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Most Serious 17/March/2020

Fuchs said:
Are the 6 MONTHS ONLY USA RELATED or eu and other parts of the world as well ?

Thanks High Priestess Maxine Dietrich for the warning and info.

Likely all places. While supply chains and government action differs, the pandemic will force similar quarantine measures regardless of where you live, with the subsequent economic and social disruptions that follow.
Poweredbythesun said:
Should we prepare for water and electricity to get shut off?

You can assume the military will keep on the water and electricity. If they didn't, it would be utter chaos at that point. If you are worried, get a few cases of water, get a product called a waterbob, which fits into a bathtub for you to fill it with water prior to any shutoffs. Also consider a lifestraw or similar filter device if you live near a natural source of water.

Electricity may not be as much of a problem if life is already on standstill. Most nonperishable items may not even need electricity to prepare them to eat. The biggest downside of electricity going down is the hospitals rendered useless and any frozen or refrigerated items spoiling. I don't foresee that happening, because like I said, it would become a complete nightmare, and so the military wouldn't let it happen.
Blackdragon666 said:
Honestly guys, can't we help each other out? We know Eric is a legit SS, if anyone lives near him or not so far, why not take him in? These are fucked up times we're living in and we can't let our own suffer to certain extents if we can help it. Lacking supplies is one thing but lacking a home especially at this point in time is one of the worst ordeals.

The problem is not in the intent of fellow SS, but more so in accurately and safely communicating with personal details. Someone wishing harm on Eric could ask for his details, then use them against him, now knowing his exact situation, where his at, his name, etc.

It is not that it cannot all work out, but it is just risky because it could lead to doxxing.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Read carefully what HPS Maxine said. She said, in January, they told her to stock for 6 months minimum. This from today is until July.

People have ignored our warnings and believed what the TV said, and the shills, and some ended up fighting over jugs of water in wallmart with meth'd out freaks. There is still time to act now. By mid April the situation will be mostly chaotic, IMO, depending on where one lives. Do not risk it and prepare now.

Hmm, I don't know. Just because the warning was given in January, that doesn't mean the content of the stockpile should start being used then. The way I interpret it, we were told to create a stockpile capable of lasting 6 months in length. However, perhaps the stockpile would not be actually put into use until say April when the situation will turn chaotic, like you said.

What is unclear to me is whether they said to actively create a stockpile for a period of 6 months, or to create a stockpile capable of withstanding 6 months of use.
Coraxo said:
It's literally impossible for me to store food that would last 6 month because of money issues. All I was able to store would barely last a month, I'm waiting for my next salary to buy more but until then stores will probably be wiped clean.
Indeed, I think this is a real issue and should be directly addressed by the HPs. Many of us cant possibly store food for 6 whole months, so giving some "minimum threshold" would be very helpful. A friend of mine has used all his savings for food storage and it will still only last for two months. Not addressing this directly with some numbers that we can plan on (like "X months is the minimum anyone should have") just causes people to panic and be scared more.

It may also be good to clarify on which warnings are more directly meant for US residents and which are directed at people globally. For example with the government lockdowns that seem to be likely in the US, from my point of view it's still unclear whether Maxine meant that they are also likely to happen in most other countries around the world.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I am legit in a very difficult position to even begin stocking up for even 2 weeks, let alone 6 months. I've been working hard to heal an injury that has been preventing me from walking even 2 blocks and lifting even 10 pounds, and I'm not allowed to hoard food where I live.

There's the possibility of a storage unit but then how will I haul all the food in? I don't have a car and again the injury. And if we get quarantined in our homes then the housing program I live in won't let me outside to even get the food when I need it. I'm prepared otherwise regarding masks, hand sanitizers and bug-out survival items with a bag at the ready for the worst. Food is the only problem.

Does anybody have any advice? If I can just last until summer I know some ways to forage food from the wild which could give me a bit of edge, but I need to be able to last more than 6 months.
If you can, talk to a friend/acquaintance/relative and tell them you will pay them to help you. People often are willing to do stuff like this for a bit of money. It will cost you more but you will atleast get food stocked up. I think you should prioritize getting it into the storage unit atleast, even if there is a risk of being locked in your house. Better to have food reserves somewhere than to have none at all. I'm sure opportunities will arise for you to access the storage if/when you need it.
Thanks I was let known the same and stocked up for a year plus. I suggest people start planting vegetables now as well. If you are really short and only have 2 months supply or less start rationing now and limit what you would normally eat to the bare minimum, but dont starve yourself either. Be smart and stay safe Brothers and Sisters
Jack could you collect all articles you have shared about the financial issues so they can be posted on the CoVid Megathread?

