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Stormblood said:
Weles said:
Netflix series - Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. Christians were sperging before they streamed it that it's a promotion of Satanism.
The only good things about it were the very "Hail Satan"s and "Praise Satan"s here and there and some "Hail Lilith"s in later episodes.
It seems more positive than "Lucifer" series. I've checked some scenes of Sabrina killing angels who were trying to burn alive young pagans, and her aunt praising Satan and teaching kids that Satan gave the truth and the Jewish god intended for us to be animals. I'm not telling any SS to waste time watching this but if this is not a positive thing with Satan's name on it for the general public, sneaking with some safe shit to get it going, I don't know what to call it.


This movie "The Hunt" about psycho lefturds hunting and killing normal conservative people seems interesting from this review, I'm gonna check this out:

The Hunt Was NOT The Social Justice Flick Everyone Was Dreading, It Surprised Us
The witcher series is jewish bullshit. First episode and they slander Lilith and speak negatively of the black sun. Not recommended.
I had just replayed an old pixelated indie game I hadn't touched since 2015. I won't share it's name or link to it as it is a rather psychologically dark and somber horror game, certainly not what most people are looking to deal with in these times as is, but I'm sure some might know what game I'm talking about. It has very major likenesses to the situation of today.

You're a prisoner in a quarantined cell as one of the last healthy humans unaffected by a virus that has all but wiped out humanity outside of your prison. You're only notice of the going ons of the outside world is a series of letters slipped beneath your door by a variety of characters. One character that sends you letters are messengers on behalf of the one who is imprisoning you and essentially running the show in the outside world regarding the virus, his name is Dr. Money.

Throughout the game it is revealed that he is blackmailing someone who has been assigned as your 'Happy Buddy', whose purpose is to send you happy, giggly letters of forced positivity and happiness to prevent you from doing anything stupid or trying to escape, to remain happy in your cell... all the while Dr. Money had kidnapped this guys daughters to make him do this, to which eventually it is revealed to your 'Happy Buddy' that they died from the virus and this causes him to clarify everything going on with this 'Happy Buddy' system.

Letters are sent to you from Dr. Money's organization constantly telling you 'everything is fine' and that there's 'nothing to be afraid of' and that everything is still normal, trying to keep you in the dark to what is actually going on in severity.

Dr. Money eventually reveals near the end of the game with a mock apology letter regarding his creating of the virus and how inconvenient it's become for humanity. It's evident on the outside he's running an organ market and profiting off of antidotes that are apparently killing people. In his apology letter he says:


This picture he tries to 'console' you with has a very odd look which appears far too much in the likeness of a reptilian eye.


Evidently he does not want you escaping your prison, even demanding you to ignore the letters of one of your friends who is a traveler and "speaks too much of freedom to you". Dr. Money says you're "Worth every penny." and upon your friend freeing you from your prison tries to trick you into staying by claiming everyone beyond your cell is dead and that if you stay he'll promise to tell you everything and you have the option of staying or leaving.

In this run I left for freedom, but this game has so much likeness to shit going on right now that I had no idea or didn't remember... I just felt like suddenly playing it again after 5 years only to realize this.

Kind of glad I did.
Has anyone seen the anime movie called Jin-Roh?

Supposedly it's post WW2 Japan alternate timeline if Japan and I assume Germany and the rest of the Axis powers would have won. The trailers are throwing me off. It looks like the good guys are the enforcers which are called the Wolf Brigade and the bad guys are the rebels. Seen this trailer a while ago and been meaning to ask about it. I haven't seen anything written about it here.

Much like the enemy, The Covenant from the Halo series glass planets, burning the surface to ashes.

Possible reptilian or grey activity in Iraq, 2020. Notice how similar they are?
Yurei said:
Possible reptilian or grey activity in Iraq, 2020. Notice how similar they are?


