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Most Serious 17/March/2020

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Darkpagan666 said:
This is very frightening to say the least. Here are many SS who cannot afford to stock up for even 2 weeks, and lives in extremely dangerous areas considering the situation. What is gonna happen to them? All of us? I have stocked up for a month, for now. That is all I could do. And I am working my ass off - double shifts. I am very tired. The gods guided me to a certain studyfield which helps me a lot, but that also scares me as to what the future will bring.

Also, there is way more, actually WAY more activity on the astral now. There are also more sightings of UFO's and the like. I don't think the coming year(s) will be good at all....

There are large numbers of people [millions] who live in dangerous areas by now. Most Italian members are in a danger zone as it is. This doesn't mean by itself one won't be fine. Preparation and knowledge comes handy here.

Millions are in a dangerous situation right now, and it will be hundreds of millions after a point. After this, it all has to do with how one has prepared, what one knows, and individual luck. Other than this, the Gods do protect and will assist people. Everyone has their own personal life. Others may be safe in themselves and have loved ones exposed, or worse. The situation is global and affects millions.

The Gods will provide help and everyone must help themselves to the best of their ability. Increase your stock progressively, it doesn't have to happen in one single day. Depending on where, the situation may be better or worse.

Knowledge is indeed power, that is for sure. And I agree, i'll stock up bit by bit and as much I see fit.

I am glad I am a satanist and privileged that way.

Thank you, HPHC.
Shael said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
The injury is a definite concern though, it's a back injury but I've been on top of it as best I can be.
You should read this and try it if you haven't. It might help you fix it faster. https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15534&p=102405#p102405

I'm going to need a source for this information before I think to consider it.
This has to be a staged event. All these celebs and politicans infected, I don't buy it.

Is there some sort of disease going around, sure I might buy that.

The only thing holding me back from believing this is another 9/11(covid 19?) is that it means our enemies are countless and in high positions.
Thank you for the forewarning, again.
When the previous stocking up post was made, I didnt follow through, I was under the impression my area wouldn't be affected. However, that turned out not to be the case, and thankfully when I did go shopping today (many stores I had to go to, as most were out of all or 2 of the 3 main: beans, rice, pasta) and I managed to arrive in time to get the last bags of beans I could find.
I have now stocked up well foodwise.
Now my attention can shift to aura of protection as well as the final rtr.
Stay safe out there, everyone. Follow and trust the guides here. Do what you can.
I'm in a bad situation. I have no money and my family is poor. I also have a disability.

I want to stock up. Very badly, but my widowed mother has Bills as well as I do.

I guess I have to die from starvation.
It's suicidal, for a virus we don't know when will leave due to our government's endorsement of (((due to our leader's cooperation with the creators))), that only 2 weeks of stocking will help. Stock as long as you can. The enemy is cunning, but we will outsmart them!
Not listening to preppers..... Pretty stupid now right. All those years and still some idiots don't understand SELF preservation and the means of Independence. Stores around in this oh so prosperous growing city of mine are having empty shelves. I went to a HUGE growing mall usually stacked with people, and completely deserted and only 1-2 stores open out of....ALOT!!!! Then closed before I left.

Parking lots are empty and the closures of pretty much everything (bars, salons, eateries, clubs, church, school, ECT) DO NOT TAKE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION!!!!

Also, homeless people and shelters. Soup kitchen are gone. Tens of millions of people rely on free stuff in this country because jews monopolized everything. Things are going to get bad.....but at the same time.....jews aren't immune to the virus. With RTR all protection jews got is gone. With no church or services of the enemy, no power to fight. With xians dying for tying in to jewtrix it's pretty much done deal. Jews are done.

Also with communism, it's pretty stupid. China was BLASTED with the virus, fuck guns..... All the patrol and cops are dead from being hotshots and slaves to the enemy. You can't run gulags when all your men are sick and ill. This virus basically liberated China and this world from stupidity.

Clock..... SMASHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This virus is a blessing in disguise for this world. With people getting sick and dying, those (((people))) can't sex traffic anymore. No more kidnapping children, women and men. No more organ harvesting (((China))), no fucking WW3 as everybody is closed up.