Only those not already present in the megathread links should suffice.

Like if you can, also put them in a series according to their date. I'd do this myself but I can't through this device. If anyone else can do this, that would be helpful, since the topic requires an update.

Jack said:

Coronavirus Spreads To All 50 States As 1st Case Reported In West Virginia; NYPD Officer Tests Positive

33 Million Jobs Lost: Mnuchin Tells Congress That Without Bailiouts, Depression Era Unemployment Awaits

Global Financial Crisis 2.0: CPFF Down, AMFL, MMIFF, PDCF And TAF On Deck

New York Suspends Collection Of Medical, Student Debt

Trump And Mnuchin Discussing $1.2 Trillion Package To Fund Stimulus Checks; Delayed IRS Payments

This Is The 'Terrifying' New Research That Sparked Trump's Aggressive Change Of Tone On Virus
An alarming scientific report compiled by British researchers and shared with the Trump White House warns that, in the absence of drastic and coordinated government action, the novel coronavirus could kill as many as 2.2 million people in the United States alone.

The new research (pdf), led by epidemiologist Dr. Neil Ferguson and published Monday by the Imperial College of London, shows that merely acting to slow rather than completely stop the spread of COVID-19 would "still likely result in hundreds of thousands of deaths and health systems (most notably intensive care units) being overwhelmed many times over."

"For countries able to achieve it, this leaves suppression as the preferred policy option," the researchers wrote. "In the U.K. and U.S. context, suppression will minimally require a combination of social distancing of the entire population, home isolation of cases, and household quarantine of their family members. This may need to be supplemented by school and university closures."

Successful suppression of the virus could take a significant amount of time, the researchers noted — "potentially 18 months or more."
Everyone here from the United States [and other countries since the enemy is forced and they have to give money to people, it's getting EITHER OR for them in many places] be aware that there may be packages financial packages incoming. Make sure to get these and have a plan going. Check the news about that.
This is very frightening to say the least. Here are many SS who cannot afford to stock up for even 2 weeks, and lives in extremely dangerous areas considering the situation. What is gonna happen to them? All of us? I have stocked up for a month, for now. That is all I could do. And I am working my ass off - double shifts. I am very tired. The gods guided me to a certain studyfield which helps me a lot, but that also scares me as to what the future will bring.

Also, there is way more, actually WAY more activity on the astral now. There are also more sightings of UFO's and the like. I don't think the coming year(s) will be good at all....
Blitzkreig said:
Artanis said:
My family lives on ´´countryside``, so we have a well, which supported about 12 years all 5 in my family. So no need for water, me and my siblings can move to my parents house. But on food, i *seriously* cant get them to realize, that we would NEED to stock up on few weeks, let alone for 6 *MONTHS*.

Anyone have any ideas on how i could convince them? Any finnish people who could link me some finnish articles about the world economy going to shit and what it means for a citizen?

I did a quick bit of googling, but couldn't find anything Finland specific. You are better off browsing local sources to see what they say about, or perhaps looking at Europe-scaled articles.

It is possible you may not be able to convince, not merely just in time for the virus, but also in the magnitude of their response. I would suggest using whatever wealth you have to stock, and when the times comes for them to use it, perhaps they will pay you back later for it.

Additionally, play into your strengths and consider setting up a giant garden. It won't be immediate, but it will be enough to sustain you, if you plant enough crops. It will also give you the long term food source that you may be unable to provide through stockpiling.

My family lives on countryside, not me. I live in a high-rise apartment so... Pretty hard to put up a garden here :D
hailourtruegod said:
I know our aura of protections and the gods protecting us will help us here and our loved ones especially those who partake in the RTRs when they can. My question is for those who are legally able to should we look into obtaining guns and stuff as well? The stuff in the beginning I mentioned will definitely work I just want to get a 2nd opinion if I should still try to get other means of self defense regardless?

Yeah, if you have the means, go for it. I would suggest getting a smaller rifle if you aren't trained with handguns. Handguns take a decent amount of practice to beome accurate, and if you are quarantined, you likely won't be able to practice. Try and find a lower caliber rifle, such as a 9mm carbine-style pistol (like the Stribog) or maybe a smaller .22 rifle.

