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Most Serious 17/March/2020

It is normal for you to feel powerful energy, you are still vibrating a mantra 216 times.
but it is not a square!
you have already been told this.
however you can vibrate it as many times as you want, but don't spread misinformation here, and don't write in Italian here.
Gerecht Ror said:
One of the funniest subliminal thing about Rambo is that the movie character was interpreted by a testosteroned jew named Gardenzio :

Michael Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone (...) his American mother is of French (from Brittany) and Ukrainian-Jewish (from Odessa) descent.


Se tu mi chiami ebreo a me sei un vero coglione!
Gerecht Ror said:
One of the funniest subliminal thing about Rambo is that the movie character was interpreted by a testosteroned jew named Gardenzio :

Michael Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone (...) his American mother is of French (from Brittany) and Ukrainian-Jewish (from Odessa) descent.


Ho fatto piú RTR finali io di quanto tu ti possa immagginare. Coglione tu dai dell'ebreo a me. Questo é troppo. Ai passato i limiti. Spero che tu faccia la fine di Positivo. Io spero che l'Inferno veda cosa stia succedendo e puniscano loro a chi si merita fra noi due una punizione. Tu non hai idea quanto sono stato io torturato nella vita dal nemico. Coglione di nuovo!!!
Rambo said:
un vero coglione!

You have shown your true essence and attitude with all this series of pathetic messages.
Will you stop flooding the forum with nonsense?
Rambo said:
Coglione tu dai dell'ebreo a me.

Maybe you do not get me.
1. You are using the name of "rambo". If you ever watched this movie, it is about a communist rebel oppressed by local "Bad Whites" .
2. The actor is a jew
3. The film is jewish propaganda
4. Your behaviour is exactly the same, no respect for anybody, shouting insults like a fool

So, why should you be treated differently from Gardenzio the communist?
You are on a Satanic forum with the name of jew Gardenzio icon, guess who is acting like a coglione here?
Rambo said:

To the HPs
Maybe you did not read carefully the rants of this fool who transformed HPs Maxine's important post into a monkey circus.
It has already been evidenced by HPs Myla his nonsense rant and was kicked our from Italian forum after insulting our fellows, so he came here to make his show.

Just, please take your actions - all this unuseful talk should be deleted and thread restored to a clean discussion. I leave up to you.

I am extramely ashamed of this, please do not judge Italian SSs based on those behaviours.

My action ends here, before stepping into nonsense circus. Thank you.
Gerecht Ror said:
Rambo said:
Coglione tu dai dell'ebreo a me.

Maybe you do not get me.
1. You are using the name of "rambo". If you ever watched this movie, it is about a communist rebel oppressed by local "Bad Whites" .
2. The actor is a jew
3. The film is jewish propaganda
4. Your behaviour is exactly the same, no respect for anybody, shouting insults like a fool

So, why should you be treated differently from Gardenzio the communist?
You are on a Satanic forum with the name of jew Gardenzio icon, guess who is acting like a coglione here?
Oh Renzi tu non hai argomenti seri per attaccarmi, per questo ti aggrappi al nome Rambo del cazzo. Io me ne sbatto le palle di Rambo, chiamami come cazzo vuoi tu amico. Io sono un Guerriero di Satana testa di cazzo. Se tu avessi fatto quello che ho fatto io con RTR Finale saresti finito all'ospedale senza portare a termine la missione. Vai affanculo tu e Rambo!

Ignorami e continua a fare il tuo lavoro per Satana. Non voglio essere io una causa che ti influenza negativamente. Io non sono nessuno, anche se con me non sei stato onesto. Continua a essere una guida per i giovani e non perdere piú tempo con me.

Finiamola quá!
SS66610888 said:
It is normal for you to feel powerful energy, you are still vibrating a mantra 216 times.
but it is not a square!
you have already been told this.
however you can vibrate it as many times as you want, but don't spread misinformation here, and don't write in Italian here.

