunch of retards without personality, the father of main character teaches him some weird buddhist "love everyone" shit, and whose author does't even know if the Vikings cleaned their bums as he told, .

Nah it's pretty lame and there wasn't a single likable character or interesting direction to the story so far imo.

Aquarius said:
Ever heard of the Vinland saga? It’s a pretty cool recent anime that is about vikings and wars, they portray the vikings in a crudish way, as strong warriors though. And xtians are portrayed like meek and weak, there’s also much violence against them, which is amusing. Pretty cool story.

The Christians definitely come across as the bigger fools in the series... Canute is a good case in point. Askeladd has an extremely interesting backstory connected to King Arthur and Pagan Rome, which really resonates with humanity's situation today.

Speaking of...


...Required viewing. A heart-wrenching and deeply inspiring movie, especially when you realize the ending is an alternate timeline where Rome saved itself and never fell.
Most shitty movie ever, when I watched it years ago I felt bad the whole time, well no fucking shit! The movie theme is “now we are free” which is singed in fucking hebrew by a fucking jewess. Don’t waste your time with this movie.
Aquarius said:
Most shitty movie ever, when I watched it years ago I felt bad the whole time, well no fucking shit! The movie theme is “now we are free” which is singed in fucking hebrew by a fucking jewess. Don’t waste your time with this movie.

Lisa Gerrard isn't singing that song in any language, it's a "glossolalia" taken from all Roman-era Mediterranean languages - it sounds like Hebrew, Phoenician, Latin, Greek, and so on. I have never seen any source indicating that she's a Jew. Hans Zimmer apparently is a Jew, which I didn't know about before. If you want a list of good movies where that will ruin it for you:

The Wizard Of Oz, ((Harold Arlen))
A Nightmare On Elm Street, ((Charles Bernstein))
The Magnificent Seven, ((Elmer Bernstein))
The Maltese Falcon, ((Adolph Deutsch))
The Mask, ((Randy Edelman))
Batman, Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas, ((Danny Elfman))
Peter Pan, ((Sammy Fain))
Koyaanisqatsi, ((Philip Glass))
Interview With The Vampire, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, ((Elliot Goldenthal))
Planet Of The Apes, Patton, Alien, Total Recall, ((Jerry Goldsmith))
Psycho, North By Northwest, Vertigo, Citizen Kane, Taxi Driver, ((Bernard Herrmann))
Aliens, Braveheart, Avatar, The Land Before Time, Titanic, ((James Horner))
The Dark Knight, ((James Newton Howard))
How The West Was Won, ((Alfred Newman))
Spartacus, Cleopatra, ((Alex North))
Armageddon, ((Trevor Rabin))
Clash Of The Titans, ((Laurence Rosenthal))
Dirty Harry, ((Lalo Schifrin))
Animal Farm, ((Matayas Seiber))
Sunset Boulevard, Rear Window, ((Franz Waxman))
The Lion King, Gladiator, The Dark Knight, Inception, Interstellar, ((Hans Zimmer))

SPECIAL MENTION: The Lord Of The Rings, ((Howard Shore)) - Sean Astin, who played Sam Gamgee, is also apparently half-Jewish.

This is why most of this thread is anime.
I have found this tv show simply called, Evil. The description of the story is:
A skeptical female clinical psychologist joins a priest-in-training and a blue-collar contractor as they investigate supposed miracles, demonic possession, and other extraordinary occurrences to see if there's a scientific explanation or if something truly supernatural is at work.

At first I thought it's gonna be the usual jewish crap about posession and stuff based on the title and plot description. Still, I gave it a try. Just a few examples:
A murderer claims to be posessed and he has no memories about the killings. The church of course tries to confirm this but the psychologist woman does a little digging on her own and proves that the defense was secretly training the guy to act like he has taken over by a supernatural force. Like, speaking latin with deeper voice when he sees a crucifix and such.

This is my favourite so far:
The main characters go to a house to witness an exorcism. The psychologist says that if the patient is a religious person then this whole act about exorcizing is just making her mental illness worse. They don't listen to her because why would a priest and his buddies agree on this? Then she steals a bottle of holy water and changes it to tap water. The poor, supposedly posessed, lady cries in pain when the water touches her. Then the psychologist tells them to stop and calls the whole thing off by telling them about the tap water. The priest loses his shit immediately! :D Then makes up a stupid excuse about their god turning tap water into holy water the moment the priest touched it. :lol:

Each episode has debunked all this christian nonesense so far. Episode 6 though (6, huh?) is when things kinda start feel like wandering off the path the story has presented so far. It's not like going against the whole plot and saying the church is right. It's just like if the writers left out the part when things are explained or debunked.

I'd tell more but I'd rather not spoil everything in case you might be interested.
RoyBatty91 said:
Aquarius said:
Most shitty movie ever, when I watched it years ago I felt bad the whole time, well no fucking shit! The movie theme is “now we are free” which is singed in fucking hebrew by a fucking jewess. Don’t waste your time with this movie.