I believe that is a picture of a D.E.W.(Directed Energy Weapon) is a picture from the Australia fires of 2019/2020. Which was announced on our forums with the numerology of 480,000,000-to-510,000,000(4+8 = 12) and (5+1 = 6) dead animals in probably one of the most massive fires in the World currently and in Australian history.

It's not Iraq, Australia is the place.(https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=27164) Just one of many threads made on the forums in lae 2019, early 2020.
I took the time and played The Last of Us. I was very aware of its (((creator))), but ultimately, I didn't notice anything bothersome and I ended up fully appreciating the story, including the one DLC expansion.

Also, I can safely say that The Last of Us has a fitting story arc and ending. This "Part 2" game that is currently in development is unnecessary and wholly mistitled, in my opinion.
Is everyone super busy? Lots of Questions and topics and reports aren’t getting answered, or is it just a busy week
TopoftheAbyss said:
I played the Dishonored games and they were great but flawed.
The characters are really cool except one.
You can make choices in the game and you get to choose once to side with users of magic or church people that fight this magician and call then heretics. I didn't know what I was dealing with and I killed the wizard (who isn't a great guy, but still) and brought him to the xians where I found out it was the "burn the heretics" type, so of course I loaded a save and killed him instead.
This game has also great game design, it has victorian architecture and is set in the 1800s. Science and magic are part of its world. Its greatest scientist (Anton Sokolov, the exception of cool characters) looks Jewish as fuck, and he's an ally. I can't but hope in a sequel where it's revealed he's a villain.
The game gives you a huge choice of how to kill the enemies but if you kill many of them you get a bad end, it's turn the other cheek mentality. I know a Jew is part of the production of these games.
I also don't like how much the main characters have been aged in the second game, it's dumb.
Actually it's a very bad game with cool stuff in it. The hype made me think it was great when it's not.
I finished reading Devilman ("kaiteiban" version), and one of the biggest differences from the Netflix "Devilman Crybaby" adaptation is how banalized the character of Ryo became, very different from his manga conterpart.

Spoilers ahead:
The "Satan vs. Devilman" and "being against humanity" nonsense aside (should not be taken any more literally than "Zeus vs. Prometheus"), the motivations of Satan (Ryo) in the manga were much more complex and justified, where he WON his battle against "heavens" (alien "gods"), which was all in order to protect Earth and the Demons (the real earthlings), whereas in the Netflix version he is a dumbified biblical Lucifer who "lost against god", and there's a bunch of xtian imagery that does not exist in the manga.

One interesting thing is that in both Devilman and Maou Dante, Satan is shown as the union of a male and female. The "Demons" in there are and the anti-war message is an analogy of how the Allied forces "demonized" so to speak, Japan and Germany to justify the war:

Page from "Akuma Kishi" (prequel of Devilman):
Thief Trilogy has being by far one of my favorites games of the old times. He can capture the essence of a stealth and same as a awesome story telling.
Some allegories i had liked very much that capture the conflict between the two religious from City place.
The Hammerites: [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/thief/images/6/60/TDS_hammergod.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090326032016[img]
The Pagans: [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/thief/images/0/00/Pagan_sign.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20080612225856[img]
And the last known as The Keepers wich was beneath both conflictious ones and manifest them well hidden with order and knowledgment: [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/thief/images/2/2c/Keeper_stainedglass.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080627225700[img]
Here i left one of the scores by one of my favorites composers Eric Brosius wich brought a living momentum on the time this music is playing on the game. This pass on the second game Metal Age wich has such meaning of the Enemy archetype if you look on some references here and there and one of the first levels introduces what their actions can be done against the good will and respectfull living of nature(Pagans):
LuxSoul said:
Thief Trilogy has being by far one of my favorites games of the old times. He can capture the essence of a stealth and same as a awesome story telling.
Some allegories i had liked very much that capture the conflict between the two religious from City place.
The Hammerites: [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/thief/images/6/60/TDS_hammergod.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090326032016[img]
The Pagans: [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/thief/images/0/00/Pagan_sign.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20080612225856[img]
And the last known as The Keepers wich was beneath both conflictious ones and manifest them well hidden with order and knowledgment: [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/thief/images/2/2c/Keeper_stainedglass.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080627225700[img]
Here i left one of the scores by one of my favorites composers Eric Brosius wich brought a living momentum on the time this music is playing on the game. This pass on the second game Metal Age wich has such meaning of the Enemy archetype if you look on some references here and there and one of the first levels introduces what their actions can be done against the good will and respectfull living of nature(Pagans):
The wiki describes Pagans as primitive beasts.
TopoftheAbyss said:
LuxSoul said:
Thief Trilogy has being by far one of my favorites games of the old times. He can capture the essence of a stealth and same as a awesome story telling.
Some allegories i had liked very much that capture the conflict between the two religious from City place.
The Hammerites: [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/thief/images/6/60/TDS_hammergod.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090326032016[img]
The Pagans: [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/thief/images/0/00/Pagan_sign.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20080612225856[img]
And the last known as The Keepers wich was beneath both conflictious ones and manifest them well hidden with order and knowledgment: [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/thief/images/2/2c/Keeper_stainedglass.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080627225700[img]
Here i left one of the scores by one of my favorites composers Eric Brosius wich brought a living momentum on the time this music is playing on the game. This pass on the second game Metal Age wich has such meaning of the Enemy archetype if you look on some references here and there and one of the first levels introduces what their actions can be done against the good will and respectfull living of nature(Pagans):
The wiki describes Pagans as primitive beasts.[/quote]
True unfortunaly, sorry for the misunderstanding. I just tryed to see everything on the other side of the coin, like the truth self identity behind it. There is another civilization on the third game called The Kurshoks wich lived on the subterran levels of City. Their forms quite remember some nasty existencial civilization that co exist among us!
This season of AHS is the jewish version of Satanism, safe Satanism, and Satanism according to christian principles and the bible. Satan is not responsible for nuclear armageddons, human and animal blood sacrifices, cannibalism, feminism, modern gay culture, illuminati, drug use, race mixing, torture, harming the innocent. Who are the directors and producers behind AHS? Jews that's who.

RavenSight13 said:
Satan's storybook object lesson:
Michal langdon American horror story, portrayed as a Blond haired blue eyes, witty, charismatic, true descendant of Satan, at first given a charismatic interesting part, to emphasize what he was in two episodes.

[Bare in mind I see this as I feel Satan would were he to watch.]

Then, here comes making a fool of him, making him a common psychopath. Killing him of by witches that hate Satan. Xian is no longer the plan anyway see the sick brilliance of using witches?

As a side thing: Emphasizing hate for each gender from the opposite gender, with witches and warlocks. Making it about gender disharmony.

Making Daemons of hell do favors for the witches in thanks for betraying Satan and killing his son. Its like A anti-Satanic ceremony from start to finish or the opposite of a RTR on the American psyche.

Then at the end take the boys last shred of dignity by making him a coward using time-travel, which cant exist btw and would change nothing in the original world that happened (dbz had it more right with the cell saga. than these people and its a cartoon (*mumbles* Anime begrudgingly) , and ret-con betrayed by his earthly guardian while pushing Fanta and KFC chicken thought the show.

Some of witches are radical feminist, and lastly let him be reborn at the end as a half black half white person, and have Anton Levay pop up at the end again like comic relief or a bad B-movie ending.

I hope for a similar curse professionally and spiritually, at least, to befall these people, who I enjoyed very much before now, as the cast of the exorcist did, later in future seasons of AHS.

Sorry pretty Elsa Marz, and other favorite characters, but this is horrible. Sell out series is in the wrong line of work.