The environment has finally caught the major break it needed to breathe again as well. If the enemy diverts their energies, they're instantly dead. Think about the power of the enemy and the manipulation of natural resources. That power is gone so the environment, the Earth, our big Blue Ball is healing itself.

Fucking Beautiful!!!!
Damn it! I waited for confirmation about corona virus because someone that died yesterday supposedly died from it... yeah, turns out he did. That person owned a restaurant and was really friendly, he would greet everyone, hang out with people that came to his restaurant, etc. He was also really old, I think he was 80 or something. He got corona virus from Italians he had eat there(which then got stopped at the border and tested positive for corona). He's the first case of death from corona in my country and he lived in a place near me.

On top of that, some winemaker died and he had a lot of people on his funeral. As it turns out, a couple there had corona-virus so now everyone there will be put under quarantine as well.All of this happened in a small town.

Borders got closed fully, no one enters or leaves at least for a while(it's for only 30 days, but with how things are going they will most likely extend that until this ends). Same with restaurants, shops, malls, bars, etc. No more than 30 people at a time are allowed to enter a supermarket. It's pretty fucked.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Shael said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
The injury is a definite concern though, it's a back injury but I've been on top of it as best I can be.
You should read this and try it if you haven't. It might help you fix it faster. https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15534&p=102405#p102405

I'm going to need a source for this information before I think to consider it.

The Necronomicon spellbook has always been on JoS. However, I would avoid using circles around the symbols. They don't really add anything of value to the energie you deal with. If anything, they contain the energy. CONTAIN, not bind. There's a difference.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I'm going to need a source for this information before I think to consider it.
It's from the necronomicon spellbook.
Eric13 said:
Blitzkreig said:
Do you have any family you can stay with or anything? Nobody wants to ask, but these are trying times.
No family. All alone... :cry:
I mean of course I’m stressed from all this. Very stressed, but at the same time, I’m doing my part as an SS the best I can. I’m confident in time, I’ll get out of this mess, and I have faith in the gods who will provide guidance/assistance considering the severity of my situation and I know they are helping me. It’s just not like things will change at the snap of a finger though. So I must be patient.

The reality is even people with good financial situations and people with homes are experiencing trying times atm, so homelessness adds to that suffering even more and it is tough, but I’m just soldiering on day by day.

These warnings I take very seriously, and what with having no home I was unable to stock when we were warned. And now supplies are sold out and have been for a bit where I live so I’ll have to wait for restocking at stores and hope I hit them before they run out again and just get what I can. It seems strongly that it’s going to get worse.

Fuck! :eek: I'm sorry to hear that!
If I had the possibility I would help you.
But unfortunately there are hard times for me too, recently... :(

I know it may sound kinda useless now but you should try to buy some scratch cards and play some lottery too, if you can.
Who knows...
Especially if you perform money spells.
In the past, and even now too sometimes, I was quite lucky in this.
Coraxo said:

slyscorpion said:

Eric13 said:

EgyptianStar666 said:

Everyone should read through this to incorporate the appropriate means of ensuring your survival on the spiritual level.

I put a lot of careful thought into that post about every detail and what the best runes and methods in general are for people to ensure their survival on the spiritual level if they struggle to do anything physically for themselves.

As for those who are welled with despair and feelings of hopelessness and fear, some words of encouragement may help you pick up onto your feet again. This is not the end of the world like the enemy corrupted tards keep preaching, and it's certainly not the end of us either.
I don’t know if it’s been mentioned yet, but for those who cannot afford to stock up very much, see if you’re able to look at edible plant guides/foraging guides for your local area just in case. Have a plan, maybe learn a few hunting/SHTF cooking tips..etc

I would also try to get this information printed or have a physical copy Incase the internet or electricity goes down.
HauptSturm said:
Guns are being bought in record numbers here in the USA. The FICS background check is being overwhelmed and not accessible, indicating a lot of gun sales. Ammo is sold out entirely. Gun sites are waiting several days for new orders. Ammo sites are waiting over a week just to take new orders and are not shipping for 2 weeks after that. Things are looking bad...
The background checks are going through and gun stores have ammo but ammo sites do not. But you shouldn't go out anyway. The ammo sites are all sold out, or are price gouging. It seems like all of America will be shut down nationwide for the next 2-4-6 weeks. Trump bucks when? Also, is this disease being sprayed from small airplanes? SPECULATING HERE, I think it may be... I expect some states to get hit hard these next few weeks........... My state particularly. Honestly my state needs some coronavirus but the spots being sprayed are the wrong (((spots))).... Come home hebrew man!!
Why is there a curfew? It would make more sense to demand stores to be open for 24 hours to ensure "national" 'social distancing'.......