Handguns are obviously cheaper than carbines or rifles, however they do take some practice to use proficiently, whereas rifles can be used as short ranges by most people with little trouble. The problem is that they cost more, and are larger, hence why I mentioned a 9mm carbine as the best option for an untrained person.

Another good, cheap means of defense are shotguns, but obviously they are pretty bulky and you cannot walk around with them. The recoil will also be greater, and I would suggest getting a buttpad if you can find one, it will make it easier to shoot.
Shael said:
My family has stocked up enough food for around 2 months, maybe 3-4 if we eat sparingly. Is this enough or should we try to get more?

A tip for water. Dollar tree, still allows you to buy boxes of 6 gallons. To not start a scene, I have been picking up 2 boxes at a time, from every dollar tree, in a 30 mile radius.

I have 12 Boxes so far. I will need 30 boxes, which will equal 180 Gallons, for a 1 Gallon a day for 6 months.

From here, I'm thinking, canned salmon, canned green beans. You could do canned Beans, plenty of calories. Best to find no salt added, as they load them up with too much.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Things are not looking good unfortunately I can’t stock up because family doesn’t take it serious. There is one thing holding back total communism. Guns. But I’m certain in cities there will be mandatory confiscations door to door, or if you don’t turn in your AR-15 you don’t get government ration, etc. Remember people Juden has already lost and are now pulling out all the stops. We have to make it through this.

God damnit! I keep reading the same reply. That people are unable to stock up. If it wasn't for the matter of fucking privacy, I would travel this country, and help you stock up.

I am sorry, that I am unable to do anything.
Satan must have a plan.
Nikois666 said:
Israel is also infected, or are they lying? I think it is true, the cases are 250 right now and going up pretty fast. I guess it backfired on them, lol.

You can know the lie by its size, there is thousands circassian +ethiopian +Asians Holding israel passport living in israel probably those are infected , jews are Minority they won't sacrifice their reptile RH blood
EasternFireLion666 said:
They have over 300 cases and no deaths which only means they know the virus that well
You can know the lie by its size ,other ethnicity whom holding israel passport(nationality ) are infected .
don't believe Jnews they are the masters of Fake Social Media .
Artanis said:
My family lives on ´´countryside``, so we have a well, which supported about 12 years all 5 in my family. So no need for water, me and my siblings can move to my parents house. But on food, i *seriously* cant get them to realize, that we would NEED to stock up on few weeks, let alone for 6 *MONTHS*.

Anyone have any ideas on how i could convince them? Any finnish people who could link me some finnish articles about the world economy going to shit and what it means for a citizen?

My Family resisted me. I said the Financial Collapse is here. They said yup that's gonna be bad.

I said yes it is. So bad in fact. That you stupid motherfuckers are going to die! Because you are to mentally lazy and weak! To realize you need food and water, when it won't be available!!

They said well...

Here's how this is going to work. I am going to stock food and water In your house. Worst comes to worst, you dont have to go to the store for a while.

You're welcome to try and stop me. But we all know how well that works out. In the end one of your rooms will have food and water. So are we all in agreeance now? Oh good.

Then began stocking for them.

Then they came around. Like oh well, it's not going to get bad, cuz media says it's all okay. But thanks for the food.

I have lost the ability to be subtle though...

2.5 trillion wiped out as stocks crash worse since 2008,Fed might attempt bailout


Fed Bailout FAILS even with 700 billion injection and zero interest rates

Trump says we MIGHT BE in a Recession, Talks about Quarantine,
Mayor grants herself power thru exec order to Sieze Private property,ban guns



33 Million Jobs Lost: Mnuchin Tells Congress That Without Bailiouts, Depression Era Unemployment Awaits

Trump And Mnuchin Discussing $1.2 Trillion Package To Fund Stimulus Checks; Delayed IRS Payments(UBI and sending checks to americans )

New York Suspends Collection Of Medical, Student Debt

Global Financial Crisis 2.0: CPFF Down, AMFL, MMIFF, PDCF And TAF On Deck

Ohio Unemployment Skyrockets By 600% After All Bars & Restaurants Shuttered


Too much - and still not enough (discussion of failed QE and UBI Plan)

Italian Debt Crashes Prompting ECB Intervention

The Insanity Continues: Futures Crash Limit Down, S&P Indicated 6% Lower
MiniMe3388 said:
I hope that each of the Satanic Brothers and Sisters will have enough food. What is happening in the world is scary. :(

I know it's like I cannot even Venmo money. As my personal information would be attached, and I dont wanna give support a jew on accident.