Hail Satan indeed! So predictable, I second guessed every step after the third episode.
I watched an anime called Banana Fish. The story writing itself is surprisingly good however the ending sucks.
It does show a glimpse of said maffia world. Mentions politicians making use of child sex services. The Jewish crap and a smart aryan boy falling victim to that.
The manga was written over about a decade starting in the 80's - The anime adaptation is from 2018.
It is kind of sickening to think about but it shows EXACTLY the kind of crap that has been going on.

I'd rate it 5/5 despite the crappy ending. As if someone was just done with it all..
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I watched an anime called Banana Fish. The story writing itself is surprisingly good however the ending sucks.
It does show a glimpse of said maffia world. Mentions politicians making use of child sex services. The Jewish crap and a smart aryan boy falling victim to that.
The manga was written over about a decade starting in the 80's - The anime adaptation is from 2018.
It is kind of sickening to think about but it shows EXACTLY the kind of crap that has been going on.

I'd rate it 5/5 despite the crappy ending. As if someone was just done with it all..
I attest that Banana Fish was indeed a cool anime, not a masterpiece but enjoyable nonetheless. The main character also mention the power of the Jews in a scene. The Japanse have this character archetype of the "ingenious and fiery" Nordic person as a leader figure, like Aslan in this anime and Reinhard in Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

It was kind weird though his homoerotic more-than-friendship relation with the Japanese character, but I see this as the Japanese wanting to be somehow close to and learn from their Aryan friends.

Egon said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I watched an anime called Banana Fish. The story writing itself is surprisingly good however the ending sucks.
It does show a glimpse of said maffia world. Mentions politicians making use of child sex services. The Jewish crap and a smart aryan boy falling victim to that.
The manga was written over about a decade starting in the 80's - The anime adaptation is from 2018.
It is kind of sickening to think about but it shows EXACTLY the kind of crap that has been going on.

I'd rate it 5/5 despite the crappy ending. As if someone was just done with it all..
I attest that Banana Fish was indeed a cool anime, not a masterpiece but enjoyable nonetheless. The main character also mention the power of the Jews in a scene. The Japanse have this character archetype of the "ingenious and fiery" Nordic person as a leader figure, like Aslan in this anime and Reinhard in Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

It was kind weird though his homoerotic more-than-friendship relation with the Japanese character, but I see this as the Japanese wanting to be somehow close to and learn from their Aryan friends.

I'm currently watching that anime, it's nice! and sad.................
Aquarius said:
Egon said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I watched an anime called Banana Fish. The story writing itself is surprisingly good however the ending sucks.
It does show a glimpse of said maffia world. Mentions politicians making use of child sex services. The Jewish crap and a smart aryan boy falling victim to that.
The manga was written over about a decade starting in the 80's - The anime adaptation is from 2018.
It is kind of sickening to think about but it shows EXACTLY the kind of crap that has been going on.

I'd rate it 5/5 despite the crappy ending. As if someone was just done with it all..
I attest that Banana Fish was indeed a cool anime, not a masterpiece but enjoyable nonetheless. The main character also mention the power of the Jews in a scene. The Japanse have this character archetype of the "ingenious and fiery" Nordic person as a leader figure, like Aslan in this anime and Reinhard in Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

It was kind weird though his homoerotic more-than-friendship relation with the Japanese character, but I see this as the Japanese wanting to be somehow close to and learn from their Aryan friends.

I'm currently watching that anime, it's nice! and sad.................

Yes.. I never watch that type of anime.. the only other anime that I watched that had a gang theme was 'great teacher onizuka' (GTO) ... main character is also a blonde haired person.. though Im not sure weather or not thats meant to be dye. Was a rather fun anime to watch, that one.

@Egon - And yes the homoerotic is a little weird but it was clearly said that they never kissed or had sex (after the ending of the anime I looked up the manga because I was like 'nooo that can't be the ending' and there were 2 more chapters that were aside from the main story) and I forgot if this was said in the anime or if I read it in the manga..