STYXhexenahmmer666 has made mention of this and I have been questioning this, (privately), since before he has been saying this publicly.

We are Socially distancing, Nationally. Sooner or later it's going to be nationally socializing. Maybe, hopefully. I've been suggesting this for years now........... NATIONALISM. Maybe.................. Where I live. FUCK tourism. There are other ways. I live in a total tourism state. We are more than a tourist state. Agriculture alone will over come this crap. We supply half of America in food. Fuck this corona virus.
Has anybody on here dug an underground bunker? Eventually the air outside will become so toxic, that you won't be able to go outside without dying a slow and painful death. The only way to survive in the long run will be to go underground without any phones or trackable technology.
Kundalini666 said:
Has anybody on here dug an underground bunker? Eventually the air outside will become so toxic, that you won't be able to go outside without dying a slow and painful death. The only way to survive in the long run will be to go underground without any phones or trackable technology.
We won't get to that point fortunately, so you may stop mentally masturbating at those thoughts.
Aquarius said:
Kundalini666 said:
Has anybody on here dug an underground bunker? Eventually the air outside will become so toxic, that you won't be able to go outside without dying a slow and painful death. The only way to survive in the long run will be to go underground without any phones or trackable technology.
We won't get to that point fortunately, so you may stop mentally masturbating at those thoughts.
And the virus doesn't spread by air so that is stupid.
Aquarius said:
Kundalini666 said:
Has anybody on here dug an underground bunker? Eventually the air outside will become so toxic, that you won't be able to go outside without dying a slow and painful death. The only way to survive in the long run will be to go underground without any phones or trackable technology.
We won't get to that point fortunately, so you may stop mentally masturbating at those thoughts.

Pfft, America :roll:
What about Chloroquine? Could it seriously heali Corona?
Hearsync said:
Maxine, if Satan and Azazel told you in January that we need to stock up for 6 months, then why is it we're only hearing about this now?

Having made the necessary arrangements to stock up for +/- 2 months, as previously mentioned by the other HP's, has been no problem, until now. Things in the grocery stores are now quite chaotic, and already certain items have been unobtainable. Gatherings provisions at this point to get up to 6 months worth will be difficult - not impossible - but selection and variety is limiting

I definitely do recall some kind of warning from Maxine well over a year ago about preparing for some sort of economic struggle in the future. Could've been an unrelated situation but I guess you could say we actually foresaw this a long, long time ago and had more than enough time to prep for something like this.

I'm not entirely sure what happened but I think the fear and concerns settled down to where nobody was worried about it anymore as it seemed we thwarted the issue, thus nobody was preparing. Nothing did happen in all that time like we thought but now it is and it seems too many of us aren't prepared.
A day ago here in South Africa the news where all about the Jewish scums, that are already being ripped from breathing. That they want to go to their powerless and fucking community destroyed energy vortex. To make the non jewhish slave to get toget to spread there coronavirus. The black people I. I wish there are those who are free of mind and soul and with FATHER SATAN to help them who are searching more than what life of the Jewish media are spreading in South Africa for thay are most weak of real food and have the mind set of shearing is caring. For i am a white and wish that those black, blown and of ather colour to stand as a legion to get together and spread this bio weapon to destroy them who are agenst our true CREATER FATHER SATAN AND US!! What the Fuck with toilet papers being sold out. People with I mind will know you can wash your own ass. SOUTH AFRICANS YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN PREPARING FOR THIS YOU WERE TALLER! People need to start growing tear own food. Just a precaution who really like to fucking work most of the time for a jew or Jewish prop to get paid with digital numbers or paper money that have no wealth that is not real.



Hearsync said:
Maxine, if Satan and Azazel told you in January that we need to stock up for 6 months, then why is it we're only hearing about this now?