But I dont want our warriors to die.

I mean just think of the implications, if this Eric is an Aryan. Out on the streets, still doing RTRs. While people are too lazy to do them, while having everything.

If this, Is some lone warrior and I have the ability to help him. What would Hitler think of me in this time?

NOW, is where we make our Gods proud! Not shrink from fighting! Fear is OUT! We must prove to them our medal!! In at least, stocking up, surviving, and doing the RTRs!

Look at what you have!!!

Are you Homeless?? Are you penniless? No?? Thank Satan. Now what are you willing to do to survive????
Hey for any members in need of emergency supply I found this website that may be of use. I myself ordered a few things from them recently.


I hope this helps, If I find anymore I’ll drop a link.
Larissa666 said:
In Israel they just passed the law that allows the government to spy on every phone which is in use in Israel. Excuse is: “to better fight corona virus”.

This is the proof of concept. If they can do this in israel, they can do it anywhere. This situation is the exercise of control, they want to see to what extent are people obedient, and listen to what they are said.

This :!:
"You can't eat toilet paper". "No shit".
Just humor, nothing personal to anyone.
Speaking of plagues,,, will they bring the China Locusts over to other countries and continents as well ?
Maxine, if Satan and Azazel told you in January that we need to stock up for 6 months, then why is it we're only hearing about this now?

Having made the necessary arrangements to stock up for +/- 2 months, as previously mentioned by the other HP's, has been no problem, until now. Things in the grocery stores are now quite chaotic, and already certain items have been unobtainable. Gatherings provisions at this point to get up to 6 months worth will be difficult - not impossible - but selection and variety is limiting
And Christians are saying the the new Vaccines coming out like in Denmark are the Mark of The Beast.
( Certain Damnation,, ha ha ha ) according to the Christians.
Did they do this with the Measles, Mumps, Chicken Pox,, etc. Back in the 1900s ?
Like the D&D Satanic Panic Jew shit,,, Same nonsense different century ???
Tips for convincing family to stock up on food

My parents were laughing at me for stocking up in January. They told me its a waste of money; nothing will happen. But, recently that changed and now they're on board with prepping. What changed? In the case of my parents, they love going to Florida to vacation at the theme parks. Disney, Universal, and all other theme parks in Florida has shut down until at-least the end of march, with how serious the virus is it will definitely be longer. Now that their bubble has been popped they are all on board to prep and take it seriously now. The point is find something your family enjoys and point out the impact the corona virus is having on their events.

Point out how the NBA shut down if they like sports, or how concerts are shutting down if they like music. Any number of things. Restaurants in the U.S. for many parts of the country now only allow delivery. Point out how the stock market is falling 10% a day; point out how the fed pumping trillions into the stock-market will cause hyperinflation. Point out how ports on the west coast aren't receiving goods from China: no goods = no economy = layoffs. Odds are something your family likes is affected by the corona virus. Assemble a bunch of videos and articles to persuade them how bad it is like a lawyer convinces a jury to accept his point of view.

https://www.investing.com/indices/major-indices This shows the stock-market is falling EVERYWHERE
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1pFHh4EYxI This shows the port of L.A. is completely empty
Coronavirus Map that shows cases in your area, it might be a useful visualization tool to show family the nature of the situation
https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/03/15/coronavirus-bars-restaurants-closed-states/5055634002/ Point out how bars and restaurants are closing
https://www.amazon.com/Maruchan-Ramen-Chicken-Tortilla-Pack/dp/B003OB4DR8/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32Y271J8JLODP&keywords=24%2Bramen%2Bnoodles&qid=1584548787&sprefix=24%2Bramen%2Bnoodles%2Caps%2C230&sr=8-1&swrs=62999E4C2CDF8C286C6138017AC59744&th=1 Point out how food is selling out on amazon. Currently unavailable or severe price markups might wake them up
https://www.amazon.com/Augason-Farms-30-Day-Emergency-Storage/dp/B00IW1NQDC/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=augason+farms+emergency+food&qid=1584549097&sr=8-1 This item is usually 90 dollars, now it is 300 - 500 dollars.
https://news.yahoo.com/bill-gates-resigns-boards-microsoft-233024734.html Bill Gates resigns amid coronavirus outbreak and donates 100 million shekels to fight corona virus
https://www.resignation.info/list Show them a list of CEOS, Board members resigning

These are examples you can use. My relative is freaking out now that they can't sit down at restaurants and think they have the corona virus even though there is no cases in our area. Stay calm and tailor an argument suited to your family to get your food. Ramen noodles are super cheap, 5 dollars for 24 pack of 2 serving packets. Buy foods with most bang for your buck. Good luck and stay safe.
Blitzkreig said:
Fuchs said:
Are the 6 MONTHS ONLY USA RELATED or eu and other parts of the world as well ?