Well yeah that’s probably way overdoing it if your using the full or even short planetary mantra for any of them especially if your not referring to the sun I would not for sure know it’s even fully safe if it was something like Mars or Mercury.
slyscorpion said:

Well yeah that’s probably way overdoing it if your using the full or even short planetary mantra for any of them especially if your not referring to the sun I would not for sure know it’s even fully safe if it was something like Mars or Mercury.
I completely agree.
I don't think that saturating the soul with only the energies of Mars is safe however we ignore Rambo who is delusional and go back to the topic
I found a study that shows the flu vaccine causes respiratory viral infections. Its on the official NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) website so its credible.

Does anybody here know Q Anon? The things I'll write down for you here I got from different German anons who are all very redpilled and jew-wise people.

People should be prepared for possible catastrophes in any case. No doubt about that. But allow me to try to shatter some fears and maybe awaken some hopes. Thanks to Coronavirus, the European borders are finally closed. Germany closed its borders. Greece won't let any of Erdogan's terrorist forces through (unrelated to corona, but at the same time). Italy was also one of the main pathways for the migrant invasion. Now it's locked up. Here in Germany the people that seem to be panicking the most are the immigrants, especially the invaders who came since 2015. I see many of them frowning. Also they are the most likely to break the coming and existing restrictions put on the populace because of Corona. Authorities will be very strict.

It gets better:
Since a few days (specifically since the vernal equinox) I haven't seen a single chemtrail, only pure blue skies with 12 hours of sun, the way it must have been before I was born (chemtrail program is older than me). Q wrote that when the skie turns blue, we have won.

Now we approach the core of my message:
USA recently planned a huge maneuver in Europe, called Defender 2020. Because of it, a lot of US military came to the old continent. The maneuver was now officially cancelled because of Corona, but all of that has been planned. Trust me. Angela Merkel is on Corona Q uarantine. Germany is now governed by the SHAEF again, the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force. Their logo is a flaming sword, as is the logo of Defender 2020. Germany was governed with the SHAEF laws between 1945 and 1949, so after the capitulation of the Wehrmacht and before the foundation of the two German puppet states. SHAEF law of course stood in place and was applied when the allied forces wanted it, to force German politicians to do whatever. Point of me telling you this is that the German political system as it was for the last seventy years is now falling apart in a controllled manner. The US military is here to conquer us again, peacefully this time. Their goal is to liquidate the old elites and transition the European nations into a more natural situation again as they are now in. For their operation they don't want any civilians running around, to avoid colateral damages and possible retaliations of the deepstate against civilians.

The allied forces can't take the situation in Europe anymore. If they don't intervene now, Europe will become a third world chaos cesspool and it would be the result of their past actions. Also they can't let the populace choose or even inform them what's really going on. The people are too brainwashed by the deepstate. I bet most Germans would even vote against a 4th Reich if they were given the chance, because they are cucks. More importantly even, the leaders of USA, Russia and England have realized that they need a new German Empire. I kid you not. The EU has sabotaged Brexit where it could. EU, UN, NATO, ... all private corporations that shouldn't have any political power. Likewise pretty much all nation states these days are actually corporations. The souvereign states were abolished during the last century, either through war of high treason. When the IVth Reich is founded, the EU is finshed and not only Germany will become sovereign again, it is also a necessitiy so that the allied forces and all other states can become sovereign again. USA for example are a corporation since 1913 when the Federal Reserve Act was signed. Russia... ever heard about Soviet Union? Russia under Putin is slowly restoring its own sovereignity but has had problems with the EU ever since. England's struggle to leave EU (a private company) speaks for itself. France is ruled by Rothschild kike (((Macron))) but I guess the new, good elites have him by the balls already and he has to play their game now, as is the case with Merkel. Vladimir Putin announced a "Yalta 2" conference. Check out it. Guess what it means! ;)

Have I mentioned that Trump is of Palatian (German) descent and Putin spent his youth as a KGB officier in Dresden and speaks fluent German? Germany is a key location in this game because the world is so messed up today after we lost the two world wars/2nd Thirty Years War. Finally our past enemies have realized how much they need us. Interestingly the schools and public places in Germany announced that they will reopen on April 20th this year. I wonder why they picked that date of all. :roll:

When this is all through, the peoples of the world will get gold-backed currency and the UBI will be realized through NESARA and GESARA. Look this up, please! The German Bundestag (parliament) is currently talking about a universal basic income for old people. If you didn't know, a lot of old Germans live below poverty line and collect deposit bottles from trash containers. This sh*t will have an end now. They also plan similar things for craftsmen, carpenters and other small businesses that are hit by the "Corona crisis". One little virus, many awesome developments. :cool:

The reasons why Italy is hit so hard are the following:
Mafia, black nobility, Vatican, masonry, jewry, human traffickers, pedos, sex tourists, .... these are the kind of people that die from "Corona". They are taken out by police and military, the whiteheads and last brigades. Italy gets cleared. It's also an important territory because the north of Italy will be given the opportunity to join the new Fourth Reich.

Likewise China used the "virus" to liquidate traitors and criminals from their system. That's why Taiwan has so few Corona cases. It's the place where the Chinese nationalists moved after communism took over. There's not that much to clean up there. Which country is also spared by Corona? Russia! Coincidence? I think not.

... I also heard that Italy was attacked very hard because they are working closely together with China in the "New Silkroad" project. I heard that the deepstate planned an attack with a genetically engineered virus to wipe out large parts of the populace and create chaos on earth. It was their last card in the game and it failed. The "pandemic" has been highjacked by the new elites and all the bad guys will bite the dust now. Macchiavelli style, beating the enemy with its own weapons.

Some more cool things: The cure against Corona/CoV-19 is CoVFeFe. Covfefe is an old Arabic saying that means "in the end we will win". Donald Trump said this some time ago and immediately wikipedia deleted the article about it. If you follow Trump of the Q movement, you will have heard of this.

All of this is the effect of the RtRs. What is being played at the moment may be difficult to see through, but I'm sure the good guys are winning and the world will be more free in the future. The future will see many glorious Empires again, not just in Germany. Guess why they called this operation CORONA = crown. :lol:

As Q wrote, lean back and enjoy the show!

Stay safe and Hail Satan!
SS322 said:
Very interesting!

Tom Hanks and his wife were in Australia and they both caught the virus. And then were immediately arrested, because of Tom Hanks's direct involvement with child sex slavery. The virus was a cover for it.

Oprah Winfrey was also arrested and her house in Florida was raided by the FBI. People are saying they found tunnels under the house. There was a post made on her twitter account right after it happened saying that "those horrible rumors are a lie! I was not arrested and my house was not raided!"
That twitter post was written from a computer, when 100% of all of Oprah's other twitter posts were all written from her iphone. They say she was also directly involved in child sex slavery. Maybe that is part of how she became one of the richest people in the world with hundreds of billions of dollars.

There were others too, all being exposed for involvement in that stuff with children. Of course people like Stephen Spielberg who has been raping thousands of children for decades.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
SS322 said:

Thanks for your answer! I knew that with Tom Hanks and Spielberg, but Oprah is new to me. No problems to believe it. Stuff is even worse than "just" child sex. Do you know adrenochrome? They also did snuff on the children and drank the fear juice from their pineal gland. Tom Hanks' son mocked it in a video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0MymWovaLs

WARNING: Sensitive people don't look at the following image!

Tom Hanks - Clinton, sick ritual child murder connection in "Cast Away":

The last 33 digits of the genome of "coronavirus" are all A. Is this a threat against the masons? The high leves will not be spared.

The good thing is that the adrenochrome production has been stopped and culprits will face justice. The secret child farms, run by "people" like Jeffrey Epstein, have been busted. Wuhan also had a facility that produced this. As I've heard, adrenochrome has rejuvenating properties and makes very psychically addicted. If you look at a lot of celebrities, they are aging in timelapse now. Jonny Depp, Madonna, they all suddenly got "old".
Signs of withdrawal:
... and she mentioned covid-19.