Having made the necessary arrangements to stock up for +/- 2 months, as previously mentioned by the other HP's, has been no problem, until now. Things in the grocery stores are now quite chaotic, and already certain items have been unobtainable. Gatherings provisions at this point to get up to 6 months worth will be difficult - not impossible - but selection and variety is limiting
This is the second or third time she told us, so if you didn't check her sermons that's your problem.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I definitely do recall some kind of warning from Maxine well over a year ago about preparing for some sort of economic struggle in the future.
I've felt and observed it coming for 2 years. It was always hanging in the air like a nasty fart and also visible in the form of diminishing buying power. We run a small family business producing food so it was not hard to see the signs. You put in the energy, time and effort but the returns are diminishing.

Right now, it is 'work or die' situation for our business because the sales of retail chains have dropped. We lowered our prices some 20% and provide fellow gentile people in the city with food. Many are quarantined or simply afraid to go out. This means non-contact home delivery. I see signs that we are doing the right thing and that I'm protected - '666' is everywhere when I drive around with the van. We are exhausted and a bit sleep deprived to put it mildly, but feeling okay. I'm also all-in to keep up the warfare on top of that. My minimum is 4 RTRs daily, in addition to race awareness and personal rituals. Yes, it is tough but we will overcome this enemy crisis.
HPs Maxine mi hai salvato il culo all'ultimo momento. Oggi quá dove sono io cominciano a bloccare tutto, e io in 2 giorni ho fatto spesa per minimo 5 mesi. Ho la vasca da bagno piena di carta igienica :lol: :lol:. Ho piú di 120 casce di acqua. Per non parlare del cibo e tutto il resto. Quando tante gente infame di merda verso maggio non avrá piú scorta, specialmente per l'intimo, gli venderó io i prodotti (ho sicuramente 1500 pacchettini di falzoletti di carta, carta igienica a non finire e 150 pacchi di sarviettine umidificate). Gli faró pagare 20 volte piú del prezzo normale a questi infami
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Io intanto mi ritiro ancora di più in meditazione e allenamento. Dopo questa crisi voglio uscirne molto forte, sia spiritualmente, e anche fisicamente. Ho giá progettato tutte le mie meditazioni, per soldi, forza e tutto il resto
Rambo said:
HPs Maxine mi hai salvato il culo all'ultimo momento. Oggi quá dove sono io cominciano a bloccare tutto, e io in 2 giorni ho fatto spesa per minimo 5 mesi. Ho la vasca da bagno piena di carta igienica :lol: :lol:. Ho piú di 120 casce di acqua. Per non parlare del cibo e tutto il resto. Quando tante gente infame di merda verso maggio non avrá piú scorta, specialmente per l'intimo, gli venderó io i prodotti (ho sicuramente 1500 pacchettini di falzoletti di carta, carta igienica a non finire e 150 pacchi di sarviettine umidificate). Gli faró pagare 20 volte piú del prezzo normale a questi infami
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Io intanto mi ritiro ancora di più in meditazione e allenamento. Dopo questa crisi voglio uscirne molto forte, sia spiritualmente, e anche fisicamente. Ho giá progettato tutte le mie meditazioni, per soldi, forza e tutto il resto

Mr. Rambo, se non scrivi in Inglese nessuno ti capirà.
Gerecht Ror said:
Rambo said:
HPs Maxine mi hai salvato il culo all'ultimo momento. Oggi quá dove sono io cominciano a bloccare tutto, e io in 2 giorni ho fatto spesa per minimo 5 mesi. Ho la vasca da bagno piena di carta igienica :lol: :lol:. Ho piú di 120 casce di acqua. Per non parlare del cibo e tutto il resto. Quando tante gente infame di merda verso maggio non avrá piú scorta, specialmente per l'intimo, gli venderó io i prodotti (ho sicuramente 1500 pacchettini di falzoletti di carta, carta igienica a non finire e 150 pacchi di sarviettine umidificate). Gli faró pagare 20 volte piú del prezzo normale a questi infami
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Io intanto mi ritiro ancora di più in meditazione e allenamento. Dopo questa crisi voglio uscirne molto forte, sia spiritualmente, e anche fisicamente. Ho giá progettato tutte le mie meditazioni, per soldi, forza e tutto il resto