I hate the way it ended.. :/ but I already said that.
Egon said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
(GTO) ... main character is also a blonde haired person.. though Im not sure weather or not thats meant to be dye. Was a rather fun anime to watch, that one.
That's the "Japanese delinquent/popular student with died hair" stereotype (I know he is a teacher) not a person with European descent.
Figured as much, thanks for confirming.
Wholesome story about a girl who wants to go to the moon and make her father proud


A nice French film to watch with your girlfriend:

Martyrs (2008)

A cult of fanatics that believe in a bunch of xtian superstitions abduct and torture innocent girls until they have "revelations about the afterlife". Think about all of our people who have suffered the same fate at the hand of lunatics like these during the Inquisiton. A sorrow and rage indulcing horror film to watch before a RTR.

Watch in French not dub (and not the shitty Hollywood remake). This and the first Silent Hill movie are on my favorite horror films that depict xtians as the twisted psychos they are.
I want to ask. For those of you who saw Game of Thrones. Do you guys regret wasting nearly a decade watching the show?

Funny enough I only saw one or two episodes and I was like this is crap. The interesting part the show only got popular cause reddit made it popular. According to some memetic warfare, the reddit hype was real on that.

It's kinda like breaking bad. I saw most I'd wager to state 98% of the episodes baring three or four episodes and I regret it.

Anyone here regret watching shows? Not just the weekly wait and hype but the fact the storyline blurs out over the week and then over waiting for the new season to start. Anyone wish they would just film the whole thing and sell the entire seasons in one bulk.

I seem to recall some people call this "binge watching" but it seems like entertainment has kinda bombed out. It seems like they keep making crap and not innovating. All the shows I see are based on racial requirements like that sci-fi show with black people at the center of it or rewriting of history. Seems like nothing good is on TV it's all political and heavy handed affirmative action. And then companies wonder why people go on the internet.
Egon said:
A nice French film to watch with your girlfriend:

Martyrs (2008)

A cult of fanatics that believe in a bunch of xtian superstitions abduct and torture innocent girls until they have "revelations about the afterlife". Think about all of our people who have suffered the same fate at the hand of lunatics like these during the Inquisiton. A sorrow and rage indulcing horror film to watch before a RTR.

Watch in French not dub (and not the shitty Hollywood remake). This and the first Silent Hill movie are on my favorite horror films that depict xtians as the twisted psychos they are.
What if I don't have a girlfriend? :/
Don't know if the anime series Bleach has been mentioned here before, but i would recommend watching it.

In the manga the final antagonist is literally JEWSUS wanting to (((Unify))) all dimensions into One single(((World))) Dimension World, where ghosts,horrors, gods, and humans would HAVE to live in supposed(((Peace))) in the same dimension. Literally Diversity Is Our strength guys.

Has a lot of mysticism attached to the series, the main character gets stronger by training with what i guess is his Guardian Demon.

Also these are some of the OST's: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inqfVpkhI94

hi bros...
I recommend these animes to whatch ... (for your Quarantine Time :)) :
1 - Tears to Tiara
You can Download this from : https://anime-list10.pw/anime/4604/دانلود-انیمه-tears-to-tiara orhttp://dl3.jahesh-dl.art/?dir=Anime/Ended/Tears to Tiara/720p
2 - Tower of God (Kami No Tou) : https://anime-list10.pw/anime/7469/دانلود-انیمه-kami-no-tou
3 - Black Clover : https://anime-list10.pw/anime/5610/دانلود-انیمه-black-clover
4 - The Devil Is a Part-Timer! (Hataraku Maou sama) : https://anime-list10.pw/anime/3943/دانلود-انیمه-hataraku-maou-sama
5 - The Promised Neverland (Yakusoku no Neverland) : https://anime-list10.pw/anime/3430
6 - Pet (anime) : https://anime-list10.pw/anime/3025/دانلود-انیمه-pet
7 - Puberty Syndrome (it isn't satanic but interesting...) : https://anime-list10.pw/anime/2822/...a-yarou-wa-bunny-girl-senpai-no-yume-wo-minai

GoOd ByE :cool:
If anyone is into metal, 2/3 of the members in 'Suns of Sorath' are SS.