Thanks High Priestess Maxine Dietrich for the warning and info.

Likely all places. While supply chains and government action differs, the pandemic will force similar quarantine measures regardless of where you live, with the subsequent economic and social disruptions that follow.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fuchs said:
Are the 6 MONTHS ONLY USA RELATED or eu and other parts of the world as well ?

Thanks High Priestess Maxine Dietrich for the warning and info.

Read carefully what HPS Maxine said. She said, in January, they told her to stock for 6 months minimum. This from today is until July.

People have ignored our warnings and believed what the TV said, and the shills, and some ended up fighting over jugs of water in wallmart with meth'd out freaks. There is still time to act now. By mid April the situation will be mostly chaotic, IMO, depending on where one lives. Do not risk it and prepare now.

Thanks for the answer HP. Hoodedcobra666. Will do.
Ghost in the Machine said:
The injury is a definite concern though, it's a back injury but I've been on top of it as best I can be.
You should read this and try it if you haven't. It might help you fix it faster. https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15534&p=102405#p102405
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Everyone here from the United States [and other countries since the enemy is forced and they have to give money to people, it's getting EITHER OR for them in many places] be aware that there may be packages financial packages incoming. Make sure to get these and have a plan going. Check the news about that.

Yes, in the USA it'll be done in 2 weeks they said. Seems like everyone will get it except for the really rich which makes sense since it'll just be 1k-2k or maybe more for those that have many children.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Everyone here from the United States [and other countries since the enemy is forced and they have to give money to people, it's getting EITHER OR for them in many places] be aware that there may be packages financial packages incoming. Make sure to get these and have a plan going. Check the news about that.

This can have a double edged sword effect. Almost like the silver lining here is more so a facade that might really plummet the economy.

Not saying it won’t help, but there’s a short lived effect of such, seems (((they))) have really driven this to a point of no return where everything will go under.

Real solution as explained in the video below, are solutions but are nonetheless unpractical at the moment. The predicament is that they don’t have enough plugs to plug the holes in dams they created. It’s sad.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Whhh2gf5cyo&t=1388s (13:42 to END) is especially what I’m referring too.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Everyone here from the United States [and other countries since the enemy is forced and they have to give money to people, it's getting EITHER OR for them in many places] be aware that there may be packages financial packages incoming. Make sure to get these and have a plan going. Check the news about that.

It still is a bright side to look on. And one which many should be aiming to benefit from while the ship slowly sinks, which it inevitably will sadly at this point. I’m sure you were aware of the China and US problem having written about it extensively before and the National Socialist motto. Hitler’s approach is the way, hoping someone like him can give the boot to these criminals.
Blitzkreig said:
Do you have any family you can stay with or anything? Nobody wants to ask, but these are trying times.
No family. All alone... :cry:
I mean of course I’m stressed from all this. Very stressed, but at the same time, I’m doing my part as an SS the best I can. I’m confident in time, I’ll get out of this mess, and I have faith in the gods who will provide guidance/assistance considering the severity of my situation and I know they are helping me. It’s just not like things will change at the snap of a finger though. So I must be patient.

The reality is even people with good financial situations and people with homes are experiencing trying times atm, so homelessness adds to that suffering even more and it is tough, but I’m just soldiering on day by day.

These warnings I take very seriously, and what with having no home I was unable to stock when we were warned. And now supplies are sold out and have been for a bit where I live so I’ll have to wait for restocking at stores and hope I hit them before they run out again and just get what I can. It seems strongly that it’s going to get worse.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
quote="The Alchemist7"] They do these military practices every single year for decades, sometimes more than once per year. There is nothing about it that is uncommon or threatening. They get all the soldiers, the tanks and trucks, and they basically go camping in the woods for a week or 2. And they act out and pretend how they would move if there was some enemy going against them. The whole thing is really about practicing to see how well they can get all their equipment set up in the middle of the woods, like their communications equipment. And practice for the soldiers to see how well they can live out in the woods for a week or 2, and how well they can use a map and compass to move to another location a few miles away. There is no threat in any of this, there is nothing uncommon about this, and it is not anything unusual. They do this every year, sometimes multiple times per year, and have been doing it since NATO started.
They say it's the biggest NATO millitary exercise in the history. But the thing is that all these millitary exercises are done for war reasons, otherwise NATO wouldn't even exist in the first place.