Mr. Rambo, se non scrivi in Inglese nessuno ti capirà.
Per tanti anni sono stato seduto davanti al Computer a lavorare e scrivere con il traduttore. Non ho piú i nervi e la pazienza di continuare a scrivere con il traduttore. Anche perchè non riesco più a lavorare con il Computer. Il suo ronzio mi fa uscire pazzo. Io mi traduco sempre tutto in italiano. Quindi se a qualcuno interessa quello che scrivo, deve tradurselo anche lui, senó niente
I got a lot of canned food and cheap stuff but at least this is better than not surviving at least a couple months worth that’s the best I could do. My intuition tells me if I need to go far up north it’s kind of isolated up in the far north of my state and a lot of woods and places up there where you can drive for 20 miles and see nothing of civilization. I will make sure I have money for gas to get out of here if need be. I have a friend I really care about even though she isn’t fully ss right now we are kind of preparing toghether and I will show her more stuff on the JOS now that we are not working (the place laid off all workers like us they closed it pretty much except for a few essential things)

I think I will be fine but I am scared a little. I wasn’t fully prepared for this mentally even though I kind of sensed something really bad was going to happen soon since around January in the energy. I see a social collapse around April and that people maybe shouldn’t be in really big cities without some form of protection and ability to be tough and survive. I don’t like it but i will think positive or try too.
Blitzkreig said:
Aku said:
Man I can’t get my dumbass mother to stock up and I’m in no way of shape do it my self Cause I’m extremely poor plus I wish people would quit making a joke of it with these crappy memes FUCK

Double down on your efforts to convince her, try and use some official normie sources. Does she listen to you and is merely unconvinced, or does she just not want to hear it?

What resources do you have around you? We can place some hope that the military will supply food to quarantined populaces, but we cannot rely on it. If you live near nature, perhaps you could source food from fishing or foraging. If you have land around you, perhaps you could plant crops now to sustain you with enough time.

How much money do you have? Consider selling off non-essentials now, if that means you can secure a means of nourishment for yourself. Instead of thinking "I don't have the money for 6 months of cans" ask yourself if you have the money for farming or fishing equipment that may instead sustain you for that period.

Good luck, and I hope your situation improves.
thanks for the reply brother the virus is getting close she’s finally going to try to if the store isn’t cleaned out and I do live around nature I’m trying to get a rifle or pistol to go hunting but only problem is something with red glowing eyes that are close together has been seen around and the normie stuff already got to her so she now knows to stock up friends and family been telling her to May the gods and goddesses bless you bud
Rambo said:
Gerecht Ror said:
Rambo said:
HPs Maxine mi hai salvato il culo all'ultimo momento. Oggi quá dove sono io cominciano a bloccare tutto, e io in 2 giorni ho fatto spesa per minimo 5 mesi. Ho la vasca da bagno piena di carta igienica :lol: :lol:. Ho piú di 120 casce di acqua. Per non parlare del cibo e tutto il resto. Quando tante gente infame di merda verso maggio non avrá piú scorta, specialmente per l'intimo, gli venderó io i prodotti (ho sicuramente 1500 pacchettini di falzoletti di carta, carta igienica a non finire e 150 pacchi di sarviettine umidificate). Gli faró pagare 20 volte piú del prezzo normale a questi infami
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Io intanto mi ritiro ancora di più in meditazione e allenamento. Dopo questa crisi voglio uscirne molto forte, sia spiritualmente, e anche fisicamente. Ho giá progettato tutte le mie meditazioni, per soldi, forza e tutto il resto

Mr. Rambo, se non scrivi in Inglese nessuno ti capirà.
Per tanti anni sono stato seduto davanti al Computer a lavorare e scrivere con il traduttore. Non ho piú i nervi e la pazienza di continuare a scrivere con il traduttore. Anche perchè non riesco più a lavorare con il Computer. Il suo ronzio mi fa uscire pazzo. Io mi traduco sempre tutto in italiano. Quindi se a qualcuno interessa quello che scrivo, deve tradurselo anche lui, senó niente