Lisa Gerrard isn't singing that song in any language, it's a "glossolalia" taken from all Roman-era Mediterranean languages - it sounds like Hebrew, Phoenician, Latin, Greek, and so on. I have never seen any source indicating that she's a Jew. Hans Zimmer apparently is a Jew, which I didn't know about before. If you want a list of good movies where that will ruin it for you:

The Wizard Of Oz, ((Harold Arlen))
A Nightmare On Elm Street, ((Charles Bernstein))
The Magnificent Seven, ((Elmer Bernstein))
The Maltese Falcon, ((Adolph Deutsch))
The Mask, ((Randy Edelman))
Batman, Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas, ((Danny Elfman))
Peter Pan, ((Sammy Fain))
Koyaanisqatsi, ((Philip Glass))
Interview With The Vampire, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, ((Elliot Goldenthal))
Planet Of The Apes, Patton, Alien, Total Recall, ((Jerry Goldsmith))
Psycho, North By Northwest, Vertigo, Citizen Kane, Taxi Driver, ((Bernard Herrmann))
Aliens, Braveheart, Avatar, The Land Before Time, Titanic, ((James Horner))
The Dark Knight, ((James Newton Howard))
How The West Was Won, ((Alfred Newman))
Spartacus, Cleopatra, ((Alex North))
Armageddon, ((Trevor Rabin))
Clash Of The Titans, ((Laurence Rosenthal))
Dirty Harry, ((Lalo Schifrin))
Animal Farm, ((Matayas Seiber))
Sunset Boulevard, Rear Window, ((Franz Waxman))
The Lion King, Gladiator, The Dark Knight, Inception, Interstellar, ((Hans Zimmer))

SPECIAL MENTION: The Lord Of The Rings, ((Howard Shore)) - Sean Astin, who played Sam Gamgee, is also apparently half-Jewish.

This is why most of this thread is anime.
That song even has shallom in it lol
Before i post something i want to say that i've been following this thread even before i created my account on this forum. And thanks to it i've started to watch anime again and i enjoyed more than before (tough i did not become a weeb, lol). I always enjoy seeying people posting their Satanic view on various media (both gentile and jewish).

Now, while i am here, i want to ask you this question: What do you think about Ralph Baer, the father of videogames?
I started watching an anime called "Little Witch Academia". It's about a girl, Akko, and her two friends Lotte and Sucy, who attend a witch training academy together. The characters are charming, the plot is ethically complex, and the animation is really nice too. A major theme is tradition vs. modernity and how to proceed with modernization wisely, so there are a lot of parallels to the real world too. And of course it's about magic which is awesome.
If you have a faint of heart and not into mystery then don't pay attention to this message.

This is unrelated but this makes me question a lot. There are rumors of a lost anime(Which I think is complete bs) that has nothing Satanic but the horrific opposite. There is no video of it but people making a circle and investigating upon it.


:!: Again, if you have a faint heart, do not give yourself negativity from it. I happen to be curious with why people would apparently animate crap that seem inspired of guinea pig film series' "STUNTS". You'll see why I call it crap and is disgusted about it once you dig into it.

I am left curious on this mystery, if this exists or is this all fake. I respectfully look forward to light on this. Thank you for reading.
For those of you who like mangas and think they are expensive, there’s an app called shonen jump which gives you free chapters of most mangas not all the chapters though, the subscription costs 2$ a month and with that you can read any manga you want and all of its chapters. Unfortunately the subscription is not available in countries outside the uk or the usa but(on apple devices, i have no idea about android) on the appstore you can make an american account and buy an itunes 10$ card on places like g2a (i’ve used this) and use the app normally. I’m having a blast! Lol
Egon said:
hailourtruegod said:
But what the heck is going in that drawing o_O lol
You have to watch the movie :p (it's 16+, the manga is 18+)

You always introduce us to anime/manga with most beautiful art work. :)
Ah, another very beautiful anime movie for the family, or to watch with your spouse that I've recently watched:

Koe no Katachi (A Silent Voice). I don't recommend watching the trailers as it reveals too much.

It's hard to find but you can watch/download here:

Another best place to watch anime is here:
Egon said:
Western comics go to a new level of explict commie cringe:


"The pitch of his voice is directly proportional with the intensity of the marxism."

Explains this video well lol.

Good find though. The blatant agenda of the enemy has reached to a level that a person has to be lying to themselves if they don't acknowledge it. Hell, many smart non whites have caught on and even the dumb ones but the latter are agreeing with this propaganda but from what I've seen it's a minority compared to those who are not for this nonsense.
Do you ever see Satanic messages in art works but are afraid to share it for fear of putting the artists in danger?
Same thing when you see someone that is potentially an SS or at least a Pagan?
TopoftheAbyss said:
Do you ever see Satanic messages in art works but are afraid to share it for fear of putting the artists in danger?
Same thing when you see someone that is potentially an SS or at least a Pagan?
I thought about it but this "X artist is potentially a Pagan/Satanist/anti-semite in his private life" is always on the speculation realm and kike freaks like to ramdonly screw over the life of artists anyway even when they kiss their ass, and in my opinion interesting occult messages needed to be adressed otherwise they will be just lost Easter Eggs that most people would not understand.


I recently finished reading Goodnight Punpun and it's definitely one of the best mangas I have ever read.

A heartwrenching coming of age story that will make you reflect if you are making the efforts to lead the life you intend to and be a better person or just letting yourself be led by a cursed society, the consequences of a life without spirituality and delving into remorse, dealing depression, nihilism and suicide, self acceptance and keeping your sense of identity and self worth when toxic people want to put you down.

There's this sub-plot of a weirdo new ager who keeps preaching the end of times which I guess has to do with the message that you problems will not simply disappear, you will have another day to live and you must be strong and learn how to lead your life.

This manga is not for everyone though, some people claim it was just too heavy for them to keep reading.
The artistic part is a delight for who appreciate visual storytelling and manga with highly detailed art style.



Have you guys watched Nosferatu from 1922? Do you know if the vampire is afraid of the disgusting xian cross or just a propaganda that was created by Hollywood?
TopoftheAbyss said:
Have you guys watched Nosferatu from 1922? Do you know if the vampire is afraid of the disgusting xian cross or just a propaganda that was created by Hollywood?
The vampire was the one who created the christian cross and forced it on the gentiles to force the gentiles into occult slavery under the vampire.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