The irony is that when NATO and US come just next to Russia with tens of thousands of soldiers and equipment is called a millitary exercise, but if Russia would come with tens of thousands of soldiers in Mexico or somewhere near US, the jewish media will scream like it's the end of the world and undeclared war between Russia and US.
Darkpagan666 said:
This is very frightening to say the least. Here are many SS who cannot afford to stock up for even 2 weeks, and lives in extremely dangerous areas considering the situation. What is gonna happen to them? All of us? I have stocked up for a month, for now. That is all I could do. And I am working my ass off - double shifts. I am very tired. The gods guided me to a certain studyfield which helps me a lot, but that also scares me as to what the future will bring.

Also, there is way more, actually WAY more activity on the astral now. There are also more sightings of UFO's and the like. I don't think the coming year(s) will be good at all....

There are large numbers of people [millions] who live in dangerous areas by now. Most Italian members are in a danger zone as it is. This doesn't mean by itself one won't be fine. Preparation and knowledge comes handy here.

Millions are in a dangerous situation right now, and it will be hundreds of millions after a point. After this, it all has to do with how one has prepared, what one knows, and individual luck. Other than this, the Gods do protect and will assist people. Everyone has their own personal life. Others may be safe in themselves and have loved ones exposed, or worse. The situation is global and affects millions.

The Gods will provide help and everyone must help themselves to the best of their ability. Increase your stock progressively, it doesn't have to happen in one single day. Depending on where, the situation may be better or worse.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fuchs said:
Are the 6 MONTHS ONLY USA RELATED or eu and other parts of the world as well ?

Thanks High Priestess Maxine Dietrich for the warning and info.

Read carefully what HPS Maxine said. She said, in January, they told her to stock for 6 months minimum. This from today is until July.

People have ignored our warnings and believed what the TV said, and the shills, and some ended up fighting over jugs of water in wallmart with meth'd out freaks. There is still time to act now. By mid April the situation will be mostly chaotic, IMO, depending on where one lives. Do not risk it and prepare now.

How true mein bro
I am not sure where I am living will be very safe in the near future given that I know in my mind the type of people in some neighborhoods around here that I just avoid.
There are a lot of decent people here too but I don’t trust it will be very safe.

I am also worried do I have enough food or anything to survive. I have had a lot of anxiety recently.

I am kind of worried but yeah I am totally ready for a better world without the enemy.
Aldrick said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Things are not looking good unfortunately I can’t stock up because family doesn’t take it serious. There is one thing holding back total communism. Guns. But I’m certain in cities there will be mandatory confiscations door to door, or if you don’t turn in your AR-15 you don’t get government ration, etc. Remember people Juden has already lost and are now pulling out all the stops. We have to make it through this.

God damnit! I keep reading the same reply. That people are unable to stock up. If it wasn't for the matter of fucking privacy, I would travel this country, and help you stock up.

I am sorry, that I am unable to do anything.
Satan must have a plan.

I appreciate that but it’s not a money problem. They just don’t give a damn. I’m near a freshwater creek so water isn’t an issue.
Aldrick said:
MiniMe3388 said:
I hope that each of the Satanic Brothers and Sisters will have enough food. What is happening in the world is scary. :(

I know it's like I cannot even Venmo money. As my personal information would be attached, and I dont wanna give support a jew on accident.

But I dont want our warriors to die.

I mean just think of the implications, if this Eric is an Aryan. Out on the streets, still doing RTRs. While people are too lazy to do them, while having everything.

If this, Is some lone warrior and I have the ability to help him. What would Hitler think of me in this time?

NOW, is where we make our Gods proud! Not shrink from fighting! Fear is OUT! We must prove to them our medal!! In at least, stocking up, surviving, and doing the RTRs!

Look at what you have!!!

Are you Homeless?? Are you penniless? No?? Thank Satan. Now what are you willing to do to survive????


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