More interesting than Epstein is his girlfried Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of top level media kike and cold war spy Robert Maxwell. That and Rachel Chandler. Sick creatures!
SS322 said:

Since dedicating in December, I've been doing daily RTRs (am now sitting comfy at 18 reps daily, did 36 on 25th and 26th) along with practicing the very basics while constantly stocking stuff and preparing my family for the worst. Hearing this makes me a happy boy! Hail Satan!
Aquarius said:
This is the second or third time she told us, so if you didn't check her sermons that's your problem.

I like to think I keep a pretty close tab on all posts, and have seen many for some time, including the timeframes from the other HPs about 2, 3 months for preparation - but not 6 months. This is the first. Does anyone have a link to the previously aforementioned 6 months?
Braun666 said:
Hope this can help in these trying times for you. Do not wait or tire in the will to survive. Out of everyone out there it is those that are directly involved in the struggle against our enemies that need to to survive most.


Thanks. Keeping tabs on the other preparedness / stocking up posts, but yours is nice and concise, and gives a good idea for numbers of measurements in terms of stocking up, and rationing. Thanks for posting that.
SS322 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
SS322 said:

Thanks for your answer! I knew that with Tom Hanks and Spielberg, but Oprah is new to me. No problems to believe it. Stuff is even worse than "just" child sex. Do you know adrenochrome? They also did snuff on the children and drank the fear juice from their pineal gland. Tom Hanks' son mocked it in a video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0MymWovaLs

WARNING: Sensitive people don't look at the following image!

Tom Hanks - Clinton, sick ritual child murder connection in "Cast Away":

The last 33 digits of the genome of "coronavirus" are all A. Is this a threat against the masons? The high leves will not be spared.

The good thing is that the adrenochrome production has been stopped and culprits will face justice. The secret child farms, run by "people" like Jeffrey Epstein, have been busted. Wuhan also had a facility that produced this. As I've heard, adrenochrome has rejuvenating properties and makes very psychically addicted. If you look at a lot of celebrities, they are aging in timelapse now. Jonny Depp, Madonna, they all suddenly got "old".
Signs of withdrawal:
... and she mentioned covid-19.

More interesting than Epstein is his girlfried Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of top level media kike and cold war spy Robert Maxwell. That and Rachel Chandler. Sick creatures!

WTF? Who exposed this? I didn't find much about it. It's horrible.
Hearsync said:
Braun666 said:
Hope this can help in these trying times for you. Do not wait or tire in the will to survive. Out of everyone out there it is those that are directly involved in the struggle against our enemies that need to to survive most.


Thanks. Keeping tabs on the other preparedness / stocking up posts, but yours is nice and concise, and gives a good idea for numbers of measurements in terms of stocking up, and rationing. Thanks for posting that.
this is from the "STOCKING UP POST"

"If you are able to STOCK UP NOW!! DO NOT WAIT!

https://www.politico.com/news/2020/01/3 ... rus-109910
"The administration declared a public health emergency in the United States and said it would close the border to foreign nationals who have recently been in China."

What this translates into is Chinese cargo ships, cargo airplanes and related won't be able to dock or land here.

Today, 1st of the month is food stamp day in the US. Shortages could happen very quickly and be long lasting.

Go through your cupboards, refrigerator, freezer, everything and take an inventory.

Never purchase anything you don't normally need or use in the way of food. This wastes both space and money.

Suggested Foods and items to stock up on. A 6 month supply is recommended:

i overlooked this aswell. i read it, but somehow missed the fact that 6 months was needed.
I'm going to make a prediction:
Sometime between now and the end of the year, the power grid in the United States will be taken offline by the US government. The massive blackout will be blamed on "Chinese hackers", and the government will take even more power for itself and tell the people "I told you so. 2 trillion dollars for cyber security, please. Oh, and also even more internet regulation, domestic spying, and censorship for your own good." And while the toilet paper tantrum gets thrown in the streets and ignorant assholes are burning their cities to the ground and killing each other for bread, the national guard and police will be protecting (as usual) the government, and not the people. At least, that's how they would like things to be.

How much you want to bet, I'm right?
Good afternoon High Priestess Maxine. Does magic making statements even without faith work too?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