Therion is always great, a lot of Satanic lyrics especially on the album Vovin, Secret of the Runes, and Deggial.

The members of suns of Sorath are also in a bunch of other bands that have good material and different sounds.

M8L8TH is easily some of the best NSBM.

I feel like hardly anything mainstream, movies and music both, can be seen as Satanic because the industries are all
run by jews. Which is why so much that comes out is incredibly degenerate and/or containing negative subliminals.
This is a heart warming South African film called E'lollipop.

I think it came out in 1975. The movie is about the friendship between two children. Two boys, a black and a white during South Africa's apartheid days.

The films director had friendships with black children while he was growing up and he wanted to portray his friendship he had with the black children.

The film aims to point out that under the tensions of apartheid, most South Africans did not hate. Rather there was remarkable warmth, especially in personal relationships between the everyday diverse people of South Africa.

The film portrays what people knew was the other side of the story in South Africa.

Highly recommended, particularly at this time with the BLM movement and what's going on.

Personal Growth said:
This is a heart warming South African film called E'lollipop.

I think it came out in 1975. The movie is about the friendship between two children. Two boys, a black and a white during South Africa's apartheid days.

The films director had friendships with black children while he was growing up and he wanted to portray his friendship he had with the black children.

The film aims to point out that under the tensions of apartheid, most South Africans did not hate. Rather there was remarkable warmth, especially in personal relationships between the everyday diverse people of South Africa.

The film portrays what people knew was the other side of the story in South Africa.

Highly recommended, particularly at this time with the BLM movement and what's going on.

I personally see this as "multicultural" crap.
Aquarius said:
Personal Growth said:
This is a heart warming South African film called E'lollipop.

I think it came out in 1975. The movie is about the friendship between two children. Two boys, a black and a white during South Africa's apartheid days.

The films director had friendships with black children while he was growing up and he wanted to portray his friendship he had with the black children.

The film aims to point out that under the tensions of apartheid, most South Africans did not hate. Rather there was remarkable warmth, especially in personal relationships between the everyday diverse people of South Africa.

The film portrays what people knew was the other side of the story in South Africa.

Highly recommended, particularly at this time with the BLM movement and what's going on.

I personally see this as "multicultural" crap.

You're totally correct. I can be too emotional sometimes and I was feeling nostalgic for it I guess. A proper South African film. Understand that South Africa is really a very special place. There are indeed mass murders, out of control criminality, extreme poverty all caused by you know who.

My dad says he loves South Africa because it's the friendliest place on earth. On how you can walk down the road and get a smile out of any stranger you come across. It was another lifetime and with nostalgia I lost myself in it.

Thank you for waking me up there to the true meaning.
Personal Growth said:
Aquarius said:
Personal Growth said:
This is a heart warming South African film called E'lollipop.

I think it came out in 1975. The movie is about the friendship between two children. Two boys, a black and a white during South Africa's apartheid days.

The films director had friendships with black children while he was growing up and he wanted to portray his friendship he had with the black children.

The film aims to point out that under the tensions of apartheid, most South Africans did not hate. Rather there was remarkable warmth, especially in personal relationships between the everyday diverse people of South Africa.

The film portrays what people knew was the other side of the story in South Africa.

Highly recommended, particularly at this time with the BLM movement and what's going on.

I personally see this as "multicultural" crap.

You're totally correct. I can be too emotional sometimes and I was feeling nostalgic for it I guess. A proper South African film. Understand that South Africa is really a very special place. There are indeed mass murders, out of control criminality, extreme poverty all caused by you know who.