Sarà meglio che porti un po' più di rispetto al forum e agli HP che devono leggere i tuoi messaggi.
Gerecht Ror said:
Rambo said:
Gerecht Ror said:
Mr. Rambo, se non scrivi in Inglese nessuno ti capirà.
Per tanti anni sono stato seduto davanti al Computer a lavorare e scrivere con il traduttore. Non ho piú i nervi e la pazienza di continuare a scrivere con il traduttore. Anche perchè non riesco più a lavorare con il Computer. Il suo ronzio mi fa uscire pazzo. Io mi traduco sempre tutto in italiano. Quindi se a qualcuno interessa quello che scrivo, deve tradurselo anche lui, senó niente

Sarà meglio che porti un po' più di rispetto al forum e agli HP che devono leggere i tuoi messaggi.
Ok, Im so sorry. I never do it, ok. I am very sorry!
:roll: :arrow: :shock:
attention gerecht, rambo has been making squares for 7 years ....
vibrates for more than 2 hours a day, is a martial arts expert.
And invent new and strange techniques for making squares.
So be careful how you talk to him ....
If he wants to write in any language he can do it, we have to translate.
(Of course I'm kidding, rambo is just a tiny tiny delusion)
One of the funniest subliminal thing about Rambo is that the movie character was interpreted by a testosteroned jew named Gardenzio :

Michael Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone (...) his American mother is of French (from Brittany) and Ukrainian-Jewish (from Odessa) descent.


Stormblood said:
He's also a bodybuilding expert (more like ego-building), a weightlifting expert (more like ego-lifting) and gymnastics expert, not to mention a nutrition expert. Next he will be speaking bioinformatics, instead of Italian or English.
Signorina a18 anni io ero giá campione tedesco di Muay-Thai. A 14 anni caricavo giá sacchi di cemento di 50 Kg sui cantieri tutto il giorno. E non stavo come oggi a farmi seghe davanti al PC :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hearsync said:
Maxine, if Satan and Azazel told you in January that we need to stock up for 6 months, then why is it we're only hearing about this now?

Having made the necessary arrangements to stock up for +/- 2 months, as previously mentioned by the other HP's, has been no problem, until now. Things in the grocery stores are now quite chaotic, and already certain items have been unobtainable. Gatherings provisions at this point to get up to 6 months worth will be difficult - not impossible - but selection and variety is limiting

Hope this can help in these trying times for you. Do not wait or tire in the will to survive. Out of everyone out there it is those that are directly involved in the struggle against our enemies that need to to survive most.

SS66610888 said:
attention gerecht, rambo has been making squares for 7 years ....
vibrates for more than 2 hours a day, is a martial arts expert.
And invent new and strange techniques for making squares.
So be careful how you talk to him ....
If he wants to write in any language he can do it, we have to translate.
(Of course I'm kidding, rambo is just a tiny tiny delusion)
E tu da dove esci dall'uovo di pascqua :lol:. SÌ hai capito bene, da 7 anni. Ho fatto piú quadrati io da quante volte tu te le sei procurato da solo. Il problema é che voi non leggete con mente aperta quello che scrivo. Non mi permetterei mai di cambiare quello che dice JOS. Leggi attentamente quello che ho scritto. I quadrati vanno esegui come ci insegna JOS. Peró se uno ha capito a quali principi si attiene l'energia di un quadrato, se hai capito il significato di 216, e se tu hai le palle per vibrare 216 volte al giorno per la durata del quadrato, puoi potenziare l'effetto. Io quá sul Forum non mi sottometto a nessuno. Se mi sbaglio io accetto rimproveri solo da Big Don. Peró io penso di non aver detto niente di male. Ho fatto Marte con 216, e a metá strada del quadrato l'energia é diventata molto potente. Poi verso il 20simo giorno l'energia e diventata di nuovo molto potente. Oggi é Lunedí e ancora sento gli effetti del quadrato che ho finito venerdí. Io parlo per esperienza e non voglio confondere nessuno. Ho sempre detto fin dall'inizio del Topic che tutti devono attenersi a JOS. Se mi sbaglio, o io stia mentendo (non ho mai scritto una cosa che non sia vera, o che non rispecchi la mia esperienza) io voglio che Big Don mi faccia il culo e mi dice di smetterla.
Stormblood said:
He's also a bodybuilding expert (more like ego-building), a weightlifting expert (more like ego-lifting) and gymnastics expert, not to mention a nutrition expert. Next he will be speaking bioinformatics, instead of Italian or English.
Ah un altra cosa: il titolo l'ho vinto per KO!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