My dad says he loves South Africa because it's the friendliest place on earth. On how you can walk down the road and get a smile out of any stranger you come across. It was another lifetime and with nostalgia I lost myself in it.

Thank you for waking me up there to the true meaning.
All good bro:)
I would like to add the anime(s)
- A certain scientific magical index
- A certain scientific Railgun (Taoru kagaku no Railgun)

Im currently watching the latter. Its about a city called Academy city where people study ESP powers. It doesnt show any meditation but it is very interesting/fun to watch. That city is supposed to be 20 y ahead of the outside world they say.
In one of the episodes they mention quantum mechanics as part of the lessons they are having.
Powers seem limited to one thing only but we all know the truth; that this is not so.
Nevertheless, I find it fun to watch.

Ok,This Time,I'm going to be more honest,serious,and critical of japanese media by begining with Osamu Tezuka,who promoted the same hippie xian values
all over again in many of his stories, from equalitarianism to communistic environementalism
A quote From "bander book":
"The universe is indeed peaceful,
However, there is this planet, it is called earth
it was verdant and the animals lived in peace,
but humans killed the animals and stole their land
They destroyed anything and everything in name of profit
They killed one another unceasingly,they killed each other by hundred thousand
one reason for this is that discrimination hold a strong grips on their hearts,
blacks humans,whites humans,yellows humans,reds humans,from north and south
has struggeled each other for ten of thousands of years
another reasons is that religious beliefs vary from human to human,because of that repeatedly persecuted followers of other sects
the final reason is over territory just to gains smalls scraps of land thet they will steal back and forth form one another
these territorial squabbles have finally spread out into space,this is the kind of people earthling are

one of his stories, is about a Racist white american who just realized he got a heart transplant form a black man,

he was also a blatant sexual deviant who injected his transformation paraphilias in many of his stories,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uipZoRO4tYg (interview where he admited his transformation paraphilia near the end)
(look up "erotica of osamu tezuka" for more evidence)
the worst was was "merumo" which was an excuse for his age change fetish ,which caused enough controversy to cancel it's first broadcast
"Many Japanese parents reportedly hated the show, since it raised many questions from children that parents were uncomfortable with answering."
danewpath said:
Ok,This Time,I'm going to be more honest,serious,and critical of japanese media by begining with Osamu Tezuka,who promoted the same hippie xian values
all over again in many of his stories, from equalitarianism to communistic environementalism
I know that and I never liked his work. Dororo is just pure Buddhist nonsense and I don't even need to touch his "Letter to Adolf", however it has to be seen from the context of someone who lived the trauma of World War II and it backfired as his pacifistic Buddhist ideology. You won't blame Hitler's secretary who got completly brainwashed after WWII either. Same as with Isao Takahata, director of Grave of the Fireflies, which by the way is a RTR fuel and I recommend a lot (warning you will feel terrible after watching that) with our perspective of knowing (((who))) is responsible for that horror. As I said everything needs to be taken with context and I never said modern Japanese culture is perfectly Satanic, but they, like pure Icelandic people from the part of the White race, are far closer from being cleansed from enemy programs than other nations and the examples I quoted from culture reflects that.

About xtianity in anime I want to say that the protagonists of Fullmetal alchemist refuse to kill a killer whose soul was bound to an armor but don't give a fuck about the animals abused and used to make chimeras.
About xtianity in anime I want to say that the protagonists of Fullmetal alchemist refuse to kill a killer whose soul was bound to an armor but don't give a fuck about the animals abused and used to make chimeras.
Also the villains are the seven sins and one of them is the fuhrer because the cartoon is set in Germany.
danewpath said:
Of course, Japanese media is by no means exempt from the usual jewy xian corruptions. They are everywhere, even among animes and mangas you will find a lot of them. I'm not sure what other point you wanted to get at with this though. Did that guy you mentioned also make other, "good" anime? If he just generally made only filth then that's nothing special imo.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
